TIME The Harlem Renaissance
Table of Contents Letters from the Editor…………………...page 3 Advertisment…………..page 4 Letters to the Editor..pages 5-6 Briefing…………………page 7 Advertisment…………..page 8 World Article…………...page 12 Advertisement………….page 13 Society…………...……..page 14 Economy……………….page 15 Advertisement………....page 16 Harlem Featured……....page 17 Advertisement………....page 18 Entertainment……….....page 19 Sports………………..…page 20 Advertisement………....page 21 10 Questions…………..page 22 Sources………………...page 23
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letters from the editor
I picked the harlem renaissance with my group because i wanted people to know about blacks and whites and how they basically combined in harlem.Another reason is because i wanted everybody to know that everywhere wasn’t racist like other parts of the United States.Also the harlem renaissance talks about how a lot of African American Jazz players (Louis Armstrong)performed at some of their popular clubs. I think that they should give “FLAPPERS” a different name because it makes it sound as if they are sinning and doing bad things when they really aren’t they just are wearing shorter dresses and wear their hair shorter and dye it .As if the other females all wear dresses below their knees and their hair longer .
Dear Editors. Religion is important most people in tennessee believes that words in the bible are littery litteral. This is their belief. It was just wrong for Mr. Scopes to teach The evolution of therapy. I'm glad it's illegal now. When he got arrested he deserved it you shouldn't be teaching that stuff to children anyways. He's so selfish for thinking he could just teach that everyone would be all like it's so interesting let's learn more about it. The tennessee governor signed the law banning public teachers to teach the evolutions of science. The plan that Scopes decided to join was very smart in my option. He already taught the evolution so might as well. Scopes arrest was a plan to challenge the law a group called the fundamentalism the members of this movement organized this plan.
Letter from the editor. Dear. Razan
Now is the time for black people to show off their amazing talents. White people started to acknowledge how talents black people can be. The 1920s was basically called the Jazz decaded. that type of music was very .This decade also included the Harlem renaissance and the creation of the Radio the Radio was invented at the beginning of the 1920s. Its very important that people notice the black community.
All these thing in the 1920s. The radio, all the theaters, the sports, the economy, the entertainment. As this Magazine is part of the 1920s people really use this to communicate this to all people in this time period all this information is useful to people. As people start to move to Harlem is so exciting because all these people get to be a part of a huge time in history and a huge place in history.
Letters to the Editor Dear Editors, I have been seeing many articles and letters on this magazine about how great rural life is, but l have to say l strongly disagree. While rural life is peaceful and relaxing, who wants to watch grass grow all day? While you can be a farmer there, in the city there are much more job opportunities here, even for a flap like me. By having a job, I was able to afford my own apartment and car, which helps me go places faster. I also have time to have fun, I like doing things such as going shopping, spending time with my goof, and going to watch a petting pantry and shows on Broadway. But best of all, I have much more personal freedom here. As I mentioned I have a lover, and that fine here. I can also wear short skirts and dresses, cut my hair short, and put on a lot of makeup and I love wearing what I feel comfortable in. Sincerely, Niam
Dear Editor, I read your article about the prohibition and I must say I disagree. The Volstead act is a real slimp move because it is forcing people to break the law in order to relax at the end of the day. By making the sale, manufacture, or consumption of alcohol has forced us to disobey the law. We have all become very good at outwitting the enforcement agents that are supposed to keep people sober. We get around it in several ways such as hiding flasks in books or even under garments. Because most of the bars have been closed down we have been forced to the awful tasting bathtub gin or having to go as far as paying those embalmers two dollars for a small lap of good whisky, because of that a lot of some of the tomatoes that I hang with have lost a lot hush money.
In fact I remember one restaurant just down the street had to close down because they had a problem with breaking the law, but before then man o,man that place was the cat’s pajamas. Yet they refuse to sell any meals without any of that fine vintage wine that I know they had. Sincerely, Trevor Harapat Dear Editor, The adults do not like the way we have been acting. We think our behavior is okay. We have easy access to cars and the mass media. All we are doing is taking advantage of our new form of independence. I mean we are young people. We are going to do things that adults do not like, but that does not mean they should get mad at us. Young girls, like me, have the right to change our hair and wear dresses that aren’t below our knees. Dresses below the knees?! That’s just not the style. Even though we aren’t allowed to go on dates we should be able to. Just because my parents were only allowed to date if they did a home visit first, doesn’t mean that I have to invite my date to my home before getting in his car. Youth today have more access to cars than adults did when they were our age. I want to go to a concert or a dance with my date without having my parents decide whether or not it is ok. Adults just don’t like the new way youth have been acting because they think our behavior is reckless. I think what’s reckless is adults trying to censure youth behavior and passing legislation that would prohibit youth from acting freely. The modern is here to stay and there ain’t nothin adults can do about it. Sincerely, Aahnevia Brown
Dear Editor.
Dear Editors.
I really thought that your article said what Religion is important most people in tenses believes that words in the bible are littery litteral. This is their belief.
needed to be said. I, myself, believe that the
It was just wrong for Mr. Scopes to teach The evolution of therapy. I'm glad it's illegal now. When he got arrested he deserved it you shouldn't be teaching that stuff to children anyways. He's so selfish for thinking he could just teach that everyone would be all like it's so interesting let's learn more about it. The tennessee governor signed the law banning public teachers to teach the evolutions of science. The plan that Scopes decided to join was very smart in my option. He already taught the evolution so might as well. Scopes arrest was a plan to challenge the law a group called the fundamentalism the members of this movement organized this plan.
Act. Illegalizing the consumption of alcohol will
eighteenth amendment should be the Prohibition
improve the life of families. After a long and troublesome day at work, some men go home, get drunk, and sometimes even lash out at their families. In your article, you stated that if men stop drinking, then they can stay employed, and support their families. I completely agree with this statement. I believe that if our society cannot live without alcohol, then should it at all? Another section in your piece that I agreed
Sincerely, Razan Nour
with was on the speakeasies. Speakeasies are a danger to our community because they allow people to drink and buy alcohol through loopholes that make it just slightly legal. I believe that if we are going to have a law that prohibits the consumption, selling, and buying of alcohol, than we must further define the law to fill in these holes. We all know this to be true, but we’re just a bunch of dewdroppers waiting for something to happen. Caleb Brandauer
Page Briefing
Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly Langston Hughes Langston is saying don’t let dreams die if you do you can’t dream at all.
Langston Hughes wrote first nationally published work The Crisis Babe Ruth hit his sixth home run in 1927 The KKK has gained up to four million
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place - Zora Neale Hurston What Zora is saying is that love can burn as bright as the sun
105 people are currently living in the US
You just can't beat the person who never gives up. Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. Never let the fear of striking out get in your way - Babe Ruth What Babe means is don’t give up and you will accomplish what you set out to do.
Zora Neale Hurston If a man is not faithful to his own individuality, he cannot be loyal to anything - Claude McKay What Claude means is that if someone can’t even have faith for themselves they can’t be loyal to anything.
Babe Ruth
By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with - Duke Ellington Duke is saying that jazz is something that everyone likes.
Duke Ellington
Claude McKay
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World By: Aahnevia Brown
The United States emerged from World War I as a World superpower. However, the United States did not want to get involved with other countries following the war. Instead, the United States wanted to be isolated. After the war Americans also longed for world peace. President Harding has responded to this by inviting nine nations including France and Britain to negotiate peace. This has been named the Washington Naval Conference. Another way the United States has tried to enhance world peace is with the Kellog-Briand Pact. This pact has encouraged efforts to negotiate an end to warfare. In many small ways the United States has become effective, an unofficial member of the league, consulted and listened to. Due to the war Britain and France are owed huge sums of money. These countries have relied on the reparations from Germany to make the loan payments they have accumulated due to borrowing money from the United States. This is known as the Dawes Plan.
The Treaty of Versailles has put the entire cost of the war on Germany. This is to be paid back by reparations to the allies. This is the reason they must pay Great Britain and France. The United States currently wants peace and isolation. This is to be achieved by Washington Naval Conference, the Kellogg-Briand Pact, and the Dawes Plan.
The Washington Naval Conference was a military conference called by President Warren G. Harding and held in Washington from 12 November 1921 to 6 February 1922.
Our Society Today our country is swarming with Immigrants, which will naturally cause discrimination against them, like recently. Congress passed a law that limited the number of immigrants allowed from each country.And down in the south, there are separate facilities, one for Whites one for Blacks, and the facilities for white people are usually the cleaner and better ones. Speaking of immigrants, many of our citizens believe that immigrants from the Soviet Union come to try to overthrow the government, the are known as Anarchists(or bolsheviks or radicals), anarchists reject government authority. Recently there has been rumors going around that say that the anarchists plan to bomb us, this is known as a Red-scare. Since many people believe anarchists took action against the state, they are now forbidden to come to old Uncle Sam. While still on the topic of racial discrimination membership of the Ku Klux Klan has been revived in 1915 thanks to Edward Clark, when they lynched Leo Frank, a Jewish Factory manager. The membership of the KKK has risen to about 4 million people,and they set themselves
against Blacks, Immigrants, Jews, and Catholics, they are responsible for many violent attacks. Radicals also believed that no one should be working hard for very little money.Laborers were not happy with the income they received, they often times could not afford homes. Many Laborers are starting to meet in groups and start strikes, they are demanding more pay and better working conditions. Lastly, on the topic of censorship, many religious people are concerned about the immorality of the media today. The Hays Code has been established recently, it prohibits any kind of sexual, criminal, and vulgar immorality, magazines are also affected by this. Beach Patrol also has recently started, police officers make sure that women’s bathing suits are not to short.
Economy President Calvin Coolidge once said, "The business of America is business". During the 1920's, America saw a shift
expenditure of money spent on new
toward widespread business
machinery for industry in 1918
expansion and economy prosperity.
was $2.5 billion, compared to
Economic expansion created new,
$600 million in 1915 (Schultz).
booming businesses and thriving
Furthermore, the use of labor
business profits which in turn
saving machinery in factories and
raised the standard of living for
on farms enabled workers to
many Americans. During this time
produce more goods faster and
in America, businessmen advocated
less expensively, which led to
a return to laissez-faire
higher amounts of production and
economics, less government
worker productivity, thereby
regulation of business, and less
raising the wages of workers (The
government support for labor
Roaring Twenties). Many new
unions. The federal government
businesses became preeminent and
supported big businesses by way
prosperous during the 1920's,
of high tariff policies and
such as the steel industry,
cutbacks in the Federal Trade
department stores, and the
Commission (FTC). From 1922-1929,
automobile industry. In 1920, for
the national income was up 40%
example, Woolworth had 1,111
from $60.7 billion to $87.2
stores, and in 1929, they
billion (The Roaring Twenties).
expanded to 1,825. J.C. Penney,
Also, the War stimulated a number
on the other hand, expanded from
of old industries, such as
312 stores to 1,395 (The Roaring
petroleum and steel, and helped
Twenties). During this time,
create a host of new industries,
department stores also introduced
such as plastic and rayon
installment payment plans to
production; nonetheless, the
their customers because the idea
total annual
of "Buy Now and
Pay Later" had become very popular. Even mor prominent was the automobile industry with the development of the inexpensive Ford Model-T by Henry Ford in 1908. Ford was one of the 3 big car producers which also included Chrysler and General Motors. The Ford Model-T cost $1,200 in 1909 and dropped to just $295 in 1928. By 1928, about 20% of all Americans had cars (America's Economy in the 1920's). In addition, there were 6.7 million cars on American roads in 1919 and more than 27 million—or nearly a car for every household in the to eight hours (Mintz). Ford Motor Company United States—in 1929 (Mintz). In 1913, Henry
employed one out of every twelve workers
Ford revolutionized American manufacturing by
(Mintz). In 1919, automotive titan Alfred Sloan
introducing the automated assembly line, which
set up the nation's first national consumer credit
reducing the assembly time for a Ford car from
agency (Mintz). Economically, the effects of the
12.5 hours in 1912 to 1.5 hours in 1914 (Mintz).
automobile promoted growth of other industries,
Henry Ford also introduced a minimum wage of
such as rubber, petroleum, and steel, helped fuel
five dollars in 1914 and shortened the workday
the creation of a national system of highways,
from nine hours
and created new service facilities, such as restaurants and motels (Schultz). 20% of all American steel, 80% of all American rubber, 75% of all American plate glass, and 65% of all American leather went to the car industry (America's Economy in the 1920's). Automobiles in turn stimulated the growth of steel, glass, and rubber industries, along with the gasoline stations, motor lodges, camp grounds, and restaurants (Mintz). The industries of the 1920's proved vital to the growth of America and provided an enormous stimulus for the national economy.
Do you want to be the most beautiful flap in town? Well, try the new make up set from maybelline for just $6.99!
Harlem Renaissance Have you been to the cotton club to listen to the great new music? Have you heard of Jelly Roll Morton? If you haven’t, you need to continue reading. The Cotton Club is the most famous club in Harlem. Harlem is the place to be. African Americans in Harlem have been celebrating their Culture through music, art, poetry, and literature since the beginning of the decade. During The great Migration in the 1910s, a large numbers of African Americans began to move to cities. People are moving from the south from the north because the South is full of racist Bluenoses. African Americans are discriminated against and having a difficult time getting a job. So African Americans moved to the North during World War I to find jobs.Great Migration and Why Harlem: If you’re wondering why you should move to Harlem?I’ll tell you why!We have the keenest houses,we also have the ritziest clubs that you can take your moll to.No bluenoses here . Our musicians are the bee’s knees. Here in Harlem, we are proud of our African heritage.We have artists, writers and poets.We have tons of good jobs .Our churches our the cats pajamas
Poets The famous poet Langston Hughes agreed to do an interview for the seventh issue for Time Magazine. Mr. Hughes was born February 1, 1902, his full name is James Mercer Langston Hughes, he was born to James Nathaniel Hughes and Carrie Mercer Langston Hughes. His first nationally published work was The Crisis. His poem The weary Blues won first place in a poetry contest Claude McKay also agreed to be interviewed for the article. His full name is Festus Claudius McKay, born September 15, 1889 in Jamaica. The person who taught him what he knows is Walter Jekyll. Some of his first collections of poetry are Constab Ballads and Songs of Jamaica. He worked on the periodical The Liberator, and his final volume of poetry is Spring in New Hampshire
Keep smiling ladies because as of August 18, 1920, you can now vote! The 19th Amendment has been ratified and we can now vote. Now go make your contribution to Uncle Sam!
Entertainment This time periods entertainment was a great period there was so much music movies and most importantly there was the radio. In November of 1920 the first radio broadcast was heard in america. 12 million people in america were listened to this great new invention. The radio was a very good communication device. The radio was used with earphones , headphones, you can just listen to it with your whole family. The end of World War 1 and the great Depression the modern life began. Modern inventions and a kind of popular ensure that americans had never experienced before. The apollo theater is where all the famous talents first started they went up on stage and if you're good you'll get an applause and if you're not gotta they'll let u know by throwing food at you.
Warner Brothers studio was founded in 1923 by four brothers: Jack, Sam, Harry & Albert Warner. There first successful movie was Little House Around the Corner. By the end of 1924, Warner Bros.was arguably the most successful independent studio in Hollywood, but they gained the most success from the Jazz Singer. In 1928 Warner Bros. absorbed First National Pictures, after the large success of the Jazz Singer.
The radio airwaves are seeing
The movie industry was not about
a big increase in popularity
to be left out of the
as well. By the end of the
entertainment surge either!
decade, we predict that all
Silent films, that had been
homes will have a radio. NBC
around since the beginning of the
and CBS both transmit
century, became more popular in
nationwide, reaching nearly
the 20’s. The beginning of the
every area in the US. This
decade saw the founding of MGM
made it possible for the
and the popularity of silent film
public to all hear the same
stars such as Buster Keaton,
programs, music and news
Charlie Chaplin, Clara Bow and
stories, allowing nearly
Rudolph Valentino. Film has
everyone in the country to
become the States’ fourth largest
share the same experiences.
industry, and it was about this
The nation-wide broadcasting
time that the first movies with
also enabled national brands
sound were released. The 1920’s
of products to aired, exposing
also saw the first appearance of
everyone to their advertising.
Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie.
This exposure was the
The movies were more than just an
beginning of the takeover over
entertainment medium though.
nationwide products taking
Shows also had newsreels, which
hold over the public, and the
allowed the audience to see the
end for smaller, regional
going’s on in the news and view
products. The 1920’s also saw
political leaders and other
the introduction of the
movers and shakers in action.
Billboard music charts, with popular singers like Bing Crosby being able to be heard nationally over the radio.
Sports The golden age of sports today the three most dominating sports are baseball, college Football, and boxing. The best baseball player around is Babe Ruth the most famous player of the game. Red Grange master of the gridiron. Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney Boxing legends short lived New york Yankees football Babe Ruth had the greatest impact on baseball than any single player in history. Due to
team. Red ran a total of 723 yards and scored 12 touchdowns.
the Black sox scandal the many of the fans left and integrity of the game had to be maintained.
Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney the
Babe won the fans back by hitting the record for
two legends of boxing. The Dempsey
home runs, in 1920 Babe hit fifty-four home runs, than fifty-nine the next season, and then in 1927 he hit sixty home runs
vs. Tunney fight said to be the greatest fight of the 1920s. Their fight was known as the long count due to
Harold “Red” Grange was nicknamed “The galloping Ghost”. Played for Illinois
the extra four seconds added to the usual ten second count.
University, the Chicago Bears, and for the
Bobby Jones and walter Hagen two of the best golfers in the 1920s. Walter Hagen won the PGA (Professional Golf Association) on september 21, 1924. Bobby Jones wins ameture championship on September 28, 1924.
Musicians: Did you listen to Jelly Roll Morton’s new record? Because he is the berries and we’ve got the information for you. When he was 14, when his music career started, he was working as a pianist, but his religious grandmother found out and kicked him out of her house. His career really took off in 1904, he started working in minstrel shows and composing his own music, and now he is working as a vaudeville act with his girlfriend, Rosa Brown. Speaking of what is the cat’s pyjamas, we’ve information about the great Duke Ellington. As if he wasn’t great enough, he actually learned music from when he was just a young boy and he dropped out of school to pursue music, and now he is in the successful band, the Duke Serenaders.Speaking of all that is jazz, Cultural internationalists are being alarmed by the influence of foreign music, the Catholic Church is concerned about personal morality. This issue became more vocal, which started the Carrigan Committee. To read, or not to read, that is the question. I mean seriously, there are so many great writers that it’s hard to choose from! Many writers like Zora Neale Hurston and James Weldon Johnson catch the attention of many with their heart-warming stories. Hurston used folklore for the seed of many of her stories. Born in 1891, she lived in the All-black village of Eatonville. when she was an
adolescent, her mother died, and her father remarried. Huston’s step mother didn’t make any effort to hide the fact that she did not want her father’s children. So he shipped her off to live with relatives and friends. James Weldon Jackson. Another black intellectual who cared about the development of local writings. Born in Jacksonville in 1871, he grew up fast. Soon a great man of many talents, Jackson writes poetry, novels, and nonfiction. What he is most likely best known for though, is his work on “Ev’ry Voice and Sing.
The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York. The Movement also included the new AfricanAmerican cultural expressions across the urban areas in the Northeast and Midwest United States are being affected by the Great Migration, of which Harlem is the largest. The Harlem Renaissance is considered to be a rebirth of African American arts. Though it is centered in the Harlem neighborhood of the borough of Manhattan in New York City,
Why “Babe”?
10 questions What would you be doing if you hadn’t become a baseball player?
How were you able to hit as as many home runs as you did?
Probably a doctor.
It’s a secret.
How did you get started in baseball?
When I was with the Orioles, somebody just started calling me that.
What is your real first name?
When I was a boy, I used to love playing.
It’s George.
When were you born? February 7th, 1894.
You and who became the first pair of teammates in baseball history to each hit 30 home runs? Gehrig
Did you get more than him, if so, by how much? Yes, by 13 Home Runs.
Where were you born? Pigtown, Baltimore, MD.
Is it true that you made 127 appearances on the mound before appearing at any other position in the field? Yes.
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Yankees Century: 100 Years of New York
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Yankees Baseball. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Whiting, Robert. You Gotta Have Wa. New
Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974
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