SUNFLOWER LIFE CYCLE A What you need to know guide about sunflowers
stages of the life cycle how a sunflower survives FUn facts: did you know a sunflower can grow up to 10 ft. tall? BY EMMA GUTIERREZ
Stages of the life cycle - seedling
2. Stages of the life cycle -Sprout and bud 3. Stages of the life cycle - adult sunflower 4. Stages of the life cycle - dead sunflower
How A Sunflower Survives
Fun Facts!
Stages of the life cycle Stage 1: Sunflower seeds get planted in the spring. The first step is to plant seeds in the soil. When rainwater wets the ground, it softens the seed until it bursts open into a seedling. Fun fact: About 3 days after planting the seeds into the soil, the roots shoot out and begin to push down into the soil.
Stages of the life cycle
Stage 2: One week after planting, the seed turns into a sprout. Shortly after, the leaves slowly begin opening and the stem grows bigger. It is now considered a bud. Fun fact:Â Â The best time to plant sunflowers is at the end of spring. Sunflowers grow during the summer months up until the beginning of fall. 2.
Stage 3:Â The sunflower blooms into an adult plant, fully grown. After a sunflower grows completely it needs sunlight, water and soil.
Fun fact:Â Sunflowers turn their faces towards the sun and follow it in the sky throughout the day.
Stage 4: After a long season, the sunflower petals start to droop. Eventually the whole flower shrivels and the seeds are released into the soil beginning the entire cycle again. Fun fact:Â Sunflowers are very fast growing plants, they can grow 8-12 feet tall in just six months! 4.
How a sunflower survives What do sunflowers eat?: Sunflowers eat sun, water and soil,it survives that way. The best season to plant a sunflower is the end of spring the worst season is winter
Fun Facts About Sunflowers 1.In Germeny in 2012 the guiness world record for the tallest sunflower is 8.23 m. 27 feet tall 2. Kansas is known as the sunflower state.
3. You can eat sunflower seeds.
3.Long ago Native Americans used to eat sunflowers for food.