Taht-Travallie, Gizem Erdendog

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by Gizem Erdendog




CSA Research Report

Project Details Project Lead:

Gizem Erdendog

Design Participants:

Sam McElhinney David Di Duca


Taht-travallie (Tahterevalli)


Light-weight Truss Structure with Pawan Weather Balloon


UCA Canterbury campus Atrium Area A Block including ramp and clith

Project Dates:

28 August - 03 September 2015 Exhibiton Open to Public 3 September 2015 Collaborative tear-down

Design Period:

June - September 2015




3.3m x 5.5m x 7.3m


UCA Creative Residency Funding, AKT II Structural Engineers



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Research Agenda and Process Overview Every design needs to be unique, due to their own branches! In architecture, every building has its own structure system calculation to come across with the result that how much size and heaviness of column & beams system can carry. The best result is to find the balance, which the building is not heavier or lighter than it should be! The perception of an object/design is usually connected to the characteristic of material. What we see, what we experience and how we interpret the design is directly affected by how weight/weightless the design is. Getting rid of excessive weight, shows that the design is well-considered and calculated. In my study, I have focused on minimizing the material use and connect with inflatables. The well-purposed installation is not only aims to minimize the weight, but also to obtain maxiResearch Questions 1.

How Gravity affects the type of design and struggles with rules of gravity?

2. How the material difference affects the diversity of its purpose? 3. How the balanced structure, will show differences with the leaking of helium in giant balloon? 4. By using light-weight structure materials, can we make that building looks heavy?

Fig.01 (previous page)

Research Statement

Significance and Contribution Inflatables, which brings also ‘lightness’ in architecture, are mostly used for temporary stuctures like; pavilion, stadium, landmark or to create alternative spaces in the building. My installations aim is to play with people’s perception and awareness of weight or weightlessness and how inflatables connects with my light-weight structure. Using drinking straws by changing its purpose to create untought installation and combining them with balloons from some parts. So, people make spatial experience between 2 ramps according to design, and behave according to installations characteristic.

Methodologies 1.

Start making from small module/shape, then combining many to enlarge and create a buildable design like Parametric Designs.

2. Origin of the structure that balances the extruded parts. 3. To observe the changes of ‘breaking points’ of the straw sructure every week and and relation to architectures to structure system. 4. Thinking people to use unthinkable materials in their designs. Simple materials, complex ideas.




Design Proposal My project studies attempts to develop an understanding of different approaches to the issue of weightlessness by using inflatables with materials. The balance between shape, material and process becomes more selective to create a light structure. The connectors should not only be minimum in weight but, it has to be strong to make the shape rigid. The installation setup consists of 4 different pyramid sizes, built and connected each other.The center of structure is the hanged pivot and each surfaces of pivot is connected to long structures

which moves in all directions, that wraps around the space like an ivy. By the stucture goes up, the size of pyramid decreases and hanged to pulley. In my field of work, there are 2 ramps that is seperated by plinth. According to this, one part of my stucture will be stable, and other part moves with the help of helium balloon. During the installation, the balloons will be inflated periodically to give different movements at the same time. The projects purpose is to allow people to see the how the structure moves each

Key technological outcomes of proposal 1.

Banding and connecting each straws strongly.

2. In order to stay longer as it is possible, make the installation deliberate and as rigid as it can be. 3. In some parts, people may need to lean down or try to move ballooned part upwards to walk through.

Fig.02 (right)

Buckminster Fuller Bucky ball


Proposal & Context

Design Research Context Field of Work According to Franco Albini, the theme of ‘lightness’ is developed by ascension, transparency, displacement, floating and suspension, in the 1950s for the Futurism period which brings also the ‘modernity’.

Work by others Usman Haque - Open Burble project (France/London) - 15 storey helium balloons Chilharu Shiota - Silencio (covering the space)

The advantages of light products and transport systems is saves Buckminster Fuller - Bucky ball energy. In otherwise like unnec- (for the shape) essary materials or heaviness used in designs, energy saving Tomas Saraceno - The Red List would be used more.



Design Methodologies Inflatables are pratique to use, can be easily stored and covers The designs shows the difference less place when not filled. that one ramps installation is staThe turning effect of a force ble . When you come to other which some parts that balloon slope, stucture moves both by holds the stucture, is known as a peoples attraction or leaking the torque. In physics of law, torque helium inside the giant balloon. means, moment, or moment of It starts to go down when the heforce is the tendency of a force to lium decreases. rotate an object about an axis, or So, in each period of time, when pivot. the movement change, people To achieve balance in my walks along the ramp by changing the shape. Some time they need installation, I used the formula: T = Force x to lean to walk through or lift the Distance structure up. But for some other the don’t need.. To give a sample,

Critical Design Elements 1.

Hanging each parts to wire without cracking

2. Each extruded structure should look seperate each other to define all parts better. 3. Moving structure parts with balloon.


Process & Methods

Prototyping and testing a- Making the Pyramids

4-Diifferent sizes of pyramids connected to achieve long lightThere are 4 stages to make the weight truss structure. structure. b. Element testing 1- Nesting 3 straws each other Creating different shapes with to create triangle. The shortest straws. Hexagonal, polygonal side of straw embedded into shapes tested to see its strenght others long side. The best shape in each model. (see fig 04b,c,d) is triangular, because more than After that, I enlarged the shapes 3 corners reduces strength. (see to see if the same rigidity fig. 03) continues. However, when the 2- Align triangles side by side and shapes get bigger it starts to on top by reducing one triangle distrupt. each side to come with big triangle surface. c. Fixings and bracing

3- Connecting 3 surfaces 60 Connecting each triangle with 2 degree internal angles and one black pvc bands. (see fig. 03) for the bottom to close pyramid. d. Cantilever tests Due to space, the structure is approximately covers with 400cm by 200cm long maximum and mininmum 170cm high from ground.

Fig.03 (left) Pyramid with Black Bands



04a 04a




04c 04b



Process & Methods

04g 04c




04i 04d




05 05a




Process & Methods

05c 05d

05d 05f




Fig.06 (left) Hanged Pivot Fig.07 (right) intersecting pvc tubes


Process & Methods

Fabrication Techniques In the installation, there is a pivot that makes the horizontal slice move. So, the installation is hanged from its pivot which are wired for ‘weight’ and provide stability. The 2 largest mirrored pyramid (see in fig. 06) act as a pivot and are suspended by a wire in the atrium space by making 2 crossing pvc tubes (see in fig. 07). PVC tubes are screwed from intersection points and ropes are threaded thrugh holes in its corners. The aim is to link ropes to the tube and connect it to wire with the help of a pulley.

After that, 3 long structures connect to this pivot - each side has its different sizes of pyramids. a. Element testing The black straws were tested by interlocking with each other and made different polygon studies. After that, I enlarge the shapes, however they were not rigid as I need. That is why I made triangle straws to create the installation. b. Fixings and bracing Conecting triangle straws with pvc black tape helped to make as light as it is. Also thickness of tape covers and makes straight the straw more other materials I have tested like straws. d. Overall form models 4 different size of pyramid shape 100 triangles 300 straws & Tape 64 triangles 192 straws & Tape 36 triangles 108 straws & Tape 16 triangles 48 straws & Tape

18 Fig.08 Typical form proposal drawing



Process & Methods






10a 09a







Process & Methods

Control Systems a-Pivot

b. Banding

Each Triangle is banding with All other stuctures connects in each other twice by 5cm long one place. So, the pivot, which Black Pvc Tapes. When structure is in the center of should stay streched and hanged, the corners constant except balloon parts. of triagles starts to open. So, the most important point is to band a. Balloon each straws carefully from its The reason balloon is huge, I corners. have 3d printed tubes between the helium gas cylinder’s filling kit and balloon. To stop leakin c. Support helium I have glued and then banded each parted strongly . If the structure is not supported After that I connected 3d tubes and banded well, it starts to bend to a long plastic tube. (see on left) downwards. The straws starts to deform. and can block people to walk throught the ramp. (see fig. 11)

Fig.010 (far left)


Fig.11 (left) Shows the bending occurs



Occupation and Interaction These design examples absolutely show its uniqueness. by using a light material we can create one of the strongest designs. In all light designs, every To make the design light, the single project of its surroundings, material plays serious role. Some shows elegance, purity, and unthinkable materials like straws transparency by may be suprisingly robust. People generally use them for drinks. I A spreaded light-weight truss showed how it can be possible stucture ‘s weight has been to make a structure which carefully calculated to obtain holds huge balloon to see the minimum weight and balanced movement each hour. in pivot which 160cm heliumed balloon holds some parts of the structure. Transparency plays a major role to show the design light. It gives a feeling of freedom and variation on the space in the design.


Review of Outcomes




Fig.12 (left) 3 Dimensional Studies Figs.13 (right and continued overleaf) 13d



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Review of Outcomes


Dissemination and Future Work Once the project has been finished, the idea of concept, processing, photos, drawings and construction phases will be added to my blog to demonstrate my Taht-travallie project. The idea has been showed! I have not only learned producing faster as i learn the materials, but also the difficulties of the project. However, all these makes you expert on your design and also encourages you to improve. Me or others can easily take forward the design with further variations. In my side of view, people mostly get inspired from material use.

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Materials and Suppliers List 1.

Black Straws 21cm x 0.5cm (diameter)

2. Black PVC Tapes 1.5cm x 500cm Poundland 3. Pawan Weather Balloon 160cm Diameter can weight app. 100g http://randomsolutions.co.uk/Random_Aerospace/Balloons. html (Phone: 07802 242135 International: +44 7802 242135) 4. Jumbo Helium Cylinder 76.5kg (151cm Height) Hired From BOC Canterbury, www.balloonhelium.co.uk (Phone: 0845 486 2020)

Image Credits All figures are copyright the author unless noted as follows: Figure 02: Buckminster Fuller - Bucky ball unknown. (2014). A 47 Year Old Prediction Comes True. Available: http://tomtunguz.com/forty-seven-year-prediction/.




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