NO. 1
the life cycle
Chicks life cycle
How a chick survives
The Fun Facts!!!!
All the stages throughout a chicks life
How a chick survives and keeps himself safe
The best part of any magazine... All you need to do is ... read it!!!
Table Of Contents
1: Stages Of The Life Cycle: Egg 2: Stages Of The Life Cycle: Embryo 3: Stages Of The Life Cycle: Hatchling 4: Stages Of The Life Cycle: Chick 5: Stages Of The Life Cycle: How A Chick Survives 6: Fun Facts About The Chicks
To oC ut e! !!!
Stages Of The Life Cycle
Stage 1: Egg
A chick hatches from a egg laid by a chicken! It needs to be fertilized by a hen to have a chick in it (when it hatches, of course!!!). Also, it takes 21 days for a chick to hatch from the egg. ( If there's a chick in the egg in the first place.)
Stage 2: embryo A chicken sits on the egg so the egg stays incubated (AKA warm!) until it hatches!!! During this time, in the inside of the egg... There's an eye appearing on the embryo!!! This is the sign of hatching.
Stage 3: Hatchling
When the baby chick is ready to break out of the egg, it uses it's egg tooth to break out of the egg!! Now that's how an egg hatches!
Bonus Fact!!! While the egg looks solid like a stone, it actually has alot of holes to let air in for the chick!
Stage 4: Chick When a chick is hatched its sticky and wet. But the the feathers dry! Then it turns into this yellow fluff called down! Bonus Fact! A chicken always lays her eggs in the morning!
How A Cute Chick Survives
This is how a chick survives so without further a-do let's do it!!!
What A Chick Eats Chickens and chicks all need feed to survive because that's what they eat!!! That has all the protein they need. They also need feed if they live in a farm. Feed is a mix of grains feed is everything when it comes to food!!!
How A Chick Survives It madders what kind of gender they are. If it is a Hen it will either freeze, crouch, or run. If it is a rooster it will protect it's family and sacrifice itself for them to run away there for he 5 got killed for his family.Â
Fun Facts!!!! 1: Chickens/chicks do not fly far, though, they do have wings!!!
2: Female chickens lay eggs mostly every day!!! 4:When lays an egg,you can tell which chicken made it by the color of it's earlobes !!!
5:Chickens have their own weird language!!! They use 24 cool sounds to communicate!!
3: Chickens even lay eggs when they do not mate these are the eggs we eat.
Chickens are addicted to dust baths! This is how they keep there feathers in good shape!!