3.2 Design Development

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3.2 Design Development

04/01/16 - 21/01/16 3.2.1 Aims

Stage 2 of the MPA project is intended to provide a period of design reflection and development. Review your outline proposals and assess how well they meet the original aims of the project and the communities focussed brief that you have established. In progressing your designs to a greater level of detail, carefully consider how selection of material buildups, connections with the existing fabric of the site or flexibility and deployability of the elements of the proposal will allow for a more intensive set of cross programmatic functions. By the completion of Stage 2 you must be able to; clearly demonstrate your approach to how the insertions impact on the site; describe clear structural, lighting and deployability strategies and finally outline the detailed building functionality. These should be achieved primarily through the investigation of your proposals in detailed section at 1:20, with appropriate development of the 1:50 full drawing set as well. Additionally this investigation should be supplemented by ongoing physical and virtual modelling tests.

3.2.2 Outcomes

A clear cross-programmatic strategy for the functional, commercial and branding operation of MPA and their building to satisfy the identified communities and character needs Three fully designed and detailed spatial insertions into or adaptations of MPA’s existing building on Thomas Street that facilitate the above

3.2.3 Assessment criteria

Ability to formulate a project proposal that is clearly grounded in research of the contextual issues relating to the site and the client. Ability to coordinate the various cultural, technological, social and formal considerations in the production of a complex interior design project [continued...] UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // BA Interior Architecture & Design // Stage 3 // 2015-2016

3.2.4 Duration

Stage 2 will run during Term 2, from Week 01 until Week 03 inclusively 04/01/2016: Stage 2 introduction 11/01/2016: Studio Workshop on Lighting, Deployability, Structure 21/01/2016: Main Project Formative Review 02 (end of Stage 2)

3.2.5 Deliverables

Diary (a collation of information at a minimum of four A5 pages per day) i) All previous diary requirements now collated to a high presentational level ii) ongoing collation of appropriate press and community data iii) design development sketches, screenshots, test model photos (recorded daily) iv) intensive sequence of pages that examine sample materials and collate information on their required construction buildup v) a first collection of digital film clips of site and design process for ident purposes Strategic vi) All Stage 1 contextual deliverables completed as follows: 1 A2 page focussing on MPA agenda and context 1 A2 page on selected Educate-Express-Engage characters 1 A2 page of visually presented programmatic requirement data 1 A2 CAD context plan at 1:500 vii) Completed set of 1:100 CAD (not model generated) General Arrangement ‘GA’ drawings of the detailed proposals inserted into the existing building at 1:50 scale, fully annotated and including drawn occupation, keyed to identify areas of future individual focus: - plans x 3 - sections x 2 - elevations x2 viii) A2 high quality draft exploded axonometric or isometric drawing that diagrammatically identifies the programmatic and functional zoning of your proposals relative to the existing building ix) Updated and improved design proposals summary paragraph Presentational x) High quality draft of a CAD 1:20 section through the existing building and your proposals. The drawing should include appropriate visual descriptions of your structural, lighting and deployability strategies as well as function and use. xi) Single A2 sheet presenting a series of 3D cad based iterative material studies as an investigative process testing insertion and relations to existing fabric. xii) A2 refined 3D collage layered perspective line drawing providing a view of the proposals within the existing site with an aspirational approach to the materiality or light qualities of an insertion against, through or modification to the building fabric xiii) Any previous presentation work still deemed appropriate and useful

[ends] UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // BA Interior Architecture & Design // Stage 3 // 2015-2016

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