A Monarch's World by Gabi G.

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A Monarch's World




by Gabrielle Guizonne

in this issue:

Learn all the ways a monarch survives! A L S O I N T H I S I S S U E : S T A G E S O F T H E L I F E C Y C L E A N D F U N F A C T S A B O U T M O N A R C H S B U T T E R F L I E S


01 Stages of the Life Cycle: Egg 02 Stages of the Life Cycle: Larva 03 Stages of the Life Cycle: Pupa o4 Stages of the Life Cycle: Adult 05 Monarch Adaptations 06-07 Monarch Butterflies Fun Facts


STAGE ONE: AN EGG A mother butterfly places her egg on a milkweed leaf. Most butterflies lay there eggs in the warm days of spring and summer. The egg is sticky so that it sticks on the milkweed leaf. most butterfly eggs hatch after a few days,but some can take several weeks to hatch.

STAGE TWO: LARVA The adult monarchs live there tiny eggs on a milkweeds because that is the only plant a larvae eats!!! monarch larvae's are also known as caterpillars becuase they eat the same thing, too.


STAGE THREE: PUPA After a monarch caterpillar grows up to about 2 inches5cm) long, it is to go through metamorphosis. First it splits the of its skin and hangs upside down from a leaf or branch. It turns itself into a pupa or chrysalis. the pupa is a waxy green at first, But after a few weeks it becomes clear.


STAGE FOUR: ADULT then an adult butterfly comes out of the clear chrysalis.at first its wings are folded. It uses fluid stored n its abdomen to inflate its wings. the butterfly rests while its wings harden and dry. then it flies away to feed on the necter of flowers.


MONARCH ADAPTATIONS WHAT A MONARCH EATS A monarch can NOT live without milkweed. A monarch can not live without milkweed; their catterpillars only eat milkweed plants. A monarch can not go without eating for 2 hours.

Monarch butterflies try to protect the eggs they ley by hiding them as well as possible. monarchs need milkweed to survive and have offspring. HOW LONG DOES A MONARCH LIVE UP TO? An adult monarch can only live up to 2 to 6 weeks.




DID YOU KNOW? There is a monarch queen!! The common name comes from its resemblance to both Queen and monarch butterflies. The monarch is the state insect of Alabama, Idaho, Illinois, Minnestoa, Vermont, Texas and West Virginia. Did you know that monarch butterflies have straw like tongues that they use to suck up food? The scientific word for this suction tube is proboscis, and it has a major impact on a monarch butterflies diet. So what do monarch butterflies eat??Â


DID YOU KNOW? (Cont.) Because they eat through proboscis, a monarch butterflies are limited to a liquid diet. They can not suck through fruit particles through their tongues, so instead they find nourishment by drinking the liquids food, plants and flowers. The adult female monarch butterfly lays tiny eggs covered with a sticky substance on the underside of milkweed leafs, These are EXTREMELY TOXIC. The catterpillar hatches from its egg several days later and survives on these milkweed leaf.


DID YOU KNOW? (Cont.) The monarch and adult butterfly retain the poison from the milkweed leaves in its protecting it from being eaten by predators. Every spring, adult monarch butterflies head to the southern forests of mexico and california, and return in the fall-a journey some 2,000-3,000- miles each way!!


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