Ovation Volume 23, Number 3 (January/February 2016)

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vol 23 • no 3 jan/feb 2016



Every movement tells a story. Proud to support the storytellers in Winnipeg’s creative and cultural arts community.

Message from the Artistic Director

We all know that it takes a village to raise a child, but Billy Elliot The Musical reminds us that it can also take a child to raise a village. When the young son of a striking miner finds himself in a ballet class, fate fires a metaphorical starting pistol, and Billy races towards a destiny that seems at once hopelessly elusive and tantalizingly near. Can he escape the mine that has pulled in his father, his brother, and almost every other man in his town? Can he nurture his talent and become something almost unheard of in his world: an artist? And can he reach his goal without losing the love and respect of the Steven Schipper

people closest to him, especially his father?

Jack Elliot is nobody’s fool. He’s been scrounging 50 pence a week so his son Billy can study boxing, not ballet. When he learns the truth, he’s hurt, confused and angry. But Billy’s betrayal is only the latest of his wounds. He still grieves the death of Billy’s mother, and fears that, behind the picket lines and riot police, the mine itself is dying, and taking with it the town’s livelihood. Jack and the other miners desperately need something to believe in, and what they get is a boy who can dance. It may be an unlikely symbol of hope, but it is their very own. And if this mining town, in its darkest hour, can learn to nurture and celebrate a young ballet dancer, what can we, who have so much, do to ignite our own city’s future this new year? Yours always,

january/february 2016



Theatre Abbreviation Legend Arts Club Arts Club Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC ATF Atlantic Theatre Festival • Wolfville, NS ATP Alberta Theatre Projects • Calgary, AB BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music • NYC Bard on the Beach Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival • Vancouver, BC Belfry The Belfry Theatre • Victoria, BC Blyth Blyth Theatre Festival • Blyth, ON Broadway Theatre district • New York, NY CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Centaur Centaur Theatre Company • Montreal, QC Citadel The Citadel Theatre • Edmonton, AB COC Canadian Opera Company • Toronto, ON CS Canadian Stage • Toronto, ON Dora Dora Mavor Moore Award • Toronto, ON Drayton Drayton Entertainment • Ontario Dry Cold Dry Cold Productions • Winnipeg, MB Factory Factory Theatre • Toronto, ON GCTC The Great Canadian Theatre Company • Ottawa, ON Grand The Grand Theatre • London, ON Mirvish Mirvish Productions • Toronto, ON Moving Target Moving Target Theatre Company • Winnipeg, MB MTYP Manitoba Theatre for Young People • Winnipeg, MB NAC National Arts Centre • Ottawa, ON Necessary Angel Necessary Angel Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Neptune Neptune Theatre • Halifax, NS NFB National Film Board of Canada NTS National Theatre School of Canada • Montreal, QC Persephone Persephone Theatre • Saskatoon, SK PTAM Popular Theatre Alliance of Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB PTE Prairie Theatre Exchange • Winnipeg, MB

Rainbow Rainbow Stage • Winnipeg, MB RNT Royal National Theatre • London, England Royal Alex The Royal Alexandra Theatre • Toronto, ON RSC Royal Shakespeare Company • Stratford-upon-Avon, England RWB Royal Winnipeg Ballet • Winnipeg, MB Sarasvàti Sarasvàti Productions • Winnipeg, MB Segal The Segal Centre for Performing Arts • Montreal, QC Shaw Shaw Festival • Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON SIR Shakespeare in the Ruins • Winnipeg, MB Soulpepper Soulpepper Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Stratford Stratford Festival • Stratford, ON SummerWorks SummerWorks Theatre Festival • Toronto, ON TA Theatre Aquarius • Hamilton, ON Tarragon Tarragon Theatre • Toronto, ON TBTR Theatre by the River • Winnipeg, MB TC Theatre Calgary • Calgary, AB TiFT Talk is Free Theatre • Barrie, ON TNB Theatre New Brunswick • Fredericton, NB Toronto Free Toronto Free Theatre • Toronto, ON TPM Theatre Projects Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB TSO Toronto Symphony Orchestra U of M University of Manitoba U of T University of Toronto U of W University of Winnipeg VP Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC West End Theatre district • London, England WJT Winnipeg Jewish Theatre WSO Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra YPT Young People’s Theatre • Toronto, ON zone41 zone41 theatre • Winnipeg, MB


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january/february 2016

The Asper Foundation and the Gail Asper Family Foundation are proud to support the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s production of Billy Elliot The Musical www.asperfoundation.com

Q&A with Royal MTC’s


Ethan Ribeiro (left) and Eamon Stocks take a break during vocal training. PHOTO BY LEIF NORMAN

Billy Elliot The Musical is a dream role for many young male dancers. What made you decide to audition for this amazing opportunity?

Ethan: I watched the movie when I was younger and when I heard there was a Billy Elliot musical in Toronto I went to see it. The story has always been really interesting to me. About a year ago, my dance teacher asked for a video of me dancing and a month later he asked me if I wanted to audition for Billy Elliot The Musical. Of course I couldn’t say no! Eamon: I have always loved the story and I even have a poster of Billy Elliot on my wall! I saw the show at the Canon Theatre when I was nine and it was super inspiring because it was the same year I started ballet lessons. 6

Between their ballet classes, private dance lessons, school, tutoring sessions and vocal training, actors Eamon Stocks and Ethan Ribeiro found a moment to chat with Royal MTC staff member Heidi Struck. The two teenagers from Ontario landed the coveted role of Billy Elliot. Eamon, 15, from Whitby, and Ethan, 14, from Kitchener, both have a passion for dance and performance. Ethan and Eamon are excited to play the demanding role of Billy, which requires them to act, dance, sing and even fly! Despite their sometimes exhausting schedules, they’ve found time to experience Winnipeg and make new friends.

When I saw the young performers doing ballet on stage I realized I could do that too! So when the opportunity to audition came along I filmed myself doing parts of my solos, sent it in and got the callback! You’ve been in Winnipeg since September, moving away from your family and friends back home. What has the experience been like to live at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Residence?

Eamon: I’ve also stayed at the National Ballet School [in Toronto], so this is my second experience staying at a residence. I like the atmosphere because you have all of your friends from school and dance under one roof. And the food is great too! This type of experience shows me that I am capable of living on my own.


january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Ethan: I have really enjoyed living in residence because I’ve learned to do a lot of things on my own since I don’t have my mom to rely on out here. I definitely feel like I’ve grown as a person because I’ve had to do everything myself. I have met a lot of great people that I will stay in touch with after this.

What are some of your future aspirations?

Eamon: I aspire to be a stage performer because I am all about that rush of adrenaline. My dream is to perform on Broadway. I feel like it is a testament to a person’s ability – sing, act, dance – you have to have the whole package!

This is the first time you have been to Winnipeg. What has impressed you about this city you have called home for four months?

Ethan: It’s warmer than I was expecting! The people here are also really great. Everyone is so nice. I also saw Giselle, which was the first time I have seen a live professional ballet company perform. It was really cool because the dancers made everything look so easy! Eamon: I was surprised by the arts scene. Before coming I was familiar with some of the large arts organizations, but when I started to talk to the actors I learned more about the different theatre companies and art galleries. It’s way more prominent than I expected. There is such great variety that it is easy to find your niche here.

Ethan: I have always been a dancer but I’m also really enjoying being able to act. After this show I think I will want to keep performing on stage whether I’m dancing, acting or singing. It’s a great feeling to perform live for people. What are you looking forward to most about performing Billy Elliot The Musical on stage in front of a live audience?

Ethan: I want to inspire others because I felt inspired when I saw the show. And beyond that I am really excited to get to know all the cast because the ones I have met so far are really inspiring to me. Eamon: I am really looking forward to flying during the dream sequence! That will be fun! A big thing for me is just being on stage because it always provides a rush of adrenaline and it is such a great feeling when you walk off stage at the end of a performance knowing you did it super well.

Left: Ethan Ribeiro, Brett Taylor and Eamon Stocks. Below: Ethan and Eamon do their best “Billy jump.” PHOTOS COURTESY OF BRETT TAYLOR




Stepping into Billy’s

Fl ipp ing ou t the To per fec t som e of ks, tric g lyin h-f hig w’s sho in put on Eam Eth an and o two hours of weekly acr rk wo ing lud inc , tion instruc with a private coach. 1


PERFORMING THE CELEBRATED ROLE OF BILLY ELLIOT REQUIRES SKILLS IN dancing, singing and acting, as well as tremendous endurance to carry the energy of the whole play. In September, Ethan Ribeiro and Eamon Stocks moved to Winnipeg to live and train with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. Our two Billys enthusiastically dove into an intensive training program of dance and vocal training, along with acro instruction – all while making the honour roll at the University of Winnipeg Collegiate!



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22 hours of Ethan and Eamon put in – including dance training per week tap, jazz n, der mo ng, chi coa ballet, . ary and contempor


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Tu so they rs need to sing for the role Naturally, both performe music ing lud inc training each week – s. took two hours of vocal hop rks wo al voc nal itio plus add theory and ear training,

OUR BILLYS HAVEN’T DONE IT ALONE. THEY’VE HAD THE encouragement and support of Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Professional Division Faculty, a “Billy trainer,” a vocal coach, a private acro instructor, acro classes, academic support from The University of Winnipeg Collegiate and two private academic tutors.

1 Eamon Stocks 2 Ethan Ribeiro 3 Eamon and Ethan on their first day of training at the RWB, September 10, 2015. 4 Ethan receives vocal instruction from Joseph Tritt. 5 Ethan, Lori Watson (Co-Director of Kickit Dance Studio and the boys’ acro coach), Brett Taylor (the boys’ “Billy trainer” – and Older Billy in our production!) and Eamon. ALL PHOTOS BY LEIF NORMAN EXCEPT #3 BY HAYLEY BRIGG


Billy Elliot The Musical Synopsis

In County Durham, a depressed working-class town in Northern England, the mid-1980s miners’ strike is just beginning. Elevenyear-old Billy Elliot is the youngest son of a bluecollar family that recently lost its mother, and takes boxing lessons at the local community centre while his father and brother walk the picket lines. When staying late to practice one day, Billy accidentally stumbles into a ballet class taught by Mrs. Wilkinson, the mother of Billy’s classmate Debbie. He opts to stay and participate, discovering his unlikely and extraordinary gift for ballet. Billy secretly begins to study the art of dance, but increasing community and family strife may threaten his dream of auditioning for the prestigious Royal Ballet School.

Source Material


Billy Elliot The Musical is a stage adaptation of the award-winning 2000 British film Billy Elliot, which starred Jamie Bell in the title role. However, the story began its roots onstage as screenwriter Lee Hall developed the film from his play Dancer, which premiered as a rehearsed reading in 1998 at the Live Theatre in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Lee has stated his ideas were heavily influenced by photographer SirkkaLiisa Konttinen’s book Step by Step, about a dancing school in North Shields.

The story of Billy Elliot The Musical takes place during the history-making miners’ strike that devastated communities throughout the United Kingdom from March 6, 1984 to March 3, 1985. Described by the BBC as “the most bitter industrial dispute in British history,” the strike was the culmination of years of tension between the miners’ union and the government, led by Margaret Thatcher. At its height, it involved 142,000 mineworkers – the biggest since the 1926 General Strike.

Left: Margaret Thatcher PHOTO BY ROB BOGAERTS – ANEFO, 1983 Above: Rally in support of the miners’ strike in London, 1984. IMAGE CREDIT: NICK SAREBI



january/february 2016

Steven Schipper, Artistic Director • Camilla Holland, General Manager


Billy Elliot The Musical

Book and lyrics by

Music by

Lee Hall Elton John Originally directed by

Stephen Daldry Orchestrations by

Martin Koch Executive producers (original production)

Angela Morrison David Furnish Producers (original production)

Tim Bevan Eric Fellner Jon Finn Sally Greene Originally presented in London by Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films and Old Vic Productions, in association with Tiger Aspect. Based on the Universal Pictures/Studio Canal Film.

january/february 2016



Billy Elliot the Musical January 14 – February 6, 2016 previews January 12 & 13

Director........................................................................................ Steven Schipper Choreography & Staging/Fight Director...................................Tracey Flye Music Director.....................................................................................Joseph Tritt Set Designer.................................................................................Brian Perchaluk Costume Designer..................................................................... Charlotte Dean Lighting Designer.................................................................... Scott Henderson Sound Designer........................................................................... Michael Wright Dialect Consultant..................................................................Shannon Vickers Assistant Director/Dialect Consultant...........................Teri-Lynn Friesen* Assistant Choreographer................................................................Matt Alfano Apprentice Music Director...................................................Rachel Cameron Apprentice Costume Designer..............................................Joseph Abetria† Stage Manager.................................................................... Melissa Novecosky Assistant Stage Manager........................................................ Jessica Freundl Assistant Stage Manager...............................................................Leslie Sidley Apprentice Stage Manager.....................................................Holly LaJambe Apprentice Stage Manager...........................................................Paige Lewis Child Supervisor............................................................................Maggie Nagle Child Supervisor....................................................................... Adeline Sokulski SETTING

Easington Colliery and London, UK March 1984 to March 1985 Billy Elliot The Musical is performed with one intermission. Billy Elliot The Musical is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 phone 212 541 4684 • fax 212 397 4684 www.MTIShows.com The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. Flying effects by Flying by Foy Training of Ethan Ribeiro and Eamon Stocks coordinated by Paige Lewis: Brett Taylor, Dance Coach • Lori Watson, Acrobatics Coach • Joseph Tritt, Vocal Coach University of Winnipeg Collegiate, Academics Special thanks: Robert Bend, Robert Boge, Dr. Michael Eleff, Donna Fletcher, Zach Hiebert, Kickit Dance Studio, Marina Neto, Bonnie Talbot SPONSORED BY

*Financial assistance for Teri-Lynn Friesen’s work provided by the Manitoba Arts Council and by the City of Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Arts Council †Position funded through the Jean Murray – Moray Sinclair Theatre Apprenticeship Program



january/february 2016


Allan/Ensemble/Dance Captain..................................................Matt Alfano Tall Boy/Ensemble...................................................Demetri Apostolopoulos Gormley/Ensemble........................................................................ Shaun Castor Posh Boy/Ensemble...............................................................Alexandre Deakin Mr. Braithwaite/Ensemble.....................................................Stephen Findlay Mr. Wilkinson/Ensemble...................................................................Peter Huck Clipboard Woman/Ensemble...............................................Brittany Hunter Scab/Posh Dad/Ensemble.........................................................Aaron Hutton Lesley/Ensemble..........................................................................Rebekah Jones Small Boy....................................................................................Keenan Lehmann Mrs. Wilkinson................................................................................. Jennifer Lyon Grandma.................................................................................Debbie Maslowsky George..........................................................................................Carson Nattrass Big Davey/Ensemble......................................................................... Trevor Patt Mum/Ensemble...............................................................................Paula Potosky Tiff/Ensemble..................................................................................... Jade Repeta Billy......................................................................................................Ethan Ribeiro* Gabe/Ensemble.............................................................................Joseph Sevillo Billy..................................................................................................... Eamon Stocks† Tony...............................................................................................Markian Tarasiuk Older Billy/Scottish Dancer/Ensemble.....................................Brett Taylor William/Ensemble...............................................................................Joel Taylor Michael............................................................................................ Carter Treneer Debbie................................................................................................Katie Welham Stephen/Ensemble.............................................................Tyrell Witherspoon Dad (Jackie)........................................................................................Cory Wojcik BALLET GIRL ENSEMBLE (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)

Danika Burdeniuk† Aliyah Cole* Zoe Eccleston† Delaney Giesbrecht* Gabriella Janus*

Soleil Kunzig† Meaghan Moloney† Sadie Paquette* Ella Rempel† Kiara Sahasrabuddhe*

Juliette Schroeder-Suss* Lynea Turner† Elizabeth R.L. White* Annika Zirino†

*Performing: Mondays • Wednesday matinees • Thursdays • Saturday matinees • Tuesday, January 12 †Performing: Wednesday evenings • Fridays • Saturday evenings Tuesday, January 19 • Tuesday, January 26 • Tuesday, February 2

CASTING & TRAINING PARTNER • ROYAL WINNIPEG BALLET SCHOOL Thank you to the RWB: André Lewis, Jeff Herd, Arlene Minkhorst, Suzanne André, Nicole Kepp, Ron Betts, Kate Fennell, Ash Alberg, Rosemary Vogt, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School’s Recreational and Professional Division faculty and residence staff january/february 2016



Billy Elliot the Musical MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT 1

Overture The Stars Look Down Shine Grandma’s Song Solidarity Expressing Yourself The Letter We Were Born to Boogie Angry Dance ACT 2

Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher Deep into the Ground He Could Be a Star Electricity Once We Were Kings The Letter (Reprise) Finale MUSICIANS

Music Director/Keyboard 1.............................................................Joseph Tritt Keyboard 2...............................................................................Andrew St. Hilaire Woodwind 1........................................................................................Janice Finlay Woodwind 2.....................................................................................Julie Husband Cornet/Flugelhorn/Trumpet/Contractor.............................. Dave Lawton French Horn.........................................................................................Todd Martin Guitar.......................................................................................... Derrick Gottfried Bass................................................................................................. Julian Bradford Drums.......................................................................................... Steve Broadhurst Apprentice Music Director...................................................Rachel Cameron



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical ET CETERA Performed in the opening cere-

Matt Alfano

monies for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Has won scholarships, multiple special judge awards over the years at dance competitions and placed numerous times in various dance genres.

Allan/Ensemble/ Dance Captain/ Assistant Choreographer ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Danika Burdeniuk

OTHER THEATRE Jesus Christ Superstar

Tracy Atkinson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

(Stratford/Broadway); Carousel, The Sound of Music, Crazy for You, Man of La Mancha, The Who’s Tommy, Fiddler on the Roof, The Music Man, Moby Dick, West Side Story, Cyrano de Bergerac, Camelot (Stratford); Snow White (Ross Petty Productions); Shrek The Musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Grand); White Christmas, Sweet Charity, Dance Legends (Drayton); We Will Rock You (Mirvish); Anne of Green Gables, Canada Rocks (Charlottetown Festival); Verb.atim, Rain, The Waiting Room (Helix Dance Project); Eve of St. George (TranscenDance Project). TRAINING An alumnus of the Canadian College of Performing Arts. ET CETERA Hope you enjoy the show!

Demetri Apostolopoulos

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Annie (Rainbow); Romeo

and Juliet, The Princess and the Goblin, Nutcracker (RWB). Upcoming: Shrek The Musical (Rainbow). FILM/TV Sunnyside. Upcoming: Innocence and Sparrow (animated short). TRAINING Dance: RWB Professional Division, RWB Recreational Division. Voice: Paula Potosky. Piano: The Music Cellar. Acting: MTYP. ET CETERA Danika is a 12-year-old who loves to perform! She is delighted to be making her Royal MTC debut! Danika would like to thank the cast and crew of Billy, along with her family, the RWB and Darwin School, who are supporting her passion for theatre.

Tall Boy/Ensemble

Shaun Castor Gormley/Ensemble ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE The Wizard of Oz with

Director Nigel West and Choreographer Leigh Constantine (Centennial Concert Hall, 2011). Recently performed in the Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker at the Burton Cummings Theatre. TV Carmen à la Campagne with Productions Rivard – TFO; Galala, as seen on TVO. TRAINING Has been training at Marquis Dance Academy since 2011 and dances competitively in ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop and contemporary. Attends conventions, Triple Threat, idance.

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE West Side Story, The Little

Mermaid, The Producers, Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast (Rainbow); A Man of No Importance (Dry Cold); High School Musical (Drayton); Altar Boyz (Winnipeg Studio Theatre). TRAINING Canadian College of Performing Arts; Massage Therapy College of Manitoba. ET CETERA Thanks to the cast and creative team, Kickit Dance Studio, friends and family.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

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Billy Elliot The Musical Aliyah Cole

Zoe Eccleston

Alison Summers/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

Susan Parks/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

TRAINING Aliyah has been studying dance

OTHER THEATRE Nutcracker, Romeo and

since she was almost two years old. She is a student of dance and musical theatre at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. She also studies martial arts and music and loves choreography. ET CETERA Aliyah is thrilled to be pursuing her passion and working at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre.

Juliet (RWB). TRAINING Dance student at RWB since 2008; currently working towards Grade 5 Conservatory Piano.

Stephen Findlay Mr. Braithwaite/ Ensemble

Alexandre Deakin Posh Boy/Ensemble ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Mary Poppins ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Last spring, Alexandre

played the lead role of Alex in École Christine-Lespérance’s production of Footloose. Recently, he has performed in a number of Winnipeg productions, including the 2015 Grey Cup Gala at the RBC Convention Centre, the Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker and at the grand opening ceremony of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. TRAINING Alexandre’s interest in theatre originated from his passion for dance. Alex is a student in the intensive dance program at Winnipeg’s Marquis Dance Academy, where he studies ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, lyrical and acro styles. ET CETERA This is Alexandre’s professional theatre debut. He is also the poster boy for Billy Elliot.

(Citadel/TC); The Sound of Music (Mirvish); Oliver! (Drayton); Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Livent); Peter Pan and Robin Hood pantos (Ross Petty Productions); Crazy for You, 42nd Street (Huron County Playhouse); Anne of Green Gables, Guys and Dolls, Puttin’ on the Ritz (Charlottetown Festival). FILM/TV Queer as Folk, the Gemini Awards, Stormy Weather, Once Upon a Mattress, Hairspray, Mulroney: The Opera; several TV commercials. TRAINING/TEACHING On faculty at Sheridan College and Metro Movement – Toronto. Graduate of Second City. ET CETERA Stephen is thrilled to be a part of this wonderful show, with this hugely talented cast and creative team.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Delaney Giesbrecht Karen Davidson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

achieves top marks and awards in jazz and tap ADAPT, Royal Academy of Dancing, Cecchetti Ballet and Royal Conservatory of Music examinations. A regular participant of Manitoba dance and Winnipeg music festivals, Delaney thanks everyone for their love and support.

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Peter Huck

OTHER THEATRE Twyla Tharp’s The Princess

Mr. Wilkinson/ Ensemble

and the Goblin, Défilé, Ballet in the Park, Nutcracker (RWB); Great Russian Nutcracker (Moscow Ballet); the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Upcoming: TV’s Family Channel’s The Next Step Live in Concert (Pantages); Shrek The Musical (Rainbow). TRAINING Student of film and TV acting at PTE School; RWB School (RD and PD Summer Intensive); Focus Studio Dance; MTYP; The Music Cellar; Potosky Music Studios; Chief Peguis Junior High School (Grade 6 German bilingual). ET CETERA Delaney won scholarships for StudioWorks Youth Summer Program and Triple Threat Dance Conventions! She

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Bernardo in

West Side Story, Joey in Sister Act, Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, Corny Collins in Hairspray (Rainbow); Don Lockwood in Singin’ in the Rain, Bernardo in West Side Story (Arts Club); Aragorn/Boromir Understudy/ Ensemble in The Lord of the Rings (Mirvish); Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (Citadel); three seasons with Bard on the Beach; title role in Sweeney Todd (Dry Cold).

st. mary’s academy

information evening & open house january 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Students at St. Mary’s Academy know that education is more than just opening a book. It’s being a part of a community that encourages academic excellence, spiritual growth, athletic and artistic ability. It’s developing the skills and self-confidence to become the best person they can be.

New student applications are due February 12, 2016 550 Wellington Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, R3M 0C1 www.stmarysacademy.mb.ca | facebook.com/SMAWinnipeg | twitter.com/SMAwpg

St. Mary’s Academy students enjoy a state-of-the-art Theatre Arts Wing that opened in 2013

Billy Elliot The Musical FILM/TV Selected: Wade Carson on The

Pinkertons; principal actor, episodes 113 and 109 of Less Than Kind (HBO); Choreographer, Nightmare at the End of the Hall (Insight); Walter on The 4400 (Space); principal actor, Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical; principal actor, Once Upon a Mattress (ABC/Disney). TRAINING/TEACHING Director, Winnipeg Dance Force; BFA, CCM, University of Cincinnati. ET CETERA Thank you, Royal MTC! Thank you to family for love and support.

Brittany Hunter Clipboard Woman/ Ensemble

Gabriella Janus Tina Harmer/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE RWB: Nutcracker (2012,

2014), Romeo and Juliet. TRAINING Gabriella is a student in the Recreational Division at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. She takes classes in tap, jazz, ballet and musical theatre. ET CETERA Gabriella is very excited to have this opportunity to be a part of Billy Elliot The Musical.

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Rebekah Jones

OTHER THEATRE Anybodys in West Side

Story, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz (Rainbow); Tracy Lord in High Society, Kathy in Company, The Music Man, Three Sisters, Once Upon a Mattress (Grant MacEwan); Strawberry Shortcake, DeeDee Doodle in The Doodlebops (Koba Entertainment). TRAINING Grant MacEwan Theatre Arts graduate.

Aaron Hutton Scab/Posh Dad/ Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Stars of David (WJT); Les

Misérables, The Producers, Mary Poppins, Footloose (Rainbow); The Addams Family, Follies, Little Women, The Light in the Piazza (Dry Cold); Munsch Upon a Time (PTE); Carmina Burana, Send in the Clowns: The Music of Stephen Sondheim (WSO). TRAINING The Banff Centre Musical Theatre Intensive (2013), University of Manitoba Desautels Faculty of Music (2011).


ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE The Wizard of Oz

(Rainbow); Get Over Yourself (MAP Playwright Competition); The Brain from Planet X (Crosswalk Players). Apprentice Choreographer: Les Misérables (Rainbow); Apprentice Director: The Addams Family (Dry Cold); Avenue Q (Winnipeg Studio Theatre). Choreographer: The Music Man (Westgate Mennonite Collegiate). TRAINING Completed the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Teacher Training Program. ET CETERA Rebekah is the Assistant Director of the WST StudioWorks program with Brenda Gorlick and Kayla Gordon.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical the Blues (PTE); Conservatory Canada “Medal of Excellence” winner, and now a performance at Royal MTC. Proof that with years of hard work, sacrifice and a positive attitude, dreams can come true. Keenan is extremely grateful to all his coaches, mentors and supporters for helping him follow his dreams and “fly like a bird.”

Soleil Kunzig Sharon Percy/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Nutcracker, Romeo and

Juliet, Twyla Tharp’s The Princess and the Goblin (RWB). Upcoming: Family Channel The Next Step Live Concert performer. TV Dancer for opening ceremony of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CBC). TRAINING Student of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Recreational Division – Intensive Training Program, RWB Professional Division Summer Session. ET CETERA Soleil’s passion for dance and performing has provided her with many opportunities and awards, including scholarships to Paris and Los Angeles. She is excited to bring her passion for performing to this production of Billy Elliot.

Keenan Lehmann Small Boy

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Jennifer Lyon Mrs. Wilkinson

ROYAL MTC The Secret Annex, A Christmas

Story, The Penelopiad, Next to Normal, White Christmas, Pride and Prejudice, Guys and Dolls (with TC/Citadel), My Fair Lady, A Christmas Carol – The Musical, Steel Magnolias (1993). Assistant Director: The Fighting Days. Upcoming: Myth of the Ostrich. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Little Thing, Big Thing (PTE); Spamalot (TA/Drayton); The Drowsy Chaperone (Globe); The Wakowski Brothers, Guys and Dolls (TiFT); The Road to Hell, Communicating Doors (Persephone); My Fair Lady (Arts Club); The Comedy of Errors (SIR); The Father (WJT); Skylight (TNB); Comet in Moominland (MTYP, YPT, Montreal, NYC); Camelot, Man of La Mancha (Stratford); The Who’s Tommy (Mirvish). Upcoming: Darling of the Day (TiFT).

OTHER THEATRE Turandot, La Bohème

(Manitoba Opera); German Silver (Sarasvàti FemFest); Mike the Knight touring show (Koba Entertainment). FILM/TV The Pinkertons, Heaven is for Real, Silent Night, Path of Souls. TRAINING Voice (Melanie Whyte), Winnipeg Boys’ Choir (Carolyn Boyes), StudioWorks (Brenda Gorlick). ET CETERA Keenan’s accomplishments for 2015 are highlighted by: three Joey Award nominations, winning Best Guest Actor (The Pinkertons); youngest Canadian intermission jazz singer for Raoul Bhaneja’s Life, Death and

Debbie Maslowsky Grandma

ROYAL MTC Cabaret, Miracle on South

Division Street, Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, The Drowsy Chaperone (with TC), My Fair Lady. OTHER THEATRE Fourteen shows at Rainbow Stage, including The Producers, Annie, Beauty and the Beast (x 2), The Full Monty, 42nd

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Street, Oklahoma!, Fiddler on the Roof; Honk!, Seussical the Musical (MTYP); Hersteria (Winnipeg Studio Theatre); Closer Than Ever, Follies, She Loves Me, Into the Woods (Dry Cold); Stars of David, Soap and Laughter, Yiddle with a Fiddle, Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (WJT). TV Recent: Sunnyside (Rogers Media). TRAINING Proud to be a U of W Theatre graduate. ET CETERA Debbie is a 2014 inductee on the Rainbow Stage Wall of Fame. She is thrilled to be part of this company of friends (old and new) in telling this beautiful, inspiring story. Thanks to Steven, Tracey, Joseph and Melinda for this opportunity and to AMC & Sarah for… everything!

Meaghan Moloney Karen Davidson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC Gone With the Wind, Jane Eyre. OTHER THEATRE Annie, Les Misérables

(Rainbow); Peter Pan (MTYP). TRAINING Vocal training with Paula Potosky and Rebekah Jones. Dance training: Industria Dance Centre (formerly The Dance Centre), Royal Winnipeg Ballet. ET CETERA Thank you to the wonderful cast and crew – it has been an honour to work with all of you.

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39788A (10/2015)

Billy Elliot The Musical Carson Nattrass

Trevor Patt


Big Davey/Ensemble

ROYAL MTC Sherlock Holmes and the Case of

the Jersey Lily, The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Pride and Prejudice, Glengarry Glen Ross, Guys and Dolls (with Citadel/TC), A Christmas Carol, My Fair Lady, Much Ado About Nothing. OTHER THEATRE Director: James and the Giant Peach (MTYP); A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, Footloose (Rainbow). As an actor, Carson has performed in Winnipeg for Prairie Theatre Exchange, Rainbow Stage, Dry Cold Productions, White Rabbit, Winnipeg Jewish Theatre, Danny Schur, Theatre Projects Manitoba and Manitoba Theatre for Young People. Across Canada: Mirvish, Belfry, Citadel, Catalyst, Free Will, Theatre Calgary, Ground Zero, Lunchbox, Regina Globe, Persephone, Magnus, Theatre Orangeville, Talk is Free and Festival Antigonish. FILM/TV The Pinkertons, Aloft, Reasonable Doubt, Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story, Keep Your Head Up, Kid: The Don Cherry Story, A Bear Named Winnie, Falcon Beach. TRAINING BFA, University of Alberta. ET CETERA Love to my mom, my Sharon and my Theodore. carsonnattrass.com @carsonnattrass

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Evangeline (Charlottetown

Festival/Citadel); Les Misérables, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins (Rainbow); Shrek The Musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Grand); High School Musical, Robin Hood (TA); The Sound of Music, 9 to 5: The Musical (Drayton); Made in Canada (Smile Theatre); Broadway: Andrew Lloyd Webber (Port Hope); An Evening with Jason Robert Brown (Glenn Gould Studio). Upcoming: Shakespeare in Love (Stratford). TRAINING Proud graduate of George Brown’s Dance Program and Sheridan’s Music Theatre Program. ET CETERA Love and thanks to Steven, Tracey, Joseph, the cast and crew, and my family for their constant support.

Paula Potosky Mum/Ensemble

ROYAL MTC Alice Through the Looking-Glass,

The Penelopiad, White Christmas.

OTHER THEATRE Sister Act, Les Misérables,

Sadie Paquette Tracy Atkinson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Romeo and Juliet (RWB). ET CETERA Sadie is excited to be part of Billy

The Little Mermaid, The Producers, Mary Poppins, Annie (Rainbow); Avenue Q (Winnipeg Studio Theatre); La Chanson de l’éléphant (Cercle Molière); Follies (Dry Cold). TRAINING University of Manitoba. ET CETERA Cheers to family and friends who have always supported my love of the arts: those in this world and the next.

Elliot and for this opportunity! She is thoroughly enjoying herself!

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

2015/16 SEASON

Billy Elliot The Musical Ella Rempel

Ethan Ribeiro

Alison Summers/ Ballet Girl Ensemble


ROYAL MTC First appearance.

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

OTHER THEATRE Nutcracker – 2012, 2013,

TRAINING Ethan began dancing at the age

2014 (RWB). TRAINING RWB School Recreational Division. ET CETERA In addition to many years of dance training at the RWB, Ella plays both cello and piano. She has attained the RCM Grade 7 Cello certificate and is a three-time recipient of the Conservatory Canada Medal of Excellence for highest mark in Manitoba in piano.

Jade Repeta Tiff/Ensemble

ROYAL MTC Cabaret. OTHER THEATRE Disney’s The Little

Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Footloose, Hairspray (Rainbow); Diana in Anne of Green Gables, Footloose, The Sound of Music (Drayton); Mary Poppins (Neptune); Chicago, Colours in the Storm, Theory of Relativity, Oklahoma! (Theatre Sheridan). Upcoming: Mamma Mia! (Drayton). TV Madison in HBO Canada’s Less Than Kind; voice of Cozybory on Noonbory and the Super Seven. TRAINING Graduate of Sheridan College’s Music Theatre Performance program. Recipient of the Triple Threat Award for all three consecutive years of study. ET CETERA Thank you to my family, friends, Trevor and the TH!

of nine and quickly became a member of Dimensions in Dance Competitive Team. Ethan has won many Regional Title Awards throughout southwestern Ontario (such as Jr. Mr. Starpower, Jr. Mr. CanDance) and in July 2013 travelled to Orlando, Florida, where he earned the title of Jr. Mr. World Dance at the Starpower World Pageant. Ethan has received dance training from Marinda Davis, Blake McGrath, Ade Obayomi, Evan Supple and Toyko. ET CETERA Ethan is very excited to be Billy Elliot in Royal MTC’s 2016 production – his theatre debut. He would like to thank his brothers, Jeremy and Zachary, sister Emma, parents and many friends for all their loving support. A special thank you to Jay T. Schramek and Kimberly Kay (and teaching staff at Dimensions in Dance)!

Kiara Sahasrabuddhe Sharon Percy/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE RWB: Nutcracker (2012,

2013, 2014), Défilé, with a guest appearance by Evelyn Hart (RWB’s 75th anniversary). TV Kiara danced in the opening ceremonies of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, September 2014 (CBC). TRAINING Current dance training: ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop and musical theatre at RWB. Past training includes aerial (MNM), acro (MDG) and rhythmic gymnastics – 2012/2013 (Rhythmic Royals).

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical ET CETERA A love other than dance: my

family. Reading and pickles are among my favourite things. Kiara has been dancing since the age of two and lives in Winnipeg with her parents Rahul, Wendy and sister, Alexandra.

Juliette Schroeder-Suss

her over the years, specifically: Miss Theresa at MTYP, Miss Julie (tap) and Miss Jacqui (ballet) at RWB. You make me want to Shine!

Joseph Sevillo Gabe/Ensemble

Susan Parks/ Ballet Girl Ensemble ROYAL MTC The Wave, Evita (with TC). ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE In Wonderland, All I Really

Need to Know I Learned By Being in a Bad Play (MTYP Summer Studio); Nutcracker (RWB); Willy Wonka, Mulan (Grant Park High School). TRAINING RWB, MTYP. ET CETERA Juliette is thrilled to be working with such an incredible cast and crew on Billy Elliot The Musical. Special thanks to all her dance and theatre teachers who have inspired



OTHER THEATRE South Pacific, A Chorus

Line, Fame, Rent, West Side Story (Rainbow); Mamma Mia! (Mirvish); Beauty and the Beast (Citadel/TC); Seussical (YPT); Miss Saigon (Drayton); Danny, King of the Basement (MTYP); Prison Dancer (SIAFF); Altar Boyz (PTE/Winnipeg Studio Theatre); West Side Story (Vancouver Opera). ET CETERA This show is dedicated to my late father, who always chased after his dreams. Lots of love to my mom, family, friends, Gabe and all my students at Shelley Shearer School of Dance.


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Billy Elliot The Musical the Pull Festival in Vancouver this spring. His first written play, The Classroom, is currently premiering at Studio 58. Markian is a recipient of the Jean Murray – Moray Sinclair Scholarship, Manitoba Arts Council Bursary and Antony Holland Award. Love to Lauren and family! www.markiantarasiuk.com

Eamon Stocks Billy

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Brett Taylor

OTHER THEATRE Misha in The Nutcracker

(National Ballet of Canada); Ryan Evans in High School Musical, Malcolm in 13 the Musical (First Act Productions); Billy in Back to the ‘80s, Lazar Wolf in Fiddler on the Roof Jr. (Whitby Courthouse Theatre). FILM/TV Voice work: Arthur Conan Doyle in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Léon in Assassin’s Creed Unity – Dead Kings. Young Brian Mulroney in Mulroney: The Opera. TRAINING Canada’s National Ballet School Professional Program; Company B Dance Academy. ET CETERA Eamon would like to thank the cast and crew and his family! Special thanks to Shari at AMI and to Cadence, Gabi, Anya and Nicole for teaching him how to sing!

Markian Tarasiuk Tony

ROYAL MTC Over the Tavern. OTHER THEATRE A Closer Walk with Patsy

Cline, Footloose, The Full Monty (Rainbow); Spring Awakening (Winnipeg Studio Theatre); Vincent River (Osimous); 3…2…1 (SpeakEasy Theatre); Scratch (Theatre Plexus); The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs (District Theatre Collective); One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Kosmic Mambo, Grease, Innocence Lost (Studio 58). TV iZombie (The CW), Bunks (Disney), Noonbory and the Super Seven (CBS). TRAINING Studio 58. ET CETERA Markian is the Artistic Director of SpeakEasy Theatre, who will be producing

Older Billy/Scottish Dancer/Ensemble

ROYAL MTC Cabaret. OTHER THEATRE Mary Poppins, The

Producers, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast (Rainbow); Mary Poppins, The Addams Family (Neptune); Dance Legends (Grand); Canadian Legends (Drayton); Singin’ in the Rain (Port Hope). Also danced in companies such as: RWB, Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal, Ballet BC, Wen Wei Dance, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens and other independent projects. FILM/TV Dancer in music video “Love Again” by Kreesha Turner. TRAINING Graduate of Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet Professional Division and Aspirant Program. ET CETERA I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in the training of the young men playing Billy. I’m so proud of you both!

Joel Taylor William/Ensemble

ROYAL MTC White Christmas, My Fair Lady. OTHER THEATRE Select credits include:

Chicago, Spamalot (Drayton); Mary Poppins (Citadel/TC); Dance Legends (Grand); La Cage aux Folles (Neptune); Annie, Cats, Beauty and the Beast, Grease, Peter Pan

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

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Billy Elliot The Musical (Rainbow); Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Stage West Calgary); dancer onboard Princess Cruise Lines.

Katie Welham Debbie

Carter Treneer Michael ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Romeo and Juliet,

Nutcracker (RWB). TRAINING Katie dances ballet in the Intensive

ROYAL MTC First appearance. FILM/TV Numerous short film appearances,

including Cold One Night and My Dad is Scrooge. Extensive commercial work. Voiceover work includes Fireman Sam US and Doki. TRAINING Competitive dancer for five years.

Acting training at Baumander, Second City and Armstrong. ET CETERA Special thanks to all of my family

for their love and support. Shout out to all my tap teachers, A.J. Lopresti, Christie McKay and Jay Schramek for helping me get here.

Lynea Turner

Training Program, along with Intensive Programs in jazz, tap, musical theatre, hip-hop, lyrical and modern dance with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. She receives professional vocal training from Ms. Paula Potosky. ET CETERA This is Katie’s first production

with Royal MTC – she is excited to play such a wonderful part in this amazing theatre/ dance journey. Thank you forever and always to Mom and Dad and Emma for your love and constant support, as well as my grandparents and family and friends. Thank you especially, Paula, and all of my wonderful dance and theatre teachers at the RWB.

Keeley Gibson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

Elizabeth R.L. White Keeley Gibson/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Nutcracker (RWB). TRAINING Royal Winnipeg Ballet School –

training in ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop and musical theatre. ET CETERA Lynea appeared in the opening

ceremonies for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. She was also chosen to present flowers to her Royal Highness Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Nutcracker, Twyla Tharp’s

The Princess and the Goblin (RWB). TRAINING Elizabeth has trained in dancing

and musical theatre in Newfoundland and currently with the Recreational Division of the RWB.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Tyrell Witherspoon

Cory Wojcik


Dad (Jackie)

ROYAL MTC Late Company, Harvey, Miracle on

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE West Side Story, Sister Act,

Footloose, The Full Monty (Rainbow); Mary Poppins (TA); Anne of Green Gables, Canada Rocks!, Evangeline (Charlottetown Festival); Anne of Green Gables (TC); West Side Story (Vancouver Opera); Beauty and the Beast (Citadel). FILM/TV Hellcats (The CW), Once Upon a Time (ABC), Girl Vs. Monster (Disney), Rags (Nickelodeon). ET CETERA A big thanks to my family, Devin, the Talent House gang and my torontoba friends for their love and constant support. Don’t be afraid to Express Yourself!

South Division Street, August: Osage County. OTHER THEATRE Butcher (PTE); West Side Story, The Producers, The Wizard of Oz (Rainbow); Jabber, The Big League (MTYP); A Man of No Importance (Dry Cold); Jail Baby (Sarasvàti); Strike! The Musical (Danny Schur); Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare (White Rabbit Productions). FILM/TV A Dog’s Purpose, The Pinkertons, Mad Ship. ET CETERA This spring Cory will be appearing in Winnipeg Studio Theatre’s production of Heathers: The Musical. He is also directing Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play with District Theatre in late April. Much love to Heather and the boys!


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Billy Elliot The Musical Steinberg, 1997, BBC; A Prince of Hearts, 1998, BBC; Wind in the Willows, 2007, BBC. Film: Billy Elliot, Working Title Films, 2000. He wrote the screenplay for War Horse, directed by Steven Spielberg, released in 2011.

Annika Zirino Tina Harmer/ Ballet Girl Ensemble

Elton John

ROYAL MTC First appearance.


OTHER THEATRE RWB: Nutcracker (two

years), Romeo and Juliet. FILM Saige Paints the Sky. TRAINING Annika has been dancing at the RWB for seven years, doing ballet and tap.

Lee Hall Book & Lyrics Lee Hall was born in Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1966 and studied English Literature at Cambridge University. He has worked as a writer in theatre, TV, radio and film. He has been writer in residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company and Live Theatre, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Theatre: Wittgenstein on Tyne, Live Theatre 1996; Bollocks, RSC Fringe, 1998; Genie, Paines Plough, 1998; Cooking With Elvis, Live Theatre/West End 1999 – nominated for an Olivier Award for Best Comedy; Spoonface Steinberg, Ambassadors Theatre, London 2000; Two’s Company, Live Theatre/Bristol Old Vic, 2001; Billy Elliot The Musical, 2004 – Olivier Award Best Musical; Pitmen Painters, Live Theatre, Newcastle/Royal National Theatre/ National tour/Broadway, 2007–2010. Theatre adaptations: Leonce and Lena (Buchner), The Gate Theatre, 1997; Mr. Puntila and His Man Matti (Brecht), Almeida Theatre, 1998, A Servant to Two Masters (Goldoni), RSC/ Young Vic 1999; The Adventures of Pinocchio (Collodi), Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, 2000; Mother Courage (Brecht), Shared Experience/Ambassadors Theatre; The Good Hope (Heijermans), Royal National Theatre, 2001; The Barber of Seville (Beaumarchais), Bristol Old Vic, 2003. Opera: Adaptation of Il Pagliacci/The Comedians for the English National Opera, 2008. TV: Spoonface

The monumental career of international singer/songwriter and performer Elton John has spanned more than three decades. He is one of the top-selling solo artists of all time, with 35 gold and 25 platinum albums and more than 250 million records sold worldwide. The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences has awarded Elton multiple Grammy Awards, including the Grammy Legend Award. In the early 1990s, Elton collaborated with lyricist Tim Rice on the soundtrack for The Lion King, winning him an Academy Award. The album produced two top-selling, award-winning singles: “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” and “Circle of Life.” The Tony Award-winning Broadway productions of The Lion King and Aida both awarded Elton with Grammy Awards for Best Musical Show Album. Billy Elliot The Musical was nominated for a record-tying 15 Tony Awards and won 10, including Best Musical. In 1992, Elton established the Elton John AIDS Foundation, which today is one of the leading non-profit HIV/AIDS organizations. In 1998, the Queen of England knighted him Sir Elton John, CBE. In 2004, Elton received the Kennedy Center Honor for his lifetime contributions to American Culture and Excellence Through the Performing Arts. In 2013, Elton was honoured as the first recipient of the prestigious BRITs Icon Award, and released The Diving Board, his first solo studio album in seven years, to stellar reviews.


For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016


As a singer, songwriter, author, composer, and even screen actor, Rufus Wainwright has carved out a singular place in the worlds of rock, opera, theater, dance, and film.


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Billy Elliot The Musical Steven Schipper Director

ROYAL MTC Over 35 productions, including:

Late Company, The Glass Menagerie, Gone With the Wind, The Drowsy Chaperone (with TC), Fiddler on the Roof, the world premieres of Maureen Hunter’s Atlantis (with TC), Mark Stein’s Mating Dance of the Werewolf (with Rubicon), Olaf Pyttlik’s The Wave and Bruce McManus’ A Christmas Carol, and the Canadian premieres of Quills, Proposals (with Mirvish) and Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile (with NAC). OTHER THEATRE Stratford, Shaw, Centaur, Segal, Mirvish, Theatre Plus (Toronto), Toronto Free, YPT, Persephone, TC, VP, Rubicon Theatre (Ventura, CA). TRAINING McGill, Bishop’s, National Theatre School of Canada. ET CETERA In 2007, Steven received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Winnipeg. In 2012, he was appointed to the Order of Canada and was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. In 2015, he received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Manitoba.

Tracey Flye Choreography & Staging/Fight Director

ROYAL MTC Director: Cabaret (2015),

Jane Eyre, The Penelopiad, The 39 Steps. Choreography/Staging: The Drowsy Chaperone (with TC). Choreographer/ Assistant Director: The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Fiddler on the Roof. Actor: Cabaret (1998, with Grand). OTHER THEATRE Director: Venus in Fur (ATP); US national tour of We Will Rock You (Tribeca/ NETworks); Peter Pan, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, The Wizard of Oz (Ross

Petty Productions); We Will Rock You Toronto remount (Mirvish). Associate Director: We Will Rock You (South Africa/New Zealand/ Asia tour). Director/Choreographer: West Side Story, Hairspray (Rainbow); Hairspray (Mayfield Theatre); Oliver! (Drayton); Evita (Neptune); Victor/Victoria, Forever Plaid (Stage West Calgary). Resident Director: War Horse (Mirvish/National Theatre); Once (Mirvish). Staging/Choreography: West Side Story (Vancouver Opera); King of Thieves (Stratford). Choreographer: Kiss Me, Kate, Evita, West Side Story (Stratford); nine pantos for Ross Petty Productions. Assistant Choreographer: Mamma Mia! (Toronto/US national tour). TEACHING Tracey has held an Assistant Professorship in the BFA program at the University of Alberta and has taught at colleges all over North America. ET CETERA Tracey’s directing/choreography/ performing credits span more than 150 international productions. She remains committed to the development of new works.

Joseph Tritt Music Director

ROYAL MTC Cabaret (Music Director), Next to

Normal (Music Direction Intern). OTHER THEATRE Music Director: Les Misérables, The Producers (Rainbow); A Man of No Importance, Follies (Dry Cold); Altar Boyz (PTE/Winnipeg Studio Theatre); Rooms: A Rock Romance, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Winnipeg Studio Theatre); The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Legally Blonde: The Musical (Royal MTC/MBA). Assistant Music Director: Disney’s The Little Mermaid, A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline (Rainbow). TRAINING University of Manitoba, Manhattan School of Music. ET CETERA Many thanks to Steven, Tracey and the entire company of Billy Elliot. Next up, Joseph will be the Intern Music Director for the Shaw Festival’s 2016 season.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016


Get a head start on your day with our essential morning briefing posted on winnipegfreepress.com Monday through Friday by 7 a.m.

my news my way

Billy Elliot The Musical Trouble with Mr. Adams, The Valley, The Real World?, The Misanthrope (Tarragon). Upcoming: Engaged (Shaw); Summoned (Tarragon).

Brian Perchaluk Set Designer


ROYAL MTC Recent and favourites: The Man

Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Woman in Black, Late Company, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily, A Christmas Story, Harvey, Other People’s Money, August: Osage County, The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), The Lonesome West, Patience, Picasso at the Lapin Agile (with NAC), M. Butterfly (with NAC).

from York University and is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. She has coached Costume Rendering at the National Theatre School. ET CETERA Charlotte is the 2009 recipient

of the Virginia and Myrtle Cooper Award in Costume Design. She has received five Doras for Outstanding Design, and has been nominated for Sterling Awards and Betty Mitchell Awards.

Scott Henderson

OTHER THEATRE Brian’s work has been

Lighting Designer

featured at theatres across the country, including two seasons each at the Shaw and Stratford festivals. Selected recent credits include: Les Misérables, The Little Mermaid (Rainbow); The Drowsy Chaperone (Globe); Vimy (NAC/GCTC); Butcher, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Vigil, Small Things, The Valley (PTE); A Man of No Importance (Dry Cold); King Lear, Fidelio (Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada); Proud (TPM).

ROYAL MTC Fifty productions since 1995,

ET CETERA Recipient of a Gemini Award for

production design, and a Jessie Richardson Award and a Prix Rideau Award for outstanding set design.

Charlotte Dean Costume Designer

ROYAL MTC The Secret Annex, The Glass

Menagerie, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, White Christmas, The Drowsy Chaperone (with TC), The Importance of Being Earnest.

including The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (with Mirvish), Good People, Next to Normal, The 39 Steps, Doubt, A Parable (with TC), Shakespeare’s Dog (with NAC), White Christmas (Mainstage); The Seagull, Red (with Belfry), Top Girls, The Shape of Things, Closer (Warehouse). OTHER THEATRE Most recent: James and the Giant Peach (MTYP); Butcher (PTE); Iceland (TPM). Scott has designed lighting for opera, dance and theatre companies in Winnipeg and across Canada. TRAINING Scott is a graduate of Ryerson Theatre School and a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. ET CETERA Special thanks to Karen, Sean and Alex for love and support.

OTHER THEATRE Sweet Charity, Arms and

the Man, Our Betters (Shaw); She Stoops to Conquer, Antony and Cleopatra, The Merchant of Venice (Stratford); Dear Johnny Deere, Evangeline (Charlottetown Festival); The For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Michael Wright Sound Designer

FILM The Last Harvest, Métis, Métis Not, Dead

Mothers Kitchen Floors, Dust. ET CETERA Michael is active in the music world with over two dozen album credits and is a member of IATSE 63.

Shannon Vickers ROYAL MTC Seminar (with Mirvish), Late

Company, Private Lives, Armstrong’s War, The Secret Annex, The Seagull, Venus in Fur, The Penelopiad, August: Osage County, The Fighting Days, Romeo and Juliet, The Seafarer, Looking Back – West, Top Girls, Rope’s End, Fully Committed, The Last Five Years, Cherry Docs. OTHER THEATRE I Dream of Diesel, North Main Gothic, The Monster Trilogy, The Elmwood Visitation, Age of Arousal (TPM); Everything is Coming Up Roses (Gearshifting Performance Works); Something Drastic, Puppet Munsch (PTE); Macbeth (SIR); Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Winnipeg Fringe); Hedwig and the Angry Inch Atrocity Tour 2004 (Rose Tinted Productions, UK).

Dialect Consultant

ROYAL MTC The Man Who Shot Liberty

Valance, The Woman in Black, Private Lives, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily, Good People, The Secret Annex, Venus in Fur, Gone With the Wind, August: Osage County, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Top Girls, Steel Magnolias. OTHER THEATRE Voice/Text/Dialect Coaching: DAI (Enough) (WJT); Village Wooing (zone41); Bingo! (PTE); The Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven Blatz (TPM); The Merry Wives of Windsor (SIR); Fen (Sarasvàti); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (CS).

Helping to

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Billy Elliot The Musical TRAINING/TEACHING Shannon earned an

Joseph Abetria

MFA in Theatre Voice Pedagogy at the University of Alberta. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Winnipeg and is a certified Associate Teacher of KnightThompson Speechwork.

Apprentice Costume Designer

Teri-Lynn Friesen

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

Assistant Director/ Dialect Consultant

OTHER THEATRE Design: Iceland (TPM);

ROYAL MTC Apprentice Director:

Late Company.

OTHER THEATRE Peacock Place (Comedy

Clownesque); It’s a Wonderful Life (One88 Players); Dear Edwina Jr., Annie Jr. (Masterworks Dance Studio). Apprentice Director: Sister Act, Mary Poppins (Rainbow). Co-creator: Mother Mine (Downside Up Productions). TRAINING Graduate of the U of W – BA (Hons), Theatre Program; Rosebud School of the Arts, Directors Lab North 2014, Young Innovators Lab (Nightwood Theatre). ET CETERA Thanks to MAC and WAC for funding this position and to Steven for the incredible opportunity. Enjoy the show!

Rachel Cameron

The Cassilis Engagement, Semi-Monde, The Laramie Project, The Power of Yes, SainteCarmen of the Main, Seven Doors (University of Winnipeg). Scenic Painting: Koba Entertainment and Little Opera Company. TRAINING BA Honours from the University of Winnipeg Theatre & Film Department with a focus on Design and Production. ET CETERA Joseph would like to thank Charlotte Dean and the Royal MTC Wardrobe department for their warm support and guidance. He would also like to thank his family and friends for their steadfast encouragement.

Melissa Novecosky Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Stage Manager: Seminar (with

Apprentice Music Director ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Apprentice Music Director:

Sister Act, Les Misérables (Rainbow); The Addams Family (Dry Cold). Music Director: Chess, The Musical, Cabaret (Winnipeg Fringe Festival). FILM This is Why We Fight (Prairie Kid Productions). TRAINING Bachelor of Arts: Theatre & Film from the University of Winnipeg. ET CETERA Thanks to Mom, Dad, Austin and Heidi for their constant support!

Mirvish), Good People, The Secret Annex. Assistant Stage Manager: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (with Mirvish), Gone With the Wind, White Christmas, Next to Normal, It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play. Apprentice Stage Manager: Jitters, Our Town, The Real Thing, The Tempest. OTHER THEATRE Stage Manager: Munsch Upon a Time, Vigil, The Best Brothers, Social Studies, The Swearing Jar (PTE); Lawrence and Holloman (PTE/Persephone); West Side Story, Sister Act, The Producers, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (Rainbow); Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare (White Rabbit Productions). Assistant Stage Manager: The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Footloose, Annie (Rainbow); White Biting Dog, The

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical Price (Soulpepper); Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (National Ballet of Canada); Burnin’ Love (PTE). TRAINING The National Theatre School of Canada. Apprentice Stage Manager at the Shaw Festival. ET CETERA Love to L.E.

Jessica Freundl Assistant Stage Manager

Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2 (SIR); Dying to Be Thin (MTYP); EDEN, Kayak (Sarasvàti FemFest); Hairspray (Rainbow); King’s Park (Moving Target); The Father (WJT); Lenin’s Embalmers (WJT/Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company); Juliet and Romeo, faust(us): a fantasy, Pericles: Prince of Tyre, The Distance from Here (U of W). TRAINING Jessica is a graduate of the U of W Department of Theatre and Film, majoring in Stage Management and Production.

Leslie Sidley ROYAL MTC Sherlock Holmes and the Case

of the Jersey Lily, The Penelopiad, Miracle on South Division Street (John Hirsch Mainstage & regional tour), August: Osage County, Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, The 39 Steps, White Christmas, Looking Back – West. OTHER THEATRE Mary Poppins (Globe); Munsch Upon a Time (tour, PTE); Nutcracker (RWB); The Comedy of Errors, Henry V,

Assistant Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Stage Manager: Late Company,

Cabaret, Venus in Fur, The Melville Boys (tour), Wingfield On Ice (tour), Looking Back – West, Bad Dates (tour). Assistant Stage Manager: Jane Eyre, Gone With the Wind, Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, White


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Billy Elliot The Musical Christmas, Pride and Prejudice, Fiddler on the Roof, Educating Rita (tour), Guys and Dolls (with TC/Citadel).

Paige Lewis Apprentice Stage Manager

OTHER THEATRE Select credits: Sister Act,

West Side Story, Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story, Annie, Footloose, Cats, Rent (Rainbow); Vigil, Social Studies, The Swearing Jar, Glorious!, Moonlight and Magnolias (PTE); Othello, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice (SIR); The Forbidden Phoenix (MTYP). TRAINING Graduate of Sheridan College and

member of CAEA. ET CETERA Love to Sean, as always.

Holly LaJambe Apprentice Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Late Company, Cabaret, Venus

in Fur. OTHER THEATRE Holly has stage managed

for the Fire & Water Music Festival, Sarasvàti Productions, Girls Only Productions, Winnipeg Pride and the Gilbert & Sullivan Society. She has also apprentice stage managed for Theatre Projects Manitoba, Winnipeg Jewish Theatre and Manitoba Opera. TRAINING Holly is a graduate of the

University of Winnipeg with a triple honours in History, Production and Stage Management. She has also completed the requirements for a BA in Acting and a specialization in Costuming. ET CETERA Holly is very happy to be appren-

ticing with Royal MTC again.

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE The Last Dog of War (TPM).

Dance: Eclipse (Mouvement/Winnipeg Dance Projects); The 60 Dancer Project (Canada Dance Festival); Basement Projects, Dance Reflections, the School of Contemporary Dancers 40th Anniversary Galas (SCD); Toward Light: A Tribute to Rachel Browne, Prairie Dance Circuit (WCD); Homeagain, A Christmas Carol (Stephanie Ballard Dance Projects). Other companies include: Gearshifting Performance Works, NAfro Dance Productions, TRIP Dance, Young Lungs Dance Exchange and Freya Björg Olafson. TRAINING Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance from the School of Contemporary Dancers in affiliation with the University of Winnipeg.

Music Theatre International Music Theatre International (MTI) is one of the world’s leading theatrical licensing agencies, granting theatres from around the world the rights to perform the greatest selection of musicals from Broadway and beyond. Founded in 1952 by composer Frank Loesser and orchestrator Don Walker, MTI is a driving force in advancing musical theatre as a vibrant and engaging art form. MTI works directly with the composers, lyricists and book writers of these musicals to provide official scripts, musical materials and dynamic theatrical resources to over 70,000 professional, community and school theatres in the US and in over 60 countries worldwide. MTI is particularly dedicated to educational theatre, and has created special collections to meet the needs of various types of performers and audiences. MTI’s Broadway Junior shows are 30- and 60-minute musicals for elementary and middle school-aged

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2016

Billy Elliot The Musical performers, while MTI’s School Editions are musicals annotated for performance by high school students.

Gail Asper Family Foundation & The Asper Foundation Production Sponsor The Asper Foundation and the Gail Asper Family Foundation are private philanthropic organizations that undertake and develop major initiatives in the areas of Jewish charity as well as culture, education, community development and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. The Asper Foundation spearheaded the establishment of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights as a Canadian national museum in 2008 which opened September 20, 2014.

Come fly with us! Awesome Healthy Fun for groups, parties or individuals!

Bring in your Royal MTC ticket to Sky Zone and enter to win a group event or a party for you and 9 of your best friends!

More infomation:

Royal Winnipeg Ballet School Casting & Training Partner The Royal Winnipeg Ballet School has been inspiring young dance artists and supporting them in the pursuit of their goals for over 75 years. Under the direction of Arlene Minkhorst, the RWB School is a leader across Canada and around the world for providing excellence in dance education. The School’s state-of-the-art facility, located in historic downtown Winnipeg, is home to the more than 1,500 students annually who make up the Professional and Recreational Divisions of the School. The connection to the RWB Company and the subsequent visibility of students and exposure to the eye of Artistic Director André Lewis is among the School’s many strengths. The Professional Division was founded in 1970 by celebrated teacher and former RWB Principal Dancer David Moroni, C.M., O.M., D.Litt (h.c), and has an international reputation for providing the highest quality training to its dancers and dance instructors. The RWB School has been producing some of the finest dancers and dance educators in the global arena for over four decades, with alumni performing in prestigious ensembles around the world, including Cirque du Soleil, the New York City Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company. For more information, please visit rwb.org/school.

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, next to MTC.

Billy Elliot The Musical Check out our librarian-recommended resources to better connect with the stories on our stages!

EXPLORE MORE BILLY ELLIOT More About the Time and Place

Strike: Thatcher, Scargill and the Miners by Peter Wilsher, Donald Macintyre and Michael Jones The London Sunday Times Insight Team details the 1984/85 British coal miners’ strike, an often violent battle of wills between Marxist union leader Arthur Scargill and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, over the future of the coal mines on which many depended for their livelihoods. GB84 by David Peace A fictionalization of the power struggles, violence and behind-the-scenes machinations in British government offices and coalfields alike during the 1984 strike. Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality by Jonathan Aitken The presence of Margaret Thatcher and the policies of her government loom large in Billy Elliot. Aitken combines countless interviews, access to new material as well as his own relationships and experience. If you want to learn more about Britain’s longestserving Prime Minister, this is the place. More on Dance and Masculinity

Sorry I Don’t Dance: Why Men Refuse to Move by Maxine Leeds Craig Craig argues that social upheaval in 1960s America changed how men were supposed to act and dance became seen as less masculine, more sexualized and more race restrictive.

Male Dancer: Bodies, Spectacle, Sexualities by Ramsey Burt Another take on the prejudices against male dancers, with alternate ideas of how they arise from culturally specific concepts of ideal male behaviour. More Lives Changed by Dance

Dancer by Colum McCann A fictionalized account of the life of Rudolf Nureyev, the celebrated Soviet ballet dancer who redefined men’s role in his field. Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland The true story of Misty Copeland, the first African-American principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre. When Misty was discovered to be a prodigy, she was faced with three distinct disadvantages: her dark skin, the fact that her family had no money and she did not start dance until her teens. Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina by Michaela DePrince with Elaine DePrince Another true story. Orphaned in the Sierra Leone civil war, Michaela was malnourished and mistreated due to a skin condition that affected her appearance. But one day she saw a picture of a ballerina in a magazine and knew what she wanted. With the support of her American adoptive parents, she persevered, and is now a dancer with the Dutch National Ballet.

Men Who Dance: Aesthetics, Athletics and the Art of Masculinity by Michael Gard This book depicts the psychology of the Western male dancer through academic and popular writings, and extensive interviews with 20 male dancers. 42


january/february 2016


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Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick Originally Produced and Directed on Broadway by Harold Prince Suggested by a Film by Ingmar Bergman

A Little Night Music is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI), All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI, New York, NY. Tel: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684 www.mtishows.com

$5.00 Off - Use Code: Candystore Offer available from Jan. 14 - Feb. 14, 2016



Tuesday, January 26 • 12:10–12:50 pm Millennium Library Carol Shields Auditorium

Get behind the scenes of this multiple award-winning play and learn what it takes to become a ballet star from cast member PETER HUCK, and learn about the choreography of the play. You may even learn some new dance moves!

Education & Outreach

Theatre for young Audiences Westdale School students attend Alice Through the Looking-Glass. PHOTO BY LEIF NORMAN

HERE AT ROYAL MTC, we are committed to sharing the love of theatre with young people. Research has shown that students who attend live theatre performances gain a deeper understanding of literature and demonstrate greater tolerance, empathy and critical-thinking skills.* Experiencing live performances can also inspire young people to pursue their own dreams. Indeed, the Royal Ballet in London has seen a surge of young male dancers join their ranks in recent years, a phenomenon coined ‘the Billy Elliot effect.’† Look around you and notice the young faces in the audience – they may just be the stars of tomorrow! • Over 1,700 students joined us this season for three special student-only matinees – The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Wiesenthal and Alice Through the Looking-Glass. • 259 students subscribed to the entire six-show John Hirsch Mainstage season.

• We are just halfway through the season, and already over 900 students and teachers have joined us for matinees and evening performances. • Another 1,100 young people and counting have attended performances on their own thanks to discounted ticket prices for youth. • That’s more than 4,000 young people, with four shows left to go! Thank you to the educators from all the schools involved, and to Great-West Life for helping us share the amazing experience of live theatre! Attention, educators! Did you know that k–12 schools can purchase student group tickets to select performances for just $14 per student? Contact Thomas Urish, Sales Manager, at 204 954 6413 or turish@royalmtc.ca for more information or to book your school group today! THEATRE FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES SPONSORED BY


*University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. “Major benefits for students who attend live theater, study finds.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 October 2014. †Hoyle, Antonia, “The ‘Billy Elliot’ effect sees young males become the ‘crème de la crème’ of the dancing world,” Daily Mail, 12 December 2015.



january/february 2016

of kids in Point Douglas are already behind by the time they start kindergarten Today, National Leasing and The Winnipeg Boldness Project are taking a stand to create opportunities for Point Douglas kids and their families—opportunities to grow by celebrating art and culture in one of its many forms.




Find out how and why the project is raising outcomes for kids in Point Douglas at


Supporters Many thanks to our donors who made a gift between October 17, 2014 and December 17, 2015. DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE HERO • $6,000+ Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson Robert B. & the late S. June Jackson The Winnipeg Foundation – Leslie John Taylor Fund

BENEFACTOR • $2,000–5,999 Leah Bjarnarson & Robert Malech Marjorie Blankstein, CM, OM, LLD & the late Morley Blankstein Sheldon & Penny Bowles J.W. Burns, OC Heather Clarke* Kerry Dangerfield*‡ Donald Fraser & Judy Little John F. (Jack) Fraser* James R. Gibbs Sylvia Guertin-Riley‡ Rita Gunn* & Greg Mason Camilla Holland† & Colin Viebrock‡ Ms. Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen Derek & Mary Johannson Dr. Leonard Kahane John Kearsey*‡ Terry Klassen Dr. P. Kmet & Mr. B. Roslycky Sam & Mary Kohn Dr. Douglas MacEwan Drs. Ken & Sharon Mould In memory of Liam Murphy – Leigh Murphy‡ The Michael Nozick Family Foundation Cam & Carole Osler Donna & Bill Parrish Hartley & Heather Richardson Mrs. Shirley Richardson Sanford & Deborah Riley Jim & Jan Tennant Marcel Van Woensel Joan Wright Sonya & Scott Wright The Winnipeg Foundation – Triple A Fund Anonymous

LEADER • $1,500–1,999 Gus* & Diane Campbell Dr. Bonnie Cham & Dr. Lorne Bellan David Christianson & Vera Steinberger

Dave* & Barb Christie Neil & Carol Duboff Tony* & Jennifer Fletcher‡ Susan Glass & Arni Thorsteinson Elba Haid & Lara Secord-Haid Gary Hannaford* & Cathy Rushton David & Diane Johnston Kevin & Els Kavanagh Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers Bill & Shirley Loewen Elizabeth Marr & Nick Slonosky Jim* & Penny McLandress‡ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrie & Fran Pollard Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope Derek Riley Steven Schipper, CM† & Terri Cherniack‡ Kevin Hines & Shelly Smith-Hines†‡ Maitland & Pat Sundmark Helga Van Iderstine* Richard L. Yaffe* & John A. Statham Darcy & Brenda Zaporzan

MEMBER • $1,000–1,499 Dr. Jerry Baluta & Olga Kandia Jim Blanchard Helga & Gerhard Bock Doneta* & Harry Brotchie‡ David* & Lianne Carefoot Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel Haderra & Mark Chisick Drs. Ernest & Anastasia Cholakis Gerry* & Chris Couture Robert* & Florence Eastwood Lawrence & Brenda Ellerby Paulo Fernandes*‡ Katherine Fox‡ Sandy Gousseau*‡ Shayla Harapiak-Green & Patrick Green* Mintie & Al Grienke John* & Nicola Guttormson‡ Linda Hamilton & Grange Morrow‡ In memory of our Kristin Dawn Hanson – Brian & Dawn Hanson Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Shawn Hughes* & Bruno Koehn‡ Katie Inverarity†‡ Jason Kasper* April & Diamond Kassum Laurence Katz & Zoe Kogan Gordon Keatch*‡ James & Teresa Kraemer Brenda* & Trevor Kriss‡ Jeff & Jillian Lamothe Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro Peter & Karen Leipsic Reginald & Judy Low Pat & Jim Ludwig

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



Mark & Gloria Mancini‡ Jeffrey* & Mary Morton James Nielsen‡ Edward Nigma Dr. & Mrs. Kieran O’Keeffe M. Plett-Lyle K. Heather Power & Harold Klause‡ Lawrence Prout* & Lisa Gardewine‡ Margaret Redmond* & Greg Gillis‡ Cindy & Murray Reimer Andrea* & Michael Robertson‡ Ken & Susan Skinner* Bill & Laurie Speers* Shelley† & Mark Stroski‡ Melinda Tallin† & Glen Mitchell‡ Dorothy Y. Young Anonymous

FRIENDS OF ROYAL MTC ENTHUSIAST • $500–999 Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Robert & Joy Antenbring Archie & Jo-Anne Arnott Margaret & Jim Astwood Mrs. Phyllis Barich & Mr. Helmut Epp Michael Bartmanovich Zita & Mark Bernstein Family Foundation Bruce & Shelley Bertrand-Meadows Ron Blicq Todd Bourcier Cathie & Brian Bowerman James A. Bracken France Adams & Stephen Brodovsky Saul Cherniack & Myra Wolch J. Davidson‡ Al Dyregrov Don & Elfie Elias Shannon Ernst Sylvia & Doug Hannah Gordon Hannon Gregg & Mary Hanson Hon. Justice William Johnston Fern Karlicki‡ Brenda Keyser & Peter Murdock Ian Kirk†‡ Katarina Kupca Frank Lavitt & Ahava Halpern Peter & Maureen Macdonald Mr. G. Markham N. Marr Mr. Gerry Matte & Mrs. Lydia Surasky-Matte Grant Mitchell & Catherine Lambeth Vivienne Nickerson Richard & Bonnie Olfert

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

january/february 2016






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Supporters Kerrie Orlick Linda & Wayne Paquin Donna Plant Louise J. Redekop Iris Reimer Ricou-Manfreda In memory of Robert & Cecil – The Rosenberg Family Charles & Naida Rubin Melanie Sexton† & Ian Walsh‡ Diane Shapiro Margaret & Paul Shuckett Morley & Debbie Silverman Debbie Spracklin Linda Thomas Marilyn Thompson Dr. Stephen Tritt & Dr. Sharon Goszer-Tritt Carol & Hugo Unruh Dr. Kristel van Ineveld Margaret Wikjord 2 Anonymous

SUPPORTER • $150–499 Pat & Bob Adamson Dr. Liz Adkins Nancy & Bob Adkins Anthony & Marilyn Alexander Dawn Andersen Judy & Jay Anderson

Bernice Antoniuk Ignatius Anyadike Ian Backus Richard Ball June & Ted Bartman Larry Beeston & Anna Sikora Joan Bender Trish Bergal‡ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergbusch Terri & Morley Bernstein Bruce & Joyce Berry Brenda Binda Val & Blair Bingeman Tyler & Sable Birch‡ Arthur & Ken Blankstein-Ure Joan Blight Pamela & David Bolton Denise Bonner Dr. Elizabeth Boustcha Morva Bowman & Alan Pollard Ron & Joan Boyd Brandt Consultants Janice Braun Kris & Ruth Breckman Susan Brownstone Brock & Thomas Brock Billy Brodovsky & Libby Yager‡ Sheila & David Brodovsky Miriam Bronstein Eldon Brown Gerald R. Brown

Lauraine Brown Lynne & Stuart Brown Carol Budnick Donna Byrne Don & Carolyne Campbell Mary & Allan Cartlidge Merv & Jan Cavers Rosemary Chapman Tom & Edith Checkley Lawrie & Bea Cherniack Mr. Jaydeep Chipalkatti‡ Shelley Chochinov Glen & Lorna Clark Agnes & John Collins The Colquhoun Family Pamela & Andrew Cooke Joan E. Coombe Joyce Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Marek & Karen Corbett Martin & Gail Corne Daniel Cowan Ray & Brenda Crabbe R. Lynn Craton Nancy Crocker Ted & Margaret Cuddy Kelly Black Ellen Curtis‡ J. Dale Dr. & Mrs. James Dalton G. L. Damphousse Lorraine Daniel


Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba is proud to support organizations that make life better for Manitobans of all backgrounds.


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Supporters Ms. Linda Daniels Mrs. Maureen Danzinger J. Dawson Andrea Hector & Kirk Dellebuur John & Heather Diamond Faye Dixon Beverley Doern Dr. Sheila Domke & Stephen Ross Adam Dooley & Lynn Billard Sally R. Dowler Mr. & Mrs. Drewett John & Ada Ducas Sharron & Joel Dudeck Helene Dyck Roberta Dyck Mr. & Mrs. William Easton Greg Edmond & Irene Groot-Koerkamp Enda Egan Michael Eleff & Chana Thau Selma Enns Dan Erickson Michael & Lynn Evans Robert Filuk Douglas Finkbeiner Mr. & Mrs. D.C. Finnbogason Gayle Fischer Christine Fleetwood Marcia Fleisher Lawrence Foster‡ Chris Freeman Arnold Frieman Menno H. & Jolanda Friesen Felicia & Trevor Frost Monica Furer Colleen & Dan Furlan‡ Mr. & Mrs. R. Gallant Lynne & Lindsay Gauld‡ E. George Dr. & Mrs. Ron & Denise George Rick & Patti Gilhuly Ms. Heather Gillander Sharon & Arnold Glass Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Gomori Alicyn Goodman‡ Jeremy & Maureen Gordon‡ Barbara Goszer Shawn & Bill Gould Kari Hagness†‡ Bonnie Hallman Gregory & Heather Hammond Linda A. Harlos Bruce & Judy Harris Sandra & Hans Hasenack Teresa A. Hay Mary Heindle David & Mary Hickling Mr. Dennis Hodgkinson Jennie Hogan Gary Hook & Charmine Lyons Vicki Hooke

Ann-Marie & Brian Howe Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Karen Howell Frank & Donna Hruska Dan Ilchyna Stu & Alice Iverson Marlis & David Jacobson Elizabeth Janzen Ian R. Thomson & Leah R. Janzen Margaret Jeffries Lynne Jentsch Claire & Gerald Jewers In memory of Sybil Shack for the benefit of Royal MTC – Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Guenter & Crystal Jochum Bruce & Grace Johnson Robert & Karen Johnston Lisa Johnston‡ Katherine Jordan & James Tam Claudette Journe Brian & Renee Kaplan Dr. Arvind & Nancy Kati Dr. & Mrs. Philip Katz Donald & Sheila Keatch Rick Kendall Robert Kennedy & Claudette LeClerc Nancy Kerr G.C. Irwin-Kilfoyle M.J. King Peter Kingsley Soody & Orah Kleiman Myron & Marion Klysh John & Kathryn Knowles Paul Kochan Ms. Julie Koehn Madeline Kohut Gloria Koop E. Koop Donna Korban David & Denise Koss Bill & Evelyn Krahn Lorraine Kraichy‡ Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz D.M. Kristjanson The Estate of Pat Carrigan Evan & Susan Kuz Gene & Janet Lacroix Dr. Patricia Landolfo Brenda & Glenn Lange Dr. G.H. Lawler Iris Lechner Karen Lee Ellen & Stewart Leibl Kathy & Saul Leibl Richard Leipsic Gloria Lemke Tim & Kate Letkemann‡ Carol & Clifford Levi Wendell & Eleanor Lind Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lister Charles & Diane Littman

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



Wayne Loeppky David & Marie Loewen Dr. Sora Ludwig & Dr. Brent Schacter Sofia Lukie‡ Carole Lupkowski Tom Lussier Enid Lyons Dr. & Mrs. Ted Lyons Burton & Mary Lysecki Mr. & Mrs. E.R. MacDonald John MacDonald‡ Sharon M. Macdonald Dennis MacKay, QC & Annette Stapenhorst Mr. Jim MacNair Wally Mah Phil & Miriam Maltz Family Fund Mrs. Vera Marchuk Elaine & Neil Margolis Ms. Grace Martel Agatha Massey Manuel Matas Nicola Matthews Marjorie & Robert McCamis Linda McFadyen Julia & Don McInnes Mr. & Mrs. Campbell McIntyre Greg & Gloria McLaren The Winnipeg Foundation – John & Carolynne McLure Fund Michael & Debra McMullen Barb Melnychuk Dr. Jonathan Gabor & Tia Metaxas Albert Metcalfe‡ Mel & Pippie Michener Jim & Karren Middagh Dr. Catherine Moltzan & Paul Brault Marc Monnin & Donna Miller Ray Montague Margaret & Fred Mooibroek Cathie Morgan Matula Vera Moroz Sagan Morrow# Cathy Moser & Jeff Itzkow Kenneth Mount Maren Mueller Bill Muir Ken & Suzanne Munroe John Myers Dr. Leanne Nause Medical Corporation Deirdre Nelson Marika Nerbas Edwin & Pat Nicholls‡ Robert Nickel Chris Nielsen Helen Norrie Shelagh Linklater Deborah & George Nytepchuk Joanne Olchowecki Truus Oliver S.J. Ooto

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

january/february 2016



1 6 T H M A S T E R P L AY W R I G H T F E S T I VA L P L AY S , R E A D I N G S A N D T H E F R E E L E C T U R E S E R I E S ! A Strange Pair Echo Theatre

House and Garden ACTRA/PAL Winnipeg

Relatively Speaking R-G Productions

Bedroom Farce Dramatic Theatre

How the Other Half Loves Tara Players Theatre Company

Table Manners Broken Record Productions

Confusions Shoestring Players

Improbable Fiction Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre

Things We Do For Love Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations Merlyn Productions

Private Fears in Public Places The Actors’ Fund of Canada

This Is Where We Came In MTYP Young Company



Supporters Cam Mackie & Doris Mae Oulton Conrad Padilla Murray Palay & Ivy Kopstein Heather & Harry Panaschuk Dr. Philip Pass Myron Pawlowsky & Susan Boulter Louise Pelletier Ron & Anita Perron Wayne Piett Donna & John Platt Carla Plummer Len Podheiser Calvin Polet Ms. Karen Dawn Power Maureen Prendiville & Paul Jensen Bob & Linda Preston Ms. Judith Putter Tamara Rabkin Vivian E. Rachlis Rudy & Audrey Ramchandar Angeline Ramkissoon Dr. Martin Reed & Joy Cooper Vance Rehill Brian & Laurel Repski Bill Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds Joyce Rich Dr. & Mrs. J. Richtik Tony Robbins Daniel Robert & Chantale Gobeil Jane Robinson

Mr. Robert Rogers Renee Roseman Sheryl Rosenberg Craig Russell & Janet Shaw-Russell Elizabeth & Laurence Russin Michael T. Ruta Fernand Saurette Shona Scappaticci‡ Barbara Scheuneman Mary Agnes Welch Hans & Gabriele Schneider Werner & Mary Schulz Ms. Faye Scott Dr. Meir Serfaty & Bonnie Talbot Ms. Pat Shklanka Debra Shnider Dr. & Mrs. A.M. Shojania Shayna & Merrill Shulman Henry & Connie Shyka Cheryl Samson-Siemens & Gordon Siemens Dr. Ruth Simkin Meera Sinha Jennifer Skelly† & Family‡ Carol & Ron Slater Fund Chad Smith‡ Mrs. Lorraine Smith Robert Spielman Jacqueline St. Hill Frits & Joan Stevens Yvonne Stier

Heidi Struck† Richard Swain Donald & Lorraine Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Swart Shayne & Kathryn Taback Ross & B.J. Taylor Karen Tereck – Welcome to Winnipeg Inc. Elizabeth B. Armytage Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Phyllis A.C. Thomson Mary E. Tibbs‡ Malcolm & Shirley Tinsley Norma Toews Lorena Trann W. Tretiak & B. Baydock Terry Tully Susan Turley‡ Eric Turner Grant Tweed Robert Tyler & Laurel Hammond-Tyler Les Ullyot Mr. Charles R. Vandekerkhove Patricia Van Doninck Fran & Bob Vannevel‡ Irv & Toby Vinsky Dr. & Mrs. M.B. Vodrey Jesse I. Vorst C. & J. Vukelic Helmut & Gwen Waedt V. Stirling Walkes

Groups of 10 or more

save! to book group tickets contact: Thomas Urish, Sales Manager P 204 954 6413 e turish@royalmtc.ca

APRIL 26 –30



to m h e n dry wa r e hou s e ti ck ets on sa le ja n ua ry 2 1 , 2016 204 942 6 5 37 roya lmtc .ca /l aw y e rs pl ay


“La Cage Aux Folles” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. PROCEEDS FROM THIS FUNDRAISING PLAY BENEFIT ROYAL MTC. presenting sponsor

s i lv e r s p o n s o r

wine sponsor

design sponsor

reception sponsor

Supporters Sherry & Bob Ward Donald Wardrop Peter & Joan Washchyshyn Deanna M. Waters Al & Pat Wherrett‡ Florence & Donald Whitmore Murray & Nancy Wiegand John T. & Justina Wiens‡ Trevor Wiens‡ Peter & Elizabeth Wijtkamp Arthur Williams Murray Wilson & Ivy Namaka Dennis & Gustine Wilton Paul & Jackie Winestock Mr. C. Winstone Rick Wishart Grant & Sheila Woods Valerie Wowryk Harry & Evelyn Wray Margaret & Paul Wright Ken & Pat Zealand 25 Anonymous

CORPORATE DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE HERO • $10,000+ Johnston Group Inc. Qualico

GUARANTOR • $5,000–9,999 Gendis Inc. & Associated Corporations

BENEFACTOR • $3,000–4,999 Cambrian Credit Union Maple Leaf Construction Ltd., Blake Fitzpatrick Melet Plastics Inc., Edward Shinewald Terracon Development Ltd. Winmar Property Restoration

PATRON • $1,200–2,999 Assiniboine Credit Union Blüfish Japanese Restaurant Deloitte Foundation Canada

Fillmore Riley LLP George Wakefield Foods Inc., Judy Wakefield* Maxim Truck & Trailer Ruth & Ted Northam Number TEN Architectural Group, Robert Eastwood* PRA Inc. Ranger Insurance Brokers Ltd. RBC Foundation Safeway Sofa Logic, Suzi Bonk*

CORPORATE FRIENDS OF ROYAL MTC CONTRIBUTOR • $900–1,199 Astroid Management Ltd. Manitoba’s Credit Unions The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Mitchell Fabrics Ltd.

SUPPORTER • $600–899 Intergroup Consultants Ltd. NAV CANADA Party Stuff/U-Rent-It Pollard Banknote Ltd.

ASSOCIATE • $300–599 Cowin Steel Co. Ltd. Mid West Packaging Limited Mid-West Quilting Premier Printing Ltd. Winfield Developments Canada

DONOR • $150–299 B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd., Ross Robinson Leon A. Brown Ltd. MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers Noble Locksmith Ltd. Patill/St. James Insurance Reitmans (Canada) Limited

SPONSOR Gail Asper Family Foundation The Asper Foundation BMO Financial Group Martha Burns Cardinal Capital Management Inc. Carlyle Printers Service & Supplies Ltd./Canon Canada The Chipman Family Foundation CIBC CN De Luca Fine Wines Dycom Direct Mail Services EPIC Information Solutions Inc. Esdale Printing Co. Ltd. The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre Friesens Corporation Deborah Gray The Great-West Life Assurance Company Greystone Managed Investments Inc. Investors Group Jewish Foundation of Manitoba MacDon Industries Ltd. Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries MTS Allstream National Leasing Planned Perfectly PwC RBC Royal Bank Relish Sleeman Breweries Ltd. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Subway Franchise World Headquarters Wawanesa Insurance Winnipeg Free Press

You can play a leading role! DONATE TODAY

donate online at royalmtc.ca or call 204 954 6412 today



Gifts received between November 2 and December 17, 2015 In honour of Shaun Castor. Good luck! – Barbara Goszer In honour of Lauren Fischer – Susan Holt & Jeff Gindin Happy 60th birthday to Brian Hemeryck! – Mark Kagan In memory of Olivia Sparks – Anonymous In honour of Joseph Tritt. Good luck! – Barbara Goszer


In Honour of Artistic Director Steven Schipper

Many thanks to the generosity of our Endowment Fund donors who gave a gift or fulfilled a pledge payment between October 17, 2014 and December 17, 2015. Amounts are cumulative. $5,000,000+ Government of Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada Canadian Heritage/ Patrimoine canadien


John Hirsch and Tom Hendry shared a dream of creating great professional theatre with mass appeal. With the visionary support of Founders’ Circle members – those who have made a planned gift to Royal MTC – their dream will live on for generations to come. Thank you to our Founders’ Circle members.§ Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* Marjorie & Morley Blankstein* Duane & Pauline Braun Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM† Kerry Dangerfield* James Gibbs Gary Hannaford & Cathy Rushton Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen Dr. Leonard & Hope Kahane Gordon C. Keatch* Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers Leona J. MacDonald Barb Melnychuk Jeffrey Morton* Heather Power & Harold Klause Edward Fisher & Lyse Rémillard

Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson

$50,000–99,999 Sandy & Deborah Riley

$25,000–49,999 J.K. May Investments Ltd. Johnston Group Inc.

$10,000–24,999 The Bowles Family Bryan Klein & Susan Halprin The Estate of Gordon P. Linney Virginia & the late Robert Martin Cam & Carole Osler Norma Anne Padilla Lawrie & Fran Pollard Steven Schipper, CM† & Terri Cherniack George Sigurdson Terracon Development Ltd.

$5,000–9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Kristjan & Shirley Benidickson Doneta* & Harry Brotchie Margaret Caie Merv & Jan Cavers Donald Fraser & Judy Little Susan & Keith Knox John Maguire & Susan Collison Garry Markham Jim* & Penny McLandress L. Blair Philpott & Tom Kynman Heather Pullan & Tom Frohlinger

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

Wearing Williams Limited – Don & Sheila Katz Joan Wright

$2,500–4,999 Lee & Wayne Anderson Esther & Hy Dashevsky* Helene Dyck Gregg & Mary Hanson Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Margaret & Fred Mooibroek In memory of Liam Murphy – Leigh Murphy Cheryl Ogaranko Dorothy Y. Young Anonymous

$1,000–2,499 Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Jack Armstrong & Doris Quinn Philip Ashdown George Baldwin Doris & Burton Bass Arthur & Ken Blankstein-Ure The Bohm Family Don & Cheryl Breakey Sheila & David Brodovsky Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Ron & Carol Chapman Dave* & Barb Christie Pamela & Andrew Cooke Joy Cooper & Martin Reed Kerry Dangerfield* Bob & Alison Darling Roberta Dyck Michael & Lynn Evans Brent & Debbie Gilbert David & Ewhenia Gnutel John & Margaret Graham Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Dr. G.H. Lawler Barbara Main Mark & Gloria Mancini Terri & Jim McKerchar Irene & the late Claire Miller Vera Moroz Jean & Lisa Neron Marina Plett-Lyle Amy Richmond Ruth Simkin Rosemary & Leonard Steingarten Frits & Joan Stevens Melinda Tallin† & Glen Mitchell Suzanne Ullyot Faye Warren 2 Anonymous

†Current Royal MTC staff §If you have remembered Royal MTC in your will, please let us know



‡Monthly donors

january/february 2016

Supporters $500–999 Joan & Ed Alexander Peggy Bainard Acheson Bruce & Joyce Berry Donald & Edith Besant Suzi Bonk* Ron & Joan Boyd Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel John K. & Agnes Collins Nelma Fetterman Marcia Fleisher Chris Freeman Teresa A. Hay Evelyn & Larry Hecht In memory of David Landy – Edith Landy Don Lawrence Dr. Stan & Susan Lipnowski Patrick* & Clarice Matthews Gerry & Corinne McCallum Estelle Meyers Paul & Elaine Neelon E.M.L. Poulter Bill & Norma Rennie Patricia & James Richtik Marc & Sherri Rittinger Michael T. Ruta Jim & Susan Shaw Howie & Sue Simpson Elaine Toms

Gabor Vamos & Brenda Silver 4 Anonymous

UP TO $499 Jacqueline Anderson Leslie Anderson & Ken MacLeod Donald Aronovitch Margaret & Charles Avent Peggy Barker Ms. Jean Bissett Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel Jeanetta Casselman Arthur & Donna Chow Beverley Clegg Ms. Simone I. Cohen Christine H. Coltart Maxine Cristall Dr. & Mrs. D.D. & B.M. Fillis Lee Finch L.D. Graham Mr. James Graydon Karen Herd Mrs. Audrey Hilderman Elizabeth E. Jackson Jordan Janisse & Teresa Cooper L. Kampeas Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kisil Barbara Latocki Ms. Nancy Latocki

Vi Leaney Frances Lemieux Elliot Leven Sylvia L. Main Nick Martin & Dr. Evelyn Ferguson Anthony & Joyce McWha Marcel & Louise Mollot Pat & Sherry O’Connor Theresa Oye Myrna Protosavage Henry & Sheila Riendeau Jack & Regina Schipper Ivor & Lorna Schledewitz Vern & Ann Simonsen Geri & Peter Spencer Brenda Taylor Marilyn Thompson Mary & Gordon Toombs W. Tretiak & B. Baydock Tim Valgardson* Veralyn R. Warkentin Donna Webb 5 Anonymous

ACT LIKE A STAR! Everyone at the theatre is part of the show. Yes, even you. You want to be a star, don’t you? These tips will make you a stand-out performer (in a good way)!

Scents and Sensibility

Many theatre lovers experience adverse medical reactions from scented products. Please consider others before using scented products.

Park Your Mobile Device

We know something interesting is happening on social media. It always is. But your neighbours want to watch the play. Please turn off all mobile devices.

The Sound of Silence

Our theatre has great acoustics. So when you’re talking during the show, everyone can hear you. Your neighbours, the ushers and even the actors. We want you to talk about the show… at intermission or after the final bows.

We’re always happy to see you at the theatre. Thank you for coming!

Supporting Partners CORE FUNDERS












Deborah Gray Martha Burns






january/february 2016




BRONZE SPONSOR Insurance Brokers and Consultants








january/february 2016



Behind the Scenes Board of Trustees


Michael Joyal, Development Data Manager Shelly Smith-Hines, Director of Development Heidi Struck, Individual Giving Manager

Honorary Members

Her Honour, Lt. Governor Janice C. Filmon The Honourable Greg Selinger, Premier of Manitoba His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman

John Hirsch Mainstage Front-of-House

Deborah Gay-de Vries, Front-of-House Manager Assisted by: Sheena Baird Jamie Chapman, Kim Cossette, Hunter Davis, Noah de Vries, Rylen de Vries, Nick Fletcher, Deanna Goring, Jonny Hall, Elfie Harvey, Marissa Kellett, Peter Kellett, Talia Kowalchuk, Tia Levine, Declan Moulden, Graeme Olson, Amariah Peterson, Angela Rajfur, Jennifer Schmidt, Hannah Schneider, Rita Vande Vyvere, Kira Watson

Executive Officers

Jim McLandress, Chair Anthony C. Fletcher, Chair-Elect David Carefoot, Treasurer Suzi Bonk, Chair, Community Relations David Christie, Chair, Resource Development Patrick Green, Chair, Organizational Performance John Guttormson, Chair, Governance & Strategic Planning Trustees

Heather Clarke Robert Eastwood Paulo Fernandes Katherine Fox Sandy Gousseau Rita Gunn Advisory Council

Kerry Dangerfield, Chair Gail Asper Doneta Brotchie Angus Campbell Gerry Couture Hy Dashevsky Glen Dyrda, FCA John F. Fraser Jean Giguere Charron Hamilton


Shawn Hughes Jason Kasper John Kearsey Brenda Kriss Andrea Robertson Derek Rolstone

Laurie A. Speers Tim J. Valgardson Helga D. Van Iderstine Judy Wakefield Richard L. Yaffe

Gary Hannaford, FCA Yude Henteleff Ken Houssin Gordon Keatch Colin R. MacArthur, QC Patrick J. Matthews Jeffrey Morton, FCA Hon. Jack Murta Lillian Neaman Shelley Nimchonok

James Pappas John Petersmeyer Lawrence Prout Jeff Quinton Patricia Rabson Margaret Redmond Susan Skinner Al Snyder Maureen Watchorn

Andrew Drinnan, Building Superintendent Chris Fletcher, Assistant Building Superintendent Marketing & Communications

Hayley Brigg, Publicity & Communications Coordinator Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager Katie Inverarity, Director of Marketing & Communications Mark Saunders, Marketing & Communications Coordinator Thomas Urish, Sales Manager Paint

Jane Buttner, Apprentice Scenic Artist Susan Groff, Head Scenic Artist Production

Jessica Alexander, Assistant Production Manager Laura Enns, Touring & Production Coordinator Ian Kirk, Assistant Technical Director Rick MacPherson, Technical Director, Tom Hendry Warehouse Russell Martin, Director of Production Ben Ross, Technical Director, John Hirsch Mainstage Properties

Staff Sharon Burden, Payroll Administrator Yvonne O’Connor, Accounts Payable Administrator Shelley Stroski, Controller

Larry Demedash, Senior Properties Builder Chris Hadley, Properties Buyer Kari Hagness, Head of Properties Kaylee Towes, Properties Apprentice Lawrence Van Went, Properties Builder


Stage Crew


Brian Adolph, IT Manager Angela Broadbent, Education & Community Engagement Manager Devan Graham, Director of Human Resources Camilla Holland, General Manager Mary Horodyski, Archivist Daphne MacMillan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Skelly, IT Administrator Artistic

Jeff Kennedy, Literary Coordinator Laurie Lam, Producer Paige Lewis, Assistant Producer, Billy Elliot The Musical Robb Paterson, Associate Artistic Director Steven Schipper, CM, Artistic Director Casey Shapira, Assistant to the Producer Melinda Tallin, Artistic Coordinator Box Office

Louis Gagné, Layout Carpenter Brent Letain, Master Carpenter Chris Seida, Scenic Carpenter

Tom Hendry Warehouse

Chris Brett, Head of Sound Randy Zyla Harder, Head Electrician Rick MacPherson, Technical Director Alison Nutt, Head Carpenter Tom Hendry Warehouse Front-of-House

Kim Cossette, Front-of-House Manager Rylen de Vries, Rachael Neal, April Smith, Deion Smith Wardrobe

Sheena Baird, Ticketing Services Manager Laurie Fletcher, Box Office Manager Melanie Sexton, Director of Box Office Services Box Office Representatives: Katie Adamson, Laura Bergen, Gwendolyn Collins, Julie Gregorchuk, Kali Claire Grenier-Prieur, Robyn Pooley, Jessica Ross, Katie Schmidt, Reba Terlson, Ethan Zipman Carpentry (John Hirsch Mainstage)

Joan Lees-Miller, Head of Wardrobe Claude Robert, Head Electrician Chris Thomson, Head Carpenter John Tomiuk, House Stage Hand Michael Wright, Head of Sound

Thora Lamont, Acting Head of Wardrobe Sharmon Luchuck, Buyer Lorraine O’Leary, Head of Wardrobe Lois Powne, First Hand Jackie Van Winkle, Head Buyer & Accessories Coordinator Wigs

Beverly Covert, Wigs & Makeup Supervisor Zane Kirk, Consultant Hair Stylist Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival & Master Playwright Festival

Jennifer Cheslock, Festival Manager Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer Honorary Staff

Zaz Bajon, General Manager Emeritus



january/february 2016

Behind the Scenes Additional Production Staff Billy Elliot the Musical

Guy Anthony, Leather Apparel Linda Beech, Assistant Scenic Artist Caroline Bradshaw, Sewer Heather Lee Brereton, Props Seamstress Jacko Garcia, Carpenter Kim Hamin, Assistant Scenic Artist Amanda Isaak, First Hand Donna Jenkyns, Sewer Barb Mackenzie, Sewer Kara Pankin, Painter Stephanie Porrier, Painter Kelly Ruth, Dyer Carla Schroeder, Assistant Scenic Artist Lela Stairs, Cutter Joy Willis, Sewer Brenda Zach, Sewer Additional crew provided by IATSE Local 63

Celebrating the arts. As part of our commitment to supporting causes that matter to our clients, employees and communities, CIBC is proud to sponsor the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s Regional Tour.

“CIBC Banking that fits your life.” is a trademark of CIBC.

Billy Elliot The Musical


Billy Elliot dreams of being a ballet dancer, but life throws a few hurdles in his way. His dad and brother are coal miners who say he should take up boxing. Billy’s acquaintances believe ballet is inappropriate for boys and even one of his dancing friends criticizes his ability. In addition to this chorus of disapproval, Billy struggles to find the financial means to pursue his dream. At times, he even questions his own talent and ambition. Fortunately, Billy receives encouragement from a valued source. In a letter left by his late mother, she reminds him to be true to himself. Her words motivate him to pursue his goal and in doing so, impact the lives of many others. Billy is able to shape his future thanks to his mother’s support. By offering your support, you can help create a future at Royal MTC that is filled with joy, laughter and dreams being turned into reality. And you can make this difference without affecting your current lifestyle or your family’s security. Did you know being charitable is easier and more affordable than ever before? You can leave a charitable gift in your estate of any size to Royal MTC and your generosity will make a difference for many years to come. • You can make a significant gift and still take care of your loved ones’ needs. • A charitable tax credit can reduce the payment of your final income taxes.


• You don’t need money to make a gift – you can “buy low and give high” through appreciated securities. • Your planned gift can leave your cash flow and current financial plan untouched. By leaving a gift in your will and advising Royal MTC of your intention, you’ll be recognized as a Founders’ Circle member. This provides you with the opportunity to engage with Royal MTC and be appropriately thanked for your generosity. Your financial planner, lawyer, accountant or insurance agent can provide you with information on the tax benefits of planned gifts. It’s also in your best interest to contact Royal MTC to ensure the correct language is used when writing or updating your will. If you want to learn more about the tax benefits of estate planning, you’re invited to attend the Tax Tips & Estate Planning Session we are hosting with our colleagues of the Manitoba Opera and the Winnipeg Art Gallery on Sunday, February 28, 2016. For more information or to confirm your attendance, please contact Heidi Struck at 204 954 6412. You don’t have to be wealthy to make a planned gift. It can be made by anyone who wants to make a difference for the future of Royal MTC. For more information or to establish a planned gift, please contact Heidi Struck, Individual Giving Manager, at 204 954 6412 or hstruck@royalmtc.ca.


january/february 2016

Sophi e GRADE 11




0 pm

or call us any time to book a tour 204.786.9 221


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