Wellsway Sixth Form Prospectus 2015

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Wellsway School Chandag Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1PH Headteacher Mrs Andrea Arlidge Director of Sixth Form Mr Barry Bray

T 0117 986 4751 E sixthform@wellswayschool.com wellswayschool.com/sixthform



Wellsway School Chandag Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1PH Headteacher Mrs Andrea Arlidge Director of Sixth Form Mr Barry Bray

T 0117 986 4751 E sixthform@wellswayschool.com

wellswayschool.com/sixthform @wellswaysixth




Welcome to Wellsway Sixth Form and thank you for showing an interest in what we have to offer. Choosing a Sixth Form or College is a big decision and it’s important that you choose the place that is right for you. Of course, a big part of that will be choosing the courses that suit you – but you also want to find a place where you feel that you will fit in and where the atmosphere and culture are in tune with your own goals and priorities. We are an inclusive school and take great pleasure in welcoming back our Year 11 students as well as a large number of students from schools across the Bath and Bristol area. We make no bones about the fact that we have high expectations. Our students’ results are consistently high and there’s a reason for that. We work hard to create a highly supportive environment that both encourages and enables our students to aim high and fulfil their potential. But achievement comes in many forms and Sixth Form is about more than just academic results. We aim to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow personally and explore who they are and what they want to do with the next stage of their lives. At Wellsway you will take responsibility, make significant decisions and build strong and lasting relationships. You’ll find that new experiences and opportunities come thick and fast and you’ll be encouraged to try new things and discover the world beyond your immediate surroundings.

We want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life.

We want you to leave here with a mixture of pride in what you have achieved and affection for your time here. Above all though, we want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life. Sixth Form should be about growing together and rapid personal and academic development in a highly supportive environment. At Wellsway that is precisely what you will get. Our Sixth Form is outstanding and I encourage you to come and see for yourself why we are so highly regarded and why our students produce such excellent results every year. I look forward to meeting you. Barry Bray, Director of Sixth Form


Five reasons to come to

Wellsway Sixth Form 1

Outstanding results Wellsway is the standout Sixth Form in the area. Our students consistently outperform their peers at neighbouring schools. Coming here you’ll stand a great chance of achieving the grades and qualifications you need for the next steps in your life, whether that’s a top university, vocational learning or entering the world of work.


High expectations, high achievement At Wellsway Sixth Form staff and students alike set their sights high. In class, on the sports field and in the amazing range of other activities we support, we want you to realise your full potential. You’ll be surrounded by people like you, who want to make the most of their talents and to have fun at the same time. You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes to be in an environment where success is the expectation, not the exception.


Support for your progress We don’t just expect success at Wellsway, we actively support you in achieving it. Individual support and strong relationships between staff and students are the foundation of life at Wellsway; you will always have someone to turn to, should you need help, and someone who will celebrate your many successes. Sixth Form is a bridge to the next stage in your life and at Wellsway we’ll help you to make the best choices for you and access the courses, universities and careers that you want.


Stand out, fit in Wellsway is big enough to offer a huge range of courses and extra-curricular activities, and small enough to ensure that your experience is personalised and you don’t get lost in the crowd. We offer outstanding leadership experiences throughout Wellsway, including the opportunity to be elected as student Officers and Ambassadors and shape the activities and direction of the whole Sixth Form. Whatever your interests, and whatever your style, at Wellsway people will know who you are and you’ll be able to make your mark.


It’s not all work, work, work At Wellsway we never forget that you want to have fun as well as learn and grow. You’ll find there’s more to Wellsway than hard work and good grades. From rock bands to musicals, foreign trips to community projects, and with elected Student Officers organising everything from student parties to charity events, there are loads of activities to get stuck into. And if sport’s your thing our fantastic facilities are second to none. 3

Being at Wellsway

Wellsway Sixth Form is all about helping you to develop the skills and confidence to realise your ambitions and become the kind of adult you want to be. Whether you are targeting a place at university or planning to begin your career, Wellsway is organised to give you the support you need to develop, and the space you need to flourish.

First-class teaching Our teaching and support staff are highly qualified and experienced at helping students like you to make the most of their talents, and to discover new ones.

and study pods, or quietly in the dedicated IT suite. You also have your own common room, designed by students – a space where you can relax with friends, grab a bite to eat from Shades Café or simply unwind.

Supportive culture Wellsway is, above all, a community and we have been recognised as delivering outstanding support to our students both inside and outside the classroom. Whether you are looking for a new challenge, struggling with your workload or dealing with issues outside Sixth Form, there are staff and structures in place to ensure that you are always on track.

Personalised approach Throughout your time at Wellsway you’ll have your own personalised learning plans. You’ll receive regular reports and feedback on your attainment from both your tutor and your subject teachers, and these will feed into three formal meetings a year so that you can keep track of your development. You’ll meet with your tutor group three times a week to help you make friends, develop support groups and foster the Wellsway group identity.

Your own space Sixth Form is a different experience to being at school. You’re older, more independent and you study and work in different ways. That’s why our students enjoy exclusive access to a range of custom-built facilities as well as Wellsway’s whole-school facilities and resources, including our brand new sport centre, one of the outstanding sports facilities in the west of England. At the heart of our Sixth Form facilities is the Learning Centre, where you can work collaboratively, on your own in quiet zones


Advice and coaching for what’s next Our personalised tutor system means that we know our students, which in turn means that we can give you the best advice. When it comes to applying for further courses or universities, or beginning your career search, we’re here to help you with advice and information, and extensive support in developing your applications and personal statements.


Organisation by the students and for the students is an important guiding theme of Wellsway Sixth Form. As a dynamic learning community it is vital that students have a voice and a say in what happens here. That’s why we have a student-elected body that represents student opinion to the Sixth Form leadership and which organises a wide range of activities for students. School Officers and Ambassadors are elected each year and together they have a significant influence on what happens here. From organising and driving community and charity initiatives to redesigning the Sixth Form spaces they ensure that Wellsway serves its students’ needs.

And, of course, they have and inspire a lot of fun, organising competitions, solving students’ problems, helping to shape our enrichment programme, and assisting at open days and other events. Committed, supportive and caring about what’s best for everyone at Wellsway, they are the best possible expression of the friendship, loyalty and pride that characterises Wellsway’s students.




This is your chance to explore those subject areas that you most enjoy and in which you expect to do well. One of the biggest differences about being at Sixth Form is that you will be studying only those subject areas that you have personally selected.

It’s also true to say that expectations are higher in Sixth Form, so it makes sense to choose what you study carefully. Clearly, you should choose subjects that will help you to achieve your goals, whether that’s entry to a particular course at university or securing a particular type of employment. We recommend taking as much advice as you can when doing this and thinking about your own style of learning as well as the subject matter itself because different courses take different approaches to teaching and learning. But, whatever your ambitions, you should choose subjects that you enjoy – you are much more likely to work with enthusiasm and achieve higher grades if you are doing something in which you are fully engaged. The majority of students will study four AS level subjects in Year 12 and continue with three A2 subjects in Year 13. At Wellsway we offer approximately 30 Level 3 courses, either A Levels or BTECs, and a smaller number of Level 2 courses, which are GCSEs or equivalent. Sixth Form subject areas To learn more about the subjects and qualifications we offer, please read the relevant insert for full details of courses and entry requirements.


Personal Tutors As a Sixth Form student at Wellsway you will be assigned a personal tutor whose role it is to help you build on your previous learning, whether at Wellsway School or another school, and prepare for the next stage in your learning journey. Learning Skills Profile Your Learning Skills Profile is a key document that allows both you and us to monitor your progress and support discussions you may have with subject teachers and tutors. It will also help you to understand and use the language of learning and is often used as the basis for Citizenship lessons and workshops. Above all, it’s your document, about you and reflecting where you are on your learning journey. Targeted intervention and support Our outstanding, flexible programme of support is there to help you progress, excel and be happy while you do so. You will have regular interviews with your personal tutor and feedback from these meetings will help us tailor your education to your personal needs. If you have specific learning needs or require additional support, for whatever reason, we will ensure that you are given the appropriate support and care to ensure that you are able to make good progress and realise your full potential. Able, Gifted and Talented Want to join us on our two-day residential trip to Cambridge University to see what it is all about? Need help with your application for Medicine, or Oxbridge or the Russell Group universities with a specifically appointed tutor? Need something extra to bolster your application – experience, an extra qualification or mock interviews? Our tutor system is set up to identify your needs from the very start of your time with us. With our extensive links throughout industry and across universities, we are very well set up to enable help you to reach the very top. High expectations and high support are what Wellsway is all about. Special Needs If you have specific learning needs or require additional support, for whatever reason, we will ensure that you are given the appropriate support and care to ensure that you are able to make good progress and realise your full potential. Your workload Each Level 3 subject has an average of 4.5 hours of expert class teaching per week – which is very high by national standards. On top of this, you will be expected to complete at least six hours of self-directed learning per subject, per week.





Sixth Form is about a lot more than just achieving the right qualifications – it’s about personal growth and gaining experiences and skills that make you stand out.

At Wellsway we have a very strong focus on achievement, but achievement is about more than getting good grades. We want to give you the opportunity to gain new experiences, pick up new skills and broaden your horizons so that you leave here as a well-rounded, confident and capable young adult. Universities and employers alike want to know that you have done more with your Sixth Form years than simply study and work hard. They want to see evidence of the kind of person you are and the qualities and experiences that you can bring to their organisations. For example, are you a team player? Do you enjoy taking responsibility, leading and making decisions? Are you a caring person who gives your time and energy to help other people? Are you someone who embraces new challenges and steps outside your comfort zone? At Wellsway Sixth Form we aim to give you opportunities to develop compelling answers to all these questions and more. We call it enrichment and, because we think it’s important, we allocate time every week in your timetable to ensure that you can pursue your wider interests:

Sport and Fitness Buddies Debating Learning Sign Language Computer Club Christmas Concert Wellsway Action Group Cooking on a Budget Learning First Aid Teacher Support Tutor Support Theatre Visits Wellsway Challenge Model United Nations Red Cross Workshops Open Evenings Radio Wellsway Chess Club Green Team Paired Reading Sixth Form Council Dance Workshops Devising Group Informal Concerts Inter-house Competitions Volunteering

I’ve done sign language, yoga and zumba as enrichment activities – they were all really good fun and a different way of developing my skills and interests.

Here and now Enrichment isn’t just about adding to your CV. It’s also about self-discovery and having the opportunity to try new things and enjoy the experience. At Wellsway, we firmly believe that what you do here should be both fun and meaningful now, as well as storing up benefits for your future. So we encourage you to get involved with our many lunchtime and afternoon clubs, either to further your own interests or to support younger students with theirs. As one of the senior students in our school setting, you will have knowledge, skills and experiences that you can share with others and we encourage you to do so through one of our mentoring programmes.

The extra-curricular activities add another dimension to Sixth Form. I loved being in the production of HONK!

Most of all, this is your enrichment programme and, whatever your interests, we will help you to access opportunities and experiences that will help you reach your goals.





From your first day in Sixth Form we will help you to prepare for the next stage in your life.

Sixth Form is a bridge between school and adult life and we see it as an important part of our role to help you prepare for the future. Whether you are planning to start work, pursue further or higher education, or take a gap year, we will help you to access the information and experiences that you need to make the right decisions for your future.

Further and higher education Deciding what to study and where are big decisions. We will support you as you research what’s on offer and encourage you to attend summer schools, workshops and conferences that will help you to narrow your field of search. With competition for places at universities and colleges intensifying, your application will need to stand out. That’s why, alongside all the enrichment activities that are available at Wellsway, we will also help you with your personal statement and reference to make sure that you are giving yourself the best possible chance of securing a place on the courses you are targeting. For the most competitive fields – such as Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Law and entrance to Oxford and Cambridge – we can give you specialist support and advice as well as introducing you to those who have already ‘been there and done it’. We will also help you prepare with mock interviews so that you know what to expect at interview and how to show off your talents to the best effect.

I’ve had loads of help with my personal statement from my tutor – I’ve changed what I want to do at uni three times but each time she’s been happy to go over it again.

Preparing for employment We are committed to helping our students access the careers that they deserve and as you explore your next steps you’ll find resources and advice to support you. Our ‘Look to the Future’ careers event will introduce you to some of the opportunities available and to employers who recognise the calibre of Wellsway’s students. Price Waterhouse Cooper, Rolls Royce, the NHS and Ernst and Young are just some of the organisations that attend. You’ll gain an insight into the variety of careers these organisations offer and an understanding of the skills and qualities they look for. We’ll also help to prepare your CV and support you in completing applications. You can also access careers advice and interviews through UWE Careers Advice.


student memories

“I thought I knew what I wanted to do but Wellsway has encouraged me to find out about university and given me the confidence to go for it.

“Just before my speaking exam I went with my German class to Berlin – it made such a difference. “The most valuable skill I have picked up is time management. There’s a lot of work and you are expected to do a lot of independent study so being able to manage your workload is a must.

“I’ve really enjoyed being able to mentor the younger students as they approach their GCSEs, and I think I’ve got a lot out of it too.” 12

“I’ve especially enjoyed being a Sixth Form Officer and representing other students.

“The Wellsway Experience trip, where about 20 of us went to the Pyrenees, was brilliant.”

“I’ll never forget the culture trip we took to Berlin or our visit to Cern in Switzerland to see the Large Hadron Collider.”

“No-one’s making you play sport but there are great facilities here and lots of opportunities to get involved and lots of teams.”

“When I fell behind with my coursework my teacher helped me to get through it a bit at a time.

“I came here from another school because Wellsway has a great reputation for getting good results.

“I’ve loved being a Charity Officer and being able to have a say and organise things I’m passionate about. “I needed a place where the teachers would encourage and make me work – I don’t think I would do that on my own, so I need them to be ‘on my case’.

“At lunchtime or breaktime, 80%-plus of the people at Sixth Form are in the common room – we all know each other. At other places, you could go the whole year without knowing the people around you because it’s so big. I like the fact that you can be a mentor and role model to younger students at the school. 13


It’s easy to apply for a place at Wellsway Sixth Form and we encourage you to take the first step by submitting an application form as soon as possible – even if you are still considering other options.

Entry criteria To progress to Wellsway Sixth Form you will need at least four Cs at GCSE, including either English Language or Maths. This, however, is the minimum entry requirement and each subject has its own individual requirements. Check the subject-specific inserts for full details. The application form Get an application form from the school or download one from our website www.wellswayschool.com/sixthform. Complete the form and return it to us before the closing date stated on the form to register your interest. At this stage you will also be asked to indicate provisional choices of courses and subjects, and we will then contact you to confirm receipt of your application and give you details of the next steps. Applicant meeting Usually held in January and February, these meetings are your opportunity to discuss your ideas about subjects and courses with an experienced tutor and to find out more about Wellsway Sixth Form. They also give us a chance to get to know you a little and understand what you’re hoping to get out of Sixth Form.


Subject preferences Following your applicant meeting you’ll be asked to confirm your choice of subjects and courses. This enables us to begin preparing timetables for the following year. Induction day Once you have completed your GCSEs we will invite you to spend a day at Wellsway Sixth Form in late June or early July. You’ll sit in on lessons in your chosen subjects, use the facilities and experience what life is like as a sixth former. Enrolment day At the beginning of term in September you’ll join your cohort of new sixth formers and set out on the next exciting stage of your learning journey. There will still be opportunities at this stage to fine-tune your subject choices following your GCSE results.


Welcome to Wellsway Sixth Form and thank you for showing an interest in what we have to offer. Choosing a Sixth Form or College is a big decision and it’s important that you choose the place that is right for you. Of course, a big part of that will be choosing the courses that suit you – but you also want to find a place where you feel that you will fit in and where the atmosphere and culture are in tune with your own goals and priorities. We are an inclusive school and take great pleasure in welcoming back our Year 11 students as well as a large number of students from schools across the Bath and Bristol area. We make no bones about the fact that we have high expectations. Our students’ results are consistently high and there’s a reason for that. We work hard to create a highly supportive environment that both encourages and enables our students to aim high and fulfil their potential. But achievement comes in many forms and Sixth Form is about more than just academic results. We aim to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow personally and explore who they are and what they want to do with the next stage of their lives. At Wellsway you will take responsibility, make significant decisions and build strong and lasting relationships. You’ll find that new experiences and opportunities come thick and fast and you’ll be encouraged to try new things and discover the world beyond your immediate surroundings.

We want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life.

We want you to leave here with a mixture of pride in what you have achieved and affection for your time here. Above all though, we want you to leave here full of confidence and ready for what’s next in life. Sixth Form should be about growing together and rapid personal and academic development in a highly supportive environment. At Wellsway that is precisely what you will get. Our Sixth Form is outstanding and I encourage you to come and see for yourself why we are so highly regarded and why our students produce such excellent results every year. I look forward to meeting you. Barry Bray, Director of Sixth Form


Wellsway School Chandag Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1PH Headteacher Mrs Andrea Arlidge Director of Sixth Form Mr Barry Bray

T 0117 986 4751 E sixthform@wellswayschool.com wellswayschool.com/sixthform



Wellsway School Chandag Road Keynsham Bristol BS31 1PH Headteacher Mrs Andrea Arlidge Director of Sixth Form Mr Barry Bray

T 0117 986 4751 E sixthform@wellswayschool.com

wellswayschool.com/sixthform @wellswaysixth



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