Explore Minnesota’s Offroad Trails Minnesota has a thriving offroad recreation community made up of enthusiasts who travel via all-terrain vehicles (ATV), offroad motorcycles (OHM) and offroad vehicles (ORV). There are more than 2,500 miles of official trails, and many more miles of accessible forest roads in state and national forests. And more is added every year. This season, try out the new Smoky Hills ATV Trail, Mississippi Northwoods and Miller Hills, and the East Range Multi-Use Trail.
Join the Club
Minnesota has active associations and clubs for ATV, off-highway motorcycles and offroad vehicles. Joining the associations and clubs provide access to insider information on trails and trail-building, events, vehicle information and people who enjoy the sports. To learn more, contact the All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATVAM) at www. atvam.org; the Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association (ARMCA) at www. armca.org; or the Minnesota 4-Wheel Drive Association (MN4WDA) at www.mn4wda.com.
Safety Training Requirements ATV Safety training is mandatory for anyone born after July 1, 1987. Those 16 and older can complete an online safety class. Youth age 6 to 12 must complete both an online course and hands-on safety. Only youth 10 and older can legally operate an ATV on public trails. For more information, go to www.dnr.state.mn.us/safety/vehicle/atv. Off-Highway Motorcycle OHM drivers between the ages of 6 and 16 years are required to have an OHM Certificate to operate on public lands, frozen waters, and state or Grant-in-Aid trails in Minnesota. A certificate is given upon completion of the ATV online class. For more information, go to www.dnr.state.mn.us/ safety/vehicle/ohm. Offroad Vehicle ORVs may not be operated by anyone under age 16. An ORV environmental and safety training course is available on a USB flash drive for persons 16 or older. The course covers ORV familiarization, operation procedures, laws, towing procedures, ethics, safety hazards and environmental considerations. For a flash drive, contact the DNR Information Center at 1-888-646-6367 or 651-296-6157.
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