New Cartographies Atlas: There is a Light That Never Goes Out
A E M A E M N 10 12 VIGILARE ATLAS Produced Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc PGL LOCATIONS VS. INCOME Income Project Green Lights PALMER PARK the first of three maps striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as low-income medium-density residential and general business district. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Palmer Park’s unorthodox street fabric and absence single-family homes significantly contribute to the neighborhood’s security. Reported crimes and “ghost” routes share similar positions. JEFFERSON CHALMERS the second three maps, strives discover potential routes past PGL planned-development district surrounded by middle-class single-family homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Jefferson Chalmer’s prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Businesses investing Project Green Light have repelled crime on the premises, not its adjacencies. REGENT PARK the final map striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light middle-class general business district surrounded by single-family homes. The number paths reflects where the least effective use PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Regent Park’s extensive prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Reported crime exists every block regardless zoning. PALMER PARK Multi-Dwelling Commercial [Low-Income] REGENT PARK Single-Dwelling + Commercial [Middle Class] JEFFERSON CHALMERS Multi + Single Dwellings [Middle Class] C D G H L M C D G H L M O P 10 11 12 VIGILARE ATLAS Produced by Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published New Cartographies Inc PGL LOCATIONS VS. INCOME Project Green Lights Live Feed PROJECT GREEN LIGHT surveillance cameras have become an inevitable part daily life for Detroit residents. The PGL program “public-private partnership” between the city and participating businesses. The program launched 2016 the city’s 24-hour gas stations. However, has now expanded cover fast-food restaurants, strip malls, apartment complexes, and convenience stores throughout the city. The cameras installed at these locations transmit live video feed the Detroit Police Department’s Real Time Crime Center. In order participate in the program, individual businesses must enter into third-party agreements, which typically involve upfront cost around $2,000 $4,000 for installation, well as ongoing monthly subscription fees ranging in the hundreds dollars, paid to approved contractors such as Comcast and other vendors, for data plans and services. DETROIT’S REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER DETROIT PUBLIC SAFETY HEADQUARTERS 1301 3RD STREET DETROIT, MI 48226 E F G E F 10 12 VIGILARE 2020-22 Crime ATLAS Ghost Routes Produced by Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published New Cartographies Inc PROJECT GREEN LIGHT LOCATIONS VS. INVISIBLE ROUTES PALMER PARK the first of three maps striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as low-income mediumdensity residential and general business district. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Palmer Park’s unorthodox street fabric and absence of single-family homes significantly contribute to the neighborhood’s security. Reported crimes and “ghost” routes share similar positions. C D E G C D E 10 12 VIGILARE 2020-22 Crime ATLAS Ghost Routes Produced by Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published New Cartographies Inc PROJECT GREEN LIGHT LOCATIONS VS. INVISIBLE ROUTES JEFFERSON CHALMERS the second three maps, strives to discover potential routes past PGL in planned-development district surrounded by middle-class singlefamily homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Jefferson Chalmer’s prison grid and abundance single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Businesses investing in Project Green Light have repelled crime on the premises, not adjacencies. A B C D A B C D 10 11 12 VIGILARE 2020-22 Crime ATLAS Ghost Routes Produced Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc PROJECT GREEN LIGHT LOCATIONS VS. INVISIBLE ROUTES REGENT PARK the final map striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as middle-class general business district surrounded by single-family homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Regent Park’s extensive prison grid and abundance single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Reported crime exists at every block regardless of zoning. A B C A B C 10 11 12 VIGILARE 2020-22 Crime ATLAS Ghost Routes Produced Moises Reyes Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc PROJECT GREEN LIGHT LOCATIONS VS. INVISIBLE ROUTES REGENT PARK strives to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses and surveillance radii. The interactive map will provide the opportunity for all participants engage through various routes of concealment throughout the area; the result: “speculative,” subjective map developed by community of burglars. START HERE
Multi-Dwelling + Commercial [Low-Income]
Single-Dwelling + Commercial [Middle Class]
Multi + Single Dwellings [Middle Class]
PGL LOCATIONS VS. INCOME Income Project Green Lights
PALMER PARK is the first of three maps striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as a low-income medium-density residential and general business district. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Palmer Park’s unorthodox street fabric and absence of single-family homes significantly contribute to the neighborhood’s security. Reported crimes and “ghost” routes share similar positions.
JEFFERSON CHALMERS the second of three maps, strives to discover potential routes past PGL in a planned-development district surrounded by middle-class single-family homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes.
Jefferson Chalmer’s prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Businesses investing in Project Green Light have repelled crime on the premises, not its adjacencies.
REGENT PARK is the final map striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as a middle-class general business district surrounded by single-family homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes.
Regent Park’s extensive prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Reported crime exists at every block regardless of zoning.
A B C D E F G H J K L M A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc
A B C D E F G H J K L M A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VIGILARE ATLAS Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc PGL LOCATIONS VS. INCOME Project Green Lights Live Feed PROJECT GREEN LIGHT surveillance cameras have become an inevitable part of daily life for Detroit residents. The PGL program is a “public-private partnership” between the city and participating businesses. The program launched in 2016 at the city’s 24-hour gas stations. However, it has now expanded to cover fast-food restaurants, strip malls, apartment complexes, and convenience stores throughout the city. The cameras installed at these locations transmit a live video feed to the Detroit Police Department’s Real Time Crime Center. In order to participate in the program, individual businesses must enter into third-party agreements, which typically involve an upfront cost of around $2,000 $4,000 for installation, as well as ongoing monthly subscription fees ranging in the hundreds of dollars, paid to approved contractors such as Comcast and other vendors, for data plans and services. DETROIT’S REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER DETROIT PUBLIC SAFETY HEADQUARTERS 1301 3RD STREET DETROIT, MI 48226
2020-22 Crime
Ghost Routes
PALMER PARK is the first of three maps striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as a low-income mediumdensity residential and general business district. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes.
Palmer Park’s unorthodox street fabric and absence of single-family homes significantly contribute to the neighborhood’s security. Reported crimes and “ghost” routes share similar positions.
A B C D E F G H A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc
2020-22 Crime
Ghost Routes
the second of three maps, strives to discover potential routes past PGL in a planned-development district surrounded by middle-class singlefamily homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes. Jefferson Chalmer’s prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Businesses investing in Project Green Light have repelled crime on the premises, not its adjacencies.
A B C D E F G H A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc
2020-22 Crime
Ghost Routes
REGENT PARK is the final map striving to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light as a middle-class general business district surrounded by single-family homes. The number of paths reflects where the least effective use of PGL exists. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses, surveillance radii, and ‘invisible’ routes.
Regent Park’s extensive prison grid and abundance of single-family homes degrade the neighborhood’s security. Reported crime exists at every block regardless of zoning.
A B C D E F G H A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc
A B C D E F G H A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VIGILARE 2020-22 Crime ATLAS Ghost Routes Produced by Moises Reyes & Marcus Puște. Published by New Cartographies Inc PROJECT GREEN LIGHT LOCATIONS VS. INVISIBLE ROUTES
PARK strives to discover potential routes past DPD’s Project Green Light. The speculative neighborhood map layers Green Light businesses and surveillance radii.
interactive map will provide the opportunity for all participants to engage through various routes of concealment throughout the area;
“speculative,” subjective map developed by a
of burglars. START HERE