Ovation Volume 25, Number 3 (January/February 2018)

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vol 25 • no 3 jan/feb 2018




IMAGINATION TAKES US EVERYWHERE Proud to support the imaginative talent in our creative and cultural arts community.

MESSAGE FROM THE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR We are the sum of our genetic inheritance, our geographical influences, and the people who have guided and goaded us from the time we were born. Our lives are migrations through time and space, and the places and people we encounter imprint themselves on our psyches. Some of those migrations are desperate quests for permanent refuge, like that of my parents and sponsor Gail Asper’s grandparents who endured anti-Semitism in countries like Poland and Ukraine. Others, like the frightened passengers who landed in Steven Schipper

places like Gander and Winnipeg on 9/11, need only a temporary haven before returning to their old lives.

Whether these exiles come forever or for a little while, they are all afraid of being turned away. If they can stay, there is still the dislocation of walking unknown streets, hearing unfamiliar accents, and relying on the kindness of strangers. The passengers who landed in Gander that day knew no one on the ground, and their numbers almost doubled the population of the community in which they found themselves. At a time when fear and suspicion gripped the world, Gander and the surrounding Newfoundland towns responded with kindness and generosity, and inspired the world with their heroic actions. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights’ current exhibits “Seeking Safety” and “Seeking Refuge” remind us that the plight of the Gander passengers isn’t an isolated incident. The world’s dislocated are always with us, and we ourselves, at one time or another, have almost all come from away. Yours always,

Royal MTC acknowledges that our two venues are on Treaty 1 Land, the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe people and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Royal MTC thanks them, the Cree, Dakota and Oji-Cree, and all of the custodians of this land. january/february 2018







A Day in the Death of Joe Egg BY PETER NICHOLS

In his 1973 review of Peter Nichols’ A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, which had just opened at MTC, Winnipeg Free Press critic Christopher Dafoe flung a challenge to the audience, citizens, and government of Manitoba. He wrote: “One of the effects of this remarkable play is to draw attention to a tragic situation that exists here in Manitoba. One of the many functions of theatre is to bring us face-to-face with human problems we might otherwise prefer to avoid. If we are touched by the domestic tragedy in Joe Egg, how can we fail to be moved by the dilemma faced by hundreds of parents … in our own community? …The painful fact, however, is that virtually nothing is being done for these children and nobody really seems to care. … Joe Egg is a play that puts us all on the spot.” What was this play that provoked such a reaction? Joe Egg, to use its often-shortened title, was first produced in 1967, had numerous productions throughout the late 60s and early 70s, and had an acclaimed revival in London, 2015. In the play a stressed-out couple takes care of their young daughter, who has severe cerebral palsy. At the time there was little official public assistance, other 4

than institutionalization, available for the child. How the couple deals, or often doesn’t deal, with the situation is at the heart of the play. Nichols pulls no punches. If not an outright farce, it certainly crosses the border into dark comedy. It’s a play of protest and compassion presenting the question not only that Dafoe asked — how do we support families facing this problem? — but also how would each of us cope? In 1973, the play helped wake up the audience that saw it, and here in its own way MTC helped. Winnipegger Nicola Schaefer is the mother of a daughter with significant multiple disabilities. In her book Does She Know She’s There? which tells of life with her daughter Catherine, she remarks on seeing Joe Egg at MTC: “I felt that Peter Nichols must have sneaked into our lives on occasion and taken notes.” She welcomed the production’s actors into her home to see how the family lived day to day. This became more than research, however, since friendships were formed while understanding grew. Prior to the run, MTC asked Schaefer to write a handbill that was given out by her and her team of volunteers to audience members after each performance. The handbill “No They Are Not” was a call to action about the lack of ingrained rights for Manitobans with significant disabilities.


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2000s 1

2010s 2

A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, 1973

Does the play hold up? Disturbing in 1. Catherine & Nicola Schaefer. PHOTO BY TOM PRESCOTT, its day, and a catalyst for change, does 2. Pat Galloway, Brenda Raynbird & John McEnery background: John McEnery & Pat Galloway it still challenge? Leading up to the 2 & BACKGROUND: PHOTOS BY GERRY KOPELOW. 2015 London revival, Guardian critic ARCHIVES OF MANITOBA, ROYAL MTC FONDS. Lyn Gardner wondered in this age of political correctness whether it would be accepted, given its (supposedly) incorrect language and out-of-date attitudes. That revival was a success. In the intervening decades, Nichols had been somewhat dismayed at the spate of similar plays (and films), none of them, in the opinion of American critic Mel Gussow, as moving. Perhaps, as Gussow notes, it is because the subsequent works dealt only with the physical condition of a character. Joe “I felt that Peter Nichols must Egg lives on because it tackles with eloguence have sneaked into our lives on and honesty the oldest subject in drama: the occasion and taken notes.” fate of a family. – WINNIPEGGER NICOLA SCHAEFER RORY RUNNELLS

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THEATRE ABBREVIATION LEGEND Arts Club Arts Club Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC ATF Atlantic Theatre Festival • Wolfville, NS ATP Alberta Theatre Projects • Calgary, AB BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music • NYC Bard on the Beach Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival • Vancouver, BC Belfry The Belfry Theatre • Victoria, BC Blyth Blyth Theatre Festival • Blyth, ON Broadway Theatre district • New York, NY CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Centaur Centaur Theatre Company • Montreal, QC Citadel The Citadel Theatre • Edmonton, AB COC Canadian Opera Company • Toronto, ON CS Canadian Stage • Toronto, ON Dora Dora Mavor Moore Award • Toronto, ON Drayton Drayton Entertainment • Ontario Dry Cold Dry Cold Productions • Winnipeg, MB Factory Factory Theatre • Toronto, ON GCTC The Great Canadian Theatre Company • Ottawa, ON Grand The Grand Theatre • London, ON HGJT Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Mirvish Mirvish Productions • Toronto, ON Moving Target Moving Target Theatre Company • Winnipeg, MB MTYP Manitoba Theatre for Young People • Winnipeg, MB NAC National Arts Centre • Ottawa, ON Necessary Angel Necessary Angel Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Neptune Neptune Theatre • Halifax, NS NFB National Film Board of Canada NTS National Theatre School of Canada • Montreal, QC Persephone Persephone Theatre • Saskatoon, SK PTAM Popular Theatre Alliance of Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB PTE Prairie Theatre Exchange • Winnipeg, MB

Rainbow Rainbow Stage • Winnipeg, MB RNT Royal National Theatre • London, England Royal Alex The Royal Alexandra Theatre • Toronto, ON RSC Royal Shakespeare Company • Stratford-upon-Avon, England RWB Royal Winnipeg Ballet • Winnipeg, MB Sarasvàti Sarasvàti Productions • Winnipeg, MB Segal The Segal Centre for Performing Arts • Montreal, QC Shaw Shaw Festival • Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON SIR Shakespeare in the Ruins • Winnipeg, MB Soulpepper Soulpepper Theatre Company • Toronto, ON Stratford Stratford Festival • Stratford, ON SummerWorks SummerWorks Theatre Festival • Toronto, ON TA Theatre Aquarius • Hamilton, ON Tarragon Tarragon Theatre • Toronto, ON TBTR Theatre by the River • Winnipeg, MB TC Theatre Calgary • Calgary, AB TiFT Talk is Free Theatre • Barrie, ON TNB Theatre New Brunswick • Fredericton, NB Toronto Free Toronto Free Theatre • Toronto, ON TPM Theatre Projects Manitoba • Winnipeg, MB TSO Toronto Symphony Orchestra U of M University of Manitoba U of T University of Toronto U of W University of Winnipeg VP Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company • Vancouver, BC West End Theatre district • London, England WCT Western Canada Theatre • Kamloops, BC WJT Winnipeg Jewish Theatre WSO Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra WST Winnipeg Studio Theatre YPT Young People’s Theatre • Toronto, ON zone41 zone41 theatre • Winnipeg, MB


Ovation is published six times per theatre season and has an approximate yearly circulation of 100,000. printing: Premier Printing Ltd. ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Thomas Urish telephone: 204 954 6413 email: turish@royalmtc.ca

Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre 174 Market Avenue Winnipeg, MB r3b 0p8 Canada RoyalMTC.ca box office: 204 942 6537 administration: 204 956 1340 fax: 204 947 3741

Ushers • Royal MTC’s loyal volunteer ushers are avail-

able at every performance to assist patrons.

Latecomers • Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager. Courtesy to others • Talking, candy wrappers and

coughing are distracting to fellow patrons and actors. We ask each patron to please keep noise to a minimum during a performance. Thank you for your cooperation.

Scents and Allergies • A number of Royal MTC

patrons have expressed concerns regarding medical reactions caused by scented products, so much so that they can’t enjoy the show. Please consider others before using items such as colognes, perfumes and hairspray. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.


Royal MTC is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. Scenery, Carpentry and Show Running Crew at the John Hirsch Mainstage and the Tom Hendry Warehouse are members of IATSE Local 63.

Hearing enhancement • Sennheiser Infrared Listening Devices are available free of charge in the lobby at the John Hirsch Mainstage and Tom Hendry Warehouse, supplied by the Royal MTC Volunteer Corps of Ushers Capital Campaign donation. Please see the House Manager for details. Prohibited • The use of cameras and recording devices is strictly prohibited. Mobile devices must be turned off. To be contacted in an emergency, leave your name and seat number with the House Manager. Warnings • On occasion, Royal MTC’s productions may contain script-specific smoking of non-tobacco products, special effects and language/content warnings. For more information on specific productions, please visit royalmtc.ca.


january/february 2018



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COME FROM AWAY system again. “What we know now is that two aircrafts were hijacked and flew into the World Trade Center. Both towers have fallen. The Pentagon was also attacked by a hijacked aircraft.” I felt my heart leap into my throat. None of us could see live TV images, hear radio, or even call anyone to verify the news we’d been told.


Can you describe your first impressions of Gander’s residents?

On September 11, 2001, Kevin and his then partner were flying home to NYC from Paris. His flight was rerouted to Gander. Tell us what that first day was like waiting on the Gander airport tarmac? Returning to the US from a vacation in France, I noticed we suddenly dropped in elevation and the 747 made a sharp turn to the North, while we were still two hours away from landing, above the Atlantic Ocean. Several minutes later our Air France captain came on the public address system and said “Due to a terrorist attack in the United States, we will be landing in Gander.” Our flight was the second of the 38 planes to land in the tiny town of Gander that day. For hours, I watched out my window as one wide-body plane after the other landed. Five hours after we landed, the captain came over the PA 8

Finally, 12 hours after landing in Gander, I walked down the stairway onto the tarmac, feeling a great sense of relief. All we had were the clothes on our backs and two bottles of duty-free vodka. We walked into the small airport terminal, and it felt like we arrived at a party. There were dozens of volunteers, and tons of food and drink available.

Until that time, I had never been in a situation in my life where I needed a hand from a stranger. I was always a problem solver, but at this moment, I had to rely on the kindness of strangers to help me with my basic needs. The College of the North Atlantic cancelled classes, and became a shelter for 272 people. By the time we showed up, dozens of volunteers had cleared classrooms to become sleeping rooms, run cable to set up TVs for us to see news coverage and set up a 24/7 buffet of food. At times, it seemed like all 9,000 men, women and children in town were volunteering in some capacity at one or all of the several shelters set up for the “plane people.” What was the biggest surprise to you during your time in Gander? We had no information, didn’t know what was going on, and needed food,


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COME FROM AWAY clothing and shelter. Canadian authorities could have treated the stranded passengers as refugees with terrorists among us, leaving us on the planes for days. But they didn’t. Every person in Gander and the surrounding towns offered us kindness and goodwill even though they didn’t have to. They let everyone off the planes and took care of us in the most beautiful, loving ways. Tell us about your introduction to the culture of Newfoundland. Were there any amusing or interesting customs you have been introduced to? When I returned to Gander in 2011 to offer my thanks on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I was surprised with a traditional “Screech In” ceremony to become an honourary Newfoundlander. “Is ye a screecher?” my host asked. They told us how to respond: “’Deed I is, me ol’ cock! And long may yer big jib draw!” It’s a tongue twister. Translated, it means “Yes, I am, my old friend, and may your sails always catch wind.” After drinking the shot of Screech rum and eating a piece of Newfoundland steak (baloney), I was anointed by placing the oar of a rowing paddle upon each shoulder. Then it was time to kiss the fish, a Newfoundland cod. Was there a part of your experience that you kept coming back to or thought about after returning home? When we left Gander, the volunteers said our gratitude was enough and no repayment for the food or phone calls was necessary. Their generosity provided a beautiful example of how little things can make a big difference. Today, local churches and Gander Refugee Outreach have adopted Syrian refugee families. This tiny town is a january/february 2018

shining beacon to the world for how we should treat strangers, immigrants and refugees. How has your life changed as a result of this experience? What happened to me in Gander changed my life for the better in every way — personally, professionally, and spiritually. I’m confident Winnipeggers will love learning more about this story. On the first anniversary of the attacks, I wanted to do something to offer my gratitude, and borrowed an idea from the popular book and movie Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. I closed my office every anniversary of September 11, and instructed my 40 staffers to go into the community to do good deeds for strangers. I made it fun by giving them $100 bills. We call it Pay it Forward 9/11 and it’s grown to become a tradition for many North Americans. What many Canadians don’t realize is that September 11 is a federally-recognized day of service, where random acts of kindness and charity are encouraged to remember the 24 Canadians killed at the World Trade Center. Kevin Tuerff is a New York City-based social entrepreneur, author and speaker. In 2017, he wrote “Channel of Peace: Stranded in Gander on 9/11.” After an appearance at Royal MTC’s Black & White Ball and book signing at McNally Robinson Booksellers in November, the book became a bestseller among nonfiction books. Learn more about the Canadian National Day of Service Foundation at dayofservice.ca. Photo of Kevin Tuerff at August 2017 book signing in St. John's, Newfoundland. PHOTO BY TARA BRADBURY



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Let’s go NOT FIT


A traveller to Newfoundland someone who wasn’t born there




Exceptionally bad weather


Really stupid

May you have good fortune



You’re funny

Where do you come from?


Enjoying yourself / having a party I’M GUTFOUNDERED, FIRE UP A SCOFF

I’m hungry, make me some food

Dinner and a dance

Stay there until I get there



Who’s your mother / parents?



Thank you

It’s all gone wrong

They got what they deserved


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Come From Away January 11 – February 3, 2018 previews January 4-10

Book, Music and Lyrics..........................Irene Sankoff and David Hein Director............................................................................Christopher Ashley Musical Staging..........................................................................Kelly Devine Music Supervisor / Arrangements..................................Ian Eisendrath Set Designer............................................................................Beowulf Boritt Costume Designer......................................................... Toni-Leslie James Lighting Designer................................................................. Howell Binkley Sound Designer....................................................................... Gareth Owen Hair Designer................................................................. David Brian Brown Orchestrations................................................................August Eriksmoen Dialect Coach..............................................................................Joel Goldes Casting Director............................................Stephanie Gorin, cdc, csa New York Casting...............Telsey + Company/Rachel Hoffman, csa Creative Consultant........................................................Michael Rubinoff Music Director...............................................................................Bob Foster Associate Music Director....................................................Richard Evans Associate Choreographer.............................................. Richard J. Hinds Production Stage Manager............................................. The. John Gray Stage Manager......................................................................... Lisa Humber Assistant Stage Manager....................................................... Katie Honek Resident Director / Choreographer...............................Dayna Tekatch Apprentice Stage Manager..................................................Steven Smits Production Management................................................... Scot Whitham Production Supervisor......................Juniper Street Productions, Inc. General Management.............................. Alchemy Production Group Marketing Strategy and Direction...................................On The Rialto Press Representative...................................................................Polk & Co. Canadian Regional Premiere at Royal MTC by special arrangement with David Mirvish and Junkyard Dog Productions. COME FROM AWAY is produced by Junkyard Dog Productions (Randy Adams, Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff and Sue Frost), Jerry Frankel, Latitude Link, Smith & Brant Theatricals, Steve & Paula Reynolds, David Mirvish, Michael Rubinoff, Alhadeff Productions, Michael Alden & Nancy Nagel Gibbs, Sam Levy, Rodney Rigby, Spencer Ross, Richard Winkler, Yonge Street Theatricals, Sheridan College, Michael & Ellise Coit, Ronald Frankel, Sheri & Les Biller, Richard Belkin, Gary & Marlene Cohen, Allan Detsky & Rena Mendelson, Lauren Doll, Barbara H. Freitag, Wendy Gillespie, Laura Little Theatricals, Carl & Jennifer Pasbjerg, Radio Mouse Entertainment, The Shubert Organization, Cynthia Stroum, Tulchin Bartner Productions, Gwen Arment/Molly Morris & Demos Bizar/Square 1 Theatrics, Joshua Goodman/Lauren Stevens, Just for Laughs Theatricals/Judith Ann Abrams Productions, Bill & Linda Potter/Rosemary & Kenneth Willman and La Jolla Playhouse and Seattle Repertory Theatre.



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Hannah & others....................................................................Saccha Dennis Janice & others................................................. Steffi DiDomenicantonio Diane & others.......................................................................Barbara Fulton Beulah & others........................................................................... Lisa Horner Nick & others...................................................................................James Kall Claude & others............................................................. George Masswohl Kevin J. & others........................................................................... Ali Momen Kevin T. & others...............................................................Jack Noseworthy Oz & others................................................................................Cory O’Brien Bonnie & others....................................................................... Kristen Peace Beverley & others...............................................................Eliza-Jane Scott Bob & others...................................................................................Kevin Vidal UNDERSTUDIES

Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the appearance. For Beulah, Hannah, Diane and Bonnie...................... Susan Dunstan For Janice, Bonnie, Beverley and Hannah......................Kate Etienne For Kevin J., Bob, Kevin T. and Nick.....................................Amir Haidar For Kevin T., Oz, Kevin J. and Claude............................... Jeff Madden For Claude, Nick, Oz and Bob......................................... David Silvestri For Beverley, Diane, Beulah and Janice.......................Cailin Stadnyk SETTING: September 2001 through 2011. Gander, Newfoundland and surrounding towns.

Come From Away is performed without an intermission. COME FROM AWAY was originally co-produced in 2015 by La Jolla Playhouse and Seattle Repertory Theatre and presented in 2016 by Ford’s Theatre. COME FROM AWAY (NAMT Festival 2013) was developed at the Canadian Music Theatre Project (Michael Rubinoff Producer, Sheridan College in Oakville, ON), and was further developed at Goodspeed Musicals’ Festival of New Artists, in East Haddam, CT. It was also part of the National Alliance of Musical Theatre’s Festival of New Musicals in New York 2013. The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council, and the Fifth Avenue Theatre in Seattle, WA, also provided development support. Sound equipment supplied by Sound Associates Inc.

Scenery constructed by Royal MTC. Scenic items fabricated by PRG-Scenic Technologies, a division of Production Resource Group, LLC, New Windsor NY. Show control and scenic motion control featuring Stage Command Systems® by PRG-Scenic Technologies, a division of Production Resource Group, llc, New Windsor, NY. Soft goods supplied by Rosebrand.

Lighting equipment from PRG Lighting. Properties by Mike Pilipski, Ellen Pilipski, Joshua Pulos, Peter Drummond, BB Props, Jerard Studio and the Royal MTC Properties department. Stage Rigging & Control provided by Christie Lites. Costumes constructed by John Kristiansen Studio, NY. Purchasing by Devario Simmons. Wigs by Ray Marston Wig Studio, London, UK.


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Welcome to the Rock.................................................................... Company 38 Planes........................................................................................... Company Blankets and Bedding.................................................................. Company 28 Hours/Wherever We Are**................................................... Company Darkness and Trees....................................................................... Company Costume Party.............. Diane, Hannah, Kevin T., Kevin J., Company I Am Here................................................................................................Hannah Prayer*...............................................................................Kevin T., Company On the Edge..................................................................................... Company Screech In**......................................................................Claude, Company Me and the Sky.............................................................Beverley, Company Stop the World....................................................... Nick, Diane, Company Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere................................... Company Something’s Missing...................................................................... Company Finale................................................................................................... Company *Prayer of St. Francis — Dedicated to Mrs. Frances Tracy. ©1967, OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. **My Heart Will Go On — Words and Music by Will Jennings and James Horner. ©IRVING MUSIC, INC. on behalf of BLUE SKY RIDER SONGS (BMI) Used by permission of Sony/ATV Music Publishing. All rights reserved.


Guitar 1.....................................................................................Tristan Avakian Guitar 2..........................................................................................Kim Ratcliffe Fiddle............................................................................................Anna Ludlow Whistles / Pipes................................................................. Spencer Murray Bass.....................................................................................Jonathan Maharaj Drums...........................................................................................Sean Kilbride Keys / Music Director..................................................................Bob Foster Keys / Associate Music Director.......................................Richard Evans Percussion....................................................................................Greg Hawco Contractor................................................................................ Rick Whitelaw Music Copyists...............................................Zach Redler, Ryan Driscoll Electronic Music Design....... Andrew Barrett for Lionella Music, llc Cymbals provided by

Drums provided by

Guitar amp and effect tones provided by

LEARN MORE AT comefromaway.com SYNOPSIS In a heartbeat, 38 planes and 6,579 passengers were forced to land in Gander, Newfoundland, doubling the population of one small town on the edge of the world. On September 11, 2001 the world stopped. On September 12, their stories moved us all. 14


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COME FROM AWAY the feature film Stage Fright with Meatloaf.

Saccha Dennis

ET CETERA Steffi is thrilled to become an

Hannah & others

honourary islander in Come From Away! She is a Dora Award-nominated performer who has appeared on stages across Canada and the United States. @SteffiD5

ROYAL MTC Dreamgirls (with TA).

Barbara Fulton

OTHER THEATRE Recently seen in the

world premiere and Broadway-bound show Sousatzka (Elgin Theatre). Sister Act (Rainbow); Avenue Q (Citadel); We Will Rock You - first US national tour (Tribeca/ Networks); Jacob Two-Two Meets The Hooded Fang (Dora for Outstanding Performance Ensemble), James and the Giant Peach (Dora nomination for best ensemble) (YPT); Little Shop of Horrors (Rose Theatre/STC/SW); Ragtime, My Fair Lady, One Touch of Venus, Sunday in the Park with George (Shaw). FILM/TV Rick Mercer Report (feature).

Steffi DiDomenicantonio Janice & others

ROYAL MTC Cabaret, Next to Normal.

Diane & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Most recently appearing in Life After (CS). 22 seasons with the Stratford Festival, selected credits include A Little Night Music, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, The Sound of Music, Romeo and Juliet, Fiddler on the Roof, The Taming of the Shrew, Electra, Into the Woods, The Miracle Worker and Bonjour, là, bonjour. Grizabella in the original Canadian company of Cats (Elgin Theatre). ET CETERA Originally from Nova Scotia, Barbara is beyond delighted to be part of the Canadian company of Come From Away. She has two jazz CDs, Somebody New and Too Close For Comfort.

OTHER THEATRE Selected: Spring

Awakening (first Broadway national tour); Cinderella (YPT - Dora nomination); Five Faces/Cinq Visages (CS); Peter Pan in Wonderland (Elgin Theatre); Idiot’s Delight, Berlin to Broadway, Manhattan: Midtown (Soulpepper); I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (Segal); The Addams Family, The Rocky Horror Show, Rooms, Dogfight, Bittergirl (World Premiere). FILM/TV Shellers in Crawford created by Mike Clattenburg (CBC); Canadian Idol (top 5); Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town; Saving Hope; Lost Girl; Nikita; Rick Mercer Report; Amélie et Compagnie (two seasons); Moitié Moitié (four seasons); and

Lisa Horner Beulah & others

ROYAL MTC Grumpy Old Men: The Musical. OTHER THEATRE Kinky Boots, Mme

Thenardier in the 25th Anniversary production of Les Misérables, Miss Gulch/ Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz (2013 Dora Award for Outstanding Performance) and the title role in the world premiere of My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding written by Irene

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

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COME FROM AWAY Sankoff and David Hein (Mirvish). Most recent credits include General Cartwright in Guys and Dolls, Little Buttercup in HMS Pinafore (Stratford); Edith/Little Edie in Grey Gardens (2016 Dora Award for Outstanding Performance) and The Wild Party (Musical Stage Co.); Therefore Choose Life (HGJT); Les Belles Soeurs the Musical (Segal); world premiere of Halfway There (Foster Festival). Five seasons with the Shaw Festival, three seasons with the Stratford Festival. Various productions with National Arts Centre, Factory Theatre, Canadian Stage, Drayton Entertainment, Theatre Aquarius, The Grand Theatre. FILM/TV Selected: Odd Squad, Little Mosque on the Prairie, Road to Avonlea, Wind at My Back, Majority Rules. Ikea Winter Sale Commercial ‘Start the Car!’

TRAINING James is a graduate of

Northwestern University and Yale School of Drama and a proud citizen of both Canada and the US. ET CETERA After 35 years as a professional actor, James is honoured to still be telling stories on stage, especially one as inspiring as Come From Away. Thank you to the incredibly talented creative team, Talent House and my amazing family. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

George Masswohl Claude & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Most recently: Matthew

James Kall Nick & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Kinky Boots and The

Sound of Music (Mirvish). Broadway/ National Tours: By Jeeves, Mamma Mia!, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Fiddler on the Roof. Off-Broadway: Visiting Mr. Green. Regional theatre: Hamlet, Edward II (Yale Rep); She Loves Me, King Lear, The Cherry Orchard, Romeo and Juliet (Great Lakes Theatre Festival); A Question of Mercy (Philadelphia Theatre Company); Carousel (Chicago Opera); The Glass Menagerie (Frauenthal Theatre); Twelve Angry Men, Sleuth, Mary Poppins, Damn Yankees (Drayton); Death (Neptune). FILM/TV Suits, Salvation, Impulse, Murdoch Mysteries, Me and My Shadows, Lolz-ita, Quints, Our Fathers, Queer as Folk, Law and Order, Business Ethics.

in Anne of Green Gables (Charlottetown Festival); the world premiere of the Alan Menken/David Spencer musical adaptation of The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (Segal); Sweeney Todd (Newfoundland’s Opera on the Avalon and the Vancouver Opera Company); groundbreaking production of London Road (Dora Award), The Winter’s Tale (CS); Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof (Stage West, Mississauga); Seussical (Dora nomination) (YPT/The Citadel); Parade (Studio 180/Acting Up Stage); and Oh, What a Lovely War! (Dora nomination) (Soulpepper). Other credits include Fiddler on the Roof, The Threepenny Opera, Guys and Dolls (Stratford); A Little Night Music, Follies (Shaw); Sweeney Todd (Dora nomination) (CS); Show Boat (Livent); Time and Again (Manhattan Theatre Club). ET CETERA George also manages, records and tours with his baritone trio BRAVŪRA. bravurabaritones.com.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



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Welcome to the ‘Peg!

We are “screeching” with delight to embrace the on-time arrival of the Tony Award-winning Come From Away. Here in friendly Manitoba, we hope you enjoy the best kitchen party outside of Gander!

The Asper Foundation and the Gail Asper Family Foundation are private philanthropic organizations that together undertake and develop major initiatives in the areas of Jewish charity as well as culture, education, community development and human rights locally, nationally and internationally.


COME FROM AWAY Ali Momen Kevin J. & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Monsoon

Wedding (Berkeley Rep); Disgraced (Mirvish); Much Ado About Nothing (Tarragon); Iceland (Why Not Theatre); Sultans of the Street (YPT); The Kite Runner (Citadel/TC); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (CS); Masked (Neptune); Serious Money, An Ideal Husband, Born Yesterday (Shaw). FILM/TV Star Trek: Discovery (CBS); Beeba Boys (dir. Deepa Mehta); Played (BlackPills); Incorporated (SyFy); Kim’s Convenience (CBC); Houdini and Doyle (iTV/Fox); The Strain (FX); Cracked (CBC); Satisfaction (CTV); LA Complex (CW/ MUCH); Combat Hospital (ABC/Shaw); How To Be Indie (YTV); Traitor (feature). ET CETERA Ali is thrilled to be in this incredible show! Dora Award Winner (2013). A PROUD alummus and faculty member of Sheridan’s Music Theatre Performance Program. Social media: @alimomen - Love to his family and of course his dearest Krystal.

Jack Noseworthy Kevin T. & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Sweet Smell of Success,

A Chorus Line, Jerome Robbins’ Broadway, Cats (Broadway); Camelot (Glimerglass); Two Point Oh (59E59); The Story of My Life (Chicago); Great Expectations, Pride & Prejudice (Utah Shakes); Mother Courage (Delacorte); Equus (L.A.); Take Flight (O’Neil); The Threepenny Opera (Williamstown); Heart’s Desire (Cleveland).

FILM/TV Band Night, 10,000 Miles, The Surrogates, Pretty Ugly People, Phat Girlz, Poster Boy, Unconditional Love, Undercover Brother, Cecil B. DeMented, U-571, Idle Hands, Clean and Narrow, Event Horizon, Breakdown, Barb Wire, Mojave Moon, The Brady Bunch Movie, Alive Marilyn, Killing Kennedy, Law & Order, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Wild Card, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Judging Amy, The District, Dead at 21, Aces ‘N Eights, A Dennis the Menace Christmas, Elvis, The Outer Limits, A Place for Annie, Mrs. Cage. TRAINING The Boston Conservatory BFA, NYU Masters candidate ‘20. ET CETERA Jack’s also an accomplished producer. His company Truworthy Productions co-produced Arrabal at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge.

Cory O’Brien Oz & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. ET CETERA In 2001, I was fresh out of

Acting School and performing in the first of my seven seasons at the Stratford Festival when the planes hit the Twin Towers. I watched it on tv with my jaw hanging down and eyes wide open. That night our customary packed house was decidedly less than full. Since then I’ve performed all over North America: The Lord of the Rings (world premiere), Mary Poppins (first national tour) and Cats (NuMusical Productions). It’s rare to be a part of a production with so much heart, humour and a deep connection to an experience that we all shared. To the people who shared their stories and those who put it together and brought it to the stage - thank you. To the friends and family who are there for us through thick and thin - thank you. And

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018

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COME FROM AWAY a special thanks to my wife and partner in crime, Christy. I hope you enjoy the show... and may it inspire you to share your own stories and to look out for one another, in good times and bad.

Kristen Peace Bonnie & others

Disney, as well as commercials, TV shows, animated films and video games. ET CETERA Kristen is thrilled to be back again with Mirvish for this incredible show — so exciting. My sincere thanks to the Come From Away team, The Talent House and my family and friends for their love and support. Instagram @kripeace.

Eliza-Jane Scott Beverley & others ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Select Canadian credits

include Broadway Beauties, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, Kristen Peace Everything (her one-woman show), Paulette in Legally Blonde and Madame De La Grande Bouche in Beauty and the Beast (TA); Smokey Joe’s Cafe, Linda in The Wedding Singer, Dusty Springfield in British Invasion (Stage West); Mrs. Berry/Mrs. Blewette in Anne of Green Gables, Canada Rocks, Georgie in The Full Monty, Johnny Cash in Ring of Fire (Charlottetown Festival); Lady of the Lake in Spamalot, Paulette in Legally Blonde, Madame Thénardier in Les Misérables, Ursula in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Mrs. Meers in Thoroughly Modern Millie and Justice in Rock of Ages (Drayton); The Boys in The Photograph, Shirley Markowitz in The Producers, Factory girl/Madame Thénardier understudy in Les Misérables and Pat in Kinky Boots. FILM/TV Kristen has also lent her voice to

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Screwball

Comedy (The Foster Festival); Mamma Mia!, Anne of Green Gables, Alice Through the Looking-Glass (Charlottetown Festival); Spoon River (Soulpepper); Company (Theatre 20); Maria in The Sound of Music (NAC); Amelia: The Girl Who Wants to Fly (Festival Players of Prince Edward County); Assassins (Birdland/TiFT); The Music Man, Fuente Ovejuna (Stratford); Elegies (Dora nomination), Reframed (Acting Up Stage); The Producers - Canadian Company and First American National Tour (Mirvish); Funny Girl (WJT). FILM/TV Selected: Ms. Wolfe in Degrassi Season 14 (Epitome Pictures); Molly: An American Girl Doll (ABC/Disney); Challenger (BBC/National Geographic); A Saintly Switch (ABC/Disney); Odyssey 5, Leap Years (Showtime).

Enjoy the show. thegatesonroblin.com 204.224.2837

COME FROM AWAY ET CETERA Eliza-Jane is also a theatre

Kate Etienne

creator, director and writer who teaches at Sheridan College and the Randolph Academy. Love to Rick and Ducolon.


Kevin Vidal Bob & others

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Kate has performed

ROYAL MTC First appearance. FILM/TV Workin’ Moms, Kim’s Convenience (CBC); But I’m Chris Jericho (CBC web); Sunnyside (City TV); and Odd Squad: The Movie (PBS). ET CETERA Kevin Vidal is Canadian Screen Award-winning actor and an alumnus of The Second City. Shoutouts to Skule Nite (0T9 + 1T0), the Toronto improv community, my partner Danny and my mom for the love and support. We don’t have to open our homes but we can at least open our hearts and our minds.

Susan Dunstan Understudy

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Susan was part of the

original company of Come From Away on Broadway. Select credits: The Lion King (US national tour); Kinky Boots, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The Lord of the Rings, The Lion King (Shenzi - Toronto) (Mirvish). ET CETERA Love to my Mom, Dad and Bro, my friends and to my Talent House family. When not performing in a show, Susan can be found at the dog show with her Champion Dobermans and Standard Poodle, or teaching at her private voice studio. www.susandunstan.com @TheSueD.

at regional theatres across the country including her beloved Newfoundland. Some of her favourite credits include Sisters: The Belles Soeurs the Musical (Segal/TC); Disney’s The Little Mermaid (The Globe Theatre); Faust (Theatre By The Bay); world premiere of Little Women the Broadway Musical (TNB); Little Shop of Horrors — broadwayworld.com nominated performance (The Rose Theatre); Proof, Little Shop of Horrors, The Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Variations on a Nervous Breakdown (Stephenville Theatre Festival); Into the Woods, Three Sisters (ATF). TRAINING Sheridan College Musical Theatre Performance Program. ET CETERA To say Kate is excited to be representing The Rock in her Royal MTC/ Mirvish debut would be a gross understatement. Huge love to my family, friends and Gina for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself and thank you to Irene and David and the entire creative team for creating this stunningly beautiful and important piece for the world. I am so incredibly proud, honoured and grateful to be a part of this show and to be an Islander. Dreams really do come true!

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

january/february 2018



COME FROM AWAY Amir Haidar Understudy

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Hailing from the faraway

land of Lebanon, Amir has loved performing since his inception and could be seen in his early days performing at the local swimming pool. He has since moved to Canada — select credits include James and the Giant Peach (YPT); The Music Man, Darling of the Day and The Prince of Homburg (TiFT); Jack and the Beanstalk, Treasure Island, The Three Musketeers, Rapunzel (Stirling Festival Theatre); Bloodless (Theatre 20); Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd, Ali Hakim in Oklahoma!, Don Armado in Love’s Labour’s Lost (Theatre Sheridan). TRAINING BA in Mathematics from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Graduate from the Music Theatre Program at Sheridan College, in which he was a part of the graduating year that performed the first ever workshop of Come From Away in 2012. ET CETERA Love always to Mom, Haitham (ommak), Randa and Yasmina.

Jeff Madden Understudy

ROYAL MTC First appearance.

for which he garnered his second Dora nomination. Jeff also performed for eight seasons at the Shaw Festival and recorded two CDs. TV Murdoch Mysteries, Mayday. TEACHING Jeff enjoys teaching acting and singing at Sheridan College and the Randolph Academy. ET CETERA Jeff is thrilled to join the Come From Away family! Thanks to Jonathan and Bruce at Talent House. Love and hugs to Christine, Sydney and Emily.

David Silvestri Understudy

ROYAL MTC First appearance. OTHER THEATRE Les Misérables, Kinky

Boots (Mirvish); 42nd Street, The Pirates of Penzance (Stratford). Other credits include Big Jule in Guys and Dolls, Sammy in Blood Brothers, Lonnie Wynn in Prom Queen world premiere, Shirly in Too Many Cooks, Jean Valjean in Les Misérables in concert, Jean Valjean and Phantom in Les Misérables Broadway Concert Series, Sweeney Todd in Sweeney Todd, Lenny in Of Mice and Men, Frederick Fellows in Noises Off, Jafar in Aladdin, Frollo in Hunchback of Notre Dame, Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, Hades in Hercules the Musical, Gaston in Beauty and the Beast. ET CETERA David is honoured to be a part of the Come From Away family. Much love to my family and friends especially Dave, Todd and Johnny.

OTHER THEATRE A Dora Award-winning

actor, Jeff starred as Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys for over three years in Toronto and Australia. Toronto credits include Forever Plaid (Starvox/Mirvish); Echoes (Fringe); and I Love You Because (Angelwalk) For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018

COME FROM AWAY Cailin Stadnyk Understudy

ROYAL MTC Grumpy Old Men: The Musical. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Mamma

Mia!, Mary Poppins, The (Post) Mistress, Les Misérables, One Man, Two Guvnors, Waiting for the Parade, Cats, Hairspray, Singin’ in the Rain (Jessie nomination), How to Succeed in Business (Ovation nomination), The Wild Party (Ovation nomination), Little Shop of Horrors, Company, Cabaret, Urinetown, Fiddler on the Roof, Gypsy and Funny Girl (Ovation Award). ET CETERA Cailin is elated to be part of this outstanding production. She would like to thank the Come From Away creative team for bringing her on board and everyone at Talent House for their support. Love to her family and Rigby. Visit www.cailinstadnyk.com for more.

Irene Sankoff and David Hein Book, Music and Lyrics

New Works and enjoyed a record-setting world premiere at the La Jolla Playhouse and Seattle Rep, followed by Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC, the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto and the Gander Community Centre Hockey Rink. Come From Away won three 2017 Dora Mavor Moore Awards, four Helen Hayes Awards, five Outer Critics Circle Awards and three Drama Desk Awards including Best Musical. David and Irene were nominated for Tony Awards for Best Book and Score and won the 2017 Outer Critics Circle and Drama Desk awards for Best Book. Irene and David are proud members of the Dramatists Guild and ASCAP. Immeasurable thanks to all of Molly’s People, to everyone who helped us on this journey and to our extraordinary friends from Away and in Newfoundland for inspiring and trusting us to tell your story. @sankoffandhein

Christopher Ashley Director

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Artistic Director, La Jolla

Irene Sankoff and David Hein are a Canadian married writing team. Their first show, My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding (based on David’s mother’s true story) was the hit of the Toronto Fringe Festival and then picked up for a commercial run by Mirvish Productions. It has now played and won best musical awards in the New York Musical Theatre Festival and across North America, with Sankoff and Hein performing in most productions. Come From Away was developed at the Canadian Music Theatre Project and Goodspeed Musicals’ Festival of New Artists, showcased at the NAMT Festival of

Playhouse. Recipient of 2017 Tony, Outer Critics Circle and Helen Hayes awards; Drama Desk and Dora Award nominations for Come From Away. Other Broadway credits include Memphis (Tony Award nomination), Xanadu, Leap of Faith, All Shook Up, The Rocky Horror Show (Tony Award nomination). Memphis (West End); Blown Sideways Through Life, Jeffrey, The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told, Valhalla, Regrets Only, Wonder of the World, Communicating Doors, Bunny Bunny, The Night Hank Williams Died, Fires in the Mirror (Lucille Lortel Award) (New York); Sweeney Todd, Merrily We Roll Along, The Lisbon Traviata (Kennedy Center); select credits: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018

Y o u ’ ll b e a

Newfoundlander We are proud to support The Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s production of Come From Away. Thank you Royal MTC for continually bringing exceptional theatre productions to our community.

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COME FROM AWAY Darrell Hammond Project, Hollywood, His Girl Friday, Glengarry Glen Ross, Restoration (La Jolla Playhouse). FILM/TV Lucky Stiff; Jeffrey; American Playhouse; Blown Sideways Through Life (PBS).

Kelly Devine Musical Staging

Aladdin, Secondhand Lions, Vanities, A Room with a View, Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with George, On The Town, West Side Story, Company, Cabaret, Into the Woods, Oklahoma!, Titanic and Miss Saigon. Other regional: La Jolla Playhouse, Seattle Repertory Theatre, ACT, TUTS, Ordway, Casa Mañana, Banff Centre for the Arts. TRAINING University of Michigan graduate. ET CETERA www.eisendrathmusic.com.

Beowulf Boritt ROYAL MTC First engagement.

Set Designer

OTHER THEATRE 2017 Tony, Drama Desk,

Outer Critics Circle and Chita Rivera Award nominee for Come From Away. Choreographer: Broadway: Doctor Zhivago, Rocky (Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics nominations), Rock of Ages. International: Rocky (Germany); Rock of Ages (West End, UK tour, Toronto, Australia; Helpmann & Green Room awards). Opera: Faust (Met & ENO); Wozzeck (San Diego Opera). Off-Broadway: Rock of Ages, Fat Camp, Frankenstein, Ann E. Wrecksick. Regional: Come From Away (La Jolla Playhouse, Seattle Rep); The Toxic Avenger, A Christmas Story, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Peter and the Starcatcher, Zhivago, Private Fittings (La Jolla Playhouse); Cabaret, Romeo and Juliet (Stratford Shakespeare Festival). FILM/TV Mozart in the Jungle, Wormword, Dear Dumb Diary, Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List.

Ian Eisendrath Music Supervisor / Arrangements

ROYAL MTC Wiesenthal. OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Act One

(Tony Award), The Scottsboro Boys (Tony nomination), Thérèse Raquin (Tony nomination), Come From Away, Meteor

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ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Broadway/national tour:

A Christmas Story. Music Supervisor and Director of New Work at Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre: Paint Your Wagon,

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COME FROM AWAY Shower, A Bronx Tale, Prince of Broadway, Sunday in the Park with George (2017), Hand to God, On the Town, Sondheim on Sondheim, …Spelling Bee, LoveMusik, Rock of Ages, Chaplin, Bronx Bombers, Grace, The Two and Only. Off-Broadway: 100 shows including The Last Five Years, Sleepwalk with Me and Miss Julie. He has also designed for The NYC Ballet and the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and around the world in England, Russia, China, Australia and Japan. ET CETERA 2007 OBIE Award for sustained excellence.

nomination), How to Succeed…starring Daniel Radcliffe (2011 Tony nomination), West Side Story (2009 Tony nomination), Gypsy starring Patti LuPone, In The Heights (2008 Tony nomination), Jersey Boys (2006 Tony Winner), Avenue Q, Parade, Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993 Tony nomination). ET CETERA Co-Founder and Resident Lighting Designer for Parsons Dance. 1993 Sir Laurence Olivier and Canadian Dora Awards for Kiss of the Spider Woman. 2006 Henry Hewes Design Award for Jersey Boys. 2016 Henry Hewes Design Award for Hamilton.

Toni-Leslie James

Gareth Owen

Costume Designer

Sound Designer

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Come From

OTHER THEATRE Currently: A Bronx Tale

Away, Jitney, Amazing Grace, Lucky Guy, The Scottsboro Boys, Finian’s Rainbow, Chita Rivera: The Dancer’s Life, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, King Hedley II, One Mo’ Time, The Wild Party, Marie Christine, Footloose, The Tempest, Twilight: Los Angeles 1992, Angels in America, Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Jelly’s Last Jam. TEACHING Ms. James is the Head of Design at the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Theatre.

Howell Binkley Lighting Designer

and Come From Away (Broadway); Bat Out of Hell, 42nd Street, Young Frankenstein and Strictly Ballroom (London’s West End); Disney’s Little Mermaid, Summer, Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame, Strictly Ballroom, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Bodyguard worldwide. More than 280 commercial musicals around the world. ET CETERA Olivier Awards for Memphis and Merrily We Roll Along, nominations for Top Hat and End of the Rainbow. Tony nominations for A Little Night Music and End of the Rainbow. Outer Critics Circle Award for Come From Away. Pro Sound Award for Sound Engineer of the Year.

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Prince of

Broadway, Come From Away (2017 Tony nomination), A Bronx Tale, Hamilton (2016 Tony Winner), After Midnight (2014 Tony For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4

january/february 2018



COME FROM AWAY Poetry, Walmartopia, Imperfect Chemistry.

David Brian Brown

FILM/TV Disney’s Descendants (Andrew

Lippa’s Evil Like Me), 2011 Billboard Music Awards, I Am Harvey Milk, I Am Anne Hutchinson, James and the Giant Peach.

Hair Designer

Joel Goldes

ROYAL MTC First engagement.

Dialect Coach

OTHER THEATRE Broadway highlights:

Frozen, War Paint (Drama Desk Award), Dear Evan Hansen, She Loves Me, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NightTime, Gigi, If/Then, Bridges of Madison County, Macbeth, The Nance, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Death of a Salesman, Follies, Sister Act, A Steady Rain, Shrek, The Little Mermaid, Legally Blonde, Spamalot, Tarzan, Chita Rivera: The Dancer’s Life, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Fiddler on the Roof, Nine, Gypsy, Sweet Smell of Success, Aida, The Iceman Cometh, Chicago, Sideshow, Steel Pier. Off-Broadway: Far From Heaven, Giant. FILM Peter Pan Live!, The Sound of Music Live!, It’s Complicated, Angels in America (Emmy nomination ), To Wong Foo…

August Eriksmoen Orchestrations

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Come From

Away (also La Jolla Playhouse, Seattle Rep, Ford’s Theatre DC, Toronto). Regional: The Heart of Robin Hood (Wallis-Annenberg); Memphis, The Cosmonaut’s Last Message…. (La Jolla Playhouse); Tribes, Immediate Family (Mark Taper Forum). FILM/TV Escape at Dannemora, Mayans MC, Crown Heights, Lethal Weapon, Fifty Shades Freed, 24: Legacy, The Birth of a Nation, Fifty Shades of Grey, The F-Word, Snowfall, Lucky Stiff, Fury, The Runner, Gotham, The Crazy Ones, Hatfields & McCoys, After Earth, 24, The Hangover. ET CETERA www.thedialectcoach.com.

Stephanie Gorin, cdc, csa Casting Director ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Come From

Away (Drama Desk Award nomination), Bright Star (Tony and Drama Desk Award nominations), Gigi, First Date, Hugh Jackman: Back on Broadway (additional orchestrations), The Addams Family (dance arrangements, additional orchestrations), Memphis (dance arrangements), Million Dollar Quartet (assoc. music supervisor), Ring of Fire (assoc. music director), All Shook Up (music director), Rent (assoc. conductor). Off-Broadway: Bare, Romantic

ROYAL MTC The Heart of Robin Hood (with Mirvish), The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Syncopation (with Mirvish). OTHER THEATRE Kinky Boots, Les Misérables, Wizard of Oz, War Horse, Rock of Ages, The Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, We Will Rock You, The Lord of the Rings, Mamma Mia!, The Lion King (Mirvish). FILM/TV Selected film: Shazam, IT, Race, Jigsaw, Undercover Grandpa. Selected TV:

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018



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COME FROM AWAY Locke & Key, Fargo, Anne, Frankie Drake, Black Mirror, Salvation, Taken, Heroes Reborn and Shadowhunters. TRAINING Graduate of Sheridan College Music Theatre Program, member of CSA, CDC, CAEA, ACTRA, BAEA. ET CETERA 2014 Emmy winner and Artios winner for Best Casting of a Mini-Series: Fargo. Five Emmy nominations, three Gemini nominations and six Artios Award nominations. Three-time Canadian Comedy Award nominee and 2012 winner for her webseries The Casting Room.

Michael Rubinoff Creative Consultant ROYAL MTC First engagement. ET CETERA An award-winning producer,

Michael Rubinoff provided Sankoff and Hein with the idea to musicalize this compelling story. In 2011 he launched the Canadian Music Theatre Project, an international incubator for the development of new musicals at Canada’s Sheridan College, where he produced and developed the first workshops of Come From Away. He currently serves as Sheridan’s Associate Dean of Visual and Performing Arts. He is a graduate of Western University’s law school. @mrubinoff

Bob Foster Music Director

ROYAL MTC Bittergirl: The Musical, Next to Normal, The Boys in the Photograph (with Mirvish), Little Shop of Horrors, Camelot (with TC/Citadel), Evita (with TC). OTHER THEATRE Billy Elliot the Musical, Rock of Ages, Dirty Dancing, Hairspray (Mirvish); Evangeline, Bittergirl (Mirvish workshops); Cabaret, A Christmas Carol,

Fire, Into the Woods, Anne of Green Gables, Piaf (TC); A Year with Frog and Toad (Citadel); Snow White and the Group of Seven (Ross Petty Productions); Twist and Shout (Drayton/Grand); Rock and Roll (Grand); Legends, The World Goes ‘Round, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (Drayton); The Sound of Music, The British Invasion, Five Guys Named Mo, My Fair Lady, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Stage West); Nine Months, Side By Side By Sondheim (Lunchbox Theatre). TV Much Music Intimate & Interactive; the SOCAN Awards; In Conversation with Gzowski (with Jann Arden), Triple Sensation (CBC). ET CETERA Bob is Head of Music at the Charlottetown Festival. He has two Dora nominations, one Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Award nomination and two Betty Mitchell Awards. He has spent many years working with Jann Arden, co-writing the songs “Good Mother” (SOCAN Classic Award), “It Looks Like Rain” and “Give Me Back My Heart,” among others.

Richard Evans Associate Music Director ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Assistant Musical

Director: Mamma Mia! (Broadway). Associate Music Director: Mamma Mia! (Mirvish). Music Director: The Bodyguard, Kinky Boots (Mirvish). Keyboards: The Lion King, Tommy, Blood Brothers (Mirvish); Fosse, Joseph (Livent). Vocal Music Director: The Wrong Son (NAC). FILM/TV Composer: Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas is You, Ice Pilots NWT, Pyros, Care Bears and Cousins, Glenn Martin DDS, Rescue Mediums (Gemini nomination), St. Roz, Suite and Simple, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Extra Entertainment, TMZ, Dr. Drew.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018


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We’re always happy to see you at the theatre. Thank you for coming!

COME FROM AWAY ET CETERA Live performances and

recordings: Dave Stewart (Eurythmics), Michael McDonald, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, Take 6, Fergie, Colbie Caillat, Kara DioGuardi, Jim Brickman, Carvin Winans, Bonnie Pointer, Alan Frew, Rik Emmett, Amanda Marshall, Colm Wilkinson. Thanks to Tamara, Meredith and Owen for their love and support.

seven seasons at Stratford Festival; North American tours of Chicago and The King and I; productions at Canadian Stage, The Charlottetown Festival, Theatre New Brunswick, The Grand Theatre, Theatre Calgary, The Citadel Theatre and Tarragon Theatre.

Lisa Humber Stage Manager

Richard J. Hinds Associate Choreographer

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Selected: Strictly

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Broadway: Newsies,

Jekyll & Hyde, Il Divo: A Musical Affair. Off-Broadway: Here Lies Love. National/ UK tour: 9 to 5, High School Musical. Regional: La Jolla Playhouse, Old Globe, Kansas City Repertory Theatre, 5th Avenue, Gateway Playhouse, Ogunquit Playhouse, Flat Rock Playhouse. TV Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, America’s Got Talent, The Bethenny Show and Good Afternoon America. ET CETERA Thank you Kelly! richardjhinds.com.

Ballroom, The Heart of Robin Hood, Les Misérables, War Horse, Ghost Stories, The Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing (Mirvish); Butcher (Why Not Theatre/Mirvish); It Comes in Waves (PANAMANIA/Bluemouth Inc/Necessary Angel); Party Game, Dance Marathon (Bluemouth Inc); Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan in Wonderland (Ross Petty Productions); Grey Gardens (Musical Stage Co.). Lisa has worked in theatres across Canada and internationally. TEACHING Has been a faculty member at the Banff Centre. Member of the Professional Advisory Committee for the Theatre Production Program at Humber College.

The. John Gray

Katie Honek

Production Stage Manager

Assistant Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC The Heart of Robin Hood (with


OTHER THEATRE Recently: Guys and Dolls

(Stratford). Previously: Les Misérables, The Wizard of Oz, War Horse, The Sound of Music, The Lord of the Rings, The Lion King (Mirvish). Also: Les Misérables in Melbourne Australia; opening and closing ceremonies of the 15th Asian Games in Doha, Qatar;

ROYAL MTC First engagement. OTHER THEATRE Assistant Stage Manager:

The Changeling, Timon of Athens, The Komagata Maru Incident, John Gabriel Borkman, As You Like It (Stratford); Dance Weekend 2013-2016 (Dance Ontario). Apprentice Stage Manager: Sextet, Wormwood (Tarragon); Alice Through

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018

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COME FROM AWAY the Looking-Glass, A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Chamber Play (Stratford); Pirates of Penzance, Tuesdays with Morrie (Thousand Islands Playhouse); Orpheus & Eurydice (Opera Atelier); Free Outgoing (Nightwood Theatre). Concert Manager: Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir. TRAINING Joint Honours Music and Theatre Arts at University of Waterloo.

Dayna Tekatch Resident Director / Choreographer

ROYAL MTC Choreographer: Alice Through the Looking-Glass. OTHER THEATRE Director credits: Crazy For You (Citadel/TC - Sterling and Betty Mitchell Awards for Outstanding Choreography and Production); Stones in His Pockets (Neptune); Forever Plaid (Panasonic); Oliver! (NAC); Avenue Q (Citadel); The 39 Steps (Neptune/Stage West/1000 Islands); Two Across, Wake Me When It’s Over (Gravenhurst); Same Time Next Year, Midlife: The Crisis Musical (Orillia Opera House); Driving Miss Daisy, Tuesdays With Morrie (Starbright). Dayna has worked as a choreographer all across the country and was a member of the Stratford Festival for nine seasons as an actor and choreographer. TEACHING Dayna was on the faculty of the Banff/Citadel Professional Training Program for three years and recently directed at the Randolph Academy in Toronto. ET CETERA Dayna lives in Toronto with her inspirations: Sean, Liam and Isla.

Steven Smits Apprentice Stage Manager

ROYAL MTC Apprentice Stage Manager of A Christmas Carol. Assistant Production Manager (2016/17 season). OTHER THEATRE Production Assistant of the Festival Theatre (Stratford); Apprentice Stage Manager of Julius Caesar and Much Ado About Nothing, Technical Director of Romeo and Juliet and Comedy of Errors (St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival); Sound Design of The Passage (Montreal Fringe). TRAINING Production Program - National Theatre School of Canada. ET CETERA Jean A. Chalmers Apprentice Achievement Award (Stratford). A special thanks to his loving family for their unwavering support!

Alchemy Production Group General Management Alchemy Production Group is headed by Carl Pasbjerg and senior General Managers, Marshall B. Purdy and Abbie Strassler and Associate General Manager Lauren Tucker who have overseen scores of live stage attractions around North America throughout their multi-decade careers. Recent APG productions include: In Transit, The Illusionists — Turn of the Century, Alton Brown Live: Eat Your Science, The Illusionists, Doctor Zhivago, First Date, Memphis (Broadway, West End and National Tour), Donny & Marie — A Broadway Christmas, A Christmas Story, Guys and Dolls and Lucky Guy (Off-Broadway) to name a few. APG also works with BASE Entertainment to develop a portfolio of live productions in Las Vegas and throughout North America. www.alchemyproductiongroup.com.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018

COME FROM AWAY On The Rialto Marketing Strategy and Direction On The Rialto is a marketing strategy company for Broadway, Live Entertainment and The Arts.

David Mirvish

by Artistic Director Christopher Ashley and Managing Director Michael S. Rosenberg, the Playhouse was founded in 1947 by Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire and Mel Ferrer and reborn in 1983 under the leadership of Des McAnuff. The Playhouse has had 26 productions transfer to Broadway, garnering 35 Tony Awards. Visit lajollaplayhouse.org and follow @ljplayhouse.


Seattle Repertory Theatre

David Mirvish is a Toronto-based theatrical producer. He owns and operates four theatres in Toronto — the Royal Alexandra, the Princess of Wales, the Ed Mirvish and the Panasonic. Mirvish Productions, a company founded by Mr. Mirvish in 1986, has produced plays and musicals for these and other venues throughout Canada, on Broadway and in London’s West End. In addition, Mirvish Productions has presented more than 500 touring productions in the city of Toronto.

Seattle Repertory Theatre was founded in 1963 and is currently led by Artistic Director Braden Abraham and Managing Director Jeffrey Herrmann. One of America’s premier non-profit resident theatres, Seattle Repertory Theatre has achieved international renown for its consistently high production and artistic standards and was awarded the 1990 Tony Award for Outstanding Regional Theatre. With an emphasis on entertaining plays of true dramatic and literary worth, Seattle Rep produces a season of plays along with educational programs, new play workshops and special presentations.

Junkyard Dog Productions Producer Tony Award-winning company dedicated to developing and producing original musicals. Broadway: 2010 Tony Award best musical Memphis, First Date. National tour and West End productions of Memphis. In development: Chasing the Song, Fly High. Founding Partners: Randy Adams, Marleen Alhadeff, Kenny Alhadeff, Sue Frost.

La Jolla Playhouse The Tony Award-winning La Jolla Playhouse is internationally renowned for creating some of the most adventurous work in American theatre through its new play development initiatives, artist commissions and innovative Without Walls series. Led

Ford’s Theatre Society The site of President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, Ford’s Theatre produces classic and world premiere plays and musicals exploring the American experience and celebrating Lincoln’s legacy. A recipient of the National Medal of Arts, Ford’s Theatre makes its mark on the American theatre landscape with nationally acclaimed works, world premieres like Meet John Doe and Liberty Smith and commissions like The Heavens Are Hung in Black, Liberty Smith, Necessary Sacrifices, The Widow Lincoln and The Guard. More at www.fords.org.

For a complete list of theatre abbreviations, please refer to legend on page 4



january/february 2018


FEB 13 – MAR 10 a co-production with the grand theatre

Lightning strikes twice for Once

book by ENDA WALSH music and lyrics by


based on the motion picture written and directed by


For all the special effects, A-list actors and exotic locations Hollywood can offer, sometimes the best cinematic experiences come in modest packages. Such is the case with Once, the perfect little film shot in 17 days with Irish musician Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, a Czech singer-songwriter who’d never acted before. Despite its humble beginnings, Once received major accolades at the Sundance Film Festival and an Academy Award for Best Song. The movie’s success was just the first act. A legion of new fans has discovered this enchanting story as a Tony Award-winning musical featuring a cast of actors who play their own instruments. To make sure you’re fully transported to Dublin, we’ll have a working bar onstage where you can buy a drink before the show and during intermission.



JAN 31 – FEB 17 part of shanleyfest

“A valentine to the wonder and weirdness of love” — daily news Offered as Royal MTC’s contribution to ShanleyFest, Outside Mullingar is the only Irish play on John Patrick Shanley’s sparkling resume, which includes the award-winning drama Doubt, a parable, which played on our Mainstage in 2009, and the films Moonstruck, Alive and Congo. For those keeping score at home, his trophy case boasts an Academy Award, the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, a Tony Award and a Drama Desk Award.


With Outside Mullingar, Shanley hits the sweet spot between comedy and tragedy. Don’t miss this hilarious story of feuding neighbours who might find happiness if only they’ll let it happen.




EXPLORE MORE COME FROM AWAY There are 1.4 million books, magazines, movies, audiobooks, eBooks and more at the Winnipeg Public Library, and all you need to borrow them is your library card. There are 20 locations throughout the city, and there’s an online catalogue for requesting items for pick-up at your library of convenience. An online e-Library has thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks and more! All free to use with your library card. Visit us online at winnipeg.ca/library. More Operation Yellow Ribbon

The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland by Jim DeFede. On September 11, 2001 air traffic in Canada and the United States was suspended and all airplanes were forced to land in what was called Operation Yellow Ribbon. Thirty-eight jetliners were forced to land in Gander, Newfoundland and nearly 7,000 people were displaced, exhausted and hungry. This is the story of how a town came together in the wake of tragedy and took care of complete strangers and forged friendships which would last years. 971.8 DEF More Canadian Musicals

Strike! The Musical by Danny Schur and Rick Chafe. The musical, which takes place during the Winnipeg Strike of 1919, focuses on a Ukrainian immigrant who was killed on “Bloody Saturday.” This musical not only takes place in Winnipeg, but it covers an extremely important time in Winnipeg’s and Canada’s history. 819.26 SCH 2007 More Great Big Sea

Canadian and Newfoundland and Labrador group Great Big Sea have been known and loved for years on the music scene. With their rock/folk vibe they are a Canadian treasure. If you enjoyed the music from Come From Away, you’ll love the tunes in many of their songs as they blend traditional and current Newfoundland music. Get set to have your toes tapping along! CD POP GREAT BIG SEA 40

More Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador Book of Musts: The 101 Places Every NLer MUST See by John MacIntyre. Though the title states that these are places every Newfoundlander must see, certainly those who aren’t from Newfoundland would wish to see them as well. From kissing a cod to dancing the Shanneyganock, this book covers all the unique things and places to visit in Newfoundland and Labrador and allows you to experience this province as a true Newfoundlander would. (On Order) Dictionary of Newfoundland English by G.M. Story, W.J. Kirwin, J.D.A. Widdowson. Treasured by Canadians and Newfoundlanders alike, this dictionary will help you learn and understand Newfoundland’s unique words and phrases and how they evolved over the centuries. The book covers words from Newfoundland’s past to present and from their Irish, Scottish and Cornish roots. 427.9718 DIC Newfoundland & Labrador by Moon Handbooks. Now that you’ve experienced the music and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador on stage, why not plan a trip there yourself and see the incredibly beautiful cities, towns, parks and landscapes this province has to offer. 917.1504 NEWFOUNDLAND


january/february 2018

Design with community in mind. Stantec Office @ Centrepoint Development, Winnipeg MB

Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Services, Project Management

“Where the terror is, you must go.” —John Patrick Shanley 18TH MASTER PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL



31034-RMTC-ShanleyFest-OvationAd-FIN.indd 1

2017-12-08 2:22 PM


A Night to Shine! Kramer Dance Band during dinner and well into the night.


The room dazzled, the conversation sparkled, and the party was spectacular at the RBC Convention Centre, York Ballroom, as the Black & White Ball celebrated Royal MTC’s 60th season — our Diamond anniversary! Performer Kimberley Rampersad drew 600 guests into the ballroom with a brilliant rendition of Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend. The night was filled with delicious food and amazing auction prizes. Enthusiastic guests danced to the music of the Danny

Royal MTC and the event committee sincerely thank the guests, sponsors, corporate table purchasers, donors and volunteers for making this event our most successful yet. These generous contributions support our many programs and productions while ensuring that live theatre continues to thrive in this community. Special thanks to Premier Sponsor RBC for their continued support. Please join us for another spectacular Black & White Ball on Saturday, November 3, 2018. Reserve your corporate table or individual tickets early so you don’t miss the party of the year! Email blackandwhite@royalmtc.ca.

Their Someday is the freedom to pursue their passion. The hard work, perseverance and vision of emerging artists demonstrate the power of having — and the joy of realizing — a Someday™. Together with organizations like the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, we support a diverse range of Canadian talent in communities across the country through the RBC Emerging Artists Project.

® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada.

39788A (10/2015)

2017 Black & White Ball Committee — Back l to r: Elsebeth Kriening, Jodee Stewart, Paulo Fernandes, Mary Johannson, Penny McLandress, Liz Baines, Karen Duha, Barb Christie, Kellie Tanchak, Andrea Mancini, Jason Kasper, Patty Christie, Alana Chernecki, Brenlee Carrington-Trepel, Claire Workman Front l to r: Camilla Holland, Bronya Rae-Pemberton, Melissa Novecosky, Linda McGarva-Cohen, Aynsley Cockshott, Albiana Bugujevci, Shelly Smith-Hines, Brad McCabe. PHOTO BY MANUEL F. SOUSA PHOTOGRAPHY



SILVER SPONSOR MacDon Industries Ltd. The Stewart-Renouf Group – Scotia Wealth Management


FILLMORE RILEY VACATION PRIZE Fillmore Riley LLP CapeRace Newfoundland Adventures WestJet

WINE SPONSOR De Luca Fine Wines

RECEPTION SPONSOR Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg



SPONSORS Air Canada Dycom Direct Mail Esdale Printing Company Ltd. EventLight

january/february 2018

Freeman Audio Visual Manuel F. Sousa Photography Planned Perfectly RBC Convention Centre Relish New Brand Experience Soirée Event Planning Swank Event Rentals

CORPORATE TABLES 24/7 Intouch BMO Cardinal Capital Management Carlyle Printers, Service & Supplies Ltd. Culligan Water Conditioning Domo Gasoline Duha Group Fillmore Riley LLP Gendis Inc. Granite Financial Group Inc. Greystone Managed Investments Inc. Ideate Design James Richardson & Sons, Ltd. KPMG LLP MLT Aikins LLP Number Ten Architectural Group Plett & Associates Wealth Management PRA Inc. PwC RBC Convention Centre Rogers Communications Taylor McCaffrey LLP Terracon Development Ltd. The Gomption Group The Great-West Life Assurance Company University of Manitoba Welders Supplies Ltd. WGI Westman Group Inc.


Winnipeg Airports Authority Winnipeg Free Press

SPECIAL THANKS TO Black Hole Theatre Company University of Winnipeg Theatre & Film Department Rainbow Stage Our Auction Donors Our Volunteers

COMMITTEE Aynsley Cockshott - Co-Chair Linda McGarva-Cohen - Co-Chair Liz Baines Albiana Bugujevci Brenlee Carrington Trepel Alana Chernecki Barb Christie Patty Christie Karen Duha Paulo Fernandes Lauren Fischer Ashley Holtmann Mary Johannson Jason Kasper Elsebeth Kriening Deb Mazur Brad McCabe Penny McLandress Maybelle Pacak Rhonda Plett Barbara Pritchard Bronya Rae-Pemberton Aaron Sabasch Jodee Stewart Kellie Tanchak Claire Workman




surprised and amazed at the quality of the shows.” “Royal MTC is like ‘a jewel in the crown.’ It is a top-of-the-line theatre yet there is a feeling of intimacy when you come through the doors. It is so different from going to a theatre in places like Toronto. There is a real feeling of community.”

Charitable giving is a large part of the lives of Ahava Halpern and Frank Lavitt, and the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre holds a special place in their hearts. Ahava shares her thoughts: “When I was young, my uncle would regularly take me to shows at MTC. He loved the theatre. After that, I had a sporadic relationship with the theatre. But then when I came back to Winnipeg and got married, I became much more of a theatre goer. My husband, Frank, has been a subscriber of Royal MTC for over 25 years and we like to buy extra tickets for our family and friends. I am always

Ahava and Frank recently decided to deepen their commitment to Royal MTC by joining our Legacy Giving Campaign and becoming members of our Founders’ Circle. Our goal for this campaign is to welcome 60 members by the end of our 60th season. We currently have 49 members! Ahava explains why this decision was important to them: “If you want something as special as MTC to survive, you have to nurture it. Frank and I value the arts and we know how hard the people at MTC work. If people can include them in their legacy plans we encourage them to do it, that’s how theatre is going to survive in Winnipeg. Winnipeg is known for its top-notch cultural institutions and Royal MTC is at the centre of it.”

Will you join us? We’d love to honour you as a member of the Royal MTC Founders’ Circle. For more on the Legacy Giving Campaign contact: Kris Olafson 204 954 6412 or kolafson@royalmtc.ca



The Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre


SUPPORTERS Many thanks to our donors who made a gift between October 1, 2016 and November 27, 2017

Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson

The Michael Nozick Family Foundation Cam & Carole Osler Derek Riley Maitland & Pat Sundmark Triple A Fund - The Winnipeg Foundation Helga Van Iderstine* Marcel Van Woensel Sonya & Scott Wright 2 Anonymous



June & Bob Jackson Memorial Fund for the Performing Arts - The Winnipeg Foundation Hartley & Heather Richardson Leslie John Taylor Fund - The Winnipeg Foundation

Dr. Jerry Baluta & Olga Kandia Marjorie Blankstein CM, OM, LLD & the late Morley Blankstein Sheldon & Penny Bowles Doneta* & Harry Brotchie‡ Haderra & Mark Chisick Jan* & Kevin Coates Pamela & Andrew Cooke Robert & Florence Eastwood Lawrence & Brenda Ellerby Paulo Fernandes*‡ Katherine Fox*‡ Susan & Ab Freig James R. Gibbs Shayla Harapiak-Green & Patrick Green* Mintie & Al Grienke John* & Nicola Guttormson‡ Ahava Halpern & Frank Lavitt Linda Hamilton & Grange Morrow‡ Sylvia & Doug Hannah In memory of Kristin Hanson-Dawn & Brian Hanson N & L Holliday Shawn Hughes* & Bruno Koehn‡ Katie Inverarity†‡ Jason Kasper* Dr. Laurence Katz & Ms. Zoe Kogan Kevin & Els Kavanagh Gordon Keatch*‡ Julie Ann Kniskern Serena Kraayeveld Brenda* & Trevor Kriss‡ Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers J. Lamothe Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro Peter & Karen Leipsic Gail Loewen Christine Skene & Nick Logan Reginald & Judy Low Mark & Gloria Mancini‡ Carol & Barry McArton Grant Mitchell & Cat Lambeth Dr. Douglas MacEwan Jeffrey* & Mary Morton Vivienne Nickerson Dr. & Mrs. Kieran O’Keeffe Kristine Olafson†


$4,000-6,499 The Albert D. Cohen Family Gregg & Mary Hanson Andrew & Wendy Jensen Gerry & Barb Price

$2,000-3,999 Leah Bjarnarson & Robert Malech David* & Lianne Carefoot Dr. Bonnie Cham & Dr. Lorne Bellan Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM†‡ David Christianson & Vera Steinberger Dave* & Barb Christie Heather Clarke* Gerry* & Chris Couture Kerry Dangerfield*‡ Tony* & Jennifer Fletcher‡ John F. (Jack) Fraser* Susan Glass & Arni Thorsteinson Sandy Gousseau* Sylvia Guertin-Riley Rita Gunn* & Greg Mason Elba Haid & Lara Secord-Haid Camilla Holland† & Colin Viebrock‡ Investors Group Matching Gift Program Ms. Maureen E. Jay Derek & Mary Johannson David & Diane Johnston John Kearsey*‡ Dr. Terry Klassen & Grace Dueck Dr. P. Kmet & Mr. B. Roslycky Bill & Shirley Loewen Elizabeth Marr & Nick Slonosky Virginia & the late Robert Martin Jim* & Penny McLandress‡ In memory of Liam Murphy - Leigh Murphy‡

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



M. Plett-Lyle Mr. & Mrs. Lawrie & Fran Pollard Dr. Bill Pope & Dr. Elizabeth Tippett-Pope K. Heather Power & Harold Klause‡ Lawrence Prout* & Lisa Gardewine‡ Margaret Redmond* & Greg Gillis‡ Brad Regehr* & Nalini Reddy Murray & Cindy Reimer Mrs. Shirley Richardson Sanford & Deborah Riley Andrea* & Michael Robertson‡ Barbara & Derek* Rolstone‡ Leah & Michael Routledge Diane Shapiro Edward Shinewald Ken & Susan Skinner* Kevin Hines & Shelly Smith-Hines†‡ Bill & Laurie Speers* In memory of Annice Stephens - Joan Stephens Shelley† & Mark Stroski‡ Melinda Tallin & Glen Mitchell‡ Jim & Jan Tennant James Kraemer Tim Valgardson* & Cecily O’Callaghan Richard L. Yaffe* & John A. Statham Dorothy Y Young Darcy & Brenda Zaporzan 2 Anonymous

COMPANY CIRCLE $600-1,199 Robert & Ina Abra Family Fund - The Winnipeg Foundation Margaret & Jim Astwood Bruce & Shelley Bertrand-Meadows Ron Blicq Helga & Gerhard Bock Cathie & Brian Bowerman Susan Brownstone Brock & Thomas Brock France Adams & Stephen Brodovsky J. Dawson Ernest & Ruth Epp Hon. Gary Filmon & Hon. Janice Filmon C.M. Gordon Hannon Ian Kirk†‡ Marion Klysh Pat & Jim Ludwig Mr. G. Markham Terri & Jim McKerchar Richard & Bonnie Olfert Cam Mackie & Doris Mae Oulton Donna Plant Iris Reimer Barbara Scheuneman

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

january/february 2018


THE SLEEPING BEAUTY FEB 28 - MAR 4, 2018 AT THE CENTENNIAL CONCERT HALL A jewel in the RWB’s classical repertoire, celebrated for its glorious music, lavish costuming and regal sets. BUY TICKETS ONLINE rwb.org BY PHONE 204.956.2792



Dr. Liz Adkins Nazir & Pat Ahmad Dawn Andersen Judy & Jay Anderson Bernice Antoniuk Dr. Ignatius Anyadike Elizabeth B. Armytage Fund - The Winnipeg Foundation Michel & Danita Aziza Brenda Badiuk


Acuity HR Solutions† Pat & Bob Adamson Robert & Joy Antenbring Archie & Jo-Anne Arnott Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergbusch Zita & Mark Bernstein Family Foundation Jim Blanchard Lilian Bonin Denise Bonner Michael & Elizabeth Boroditsky Todd Bourcier Dr. Elizabeth Boustcha Billy Brodovsky & Libby Yager‡ Sheila & David Brodovsky Cheryl Chaban Mairi Chadwick Donald & Cheryl Courcelles James & Gwen Court Dr. & Mrs. James Dalton J. Davidson‡ Chloe & Ron Del Bigio Helene Dyck Roberta Dyck Felicia & Trevor Frost Colleen & Dan Furlan‡ Ms. Heather Gillander Ben & Serky Goldberg Kathleen Gough & Timothy Wildman Gary Hannaford* & Cathy Rushton Kathryn & Wayne Harrison Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Rodney Hick & Tracey Jackson Vivian Hilder-Skwark & David Skwark Mr. Dennis Hodgkinson Michael & Crystal Hollas Cliff Jeffers Claire & Gerald Jewers Lisa Johnston‡ Hon. Justice William Johnston Dr. & Mrs. Philip Katz Robert Kennedy & Claudette Leclerc Brenda Keyser & Peter Murdock

Sharon Shaydak Margaret & Paul Shuckett Shayna & Merrill Shulman Jeff Sisler & Cathy Rippin-Sisler Jennifer Skelly† & Family‡ Chad Smith‡ Mrs. Lorraine Smith Al* & Virginia Snyder The Spielman Family Evelyn Stephen Donald & Lorraine Swanson Marilyn Thompson Ian R. Thomson & Leah R. Janzen Phyllis Thomson Louis Trepel & W.T. Grogan Dr. Stephen Tritt & Dr. Sharon Goszer-Tritt Grant Tweed Patricia Van Doninck Fran & Bob Vannevel‡ Vicki Verville V. Stirling Walkes Florence & Donald Whitmore John T. & Justina Wiens Margaret Wikjord In memory of C. Noreen Wilkie - Catherine Wilkie Arthur Williams Murray Wilson & Ivy Namaka Winfield Developments Canada R & A Winstone Dr. David Wiseman & Merilyn Kraut Grant & Sheila Woods Adele & Arthur Wortzman Valerie Wowryk 7 Anonymous

Jo-Ann Sundermeier and Dmitri Dovgoselets, Photo by Bonnie Holmes


Peter Kingsley Eileen & George Klassen Kevin & Deneen Klippenstein E. Koop David & Denise Koss Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Katarina Kupca Dr. G. H. Lawler Wendell & Eleanor Lind Charles & Diane Littman David & Marie Loewen Dianne & Laurie Logan Jack & Belva London Dr. Sora Ludwig & Dr. Brent Schacter Gerry Matte & Lydia Surasky-Matte Dr. & Mrs. Donald McInnes Marlene & Ian McKay Irene & the late Claire Miller Dr. Catherine Moltzan & Paul Brault Marc Monnin & Donna Miller Margaret & Fred Mooibroek Sagan Morrow*‡ Beverly Nagamori Linda Nugent Deborah & George Nytepchuk Marie Ohta Helen Orestes Jeff Palamar Dr. Philip & Joanne Pass Peter & Anita Pelech Aaron & Maureen Penner Gina O’Connor & John C. Petersmeyer* Leonard & Ruth Podheiser - Gift Funds Canada Beth Pollard Ms. Judith Putter Vivian E Rachlis Erma Rempel David & Joan Rew Ricou-Manfreda Tony Robbins Renee Roseman Charles & Naida Rubin Melanie Sexton† & Ian Walsh‡ In memory of Sybil Shack for the benefit of MTC - Jewish Foundation of Manitoba


Carol & Ron Slater Fund - Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Debbie Spracklin

SUPPORTERS Richard & Nancy Ball June & Ted Bartman Dr. John & Karen Bate Dianne J. Beaven Larry Beeston & Anna Sikora Florence Bell Byrnes Benoit Trish Bergal Trust Beta Edwin M. Bethune Lino Bettencourt Brenda Binda Tyler & Sable Birch‡ Tanys & Don Bjornson Colleen & Stephen Bonner Audrey & Brian Book John Borger Gill Bramwell Duane & Pauline Braun Janice Braun Kris & Ruth Breckman Jackie & Steve Broda-Milian Eldon Brown George & Ellen Bruce Carol Budnick Giles Bugailiskis & Margo Foxford Cheryl Butler Enid Butler Donna Byrne Corinne Campbell Kelly & Judy Caughlin Merv & Jan Cavers Lawrie & Bea Cherniack Mr. Jaydeep Chipalkatti‡ Shelley Chochinov Art & Donna Chow Kenneth Clark & Pamela Lockman Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel Agnes & John K. Collins Graham & Linda Connor Martin & Gail Corne Roy & Marie Craig R. Lynn Craton Margaret A. Cuddy Ellen Curtis‡ J. Dale G. L. Damphousse Werner & Judy Danchura Ms. Linda Daniels Diane de Rocquigny Ben & Shari Diamond Faye Dixon Sylvia & Margaret Docker Carl Doerksen Beverley Doern Dr. Sheila Domke & Stephen Ross Rob Dryden John & Ada Ducas Sonya Dyck-Ledochowski Mr. & Mrs. Glen* & Joan Dyrda Mr. & Mrs. William Easton Greg Edmond & Irene

Groot-Koerkamp Mr. & Mrs. John & Martha Enns Debra Evaniuk Michael & Brenda Evans Marion Fellinger Cindy Fernandes Nelma Fetterman Elizabeth Findlay Douglas Finkbeiner Gayle Fischer Beverley & Ronald John Fitzpatrick Marcia Fleisher Lawrence Foster‡ M & D Francen Chris Freeman Menno H. & Jolanda Friesen Marian Friesen Funseekers Ladies Travel Mr. & Mrs. R. Gallant Lynne & Lindsay Gauld‡ Denise & Ron George Rick & Patti Gilhuly Sharon & Arnold Glass Jacqueline & Denis Godard Barbara & David Goldenberg Chuck Golfman Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Gomori Alicyn Goodman‡ Paul Goodman Jeremy & Maureen Gordon‡ Shawn & Bill Gould Kari Hagness†‡ Gregory & Heather Hammond Bruce & Judy Harris Sandra & Hans Hasenack Ken & Ruth Hayes Evelyn Hecht Frank & Sue Hechter Mary Heindle Mr. Kyle Hendin Stan & Edith Hildebrand Ted & Cathy Hlynsky John & Lenore Hodge Jennie Hogan Gary Hook & Charmine Lyons Mary Horodyski† & Alexander Shewchuk Ken Houssin Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Karen Howell Dr. Frank & Donna Hruska Dan Ilchyna G. C. Irwin-Kilfoyle Peter Isaac Marlis & David Jacobson Margaret Jeffries Brenda Jenkyns Lynne Jentsch Guenter & Crystal Jochum Dave & Lesia Johns Bruce & Grace Johnson Robert & Karen Johnston James W. L. Tam & Katherine Jordan

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

january/february 2018


Marilyn & Sheldon Joyal Brian & Renee Kaplan Edgar Kellett Nancy Kerr Paula Klan Orah & Soody Kleiman Ken & Iris Kliewer John & Kathryn Knowles Paul Kochan Peter & Valerie Kohut Lisa Koss & Olex Vecherya Lorraine Kraichy‡ Howard & Jane Kroeger Eileen Kroeker Jonathan & Cara Kroft Jan & Randie Kushnier Teena Laird Edith Landy Brenda & Glenn Lange Barbara Latocki Iris Lechner Katrina Lee-Kwen & Jeff Neufeld Bob Leggett Kathy & Saul Leibl Richard Leipsic & Kerrie Halprin Tim & Kate Letkemann‡ Carol & Clifford Levi Pat Lewicki & Paul LaRiviere John & Heather Lea Shelagh Linklater Judy & Eric Lister Linda Loewen Mary-Anne Lovallo Sarah Luby Dr. Simon Lucy Carole Lupkowski Tom Lussier Dr. & Mrs. Ted Lyons John MacDonald‡ Sharon M. Macdonald Dennis MacKay & Annette Stapenhorst Allan & Joanne Malenko Andrea Mann & Neil Antman Tamara Mares Mrs. Vera Marchuk Elaine & Neil Margolis Agatha Massey Linda Matheson Jemara Fay Bob & Betty McCamis Mr. & Mrs. Campbell McIntyre Richard Comparey & Micheline McKay-Comparey Doug McKeag Gordon McKee Dr. Liz McKenzie Greg & Gloria McLaren John & Carolynne McLure Fund - The Winnipeg Foundation Ramesh Mehta Barb Melnychuk

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors


SUPPORTERS Albert & Judith Metcalfe‡ Susie Miclash Jim & Karren Middagh Carolyn Garlich & Peter Miller Marlene Milne Jacqueline Mitchell Shelley Morris Cathy Moser & Jeff Itzkow Maren Mueller Don Munro Suzanne & Kenneth Munroe Charlotte Murrell Sharon & Mel Myers Harold Nagy Dr. Leanne Nause Medical Corporation Marika Nerbas Alissa Neufeld Robert Nickel Helen Norrie Tom Nowicki Jim & Lou Ogston Gary Oko Joanne Olchowecki Truus Oliver Gloria & Robert Olynyk Cynthia Orris Murray Palay & Ivy Kopstein Heather & Harry Panaschuk Myron Pawlowsky & Susan Boulter Christopher Pearce B. Peterson & S. Slonosky Rob & Linda Pettit Rick Pinchin Donna & John Platt Carla Plummer Carolyn Porhownik Brett Porth Ms. Karen Dawn Power Keith Powls David & Sharon Putter Tamara Rabkin Rudy & Audrey Ramchandar Carole Rankin‡ Mohamed Rashwan Linda Ratynski Dr. Martin Reed & Joy Cooper Cheryl Reid Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds Dr. & Mrs. J. Richtik Marilyn Robbins Jane Robinson M. Rogalsky Kevin Rollason & Gail MacAulay Jay Ross Pat & Michelle Rowan Olga A. Runnalls In memory of Patrick Brown Elizabeth & Laurence Russin Michael T. Ruta Sandra Sadler

Paul & Cathy Samyn Shona Scappaticci‡ Carolyn Schellenberg Hans & Gabriele Schneider Ms. Faye Scott Bob & Rosemary Scurfield Darcia & Gary Senft Mark Senier Dennis & Karen Sereda Bonnie Talbot & Dr. Meir Serfaty Jim & Susan Shaw Dr. & Mrs. A.M. Shojania Henry & Connie Shyka Debbie Shymko Cliff & Sandra Skrabek Constance Smith Lillian Smith Deanne Spiegel Jacqueline St. Hill Mr. David Stacey Adrienne Stach Heidi Struck Tom & Shirley Strutt Eleanor Suderman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Swart Shayne & Kathryn Taback Ross & Bette-Jayne Taylor Mary-Lou K Taylor Ross & BJ Taylor Karen Tereck - Welcome to Winnipeg Inc. Mary E. Tibbs‡ Sharon Timson Malcolm & Shirley Tinsley Doug & Heather Tisdale Gavin & Judy Todd Norma Toews Helen Tomlinson Gordon & Mary Toombs Gord & Lorena Trann W. Tretiak & B. Baydock Peter Triggs Terry Tully Eric Turner Robert Tyler & Laurel Hammond-Tyler Mr. Charles R. Vandekerkhove Dr. & Mrs. I. Vinsky Fran & Estela Violago Dr. & Mrs. M. B. Vodrey Dorothy Walker Sherry & Bob Ward Donald Wardrop Peter & Joan Washchyshyn David & Deanna Waters Walter & Shirley Watts Hymie & Shaaron Weinstein Mary Agnes Welch Tamara & John Wells Al & Pat Wherrett‡ Murray & Nancy Wiegand Trevor Wiens‡

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members



Peter & Elizabeth Wijtkamp Ms. Lynda Will Leslie Wilson Dennis & Gustine Wilton Dorcas & Kirk Windsor Harry & Evelyn Wray Raymond & Louise Wyant Landice Yestrau Brad Zander 28 Anonymous

SPONSOR Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance & Risk Management The Asper Foundation The Gail Asper Family Foundation Bell MTS BMO Financial Group CapeRace Cultural Adventures CIBC Wood Gundy Madams Investment Group CN De Luca Fine Wines Gifts & Accessories Dycom Direct Mail Services Esdale Printing Co. Ltd. Fillmore Riley LLP Freeman Audio Visual Canada Friesens Corporation The Great-West Life Assurance Company Greystone Managed Investments Inc. HUB International Investors Group Lawton Partners MacDon Industries Ltd. Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries McDiarmid Flowers Mercedes-Benz National Leasing Planned Perfectly Plett Wealth Management Group PwC RBC Convention Centre RBC Royal Bank Relish SGI Canada Sleeman Breweries Ltd. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Subway Franchise World Headquarters, LLC TD Bank Financial Group The Thomas Sill Foundation Wawanesa Insurance WestJet Winnipeg Airports Authority The Winnipeg Free Press

†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors

january/february 2018

SUPPORTERS CORPORATE DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE $10,000+ Johnston Group Inc. Qualico Richardson Foundation

$3,000-4,999 Cambrian Credit Union Maple Leaf Construction Ltd., Blake Fitzpatrick Terracon Development Ltd.

$1,200-2,999 Assiniboine Credit Union Benevity Community Impact Fund Bison Transport, Don Strueber Deloitte Foundation Canada Fillmore Riley LLP George Wakefield Foods Inc. The Manitoba Teachers’ Society Manitoba’s Credit Unions Maxim Truck & Trailer Pollard Banknote Limited Ruth & Ted Northam PRA Inc. Regal Tours Safeway & Sobeys Winmar Property Restoration

CORPORATE COMPANY CIRCLE $600-1,199 Astroid Management Ltd. Mitchell Fabrics Ltd. Party Stuff/U-Rent-It Premier Printing Ltd.

$300-599 Mid West Packaging Limited Winfield Developments Canada

$150-299 DGH Engineering Ltd. Intergroup Consultants Ltd. MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers Noble Locksmith Ltd. Patill/St. James Insurance Reitmans (Canada) Limited

FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* Marjorie & Morley§ Blankstein Duane§ & Pauline Braun Len & Heather Cariou Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM† David Christianson & Vera Steinberger David & Barbara Christie Gerry* & Chris Couture Kerry Dangerfield* Laurie Lam† & Larry Desrochers Glen & Joan Dyrda Bill & Gayle Fischer Edward Fisher & Lyse Rémillard Jack Fraser James Gibbs§ John & Nicola Guttormson Ahava Halpern & Frank Lavitt Gary Hannaford & Cathy Rushton Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter June§ & Bob Jackson Fund for the Performing Arts Maureen E. Jay Andrew & Wendy Jensen Dr. Leonard & Hope§ Kahane Jason Kasper Gordon* & Anne§ Keatch Rob Kennedy & Claudette Leclerc Serena Helen Kraayeveld Leona J. MacDonald Jim & Penny McLandress Barb Melnychuk Bob & Pat Migliore Jeffrey Morton* In memory of Dr. Liam Murphy Dr. Leigh Murphy Robb & Heather Paterson Gina & John C. Petersmeyer Drs. Bill Pope & Elizabeth Tippett-Pope K. Heather Power & Harold Klause Margaret Redmond & Greg Gillis Michelle Rowan Sharon Ryman Susan Skinner Bill & Laurie Speers Joan Stephens Richard L. Yaffe & John A. Statham Brenda Zaporzan§ 2 Anonymous

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

TRIBUTE GIFTS In memory of Brenda Zaporzan Extraordinary gift by Allan MacDonald; additional gifts by: Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD & Michael Paterson; David, Ruth, Daniel, Rebecca & Max Asper; Heidi & Rennie Balciunas; Balmoral Hall School; June & Ted Bartman; Dan Battiston; Susan & George Benias; Sophie Bertram; Pattie Bews; Daniel Blankstein; Laurie Bonten; Georgia Brook; Brooke & Partners; Doneta & Harry Brotchie; Tony & Shirley Broxterman; Jocelyn Burns; Wes & Tracy Christie; Barb & Dave Christie; Jan & Kevin Coates & family; Alex Cook; Sheila Cooper-Simon; Marsha Cowan; Kerry Dangerfield; Kelvin & Diana Dereski; Meg Dunlop; Mike Egden; Dennis Engel; Kim & Richard Enright; Ernst Hansch Foundation Inc; Tino & Daphne Ethans; Tom & Heather Foss; Marcia Fleisher; Gail Granger; Heather Gray; Sara Gray; Debbie Gray; Robert & Elaine Gregg; Vince Haight; Shelagh Hare; Hughes & Bruno Koehn; Bob Jones & Lori Tastad; staff of Josef Ryan Diamonds; Kamins Family; Ken & Laurie Keats; Edith-Kerrie Halprin; Caroline Kiva; Bryan Klein & Susan Halprin; Serena & Dan Kraayeveld; Jim & Wendy Krovats; Stephanie Lambert; J. Lamothe; Courtney Lay; Richard Leipsic & Kerrie Halprin; Edward & Evelyn MacDonald; Gayle & Ted MacDonald; Leona MacDonald & Douglas Riske; Peter J. & Maureen MacDonald; Bruce & Yvonne MacKay; Barbara & Robert Madden; John Maguire & Susan Collison; Mark, Gloria, Andrea & Vanessa Mancini; Heather & Blaine Maxwell; Debbie & Lee McFadden; Meg McNevitts; Praveer Melwani; Thorlein R. Mitchell; Selena Ng; Cam & Carole Osler; Penman Family; Janine & John Pennington; Sandra Plosker; Ayrlea Porter; Pratts Wholesale; Paul Jensen & Maureen Prendiville; Tyler Press; Lori Ranta-Rodrigues; RBC Wealth Management, Private Banking; Billy Rosenburg; Gerry & Susan Rosenby; Hugh & Christine Ross; Judy & Christopher Rousseau; Zivan Saper & staff of Saper Agencies; Matt Sardella; Marcy Schwartz;

†Current Royal MTC staff ‡Monthly donors If you have remembered Royal MTC in your will, please let us know.



§ Passed

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SUPPORTERS Joanie Sheps; Daniel Sherbo ; Daniel Sherbo; Jan Shute & Doug Harvey; Shawn Bryan Sinclair; George & Elma Sinclair; Caleigh Smith; Laurie & Bill Speers; Kim & Frank Stockl; Lindsay Du Val & Scott Sutherland & family; Mike & Connie Sworyk; Brian & Geraldine Taillieu; Marlene & Craig Thiessen; Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel; Elaine, Walter & Brian Turchyn; Kirby & Jessica Watson; Penny Webber; Eleanor Wiebe; Audrey & Jerry Weiss; Cliff & Heather Yaffe; Al & Barbara Zaporzan; Wayne, Olga & Ryan Zaporzan; 2 Anonymous In memory of Duane Braun Stephanie Lambert In memory of Jim Gibbs Stephanie Lambert In memory of Shirley Kirton Irene Miller In memory of Betty & Ross Pash Barbara Fingerote In memory of Pam Schlamp Valerie & Blair Bingeman In memory of Thor Sigurdson Shirley and Frank Mikuska

ENDOWMENT FUND Many thanks to the generosity of our Endowment Fund donors who gave a gift or fulfilled a pledge payment between October 1, 2016 and November 20, 2017. Amounts are cumulative. $5,000,000+ Government of Canada/ Gouvernement du Canada Canadian Heritage/Patrimoine canadien

$250,000-499,999 Gail Asper, OC, OM, LLD* & Michael Paterson

$50,000-99,999 Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre Volunteer Corps of Ushers

$25,000-49,999 J.K. May Investments Ltd. Cam & Carole Osler Arni Thorsteinson & Susan Glass

$10,000-24,999 The Bowles Family The Estate of Gordon P. Linney Norma Anne Padilla Terri Cherniack & Steven Schipper, CM† George Sigurdson Terracon Development Ltd.

$5,000-9,999 Doneta* & Harry Brotchie Margaret Caie Donald Fraser & Judy Little Dr. Ted & Gail Hechter Susan & Keith Knox Serena Kraayeveld Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro John Maguire & Susan Collison Garry Markham L. Blair Philpott & Tom Kynman Faye Warren Wearing Williams Limited - Don & Sheila Katz Dorothy Y Young

$2,500-4,999 Sheila & David Brodovsky Ron & Carol Chapman Pamela & Andrew Cooke Helene Dyck John & Margaret Graham Peter & Maureen Macdonald Margaret & Fred Mooibroek Barbara Scheuneman Ruth Simkin Jim & Jan Tennant Fran & Estela Violago Anonymous

$1,000-2,499 Joan & Ed Alexander Jack Armstrong & Doris Quinn The Bohm Family Don & Cheryl Breakey Agnes & John K. Collins Bob & Alison Darling Michael & Lynn Evans Brent & Debbie Gilbert David & Ewhenia Gnutel In memory of Irene Karasick-McMurrich Teresa A. Hay Marilyn & Helios Hernandez Carol Campbell & Andy Krentz Barbara Main Mark & Gloria Mancini Dr. & Mrs. Donald McInnes Terri & Jim McKerchar Irene & the late Claire Miller Vera Moroz

*Current Royal MTC Board of Trustees/Advisory Board members

january/february 2018


Paul & Elaine Neelon Jean & Lisa Neron Joy Cooper & Martin Reed Marc & Sherri Rittinger Bill & Laurie Speers* Frits & Joan Stevens Marilyn Thompson Elaine Toms 2 Anonymous

$500-999 Jean Bissett Art & Donna Chow Katherine Cobor & Gordon Steindel Dorothy Davidson Betty Ann & Richard Graydon Evelyn Hecht Jordan Janisse & Teresa Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kisil Edith Landy Patrick* & Clarice Matthews Gerry & Corinne McCallum Anthony & Joyce McWha Estelle Meyers Marcel & Louise Mollot Edna Poulter Bill & Norma Rennie Ivor & Lorna Schledewitz Howie & Sue Simpson Unitarian Church Theatre Group 4 Anonymous

UP TO $499 Jacqueline Anderson Margaret & Charles Avent Don Bailey Susan Benias Ingrid Bolbecher Brenlee Carrington Trepel & Brent Trepel Bev & Ron Clegg Barbara Latocki Nancy Latocki Frances Lemieux Heather & Blaine Maxwell Duane Nicol & Erin Nosal Sandra Sadler Joan Sheps Roslyn Silver Geri & Peter Spencer Peter & Sharon Taylor


†Current Royal MTC staff

‡Monthly donors


















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BEHIND THE SCENES Front-of-House Staff: Rylen de Vries, Stacy Ducharme, Nick Fletcher, Deanna Goring, Elfie Harvey, Breanne Korban, Tia Levine, Kimmy Martin, Daniel MacPherson, Declan Moulden, Rachael Neal, Graeme Olson, Hannah Schneider, Lisa Stefanson, Kevin Stroski, Rita Vande Vyvere, Kira Watson

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Honorary Members

Her Honour, Lt. Governor Janice C. Filmon The Honourable Brian Pallister, Premier of Manitoba His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman


Executive Officers

Andrew Drinnan, Building Superintendent Chris Fletcher, Assistant Building Superintendent

Anthony C. Fletcher, Chair David Christie, Chair-Elect Patrick Green, Treasurer Katherine Fox, Secretary Heather Clarke, Organizational Performance Chair Sandy Gousseau, Audience Development Chair John Guttormson, Governance & Strategic Planning Chair Jason Kasper, Resource Development Chair Trustees

Jan Coates Paulo Fernandes Susan Freig Shawn Hughes Maureen Jay Advisory Council

Jim McLandress, Chair Gail Asper Doneta Brotchie Angus Campbell Gerry Couture Kerry Dangerfield Hy Dashevsky Glen Dyrda, FCA John F. Fraser Jean Giguere

Marketing & Communications

John Kearsey Sagan Morrow Bradley D. Regehr Derek Rolstone Laurie A. Speers

Tim J. Valgardson Helga D. Van Iderstine Judy Wakefield Richard L. Yaffe

Charron Hamilton Gary Hannaford, FCA Yude Henteleff Ken Houssin Gordon Keatch Colin R. MacArthur, QC Patrick J. Matthews Jeffrey Morton, FCA Hon. Jack Murta Lillian Neaman

Shelley Nimchonok James Pappas John Petersmeyer Lawrence Prout Jeff Quinton Patricia Rabson Margaret Redmond Susan Skinner Al Snyder Maureen Watchorn

Susan Groff, Head Scenic Artist Melissa Smigelski, Scenic Painter Production

Christine Corthey, Production Associate Ian Kirk, Assistant Technical Director Zahra Larche, Assistant Production Manager Rick MacPherson, Technical Director, Tom Hendry Warehouse Russell Martin, Director of Production Ben Ross, Technical Director, John Hirsch Mainstage Garret Rusnak, Assistant Technical Director, John Hirsch Mainstage Properties

Kari Hagness, Head of Properties Eva Kuo, Properties Builder Lawrence Van Went, Master Builder Joan Lees-Miller, Head of Wardrobe Gary Plouffe, House Stage Hand Claude Robert, Head Electrician Chris Thomson, Head Carpenter Michael Wright, Head of Sound


Yvonne O’Connor, Accounts Payable Administrator Melanie Sexton, Payroll Administrator Shelley Stroski, Controller

Tom Hendry Warehouse


Brian Adolph, IT Manager Elena Anciro, Education & Community Engagement Manager Stephanie George, Archive Intern, Young Canada Works Devan Graham, Director of Human Resources Camilla Holland, Executive Director Mary Horodyski, Archivist Daphne MacMillan, Administrative Assistant Kathrin Moncaster, Senior Developer & Systems Administrator Artistic

Krista Jackson, Associate Artistic Director Jeff Kennedy, Literary Coordinator Laurie Lam, Producer Paige Lewis, Artistic Coordinator Steven Schipper, CM, Artistic Director Casey Shapira, Assistant to the Producer

Chris Brett, Head of Sound Randy Zyla Harder, Head Electrician Rick MacPherson, Technical Director Carla Schroeder, Head Scenic Artist Rudy Wall, Head Carpenter Wardrobe

Thora Lamont, Cutter Lorraine O’Leary, Head of Wardrobe Lois Powne, First Hand Jackie Van Winkle, Head Buyer & Accessories Coordinator Wigs

Beverly Covert, Wigs & Makeup Supervisor Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival & Master Playwright Festival

Jennifer Cheslock, Festival Manager Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer

Box Office

Sheena Baird, Director of Patron Services Julie Gregorchuk, Box Office Manager Daniel Tompkins, Patron Services Coordinator Box Office Representatives: Jennifer Bahniuk, Melissa Langdon, Hayden Maines, Robyn Pooley, Tori Popp, Katie Schmidt, Katie Spring, Lisa Stefanson, Hunter Watson, Kira Watson Carpentry (John Hirsch Mainstage)

Louis Gagné, Layout Carpenter Brent Letain, Master Carpenter Chris Seida, Scenic Carpenter Development

Michael Joyal, Development Data Manager Melissa Novecosky, Special & Donor Events Coordinator Kris Olafson, Individual Giving Officer Daniel Robinson, Major Gifts Manager Shelly Smith-Hines, Director of Development Kim Cossette, Front of House Manager, Tom Hendry Warehouse Belinda Uings, Front of House Manager, John Hirsch Mainstage



Stage Crew


Front of House

Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager Kathleen Cerrer, Publicist & Online Media Coordinator Megan Heke, Interim Publicist & Online Media Coordinator Katie Inverarity, Director of Marketing & Communications Savannah Lillies, Publications Coordinator Jennifer Skelly, Marketing CRM Specialist Thomas Urish, Sales Manager

Honorary Staff

Zaz Bajon, General Manager Emeritus

ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION STAFF Linda Beech, Scenic Tree Sculptor Aaron Frost, Carpenter Jacko Garcia, Set Carpenter & Painter Kim Hamin, Scenic Artist Eva Kuo, Scenic Tree Sculptor Sharon Johnson, Scenic Tree Sculptor Van Mclean, Set Carpenter Farrah Okolita, Scenic Tree Sculptor Jamie Plummer, Props Buyer Ed Preston, Carpenter Carla Schroeder, Head Scenic Tree Sculptor Tiffany Taylor, Scenic Tree Sculptor Steve Vande Vyvere, Carpenter Lawrence Van Went, Scenic Tree Sculptor Jackie Van Winkle, Scenic Tree Sculptor


january/february 2018


Charles Chu, Associate General Manager/Company Manager Nathan Giles, Production Manager Anika Nater, Assistant Company Manager Jenna Carino, Associate Scenic Designer Devario Simmons, Associate Costume Designer Ryan O’Gara, Associate Lighting Designer Siobhan Sleath, Associate Lighting Designer Jacquelyn Cox, Assistant to Mr. Binkley Russell Godwin, Associate Sound Designer Scott K. Tusing, Moving Lights Programmer John Still, Production Electrician Michael Puhacz, Production Carpenter Jim vanBergen, Production Sound Engineer Jamie George, Sound Engineer Mike Pilipski, Production Properties Supervisor Graham Packer, Assistant Electrician Lisa Sheaves, Wardrobe Supervisor Helen Gregor, Wig Supervisor Jen Cooper, Production Assistant


David Mirvish, Producer Brian Sewell, Executive Producer David Mucci, Managing Director Linda Intaschi, Associate Producer Sarah Sisko, Assistant Producer Scot Whitham, Director of Production Charles Chu, Associate General Manager Camillo Casciato, Director of Finance Josie DiLuzio, IT Manager John Karastamatis, Director of Sales & Marketing Mark Lavaway, Director of Labour Relations & Business Development Chris Dorscht, Subscription and Sales Director

Sue Toth, Communications Manager Randy Alldread, Public Relations Manager Laurel Purvis, Assistant to David Mirvish


Randy Adams, Marleen Alhadeff, Kenny Alhadeff, Sue Frost Associates: Lauren Fischetti, Natalie Gershtein



Thomas Urish, Sales Manager p 204 954 6413 e turish@royalmtc.ca


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Thanks for playing a leading role! OUR DONOR SUPPORT IS

SOLID AS A ROCK “The locals are as solid as the Rock on which you stand. The door is always open here in Newfoundland.” On September 11, 2001, the people of Gander hosted 6122 passengers and 473 crew, which is remarkable considering the town’s population is only about 9000. On that fateful day, the people of Gander put their lives on hold to help strangers who landed in their midst. The experience was so powerful that strong friendships have grown among locals and those who “came from away.” A true sense of community has been the result. As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we are reminded of the community we have built here with you. Royal MTC is grateful to the donors who contribute so generously to our theatre. 58

Our Fall Campaign was very successful thanks to you. You can be assured that your gifts will be used creatively and efficiently to bring us the best in theatre experiences. In a very real way, Royal MTC is a community all its own with artists, artisans and staff working with you, our donors, to bring stories to life on our stages. Thank you to our donors, sponsors and subscribers who make Royal MTC a great place to work and play. For more information about giving to the theatre, please contact Kris Olafson at 204 954 6412 or visit royalmtc.ca/support to make a donation.


january/february 2018

for the dramas that didn’t happen on television Rights of Passage Canada at 150

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