FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Evan O’Kelly Director of Communications O: (406) 657-2130 E: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 ‘Jackets host Saints, Little League Day Saturday at Dehler
Home for the second straight weekend, MSUB’s baseball team hosts Saint Martin’s University in a four-game series at Dehler Park running Friday and Saturday. BILLINGS, Mont. – Playing at home for the second straight weekend, the Montana State University Billings baseball team will host Great Northwest Athletic Conference opponent Saint Martin’s University in a four-game series starting Friday. Doubleheaders at Dehler Park are scheduled to start at 1 p.m. both Friday and Saturday, and live video with play-by-play commentary and live statistics will be available online through MSUB’s Stretch Internet portal here. Saturday will be Little League Day at Dehler Park, with all Little Leaguers who wear their jersey receiving free admission and $1 admission for their parents. Youth players will have a chance to meet the Yellowjackets after Saturday’s games, as the team will sign autographs in the dugout upon the conclusion of the doubleheader.