QUOTES AND SAYINGS YOU NEED TO HEAR (including some I wrote personally) 1. A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected. 2. A website can make money for you while you are asleep. 3. Actions always prove why words mean nothing. 4. Always be a first rate version of yourself, and not a second rate version of someone else. - Judy Garland 5. Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid of only standing still. - Chinese proverb. 6. Being called "bougie", or "extra" is not an insult to me. I'm allowed to be high maintenance because I'm the one maintaining it. 7. Bitches love throwing shade. I'll throw the whole tree bitch. I ain't the one. 8. Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. 9. Don't let anyone treat you like free salsa. You are the cheese dip. 10. Don't tell me you miss me... Come get me. 11. Either you go after the life you want, or settle for the life you get. MUDWALKER NEWSLETTER 003 - WWW.DDAVIDD.COM
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