Wellsway Sixth - Prospectus 2016

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The future depends

on what

you do




TO WELLSWAY SIXTH FORM Choosing a Sixth Form or College is a big decision and it’s important that you choose the place that is right for you. Choosing the right course is important, but you also want to find a place where you feel that you will fit in and where the atmosphere and culture are in tune with your own goals and priorities. We are an inclusive school and take great pleasure in welcoming back our Year 11 students as well as a large number of students from schools across the Bath and Bristol area. Our students’ results are consistently high and there’s a reason for that. We work hard to create a highly supportive environment that both encourages and enables our students to aim high and fulfil their potential. But achievement comes in many forms and Sixth Form is about more than just academic results. We aim to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow personally and explore who they are and what they want to do with the next stage of their lives. At Wellsway you will take responsibility, make significant decisions and build strong and lasting relationships. You’ll find that new experiences and opportunities come thick and fast and you’ll be encouraged to try new things and discover the world beyond your immediate surroundings. We want you to leave here with a mixture of pride in what you have achieved and affection for your time here. Above all though, we want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life. Sixth Form should be about growing together and rapid personal and academic development in a highly supportive environment. At Wellsway that is precisely what you will get. Mr Barry Bray Director of Sixth Form www.wellswayschool.com/sixthform @wellswaysixth wellswaysixth

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TO JOIN WELLSWAY SIXTH FORM We want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life. 2 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus

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Outstanding results


Stand out, fit in


It’s not all work, work, work

Wellsway students consistently outperform their peers at BANES sixth forms. Coming here you’ll stand a great chance of achieving the grades and qualifications you need for the next steps in your life whether that’s a top university, vocational learning or entering the world of work.

High expectations, high achievement Simply, we want you do your very best. In class, on the sports field and in the amazing range of other activities, we want you to realise your full potential. You’ll be surrounded by people like you, who want to make the most of their talents and to have fun at the same time. You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes to be in an environment where success is the expectation, not the exception.

Support for your progress We don’t just expect success at Wellsway, we actively support you in achieving it. Individual support and strong relationships between staff and students are the foundation of life at Wellsway; you will always have someone to turn to, should you need help, and someone who will celebrate your many successes with you. Sixth Form is a bridge to the next stage in your life and at Wellsway we’ll help you to make the best choices for you.

Wellsway is big enough to offer a huge range of courses and extracurricular activities, and small enough to ensure that your experience is personalised and that you don’t get lost in the crowd. We offer outstanding leadership experiences including the opportunity to be elected as Student Officers and Ambassadors and shape the activities and direction of the whole Sixth Form. Whatever your interests, and whatever your style, at Wellsway you’ll be able to make your mark.

At Wellsway we never forget that you want to have fun as well as learn and grow. From the madness of the Challenge Cup to musicals, foreign trips to community projects, and with elected Student Officers organising everything from student parties to charity events there are loads of activities to get stuck into. And if sport’s your thing our fantastic facilities are second to none. Wellsway Sixth Prospectus 3

The Wellsway Challenge, where about 2 0 of us went to the Pyrenees, was brilliant.

I thought I knew what I wanted to do but Wellsway has encouraged me to find out about university and given me the confidence to go for it.


m mo i s

As your Head Boy and Head Girl we want to make your time here at Wellsway the best it can be. We aim to continue leading the success of the previous Officer and Ambassadors’ teams and further improve the standard of our fantastic Sixth Form.

I’ve es pec a Sixth ially enjoyed Form Officer being repres and enting other studen ts.

Our school is renowned for its friendly atmosphere and outstanding grades year after year, and as your representatives we work hard with all our fellow students to maintain this. Students here are very approachable and friendly, and we try to always be available if you need help or support. Having been part of the Sixth Form for a year we know that Sixth Form life can at times be challenging but the fantastic trips, fund raisers, student-organised social events, support systems and the whole Sixth Form Challenge Cup help all students to build friendships and make amazing memories together. Dan and Alice

r school e h t o n a m e fro I came her s a great a h y a w s ll e s. because W ood result g g in t t e g for reputation 4 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus

No-one’s making you play sport but there are great facilities here, lots of opportunities to get involved and lots of teams.

WELLSWAY SIXTH Wellsway Sixth Prospectus 5


Student Body

Being at

WELLSWAY SIXTH Whether you are targeting a place at university, a Higher Apprenticeship or planning to go straight into employment, Wellsway is organised to give you the support you need to develop and the space you need to flourish. First-class teaching

Our teaching and support staff are highly qualified and experienced at helping students like you to make the most of their talents, and to discover new ones.

Supportive culture

Wellsway is, above all, a community and we work hard to make everyone feel welcome. In your first days here you will be involved in whole Sixth Form events to help you settle in and get to know other Year 12 and Year 13 students. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding support to all our students both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether you are looking for a new challenge, struggling with your workload or dealing with issues outside Sixth Form, there are staff and structures in place to ensure that you are always on track.

Your own space

Sixth Form is a different experience to being at school. You’re older, more independent, and you study and work in different ways. That’s why our students enjoy exclusive access to a range of custom-built facilities as well as Wellsway’s whole-school facilities and resources, including our brand new sports centre, one of the outstanding sports facilities in the west of England. At the heart of our Sixth Form facilities is the Learning Centre, where you can work collaboratively, on your own in quiet zones and study pods, or quietly in the dedicated IT suite. You also have your own

6 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus

common room, designed by students – a space where you can relax with friends, grab a bite to eat from Shades Café or simply unwind.

Personalised approach

Throughout your time at Wellsway you’ll have your own personalised learning plans. You’ll receive regular reports and feedback on your attainment from both your tutor and your subject teachers, and these will feed into three formal meetings a year so that you can keep track of your development. You’ll meet with your tutor group three times a week to help you make friends, develop support groups and foster the Wellsway group identity.

Organisation by the students and for the students is an important guiding theme of Wellsway Sixth Form. As a dynamic learning community it is vital that students have a voice and a say in what happens here. That’s why we have a student-elected body that represents student opinion to the Sixth Form leadership and which organises a wide range of activities for students. School Officers and Ambassadors are elected each year and together they have a significant influence on what happens here. From organising and driving community and charity initiatives to redesigning the Sixth Form spaces they ensure that Wellsway serves its students’ needs. And, of course, they have and inspire a lot of fun, organising competitions, solving students’ problems, helping to shape our enrichment programme, and assisting at open days and other events. Committed, supportive and caring about what’s best for everyone at Wellsway, they are the best possible expression of the friendship, loyalty and pride that characterises Wellsway’s students.

The 2015/16 Officer and Ambassador team

Advice and coaching for what’s next

Our personalised tutor system means that we know our students, which in turn means that we can give you the best advice. When it comes to applying for further courses or universities, or beginning your career search, we’re here to help you with advice and information, and extensive support in developing your applications and personal statements.

A bit of fun

There is so much more to Wellsway Sixth Form than just academia. Whether it is the student organised Icebreaker party, the organisation of charity fund raisers and the madness of the year-long inter-tutor group Challenge Cup there are plenty of ways for you to unwind and get involved.

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I’ve had loads of help with my personal statement from my tutor – I’ve changed what I want to do at uni three times but each time she’s been happy to go over it again.

Enrichment We want to give you the opportunity to gain new experiences, pick up new skills and broaden your horizons so that you leave here as a well-rounded, confident and capable young adult. Universities and employers alike want to know that you have done more with your Sixth Form years than simply study and work hard. They want to see evidence of the kind of person you are and the qualities and experiences that you can bring to their organisations. Are you a team player? Do you enjoy taking responsibility, leading and making decisions? Are you a caring person who gives your time and energy to help other people? Are you someone who embraces new challenges and steps outside your comfort zone? At Wellsway Sixth Form we aim to give you opportunities to develop compelling answers to all these questions and more. We call it enrichment and, because we think it’s important, we allocate time every week in your timetable to ensure that you can pursue your wider interests.

Here and now

Enrichment is also about self-discovery and having the opportunity to try new things and enjoy the experience. At Wellsway, we firmly believe that what you do here should be both fun and meaningful now, as well as storing up benefits for your future. So we encourage you to get involved with our many lunchtime and afternoon clubs, either to further your own interests or to support younger students with theirs. As one of the senior students in our school setting, you will have knowledge, skills and experiences that you can share with others and we encourage you to do so through one of our mentoring programmes. Most of all, this is your enrichment programme and, whatever your interests, we will help you to access opportunities and experiences that will help you reach your goals.

The next steps

Sixth Form is a bridge between school and adult life and we see it as an important part of our role to help you prepare for the future. Whether you are planning to start work, pursue further or higher education, or take a gap year, we will help you to access the information and experiences that you need to make the right decisions for your future.

Further and higher education

With competition for places at universities and colleges intensifying, your application will need to stand out. That’s why, alongside all the enrichment activities that are available at Wellsway, we will also help you with your personal statement and reference to make sure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance of securing a place on the courses you are targeting. For the most competitive fields – such as Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Law and entrance to Oxford and Cambridge – we can give you specialist support and advice as well as introducing you to those who have already ‘been there and done it’. We will also help you prepare with mock interviews so that you know what to expect at interview and how to show off your talents to the best effect.

Preparing for employment

We are committed to helping our students access the careers that they deserve and as you explore your next steps you’ll find resources and advice to support you. Our ‘Look to the Future’ careers event will introduce you to some of the opportunities available and to employers who recognise the calibre of Wellsway’s students. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Rolls-Royce, the NHS and Ernst & Young are just some of the organisations that attend. You’ll gain an insight into the variety of careers these organisations offer and an understanding of the skills and qualities they look for. We’ll also help to prepare your CV, write covering letters and support you in completing applications. You can also access careers advice.

Sport and Fitness

Green Team


Paired Reading


Dance Workshops

Sign Language

Devising Group

Christmas Concert

Informal Concerts

Cooking on a Budget


Learning First Aid


Teacher Support Wellsway Challenge Th

n Team e Community Actio

Radio Wellsway Chess Club

The Events and Enrichm

ent Team

8 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus

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The Tuto System

You subject choices

Our bespoke tutor system is second to none and it is the backbone of the great relationships we form with all our students. As a Sixth Form student at Wellsway you will be assigned a personal Sixth Form tutor whose role it is to help you build on your previous learning, whether at Wellsway School or another school, and prepare you for the next stage in your learning journey.


Our tutors have additional time built into their timetables to help guide you. Each has an additional responsibility for, amongst others, our apprenticeship, UCAS and competitive courses services to help you access work experience opportunities and develop employability skills. This provides each student with an outstandingly personalised service. Progress File

Your Progress File is a key document that allows both you and us to monitor your progress and support discussions you may have with subject teachers and tutors. It will also help you to understand and use the language of learning and is often used as the basis for Development lessons and workshops. Above all, it’s your document, about you and reflecting where you are on your learning journey.

Targeted intervention and support

Our outstanding, flexible programme of support is there to help you progress, excel and be happy while you do so. You will have regular interviews with your personal tutor and feedback from these meetings will help us tailor your education to your personal needs. If you have specific learning needs or require additional support, for whatever reason, we will ensure that you are given the appropriate support and care to enable you to make good progress and realise your full potential.

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Able, gifted and talented

Want to join us on our two-day residential trip to Cambridge University to see what it is all about? Need help with your application for Medicine, or Oxbridge or the Russell Group universities with a specifically appointed tutor? Need something extra to bolster your application – experience, an extra qualification or mock interviews? Want to apply for a Higher Apprenticeship at one of the top firms in the country? Our tutor system is set up to identify your needs from the very start of your time with us. With our extensive links throughout industry and across universities, we are very well set up to enable help you to reach the very top. High expectations and high support are what Wellsway is all about.

Your workload

Each Level 3 subject has an average of four-and-a-half hours of expert class teaching per week – which is very high by national standards. On top of this, you will be expected to complete at least six hours of self-directed learning per subject, per week.

It’s true to say that expectations are higher in Sixth Form, so it makes sense to choose what you study carefully. Clearly, you should choose subjects that will help you to achieve your goals, whether that’s entry to a particular course at university or securing a particular type of employment or apprenticeship. We recommend taking as much advice as you can when doing this, using our bespoke Wellsway Pathways Guidance booklet and thinking about your own style of learning as well as the subject matter itself because different courses take different approaches to teaching and learning. But, whatever your ambitions, you should choose subjects that you enjoy – you are much more likely to work with enthusiasm and achieve higher grades if you are doing something in which you are fully engaged. There is an overall entry requirement of four or more GCSEs at A*–C to join Wellsway Sixth Form including either English Language or Maths. All students need to take three subjects from the ‘core offer’ range where BTEC Sport and Health and Social Care each count as two subjects as they are double awards. If you want to take a fourth ‘core offer’ subject you will need to apply to do this. You can then choose to top these up with courses from the ‘additional qualifications’ range to give your future CV or application forms a boost.

CORE OFFER A-LEVEL Art and Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science D rama and Theatre Studies Economics English Language English Literature E nglish Literature & Language French Geography German History Mathematics Mathematics (Further)

11 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus

Media Studies Music Philosophy and Belief Photography PE Physics Product Design Psychology Sociology VOCATIONAL Applied Business Applied Science Engineering Health, Social Care and Early Years IT Sport

ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS* Level 3 Core Maths (2 yrs) L evel 3 Extended Project Qualification (1 yr, starts Term 6) Level 2 Sports Leadership Award (1 yr) Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instruction (1 yr) Level 3 Higher Sports Leadership Award (Yr 13) Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training (Yr 13) GCSE Maths GCSE English * These are additional subjects and not part of the 3 you choose as part of the ‘core offer’

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Performing and Visual Arts

A-level Music A-level Music is an exciting and challenging course that allows you to develop your existing practical skills in performance, composition and music analysis.

A-level Drama and Theatre Studies A-level Drama is a practical subject that prides itself on the shared responsibility and ownership of the course between teachers and students. The emphasis is very much on a high level of challenge and exploration across a broad range of theatrical styles and influences. Through this exploration you will be able to uncover your own strengths and follow the creative path that you are drawn to. The practical exploration is supported by a written record and evaluation of your work. The course demands a strong focus on group work and support for each other combined with a need for detailed reflection and evaluation on the process of discovery. You will be very proud to be an A-level Drama student, you will form a strong bond with your peers and the teachers and surprise yourselves in what you are able to achieve. Entry Guidelines GCSE English grade C, GCSE Drama grade C (if taken).

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There will be many performance opportunities throughout the year in a variety of venues in preparation for your final performance. We hold master-classes for both composition and performance from visiting composers and musicians to allow you to delve deeper into the technical and creative challenges of the music we study. As a class we will listen to and analyse a number of pieces exploring harmonic, melodic and rhythmic roots. Your extra-curricular performance activities outside the classroom will remain extremely important, as will your instrumental lessons. Studying Music is a highly rewarding, academic and enriching experience. You will have a chance to really immerse yourself in a wonderful variety of music that will unlock the magical elements behind the music. Entry Guidelines GCSE Music grade C with a performance audition and the ability to read music fluently by the start of the course.

A-level Art & Design

A-level English Literature

(Fine Art)

Art is a very flexible course that allows students to personalise it to suit their strengths; you are able to use any media and explore your personal interests as part of your studies. We encourage students to consider a wide range of investigations and studies which form the Personal Investigation element of the course, alongside an extended essay which complements and reflects on this. Critical studies also form an essential part of the course where you will use ‘art language’ to analyse and reflect on your own work and the work of others. There are plenty of opportunities to visit galleries alongside Life Drawing courses which build a portfolio that will help students to progress further onto a variety of university Art courses, Architecture or Foundation Art. The Personal Investigation comprises 60% of the final grade, and the Externally Set Assignment is worth 40%. Entry Guidelines GCSE Art and Design grade C or above or equivalent.

A-level Art & Design (Photography: lens & light-based media)

This course is the ideal next step from GCSE but also would suit students who have developed photography as a hobby but are seeking a more technical and creative understanding of photography. The course has two units; a Personal Investigation and an Externally Set Assignment. The Personal Investigation has a written element which will complement the practical work completed. Practical studies will cover many themes in photography as well as investigations into current and past practitioners. Students will be expected to use first-hand sources where ever possible. The Personal Investigation comprises 60% of the final grade, and the externally set assignment is worth 40%. Entry Guidelines GCSE Art and Design grade C, GCSE Photography at grade C. Other relevant qualifications and experience considered.

A-level English Language This exciting A-level explores the study of English Language both as a medium of communication and as a topic in its own right, with an emphasis on debating different views and working independently to research aspects of language in use. The study of language as a symbolic system used to assert power in society is also fundamental to the scope of this specification. You will study a range of written and spoken texts and be given an insight into how the English Language has changed from its Anglo Saxon roots to the present day. You will study the key concepts of audience, purpose, genre and mode and will explore language in its wider social and geographical context as well as study varieties of English within the British Isles and consider social attitudes to, and debates about, language diversity. The course gives you an insight into the research linked to how children acquire language, providing you with an understanding of both their linguistic and cognitive development. You will learn how to think critically, how to use research to conduct an investigation and how to record and analyse your own language data with technical precision in addition to creating texts and reflecting critically on your own processes of production. Entry Guidelines GCSE English Language grade B (preferred). A good C will be considered if high grades are achieved in a linked subject such as History.

The best parts are the discussions we have – we have very relaxed and open conversations. I really enjoy how deeply you can get into a single text and the essay writing skills have helped immensely with my other subjects.

English Literature builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills established at GCSE and requires a genuine love of literature. It introduces the discipline of advanced literary studies and requires the reading of all the major literary genres of poetry, prose and drama. You will be given the opportunity to read widely and independently both set texts and texts you have chosen to read for yourself. The course will equip you with the skills that you need to analyse, evaluate and compare a range of literature from Shakespeare to the present day, providing you with the skills necessary to explore how writers shape meaning in texts. You will also consider critical interpretations of key texts and reflect upon the significance of cultural and contextual influences on writers and readers. This course will prepare you for the majority of courses at university because it requires you to discuss issues, formulate opinions and contract a considered debate on the aspects of the literature studied. Entry Guidelines GCSE English Literature grade B (preferred). A good C will be considered if high grades are achieved in a linked subject such as History.

A-level Media Studies Media Studies A-level is a subject that will challenge the way you think about what you watch, read, play and listen to. Exploring the fastest-growing industry on the planet, the course covers a wide range of media including television, film, music, magazines, newspapers, online and computer games. Media Studies explores how these different media work and how meaning is expressed through sounds, words and images. The course aims to help you understand, criticise and enjoy media products by combining theoretical study with practical projects. The course will also encourage you to explore how the media affects our society by utilising the key concepts of audience, genre, ideology, institution, narrative and representation. Alongside critical thinking skills the course will help you to develop self-management and independent learning. It is important that you are able to work both on your own and as part of a group.

English and Media

A-level English Language and Literature The combined course of English Language and Literature offers opportunities for students to develop their subject expertise by engaging creatively and critically with a variety of spoken, written and multi-modal texts. It draws on the academic field of Stylistics in order to create an integrated course which brings together literary and non-literary discourses via shared concepts about the way language choices create representations about the world around us and our experience of it. The variety of assessment styles used, such as re-creative writing, commentary writing, discursive essays and researchbased investigative writing, will allow you to develop the ability to read critically, analyse, evaluate and undertake independent research, which are invaluable for both further study and future employment. Using literary and linguistic concepts you will analyse literary and non-literary texts in a range of modes and genres, in the process gaining insights into the nature of different discourses and ideas about creativity. The course includes both fiction and non-fiction texts and gives you the opportunity to develop skills as a producer and interpreter of language by creating texts yourself and critically reflecting on your own processes of production. Entry Guidelines GCSE English Language and Literature grade C or above.

GCSE English Students who do not gain a grade C or above in GCSE English Language will re-take this course as one of their Sixth Form options.

Entry Guidelines GCSE English grade C or above. Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects 13

Humanities A-level Religious Studies: Religion, Philosophy and Ethics Studying Religion, Philosophy & Ethics at A-level will help to develop your skills of thinking critically, sustaining debates on topical and often controversial issues and making reasoned ethical judgements. It is a highly relevant subject in today’s world which is recognised as a versatile and desirable qualification. It is not necessary to have taken a GCSE in Religious Studies in order to take the A-level but you are required to have achieved a good grade at GCSE in English.

A-level History Studying History provides you with a great opportunity for enquiry, discussion and debate. This fantastic course offers you a chance to delve into important events in British, German and American democracy. Key topics include extending the franchise, the abolition of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement in America; studying History will enable you to not only investigate some of the most fascinating moments in history but also help you draw parallels to current political issues. The course develops your analytical skills through the scrutinising of cartoons, speeches, novels, films and government letters in order to enable you to form sound opinions and interpretations of significant events that have helped shape the world today. You will participate within a range of group discussion, debate and independent tasks over the course to develop your literacy and presentation skills. History is a highly regarded subject by employers and universities alike and History graduates apply to a wide range of degree courses such as Law, Politics, Journalism, Accountancy, Media and International Relations. History can also lead to exciting job opportunities such as working within government office, European and human rights divisions, leading corporate companies and roles within the media and entertainment industry. A-level History comprises of four key units, 80% of which are assessed through examination and 20% through coursework. Entry Guidelines GCSE History grade B (preferred). A good C will be considered if high grades are achieved in a linked subject such as English.

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A-level Geography Geography is a diverse and engaging subject that covers both physical and human environments and the complex interaction of processes that shape our world. You will study how human intervention affects the environment and how people adapt and mitigate the effects of processes on their environment. This contemporary course covers issues of current significance such as climate change, hazard management, desertification and deforestation, global governance, urban regeneration and sustainable living. You will learn through discussion and investigative thinking as well as by using GIS skills, data analysis, photos videos, and podcasts, and attending lectures and study days. At the end of Years 1 and 2 there will be two written examination papers submitted with coursework. Geography is highly valued by universities as an A-level choice and combines well with both arts and science subjects. Geography is one of the “facilitating subjects” as identified by the Russell Group of Universities. Entry Guidelines GCSE Geography grade B (preferred). A good C will be considered if high grades are achieved in a linked subject such as History.

Social sciences

History teaches you to think for yourself. It’s amazing how much you can understand about what’s happening now by learning about the events of the past – like how our government works.

You will learn through a lecture and seminar style delivery, group and self-study assignments, presentations and discussions. There are also opportunities to take part in regional academic conferences. This exciting subject will focus on three components: The Study of Religion, The Philosophy of Religion and Ethics and Religion. A-level Religious Studies is made up of 100% exam where you are examined on your knowledge and understanding and your skills of analysis and evaluation. Entry Guidelines GCSE grade B or above in English Lit or Lang (preferred). A good C in one will be considered if high grades are achieved in linked subjects.

Psychology is helping me to understand why people behave in certain ways and is already making me think about what other people are going through when I speak to them.

A-level Sociology A-level Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour. It attempts to understand why people think and behave in the way they do, and it is challenging and fascinating in equal measure. The course will consist of both individual, group and paired work, presentations, student-led classes, independent research and exam focused lessons. This will allow us to explore the different approaches taken in Psychology – biological, cognitive, developmental, social and individual differences. We will also carry out experiments, correlations, observations and self-report methods of investigation and then analyse the data we have collected. We aim to give learners a wide knowledge of psychology and a sound understanding of key issues, debates and perspectives within the subject. Entry Guidelines GCSE English Language or Literature at grade B or above.

Why do some people get married? Why do some social groups do better at school than others? What makes people commit crime? If you are interested in any of these questions then Sociology could be the perfect subject for you. Sociology is concerned with understanding the nature of society. It seeks to provide explanations about the world we live in and to explain how and why we make the decisions that we do. Throughout the course, you will learn about key Sociological thinkers and consider how their views and ideas can be translated and applied to modern day society. You will consider the rise of technology and how it has influenced how we all communicate. You will need to be able to think critically and apply your knowledge to fundamental theories about society. Sociology is assessed by three exams, all taken at the end of a two-year course. Sociology gives you the opportunity to: conduct your own research, prepare and deliver presentations, debate contemporary issues and evaluate different theories about human behaviour and links to a very wide variety of degree courses or employment routes. Entry Guidelines GCSE grade B in English Literature or Language (preferred). A good C in one will be considered if high grades are achieved in linked subjects.

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There are two exams at the end of Year 12 and three exams in Year 13.

ICT and Enterprise


A-level Economics Economics is engaging, challenging and highly respected. It is well known for developing analytical thinkers with excellent insight and the ability to distil complex arguments into a meaningful communication.

A-level French Studying French will develop your understanding of the language in a variety of contexts and genres helping you to communicate confidently, clearly and effectively. It allows you to broaden your view of the world and to discover a culture beyond your own. You will develop your analytical, discursive and essay-writing skills as well as gaining a solid grammatical understanding and a broad vocabulary.

I was surprised that you’re not just learning a new language – you’re learning about a whole new culture. The trip to Berlin was amazing.

In Year 1 we study French through aspects of media, culture and lifestyle as well as family and relationships; in Year 2 we look at topics such as the environment, our multi-cultural society as well as contemporary social and cultural issues. You will also undertake independent guided research during Year 2, typically by studying a film of your choice. Many previous students have gone on to study French at degree level or combined it with a range of other subjects such as law, business or another language. French is one of the “facilitating subjects” as identified by the Russell Group of Universities. Entry Guidelines GCSE French grade B or above.

A-level German As the most widely spoken language in Europe, studying German at A-level will not only strengthen your communication and thinking skills but also extend your career opportunities in many fields including business, engineering, the sciences, tourism, media, technology and many more. We will help you build on your GCSE learning and be able to communicate confidently and effectively in German. We will also help you develop your understanding of the culture and societies of places where German is spoken through studying aspects of media, culture and lifestyle, family and relationships, and the environment as well as contemporary social and cultural issues. You will also undertake independent guided research during Year 13, typically by studying a film of your choice. We believe that spending time in the country is an integral part of studying a foreign language and as part of this we organise a trip to Berlin for students in year 12 and 13. Many students have also gone on to spend time in Germany independently or as part of a German degree and have found this to be an extremely rewarding experience. Entry Guidelines GCSE German grade B or above.

16 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects

In Economics you are introduced to the study of human behaviour and trained to apply economic theory to an analysis of current economic problems and issues from fluctuations in the price of gold to government environmental policy. The subject is subdivided into microeconomics, which examines the behaviour of firms, consumers and the role of government; and macroeconomics, which looks at inflation, unemployment, economic growth and the role of government as well as international economics, trade and exchange rates. Economics is assessed through two exams at the end of in Year 12 and three exams in Year 13. Entry Guidelines GCSE English and Maths grade B or above.

A-level Business In this fantastic course we explore the challenges and issues of starting a business by examining each stage in the process of taking an idea, researching and planning it, setting up the legal structure to succeed and securing the finances to start up as well as examining the issues faced by larger businesses and how established businesses might improve their effectiveness. In the second year we investigate strategies for larger businesses and how managers might measure the performance of the business, and consider the effects that external factors can have on businesses and how a business can plan for and manage changes in society, technology and the wider marketplace.

Entry Guidelines GCSE English and Maths grade C or above.

A-level Computer Science The Computer Science A-level is designed to develop your ability to analyse realworld situations, conceptualise solutions and design computer systems. Computing is an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement and this course is designed to develop skills relevant to the modern and changing world such as creating algorithms and understanding computational laws and processes. You will also develop the expertise in coding to design programs that harness the power of the computer. The course has an ‘open source’ ethos allowing us to use multiple programming languages widely used in industry and which you can install at home. The course provides a solid preparation for university or the world of work. It offers a very different experience to IT although, as with the GCSE, it is entirely possible to study both subjects and learn a complementary set of skills. There is no requirement to have done GCSE Computing to be able to take this course. Entry Guidelines GCSE Maths grade B or above. GCSE Computing grade B or above (if taken).

Level 3 Applied Business Applied Business follows a philosophy of learning by doing. This course provides you with an introduction to the problems and issues faced by modern business and include recent developments in new technologies, E-commerce and the emergence of global competition. You will develop skills, knowledge and understanding by looking at real business problems and investigating how they can be solved in areas such as launching new enterprises and managing financial and accounting information. At Wellsway we will explore case studies and work with local businesses to gain experience of making business decisions for yourself. This qualification allows you to progress to higher education, training, apprenticeships or directly into employment.

Entry Guidelines GCSE English or Maths grade C or above.

Level 3 IT IT studies how computers are used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations and gives you hands-on experience in developing systems that can help manage information. We examine how John Lewis might manage their accounts, how Amazon might use the details of customer purchases to manage stock or how Sky TV use data analysis to help a charity reach their target market. We use the IT Systems Life Cycle to analyse problems, develop possible solutions and improve our IT skills using a range of software from spreadsheet design to multimedia and web design. IT prepares you for higher education, further training or employment with skills that will make you a valued member of any organisation. Entry Guidelines Grade C or above in GCSE English or Maths.

Level 3 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) The EPQ is an incredibly flexible qualification that allows you to undertake a piece of independent work, guided and supported by a supervisor. You choose the title and aims for your project with the focus on a topic of particular interest to you and complete a research-based report of 5,000 words, a detailed log providing evidence of decisionmaking and problem-solving along the way. You then present/display your work to a non-specialist audience. You will develop and improve your own learning and performance as a critical, reflective and independent student, extending your planning, research, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and presentation skills. It is a very popular qualification with universities who are looking for applicants to demonstrate an ability to work independently“…..nearly 1 in 5 successful applicants to Durham had completed the EPQ.” The Sunday Times Entry Guidelines At least six GCSEs grade B or above plus approval from your tutor.

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I’ve always been into sport but now I’m understanding how to become a better leader. I hadn’t really thought about this before.

Physical Education and sport

Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training A-level Physical Education Open up the world of sport A-level PE students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the world of PE and sport on this fantastic course. Skills for a modern world You will receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, Sport and Sports Science and will study anatomy and physiology, exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology and contemporary sporting issues. You will also have the opportunity to perform or coach within a particular sport that is familiar to you, and one in which you practice regularly. Over the duration of the course you will develop a range of practical skills including outstanding communication, dealing with pressure, split-second decision-making, analysing and evaluating performance and more. An excellent platform This complete grounding in the subject provides a fantastic base from which you can build to whatever you move on to, whether that is higher education, employment or further training. Our students often go on to study Sports Science as well as other related subject areas such as Psychology, Sociology and Biology. Entry Guidelines GCSE PE grade B or above with a minimum of grade B in the theory element.

18 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness This course provides the learners with the opportunity to develop a range of techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life. A wide selection of units provides learners with a broad range of knowledge through both theory and practical units with units including the study of the principles of anatomy and physiology to psychology for sports performance. The vocational nature of the course allows the learner to be immersed in the subject in very practical situations, and learners are assessed through coursework which can be presented in a variety of styles. This BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport has been developed to give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector and the further opportunity to progress to higher education degrees. This could include Sports Science, Sports Coaching and Physical Education or vocational qualifications such as BTEC Higher Nationals in Sport. This qualification is a double award and therefore takes up two option blocks. It is broadly equivalent to two GCE A Levels. Entry Guidelines GCSE PE grade C or above, or a Merit in Level 2 BTEC Sport.

The YMCA Awards Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training is the follow-on from the Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing and is aimed at those who wish to take a career in fitness further. Working as a personal trainer can be rewarding both financially and emotionally. Many advanced fitness roles will benefit from a Level 3 Personal Training qualification, benefiting from the advanced knowledge and techniques developed within the course. This course will take in fitness testing and nutrition as well as guidance on running and developing a successful Personal Training business.

Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Gym-based exercise) The YMCA Awards Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing is widely recognised as the industry’s minimum requirement to practise as a fitness instructor. It is for those who want to develop the knowledge, understanding and technical skills needed for a career in sport and leisure. As a qualified Fitness Instructor you will be able to work with clients to structure a fitness session, and will understand the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle. We offer a blend of practical and theory learning to ensure you leave our course not only qualified, but in a strong position to be an asset to a future employer. If you are interested in working as a Personal Trainer this is the pre-requisite course. It also forms the platform for working in Sports Conditioning, Exercise to Music, Children’s Fitness, and many other fitness professions. Students are able to progress from this onto the Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training. Entry Guidelines Four GCSEs grade C or above, including either English Language or Mathematics.

Upon completion of this course you will have the knowledge to be able to offer one-to-one sessions either at a gym facility, at a client’s home, or in any open space such as a park or beach.

The best bit for me so far has been learning about motivation. It has helped me in my other studies too, because I better understand how to set goals and how to organise the steps to get there.

To enrol on this course you MUST have first successfully completed the Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing. Entry Guidelines Successful completion of the Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing.

Levels 2 and 3 Community Sports Leadership Award This is a nationally recognised award scheme administered by Sports Leaders UK and offered by the Physical Education department. It is an excellent lead-on from the Level 1 award in Junior Sports Leadership and a stepping stone to the Level 3 in Higher Sports Leadership. The emphasis of the award is the development of leadership skills rather than sporting performance. It aims to increase confidence and the ability to organise sportspeople and is very useful for students wishing to go into any form of teaching or a career where general leadership and presentational skills are important. The Level 2 Award involves 10 hours of voluntary community service which is carried out within an organisation such as a primary school, a youth club, a holiday sports scheme, Brownies or Cubs. Students may also take on opportunities to develop skills in school activities e.g. assisting in coaching a game/sport, running fitness sessions, organising a competition and umpiring matches. Students are required to keep a log book of the service unit, reach a satisfactory standard in the background theory and be assessed in a short practical session (using younger pupils). Students are able to take the Level 2 and Level 3 Awards in consecutive years. Entry Guidelines Level 3 – successful completion of the Level 2 Award.

Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects 19

A-level Physics Physics is a subject of enormous breadth. It encompasses the whole of the physical world from fundamental particles to supermassive black holes, from the beginning of time to the ultimate fate of the universe.



As an A-level Physics student you will develop valuable, transferable skills such as data analysis, logical thought and complex problem solving which are highly valued by employers across a wide range of disciplines and which can open the door to a host of degree courses including science, engineering, computing, medicine and business.

Level 3 Core Maths

A-level Mathematics Mathematics aims to develop students’ understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes to promote confidence and enjoyment. You will develop the ability to reason logically; extend your range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them to solve a wide variety of theoretical problems. You will study areas of mathematics that include: Core Algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, and vectors. Mechanics Forces, equilibrium, Newton’s Laws of Motion, projectiles, motion in a circle, energy, impulse and momentum. Statistics Representation of data, discrete random variables, regression and correlation and probability. Decision Mathematics Algorithms, graph theory, networks, linear programming. The problem-solving nature of A-level Mathematics makes it a much sought-after entry qualification for a wide variety of university courses and careers, particularly in business and finance and in the sciences. It is also a key component in areas such as genetics, geography, economics, accounting and computing. Entry Guidelines GCSE Mathematics grade B or above. Grade B students will need to complete an extra induction course covering algebraic content.

20 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects

A-level – Further Maths Further Maths is one of the most prestigious qualifications to have and links to a wide variety of degrees including Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Economics and many others. If you are considering a future training programme in the business and financial sectors you might also want to seriously consider the advantages this course offers. You will study areas of mathematics that include: Pure Mathematics Functions, differential equations, complex numbers, alternative coordinate systems and matrices. Mechanics Motion in a circle, work, energy and power, motion under a variable force and centres of mass. Statistics: Continuous random variables, normal distribution, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Decision Maths Critical path analysis and game theory. A-level Further Mathematics is not just for those who want to go on and study mathematics at university. An increasing range of university courses value Further Mathematics and use it to discriminate between applicants with similar A-level profiles. Entry Guidelines GCSE Maths grade A or A*.

Core Maths will be distinct from A-level Maths. Its main purpose is to prepare you for higher level study with a significant mathematical focus such as Engineering, Economics and the Sciences, or in areas where mathematical knowledge and its application are nonetheless important such as in Geography, Business and the Social Sciences. Of course, it may be that you just want to keep studying Maths to complement your other A-levels. Core Maths content will focus on: • The application of mathematical knowledge to address problems and questions • Representing situations mathematically • Use of mathematical and statistical knowledge to make logical and reasoned arguments in a variety of contexts. The Core Maths qualification will fit alongside your main 16-18 programme and is designed to be taken over two years, in addition to the minimum three A-levels or equivalent Wellsway expects. Entry Guidelines GCSE Maths grade C or above.

GCSE Mathematics Students who do not gain a grade C or above in GCSE Mathematics will re-take this course as one of their Sixth Form options.

Physics is not set in stone, fixed for all time. It is constantly evolving and new theories, discoveries, and ways of thinking gradually take the place of previous knowledge and understanding. You can be part of this new age of discovery. If your maths ability is sound and you enjoy finding out how the Universe around you works then this is the course for you. Entry Guidelines GCSE grade B or above (Physics or Core and Additional) with a minimum B grade in all Physics modules. Also, GCSE Maths grade B or above.

A-level Biology For anyone who sees their future career in medicine, veterinary sciences, nursing, biomedical sciences, medically-related courses such as radiography or pharmacy, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, microbiology, biotechnology and many more, A-level Biology is an excellent starting point! The course covers a wide range of fascinating topics including cell biology, exchange, transport systems, biochemistry, food science, health, biodiversity and evolution. Although this course is taught in a very practical way in the classroom with plenty of opportunities to implement the theory that you learn there is no practical examination as such. Instead for this element you will be internally assessed on several exciting set practical tasks from microscopy to dissection to physiology, for which you will gain a practical endorsement. Practical assessment will be entirely through questions on the ‘theory’ examination questions in the end of year exams. You will be taught by one or two subject specialists and you will learn through notetaking and note-making, problem-solving exercises, regular past paper questions and student-led seminars. Entry Guidelines GCSE grade B or above (Biology or Core and Additional) with a minimum B grade in all Biology modules.

A-level Chemistry Chemistry is fascinating. It plays a role in everyone’s lives and touches almost every aspect of our existence. Chemistry is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air and water. Knowing something about Chemistry provides an excellent basis for understanding the physical universe in which we live. During the course you will learn about and apply skills in chemical literacy, mathematical and analytical skills in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Practical skills are nurtured and developed throughout the course in order to give context to learning as well as achieving the practical competency certificate. This A-level can lead to further study and careers including medicine, food, polymer and agricultural chemistry, pharmacy, forensic science and many more. Entry Guidelines GCSE grade B or above (Chemistry or Core and Additional) with a minimum B grade in all Chemistry modules.

Level 3 BTEC Applied Science For anyone who sees their future career in science Applied Science is an excellent starting point. It covers a wide range of topics across Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will allow you to acquire a high level of practical laboratory skills from which the theory is then drawn. This course is very practical with plenty of opportunities to implement the theory that you learn. There are no external exams as it is coursework-based, which means that you have a very clear understanding of your progress throughout the course, to help you plan and achieve your next steps. Taught by subject specialists, with laboratory experience, you will learn by completing laboratory-based practical assignments, supported self-study assignments, presentations and discussions that are based on real workplace situations, activities and demands. This is a Single Award and will take up one Option Block. Entry Guidelines GCSE Science grade C or above.

Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects 21

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering The BTEC Level 3 Diploma provides the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the design, development and manufacture of engineering products and systems. Learning is achieved through the completion of practical projects and assignments based on realistic workplace situations. The course offers you the opportunity to apply theory and academic principles through a final year practical project. This project involves research, investigation and the implementation of manufacturing skills to inform a design outcome of your choice, allowing you to showcase your own interests and expertise when formalising a creative and innovative solution. BTEC level 3 Diploma in Engineering consists of 12 units split over two years. The units to be delivered have been chosen to allow you to develop a broad knowledge of engineering and engineering practices, knowledge that will prepare you for future work, apprenticeships or university. The units within BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering: Year 12 • Health and Safety in the Workplace • Mathematics for Engineering Technicians • Mechanical Principles and Applications • Electrical and Electronic Principles • Engineering Drawing for Technicians • Engineering Secondary and Finishing Techniques Year 13 • Communications for Engineering Technicians • Engineering Project • Engineering Design • Computer Aided Drafting in Engineering • Engineering Primary Forming Processes This is a single award and will take up one option block. Entry Guidelines Four GCSEs grade C or above preferably in English, Maths and Science. Other GCSEs may be acceptable.

Design and Engineering

Health and Social Care

A-level Product Design

Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care

A-level Design and Technology is an exciting and innovative course that helps you develop your capacity to design and make products and appreciate the complex relationships between design, materials, manufacture and marketing. At Wellsway we are fortunate enough to be able to deliver the course with industrystandard software and many contemporary manufacturing methods, including laser cutting and 3D printing. You will have the opportunity to design your own projects that cater for your individual strengths and areas of interest. An A-level in Product Design is widely acceptable as an entrance qualification at all universities and colleges, and encompasses a wide range of disciplines and combination of subjects. Product Design is an excellent qualification for careers in engineering, architecture, product/industrial design and any other design-related courses. The coursework portfolio of skills makes up 60% of the course, and the external exam is 40% (this ratio may vary depending on exam board). Entry Guidelines GCSE in a Design and Technology subject grade C or above.

This is a wonderful course for those who wish to enter the caring profession whether your ambition is a degree in nursing, a Higher Apprenticeship or employment; it is also suitable for those wishing to go into primary school teaching. The care sector is a growing industry requiring both men and women to work with a variety of clients in many different settings, both individually and in teams, and offers the opportunity to travel abroad.

It’s not what I expected it to be, it’s much more involved. I’m learning so much about the fundamentals that I will need to carry on in Engineering and understanding the ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’. At the same time I love the idea that later in life I could point at something and say ‘I made that’.

Relevant voluntary work/work at places such as Mencap, Butterflies (for autistic children), care homes and playgroups are positively encouraged. This will help your understanding and benefit your written work as well as support any applications you make in Year 13. You will be encouraged to find this yourself, with the support of the teaching and Sixth Form staff. The vast majority of assessment is through coursework which is externally moderated twice a year. The wide range of topics you will study (such as Child Protection, Physiological Disorders, Nutrition, Promoting Health Education, Caring for Older People, Human Inheritance and Complementary Therapy) will give you an excellent range of knowledge and experience to take with you into a bright future. This qualification is a double award and therefore takes up two option blocks. It is broadly equivalent to two GCE A-levels. Entry Guidelines GCSE English grade C or above.

22 Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects

I studied Adult Nursing at the University of the West of England. I believe that the experience I gained from Health and Social Care, for example, doing practical assessments in Charlton House, a local care home, had a massive impact on my university application. I also found that a lot of what I studied in Health and Social Care was of huge significance to me in my degree. I already had a good understanding of a lot of what we studied, giving me an advantage. Beth Nall (former student now staff nurse at RUH).

Wellsway Sixth Prospectus Subjects 23

The Wellsway Multi-Academy Trust comprises: We would be delighted to welcome you here at Wellsway next year. If you are interested in joining our Sixth Form please complete the online application form at www.wellswayschool.com/sixthform by the 27th November 2015.

Come and find out more...

Raising standards through the active promotion and development of outstanding teaching and learning.

If you would like another look around our Sixth Form or have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Email: sixthform@wellswayschool.com Phone: 0117 916 1022 or 0117 986 4751 Follow us: Instagram:


wellswaysixth wellswaysixth

Find us: Wellsway School, Chandag Rd, Keynsham, Bristol, Avon, BS31 1PH




Wellsway Multi Academy Trust is a recently formed partnership of schools in the Bristol – Keynsham – Bath area that are working together to provide a high quality educational experience for all students in their care. Its post 16 courses are delivered at the following centres: • Wellsway School, a high performing secondary school and sixth form with a long history of success.


• Sir Bernard Lovell Academy, which over the past ten years has been at the forefront of national 14–19 developments.







The IKB Studio School, a brand new a 14–19 school specialising in courses related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) with employer links providing real life contexts for learning.

The Bath Studio School, a 14–19 school specialising in courses related to the Creative and Media Industries with employer links providing real life contexts for learning.

The formation of the Trust’s post 16 partnership brings with it many advantages, amongst them the potential for shared provision. By working together now and in the future the post-16 providers of Wellsway, IKB, SBL and the Bath Studio School will be able to provide both broad-based and specialist pathways for students in which they can access high quality teaching across state of the art facilities.

Wellsway School, a high performing secondary school and sixth form with a long history of success.

The IKB Studio School is brand new a 14-19 school specialising in courses related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) with employer links providing real life contexts for learning.

Sir Bernard Lovell Academy is a large and popular comprehensive academy for 11-19 year old students, committed to excellence in academic achievement and personal development.

The Bath Studio School is a 14-19 school specialising in courses related to the Creative and Media Industries with employer links providing real life contexts for learning.

The work of St. John’s is grounded in an educational philosophy that promotes our distinctive Christian character as a church school and strives for excellence in a learning environment where children feel safe and happy.

The Aspire Academy is a BESD special school supporting vulnerable children and young people aged 4-16 years to achieve their educational potential and live positive, fulfilling lives.

Each student will still be based in the school of their choice but will be able to access the wider opportunities, both academic and extra-curricular, offered at our other learning centres depending on their interests and needs. This innovative structure will enable us to provide an exciting and more comprehensive post-16 offer that will better serve all the students in our communities regardless of whether they want to progress to university, to a higher apprenticeship or into employment. Launched in 2015, this unique collaboration will ultimately provide greater opportunities, within a caring sixth form setting, for all students in the increasingly challenging and diverse educational landscape. We are pleased to be able to endorse this exciting new development and are committed to working in partnership to ensure that our provision meet the needs of all students. Andrea Arlidge, CEO, Wellsway Multi Academy Trust Colin Cattanach, Principal, The Bath Studio School Debbie Gibbs, Principal, IKB Studio School Simon White, Head of School, Wellsway School Rupert Maule, Principal, Sir Bernard Lovell Academy Colin Cattanach, Principal, Aspire Academy Dr M R Cottrell, Head of School, St. John’s CEVC Primary School






www.wellswaymat.com 24 Our Location


Wellsway Multi Academy Trust is a growing group of schools in East Bristol and Bath.

The Wellsway Multi Academy Trust is a recently formed partnership of schools which span the Bristol – Keynsham – Bath area that are now working together to provide a high quality educational experience for all students in their care.

Andrea Arlidge, CEO Wellsway Multi Academy Trust


Wellsway School Chandag Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1PH

T 0117 986 4751 E sixthform@wellswayschool.com www.wellswayschool.com/sixthform @wellswaysixth

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