FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Birgitta Gray O: (406) 896-5917 E: October 14, 2015 MSUB and Rocky hosting dual MSUB Distance on Facebook MSUB Cross Country Stack on ISSUU
The MSU Billings cross country teams along with Rocky Mountain College will host a dual meet at Riverfront Park.
The MSU Billings and Rocky Mountain College cross country teams are clashing in a dual meet set for Thursday at Riverfront Park. BILLINGS, Mont. – After hosting the Yellowjacket Invitational last week, MSUB is co-hosting a dual event with Rocky Mountain College. Thursday, Oct. 15, the Yellowjackets and Battlin’ Bears will face-off in a dual meet at Riverfront Park. The women will run a 5K starting at 4:30 p.m. followed by the men’s four mile at 5:00 p.m. “We are going to use these races to stay sharp the week before we compete at the Great Northwest Athletic Conference Championships,” head coach Dave Coppock said. “Mike McClean from Rocky and myself though it would be a good idea, so we put this meet together.”