Summer life is well underway and to make it even brighter, this issue is full to the brim with all the ingredients and flavours that make Summer that much more tempting!
Sip on an ice-cold drink and browse through the most in-season produce, as Daniel and Jessica from Marrow work their magic with figs, beetroot, peppers, kale and melon.
If you're more in the mood for a BBQ with friends on the beach, Anthony and Samantha from Tony's Foods have got you covered with their creative spin on all things meat.
Order up! A healthy and tastier-than-ever lunch is served as we compare all the grains, bringing you recipes you'll be dying to try and share with anyone you're hosting this season.
Speaking of seasons, the fourth season of Gourmet Today has come to an end, so we'll also be taking a look at the best recipes showcased this year, by our favourite chefs!
We've also included an exciting little surprise this time, featuring celebrity and Michelin star Chef Tom Kerridge.
Stay tuned!