FEBRUARY 15, 2025
FEBRUARY 15, 2025
Section 1 Agenda and Meeting Rules
Section 2 202 4 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Section 3 Book of Reports
Section 4 MSYSA Bylaws, Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Section 5 Proposed Revisions to the MSYSA Bylaws, Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Section 6
MSYSA Financi al Statement FYE 2024
Section 7 MSYSA Budgets
Section 8 MSPSP Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations
Section 9
Section 10
MSPSP Financial Statement FYE 2024
MSPSP Budgets
Section 11 Notes & Miscellaneous
February 14 - 15, 2025 at The Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, MI
Friday, February 14, 2025
6:30pm – 7:00pm: Registration / Check-In for the MSYSA Awards Ceremony and Recognition Dinner
7:00pm – 9:30 pm: MSYSA Awards Ceremony and Recognition Dinner
Saturday, February 15, 2025
8:00am – 8:30am: Breakfast & AGM Registration
8:00am – 8:30am: MSYSA Board of Director’s Meeting
8:30am – 12:00pm: AGM General Session
To: All MSYSA League Presidents and Delegates
From: Mike Poulos, MSYSA President
Date: December 16, 2024
RE: 2025 Annual General Meeting
Pursuant to the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Bylaws, I am officially calling all Presidents and Delegates to meet for the MSYSA Annual General Meeting. The AGM is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 202 5, from 8:30am – 12:00pm at The Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, MI. Breakfast will be served before the meeting.
The Annual MSYSA Awards Ceremony and Recognition Dinner will be held before the AGM on Friday, February 14, 202 5, from 7:00pm – 9:30pm (same hotel). Up to two complimentary event passes, which includes the dinner, will be provided to each league that RSVPs. Additional event passes can be purchased from MSYSA at $50 per ticket. Please see the order form included in t his communication.
For your convenience in preparing for the AGM, the Agenda, Meeting Rules, Nominating Committee Report, and AGM Proxy Statement are included in this communication. You are encouraged to view the AGM Book online (to be posted at http://mi-agm.com). There will be a limited supply of physical AGM Books available onsite. All items will be posted online at https://www.michiganyouthsoccer.org/annual -general-meeting/
Attendees who wish to stay overnight at the hotel on Friday may do so by making their reservations directly with the hotel. The cost per room is $1 79.00 plus tax. Please use this link: https://book.passkey.com/event/50838744/owner/2529966/home to make a reservation. The deadline to make a reservation at our specially negotiated rate is January 15, 2025
Please let us know if you will be in attendance at the Awards Ceremony ( click here), and/or the AGM (click here) by filling out the RSVP forms. Please note that each event has a separate RSVP form Each RSVP form is due no later than January 1 5, 202 5.
NOTE: If the League President is unable to attend the AGM but wishes to send a different individual from the League Board of Directors on their behalf, the AGM Proxy Statement must be filled out in its entirety with all necessary signatures and sent to the MSYSA State Office no later than Monday, February 10, 2025.
I look forward to your attendance at the upcoming AGM! Thank you for your continued support.
Mike Poulos President
1. Identification badges issued by the credentials committee shall be worn for admission to all meetings and events. Badges may not be transferred without proper action by the credentials committee.
2. The president shall appoint a committee of three to approve the AGM minutes.
3. AGM delegates and MSYSA Board Members wishing to speak shall line up at the floor microphones. Upon being recognized, AGM delegates and MSYSA Board Members shall give his or her name and office, title, or league.
4. AGM delegates and MSYSA Board Members are required to follow rules of decorum in debate especially as it relates to confining remarks to the pending item of business, avoiding the use of other delegates’ or board members’ names, and not carrying on discuss ion directly with another AGM delegate or MSYSA Board Member.
5. Debate shall be limited to one speech of not more than two (2) minutes for each AGM delegate and/or MSYSA Board Member on each debatable motion or bylaw amendment. Allowed time is not transferable or cumulative.
6. For elections with more than the number of candidates to be elected, candidates for office will be allowed up to three (3) minutes to address the assembly immediately after nominations for office are closed.
7. Motions to close, limit, or extend debate shall require a majority vote.
8. All main motions and amendments shall be presented to the presiding officer and secretary in writing and shall be signed by the maker of the motion.
9. An amendment to strike out one word or a set of words in multiple places and to insert a different word or a set of words in all of those places shall be in order, and shall be deemed to include appropriate modifications in capitalization, number (singular or plural), and case (possessive).
10. The secretary will be authorized to correct article and section designations, punctuation, and crossreferences, and to make such other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the membership in connection with the proposed amendments to the bylaws, rules, regulations and policies adopted at the AGM.
11. Electronic keypad voting shall be authorized for all business condu cted during this meeting except incidental main motions, uncontested elections, or otherwise as ordered by the president or assembly. Voting by electronic keypad devices shall be deemed to be a Division of the Assembly.
12. No representative shall vote in more than one (1) capacity. (See Bylaw Article VII, Section 6 B). Voting by proxy is permissible given that all MSYSA bylaws and rules are adhered to.
13. Cell phones , and any other electronic devices, shall be silenced during all meetings.
Michigan State Youth Soccer Association Annual General Meeting
Saturday, February 25, 2024
Call to Order:
The Annual General Meeting of (AGM) Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) was called to order on Saturday, February 24, 2024, by President Mike Poulos at 8:32 AM at The Kingsley Hotel located at 39475 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, welcomed everyone to the 2024 AGM and thanked everyone for their attendance and participation.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, provided ‘Year in Review’ remarks Mr Poulos congratulated the many individuals who received awards at the MSYSA Annual Awards & Hall of Fame Ceremony on Friday, February 23, 2024.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, recognized MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez, to conduct the roll call. MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez shared the roll call results below.
Direct Member Organization Name: Present or Absent (Excused)
Bad Axe Soccer Association
Bay Area Soccer Association
Birmingham Bloomfield Soccer Club
Bloomfield Hills Youth Soccer League
Cadillac Soccer Association
Canton Soccer Club
Capital Area Soccer League
Charlevoix Youth Soccer
City of Plymouth Recreation Department
Clawson Soccer
Crawford AuSable Soccer Association
Cros-Lex Area Youth Soccer
CW3 Soccer Association
Dearborn Soccer Club
Eastside FC
Elk Rapids Soccer Club
Farmington Soccer Club
Fraser Soccer Club
Freeland Soccer Club
Garden City Soccer Club
Gaylord Soccer League
Gladwin County Youth Soccer Association
Goodrich Soccer Club
Grand Valley Soccer Association
Great Lakes Coed Soccer League
Grosse Ile Soccer Association
Harbor Soccer, Inc.
Hartland Community Soccer Association
Hillsdale Soccer Club
Houghton FC
Houghton Lake Soccer Association
Huron Soccer Association
Indian River Soccer Association
Leelanau Soccer Club
Liverpool FC
Madison Heights Youth Soccer Association
Marysville Youth Soccer Association
Michigan Elite
Michigan FC
Michigan Jaguars FC
Michigan Premier Soccer Academy (MPSA)
Michigan State Developmental Soccer League
Michigan Wolves Soccer
Michigan Youth Soccer Club
Michigan Youth Soccer League
Mid-Michigan Youth Soccer Club
Midland Soccer Club
Milan Youth Soccer Club
Monroe Area Soccer Association
Northland United Soccer Club
Petoskey Youth Soccer Association
Redford Soccer Club
Reeths-Puffer Youth Soccer Club
Rochester Soccer Club
Roscommon North Youth Soccer Association
Royal Oak FC
Saginaw Township Soccer Association
Sailor Soccer Club
Saline FC
Sault Soccer Association
South Lyon FC
South Oakland County Soccer
Southwest Michigan SC
Superiorland Soccer Association
Thunder Bay Soccer Association
Traverse Bay Area Youth Soccer
Troy Youth Soccer League
United Soccer League
Warren Youth Soccer League
Wayne-Westland Soccer League
West Huron Soccer Association
West Michigan Youth Soccer Association
West Shore Waves
Western Suburban Soccer League
New Direct Member Organizations:
St. Clair Shores Youth Soccer League
Mike Poulos (President) Present
Denise Moote (Vice President) Present
Adam Dixon (Treasurer) Present
Tina Ramirez (Recording Secretary) Present
Oscar Castaneda (MSPSP Chairperson) Present
Gerhard Mengel (MSA Adult League) Absent
Ron Grobbel (SYRA) Absent
Doug Prim (Rec Director) Present
Brian Scherzer (North) Present
Anthony Spica (Metro East) Absent
Steve Devries (West) Absent
Wendy Zielen (Metro Southwest) Present
Mike Egnotovich (Metro Central) Present
Robin Crawford (Immediate Past President) Absent
Paul Tinnion (Nominating Committee Chairman) Present
MSYSA’s Credential Committee Chairperson, Sarah Shiguango, was recognized by MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, to report, as of 8:52 AM, the following members were present:
Total Voting Members: 32
Total Board Members: 8 (non-voting)
Total Non-voting Delegates: 23
Total Attendance: 63
A celebration of soccer video, produced by MSYSA’s Staff, was shown to the members.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, inquires of the members present if there are any objections on the adoption of the Credential Committee’s Report. There were no objections.
Motion: To approve the Credential Committee’s Report. Motion: Approved.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, recognizes MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez, to present the 2024 AGM Meeting Rules. MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez presents the 2024 AGM Meeting Rules as outlined in the 2024 AGM Book.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, inquires of the direct members present if there are any objections on the adoption of the 2024 AGM Meeting Rules. With no objections, the 2024 AGM Meeting Rules were adopted.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, requests a motion from the direct members present to approve the 2024 AGM Meeting Agenda.
To approve the Meeting Agenda. Motion: Approved
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, announced the appointment of Julie Pearson as the official timekeeper for the 2024 AGM Meeting.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, announced the appointment of the following people to serve on the 2024 AGM Minutes Approval Committee: Mark Klein (Chairman), Jeremy LaCreuse, and Doug Prim.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, announces the appointment of those that will serve as ‘back-up’ tellers (if needed), in the event the electronic fobs are inoperable or damaged for the 2024 AGM: Chairman Steve Wilson, Tyler Zbik, and Elizabeth Satterley.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, recognizes MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez, to report on the 2023 AGM Minutes. MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez, announces that the 2023 AGM Minutes were approved by the 2023 AGM Minutes Approval Committee.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, called upon MSYSA Recording Secretary, Tina Ramirez, to announce the one (1) new direct member organization (St. Clair Shores Youth Soccer League).
Motion: To approve St. Clair Shores YSL and as a direct member organization. Motion: Approved.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, called upon Sarah Shiguango, Credential Committee Chairperson, who reported that as of 9:05 AM, there were the following total members present:
Total Voting Members: 32
Total Board Members: 8 (non-voting)
Total Non-voting Delegates: 23
Total Attendance: 63
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, inquires of the direct members present if there are any objections on the adoption of the Credentials Committee Report, as presented.
To approve the Credentials Committee Report. Motion: Approved, 31-0.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, announces a 15–20-minute break for direct member representatives to elect their respective MSYSA District Commissioners. Upon return, MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, shared the results of the elections.
Metro Central: Mike Egnotovich
Metro East: Anthony Spica
Metro Southwest: Wendy Zielen North: Brian Scherzer West: Steve DeVries
The next item of business was to approve the ‘Actions of the MSYSA Board of Directors’
Motion (Clawson):
To approve the ‘Actions of the MSYSA Board of Directors’ Second: Dearborn Soccer Club
Discussion: None. Motion: Approved, 30-0.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, relays that there is one (1) MSYSA Proposed Bylaw Amendment for direct member consideration
To adopt amendment to MSYSA Bylaw (Article II, Section as presented and outlined in the MSYSA AGM Book.
Motion: Approved, 32-0.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, called on MSYSA Treasurer, Adam Dixon, to present the revised budgets for FY ‘24 and FY ‘25.
Motion (Royal Oak):
To approve the FY ‘24 and FY ‘24 Budget Amendments, as presented. Second: Troy Youth Soccer League
MSYSA Treasurer, Adam Dixon, provided the members with notable adjustments in both revenue and expense.
Motion: Approved, 32-0.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, called on MSYSA Treasurer, Adam Dixon, to present the proposed budget for FY ‘26
Motion (MYSL):
To approve the proposed budget for FY ‘26
Second: Grand Valley Soccer Association (GVSA)
MSYSA Treasurer, Adam Dixon, provided the members with notable adjustments in both revenue/expense in comparison to FY ‘24 and FY ’25 budgets.
Motion: Approved, 32-0.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, announced nominations being open for the following MSYSA positions: President, Treasurer, and Recreational Director
Mike Poulos ran unopposed for the position of MSYSA President. Mike Poulos was elected, by acclimation, to the position of MSYSA President for a two (2) year term.
Adam Dixon ran unopposed for the position of MSYSA Treasurer. Adam Dixon was elected, by acclimation, to the position of MSYSA Treasurer for a two (2) year term.
Doug Prim ran unopposed for the position of MSYSA Recreational Director. Doug Prim was elected, by acclimation, to the position of MSYSA Recreational Director for a two (2) year term.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, recognized MSPSP Chairman, Oscar Castaneda, to conduct the business of the Michigan State Premier Soccer Program.
MSPSP Chairman, Oscar Castaneda, announced nominations being open for the following MSPSP positions: Vice Chairperson, and Commissioner
Sue Crabtree ran unopposed for the position of MSPSP Vice Chairperson. Sue Crabtree was elected, by acclimation, as MSPSP Vice Chairperson for a two (2) year term.
Brad Barlog ran unopposed for the position of MSPSP Commissioner. Brad Barlog was elected, by acclimation, as MSPSP Commissioner for a two (2) year term.
MSPSP Chairperson, Oscar Castaneda announced nominations being open for the position of MSPSP Statistician
Dave Harris (MYSL) nominated Steve McGuirk for the position of MSPSP Stastician Brian Scherzer (MMYSL) nominated George Hageage for the position of MSPSP Statistician
Voting for the position of MSPSP Statistician took place. Voting for the position of MSPSP Statistician was closed.
Candidate B: (George Hageage) received 29 votes.
Candidate A: (Steve McGuirk) received 2 votes.
Having received more votes, George Hageage was elected as MSPSP Statistician for a two (2) year term. MSPSP Chairperson, Oscar Castañeda congratulated Mr. Hageage, and thanked Steve McGuirk for his service to MSPSP.
MSPSP Chairman, Oscar Castaneda, is called upon to present the proposed MSPSP budget for FY ‘25
Motion: To adopt the MSPSP FY 2023-2024 Budget, as presented Motion: Approved, 31-1.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, inquired of the direct members present if there was any ‘New Business’ to conduct. There was no New Business to conduct.
MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, opened the floor for ‘Good of the Game’ announcements.
MSYSA Executive Director, Tom Faro, thanked the MSYSA Board of Directors for net asset support to hire of a full-time Media Manager to align with MSYSA strategic initiatives. Mr. Faro also thanked Sarah Shiguango, Danielle Henry, and Lori Bederka, for their many years of service to MSYSA.
MSYSA Executive Director, Tom Faro, announced the recent hire of Maleesha Appuhmilage as MSYSA’s new Accounting/HR Manager.
MSYSA Executive Director, Tom Faro, wished Gerhard Mengal, US Soccer Life Member, a happy 95th birthday!
MSYSA Executive Director, Tom Faro asked the members to keep Anthony Spica, MSYSA Metro Central District Commissioner, in their thoughts and prayers due to a recent medical event.
Details regarding the 2025 Annual General Meeting (MSYSA West District) will be announced and posted soon.
With no objections, MSYSA President, Mike Poulos, adjourned the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 10:00 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ms. Tina Ramirez, MSYSA Recording Secretary
This chart focuses specifically on the structure of youth soccer. Please visit the US Soccer website for a complete picture of all other areas
President – Mike Poulos
Vice President – Denise Moote
Treasurer – Adam Dixon
Recording Secretary – Tina Ramirez
Recreational Director – Doug Prim
MSPSP Chair – Oscar Castaneda
MSA Chair – Gerhard Mengel
State Youth Referee Administrator – Ron Grobbel
Metro Central District Commissioner – Mike E gnotovich
Metro East District Commissioner – Anthony Spica
Metro Southwest District Commissioner – Wendy Zielen
North District Commissioner – Brian Scherzer
West District Commissioner – Steve DeVries
Immediate Past President (Non-Voting) – Robin Crawford
Nominating Committee Chair (Non-Voting) – Paul Tinnion
Nominating Committee
• Paul Tinnion (Chair)
• Deanna Gorde
• Mike Madrid
• Jeremy LaCreuse
• Dana Pope
• Ryan Theisen
Discipline & Appeals Committee
• Steve Wilson (Chair)
• Mike Poulos
• Sarah Shiguango
• Others as needed
Recreational Committee
• Doug Prim (Chair)
• Paul Thomas
• Mark Zathey
• Mike Poulos
• Julie Pearson
TOPSoccer Committee
• Tamara Hageage (Chair)
• Denise Moote
• Julie Pearson
Budget- Finance Committee
• Maleesha Appuhamilage (Chair)
• Adam Dixon
• Ryan Theisen
• Brian Scherzer
• Mike Poulos
• Denise Moote
• Tom Faro
Cup Competition Committee
• Robin Crawford (Chair)
• Tom Faro
• Steve Wilson
• Sarah Shiguango
• Justin Woods
• Ryan Theisen
• Mike Poulos
Participant Safety Committee
• Tom Faro (Chair)
• Ryan Theisen
• Elizabeth Satterley
• Duane Johnson
• Mike Poulos
AGM 2024 Minutes Approval Committee
• Mark Klein (Chair)
• Jeremy Lacreuse
• Doug Prim
• Julie Pearson
Bylaws & Standing Rules Committee
• Mark Klein (Chair)
• Adam Dixon
• George Hageage
• Connie Campbell
• Elizabeth Satterley
• Mike Poulos
Poaching & Illegal Recruit ing Committee
• Chris Jackett (Chair)
• Dave Harris
• Jason Smith
• Stuart Collins
• Mike Poulos
• Ryan Theisen
Soccer for Success Committee
• Tyler Zbik (Chair)
MSYSA Executive Committee
• Mike Poulos (Chair)
• Denise Moote
• Adam Dixon
• Tina Ramirez
• Tom Faro
Executive Director – Thomas Faro
Technical Director – Mark Zathey
Director of Coaching – Paul Thomas
Director of Competitions – Sarah Shiguango
Director of Programs – Tyler Zbik
Director of Operations/Events – Ryan Theisen
Program Manager – Julie Pearson
Member Services Manager – Elizabeth Satterley
Accounting/HR Manager – Maleesha Appuhmilage
Media Manager – Justin Woods
Marketing & Comm. Coordinator – Emma Lennig
MSYSA President Report
Mike Poulos
Dear Club and League Representatives:
First, a special welcome to our newest members, United FC and Detroit Soccer District!
This past year, your Board/Staff accomplished quite a bit. Our strategic initiatives are well underway, and we are realizing positive benefits as a result. I want to again thank those of you that participated last year in the development of our strategic goals and initiatives. I hope that you have found the quarterly updates helpful.
Player registration across the state continues to grow despite a host of competitors who believe they may have something better to offer. MSYSA player registration numbers are now at pre -COVID levels but there is certainly room for additional growth, espec ially at the recreational level. For most of our players, recreational soccer has been their gateway to our sport. I believe we should continue to share lessons learned from successful recreational programs with one another.
On the travel side, Michigan had (2) National Champions! Congratulations to the Nationals Union 17G team and to the Michigan Rangers 19G team! We also had a National President’s Cup Champion with the Detroit City FC South Oakland team finishing on top.
US Soccer is in the process of considering changes to its referee policies, primarily ‘Misconduct Towards Game Officials’. Behaviors consistent with ‘gross mistreatment of game officials’ are now being clearly defined and a penalty matrix for those committing ‘gross mistreatment’ or ‘gross misconduct towards game officials’ is expected to be in place by March 1, 2025. These policy changes from US Soccer should assist in improving the referee shortage across the country. Calling out and ensuring that poor behavior/conduct has notable consequences, will help our sport flourish. I implore you to communicate with parents, coaches, and even players, on the need to treat our officials with respect and to consider officiating our sport when and where they can. Reach out to the Michigan Referee Committee wh o will kindly point them in the right direction.
As you know, US Soccer has decided to pause its efforts at potentially transitioning to school year registration. Our staff will be in touch with all of you if/when decisions are made by MSYSA to move from birth year registration to school year registration. There will be no change this coming seasonal year.
In closing, I want to especially thank my colleagues on the MSYSA Board of Directors and our staff in the MSYSA Office. We remain committed to serving you, our athletes and team officials, to the best of our abilities. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions.
Mike Poulos MSYSA President stateoffice@michiganyouthsoccer.org
Executive Director Report
Tom Faro
Dear Club and League Representatives:
MSYSA continues to thrive since the 2020 COVID pandemic. Membership has rebounded from 64,141 to over 91,000 this past seasonal year. In addition, participation in MSYSA programs, events, and tournaments has been quite strong!
Efforts on our strategic indicatives continues. Last year, MSYSA’s Board of Directors approved just under 80K towards strategic initiatives. This year, an investment of 110K towards specific initiatives is anticipated. There are four (4) primary focus areas which include grassroots, member services, brand development/marketing and coaching/referee education.
In the coming year, we plan to review and potentially redefine our Associate Membership category. The intent is to encourage smaller clubs to maintain a direct connection to MSYSA despite some not being able to maintain full member organization status. MSYSA has a sincere interest in smaller clubs having direct access to MSYSA member services, and we encourage our smaller clubs to attend meetings of the MSYSA in the future (e.g., District Meeting, AGM’s, etc.).
With regard to player registration, there will be no change from Birth Year Registration (January 1 -December 31) to School Year Registration (August 1-July 31) for the coming seasonal year (Fall 2025/Spring 2026). US Soccer’s recent decision provides flexi bility and time for organizations, like MSYSA, to potentially transition to School Year Registration (August 1-July 31) beginning in the Fall of 2026. When available, MSYSA will share resources and other information in preparation for a potential transition.
Amendments to the SafeSport Code were recently adopted. As such, US Soccer, our national governing body, adopted a revised their Model Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (aka ‘MAAPP’). MSYSA policies will be revised to align with the changes. Please be sure to visit our website and be on the lookout for electronic communications from us.
With respect to programs, US Youth Soccer (USYS) is moving forward with modifications to its National Championship Series (NCS) structure beginning with the 2026 -2027 seasonal year. In the future, teams from across the country will qualify for the USYS National Championships directly from their respective State Cup competitions (the regional championships will no longer exist). The USYS National League will also continue to have a direct pathway to the National Championships. For the coming year, the USYS N ational Championships will still include the Midwest Regional Championships. Teams who play (and win) in the Elite Division of the 2024 -2025 MSYSA State Cup can still expect to earn a spot at the 2025 Midwest Regional Championships taking place in Overland Park, Kansas. Note: Currently, these changes will affect the USYS National Championships only and will not affect the USYS President’s Cup (or Premier Division of the MSYSA State Cup). Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
In closing, THANK YOU to the MSYSA Board of Staff for their continued hard work and efforts this past year!
Thomas Faro Executive Director
MSYSA Technical Director Report
Mark Zathey
US Soccer’s coaching education department continues to evolve with new programming for our coaching community. US Soccer’s Director of Coaching License was introduced in 2022, and has received high praise by student coaches who have taken the course. US Soccer has changed the name of the DOC License to the Technical Leadership 1 course. Additionally, US Soccer has added a Technical Leadership 2 course for Technical Directors who work in more intensive player development academy structures. US Soccer is also offering a Talent Scout course, which focuses on player identification. The purpose of the Talent Scout Course is to help youth scouts learn the process of identification, examination and monitoring of poten tial (top) talented players. Furthermore, there is progress on US Soccer’s coaching education department’s goalkeeper licensing pathway. The goalkeeper C license is now available for student coaches.
In 2024, MSYSA supported 539 USSF Grassroots Licenses for our coaches. 87 coaches earned the USSF D License. Additionally, 19 of our coaches earned the USSF C License. 24 coaches earned the USSF B License from our statehosted B License course.
In addition to the blended virtual and in-person US Soccer coaching courses, MSYSA hosted Mike Matkovic for a continuing education clinic in February. Mike is working as a scout for the Chicago FIre organization. Mike is the former Technical Director of Chicago Magic, one of the top youth clubs in the country during Mike’s tenure. MSYSA also hosted Dr. Tom Turner on December 13th. Dr. Turner is formerly full time with Ohio State Youth Soccer Association, and current US Soccer coach educator. Dr. Turner wil l present a topic: Assessing Player Actions in the Training Environment and Appropriate Support for Player Development.
Our MSYSA Olympic Development Program supported the 2024 ODP Midwest Sub -Regional event in Ohio from June 15-16th. Our 2012 to 2007 boys and girls state teams played matches against other Midwest state ODP teams at the event. ODP Midwest Regional staff att ended to scout players. The top players were recommended to the Midwest Region ODP camp, hosted in Rockford, IL in July, 2024. After the conclusion of the ODP Midwest Regional camp, the Midwest Regional staff selected a pool of players for the 2024 Interre gional ODP event in Orlando, Florida. The girls event is Jan. 16-20th. The boys event is Jan. 30-Feb. 2nd. The 2011-2007 age groups participate in the Interregional events. Michigan had 28 boys and 24 girls who were named to the ODP midwest regional team. Age groups range from 2007 to 2012. 2011 and 2012 have older and younger teams.
MSYSA ODP staff hosted our traditional ID tryout weekend at the end of July, 2024. Our state ODP staff welcomed 998 total number of players, 580 boys and 418 girls, to our ODP ID tryout weekend at the end of July. We expanded our youngest age group to 2014 this year, in alignment with the expansion at the Midwest Regional ODP programming. The age groups of our ODP p articipants are the 2008-2014 age groups. Our staff selected our ODP pool of players at the conclusion of the ID weekend. We host our ODP pool indoor training sessions in November, December, and March to select the Michigan ODP teams in the 2014-2008 age groups. Each age group pool of players receives four training sessions. At the conclusion of the fifth indoor training, ODP team selections are d etermined by the age group staff. We anticipate sending our boys and girls ODP teams to a ODP Midwest sub -regional event in late June, 2024. The sub-regional event will host state ODP teams competing against the other Midwest ODP state teams. Scouts
from MLS youth academy programs, ODP regional staff, and college staff are anticipated to watch players. The top players from our ODP teams will be recommended for the Midwest ODP Regional camp, taking place July, 2024.
I would like to recognize our former Girls Head Coach of our state ODP program, Bryan Goyings, and his exemplary service to our ODP girls program. I am grateful for the opportunity to share the game with Bryan, both in the role of coach educator and in our Olympic Development Program. Bryan is now working with Petoskey youth soccer association in the role of Club Director. Congratulations to Todd Derby, who is now leading our Girls ODP program. Todd has over 20 years of service, coaching in our ODP program. I look forward to continuing to work with Todd in his new role.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Zathey Technical Director, MSYSA
Vice President Report
Denise Moote
Dear Club and League Representatives:
This past year, MSYSA membership numbers are up for a second straight ye ar! This is wonderful news as our sport continues to experience competition for players
Our efforts to combat competition , and improve in other areas, includes an additional investment of $109,795 on strategic initiatives. This year’s (2025) focus includes grassroots, member services, brand development/marketing and coaching education/referees.
In my role as Vice President, I serve on the MSYSA Executive Committee and the Budget & Finance Committee. This past year, the Board of Directors approved new direct member organizations or reinstated direct member organizations. Welcome to United FC and Detroit Soccer District! We also approved standing and special committee appointments and adopted various rule changes. Finally, the Board of Directors also considered and approved various budget adjustments during the prior fiscal year.
I also serve as a member of MSYSA’s TOP Soccer Committee. Top Soccer is such an amazing program! If you are not familiar with Top Soccer or have not had an opportunity to engage with one of our many Top Soccer programs, I encourage you to try and do so. Thank you to Tamara Hageage, MSYSA TOP Soccer Committee Chairperson, and Julie Pearson, ODP Manager, and to those associated with our TOP Soccer programs across the state. You are all so very much appreciated! Thank you for all you do in enabling youth athletes with disabilities to become valued and successful members of the MSYSA soccer family.
I want to thank our MSYSA President Mike Poulos, the MSYSA Board of Directors, MSYSA Executive Director Tom Faro and the MSYSA Staff for their continued impressive work in promoting and supporting MSYSA.
Thank you for your continued support as your Vice President. I look forward to continuing our work together in 2025.
And, as always, thank you for all you do for the beautiful game !
Denise Moote
MSYSA Vice President mooted@aol.com
MSYSA Recording Secretary Report
Tina Ramirez
Welcome to the 2025 MSYSA Annual General Meeting! I am excited to have you here with us today. 2024 was an exciting year for the soccer community in the state of Michigan. Plenty of thrilling soccer games, competitive tournaments, coaching education programs and top -notch referee training sessions throughout the entire year.
The best part is that all of this will continue into 2025, as well! Through the commitment of the MSYSA staff and the Board of Directors, these activities will continue to evolve and improve to make the soccer experience enjoyable for everyone involved. This commitment to MSYSA and all of its members is shown through the attendance at our monthly Board meetings as we discuss the betterment of the club.
I would like to thank each of you for your continued membership to MSYSA. Without you, our members, we would not be meeting here today and would not be as successful as we are and will continue to be in the future.
Tina Ramirez
MSYSA State Youth Referee Administrator Report
Ron Grobbel
Referee development and training continues to be a priority for the Michigan Referee Committee (MRC). Check out some of the training material found at our redesigned website www.michiganrefs.org . We have continuing education sessions planned throughout the winter.
Currently the MRC has over 4,00 Michigan referees registered with U.S. Soccer. For the past five months we have been able to certify approximately 900 new referees at in -person field sessions held throughout the state. We have seven such field sessions currently scheduled in the upcoming months, all found on the U.S. Soccer Learning Center. Information on the steps required to become a referee can be found on our website at the following link: https://www.michiganrefs.org/become -a-referee/
A total of 264 matches were played at the MSYSA State Cup tournament weekends. A total of 792 referee assignments were scheduled for these events. Referees are recommended by MSPSP Regional assignors and progress at each event based upon their performance. The MSYSA State Cup is the first level of competition for two (2) US Youth Soccer competitions. The top division of State Cup (Elite Division) is composed mostly of U14 –U18/19 teams that participate in the NLC and MSPSP Premier 1. Teams in the Elite div ision compete to earn spots at the US Youth Soccer Midwest Regional Championships and potentially National Championships. The next division of the State Cup is the Premier Division, and it is composed mostly of U14 – U18/19 teams that participate in MSPSP (except P1) and other select leagues around the state. Teams in the Premier Division compete to earn spots at the US Youth Soccer Midwest Presidents Cup and potentially National Presidents Cup.
This past year Michigan sent twenty -one referees, and four coach-mentors to the US Youth Soccer Midwest Regional Championships (Kansas). The entire delegation did great! Five referees from the MI delegation were selected to represent the Midwest Region at the US Youth National Championships:
• Evan Barnett (Top 10 2023 Nationals)
• Kaitlin Girbach
• Colton Odem
• Ashley Vredenburg
• Avi Weingarten
Additionally, Michigan was required to send twelve referees, and three coach -mentors to the US Youth Soccer Midwest Presidents Cup (South Dakota). The entire delegation performed great at this event as well! Five referees from the MI delegation were select ed to represent the Midwest Region at the US Youth National Presidents Cup:
• McKenzie Perez (2024)
• Adam Sypitkowski (2024)
• Carlos Alarcon (2025)
• Alex Braeseker (2025)
• Ian Smiley (2025)
The following were recognized as the 2024 MSYSA Young Referee (female and male) of the year and received the Carlos Folino Young Referee of the Year Scholarship ($500 each):
• McKenzie Perez (Livonia)
• Daniel Shen (Novi)
Both were selected by a committee that reviewed nominations submitted by local referee assignors and/or clubs. Congratulations! Over the past thirteen years, Michigan referees have earned not only State recognition but also Regional (8 females, 4 males) and National recognition (1 female, 1 male). We believe that there are many deserving young referees that merit consideration. For this reason, we encourage you to submit multiple referees for the MSYSA award.
The Michigan Referee Committee wishes to acknowledge the MSYSA, MSPSP and many other local leagues for their support of the referee program.
Respectfully submitted.
Grobbel, State Youth Referee Administrator
Doug Prim
We started 2024 off in January with the United Soccer Coaches convention and US Youth Soccer Workshop Meetings in Anaheim, California. I attended several sessions including strategies to operate a club, parent issues, mental health of athletes at all levels, along with others. During the convention, I was able to network with other organizations to learn strategies to help grow the game bring back to Michigan.
Recreation numbers increased this past year. This is good news as we reach more markets. A big thank you to all of you for recruiting and finding a place for these kids to play soccer! Please thank all of your board members, coaches, parents and players for all of their efforts.
A reminder to all our clubs/leagues, referee mentors are available to help train newer referees. I encourage you to contact a local assignor or director of referee development to schedule a mentor if you have new referees. This resource is a great way to help retain and teach our referees.
In September, Brian Scherzer (Recreation Committee Member) and I attended the Grassroots Symposium hosted by US Youth Soccer in Salt Lake City, Utah. This was a tremendous conference focusing specifically on Grassroots Soccer. Some good news, Top Soccer i s now included in the Grassroots Family. Sessions in Utah included how to adapt small-sided games to include adaptive soccer participants. Mental Health was also addressed in some sessions. I found it great and valuable to hear from other State Associati ons how clubs in their area or managed or operated.
Just a reminder to start planning on nominations for Annual Awards for next year. Special congratulations to this year’s winners! Also, recreation grants are available every year from MSYSA. Please apply. These funds are in place to help your club/league with projects and activities to support our great sport.
Finally, thank you to the MSYSA Board of Directors and to the MSYSA Office Staff for all of their support. They do an excellent job!
Doug Prim, Recreational Director
MSYSA North District Report
Brian Scherzer
In January, I attended the convention in Anaheim. While at the convention I attended many sessions on different aspects of working with leagues, parents and players, as well as some training sessions. During the convention, I was able to build some relationships with other representatives, coaches and administrators that have proven helpful and gave me some opportunities to help some of the clubs within my community and in the North
This year in the north district we met monthly for all of those that could attend to start an effort of knowledge sharing and helping each other out. We had many topics, like tournaments, dealing with the international clearance issues, finding and retaining referees and many other topics that were helpful. These were great sessions and we were able to share some great ideas and perspectives with each other.
As a member of the recreational committee, I attended a Grassroots Symposium that was put on by US Youth Soccer. During those sessions, and meetings, I not only was fortunate enough to meet some very interesting and insightful people from around the country but was able to learn much more about the different adaptive soccer opportunities. It is amazing how many different forms of soccer there are to accommodate players of every ability. I would like to work with the groups like Top Soccer to see if we c an find areas that could use these programs and get more of our other kids involved in the game. We also learned alot about mental health in our younger players and about the female side of the game. It was insightful to hear personal stories and research from a different point of view. Doug and I also learned some new ideas that some different organizations are using to build the game organically. One of those was a ball box that are being made and stocked with balls at local parks for kids to be a ble to play. Some balls don’t make it back, but with community help they get replenished and there is more interest in the game in those parks.
This year for me has been busy in soccer as well. I coach a varsity soccer program in the fall and have also spent quite a bit of time at the clubs. I was abe to go to 4 of the days of State Cup this year in Saginaw and watched a bunch of great games. I was a TOPs buddy in Midland in the Spring and that was a great experience and I plan to do that again. Along with that, I am an active referee and treasurer for MMYSL. I also coached 2 select teams at the Midland Soccer Club.
I truly appreciate the opportunity that I have been given to be able to help players enjoy the beautiful game regardless of the level they chose to play.
Brian Scherzer North District Commissioner
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
Paul Tinnion (Chair), Dana Pope, Deanna Gorde , Jeremy Lacreuse, Mike Madrid
Below is a list of candidates nominated by November 1, 2024, for positions on the MSYSA Board of Directors. Each candidate accepted their respective nomination and was asked to complete a questionnaire detailing their relevant experiences and goals for MSYSA. The Nominating Committee has rev iewed the information submitted (provided on subsequent pages) and has verified the qualifications of each candidate (outlined below).
MSYSA Vice President: Denise Moote
Based on the information av ailable to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA Vice President.
MSYSA Recording Secretary : Tina Ramirez
Based on the information available to us, the 20 24 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA Recording Secretary .
MSYSA District Commissioner: Mike Egnotovich (Metro Central)
Based on the information available to us, the 20 24 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA Metro Central District Commissioner.
MSYSA District Commissioner: Anthony Spica (Metro East)
Based on the information available to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA Metro East District Commissioner.
MSYSA District Commissioner: Wendy Zielen (Metro Southwest)
Based on the information available to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA Metro Southwest District Commissioner.
MSYSA District Commissioner: Brian Scherzer (North)
Based on the information available to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA North District Commissioner.
MSYSA District Commissioner: Bre Brendsel (West)
Based on the informa tion available to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSYSA West District Commissioner.
MSPSP Chairperson: Oscar Castaneda
Based on the information available to us, the 2024 MSYSA Nominating Committee finds the candidate in good standing and meeting the qualifications for the position of MSPSP Chairperson .
Paul Tinnion
MSYSA Nominating Committee
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
Page 2
Name: Denise Moote
Nominated For: MSYSA Vice President
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served Position or Title
Club/League Name
2021 – Present Vice President MSYSA
2013 – 2021 Metro SW District Comm. MSYSA
2009 – 2020 Administrator Western Suburban Soccer League
2006 – 2019 Scorekeeper Western Suburban Soccer League
2011 – 2013 Poaching & Illegal Recruitment Committee Chair MSYSA
2011 – 2013 Discipline & Appeals Panel MSYSA
2005 – 2009 Treasurer Western Suburban Soccer League
2002 – 2007 President/Treasurer/Secretary Plymouth Soccer Club
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2000 – 2007 Coach (D License) Plymouth Soccer Club
Professional / Other Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name 25+ years Small Business Administration and Bookkeeping Services Plymouth Area
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
As MSYSA Vice President I will promote and support the programs of MSYSA. I plan to work closely with President Mike Poulos, Executive Director Tom Faro, and the MSYSA staff to become familiar with the day - today operations of MSYSA. I will be engaged at every level with the MSYSA Board of Directors. I plan to be a hands- on Vice President and be available for whatever is needed within MSYSA as MSYSA continues to provide positive leadership and continuing education opportunities, and other items while promoting fair play in and for all aspects of soccer in Michigan.
This nominee states that she does not earn significant income from soccer related activities, nor does she have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
Page 3
Name: Tina Ramirez
Nominated For: MSYSA Recording Secretary
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2019 – Present Recording Secretary MSYSA
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name 2015 – 2024 Team Manager Michigan Jaguars
Professional / Other Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2020- Present Program Manager Mahle Powertrain 2007- 2019 Engineer/Program Manager General Motors
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
It is important that the Board of Directors meet on a monthly basis to discuss important matters and resolve them in a timely fashion. As Recording Secretary, I will encourage all Board members to attend all meetings so that we can meet quorum. I encourage attendance so that their voices can be heard, and we can ensure that the Board is working for all of its members.
On a personal note, I have a son that plays soccer, and I was the manager for his team for 9 years. I am able to see the various aspects of the game; the administrative side of the game and the leadership necessary to manager a successful team as well as the excitement of watching from the sidelines. I a m able to experience the joy of winning, the learning that comes along with losing and the behind the scenes work that goes into keeping the team organized.
I believe my personal experiences makes me a well-rounded Board member. I enjoy collaborating with others that love the game of soccer as much as I do and working together for the betterment our membership. It has been a pleasure to serve as the Recording Secretary and, if elected, I would continue to do my best in that role.
This nominee states that she does not earn significant income from soccer related activities, nor does she have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Nominating Committee
Page 4
Name: Mike Egnotovich
Nominated For: MSYSA Metro Central District Commissioner
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2019 – Present Central District Commissioner MSYSA
2018 – Present Administrator
2017 – 2018 Acting Vice President
2014 – 2018 Registrar
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
2014 – 2016 Recreational Soccer Coach
Professional / Other Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
2019 – 2020 President
2018 – 2019 Member
South Oakland County Soccer / DCFC South Oakland
South Oakland County Soccer
South Oakland County Soccer
Club/League Name
South Oakland County Soccer
Club/League Name
Huntington Woods Men's Club
City of Huntington Woods Long - Term Budget Advisory Committee
2016 – 2021 Board Member Huntington Woods Men's Club
2016 – 2018 Auction Chair / Gift Chair
Huntington Woods Men’s Club Annual Service Auction
2014 – 2018 Member City of Huntington Woods Emergency Advisory Committee
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
Like many individuals who volunteer with youth sports, my first involvement began at the community level when I volunteered to coach my youngest daughter’s rec soccer team 10 years ago. That was such an incredibly fun and rewarding experience and it made me realize I wanted to do more to help my local soccer club and support its athletic programs for kids. I was invited to join our community club's board, holding several positions over the years. I have now been involved on the administrative side of my community club for over nine years.
As a board member for my club, I became heavily involved in coordinating recreation soccer friendly matches among the community clubs in the Metro Central district. I have worked very hard to help strengthen and support these inter -club collaborations so that rec soccer teams from all the clubs along the Woodward Avenue corridor can play fun and competitive soccer together.
MSYSA Nominating Committee
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When I was given the opportunity to become Metro Central District Commissioner, I was happy to accept the role. I felt I was ready to share my knowledge and experience with the state board, but I was also eager to learn even more about the youth soccer landscape in Michigan. Now finishing my fifth year in this role, I truly enjoy working with MSYSA and its staff as well as providing support for the soccer clubs in the Metro Central district. I try to listen to and learn from everyone I meet, with the belief that the more informed I am, the better I can serve the youth soccer community in Michigan.
I will continue to do my best to meet and get to know the leaders and staff of the soccer clubs in the Metro Central District so that I have a sense of their needs and how I can best represent them at the state level. With my background volunteering with and working for a mid- sized, community-based soccer club, I will also do my best to make sure that the voices of smaller clubs continue to be heard at the state level – grassroots soccer is the foundation upon which youth soccer is built and we all need to make sure these programs continue to succeed. We are all in this for the kids, and I want to do whatever I can to help them all have a positive experience on the soccer field, regardless of the level at which they play.
This nominee states that he does not earn significant income from soccer related activities, nor does he have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Nominating Committee
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Name: Anthony Spica
Nominated For: MSYSA Metro East District Commissioner
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2020 – Present Metro East District Comm. MSYSA
2014 – Present Director of Coaching Michigan Youth Soccer League
2013 – 2014 Director of Operations Legacy FC
2002 – 2013 Director of Coaching, President Fraser Youth Soccer Club
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
1995 – Present Coach Various Clubs including USL, Fraser Youth Soccer Club, Legacy, Legends
*The candidate did not provide updated background information to the Nominating Committee. The information above was taken from past Nominating Committee Reports*
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
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Name: Wendy Zielen
Nominated For: MSYSA Metro Southwest District Commissioner
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2021 – Present Metro Southwest District Comm MSYSA
2015 – 2021 Chair Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
2013 – 2015 Chair MSYSA Nominating Committee
2010 – 2015 President Michigan Premier Soccer Academy
2007 – 2015 Secretary Western Suburban Soccer League
2006 – 2008 Co- Chair MSYSA Nominating Committee
2005 – 2009 Treasurer Western Suburban Soccer League
2004 – 2010 President Soccer Blast
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2006 – 2007 Referee, Grade 8 US Soccer Federation
2005 – 2007 Coach, D License Soccer Blast
2004 – 2008 Administrator Soccer Blast
2003 – 2009 Delegate Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
2003 – 2005 Coach, E License BAYSA & Soccer Blast
2001 – 2006 Team Manager Various youth & adult leagues
2000 – 2003 Administrator BAYSA
Professional or Non- Soccer Related Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2003 – 2009 Dedicated soccer mom of premier players from Classic to Division 1 Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
*The candidate did not provide updated background information to the Nominating Committee. The information above was taken from past Nominating Committee Reports*
MSYSA Nominating Committee
Page 8
Name: Brian Scherzer
Nominated For: North District Commissioner
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
2016 – Present Commissioner
Club/League Name
Mid- Michigan Youth Soccer League
2015 – 2016 & 2021 –Present North District Commissioner MSYSA
2016 – 2021 Recreational Director MSYSA
2014 – 2016 Vice President
Mid-Michigan Youth Soccer League
2014 – 2016 President Bay Area Soccer Association
2012 – 2016 Registrar Bay Area Soccer Association
2011 – 2016 Travel / Rec Director Bay Area Soccer Association
2012 – 2014
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Registrar / Vice President Bay Area Soccer Association
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2014- current USSF Grade 8 Referee MSYSA
2014- 2022
2006- 2014
2016- 2023
2016- 2020
2021- Present
2019- 2023
Select Coach BASA, Freeland, Auburn United Soccer Club
Recreational Coach 40+ teams BASA
Head Coach Bay City Western Bay City Public Schools
Head Coach Bay City Central Bay City Public Schools
Head Coach Bay City John Glenn Bangor Public Schools
Team Manager Auburn Untied Soccer Club
Head Coach Premier U13
Head Coach Select U12
Midland Soccer Club
2023 – Present Top Soccer Buddy - Spring Midand Soccer Club
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
If I am elected I would like to work with all of the clubs and leagues in the North District to help them grow the sport and find ways to effectively work together. I would like to see us grow both the recreational and travel sides of the sport and get our numbers strong. Working together, and using resources provided by our outstanding staff at MSYSA, we can make a better product for all of us.
This nominee states that he does not earn significant income from soccer related activities, nor does he have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
Page 9
Name: Bre Brendsel
Nominated For: MSYSA West District Commissioner
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2018 – Present Director/Secretary Grand Valley Soccer Association
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2011 – Present Executive Director; Head Coach Rapids FC
2010 – 2011 Head Coach AYSO
Professional or Non- Soccer Related Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
2011 – 2015 Board Member
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
Dear Presidents and Delegates:
Club/League Name
GIFT – non- profit advocacy group
I’m truly honored by the nomination for the MSYSA West District Commissioner position. Like many of you, I have been involved in the game for most of my life – first as a youth player, then as a coach, registrar, and currently as a league Board Member and club Executive Director. Over the past 13 years, I have witnessed the evolution of soccer in West Michigan into what it is today. This transformation has not occurred by chance; it has taken tremendous effort from our soccer community at all levels to reach this point.
My personal growth as a player has been the driving force behind my investment in youth soccer. I have experienced the lifelong impact of dedicated coaches, volunteers, administrators, and others who work tirelessly to positively influence our youth players. I strive to work with coaches and teams to foster a player -first mentality. Coaching the whole player – physically, emotionally, and psychologically – means helping athletes develop holistically, both on and off the field. This philosophy extends to vol unteers and staff as well. By collaborating, we can create strong players, teams, clubs, and governing bodies, ultimately building a better system in which everyone can thrive.
MSYSA Nominating Committee
Page 10
As a member of the Board of Directors for the Grand Valley Soccer Association, I have spent the past six years working alongside other talented leaders to enhance our soccer community and support our member clubs. Another part of my vision for West Michigan over the next year is to continue building r elationships with both recreational and competitive organizations in our area, supporting the important work they are already doing within their communities. By establishing connections throughout West Michigan, we can create widespread benefits.
Thank you for your support and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as your West District Commissioner.
Bre Brendsel bbrendsel@rapidsfc.com
This nominee states that she does earn significant income (50% or more) from soccer related activities but does not have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report Page 11
Name: Oscar Castaneda Nominated For: MSPSP Chairperson
Previous Soccer Board Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2021 – Present Chairperson Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
2016 – 2021 Vice Chairperson Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
2014 – 2015 Soccer Across America Chair MSYSA
2005 – 2008 Scheduler Capital Area Soccer League
2002 – 2005 Webmaster Capital Area Soccer League
2000 – 2002 Member at Large East Lansing Soccer Club
1999 – 2000 Webmaster East Lansing Soccer Club
Other Soccer Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2014 – Present High School JV Coach Lansing Catholic High School
2005 – Present High School Referee Michigan High School Athletic Association
2001 – Present Grassroots Referee MI Soccer Referee Committee
2004 – 2013 Boys Coach U9 – U19 East Lansing Soccer Club
1999 – 2008 Girls Coach U12 – U19 East Lansing Soccer Club
Professional or Non- Soccer Related Experiences:
Years Served
Position or Title
Club/League Name
2023 – Present Board Member Ingham Health Plan Corporation
2018 – Present Board Member at Large REACH Art Studio
Vision & Goals for MSYSA:
Today I come to this body asking for one more term as the chair of MSPS P Program. I just read the goals that I put forward two years ago and I conclude that my vision is much the same as what I wrote at that time but informed with the experiences that we gained during these years. On the other hand, the landscape for youth soccer in Michigan, and in the nation, keeps changing even faster than two years ago.
In a slightly different matter, you might be aware of the Strategic Planning Process that we are executing at MSPSP, as I write this document. It has been an almost six months process to identify issues that matter to our members, to provide more clarity in our vision and mission, and develop a sound plan to move this program forward for the next years. We requested input from all our stakeholders, via questionnaires, mee tings and consultants. I am sure that many of you saw those components, and many of you participated on them.
MSYSA Nominating Committee Report
Page 12
So, if you chose to vote me for this coming term, I want to inform my process on those two components:
• To implement ideas that would come from the Strategic Plan (to be completed in the next three weeks).
o I have a keen interest in making sure that our program maintains and improves its level of competitivity. And also, that maintains the reputation of being a competitive program.
o Make sure that our governance is up to date and is flexible and dynamic, with the ability to “goto-market” quickly and stay up or ahead of what other programs across the country do.
o Make sure that our membership experience improves in terms of easiness on working with us and our systems.
• Much of what our membership is asking is already in the works:
o The cost of playing at our program remains as a very reasonable for what it provides. We adjusted our prices calendar to a one that helps our members to have better balanced budgets.
o Our membership is better now than the pre pandemic levels. Now is time to focus on balanced divisions, efficient driving distances and divisions that remain competitive.
• Another item in my list is to find the soccer talent that remains untapped in Michigan. There are still many talented young athletes in Michigan that need to come to the realm of competitive organized soccer. To find them requires being very intentional in creating programs and activities that attract them. We took some initiatives during the last two years, but I will increase the efforts on that direction.
• We identified a few policies that would help us to keep improving behavior on the pitch, from parents, players and staff on the teams. We are seeing significant improvements and appreciate very much the support that we received in the last years from coach ing directors, team managers, and coaches, but recognize that we still have distance to cover on this matter.
• To continue our close relationship with the State’s referee organization to increase the quality and quantity of the referees who officiate our matches. This is another area that has consistently seen increases on numbers getting also back to pre -pandemic levels, and we appreciate our partnership with the Referee Committee.
Like in previous years, if you honor me on leading this program for two more years, please remember that I am always open to opinions, ideas from all our membership, the same way that I had during the two terms that I have served on this board.
Oscar Castaneda
This nominee states that he does not earn significant income from soccer related activities, nor does he have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations.
MSYSA Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee Report
Mark Klein (Chair), Brian Scherzer, George Hageage, Connie Campbell , Elizabeth Satterley (State Office Liaison) and Mike Poulos (Ex-officio Member)
The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee did not receive any proposed bylaw amendments prior to the October 15, 202 4 deadline, and there were no rule changes that were sent to the committee for review this year. As a result of no proposed changes, the committee did not meet this year.
Thank you,
Mark Klein
MSYSA Discipline & Appeals Committee Report
Steve Wilson
The purpose of the MSYSA D&A Committee is to hear evidence regarding Misconduct of Game Officials, Referee Abuse or Assault that has been committed by either/or both: Player(s), Parent(s) or Coach(es)/Team Official(s).
Reports that involve Referee Assault/Abuse or Misconduct of Game Officials are reviewed by an independent party to determine if there is enough evidence/material to hold a hearing. Once it is determined that there is sufficient evidence/material to hold a hearing, the material is sent to the State Office and all parties involved are notified that a hearing will be taking place within 30 days on either the 2 nd or 4th Wednesday of each month with any/all hearings being held via Zoom.
I wish to extend a thank you to all the volunteers who have served and assisted with the MSYSA Discipline & Appeal Hearings and to the following individuals who have served as part on the MSYSA Discipline & Appeals Committee over the past year: Jane Ashby, Sue Jaske, Sue Crabtree, Brain Fitzgerald, Mark Klein and George Hagans. I would like to thank MSYSA Executive Director Tom Faro, MSYSA Staff Office Liaison Sarah Shiguango, and the MSYSA Board of Directors for their assistance, efforts, and support towards the MSYSA Discipline & Appeal Hearings.
Additionally, over the past few years, the MSYSA D&A Committee, in conjunction with the MSYSA State Office, has assisted and advised various member organizations and the Michigan Referee Committee on Rule/Bylaw interpretations, US Soccer Policies as it relates to due process and the rights of all parties involved in a hearing, and much more. If you, or someone within your affiliating league, has questions relating to hearing procedures, please feel free to utilize the MSYSA Discipline & Appeals Committee for guidance and support.
Since the 2024 MSYSA Annual General Meeting, the MSYSA D&A Committee has held the following hearing :
Date: November 13, 2024
MSYSA Hearing: Referee Abuse
Background: An alleged incident involving a coach of a team within a MSYSA Game that resulted in a disciplinary hearing with a referee Decision: Not Guilty
Date: December 11, 2024
MSYSA Hearing: Misconduct of Game Officials – Misconduct at a match
Background: An alleged incident involving a MSYSA Referee and Players of a team within a MSYSA Game that resulted in a disciplinary hearing with a referee Decision: Not Guilty
In closing, if you, or someone you may know, is interested in participating as part of the MSYSA Discipline & Appeals Committee, please feel free to reach out to the MSYSA State Office. Thank you for your continued support of youth soccer in Michigan.
Steve Wilson
Ryan Theisen
MSYSA has been working with our background check provider, JD Palatine (JDP), since 2021. Background checks will typically require a minimum of 2-3 business days for processing, and the processing time may be longer for any applications that are ‘flagged’ for review. Thus, we recommend that all clubs/leagues, and their participating team officials, plan accordingly. MSYSA highly recommends that participating league officials complete their background checks in the offseason to avoid any potential complicati ons during the season. For more information on completing a background check please review our GotSport Risk Management FAQs, which are on the Risk Management Resources page of our website.
MSYSA continues to implement background screenings and SafeSport training for all MSYSA players that are 18 years and older as required by US Soccer. Athletes are able to complete these requirements ahead of their 18 th birthday, with parent consent, to avoid anu potential complications during the season. Instructions for both the athletes, and club administrators, can be found on the Risk Management Resources page of our website.
All adult participants, including athletes, with MSYSA are required to take the SafeSport training each year. For more information on completing the SafeSport training please review our GotSport Risk Management FAQs, which are on the Risk Management Resources page of our website. The U.S. Center for SafeSport also offers optional trainings for parents and minor athletes. They include: ‘Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport’ training (30 min. course), ‘SafeSport for Youth Athletes’ (ages 13 - 17) and ‘SafeSport for Kids’ (ages 5-12). These trainings are free, and the youth trainings require parental consent. To access the parent and youth trainings, visit https://safesporttrained.org/ and create an account. Once the account is created, these courses are displayed in ‘My Courses’. Parents and minor athletes may create unaffiliated accounts which will provide access to U.S. Center for SafeSport parent and youth trainings, free of charge.
The certification period for each Risk Management requirement remains unchanged. MSYSA background checks are valid for one (1) year, SafeSport certifications are valid for one (1) year, and the CDC Heads Up concussion training must be completed every three (3) years. One clarification regarding the SafeSport training is concerning the cycle of the Core & Refresher trainings. The Core training is the initial training requirement, while Refreshers 1, 2, and 3 are made available to users in subsequent years. O nly one SafeSport Refresher should be completed each year to maximize the certification. Once a person’s Refresher 3 certification has expired, each user should be prompted to complete the ‘Core’ training again, as the cycle restarts.
We appreciate your commitment to prioritizing Risk Management and athlete safety. As always, the most up -todate information on Risk Management can be found on our website ( www.michiganyouthsoccer.org ) by clicking on Resources, and then the Risk Management Resources and SafeSport tabs. As a final reminder, if you ever need to make a report regarding suspected child abuse, sexual misconduct, harassment, or other prohibited conduct, a link to our Reporting Form is posted on the SafeSport page of our website.
Ryan Theisen Director of Operations/Events
MSYSA Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee Chairperson Report Chris Jackett
The MSYSA Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee consists of volunteer members. These members of the committee are “disinterested and impartial fact -finders” for any cases relating to poaching and illegal recruitment. The committee reports directly to the MSYSA president and the MSYSA executive director.
• The MSYSA Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee shall only hear disciplinary cases relating to poaching and illegal recruitment.
• The Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee shall monitor the efficiency of the organization ’s poaching rules and pr opose amendments when appropriate , as outlined in the MSYSA Bylaws.
• The MSYSA Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee shall continue, through the MSYSA State Office, to assist MSYSA member organizations with inquiries on alleged poaching incidents, procedural matters and decision letters in order to comply with standards set by the U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF).
• There were three clubs with alleged infractions against them in 2024 Illegal mid-year contact, coaches instructing players to move to another club with them, and a player moving clubs mid-seasonal year were the allegation causes. One club was found guilty of five infractions.
• Throughout the past year, MSYSA has reviewed, evaluated, and provided input on procedural matters to a number of inquiries relating to poaching and illegal recruitment.
Since the 2024 MSYSA Annual General Meeting, the MSYSA Poaching and Illegal Recruitment Committee did not hold any hearings, but did find the following guilty of poaching :
Date: Occurred February-May 2024; reported June 5, 20 24; determined July 8, 2024
Background: Five players (including coach’s child) were rostered with a recreational team in fall 2023 and were not permitted to move up to select with their coach for spring 2024 or stick together within the recreational level either. That coach alerted the club they would leave the club if the five players were not allowed to stick together with them as coach and the club’s board members wished the coach well (although the coach planned to continue coaching other teams still within that club). The president/DOC did not sign off on a transfer waiver for the five players who joined the coach at a nearby club in spring 2024
Decision: Poaching violation found. Coach suspended four games for fall 2024
Thank you to fellow committee members Dave Harris, Stuart Collins and Jason Smith, as well as Tom Faro and Ryan Theisen from the MSYSA office, for t heir assistance this past year.
Chris Jackett
MSYSA TOPSoccer Chair Report
Tamara Hageage
Michigan TOPSoccer 2024 has made it through another fun filled year! Instead of our annual virtual coaches’ meeting in August, I sent out an informative email. In the past, I have held one to three virtual meetings, but they all were poorly attended, so I’m trying the email route. MSC offered the Fall Jamboree in August but had to cancel due to lack of registrations. Thus, they moved the Jamboree to the last fall practice date and had 16 of their 18 players participate!
We had nine programs listed for 2024, and all programs were active! We had 143 buddies, coaches, and players registered for the spring season and 106 registered for the fall season! Marcel Schmid, Executive Director from DCFC South Oakland, did express interest in starting a TOPSoccer program this fall, but I am unsure where they are in the process.
Canton Soccer Club is under the direction of Dan McEvilly and Katie Coleman. They did not have a spring season but did have a fall season.
Kalamazoo Soccer Club is under the direction of Stacy Pauls and Kirk DeLeeuw. Held their winter season in January 2024.
Michigan Tigers is under the direction of Mark Swinley. They enjoyed a spring season.
Midland Soccer Club is under the direction of Tamara Hageage. They had both a spring and fall season. MSC buddy Savannah Wallace is the TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year!
MPSA Crush is under the direction of Jennifer Westwalewicz. Enjoyed their second season this past spring 2024!
North Macomb is under the direction of Mary Monaco. They did not have a spring season but did have a fall season this year.
Rochester Soccer Club is under the direction of Sue DiPanni and Kevin Lanning. They had a spring and a fall season.
Saginaw Township Soccer is under the direction of Kelly Heinz and Colleen Fauver. They enjoyed both a spring and fall season for 2024. Coach Heinz is our TOPSoccer Coach of the Year!
SWM Kickers Soccer Club is under the direction of Carrie Ogonowski. Enjoyed a spring fall season!
Tamara Hageage
January 2024 through December 202 4
January 2024:
February 2024 (Pre-AGM Meeting):
February 2024 (Post-AGM Meeting):
Mike Poulos shared the following Standing and Special Committee Chairperson appointments.
Budget & Finance: Maleesha Appuhamilage (2 -year term)
Bylaws & Standing Rules: Mark Klein (2 -year term)
Cups Competition: Robin Crawford (2 -year term)
Discipline & Appeals: Steve Wilson (2 -year term)
Poaching and Illegal Recruitment: Chris Jackett (2 -year term)
Recreational Committee: Doug Prim (1 year term)
Risk Management: Tom Faro (1 year term)
AGM Minutes Approval Committee: Mark Klein (1 year term)
Top Soccer: Tamera Hageage (1 year term)
Soccer for Success: Tyler Zbik (1 year term)
Motion: (Mike Egnotovich) To approve the Standing and Special Committee Chairperson appointments as presented by President, Mike Poulos.
Second: (Brian Scherzer)
Discussion: None.
Motion: Approved.
March 202 4:
Motion: (Doug Prim) To approve FY24 -01 and FY24 -02 budget adjustments, as presented.
Second: (Brian Scherzer)
Discussion: Adds partial Accounting/HR Manager wages/payroll taxes and partial Media Manager wages/payroll taxes (to align with strategic initiatives) to FY ‘24 budget.
Motion: Approved.
April 202 4:
Motion (Denise Moote) To provisionally approve United FC as a direct member with MSYSA, subject to approval by the members at the MSYSA AGM.
Second: (Tina Ramirez)
Discussion: United FC will be in the Metro Central District.
Motion: Approved.
Motion (Brian Scherzer) To approve Saturday, June 7, 2025, as MSYSA’s official try -out start date in 2025.
Second: (Tina Ramirez)
Discussion: This date was selected to avoid existing tournaments and President’s Cup.
Motion: Approved.
May 202 4:
Motion: (Doug Prim) To deactivate Hillsdale SC as an MSYSA Direct Member, effective immediately.
Second: (Denise Moote)
Discussion: This is a voluntary decision by Hillsdale SC. They may reapply for direct membership if/when they meet MSYSA Direct Member requirements.
Motion: Approved.
June 2024:
None (No Meeting).
July 2024:
Motion: (Denise Moote) To approve the MSPSP Rule Changes, as presented.
Second: (Brian Scherzer)
Discussion: MSPSP’s Board recently approved the changes. Tom Faro disseminated to MSYSA’s Board for review on 7 -18-24.
Motion: Approved.
Motion: (Doug Prim) To table discussion on Detroit Soccer District’s direct member application until 8 -26-24.
Second: (Brian Scherzer)
Discussion: Wendy Zielen, Metro SW Commissioner, has questions, and requires additional time to review/consider.
Motion: Approved.
August 2024:
Motion (Doug Prim) To provisionally approve Detroit Soccer District (DCD) as a direct member with MSYSA, subject to approval by the members at the MSYSA AGM.
Second: (Tina Ramirez)
Discussion: DCD satisfactorily responded to a State Office communication dated August 7, 2024.
Motion: Approved.
September 202 4:
Motion: (Steve DeVries) To approve the MSYSA Board of Directors Meeting Schedule for 2025.
Second: (Tina Ramirez)
Discussion: No meetings are scheduled for June 2025 or December 2025.
Motion: Approved.
Motion: (Doug Prim) To approve funding from net assets for FY ’25 strategic initiatives in the amount of $109,795.
Second: (Wendy Zielen)
Discussion: The four (4) strategic focus areas remain unchanged (Grassroots, Member Services, Brand Development/Marketing, & Coaching Education/Referees).
Motion: Approved.
October 2024:
Motion: (Brian Scherzer ) To approve 6% as MSYSA’s 401K match amount.
Second: (Doug Prim)
Discussion: The Board of Directors determines, and needs to adopt, a match amount annually.
Motion: Approved.
Motion: (Doug Prim) To approve revised FY ‘25 and FY ‘26 budgets, as presented.
Second: (Tina Ramirez)
Discussion: None.
Motion: Approved.
Motion: (Brian Scherzer ) To approve proposed FY ’2 7 budget, as presented.
Second: (Steve DeVries)
Discussion: None.
Motion: Approved.
Motion: (Brian Scherzer ) To deactivate Northland United SC as an MSYSA Direct Member, effective immediately.
Second: (Denise Moote)
Discussion: This is a voluntary decision by Northland United SC. They may reapply for direct membership if/when they meet MSYSA Direct Member requirements.
Motion: Approved.
November 2024: None.
December 2024:
None (No Meeting).
The BOLD leagues indicate the voting strength after approval by the membership (for new direct members). The GREY leagues indicate a member who has been removed from MSYSA. These leagues have no voting privileges. The gray-shaded leagues indicate a member is under consideration for deactivation (as of December 2024). If deactivated, these leagues will have no voting privileges. *Ohio State Soccer affiliated participants are not counted in the weighted vote.
MSYSA Bylaws: Article VII; Section 7: Voting Body:
C. Each full member organization in good standing shall have voice and one (1) vote, unless a weighted vote is called for reg arding a motion, and authorized by a majority vote of the quorum. Weighted votes for full member organizations will follow the voting structure listed below. When the weighted vote is called for and authori zed by the assembly, as indicated in this Article, the members of the executive committee remain part of the voting body.
D. MSYSA member organizations shall register and retain player counts for their own players who play on teams in other MSYSA member organizations.
E. The weighted voting structure, when used, will be one (1) vote per one -hundred (100) players.
The name of this organization shall be Michigan State Youth Soccer Association.
The purpose of the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association is to provide an opportunity through our member leagues for all youth in the state to have an enjoyable soccer experience while moving toward their personal goals. The Association shall provide:
A. The governing structure to administer youth soccer in Michigan, and
B. A vehicle to communicate information to players, parents, coaches, referees, and other interested parties.
The Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, herein known as MSYSA, is a member of the United States Youth Soccer Association (US Youth Soccer), and a member of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). The MSYSA and its members are open to all soccer organizations. The MSYSA and its member organizations shall provide an equal opportunity to all soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators and officials, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, relig ion, age, sex or national origin to participate. An organization or individual subject to suspension under USSF Bylaw 241 is ineligible. Provisional approval may be granted by the board of directors to eligible candidates, formal approval for membership is subject to acceptance by the members of th is association.
Full Members are voting members of MSYSA. Full Members of MSYSA are domiciled and operating within Michigan State Youth Soccer Association territory and are in good standing with MSYSA and USSF. Only soccer organizations (sometimes referred to locally as clubs, leagues or associations) which conduct competition between soccer teams are eligible. Full Members must have youth players among its participant members with at least one hundred (100) players registered within one or more of MSYSA Registration events.
Associate Members are non-voting members of MSYSA.
Associate Members of MSYSA are domiciled and operating within Michigan State Youth Soccer Association territory and are in good standing with MSYSA and the USSF. Associate Members must have youth players among its participant members with a minimum of four (4) teams participating.
A member in good standing is one whose current MSYSA fees are paid and who complies with the provisions of the USSF Articles of Incorporations, Bylaws, Policies and MSYSA Bylaws and Standing Rules. The board of directors may review the status of any member organization. If any member organization fails to meet member organization qualifications, the board of directors may recommend deactivation of their membership. In the event a member falls below the minimal player and/or team requirements, the Board of Directors may recommend a change to provisional membership status.
A. Each MSYSA Member Organization, Full or Associate, shall:
1. Annually submit: Membership Fee and Membership Affiliation Form.
2. Have a Board of Directors that consist of at least five (5) officers who are distinct and different individuals.
3. Register at least one coach and an unlimited number of team officials for each team.
4. Register every soccer player on a team which is sponsored, financed, coached or administered by the member.
5. Provide a list of fields and their location with address for insurance purposes.
6. Participate in the MSYSA Risk Management Program.
7. Develop coaching and referee education with the Director of Coaching and the State Youth Referee Administrator.
8. Send a copy of any updated bylaws, policies and procedures that are adopted at the member’s annual meeting to the MSYSA office within ninety (90) days, for review by the MSYSA Board of Directors.
9. Adhere to the MSYSA Concussion Policy
Section 1. Fees
A. Annual Member Organization Affiliation Fees shall be as determined by the board of directors.
B. Annual Member Organization Affiliation Fees shall be due and payable to the MSYSA office at the time of fall registration.
C. Spring and fall registration fees shall be determined by the member organizations. The board of directors shall determine when these fees are to be submitted by each member organization.
Section 2. Budget
The budget-finance committee shall prepare a budget annually for adoption by the membership.
Section 3. Audit
The financial records shall be audited at the end of the fiscal year, by an independent auditor, and at such other times as requested by the board of directors. The full audit report shall be presented to the member organizations annually for adoption annually.
Section 4. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be from September 1 to August 31.
Section 1. Officers
A. The elected officers shall be a president, a vice-president, a recording secretary, a treasurer, a recreational director and the Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP) chairperson.
B. The appointed officer shall be a state youth referee administrator.
Section 2. Qualifications
A. A candidate for elected office shall:
1. Be in good standing with USSF for the past year;
2. Not be a paid employee of the Association;
3. Not hold more than one (1) office on the Association’s Board of Directors, or serve concurrently as an officer of a member organization.
4. Be risk management certified.
5. Have their principal residence and reside in the state of Michigan at the time of the election.
B. A candidate for the office of president shall have served on the board of directors for at least one (1) year.
Section 3. Term of Office
Effective February 24, 2024
A. All officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected or appointed.
B. Elected officers shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected. An officer may not serve more than (3) three consecutive terms in the same office.
C. Officers may be removed, with cause, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full member organizations at the annual general meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.
A. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the vice-president.
B. Any other vacancy in elected office shall be filled by ballot vote of the board of directors. Previous notice of any election shall be included in the call of the meeting.
C. For any vacancy filled, if the length of time served by the new officer in position is 50% or greater of the normal term, this shall be deemed a “full term” served. Serving less than 50% of the normal term length shall not be recognized as a full term.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
A. The President shall:
1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and preside at all meetings of MSYSA and of the board of directors;
2. Execute all authorized conveyances, contracts, or other obligations in the name of the Association except where required by law to be otherwise signed and executed, and except where the signing and the execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the board of directors to some other officer or agent of the Association;
3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the nominating committee;
4. Serve as the state youth commissioner;
5. Make employment decisions concerning the executive director with prior approval of the board of directors;
6. Appoint:
a. A state referee administrator (SRA) subject to the approval of the board of directors and the Michigan Soccer Association (MSA), beginning January 1 of odd -numbered years for a two (2) year term;
b. A state youth referee administrator (SYRA) subject to the approval of the board of directors and the State referee administrator (SRA);
c. A state director of coaching subject to the approval of the board of directors, whose duties and remuneration shall be specified in a written contract approved by the board of directors;
d. Except as otherwise provided for in these bylaws, standing committee chairmen subject to the approval of the board of directors;
e. Special Committees.
7. Attend MSA board of directors meetings or send an appointee;
8. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
B. The Vice-President shall:
1. Perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president;
2. Succeed to the office of president for the unexpired term in the event of a vacancy in that office;
3. Be an ex-officio member of the budget-finance committee;
4. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
C. The Recording Secretary shall:
1. Record the proceedings of all MSYSA member organization meetings, board of directors meetings and executive committee meetings and be custodian of the records of MSYSA during the term of office;
2. Provide oversight of the registration process as implemented by the Executive Director;
3. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
D. The Treasurer shall:
1. Be custodian of all funds;
2. Be a member of the budget-finance committee and provide information to assist the committee in preparing a budget;
3. Direct the keeping of full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements;
4. Ensure all funds are deposited in a financial institution approved by the board of directors;
5. Oversee the preparation of financial statements on a monthly basis and send them to all member organizations;
6. At the Annual General Meeting (AGM), submit an audited annual financial report, compiled by an independent auditor;
7. Provide the MSYSA with a bond in the amount and with such sureties as are satisfactory to the board of directors;
8. Be responsible for the preparation of forms relative to the MSYSA non-profit status and all federal and state tax returns;
9. Require two original signatures on all checks;
10. Provide the secretary general of the USSF with an annual report regarding MSYSA activities including the most current financial report no later than ninety (90) days following the beginning of the fiscal year;
11. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the financial policy and procedures manual, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
E. The Recreational Director shall:
1. Represent and advocate the recreational soccer player at all meetings and on the field;
2. Promote the game of soccer in the state of Michigan to non-participants;
3. Promote soccer events, tournaments and programs to the recreational player;
4. Help and support the recreational/volunteer coaches with resources and educational opportunities;
5. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
F. The Michigan State Premier Soccer Program Chairperson shall:
1. Be the chief executive officer of the MSPSP;
2. Preside at all meetings of the MSPSP delegates and of the MSPSP board of directors;
3. Have general and active management of the activities of the MSPSP;
4. Be responsible for the implementation of all resolutions adopted by the MSPSP board of directors;
5. Attend all MSYSA delegate and board of directors meetings, reporting all MSPSP activities;
6. Perform the duties of the office as set down in the bylaws, the standing rules of MSYSA, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, and as assigned by the board of directors.
A. A nominating committee consisting of one (1) member from each district shall be elected by ballot for a two (2) year term at the annual general meetings held in the odd -numbered years:
1. Nominations for the committee shall be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee;
2. The election shall be held at the same time as the election of officers;
3. No member shall serve two (2) terms consecutively on the committee and board members (other than the chair of this committee) are ineligible;
4. A plurality vote shall elect. If more than one (1) member from a member organization receives sufficient votes to be elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes shall serve;
5. The nominee receiving the highest number of votes on the first ballot shall serve as chairman of the committee. In case of a tie, a separate ballot shall be cast with the names of the nominees with the tied number of votes placed on the ballot. A majority vote shall elect;
6. Vacancies on the nominating committee shall be filled by the president with the candidate who received the next highest number of votes, if available, in accordance with paragraph 3 above. If not available, by a ballot vote of the board of directors from qualified nominees nominated by the board of directors. In the event there is but one nominee, the election may be by voice vote.
B. Duties of the Nominating Committee
1. The nominating committee shall accept nominations and consider the qualifications of the candidates proposed by the membership or the nominating committee no later than November 1.
C. Report
1. The nominating committee shall submit at least one (1) name for each office to be filled. No member shall be nominated who has not given consent to serve.
2. The report of the nominating committee shall be sent to the president at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the annual general meeting, included in the call of the meeting, and shall be read at the meeting when additional nominations from the floor may be made.
A. The election shall be under the direction of the elections committee appointed by the president.
B. Election shall be by ballot unless there is but one (1) nominee for office, when the vote may be taken by voice.
C. The president, treasurer and recreational director shall be elected by majority vote in the even-numbered years.
D. The vice-president, recording secretary, and Michigan State Premier Soccer Program chairperson shall be elected by majority vote in the odd-numbered years.
Section 1. Parliamentarian
The parliamentarian shall serve in an advisory capacity while in attendance at any meeting.
Section 2. Annual General Meetings
A. Annual general meetings of MSYSA shall be held in the first quarter of the year at a time and place determined by the board of directors.
B. Notices and materials required or permitted under these Bylaws may be distributed by U.S. mail or by electronic communication, or both, in accordance with procedures approved by the Board of Directors and shall be distributed at least thirty (30) days but no more than sixty (60) days before the meeting.
C. Meetings shall be for the purpose of electing officers and commissioners, receiving reports of officers and committees, approving the actions of the board of directors (since previous Annual General Meeting), electing a nominating committee in the odd -numbered years, and such other business as may properly come before it.
D. Voting for the annual general meetings is per Section 6 of this Article.
Section 3. Special Meetings
A. Special meetings of MSYSA may be called by the president or shall be called by the majority of the board of directors or upon petition by at least twenty-five (25) full members.
B. Notification of the meeting shall take place no less than fifteen (15) days nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting and shall state the time, place and purpose.
C. No business other than that stated in the call may be transacted.
D. Voting for the special meetings is per Section 6 of this Article.
Section 4. Quorum
To transact any business at the annual general meeting or special meetings there shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) full member organizations in good standing, and at least three (3) elected officers present to constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Electronic Meetings
Electronic meetings of the membership shall be for the purpose of dissemination of information, and shall not be for the purpose of voting.
A. The voting body shall be composed of a representative from each full member organization in good standing.
B. No representative shall vote in more than one (1) capacity. Proxy voting is permitted if the declaration is received by the MSYSA State Office at least five (5) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The proxy statement must include the signature of that organization’s president and that of at least two other board members, and must clearly designate the name of the person representing that organization. For the entire meeting, the votes for every decision are given to the person carrying the proxy. The voting representative designated as the voting member for that organization must be a current member of that organization’s board of directors and/or listed on the member organization’s affiliation form with the MSYSA State Office.
C. Each full member organization in good standing shall have voice and one (1) vote, unless a weighted vote is called for regarding a motion, and authorized by a majority vote of the quorum. Weighted votes for full member organizations will follow the voting structure listed below. When the weighted vote is called for and authorized by the assembly, as indicated in this Article, the members of the executive committee remain part of the voting body.
D. MSYSA member organizations shall register and retain player counts for their own players who play on teams in other MSYSA member organizations.
E. The weighted voting structure, when used, will be one (1) vote per one-hundred (100) players.
Section 7. Cancellation
In the event of a national or local emergency, the executive committee by an affirmative vote of three (3) members in a meeting, by mail, electronic communication, or telephone, may dispense with any meeting of MSYSA. All member organizations shall be notified and the meeting shall be rescheduled in a reasonable amount of time.
Section 1. Composition
A. The members of the board of directors shall be:
1. Elected officers; 2. Appointed officers;
3. District Commissioners;
4. The Michigan Soccer Association president or designee elected by their respective membership;
5. Chairman of the nominating committee (non-voting);
6. Immediate past president (non-voting);
B. A district or committee appointed member may represent the district or committee if the district commissioner or committee chairman holds any other position on the board of directors or is unable to attend.
Section 2. Officers
The officers of MSYSA shall be the officers of the board of directors.
Section 3. Duties
A. The Board of Directors shall:
1. Fill vacancies, except for the office of president, in any elected office and in the nominating committee when required, by ballot from nominations proposed by members of the board of directors. A majority vote shall elect;
2. Adopt standing rules as needed to carry out the business of the board of directors;
3. Appoint one or more assistant secretaries and/or assistant treasurers as necessary;
4. Create geographic divisions, called Districts, within the state of Michigan with clearly defined boundaries;
5. Have authority to bar completely, suspend, or otherwise discipline, any player, coach, manager, team assistant, member organization officer, state board member, team, league or other organization affiliated with or representing the MSYSA for unacceptable behavior or conduct either in carrying out the duties of their position or while holding aforementioned offices and/or position, by a two -thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors.
B. The District Commissioners shall:
1. Be elected by their respective districts at the district’s annual meeting for a one (1) year term, one (1) vote for each full member organization, one (1) commissioner from each district. District Commissioners shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected.
2. Be able to hold an office concurrently in a member organization, if already in office in the member organization;
3. Represent the MSYSA and coordinate activities within the district;
4. Hold two (2) district meetings per year with the AGM serving as one (1) of the meetings;
5. Attend their respective member organizations’ annual general meetings by invitation;
6. Review all bylaws received from new and existing member organizations;
7. Review a new member organization application for proposal to the board of directors for approval;
8. Appoint an assistant district commissioner from their district, if necessary.
9. Meet all the qualifications described in Article V, Section 2 Officer qualifications except Section 2,A3.
C. If an officer, director or district commissioner misses three (3) consecutive meetings without approval or without acceptable cause, these absences constitute an implied resignation by that member.
Section 4. Meetings
A. A regular meeting of the board of directors shall be held immediately following the annual general meeting for the purpose of planning the ensuing year and approving the appointments of the president.
B. Other regular meetings shall be held at least quarterly and at such other times as may be determined by the board of directors. At least five (5) days but not more than sixty (60) days notice of meetings shall be given to the members of the board of directors.
C. Unless otherwise restricted by the board of directors, attendance at all regular meetings of the board of directors shall be open to all MSYSA members without vote and without privilege of debate unless invited to do so by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors.
D. Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the president or by any four (4) members of the board of directors. At least five (5) days but not more than sixty (60) days notice shall be given to the members of the board.
Section 5. Quorum
Eight (8) board members, two (2) of whom shall be elected officers, shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of the board of directors.
A director may participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar communication equipment, by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and their participation shall constitute presence at the meeting.
Section 6. Voting
A. Proposals concerning expenditures of funds not provided for in the adopted budget shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors present or no fewer than five (5), whichever number is greater.
Effective February 24, 2024
B. A vote by mail is authorized when necessary. Proposals concerning expenditures of funds not provided for in the adopted budget shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire board of directors for adoption. A report of any action taken by mail shall be verified and made a part of the minutes at the next meeting of the board of directors.
Section 1. Composition
A. The executive committee shall consist of the president, the vice-president, the recording secretary, and the treasurer.
Section 2. Qualifications
A. A candidate for the Executive Committee shall:
1. Disclose to the MSYSA Nominating Committee if they earn a significant income, defined as 50% or more of their annual income, from MSYSA affiliated Leagues, Clubs or otherewise related to soccer activities.
2. Not have significant involvement in competing soccer organizations to MSYSA.
3. Comply with all provisions as specifically outlined in MSYSA’s Board Governance and Conflict of Interest Policies.
Section 3. Duties
A. The Executive Committee shall:
4. Be empowered to act for the board of directors when it is not feasible to call a meeting of the board of directors;
5. Be aware that all action of the executive committee is subject to ratification by the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 4. Meetings
Meetings shall be at the call of the president or of any two (2) members and shall require a notice to the members of at least three (3) days.
Section 5. Quorum
A majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum for all meetings.
A member of the executive committee may participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar communication equipment, by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and their participation shall constitute presence at the meeting.
Section 1. Committees
A. There shall be the following standing committees:
1. Budget-finance, bylaws and standing rules, cup competition, discipline and appeals, and poaching and illegal recruiting.
2. There shall be such other standing committees as are deemed necessary by MSYSA.
B. There shall be special committees as deemed necessary by the president, board of directors, or MSYSA.
C. Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed by the newly elected president with the approval of the board of directors for a two (2) year term. Special committee members shall be appointed by the president to serve until a specified task has been completed.
D. The chairman of each standing committee, with the approval of the president, shall be authorized to appoint additional members to serve on subcommittees.
E. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
F. Standing and special committees shall report to the board of directors at each board meeting.
G. A majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum.
A. The budget-finance committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members, one of which includes the treasurer, and in addition, the vice president and executive director as ex -officio members.
B. The budget-finance committee shall:
1. Review the finances of MSYSA and make recommendations to the board of directors.
2. Prepare an annual budget covering a three (3) year period for consideration and recommendation by the board of directors prior to the annual general meeting, and adoption by the member organizations annually.
A. The bylaws and standing rules committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members. The MSYSA bylaws and standing rules committee shall also serve as the bylaws and standing rules committee of the board of directors.
B. The bylaws and standing rules committee shall:
1. Consider, edit, and/or correlate such bylaw and standing rule amendments as are referred to it by the board of directors, staff, member organization or individual member and originate bylaw and standing rules amendments as the committee deems necessary;
2. Verify that bylaw amendments are not in conflict with the US Youth Soccer Association and USSF bylaws;
3. Present to MSYSA changes to the bylaws necessitated by amendments made in the US Youth Soccer Association and USSF bylaws;
4. Distribute proposed bylaw amendments received no later than October 15 with recommendation and rationale, if needed, to the president and board of directors at the November board of directors meeting and for inclusion with the call of the MSYSA Annual General Meeting;
5. Review and update the MSYSA Rules, Regulations and Policies as needed;
6. Send a copy of the current bylaws of MSYSA to the US Youth Soccer Association and USSF annually, but within ninety (90) days of adoption of any amendments;
7. Make copies of the bylaws available to members.
A. The cup competition committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members including the appointed cup competition chairman.
1. Chairman Chairman shall be appointed by the president and confirmed by the board of directors.
B. The Cup Competition Committee shall:
1. Determine tournament rules and/or may modify FIFA Laws of the Game when/where necessary.
A. Composition. The committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members who shall not be members of the board of directors.
B. The discipline and appeals committee shall hear disciplinary and appeals cases unrelated to poaching and illegal recruitment.
C. Chairman. Chairman shall be appointed by the president and confirmed by the board of directors at its’ first meeting following the annual meeting in the even-numbered years to serve as chairman of the committee for a two (2) year term.
D. Election to Committee The committee chairman shall appoint enough additional members to the committee to provide a panel of three, disinterested and impartial, body of fact -finders for each hearing or appeal. The members of the committee shall be confirmed by the president or board of directors. Committee members shall serve at the discretion of the chairman of the committee.
E. Accountability. The committee shall report to the president and executive director.
F. Hearing Procedures. All hearings conducted under these Bylaws, shall comply with USSF Bylaw 701 and USSF Policy 701-1, and also refer to MSYSA Rules, Regulations and Policies.
G. Litigation.
1. No member organization, player, coach, trainer, manager, club, team, administrator or referee may invoke the aid of the courts in the United States or the State of Michigan without first exhausting all available remedies within the appropriate soccer organization and as provided within Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, US Youth Soccer and United States Soccer Federation.
2. For violation of this bylaw, the offending party shall be subject to suspension and fines, and shall be liable to MSYSA for all expenses incurred by MSYSA and its officers in defending each court action, including but not limited to the following:
a. Court cost;
b. Attorney’s fees;
c. Reasonable compensation for time spent by MSYSA officials and employees in responding to and defending against allegations in the actions, including responses to discovery and court appearances;
d. Travel expenses;
e. Expenses for holding special meeting necessitated by the court action.
Section 6. Poaching and Illegal Recruiting Committee
A. Composition. The committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members who shall not be members of the board of directors.
B. The poaching and illegal recruiting committee shall:
1. Hear disciplinary cases relating to poaching and illegal recruiting
2. Monitor the efficacy of the organization’s poaching rules and propose amendments when appropriate
C. Chairman. Chairman shall be appointed by the president and confirmed by the board of directors at its’ first meeting following the annual meeting in the even-numbered years to serve as chairman of the committee for a two (2) year term.
D. Election to Committee. The committee chairman shall appoint enough additional members to the committee to provide a panel of three, disinterested and impartial, body of fact -finders for each hearing or appeal. The members of the committee shall be confirmed by the president or board of directors. Committee members shall serve at the discretion of the chairman of the committee.
E. Accountability. The committee shall report to the president and executive director.
F. Hearing Procedures. All hearings conducted under these Bylaws, shall comply with USSF Bylaw 701 and USSF Policy 701-1, and also refer to MSYSA Rules, Regulations and Policies.
G. Litigation.
1. No member organization, player, coach, trainer, manager, club, team, administrator or referee may invoke the aid of the courts in the United States or the State of Michigan without first exhausting all available remedies within the appropriate soccer organization and as provided within Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, US Youth Soccer and United States Soccer Federation.
2. For violation of this bylaw, the offending party shall be subject to suspension and fines, and shall be liable to MSYSA for all expenses incurred by MSYSA and its officers in defending each court action, including but not limited to the following:
a. Court cost;
b. Attorney’s fees;
c. Reasonable compensation for time spent by MSYSA officials and employees in responding to and defending against allegations in the actions, including responses to discovery and court appearances;
d. Travel expenses;
e. Expenses for holding special meeting necessitated by the court action.
To the extent permitted by Michigan law, from time -to-time in effect and subject to the provisions of this Article XI, this Association shall indemnify any person who was or is a party to or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pendin g or completed legal action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than action by or i n the right of the Association) by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Association, or is or was serving at the request of the Association as a trustee, director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the action, suit or proceeding, if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the bes t interest of the Association or its members, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit or proceedings by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of Nolo Contendre or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person di d not act in good faith and in a manner which he or she reasonably had cause to believe to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Association or its members and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.
To the extent permitted by Michigan law from time -to-time in effect and subject to the provisions of this Article XI, the Association shall indemnify any person who was or is a party to or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or in the right of the Association to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact th at he or she is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Association, or is or was serving at the request of the Association as a trustee, director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonabl y incurred by him or her in connection with the defense or settlement of the action or suit if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Association or its members, except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which the person shall have been adjudge d to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his or her duty to the Association unless and only to the extent that the court in which the action or suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all the circumstances of the case, the person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses as the court shall deem proper.
To the extent that a person who is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Association, or a trustee, director, officer, employee or agent of any other corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise with which he or she is or was serving at the request of the Association has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article XI, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he or she shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred in connection therewith.
Any indemnification under Section 1 or Section 2 of this Article XI (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the Association only upon a determination that indemnification of the person is proper in the circumstances because he or she has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in Section 1 and Section 2. The determination shall be made (1) by the board of directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors who were not parties to the action, suit or proceeding, or (2) if
such a quorum is not obtainable, or even if obtainable, a quorum of disinterested directors so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion.
Expenses incurred by any person who may have a right to indemnification under this Article XI in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the association in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceedi ng as authorized in the manner provided by Section 4 of this Article XI upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the person to repay the amount unless it shall ultimately be determined that he or she is entitled to be indemnified by the Association pursuant to this Article XI.
The Association may purchase and maintain insurance (and pay the entire premium thereof) on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Association, or is or was serving at the request of the Association as a tr ustee, director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any liability asserted against his or her status, as such, whether or not the Association would have the power to indemnify again st such liability under the provisions of this Article XI or under the provisions of Sections 561 through 565 of the Michigan Business Corporation Act.
For the purposes of this Article XI, references to the Association include all constituent corporations absorbed by the Association in a consolidation or merger, so that a person who is or was a trustee, director, officer, employee or agent of a constituent corporation or is or was serving at the request of a constituent corporation, partnership , joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall stand in the same position under the provisions of this Article XI with respect to the Association as he or she would if he or she had served the Association in the same capacity.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Article XI shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Article XI.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that MSYSA may adopt. The parliamentary authority adopted by MSYSA shall be adopted by each member organization.
A. Article I and Article II of these bylaws shall be identical to the corresponding articles of the Articles of Incorporation.
B. Any provision contained in these bylaws may be amended at any annual or special meeting of MSYSA by a twothirds (2/3) vote of all members present and voting in person, a quorum being presented and at least thirty (30) days but no more than sixty (60) days prior notice having been given. Any proposed amendments that are in conflict with US youth Soccer Association and/or USSF Bylaws will not be considered or brought forth to the members.
C. All bylaw amendments shall be received by the bylaw and standing rules committee no later than October 15.
D. Revision. These bylaws may be revised only upon authorization of the membership. The bylaws and standing rules committee shall be responsible for preparing and presenting an authorized revision at the MSYSA Annual General Meeting which has been distributed by U.S. mail or electronic communication at least thirty (30) days but no more than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting.
Effective February 24, 2024
E. In the event of a conflict between these bylaws of Michigan State Youth Soccer Association and the articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies and requirements of the United States Soccer Federation, the articles, bylaws, policies and requirements of the United States Soccer Federation govern.
F. Any amendment to these bylaws and/or Rules, Regulations, and Policies necessitated by amendments to the articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and requirements of the United States Soccer Federation shall be automatically effected by the bylaws committee and reported to the board meeting following the adoption of such amendments by USSF and to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
G. Unless otherwise provided, any amendment to the bylaws of MSYSA is effective on that July 31 that occurs immediately after the amendment is adopted.
In the event of dissolution of the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, and after payment of all liabilities, this associ ation shall dispose of all assets in such a manner as defined by United States Youth Soccer Association and United States Soccer Federation. If the Association intends to dissolve for any reason, it shall immediately notify the United States Soccer Federation of its intentions.
August 28, 2023
Section 1: General
The following Rules, Regulations and Policies are the standing rules of MSYSA. MSYSA is a member of US Youth Soccer, which i s a member of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). USSF is the national associ ation member for the United States of the international organization for soccer called FIFA or the Federation Internationale de Football Association.
The r ules, regulations and policies of this Association as now established and as hereafter amended may be altered, repealed or new rules, regulations and policies may be adopted in lieu thereof by a majority of the board of directors then in office and present at the meeting of the board of directors, subject to membership approval at the A nnual General Meeting (AGM) or at a special meeting. These rules, regulations and policies shall take effect on that July 31st that occurs immediately after the amendment is approved by the membership, unless specified in the motion when to take effect.
Leagues may deem fit to enact rules and regulations more stringent than those included herein, but in no case may their rules and regulations be less stringent. However, no member organization may limit those privileges granted to players by the USSF, the US Youth Soccer , or the MSYSA.
Rule 1.4:
A plea of ignorance to the bylaws and these rules, regulations and policies is not sufficient, and violators may expect appropriate action by the board of directors of this Association.
Rule 1.5:
Any matters not provided for in these rules shall be determined by the MSYSA board of directors and decisions so made shall be subject to the approval of the member organizations at the AGM or at a special meeting.
Rule 2.1: Officers’ Expenses
The Officers of the Association, as such, shall not be compensated for the performance of services for the Association, but m ay be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Association, includi ng but not limited to expenses for attendance at meetings of the board of directors
Rule 2.2: Restrictions on Officers
If a business in which an officer of this Association has any interest and wishes to participate in the bidding process to pr ovide goods or services to this Association, such business must do so by sealed competitive bid. All such bids are to be opened at t he same time and place, and such officer may not participate in the decision to award the bid.
Rule 2.3: Other
The board of directors may establish other administrative positions by contract if there is remuneration or by appointment for positions without remuneration. All positions shall have written statements of duties and responsibilities . Contracts shall also specify the duration of such commitments and remuneration agreed upon.
Rule 2.4: Notice of Meetings
A. If notice of a meeting is mailed, the notices shall be directed to each member entitled to notices at its address as it appears on the affiliation form on file with MSYSA unless it shall have filed with the recording secretary a written request that notices be mailed to some other address, in which case it shall be mailed to the address designated in the request.
B. Each member organization shall name its authorized representative(s) on the affiliation form
August 28, 2023
Rule 2.5: Budget
The annual budget for the fiscal year will include categories for the Olympic Development Program, Coaching Education Program, State Cup Competition, Recreational Program, Michigan State Premier Soccer Program, and all other State operating programs. There will be separately proposed budgets for the next fiscal year for the Olympic Development Program, State Cup Competition, Recreational and State Operating Programs.
The board of directors, subject to member organizations’ approval at an AGM or a special meeting, may assess fees or require bonds for administrative functions undertaken on behalf of its member organizations or levee fines in specific disciplinary actions. Member organizations shall be assessed a fine, the amount to be determined by the board of directors, for each unexcused absence of a meeting.
A. Failure. A member organization who fails to fulfill its responsibilities, including paying current MSYSA fees, registering MSYSA players/coaches/team officials/teams with MSYSA online registration system, and ensuring their administrators, member organizations, clubs, and teams comply with the provisions of the MSYSA Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, rules, regulations and policies, may result in the member being placed in bad standing by the MSYSA board of directors. A member in bad standing w ill have no voice or vote(s) at any meeting including, special, delegates, or annual general meetings of this Association.
B. Bylaws Available to Individuals. Member organizations shall make available to their member teams and clubs copies of these bylaws, rules and regulations, and other MSYSA approved policies, as well as copies of any other rules pertaining to and adopted by the member organization.
A. The MSYSA will establish a Risk Management Policy and shall maintain a Risk Management Program to ensure the safety of its members. The Risk Management Program will meet certain minimum criteria established by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF ). The program will include the use of an employee/volunteer disclosure statement for all volunteers, employees, coaches and program administrators who are involved with any approved or sponsored program of MSYSA or of an affirmed member organization.
B. Pursuant to federal legislation within the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, any Adult Member is require to immediately report suspected child abuse, including sexual abuse, within 24 hours. http://www.congress.go v/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/534
A. Player’s Medical Insurance. All players registered with the Association shall be required to file medical insurance claims with their primary insurance company prior to filing medical claims with the State Association.
B. Public Liability Insurance. All officers of the Association and member organization officials of the Association, noted on each member organization’s affiliation paperwork and/or MSYSA’s online registration system affiliation process, shall be protected against general liability claims by MSYSA’s insurance carrier for performing acts and duties related to the work of the Association. MSYSA assumes the costs of general liability, and all deductibles associated with general liability coverage, to ensure the protection of its officers and member organization officials.
C. Report of Insurance Claims. All injuries from MSYSA or US Youth Soccer activities must be reported, in writing, to both the member organization and MSYSA within 7 days. MSYSA carries secondary medical coverage. All claims are required to first be made through each member’s primary insurance carrier prior to being submitted to MSYSA. Any claims not submitted to MSYSA within 30 days will be denied.
D. General Liability Insurance. All member organizations shall provide MSYSA a list of fields used for games and practices with the owner and the addresses by a specified date and time as determined by the MSYSA board of directors.
Rule 2.10:
A. Unaffiliated Organizations. Any affiliated team or member organization, which plays games or otherwise does business with an organization not affiliated with the USSF or US Youth Soccer, shall face disciplinary action up to and
Effective August 28, 2023
including suspension as determined by the board of directors. MSYSA will not join any organizatio n that has requirements that conflict with the USSF’s articles bylaws, policies, and requirements.
B. Affiliation Changes. Teams near the territorial limits of the Association may, if the board of director ’s consents, affiliate with other recognized associations, but thereafter may not change affiliations without the consent of the board of directors of this Association. A team may not change affiliated member organizations without the written agreement of both member organizations and the written approval of the MSYSA board of directors
A. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of this Association shall begin on September 1 and end on August 31 of the following calendar year.
B. Seasonal Year. The seasonal year of this Association shall begin on the established tryout date and end the day prior to the following tryout date.
C. Corporate Seal. The board of directors may provide a suitable corporate seal for use by the Corporation.
D. Notices. Any notice required by statute or by the bylaws to be given to the members, to the directors, or to any officers of the Association, unless another requirement is provided herein or in any statute, shall be sufficient if given by depositing it in a United States Post Office box or receptacle in a sealed, postpaid wrapper, addressed to the member, trustee or officer at his last address as that appears on the records of the Association, and the notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time of the mailing.
A. Activities.
1. Except for employees or authorized contractors and subcontractors, no private individual, corporation, contributor, or member of this Association may be granted or paid any income or interest from the assets or funds of this Association.
2. No part of the activities, assets, or funds of this Association shall be committed to the dissemination of propaganda or the attempting to influence legislation or other political action. The Association shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign or publish or distribute any statement or spend any funds on behalf of any candidate for public office.
3. The accomplishment of its purpose and exercise of its powers by the Association shall be in conformit y with the requirements of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, Mich. Comp. Laws Sect. 450.2108(2), (Mich. Stat. Ann. Sect. 21.197 (108)(2).
4. MSYSA shall maintain its tax -exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.
B. Gifts. The board of directors, the president, or any person expressly so authorized by the board of directors may accept gifts on behalf of the Association for the general purposes of the Association, but no conditional contribution, gift, bequest or devise and no contribution, gift, bequest or d evise for a purpose more restricted than the general purposes of the Association shall be finally accepted without prior approval of the board of directors
C. Investments. The Association shall have the right to retain all or any part of any securities or o ther property acquired by it and to invest and reinvest any funds held in it, according to the judgment of the board of directors, without being restricted as to the class of investments to be made, provided that no action shall be taken on behalf of the Association if that action is a prohibited transaction or would result in denial of tax exemption under Section 503 or 504 of the Internal Revenue Code or the Regulations there under as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
The Administrative Operations of MSYSA is outlined in the Administrative Operations Manual located at the MSYSA State Office. Changes will be made by the executive director and the president, approved by the board of directors.
A. Definition. Any player signing a "letter of intent," a professional contract, or playing with a professional team without the permission of the board of directors shall be declared a professional.
B. Play with Professionals. Only the board of directors along with the Michigan High School Athletic Association may grant a youth amateur permission to play in benefit or exhibition games where professional players are involved.
C. Loss of Youth Status. No player who has signed a "letter of intent," a contract, or played in any game where professional players are involved without the permission of the board of directors will be permitted to be reinstated to a youth amateur status.
Rule 2.15: Tournament Games, Inter District Play, All -Star Games, and I nternational Games
The authority for approval and/or operational control, including dates and times of games that are to be played for these competitions, when played or sponsored by an affiliated team(s) or member organization(s), shall be vested with the board of directors of this Association. Any team formed solely for the purpose of participating in tournaments only (tournament-only), will receive MSYSA sanctioning. Tournament-only teams may register directly with MSYSA.
Rule 2.16: Permission to Travel
Teams that wish to travel out of Michigan to play games must request permission from the MSYSA in accordance with procedures detailed in the US Youth Soccer Travel Policy. The board of directors may establish additional requirements.
Rule 2.17: Permission to Host Foreign and Interstate Teams
Teams that wish to host teams from another state or another country must request permission from the MSYSA in accordance with procedures detailed in the US Youth Soccer Policy on Hosting Tournaments or Games. The board of directors may establish additional requirements.
Rule 2.18: Permission to Host a Tournament
A. MSYSA Sanctioned Tournaments. Member organizations that wish to host a tournament and have that tournament sanctioned by MSYSA must request permission from the MSYSA in accordance with the policies and procedures established by MSYSA, US Youth Soccer, and US Soccer . The board of directors may establish additional requirements. Member organizations that wish to host a sanctioned tournament shall be protected against general liability claims by MSYSA’s insurance carrier for performing acts and duties relating to the work of the Association. The board of directors may establish additional requirements.
B. MSYSA Hosted Tournaments. MSYSA may host a tournament in accordance with the policies and procedures established by US Youth Soccer and US Soccer . The board of directors may establish rules and additional requirements.
Rule 2.19: Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP)
The board of directors may establish a statewide premier program, which shall have a member organization constitution and bylaws, playing rules and regulations. Changes to these governing and policy statements shall be presented to and accepted b y the board of directors and approved by a vote of the m ember organizations at an AGM or a special meeting called for this purpose. Any subsequent changes to the playing rules and regulations proposed by the MSPSP board of directors must receive approval from the MSYSA board of directors before they are effective. The statewide program shall be known as the Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP) and shall be a program of the MSYSA and shall be subject to the authority of the MSYSA. The MSPSP shall be considered a member of this Association and shall have a representative at all meetings of the board of directors, or as called for by bylaws, or at other meetings at the request of the MSYSA board of directors. However, at the annual general meeting of member organizations and whenever a vote is requested, the MSPSP shall have its weighted votes apportioned to the Leagues sponsoring teams to the MSPSP , and it shall have one vote only. In general cases, the MSPSP established pursuant to this article shall be responsible for its own aff airs. However, the MSPSP may only accept teams sponsored by the members.
The MSYSA shall participate in the USSF and US Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program. Any player domiciled in the State of Michigan shall be eligible to tryout for the ODP pursuant to requirements and procedures that will be published annually by the MSYSA.
Section 3: Registration
Rule 3.1: Individuals or T eams
A new team or individual may be a ssigned to a member organization within its district by the MSYSA board of directors. Registration is done through a member organization of MSYSA for individual players or teams via the MSYSA online registration system.
Rule 3.2: Age Limit and Competitive Level Definitions
A. Youth Player. The term "youth player" shall mean an amateur player who has not attained his or her nineteenth (19th) birthday before the first day of January of the Seasonal Year in which he or she applies for registration.
B. Attaining Age Limit. Players attaining the limited age for any age group on or after January 1 will be eligible to play for the full seasonal year.
C. Age Groups. All member organizations, unless otherwise sanctioned by the board of directors, shall divide play among teams as listed below. Member organizations may utilize two (2) year age groups for age groups U14 and below, multi year age group for U15 and above rather than single year age groups without specific board of director’s approval. Age divisions shall consist of players who before the first day of January of the Seasonal Year in which the player applies for registration , are:
Under 19 - Under 19 years old
Under 18 - Under 18 years old
Under 17 - Under 17 years old
Under 16 - Under 16 years old
Under 15 - Under 15 years old
Under 14 - Under 14 years old
Under 13 - Under 13 years old
Under 12 - Under 12 years old
Under 11 - Under 11 years old
Under 10 - Under 10 years old
Under 9 - Under 9 years old
Under 8 - Under 8 years old
Under 7 - Under 7 years old
Under 6 - Under 6 years old
Under 5 - Under 5 years old
Under 4 - Under 4 years old
D. Authority to Contest Age. Any player may be called upon to prove his legal age by the board of director’s, by a district commissioner, by their member organization, or by a majority vote of the teams in any given member organization
E. Legal Proof of Age. A birth certificate, passport, drivers license, board of health records, certificate of naturalization, or alien registration card shall be sufficient for proof of age, except in those competitions which specifically state otherwise.
F. Competition Level. One of the following levels must be specified for player/coaches/team officials/team when a player/team registration is submitted by the MSYSA member via the MSYSA online registration system.
a. In-House Recreation: A player /coach/team official registered on teams formed in a manner described here; Must prohibit the use of tryouts, invitations, recruiting, or any similar process to roster players to any team on the basis of talent or ability. The club or league administering In-house participants accepts any eligible youths as defined in Rule 3.2A. In-house provides a system with a fair or balanced distribution of playing talent among all teams participating. In -house players participate and play in their administering league’ s pre-defined geographic or community area and do not travel to other communities for games.
b. Recreation: A player/coach/team official registered on teams formed in a manner described here; Recreation Leagues must have an open sign -up period, which does not exclude any player except based on age or gender outside of the program scope, missing registration deadline o r lives outside of a league’s predefined geographical or community area. Recreation Leagues attempt to balance the teams using a method they publicize in advance, such as teams formed using a draft, random distribution, neighborhood or school area groupings, etc. In the event, too many players register, the only methods allowed are ‘first come, first served’ or a blind draw in determining who is not provided a spot.
c. Select: A player/coach/team official registered on any team formed from a selection or try -out criteria, or a player/coach/team official on a team in an MSYSA affiliated league that designates itself as a Select League or a particular division as a Select Division. Select designation applies regardless of player age, selection/tryout criteria and team travel distances.
d. Premier: A player/coach/team official registered on any team playing in the MSPSP league.
e. Elite: A player/coach/team official registered on any team playing in the National League Conferences (NLC).
f. TopSoccer: A player/coach/team official registered on any team formed specifically for players with disabilities (mental or physical) are placed on team s with other players according to ability, not age.
g. Soccer Across America: A player/coach/team official registered on any teams formed with the purpose of making soccer available to lower -income children in underserved communities.
h. Futsal: Futsal is a modified form of soccer played with five players per side on a smaller, typically indoor, field.
A. Any youth player regardless of age may be permitted to play an unlimited number of senior games without losing youth eligibility if the Youth Participation Forms are approved by MSYSA.
B. Any youth playing for a senior club without MSYSA approval shall be declared ineligible for youth games.
C. Any youth team using an ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which that player took part under the forfeiture provisions of Rule 4.10: Ineligible or Improperly Registered Player.
D. Reinstated Player. A reinstated player shall mean a player who has been reinstated to an amateur youth status.
A. Proper Registration Procedure.
1. All players are required to submit a properly completed member organization player registration form or register through the MSYSA online registration system. The submittal of a member organization player registration form signed by their parent or guardian (if the player is under 18 years of age) or by the MSYSA online registration system electronically signed by their parent or guardian (if the player is under 18 years of age) , binds that player to that team for the seasonal year unless granted a release. (see “Rule 3.6: Player Release, Transfer, Dual Registration”)
2. Each team/club shall be required to submit to the appropriate member organization officer various forms as may be required for the operation of the organization and pay all dues, fees, or fines that may be levied by the member organization or Association. Also, each team /club is responsible for sending proper member organization affiliation forms and fees directly to the person responsible in its member organization
3. Each member organization shall be responsible for ensuring proper registration of the players and teams, proper accounting of fiscal transactions and accurate reporting via the MSYSA online registration system to the MSYSA board of directors
4. A registered player shall be committed to a team for a full seasonal year. The player may participate on other teams within the team’s organization dependent on the MSYSA member affiliate registration rules. Once registered and in the absence of mitigating circumstances, a player must remain with the same team until the completion of the seasonal year for the member organization in which his team participates. Any attempt to induce a player to change teams for either the current or the following seasonal year p rior to the end of the seasonal year shall be poaching in violation of “Rule 3.7”. During the time which a team has suspended member organization play, players and club or team officers or representatives may freely discuss new affiliation for the following seasonal year.
5. Tryouts for all MSYSA players for the fall and/or spring season of the seasonal year may not be held earlier than the date established by the board of directors. The board of directors shall establish a calendar tryout date at minimum of one year in advance. For high school age boys teams playing only in the spring session, tryouts may be held from the established date by the board of directors until the start of high school practice and after the high school season ends in the fall. Leagues, clubs or teams affiliated through member organizations having tryouts prior to the date established by the board of directors and/or charging any type of fee for tryouts are not eligible for any MSYSA sponsored events.
6. Registered players on high school age girl’s teams who play only during the fall season with MSYSA affiliated member organizations are expected to play in tournaments and cup games with the team to which they are rostered through the seasonal year or until granted a proper tr ansfer or release.
7. If a fall season girls team disbands or suspends play for the spring season because a majority of the team is playing high school spring sports, those players wishing to play on a MSYSA affiliated team in the spring season shall not be considered transfer players.
8. All tryouts for teams for the MSPSP must be announced in the Michigan Soccer Publication
9. Commitment/Signing: No player shall sign a player agreement/contract, submit a fee and/or register prior to the established official try-out start date.
B. Date of Registration. A player is registered the moment the player and their parent or guardian (if the player is under 18 years of age) signs the member organization player registration form or submits and electronically signs the online registration
C. Registration and Transfer Cut -off Dates. The board of directors may set cut-off dates for player transfer for each playing season or seasonal year. If changing from previous season, transfer and registration dates will be announced at the annual general meeting of the MSYSA. The board of directors shall have the authority to accept player registration after these dates and such late registration shall be subject to a fee as approved by the board of directors.
A. No Select, Premier , or Elite roster may exceed the maximum roster limit for the specific age levels except as noted below:
*Premier and Elite level U13 -U19 teams are subject to a roster minimum of 11
B. No recreational roster may exceed the maximum roster limit for the specific age levels except as noted below:
(6v6 with GK) U9 & U10 12 (Ideally 9) 6 9v9 (8v8 with GK) U11 & U12 16 (Ideally 12) 7 11v11 (10v10 with GK) U13 – U19* 22 (Ideally 15) 7
C. When the Academy model is utilized, roster maximum may exceed the numbers noted in the chart above.
D. MSYSA shall allow teams participating in the National League or National League Conferences to register the number of players as permitted by those leagues.
E. For all age groups allowing a 22 player roster, the game roster shall have a maximum of eighteen (18) players and a minimum of seven (7) players.
Rule 3.6: Player Release, Transfer, Dual Re gistration
These rules apply to Select , Premier and Elite competitive levels and for transactions by member organizations.
A. Player Release.
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1. Voluntary Release means the removal of a player from a team’s roster at the request of the player or parent/guardian. A parent/player must approve the voluntary release. A voluntary release will be granted if:
a. A parent/player requests to be released,
b. The player moves to a new address, a distance which in the opinion of the board of directors, would make it impractical for him/her to continue with the original team or,
c. There are mitigating circumstances, which in the opinion of the board of directors justify a release.
2. Involuntary Release means the removal of a player from a team’s roster at the request of team authorities. An involuntary release will be granted only if the player is unable to play for one of the following reasons:
a. The original team suspends operations for the remainder of the seasonal year or;
b. The player has violated rules of this Association and has been suspended for a period greater than five (5) games or,
c. The player is injured in such a manner that the player will not be able to participate for the remainder of the seasonal year or,
d. The player moves to a new address, a distance that in the opinion of the board of directors would make it impractical for him to continue with the original team and has demonstrated an inability to continue in participation on the soccer team.
e. There are mitigating circumstances, which in the opinion of the board of directors justify a release.
In any of the above cases, where a player seeks a voluntary release or a member organization official seeks to involuntarily release a player, a member organization Player Release Form must be completed by the player /his/her parent or guardian (if the player is under 18 years of age) and/or a member organization official and have the appropriate signatures. Player/parent signatures are not required for involuntary release. The member organization must validate the request before player release approved. Once a player is released from a team he/she is eligible to apply for a play er transfer. However, obtaining a player release does not guarantee the player a roster spot on another MSYSA team, nor is player transfer guaranteed.
No player release form or fee is required to be submitted to MSYSA.
1. A player may apply for a player transfer once they have been granted a player release.
2. MSYSA is authorized to grant a player transfer without existing team member organization or new team member organization approval on the basis of player safety, relocation and/or reasons as determined by the MSYSA Board of Directors. All other player transfers must be approved by the player’s existing team member organization and new team member organizatio n before MSYSA member organizations will consider approving the transfer. Application for a player transfer must be made to the MSYSA member organization on their required member Player Transfer form. It is the responsibility of the new team member’s orga nization to verify the player has been released from the existing team and is eligible for a transfer.
3. Required and optional signatures on the member organization transfer form are dependent on member organization transfer process.
4. The new team must have a spot on their roster to accept the transfer player.
5. During any seasonal year a team may have no more than five (5) transfer players on their roster in order to be eligible to participate in MSYSA State Cup
6. All transfer s must be in compliance with the member organization’s transfer rules, policies, procedures or bylaws.
7. Player transfers will only occur between November 1 and March 1. Player transfers will not be processed during any other period ex cept for under extraordinary circumstances as determined by the MSYSA Board of Directors and as directed by Rule 3.6 B9.
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8. No player transfer form or fee is required to be submitted to MSYSA. Identifying transferred players is required when submitting MSYSA State Cup rost er.
9. The league from which a player is transferred may charge the new team a player transfer fee. Under extraordinary circumstances, such as the dissolution of a team or player’s family moves a significant distance so that remaining with their team is a major hardship, the transfer fee may be waived. Player transfers within a club are not subject to this recommendation. It is expected the league will return a significant portion of the transfer fee to the player’s prior club.
A player may register with up to two teams per seasonal year. Permission to allow or not allow dual registered players is the MSYSA member organization jurisdiction.
1. The member organization dual registration form (if applicable) must be completed with app ropriate signatures before the MSYSA member organization will consider approving the dual registration.
2. A player may not play for more than one team in the same competition ( meaning MSYSA State Cup, MSYSA member organization league division , etc ). A player must play on a team within the primary team’s club in the MSYSA State Cup.
3. In all cases of dual rostering involving State Cup, a player may only play State Cup with a team from their primary team’s club.
4. In all other cases, the team with which a player first registers must be designated as the primary team and the other team must be designated as the secondary team. MSYSA member organization may change the primary and secondary designation if appropriate after the initial team registration.
5. An individual player may NOT dual roster on a NLC team and a MSPSP team. A team that plays in both the NLC and MSPSP must have identical rosters.
6. If the coaches of the two teams disagree on the designation of the primary team, the player may not play until the registration issue has been resolved by the MSYSA member organization.
7. A dual rostered player shall be issued two US Youth Soccer passcards, one for each team.
8. Any player who registers for a team without informing the responsible team official and member organization official that they already registered with another team shall forfeit all games for this team for the time period that the player has not obtained the approval for dual registration from MSYSA member organization
9. Dual registrations will not be permitted by MSYSA during the months of May, June, October and November , unless a hardship case exists and approval is provided by MSYSA.
10. No Player dual registration form or fee is required to be submitted to MSYSA.
Poaching is considered a significant offense by this Association and any league, club, or individual found to have committed a poaching violation shall be subject to a significant sanction as determined by the MSYSA board of directors. Such sanctions may include a financial penalty of $2,000 or more, loss of coaching privileges for a year, and ineligibility to participate in MS YSA authorized events including MSYSA ’s State Cup Tournament, the National League Conferences or any other appropriate sanction.
Players, coaches, team officials, and/or club officials who participate for only a single -season (Fall or Spring only) within the seasonal year are still subject to poaching for the entirety of the seasonal year. For the purpose of this rule a seasonal year is as defined in MSYSA Rule 2.11B.
Any club, team, or league which through its responsible officers or representatives,
A. Attempts at any time prior to the approved Open Assessment Week of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or their guardian) of any team, or any team as a whole, club, or league under the jurisdiction of this
B. Attempts at any time prior to the approved Open Assessment Week of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or their guardian) of any team, or any team as a whole, club, or league under the jurisdiction of this Association to leave their current affiliation for the following seasonal year will be considered a poaching violation.
C. In those instances in which a coach, team off icial or club official moves from one club to another separate and distinct club, they may not coach, or act as a team official in any capacity, for players from teams of the former club they were identified as a primary or assistant coach, team official o r club official (excluding their son or daughter) for 12 months to the day of their separation from their former club. This rule does not apply under the following:
a. The coach, team official or club official’s club dissolves.
b. The appropriate prior club representative – the club president or DOC – agrees in writing to permit the coach, team official, or club official to coach, or act as a team official for, players from the previous club before the 12 months of their separation from their former club has passed.
D. For purposes of this rule, contact is not limited to personal contact, but will include contact by phone, text, emails, face book and all other social media. Responsible representatives include but are not limited to parents of team members, trainers, team managers, club or league board members, and club or league directors of coaching. The appropriate response by the responsible representative to player initiated contact is to provide requested information. Any recommendation for the player to attend training, tryouts or any other team, club or league soccer event by the representative would be inappropriate and considered an attempt to induce a player to leave t heir present soccer organization. A club or league advertising on their own website , social media, or using mass email communications is not considered poaching. MSYSA affiliated clubs who participate in unaffiliated tryouts and/or otherwise commit to players for MSYSA-affiliated teams prior to the MSYSA -approved tryout date may be at risk of poaching sanctions per Rule 3.7. Attendance by the player at such events when initiated by the player or player’s parents will not be considered poaching.
E. Activities that are allowed prior to the established tryout date are:
a. Open Assessment Week. The Monday through Friday (5 days) prior to the established tryout date shall be considered an ‘open assessment week.’ Players are encouraged to train with various clubs in preparation for tryouts. Assessments of players, by teams and clubs may be offered for the purpose of determining player interest and fit within the team composition. The assessment is non -binding until the player has participated in the official tryout an d committed to the club/team (signed a player agreement/contract on or after the established tryout date).
i. Returning Players – At any time, teams and clubs may advise currently registered players regarding placement options on a team for the upcoming seasonal year for their current team or club.
Rule 4.1:
Rule 4.2:
ii. New Players - Teams and clubs may advise new players (players not currently registered with the given team or club) regarding prospective options on a team for the upcoming seasonal year during the Open Assessment Week, and not prior.
Rules of play for youth shall be the “Laws of the Game,” as published by FIFA. Modifications, as permitted for local associations and youth soccer, shall be published. All contests sanctioned by this Association shall abide by the “Laws of the Game,” and the modifications as published by this Association.
Players U5 to U12 shall play by the Player Development Initiatives as published by US Soccer unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
Rule 4.3:
A. General conditions. The field of play shall be reasonably flat, grassy fields, free from structures which may endanger the players. The field must be rectangular. The length of the touchline must be greater than the length of the goal line. The home team will be responsible for the condition of the grounds, the proper field markings and proper equipment. Nets and corner flags are recommended. Goals are required to be properly installed. Moveable goals
Effective August 28, 2023 12 of 23 Association to leave their current affiliation before the end of the current seasonal year will be considered a poaching violation.
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must be anchored. The game will not be permitted to start if the movable goals are not anchored. (Refer to documents: U.S. Consumers Product Safety Commission Guidelines For Movable Goal Safety available on our website at www.michiganyouthsoccer.org or at U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s web site at http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/5118.pdf ).
B. Dimensions. The following indicates field dimensions by age group. Refer to U.S. Soccer standards chart: https://www.ussoccer.com/coaching -education/resources/us-soccer-player -development-initiatives
No * Build out lines should be equidistant between the penalty area line & halfway line. (Approximately 18 -22 yards).
The length of games and the ball size shall be as follows:
Rule 4.5: Substitutions
The number of substitutions shall be unlimited unless competition under MSYSA jurisdiction determines otherwise. Substitutes may not enter the field of play until receiving a signal to do so from the referee and must do so at the half line. Substitutions may be made by either team at the following times:
A. Prior to a throw -in, with the following exception : If the team taking the throw -in does not substitute then substitution is prohibited.
B. Prior to a goal kick.
C. After a goal is scored.
D. After an injury, when the referee stops play.
E. At half time.
F. After a Caution (a Yellow card), the carded player(s) may be substituted, and if substituted, the opposing team may substitute a like number of players.
Rule 4.6: Player Equipment
Effective August 28, 2023
Player equipment shall consist of a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings, footwear and shin guards. Shin guards are mandatory. Shin guards are covered entirely by the stocking, are made of suitable material, and shall be properly sized to provide a reasonable degree of protection.
With the exception of the goalkeeper s, opposing teams shall be differentiated from each other . Goalkeepers must wear colors that differentiate them from the field players
A. If both teams wear uniforms that are of the same or similar colors, the home team must effect a change to colors that are distinct from those of the opponent if requested by the referee.
B. The home team shall be responsible for the condition of the grounds, the proper field markings, and proper equipment. The home team shall be responsible for following CPSC goal safety protocols and proper goal anchoring. Goal nets and corner flags are reco mmended.
C. The home team shall be responsible for providing a game ball.
D. In the event the referee declares the condition of the grounds improper, the game is to be rescheduled. The home team will pay the referee fees for the cancelled game.
A. If required all players shall present to the referee their player passcards before the start of the game.
B. All passcards are to be returned to the player or coach after the referee has completed the team check in.
C. Should a player misplace their card, the player shall be permitted to play in the game. However, the player shall be open to "Challenge" by the coach of the opposing team.
1. If a coach desires to challenge, the coach shall notify the referee and the opposing coach that the player is under "Challenge" (not to be confused with Protest) prior to the start of the game.
2. The player(s) being challenged shall give their name, signatu re, and date of birth to the referee, who shall note this information on his "Game Report." The referee shall make this information available to the coach making the challenge at the conclusion of the game.
3. The challenging coach shall then contact the member organization registrar or MSYSA for verification that the challenged player(s) is properly registered within 72 hours.
4. If the r egistrar's records show the player is properly registered, the matter is fin ished. If the player is not properly registered, the forfeiture provisions of Rule 4.1 0 Ineligible or Improperly Registered Player apply.
A. Any team playing a player, who is ineligible, whether accidentally, intentionally, or otherwise, shall forfeit the game(s) in which that player takes part and may face further disciplinary action by the member organization and/or the board of directors, depending upon the nature of the violation.
B. In case of forfeiture, the score shall stand 1- 0 against the forfeiting team, unless the member organization or competition has a different forfeiture score.
Coaching from the sidelines, giving directions to one's own team on points of strategy and position, is permitted provided:
A. No mechanical devices are used;
B. Tone of voice is informative and not a harangue;
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C. No coach or substitute or player is to be anywhere except on the sidelines between the top of the penalty area and the half field mark during the game.
Teams shall take opposite sidelines for their benches. Home teams have choice of preferred sidelines. Parents and spectators must take the same sidelines as their respective team, unless the facility prevents otherwise. It will be the respons ibility of each team’s officials (coach, assistant coach or manager) to educate and see that their fans or spectators behave in a proper and respectful manner.
Coaches and other team officials shall be subject to all rules pertaining to misconduct contained herein and as published by the USSF, including cautions, ejections, and standard suspensions. Any coach or team official shall be held responsible for the actions of any individual(s) who violate these rules and who in the opinion of the disciplinary authorit y, is a supporter of that team.
A. General Cases. In general cases, the member organizations shall be responsible for governing those persons associated within their operation, and shall establish procedures to that effect. However, it is the duty of all member organization officers, coaches, referees and assistant referees to report immediately any infraction of “Misconduct Toward Game Officials” and “Misconduct of Game Officials” (see appendix).
B. M ember Organization Discipline and Appeal Procedures Member organizations shall provide procedures for discipline, protest and appeals for their affiliated members. All grievances involving the right to participate and compete in activities sponsored by the USSF and the MSYSA and its members may be appealed to the USSF’s appeal committee that shall have jurisdiction to approve, modify, or reverse a decision. All hearings shall comply with USSF Bylaw 701 and USSF Policy 701-1 (see appendix).
C. Line of Authority. Should any person, team or member organization want to appeal any decision, the line of authority shall be from the member organization to the MSYSA discipline and appeals committee, to the line of authority as specified by United States Soccer Federation.
A. Types of Discipline and Appeals. The MSYSA discipline and appeals committee shall only hear appeals from decisions of lower authority, cases concerning misconduct toward game officials or misconduct of game officials, or matters referred by the board of directors.
B. Line of Authority. The line of authority for an appeal is:
1. Member organization;
2. MSYSA discipline and appeals committee;
3. The line of authority as specified by the United States Soccer Federation.
C. Grounds for Appeal. Appeals must be in writing, either on forms specified by the MSYSA or providing the information requested on such forms, and describes in detail the grounds for the appeal.
D. Appeal Fee and Time Limit. The written appeal must be mailed within ten (10) d ays of the receipt of a written decision from a lower authority and must be accompanied by all supporting documents and by the $250.00 fee in the form of a money order or cashier's check.
E. Loss or Return of Fee. The appeal fee paid by the prevailing party will be returned; however, the fee shall not be returned if the appeal is denied.
F. Decline to Hear Appeal. Authorities responsible for hearing appeals may decline a hearing if:
1. The appeal does not pertain to the original protest or the decision of a lower authority;
2. The appeal is filed by a party other than the original parties to the protest/appeal.
G. Timeliness of Response. At all levels of the appeals process, if a decision is not reached within thirty (30) days of receipt of the written appeal, the party filing the appeal may submit the appeal to the next higher level and the appeal fee submitted will be applied to the next level.
H. Status of Decisions. All decisions at all levels of the appeal process shall stand and be in full force and effect until changed by a higher authority.
I. Ultimate State-level Authority. Decisions of the MSYSA discipline and appeals committee shall be binding unless the decisions are overturned by a higher authority. Failure to abide by decisions of the committee shall be grounds for disciplinary action by the MSYSA board of directors
Rule 5.3: Disciplinary Rulings, and Minimum Punishments (All Sect ions listed below are minimums)
A. Minimum Penalties. A member organization may adopt more stringent penalties, which will prevail, but in no event may penalties be less than those listed.
B. Player Fighting. A player guilty of fighting before, during or after games shall receive a two -game (2) suspension.
C. Player Profanity. A player guilty of using profanity, either by word or sign, against another player, coach, spectator, or any member organization official shall receive a minimum two -game (2) suspension.
D. Player Threats. A player guilty of making threatening gestures against another player, coach, spectator, or any member organization official shall receive a minimum two -game (2) suspension. Verbal threats are remarks that carry the implied or direct threat of physical harm. Such remarks as “I’ll get you after the game” or “You won’t get out of here in one piece” shall be deemed referee abuse. (See Appendix USSF Policy 531-9).
E. Player Striking Official. A player guilty of pushing or striking any coach, or any member organization official shall receive a minimum one-year (1) suspension.
F. Misconduct toward a Referee. Any player, coach, manager, or official committing some misconduct as defined by USSF Policy 531- 9 shall be dealt with in accordance with that policy. Reporting procedures are included in the policy.
1. Referee abuse is a verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact which implies or threatens physical harm to a referee or the referee’s property or equipment.
2. Abuse includes, but is not limited to the following acts committed upon a referee: Using foul or abusive language toward a referee; spewing any beverage on a referee’s personal property; or spitting at (but not on) the referee.
3. a. Referee assault is an intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee.
b. For purposes of this policy, “intentional act” shall mean an act intended to bring about a result which will invade the interests of another in a way that is socially unacceptable. Unintended consequences of the act are irrelevant.
4. Assault includes, but is not limited to the following acts committed upon a referee: hitting, kicking, punching, choking, spitting on, grabbing or bodily running into a referee; head butting; the act of kicking or throwing any object at a referee that could inflict injury; damaging the referee’s uniform or personal property, i.e. car, equipment, etc.
G. Coach Threats. Coaches or team officials who make threatening gestures or use threatening language to other players, coaches, or any member organization officials shall be disciplined according to the following schedule:
First Time: Minimum two-game (2) suspension.
Second Time: The offender shall appear before the MSYSA board of directors and be suspended for a minimum of four (4) games.
Third Time: The offender will be suspended for not less than one (1) year.
H. Misconduct of Spectators. Any other individual who may b e reasonably construed to be associated with a team, such as relatives and supporters, shall also be subject to the jurisdiction of this Association.
1. Assault or abuse of a referee by a spectator. If an individual who supports a team abuses or assaults a referee, such action shall be deemed loss of control by the coach and other team officials. Upon receipt of a report of an assault or abuse of a refer ee by a spectator, the chairperson of the discipline and appeals committee , or their designate, will form an ad hoc committee composed of the chairperson (or their designate) and two (2) individuals on the MSYSA board of directors who are not members of the member organization(s) involved in the case. The chairperson will perform a preliminary investigation and disclose the results of the investigation to the ad hoc committee. The ad hoc committee will determine if there is enough evidence to sustain a char ge of assault or abuse. If not, no action will be taken. If there is enough evidence, a letter will be forwarded to the team informing them of the requirement to post a cash bond up to $1,000 with the MSYSA. After receiving written notification of the requirement for a bond, the team shall have forty-eight (48) hours to post the bond with MSYSA. Failure to remit that bond to this Association shall place that team temporarily under suspension and not in good standing. Any games missed or games played after the forty-eight (48) hour period but prior to the posting of said bond will be considered forfeit.
2. The matter will be referred to the discipline and appeals committee for a complete investigation and hearing. Said hearing will be conducted with the same p rocedures established for hearings conducted for assaults of referees by players, coaches or other team officials. After hearing all the evidence the disciplin e and appeals committee may return the bond if the charges prove untrue; may continue the bond for a period of time not less than one (1) year; may increase the amount of the bond to a maximum of twice the amount of the original bond; or may reduce the amount of the bond ; depending on the severity of the offense.
3. If a second such offense occurs involving any supporter of the same team within a period of two (2) years, the amount of the bond shall be doubled. The original bond, if still in effect, will be forfeited.
4. If a third such offense occurs involving any supporter of the same team, the team shall be suspended from all competition under the auspices of the MSYSA. Provisions will be made to prevent the reforming of the same team members with a new team name.
5. The MSY SA shall return the bond at the end of the period determined by the discipline and appeals committe
I. Misconduct of Game Officials. In case of misconduct by referees or other game officials, USSF Policy 531 - 10 shall apply, including reporting procedures ( See Appendix). If a written complaint of misconduct by a game official (as defined in USSF Policy 531-10) is verified by Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, the complaint may be referred to the State Referee Committee for the hearing, at the discretio n of the state association.
The content of this Appendix is not meant to be rules that may be amended by the MSYSA. The information provided herein is for reference and any changes by USSF will be effective immediately upon any subsequent amendments by USSF and this Appendix will be updated as quickly as possible.
Policy 531-9 – Misconduct Toward Game Officials
Section 1. General
Misconduct against referees may occur before, during and after the match, including travel to or from the match. Misconduct may occur also at later times when directly related to duties of a game official as a referee.
Section 2. Rule Application
(A) This policy shall supersede any inconsistent rules of Organization Members that pertain to assaults or abuse upon Federation referees, assistant referees, the manner and means of hearings, appeals, and rehearings in matters pertaining thereto.
(B) Nothing in this policy rule shall be construed to restrict or limit any league, event/tournament or Organization Member from applying equal or greater restrictions to anyone not listed in section 4( a)(1) of this policy (i.e., a spectator associated with a club or team).
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(C) This policy shall not apply to players, coaches, managers, club officials, or league officials while participating in Professional League Member activities.
Section 3. Terms and References
As used in this policy –
(1) “Referee” includes the following:
(a) all currently registered USSF referees, assistant referees, fourth officials or others duly appointed to assist in officiating in a match.
(b) any non-licensed, non-registered person serving in an emergency capacity as a referee (under Rule 3040).
(c) any club assistant referee.
(2) “Hearing” means a meeting of at least three neutral members, one of whom is designated or elected to serve as Chairperson. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to guidelines established by the Organization Member .
(3) (a) (i) Referee assault is an intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee (ii) For purposes of this policy, “intentional act” shall mean an act intended to bring about a result which will invade the interests of another in a way that is socially una cceptable. Unintended consequences of the act are irrelevant.
(b) Assault includes, but is not limited to the following acts committed upon a referee: hitting, kicking, punching, choking, spitting on, grabbing or bodily running into a referee; head butti ng; the act of kicking or throwing any object at a referee that could inflict injury; damaging the referee’s uniform or personal property, i.e. car, equipment, etc.
(4) (a) Referee abuse is a verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact which implies or threatens physical harm to a referee or the referee’s property or equipment.
(b) Abuse includes, but is not limited to the following acts committed upon a referee: using foul or abusive language toward a referee that implies or threatens physical harm; spewing any beverage on a referee’s personal property; spitting at (but not on) the referee
Section 4. Jurisdiction and Hearings
(A) General
(1) When any amateur or professional player, coach, manager, club official or game official assaults or abuses a referee, the original jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter shall vest immediately in the responsible Organization Member which is affiliated with the Federation.
(2) When an allegation of assault is verified by the Organization Member, the person is automatically suspended until the hearing on the assault.
(3) The Organization Member must hold a hearing within thirty (30) days of the verification by the Member of the abuse or assault or, if applicable, the thirty-day period provided by subsection (b)(3) of this section. If the Member does not adjudicate the matter within that period of time, original jurisdiction shall immediately vest in the Federation’s Appeals Committee to adjudicate the matter, to which the same provisions as to the term of suspension shall apply.
(4) Failure to hold the initial hearing shall not rescind the automatic suspension.
(B) Events and Tournaments
(1) In the event an assault or abuse of a referee occurs in an event outside the alleged offender’s home state, the referee shall (A) immediately notify the Event/Tournament Chairperson, and (B) forward a copy of the game report and his/her comments on the incident to the Event/Tournament Chairp erson.
(2) The Event/Tournament Chairperson shall have the right to immediately convene a hearing at the site of the Event/Tournament, at which the alleged offender, the coach of the alleged offender when the offender is a player , and the game official should be present. Information presented at this hearing shall promptly be relayed to the alleged offender’s Organization Member President by the Event/Tournament Chairperson, both orally and in writing; however, failure to provide written information shall not restrict the offender’s Organization Member from taking action with regard to any referee abuse or assault.
(3) Final jurisdiction shall vest with the alleged offender’s Organization Member . A hearing shall be held by that Organization Member within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the initial report of the abuse or assault on a referee.
Section 5. Penalties and Suspensions
(A) Assault
(1) The person committing the referee assault must be suspended as follows:
(a) for a minor or slight touching of the referee or the referee’s uniform or personal property, at least 3 months from the time of the assault;
(b) except as provided in clause (i) or (ii), for any other assault, at least 6 months from the time of the assault:
(i) for an assault committed by an adult and the referee is 17 years of age or younger, at least 3 years; or
(ii) for an assault when serious injuries are inflicted, at least 5 years.
(2) A State Association adjudicating the matter may not provide a shorter period of suspension but, if circumstances warrant, may provide a longer period of suspension.
(B) Abuse
The minimum suspension period for referee abuse shall be at least three (3) scheduled matches within t he rules of that competition. The Organization Member adjudicating the matter may provide a longer period of suspension when circumstances warrant (e.g., habitual offenders).
Section 6. Appeals
A person who is found to have committed the abuse and/or assault may appeal to the Appeals Committee by following the procedures of Federation Bylaw 705 within ten (10) days from receipt of the decision of the Organization Member.
Section 7. Procedure for Reporting Assault and Abuse
(A) Procedures for reporting of referee assault and/or abuse shall be developed and disseminated by the National Referee Committee to all Federation registered referees.
(B) Referees shall transmit a written report of the alleged assault or abuse, or both, within 48 hours of the incident (unless there is a valid reason for later reporting) to the designee of the Organization Member and the State Referee Administrator. For tournaments or special events, the referee shall transmit a written report to the tournament director on the day of the incident and to his home state SRA within 10 days of the incident.
Section 1. Terms and References
(A) “Game officials” includes the following:
(1) all currently registered USSF referees, assistant referees, fourth officials or others appointed to assist in officiating in a match.
(2) any non-licensed, non-registered person serving in an emergency capacity as a referee ( under Rule 3040).
(3) any club assistant referee.
(4) any referee development program person performing any official function at a match
(B) “Referee Development Program Person” includes any referee, referee administrator, referee assessor, referee instructor, referee assignor, or other person serving in such capacity in a line or supervisory position, including members of any referee committee appointed by the Federation, its Divisions, Affiliates or Associates, a State Association, or a competition, tournament or other appropriate authority.
(C) “Hearing” means a meeting of at least five members, one of which is designated or elected to serve as a Chairperson. The Chairperson of a hearing shall not vote except to break a tie vote. Such members, including the Chairperson, shall not be the State Referee Administrator, the State Director of Referee Instruction, the State Director of Referee Assessment, a Federation National or FIFA Referee, or any other member of the State Referee Administration.
August 28, 2023
(D) “State Association” shall be that State Association through which the game official is registered or referee development is appointed. Where a state has both Amateur and Youth National State Associations, the reference shall mean that State Association which has legal authority within its state to administer the registration of the referee or the appointment of the referee development program person charged.
Section 2. Procedures
(A) Misconduct at a Match
When any game official is accused of having committe d misconduct toward another game official, participant, or spectator at a match, or of having a conflict of interest, the original jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter shall vest immediately in the State Association or Organization Member through which th e accused game official is registered. In the situation where Amateur and Youth State Associations exist in a state, and the incident of alleged misconduct occurred at a match sanctioned by one State Association, jurisdiction shall vest within the State A ssociation sanctioning the match in question.
(B) Misconduct Away From a Match
When any game official, referee, referee assistant or referee development program person is accused of unethical conduct, misuse or abuse of authority or conflict of interest is any matter in the pursuit of or may affect the individual’s official dealings within and as authorized by the Federation, its Divisions, Affiliates or Associates, a State Associations or Organization Member, or a competition, tournament or other appropriate authority, the matter shall vest immediately in the State Association through which the accused game official is registered or through which the referee development program person is appointed.
(C) Any allegation of misconduct or of conflict of interest by a game official as described by subsection (A) of this section, or of unethical conduct, misuse or abuse of authority or conflict of interest as described by subsection (B) of this section, shall be made in writing to the State Referee Administrator or to the State Association(s) or Organization Member that shall report all such allegations including any allegations against the State Referee Administrator, to the State Association(s) or Organization Members through which the accused game official if registered or through which the accused referee development program person is appoint ed.
(D) Upon receipt by the appropriate Organization Member of a verified written complaint, a hearing shall be conducted within 30 days from verification pursuant to guidelines established by the Organization Member having jurisdiction as provided by subsection (A) or (B) of this section. The guidelines may include referring the complaint to the State Referee Committee for the hearing. The hearings and appeal process shall provide for adequate due process for the accused person including proper notice of charges, the right to bring witnesses in defense, and the right to confront and to crossexamine the accusers.
(E) The Chairman of the hearing committee shall transmit the findings of the committee in writing to all parties concerned including the accused and th e accusers and to the State Association(s) or Organization Member within seven days of the hearing.
(F) Any party subject to penalties shall receive, at the time of notification of the decision, a notice of the rights of appeal and a copy of the procedures and deadline dates required for such an appeal to be properly considered. Time for filing an appeal shall start with the date official receipt of the decision by the party making the appeal.
Section 3. Penalties
(A) The severity of the penalty im posed upon an individual shall be determined by the decision -making body having jurisdiction.
(B) Penalties may be among the following:
(1) letter of reprimand;
(2) a fine;
(3) suspension from all active participation as a Federation -sanctioned referee for a fixed period of time; (4) suspension from all active participation in the Federation for a fixed period of time;
(5) any combination of clauses (1), (2), (3) or (4) of this subsection; and (6) dismissal from the Federation.
(C) Any individual while under suspension from all Federation activity may not take part in any activity sponsored by the Federation or its members.
(A) Any game official who is found guilty of misconduct as defined in this rule may appeal the decision of the hearing committee as follows:
(1) to a Referee Disciplinary Committee jointly appointed by the Amateur and Youth State Associations (2) to the Federation Appeals Committee as provided under Federation Bylaw 705.
(B) The party appealing the decision of a committee shall have ten (10) days to file the notice of appeal of a decision. Time for filing an appeal shall start with the date of official receipt of the decision by the party making the appeal.
Section 1. In all hearings conducted by the Federation and its Organization Members under these Bylaws, the parties shall be accorded:
(1) notice of the specific charges, claims, or alleged violations in writing and possible consequences if the charges , claims, or allegations are found to be true;
(2) reasonable time between receipt of the notice of charges and the hearing within which to prepare a defens e;
(3) the right to have the hearing conducted at a time and place so as to make it practicable for the respondent to attend;
(4) a hearing before a disinterested and impartial panel;
(5) the right to be assisted (including by counsel) in the presentation of one’s case at the hearing;
(6) the right to call witness and present oral and written evidence and argument;
(7) the right to confront witnesses, including the right to provide the identity of the witness es in advance of the hearing;
(8) the right to have a record made of the hearing if desired;
(9) a timely written decision containing findings of fact and with reasons for the decision, based soley on the evidence of the record; and
(10) notice of any substantive and material action of the hearing panel in the course of the proceeding s;
Section 2. No ex parte communication is permitted between a party and any person involved in making its decision or procedural determination except to provide explanations involving procedures to be followed.
Section 3. Hearing rules and procedures shall be set forth by policy.
See Policy 701-1 Hearing Procedures
Policy 701-1 Hearing Procedures
This policy provides the minimum rights that each party would have at a hearing with respect to the right to assistance in presenting one’s case at a hearing, as must be allowed under Federation Bylaw 701(5). These minimum rights apply to hearings conducted by Organization Members and their members or other hearing body. A copy of these minimum rights should be delivered to the parties with the notice of the hearing.
(A) Each party at a hearing shall have the right to have an individual present at the hearing to assist the party in presenting the party’s case. Such individual may, but shall not be required to be, an attorney.
(B) If the Organization Member or member of the Organization Member (“Complainant”) is represented by another individual at any hearing and the hearing panel allows that individual to speak, question the parties and/or witnesses, or grant that individual any other rights, then it shall afford all other parties, or the ind ividual representing the party, including an attorney, the same rights during the course of the hearing as is allowed to the individual representing the Complainant.
(C) If an attorney is present at a hearing to assist a part in presenting the party’s case, i t shall be clear at the commencement of any such hearing that the hearing shall proceed in accordance with the Organization Member’s hearing rules and procedures. All Federal, State or local Rules of Evidence or Civil Procedure shall not be applicable.
(D) An Organization Member may provide, as part of its hearing rules and procedures, that an individual assisting a party may be allowed to speak on behalf of the party, make requests or ask questions at the hearing.
Effective August 28, 2023
(E) Regardless of whether the Organization Memb er allows the individual assisting the party the rights to speak, make requests or ask questions, as noted in Paragraph D above, an individual assisting the party in presenting the party’s case shall have the right to be physically present in the hearing r oom, and so as not to interfere with the hearing procedure, it is also recommended that the individual be seated close to the party (either behind or next to the party) so that the party may seek assistance when desired during the course of the hearing.
(F) During the course of the hearing, the party may confer briefly with the individual who is assisting before making a statement or request or prior to responding to a question. The panel conducting the hearing may limit the frequency and duration of the conferences so as not to unduly interfere with the proceeding.
(G) If there is confusion or concern, the party may request a recess to confer with the individual assisting the party. Such a request should be granted unless the number of requests by a party becom es unreasonable or the length of a requested recess is deemed by the hearing panel to be unreasonable.
(H) An individual assisting a party may prepare written materials for the party and collect documents for the party. However, the party must submit or pres ent the materials and documents as materials and documents of the party, and not of the individual assisting. The party has complete responsibility for those materials and documents and is subject to questioning about them.
(I) Nothing contained in this polic y shall prevent an Organization Member from allowing greater rights to assistance than those set forth in Paragraphs A -H above. For example, an Organization Member may, but shall not be obligate to, allow more than one individual to assist a party at any given time.
(J) The rights, either mandatory or permissible under this policy, shall be consistently applied, and Organization Member should not arbitrarily allow or disallow the rights set forth above to those individuals assisting a party in the presentation or defense of the party’s case.
For the purpose of interpretation, these definitions are offered but are not meant as rules themselves.
1. Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Soccer’s world governing body is the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), which is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland . The delegates of the association of France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland signed the articles of foundation. In 1905 the English Football Association enrolled in FIFA along with Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
FIFA is comprised of each country’s national soccer associations and is responsible for prom oting and organizing the game of soccer throughout the world. FIFA also determines the basic playing “Law s of the Game.” Those laws are available from the Federation in a special booklet. Today more than 150 million people throughout the world play soccer and in a given year up to 1 million referees o fficiate more than 20 million matches. FIFA governs all aspects of the game.
2. United States Soccer Federation, Inc (USSF) United States Soccer Federation , Inc (USSF) is the national governing body for all levels of soccer in the United States. It was formed in 1913 and affiliated with FIFA the following year. U.S. Soccer is recognized by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) as provided in the Amateur Sports Act of 1978. The constitution, rules, policies, and procedures of the Federation have evolved over a period of time to govern the game of soccer and protect the interests of all participants, players, officials, administrators, clubs, member organizations, national states associations, and the Federation. Therefore, they mu st be accepted and observed by all members of the Federation until changed in accorda nce with the procedure provided .
3. United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc. (USYSA; U.S. Youth Soccer ) United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc. (USYSA; US Youth Soccer) is the largest member of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). US Youth Soccer is a non-profit and educational organization whose mission is to foster the physical, mental and emotional growth and development of America's youth through the spor t of soccer at all levels of age and competition. Beginning in 1974, US Youth Soccer has always been recognized as a leader in youth sports organizations. Through a democratic structure, the membership of US Youth Soccer is able to provide uniform rules an d guidelines. These guidelines facilitate intra-state, inter-state and international play. The national administration of US Youth Soccer is conducted by a nine member board of directors consisting of a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, four regional directors, and a member at large. Each of these board members are elected into office by delegates from the 55 member State Associations. A tenth position that of past president is held by the past president for a single term of two years. The US Youth Soccer membership is divided into four regions, each with a director elected to the board of directors. The regions are essentially East (Region I), Midwest (Region II), South (Region III) and West (Region IV). Each State Association has a board of directors, elected by delegates from their member organizations, clubs or teams.
4. “National State Association” means an affiliated member association of US Youth Soccer representing all clubs, member organizations, teams, players, coaches, and administrators, within the territory assigned to the National State Association by the USSF National Council. The administrative body within the territory determined by the National Council to carry out the Federation’s programs for amateur youth or am ateur adult players or both.
5. “Amateur Sports Act ” means the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (chapter 2205 of title 36, United States Code).
6. “Appeal” means a procedure to be followed which provides that such matters be resolved on as low an organizational level as possible. This process is for disputes outside the decisions made by a referee on the field during the course of a match.
7. “MSYSA” means Michigan State Youth Soccer Association which is a National State Association.
8. “board of directors” or “Board” means the board of directors of MSYSA
9. “Club” means an organization providing soccer to youth players that is either a direct member of MSYSA or that registers players with MSYSA through an affiliated member. At no time shall an affiliated member who functions as a “scheduling league” also be considered a “club”. In the case where a club sets up one or more satellite clubs in the state, those satellite clubs may only be considered part of the main club for the purposes of th e National Championship Series if all the following criteria are met: 1. The main club and satellite club have the same Board of Directors 2. The main club and satellite club have the same Tax ID number 3. The main club and satellite club are in the same MSYSA District as determined by the MSYSA Board of Directors.
10. “District” means a geographical subdivision of the State of Michigan
11. “League” or “member organization” a structured group of 4 or more team s joined for the purpose inter -team play under a common set of administrative rules.
12. “League team” means a team that participates in regularly scheduled member organization play.
13. “Protest” means a complaint about field or referee qualifications prior to the start of a game , or the misapplication of rules or procedures during a game.
14. “Standing Rules” means rules, regulations and policies of Michigan State Youth Soccer Association.
15. “Team” means a group of soccer players playing on the same side in soccer games.
16. “USOC” means the United States Olympic Committee that is the corporation established under the Amateur Sports Act to oversee all amateur athletic activity in the United States.
There are no proposed MSYSA bylaw changes for 202 5
FYE August 31, 20 24
provide certificates of completion)
Reimagine Administrative Workshop (Coordinate 'traveling' small group sessions around the State, meet directly with clubs/leagues)
Inform/share areas of flexibility within GotSport for grassroots clubs (Offer/schedule additional GS roundtables)
Focus on Membership Growth (Improve current retention rate, 'guest' membership category, participation against non-members)
Reimagine ODP and/or ODP 101 (Consider showcase/friendly events for ODP teams, Consider coach recommendations/invites, accept
Provide Clubs/Leagues RM reports/RM renewal and expiration notifications.
MSYSA to advocate on need to improve current administrative SafeSport burden/challenges with US Soccer and US Center for SafeSport
MSYSA to establish Minor Coach Policy
Education (Nutrution, injury prevention, US Soccer 'R2R' resources, consistently promote coaching course offerings)
Consider new or reimagined prorgramming (e.g, Summer programming, summer leagues, Futsal, Day-Camps, etc.
(3) Brand Development and Marketing
^Consider MSYSA Comm. Mgr. (outline specific grassroots offerings and travel offerings, establish use of additional social media platforms)
Improve Club/Player and Parent Experiences (e.g, at Games, Tournaments, Events, Additional partnerships/colloborations, etc.)
MSYSA Bylaws and Rules (Update and/or revise and remove unenforceable sections)
Make it easier to become an MSYSA Direct Member (Club/Leagues), Flexibilty needed to secure new Members
(4) Coaching Education and Referees
Increase number of Coaching Courses and Coaching Symposiums across the State (additional course instructors)
Engage affiliated clubs on the need to secure officials for matches at the youngest age groups, educate their parents, establish codes
Colloborate with SRC and invest in the promotion/development of referee education, referee growth/retention
In-person referee education encouraged/suggested, in addition to current online offerings.
Clubs/Leagues need to use one (new) Assigning System (MSYSA to post links to Club and League assignors online)
Strategic Initiatives Investments (From Net Assets)
*MSYSA BOD Approved on 11.27.23
*MSYSA AGM Approved on 02.24.24
*MSYSA BOD Approved FY24-01 and FY24-02 on 03.18.24
^FYE 24: Scholarships/Grants expensed to Master Bdgt
^FYE 24: FY 24-01 and FY 24-02 expensed to Master Bdgt
**MSYSA BOD Approved on 10.28.24 (FY 25)
**MSYSA AGM Approved on XX.XX.25
Quarterly Updates To Be Provided
FY: '24
Date Submitted: March 18, 2024
General Ledger #:400.01, 400.5, 730.7
Amendment # FY24 - 01
Manager: T. Faro
Funding Request Rationale: Add partial Acct Mgr/Media Mgr wages to FY 24 to align with strategic initiatives. Current Budget:
FY: '24
Date Submitted: March 18, 2024
General Ledger #: 405.01, 730.07
Amendment # FY24 - 02
Manager: T. Faro
Funding Request Rationale: Increase payroll taxes (Mgmt & General)
FY: '25
Date Submitted: September 30, 2024
General Ledger #: 730.01, 730.07
Amendment # FY25 - 01
Manager: T. Faro
Funding Request Rationale: Funding from net assets for FY '25 strategic initiatives. (Grassroots, Member Services, Brand Development/Marketing, Coaching Education/Referees)
ARTICLE I Name and Purpose
1. Name.
2. Purpose.
1. Membership.
2. Method of Entry.
3. Divisional Placement of Teams.
4. Notice of Meetings.
5. Conduct of Meetings.
Article II. Section 6. Application Fees.
2 ARTICLE III Directors
1. Number and Qualifications.
2. Selections.
3. Quorum.
4. Action by Unanimous Written Consent.
5. Vacancies.
6. Regular Meetings
7. General Powers as to Negotiable Paper.
8. Powers as to Other Documents.
9. Disciplinary Authority.
3 ARTICLE IV Committees
1. Special Committees
2. Other Committees
3. Procedures.
4. Committee Action Without a Meeting
4 ARTICLE V Officers
1. Chairperson of the Board.
2. Vice Chairperson/Registrar.
3. Secretary/Treasurer.
4. Scheduler.
5. Statistician.
6. Commissioner.
7. Chairperson Emeritus.
8. Referee Advisor.
5 ARTICLE VI Fiscal Year and Notices
1. Fiscal Year.
2. Notices.
6 ARTICLE VII Electronic Communication
1. Meetings
2. Communication
6 ARTICLE VIII Miscellaneous
1. Affiliation.
2. Duties of Delegates.
3. Activities.
4. Gifts.
5. Dissolution.
6. Discrimination.
ARTICLE IX Amendments, Rules, and Regulations
1. Amendments.
2. Rules, Regulations and Policies.
Article I. Section 1. Name.
The name of this program shall be Michigan State Premier Soccer Program. The Premier Program may also use a name mutually agreed upon between itself and its' major sponsor(s) for the purpose of advertising, and public and/or community relations. Affiliated leagues shall not use the word "premier" in their league names .
Article I. Section 2. Purpose.
The purpose of this Premier Program shall be to promote the development and execution of highly skilled youth soccer, sportsmanship, quality coaching and officiating within the State of Michigan.
Article II. Section 1. Membership.
Membership shall be restricted to MSYSA affiliated member organizations. No team or club may be a member of this Premier Program but shall only be a member of the Premier Program through an affiliated MSYSA member organization. Any member organization affiliated with MSYSA is eligible for membership. The term member organization shall be used as defined in the MSYSA bylaws.
Leagues must notify the Premier Program of the number of teams, which the affiliated league wishes to sponsor. This notification must be submitted on the designated Premier Program form, signed by an authorized League official, and must be received by the Premier Program no later than the date specified by the Premier Program.
This premier program starts at 11v11, however, any team may enter provided Article 1, Section 2 is adhered to. Affiliated leagues may sponsor U13-U19 High School Open teams. U13 -U19 High School Open teams will be placed into divisions by the MSPSP Board of Directors. Existing teams shall be grouped into playing divisions primarily based upon the record of team during the previous MSPSP season. The MSPSP reserves the right and may relegate out the bottom 25% of teams in each and every age group based on maximum points.
At their discretion, the MSPSP Board of Directors shall call meetings of member leagues and/or team representatives. Notice of such meetings shall be made as determined by the MSPSP Board of Directors to provide sufficient notification of at least 5 days, and shall include the time, date and place of such meetings.
Meetings of the member leagues and/or team representatives shall be presided over by a Chairperson of the meeting who shall be the Chairperson of the MSPSP Board of Directors or, if the Chairperson is not present, by the Vice Chairperson or, if neither is present, by the
Secretary or, if the Secretary is not present, by any other member of the MSPSP Board of Directors. In the absence of the Secretary , a person will be appointed by the chairperson to serve as secretary pro -tem of the meeting. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern MSPSP in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that MSPSP may adopt. The parliamentary authority adopted by MSPSP shall be adopted by each member organization. Attendance at all meetings of the Premier Program is required of the MSPSP Board of Directors. If an officer or director misses three (3) consecutive meetings without approval or without acceptable cause, these absences constitute an implied resignation by that member.
Article II. Section 6. Application Fees.
Application fees for all teams in the amount determined by the MSPSP Board of Directors shall be payable at the time of team registration. All teams and sponsoring leagues fines and/or bonds must be paid prior to registration. All payments must be drawn on U.S. banks, financial institutions, or U.S. currency. No foreign financial institutions drafts will be accepted.
Article III. Section 1. Number and Positions.
The property, business, and affairs of the Premier Program shall be managed by its MSPSP Board of Directors. The MSPSP Board of Directors shall consist of the following: Chairperson, ViceChairperson/Registrar, Secretary/Treasurer, Scheduler, Commissioner,
Statistician, Referee Advisor, and Chairperson Emeritus (an ex officio non-voting member).
(1) The Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, and Scheduler, shall be elected by the MSYSA affiliated leagues in odd numbered years, at the annual general membership meeting of that body and shall serve a term of two years or until their successors are elected. Their terms shall begin at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected.
(2) The Vice Chairperson/Registrar, Statistician, and Commissioner shall be elected by the MSYSA affiliated leagues in even numbered years and shall serve term of two years or until their successors are elected. Their terms shall begin at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected .
(3) The MSPSP Board of Directors may appoint, at their sole discretion, other agents of the Premier Program, who shall serve at the discretion of the MSPSP Board of Directors. Directors, officers and agents need not be members of an affiliated league.
(4) The Referee Advisor will be appointed by a majority vote of the MSPSP Board of Directors then in office with a recommendation of the State Referee Administrator. The Referee Advisor will serve a term of one (1) year or until his/her successor is elected beginning July 1 and ending June 3 0. There are no term limits for the MSPSP Referee Advisor.
A majority of the voting MSPSP Board of Directors then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Unless specifically required elsewhere in these bylaws, any actions of the MSPSP Board of
Directors shall require a majority of the voting board members present at a meeting. If at a meeting of the MSPSP Board of Directors there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum shall have been obtained.
If and when the MSPSP Directors shall severally or collectively consent in writing to any action to be taken by the Premier Program either before or after the action is taken, that action shall be as valid corporate action as though it had been authorized at a meeting of the MSPSP Directors and written consents shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the MSPSP Board of Directors.
Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the MSPSP Board of Directors by reason of death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, a maj ority of the MSPSP Directors than in office, though less then a quorum, may fill the vacancy at any meeting, and the person so elected shall, if confirmed by the MSYSA, MSPSP Board of Directors, be a director until affirmed by the membership as provided in Article III Section 2. The resignation of a Director shall be effective upon receipt by the Premier Program or a subsequent time as set forth in the no tice of resignation. A Director or the entire MSPSP Board of Directors may be removed, with or without cause, by a vote of the majority of the members entitled to vote at an election of MSPSP Directors. If a Director misses three consecutive meetings, this Director must declare his/her intentions to the membership, and failing to do so, this office shall be declared vacant and filled in accordance with this section.
Meetings of the MSPSP Board of Directors shall b e held monthly and can be held without notice at such other times or intervals and at such
places within the State of Michigan as may be determined by resolution of the Board. The resolution may authorize the Chairperson to fix the specific date and place of each regular meeting, in which case notice of the time and place of such regular meetings shall be given in the manner hereinafter provided with respect to special meetings of the Board.
Delegates’ meetings will be held at the call of the MSPSP Board o f Directors who shall also set the time and place for the meeting. Each member league currently sponsoring a team or teams must attend delegate meetings, unless agreed to otherwise by a majority vote of the Board.
Article III. Section 7. General Powers as to Negotiable
The MSPSP Board of Directors shall prescribe the manner of making, signing, or endorsing of checks, drafts, notes, acceptances, bills of exchange, obligations and other negotiable paper or other instruments for the payment of money and designate the officer or officers, agent or agents, who shall be authorized to make, sign or endorse the same on behalf of the Premier Program.
Article III. Section 8. Powers as to Other Documents.
The MSPSP Board of Directors subject to approval of MSYSA Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute or deliver any conveyance or other instrument in the name of the Premier Program, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. When the execution of any contract, conveyance or other instrument has been authorized without specification of the officers authorized to execute, the same may be executed on behalf of the Premier Program by the Chairperson or ViceChairperson/Registrar, and attested by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Article III. Section 9. Disciplinary Authority.
The MSPSP Board of Directors has authority to bar completely, suspend or otherwise discipline any player, coach, manager, team assistant, trainer, club officer, league officer, or other person associated with any team playing within the Premier Program, whether such person is paid or unpaid by one or more players, teams, clubs, or leagues.
The MSPSP Board of Directors may designate two or more of its directors or members to constitute an executive committee, who, during intervals between the meetings of the MSPSP Board of Dire ctors and subject to such limitations as may be required by law or imposed by resolution of the MSPSP Board of Directors, shall have the right and may exercise all powers and authority of the MSPSP Board of Directors in the management of the business and a ffairs of the Premier Program, except that such executive committee shall not have power or authority to:
(A) Amend the article of incorporation;
(B) Recommend to members a dissolution of the Premier Program or a revocation of a dissolution;
(C) Amend the bylaws of the Premier Program;
(D) Fill vacancies in the Board.
The MSPSP Board of Directors may designate one or more of its directors or members to constitute any other committee, who shall have only such powers as are expressly granted to them in such resolution. Subject to the approval of the MSPSP Board of Directo rs, the Chairperson may appoint other committees as needed. The resolutions establishing committees and designating their members shall be passed
by a majority of the voting MSPSP Directors then in office. The MSPSP Board of Directors may establish special disciplinary committees when matters of a disciplinary nature occur.
All committees, and each member thereof, shall serve at the discretion of the MSPSP Board of Directors. The MSPSP Board of Directors shall have the power at any time to increase or decrease the number of members of any committee, to fill vacancies, to change any member and to change the functions or terminate the existence of any committee. The MSPSP Board of Directors may designate one or more MSPSP Directors or other persons as alternate members of a committee who may replace an absent or disqualified member at a meeting of the committee. In the absence or disqualification of a member of a committee, the members present at a meeting and not disqualifi ed from voting, whether or not they constitute a quorum, may unanimously appoint another member of the MSPSP Board of Directors to act at the meeting in place of an absent or disqualified member. The Executive Committee and all other committees, if the MSPSP Board of Directors shall not have designated a chairperson thereof, shall elect a chairperson from their membership. All committees shall elect a secretary who need not be a member of the committee and who shall keep minutes of all meetings of the commi ttee, which shall be submitted at the next meeting of the MSPSP Board of Directors for approval. Regular or special meetings of any committee may be held in the manner provided in the bylaws for regular or special meetings of the MSPSP Board of Directors, and a majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
If and when members of the Excutive Committee or any other committee shall severally or collectively consent in writing to any action authorized to be taken by the committee, either before or after the action is taken,
the action shall be valid committee action as though it had been authorized at a meeting of the committee and the written consents shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the committee.
The Chairperson of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/she shall be the chief executive officer of the Premier Program and shall have general and active management of the activities of the Premier Program, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect in the Chairperson’s absence. As Chairperson, he/she shall attend all MSYSA Delegate and Board meetings and report all program activities to the MSYSA Board of Directors. He/She shall execute all authorized conveyances, contracts, or other obligations in the name of the Premier Program except where r equired by law to be otherwise signed and executed and except where the signing execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the MSPSP Board of Directors to some other officer or agent of the Premier Program. He/She shall assure all Premier Program MSPSP Board of Directors members and Committees have their duties completed in a timely and proper fashion. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
The Vice-Chairperson/Registrar of the Board, in the absence of the Chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall represent the Program at all functions/meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. He/ She shall be the MSYSA Delegate for the Program. He/She shall be responsible,
along with the other members of the Board, for preparing the coa ches packets that are handed out prior to the start of each season.
The Vice-Chairperson/Registrar shall keep a complete record of all teams and players for the purpose of player registration and team affiliation. He/She shall issue pass cards to each player, coach, assistant coach, and manager. He/She shall keep a count of all players and coaches. He/She shall provide a copy of all rosters to any member of the MSPSP Board of Directors requesting such copy and the MSYSA Registrar, and, shall notify all MSPSP Board of Directors upon request and the MSYSA Registrar of all changes in the team rosters . He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.”
The Secretary/Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the MSPSP Board of Directors and all meetings of the member leagues and/or team representatives, and shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings in a form and manner specified by the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall give or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the member leagues a nd/or team representatives and any meetings of the MSPSP Board of Directors for which notice may be required, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the MSPSP Board of Directors or the Chairperson, under whose supervision he/she shall act. He/She shall execute with the Chairperson all authorized conveyances, contracts or other instruments in the name of the Premier Program except as otherwise directed by the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall keep in safe custody the seal of the Pro gram, if there is one, and affix or cause it to be affixed to any instrument requiring a seal. The
Secretary/Treasurer will have the responsibility of filing the Michigan Annual Report. He/She shall send out, to member leagues, team representatives, MSPSP Board of Directors members, and/or Committee members, all official correspondence from the MSPSP Board of Directors or any of its' Committees or members.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall have custody of the funds and securities of the Premier Program and shall keep full and complete records and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Premier Program in such depositories as may be designated by the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall disburse the funds of the Premier Program as may be ordered by the MSPSP Board of Directors, making proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render whenever The MSPSP Board of Directors may require it, an accounting of all transactions as Secretary/Treasurer and of the fi nancial condition of the Premier Program. If required by the MSPSP Board of Directors, the Secretary/Treasurer shall give the Premier Program a bond in such sum and with surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to assure the restoration to the Premier P rogram (in case of death, resignation, or removal from office) of all books, records, papers, vouchers, moneys, negotiable paper, and other property of whatever kind in his/her possession or under his/her control and belonging to the Premier Program.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall also be responsible for preparing any and all Federal and State tax returns. The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing any and all papers regarding the Tax Exempt status of the Premier Program. He/She shall submit the financial records to the auditor within 30 days of the fiscal year end. The Premier Program’s audited Financial Report shall be submitted to the MSYSA days 30 prior to the MSYSA AGM. He/She shall prepare the budget and recommend the registration fees for the approval of the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall collect all application fees, moneys from sponsor(s), performance bonds, fines, or other miscellaneous income. He/She shall be responsible for the payment of all bills incurred
in the operation of the Premier Program and shall review and approve any expenses the MSPSP Board of Directors or Committee members may expend in the performance of their duties. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as ar e prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
The Premier Scheduler shall be responsible, together with the MSPSP Board of Directors, for the div isional placement of all teams registered in the Premier Program. He/She shall make or cause to be made a schedule for the regular playing season for each division. The Premier Scheduler must approve any changes in the schedule. He/She shall issue any forfeits for games scheduled that are not played. He/She shall be the final approving authority in the determination of rescheduling disputes. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in t hese bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
The Statistician shall be responsible for making sure accurate and up to date standings are kept for all divisions. He/she shall be provided a report from the program administrator of all violation and suspension data gathered from game sheets. He/she will make sure all suspensions are served. He/she shall provide a report to the MSPSP Board of Directors with this data. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these
bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
The Commissioner shall investigate all protests and issue a decision along with the MSPSP Board of Directors. He/She shall issue a report, in writing, to the MSPSP Board of Directors as to the disposition of every protest. He/She shall act as chairperso n of the Disciplinary Committee when such special committee is in existence. He/She or his/her appointee shall preside at all Disciplinary Committee meetings and hearings. He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Directors, by the MSPSP Chairperson, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
The Chairperson Emeritus is the immediate past Chairperson of the MSPSP Board of Directors and shall provide advice and consul to the MSPSP Board of Directors and shall perform other dutie s as mutually agreed upon. The Chairperson Emeritus shall be an ex -officio nonvoting member of the MSPSP Board of Directors.
The Referee Advisor shall receive all referee correspondence and make any necessary recommendations to MSPSP and/or the appropriate referee organization(s). He/she shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws, by the MSPSP Board of Dirctors, by the MSPSP Chairper son, or in the adopted parliamentary authority.
ARTICLE VI Fiscal Year and Notices
Article VI. Section 1. Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the Premier Program shall be July 1 through June 30.
Article VI. Section 2. Notices.
Any notice required by statute or by these Bylaws to be given to the member leagues and/or team representatives, to the Directors, or to any officers of the Premier Program, unless another requirement is provided herein or in any statute, shall be sufficient if given by depositi ng it in a United States post office box or receptacle in a sealed, postage paid wrapper, addressed to the member, trustee or officer at his/her last address as that appears on the records of the Premier Program, and the notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time of the mailing . Notices may also be sent electronically as indicated in Article VII, Section 2.
Article VII. Section 1. Meetings.
The MSPSP Board of Directors and all committees and subcommittees shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communications media so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting.
Article VII. Section 2.
Unless members indicate otherwise to the MSPSP office, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically.
The Premier Program shall be an Affiliated member of and comply with the authority of the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association and the United States Soccer Federation. Except where restricted of prohibited by law, these bylaws and superseded by the requirements of the United States Youth Soccer Association.
Delegates should regularly meet with all team coaches sponsored by their League. All team profiles, team rosters, team information sheet, and player registration forms will be distributed through the league delegate. The delegate will be responsible to return all registration information to the Premier Program for the teams they are sponsoring at the Registration meeting.
Article VIII. Section 3.
In the accomplishment of its purposes and exercise of its powers, no part of the assets, funds or income of the Premier Program shall inure to the benefits of any private individual, corporation, contributor or member as earnings or dividends of the Premier Program. No substantial part of the activities of the Premier Program shall be carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation or other political action.
The Premier Program shall not participate o r intervene in any political campaign or publish or distribute any statement or spend any funds on behalf of any candidate for public office. The accomplishment of its purpose and exercise of its power by the Premier Program shall be in conformity with the requirements of Act 54, Michigan Public Acts of 1963 an amended or supplemented by State or Federal Legislation.
The MSPSP Board of Directors, the Chairperson, or any person expressly so authorized by the MSPSP Board of Directors may accept gifts on behalf of the Premier Program for the general purposes of the Premier Program, but no conditional contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the purpose more restricted than the general purposes of the Premier Program shall be finally accepted without prior approval of the MSPSP Board of Directors.
Article VIII. Section 5. Dissolution.
Upon liquidation and /or dissolution and winding up the affairs of the Premier Program, whether voluntarily or otherwise, and after payment of all debts and liabilities of the Premier Program, the assets of the Premier Program remaining in the hands of the MSPSP Board of Directors shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered and paid over to the MSYSA.
Article VIII. Section 6. Discrimination.
Girls teams, boys teams, and coed teams (which shall be considered a boys team) shall be established on an equal basis.
Article IX. Section 1. Amendments.
These bylaws may be altered or repealed or new bylaws in lieu thereof by a two-thirds vote of the affiliated leagues at the MSYSA general membership meeting with votes being cast in the same ratio as used for MSYSA business. Unless otherwise provided, any amendment to the bylaws of MSPSP is effective on that July 31 that occurs immediately after the amendment is adopted .
Article IX. Section 2. Rules, Regulations, and Policies.
The Rules, Regulations and Policies of this Premier Program as now established and as hereafter amended may b e altered, repelled, or new Rules and Regulations, and Policies may be adopted in lieu thereof by a majority of the voting MSPSP Board of Directors then in office and present at a meeting of the MSPSP Board of Directors, if a notice of the proposed alteration, repeal or substitution is contained in the notice of the meeting and the proposed alteration, repeal or substitution is approved by the affiliated leagues at the MSYSA annual general membership meeting with votes being cast in the same ratio as used for MSYSA business.
Rule 1. General Cases and Line of Authority
Rule 2. Disciplinary Ruling and Minimum Punishments
Rule 3. Insurance
Rule 4. Laws of the Game
Rule 5. Game Rules
Rule 6. Age Limit Definition
Rule 7. Proof of Age
Rule 8. Player Registration, League Entry, and Team Affiliation
Rule 9. Challenge of a Player not in possession of a Player Passcard
Rule 10. Player Release, Transfer, and Roster Limit
Rule 11. Game Reports
Rule 12. Requirements of Players
Rule 13. Coaches
Rule 14. Uniforms
Rule 15. Game Schedule
Rule 16. Determination of Divisional Champions
Rule 17. Ignorance of the Rules
Rule 18. Interpretations of the Bylaws and Rules
Rule 19. Rulings of the MSPSP Board of Directors
Rule 20. Team Definition
Rule 21. Elite Division Admission
Rule 22. Under 19 Open Division
Section 1. General Cases. In general cases, the Premier Program shall be responsible for governing those persons associated with its' functioning and operation. It is the duty of all officials and coaches to report immediately any infraction of these rules to the Premier Program MSPSP Board of Directors.
Section 2. Line of Authority. Should any person, team or league want to appeal any adverse decision, the line of authority shall be to the Premier Program MSPSP Board of Directors and then to the MSYSA.
Section 1. Red Card Offenses: Any player, coach or team official who is sent off during or after a game as evident by the issuance of a Red Card by the official shall receive a minimum one (1) game suspension. The head coach shall be responsible for any person(s) associated with the team guilty misconduct at a match.
Section 2. Additional Punishment. The MSPSP Disciplinary Committee upon review of all issued red cards may impose additional suspensions and disciplinary action.
Section 3. Persistent Misconduct. Players, coaches, or other team officials guilty of persistent misconduct before, during, or after a game as evidenced by the issuance of two Yellow cards or a Red card by the official at the game site shall receive a minimum of a one (1) game suspension.
Section 4. Pushing or Striking
(1) Players guilty of pushing or striking any coach, team official, or referee shall receive a minimum of one (1) year suspension, whether or not such an offense occurs at a game.
(2) Coaches, managers, or other team officials guilty of pushing or striking any league official, coach, manager, player, referee, or assistant referee shall receive a minimum of a two - (2) year suspension, whether or not such an offense occurs at a game. Repeat offenders shall be barred from any further participation in the Premier Program.
Section 5. Sent Off. Team officials sent off the field by the official at the game site shall receive a minimum of a one - (1) game suspension and shall adhere to the MSPSP Team Official Send Off Policy.
Section 6. Alteration and/or Falsification of Birth Records and/or Rosters. Any coach, manager, team official, or player who knowingly alters any roster or game report or causes any roster or game report to be altered or falsifies any birth date or causes any birth date to be falsified, or affixes or causes to be affixed to any pass card a photograph of any person other than the person named thereon may receive up to a seven (7) year suspension.
Section 7. Multiple Offenses - Coaches and/or Teams.
(1) Any coach, manager, team official, or player receiving three (3) Yellow cards in any single playing season shall automatically be issued a Red card for the next physically played Premier Program game. This is considered a one - (1) game suspension.
(2) Any coach, manager, team official, or player receiving two (2) Red Cards is immediately suspended without notice from participating at any Premier Program games until an appearance before Premier Program Disciplinary Committee. It is incumbent upon the offender to request such a hearing from said Committee.
Section 8. Tournament Suspensions. Any Red card suspension from any USYSA sanctioned Tournament not served within the issuing tournament(s), shall be served with a one (1) game suspension in the next physically played Premier Program game. Additional tournament issued suspensions shall be reviewed by the Disciplinary Committee for the imposition of additional penalties.
Section 9. Playing Suspended Players. Any coach who allows a player to play in a game, during which that player was to serve a suspension, shall receive a two (2) game suspension. Repeat offenses by the same coach shall result in a Disciplinary hearing at which further action may be taken. Any team, which allows a player, who has received three (3) Yellow cards or a Red card, to play in a game, during which that player was to serve a suspension, shall suffer a forfeit of that game, and may be subject to a f ine set by the MSPSP Board of Directors.
Section 10. Participation by Suspended Team Officials. Any coach who allows a team official (coach, assistant coach, manager, etc.) to participate in a game, during which that team official was to serve a suspension, shall receive a two (2) game suspension. Repeat offenses by the same coach shall result in a Disciplinary hearing at which further action may be taken.
Any team, which allows a team official to participate in a game, during which that team official was to serve a suspension, shall suffer a forfeit of that game, and may be subject to a fine set by the MSPSP Board of Directors.
Section 11. Failure to Appear . Any coach, manager, team official, or player who fails to appear at a scheduled disciplinary hearing without due cause and seventy -two (72) hours notice will be suspended until such time as another hearing can be scheduled.
Section 12. Application of Suspensions. All suspensions and/or probation’s listed in sections 1 through 10 of these rules apply to the next physically played Premier Program game, whether
or not such game is within the same season or seasonal year. Any forfeited game canceled game or postponed game is not considered a played game.
Rule 3. Insurance.
Insurance shall be obtained through MSYSA via each team's affiliated league.
4. Laws of the Game.
Section 1. Rules of Play. The rules of play shall be the "Laws of the Game", as published by F.I.F.A. All contests sanctioned by Premier Program shall abide by the "Laws of the Game", and the modifications as permitted by the Premier Program shall be published under separate cover.
Section 2. Bylaws. All teams, players, coaches, managers, team officials, clubs, and/or leagues will follow the Bylaws of this Premier Program, MSYSA and USSF.
Section 1. Abandonment of Game.
(1) Any game, which is abandoned because of inclement weather or darkness after 2/3 of the regulation time has been played, will be considered as a completed game. If 2/3 of the regulation time has not been completed, the game will be replayed in its entir ety prior to the end of the scheduled season.
(2) Any game abandoned for any other reason shall result in a review by the MSPSP Board of Directors as to the circumstances leading to the abandonment and a decision shall be rendered (3) Any game not played by the end of the MSPSP season will incur a fine set by the MSPSP Board of Directors.
Section 2. Length of Games and Size of Ball. The length of games and the ball size shall be as follows:
Two 45-minute halves Size 5
Two 40-minute halves
Two 35-minute halves
Size 5
Size 5
Section 3. Substitutions. Substitutions shall be unlimited. Substitutions are permitted by either team at any stoppage of play with the referee’s permission and receiving a signal from the referee to enter the field. Substitutes must enter the field of play at the half after the p layer(s) they are being substituted for leave the field of play.
Section 4. Reporting of Scores. The winning team is responsible for notifying the Premier Program Statistician of the outcome of the game per instructions issued prior to the beginning of each season immediately following the game, to notify him/her of the outcome. In the event
of a tie score, the home team shall be responsible for reporting the score.
If a game score is not reported properly within forty -eight (48) hours after the date and time the match was played, the team is at risk of a penalty (fine) set by the MSPSP Board of Directors for each violation.
Section 5. Delayed Game Start. Any team delaying the start of a scheduled game by more than fifteen (15) minutes without authorization from the Premier Program shall forfeit the game to their opponent and shall be responsible for full payment of the game officials' fees.
Section 6. Failure to Appear for a Game. In the event that both teams do not appear for a scheduled game and the Referee rule the grounds playable, then both teams shall be assessed with a loss and the referee's fees.
Section 7. Coaching from the Sidelines. Giving direction to one's own team on points of strategy and position is allowed pursuant to and in accordance with FIFA rules of the game. No mechanical or electrical devices are permitted and no coach manager, team official, or substitute is to be anywhere except on the sidelines within 25 yards of the halfway line of that team's bench side of the field during the game. Only those persons in possession of a passcard shall be allowed within the permissible coaching a rea. Likewise, only persons with a pass card showing them to be a player, coach, Director of Coaching, assistant coach, manager, or team official shall be allowed to coach (give direction from the sidelines). Teams shall take opposite sidelines for their benches. Home t eams have choice of preferred sidelines. Parents must take the same sideline as their respective team.
(1) If that both teams wear uniforms that are of the same or similar colors, the home team must effect a change to colors that are distinct from those of the opponent. (See Rule 12 Visitor may change)
(2) The home team shall be responsible for the condition of the grounds, the proper field markings, and proper equipment. Goal nets and corner flags are required. If entry fees for the facility are collected, the home team shall be responsible for reimburs ing the entire referee crew.
(3) The home team shall be responsible for providing a game ball.
(4) In the event the referee declares the condition of the grounds improper due to improper or no markings, no corner flags, or no nets; the game is to be rescheduled. Both teams will pay their half of the referee fees for the cancelled game. The referee f ees for the rescheduled game will be paid in full by the team whose field did not comply with the MSPSP Rules and Regulations. The rescheduled game will take place at the home field of the original visiting team.
(5) The home team shall be responsible for all facility entry fees for visiting teams in advance of their entry to the facility.
Section 9. Team Display of Sportsmanship. The traditional line-up for good sportsmanship shall take place prior to the start of the game and be presided over by the referees and coaches. All players, substitutes, coaches, assistant coaches, managers, or other team officials shall participate. Inf raction of this rule constitutes unsporting conduct and is subject to disciplinary action as such.
Section 1. Youth . The term Youth as applied to these bylaws shall mean an amateur player who has not attained his/her 19th birthday before the first day of January of the seasonal year in which he/she applies for registration .
Section 2. Attaining Age Limit . Players attaining the limiting age for any age group on or after January 1st, will be eligible to play for the remainder of the seasonal year.
Section 3. Reinstated Player. A reinstated player shall mean a player who has been reinstated to an amateur youth status.
Section 4. Age Groups.
(1) Eligibility for age groups shall be determined by a player’s age on January 1st of the seasonal year.
(2) There will be single year age group (U-13 through U-19) in both the Boys and Girls divisions when enough teams are registered to comprise a division.
(3) If there are not at least four (4) teams registered in an age division, there will be no division for that particular age group.
(4) No team shall be allowed to play in an age group unless a minimum of 40% of the rostered players on that team were born within the year(s) specified for that specific age group. Exemptions to this rule are applied at the discretion of the MSPSP Program Director or Board of Directors. Exceptions to this rule are applied to U15 Supplemental and U19 High School Open as defined in Rule 22.
(5) No team shall be allowed to roster players who are too old for the age group in which they are playing.
(6) No player may play up more than two (2) age divisions except as defined in Rule 22.
Section 1. Authority to Contest. Any player can be called upon to prove his/her legal age by the MSPSP Board of Directors or the Registrar.
Section 2. Legal Proof of Age. A birth certificate, drivers’ license, passport, board of health records, certificate of naturalization, or alien registration card shall be sufficient for proof of age.
(1) Players are registered to and mutually bound with a team when the Premier Program Registration form is signed by the player, his/her parent or guardian (for players under age 18) and the team coach and once MSYSA player fees have been paid to a respons ible team/club/member organization. A copy of the signed and dated registration form must be given to the player at this time and no registration form shall be signed until or on or after the third Saturday in June. Completion of this form by all parties b inds the player to that team and its' affiliating league and binds the team and its' affiliating league to that player for the entire seasonal year which runs from September 1st to August 31st unless a release is granted under Rule 10.
(2) Each affiliating league which wishes to sponsor a team or teams in the Premier Program shall be required to submit to the appropriate Premier Program officer various forms as may be required for the operation of the Premier Program and pay all fines, d ues or fees, that may be levied by the Premier Program.
(3) Payment for team affiliation into the Premier Program must be submitted by the league that affiliates the team(s).
(4) The final registration date for each playing season shall be determined by the Premier Program Board of Directors.
(5) Proof of age and eligibility are to be confirmed by MSPSP affiliating leagues.
(6) MSPSP affiliating leagues or clubs are responsible for the collection of player and coach concussion awareness documentation pursuant to Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 333.9155 & 333.9156 and Michigan Public Acts 342 and 343 of 2012.
Section 2. Player Possession of Pass Card.
(1) All coaches, managers, and players shall present to the referee their pass cards and shall have a current photograph of the named individual permanently affixed, before the start of each game.
(2) Passcards need a portrait/passport style photo that clearly identifies the player.
(3) All pass cards are to be returned to the Coach.
(4) If a player, coach, manager, or other team official is ejected for misconduct, then the Referee official must sign the Referee Game Report at the conclusion of the game. It is incumbent upon the Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, or other team official to institute the proper suspension for committing such misconduct and indicate the reason for sitting out on subsequent Game Reports.
(5) Should any players' pass card not be available, they shall be permitted to play in the game after having fulfilled the requirements of rule 9. However, they shall be open to "Challenge" by the opposing team under rule 9.
(6) A fee set by the MSPSP Board of Directors shall be assessed for the replacement of a lost pass card.
(1) Application fees shall be set prior to registration for each season.
(2) Performance Bonds in an amount to be determined by the Premier Program Board of Directors may be required.
(1) A player cannot play for more than one team in the Premier Program.
(2) In the case of a player being registered to more than one team, the Premier Program team must be his/her primary team.
(3) No pass card shall be issued by the Premier Program for tournament play only.
(4) No teams participating in the National League Conferences (NLC) may play in MSPSP.
(1) MSPSP registered teams may utilize players from within both the same club and MSPSP affiliated league to participate in the team’s MSPSP league games.
(2) Players utilized in this manner are considered “Club Passcard Players”.
(3) Players wishing to Club Passcard to an MSPSP team must be currently registered with MSYSA.
(4) U13 & U14 aged players can play, by registration or club passcarding, up a maximum of two age groups from their designated age group. U15+ Players can play, by registration or club passcarding, up to any older age group in MSPSP.
(5) MSPSP teams are limited to five (5) club passcarded players per game.
(6) Teams utilizing an MSPSP club passcard player must meet all other roster requirements.
(7) Game day rosters may not exceed 18 total players including club passcard players.
(8) Players can Club Passcard a maximum of twice a week with the week starting on Sunday.
(9) Players may Club Passcard within their own age group only from a lower division team to a higher division team.
(10) Players cannot club passcard down in competition or age groups from their primarily rostered team. National League (NLC) players may not participate in MSPSP.
(11) MLS Next, Girls Academy (GA), National League (NLC) , and Elite 64 (E64) players are not permitted to play in MSPSP, even by club passcarding.
(12) Players needing to serve a suspension for misconduct are not permitted to club passcard until their suspension is served with their primary rostered team. Suspensions may not be served in club passcarded matches.
(13) Select and Recreational MSYSA registered players may club passcard in MSPSP matches. Select and Recreational club passcarded players must be age-eligible for the MSPSP division.
(14) U11 & U12 MSYSA Directors Academy players may club passcard to MSPSP Matches as long as following age eligibility.
(15) Elite 64 Regional League (E64RL) & National Academy League (NAL) players may club passcard to Great Lakes Premier League as long as following age eligibility rules.
(16) Elite 64 Regional League (E64RL) & National Academy League (NAL) players are not eligible to club passcard to MSPSP’s Premier or Classic divisions.
(17) Elite 64 Regional League ( E64RL) & National Academy League ( NAL) players may not club passcard up in age to any MSPSP teams other than teams in GLPL divisions.
Section 6. Violation of Club Passcard Procedures: A violation of MSPSP club passcard procedures will be reviewed by the MSPSP Disciplinary Committee and/or MSPSP Board of Directors. Punishments can include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following :
(1) Replaying of the match with the violating team paying for match fees including referee and facility costs.
(2) Match forfeiture.
(3) A monetary fine to the offending team, coach, or league.
(4) Suspensions of the offending coach.
Section 1. Procedure.
(1) If a player does not present a player pass card to the Referee prior to the game, he/she shall give his/her name, signature, and birth date to the Referee, who shall note this information on his Referee Game Report, and shall at the conclusion of the g ame, advise the coach of the opposing team of this information and make it available to him/her.
a. In the event a player is club passcarding and does not present a player pass card to the Referee prior to the game, he/she shall follow the above criteria as well as provide the team name they are officially rostered on for the Referee to indicate on th e Game Report.
(2) The opposing team coach has a right to challenge such a player by contacting the ViceChairperson for verification that the challenged player(s) is/are properly registered and eligible to play. If the Premier Program records show the player(s) is/are p roperly registered and eligible to play, the matter is finished.
Section 2. Penalties. If a challenged player(s) is/are not properly registered or eligible to play, the offending team shall automatically forfeit that game and the coach may face further disciplinary action by the MSPSP Disciplinary Committee / Board of Directors and receive up to a seven (7) year suspension under Rule 2 Section 6.
Section 1. Release. A registered player, a player that has signed the proper MSPSP Registration Form, shall be committed to one Premier Program team for the entire seasonal year. Once registered, a player should remain with his/her team until the tryout deadline of the follo wing seasonal year. However, any player wishing a release shall be granted one. Any player wishing to be released must make the request to the MSPSP Office. Releases will always be granted but a transfer to another team is not guaranteed .
Section 2. Inter -Premier Program Player Transfer. MSPSP will only approve a transfer from one MSPSP team to another MSPSP team if the following conditions are met:
(A) The player transfer is supported (approved) by the player’s originally registered team, club and league (documentation required).
(B) The player transfer is supported (approved) by the player’s new team, club and league.
(C) The transfer occurs during the MSYSA Transfer Window (November 1st - March 1st).
(D) All other MSYSA and MSPSP Rules and Regulations are followed.
Section 3. Poaching. Any player, coach, team official, player parent or guardian, or any other agent associated with the team who attempts to induce a registered player to change MSPSP teams from the day of Premier Program registration to the third Friday in June of the seaso nal year, shall be considered poaching. Any of the above that are charged with poaching shall be brought before the MSPSP Disciplinary Committee.
The period of time on or after the third Saturday in June until the day of registration of the Premier Program shall be the designated open recruiting period. During this period of time any player, coach, manager, trainer, player parent or guardian, team o fficial, or any other person associated with the team, may freely discuss new affiliation with players, who have not registered with any other Premier Program team for the following seasonal year. Any attempt to induce a registered player to change teams d uring the present seasonal year or for following seasonal year shall be deemed poaching.
Section 4. Transfer Cut -off Dates. Transfers in MSPSP must adhere to MSPSP Rule 10 Sec . 2.
Section 5. Team Tryouts. The date for team tryouts for MSPSP teams will be established by Michigan State Youth Soccer Association and will be adhered to by all Premier Program teams. All tryouts for teams playing in the Premier Program shall be advertised or published in the MSYSA Tryout Publication. No fees may be charged to any player for attending a team tryout. No player shall sign a registration form as a requirement for the tryout. Any form so executed shall be declared null and void by the Premier Pr ogram.
Section 6. Roster Limit.
(A) No team shall be admitted to the Premier Program with less than fifteen (15) players.
(B) Teams may roster no more than 22 players per team.
(C) Game day rosters may only contain 18 of the 22 players registered to the team.
(D) Team coaches/managers must designate a maximum of 18 active players on the match report before the start of each match.
(E) Non-participating players may sit on the team bench, but they must be either in street clothes or non-game day jerseys.
Section 7. Roster Additions.
(1) Anytime a named goalkeeper is injured and out of play, another goalkeeper may be added for the remainder of the season, through the normal registration process.
(2) Player additions to MSPSP rosters are permissible throughout the season as long as the team’s roster is not at capacity (22).
(3) Player additions must be completed forty -eight (48) hours prior to any matches to ensure player eligibility.
Section 8. Penalties.
(1) Any player found to be guilty of violating any of the above sections of this Rule 10 shall appear before the Disciplinary Committee and may receive up to a five game suspension
(2) Any coach, manager, trainer, or team, club or league official found guilty of violating any of the above sections of Rule 10 may appear before the Disciplinary Committee and may receive up to a two (2) year suspension.
Section 1. Team Responsibilities. Both teams shall be responsible for entering all appropriate information, on a legible report prior to the start of the game.
(1) The referee shall verify the identity of the players, coaches, managers, and team officials with their pass cards immediately upon arriving at the field.
(2) Prior to the start of the game the Referee shall make sure that each player's equipment is in proper order.
(3) Prior to the start of the game the referee shall make sure that all goal nets and corner flags are properly installed and in proper repair, that the field has the proper makings, and that the ground is fit for play.
(4) The referee shall not allow any player who does not possess a pass card to participate in the game (see Rule 8 for exceptions) nor shall he/she allow any individual without a pass card to accompany the team in their bench area.
(5) The referee shall ensure all coaches, assistant coaches and managers have a valid MSYSA Risk Management (background check) card.
(6) The referee shall keep a complete record of the game on the official Game Report (match card) . Upon completion of the game the Referee shall complete the match report and provide to the teams. The winner or home team is responsible to report the match card and score.
(7) The Referee shall submit a supplemental report if the referees issued a send -offs during the match or had any serious injuries or match conflicts .
(1) All referees will be registered on USSF referee registration forms through the State Referee Association. No person shall officiate as a referee or neutral lines person in any match under the sanction or jurisdiction (direct or indirect) of the USSF wh o is not registered with this Federation unless both coaches agree and sign the game report stating such agreement. All referee assignors must be USSF certified assignors.
(2) If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a registered referee is unable to officiate, club or team officials may agree upon some other person to act in the emergency. Such emergencies shall be explained in writing by team officials and/or referee assignors and submitted with the Referee Game Report.
(3) Referees may not officiate a game in which a team participant is a member of his/her family unless both coaches agree and sign the game report stating such agreement.
(4) In the event both coaches do not agree on an alternate referee (per Section 3 Paragraph 2) the game will be replayed at the home team’s home field and the referee fees will be paid equally by both teams.
Section 4. Referee Game Reports . The MSPSP Program Director will be apprised of improperly completed Referee Game Reports
Section 5. Referee Assignors . Referee Assignors may not assign 25% or more of an individual age groups matches to themselves or their direct family members.
Section 1. Shin Guards. All players are required to wear shin guards at all times while on the field of play. Shin Guards must be completely covered by socks at all times.
Section 2. Player Possession of Pass Card. All players wishing to participate in a Premier Program game must be in possession of an official Premier Program Pass Card, which must be signed by the player, and have a current photograph of the player permanently affixed (see Rule 8 for Exceptions to this rule).
Section 3. Uniforms.
(1) In the event that the uniforms of both teams in the game are similar color and the referee determines that one team must change uniforms, the home team shall change uniforms unless both coaches agree that the visiting team may change.
(2) All players must be in full Premier Program identified numbered uniforms. Each player’s jersey shall have on the left chest or on the left sleeve the Premier Program Patch or a same size representation. All players on the field of play representing one team must have unique numbers on their uniforms. Players are not allowed to switch numbers after the team has been checked in by the referees without notifying the referee of the change.
(3) The Premier Program shall provide, if requested, two Premier Program patches. The patch must be permanently affixed (sewn on only) to the left chest or left sleeve of the jersey.
(4) A team may be assessed a per game fine set forth by the MSPSP Board of Directors for each violation of Rule 12 Section 3.
Section 4. Minimum Playing Time. Minimum playing time per player shall be established by the team and/or club.
(1) All head coaches of teams playing in Premier divisions (GLPL, Premier 1, Premier 2) shall be required to have a minimum “D” coaching license or a NSCAA National Diploma. A head coach of a Classic division team that advances to the Premier division shall have one (1) year to obtain or begin the process to obtain their "D" coaching license or equivalent.
(2) All head coaches of teams playing in Classic divisions shall be required to minim ally have a “Grassroots” coaching license.
(3) In the Great Lakes Premier League (GLPL), it is required that all team coaches have a minimum of a USSF D coaching license or equivalent. Any coach within the GLPL shall h ave one (1) year to obtain or begin the process to obtain their "D" coaching license or equivalent.
(4) Individuals listed as head coaches shall be required to attend 80% of scheduled matches. Head coaches not attending 80% their team’s scheduled matches are subject to penalty (fine).
All Premier Program coaches, assistant coaches, managers, or other team officials must be identified by an official Premier Program Pass Card, which must be signed by the named individual and have a current photograph of the named individual permanently af fixed. An MSPSP coach passcard will work with other teams within the same club shall the coach need to act as a substitute coach.
Section 3. Coaches Responsibilities.
(1) Each coach is responsible for the conduct of his/her players, other team officials and spectators before, during and after the game and shall instruct all of the above to behave in a proper and respectful manner.
(2) Each coach is responsible for correctly submitting a legible Referee Game Report, with the proper information to the Referee prior to the start of the game.
(3) Each coach is responsible for submitting proper pass cards and Referee Fees prior to the start of the game as well as reimbursing any entry fees the referee incurred to enter the facility.
(4) Each coach must comply with the Coaches Procedures on game day.
(5) In the event that a coach wishes to protest a game he/she must inform the Referee prior to the start of the match if possible and will inform the referee in all cases at the end of the match so the Referee may note the reasons for the protest on the Referee Game Report.
(6) Each coach, assistant coach, manager, and or other team officials must have a valid MSYSA Risk Management (background check) card.
Section 1. Supply. Each team shall be responsible for acquiring its own uniforms.
Section 2. Sponsor Patch. Sponsorship or advertising (if appropriate) is permitted on player jerseys with the written approval of the MSPSP Program Director and MSPSP Chairperson.
Section 3. Jersey Numbers. All jerseys must be clearly numbered on the back. A number no larger than 4" may be displayed on the right front or center of the chest. No two players on the same team may share the same number except that the goalkeeper may wear any number he/she so des ires.
Section 4. Premier Program Patch. Each registered MSPSP player's jersey shall have an MSPSP Patch or logo applied to their jersey (recommended placement is on the sleeve or back).
Section 1. Official Schedule. The official schedule of the Premier Program shall be compiled by the Premier Program Scheduler.
Section 2. Scheduled Dates. Teams must play games according to the official MSPSP schedule.
Section 3. Dual Use of Game Results. Dual usage of match results will only be accepted in cases where the same teams are scheduled to play a State Cup match and an MSPSP match in the same season. The State Cup match result will be accepted as the MSPSP result if both teams agree in advance of the State Cup match. The match will be played adhering to State Cup Rules.
Section 4. Rescheduling of Games. Games must be played at scheduled date and time. Rescheduling games without proper MSPSP approval will result in forfeiture by both teams. Rescheduled match logistics must be agreed upon by both teams and approved by MSPSP. The MSPSP Board of Directors wi ll set the criteria and possible fees for reschedules.
Section 1. Game Points. During seasonal play, game points shall be awarded as follows:
- Each victory shall be worth three (3) points.
- Each tie shall be worth one (1) point.
- No points shall be awarded for a loss.
Section 2. Forfeits. Any team, which forfeits a game, shall not be eligible for a divisional championship. The score of any forfeit game shall stand 3-0 against the forfeiting team.
Section 3. Divisional Champions.
(1) Divisional Champions shall be determined on the following basis: The team with the most game points (subject to adjustment per Section 4 below) shall be declared the Divisional Champions.
(2) In the event that two teams have tied for the most game points the following tiebreaker shall apply:
(a) The winner of head to head competition.
(b) The winner of most games.
(c) Goal Differential (Maximum of f ive goals per win).
(d) Fewest goals allowed.
(e) Team with least number of red/yellow cards issued.
(f) Fair play points.
(3) In the event that more than two teams have tied for the most game points, the following tiebreaker shall apply:
(a) The winner of most games.
(b) Goal Differential (Maximum of f ive goals per win)
(c) Fewest goals allowed
(d) Team with least number of red/yellow cards issued.
(e) Fair play points.
Section 4. Unequal Number of Games Played. In the event that teams within a division have played an unequal number of games a calculation will be made to adjust for the different number of games played. For example, if one team played eight games and the other team played ten games the figures arrived at in Section 3 above would be multiplied by 80% (.80) for the team that played ten games.
It is the responsibility of each player, coach, manager, trainer, team official, and league official to know and understand the Bylaws and Rules of the Premier Program. Ignorance of these Bylaws and Rules will not be considered an excuse for failure to fol low them and will not be considered as a defense in any Disciplinary Hearing of the Premier Program.
Any interpretation of the Bylaws and Rules of the Premier Program, MSYSA, or USSF shall not be considered as an official interpretation until the interpretation is rendered in writing and signed and dated by an authorized Premier Program Director or Official.
Any ruling of the MSPSP Board of Directors shall be incorporated as a part of these rules through reference. Rulings shall be documented by the MSPSP Board of Directors and shall be published.
Section 1. Existing Team.
(1) An existing team shall be any team that has at least 51% of its players returning from the same sponsoring league from the team’s roster of its previous Premier Program season. Exceptions to this rule are applied at the discretion of the MSPSP Board of Directors and to the U19 High School Open Division as defined in Rule 22.
(2) A Team (winning or runners -up in the State Cup), which elects to play the National Regional League, may do so without losing their Team position in the Premier Program. When they return, they will take the place of the Team, which displaced them in the National Regional League. They may also return on their own accord and will displace the lowest placed team of the division that they were in when the Team elected to join the National Regional League.
Section 2. New Team. A new team is any team, which does not meet the requirements of section 1 above; regardless of whether or not that team physically played in the Premier Program in any previous playing season. New teams are subject to placement in the lowest division of a given age group. Any team may petition the MSPSP Board of Directors for divisional placement.
Section 1. Name. The Elite Division may use a name mutually agreed upon between the Premier Program and its major sponsor for all purposes of advertising and public and community relations.
Section 2. Purpose. The Elite Division is established to provide superior competition in a highquality venue for Premier Program players and teams, U16 and above, to develop and participate in highly skilled youth soccer, sportsmanship, and quality coaching and officiating within the State of Michigan.
Section 3. Method of Entry. Application for Admission to the Elite Division shall be open to all teams U16 and above admitted to the Premier Program. Affiliating leagues must complete an application for entry to the Elite Division for each team they wish to sponsor in this Division. The Premier Program must receive all Elite Division applications no later than the Elite Division application deadline, which may be set by the MSPSP Board of Directors from time to time. Acceptance into the Elite Division is at the sole discretion of the Premier Program MSPSP Board of Directors and shall be based upon the information provided by the submitted Application forms, and team and player history.
The MSPSP Board of Directors at its sole discretion may elect to form a U -19 High School Open Division. Teams applying for entry in this division are allowed to roster players attending high
school up to and including the U19 age group. No other entry qualifications shall apply to this division except those referring to affiliation.
Michigan State Premier Soccer Program
Financial Statements June 30, 2024
With Comparative Summarized Totals For the Year Ended June 30, 2023
Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for June 30, 2023
For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
of Cash Flows For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
to reconcile increase (decrease) in net assets to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities
Statements For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
NOTE 1 - Nature of Activities
MichiganStatePremierSoccerProgram(theOrganization)wasestablishedtopromotethedevelopment andexecutionofhighlyskilledyouthsoccer,sportsmanship,qualitycoachingandofficiatingwithintheState ofMichigan.TheOrganizationoperatesinthefallandspringseasonsandderivesrevenuesfrom registration fees.
NOTE 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Accounting
Thefinancialstatementshavebeenpreparedontheaccrualbasisofaccountinginaccordancewith principlesgenerallyacceptedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica,andaccordingly,reflectallsignificant receivables, payables, and other liabilities.
Comparative financial information
ThefinancialinformationpresentedforcomparativepurposesfortheyearendedJune30,2023isnot intendedtobeacompletefinancialstatementpresentationinaccordancewithaccountingprinciples generallyacceptedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Accordingly,suchinformationshouldbereadin conjunctionwiththe2023financialstatementsofthe Organizationfromwhichthesummarizedinformation was derived.
Basis of Presentation
FinancialstatementpresentationfollowsrequirementsoftheNot-for-ProfitEntitiesTopicoftheFinancial AccountingStandardsBoard(FASB)AccountingStandardsCodification(ASC).TheOrganizationis requiredtoreportinformationregardingitsfinancialpos itionandactivitiesaccordingtotwoclassesofnet assets as follows:
Netassetswithoutdonorrestrictionsconsistofresourcesthatarenotrestrictedbyanydonor-imposed stipulations.
NetassetswithdonorrestrictionsconsistofresourcesofwhichtheusebytheOrganizationislimited by donor-imposed stipulations.
TheOrganizationhasdeterminedthatthereareno netassetswithdonorrestrictionsasofJune30,2024 and 2023, respectively.
Use of estimates
Thepreparationoffinancialstatementsinconformity withgenerallyacceptedaccountingprinciplesrequires managementtomakeestimatesandassumptionsthataffectthereportedamountsofassetsandliabilities atthedateofthefinancialstatements,andthereportedamountsofrevenueandexpensesduringthe reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
FASBguidanceonfairvaluemeasurementdefinesfairvalue,establishesaframeworkformeasuringfair value,andexpandsdisclosureoffairvaluemeasurements.Theguidanceappliestoallassetsandliabilities thataremeasuredandreportedonafairvaluebasis.Thecarryingamountsoffinancialinstruments, includingcash,cashequivalents,receivables,p repaids,accountspayable,andaccruedliabilities approximate fair value due to the short-term maturity of these instruments.
For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents
Cashandcashequivalentsaredefinedascashonhand,demanddepositsinbanks,shortterm investmentsthatarereadilyconvertibletocash,andinvestmentswithoriginalmaturitiesofthreemonthsor less.
Accounts receivable
AccountsreceivablearestatedattheamounttheOrganizationexpectstocollectfromoutstanding balances.Accountsreceivablearewrittenoffifalleffortsatcollectionhavefailedandmanagement determinesthatcollectionisunlikely.Managementis oftheopinionthatallreceivablesatJune30,2024, will be collected and, as a result, there is no allowance for uncollectible accounts.
Property and equipment
TheOrganizationcapitalizesassetsatcost,ifpurchased,orfairvalueatthedateofreceipt,ifdonated. Expendituresformajorimprovementsandadditionsarechargedtothepropertyaccounts,while replacements,maintenance,andrepairs,whichdonotimproveorextendthelifeoftherespectiveassets, areexpensedinthecurrentperiod.Depreciation ofpropertyandequipmentisprovidedunderthestraightline method over their estimated useful lives of 5 to 7 years.
Functional expenses
Thecostsofprovidingtheprogramandsupportingserviceshavebeenreportedonafunctionalbasisinthe statementoffunctionalexpenses.Expensesthatcanbeidentifiedwithaspecificprogramarecharged directlytothatprogram.Expensesthathavebeenallocatedweredonesoonthebasisofactualtimespent onprogramsandestimatesofprogramfunctions.Managementandgeneralexpensesincludethosecosts thatarenotdirectlyidentifiablewithanyspecificprogram,butwhichprovidefortheoverallsupportand directionoftheOrganization.Althoughthemethodsof allocationusedareconsideredreasonable,other methods could be used that would produce a different amount.
Advertising Tax Status
Advertisingandpromotionexpendituresarecharged toexpenseasincurred.Advertisingandpromotion expenses for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, were $2,000 and $676, respectively.
TheOrganizationisexemptfromFederalincometaxesunder§501(c)(3)oftheU.S.InternalRevenue Code,however,incomefromactivitiesnotdirectly relatedtotheOrganization'stax-exemptpurposeis subjecttotaxationasunrelatedbusinessincome. TheOrganizationhasnounrelatedbusinessincomefor theyearsendedJune30,2024and2023.TheInternalRevenueServicehasclassifiedtheOrganizationas anorganizationthatisnotaprivatefoundation.TheOrganizationisnolongersubjecttoU.S.Federaltax examinationsbytaxauthoritiesforthe2021fiscal filingyearandprioryears,generallythreeyearsafter theywerefiled.ManagementhasevaluatedFASBASC740, IncomeTaxes ,andhasconcludedithasno uncertain positions.
Subsequent events
Managementhasevaluatedeventsandtransactionsforpotentialrecognitionordisclosurethroughthedate of the auditor's report, which was the date the financial statements were available to be issued.
NOTE 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)
TheOrganizationrecognizesrevenuefromindividualso ccerseasonregistrationfeesfromparticipating teams.Forthisrevenuestream,participationinthe soccerseasonistheobligation.Managementexercises judgmentindeterminingwhensuchperformanceobligationshavebeensatisfied.Inmakingsuch judgments,managementtypicallyreliesoninformation obtainedfromtheorganizationemployeeswhohave renderedservicestoevaluatewhenthecustomerhas obtainedcontroloftheservices.Oncetheseason commences,theobligationisdeemedtohavebeencompletedastherearenorefundsoncetheseason begins. Thus, typically revenue is recorded at a point in time.
Thetransactionpriceofthecontractistheamountof considerationtowhichtheOrganizationexpectstobe entitledinexchangefortransferringthepromisedgoods orservicestothecustomer.Transactionpricesdo not include any amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., sales tax).
Todeterminethetransactionpriceofacontract,theOrganizationconsidersitscustomarybusiness practicesandthetermsofthecontract.Forthepurposeofdeterminingtransactionprices,theOrganization assumesthatthegoodsorserviceswillbetransferredtothecustomeraspromisedinaccordancewith existingcontractsandthatthecontractswill notbecanceled,renewed,ormodified.Mostofthe Organization'scontractswithcustomershavefixedtransactionpricesthataredenominatedinU.S.dollars and payable in cash.
PaymentforservicesprovidedbytheOrganizationistypicallydueatthetimeofregistration.The Organization offers discounts for early registration.
Fundscollectedinadvanceforfutureprogramsarerecordedasdeferredrevenue(contractliability)inthe statementoffinancialpositionatfiscalyear-end.Allperformanceobligationswere satisfied,andtherefore no liability was required for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023.
DuringtheyearsendedJune30,2024and2023,theOrganizationrecognizedrevenuefromcontractsand application fees with customers of $482,075 and $443,975, respectively.
NOTE 3 - Concentrations and Credit Risk
BalancesatfinancialinstitutionsareinsuredbytheFederalDepositInsuranceCorporation(FDIC)upto $250,000.Attimesthroughouttheyear,cashbalancesexceedinsuredlimits.Uninsuredbalancesforthe yearsendedJune30,2024and2023were$327,352and$281,360,respectively.TheOrganizationhasnot experienced any losses with respect to uninsured cash balances.
NOTE 4 - Property and Equipment
Property and equipment at consisted of the following:
Depreciation expense was $1,974 and $1,638 for the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
NOTE 5 - Leases
TheOrganizationleasesofficespaceonamonth-to-monthbasisfromMichiganStateYouthSoccer Association(MSYSA),anaffiliatedorganization. Rentexpensewas$19,065forboththeyearsendedJune 30, 2024 and 2023.
TheOrganizationenteredintoasixty-three-monthleaseagreementthatexpiredinJuly2023.Thetotal monthlypaymentsforthecontractwere$99,plus usage.Leaseexpensewas$99and$1,188fortheyears endedJune30,2024and2023,respectively.TheOrganizationhasenteredintoamonth-to-month agreement with MSYSA to share copier expenses.
NOTE 6 - Board Designated Net Assets
Board designated net assets consisted of the following:
NOTE 7 - Liquidity and Availability of Financial Assets
ThefollowingreflectstheOrganization'sfinancialassetsasofthebalancesheetdate,reducedbyamounts not available for general use within one year.
Less those unavailable for general expenditures within one year:
Financial assets available to meet cash needs for general expenditure within one year
AspartoftheOrganization'sliquiditymanagement,itinvestscashinexcessofdailyrequirementsin savings and money market accounts.
TheOrganization'sboarddesignatednetassetsarew ithoutdonorrestrictionsand thereforecouldbemade available for general expenditure within one year with board approval.
For the Year Ended June 30, 2024 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2023
NOTE 8 - Related Party Transactions
TheOrganizationleasesofficespaceandsharescertainemployees'salariesandotherexpenseswith MSYSA.MSYSAandtheOrganizationshareasimilarboardmemberandasimilarmembershippopulation.
For the years ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, t he Organization paid MSYSA the following: