REGENERATION a duo show by Shi Jin Hua and Marina Cruz

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新生 – 石晉華、瑪莉娜.克魯斯雙個展 REGENERATION- a duo show by Shi Jin-Hua &Marina Cruz

Booth F08

VIP 預展 / Vernissage|2012.11.8(四)18:00-21:00 世貿一館 Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1

新生 成立近三年,首次參展台北藝博新銳藝術展

This is the debut of Mind Set Art Center in Art Taipei after


running for 3 years. We are honored to present a duo

華 (SHI Jin-Hua) 與瑪莉娜‧克魯斯 (Marina

show featured on new works by Shi Jun Hua (1961-) and

CRUZ) 於2012年的最新創作。

Marina Cruz (1980-). The concept is derived from their own life experience and


creation paths; by means of delving their various art forms


and idea, the exhibition attempts to emphasize the


regenerated art scenes through the underneath


transformation from each personal life experience.

貌。 我們將於博覽會現場邀請觀眾共同參與石晉

We will run an on-site art-making program, inviting viewers to participate in Shi’s production. Every donation they make will not only reward to his “X Bodhi Tree


Project” but allows them to implant a goodwill seed on the


surface of the unfinished artwork to foster the vocation


which aims in “growing positive thoughts and regenerating


good wills”.


石晉華 Shi Jin Hua (1964-) 擅長融合觀念與行為藝術創作的石晉華,將於本次

Shi Jin-Hua, specialized in combining


conceptual and perfermance art forms, will

#125 》、 《走筆 #126 》 、 《走筆 #127 》,其 中一組詮釋新生主題的新作《走筆 #126 & #127》, 用一筆一刀的行走紙板中鑿出162棵秧苗的痕跡, 並使用過程削下的筆屑插植出162株彩色的秧苗。

present a new set of work entitled “Pen Walking #126 & #127” in the exhibition to interpret the subject of regeneration. The set consists of 2 pieces that Shi walks pen and literally engraves on paper panels to complete a seeding operation. He intentionally grows 162 rice plants

《走筆 #126 & #127》這組作品除了在台北藝博展

by gluing pencil shavings on the surface to echo


with the number of trees he attempts to replant


in his ongoing “X Bodhi Trees Project” . To


spread goodwill, Shi decided producing 25

應藝術家《X棵菩提樹》計畫中種植162棵樹苗的心 願,另方面則透過25個版次的推廣,讓更多關注藝 術與環境,以及喜愛石晉華觀念創作的收藏者得以 參與和響應。

digital prints of each work. By means of promoting multiple editions, we will be able to access more collectors in favor of Shi’s concept and notion of “X Bodhi Trees Project”

《走筆 #126》 Pen Walking #126 鉛筆、無酸卡紙、文件 ,82 x 102 cm,2012

《走筆 #126》局部│Detail of Pen Walking #126

《走筆 #127》Pen Walking #127 鉛筆、無酸卡紙、文件,82 x 102 cm,2012

《走筆 #127》局部│Detail of Pen Walking #127

《走筆 #125》Pen Walking #125 鉛筆、紙、文件,150 x 210 cm,2012

《走筆 #125》局部│Detail of Pen Walking #125

《走筆 #117》Pen Walking #117 鉛筆、紙、文件,126 x 126 cm,2012

《走筆 #117》局部│Detail of Pen Walking #117

《田一&田二》Seed Bed #1& #2 數位版畫、鉛筆屑 Digital print and pencil shavings Ed.25

瑪麗娜‧克魯斯 Marina Cruz (1982-) 瑪麗娜2012年最新創作,延續其一貫女性 私密且細膩的描繪、縫補手法,透過多層 次地堆疊在結合刺繡、繪畫與攝影的創作 中,瑪莉娜‧克魯斯的作品反覆以「家」的 不同意象作為主題,透過作品為我們開啟 一道又一道的記憶之門,不僅思考人們安 身立命與成長的空間,更聯繫其內在心靈 的回憶與自我存在的關係。其作品帶領了 觀眾與其家族歷史、故事重啟全新的對話, 也以新生的概念鋪陳出有別於傳統家族歷 史的全新觀點。

The young Filippno artist, Marina Cruz, who has already aroused numerous attention and interest among Taiwanese collecters, will bring her 2012 latest works. By rechewing the theme of “House and Home”, she reshapes our memory and makes viewers ponder over the role of a house where individual grows up and settles down, moreover, to associate one’s inner memory with self-existence. Using exquisite and feminine methods to compose and create a special point of view in narrative of her private family history against chronicles, she deals stories of recollections and excels at depitcion of memory objects which indeed are extensions of body and spirit.

《雙胞胎的人生刺繡風景之一 — 伊萊莎》 Embroidered Landscape of Twin I-Elisa 手工刺繡於畫布輸出 Embroidery on printed canvas using UV ink 122cm x 91cm 2012

《雙胞胎的人生刺繡風景之一 — 伊萊莎》細節│detail of Embroidered Landscape of Twin I-Elisa

《雙胞胎的人生刺繡風景之二 — 萊拉》 Embroidered Landscape of Twin II-Laura 手工刺繡於畫布輸出 Embroidery on printed canvas using UV ink 122cm x 91cm 2012

《雙胞胎的人生刺繡風景之二 — 萊拉》細節│detail of Embroidered Landscape of Twin II-Laura

《刺繡風景 — 蘇妮亞》 Embroidered Landscape Sonia 手工刺繡於畫布輸出 Embroidery on printed canvas using UV ink 122cm x 91cm 2012

《刺繡風景 — 蘇妮亞》細節│detail of Embroidered Landscape Sonia

《刺繡風景 — 白日夢中的海倫》 Embroidered Landscape Helen in a Day Dream 手工刺繡於畫布輸出 Embroidery on printed canvas using UV ink 122cm x 91cm 2012

《刺繡風景 — 白日夢中的海倫》局部│Detail of Embroidered Landscape Helen in a Day Dream

《身著紅色的萊拉》 Laura in Red

《米庫的不對稱襯衫》 Miguel's Asymmetrical Shirt

木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 50cm 2012

木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 50cm 2012

《萊拉的長袖蕾絲洋裝》 Laura's Laced Long-Sleeves

《雙胞胎的粉紅色洋裝》 One of the Twins Pink Dresses

木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 50cm 2012

木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 50cm 2012

《雙胞胎洋裝:橄欖綠的大條紋 》Twins Dress: Big Olive Green Stripes 木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 46cm,2012

《雙胞胎洋裝:正式場合的洋裝 》Twins Dress: Dress for Special Occasion 木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 51cm,2012

《雙胞胎洋裝:為什麼這麼不一樣? 》Twins Dress: Why a big Difference? 木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 54cm,2012

《雙胞胎洋裝:修補過的花朵 》Twins Dress: Mended Flowers 木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 38 x 59cm,2012

(L)《伊蒂波塔的洋裝:苜蓿葉》 Edilberta’s Dress: Clover Leaf (R)《伊蒂波塔的洋裝:紅色的衣領》 Edilberta’s Dress: Red Collar 木板、相片輸出 laminated photograph 82 x 61cm x 2 pieces,2012

《凝結的時刻 》Frozen Moment 樹脂與玻璃纖維 casted dress using resin/fiberglass 真人大小 56cm x 69cm x 47cm 2012 備註:圖片顏色僅供參考/ Sculpture color is for reference only

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