Bila-Bila Festival inBoac: Reliving the History of the Boac Folkdances in Marinduque By: Millicent Amor Malimata, Mhelynia Grabe Magaling, Geralyn Monreal, and Sanver Andrew Mapacpac
Abstract Bila-bila Festival is one of the Festivals in this Province of Marinduque. It is colorful to highlight the major occasions in the island Marinduque. In fact, the Municipality of Boac has even enshrined the butterfly in a municipal ordinance entitled “BUTTERFLY TREE PROPAGTION AND FARMING ORDINANCE”. This festival becomes a tradition and the folkdances of it became the way how we celebrated this festival and our culture become richer and more entertainment. This study aims to know about the history of Bila-Bila festival, intent to know what are the ways of people of Marinduque on preserving it and the important is to seek for cultural significant of this festival. This study applied descriptive research design in which data is collected in a qualitative manner and analyzed using quantitative procedures (Nassaji, 2015). Permission to use data for this study was obtained from the online source regarding the Bila-bila festival in Boac: Reliving the history of the folkdances in Marinduque. The researcher found out that the SOP 1, which is “What is Bila- Bila Festival?”, that BilaBila Festival is one of the festivals that highlight the major occasions in the island Marinduque. For the SOP 2, which is “What are the ways to preserve the Bila-Bila Festival?”, seek that the way of preserving it is by performing it by having a competition. The researcher also found out the answer in SOP 3, which is the any cultural significant of Bila-Bila festival in Marinduque, and there is cultural significant because it is the towns growing industries that give encouraged to all people of Marinduque. Keyword: history, bila – bila festival, preserving, and occasion
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