Ovation Volume 23, Number 4 (February/March 2016)

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vol 23 • no 4 feb/mar 2016








Dani e l GRADE 12






Message from the Artistic Director

We are never satisfied with our past, no matter how fulfilling our present, no matter how alluring our future. We put our foot resolutely on the accelerator, but we always have one eye on the rear-view mirror and a song from our youth on the radio. Why can we not live purely in the moment? Why must we try to recreate our glory days, or mend our long-ago mistakes? In Lucy Kirkwood’s geo-political mystery Chimerica, Joe Schofield’s career as a photojournalist was launched by a single picture he took before he was old enough to drink. That seminal shot of Tiananmen Steven Schipper

Square has both propelled and haunted him and now, two decades later, he sets out to find the man in the

photo, only to learn some uncomfortable truths about the man he himself has become. That is, of course, the danger in revisiting the landscape of our past: the heart of darkness we explore may be our own. And so it is with Barbara in Alan Ayckbourn’s romantic farce Things We Do For Love. She doesn’t hesitate to rent her upstairs suite to an old friend from private school days, and the friend’s new fiancé. Yet, the inevitable reminiscences about their schoolgirl pasts spur some surprising confessions, and raise disquieting (and hilarious) notions about the true nature of love. Both Barbara and Joe learn that, deep down, they are not who they thought they were. Their time travel through their own lives returns each of them to a shocking present. And we’re along for the ride, side-swiped by the collision of memory and reality, and by love, which pulls us all out of the wreckage and into tomorrow. Yours always,

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Theatre Abbreviation Legend Arts Club Arts Club Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC ATF Atlantic Theatre Festival • Wolfville, NS ATP Alberta Theatre Projects • Calgary, AB BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music • NYC Bard on the Beach Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival • Vancouver, BC Belfry The Belfry Theatre • Victoria, BC Blyth Blyth Theatre Festival • Blyth, ON Broadway Theatre district • New York, NY CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Centaur Centaur Theatre Company • Montreal, QC Citadel The Citadel Theatre • Edmonton, AB COC Canadian Opera Company • Toronto, ON CS Canadian Stage • Toronto, ON Dora Dora Mavor Moore Award • Toronto, ON Drayton Drayton Entertainment • Ontario Dry Cold Dry Cold Productions • Winnipeg, MB Factory Factory Theatre • Toronto, ON GCTC The Great Canadian Theatre Company • Ottawa, ON Grand The Grand Theatre • London, ON Mirvish Mirvish Productions • Toronto, ON Moving Target Moving Target Theatre Company • Winnipeg, MB MTYP Manitoba Theatre for Young People • Winnipeg, MB NAC National Arts Centre • Ottawa, ON Necessary Angel Necessary Angel Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Neptune Neptune Theatre • Halifax, NS NFB National Film Board of Canada NTS National Theatre School of Canada • Montreal, QC Persephone Persephone Theatre • Saskatoon, SK PTAM Popular Theatre Alliance of Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB PTE Prairie Theatre Exchange • Winnipeg, MB

Rainbow Rainbow Stage • Winnipeg, MB RNT Royal National Theatre • London, England Royal Alex The Royal Alexandra Theatre • Toronto, ON RSC Royal Shakespeare Company • Stratford-upon-Avon, England RWB Royal Winnipeg Ballet • Winnipeg, MB Sarasvàti Sarasvàti Productions • Winnipeg, MB Segal The Segal Centre for Performing Arts • Montreal, QC Shaw Shaw Festival • Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON SIR Shakespeare in the Ruins • Winnipeg, MB Soulpepper Soulpepper Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Stratford Stratford Festival • Stratford, ON SummerWorks SummerWorks Theatre Festival • Toronto, ON TA Theatre Aquarius • Hamilton, ON Tarragon Tarragon Theatre • Toronto, ON TBTR Theatre by the River • Winnipeg, MB TC Theatre Calgary • Calgary, AB TiFT Talk is Free Theatre • Barrie, ON TNB Theatre New Brunswick • Fredericton, NB Toronto Free Toronto Free Theatre • Toronto, ON TPM Theatre Projects Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB TSO Toronto Symphony Orchestra U of M University of Manitoba U of T University of Toronto U of W University of Winnipeg VP Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC West End Theatre district • London, England WJT Winnipeg Jewish Theatre WSO Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra WST Winnipeg Studio Theatre YPT Young People’s Theatre • Toronto, ON zone41 zone41 theatre • Winnipeg, MB


Ovation is published six times per theatre season and has an approximate yearly circulation of 100,000. printing: Premier Printing Ltd. ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Thomas Urish telephone: 204 954 6413 email: turish@royalmtc.ca

Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre 174 Market Avenue Winnipeg, MB r3b 0p8 Canada RoyalMTC.ca box office: 204 942 6537 administration: 204 956 1340 fax: 204 947 3741

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Royal MTC is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. Scenery, Carpentry and Show Running Crew at the John Hirsch Mainstage and the Tom Hendry Warehouse are members of IATSE Local 63.

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february/march 2016


Get a head start on your day with our essential morning briefing posted on winnipegfreepress.com Monday through Friday by 7 a.m.

my news my way





Population Number of people

321.5 million

access Percentage of population

1.364 billion 45.8% 84.2%





Worldwide native speakers of Chinese (all varieties): 1.39 billion Worldwide native speakers of English: 527 million


300 million

UNITED STATES 276.6 million users

CHINA 626.6 million users

Press freedom


China ranked #176 out of 180 countries on the 2015 Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index, which measures media independence and respect for the safety and freedom of journalists. The United States was #49. (Canada was #8.)



Global CO2 Emissions Percentage of world total United States: 14.5% China: 27.6% Number of Americans learning Chinese


Number of Chinese learning English

1. United States Census Bureau 2. The Washington Post, The Asia Society 3. Reporters Without Borders 4. Global Carbon Atlas 5. The World Bank 6. CIA World Factbook, The World Bank, US Treasury Department 7. Pew Research Center, Global Attitudes Survey 2015


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economy gdp growth 2005–2014 5 Percentage 15 10 CHINA 5



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





Labour force 6 Number of people

156 million

unemployment 6 Percentage of population United States: 6.2% China: 4.1%

801.6 million

US National Debt 6 As of August 2015: $18.2 trillion The top creditor is China, which owns $1.261 trillion worth. UNITED STATES


Will China replace the United States as the global superpower? (Or has it already?) 7

46% yes


67% yes

52% yes



48% yes


Originally published by Studio Theatre (Washington, DC) to accompany their North American premiere of Chimerica (September 9 – October 18, 2015). Adapted and edited by Royal MTC. february/march 2016




the TIANANMEN SQUARE PROTESTS: A COMPREHENSIVE TIMELINE The spring of 1989 saw the largest pro-democracy demonstration in the history of China’s communist regime. The protests began in April among university students in Beijing, spread across the nation, and ended on June 4 with a final deadly assault by an estimated force of 300,000 soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Throughout the demonstration, China’s leaders were deeply divided over how to handle the unrest, with one faction advocating peaceful negotiation and another demanding a crackdown. April 17–22 • Unrest Spreads

Tens of thousands of university students begin gathering in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, the nation’s symbolic central space. They come to mourn the death of Hu Yoabang, former General Secretary of the Communist Party. To them, Hu had been a symbol of anti-corruption and political reform. In his name, the

Chimerica students call for freedom of the press and other reforms. Demonstrations eventually escalate in Beijing and spread to other cities, where students begin to boycott classes and organize into unofficial student unions – an illegal act in China.

April 26 Editorial Denounces the Students

“The Necessity for a Clear Stand Against Turmoil” appears in the state-run newspaper, the People’s Daily. This editorial accuses students of wanting to overthrow the communist government, which sets off more demonstrations in other cities. May 5–12

Certain factions of students plan more demonstrations and a hunger strike. Meanwhile, tension escalates within the Party, which wants the students out of the Square before Soviet Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev’s historic visit to Beijing. May 13 • Hunger Strike

About 160 students begin a hunger strike in Tiananmen Square, citing the government’s failure to respond to their requests for dialogue. Their hunger strike draws broad public support; many important intellectuals pledge their help. May 15 • “Loss of Face”

Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Beijing for the first Sino-Soviet summit since 1959, but the hunger strike forces the government to cancel plans to welcome him in Tiananmen Square. His escort is blocked by protestors on nearly every street in Beijing. May 16 • Divided Politburo

More than 3,000 people are now participating in the hunger strike. The embarrassing protests during Gorbachev’s visit further polarizes the government. May 19 • Martial Law Declared


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Students learn of a government plan to declare martial law and call off their hunger strike. Instead, they stage a mass sit-in in Tiananmen Square that draws about 1.2 million supporters, including members of the police and military and



Chimerica industrial workers. That evening, Premier Li Peng appears on state television to declare martial law. May 20 – June 1 The Army is Sent into Beijing


For the first time in 40 years of communist rule, the PLA troops attempt to occupy Beijing. Over the next week, the demonstrations continue, and Beijing operates with no real police presence and with a virtually free press.

No one knows for certain how many people died over the two days. The Chinese Red Cross initially reported 2,600, but quickly retracted that figure under intense pressure from the government. The official Chinese government figure is 241 dead, including soldiers, and 7,000 wounded.

June 2

Party elders approve the decision to clear the Square with military force. June 3 • The Assault Begins

As word spreads that hundreds of thousands of troops are approaching from all four corners of the city, Beijingers flood the streets to block them. People set up barricades at every major intersection. Near the homes of high-level government officials and their families, citizens become aggressive as the army tries to break through their barricades. The soldiers start firing on the unarmed civilians with AK-47s loaded with battlefield ammunition. An untold number of people are killed. June 4 • The Massacre Continues

The PLA finally reaches Tiananmen Square and waits for orders from the government. The soldiers have been told not to open fire, but they have also been told that they must clear the Square by 6 am with no exceptions or delays. The students begin to vacate the area but, later that morning, some try to re-enter Tiananmen Square. The soldiers order them to leave and, when they don’t, open fire, taking down dozens of people at a time.

June 5 • A Moment That Fascinated the World

By the morning of June 5, the army is in complete control of Beijing. But when all protest in the city seems silenced, the world witnessed one final act of defiance. About midday, as a column of tanks slowly moves along Chang’an Boulevard toward Tiananmen Square, an unarmed young man carrying shopping bags suddenly steps out in front of the tanks. Instead of running over him, the first tank tries to go around, but the young man steps in front of it again. They repeat this manoeuvre several more times before the tank stops and turns off its motor. The young man climbs on top of the tank and speaks to the driver before jumping back down again. The young man is whisked to the side of the road by an unidentified group of people and disappears into the crowd. To this day, who he was and what became of him remains a mystery.

From the Canadian Stage Chimerica study guide and the PBS Frontline episode “In Memory of Tiananmen 1989.”



february/march 2016

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“Contrariwise,” continued Tweedledee,

“if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t.

THAT’S LOGIC.” - Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

of RBC Dominion Securities RBC Dominion Securities is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

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Steven Schipper, Artistic Director • Camilla Holland, General Manager PRESENTS A CO-PRODUCTION WITH CANADIAN


Chimerica by Lucy Kirkwood February 25 – March 19, 2016 preview February 24

Director........................................................................................... Chris Abraham Set & Costume Designer.......................................................... Judith Bowden Lighting Designer.......................................................................Michael Walton Sound Designer................................................................Thomas Ryder Payne Video Designer...............................................................................Deco Dawson Dialect Designer..........................................................................Eric Armstrong Mandarin Chinese Dialect Coach..................................................... Yuan Liu Fight Director........................................................................................Rick Skene Assistant Director.............................................................................Zack Russell Stage Manager.............................................................................. Karyn Kumhyr Assistant Stage Manager...................................................... Michael Duggan Apprentice Stage Manager.............................................. Jessica Alexander Apprentice Stage Manager................................................Linsey Callaghan THE CAST (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)

Mary Chang/Michelle/Deng.......................................................Elena Anciro Joe Schofield..................................................................................... Evan Buliung Liuli/Jennifer Lee...........................................................................Jasmine Chen Barbara/Maria/Doreen........................................................... Terri Cherniack Tessa Kendrick................................................................................Laura Condlln Paul Kramer/David Parker/Peter Rourke.............................Kevin Klassen Zhang Lin.............................................................................Paul Sun-Hyung Lee Zhang Wei/Wang Pengsi............................................................... Richard Lee Mel Stanwyck..................................................................................Doug McKeag Frank/Herb/Drug Dealer.......................................................... Ross McMillan Feng Meihui/Ming Xiaoli.................................................................... Diana Tso Benny/Young Zhang Lin........................................................... Norman Yeung Chimerica is performed with one intermission. Chimerica is presented by special arrangement with Casarotto Ramsay & Associates Ltd. Chimerica was first performed at the Almeida Theatre, London, on May 20, 2013 and transferred to the Harold Pinter Theatre, London, on August 6, 2013. Special thanks: Patrick Brown, Jan Wong, Red River College Stevenson Campus Aviation & Aerospace For Canadian Stage: Matthew Jocelyn, Artistic & General Director • Su Hutchinson, Managing Director



february/march 2016

Chimerica Elena Anciro

Jasmine Chen

Mary Chang/Michelle/ Deng

Liuli/Jennifer Lee

Royal MTC First appearance.

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

Other theatre Selected: The Club (Theatre

OTHER THEATRE The Intelligent

Yes/Sarasvàti); Coriolanus (Mad Cows Productions); Fallen Angels (Tara Players); Fefu and Her Friends (Sarasvàti). Film/TV Chopin’s Heart (NSI), Siberia (NBC). Training Bachelor of Arts Honours in Theatre (University of Winnipeg). Et cetera Special thanks to my amazing parents for all their love and support!

Evan Buliung Joe Schofield

Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures, Sweet Charity (Shaw); The Winter’s Tale (CS); Blue Planet (YPT); Cabaret (Hart House); DINK (Next Stage Theatre Festival); Scheherazade (Nobody’s Business Theatre). FILM/TV Defiance, Warehouse 13 (SyFy); Degrassi (MTV); Parental Advisory: Disciplinary Measures (BravoFACT). TRAINING Ryerson Theatre School. ET CETERA Jasmine is also a director and producer. msjasminechen.com

Terri Cherniack Barbara/Maria/ Doreen

ROYAL MTC Lenny in The Homecoming. OTHER THEATRE Ten seasons with Stratford,

including: title role in The Adventures of Pericles, Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath, Edgar in King Lear, Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet; four seasons with the Shaw Festival; Macbeth (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); Aragorn in Lord of the Rings, We Will Rock You (Mirvish); Art (CS); Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare (Theatre 20); Long Day’s Journey Into Night (Soulpepper); Peter and the Starcatcher (WCT). FILM/TV Reign, Saving Hope, Bitten, The Listener, Haven, Nikita, Warehouse 13, Copper, The Adventures of Pericles, King Lear, Brainwashed, Skating to New York. ET CETERA Thrilled to be in this company with such great artists working on this epic piece. Thank you to Alex and my folks for so much support.

ROYAL MTC Alice Through the Looking-Glass,

Late Company, The Seagull, Other People’s Money, Gone With the Wind, Romeo and Juliet, Calendar Girls (with Mirvish), Strong Poison, The Price, Pride and Prejudice, The Importance of Being Earnest, Our Town, The Dresser, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Philadelphia Story (with TC), King Lear, The Crucible, Season’s Greetings, Homeward Bound (with VP), Dancing at Lughnasa (with NAC), The Miracle Worker, The Heidi Chronicles (with Mirvish), The Attic, The Pearls & Three Fine Girls, None is Too Many (with WJT), Waiting for the Parade. OTHER THEATRE In Winnipeg: Blithe Spirit (Echo Theatre); The Swearing Jar, The Savannah Disputation, Glorious, Having Hope at Home, Copenhagen, Love and Anger, All Fall Down, The Fighting Days (PTE); StrippedDown Hamlet, The Comedy of Errors (SIR);

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6

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Chimerica Social Security, The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Crossing Delancey (WJT); The Colour of Vowels, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (TPM). Terri has worked at theatres across the country from Vancouver to Halifax. FILM/TV Keep Your Head Up, Kid: The Don Cherry Story, Category 7: The End of the World, Haunting Sarah, Everybody’s Doing It, Hell on Heels. TRAINING Graduate of U of W, U of M and the National Theatre School of Canada.

Laura Condlln Tessa Kendrick

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Of Human

Bondage, The Crucible, The Dybbuk, The Norman Conquest trilogy (Soulpepper); An Enemy of the People, Sextet (Tarragon); THIS (CS – Dora nomination); Top Girls (Segal – META nomination); 4:48 Psychosis (Necessary Angel); Beckett: Feck It! (CS/Queen of Puddings); Eleven seasons with the Stratford Festival, where highlights include The Matchmaker, Elektra, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Liar, Pentecost, Peter Pan, Shakespeare’s Universe (Her Infinite Variety), As You Like It. TV Murdoch Mysteries. TRAINING Laura trained at the University of Windsor and was a member of the Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre (Stratford Festival, David Latham, principal).

Kevin Klassen Paul Kramer/David Parker/Peter Rourke

ROYAL MTC Alice Through the Looking-

Glass, Romeo and Juliet, The Melville Boys (tour), The Shunning, White Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play, Bleeding Hearts, Our Town, The Tempest, A Christmas Carol, The Dresser, Feelgood (with GCTC), King Lear, Romeo and Juliet (Theatre for Young Audiences production). OTHER THEATRE Selected: Antony and Cleopatra (SIR); Arcadia (Citadel); Edward II (TBTR); John and Beatrice (TPM); Follies (Dry Cold); Till It Hurts (PTE); Death of a Salesman (WJT); Annie (Rainbow); Grand-Guignol on the Prairie, The Skriker, Jumpers, The Twits (Echo Theatre), Peter Pan (MTYP). FILM/TV The Pinkertons, New in Town, Niagara Motel, Elijah. ET CETERA Kevin was a participant in the 2015 Citadel/Banff Professional Training Program. In 2014 he received a Reg Skene Award for Emerging Artists for his work as a playwright. He is married to the gifted and beautiful Charlene Van Buekenhout.

Paul Sun-Hyung Lee Zhang Lin

ROYAL MTC Kim’s Convenience. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Kim’s Convenience,

La Ronde, Accidental Death of an Anarchist


In 1989, rookie American photojournalist Joe Schofield is sent to Beijing on assignment to cover the student protests 16

in Tiananmen Square. The day after hundreds are massacred by the People’s Liberation Army, Joe sees an unknown protester confronting a tank and takes a photo that goes on to become one of the most iconic images of the 20th century.


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Chimerica (Soulpepper); Ali & Ali: The Deportation Hearings (Neworld Theatre/Cahoots Theatre); The Monster Under the Bed, The Hobbit (YPT); Godzilla (Crow’s Theatre); 1837: The Farmers’ Revolt (Theatre Passe Muraille). FILM/TV Selected: The End of Days at Godfrey Global Inventory, RoboCop (2014), The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard, Ice Princess, The Echo, P2, Warehouse 13, XIII: The Series, Almost Heroes, Alphas, Covert Affairs, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Train 48. ET CETERA Principal photography on Kim’s Convenience TV series for CBC begins this year; 2012 Toronto Theatre Critics’ Association Award for Best Actor (Kim’s Convenience); Dora Mavor Moore Award nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Male in a Principal Role 2012 (Kim’s Convenience) and 2010 (The Monster Under the Bed).

Richard Lee Zhang Wei/ Wang Pengsi

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected credits: Monday

Nights (6th Man Collective/Theatre Centre); carried away on the crest of a wave (Tarragon); Sultans of the Street, Cinderella: A RATical Retelling (YPT); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare in High Park); Peter Pan (Stratford); Forbidden Phoenix (Citadel/YPT/ MTYP); Banana Boys (fu-GEN Asian Canadian Theatre Company). TRAINING/TEACHING Graduate of York University’s BFA Theatre Performance Program, and currently teaches Collective Creation at Humber College.

Twenty years later, the impending election forces US-China economic relations into the political spotlight, prompting Joe to convince his editor to let him try and find the “tank man” from his famous photo as a human interest piece. Working from a mysterious notice in a Beijing newspaper february/march 2016

ET CETERA Richard has over 10 Dora

Mavor Moore Award nominations as an actor and designer and has won two as part of Outstanding Ensembles. He is also a Dora Award-winning sound designer. Most recently his interactive and immersive basketball play called Monday Nights received five Dora nominations and critical praise from audiences of all ages. 6thmancollective.wordpress.com

Doug McKeag Mel Stanwyck

ROYAL MTC Late Company, True West; Evita,

Little Shop of Horrors (both with Theatre Calgary). OTHER THEATRE God of Carnage, One Man, Two Guvnors, Enron, The Drowsy Chaperone, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (TC); Arcadia, The Optimists, Glengarry Glen Ross (Theatre Junction); Amadeus, Toad of Toad Hall (ATP); A Man of No Importance, Follies (Dry Cold); Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare (White Rabbit Productions); Footloose (Rainbow); The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Vertigo Theatre); Into the Woods (Citadel); Little Mercy’s First Murder (Vertigo/Ground Zero). ET CETERA Doug won a Betty Mitchell Award for his portrayal of an early-onset Parkinson’s patient in The Alan Parkinson’s Project. He produces family concerts for symphony orchestras that appear around the globe.

that potentially places the Tank Man in New York City, Joe reconnects with an old friend from China to uncover the truth, and launches into an investigation that threatens to jeopardize his career, his relationships and his personal ethics.



Chimerica Ross McMillan Frank/Herb/ Drug Dealer

ROYAL MTC Selected: The Woman in Black,

The Seagull, The History of Manitoba from the Beginning of Time to the Present in 45 Minutes, in the next room or the vibrator play (with Tarragon), The Constant Wife (with Citadel), Closer, A Christmas Carol, Homeward Bound (with VP), Our Country’s Good, Romeo and Juliet (Theatre for Young Audiences production). OTHER THEATRE Selected: Dionysus in Stony Mountain, Proud, The Daffodil Man, Noble Savage/Savage Noble, Live With It (TPM); Copenhagen (PTE); As You Like It, Julius Caesar (SIR); Sister Act (Rainbow); The Designated Mourner, Bosoms and Neglect (Persona Theatre); Quo Vadis, Notes from the Underground, The Fever (Winnipeg Fringe). FILM/TV A couple of dozen film and TV roles, specializing in playing a repressed, middle-aged fool, including Guy Maddin’s The Saddest Music in the World (Blizzard Award) and four seasons of HBO Canada’s Less Than Kind (ACTRA Award, Canadian Screen Award nomination). TRAINING Trained at the George Toles School of Theatrical Deportment, National Voice Intensive. ET CETERA Love to Wanda.

Diana Tso Feng Meihui/ Ming Xiaoli

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHE THEATRE Jade in Coal (Pangaea Arts,

Vancouver); TAXI Project (PEN Canada); Quarry (Western Canada Theatre); The Concubine’s Children (Theatre One); The Happy Prince, Comet in Moominland (MTYP);

Gold Mountain Guest (Kaleidoscope Theatre); Naomi’s Road, The Prince and the Pauper, Merlin (YPT); Dante’s Inferno, Chekhov Shorts (Theatre Smith-Gilmour); King John (Shakespeare in the Rough); and by the way, Miss… (Urge/Theatre Direct) sharing the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding Ensemble Performance. TV The Border (CBC), XIII season two. TRAINING University of Toronto, with Honours BA in English Literature; École Internationale de Théâtre de Jacques Lecoq in Paris. ET CETERA Diana’s new play, Comfort, inspired by comfort women of Second World War Asia and honouring the resilience of women in war, premieres in Toronto 2016/17. www.redsnowcollective.ca

Norman Yeung Benny/ Young Zhang Lin

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE The Kite Runner (TC/

Citadel); The Memo (Thought4Food); Settlers (Rhubarb/Buddies in Bad Times); Fugitives (Theatre Conspiracy); Filthy Rich (Firehall); You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown (Gateway). FILM/TV Resident Evil: Afterlife (Sony/ Screen Gems), Todd and the Book of Pure Evil (Space/CTV), Filth City (Super Channel), Rookie Blue (ABC/Global), Murdoch Mysteries (CBC), King (Showcase). TRAINING BFA Acting – University of British Columbia; BFA (Honours) Film – Ryerson University. ET CETERA Norman is also a filmmaker, visual artist and Dora-nominated playwright. His play Theory won First Place in the Herman Voaden National Playwriting Competition in 2015. His film Anne Darling (writer/director) will be released in 2016. He grew up in Vancouver and lives in Los Angeles and Toronto. @NormanYeung

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6



february/march 2016

Chimerica Lucy Kirkwood

Chris Abraham



In 2007, Lucy graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh. Whilst there she wrote her first full-length play, Grady Hot Potato. Lucy’s next play, Guns or Butter, was produced at the Terror 2007 Festival at the Union Theatre, London, and was subsequently broadcast by BBC Radio. In 2008, Lucy’s play Tinderbox was produced by the Bush Theatre and in the same year Hedda, her adaptation of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler, was produced by the Gate Theatre, London, to wide critical acclaim. Lucy’s play Psychogeography was produced as part of the Terror 2009 Festival. In the same year, Lucy’s play It Felt Empty When the Heart Went at First But it is Alright Now was produced by Clean Break Theatre Co. at the Arcola Theatre. The play was nominated for an Evening Standard Award for Best Newcomer and made Lucy joint winner of the John Whiting Award 2010. Lucy’s stage adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, co-devised and directed by Katie Mitchell, was performed at the National Theatre as their Christmas show in 2011. In the same year, her play Small Hours (co-written with Ed Hime) opened at the Hampstead earlier, and her play Housekeeping was performed as part of Theatre Uncut season at Southwark Playhouse. NSFW premiered at the Royal Court Theatre, starring Janie Dee and Julian Barrett, in 2012. Her recent success, Chimerica, premiered at the Almeida Theatre in 2013 and subsequently transferred to the West End, earning Lucy the prestigious Best New Play at the 2014 Olivier and Evening Standard Awards. In 2014 Lucy also collaborated with Lost Dog on a Brighton Festival co-commissioned dance project, Like Rabbits, adapted from Virginia Woolf’s short story Lappin and Lapinova. Lucy also writes for television, and has written for Skins (Company Pictures), and more recently created and wrote the new series The Smoke (Kudos/Sky 1).

ROYAL MTC Neil Labute’s The Shape of Things,

Kristen Thomson’s award-winning I, Claudia. OTHER THEATRE Chris Abraham is currently the Artistic Director for Toronto’s Crow’s Theatre. In 2017 Crow’s Theatre will open the doors of it’s first permanent home – the city’s first east-end arts centre and cultural hub. Chris has directed the highly lauded Stratford Festival productions of For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again, The Little Years, The Matchmaker, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and this season’s The Taming of the Shrew. FILM I, Claudia (Gemini Award). The film was also named one of 2004’s top 10 Canadian films by the Toronto International Film Festival. TRAINING/TEACHING A graduate of the National Theatre School’s directing program, Chris later served as Co-Director of the school’s renowned directing program (2006–2010). ET CETERA Chris is the recipient of the John Hirsch and Ken MacDougall awards and the Siminovitch Prize for Directing in 2013, as well as the Siminovitch Protégé Prize in the award’s inaugural year.

Judith Bowden Set & Costume Designer

ROYAL MTC Costume Designer: Gone With

the Wind, Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, The Tempest, A Christmas Carol, Pride and Prejudice. Set & Costume Designer: Strong Poison, Proof (with Citadel). OTHER THEATRE Eleven seasons with the Shaw Festival, including recently: My Fair

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6

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Chimerica Lady (Costumes); An Ideal Husband, Sunday in the Park with George, Belle Moral (Set & Costumes). Recently, as Costume Designer: My Fair Lady, The Music Man (Arena Stage, Washington DC); Faith Healer (Soulpepper). Recently, as Set & Costume Designer: Nativity (NAC); La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo (Cinderella, or Goodness Triumphant) (Pacific Opera Victoria); Top Girls (Soulpepper); Cloud 9 (Mirvish). Judith’s designs have also been seen at Canadian Stage, PTE, Alberta Theatre Projects, Tarragon, Theatre Calgary and the Grand Theatre.

Michael Walton Lighting Designer

ROYAL MTC East of Berlin, The Goat or, Who

is Sylvia?, The Last Five Years. OTHER THEATRE Eleven seasons with the Stratford Festival, including Hamlet, The Sound of Music, Oedipus Rex, Love’s Labour’s Lost, King Lear, Othello, Fiddler on the Roof, Henry V, The Matchmaker, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, As You Like It, Macbeth; The Little Prince (TC); Next to Normal, Mary Poppins (Citadel/TC); The Rocky Horror Show, One Man, Two Guvnors, Little Women (Citadel); Evangeline (Charlottetown/Citadel); Così fan tutte (COC); A Word or Two with Christopher Plummer (CTG/Stratford – Los Angeles); Maria Stuarda (Pacific Opera); Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Sideways (La Jolla Playhouse, California); Glenn, A Tender Thing, ‘night, Mother (Soulpepper); Julie, Harper Regan, The Other Place, Venus in Fur (CS).

Thomas Ryder Payne Sound Designer

ROYAL MTC Kim’s Convenience. OTHER THEATRE Kim’s Convenience, Ghosts,

La Ronde (Soulpepper). Designs for Stratford Festival, Canadian Stage, National Arts Centre, Theatre Calgary, Great Canadian Theatre Company, Tarragon Theatre, Volcano Theatre, Aluna Theatre, Modern Times and many others. ET CETERA Starting as a songwriter with a four-track recorder, Thomas has followed a varied musical career, including studying with composer James Tenney, recording and touring for six years with the Juno Awardnominated band Joydrop and producing numerous records. Winner of two Dora Mavor Moore Awards and recipient of six nominations.

Deco Dawson Video Designer

ROYAL MTC Clever Little Lies, The Glass

Menagerie, Brief Encounter (with VP), Grumpy Old Men: The Musical. OTHER THEATRE Video Designer: Rick: The Rick Hansen Story (MTYP/VanOC-Cultural Olympiad, MTYP/Citadel); 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Wyrd Prod/Pan Am Games); Tough Case, Rich, Kindness, Silverwing (MTYP); To the Country (The Winnipegger Ensemble). Writer/Director (selected): The Leitmotif Lives of Nero and Samdi (Little Theatre/Northwest Film Forum); The Incidental Tribulations of Wake Me and My (Endstop and Elsewhere/Fringe). FILM/TV Writer/Director (selected): Keep a Modest Head, Sins of the Father, Help I’m Alive, The Last Moment, Defile in Veil, Dumb

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6



february/march 2016

Chimerica Angel, film(triptych), Lode, FILM(dzama), Elizabeth Short, Sluice Box and a Rocker. www.decodawson.com ET CETERA Recipient of 12 international awards, including two TIFF Best Short Film Awards for Keep a Modest Head (2012) and FILM(dzama) (2001). Deco won the Province of Manitoba Filmmaker Award and the City of Winnipeg Mayor’s Award in 2013. Big thank you to Heather, Metro and Miro.

Eric Armstrong Dialect Designer

Yuan Liu Mandarin Chinese Dialect Coach

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Chimerica (Studio Theatre,

Washington, DC). TEACHING Lectured extensively in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. ET CETERA Dr. Liu was trained as a neuroscientist, but always had her heart in the theatre. She is thrilled to join Chimerica!

Rick Skene

ROYAL MTC The Heart of Robin Hood

Fight Director

(with Mirvish).

OTHER THEATRE Credits include: 12 Angry

Men, Mary Stuart, The Gigli Concert, A Christmas Carol, Translations (Soulpepper); Yukonstyle, The Cosmonaut’s Last Message to the Woman He Once Loved in the Former Soviet Union, Habeus Corpus (CS); Another Africa (Volcano/CS); Eternal Hydra (Crows); Arigato Tokyo, Blasted (Buddies in Bad Times); Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me (Adeona Productions); Pride and Prejudice (Geva Theatre); I Just Stopped By to See the Man (Steppenwolf). FILM/TV Coaching highlights: Special Correspondents (Eric Bana and cast), The Expanse (Thomas Jane and cast), 12 Monkeys (Kirk Acevedo and cast), Take This Waltz (Sarah Silverman, Michelle Williams), The Orphan (Isabelle Fuhrman), Lost Girl, Normal (Tom Wilkinson). TEACHING Eric is an Associate Professor at York University’s Dept. of Theatre, where he teaches voice, speech, accents and classical text.

ROYAL MTC Selected: Things We Do For Love,

The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Shakespeare’s Dog (with NAC), Richard III, The Lonesome West, The School for Wives (with VP), The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Oleanna, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Miracle Worker. OTHER THEATRE MTYP, Manitoba Opera, RWB, SIR, PTE, Cercle Molière, Rainbow Stage. Dramaturge/co-director of world premiere of Moulin Rouge with Choreographer Jorden Morris. FILM/TV Over 150 film and television credits, including Capote, The Assassination of Billy the Kid by the Coward Robert Ford, The Messengers, Walk All Over Me, High Life, Lucid, Seven Times Lucky. TEACHING Rick teaches at the U of W Department of Theatre and Film.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6

february/march 2016



Chimerica Zack Russell Assistant Director

of Leenane (ATP); The Gin Game (Valley Summer Theatre); Bump, Snow Dance (Ship’s Company Theatre); The Addams Family, Urinetown (Dry Cold); The Drawer Boy (ATF).

Michael Duggan ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Director: Big Love (Randolph

Academy); rihannaboi95 (Suburban Beast); Ajax (por nobody) (SummerWorks); Antigonick (The Flea Theater). Writer & Director: Fixed (VideoFag); Just Cause (The Flea Theater); Parole Parole (Rhubarb Festival/Buddies in Bad Times). FILM Writer & Director: She Stoops to Conquer (nominee for 2016 Canadian Screen Award for Best Live Action Short). ET CETERA 2016 Michael Langham Workshop (Stratford Festival), 2015 RBC Rising Star Emerging Director Prize from Crow’s Theatre, 2013 Dora Award nominee for Outstanding Direction (Jordan Tannahill’s rihannaboi95).

Assistant Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Clever Little Lies, The Glass

Menagerie, Other People’s Money, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, in the next room or the vibrator play, The Shunning, Brief Encounter, The Seafarer, Steel Magnolias. Props: Gone With the Wind. OTHER THEATRE Recent credits include: All Your Wants and Needs Fulfilled Forever (Playground Collective, NZ); Iceland, John & Beatrice (TPM); Les Misérables, Annie, Cats (Rainbow); Angels in America: Millennium Approaches (WJT).

Karyn Kumhyr Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC The Woman in Black, A Christmas

Story, Ed’s Garage, Next to Normal, The Shunning, Steel Magnolias, It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play, Bleeding Hearts, Pride and Prejudice, Fiddler on the Roof, Our Town, The Tempest, Driving Miss Daisy, The History of Manitoba from the Beginning of Time to the Present in 45 Minutes. Assistant Stage Manager: A Christmas Carol, The Foreigner, Doc. Crew: The Gin Game, Thimblerig, A Moon for the Misbegotten, The Tempest (1981), Side by Side by Sondheim. OTHER THEATRE The 39 Steps (Harbourfront, PEI); The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Grand); Anne & Gilbert (The Guild, PEI); James and the Giant Peach, Frog and Toad (MTYP); Rick: The Rick Hansen Story (MTYP, Arts Club, Citadel); Small Things, Altar Boyz, The Secret Mask (PTE); Molière, The Beauty Queen


Groups of 10 or more

save! to book group tickets contact: Thomas Urish, Sales Manager P 204 954 6413 e turish@royalmtc.ca

Chimerica TRAINING Michael is a graduate of the U of W,

with a BA (Hons.) in stage management and production. ET CETERA Enjoy the show!

Linsey Callaghan Apprentice Stage Manager

Theatre Company). Assistant Stage Manager: Gordon (SideMart Theatrical Grocery). Upcoming: Apprentice Stage Manager of All My Sons (Stratford). TRAINING Graduate of the National Theatre School’s Production Program.

Jessica Alexander Apprentice Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Seminar, Sherlock Holmes and

the Case of the Jersey Lily, The Seagull, A Christmas Story. OTHER THEATRE Production Assistant: Romeo and Juliet, Fiddler on the Roof, The Three Musketeers, The Merchant of Venice (Stratford). Apprentice Stage Manager: Danny, King of the Basement, James and the Giant Peach (MTYP); Les Misérables (Rainbow); King Lear, The Beaux’ Stratagem (Stratford); Gifts of the Magi, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Chemainus Theatre Festival); Initiation Trilogy (Electric



ROYAL MTC First engagement. Other Theatre Hamlet, The Tempest

(Driftwood Theatre Group); Aladdin Jr. (Segal Centre Academy); The Andersons (New Words Festival – NTSC); Emily’s Piano workshop, James an;d the Giant Peach (YPT); The Caucasian Chalk Circle, The Winter’s Tale, Twelfth Night or What You Will (National Theatre School); 2013 Toronto Fringe Festival. TRAINING National Theatre School of Canada.


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Chimerica Check out our librarian-recommended resources to better connect with the stories on our stages!

EXPLORE MORE Chimerica Explore More Iconic Images

Century. An extraordinary, award-winning history of the 20th century in photographs that are sometimes beautiful, often striking – and undeniably powerful. 909.82 cen Time: 100 Greatest Images. Billed as “history’s most influential photographs,” this book shows scientific breakthroughs, political upheavals and social revolutions. 909.80222 tim 2012 Explore More Behind the Camera

It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War, Lynsey Addario. Addario’s memoir is the story of how covering virtually every major theatre of war in the 21st century has shaped her life, as her work documents not only news but also the fate of society. 779.092 addario 2015 Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag. How do images of the suffering of others affect us? Are we inured, or incited, to violence by the depiction of cruelty? A fresh look at the representation of atrocities, from photographs of the Nazi death camps to contemporary images of war and terrorism. 303.6 son Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs, Steve McCurry. McCurry is famous for his evocative colour photography from around the world, including

the National Geographic cover portrait of an Afghan girl. This book tells the stories behind 14 of his most renowned works. 779.092 mccurry 2013 Explore More of Tiananmen’s Impact

Beijing Coma, Ma Jian. Awakening after a decade of unconsciousness, former Tiananmen Square protester Dai Wei learns that his mother sold one of his kidneys to finance his care, while the China he knew has undergone radical changes. fiction ma Frontline – “The Tank Man.” The award-winning investigative documentary series searches for the Tank Man’s identity and discusses his legacy. View the entire episode online, plus background interviews and articles. pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tankman The People’s Republic of Amnesia: Tiananmen Revisited, Louisa Lim. NPR’s China correspondent offers an insider’s account of the tragedy, revealing the enormous impact it had and the reverberations still felt today in the government’s obsession with maintaining silence about June 4. 951.058 lim 2014

There are 1.4 million books, magazines, movies, audiobooks, eBooks and more at the Winnipeg Public Library, and all you need to borrow them is your library card. There are 20 locations throughout the city, and there’s an online catalogue for requesting items for pick-up at your library of convenience. An online e-Library has thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and more! All free to use with your library card. Visit us online at winnipeg.ca/library.



february/march 2016

NEXT AT A hilarious hit. A bona-fide, gut-busting laugh-a-thon – daily herald

march 30 – april 23 by


TWO COPS. THREE CROOKS. EIGHT DOORS. GO. And so begins one of the most wonderfully ridiculous evenings you’ll spend at the theatre. In an economy motel room, a mayor suspected of embezzling funds is set to meet with his female accountant. In the room next door, two undercover cops are poised (actually, they’re not that poised) to catch the meeting on videotape. But there’s some confusion as to who’s in which room, who’s watching the video, who’s taken the money, who’s hired a hit man, and why the accountant keeps taking off her clothes. In any given season, we strive to provide audiences with a range of plays. From rarely staged westerns to sweeping musicals and contemporary dramas, we want you to experience a variety of great theatre. So where does farce fit into the mix? In a world where murder and mayhem dominate the headlines, we believe laughter has never been more necessary. So join us for a little theatrical tomfoolery. You won’t regret it.

TIC KE TS START AT $2 6 *Yes, this is a shameless attempt to cash in on Star Wars mania. And, no, this play isn’t related to the movie in any way. Please don’t tell anyone who might sue us. Thank you, may the farce be with you.


Things We Do For Love In a recent email survey, we asked our patrons to share some of the crazy things they did for love. As it turns out, our audience members are very fun-loving, sweet and, uh, adventurous. So without further ado…

WHAT IS THE CRAZIEST THING YOU DID FOR LOVE? Encouraged the breakup of my best friend and her boyfriend. He became my husband! I dressed up in a gorilla suit, presented bananas to her. I told her I was bananas for her!

The Destructive Nature of Love “I’m always amazed that some of the worst behaviour is propagated by people who are in love. I think we often save the best of ourselves, but also the worst of ourselves for the ones we fall in love with.” – Alan Ayckbourn

Thirty-five years into his career, Alan Ayckbourn really wanted to write a play about the destructive aspects of love and sexual desire: how, overwhelmed with lust and the intoxication of love, we hurt others in ways we had not thought possible. The result is Things We Do For Love. Ayckbourn grew up watching the dysfunctional relationships of his parents and step-parents: infidelity, wild arguments, plates being thrown, and in one notable case, his mother splattering mashed potatoes on his step-father’s head (a moment that taught the budding writer that comedy and anger work well together). Ayckbourn weaves together various kinds of love relationships – romantic, unrequited, platonic, illicit – and shows how they are affected

Put candles in the shape of a heart on the front lawn and lit them at 4:45 am on Valentine’s morning. When my husband woke up at 5:30, I left a note for him to look out the window and when he opened the drapes I taped a card that said Happy Valentine’s Day and he could see the candles still burning. 26

when love’s insanity kicks in, and primal urges are released.

I got married 3 times; I have finally learned my lesson.


february/march 2016

Things We Do For Love And, being Alan Ayckbourn, he achieves this by tingeing wickedly funny comedy

It’s Manitoba – I drove more than 4 hours to see someone for 15 minutes and drove back again on crazy stormy roads – and it seemed worth it.

with a dark undertone of pain. At the centre of this whirlwind is Barbara, a celibate female of a certain age who feels she is beyond needing love and sex in her life. When unbridled lust overwhelms her, Barbara is forced to confront the darker side of her nature, and the consequences of her actions.

Ah come on now, I’d be arrested if I told you that!

And yet, despite the carnage (emotional and physical) it can cause, Ayckbourn still believes in the positive effects of love. We see how denying one’s need for love

Hid in my boyfriend’s locker and got stuck.

creates a vacuum in the heart. At the end of the play, we may not be certain about Barbara’s future, but there is hope: for she is no longer merely existing; she is alive. There is no love without pain, the playwright tells us. Even so, we must pick ourselves up, and stay open to the possibility of love; for ultimately, it is one of the great gifts of life.

Joined spouse overseas and sugared nether parts for a surprise for her – ouch!

– Mariam Bernstein A note on the set: If you want to see the visual source for the set of this play, check out the 15-second sex scene in the Clint Eastwood movie In the Line of Fire. It amused Ayckbourn so much he used it for an entire play!

… had 4 kids!

february/march 2016

Stood strong with it when confronted with racism and homophobia.


I once chased an old boyfriend in my car in heavy traffic when he was on his motorcycle!! Not very smart or very safe!! Ahhhhh, the things we do for love!! LOL??


Steven Schipper, Artistic Director • Camilla Holland, General Manager PRESENTS

Things We Do For Love by Alan Ayckbourn February 4–20, 2016 preview February 3

Director......................................................................................Mariam Bernstein Set & Costume Designer......................................................... Charlotte Dean Lighting Designer...................................................................... Hugh Conacher Sound Designer.................................................................................... Chris Brett Fight Director........................................................................................Rick Skene Assistant to the Director.................................................................Rob Herriot Apprentice Set & Costume Designer.......................................Jo Chalmers* Stage Manager.......................................................................... Margaret Brook Assistant Stage Manager............................................................... Ntara Curry THE CAST (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)

Barbara Trapes.......................................................................... Sarah Constible Hamish Alexander.......................................................................Paul Essiembre Gilbert Fleet................................................................................Rob McLaughlin Nikki Wickstead............................................................................. Laura Olafson SETTING

Sections of three flats at 56 Bloom Street, London sw. Twelve days in October. Things We Do For Love is performed with one intermission. Things We Do For Love is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited.



*Position funded through the Jean Murray – Moray Sinclair Theatre Apprenticeship Program



february/march 2016

Things We Do For Love OTHER THEATRE Paul has been performing

Sarah Constible Barbara Trapes

ROYAL MTC Sherlock Holmes and the Case

of the Jersey Lily, The Penelopiad, Gone With the Wind, The Fighting Days, The 39 Steps, After Miss Julie, Bleeding Hearts, The Threepenny Opera (with SIR). OTHER THEATRE Selected: Henry V, Henry IV, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Othello, The Merchant of Venice, Richard III, The Tempest, The Odyssey (SIR); Ivanov (WJT); Dionysus in Stony Mountain, The Monster Trilogy, Murder Ballads, Between Then and Now (TPM); The Swearing Jar, The Edible Woman, Godspell, Unity (1918), Strawberries in January (PTE). FILM/TV Selected: WindCity, My Awkward Sexual Adventure, Euphoria, The Stone Angel, Less Than Kind, House Party, High Life, The Many Trials of One Jane Doe, The Haunting in Connecticut, Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, Inertia.

Paul Essiembre Hamish Alexander

ROYAL MTC The Man Who Shot Liberty

Valance, The Heart of Robin Hood (with Mirvish), Other People’s Money, A Few Good Men (with Citadel).

professionally throughout the country for more than 20 years, most recently in PTE’s Butcher. Other favourites include The Best Brothers (PTE); Romeo and Juliet (Citadel); The Normal Heart, The Overwhelming, Stuff Happens (Studio 180); To Kill a Mockingbird, The Odyssey, The Duchess of Malfi, Don Juan, Macbeth (Stratford); L’Emmerdeur, Dîner de Cons, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Art (Théâtre Français de Toronto); Tillsonburg (CS); Zadie’s Shoes, Oui (Factory); Picasso at the Lapin Agile (Centaur). FILM/TV More than 50 film and television appearances and extensive work in documentary narration, animation and commercial voice-overs.

Rob McLaughlin Gilbert Fleet

ROYAL MTC The Seagull, A Christmas Story,

Gone With the Wind, The Shunning, The Seafarer, Pride and Prejudice. Assistant to the Director: Fiddler on the Roof. OTHER THEATRE The Merry Wives of Windsor, Othello, The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It (SIR); Grand-Guignol On The Prairie (Echo Theatre); The Universal Wolf (No Sugar Added Productions); Blue Kettle (ChurchillFest 2010). FILM/TV Capote, Nobody, Something Beneath (movie of the week).


Barbara Trapes has happily resigned herself to living a serene, solitary existence. But when she rents out her top flat to an old school friend and her fiancé, Barbara unwittingly unleashes a firestorm of unexpected passions to the household. As love invades her home, Barbara’s well-ordered world threatens to come undone and even Gilbert, the downstairs lodger, cannot escape the whirlwind. february/march 2016



Things We Do For Love Laura Olafson

Mariam Bernstein

Nikki Wickstead


ROYAL MTC Private Lives, Harvey, The Boys in

the Photograph (with Mirvish). OTHER THEATRE Laura has appeared with local companies PTE, SIR, Dry Cold, WJT and Rainbow Stage. She also has lived and worked in Edmonton, appearing with the Citadel, Theatre Yes, Workshop West, The Azimuth and the Mayfield Theatre, where she will be performing the role of Sheila in Hair this spring. FILM/TV The Pinkertons, My Awkward Sexual Adventure. TRAINING Grant MacEwan University (Edmonton, AB). ET CETERA Much love to my very own Prince Terry.

Alan Ayckbourn Playwright

(Theatre for Young Audiences production). Actor: Alice Through the Looking-Glass, The Heidi Chronicles (with Mirvish), Mrs. Klein, The Good Sisters (Les Belles-Soeurs). OTHER THEATRE Director: Dieu de Carnage (Cercle Molière); Ivanov, Death of a Salesman, Speed-the-Plow (WJT); Company, The Secret Garden, She Loves Me (Dry Cold). Actor: Angels in America Parts 1 & 2 (WJT); Sweeney Todd, The Addams Family, Into the Woods, Nine (Dry Cold); Crackpot (PTE/Belfry); Selkirk Avenue (PTE/Magnus); Spring Awakening (WST); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Neptune); The Other Side of the Pole (Globe). FILM/TV The Pinkertons, Cashing In, Falcon Beach, Lucky Christmas, Category 7: The End of the World. TRAINING Graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada and U of W. ET CETERA Mariam is thrilled to be directing for the Master Playwright Festival! Many thanks to the wonderful Royal MTC production team, the cast and stage management, and to Darrell, Miranda and Cinna for their love and support.

Charlotte Dean Set & Costume Designer

ROYAL MTC Billy Elliot The Musical, The

Secret Annex, The Glass Menagerie, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, White Christmas, The Drowsy Chaperone (with TC), The Importance of Being Earnest. OTHER THEATRE Sweet Charity, Arms and the Man, Our Betters (Shaw); She Stoops

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6



february/march 2016


British playwright Alan Ayckbourn began his theatre career as a stage manager and actor. When Ayckbourn wanted better roles to play, he was challenged to write one himself. And so began an award-winning career that includes more than 70 plays, such as Relatively Speaking, How the Other Half Loves, Mr. A’s Amazing Maze Plays, Communicating Doors and The Norman Conquests. At one point in 1975, Ayckbourn held the record for having the most professional productions being performed simultaneously in London’s West End. His work has been translated into more than 35 languages and his plays are regularly performed around the world. Ayckbourn’s numerous honours include Laurence Olivier and Tony awards for lifetime achievement. He was knighted in 1997.

ROYAL MTC Director: Romeo and Juliet



1 6 T H M A S T E R P L AY W R I G H T F E S T I VA L P L AY S , R E A D I N G S A N D T H E F R E E L E C T U R E S E R I E S ! A Strange Pair Echo Theatre

House and Garden ACTRA/PAL Winnipeg

Relatively Speaking R-G Productions

Bedroom Farce Dramatic Theatre

How the Other Half Loves Tara Players Theatre Company

Table Manners Broken Record Productions

Confusions Shoestring Players

Improbable Fiction Winnipeg Mennonite Theatre

Things We Do For Love Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations Merlyn Productions

Private Fears in Public Places The Actors’ Fund of Canada

This Is Where We Came In MTYP Young Company



Things We Do For Love to Conquer, Antony and Cleopatra, The Merchant of Venice (Stratford); Dear Johnny Deere, Evangeline (Charlottetown Festival); The Trouble with Mr. Adams, The Valley, The Real World?, The Misanthrope (Tarragon). Upcoming: Engaged (Shaw); Summoned (Tarragon). TRAINING/TEACHING Charlotte holds a BFA from York University and is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. She has coached Costume Rendering at the National Theatre School. ET CETERA Charlotte is the 2009 recipient of the Virginia and Myrtle Cooper Award in Costume Design. She has received five Doras for Outstanding Design, and has been nominated for Sterling Awards and Betty Mitchell Awards.

Chris Brett Sound Designer ROYAL MTC First engagement. TEACHING Chris has taught Audio

Engineering at Mid Ocean Recording, Ambience Professional and Studio 11. ET CETERA Chris is a music composer as well as an audio engineer, music producer and sound designer.

Rick Skene Fight Director

Hugh Conacher Lighting Designer

ROYAL MTC Seminar (with Mirvish), The

ROYAL MTC Selected: Chimerica, The

Woman in Black, Cabaret (2015), The Glass Menagerie (2014, 1989/90), Venus in Fur, The Penelopiad, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, After Miss Julie, Macbeth (with English Suitcase Theatre Company), Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Beautiful Lake Winnipeg, A Walk in the Woods, Frankenstein: Playing with Fire. OTHER THEATRE Hugh has collaborated with choreographers, visual artists and dance and theatre companies worldwide for over 30 years. In Winnipeg, his work has been seen with Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, QDance, Gearshifting Performance Works, Theatre Projects Manitoba and Manitoba Theatre for Young People, to name a few. ET CETERA Hugh enjoys working beyond the constraints of traditional lighting design using various forms of interactive media, video and photography. His photographic work resides in private collections and has been published worldwide. Hugh is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. www.pellucid.me

Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Shakespeare’s Dog (with NAC), Richard III, The Lonesome West, The School for Wives (with VP), The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Oleanna, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Miracle Worker. OTHER THEATRE MTYP, Manitoba Opera, RWB, SIR, PTE, Cercle Molière, Rainbow Stage. Dramaturge/co-director of world premiere of Moulin Rouge with Choreographer Jorden Morris. FILM/TV Over 150 film and television credits, including Capote, The Assassination of Billy the Kid by the Coward Robert Ford, The Messengers, Walk All Over Me, High Life, Lucid, Seven Times Lucky. TEACHING Rick teaches at the U of W Department of Theatre and Film.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6



february/march 2016

APRIL 26 –30


T i c k e t s o n S a l e n ow

“La Cage Aux Folles” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. PRESENTING SPONSOR





Things We Do For Love Rob Herriot

Ntara Curry

Assistant to the Director

Assistant Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Director: Manitoba Opera,

OTHER THEATRE (Selected) Actor: MTYP,

Edmonton Opera, Calgary Opera, San Diego Opera, Utah Opera, Arizona Opera, Connecticut Opera, Opera Lyra Ottawa, Dry Cold Productions. Assistant Director: WJT, Rainbow Stage. TRAINING/teaching Training: University of Manitoba, University of Toronto, Banff Centre. Teaching: Opera Nuova, Opera on the Avalon. ET CETERA Thanks to Royal MTC and Mariam Bernstein for this opportunity of professional development.

Jo Chalmers Apprentice Set & Costume Designer

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE As a dresser: Joseph and the

Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Hairspray (Rainbow); Wicked, Les Misérables, War Horse (Centennial Concert Hall). FILM/TV Jo has worked for over 10 years in film in costume. Costume Designer: We Were Children. Assistant Costume Designer: Cashing In, Hyena Road. TRAINING Jo graduated with the gold medal from the University of Winnipeg Theatre Department. ET CETERA Thanks to all who make the apprenticeship program possible. A big thank you to Charlotte Dean – what a fantastic experience. Monique, thank you for supporting my dreams, it means the world to me.

Carousel Theatre, Concrete Theatre, YPT, WWT, Theatre Yes!, PTE, SNTC, SIR, Downstage, Dancing Sky, Globe Theatre, TC. Stage Manager: Concrete Theatre, Nafro Studio, Young Lungs Dance Exchange, FemFest, Atlantic Dance Festival, Greystone, myriad Fringe projects. Technician: Tom Hendry Warehouse, PTE, WCD, WJT, TPM, Neptune, TNB, Winnipeg & Edmonton Fringe. TRAINING BFA Drama (Acting Major), University of Alberta. ET CETERA Ntara looks forward to reprising her roles as Mom in Peg and the Yeti (MTYP) and Jinan in the premiere production of Book of Ashes (St. Albert’s Children’s Festival). She is ever grateful to her family, and to all the theatre she has been a part of as a prairie artist.

The Asper Foundation Production Sponsor The Asper Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that undertakes and develops major initiatives in the areas of Jewish charity as well as culture, education, community development and human rights locally, nationally and internationally. It spearheaded the establishment of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights as a Canadian national museum in 2008 which opened September 20, 2014.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 6



february/march 2016



SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY … Murray is clearly a talent to watch – stage door

march 9–26 Dealing with the romantic relationship of two teenagers, Myth of the Ostrich is loaded with sex, drugs, deception, a missing condom… and that’s just the mothers. In this outrageous comedy, straight-laced Pam finds an inappropriate letter from her teenage son to his mystery girlfriend. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she arrives unannounced at the home of Holly, the girlfriend’s bohemian mother. What begins as a social call quickly – and hilariously – takes a bizarre turn as worlds and parenting styles collide. Myth of the Ostrich is written by Matt Murray, a Toronto playwright and actor, who may be familiar to Winnipeg audiences from his appearances in Royal MTC’s The Boys in the Photograph and, more recently, MTYP’s James and the Giant Peach. Inspired by conversations he had with friends who are raising teenagers, Matt decided to explore the question of how much parenting is too much. As it turns out, he hit comedy gold. The show was a huge hit at the Toronto Fringe Festival in 2014 and the 2015 Next Stage Theatre Festival. The Myth of the Ostrich joy ride continues with a run at the Tom Hendry Warehouse. For our production, director Heidi Malazdrewich has assembled a stellar cast with Jennifer Lyon as Pam, Krista Jackson as Holly and Tricia Cooper as Holly’s outlandish friend Cheryl. Don’t stick your head in the sand, see this show.




204 942 6537 ROYALMTC.CA

call visit

Black & White Ball

A Night of Kings & Queens On Saturday, November 7, the Fort Garry Hotel’s Grand Ballroom was transformed into a land of wonder for the 33rd Black & White Ball, an evening of elegant abandon. The night began with a special appearance by Tweedledee and Tweedledum from Alice Through the Looking-Glass, followed by dancing throughout dinner and into the night to the musical talents of the Danny Kramer Dance Band. Royal MTC and the event committee sincerely thank the guests, sponsors, corporate table purchasers, donors and volunteers for making this event such a success. These generous contributions support Royal MTC’s many programs and productions while ensuring that live theatre continues to thrive in this community. Special thanks to Premier Sponsor RBC for their continued support. The 34th Black & White Ball will be held Saturday, November 5, 2016. Please reserve your corporate tables or individual tickets early to make sure you don’t miss what will once again be the party of the year! PREMIER SPONSOR RBC


SILVER SPONSOR MacDon Industries Ltd.



WINE SPONSOR De Luca Fine Wines


HUB International

McDiarmid Flowers

SPONSORS Air Canada AVEDA Continental Travel Group Dycom Direct Mail Esdale Printing Company Ltd. EventLight.ca

The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre Freeman Audio Visual Manuel F. Sousa Photography Planned Perfectly Price Industries Limited

Relish Robinson Bath Centre Sandals Resorts Soirée Event Planning Swank Event Rentals

The Great-West Life Assurance Company Investors Group KPMG Marty & Michelle Weinberg National Leasing PRA Inc.

PwC Scotiabank Taylor McCaffrey LLP Terracon Development Ltd. University of Manitoba Winnipeg Free Press

CORPORATE TABLES Aikins Law Cardinal Capital Management Inc. Fillmore Riley LLP The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre Granite Financial Group Inc.

SPECIAL THANKS TO Aaron Pridham ADESA Jim McLandress

Laugh Love Cakes Matt Budoloski Tristan Carlucci

Vanessa Mancini Winnipeg Building & Decorating Ltd.

Our Auction Donors Our Volunteers

Katie Davidson Paulo Fernandes Nicola Guttormson Kate Holden Jason Kasper

Doug Lochhead Brad McCabe Linda McGarva-Cohen Jim McLandress Penny McLandress

Michelle Weinberg Claire Workman

COMMITTEE Lauren Fischer, Co-Chair Charlotte Sytnyk, Co-Chair Liz Baines Barb Christie Patty Christie

Congratulations to Carla Castelane, winner of the Fillmore Riley Vacation Prize!



february/march 2016

Black & White Ball 2015 Black & White Ball Committee

Standing: Michelle Weinberg, Nicola Guttormson, Paulo Fernandes, Camilla Holland, Doug Lochhead, Andrea Mancini, Liz Baines, Brad McCabe, Jason Kasper, Stephanie Lambert, Penny McLandress. Seated: Shelly Smith-Hines, Katie Davidson, Lauren Fischer, Charlotte Sytnyk, Claire Workman, Barb Christie. PHOTO BY MANUEL F. SOUSA PHOTOGRAPHY

The Asper Foundation is proud to support Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s production of Things We Do For Love www.asperfoundation.com

Donor Profile

DONOR PROFILE: SAGAN MORROW “The local arts community would be a very different place without Royal MTC” – Sagan Morrow, donor and volunteer

Sagan Morrow fell in love with the idea of live theatre at a young age. As a girl, she watched her parents dress up and travel into Winnipeg from Selkirk to see shows at Royal MTC. Her parents nurtured this interest by purchasing season tickets for her when she became a teenager. Sagan says the experience of attending live theatre didn’t disappoint and she’s been a strong supporter ever since, including being a monthly donor. Sagan’s involvement with Royal MTC is varied. She has volunteered for the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival, performed as a dead person in Our Town in 2007 and is a current member of the Resource Development Committee. Sagan believes anyone who enjoys Royal MTC can be a donor thanks to the monthly donation program. What inspired you to donate?

Why did you choose to be a monthly donor?

Donating monthly is perfect for those of us who want to contribute but have limited funds. A smaller monthly amount is more 38

Sagan Morrow in costume for her role in Our Town.

manageable, but makes a big difference in the long-term! A few hundred dollars might be tricky to donate all at once, but in $20 to $50 increments, it’s absolutely doable.


february/march 2016


I love live theatre in general – and especially at Royal MTC. The diversity of performances, the storytelling and the talent is all truly incredible. I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy Royal MTC’s amazing work and donating gives me a chance to give back and be part of that community.

Donor Profile The convenience of automated monthly donations can’t be beat. I don’t have to remember to make annual donations which sometimes sneak up on us at the end of the year! What would you say to someone interested in donating to Royal MTC?

Do it! There is so much that goes into each and every performance. Royal MTC plays an important role in the arts and culture community in our province and you can be a part of that too. Every bit counts (and Royal MTC treats its donors impeccably!). What do you wish other people knew about Royal MTC?

There’s more to Royal MTC than the fantastic productions at the Mainstage. There are also amazing Warehouse shows, the Regional Tour, Lawyers Play, Black & White Ball, Winnipeg Fringe Theatre

Great entertainment lives here.

Festival and the Master Playwright Festival. Royal MTC is behind all of that! Monthly donations are easy, convenient and maximize the impact of your donation. Your monthly donation means we can reduce the volume of mail we send, use less paper and keep administrative costs low. You’ll receive benefits based on your total yearly donation. How does it all add up? • $10 per month = $120 per year • $50 per month = $600 per year • $85 per month = $1,020 per year A little every month equals a lot of support for Royal MTC. For more information or to make a monthly gift, please contact Heidi Struck, Individual Giving Manager, at 204 954 6412 or hstruck@royalmtc.ca.

BMO Financial Financial Group Group is proud proud to to support supportthe the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, and to to be be the the Tom Hendry Warehouse Tom Hendry Warehouse Season Season Sponsor. Sponsor.

Supporters Many thanks to our donors who made a gift between January 1, 2015 and January 17, 2016. DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE HERO • $6,000+ Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson Robert B. & the late S. June Jackson The Winnipeg Foundation – Leslie John Taylor Fund

BENEFACTOR • $2,000–5,999 Leah Bjarnarson & Robert Malech Marjorie Blankstein, CM, OM, LLD & the late Morley Blankstein Sheldon & Penny Bowles J.W. Burns, OC Heather Clarke* Kerry Dangerfield*‡ Donald Fraser & Judy Little John F. (Jack) Fraser* James R. Gibbs Sylvia Guertin-Riley‡ Rita Gunn* & Greg Mason Camilla Holland† & Colin Viebrock‡ Ms. Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen Derek & Mary Johannson Dr. Leonard Kahane John Kearsey*‡ Terry Klassen Dr. P. Kmet & Mr. B. Roslycky Sam & Mary Kohn Dr. Douglas MacEwan Drs. Ken & Sharon Mould In memory of Liam Murphy – Leigh Murphy‡ The Michael Nozick Family Foundation Cam & Carole Osler Donna & Bill Parrish Hartley & Heather Richardson Mrs. Shirley Richardson Sanford & Deborah Riley Steven Schipper, CM† & Terri Cherniack‡ Jim & Jan Tennant Marcel Van Woensel Joan Wright Sonya & Scott Wright The Winnipeg Foundation – Triple A Fund Anonymous

LEADER • $1,500–1,999 Dr. Bonnie Cham & Dr. Lorne Bellan David Christianson & Vera Steinberger Dave* & Barb Christie Neil & Carol Duboff Tony* & Jennifer Fletcher‡ Susan Glass & Arni Thorsteinson Elba Haid & Lara Secord-Haid Gary Hannaford* & Cathy Rushton David & Diane Johnston Kevin & Els Kavanagh Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers Bill & Shirley Loewen Elizabeth Marr & Nick Slonosky Jim* & Penny McLandress‡ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrie & Fran Pollard Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope Derek Riley Kevin Hines & Shelly Smith-Hines†‡ Maitland & Pat Sundmark Helga Van Iderstine* Richard L. Yaffe* & John A. Statham Darcy & Brenda Zaporzan

MEMBER • $1,000–1,499 Dr. Jerry Baluta & Olga Kandia Helga & Gerhard Bock Doneta* & Harry Brotchie‡ David* & Lianne Carefoot Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel Haderra & Mark Chisick Gerry* & Chris Couture Robert* & Florence Eastwood Lawrence & Brenda Ellerby Paulo Fernandes*‡ Katherine Fox‡ Sandy Gousseau*‡ Shayla Harapiak-Green & Patrick Green* John* & Nicola Guttormson‡ Linda Hamilton & Grange Morrow‡ In memory of our Kristin Dawn Hanson – Brian & Dawn Hanson Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Shawn Hughes* & Bruno Koehn‡ Katie Inverarity†‡ Jason Kasper* Laurence Katz & Zoe Kogan Gordon Keatch*‡ James & Teresa Kraemer Brenda* & Trevor Kriss‡ Jeff & Jillian Lamothe Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro Peter & Karen Leipsic Reginald & Judy Low Pat & Jim Ludwig Mark & Gloria Mancini‡ Jeffrey* & Mary Morton James Nielsen‡

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



Edward Nigma Dr. & Mrs. Kieran O’Keeffe M. Plett-Lyle K. Heather Power & Harold Klause‡ Lawrence Prout* & Lisa Gardewine‡ Margaret Redmond* & Greg Gillis‡ Cindy & Murray Reimer Andrea* & Michael Robertson‡ Derek Rolstone Ken & Susan Skinner* Bill & Laurie Speers* Shelley† & Mark Stroski‡ Melinda Tallin† & Glen Mitchell‡ Dorothy Y. Young Anonymous

FRIENDS OF ROYAL MTC ENTHUSIAST • $500–999 Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Archie & Jo-Anne Arnott Margaret & Jim Astwood Michael Bartmanovich Zita & Mark Bernstein Family Foundation Bruce & Shelley Bertrand-Meadows Ron Blicq Cathie & Brian Bowerman James A. Bracken France Adams & Stephen Brodovsky Saul Cherniack & Myra Wolch J. Davidson‡ Al Dyregrov Don & Elfie Elias Shannon Ernst Sylvia & Doug Hannah Gordon Hannon Gregg & Mary Hanson In memory of Evelyn Hutsal – Janice & Brent Young Hon. Justice William Johnston Fern Karlicki‡ Brenda Keyser & Peter Murdock Ian Kirk†‡ Katarina Kupca Frank Lavitt & Ahava Halpern Peter & Maureen Macdonald Mr. G. Markham N. Marr Mr. Gerry Matte & Mrs. Lydia Surasky-Matte Grant Mitchell & Catherine Lambeth Vivienne Nickerson Richard & Bonnie Olfert Kerrie Orlick Linda & Wayne Paquin Donna Plant

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

february/march 2016

Supporters Louise J. Redekop Iris Reimer Ricou-Manfreda In memory of Roberta & Cecil – The Rosenberg Family Charles & Naida Rubin Melanie Sexton† & Ian Walsh‡ Diane Shapiro Margaret & Paul Shuckett Morley & Debbie Silverman Debbie Spracklin Marilyn Thompson Dr. Stephen Tritt & Dr. Sharon Goszer-Tritt Carol & Hugo Unruh Dr. Kristel van Ineveld 2 Anonymous

SUPPORTER • $150–499 Pat & Bob Adamson Dr. Liz Adkins Nancy & Bob Adkins Anthony & Marilyn Alexander Dawn Andersen Judy & Jay Anderson Bernice Antoniuk Ignatius Anyadike Ian Backus Richard Ball June & Ted Bartman Larry Beeston & Anna Sikora Joan Bender Trish Bergal‡ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergbusch Terri & Morley Bernstein Bruce & Joyce Berry Brenda Binda Val & Blair Bingeman Tyler & Sable Birch‡ Arthur & Ken Blankstein-Ure Joan Blight Pamela & David Bolton Denise Bonner Dr. Elizabeth Boustcha Morva Bowman & Alan Pollard Ron & Joan Boyd Brandt Consultants Janice Braun Kris & Ruth Breckman Susan Brownstone Brock & Thomas Brock Billy Brodovsky & Libby Yager‡ Sheila & David Brodovsky Miriam Bronstein Eldon Brown Gerald R. Brown Lauraine Brown Lynne & Stuart Brown Carol Budnick Donna Byrne Don & Carolyne Campbell

Mary & Allan Cartlidge Merv & Jan Cavers Rosemary Chapman Tom & Edith Checkley Lawrie & Bea Cherniack Dave & Audrey Cheyne Mr. Jaydeep Chipalkatti‡ Shelley Chochinov Glen & Lorna Clark Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel Agnes & John Collins The Colquhoun Family Joan E. Coombe Joyce Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Marek & Karen Corbett Martin & Gail Corne Daniel Cowan Ray & Brenda Crabbe R. Lynn Craton Nancy Crocker Ted & Margaret Cuddy Kelly Black Ellen Curtis‡ J. Dale Dr. & Mrs. James Dalton G.L. Damphousse Lorraine Daniel Ms. Linda Daniels Mrs. Maureen Danzinger J. Dawson John & Heather Diamond Faye Dixon Beverley Doern Dr. Sheila Domke & Stephen Ross Adam Dooley & Lynn Billard Sally R. Dowler Mr. & Mrs. Drewett John & Ada Ducas Sharron & Joel Dudeck Helene Dyck Roberta Dyck Mr. & Mrs. William Easton Greg Edmond & Irene Groot-Koerkamp John Edwards Enda Egan Michael Eleff & Chana Thau Selma Enns Dan Erickson Michael & Lynn Evans Robert Filuk Douglas Finkbeiner Mr. & Mrs. D.C. Finnbogason Gayle Fischer Christine Fleetwood Marcia Fleisher Lawrence Foster‡ Chris Freeman Susan & Ab Freig Arnold Frieman Menno H. & Jolanda Friesen

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

february/march 2016


Felicia & Trevor Frost Monica Furer Colleen & Dan Furlan‡ Mr. & Mrs. R. Gallant Lynne & Lindsay Gauld‡ E. George Dr. & Mrs. Ron & Denise George Rick & Patti Gilhuly Ms. Heather Gillander Sharon & Arnold Glass Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Gomori Alicyn Goodman‡ Jeremy & Maureen Gordon‡ Barbara Goszer Shawn & Bill Gould Kari Hagness†‡ Bonnie Hallman Gregory & Heather Hammond Linda A. Harlos Bruce & Judy Harris Sandra & Hans Hasenack Teresa A. Hay Mary Heindle David & Mary Hickling Mr. Dennis Hodgkinson Jennie Hogan Gary Hook & Charmine Lyons Vicki Hooke Ann-Marie & Brian Howe Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Karen Howell Frank & Donna Hruska Dan Ilchyna Stu & Alice Iverson Marlis & David Jacobson Elizabeth Janzen Cliff Jeffers Margaret Jeffries Lynne Jentsch Claire & Gerald Jewers In memory of Sybil Shack for the benefit of Royal MTC – Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Guenter & Crystal Jochum Bruce & Grace Johnson Robert & Karen Johnston Lisa Johnston‡ Katherine Jordan & James Tam Mark Kagan Brian & Renee Kaplan Dr. Arvind & Nancy Kati Dr. & Mrs. Philip Katz Donald & Sheila Keatch Rick Kendall Robert Kennedy & Claudette LeClerc Nancy Kerr G.C. Irwin-Kilfoyle M.J. King Peter Kingsley Soody & Orah Kleiman Myron & Marion Klysh Julie Ann Kniskern

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors


Supporters John & Kathryn Knowles Paul Kochan Ms. Julie Koehn Madeline Kohut Gloria Koop E. Koop Donna Korban David & Denise Koss Bill & Evelyn Krahn Lorraine Kraichy‡ Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz D.M. Kristjanson The Estate of Pat Carrigan Evan & Susan Kuz Gene & Janet Lacroix Dr. Patricia Landolfo Brenda & Glenn Lange Dr. G.H. Lawler Iris Lechner Karen Lee Ellen & Stewart Leibl Kathy & Saul Leibl Richard Leipsic Gloria Lemke Tim & Kate Letkemann‡ Carol & Clifford Levi Wendell & Eleanor Lind Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lister Charles & Diane Littman Wayne Loeppky David & Marie Loewen Dr. Sora Ludwig & Dr. Brent Schacter Sofia Lukie‡ Carole Lupkowski Tom Lussier Enid Lyons Dr. & Mrs. Ted Lyons Burton & Mary Lysecki Mr. & Mrs. E.R. MacDonald John MacDonald‡ Sharon M. Macdonald Dennis MacKay, QC & Annette Stapenhorst Mr. Jim MacNair Wally Mah Phil & Miriam Maltz Family Fund Mrs. Vera Marchuk Elaine & Neil Margolis Ms. Grace Martel Agatha Massey Manuel Matas Nicola Matthews Marjorie & Robert McCamis Linda McFadyen Betty & Kevin McGarry Julia & Don McInnes Mr. & Mrs. Campbell McIntyre Greg & Gloria McLaren The Winnipeg Foundation – John & Carolynne McLure Fund Barb Melnychuk

Dr. Jonathan Gabor & Tia Metaxas Albert Metcalfe‡ Mel & Pippie Michener Jim & Karren Middagh Irene & the late Claire Miller Marc Monnin & Donna Miller Ray Montague Margaret & Fred Mooibroek Cathie Morgan Matula Vera Moroz Sagan Morrow‡ Cathy Moser & Jeff Itzkow Kenneth Mount Maren Mueller Bill Muir Ken & Suzanne Munroe John Myers Dr. Leanne Nause Medical Corporation Deirdre Nelson Marika Nerbas Edwin & Pat Nicholls‡ Robert Nickel Chris Nielsen Helen Norrie Shelagh Linklater Deborah & George Nytepchuk Joanne Olchowecki Truus Oliver S.J. Ooto Cam Mackie & Doris Mae Oulton Conrad Padilla Murray Palay & Ivy Kopstein Heather & Harry Panaschuk Myron Pawlowsky & Susan Boulter Peter & Anita Pelech Louise Pelletier Ron & Anita Perron Wayne Piett Donna & John Platt Carla Plummer Len Podheiser Calvin Polet Ms. Karen Dawn Power Maureen Prendiville & Paul Jensen Bob & Linda Preston Ms. Judith Putter Tamara Rabkin Vivian E. Rachlis Rudy & Audrey Ramchandar Angeline Ramkissoon Dr. Martin Reed & Joy Cooper Vance Rehill Brian & Laurel Repski Bill Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds Joyce Rich Dr. & Mrs. J. Richtik Tony Robbins Daniel Robert & Chantale Gobeil Jane Robinson Mr. Robert Rogers

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



Renee Roseman Sheryl Rosenberg Craig Russell & Janet Shaw-Russell Elizabeth & Laurence Russin Michael T. Ruta Fernand Saurette Shona Scappaticci‡ Barbara Scheuneman Mary Agnes Welch Hans & Gabriele Schneider Werner & Mary Schulz Ms. Faye Scott Dr. Meir Serfaty & Bonnie Talbot Bill Shepherd & Beverley Vane Ms. Pat Shklanka Debra Shnider Dr. & Mrs. A.M. Shojania Shayna & Merrill Shulman Henry & Connie Shyka Cheryl Samson-Siemens & Gordon Siemens Dr. Ruth Simkin Meera Sinha Jennifer Skelly† & Family‡ Carol & Ron Slater Fund Chad Smith‡ Mrs. Lorraine Smith Robert Spielman Jacqueline St. Hill Evelyn Stephen Frits & Joan Stevens Yvonne Stier Heidi Struck† Richard Swain Donald & Lorraine Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Swart Shayne & Kathryn Taback Ross & B.J. Taylor Karen Tereck – Welcome to Winnipeg Inc. Elizabeth B. Armytage Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Ian R. Thomson & Leah R. Janzen Phyllis A.C. Thomson June Thompson Mary E. Tibbs‡ Malcolm & Shirley Tinsley Norma Toews Lorena Trann W. Tretiak & B. Baydock Wendy Tschetter Susan Turley‡ Eric Turner Grant Tweed Robert Tyler & Laurel Hammond-Tyler Les Ullyot Mr. Charles R. Vandekerkhove Patricia Van Doninck Fran & Bob Vannevel‡ Irv & Toby Vinsky Dr. & Mrs. M.B. Vodrey

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

february/march 2016

Supporters Jesse I. Vorst C. & J. Vukelic Helmut & Gwen Waedt V. Stirling Walkes Sherry & Bob Ward Donald Wardrop Peter & Joan Washchyshyn Al & Pat Wherrett‡ Florence & Donald Whitmore Murray & Nancy Wiegand John T. & Justina Wiens‡ Trevor Wiens‡ Peter & Elizabeth Wijtkamp Catherine Wilkie Arthur Williams Leslie Wilson Murray Wilson & Ivy Namaka Dennis & Gustine Wilton Paul & Jackie Winestock Mr. C. Winstone Rick Wishart Grant & Sheila Woods Valerie Wowryk Harry & Evelyn Wray Margaret & Paul Wright Ken & Pat Zealand 28 Anonymous

CORPORATE DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE SPONSOR Gail Asper Family Foundation The Asper Foundation BMO Financial Group Martha Burns Cardinal Capital Management Inc. Carlyle Printers Service & Supplies Ltd./Canon Canada CIBC CN De Luca Fine Wines Dycom Direct Mail Services EPIC Information Solutions Inc. Esdale Printing Co. Ltd. The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa & Conference Centre Friesens Corporation Deborah Gray The Great-West Life Assurance Company Greystone Managed Investments Inc. Investors Group Jewish Foundation of Manitoba MacDon Industries Ltd. Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries MTS National Leasing Planned Perfectly PwC RBC Royal Bank Relish Sky Zone Sleeman Breweries Ltd. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Subway Franchise World Headquarters TD Bank Financial Group Wawanesa Insurance Winnipeg Free Press

HERO • $10,000+ Johnston Group Inc. Qualico

GUARANTOR • $5,000–9,999 Gendis Inc. & Associated Corporations

PATRON • $1,200–2,999 Assiniboine Credit Union Blüfish Japanese Restaurant Deloitte Foundation Canada Fillmore Riley LLP Maxim Truck & Trailer Ruth & Ted Northam Number TEN Architectural Group, Robert Eastwood* PRA Inc. Ranger Insurance Brokers Ltd. RBC Foundation Royal Canadian Properties Limited Safeway Sofa Logic, Suzi Bonk*

CORPORATE FRIENDS OF ROYAL MTC CONTRIBUTOR • $900–1,199 Astroid Management Ltd. Manitoba’s Credit Unions The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Mitchell Fabrics Ltd.

SUPPORTER • $600–899 Intergroup Consultants Ltd. NAV CANADA Party Stuff/U-Rent-It Pollard Banknote Ltd.

ASSOCIATE • $300–599 Cowin Steel Co. Ltd. Mid West Packaging Limited Mid-West Quilting Premier Printing Ltd. Winfield Developments Canada

DONOR • $150–299 Acuity HR Solutions B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd., Ross Robinson Leon A. Brown Ltd. Lorron Agency Inc. MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers Noble Locksmith Ltd. Patill/St. James Insurance Reitmans (Canada) Limited

BENEFACTOR • $3,000–4,999 Cambrian Credit Union Maple Leaf Construction Ltd., Blake Fitzpatrick Melet Plastics Inc., Edward Shinewald Terracon Development Ltd. Winmar Property Restoration

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

february/march 2016


†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors



ENDOWMENT FUND In Honour of Artistic Director Steven Schipper

Gifts received between December 18, 2015 and January 17, 2016. In memory of Shirley Rypp – Ross Taylor

FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE John Hirsch and Tom Hendry shared a dream of creating great professional theatre with mass appeal. With the visionary support of Founders’ Circle members – those who have made a planned gift to Royal MTC – their dream will live on for generations to come. Thank you to our Founders’ Circle members.§ Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* Marjorie & Morley Blankstein* Duane & Pauline Braun Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM† Kerry Dangerfield* James Gibbs Gary Hannaford & Cathy Rushton Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen Dr. Leonard & Hope Kahane Gordon C. Keatch* Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers Leona J. MacDonald Barb Melnychuk Jeffrey Morton* Heather Power & Harold Klause Edward Fisher & Lyse Rémillard

Many thanks to the generosity of our Endowment Fund donors who gave a gift or fulfilled a pledge payment between October 17, 2014 and January 17, 2016. Amounts are cumulative. $5,000,000+ Government of Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada Canadian Heritage/ Patrimoine canadien

$250,000–499,999 Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson

$50,000–99,999 Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre Volunteer Corps of Ushers Sandy & Deborah Riley

$25,000–49,999 J.K. May Investments Ltd. Johnston Group Inc.

$10,000–24,999 The Bowles Family Bryan Klein & Susan Halprin The Estate of Gordon P. Linney Virginia & the late Robert Martin Cam & Carole Osler Norma Anne Padilla Lawrie & Fran Pollard Steven Schipper, CM† & Terri Cherniack George Sigurdson Terracon Development Ltd.

$5,000–9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Kristjan & Shirley Benidickson Doneta* & Harry Brotchie Margaret Caie Merv & Jan Cavers Donald Fraser & Judy Little Susan & Keith Knox John Maguire & Susan Collison Garry Markham Jim* & Penny McLandress L. Blair Philpott & Tom Kynman *Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

Heather Pullan & Tom Frohlinger Faye Warren Wearing Williams Limited – Don & Sheila Katz Joan Wright

$2,500–4,999 Lee & Wayne Anderson Esther & Hy Dashevsky* Helene Dyck Gregg & Mary Hanson Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Margaret & Fred Mooibroek In memory of Liam Murphy – Leigh Murphy Cheryl Ogaranko Dr. & Mrs. F.C. Violago Dorothy Y. Young Anonymous

$1,000–2,499 Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation Jack Armstrong & Doris Quinn Philip Ashdown George Baldwin Doris & Burton Bass Arthur & Ken Blankstein-Ure The Bohm Family Don & Cheryl Breakey Sheila & David Brodovsky Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Ron & Carol Chapman Dave* & Barb Christie Pamela & Andrew Cooke Joy Cooper & Martin Reed Kerry Dangerfield* Bob & Alison Darling Roberta Dyck Michael & Lynn Evans Brent & Debbie Gilbert David & Ewhenia Gnutel John & Margaret Graham Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Dr. G.H. Lawler Barbara Main Mark & Gloria Mancini Dr. & Mrs. Donald McInnes Terri & Jim McKerchar Irene & the late Claire Miller Vera Moroz Jean & Lisa Neron Marina Plett-Lyle Amy Richmond Ruth Simkin Rosemary & Leonard Steingarten Frits & Joan Stevens Melinda Tallin† & Glen Mitchell Suzanne Ullyot 2 Anonymous

†Current Royal MTC staff §If you have remembered Royal MTC in your will, please let us know



‡Monthly donors

february/march 2016

Supporters $500–999 Joan & Ed Alexander Peggy Bainard Acheson Bruce & Joyce Berry Donald & Edith Besant Suzi Bonk* Ron & Joan Boyd Arthur & Donna Chow Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel John K. & Agnes Collins Nelma Fetterman Marcia Fleisher Chris Freeman Teresa A. Hay Evelyn & Larry Hecht In memory of David Landy – Edith Landy Don Lawrence Dr. Stan & Susan Lipnowski Patrick* & Clarice Matthews Gerry & Corinne McCallum Estelle Meyers Paul & Elaine Neelon E.M.L. Poulter Bill & Norma Rennie Patricia & James Richtik Marc & Sherri Rittinger Michael T. Ruta Jim & Susan Shaw Howie & Sue Simpson


Elaine Toms Gabor Vamos & Brenda Silver 4 Anonymous

UP TO $499 Jacqueline Anderson Leslie Anderson & Ken MacLeod Donald Aronovitch Margaret & Charles Avent Peggy Barker Ms. Jean Bissett Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel Jeanetta Casselman Beverley Clegg Ms. Simone I. Cohen Christine H. Coltart Maxine Cristall Dr. & Mrs. D.D. & B.M. Fillis Lee Finch L.D. Graham Mr. James Graydon Karen Herd Mrs. Audrey Hilderman Elizabeth E. Jackson Jordan Janisse & Teresa Cooper L. Kampeas Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kisil Barbara Latocki Ms. Nancy Latocki

Vi Leaney Frances Lemieux Elliot Leven Sylvia L. Main Nick Martin & Dr. Evelyn Ferguson Anthony & Joyce McWha Marcel & Louise Mollot Pat & Sherry O’Connor Theresa Oye Myrna Protosavage Henry & Sheila Riendeau Jack & Regina Schipper Ivor & Lorna Schledewitz Vern & Ann Simonsen Geri & Peter Spencer Brenda Taylor Marilyn Thompson Mary & Gordon Toombs W. Tretiak & B. Baydock Tim Valgardson* Veralyn R. Warkentin Donna Webb 6 Anonymous


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Supporting Partners CORE FUNDERS












Deborah Gray Martha Burns






november/december 2015




BRONZE SPONSOR Insurance Brokers and Consultants








february/march 2016



Behind the Scenes Board of Trustees

John Hirsch Mainstage Front-of-House

Deborah Gay-de Vries, Front-of-House Manager Assisted by: Sheena Baird Jamie Chapman, Kim Cossette, Hunter Davis, Noah de Vries, Rylen de Vries, Nick Fletcher, Deanna Goring, Jonny Hall, Elfie Harvey, Marissa Kellett, Peter Kellett, Talia Kowalchuk, Tia Levine, Declan Moulden, Graeme Olson, Amariah Peterson, Angela Rajfur, Jennifer Schmidt, Hannah Schneider, Rita Vande Vyvere, Kira Watson

Honorary Members

Her Honour, Lt. Governor Janice C. Filmon The Honourable Greg Selinger, Premier of Manitoba His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman Executive Officers

Jim McLandress, Chair Anthony C. Fletcher, Chair-Elect David Carefoot, Treasurer Suzi Bonk, Chair, Community Relations David Christie, Chair, Resource Development Patrick Green, Chair, Organizational Performance John Guttormson, Chair, Governance & Strategic Planning Trustees

Heather Clarke Robert Eastwood Paulo Fernandes Katherine Fox Sandy Gousseau Rita Gunn Advisory Council

Kerry Dangerfield, Chair Gail Asper Doneta Brotchie Angus Campbell Gerry Couture Hy Dashevsky Glen Dyrda, FCA John F. Fraser Jean Giguere Charron Hamilton


Andrew Drinnan, Building Superintendent Chris Fletcher, Assistant Building Superintendent Marketing & Communications

Shawn Hughes Jason Kasper John Kearsey Brenda Kriss Andrea Robertson Derek Rolstone

Laurie A. Speers Tim J. Valgardson Helga D. Van Iderstine Judy Wakefield Richard L. Yaffe

Gary Hannaford, FCA Yude Henteleff Ken Houssin Gordon Keatch Colin R. MacArthur, QC Patrick J. Matthews Jeffrey Morton, FCA Hon. Jack Murta Lillian Neaman Shelley Nimchonok

James Pappas John Petersmeyer Lawrence Prout Jeff Quinton Patricia Rabson Margaret Redmond Susan Skinner Al Snyder Maureen Watchorn

Hayley Brigg, Publicity & Communications Coordinator Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager Katie Inverarity, Director of Marketing & Communications Mark Saunders, Marketing & Communications Coordinator Thomas Urish, Sales Manager Paint

Jane Buttner, Apprentice Scenic Artist Susan Groff, Head Scenic Artist Production

Jessica Alexander, Assistant Production Manager Laura Enns, Touring & Production Coordinator Ian Kirk, Assistant Technical Director Rick MacPherson, Technical Director, Tom Hendry Warehouse Russell Martin, Director of Production Ben Ross, Technical Director, John Hirsch Mainstage Properties

Larry Demedash, Senior Properties Builder Kari Hagness, Head of Properties Lawrence Van Went, Properties Builder Stage Crew

Staff Sharon Burden, Payroll Administrator Yvonne O’Connor, Accounts Payable Administrator Shelley Stroski, Controller

Joan Lees-Miller, Head of Wardrobe Claude Robert, Head Electrician Chris Thomson, Head Carpenter John Tomiuk, House Stage Hand Michael Wright, Head of Sound


Tom Hendry Warehouse


Brian Adolph, IT Manager Angela Broadbent, Education & Community Engagement Manager Devan Graham, Director of Human Resources Camilla Holland, General Manager Mary Horodyski, Archivist Daphne MacMillan, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Skelly, IT Administrator Artistic

Louis Gagné, Layout Carpenter Brent Letain, Master Carpenter Chris Seida, Scenic Carpenter

Kim Cossette, Front-of-House Manager Rylen de Vries, Rachael Neal, April Smith, Deion Smith Thora Lamont, Acting Head of Wardrobe Sharmon Luchuck, Buyer Lorraine O’Leary, Head of Wardrobe Lois Powne, First Hand Jackie Van Winkle, Head Buyer & Accessories Coordinator Wigs

Sheena Baird, Ticketing Services Manager Laurie Fletcher, Box Office Manager Melanie Sexton, Director of Box Office Services Box Office Representatives: Katie Adamson, Laura Bergen, Gwendolyn Collins, Julie Gregorchuk, Kali Claire Grenier-Prieur, Robyn Pooley, Jessica Ross, Katie Schmidt, Reba Terlson, Ethan Zipman Carpentry (John Hirsch Mainstage)

Tom Hendry Warehouse Front-of-House


Jeff Kennedy, Literary Coordinator Laurie Lam, Producer Robb Paterson, Associate Artistic Director Steven Schipper, CM, Artistic Director Casey Shapira, Assistant to the Producer Melinda Tallin, Artistic Coordinator Box Office

Chris Brett, Head of Sound Randy Zyla Harder, Head Electrician Rick MacPherson, Technical Director Alison Nutt, Head Carpenter

Beverly Covert, Wigs & Makeup Supervisor Zane Kirk, Consultant Hair Stylist Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival & Master Playwright Festival

Jennifer Cheslock, Festival Manager Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer Tori Popp, Festival Assistant Honorary Staff

Zaz Bajon, General Manager Emeritus


Michael Joyal, Development Data Manager Shelly Smith-Hines, Director of Development Heidi Struck, Individual Giving Manager



february/march 2016

Behind the Scenes Additional Production Staff Chimerica

Linda Beech, Props Artisan Jacko Garcia, Carpenter Kim Hamin, Assistant Scenic Artist Summer Holmes, Props Buyer Amanda Issak, First Hand Kara Pankiw, Painter Ken Perchuk, Production Driver Carla Schroeder, Assistant Scenic Artist Bryn Vargas, Scenic Painter Things We Do for Love

Heather Lee Brereton, Props Seamstress Miguel Fortier, Lighting Crew Kim Hamin, Assistant Scenic Artist Summer Holmes, Props Buyer Amanda Isaak, First Hand Matthew Lagacé, Stage Crew Paul Moore, Stage Hand Kara Pankiw, Painter Ken Perchuk, Production Driver Julia Pouliot, Lighting Crew Jacqueline Robertson, Lighting Crew Carla Schroeder, Assistant Scenic Artist Cari Simpson, Lighting Crew Bryn Vargas, Scenic Painter Burkhard Weiss, Assistant Carpenter Additional crew provided by IATSE Local 63

ACT LIKE A STAR! Everyone at the theatre is part of the show. Yes, even you. You want to be a star, don’t you? These tips will make you a stand-out performer (in a good way)!

Scents and Sensibility

Many theatre lovers experience adverse medical reactions from scented products. Please consider others before using scented products.

Park Your Mobile Device

We know something interesting is happening on social media. It always is. But your neighbours want to watch the play. Please turn off all mobile devices.

The Sound of Silence

Our theatre has great acoustics. So when you’re talking during the show, everyone can hear you. Your neighbours, the ushers and even the actors. We want you to talk about the show… at intermission or after the final bows.

We’re always happy to see you at the theatre. Thank you for coming!

Education & Community Engagement

SCHOLARSHIP AND APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Royal MTC’s Scholarship and Apprenticeship program is funded through audience donations. During the intermission of our next production, Unnecessary Farce, ushers will collect your donations to ensure this program’s continued success. We thank you for your support of emerging Manitoban theatre artists. 2015/16 Jean Murray – Moray Sinclair Theatre Scholarship Recipients Megan Andres, University of British Columbia Kelsey Lacombe, Sheridan College Jessy Ardern, University of Alberta Montana Lehmann, University of Winnipeg Erik Berg, National Theatre School Suzie Martin, University of Alberta Ksenia Broda-Milian, University of Alberta Emily Meadows, Sheridan College Genevieve DeGraves, George Brown University Erica Mitchell, University of Winnipeg Becky Frohlinger, Elon University Victoria Popp, University of Winnipeg Adrianna Kollar, University of Winnipeg Maria Zarillo, Studio 58 Hannah Krostewitz, Ryerson University 2015/16 Jean Murray – Moray Sinclair Theatre Scholarship Apprenticeship Recipients Joseph Abetria, Design Apprenticeship, Billy Elliot The Musical Darryl Audette, Design Apprenticeship, Seminar Jane Buttner, Scenic Painting Apprenticeship, Billy Elliot The Musical Jo Chalmers, Design Apprenticeship, Things We Do For Love Wren Hookey, Directing Apprenticeship, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Frances Koncan, Directing Apprenticeship, Seminar



february/march 2016

You can play a leading role! DONATE TODAY

donate online at royalmtc.ca or call 204 954 6412 today

Some records are worth keeping. Others not. Having the wisdom to know the dierence is key.


Mobile on-site shredding. shredding



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