Type specimen

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Type specimen The book of the tea master

Manami Tamada

This book about Type specimen of a book of THE TEA MASTER.

Contents Type




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The tea master



the tea master cultural differences between British tea & Japanese tea

Manami Tamada

4 The tea master

Smaragd Smaragd LT Std, Regular

This book about formal tea culture. So I would like to use this typography which is formal and elegant font.


Helvetica (TT), Regular

I used SMARAGD in the title which is decorative type.So I used Helvetice this space. This type come to be able to bring a balance.

Type 5

What is the tea ceremony ?

The Japanese tea ceremony is called Chanoyu, Sado or simply Ocha in Japanese. It is a choreographic ritual of preparing and serving Japanese green tea, called Matcha, together with traditional Japanese sweets to balance with the bitter taste of the tea. Preparing tea in this ceremony means pouring all one's attention into the predefined movements. The whole process is not about drinking tea, but is about aesthetics, preparing a bowl of tea from one's heart. The host of the ceremony always considers the guests with every movement and gesture. Even the placement of the tea utensils is considered from the guests view point (angle), especially the main guests called the Shokyaku.


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Futura Std, Medium

I used Futura in the sub title which is simple and modern typeface. I would like to combine traditional contents and modern design.


Helvetica (TT), Regular

I used Futura in the sub title which is a characteristic type.So I used Helvetice body text. This type come to be able to bring a balance.

Type 7

The moon not glimpsed through rifts in clouds holds no interest

Bright full moon that was the symbol of enlightenment in many Buddhist traditions wasn’t elegant or expressive as the partially obscured moon. That we find perfection in imperfect, embrace the discordance in life to achieve concordance, and so on.


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Spectrum MT Std, Regular

This is poem written by Juco who is famous of Japanese tea master. And the poem is historical and sentimental. So I used Spectrum in this text which is simple but also polished style.

Type 9


Spectrum MT Std, Regular


You carry a tea ceremony water jar.


Helvetica (TT), Regular


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Spectrum MT Std, Regular

10 The tea master


Futura Std, Medium

Tea school Nara ryu Sakai ryu Rukyu ryu Yabunouch ryu So tan ryu

school name

Ura senke ryu Ura senke school

Hayami ryu Dai nippon chado kai Omote senke ryu Hida ryu

So tan school

Senke school

Omote senke school

Hori no uchi ryu matsuo ryu Mitani ryu Edo senke ryu Fuhaku ryu Musha no koji senke ryu Sohen ryu Anrakuan ryu Fusai ryu Hosokawa sansai ryu Sansai ryu

Mi sai school

Furuichi ryu Senke school

Kobo ryu Kayano ryu Oribe ryu Ueda souko ryu Sowa ryu Ensyu ryu Uraku ryu Nanbo ryu Sekisyu ryu Fuji bayashi ryu Chin shin ryu Ikei ha Shimizu ha

Seki syu school

Nomura ha Oguchi ha Shinseki syu ryu Koseki shu ryu Fumai ryu


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Helvetica (TT), Regular

Type 11


The tea master


Grid 13


14 The tea master


Grid 15


16 The tea master

The text block in this format follows the ratio of the Golden Section and Grid Systems by Josef Muller-Brockmann.

Grid 17

What What is is Afternoon Afternoon tea tea ? ?

What What isisAfternoon Afternoon tea? tea? Afternoon AfternoonTea Teaisisaatea-related tea-relatedritual, ritual, introduced introducedininBritain Britainininthe theearly early1840s. 1840s. ItItevolved evolvedas asaamini minimeal mealto tostem stemthe thehunger hunger and andanticipation anticipationof ofan anevening eveningmeal mealat at8pm. 8pm. Afternoon AfternoonTea Teaisisaameal mealcomposed composedof of sandwiches sandwiches(usually (usuallycut cutdelicately delicatelyinto into 'fingers'), 'fingers'),scones sconeswith withclotted clottedcream creamand and jam, jam,sweet sweetpastries pastriesand andcakes. cakes.Interestingly, Interestingly, scones were not a common feature of early scones were not a common feature of early Afternoon AfternoonTea Teaand andwere wereonly onlyintroduced introducedininthe the twentieth twentiethcentury. century. Afternoon AfternoonTea Teawas wasinitially initiallydeveloped developedas asaa private privatesocial socialevent eventfor forladies ladieswho whoclimbed climbedthe the echelons echelonsof ofsociety. society.ItItwas wasonly onlywhen whenQueen Queen Victoria Victoriaengaged engagedininthe theAfternoon AfternoonTea Tearitual ritual that thatititbecame becameaaformal formaloccasion occasionon onaalarger larger scale, scale,known knownas as'tea 'teareceptions'. receptions'. These Thesereceptions receptionscould couldhave haveas asmany manyas as two twohundred hundredguests guestswith withan anopen open'at 'athome' home' invitation invitationto tovisit visitbetween between4pm 4pmand and7pm, 7pm, during duringwhich whichthey theycould couldcome comeand andgo goas asthey they pleased; pleased;this thiswas wasthe thegenesis genesisof ofthe theAfternoon Afternoon Tea Teaas aswe weknow knowit.it.In InBritain Britaintoday todayAfternoon Afternoon Tea Teaisisusually usuallyenjoyed enjoyedas asan anoccasional occasional indulgence indulgenceor orto tocelebrate celebrateaaspecial specialevent event such as a birthday, or a pre-wedding or baby such as a birthday, or a pre-wedding or baby shower showerparty partywith withaagroup groupof offriends. friends.



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The tea ceremony is a not only make a tea The tea ceremony is a not only make a tea

"The tea ceremony is a not only make a tea "The tea ceremony is a not only make a tea but also to feel real conscious of beauty such but also to feel real conscious of beauty such as space tea bowl, Kakeziku picture, tea as space tea bowl, Kakeziku picture, tea ceremony flower and so on. ceremony flower and so on. It is very important to feel conscious of beauty It is very important to feel conscious of beauty through the tea ceremony. If you can feel like through the tea ceremony. If you can feel like this consciousness, you can be pleased the this consciousness, you can be pleased the tea ceremony by understanding split of tea tea ceremony by understanding split of tea ceremony." ceremony."

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Grid 19


66 Arrange a tea bowl, a Arrange a tea bowl, a macha case and a tea macha case and a tea ceremony water jar in a ceremony water jar in a triangle. triangle. water jar water jar

tea bowl tea bowl

macha case macha case

Bring a tea bowl and a Bring a tea bowl and a macha case. You hold macha case. You hold a tea bowl in your right a tea bowl in your right hand. And you hold a hand. And you hold a macha case in your left macha case in your left hand. hand.

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20 The tea master

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Tea Time

Tea Bird in Bristol Afternoon tea is the first experience in my life. We have a cafe and teashop in Japan. But if you want to enjoy Afternoon tea, you have to go to Hotel’s restaurant. It’s so expensive. But in UK which is not so expensive. And we can go more easily. It is different between Japan and English. I saw cake tower first time. Sandwiches, a scone and a cupcake on each plate. At the beginning I enjoyed tea which is Classic Earl gray tea. After I eat sandwiches, a scone and a cupcake. I tried the top of stuff. But friends teach me how to eat the cake tower. I wanted to eat cup cake, but I have to eat sandwiches at first...


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Grid 21

A tea tea cup, cup, a a tea tea pot, pot, A stainless stainless tea tea infuser infuser and tea tea were were brought brought and to our our table. table. to

It's cake cake tower tower which which is is It's sandwiches, sandwiches, a scone scone and and a a cupcake. cupcake. We We have have to to a start from from last last plate. plate. start

Each tea tea cup cup and and each each Each tea pot pot is is a a different different tea pattern and and different different pattern form. form. These are are perfectly perfectly These matched with with tea tea flavor. flavor. matched

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the tea master cultural differences between British tea & Japanese tea


Manami Tamada

160mm (1)

24 The tea master


The book size in this format follows the Golden ratio.

Size 25


The tea master

Cyan; 100%, Magenta; 45%

When I went to British tea shop for research, I often saw kind of blue color. And I get the idea from Union Flag of Navy blue.

Color 27


The tea master

Color 29


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