Table of contents
Alstom University - Key facts & figures
Training programmes
Distance Learning
Special events
Community Networks
A constant dynamic of improvement
Together and closer with Regional Campuses
Latin America Regional Campus
Asia Regional Campus
India Regional Campus
North America Regional Campus
Europe Regional Campus
Shared Services
Programmes under development
Special events
Distance Learning
Michael S. Salone Vice President Alstom University
In its second year, Alstom University continued to adapt to the needs of Alstom. The quality and breadth of our programmes – not to mention the innovations we introduced – have attracted strong participation, which has allowed us to post an 88% increase in usage. One of our key priorities was to help ensure the successful deployment of the Alstom Collaborative Way (ACW). I am happy to report that, in a short time, what started out as a new set of tools has grown to become a whole new way of working that has been adopted by a large number of Alstom employees. During 2008-09, Alstom University introduced new face-to-face training courses such as From Creativity to Innovation, China and Europe Discovery Journeys, Excellence in Project Controlling, etc. To facilitate access to our programmes, we opened a new Regional Campus in Europe and are beginning to experiment with m-Learning (mobile learning) on smartphones. To improve the University’s online experience, we unveiled a new intranet where participants can access modules, network with each other and access downloadable learning resources, such as podcasts and videos. Finally, the Distance Learning offering was expanded with the development of new modules. In addition to increasing usage, our work has been attracting the attention of our peers. Several companies have benchmarked Alstom University as a reference for their own corporate universities. Key Alstom University managers were also invited to speak at several international learning conferences. In these turbulent economic times, knowledgeable employees give Alstom an undeniable competitive edge: our job is to keep it as sharp as possible. Thank you for your continued support and input. We look forward to seeing you soon at Alstom University.
2008-2009: INNOVATION AND EXPANSION The period 2008-09 was a busy one for Alstom University. In addition to organising classroom training sessions, we also focused on creating distance learning modules and making the Alstom Collaborative Way (ACW) a way of working in Alstom. A total of 412 sessions were conducted over the 12-month period and over 6,000 employees were trained. E-Learning programmes, such as Sustainable Development in Sourcing, were created and the Alstom Discovery Tour was also re-designed to meet the changes in the organisation. Since last year, we doubled the number of sessions deployed by Alstom University. In addition, three Alstom Connection events were held and 100% of the participants noted they would recommend the programme to a colleague.
Alstom University - Key facts & figures • 6,034 Alstom employees trained in 2008-09 • 412 training sessions
Location of sessions (from April 2008 to March 2009 in %) 2008/09
Europe ........................ North America ...... ........................ ■ Asia ............................ ........................ ■ Latin America ........ ........................ ■ India............................
64 ........................ ■ 14 ........................ ■ 12 5 5
74 8 11 4 3
Participants’ workplace location (from April 2008 to March 2009 in %) 2008/09
Europe ........................ North America ...... ........................ ■ Asia ............................ ........................ ■ Latin America ........ ........................ ■ India............................
58 ........................ ■
12 ........................ ■
6 8
5 7
Participants’ Sector (from April 2008 to March 2009 in %) 2008/09
Power Systems ........ 68 Power Service ........ 13 .......................... ■ Transport .................... 15 .......................... ■ International ............ 3 Network & Group .......................... ■ IS&T .............................. 1
64 .......................... ■ 14 .......................... ■ 13 8 1
Key fig ur training es 2OO8-O9 f : or Func tion
298 Func tional 4,422 p
nts acr oss Alsto m
Training programmes FUNCTIONAL TRAINING Functional training programmes are designed to meet the competency needs of the managers and professionals across the Group. They offer a balanced training curriculum in each Function to support individual development. Deployed across Sectors and internationally, they play a vital role in sharing and teaching common policies and best practices. Currently, Alstom University provides training or deployment support for six Functional areas: Finance, Human Resources, Sourcing, Environment, Health and Safety, Project Management, and Sales. We conducted 298 Functional training sessions for 4,422 employees across the Group in 2008-09.
Number of trainees
Human Resources .......................................... 131 Sales................................................................ 328 Sourcing.......................................................... 470 Project Management ...................................... 943 Finance .......................................................... 1,146 Environment, Health and Safety .................... 1,404
Total .............................................................4,422
FINANCE Programme
Number of trainees
Accounting and Performance Reporting ......... 134 Excellence in Project Controlling ..................... 24 Foreign Exchange Risk Management ............. 192 Internal Control Fundamentals ....................... 223 International Trade Finance ............................ 25 Introduction to Alstom Finance ...................... 271 Project Accounting .......................................... 194 Tax Fundamentals on Projects (Pilot) ............. 13 Working Capital Management ........................ 70
Total .............................................................1,146 Activities. Nine training programmes are currently running under the Finance curriculum. As part of a global initiative to help the Finance community reach world-class excellence (“Finance Efficiency”), the Finance curriculum enables us to support Alstom’s profitable growth, achieve excellence in project controlling, reduce costs and enhance efficiency. This year the Finance programmes of Working Capital Management, Accounting and Performance Reporting, Foreign Exchange Risk Management as well as Leadership and Management courses received certification by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) in the United States. This Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is a key factor in the career of certified Finance professionals, who must attend accredited CPE courses throughout their career to retain their license/accreditation. Key figures: From April 2008, we organised 70 sessions in 11 countries. We ran an average of 6 sessions per month.
Number of trainees
Compensation and Benefits ............................ 15 HR as Career Counsellor ................................. 21 HR in Motion ................................................. 51 Interviewing Skills ........................................... 9 Performance Management and Talent Development for HR ....................................... 15 Resourcing Fundamentals .............................. 20
Total .............................................................131 Activities. To meet the needs of Human Resources newcomers, we introduced a new 2-week version of the HR in Motion programme. In 2008, we conducted three cycles of HR in Motion. In addition, we held 12 sessions of HR as Career Counsellor, Compensation and Benefits, Interviewing Skills and Resourcing Fundamentals programmes. Key Figures: 131 participants completed training programmes in Human Resources.
SOURCING Programme
Number of trainees
Achieve Cost Breakdown and TCO.................. 38 Commodity & Supplier Management ............. 42 Finance for Sourcing....................................... 13 Improve Negotiation Skills ............................. 22 International Logistics ..................................... 10 Leading Competitive Country Approach .......... 31 Legal Training for Sourcing ............................. 237 Negotiation in 7 Steps ................................... 49 Sourcing Fundamentals 2............................... 28
Total .............................................................470 Activities. The main objective was to develop the 11 Know-Hows identified as core world-wide, cross-Sector competencies. Nine programmes are currently running under the curriculum. In addition, the Sustainable Development in Sourcing e-Learning module was launched. Key Figures: 470 participants were trained in over 31 training sessions.
Number of trainees
Managing EHS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHS Roadmap Internal Assessor . . . . . . . . . . . . EHS Elevator – Introductory Level . . . . . . . . . . EHS Elevator – Introductory Level intensive . . . EHS Elevator – Intermediate Level . . . . . . . . . . EHS Elevator – Intermediate Level intensive . . . EHS Elevator – Advanced Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHS Elevator – Refresher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHS Elevator – International General Certificate
727 92 258 93 111 60 36 16 11
Total ...................................................................1,404 Activities. Due to the increase in demand for Environment, Health and Safety training programmes, an Alstom University programme manager was nominated to take care of this population and curriculum. There are 9 training programmes for Environment, Health and Safety. The EHS Elevator programme is comprised of a series of e-Learning and blended learning approaches. Key figures: A total of 1,404 participants were trained in 106 training sessions.
Number of trainees
Commercial Awareness................................... 382 Commercial Proficiency .................................. 98 Driving for Results in a Project Team.............. 111 Planning at the Heart of the Project .............. 82 Project Management Fundamentals .............. 36 Project Planning: Analysis and Control ........... 15 Project Planning: Time Optimisation .............. 26 Project Risk & Opportunity Management ...... 147 The Project Management Certificate Programme . 46
Total .............................................................943 SALES Programme
Number of trainees
Account Management and Strategic Selling... 19 Business and Financial Skills for Sales ........... 0 Essential Sales Skills ....................................... 11 One Sales Community Seminar ...................... 44 Sales Negotiation and Competitive Differentiation ................................................. 16 Value Based Selling......................................... 238
Total .............................................................328 Activities. Alstom University deploys Project Management and Sales training programmes for Alstom Power. Nine training programmes for Project Management and 6 training programmes for Sales are currently running. Key Figures: 943 participants were trained in 44 training sessions for Project Management and 328 trainees participated in 28 sessions for Sales.
first, ted atok a it s e h “I lly I to but finange in May the plu It's a very 2OO8. ding experrewar I thoroughly ience. sharing my s. enjoy dge with other knowle et fantastic at I've m . It's a gre r people develop you way to k.” networ , O’Toole Andrewry Manager, Treasu l trainer n interna - Foreig Finance k e Ris Exchanegment Manag mme progra
INTERNAL TRAINERS Alstom University relies heavily on internal trainers to provide effective “Alstomised” content to employees. In 2008-09, there were 150 internal trainers covering a wide range of Alstom University programmes – but that number is set to grow. Alstom University is always recruiting new internal trainers! The role of internal trainer has many advantages. It is a chance to share skills and knowledge with peers and be recognised for the quality of your competencies. It also enables you to build an extensive network of contacts, not to mention your own confidence and presentation skills. Anyone interested in becoming an internal trainer should contact Alstom University. Once selected, new internal trainers participate in a unique Train the Alstom Trainer programme to help ensure success.
LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT TRAINING Leadership and Management training is designed to enable managers to perform better in their job and help them network on a cross-Sector and international basis by helping them develop Leadership and Management skills. This curriculum also covers the range of Alstom Operational and Leadership Know-How. In addition to the e-Team Management Fundamentals programme for newly appointed managers of people, we also launched Training Design, Managing Dispersed Teams, and From Creativity to Innovation programmes in 2008-09. Programme
Key figures 2OO8-O9 for Leardership and Management training:
Leadership and Management training sessions
participants across Alstom
Number of trainees
Advanced Management Seminar (INSEAD)........ 70 Alstom Performance Management and Talent Development ........................................................ 318 Change Management .......................................... 64 China Discovery Journey....................................... 20 Developing Intercultural Effectiveness ................. 11 Development Centre............................................. 8 Effective Presentations ......................................... 206 Essential Facilitation Skills .................................. 15 Europe Discovery Journey..................................... 19 Finance for Non-Financial Managers .................. 158 From Creativity to Innovation .............................. 57 Managing Dispersed Teams ................................. 16 Positive Power and Influence............................... 189 Project Management Fundamentals for non-Project Managers .................................... 107 Situational Leadership ......................................... 224 The Leadership Journey ........................................ 75 Train the Alstom Trainer ....................................... 49 Training Design .................................................... 6
Total ..................................................................1,612
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT SEMINAR (INSEAD) Developed in collaboration with the world-renowned international business school, INSEAD, the Advanced Management Seminar is designed to increase the general management competencies of senior managers. The programme is an opportunity to develop new ideas and projects, share them with the Alstom Executive Committee and use them to implement Alstom’s strategies and overcome challenges in the marketplace. Participation in this seminar is by nomination only. In 2008-09, a total of 70 senior managers attended 2 Advanced Management Seminar programmes at INSEAD’s campuses in Singapore and France.
of to be the sponsor ”I was delighted r nagement Semina the Advanced Ma e. Participants for the first tim h quality and it were of very hig ning experience was a great lear for me.” f Information Massimo Spada, Chie Officer
as a ime I w t st ir f gement the ed Mana c n ”It was a v d A ssions f the the discu d n sponsor o u o f and I igh and of h Seminar, e r u t a m lso ry say, I a to be ve o t ss le nts eed participa e h quality. N t m o r lot f mmend learnt a inly reco a t r e c anager and would sponsor to any m ce.” a experien becoming ir e h t e r sha ice willing to Senior V , n e u q li u Po gion Dominique acific Re P a si A t Presiden
Alstom Advanced Management Seminar 16-27 June 2008 in Singapore
”Alth of we ough Man work ten an age issue distanc . As men I w , i t e is a a and s able Semina forme t’s the r Ad r pa w to s lear hare vanc ay rtic n at Thib i e p m a d the a same y expe nt myse Pre ult Des r l t f, side ienc time nt E eract, es . ” A aste rn E rea Se ni urop e a or Vice nd C entr al A sia ”The pro jects pre sented a discussed nd by the p articipan were ex t s ceptiona l an certainly proved w d hy Alstom has invest ed in suc h an advance d progra mm it was gr eat to se e. For me, e how ou manager r s think a b o u and also t Alstom hearing t he for impr ovement.” ir ideas Stéphane Le Corre Director , Managin g Mediterr anean Ar ea
Alstom Advanced Management Seminar 16-27 February 2009 in Singapore 11
DISTANCE LEARNING Years ago, e-Learning was perceived as a passing trend. With the widespread use of computers in the workplace, new user-friendly interfaces, and the need for more flexible learning environments, Distance Learning has become a proven mainstay in training at Alstom University. The changing needs of employees have compelled the development of different learning formats. Blended learning combines face-to-face training with the use of other delivery techniques, such as e-Learning (or tutorial-style, web-based learning), v-Learning (virtual classrooms with instructors), and webinars (on-line seminars), just to name a few. Because people are busy, but still have a desire to learn, we will continue our research and development of m-Learning (learning on mobile devices), nugget learning (training under 5 minutes) and just-in-time training (on-demand and rapid training) in 2009-10.
Licenses Sold ■ e-English ............................ 62% ■ English Phone Calls ...... 14% ■ e-French ............................ 13% ■ e-Computer Skills .......... 4% ■ e-Spanish .......................... 4% ■ e-German .......................... 3%
CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS The programmes developed for 2008-09 focused on web-based training. For newly appointed managers of people, e-Team Management Fundamentals brings over 8 hours of e-Learning, providing them with the essential skills for effective team management. In addition, new hires benefited from Alstom Discovery Tour’s visual and content update, while Alstom employees around the globe were able to see Alstom, Our Shared Values in over 8 different languages. AU MOBILE SOLUTIONSTM Alstom University began testing m-Learning (mobile learning) this past year. With the help of IS&T, we selected the technology to be used to push training to smartphones and we plan to
conduct a proof-of-concept and pilot tests in the Transport and Power Sectors in 2009-10. If successful, the use of these solutions will help employees develop and master skills when away from their desktop as well as access short training modules, answer surveys and view instructional media while on the move.
AU&ME AND MY LEARNING SPACE The AU&Me Learning Catalogue is available to employees world-wide. Over 1,000 training courses are published in a shared location to support the personal development of employees. In 2008-09, we also launched My Learning Space. It is a collaborative space where employees can participate in training sessions and build social networks with other trainees and participants. My Learning Space contains information on training sessions and can be easily customised with multimedia content.
LEARNING AND NETWORKING COUNCIL The Learning and Networking Council consists of Sector representatives, who meet about every five weeks to discuss the training needs of the Business and guide the Learning and Development strategy of Alstom University. A similar Council also exists in the regions to ensure that training is developed to meet local needs.
PARTNERS ADVISORY BOARD Alstom University organised its second Partners Advisory Board in Paris, France on 11-12 September 2008. Prior to the event, key training partners worked in groups on various topics of interest to Alstom University. Their projects were conducted in a collaborative way, simulating the sharing and usage of collaborative tools that Alstom employees encounter each day. The partners provided feedback and recommendations concerning the challenges that Alstom University will face in the near future. This event was also an opportunity to recognise and award the top 5 training partners for the content of their respective programmes and the quality of delivery.
d Members Partners Advisory Boar • Boostzone • BTS • Bouygues • Cegos dership • Center for Creative Lea dies Stu ip rsh • Center for Leade es iat • C.G. Wright & Assoc uncil • Corporate Leadership Co rchasing • European Institute of Pu Management
• Finharmony • Horizons 7 titute • IMD (International Ins opment) vel De for Management • INSEAD for Learning • International Institute • Kaos • Linkage International ions • Pearson Learning Solut • Personnalité
s • PDI (Personnel Decision International) • Rapid Results College • Right Management • Sales Academy • Stardust ment • Transnational Manage Associates
Special events Alstom C onnectio n is an inductio n progr amme for new comers wit 3 to 12 months in h Alstom, nominate d by their m anagers.
ALSTOM CONNECTION Three Alstom Connection events were held in 2008-09 in Zürich (Switzerland), Shanghai (China) and Vadodara (India). Close to 300 newcomers participated in these events. Alstom Connection has 4 main objectives: • to create and strengthen the connection between newcomers and the Sectors, Countries, Businesses, Sites and Functions • to transform the Alstom values - Trust, Team, Action - into observable behaviours • to increase the newcomer’s sense of belonging and loyalty • to help newcomers understand Alstom’s business
Workplace location of Alstom Connection participants (Number by Region, for 2008-09) 2008/09
Europe ........................ North America ...... ........................ ■ Asia ............................ ........................ ■ Latin America ........ ........................ ■ India............................
99 ........................ ■
5 ........................ ■
89 5 94
66 59 10
Alstom Connection participants by Sector (in % for 2008-09) 2008/09
Power Systems ...... Power Service ...... ........................ ■ Transport .................. ........................ ■ International .......... Network & Group ........................ ■ IS&T ............................
49 ........................ ■
24 ........................ ■
7 2
10 3
PEOPLE QUEST The target population of People Quest is 80-90 Alstom employees with an option of including representatives from key universities in the region. Participants are selected on the basis of training needs as identified during the last Performance Management cycle. Participants are a representative cross-section of Alstom’s regional population in terms of Sectors, Countries, Businesses, Sites and Functions. People Quest has several objectives: • to develop employee’s skills and competencies • to improve cross-Sector and regional networking • to position Alstom as an employer of choice • to continuously motivate employees and develop their talent • to build and foster employee loyalty and provide career aspirations • to create and increase relationships with key regional universities Two People Quest events were held in 2008-09 in Delhi (India) and Zagreb (Croatia) with 180 participants.
People Q event b uest is a fiveuilt aro day cro un ss Manage ment tr d four Leader -Sector aining c ship and learn f ourses. rom sen Particip ior man particip ants a gement. ate in S They als ite visit network s, team o ing and bu special workshop ilding, activitie s.
Workplace location of People Quest participants (Number by Region, for 2008-09) 2008/09
Europe ........................ North America ...... ........................ ■ Asia ............................ ........................ ■ Latin America ........ ........................ ■ India............................
90 ........................ ■
0 ........................ ■
19 0 70
0 0 3
People Quest participants by Sector (in % for 2008-09) 2008/09
Power Systems ...... ........................ ■ Power Service ...... ........................ ■ Transport .................. ........................ ■ International .......... Network & Group ........................ ■ IS&T ............................
44 ........................ ■ 23 26 4 3
2007/08 18 17 63 1 1
Community Networks Fostering collaboration is an essential need for Alstom, both to successfully achieve our growth strategy and to execute complex operations in the best possible conditions. The success of a hightech company relies largely upon capitalising on the know-how, diversity, creativity and expertise of employees at all levels. Over the past year, numerous collaborative activities have been progressively implemented as part of the Alstom Collaborative Way (ACW) project. By forming Communities across Sectors, Countries, Businesses, Sites and Functions, Alstom Employees can now share ideas, best practices and knowledge with an ever-larger group of co-workers.
the mpany o c c a s is to ess by: etwork N y it t proc n n u e Alstom m m m p o velo ween of C e t d e b le d o s n r idea The ding a ity’s buil ertilisation of ach, n u m m o C arn, te ss-f le o r o c t s g Enablin rtunitie es s oppo e e y e lo y p lo nt p em iffere om em d t ls s s A o r g ised Givin ion ac ss recogn aborat ll o c s acro ns r ip and be e io h g s e n e p r io t asing l rela raphic Incre d geog nger persona n a s n tion functio and Ac ild stro u b m a o t e st, T Helping p es: Tru lu a u v o r m G Alsto the ting the o m o r P
Number of readers
Internal Control .............................................. 819 Interns Collaborative Network ........................ 709 Technical KM Community ............................... 692 AU Regional Campuses................................... 507 AU&Me Applications........................................ 426
Total .............................................................3,153
Number of Views
Slideshare........................................................ 780 Community Networks - Intranet pages .......... 846 Dailymotion..................................................... 583 YouTube........................................................... 984
Total .............................................................3,193 All available in 7 languages: English - French - German - Mandarin - Portuguese - Russian Spanish
Communities provide collaborative environments that enable individuals to find each other and the information they need. These environments also help employees to work together to achieve common business goals. In 2008-09 there were 25 communities.
■ Wikis ■ Links ■ DocSpace ■ Blogs
20 10 0 Nov 08
Dec 08
Jan 09
Feb 09
Mar 09
Total in numbers
Power Systems ............................................... 69 Power Service ................................................ 52 Transport ......................................................... 79 Group ............................................................. 39 IS&T................................................................. 17 Cross-Sector .................................................... 120
Total .............................................................376
In just a short time, the demand for collaborative tools has grown exponentially and their use is being progressively integrated into our ways of working. With the successful completion of the Alstom Collaborative Way (ACW) project phase, spanning from March 2008 to April 2009, ACW deliverables will now be integrated into the Community Networks operations of Alstom University, with collaborative tools becoming part of the Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) standard offer. The goal is to encourage and sustain collaboration across organisational and geographical boundaries, and to provide efficient and reliable collaborative environments.
■ Readership ■ Unique visitors
0 Nov 08
Dec 08
Jan 09
Feb 09
Mar 09
Number of page views
Power Technology Glossary............................. 37,914 ITSSC - Portal & New Technology – Support.... 6,844 PowerTech – The Alstom Power Plant Encyclopedia.......................................... 6,291 Alstom Collaborative Way Wiki....................... 4,387 ITSSC – Portal & New Technology.................. 3,3188 Note: In 2008-09, the number of wikis has doubled to 46, with 10,250 visitors and 2,172,000 page views
ALSTOM COLLABORATIVE WAY – WEBEX UTILISATION Number of meetings Number of attendees Dec 2008 ....................................................... 79 ....................................................... 173 Jan 2009 ....................................................... 382 ....................................................... 1,011 Feb 2009 ....................................................... 447 ....................................................... 1,221 Mar 2009 ....................................................... 719 ....................................................... 1,822
A constant dynamic of improvement QUALITY RATING As content and business needs change, quality measurement is essential to ensure that we continue to improve our training programmes. Another indicator, “Networking”, was added as part of the Alstom Collaborative Way.
EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR 2008-09 ■ Preparation with the manager: 2.5 ■ Course Content: 3.1 ■ Instructor 1: 3.2 ■ Instructor 2: 3.3 ■ Organisation: 3.2 ■ Recommendation: 3.3 ■ Overall Satisfaction: 3.2 ■ Networking (new): 3.2 ■ Total Average: 3.2
3.3 3.3
3.3 3.2
2,5 3.2
3.1 3.2
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5 2.5
3.2 3.1
3.4 3.4
3.3 3.3
3.2 3.2
3.3 3.3
3.2 3.2
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
07-08 08-09
Objectives 2008-2009
07-08 08-09
58% in Europe 16% in Asia 12% in North America 8% in India 6% in Latin America 20
67% in Europe 11% in Asia 10% in North America 7% in India 5% in Latin America
Together and closer with Regional Campuses Continuing with the strategy to be closer to the regions, a 5th Regional Campus was launched in Europe. The trend towards training more employees in the regions was strengthened during the year thanks to the involvement of the Regional Campuses. A similar trend is expected to continue in 2009-10. Through our 5 Regional Campuses, Alstom University organises training sessions locally and helps improve networking within the regions.
Latin America Regional Campus The Latin America Regional Campus significantly increased the number of sessions and trained over 250 participants. It welcomed a new campus manager in January 2009. Her role is to continue building on the existing achievements and reinforce the activity of Alstom University as well as the collaboration with each country of the region. Some of the main objectives of the coming year include a better alignment with regional needs and specifications, a better competitiveness in the local market, the organisation of Alstom University events, the implementation of an e-Learning campaign as well as the identification and development of internal trainers.
w phase is entering a ne s pu m Ca al on gi the region. ica Re e reality within rs "The Latin Amer ve di ry ve a pe with s that we need and needs to co e powerful tool bl la ai av es ak m to the growing Alstom University t, thus answering ex nt co r ou to ning in the t demand for trai to use and adap t an rt po im e th ssible way il and nding the best po fi activity of Braz on s cu fo ill w skills while iversity lop our people's ve region. Alstom Un de r he rt fu needs to in the region." to answer these ne Alstom" spirit "O e th to g tin America contribu President Latin ce Vi or ni Se , Area Philippe Delleur 21
Asia Regional Campus Following its inauguration in September 2007, the Asia Regional Campus has risen to meet the training needs in the region. In 2008-09, more than 850 participants from 11 Asia-Pacific countries completed Alstom University training programmes and learning events organised by the Asia Regional Campus – twice as many as the year before. Alstom Connection Asia was held in November 2008 with 89 participants from Asia-Pacific countries. Regional senior managers made presentations and led Q&A sessions, helping participants to learn more about Alstom’s business. Fourteen sessions of 9 Leadership and Management programmes, and 30 sessions of Functional training programmes, including Finance, Project Management and Sourcing, were delivered. Alstom University and the Asia Regional Campus also supported the important integration training of Wuhan Boiler, a former local Chinese company merged with Alstom in late 2007. Two Finance programmes and 1 Leadership and Management programme were translated into Chinese, and 5 sessions were delivered in Chinese to meet the needs of employees.
“Learning and personal developmen t continue to be key priorities for the Asia Regional Campus. The lea rning programmes will especially focus on Leadership, Managerial and Operat ional Know-How, and cross-border cooper ation." Claude Burckbuchler, China Country President
"In the backdrop of the global economic turmoil, so soon after the terrible terrorist attacks, in Mumbai, in November 2OO8, the third Alstom Connection event displayed a great spirit of belief in the future and excellent camaraderie and team spirit. Sunand Sharma, India Country President
India Regional Campus One of the objectives of Alstom University in India is to ensure that employees in India receive similar training and development as their international counterparts. In 2008, the India Regional Campus moved into new offices with 2 full-fledged training facilities and an e-learning room. Alstom India also won the "Award for Excellence in Training" at the prestigious 3rd Employer Branding Awards held in India in February 2009. Since the move, over 63 training sessions and meetings have been organised for over 1,300 employees. Project Management Fundamentals, Effective Presentations, Legal Training for Sourcing, as well as Performance Management and Talent Development were the key focus in 2008-09. The India Regional Campus organised an Alstom Connection event in December 2008 in Vadodara. Ninety-four newcomers participated in the event.
North America Regional Campus Following its inauguration in March 2008, the North America Regional Campus conducted 17 training sessions of 7 different Leadership and Management programmes. It also led a pilot of HR Resourcing Fundamentals and certified 5 internal trainers in the Performance Management and Talent Development programme. Online, 4 WebEx training sessions were held on Alstom Collaborative Way and an HR Leadership network/community wiki was created for the United States. A campus manager joined the design, development and training team for the HR in Motion programme. One highlight was the application and approval of Alstom University North America as a registered sponsor of the National Registry of Continuing Professional Education (CPE).
“The North America Campus continues to grow. We are very proud to announce tha t participants with pr ofessional certificatio ns may now receive co ntinuing education credits for various Alstom University courses which they suc cessfully complete." Pierre Gauthier, Se nior Vice President USA and Canada.
Europe Regional Campus
"People Quest was a very intense and rich experience of improving my leadership skills and building up my professional network in a crossSector environment. I was proud to be part of this event!" Karine Perez, Manager Product Support Power - Thermal Services
The Europe Regional Campus was inaugurated on 14 October 2008, in Baden (Switzerland), and quickly went to work. Within 6 months, the team delivered 19 sessions of 7 Leadership and Management programmes in Paris and Lyon (France), Zürich (Switzerland), Madrid (Spain) and Warsaw (Poland). In addition, the Europe Regional Campus delivered 43 sessions of 2 EHS programmes in 2008-09. It also organised an international Alstom Connection in Zürich (Switzerland) in October 2008 with 110 participants from 24 countries from all over the world. It held its first edition of People Quest in February 2009 in Zagreb (Croatia).
Shared Services In an effort to focus our expertise on the design and development of training programmes, Alstom University decided this year to externalise the deployment administration of our programmes to an external specialist. We opted for this approach after a significant increase in demand and a thorough analysis of the process. Several other corporate universities have shown interest in this experience.
INNOVATION NEVER RESTS As the facts and figures show, Alstom University had a good year in 2008-09. However, our main focus is always on the future. We continually seek to improve the delivery of programmes and increase the effectiveness of our offering. We sincerely hope that everyone who has attended one of our programmes will return for more, both for their own individual requirements and those of the Group. To those of you who have not yet signed up, we encourage you to participate. Together with you, we will continue to keep Alstom University in tune with the needs of all Alstom employees. We look forward to welcoming you in 2009-10.
Programmes under development DISTANCE LEARNING e-Ethics Target Population: Highly recommended to all employees, mandatory for all managers. This e-Learning course raises awareness for the Alstom Code of Ethics through specific case studies employees may encounter in their daily work. Key rules and principles as well as the Alstom values - Trust, Team and Action - are highlighted in these learning scenarios.
e-Ethics and Compliance Target Population: All Sourcing and Procurement employees. This course clarifies and provides guidelines on how to stay compliant with Alstom’s Ethics policy.
e-Teranga Target Population: Recommended for Finance managers, Accounting and Reporting managers and professionals. This Distance Learning course will help you master the functions of the integrated reporting and management tool for KPIs, from both unit and contract perspectives.
e-Teranga EHS Target Population: Environment, Health and Safety Reporting specialists. This Distance Learning course will help you master the functions of the integrated reporting and management tool for EHS.
e-ACW Overview Target Population: End users of collaborative tools available on Altair. With this e-Learning course, employees will get an in-depth introductory to the variety of collaborative tools available in Alstom and how to use them.
e-Hedging for Dummies Target Population: Site Financial director. This course will help you understand foreign exchange risks, the hedging process and the impact of foreign exchange on income and cash-flow. 25
CLASSROOM COURSES Train the Alstom Trainer Advanced Target Population: Experienced internal trainers looking to reinforce their skills in delivering or co-delivering a course. This course will be part of the development path put in place for internal trainers to enable them to be more efficient in their role.
Team Management Fundamentals Target Population: Newly appointed managers of people (3 months before to 18 months after taking responsibility) who have already completed the e-Team Management Fundamentals programme. This classroom course will allow you to go deeper into previously learned theories through workshop exercises and role-playing.
Industrial Controlling Target Population: Recommended for Finance managers, Operations controllers, Accounting and Reporting managers and professionals. This course aims to improve measurement and control of production cycles.
Re-Design to Cost Target Population: All Sourcing and Procurement employees from the Transport Sector. With this programme, you will acquire re-design to cost methodology, and learn how to use common tools and techniques to work as a team with the Engineering function.
HR as Coach to Management Target Population: HR managers and professionals. This training course will provide you with the necessary skills to act as a business partner with the management.
EHS Reporting, Process and Tools Target Population: EHS Reporting specialists. This course will help you develop an understanding of all aspects of EHS indicators, be aware of EHS reporting ambition, and practice using the EHS reporting tool.
Social Responsibility Compliance Target Population: Senior HR managers. This programme will give you the knowledge and skills to implement and monitor global Human Resources plans in compliance with the Social Responsibility engagements of the Group.
Special events In 2008-09, Alstom University set 2 goals concerning future challenges for the People Quest and Alstom Connection events: • Develop the autonomy of the Alstom University Regional Campuses so they can organise events locally, • Design a more systematic process for simplifying the organisation of events so that more events can be made available every year. Today, a comprehensive toolkit has been developed to facilitate and expedite the organisation of each event by the Regional Campuses. Eleven regional events are scheduled for 2009-10, a significant rise from the 5 held in 2008-09.
Distance Learning The future of Distance Learning will be active. The focus of next year will be blended learning courses designed to improve the quality of pre- and post-training, reduce training costs and reach new populations of learners. AU Mobile SolutionsTM will launch a proof-of-concept pilot in conjunction with the Sectors, making financial data available for Operations on smartphones. A pilot is also planned for specific training topics at the University to bring training to a population on the move. We are also working on the development of a Learning Management System (LMS) to extend the AU&Me Learning Catalogue’s functionality and enhance the interoperability with ALPS. Finally, Alstom University is conducting research into a peer-to-peer learning which would allow users and our internal experts to view and share amateur, educational videos within Alstom.
CORPO/BGENE/AU-0709/eng/HR/07.09/FR/6938 © - Alstom 2009. ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of ALSTOM. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for information only. ALSTOM reserves the right to revise or change this data at any time without further notice. Photo Credits: Alstom - Conception – Design: TMPNEO BVC/CDC/1778657 - Alstom contributes to the protection of the environment. This document is printed on paper sourced from sustainable forests.
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