FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Evan O’Kelly Director of Communications O: (406) 657-2130 E: Thursday, May 4, 2017 Handful headed to Dickinson State for last-chance meet Friday
MSUB’s track and field squad will send its jumpers and throwers to a last-chance meet at Dickinson State University this weekend, in advance of next week’s GNAC Championships. BILLINGS, Mont. – With a final opportunity to better its marks before next week’s Great Northwest Athletic Conference Championships, the Montana State University Billings track and field squad will send a handful of athletes to the Dickinson State University Last Chance Track Meet Friday in Dickinson, N.D. Action is scheduled to kick off on Friday at noon with field events at the Henry Biesiot Activities Center. For the Yellowjacket women, four jumpers and four throwers are scheduled to compete at the meet. Freshman Shelby Browning holds the team’s top entry time in the long jump at 5.10 meters, and Brenna Beckett and Shaniah Schwend will also compete in the event.