Life Cycle of a Sunflower by Cole A.

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Stages of the Life Cycle All stages of a sunflower's life life cycle

How A Sunflower Survives The coolest way a sunflower survives

Fun Facts Super fun facts about sunflowers

C O N T E N T S 1 Stage of the life Cycle: Seed 2 Stage of the Life Cycle: Bud 3 Stage of the Life Cycle: Bloom 4

Stage of the Life Cycle: Shoot

5 How a Sunflower Survives 6

Fun Facts

STAGE ONE: SEED Sunflowers grow in the spring because the seed needs warmth, from the sun. After three days when the seeds planted into the soil it begins to grow and put out shoots after a long period of time. and the case begins to split as the roots shoot out and push down further into the soil.


STAGE TWO: SHOOT Roughly about a week, a shoot will sprout out of the soil, reaching slowly for the sun. Shortly after the shoot appears, the leaves will begin to slowly open. The stem and leaves will continue to grow larger and wider as the time continues.


STAGE THREE: BUD As the seedling continues to grow eventually a big bud will be seen. The bud will begin to slowly unfold as the flower head slowly opens.


STAGE FOUR: BLOOM The bud gets bigger and bigger on top of the stem. Do you know what the bud will become? The answer is a bright yellow flower! One by one the petal opens. Soon the flower will be in full bloom.



How a Sunflower Survives Sunflowers make a sticky dust called nectar. When a bee goes flower to flower, they spreads the dust around. This causes the sunflower to make new seeds. In fall sunflowers crumbles up and starts to die. They drop their seeds, which slides into the ground. The seeds stay buried until spring. Then they grows into a new sunflower! With cold weather, the sunflower would grow taproot roots. This way the plant absorbs more water, to live longer grow taller and have a stronger stem. Also the plants start to grow more leaves by using the sunlight to make more food which will be helpful to the sunflower's survival.


FUN FACTS Did you know sunflowers purple, orange or red? Or maybe can be a mix!

And not all of the sunflowers are tall, there are also dwarf varieties that grow only a foot tall.

Also you can find giant sunflowers that grows more than 10 feet tall! you could find all different varieties between these extreame heights! There are at least 60 varieties of sunflowers known in this world.


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