Cuaderno enaer 2016 v3

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Durante mas de 30 a帽os ENAER ha desarrollado capacidades tecnol贸gicas, transform谩ndose en una atractiva fuente de soluciones para las Fuerzas de Defensa y la Aviaci贸n Comercial.

EDITORIAL A todos nuestros amigos y colaboradores: Una vez más, es el momento de hacer un breve alto en nuestras numerosas obligaciones profesionales, y tomarnos un par de minutos para reflexionar sobre el sentido de la tarea grande y hermosa a la que todos nosotros le hemos dedicado nuestras vidas. La obra que tanto nos enorgullece, la Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile, nació el 16 de marzo de 1984: Ya son más de tres largas décadas aportando al desarrollo aeronáutico de nuestro país. A lo largo de este periodo de historia, marcados por un incesante avance tecnológico, ENAER se ha encargado de cumplir el papel de puente entre nuestro país y esas nuevas tecnologías, que rápidamente se traspasan a otras áreas de la actividad industrial: en todo el orbe la aeronáutica es reconocida como una de las industrias que más permanentemente están desarrollando nuevas tecnologías, en un vórtice de creatividad que lleva más de un siglo deslumbrando al mundo, y que no parece tener indicio alguno de detenerse. Esa ingeniería creativa, innovadora y en permanente evolución es, probablemente, nuestro legado más importante. Uno que, directa o indirectamente, beneficia a toda la comunidad nacional, porque se traduce en progreso que termina afectando positivamente a todas las personas. Y personas son también nuestro activo más valioso cuando se trata de mirar con confianza hacia el futuro: hombres y mujeres que cumplen su misión con entusiasmo y profesionalismo, y que ayudan a cumplir el sueño de desarrollar una industria aeronáutica para Chile y para la región, mediante acciones de crecimiento concretas, y aplicando la

impronta inconfundible de los grandes precursores de la aeronáutica en todo el mundo, que siempre lograron sobrellevar las vicisitudes de una industria distinta de todas las demás, que exige equilibrar un apasionado idealismo con el conocimiento científico más avanzado. La actividad de ENAER, en permanente contacto con los diferentes actores del mundo aeronáutico, ha permitido a Chile abrir las puertas de los numerosos mercados internacionales, forjando vínculos cada vez más estrechos con las instituciones de defensa de nuestra región y con los grandes fabricantes aeronáuticos. Además, por supuesto, de constituirse en el soporte tecnológico superior de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas en el área aeronáutica y en especial, de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile. Al orgullo de todos estos logros se suma una enorme responsabilidad, que recae sobre quienes estamos hoy y sobre quienes nos sucederán, compromiso que aceptamos llenos de entusiasmo. El sueño de nuestros precursores se transformó en realidad gracias al esfuerzo, a la capacidad y a la entrega de todos y cada uno de quienes integran o han integrado el equipo humano de nuestra Empresa. Con ese respaldo, tanto profesional como moral, el futuro se ve promisorio: Sabemos que tenemos todo lo que se necesita para despegar con seguridad y llegar eficientemente a destinos cada vez más distantes. HENRY CLEVELAND CARTES General de Brigada Aérea (I) Director Ejecutivo

EDITORIAL To our dear friends and partners: Empresa Nacional de Aeronautica de Chile was born on March 16th, 1984: We already reached three decades contributing to aeronautical development of our country, and we can look back with legitimate pride, to the present working professionally in pursuit of ever new way to success and to the future with trust in our ability to overcome the challenges that will come. And the most powerful reason to be trustful is our strong team: the men and women who fulfill their mission with enthusiasm and professionalism, working directly with us or with our partners, allowing to fulfill the dream of the founders of ENAER: “Developing an aeronautic industry for Chile and for the region”, through actions of specific growth, and applying the unmistakable imprint of the great aviation pioneers of the world, which always managed to deal with the vicissitudes of a different industry to all other, that requires balancing passionate idealism with the most advanced scientific knowledge. The business and technological reputation has been achieved by ENAER is the result of the effort from all of us, of those preceded us and the companies and institutions who believed in a job well done. That is the reason for our pride in the achievements reached, and therefore a huge responsibility adds upon those who are today and who will come after us, we accept the commitment with enthusiasm.ENAER is a company with strategic value to our

country and it will be increasingly in the future. Its creation allowed to Chile open the doors from the international aviation markets, forging ever closer linkage with defense institutions in our region and with the major aircraft manufacturers. Moreover, of course, become the superior technological support of our Armed Forces in the aeronautical area, and especially of the Chilean Air Force. Along it´s more than 30 years of history and technological advancement, ENAER has been a reflection of the ongoing development of the national aviation industry, this capability being one of the parameters that shows the progress of our country. This development has been the source of the last generation technologies, which quickly transferred to other areas of industrial activity. Thus creating a virtuous circle of progress and development, emanated of products of ENAER which are flying around the world today. The dream of our predecessors became a reality by the efforts, ability and engagement of all and each of who we are or those were part of team of our Company. The Teamwork and commitment us to keep flying farther, higher and more secure.

HENRY CLEVELAND CARTES General de Brigada Aerea (I) Director Ejecutivo



NUESTRO PRODUCTO: Soluciones Aeronáuticas.

OUR PRODUCT: Aeronautical solutions.

NUESTROS CLIENTES: La primera prioridad.

OUR CUSTOMERS: The first priority.

NUESTRO PERSONAL: Nuestra ventaja competitiva

OUR STAFF: Our competitive advantage

NUESTRA CALIDAD: Acciones, procesos y productos, a la medida del cliente.

OUR QUALITY: Actions, processes and products tailored to the customer.

NUESTROS PROCESOS: Simples, oportunos, seguros y confiables.

OUR PROCESS: Simple, timely, safe and reliable.

NUESTRO COMPROMISO: Ser su colaborador en el crecimiento de su organización.

OUR COMMITMENT: To be your partner in growin your organization.

El modelo de negocios de ENAER es flexible y de acuerdo a las necesidades de nuestro cliente, permitiendo crear solidos vínculos para ser su colaborador en soluciones aeronáuticas para su flota. ENAER business model is flexible and according to the needs of our clients, allowing creating solid links to be your partners in aeronautical solutions for your fleet.


Entre los productos y servicios que posicionan a ENAER como empresa líder en su tipo destacan: • Diseño y Desarrollo certificadas bajo estándares SAE AS 9100C en los ámbitos de aeroestructuras y sistemas de aeronaves. • Fabricación de aviones de entrenamiento militar. • Fabricación de conjuntos estructurales para aeronaves. • Fabricación de partes y piezas especiales. • Modernización de aeronaves. • Mantenimiento de aeronaves. • Mantenimiento y reparación de motores. • Reparación de accesorios. • Inspección de aeronaves, motores y accesorios. • Calibración en las magnitudes de presión, torque, masa, longitud, humedad y temperatura, traceables según estándares internacionales • Ensayos mecánicos, análisis químicos y ensayos no destructivos NDT. • Reparaciones estructurales, despinturado y pintura de aeronaves.

ENAER ha desarrollado capacidades tecnológicas, transformándose

en una atractiva fuente de soluciones para las Fuerzas de Defensa y la Aviación Comercial. Para alcanzar la excelencia en sus productos y servicios, ENAER cuenta con modernas maquinarias y tecnología de punta, cumpliendo con exigentes certificaciones internacionales, las que entregan garantía y confiabilidad en todos los trabajos que realiza. Desde 1984, desarrollando y compartiendo soluciones aeronáuticas a la medida de nuestras naciones.


Some products and services that position ENAER as a leader in Aeronautical Industry are: • Design and Development certified under SAE AS 9100C standards in the areas of aero structures and aircraft systems. • Manufacturing of military training aircraft. • Manufacturing of structural components for aircraft. • Manufacturing of spare parts and special parts. • Aircraft upgrade. • Maintenance of aircraft. • Maintenance and repairs of engines. • Repair components and aeronautical accessories. • Calibration in the magnitudes of pressure, torque, mass, length, temperature and humidity, traceable to international standards • Mechanical testing, chemical analysis and non-destructive testing NDT. • Structural Repair, paint removal and aircraft paint. ENAER has developed technological capabilities, becoming an attractive source of solutions to the Defense Forces and Commercial Aviation. To achieve excellence in their products and services, ENAER has modern machinery and top technology, meeting stringent requirements of international certifications, those providing assurance and reliability in all work performed. Since 1984, developing and sharing aeronautical solutions according to the requirements of our customers.


El T-35 Pillán es un entrenador militar de nueva generación concebido y desarrollado para brindar el máximo de similitud de vuelo con el comportamiento de los aviones a reacción y satisfacer plenamente y al más bajo costo, los elevados estándares actuales de instrucción primaria y básica que toda Fuerza Aérea exige en la formación de sus futuros pilotos de combate. El T-35 Pillán es constantemente modernizado, modificando sus sistemas de aviónica con el propósito de mantener una tecnología, acorde a las utilizadas en aeronaves actuales así como también proporcionar mayor confiabilidad y exactitud en la información tanto para el instructor como para el alumno.

El T-35 Pillán es un entrenador diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de instrucción a bajo costo de las Fuerzas Aéreas e Instituciones militares. El T-35 Pillán está en operación en ocho naciones de América y Europa: • Ejército del Aire de España. • Aviación Naval de la Marina del Ecuador. • Fuerza Aérea Paraguaya. • Servicio Aéreo Nacional de Panamá. • Fuerza Aérea Dominicana. • Fuerza Aérea Salvadoreña. • Fuerza Aérea de Guatemala. • Fuerza Aérea de Chile. Gracias a su concepción multirol, esta aeronave está capacitada para desarrollar numerosas tareas además de su misión primordial: formar futuros pilotos de combate.


T-35 PILLAN is a new generation military trainer conceived and developed to offer maximum of flight similitude with jet aircraft behavior and fully satisfy at low cost, with the high standards of basic and primary training that all Air Forces demand for the future combat pilot. The T-35 PILLAN is updated on regular basis, improving its avionic systems with state of the art technologies, according to the new aircrafts in operation and also to provide more reliable information for both instructor and trainee. T-35 PILLAN Aircraft was developed to satisfy low cost instruction requirements of Air Forces and Military Corps. T-35 has demonstrated his capabilities in eight nations of America and Europe: • Spain Air Army • Ecuador Air navy • Paraguay Air Force • Panama National Air Service • Dominican Republic Air Force • El Salvador Air Force • Guatemala Air Force • Chile Air Force Due to his multirole conception, this aircraft is able to perform several operations scenarios, as well his basis mission of military flight training.

CARACTERÍSTICAS FEATURES MILITARY DE INSTRUCCIÓN TRAINING MILITAR El T-35 Pillán tiene capacidades sobresalientes en las cuatro variables de un verdadero avión instructor militar:


Gracias a su centro de gravedad atrasado y a su diseño 100% militar, permite identificar a los estudiantes con verdadero potencial para convertirse en verdaderos pilotos militares.

2.- ACROBACIA El T-35 Pillán es capaz de operar hasta 5

horas en condiciones acrobáticas militares desde el primer minuto de vuelo.


Su disposición en tándem con el alumno en el asiento delantero, entrega una visibilidad solo comparable a la de un avión de combate y su robusto motor permite desarrollar la instrucción de vuelo en formación.


Los avanzados sistemas de abordo permiten desarrollar una plena instrucción de vuelo nocturno y vuelo por instrumentos.

The T-35 Pillán has outstanding performance in all four military trainer parameters:


Due to its off-centered gravity center and its 100% military design, allows identify students with real potential, necessary to become an actual military pilot.

2. ACROBATICS The T-35 Pillán can operate up to 5 hours in

military acrobatics conditions from the first minute of flight.


In tandem configuration, with the student in the front seat, gives a jet fighter visibility and its strong engine enable it to provide formation flight training.


Its sophisticated on board systems allows to perform full night instrumental flight training.


KELLSTROM LAUNCHES F-5 LIFE EXTENDING WING RE-SKIN PROGRAM Kellstrom Defense has developed and proven a proprietary process to re-skin F-5 wings, representing a substantial cost savings and lead time improvement compared to full wing replacement. Partnering w/ ENAER, all work is performed in their world class facility. Kellstrom’s proven process includes: • Removal of original skin & Full NDI of underlying structure • Inspection of hydraulic lines, fuel lines, electrical conduits, and control conduits • Transfer of hole pattern from existing skin to new skin using unique proprietary process • Installation of new skin onto original substructure • Final quality checks/buy-off ensuring wing meets original wing straightness

Contact: Armando Boucourt +1 (954) 538-2483

About us: Kellstrom Defense provides distribution, maintenance, repair & overhaul, engineering & manufacturing and program management solutions for U.S. manufactured legacy fighters, transports, patrol aircraft and helicopters around the world. Our group of companies includes distribution, maintenance, repair and overhaul, and engineering & manufacturing divisions. We collectively collaborate with key partnerships to provide a suite of complex solutions that addresses operational readiness for end users maintaining these aging aircraft. We support legacy fixed and rotary wing aircraft including but not limited to F-5, T-38, F-16, F-15, F-18, C- 130, P-3, Boeing 707 derivatives and several rotary platforms. Kellstrom Defense is headquartered in Camarillo, CA, USA and has over 200 employees and sales representatives strategically located throughout the world.

Usted requiere disponibilidad. Nosotros proporcionamos soluciones fiables.

VisĂ­tenos en la feria FIDAE 2016, en Santiago de Chile, del 29 de marzo al 3 de abril, en el Chalet A2 RUAG Schweiz AG | RUAG Aviation | 6032 Emmen | Suiza | TelĂŠfono +41 41 268 41 11 | |

Reliable Solutions and Outstanding Service for Chile and the LATAM. Region RUAG Aviation and ENAER Team to Provide Excellence in MRO, Upgrades and Life Cycle Support. The Chilean and Latin American civil and military aviation market is now in direct line to realise an added competitive edge and a significantly enhanced service portfolio by way of the recently announced strategic alliance between RUAG Aviation and ENAER. The combined capabilities and expertise of RUAG and ENAER provide optimum efficiency and value for life cycle support, MRO and upgrades solutions, ensuring quality and enabling effective fleet management. This Teaming Agreement benefits all involved while strengthening Chile’s and the region’s positions in terms of aircraft availability, reliability, sustainability and affordability, as well as overall mission success. The Teaming Agreement brings RUAG Aviation’s Swiss precision and powerful combination of benefits closer than ever to the LATAM region’s civil and military customers. A long-time partner to the Swiss Armed Forces and other international air forces, the company draws on the intense know-how, strong experience and unique support concepts cultivated in these partnerships. Aircraft readiness and mission success are principles which RUAG understands and lives. It consistently proves complete commitment to the professional servicing of aircraft and helicopters throughout their entire service life, providing firstrate services, fast turnaround times and favourable conditions. RUAG’s core competencies include complete solutions for maintenance, repair and overhaul services, upgrades, and the development, manufacturing and integration of subsystems. While their proven excellence in performing these operations ensures quality, safety and reliability, the company strives to live the principle of continuous improvement and thus develops approaches which further safeguard their customers’ interests. The Teaming Agreement allows Chile and the LATAM region to benefit from RUAG’s innovative technology and processes. Onsite supervisory and support services, as well as

a dedicated workforce of specialists, will also be available according to programmes and requirements. The culmination of a long-standing collaboration between the two companies, the agreement stipulates mutual responsibility for both existing and potential customers. RUAG joins with ENAER to commit to serving the Chilean Air Force, to strive to support local customers, to continue to seek regional expansion in LATAM, and to exploit additional, mutually beneficial opportunities. Internationally, RUAG enjoys an outstanding reputation, synonymous with safe and reliable solutions, and maintains an extensive global network. This international reach stands to enlarge ENAER’s scope and underscores the benefits which RUAG continues to offer the LATAM region. In addition to their expertise in MRO, upgrades and life cycle support, RUAG is also the manufacturer (OEM) of the Dornier 228, a versatile aircraft for challenging special missions and passenger and cargo operations. Proven the most productive, the most reliable, and the most up-to-date aircraft in its class, the Dornier 228 features high mission endurance, an attractive price-performance ratio, outstanding technical performance, high levels of safety and superior situational awareness. It is acclaimed by authorities worldwide who rely on it for demanding situations and operations.

Currently, there are seven Dornier 228 aircraft flying patrol missions, serving humanitarian operations and providing passenger transport within the LATAM region. And demand is growing rapidly, especially in view of contemporary socio-economic, geopolitical and ecological climates. With a dispatch reliability of over 99% and an exceptional STOL performance, the Dornier 228 is available whenever and wherever, proving its position as the platform of choice for special mission operations. Military and government law enforcement organisations recognise the distinct capabilities which the Dornier 228 brings to their operations for surveillance and reconnaissance, maritime patrol (specifically border control, pollution control, search and rescue, and fishery patrol), light transport operations (such as medevac, cargo, paratrooper flights and humanitarian missions), and research flights.



Teléfono : (56-2) 2383 1700 /



Teléfono : (56-2) 2383 1700 /

ENAER cuenta con profesionales y tĂŠcnicos especializados, con instalaciones que cumplen con las exigentes certificaciones internacionales, en distintos puntos de Chile.

Solutions in all areas of aeronautics, for the Defence Forces and Commercial Aviation

Avenida José Miguel Carrera 11087 Paradero 36½, El Bosque, Santiago / Teléfono : (56-2) 2383 1700

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