VAPE News Magazine February 2018

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Kiwiberries Ice


I See Menthol

Fresh Mango

Cut Tobacco

Apple Juice

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VAPE News Magazine is the only international vaping industry focused magazine with more than 35,000 readership in the United States, Europe and Asia, where vaping professionals EDITORIAL Publisher Matt Schramel

12 800-958-6427 x2


Editor in Chief Corey Noles Managing Editor Chris Mellides Art Director Van Avazando Graphic Designer Anil Verma

Letter from the Editor Dear readers,

Social Media Manager Eric Vonheim Director of Photography Ezra Zuniga

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already noticed some major changes to this issue of VAPE Magazine. First and foremost, it’s no longer VAPE Magazine!

Webmaster Axel Gillespie

In an effort to get back to our roots as the industry’s “news” publication, we decided it was time to bring back our original name — VAPE News Magazine. The change runs much deeper than a fresh look to the front page.

Contributors Corey Noles, Susan Oser, Tony Ottomanelli, Chris Mellides, John Castle, Angela Garrity, Fash Fadellio, Brandon Farnsworth

As always, our number one focus is on bringing you, the reader, the content you need. We’re setting the bar higher than ever in 2018 with hotter cover stories, refreshed departments, a variety of new columnists and even writers. We have also completely redesigned the website and have now tripled our digital content. New writers were hired and are producing more content than at any time in our history. We’ve always felt that our digital game was not up to par with our print edition. That changes now. In addition, we have solidified our relationship with this month’s cover dudes — Pablo and the Rodman. Over the coming year we will be working together in new ways — including in connection with their new venture, Vape Radio. Every hour of the day, VAPE News Magazine will offer a news update to make sure that you have the news you need to know not just at your fingertips, but in your ear! This cross-media partnership will benefit everyone — readers, listeners, our business partners and the vaping community as a whole. We look forward to sharing with you what we believe will be a year of substantial growth for everyone. As always, thanks for reading! Corey Noles Editor in Chief

Director of Marketing Dennis Robinson

ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Executive Officer Matt Schramel Co-Owner/Vice President Jon Laverde Executive Assistant Erin Aly ADVERTISING Jon Laverde, 800-958-6427 x4 Jacob Barger, 949-910-2138 China-based advertisers contact Wingle Group Electronics LTD +852 51759256 CONTACT Advertising News New Products Employment VAPE News Magazine is wholly owned by Starpixel Marketing LLC 6209 Mid Rivers Mall Dr,Suite 194 Saint Peters, MO 63304 800-958-6427





18 22

Dislike: The demonetization dilemma for YouTube reviewers Aitken, Donahue take Elysian Labs to the next level



28 30 36 92

Ask Grimm Green UTSFA: The Utah Smoke Free Association Vaping from the outside: Our health, the FDA and what we can do as a community The Salty Future of High Concentration Nicotine



40 32


50 74

And you thought fake news was an issue: CDC shares fake government science Pablo & The Rodman: Going full circle with Vape Radio DDMJ and the Amazing Atheist Vape Visionary: Dwayne Rieks of Suck It Drip Tips by DRHand crafted



60 64 68 72

Vandy Vape and The Vaping Bogan: Bonza RDA SIGELEI: Vcigo Moon Box SMOK: Priv One SMOK: Stick M17





On the Road with Pablo and The Rodman: Vape Showcase, St. Louis



Just in Juices



he end of March 2017 marked the demonetization of vape content on YouTube, and with it came hordes of frustrated reviewers.

An international ad boycott is linked as the root cause, when major advertisers started pulling their YouTube ads because they didn’t want those ads running on inappropriate videos. YouTube reacted, or in the opinion of many, overreacted, by changing their terms of service for content creators. The change meant

By ANGELA GARRITY that moving forward, videos had to be “advertiser friendly” to qualify for payment. YouTube began demonetizing videos that they saw as unfriendly to advertisers, thus outraging content creators. YouTube, a platform for creative freedom, has long been a place where a number of the larger channels have found popularity and have grown businesses from their channels’ advertising income. YouTube became a nanny to their creators, showing loyalty to advertisers rather than to their content creators. More recently, YouTube has started

targeting particular channels and has begun auto-demonetizing most vape related video content. Reviewers are now burdened with having to ask YouTube to manually review their work by an actual human before they will run ads on vape Reviewers videos. There is no guarantee that they will approve the content. Some YouTube reviewers have been outspoken about this. One of the largest YouTube vape personalities, Ruby Roo, describes this ad-pocolypse as “absolute malarkey.” Being a YouTube is more than just choosing thumbnails and creative video introductions — it



is a job that requires a substantial amount of effort. Some content creators have turned to sites such as Patreon, which allow creators to retain full control of their content. Patreon allows viewers/listeners/consumers of someone’s art/videos/content to set up their own rewards program so their fans, whom directly contribute to the content creator, can enjoy perks exclusive to being a Patreon. The rewards include things like exclusive Patreon only content such as: videos that cannot be seen anywhere else, deep discounts on sale items, first to know insider information, and merchandise. It’s like being part of a fan club with some give and take.

The Patreon gives financially because they believe in and support the artist; and the artist gives exclusive items as a way to say thank you. At the end of the day, it’s a system that can be a win-win for all involved. #VAPEMAGAZINE


As soon as Ruby Roo began seeing a major decline in her paycheck from YouTube (once again, they pay reviewers to run ads on their videos), she decided that she wanted to start her Patreon page. It’s a way that she can fund her channel, and make up for her lost YouTube revenue.


Her YouTube content has not changed at all. No one needs to or has to become a Patron. It’s just for those who wish to directly contribute to her channel and content creation. Her Patrons are thanked by tiered rewards based on their pledges, and they have access to Patreon-exclusive vlogs. “It’s awesome and I think creators of all kinds should check it out,” Ruby Roo said. “We have a really special community and I’m so grateful to each of my patrons.”

Other reviewers have a variety of concerns with the YouTube platform. Stan from Tenacious TXVapes is bothered by the fact that it is now harder to get lesserknown vape channels to appear in suggested videos and search results. Since YouTube reworked its algorithms, it has been harder for some Reviewers to keep up growth rates and viewership. Frustrating as it may be, Stan continues his reviews on his YouTube channel because he enjoys it. He likes being able to help someone with hardware



Photos by Josh Hand and Keith Stanley

questions, or technical questions about vaping. “Vaping isn’t plug - and – play,” he said. “You have variables for each person. When someone tries to jump into vaping on their own, without an understanding of what type of setup they need to satisfy that urge for a cigarette, unfortunately, some find it a lot easier to give up and go to the gas station for a pack of cigarettes.” Stan makes the videos he wants to make because he doesn’t expect any ad revenue. His goal is to continue to reach people and to help grow the vape community through his creative outlet. Stephen Chan from KBN (Killed By Name) Productions says the demonetization of his channel did not impact him because his channel is not yet large enough to be impacted. He recommends alternative ways to gain

monetization such as donations directly to the channel after meeting certain requirements, affiliate marketing, sponsored links, and sponsored videos.

Chan encourages those who want to start their own YouTube channel to work hard on their content, show companies the hard work and provide a service for their product. Once the channel reaches at least 50k+ subscribers and their average video view rate is 15k+ per video, then they can start charging for reviews. #VAPEMAGAZINE

His suggestion for any Youtuber moving forward is to keep creating the content they want to create. Relying solely on YouTube revenue is simply not how it works. People must build themselves as a brand, a business and grow their audience to get things set in place, so they can create further content, create their own products and therefore develop multiple streams of revenue. Most reviewers agree that the main goal should first be to help people move from smoking to vaping and secondly, to help inform the viewers with their purchasing decisions. Growing takes time and should happen naturally. Developing oneself into an industry influencer take patience and practice —and one must practice being patient.





lysian Labs isn’t a new name in the industry, but with Katy Aitken and Jeff Donahue at the helm the company is pushing to the future with a global vision.

Elysian opened in 2013 when Aitken moved what began as a single batch of e-liquid to help a friend into a shared 700 sq.ft. location in southern California.

She began vaping in 2008 when she was in college. After graduation, she moved to Italy for some time. After returning to California, a friend was making his own e-liquid and needed some help — so Aitken saw an opportunity. She, along with her brother Casey Aitken, began manufacturing as Elysian Labs. After their first batch, they moved into that shared location and went to work. They began with five flavors under the name of Elysian Elixirs. It was around that time that Casey moved on to pursue another career.


Photos by Roy Mananquil





“At that point, it was just me and no sales team,” Katy said. But that wasn’t the case for long. Shortly thereafter, she opened a co-packing facility because she saw a value in manufacturing other companies products. Some time later, Jeff Donahue came into her life. Donahue, a founder of Cold Fusion Juice, had traveled to California to work with Katy on co-packing a few lines for a new found partner. The two worked together for some time when she decided he would be the perfect fit for her team.

“Sure, we were still pushing in the U.S., but we weren’t going to let the FDA get in our heads,” Katy said. “We had plans in place before the regulations ever dropped, so we were ready to move forward.” With a team hard at work on selling e-liquid as well as co-packing services and a solid direction for

So they rebranded all of the companies products to give them a fresh look and began pushing for Europe.


At the point, the pair began growing a sales team — but with a different focus. While most of the industry was focusing on domestic sales, Katy, having lived and worked overseas, saw an opportunity to get a jumpstart on the international market.


“Basically, I never let him leave,” she said. Donahue coming on board brought about a gradual move to help Katy take Elysian Labs to the next level. “Before that, Katy was used to doing everything herself,” Donahue said. “It was time to shake things up.”


the post-regulatory industry, the duo decided it was time for another new project — CBD. Fresh Leaf, one of the most recognized CBD brands in the vapor industry, launched in early 2017 and took off quickly. Made with a flavorless CBD isolate, it has since been incorporated into parallel products with the companies own e-liquids and other nationally recognized brands. In addition to the CBD market, Elysian has taken other interesting angles to better market their products. While they do the usual swag that most companies offer, they also offer chap sticks to match their flavors. “We really like to do stuff that creates brand loyalty and that goes so much farther than just selling a

remained steadfast in seeing them as an opportunity for Elysian has also spent growth. the year acquiring “We were never scared of the deeming regulations,” Donahue said. smaller companies “It’s important to me that we’ve just rolled with the punches and taken it as they push toward all in stride. We’re staying active in advocacy while we continue to focus the regulatory on the future.” environment. For more information on Elysian Labs, visit Instead of seeing the Corey Noles is the Editor in Chief of VAPE Magazine and owner of deeming regulations Busted Knuckle Vapor Fluids/Inked Up as a burden, they’ve E-Liquid Co bottle of e-liquid and moving on,” Katy said. “We put in a lot of time and effort with all of our vendors beyond the sale. We want to know how we can help them move the product.”



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By Nick Green

Do you think the general public still views vaping as a hobby for douche bags, or are things starting to finally normalize? Thanks! I love your stuff! - Sheldon Dioli, Brooklyn, NY Hey Sheldon. I like to think that vaping went through the “meme phase” thoroughly in 2017. Toward the end of 2017 I saw less and less and less “vape bros douche flute” jokes. I really believe as more and more people start vaping as a form of tobacco harm reduction the more legitimate it will become. In my day to day life, I see more ‘normal’ people vaping. Construction workers, UBER drivers, Grandmas, etc. The public is obsessed with the “comedy” side of vaping but I think vaping is now being viewed as a thing that might need to be taken a little bit more seriously.

In a post-regulation world, has your view of the future of the industry changed from before May 2016? - Joanne Ansel, Bangor, Maine Hey Joanne. It absolutely has. I have seen this community and industry grow up since the very beginning. In 2009, we had no idea what we were doing. We didn’t really have advocacy yet and we were honestly trying to keep it a little bit secretive because we knew that the government and big tobacco could easily show up and ruin things for us. For the most part, that’s exactly what they did. It’s been a LONG uphill battle that may never end. For the first time in a long time, I’m truly optimistic about the future of vaping. I believe that vaping is going to change the world, but I also believe it’s going to take a lot of work to get there because it’s been a lot of work to get here.

Do you see a benefit to a business doubling up on salt or synthetic nicotine? With the rise of pod based systems, I’m curious if it’s worthwhile to offer products in all of the formats? - Clayton Hollins, Tacoma, Washington Hey Clayton! The vape industry, like any other industry, is based on trends. Figuring out those trends is the trick, isn’t it? I’m not saying salt-nic or TFN are flash in the pan trends, but I do think they will rise and descend in popularity much like other things in the vape industry have. Mouth to lung, mechanical mods, temperature control. In my 9 years in the industry, the only thing I know for sure is that every trend is cyclical. The salt-nic hype might die down for a few months, but chances are it will always have a loyal following and will always come back around at some point.




he Utah Smoke Free Association (UTSFA) is an organization that advocates fair legislation at the state level here in Utah. The association was started by consumers to help preserve the rights of vapers in Utah. Aaron Frazier was a key player in organizing and establishing the UTSFA. His hard work started an organization that has fought multiple legislative battles at the capital to insure consumers have access to vapor products at a fair price and at a local level.

Recently, Aaron has stepped down as director of the UTFSA and has handed the organization over

to a new board. The new board consist of Brandon Farnsworth, Austin Healy, Jen Littlefield, and Lewie Lambros. The new board has a combined 20 plus years of expertise in the vape industry. Each board member is committed to preserving not only business rights, but consumer vaping rights as well. It is very important for the industry in Utah to have representation at a local level because it is almost guaranteed that every legislative session will include some type of bill that could harm the industry and/ or consumers access to products here in Utah.


In the last five years the vapor industry in Utah has had a target on its back. As an example, almost every legislative session since regulations were introduced includes a bill that would add an 87 percent tax increase on vapor products.


A tax increase of this magnitude will do nothing, but hurt local business and consumers. This bill would likely close the doors of 90 percent of the shops in the state.

The UTSFA is here and needs support to help prevent industry killing bills put forth by legislators. Without the Utah Smoke Free Association the industry here would certainly have an uncertain future. Utah businesses and consumers need

to come together, regardless of any differences, to help insure that we can continue to conduct business and provide consumers with an alternative to smoking. The transition period has caused a lapse in the work being done at the capitol to help preserve our rights. It is vital the organization raises funds to pay a lobbyist to be our voice. We need to raise enough funds so that we can continue to have a strong influence on the bills that are introduced. Utah has been in a battle with the state for years, fighting and successfully beating taxation and other unfair regulatory legislation on the local vapor businesses. It would be a shame to see all of the hard work and efforts of the UTSFA be wasted.

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Vaping From The Outside






t the end of 2017, I read and heard the news about the FDA that really annoyed me. It was a series of news articles and reports concerning the slowness of the FDA to take tainted products off store shelves. These included products such as prepared salads, peanut butter, tainted vegetables, etc.


Saying that this should be concerning is a complete understatement. As US citizens, we should be collectively going after the FDA on this issue and how they are playing Russian roulette with our lives. And it’s not just from this lack of food standpoint, it’s also in regard to anything we put into our body, including vaping.

While our focus towards the FDA does concern vaping and e-cigarettes, I’d like to propose and even challenge on broadening the scope and let the FDA know how disappointed you are in how they are treating the health, safety, and welfare of yourself and your family…especially when it comes to (insert vaping or another topic here). Challenging the FDA has gone beyond the scope of just vaping. It’s become much more than this, and those series of news reports on how they treat food products on our shelves basically has triggered it out of me. It’s about how the FDA is treating us, as human beings and guinea pig experiments to help the corporate bottom-line. If we review in the past what the vaping community has faced and what little headway it has made, I would say it has not been much. So, why not join other causes and tell the FDA that we want to feel that our rights to consume things or put things into our bodies have been adequately tested, reported, and documented. The detailed data needs to specifically show what is safe and not safe. What is safe should be allowed to stay and the unsafe done away with.

Photos: USFDA

Yet, sadly, the process is slow and hard. While the FDA will claim it doesn’t have adequate record-keeping or a documenting system, I feel they also don’t have the right leadership or people in place who know how to do it. In addition, and already a few of us have stated this, someone is paying the FDA not to tell the public about the health dangers, or death that a potentially tainted or deadly product might cause. Thus, there is the rub and the evidence you need as to why vaping is having issues and is in limbo.


So, if you are even remotely concerned about the health and well-being of your body, what you consume, and if it makes you sick, start contacting and writing to the FDA now.


Tell them how disappointed you are in their inadequate studies on vaping, their delays in keeping us safe from tainted products, etc. You might also want to contact your senator and representative on the local, state, and federal levels telling them your concern and that you hope they put some pressure on the FDA because you rely on them to help you with our concerns.


The more we let the FDA know about who we are, the more effective it will be. In other health news, California, the state that banned vaping, but legalized marijuana, has created a bit of a buzz (no pun intended) in our news cycles these days. Knowing this fact, a few thoughts have run through my brain as of late:

Of those communities that have imposed vaping bans: How many of them have been strictly enforced? Have there been any vapers caught vaping and fined? Are the vape bans

making way for MJ legalization? If so, would vapers want to join with that community to not only support the freedom of use but also because there are similar vaping devices that this community uses? CBD. Are most shops selling just the oil or the CBD+ with the stuff to make it more effective? How many shops are selling this oil just to make extra profit for their shops knowing full well that they are lying to their customers?

If any of you out there have stories like these, especially regarding thought number one, which I plan on looking into in a few communities near me, let me or the editors know. In terms of what I’d like to write during 2018, I’d like to hone in on those people who are still doing it the right way and building the community rather than tearing it apart. As I mentioned before, with the latest FDA news, that’s something I’d like to write more about. We should be concerned about what the FDA does for us as well as those around us. I look forward to hearing from you in 2018, and please stop by and visit VapeTVLive at http://www.vapetv. com/vapetvlive. Not only do I host there, but there are some other great hosts to hang out with too during the week. You can also drop me a line at:


CDC Shares




ake news is the buzzword on everyone’s lips these days.

The American people are beginning to realize that you can’t always believe everything you see in the media. Everyone has an axe to grind, and sadly that includes many in the scientific community who we depend on to be the most direct source of truth.

A glaring example of such bias and fact manipulation was recently released in a study by the Centers for Disease Control, entitled, Tobacco Use Among Working Adults1. The study acknowledges that rates of combustible tobacco use have dropped sharply since 2014, (the same year e-cigarette usage expanded rapidly.) Unfortunately, the study dishonestly attributes this effect to what it calls, “proven strategies,” namely anti-tobacco ads, heavy taxation, and laws to prohibit usage in public. No mention was made

that any of this could be attributed to the advent of vaping. With the truth being so elusive these days, science is the one thing we might think impervious to corruption from “special interests.” As children, we all learned about the almighty Scientific Method, and how it can be used to arrive at objective truths and irrefutable facts. They taught us that the scientific method is flawless and always produces superior results. What if that was a big fat lie too? What if our absolute faith in the scientific community has made it easy for some of them to get away with misrepresenting facts in such a way that makes their research and experiments appear like objective science. Using flawed methods, biased assumptions, and sometimes blatantly misrepresenting facts, researchers can manipulate their studies to arrive at their desired conclusions.


Julie Woessner

National Policy Director of Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA).

“The words ‘evidence-based’ and ‘science-based’ have become largely meaningless because the CDC and FDA under the previous administration abused and tortured both the science and


the evidence in pursuing an agenda,” said Julie Woessner, National Policy Director of Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA). “In a perfect world, tobacco harm reduction would not be a political issue. Obviously, we do not live in a perfect world.”


r a h S C D C

Fake science often misapplies the sources it relies upon to reach desired conclusions. According to the the CDC study, users of more than one tobacco product experience higher rates of harm than those who only use one tobacco product. Since the study treats vapor products as tobacco products, the reader would reasonably assume that this means that the study has revealed that people who are using vapor products to help them quit smoking are at higher risk than if they just keep smoking.

been indoctrinated by the “war on smoking” and truly believe the lies that they regurgitate,” Didak said. “Others know that too much success in curbing smoking will harm their funding and their cozy jobs. Pharmaceutical companies, who are generally the most influential in the public health sector, know that it’s not just their traditional NRT products that are suffering because of vaping but also the enormous “cancer industrial complex” they have built that stands to lose a lot of their revenue if vaping leads to much less cancer.”

A simple two-minute fact check on the sources cited reveals that these sources did not even consider e-cigarettes at all. The CDC study wrongfully applies the study’s findings on a product that was not included in the study to manufacture the appearance of risk2 3.

Didak went on to say that the goals and reasoning even differs among government officials.

Why is there so much effort being made to lie to the public about vapor products? What is the source of the misinformation campaign against the public and what is the purpose of all the lies? Stefan Didak, founder of Not Blowing Smoke and well known vapor industry advocate, says there isn’t a single culprit, but a slough of factors that play a role in such decisions. “There really isn’t a single source of misinformation as it appears to be a combination of different factors of groupthink, driven by ideology, not science,” Didak said. “While many of the public awareness campaigns that are misleading seem to echo the same lies, and to a degree there is cooperation between public health and tobacco control organizations on that, it is mostly various different independent efforts that draw from the same ideology to further their prohibitionist policies.” Not all of those organizations share the same reasoning or beliefs behind their actions — but with a common enemy they find themselves working together. “For many in public health and tobacco control it’s because they have

“Some understand that a decline in tobacco sales means a decline in funding coming to the State through the MSA, along with a decline in tobacco excise tax and would prefer to keep the status quo,” Didak said. “Some legislators have never heard of the MSA, but are often influenced by their peers or through the lobbyists from tobacco control groups who have millions of dollars to spend on that level of influence.” In the end, it all boils down to money, he said.

Everywhere we look, we find attempts to manipulate and deceive public opinion. We can no longer trust that the institutions of Science and the media exist to educate and

Fash Fadaei is a serial entrepreneur, having founded and co-founded numerous profit and non-profit organizations in the Vapor, technology, and service industries.

1Tobacco Use Among Working Adults — United States, 2014–2016 — United States, 2014–2016 Girija Syamlal, MBBS; Brian A. King, PhD; Jacek M. Mazurek, MD.

2Sung HY, Wang Y, Yao T, Lightwood J, Max W. Polytobacco use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff among US adults. Nicotine Tob Res 2016;18:817–26.

3Bombard JM, Pederson LL, Nelson DE, Malarcher AM. Are smokers only using cigarettes? Exploring current polytobacco use among an adult population. Addict Behav 2007;32:2411–9.

Founder - Not Blowing Smoke and well known vapor industry advocate


Stefan Didak

Fake science threatens our liberty through their efforts to spread false information and trick us into laying down. It is up to us to learn the truth so we can stand and preserve truth and liberty for our children and the generations to come.


inform without doing our own homework to find the motivation behind the information. It is more important than ever to be sceptical of anything we see, hear, and read. We must always look beyond the surface and take responsibility to seek out the truth.











We’re talking about Pablo and The Rodman of Cyclops Unchained fame. After a long career in radio, the two are hitting the airwaves again with Vape Radio. This isn’t a podcast or a little YouTube show picking up steam — this is legit radio. “We’re going to bring the fun back to vapor,” Rodman said as he kicked back in the recliner of a high-end St. Louis hotel room. “We’re going to have everything.” And he’s not kidding. This won’t just be a stream of vapors talking about products — there will be music running 24/7 with a variety of people on board for shows.

Cyclops Unchained will continue on as the morning show running on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon CST. Also joining the station will be DJ Q-Ball from the Bloodhound Gang, K8 and Scotty — an old friend from their radio career.

Hype around the station has already been huge. I’m writing this before the official announcement and they’re pretty much out of ad slots already. For Pablo and Rodman, the return to radio is like going home. “I’m as excited as I’ve been in ages,” said Pablo. “Putting this together has been an absolute blast.” Pablo’s radio career began in high school, but took off during his stint in the U.S. Air Force in Saudi Arabia. He went into the military hoping working with radio and television in the service would propel him into the next leg of his career. It didn’t. He wanted to be Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam, but instead found it to be everything he hoped it wasn’t. But weekend work for offbase stations helped him to find the direction he was looking for. A return to the private sector led him to what he loved — being a real disc jockey. He went to work for WABB, a local Top 40 station in Mobile, Alabama.

They have a schtick reminiscent of a love child between Tenacious D with Abbott and Costello. Humor and fun with a truckload of crazy.



ou may not know them, but you’ve definitely seen them.


“I grew up loving the station,” Pablo said. “So working there was like a dream come true.”


While he worked there, a guy named Rod was living beneath him in an old plantation home turned apartment building. They knew each other, but not super well yet.

4 Rod said he always knew radio was his future, too. He came from a very musically-talented family, but was kind of a misfit. “The only thing I could play was the radio,” Rod said with a laugh. At that time the two were living in the same building, Rod was working with a competing station across town, Rock 104 WGCX. According to Pablo, Rod’s show was the only show on the station with any ratings to speak of, and WABB wanted him.


So Pablo and the station approached him, or poached him I should say. WGCX found out Rod was leaving when the pair announced it on stage before a Creed concert at a festival in Mobile. Given that his departure was a touch less than graceful, it earned him a dead rat on his doorstep the following week.


It’s a touch Godfather, but it makes for a fun story.

those glory days with their YouTube show.

This is shortly before Scotty, who will be featured on Vape Radio, made his way into the mix as well. Scotty came on board after watching Pablo pimp slap a guy from another station who had slapped a different stations bumper sticker on the WABB van. In short order, Scotty came over to WABB as well.

It kicked off in August 2016 and has gone strong for the last year and a half.

This is less Godfather, more Anchorman. Their tenure together at the station lasted for awhile, but like everything else, it had an expiration date. In 2015, Rod moved on to work for Cyclops Vapor. It was an entirely new industry, but an exciting change. In June 2016, Rod saw the opportunity to bring Pablo along and relive some of

“It’s just time to do something new and Vape Radio is it,” Rod said. “With our background, it just made sense. And with advertising doors closed through places like Facebook and Instagram, this is

something they can’t shut down.” Four months later, Vape Radio launched. The station will be doing cash giveaways every weekday for businesses and listeners alike. “So if you own a vape shop or just want to hear some great music and maybe win a few bucks, turn it on and turn it up.” Because Pablo and The Rodman said so. Find the station online at and via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To call in with requests or questions, dial 1-888-VAPE-FAM. Corey Noles is Editor in Chief of Vape Magazine and owner of Busted Knuckle Vapor Fluids/Inked Up E-Liquid Co.

And The 52




Adam Kuhar is in a unique position within the vaping industry for several reasons. He is the owner and operator of Don’t Drink My Juice (DDMJ) since late 2014 when he opened shop, and he is one of the sponsors for YouTube personality, TJ Kirk, formerly known as the Amazing Atheist.

In early 2013, he started to delve into vaping by playing around with D.I.Y. He did this for a year-and-a-half when he decided that perhaps he should create an online website and sell his products, with the help of his brother.

What about the name of the company?


It was just something that Kuhar came up with. When he was researching company names, he noticed that most of the ones he was coming up with were already taken. Kuhar thought that if he created a fun name, and just used the


Based in Akron, Ohio, Kuhar has been heavily involved with vaping advocacy and has made connections on Facebook with various vaping groups, including SFATA, and CASAA. He also watches vaping related YouTube videos from personalities like Fresh03 and Phil Busardo, to name a few.


uhar started vaping in 2012 using cigalikes. He was only smoking for a year-and-a-half and quickly developed an appreciation for the technology. The more he worked with the equipment, the more he saw the possibilities.


acronym it would have a professional look, so he came up with DDMJ. Currently the biggest selling flavors are his cereal mash-ups. However, he is seeing a trend in dessert flavors making a comeback. His favorite flavor from the line is Malk, which is a strawberry milk flavor. All flavors are made in a food grade lab. Another rarity is that the highest nicotine level sold is 18mg. If you’d like to customize, they sell unflavored nicotine as well. The connection and sponsorship with Kirk came in when Kuhar started watching Kirk’s videos way back in 2010. While he was creating DDMJ, he had heard that Kirk was looking for sponsors for his channel. Kuhar then decided to take a shot in the dark and contacted Kirk via Facebook telling him he was interested. He found out that not only was Kirk cool about it, sometimes on his videos when he mentioned the company, he would show off his vaping skills.

As far as the investment into advertising with a big Youtuber who knows a bit about vaping, but has a huge general viewership, it’s been pretty good for DDMJ. Kuhar has had a few people come to his website letting him know that they heard about him via TJ Kirk on YouTube.





If you’re looking to get into the industry, Kuhar suggests that you start brushing up on your legalese. From his experience thus far, it’s been an enjoyable challenge to start his own e-juice company from the ground up. While it has been an interesting and fruitful situation, he says that the 2014 landscape is much different from the current one. It’s also a matter of keeping it simple and seeing what will happen with the future of vaping. He recommends those interested in the e-liquid industry to also consider the industry behind the flavorings that go into them; the same flavorings that go into foods and beverages such as Diet Coke and Doritos. For more information: DDMJ – FB page – dontdrinkmyjuice/ TJ Kirk’s YouTube - user/TheAmazingAtheist

As far as making DDMJ a bigger company and adding new fLAvors, Kuhar wants to wait and see what happens with the vaping industry. He doesn’t plan on releasing any new fLAvors anytime soon due to the regulatory freeze on the market and wants to play it safe for now. He is very aware of the regulations that are out there and has had some help with members of SFATA who have been a great resource.


rip D t I k c of Su dn a H R D Tips by crafted


Engineer And Ace Drip Tip Manufacturer


inding the right drip tip to compliment your favorite tank or RDA has been made easy thanks in large part to aftermarket companies that create drip tips to pair with the industry’s latest gear, but this wasn’t always the case. Dwayne Rieks, 48, recalls visiting a local vape shop about three years ago where a patron ahead of him in line was inquiring about drip tip alternatives for an Aspire Atlantis V2 sub ohm tank that she just purchased. Rieks also purchased the same tank, and both he and the female shopper were left stunned when the store’s clerk told them the cost of the drip tip accessories.


“ The guy told her that it was $35 for the tip, and the adapter she needed to pay for was like $7.99,” Rieks said. “And she said, “’Wow, I’m a single mom. That’s pretty expensive.’”

“So, I asked to look at it and I figured, I can make this stuff, why are they charging so much for it?” he said.

Rieks decided to take down the single mother’s information and got straight to work in his shop.

“I got her information and when I went home I started playing around, and I made a couple of tips,” Rieks said.


“I contacted her via e-mail and I sent her one.” He added, “She sent it to her friends and then her friends contacted me and then it kind of expanded from there.”


Using his engineering background, Rieks began designing and working with various materials to create custom drip tips for his friends, but found that Instagram was an ideal platform to show off his work and it wasn’t long before he began selling tips using that social media platform. Things really took off for Rieks when he began creating drip tips for the Twisted Messes RDA. Kent Hill, the owner of the Twisted Messes brand, reached out to Rieks personally when he saw the work he was doing and how well his tips looked on his product. “I started with different designs and Kent Hill saw my Instagram page and contacted me,” Rieks said. “I sent him about 10 different types

of tips that I make for that RDA and he liked them, he put an order in and he started promoting me on his Instagram page,” he added. A Halloween-inspired drip tip created with fall color resins that Rieks crafted was proudly displayed on Hill’s Instagram feed and generated a huge buzz for Rieks and Suck It Drip Tips. “He posted a picture of it and it’s still on his Instagram,” Rieks said. “For the longest time, for probably almost a year, it had the most likes and it had the most hits.”

“A lot of people get these materials and they’re actually really inferior,” Rieks says. “There’s types of materials, acrylics, Alumilite and blends and they won’t work for vaping.” Rieks explained that whether a drip tip is priced high or low is meaningless if inferior materials are being used. The heat they are subjected to during use can cause shrinkage and damage the tip because cheaply sourced acrylics are being used. “It’s really important that you start out with good material, or you’re going to get a really bad drip tip.” The Suck It Drip Tips owner admits that because drip tips are important accessories in any vaper’s arsenal, it’s important to remember how we interact with these products and just how important the construction of them needs to be in order to ensure that they will go the distance. “Drip tips are something that are being touched nonstop. They’re on your mouth they’re on your teeth, so

you have to make sure that you get something that’s going to take that,” Rieks said. Adding, “All of the materials I have you’re able to polish up pretty easily.” Rieks says that there are a lot of companies out there that make drip tips using cheap materials and make those tips in large quantities to sell them for a bit cheaper. In light of this, he’s unsure as to where he and his products fit in the larger drip tip community, but he’s certain that the products he creates and sells are of a very high quality and are handled with great care. “I know that there have been vendors out there that have been asking for $34 for a drip tip and I always thought that to be a little bit crazy, and that’s what started me in making drip tips,” Rieks said. “I wanted to make something, a hobby for myself and provide people with good quality, good customer service and a good product,” he continued. “I didn’t want them getting a drip tip for 30 or 40 dollars and then saying, ‘Hey, this doesn’t work, or this isn’t right,’ and that was always important to me.” If you’re interested in a cool custom drip tip be sure to visit: www.

“There are so many different types, there’s RhinoPlastic there’s Alumilite, there’s so many different types of acrylics, there’s a lot,” he says about the materials he uses.

One of the main reason Rieks founded Suck It Drip Tips back in 2015, was because there were a lot of tips on the market that just weren’t up to high quality standards. He says that a lot of people “get their materials online and buy it from China, Singapore or Taiwan,” and that “a lot of people don’t realize it.”


“Some of the materials that you see that you don’t see anywhere else come from Italy and they’re very specially made materials,” Rieks said.


The drip tip maker from Oregon uses a variety of materials for his projects and prides himself on not cutting corners. Instead, he says he offers fairly priced tips commensurate with the work involved and the materials needed, which are either made locally by Rieks or are handcrafted and sourced directly from Italy and Germany.

Vandy Vape And The Vaping Bogan


The Bonza RDA is a joint collaboration between Australian foul-mouthed YouTube vape reviewer the Vaping Bogan and Vandy Vape, the company responsible for manufacturing this piece of hardware.


The RDA measures 25.5mm in length and 24mm in diameter. A series of air holes can be found on either side of the barrel section of the RDA, which can be set up in either dual or single coil configurations. It’s nice to see single coil support, as a lot of RDAs seem to leave out this option. The deck has a generous juice well with plenty of room to stuff your cotton and go longer between dripping, which was nice to see. The deck boasts a fixed screw clamp post, but really what you’re looking at is a four-post deck design with beefy flathead screws for each post. The Bonza features two large holes on the outermost side of either post and closer to the center of the deck you’ll find a clamp system. The post screws operating the clamps, are reverse threaded. So, as you turn the screws the clamps will either raise or lower to trap the leads of your coils or ready them for installation, respectively. The clamps also have some knurling on them, which is a plus, as it will prevent your coils from slipping or moving out of position during daily use.

Where the deck meets the barrel, you’ll notice a lip. This is to prevent any e-liquid from leaking onto your mod, and I’d say that it works as intended. I’ve never had any leaks with the Bonza.

Luckily, the wait was well worth it. There’s a lot to love about this RDA, from the smooth airflow, to the generous post holes, but above all, construction of this device and overall build quality are exceptional.


The Bonza was highly anticipated, with preorder lists bulging at the seams with vapers wanting and waiting for a Bonza of their very own. I fell into this category and receiving this RDA took a long while, to say the least.


Dialing in the right amount of airflow on this RDA couldn’t be simpler. If you want a tighter draw, simply cut off the airflow by turning the top cap and if you want an airier draw, the sky’s the limit. No matter the draw, expect smooth airflow overall. The barrel of the RDA has a tasteful skull logo that’s deeply engraved and there is a Celtic or chain link –like pattern at the top cap. It looks nice and does offer some grip when adjusting airflow. When it comes to spares and accessories, there’s a lot that the Bonza offers. There are spare O-rings, flathead and Phillips screws, a 16mm delrin drip tip, a 17.5mm Ultem drip tip, a wide bore resin drip tip and a 510 drip tip adapter. That wide bore resin drip tip is an 810, so rest assured that all thirdparty 810 drip tips will fit and look great. Clearly, there’s a lot included here

that will suit the tastes of just about any vaper.

Additionally, there is a squonk pin that’s been included, so the Bonza is squonk ready and will work well and sit nicely on any bottom feeding devices you might have.

Aside from the drip tip, top cap/ airflow ring and the barrel, everything else, including the 510 pin are gold-plated for maximum conductivity. I really like the look of this atomizer and as far as performance is concerned you’ll likely be impressed. I get tons of vapor and flavor with every pull. Mind you, that’s going to be dependent on your build and what device you use the Bonza on, but I’ve used it on tube mechs, unregulated boxes, and regulated devices and it’s grown to be one of my favorite RDAs of the past year. The Bonza RDA is available in matte black, stainless steel, gold, rainbow and matte grey and they all look the treat. The Bonza is widely available and is priced anywhere from $21.99 to $30.99. And for that price, it’s well worth it.


with Moonshot RTA Starter Kit By CHRIS MELLIDES


Sigelei has built quite a reputation for itself in the vaping world, and during the course of using this Chinese company’s products, I’ve usually been underwhelmed when it comes to the aesthetics of any given device it has released. Then there’s the Vcigo Moon Box, which is certainly not your plain Jane and is a sharp departure from the sort of products Sigelei has released in the past.

Photos by Chris Mellides


The device is comfortable to hold, and as previously mentioned, it is very light, due in large part to the plastic hardware. While the Moon Box is great for portability, the plastic makeup of the mod and the flimsy tinplate panels do make it feel a little on the cheap side. However, this device has some serious kick. The Moon Box is advertised as being capable of outputting up to

Your true wattage is very dependent on the resistance of the build you’re using with this device so the markings are a bit misleading and are not going to be very accurate in general. I recommend adjusting to taste by turning the dial clockwise until you get the power you need. A battery indicator light will flash green and then red when it comes time to charge the device. There’s also a Micro USB Charging Port, but it’s always recommended that you charge your 18650 batteries on an external charger for faster charging cycles and an increased lifespan of your batteries. Low resistance and low battery warnings are

also some of the included features. I’m convinced that the Moon Box will not be able to survive many falls, so for someone who is accident prone, that’s something to be aware of. Additionally, I can see that overtime, the paint on the tinplate panels may very well scratch, peel or scuff with repeated use. Let’s not forget that the panels are made of tin, which is a malleable metal, so I’m curious to see whether they can hold up over long-term use as well. There’s a soft foam material lining the inside of each panel and when both panels snap into place, that foam material is really what’s keeping your batteries from moving about after they’ve been installed and the mod is ready for use. What I’ve found is that the batteries do tend to shift out of place every now and again, which prevents the Moon Box from firing. This is incredibly

On either side of the mod are two tinplate panels that snap into place and come in a range of colors and designs. I really enjoy the look of the artwork overall. It really makes for a unique setup with a lot of pop.

200 watts of power, and even features a knob with wattage markings that approximate what wattage you have the device set to. But at its core, this is largely a variable voltage device capable of operating from 2.0 volts to 7.5 volts.


The Moon Box utilizes a hardplastic enclosure that houses a battery compartment designed to handle two high-drain 18650 batteries. The button and controls are also fashioned from plastic as well, which gives the Moon Box a very lightweight feel.


annoying, but it’s an easy fix. Just pop off either panel, take the batteries out and reinsert them while keeping them as centered as possible, and then you shouldn’t have any more headaches. I can’t say that this is an issue that affects all of the Moon Boxes being sold, but the issue occurred a number of times with the device I’ve been using.


The 510 connection is springloaded and I haven’t had any issues with seating any of my 510 atomizers on top. 24mm attys sit flush and look great. Having said that, the Moon Box also comes with a 24mm Moonshot RTA included in the kit. The Moonshot RTA has been on the market for quite some time, so there’s little sense in delving too deep in describing the product. The device is 24mm in diameter and features a top fill system that makes filling the 3ml tank a breeze. A curved wide bore delrin drip tip is included and feels very comfortable, and a dual post build deck with two large holes on either post make coil installation pretty

straightforward. However, building on the Moonshot isn’t without its challenges.

The most glaring design choice of this device is the free-spinning deck design. By itself, this deck spins freely and is next to impossible to build on. However, the manufacturer has provided an Allen key that can be inserted through the dual airflow slots and this will lock the deck in place and prevent it from spinning when installing your coils.

I’m not entirely sure why Sigelei went this route with the deck design for the Moonshot, but I am not a fan of just how tedious it is to set up. Once it is set up, it performs nicely. As far as I know there is no option available for purchasing just the Moon Box by itself, but the kit, which includes both the Moon Box and the Moonshot RTA will only cost around $30. In my opinion, this kit is an absolute steal at 30 bucks. The Moon Box has its issues, but it does feel comfortable to hold, performs well and packs a wallop in the power department. Do remember that it is constructed out of plastic and tin, so I don’t know how durable the Moon Box will be over a long period of usage. The Moonshot RTA is far from my favorite RTA. It’s nice that Sigelei included it, but because of how finicky it is, I tend to use drippers and other RTAs with the Moon Box mod. You can find the Moon Box Kit at several online vendors, but I found it for $32.99 on





here the subcompact vape kit space was an arena of innovation only a few short months ago, it has at last matured into a contest for polish and refinement. As a result of this maturation and shift from revolution and toward evolution, many of the devices in this space have come to strongly resemble one another in form and function. This is where basic differences in design approach and consumer focus fall away, and details in design

Box Contents The Priv One kit by SMOK arrives with one Priv One

mod, 2 SMOK Stick AIO dual-coil atomizer heads rated at 0.6 ohms resistance, one micro-USB charging cable, a lanyard for attaching to the device, and a user manual.

The Inevitable Comparison This simply has to be mentioned because of how strikingly

obvious it is: If you’ve read about, seen, or used the Mi-One

Specs & Features The Priv One pairs a 920mAh battery to an integrated

TPD-compliant 2.0ml tank. The Priv One’s tank is compatible with SMOK’s Stick AIO dual coil atomizer heads; the included heads are rated at 0.6 ohms of resistance.


Unfortunately not all of those differences favor the Priv One. For example, the Priv One’s battery capacity falls behind the Mi-One’s. On the other hand, the Priv’s price tag is far more forgiving.


So it is with the SMOK Priv One, which at a basic level resembles many devices I’ve reviewed before, but which, under closer scrutiny, stands apart from even its nearest siblings — for the most part positively, but with one strike against it, as well.

by Smoking Vapor, the comparison between the Priv One and that device is as inevitable as it is obvious. Beyond the identical shape, the artfully decorated panels make them nearly dead ringers for each other. Aside from the size and placement of the firing button, it’s in the size (the Priv One is just slightly larger, filling the hand more) and the specs where the real differences lie.


execution, build workmanship, and materials quality come to the fore.

As is usual for devices in this category, the Priv One does not feature adjustable airflow. However, the ergonomics of the Priv One are quite comfortable, as the device features a large and nicely clicky firing button that runs from nearly top to bottom on its leading (front facing) edge. This is what I mean when i remark about small but crucial differences. Rarely has SMOK’s full length button slash firing “panel” been implemented to better effect than it is here.

Real World Experience

This is where the Priv One puts a lot of distance between itself and its near-twin, the Mi-One. That firing button makes all the difference in the world in a device this size. Not only is it more comfortable in use, but I’ve noticed a remarkable difference in the looks I get while using it.


This may be hard to explain, but I’ll give it a try. When such a small device is held with the thumb on top of it, people seem to unconsciously regard the appearance of someone vaping from a “cupped” hand with anything from concern to open suspicion. On the other hand, those reactions are far less frequent with a device that’s held in a more conventional way.


Performance-wise, too, the Priv One delivers strong, wonderfully vivid flavor and a fulsome throat hit, though it should be noted that with the atomizer heads being rated at 0.6 ohms instead of the lower-resistance

heads found in full-sized tanks, you should purchase e-liquid with a higher nicotine strength for use in this device than you would for a full sized mod. Finally, this is definitely a mouth-to-lung vape, and although it’s possible to take lung hits with it, the 920mAh battery means that it isn’t something you really want to do with it full time.

Price & Availability

The SMOK Priv One is available from several online retailers, including, Vapesourcing. com, and directly from SMOK. Prices vary, but the best offer I’ve been able to find so far is at Vapor Authority, where you can pick up the Priv One for $24.99 plus shipping. The Priv One is available in four colorways: - Silver body / black button / blue pearl panels - Black body / red button / green pearl panels - Purple body / black button / purple pearl panels - Red body / black button / yellow pearl panels

Pros & Cons Pros


- Firing button is perfectly designed for comfort and discretion in a device of this size - The performance for a device in this size and configuration is extremely impressive - Aesthetically, the Priv One is an exceptionally attractive device. - The price point for the Priv One is extremely attractive


- Very limited time between recharges due to the 920mAh battery The Priv One approaches absolute perfection in such a tiny vape, held back only by the constraints of 2017 battery technology.


Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. This comprehensive 2-day course will address regulatory issues relevant to e-vapor, e-liquid and deemed tobacco product manufacturers, distributors and retailers including FDA ingredient listing, premarket applications, business and IP issues, environmental issues, litigation, state laws, CPSC, EU TPD and global regulations, and more!


February 6-7, 2018 | Irvine, CA




I’m going to make a prediction in this piece. While starter kits have been getting progressively smaller recently (See: The Mi One, Kanger Togo Mini 2, and the Priv One), what they offer in discretion is offset by what they typically lack in power, robustness of atomizers, and battery life. The industry, as it has had a habit of doing, followed the impetus of its very conception. It identified these shortcomings, and has offered an efficient and elegant answer to them in the form of the evolution of the eGo-style device: the battery-based All In One.

Inside The Box The contents of the kit immediately indicate the simplicity of set up, maintenance, and use of the SMOK Stick M17. You get the device itself, two SMOK Stick M17 Core Dual Coil atomizer heads rated at 0.6ohm of resistance, one replacement tank glass, one card which is both for authentication of the device as well as the warranty card, two vape bands for the tank, and one micro-USB cable for charging. 73

Starting at the top of an assembled Stick M17, you have a removable Delrin drip tip. Beneath that is the device’s top cap. True to SMOK design tradition in 2017, the tank is refillable by gripping and pivoting the top cap outward to expose a rubber gasket with a fill slot. This top cap sits atop a glass tank — the type of glass is not specified. Immediately under the tank is where the battery begins. In the front is a simple firing button, which follows the traditional formula of five clicks on, five clicks off, and an LED power indicator, which is displayed in the form of a ring around the button itself. On the left and right side of the device reside fixed, nonadjustable intake ports for airflow, while on the back of the device (opposite the single power and firing button) is a micro-USB charging port. Finally, at the bottom of the battery is a venting port.

The Stick M17 is 5 ⅜” long and 17.5mm in diameter — from which the device takes its name. The top of the battery is, itself, functionally the tank’s base into which the user directly installs SMOK’s purpose-designed M17 Core atomizer heads. The glass tank gives the device a TPD compliant 2.0ml e-liquid capacity. This is the entirety of the Stick M17, and that simplicity is one of the reasons that it’s so compelling, even on paper.


Specs & Features

Real World Experience Setting up the Stick M17 was for me almost completely familiar territory. After unboxing it, the process was as simple as unscrewing the tank glass from the battery to prime the pre-installed coil, then screwing the tank glass back down. The threading is pleasantly smooth. Next, fill the tank. Finally, plug the micro-USB cable into a power source, then the battery. This way, your e-liquid will have fully saturated the atomizer by the time your battery has finished charging.


Using the device is absolutely familiar to anyone who’s ever used an eGo or eGo-like device. Simply click the button five times to activate it, then press and hold to vape. As with its predecessors, the Stick M17 has a ten second cutoff, as well as low voltage protection and short circuit protection.


While I found the airflow perfect for me, enabling both mouth-tolung and direct lung hits, other users may find it too airy, and its lack of adjustability may be a serious con to them. Additionally, the placement of the airflow ports means that you’ll have to be mindful of how you hold it while using it. For my purposes, battery life performed better than expected — at a usage rate of two or three hits per 15 to 20 minutes, the battery lasted me for a good six hours out of the house with enough left over once I got home to use it via its passthrough function. The e-liquid capacity of the tank was a different story; at only 2ml, you’ll be carrying a gorilla bottle filled with e-liquid with you and using it more than once. However, performance was excellent, with strong showings in visible vapor, throat hit, and flavor, making that a fair trade, to me at least.

Price & Availability


The Stick M17 by SMOK is available from many online retailers; as usual, my recommended source is, where the Stick M17 can be had in Black, Silver, Gold, Blue, or “7-Color” (which shows an iridescent, rainbow-like finish) for $22.99 before shipping or extras.

- Fixed airflow

Pros & Cons Pros - 1100mAh battery capacity is plenty for a day of casual vaping - Airflow is open enough to allow lung-hits - Lung-hits also supported by the robustly built 0.6 Ohm atomizer heads - Convenient SMOK style refill mechanism - Aesthetically pleasing - Excellent design - Passthrough capability - Extremely competitive asking price

- Occasional gurgling from the tank - No higher-capacity tank option - Battery life indicator feels dated Whether for the first-time vaper or the long-time casual vaper, it’s hard to imagine a form factor superior to the stick style all-in-one, and SMOK has issued a stern challenge to their competitors with their execution of the form factor in the Stick M17. With at least the option of a largercapacity tank glass and chimney for the American market, this would be a strong contender for the perfect starter kit.




On the Road.. with Vape Showcase St. Louis 76 EVENTS @VAPENEWSGO

Torn from the pages of th e musty, leather, vodka cranberry soaked journa l of Rod Cochran. Friday Jan 5th 3:

35pm - Pablo and I land in St. Louis. Excitement the ground. is in air and ice on 4:45pm - The Westin Hot Industry, as I wait to m el is a buzz with a Who’s Who of the Vape make our way to our vapeet the Editor of Vape News Magazine and Heavy Metal icons Fastere circuit kickoff par ty at Del Mar Hall with Puss ycat.




Saturday Jan 6th

8:45AM Pablo and I catch a ride Diamond Vapor. The conto the Venue with Keith Fairman from breakfast together , give versations we have in route and eating Diamond is all about. I me an all new respect for Keith and what like this guy! 10:15AM Vape Showcase St. Louis ever ywhere. Lots of loca is buzzing. Lots of names and brands going to be a great show, l vapers came out to hang too. Looking like it’s even though it feels like the planet Hoth.


Sunday Jan 7th

1:45AM - I find myself w called the Crack Fox.. K ith a large group of vapers at a fetish bar on stage as Marilyn Manara Kryptonite has mounted a torture horse though I have the uneasy son plays.. Ever yone is having a blast, even turn into werewolf’s an feeling at any minute, the locals are going to d eat us... 4:25PM The day and show are bot had a success ful weekendh winding down... Ever yone seems to have buzz of excitement for th of business. There was definitely a great temps.. looks like the 20 e first show of the year.. Even in the frigid 18 Vape Show Tour is off to a great star t!























Central and south american vape expo

May 26-27, 2018 | Medellin, Colombia Book Booth Space Today! Due to the Great Response we received and the Impressive Attendance at our last vape convention this year, we've decided to host our ďŹ rst show of 2018 in Medellin, Colombia.

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Chris M


ed by Compil



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a deliciou cereal, es fruit, tween a e in b b p milk m u o h .c mas l…with ape Co ne is a y cerea O it ill e u h fr Beard V T d s . blen w ciou s blend l of deli G/ 30PG w e. V o p 0 deliciou b a 7 v a is ll day t and e! Th a s u r n u ly o o n d c o f y o rr E and strawbe porbea your ON become

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from Sengoku Vapor

Ninja Man by Sengoku Vapor is an ultra-smoo th chocolate milk flavor tha t brings the perfect ble nd of sweet, smooth chocol ate and fresh milk. So unbelievably smooth, even the most discerning vaper will fin d this in constant rotation. 100m l pricing is available.

COCOA FUEGO from The Cocoa


Cocoa Fuego is a gourmet hot chocolate perfectly mixed with marshmallows. The heart-warming taste of a piping hot mug of hot cocoa formulated to fit in your pocket. 60ml pricing is available.

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RYd Shoppe R E B K C A L B The Custar




from Fruit N CYusDtaEW rd

Fluffy and rich custard burst ing with delic honeydew m ious ripe elon flavor. A 70 V G/ 30PG des you will fall in se rt vape love with. 60 ml pricing is available. www.localvap


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I appreciate that this “new” means of introducing nicotine to the vaping process has aided in a variety of products that seem to be attractive to the smoker. Frankly, I enjoy them as well.

The most obvious concern for both users and manufacturers of salt nicotine, is a potential limit in the amount of nicotine that can be used in e-liquid.

While it produces a hit similar to a cigarette, the sale nicotine itself could be in for a hit of its own in the future.

The FDA Deeming Regulations did only that — deem. The document declared vapor products to be one and the same as tobacco products under the eyes of a substantial regulatory umbrella. What that means, is that additional regulations will be coming down the pipeline for years to come.

Under the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) that governs vapor products within the European Union, no products are allowed to contain in excess of 20mg/ml of nicotine. There is no clause distinguishing between normal vs salt nicotine, because the active ingredient remains the same. Therefore, in the eyes of the law, the two types of nicotine are one and the same. How does this affect vapers in the U.S.? Given that the EU has the most comprehensive vapor regulations globally, there is little doubt, portions of those regulations will make their way into U.S. law. In most aspects, the TPD is quite generous — it’s more affordable, more realistic from a small business approach, and has a clear and feasible pathway by which products can remain on the market. In relation to salt nicotine, however, I foresee this as a serious problem the American vapor industry will face before 2021. Prior to the rise of the pod system and salt nicotine, such a regulation would have been a virtual nonissue. According to recent survey by

The majority of manufacturers even quit producing it. Fast forward to fall 2017, suddenly 50mg/ml is a thing. As has proven to be the case with mech mods, squonking, RTAs, dripping and others aspects of vaping, this industry is very cyclical. You can see it in juice flavor trends, a move back toward smaller mods and almost everywhere you look. All things come and go, sometimes they come back again. In all likelihood, even high level nicotine will go and come again as well. But it’s important that such a freedom be protected by the industry in an effort to ensure that the tools needed to aid smokers in harm reduction remain available. For salt nicotine, this fight is a matter of when, not if. It’s day will come, and hopefully, industry leaders will be ready to stand together for the many battles that still remain in our future. Corey Noles is the Editor in Chief of VAPE Magazine. He is also the owner of Busted Knuckle Vapor Fluids/Inked Up E-Liquid Co.

Salt nicotine allows for a greater amount of nicotine to be introduced into an e-liquid with less throat hit than high nicotine juices of days past. Through newer pod systems that burn far smaller amounts of the solution, manufacturers are able to deliver levels as high as 50mg/ml., nearly 80 percent of all vapers use 6mg/ml or less to satisfy their needs. Stores quite literally could not give away old stock higher the 12mg/ml.


That’s how it works for every industry and we are no exception.


I should start out by saying, I’m a fan of the salt nicotine products.



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