Walks of Life
行 路 人 生
行路人生 Walks of Life 文/
Shi Jin-Hua
散步 高中的時候,有一年暑假,我在一個多月的時間裡掉了二十多公斤的體重,後來 發現我有第一型的糖尿病。這件事情對於十七歲的我而言,算是晴天霹靂。我們 這種病人必須要靠外來投射的胰島素來控制血糖。早期的胰島素,注射後產生降 血糖的作用需要一段時間,一旦進食,血糖會一直上升無法立刻控制;若降糖過 度時,胰島素造成的低血糖也要好幾個小時才會度過,這些過猶不及的起伏與挫 折,每天都在發生。我日後的人生路,直到現在仍然受此影響。 與其他疾病不同的是,糖尿病控制的成敗因素其實是在病人,我們可以掌握的三 點因素有運動、飲食和藥物,所以我開始養成晚間在飯後走路的習慣。我知道這 個疾病幾乎不可能痊癒,所以恐懼與苦悶一直是我必須處理的問題。選擇做藝術, 很大的原因是因為我需要一個精神的出口,或超越的可能性。
Walking One summer back in high school, I had lost more than 20 kilogram within one month. It was then discovered that I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. The news came as a shock to me, only seventeen years old at the time. Diabetics need to inject insulin to control their blood sugar. In the old days, a period of time was needed before the insulin came into effect and blood sugar was lowered. If the diabetic ate during this period, his/her blood sugar would not be immediately controlled and would continue to rise. In contrast, if the diabetic’s blood sugar was lowered too much, the patient would feel discomfort and would have to suffer for a couple of hours until blood sugar rose again. These kinds of extremes were a daily occurrence to me at the time, and my life has been changed ever since. Different from other illnesses, the diabetic plays a crucial role in the care of his/her health. The three things within the patient’s own control are exercise, diet, and medication. This was the reason that I started taking walks after dinner. I knew that diabetes was considered an incurable disease, so fear and frustration were both problems I needed to deal with. Deciding to become an artist also had a lot to do with my need to find a way out or a way to transcendence.
走索者 A Tightrope Walking 1987-1988 我住在一條鐵路旁邊,我最常步行的路線是越過 鐵路,往文化中心的方向走去。早期我對夜間的 光影有很多的興趣與觀察,後來這些都轉成一些 素描與繪畫。我也曾經有一段時間對走鋼索的意 象有很多素描,我覺得對我這樣的人而言,我們 的危險有兩種:一個是因為高血糖而造成的併發 症;另一個是因為低血糖而造成立即致命的威脅。 I live by a railway, and one of the regular routes for my walks is to cross the railway and to walk towards in the direction of the cultural center. In the early days, I became extremely interested in nighttime light and shadows, which became inspiration for my sketches and paintings. There was also a time when I focused greatly on the image of tightrope walking in my sketches because I felt that for those like me, there were two sources of life-threatening danger: one was the complications caused by high blood sugar, while the other was the imminent lethal threat caused by low blood sugar.
無頭的走索者 Walking Headlessly
監牢系列 Imprisonment Series 1986-1987
Because my father worked as the Principle of a juvenile reform
school, I was able to come and go freely at the reform school. As a
result, I was impressed by the images of shaved heads, uniforms,
roll calls, drills, war songs, and iron bars. I was never really happy
in school, and the academic pressure as well as my illness made me
feel confined or imprisoned, like I would never be liberated. My blood tests and injections were all performed in secrecy, and only
my homeroom teacher and my military training instructor knew I
was diabetic because I wanted to keep my illness private.
唸大學的時候,情況逼得我不得不改變,因為我凡事只能靠 自己,低血糖發生的時候沒有人可以幫忙我,這逼得我必須
Of course, self-isolation was a protective shell for me, or made me
realized the problem I was facing. Yet at the same time, I lived
in anxiety and under stress every minute of the day. When I left
home to go to college, the circumstances I was under forced me
to make changes, since I had to depend on myself for everything.
There was no one there to help me when I suffered from low blood
sugar, and this forced me to think seriously about freeing myself
from previous self-imprisonment. However, my sense of inferiority or my worries about whether my peers would accept me or not made me hesitate for quite a while. During this period, I started working on the Imprisonment Series. Gradually, I wanted to escape from the prison which was either protecting me or trapping me. For those reasons, I had to come to terms with my past failures or inner demons. I kept thinking about this when I painted and finally made up my mind. Finally, I made public my illness in my 1
freshman year and stopped caring about what or how people
thought of me. 1.
The Prisoner
The Patient in Bed
High Celling Cell
能到師大美術系讀書,幾乎是我們這一個年代學藝術的人所夢想的環境,但 是進入那裡也是失望的開始,課程結構、內容、師資故步自封,我在大一下 學期的時候,就對他們不再抱有希望。我覺悟到如果環境不能給我學習的條 件,我必須自己教育自己,面對自己的問題,追求真理,找到自己的路。這 個時期的作品多數以繪畫為主,抒情而日記式的作品。
Confusing Times as a Youth
It was a dream come true for those studying art at the time to be educated at the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University. However, going to school there was also the beginning of great disappointment since the curriculum and the faculty was conservative and narrow-sighted. I stopped holding any hopes in the second semester in my freshman year. I realized that if I was not able to learn under this environment, I needed to educate myself, to face my own problems, to pursue the truth, and to find my own way out. During this period, my works mostly consisted of paintings which showed my sentiments or expressed my emotions.
問天 Asking Heaven
1 2
405 教室前
By the classroom 405
Self-portrait with a mouthful of bread
Self-portrait with red eyes and lips
健行日記 Hiking Journal 1993
very objective description, the reader could still see traces of my
閒區(Golden Gate National Recreation Area)、穆爾紅木森
emotional and psychological state from my writing. And because
林(Muir Wood)、天使島(Angel Island)等地區進行健行。
hiking was so physically consuming, I had to continue to monitor
my blood sugar so that my food intake, medication, and physical
condition could strike a balance. I remember taking photographs
of my own excrement as well as that of wild animals. I collected
the excrement and saw myself as a wild animal, from a biological
perspective. Upon my return to the art center, I developed the
photographs and slides, and I organized my notes and labeled
the maps I had drawn. Subsequently, I preserved my canes,
photographs, my hiking journal, maps, and specimen in my studio.
There were a total of 23 recorded hikes during my stay.
等物體裝置在工作室中。這些留有紀錄的健行共有 23 次。 This was t he beg inning of t he establishment of cer ta in
principles or a new model behind my work in performance art.
This new model influenced many of my later works. It did not
need audiences, and went by its own rules, then presented by
documents, in trying to express my experience and showcase
aesthetics. Even though sometimes I did not even know what exactly the final form of some of my works were, I continued to
live and to work, thinking about how to piece together a piece of
artwork through many of the elements I have gathered along the
物平等的位置,就可以減輕很多衝突與痛苦。我的行為與文 件處理的是個人身體與自然環境的關係,而監控或平衡血
During this period, I cozied up to my Asian roots by practicing
yoga, meditation, and studying the Taoism, learning from ancient
philosophers such as Laozi and Zhuangzi. Hiking Journal was inspired by “The Adjustment of Controversies” by Zhuangzi. I felt
When I was an artist in residence at the Headlands Center for the
we would be exempted from a great deal of conflicts and pain if
Arts in California, I used to hike in regions such as Golden Gate
human beings saw themselves as equals to other living creatures.
National Recreation Area, Muir Woods, and Angel Island. I would
Therefore, my behaviors and documentation were the interactions
write a journal entry, draw a map of my route, and save the cane
between an individual’s body and Mother Nature. Monitoring
I collected from every one of my hikes. Also, I photographed all
or balancing my blood sugar, or urinating as a way of labeling,
the images I saw along the way. In very concise words, I jotted
drawing out maps, as well as confirming my location became
down my experiences during hiking. Even though most of it was
survival skills for me in the wilderness or in a foreign land.
取款的人 Money Walker 1996
I then went to UC Irvine to pursue further studies in Master of
Fine Arts. In the atrium of my department, I set up two television
at the two ends of the atrium. The volume of the television was
的 Hi8 錄影機,該錄影機俯視所攝的影像串連顯示在電視
set at “0,” while there was a Hi8 camcorder with wide-angle lens
on top. The scenes captured by the camcorder were displayed on
the television. I would walk to and fro between the two sets of
televisions and camcorders, and whenever I came to one television,
I would turn up the volume by one level, and then turn back and
walk towards the other television to do the same thing. From the
television screen, once could see a man who kept walking forward,
turning the volume button, turning away, and then walking back
again. Because of the vicinity of the televisions and camcorder,
feedback was generated as the volume became louder and louder. As I turned up the volume, the feedback also became louder and
more piercing to the ear. I turned up the volume to the highest
level of “63,” and then started turning down the volume as I
continued to walk to and fro between the two televisions. The
noise generated died down and became silent as the volume of the
two televisions became gradually lower. The performance ended
when the volume was turned back to “0” again.
隨著持續的往返,到達高峰的噪音漸漸小聲,我們甚至經驗 到比之前無聲更大的安寧與緩慢。
I have always been surprised and fascinated by the invention and the existence of the ATM. When users come to the machine and press a button, they leave the camcorder an overlooking, wideangle and close-up footage of a person. Each time a new user uses the machine, this kind of image is recreated. This is a phenomenon unique to our times. I came up with three to four similar projects of the sort, the first of which is this work which consists of walks between two simulated ATM. With the increasingly louder noise, we aware of how our behaviors in the face of the ATM. Yet with continuous walks, the noise peaked and then died down again, letting us experience greater tranquility and greater ease when compared to the silence before.
走樓梯的人 – 向杜象致敬 Stairway Walker - A Tribute to Marcel Duchamp 1996
In the courtyard of department of art at UC Irvine, a nine-meter
一個高近 9 公尺的螺旋形鐵梯,樓梯沒有踏板,只有鐵框的
spiral staircase was installed. The stairs did not have steps, just
the tin framework. The project consisted of an artist walking
up and down the stairs for an hour with nothing on but a pair of
rubber boots. Wood-made triangle boards which bore the shape of
the steps to the stairs were adhered to the rubber boots. The artist
walked around up and down repeatedly the stairs for an hour, holding a stick with a red dot which covered his genital area and
trying to fit the wooden board into the frame of the stair case each
step of the way. The performance ended when the artist climbed
down the stairs and threw the red dot to the audience.
放在一個不堪的處境中。你一步一步踏著可笑的鞋板往上 爬,每一步都嵌入樓梯的框架中,然而到後來還是要下來。
This piece actually responds to Duchamp’s Nude Descending a
Staircase. Usually, women are the ones often objectified in art
and often the object of appreciation. Therefore, I thought, it was
about time that men took over the hard work. This piece was a
kind of self-mockery since it was a male who was positioned in
an awkward and rather embarrassing situation. Step by step, the
male performer climbed up the stairs wearing ridiculous boots, placing himself in the frame of the staircase each step of the way. However, he still needed to descend in the end. The black spiraling staircase resembled the control of social system has over humans and how humans fit into the frameworks and the norms of life step by step. What is ridiculous is that even though humans ascend the staircase or become assimilated, their destiny is still to come down the steps and return to point zero in the end. This shows that no matter how far one goes, one will never reach the destinations. Efforts would merely be made in vain by trying to conceal one’s nudity, vulnerability, and awkwardness. There seems to be no exceptions to this rule. This is simply a metaphor to all our lives.
行路一公升 One Liter Walking 2004
2003~2004 年當我駐村在紐約 PS1 的時候,我做了一系列
When I was an artist in residence at New York MoMA PS1 from
2003 to 2004, I worked on a series of work which was related to
measurement. The story behind this One Liter Walking project
在同一地點喝下一公升的水。在 West End 大道及第十一大
was that I urinated at the intersection of 96th West Street and
Riverside Drive in the Upper West Side. I drank a liter of water
and walked towards West End Avenue and 11th Avenue, until I
needed to urinate again. When I walked to West 45th Street near the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, my bladder could not
take it anymore, and I urinated facing a donut truck.
體內代謝循環以及身體在城市中移動的距離,於是液體在肉 體中、人在城市空間中的移動,成為相互涵攝的雙重隱喻。
I set up a starting and finishing point by the limits of my body. The
metabolism of one liter of water inside my body was measured
while the distance my body traveled within a city was tested. The fluid inside my body and the spatial movements I made in the city became resonating metaphors. The distance which was measured when walking through New York City that Sunday could be defined as “the distance of the liter of water flowing through my body.”
減肥的代價 The Cost of Being Slimming 2009-2010
After Money Walker, another one of my projects related to the ATM
centered around weight and blood sugar control. The intention
behind this project was that my doctor thought I should watch my
weight so that my blood sugar could be controlled. Against this
backdrop, I decided to open up two accounts in two respective
banks. After receiving my bank card, I walked to and fro between
the ATMs of the two banks and transferred money from one bank
to another to burn calories. A transaction fee was charged every
time there a bank transfer was made, so the amount of money in
高雄銀行 台灣銀行 Taiwan Bank
my bank account gradually decreased. I repeated these actions
從我的家到高雄銀行再到台灣銀行然後返家的距離是 6 公
until all of my money was spent on transaction fees, and then I
里,半年的時間在兩銀行的自動櫃員機間轉了 100 次的帳,
suspended my transfers as well as my weight loss plan. All of the
而跨行轉帳一次收費 17 元,一共耗費 1,700 元,走了 600
bank transfers were documented in my bankbook and the receipts
公里,體重從 80.5 公斤減至 72.5 公斤,平均每公斤減重代
which I kept. Every time I took a walk to make a transfer, I would
價是 212.5 元。
also weigh myself and take a photograph.
The round trip from my place to Kaohsiung Bank and then to
Taiwan Bank was 6 kilometers. In six months, there were 100
transfers made on the ATMs of the two banks. The transfer fee
was NTD17 for each transfer while it cost me a total of NTD1,700
and a walking distance of 600 kilometers. My weight dropped
要新台幣 212.5 元。
from 80.5 kilograms to 72.5 kilograms. On average, each kilogram cost me of NTD212.5.
高雄銀行 Kaohsiung Bank
家 Home
My idea was to see the city as a gym. I used time away from work to burn calories. The ATM machine was a replacement of the treadmill, while the transaction fees resembled a gym membership. The receipts from each transfer turned into the documents of performance art. I have heard that weight loss centers charge NTD10,000 for each kilogram that their client loses. Using my method, walking between two ATM machines helped me lose weight at NTD212.5 per kilogram.
走鞋計劃 Shoes Walking Project 2010-
2010 年六月起,我開始進行目前的〈走鞋計劃〉。這一次我
I started the Shoes Walking Project in June, 2010. This time, I
wanted to use the ATM machine to help me track the life cycle of a pair of shoes.
首先,我為此計劃買了一雙新鞋,先掃瞄鞋底一次,爾後只 有在執行此計劃時才穿用此鞋。然後,我在高雄市民族路的
First of all, I bought a new pair of shoes for this project and
合作金庫銀行開戶,存入 1,001 元。同時,我也請台北的朋
scanned the shoes bottom. I decided to only wear these shoes
友在台北的一家合作金庫銀行開戶,存入 1,000 元,並各自
when I executed this project. Subsequently, I opened up a bank
account in the Taiwan Cooperative Bank on Minzu Road in
Kaohsiung City and deposited NTD1,001. At the same time, I
戶之間轉帳 1 元。
asked a friend in Taipei City to open up another account at Taiwan Cooperative Bank in Taipei and deposit NTD1,000. Two bank
單程從家到合作金庫銀行的距離是 2.5 公里,往返有 5 公里,
cards were issued after the respective accounts were opened.
轉帳 20 回會走 100 公里。每 100 公里我會紀錄掃瞄鞋底一
I started walking from my place to the ATM at the Taiwan
Cooperative Bank on Minzu Road in Kaohsiung. Every time, I
would make a transfer of NTD1 to the other account with my bank
The distance from my place to Taiwan Cooperative Bank was
2.5 kilometers, and the round trip was 5 kilometers. Making 20
transfers would make 100 kilometers. I scanned the bottom of
my shoes after walking every 100 kilometers until the shoes were
wrecked. The scanned documents of the shoes as well as the bankbooks to the two accounts will be made into documents of the performance, and I plan to spend three years on this project. I feel like shoes are like our buddies or close friends. We are together every step of the way, in each corner of the world, making a footprint. This pair of wrecked shoes symbolizes the efforts we make in life. It does not matter what we gain or lose because in an unpredictable life, it seems none of it matters too much. Just as the saying goes, “iron shoes have walked through the chaos of life, in vain.” Perhaps this piece of work will help viewers slow down their steps to reflect, to feel, and to decided on the meaning behind the steps they have taken in life.
合作金庫銀行 Taiwan Cooperative Bank
家 Home
結語 Conclusion 我常覺得成語「人生如旅」這句話講得太過容易、輕鬆,現實的人生是一連串的關卡。很多 人生的路,是無奈被逼迫做出的選擇。我總是先求存活下來,然後才有找到出路或意義的 機會。我常覺得人有點像一隻在輪型牢籠原地奔跑的老鼠,人生的主調往往是困住、失敗、 徒勞無功的,老天或我們應該悲憫生命如此的荒謬與苦境。我的走路就是這麼一回事,它與 樂趣或興趣無關,主要是要平衡血糖、消彌精神的苦悶、思考現實與創作的問題。三十年了, 我哪裡也沒去,還是在黑夜中越過鐵軌,等紅綠燈,走去走回,希望今晚能夠好眠。 這才明白,不思前、不思後的無念,才是幸福吧。
I have never had the sense that “life is like a journey,” since that idea is simply too laid-back and unrealistic. For me, life has always been a series of challenges and sufferings. Many of the choices we make in life are due to helplessness or because we have no other options. I always try to first survive before finding meaning or a way out. Often, I feel like men are like caged mice, running and running on the wheel of life. One gets the sense that the essence of life is often entrapment, failure, and futileness, and we or God need to be sympathetic towards the absurd and the pain in life. This is why I take walks. It has nothing to do with walking being fun or my personal interest. It is merely a way of balancing my blood sugar, coming to terms with my frustrations, and a way to meditate about my work and the reality of life. It is been 30 years, and I am not going anywhere. I am still walking through railway crossings and waiting for the traffic light, to and fro, hoping for a good night’s sleep. And then I finally realized, perhaps not being obsessed about the past or the future is the true path to happiness.