APRIL 18, 1969
VOL. 8—NO. 31
Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah
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S e e
p a g e
1 6 ,
2 0
I N D E X 2
A r e W e the Black Muslims
A n t i - B l a c k Bias i n P o s t O f f i c e
Accusations o f Teaching H a t e
Shooting in D e t r o i t
N e w Frame-Ups o f Black Panthers
Aftermath of Lumumba Murder
W h y A r a b s Reject Phony 'Peace'
Police Brutalize Black Family
Life in Sudan
P r o f e s s o r Rips I Q Tests o f Blacks
Letters f r o m Readers
W o m a n in Islam
28 29 31
Islam in Tuskegee
Islam's H o n o r S t u d e n t s
H o w t o Eat t o Live
W h i t e s Terrorize Indian Students
U.S. T w o - F a c e d o n S o u t h A f r i c a
W h a t Islam Has Done f o r M e
H i t P o l i c e Use o f S h o t g u n s
Black Power in C a r i b b e a n A r e a . - 4 3 * c. /»..
Why Arabs Rejected Phony Israel 'Peace7 Plot Favoring Zionist Expansion Scheme By Ali M. Baghdadi As a Palestinian who is fully aware of his peoples sacred struggle against Israeli military occupation, I see that the Arab freedom f i g h t e r s are in full agreement with Israel in her rejection of a settlement drawn and imposed by the four big powers. Also, I could safely say that the Arab Commandos, the sole representatives of the two m i l l i o n displaced Palestinians, s t r o n g l y support Mr. Abba Evan's recent assertion that no big power should tell small nations what to do. Furthermore, they share his governments view that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict should come from those who are directly involved. MUSLIMS and Jews had lived together in peace and harmony for many centuries. The peace and h a r m o n y were interruptArabs ed o n l y when Place some shortJustice sighted EuropeAbove an A m e r i c a n Peace in J e w s deviated Struggle from the true For teachings of JuFreedom daism by aligning w i t h the s o - c a l l e d big powers to colonize and exploit the middle East and hinder the progress of its people. Real Judaism, as we Arabs see it is a religion based on liberty and justice and not on collaboration and conquest. In contact with the so-called Arab terrorist through their literature and press releases, I believe that the Arabs are not only ready to sit down with the Israeli at a peace table as they demand, but the Arabs are also willing to forgive and forget in the same spirit of hospitality that Saladin extended to the Crusaders after 200 years of bitter hostilities. For that moment to come the
Israelis have to reject their rac| ist notion of an exclusive Jewish j state and to recognize the rights ! of the Arabs, the legal inhabitants of Palestine. The Israeli leaders have to accept the idea of the return of Palestine to the Palestinian.
AFTER TWO decades of relying on the world conscience to resolve their tragedy, the Palestinians today will not lay down their weapons till a new state in an Arab union emerges, where Muslims, Christians and Jews could live again together.
Cites Black Quest: To Carve Our Own Place Bond
One of the first Black legisla- ty brought to bear in order to tors from Georgia, Rep. Julian fashion a new political order. Bond, told a group of students at "The movement ought to draw University of Illinois' Chicago \ heavily on the young people, Circle Campus last week: j bruised and brutalized in the I "WE NO longer wish to be streets of this city last summer, | absorbed, to fit in. to enter the ! and veterans of the (James) mainstream — ! Meredith march in Mississippi," to melt in. Our | the 28-year-old Bond stated. At jog now i n t o this juncture, in his speech, Rep. the future is to |Bond strongly c a s t i g a t e d the carve out our Bossism of Daley politics in Chiown place, sep- cago. He said: "Plantation poliarate but a part ; tics with the Black community is of the whole." directed from without." ^ • h Rep. Bond cliUSING Chicago's ills as sym^ ^ H m a x c d his rebolic of the misery suffered by gjj Binaries with that ; Blacks in ghettoes throughout ^^^^•statement, after | the country, Rep. Bond, said Bond discussing t h e ;that the plight of the poor is as gross failures of l desolate as it was last year. JAILING ARAB women, this Israeli policeman in Jerusalem capitalist-democracy; he told his "There is great frustration. was part of " r i o t " force that smashed into group of 500 listeners: Blacks are angry — not just at mourning Arab women in procession taking wreaths to grave "Three hundred years after the Dr. King's assassination, but at of Egyptian patriot who died under mysterious circumstances founding fathers proposed to es- j having to live as Blacks have to in Israeli prison. More than 50 women were arrested. tablish a melting pot, the only jlive in a city like this. They are thing which has not melted is ; angry most of the time and it us." | doesn't take much to set them in INDUCTION CALLS for May Rep. Bond discussed violence motion," he declared. 27,600 men will be called in and r e b e l l i o n in the United He i n d i c a t e d that violence will be the lowest since January May; 25,600 men would be draftStates; he suggested that a fero- seems to be "a productive" in- of this year, the Pentagon an- ed into the Army and 2,000 into cious attack upon the power strument for Black people, but nounced this week. However, the s t r u c t u r e should not be dis- | white Americans learned nothing numbers in the call ranks with the Marine Corps. The May draft call compares missed, "although prospects for from the Kerner Report, which wartime drafts, and represents a it are doubtful at present." He | showed A m e r i c a was divided j slim shaving of "Greetings" re- with 26,000 in January, 33,700 in said that he would like a combi i into two n a t i o n s , 31ack and i ceived in previous months this February, 33,100 in March and 1 nation of forces within the socie i white. 33,080 in April. year.
Tiny Dip In May Draft Calls
Nuclear Test Mess Cleanup On Bikini To TakeSixMonths HONOLULU — Sometime during the month of August, former residents on the mid-Pacific atoll of Bikini will begin to move back to the land from which they were ousted in 1946, when the United States took it over for nuclear testing program. - BEFORE THEY can do so, however, a six-months cleanup program is necessary to remove all vegetable overgrowth, radioactive debris and contaminated structures. Working jointly in the cleanup phase are the Atomic Energy commission and the U.S. Defense and Interior departments. There are coconut trees to be replanted, and new housing and community facilities to be constructed. Some 550 Bikinians have land rights on the island, but not all will be returned to their homeland immediately. The over-all resettlement scheme is to be stretched over a period of six NEW EMPHASIS upon early education and training, such as years to enable the island to in this New York School where two boys practice "telephone gradually develop a capability to \ manners" is being underscored in Black communities through1 ' f' ...U^-» • " " • » " " f nivinn children a "head
start" is making headway. On the other hand, one famed Harvard educator warns against judging these children by phony " I Q tests" rigged against revealing their true talenJ and a b i l i t i e s . ^ ^ • M u g e 11)
APRIL 18. 1969
In T h e Pollution Controls Sought NEW YORK—In the United Nations, scientists of 18 countries have called for a declaration on the human environment , with emphasis on the need to establish strong political controls regarding the pollution of water, air and soil. IN SUCH WESTERN nations as the United States there is a strong need for such laws, which must act to preserve resources which greedy industrialists are unconcerned about saving. *
Russ-Algiers Denonuce NATO THE ALGERIAN GOVERNMENT aol the Soviet Union, in a joint statement, denounced the presence of NATO naval forces in the Mediterranean The statement was released at the end of an official six-day visit by Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny *
Dixie Schools Lose Funds THREE SCHOOL DISTRICTS and three hospitals in Mississippi and Georgia are losing federal funds because of their continued practices of racial discrimination, the Health, Education and Welfare ARAB MEN in Zionist occupied city of JeruDepartment has announced salem sit passively, ignoring waves of Chris* » » tian nuns marching through streets. Pious
Measles Epidemic to Hit U.S.
A MAJOR .GERMAN MEASLES epidemic is predicted for 1970 in .the United States. Researchers have been racing against time to get a vaccine licensed and produced in sufficient quantity to prevent disastrous results.
proceedings did little to mask the occupation and enslavement of Arabs by new Americansupported white colonists.
Chicago's West Side Blacks Unite to Oust Political Machine-Owned Aldermen
Survey Pesticide-Cancer Link
Chicago's Black W e s t s i d e r s , The three white a l d e r m e n h a v e displayed unprecedented j being urged to resign are: Harry RESEARCHERS for the National Cancer Institute, here in unity behind the struggle to oust i Sain, 27th Ward; Joseph JamWashington, D C., indicated last week that some 50 out of the 130 three white and one 'Tom' alder-1 brone, 28th Ward; and Edwin H. most widely used pesticides are being tested for a possible link with j men who have displayed great: McMahon, 30th Ward. The Black | disregard for the welfare of the j incumbent is Robert Biggs of the cancer, as well as their effect on human chromosomes. j 90-per-cent-Black community. 129th Ward. Illinois' Republican Governor, DOUGLAS ANDREWS, execu- j Richard Ogilvie, came to the de; tive director of the politically-ac- fense of the aldermen, insisting jtive Garfield Organization (GO), there were no provisions for their i told a MUHAMMAD SPEAKS re- recall in the state Constitution. j porter that the community deHowever, Andrews pointed out JOHANNESBURG, South Afri- sion of accommodations for Afri- j mand for resignations by the that if 25 per cent of a Ward ca—The Black population explo- cans, even the prison-like high-i four "plantation-overseer" alder- petition for resignation of an aij man has unanimous support of de r m a n, the issue can be sion is thwarting Nazi South Af- rises which were suggested. rica's scheme to curb the numlocal Black leadership, including j brought to a referendum. The ber of Africans in this city THE RULING fascist regime the clergy. recall petition would be based in has been struggling for more Edward Allen, president of the the relevance of the alderman's DESPITE RIGID enforcement than 20 years to enforce com- Chicago West Side Development responses to the needs of the of all apartheid laws, enforced plete separation of the races, Corporation, asserted that the constituency. •ferilization and other so-called i genocidal birth control plots and united call for resignations had IN ADDITION to the removal D O U G ANDREWS, Garfield "ijirtti-control" plots, the fascist j other measures to ensure abso- developed to the point where regime's plans are crumbling in 1 lute and permanent control by they would take the issue to the of the a l d e r m a n , West Side Organization director, s a i d a place legislation cannot effec- whites but most efforts are U.S. Supreme Court, if neces- Blacks are d e m a n d i n g much- Blacks are uniting to seek real p o l i t i c a l representation on sary. tively reach—the cradle. failing (Continued on page 4) Chicago's West Side — scene African births in this municipal of recent anti-establishment area are running about 25,000 a demonstrations. Andrews said year. By 1980, the number of the movement is focusing on Blacks in the city is expected to recall of what Westsiders conreach 1,000,000 compared with sider to be corrupt, political 650.000 whites. machine responsive politicians. The white-supremacy government is pressing influx control programs geared against Africans. Otherwise, citv council reports state, the Black population would be rising at a much greater rate of speed. The report, which suggested A group of 2,300 business execthat multi-story buildings be conutives have launched a program structed to house Africans—much against the Viet Nam War, and as public housing authorities are they are running ads in major doing in the United States—was papers throughout the U.S., supstrongly criticized in Parliament porting their peace efforts. The — ','f>?T by Blaar Coetzee, forgroup, Business Executives Move mer deputy minister of Bantu for Viet Nam Peace, ran their (Black) administration and defirst ad in Chicago's SUN-TIMES velopment. recently. Pro-Peace ads will run Coetzee warned that the govin one paper or another, until ernment would reject Johannesthe war ends, a group spokesburg's proposals for the expanman stated.
Black Births Thwart Nazi S. Africa's Genocide Plot
Businessmen Buy Ads Against U.S. War In Viet Nam
MUHAMMAD SPEAKS Published W e e U Vol. 8—No. 31
April 18. 1969
Published by MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE NO. 2 436 E. 7?th Sr., Chicago, III. 6061« j ... A fairer,. A.aL.T>.*y._
IN THE first advertisement, lists of U.S. casualties for each week since the Paris peace talks began, were indicated. In following weeks, ads will feature the latest weekly reported U.S. casualties the spokesman, said.
APRIL 18, 1969
Anti-Black By LONNIE KASHIF WASHINGTON — Anyone desiring to learn about "plantation" days when "a lot of 'house boys'" carried out the will of the white overseers, need only to accept employment at the D.C. Post Office Department. SUCH IS THE view of Robert White, president of the D.C. Branch of the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees. In a recent statement to the press, White flayed the Post Office department for what he called "deplorable conditions," under which the district employees still must work. White complained that "some of the 'hokse boys' act through fear of the "white overseers,"
Chicago Blacks Unite To Oust Daley Aldermen (Continued
from page 3)
needed upgrading in community city services. They submitted a six-point program during a recent press conference. 1. Black police, from top to bottom, in the predominentlyBlack communities. If this cannot be accomplished on a permanent basis, it is demanded that only Black officers be in the districts during times of uprisings. Also there should be a civilian review board to determine disciplinary action against police. 2. A moratorium on all future land acquisitions by the city and a thorough review of acquisition proposals which are pending. 3. Filling of two upcoming vacancies on the Chicago Board of Education with Blacks from the West Side. 4. No further urban renewal demolition u n t i l middle-income and low-income housing has been built on presently-vacant land. 5. A West Side School Board that would function in an advisory capacity to the city school board. 6. Weekly garbage collections throughout the Black communities; perodic clearing away of debries, including abandoned vehicles, and appointment of area sanitation superintendents w h o live in the districts. These measures, if adopted, could constitute a giant step toward alleviating hostilities toward the city government, Andrews said. He pointed out that discontent with municipal officials is widespread. Allen, referring to the several Black u p r i s i n g s on Chicago's West Side, asserted: "ONE HUNDRED per cent of the Black community, although they may not have actively participated in the upheavals, in spirit had their hearts behind every brick thrown." NEW WORLD CLOTHIERS LONG SKIRTS (Lined) All Colors, Fabrics and Sizes
In the Post
while others are after a few fa- previously plotted against em- | of employees in this office, and bribery was indicated. j the overall demoralizing condiPresently, White is on leave of vors,* or in hopes of getting ployees. White implied that urgent ac- tions under which e m p l o y e e s absence from his postal job, and themselves ahead a bit faster." is serving his postal membership AT BEST, he said, conditions tion is needed if any explosion is ! must work. are "disgraceful." As D.C union to be averted. In a letter to his "WE ARE VERY dissatisfied I on a full-time basis. It cannot be chief, White has been a thorn in membership, he cited the em- j with the fact that this 93 per | expected that the Post Office Dethe side of the near lily-white ployee's "growing unrest," as a jcent Black Post Office still does : partment's practice of discrimipostal administration, and has- ! forewarning of things to come. | not have a Black person in a : nation and racism will diminish been instrumental in s t a l l i n g I "Our efforts must be used to policy-making position. This is in the near future, however, "Bob White does not intend to some of the anti-Black schemes expose the continued harassment an absurd condition " ' let things rest." White further observed that "We are enlisting the aid of the blanket exclusion of Blacks the NAACP and Urban League," from responsible positions is part he declared, "And we are engagj of "carefully designed" plan. He ing an attorney to go to court, listed these items of concern: . . . if necessary." 1. The inconsiderate treatment of human beings. 2. Lack of Black persons in a policy-making position. 3. Inadequate facilities for employees needs. NEW YORK—The United NaWhile such concerns seem un- tions security council passed a dramatic, White recites the tre- resolution officially condemning mendous hostility such demands Israel's recent "premeditated air have created in the past. "This attacks" on Jordan. organization has been called a ELEVEN MEMBER n a t i o n s Black militant organization with voted on passage of the resn'_ a Black president who is a Black tion. Soviet and French delega trouble maker." tions voted in favor while Britain WHITE ALSO recounted at- and the United States claimed it tempts, on the part of manage- was heavily weighted on the ment, to remove him from his Arab side. postal position. He has been ofContents of the resolution confered a "higher salary," some demned the "flagrant violation sources report, but has eschewed of the U.N. charter and the such advances where a form of cease-fire resolutions."
U.N. Hits Israel Raids
THOMAS BRADLEY, Los Angeles city councilman, and a candidate for mayor is seen here (right) at the dedication of a Watts movie house . . . The articulate Black candidate may become mayor of the third largest city in America. Election day is May 27th. Talking with Bradley is Harry Dolan, script writer, who was discovered in the Watts Writers Workshop.
Gov. Reagan Rides Shotgun On Professors7 Politics SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.— i lors and college presidents in the Gov. Ronald Reagan has decided | state system, Reagan said. He made the comments in rethat only professors with certain political attitudes should be al- sponse to a question regarding lowed to teach in California's charges by the San Diego chapter of the Sons of the American colleges and universities. The former actor told report- Revolution that the state colleges ers as he arrived here for a refuse to hire politically conservrecent state college t r u s t e e s ' ative faculty members. Reagan's position may be in meeting that whether a potential teacher is a conservative or lib- opposition to law. State stautes eral "must be a consideration in and the U.S. Constitution make it illegal to consider a man's politihiring of faculty." The existing "one-sided ideo- cal ideology as a criterion for logical viewpoint" among profes- employment as a state college or sors concerns university chancel- university teacher.
. .
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APRIL 18. 1989 •4T P A R T
I :
Exclusive Series Based on Eyewitness Reports
I n v a s i o n O f af B l a c k By John Woodford (Pan-Africaq Press) DETROIT — " I just don't understand these white folks," an elderly African American man said. "Here Judge Crockett goes and protects people from police denying them their Constitutional rights, and the white papers say he's a communist. If that's what communism is, a lot of Biack folks are going to start reading up on i t . " JUDGEJJEORGE W Crockett, %.w6h^the admiration and suport of African Americans in Detroit and a c r o s s the United States by granting a writ of habeas corpus to Michigan Congressman James Del Rio and Rev. C. L. Franklin on behalf of Black people rounded up in a mass arrest following the Detroit police attack on members of the Republic of New Africa. The arrests and trials occurred on March 30. (By raw, the writ of habeas corpus MUST be granted by a judge. The writ orders police and other authorities who have detained or imprisoned a person to bring that person forward, take him before a judge, charge him with a crime or release him.)
The shootings which created the hot controversy still cannot ^clearly traced at this time. Apparently two Polish American rookie root policemen did not know — or did not care — that armed guards p a t r o l l i n g outside the New Bethel Baptist Church were entirely within their legal rights in the state of Michigan. Aware of brutal police attacks a g a i n s t other Afro - American groups working for liberation — like the many police firings on Mosques of the Nation of Islam in the early 69's — the leader of the R e p u b l i c of New Africa (RNA) developed measures of disciplined self-defense. From sketchy reports it appears that Patrolmen Michael Czap-ki and Richard Worobec topped on Linwood and Euclid bout a block south of Philadei hia. The church is on the cor er of Linwood and Philadeihia; its .entrance is on the side \ freet, Philadelphia, At 11:42 p.m., March 23, the i two policemen radioed in: "We got guys ,v1th rifles out here, Linwood and Euclid."
* -*-—ft
B l o o d y r
C h u r c h 13% of the ehgible Black voters i to participate. In national elections, the major parties get only 25% of the eligible voters out. Brother Imari, a leader of the RNA. said that this success boosted the R e p u b l i c higher on the list of groups which the racist-exploiter U.S. Government wants to destroy. This explains the apparently irrational attack, he said, in which two panicky rookie policemen were pawns sacrificed by the board-chairmen of the U.S. military-industrial-congressional-syndicate complex. Patrolmen Czapski apparently ran towards some gun-bearing Biack men with his own gun drawn. He was shot dead. Brother Imari said that while the RNA "would not be ashamed to admit to a self-defense shooting," the group did not really know who had done the shooting. Czapski's partner, Officer Worobec, was wounded when he sought to join the fight. He crawled back to his car, slumped on the floor and radioed the police station for help — his hand accidentally falling heavily on the car's accelerator. The squad car shot forward In the night and struck mail boxes as it moved up Linwood. It finally came to a stop near the church, striking an obstacle with a deafening crash. Within minutes squad cars, police busses and other police vehi-
JUDGE GEORGE CROCKETT explains the law at a Detroit press conference from his bench. A picture of Afro-American liberation hero, Frederick Douglass, looks on approvingly as the judge outlines the police violations of Black people's civil rights. Following mass cles swarmed around the church. Police ran shouting up and down alleys, grabbing every Black person they could find. Almost every Black person had a gun shoved in his belly or against his temple, before the police began hurling people into squad cars and vans. Approximately 142 p e r s o n s were arrested from inside and
SECONDS LATER, the people of the neighborhood heard several shots coming from Linwood around the corner and about a block away from the church. Many RNA members were leaving "the church and walking to their cars. "Yfrsy had just been relishing a voteV° n Black seces- GRASSROOTS SUPPORT of the judge was immediate and in Groan toill-Krnwneuilln _4_
arrests of 142 Afro-American "murder suspects," including men who were kicked and clubbed and women who were molested, the judge forced the Prosecutor to release all prisoners or file charges against them. All but 10 are released.
outside the church. Many were thrown in a garage in what Rep. Del Rio described as "pneumonia conditions. BROTHER IMARI, who was one of those imprisoned, said that the police forced their prisoners to keep their arms above their heads for hours. Racist policemen abused the women phys-
stickers supporting the j ^ g e
ically. Instead of having female m a t r o n s search the women, Brother Imari told MUHAMMAD SPEAKS that police thrust their hands in and under the Africanrobed Black women and insanely reviled the women as "breeders," indicating that the sexually hung-up Euro-American racists (Continued
on page 6)
decoratg_mgn^L a | | | . r | | 3 | f i f a ^ C T a M i |^ r s
APRIL 18, 1969
Detroit Police's Bloody Invasion Thwarted By Judge George Crockett
pear at noon. The church's jani- first move an honest court retor was discharged. An Ohio res- porter makes. consider sterility a virtue and' It became clear why the Deident was released on personal child-bearing a sin! bond and 22 out-of-town persons troit News and the rest of the After Del Rio and Franklin were remanded to custody. reactionary white racist press told Judge Crockett about the At this point in the hearings did not want to use the trangreat number of innocent Afro- Wayne County Prosecutor Wil- script: someone had already deA m e r i c a n s who were shot, liam C a h a l a n interrupted the cided that the transcript did not kicked, clubbed and otherwise court, illegally ordered the police fit the false story that Crockett abused before being taken away to hold back remaining prisoners — and Crockett alone — had to places unknown, the Judge in- and displayed his contempt for released the Afro-Americans. vestigated and then served the the hearings. The industrialist-exploiter group writ of habeas corpus, ordering A P P A R E N T L Y , like Police that controls W a y n e County the police to produce the prison- Comm. Spreen, who had earlier and all of Michigan is fighting ers and the prosecutor to present lied to Crockett and Del Rio by against Black-American power. the evidence against them or re- saying that he and the police did One of their chief targets is lease them. not know how many people were Judge Crockett because his seat arrested, where all of them were on Recorder's Court is the only The first court session began or who they were, Cahalan want- kind of Detroit judgeship elected around 7 a.m. Crockett knew he ed to give the police time to by the people in district elecwas going to have to oppose the investigate the p r i m e r s in the tions. But racists were stunned whole range of racist forces — usual police fashion. \ when they could only split off a from police to the mayor to the But this was not the only lie few "Toms" from the unflinching industrialists who c o n t r o l the which Wayne County legal offi- grass roots support the judge is mayor — because Police Com- cials invented to serve their pur- getting from the Afro-American m i s s i o n e r J. Spreen's initial poses. I people. s t a t e m e n t contained charges In a brief but exclusive interCrockett, as the transcript of which every Black person on the the trial shows, ordered the ; view with MUHAMMAD scene condemned as lies. Fur- prosecutor to "show cause" why • SPEAKS Judge Crockett said: t h e r m o r e , neither the mayor, he should not be charged with i "This is easily the most integratcommissioner or white press ex- contempt of court. Crockett or- j ed court in this state. (Six of pressed concern for the wounded dered the Irish American prose- ! sixteen Recorder's Court judges Afro-Americans, including one cutor to appear before him at I are Afro-Americans—ed.) young mother. "There are forces that would he trial's next session at noon like to see Black people's power Prepared with Mayor Jerome that day. Cavanaugh, the statement said in The P r o s e c u t o r sent Ass't. over the judiciary diminished." CROCKETT, a man who is part: "The group (the RNA — Prosecutor Jay Nolan in his ed) e n t e r e d the New Bethel place. (Irish Americans control more lean and muscular than Church, Philadelphia and Lin- Detroit's judiciary and City Hall most men his age, looked up wood, and the responding offi- even though only about 10,090 of from his work-cluttered desk in cers were met with a hail of them in Detroit as opposed to his chambers with the pleasant gunfire. When additional officers 600,000 Afro-Americans; the alli- and curiously careful smile of a arrived at the scene, they were ance of automobile and other su- man in firm c o n t r o l of his successful in entering the church ner-rich big business men with thoughts and feelings. He said he under fire . . ." (emphasis add- the Irish, Polish and "hillbilly" was too tired and busy to talk ed). Every eyewitness told MU- segments rigs voting laws and long. HAMMAD SPEAKS that no shots districts to continue to cheat AfHe had just showed again the were fired out of the church. rican Americans out of propor- kind of a man he is in a trial held a few days after the New Africa N Unfrightened by the attempt to tionate power.) build the usual d i c t a t o r i a l Nolan's first job was to tell trials. A B l a c k man who, while frame-up, Judge Crockett applied Judge Crockett the barefaced drunk, had shot a Black bartenU.S. law as it is supposed to be lie: " I t was not our understandapplied. ing that The Court put this in der in a late-night scuffle was on the stand. The bartender was not He released 15 Detroit resi- the form of a Show Cause." badly injured, and e v i d e n c e dents on personal bond to reapNolan's next lie, as shown in showed that he may have been the transcript obtained for MUprovoked and that he may not HAMMAD SPEAKS was: " I am i have intended to fire his pistol advised that the number (total at all. number of people arrested) is But a Euro-American lawyer one hundred three (103), Your confidently pressed charges of Honor." (It was really 142.) attempted murder against the Nolan also said at this time man. Crockett, who often leans that the Wayne County Prosecuj back in his chair and looks at tor had "released upwards of a ! the ceiling as he closely listens hundred people." He said, "We | to a trial, suddenly sat upright had no basis to hold them." land leaned forward: Nolan's first two false state" I want to know why you're ments have not been printed in (Continued on page 34) the Euro-American industrialistcontrolled news media. Yet reporters from the A s s o c i a t e d Press and 'United Press Interna- M U H A M M A D S P E A K S tional were at the trials. THESE REPORTERS did not even bother to ask for transcripts of a trial — the very WILL WORK JAMES DEL RIO is the AfroSHABAZ7 PRETEEN AND American state representative TODDLER FASHION SHOP in whose district the shootings FOR Y O U ! SIZES FROM BABY THRU 14 occurred. He and Rev. C. L. TRY OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN Franklin, pastor of the church WE ACCEPT CENTRAL CARDS OPEN 9:30 A.M. . 9:00 P.M. where the Republic of New 1 2 4 1 0 SUPERIOR Africa met, requested the w r i t Phone: 7 6 1 - 6 1 4 0 Cltvelowd, Ohio of habeas corpus of J u d g e Crockett in o r d e r t o free people illegally imprisoned by UNITY-SUPREME Detroit police. DELIVERY WE WILL DELIVER — "KAABA'S" ENVELOPE TO 20,000 POUNDS MEN'S FASHIONS FENDER REPAIRS - PAINTING Home of The Most Modern Styles T 2432 SUPERIOR AVENUE Convenient Bank Financing CLEVELAND, OHIO 44108 6S04 Euclid *»e. Cleveland, Ohio Phone: 541-9394 1st. 1965 431-9146 Ret. 268-3911 (Continued from page 5)
BABA ADEFUNMI was one of The many Afro-Americans attacked inside the church near the pulpit. Although unarmed and offering no resistance, a racist policeman first stepped on her ankle Jt">n cracked it with the butt of his shotgun. Police called Black women "breeders," and men "Black Bastards" and "M.F-ers," as they assulted them and shot three unarmed men at close range.
Plot On African Leader's Life ALTHOUGH EQUATORIAL GUINEA obtained its freedom from Spain only five months ago, president Francisco Macias experienced the first attempted coup d'etat last week, with all evidence pointing to the former colonists as the perpetrators of the attempted overthrow. After the escapade was put down by Macias, the 45-year-old L'UIU president announced in the palace at Bata, that he had imprisoned his foreign minister and declared that Spain was instrumeioned chiefly, in the attempted demise of his youthful regime in West African country. this
HEAR (he
Teachings, and Life-saving w a r n i n g s of The H o n . Elijah
on Radio Eve/v Sunday
10:00 A.M. i n
on vour d i a l
APRIL 18. 1»69
I I : Behind
A w e s o m e
A f t e r m a t h
Assassination T o p
S o r d i d
o f
L u m u m b a
M u r d e r
t o
A i d e
T r a g e d y R a p e
t h e
B e h i n d C o n g o
By Joe Walker NEW YORK—Dr. Conor Cruise O'Brien, currently Schweitzer professor at New York university, served in 1961 as special representative of the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations in Katanga. Later, he was vice-chancellor of the University of Ghana in Accra. Recently, he wrote a play linking the late Dag Hammarskjold to the murder of Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba (see last week's MUHAMMAD SPEAKS). FOR ABOUT 20 YEARS, O'Brien was in the foreign diplomatic service of his native Ireland. During the latter decade of that service he was the Irish delegate to the United Nations on two main p o l i t i c a l committees. Responding to the reaction and i n t e n s e criticism to the murder of Lumumba in 1961, a n d especially the great demonstrat i o n by Afro-AmeriO'Brien cans in the Security Council gallery, the UN altered its Congo policy and decided, instead of condoning Katanga, to squeeze Moise Tshombe's Katanga. O'Brien recalled that the UN "wanted at that stage somebody who they though would be likely to apply that policy. Previously they had been represented in Katanga by Englishmen and Frenchmen who on the whole sympathized with Tshombe's Katanga and Union Miniere," he said. Union Miniere is the enormous Western mining consortium which is the chief world producer of cobalt, one of the world's leading producers of cooper and also a big producer of uranium-radium ore, zinc, germanium, cadmium and precious metals. " I was one of the few^European delegates who had been active in the sponsorship of anti-colonia] resolutions and activities in the United Nations," ~ " T h e U n i t e d States is a c o u n t r y w h e r e n o b o d y gets a n y t h i n g , i n c l u d i n g justice, by asking for it but only by organizing and takingi t . " O'Brien told MUHAMMAD SPEAKS in an exclusive interview. Because of this background, he was selected as the "ideal" person for the Katanga mission. He left the service of the Irish government to join the UN staff and departed for Katanga. In a short period of time, O'Brien's application of the new UN policy regarding Katanga was attacked by England as "too enthusiastic" and the United Nations decided to back away a bit from what it had attempted." O'Brien resigned from the UN, and in a book, "To Katanga and Back" (^nion and Schuster, 1962), told the story of British support for the financial interests that had, in effect, annexed Katanga. THE TELLING of O'Brien's story in 1962 made it difficult for the UN to continue with its "footsie" policy in the Congo and prompted it to re-apply pressure-to Katanga, which eventually resulted in the demise of the so-called independent state of Katanga and its re-entry into the federah state of the Congo. In "To Katanga and B&ck" O'Brien explained how the big Western powers in the UN have a tendency to vote for many resolutions in the Security Council and General Assembly but then behind the scenes to destroy what they voted for. He mentions the Congo as one example. MS asked him about other instances. "Rhodesia is another case—a very clear and obvious example," he replied. "There the Western countries, in particular Britain voted for and in fact called for sanctioning J ^ i f i 1 ^ B j ™ e v . e T > . B r i t a i n s t i p u l a t e d , through
"The current situation in South Africa can only be solved by revolution, with the Blacks overthrowing the whites by force." .O'Brien
Near-Epidemic Gonorrhea Rate Reported At Home, In Vietnam
GENEVA — The so-called enlightenment about sex and the dangers inherent in promiscuous sexual activities has not brought about the predicted demise, or at least a decline in the incidents of venerea] diseases. INSTEAD, FROM two sources come reports that i n f e c t i o n s from venereal diseases have increased at a rate which approaches epidemic proportions. A survey conducted recently by the American Social Health association, Atlanta, in cooj>eration with the American and Na-
E .
tional Medical and American Os- per cent, with an e s t i m a t e d teopathic associations, discloses 175,207 cases for the same perithat cases of gonorrhea, one of od. the two most widely known of IN GENEVA, the World Health the venereal diseases, are on the upswing. (Continued on page 15) Known incidences of gonorrhea infection — those reported and treated — show an increase of 35 per cent over a similar survey conducted in 1962. The newest r e p o r t listed 1,499,582 cases treated during the period July, 1967 to June, 1968. On the other hand, syphillis — the more dangerous of the two — has registered a drop of nine MEN ONLY
Factory Help Wanted
... W O O D S , .x PROFESSIONAL 8 2 0 0
Phone: TRiangle 4-3414
SHABAZZ SHIRT MFG. GO. Tailors/Power Machine Operators Apply In Person, or Write,' or Coll Shabazz Manufacturing Co. 1 6 WEST 2 2 n d ST.
APRIL 18, 1969
Aftermath of Murder of Black African Patriot (Continued
from page 7 )
lutions must not be implemented in a way which would involve confrontation with the Republic of South Africa. "EVERYBODY knows that South Africa is upholding Rhodesia and openly violating the UN resolutions," continued O'Brien. "To say that the resolutions must be applied without confrontation with the power which is violating them is self-contradictory and an exercise in hypocrisy," he remarked. Regarding UN resolutions against South Africa's continued rule over South West Africa (or Namibia), O'Brien declared that "here, again is another case of double-talk. (United States' UN Ambassador) Goldberg said that South Africa had no right whatsoever to be in South West Africa, voted for the resolution terminating the mandate and stated that there must be more than talk on this but action. So. the United States now holds before the world community that South Africa's presence in South West Africa is illegal, is accomplished by force and is a breach of the UN charter. Yet, the United States does absolutely nothing about that, and further uses all of its influence to restrain anyone else from doing anything about i t . " IN PRACTICE there are two faces to United States' policy concerning South Africa. According to O'Brien, "there is a moralistic policy which is talked out at the United Nations and there is the real policy, which is one of close and lucrative friendship with South Africa. To speak openly would be to lose more 'friends' in tropical Africa and the world, so the United States says the opposite, but it Ls a perfect example of the departure of words from action." Many people view the United Nations as an organization to maintain the status quo. Yet O'Brien has held out hope for the UN as an instrument for world peace and for resolving certain conflicts between nations. MS inquired if he still had such optimism. "1 see the UN as a rather leaky but useful safety valve," he responded. "In confrontations between major powers approaching the point of explosion, the United Nations is an arena where mankind's instinct for self-preservance has time and means of asserting itself."
Stop Use Of DDT In Sweden For Two Years
reau indicated that because of this, general use of DDT or (dicholor dipheyl-tricholoroethane) STOCKHOLM, Sweden — DDT won't be allowed for a two year does "unmistakable" harm to period starting next January 1. nature according to experts here THIS INSECTICIDE will be in Sweden. Sweden's poisons bu- prohibited from all farming, for-
O K 1 9 E K N O W ! Tit o great books by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad i v PI RSO*
" M i l i t a r y forces o f S o u t h A f r i c a are tightly-knit, h e a v i l y armed and very ruthless. T h e y are also w e l l s u p p o r t e d b y . . . countries w h o c o n d e m n its racist policies, like B r i t a i n a n d the U . S . "
HE ADMITS that often it may be in devious ways. He wrote a book which deals with some of the ways the UN attempts to gain time to avoid head-on collusions. It is titled "The United Nations: Sacred Drama," published in 1968. "The preservation of certain minimum safeguards for survival about defines the degree of utility the United Nations has," indicated O'Brien. 'Otherwise, you are correct in saying that the UN tends to be an organization for the preservation of the status quo. This is inevitable in its structure because it is an association of governments of sovereign states—all of whom, without exception, have vested interest in the status quo." The Irish diplomat-author-critic-scholar used to represent his homeland on the Special Political Committee of the United Nations. The countries sit in alphabetical order. Ireland's seat was between Iraq and Israel, which was a hot seat indeed. Questioned about the Arab-Israel conflict, O'Brien related that he saw the original creation of the state of Israel as "an injustice perpetrated upon Arabs as a result of an injustice perpetrated upon Jews by Nazi Germany." He called it a "double tragedy" in which, he claims, "none of the great powers have clean hands . . . they have all been fishing in troubled waters" and, or, as in the case of the United States, "playing their own home electorial politics with this burning issue." O'BRIEN WAS sharply critical of so-called Western democratic countries who were unwilling to accepting Jews in large numbers fleeing Nazism's op-
est or household uses. However, Swedish authorities noted that there will be one area where DDT will remain in usage: the war against certain beetles — a battle in which 100 tons of DDT are used yearly.
$2MO Send V-heeh or M. O. to: MUHAMMADS ' MOSQUE N0727b00k1)Ipt7
5335 S. Greenwood Ave. Chicago, III. 60615 PLEASE SEND ME "MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN" BY THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD COPIES @ $3.50 EACH. I ( ) copie. of HOW TO EAT TO UVE @ $2.00 Ea. Enclosed is a Money Order (or Certified Check) far $ NAME .>
of a Nation:
N a m i b i a ' s To
B e
By JOE WALKER (Muhammad Spooks Now York Burnout NEW YORK — Germany occupied South West Africa in 1889 and slaughtered tens of thousands of the Black inhabitants who put up a valorous but unsuccessful resistance. From that time on the survivors and their offsprings have been under foreign, white domination, exploitation and brutality. THE BLACKS in South West Africa waged a courageous and costly battle against the Germans in World War I only to be awarded to South Africa as a "mandate" under the League of Nations. The most-notorious, racist country in the world today was supposed to, according to the League of Nations which granted it supervision over South West Africa, "promote to the utmost the material and moral well-being and the social progress of the inhabitants of * v .i'territory." Thumbing its nose at anyone or any country that challenged its nerve to do anything it pleased, South Africa proceeded to do to its entrusted dependent, South West Africa exactly what its white minority had done in South Africa, and that is to enslave, use and abuse the Black majority by means of massive military might and oppression. Many of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS readers are well aware of this because these pages have been full of news, unavailable almost anywhere else in the country, about South and South West Africa. Still, this MS correspondent deliberately reviews the history of this outrageous situation because he is aware of the ever-expanding circulation of this publication, long ago the biggest Black newspaper in readership in the United States. The United Nations, which succeeded the League of Nations, voted on October 27, 1966 (in its General Assembly, Resolution 2145) that South Africa forfeited its right to administer South West Africa by its exploitative and racist conduct; that the mandate was hence ended and that the territory should be
„~ S O U T H W E S T A F R I C A
B o r n under international supervision until independence. The next year in April, a special session of the UN's General Assembly voted for an 11-member Council for South West Africa with administrative an executive functions assigned to a UN Commission for South West Africa. South Africa ignored the UN degree and bolstered its control over South West Africa and its prosecution and persecution of Black opposition. The United Nations did nothing but ceremoniously pass some more resolutions condemning South Africa. MUHAMMAD SPEAKS recently conducted an exclusive interview with Gottfried H. Geingob, petitioner at the UN and representative in the United States for SWAPO (South West African People's Organization). The South West African Freedom Fighters cannot afford to support a full-time representative in this country and so South West African Geingob is here in a dual capacity. His is SWAPO's US representative and a student at Fordham University in New York City, majoring in political science. He lives at 657 West 161st St., Apartment 3-F, New York City 10032. South West Africa is the name applied by white nations in Berlin to the territory it assigned for supervision to South Africa. Geingob and most of his countrymen call their homeland, Namibia. "Many people have been protesting that people in Namibia are treated badly and attacking apartheid (South African's vicious form of racial oppression)," declared Geingob. "This is well and good but it may tend to take the emphasis away from self-determination, which is the main issue. We want to rule our own country now!" he exclaimed. Guerrilla activhy has been going on in Namibia for many years now but is increasing in its frequency and intensity. Discussing how one goes up against the African continent's biggest and most heavily(Contimied on page 27)
GOTTFRIED H . GEINGOB, South West African People's Organization U.S. representative, urges life-loving people to support an end to white rule in Black African nations. He warned that people must go beyond a stand for an end to apartheid in South West and South Africa. Black rule is the only solution, he emphasizes.
Philadelphia Racists Back Police Savagery
PHILADELPHIA — Despite increasing incidents of unprovoked police a t t a c k s on defenseless Black citizens, in which the offending officers almost invariably go unpunished, legislators consistently have refused to seek
stiffer laws to protect citizens. INSTEAD, D i s t r i c t Attorney Arlen Specter is seeking legislation that will provide a maximum penalty of 20 years' imprisonment for persons using weapons on police officers.
Specter said he has also requested his assistants to review all cases involving guns, knives and other weapons used by citizens in police conflicts. "We will take a harder line on all these cases," he said. At the same time, efforts of Black leaders to encourage Specter to vigorously prosecute ofrael refuses to withdraw from fending police officers have fallen on deaf ears. the occupied Arab lands." Backing up their beloved leadELLIS' BOOKSTORE er, the c o n g r e s s unanimously SPECIALIZING IN supported resolutions calling for AFRO-AMERICAN LITERATURE the unconditional withdrawal of 6 4 4 7 S. COTTAGE GROVE AVE Israeli troops from all Arab terCHICAGO, ILLINOIS ritories. PHONE: 3 6 3 - 9 3 8 4
Nasser Affirms Arabs Resolve CAIRO, Egypt—With pride and force, President Gamal Abdel Nasser told the national congress of the Arab Socialist Union, last Sunday: "The days when we could not answer Israeli s h e l l i n g have passed. We now can hit back, and hit violently." THE PRESIDENT, however offered no easy answers in the days ahead to representatives of his people, nor did he attempt to play down the United States backed Israeli-enemy resolve. "THE ENEMY INSISTS on holding to his gains, since his mere existence depends on i t . " But the war will go on the President elaborated, "so long as IsBATON ROUGE, LA. VISIT M U H A M M A D ' S MOSQUE 1604 GOVERNMENT ST. PHONE: 344-3S04 VA/crt • coi o o 44
FACTORY HELP WANTED S e a m s t r e s s e s - P o w e r Machine Operators, Cutters, Etc. A P P L Y I N P E R S O N , OR W R I T E T O :
4 - 5 2 2 4
After (Continued
from page 8 )
them to what was then a colony, the British protectorate of Palestine, without regard to the rights or feelings of the Palestinians. The current situation in South .Africa "can only be solved by revolution, with the Blacks overthrowing the whites by force," said O'Brien. Once their struggle is well underway, they will then begin to secure substantial help from outside—from and through the African states, as the people in Algeria did in their liberation fight from and through Tunisia and Morocco. The ex-aide of UN Secretary-General Hammarskjold notes the heavy forces against which Black South African Freedom Fighters must contend. "The military forces of South Africa are tightly-knit, heavily-armed and very ruthless," observed O'Brien. "They are also well-supported by the outside, even by countries who condemn its racist policies like Britain and the United States," he said. "Non-whites in South Africa lack one advantage," comments O'Brien, "that the Algerians had, and that was wide-spread military training. The Algerians had been trained by the French military. So when the time came for the Algerians to wage their own struggle, there was a large cadre of experienced NCOs (non-commissioned officers), which is the backbone of any fighting force. And there is a pertinent parallel with Viet Nam," he said. ANOTHER difference between the South African and Algerian struggles that O'Brien referred to was that "the Colons (the French, etc. in Algeria) could always get out and go back to France as an alternative. The Afrikaaners have no place else to go. They
APRIL 18, 1969
have no roots left in Europe because they were cut long ago and they have rooted themselves in South Africa. " N e v e r t h e l e s s , they are the minority," said O'Brien. " I t is unrealistic to suppose that apartheid or oppression and exploitation of the Black major;:;, will be changed by words or that the Afrikaaner government is going to acquire quite different values and policies than it now has." O'Brien, whose new play, "Murderous Angels" to open in Los Angeles this year, indicts the UN leadership (in 1961) with complicity in the murder of Lumumba, draws points of comparison between the Black liberation fight in the United States today and the Irish struggle of yesterday. "There was a phase in the Irish struggle in the 19th century when people essentially looked to Britain for justice," O'Brien told MS. "The idea was to let us try to convince these people that we have a justified claim to self-government, and once they were convinced of that we could make progress in that direction. That didn't work, so in the early days of the present century a movement started that was known as "Sinnfein" (which is two Gaelic works, meaning 'ourselves'). The point of the movement was one of self-reliance. We did not want outside advice or help. We intended to solve our own problems in our own way." Making life difficult for the English government and troops, the Irish used various forms of resistance—beginning with passive resistance and progressing to guerrilla warfare. It was considerably successful. O'Brien thinks that there are strong parallels between the Sinnfein idea and the idea of Black Power in the U.S. Both can be interpreted and
utilized in various ways and have the core of self-reliance at the center of the idea. BEING A SCHOLAR, O'Brien indicates a difference "where the Irish people had a fairly-clear delineated national territory which it was possible for T h e creation o f Israel was " a n injust i c e p e r p e t r a t e d u p o n / f r a b s as a r e s u l t of an injustice perpetrated u p o n Jews b y Nazi Germany . . . . a double tragedy. them to recover, and which they did recover with the exception of a corner in the northeast. On the other hand, the Black people in this country have no one consolidated majority base. Still, it seems to me that Blacks in the United States have to apply the same basic doctrine of self-reliance and winning control over their own affairs in the situation in which they are, which is scattered. "The United States is a country where nobody gets anything, including justice, by asking for it but only by organizing and taking i t , " O'Brien maintained. "This also applied to the extent that the Irish and Italians did make advances in this country. They didn't make those strides because anybody felt favorably-inclined to them but because they organized. Even though often it was in ways that the rest of white America didn't like—like Tammany Hall and the Mafia." O'Brien is quick to confess that he is just beginning to learn about the Afro-American struggle in the last few years he has been in the United States but stated that he is convinced that Blacks here are on the way to their own self-determination.
Black Australians Claim Land DARWIN, A u s t r a l i a — The rightful owners of the world's richest deposits of bauxite — the Australian aborigines — are facing the national courts of Australia to reclaim their stolen property — the world's richest deposits of bauxite. THE YIRRHALA tribe, in Australia's Northern Territory has filed suit against a Swiss company called Nabalco, and the Australian government. Their suit states .that the foreign colonialists, and the Aussie government, are squatting on land which is traditionally aborigine property. The Yirrhalas want the Swiss mining company removed from their land called the Arnhem Land reservation. IF THEIR i n j u n c t i o n goes! through it will end up costing i
BRITISH POWER controlled the globe less than 100 years ago. But today, Britain's might has shrunk so low that even the Western bloc ridiculed the British army for invading tiny, defenseless Anguilla, West Indies. This memAL'S Television, Radio & Hi-Fi REPAIRING USED TV'S FOR SALE 4222 Joy M. Detroit, Mich. PHONE: 896-4210 WORK GUARANTEED
1 & D Star Cleaners 246 BROADWAY 278-2121 PATER SON, NEW JERSEY • Specializing In Draperies, (Curtains and Chair Covers
ber of the British Red (more accurately, "White") Devil regiment lowers his eyes as Afro-West Indians heckle him and eye the only basis of racist-exploiter authority.
>r\ ^2^3
the company $2 million a month, and would possibly end the company's ?300 million mining enterprise. It will all depend on the sense of justice of the Australian courts in this land which has, traditionally, been e x t r e m e l y brutal to the dark-skinned citizens who 'were there first.' Whites from England and other areas of Europe once slaughtered the Australian Blacks by poisoning their water-holes and wells, and in fact murdered the entire dark race of people on the island of Tasmania through this genocidal technique.
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UNITY GROCERIES, D E L I C A T E S S E N & PRODUCE Two locations that offer a complete line of groceries, kosher beef, lamb & beef products. Specializing In Home Made Beef 9 6 3 BERGEN ST. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY OPEN 7 A.M. - 10 P.M.
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APRIL 18. 196S
P r o f e s s o r R i p s 10 T e s t s of B l a c k Y o u t h s a s ^Inaccurate a n d U n f a i r '
WASHINGTON—A prominent Harvard psychiatrist blasted a scholarly report which suggests that certain e d u c a t i o n a l programs may be a waste of time and money.
the value of so-called "intelli"These young (Black) children gence" testing. have never been graded in an IQ Dr. Robert Coles, of the Har- as to what they do know—for vard Health Service at Cam- their wit and guile, cleverness bridge, Mass., ripped the report land resourcefulness, and cyniduring an address before the Na- !cism, and worldliness and poigtional Committee for Support of I nancy in their own vibrant lanT H E CONTROVERSIAL re the Public Schools, which recent- iguage which I have trouble unport, by Dr. Arthur R. Jensen of ly held its seventh annual confer- i derstanding. My children would j flunk their IQ test." the University of California at ence here. Berkeley, has deep racial overDr. Coles principal point was tones and, if accepted at face "INTELLIGENCE TESTING, that so-called intelligence tests value by government officials, particularly the testing of Black are geared to white, middle-class could have a major impact on children, is not relevant to edu- children—their vocabularly, upthe future education of Black cation," emphasized Dr. Coles, children. an expert in the field of the ACCOUNTING SERVICE Jensen argues that a child's education of minority group chilTO SMALL BUSINESSMEN: STATEMENTS, TAXES. COMPLETE mental ability is primarily the dren. SERVICE, FAST AND ACCURATE. result of heredity rather than upC o l e s told the audience of CALL AFTER 6:00 bringing, a c o n c l u s i o n which some 300 educators; " I also 928-2580 challenges current efforts to up- work in Boston, which is near CHICAGO, ILL. grade learning ability of disad- Cambridge, and the Harvard Edvantaged children, such as Head ucation Review in 1960 just gave Start. dozens of its pages to one more But the study used IQ testing discussion about the IQ test, and to measure and compare the what it does and what it does learning a b i l i t i e s of children, I not do, and what does it tell us which raises the long-term con- | about genes and environment in troversy among educators over •1969?"
bringing, values and overall en- the potential gemus to make vironment. Therefore, a brilliant great scholastic and scientific Biack child—witty, resourceful, achievements—might score as an poignantly expressive and having (Continued on pnqe 12)
The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d Speaks on Radio in CHICAGO GARY
Til*: T A L K O F T I I F TOW \
I N D.,
GET TOUR COPT OF THE BEST SELLING NATURALLY BLACK A book o1 poems and ideas to inspire oil Biack people to learn a complete knowledge of themselves. By BROTHER ALFRED DIGGS ONLY S I . O O Plus 1 5c for Handling SEND CASH, CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. HO C O.D.'s BRO. ALFRED DIGGS . _ .rwa q —
5:30 P . M .
1230 kc
APRIL 1.8, 1969
Cleveland Trial Of Ahmed Evans Begins As White Jury Is Seated, Two Black Attorneys Threatened i B e h i n d this smokescreen of 1. there are sharply conflicting j bandit-masked justice, the prose- r e p o r t s on time factors that CLEVELAND—The last of an cution hopes to convince the would call the entire chronologiall-white jury of twelve persons : courts that bullets from the gun cal account of events into queswas picked for the trial of Fred ^ ^ h m e d ' E \ - a n 7 killed W of | tion. Ahmed Evans as a gasp of out- t h e 1 0 n s s l a u g h t e r e d 2.0 n the Cleveland tactical unit starage issued from the Black com- t h e ^ of J u ] y 23 B u t s t ationed te. in the Glenville Black munity. ments from Evans' attorneys re- c o m m u n i t y ; two parked cars veal that Evans may plead inno- with eight white policemen HELD IN isolation since his cent. them, clearly disobeyed orders arrest July 24, 1968 in Cuyahoga Evidence to substantiate plea for a mobile and inconspicuous County jail, Ahmed Evans is facof not guilty may come from a surveillance of the area. This ing trial on four counts of first that has been suppressed surveillance-' was provocation of Jsource decree murder He is chareed U l " " • " • b p " " ™ violence. S the S g & of toee poHct L ^ 0 * f t h e d a * s o f A h m e d - " Evans arrest 3. the gun battle that took the men and one civilian during a lives of ten people, three of them DR. LOU MASOTTI, head of self-defense gun battle last July policemen was the result of proW e s t e r n Reserve University's 23 with the Cleveland police. vocative acts of the Cleveland Civil Violence Center recently Penalty for first degree murpolice tactical unit. der according to Ohio state laws completed a study of the July 4. Dr. Lou Masottl, head of the 23rd incident. Evans's attorneys is death in the electric chair. Western Reserve University Civil With Blacks excluded from jury may rely very heavily on the find- Violence Center compiled a reings of this study. duty, and the courts hanging the H o w e v e r , Judge McMonagle s e a r c h document investigating deaths of three white policemen has taken additional steps to the events of July 23. NEWSover his head, it is apparent that WEEK magaT*' e recently reportthe stage has been set for a suppress this and other impor- ed that ac r ng to the informatant information from the public. court supervised hanging. tion they i . lived, Masotti's reEvans' lawyers, Black attor- A recent order ruled that any port was "a scandalizing indictpersons passing out pamphlets neys Stanley E. Tolliver and ment of the police.1T~The -report C. W. Flemings, made motion for on court room steps or bearing also suggested that some of re-trial on the grounds that the signs or picketing on the court police involved be indicted for court's all-white jury was uncon- premises be held in contempt of murder. stitutional. The lawyers told the court. Judge McMonagle claimed Is the power structure afraid court they had evidence that no he was doing this to protect Ev- to release the Masotti report? Is ans' interests. Blacks were selected for the jury the power structure afraid to inPamphlets distributed on the although several qualified Blacks dict the real murderers? Release court house steps during the jury had been interviewed. The mothe Masotti report. tion was overruled by presiding selection read: The pamphlet was issued by Free Ahmed Evans. Re-examine Judge George J. McMonagle. the July 23rd Defense Committhe facts of the July 23rd incident. (Continued on page 24) AS THE first official day of By Love X
"As lobbyists we're too pessimistic! . . . the new appointees may be from minority groups but it doesn't necessarily follow that they're incorruptible!''
Foreign Culture IQ Tests Unfair for Black Children (Continued
from page 11)
imbecile on these white-geared "intelligence" tests. Dr. Coles continued, saying that people should try to understand one a n o t h e r . Then he asked: "What do we have in place of this (understanding)? "We have these things that are punched, we have curves, we have things called IQ, we have milti-phasic this, and somethingelse that. And people are hired, fired and tested and evaluated and screened. And children are sent here, there and every other place on the basis of this." Coles summed up IQ testing as "incredibly naive, a simple-minded way of looking at the human being." Interrupted by heavy applause, he continued: " I have no doubt in the world that IQ tests are capable of enabling the man who gives them and those who interpret them to learn something about those who take them.
"BUT TO MAKE the IQ test the main predominant or critical way of learning which children learn what in what school or in what classroom of what school, to make the IQ test the means of deciding which track a child goes into and what kind of education he's going to get, to make the IQ the central issue in American education or even one of the major issues in American education, or to use it to think about the precocities of a group of people—I can only say: To think that we're doing that!"
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lion acres of land for 800 years. HYDROLOGISTS feel the water spreads over 55,000 miles in southeast Libya, and may even go into Egypt, the Sudan, and as far into the south of Africa as Chad, the southern neighbor of Libya. It is believed that Libyan Desert will support even such crops as rice, which requires large amounts of water. Says one A m e r i c a n advisor: "People laugh, but I see no reason why we can't grow rice here." By "we," he refers to himself and other white Americans who suddenly take an interest in Africa whenever some possibility of exploitation appears.
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Hidden Lake Discovered Beneath Saharan Sands
TRIPOLI, Libya—Until American oil drillers reached the vast reserve some 3,000 feet beneath the sands of the Sahara Desert, none would have guessed that there is water held securely in v a s t subterranean reservoirs, enough water to equal that of the Great Lakes. There is sufficient water in these North African reservoirs to irrigate a mil-
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courtroom argument nears, both the defense and prosecution are girding up their cases. Preparing for the heated legal battle that will ensue, Judge McMonagle has taken drastic measures to prevent the facts of the Ahmed Evans from reaching the public. In a court order, he has already barred cameras, tape recorders, or other news-reporting equipment, and stated that any witness, attorney or otherwise directly c o n c e r n e d person who grants an interview to the press, will be held in contempt of court.
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Black or
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3Iis-Education of the Minority
By RICARDO DURAN The basic faults in this country's educational system as they apply to all the minority groups can be divided into two genera] areas: I . The Educational System Itflf. f Teachers. 1. THE EDUCATIONAL sys tern's biggest fault is that it fails to c o r r e c t its o w n mistakes. Since most of the c h i l d r e n from the minority groups never get a chance to finish school, it isn't too hard for anyone to figure out that something is Duran wrong. Any p r o f e s sional educator can list dozens of things that i r e wrong in this fcriiffidional system which force -Jie minority child to drop out of school, making him almost illiterate, unemployable, and draft bait for the war. Yet this system does very little to correct the cause of these mistakes. Instead of changing this structure, which keeps on turning out illiterate young men and women, the system tries to YOUNG BLACK TEACHER, who understands the difficulties change the child instead by way of minority children in the white man's schools, demonstrates of compensatory education pro- response obtainable from children when instructors can idengrams and the like. system do to correct this failure; Meanwhile, the system goes on THE SYSTEM i n s t e a d of does it change the teacher's mutilating the minds of our chilchanging, tries to change the training to make it possible for dren, putting them into special child to fit the system, it doesn't her to communicate? No! The classes and trying to make them system tries to change the child! believe that they are indeed infework. For example, most of the chil- The system brings in programs rior. dren from the minority groups like the remedial reading proI I . THE T E A C H E R S who have a tremendous reading prob- gram — which is a compensatolem. The teacher g e n e r a l l y ry type program — to try to teach in the minority areas gencomes from a white middle class change the child to fit the al- erally have two basic faults. First of all, they have not been college which has not prepared ready fouled-up system. trained and educated properly "ur her to understand or be WHAT THE REMEDIAL read- for the task. Having come from to communicate with the children of minority groups, she ing program does is to put the the white middle-class they have child into a slow readers group attended a white middle-class doesn't even understand them. Likewise, the children have a that by the fourth (4th) grade college and have been trained to h a r d time understanding the will have him two (2) years be- teach white middle-class children teacher, in other words there is hind the rest of the children, whose backgrounds and problems very little communication taking because the program has been are completely different from t h o s e they will find in the watered down for him. place. He has now been labeled a schools of the minority group EVEN THOUGH she cannot slow reader. And, chances are children. Secondly, because of this, they even properly communicate with he will never catch up. Instead =*he children, the teacher sets out the minority child will probably have developed a value system to "teach" the children how to fall farther and farther behind which is oriented to the white read. It is a known fact, that and may never really learn to man's ways and they have a negative attitude to everything before a child can learn to read- read. or write, the child must be able SHABAZZ BARBER SHOP to communicate effectively or BILLY'S VALET MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN there is no basis for reading and DELUXE SERVICE EXPERT BARBERS writing. PLANT ON PREMISES HOURS: CLOSED TUESDAYS 4 7 5 0 SHERIFF RD., N.E. O P E N W E E K D A Y S : 8 A.M. 8 30 P. M . Tex, we know that the child SAT. 7 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. WASHINGTON, D.C. and the teacher are not commuSUN. 7 A.M. - 17 NOON Phone: 396-9842 PHONE: 483-9841 Bro. Amos X, Monoger nicating, so what happens? Sim1803 FLORIDA AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON. D C the child doesn't learn to what~dbes~The educational NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
R| R.4A07
which falls outside of this white way of thinking. This means that over thirty million (30,000,000) people who make up our minority groups must either change their ways of thinking and feeling, their religious practices, and their ways of speaking, or be forced out of the school system and never get an education let alone one that which a c t u a l l y meets their needs.
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are so insensitive to the children's feelings that they will try to mold the child into the white framework by embarrassing the child for having different or original views. This usually results in the child developing a hatred for the teacher. The white teacher even tries to tell the Black child how the child should comb his hair; change the Puerto Rican's name into something in English because the teacher cannot pronounce it and tell a child of Mexican-Indian heritage to speak only English in school, when she knows full well that the child has never before spoken English.
WE HAVE SEEN how the teacher's inability to communicate can initiate our reading problems, because the teachers do not have the proper educational experiences necessary to THESE A T T I T U D E S come enable them to even communifrom the white teachers notion cate and teach. But, many of these teachers (Continued on page 17)
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tify with their charges. Largest part of U.S. school system, however, tries to force nonwhite children into a white mold.
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Letters Praises Truth of Muhammad Speaks Coverage on Attempt to Split Nigeria DEAR SIRS Please permit me a space in your w i d e l y - r e a d journal to speak to my Black brothers and sisters in the U.S. Your newspaper was introduced to me by a f r i e n d here whose name is Alfred Adeniyi Macaulay, of 23 W a k e m a n St., Yaba, Lagos State. I became interested in its contribution to the cause of our soul brothers and in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's ability to lead the Biack Muslims. YOUR PAPER, although still new to this part of Africa, is interesting, prolific and fearless. Circulation here is limited, except for a few copies sent to us by soul brothers in the U.S. I have to commend your efforts, and other soul brothers and sisters, for your sense of maturity, non-partisanship a n d objective reporting on the situation in our country — Nigeria — unlike the hunkies who have been misled by the propaganda of the t;ebel agents abroad. It is not our wish to fight ourselves—especially our Ibo brothers. We love them. Many of them are still in other parts of the country, working and living amicably with other Nigerians. IN LAGOS ALONE, there are thousands of them who walk freely to their businesses without fear of being molested. We are fighting a civil war, not to win, but to contain a rebellion (if this attempt to break up Nigeria is allowed to succeed, you can bet other nations in Africa will soon follow suit). Such would be a tragic precedent for Africa, Nigeria being the continent's largest nation. No country in Black Africa will tolerate rebellion. And Nigeria is not the only country where a breakaway was attempted. Invariably, the offended government has brought these secession attempts down with force. This is what is being applied in Nigeria at the present. It is not genocide or extermination of the Ibo tribe as contended by the secessionist l e a d e r s and their propagandist abroad.
ists thought that—with her size, potentialities, rich minerals and raw materials — she would be a threat to their holdings in other African countries. Hence, their involvement with and support for the rebels. They prayed for the dismemberment of the country so that they might achieve their objectives. They gave guns, money and materials to the rebels so that they could prosecute the war vigorously and engage in the clandestine air lifting of ammunitions and some foods. WHAT THE CIVILIAN population — e s p e c i a l l y children trapped behind the rebel lines — need is food and medicines, not guns. But rebel leader Emeka Ojukwu will not let this muchneeded assistance reach them through land corridors created by the federal government. Ojukwu prefers illegal transportation of ammunition to his base over food. THE N I G E R I A N HEAD of State Yakubu Gowon has said
No Poet, But Offering Lauds Black Women's Role
Dear Sir: I hope you will put this attempt at poetry in Muhammad j Speaks newspaper. I am no poet, but I think the j Black women should be commended for their a c t i o n s in America and t h r o u g h o u t the, world. BLACK MOTHER OF CIVILIZATION Goddess of the Black nation of Earth, I would like to say, You are the strongest woman We know of. No other could have underPut
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BOMBED BLACK CHURCH in Queens, New York, was hit on morning of April 4, 1969, first anniversary of assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mimeographed lists of Black-owned stores and buildings were found outside church. Black leaders assert firebombing was work of racist "Minutemen group." Even C o w s G e t T h e Pill' EAST LANSING—At Michigan State University, dairy scientists have announced that there are birth control pills available for cows. The pellets improve the breeding and milk-producing abilities of milk cows. The researchers say the pill can "accelerate body growth and may allow for heifers to be bred at an earlier age—and also cause growth of larger udders."
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gone What you have. We, the Black men, want you to know We admire you and would put you On top of Civilization To show our love for you. Mother of Civilization, You have cared for us Through the worst of times. I , a Black man, am proud You are mine. Mother's day is not enough For a Mother of your kind. Thanks be to Allah that you are mine. BROTHER GEORGE X JACKSONVILLE, FLA.
j DEAR SIR: Every little bit helps. INSTEAD OF buying and mailH I S T O R Y HAS shown that America and some other devel- ing greeting cards last Christoped countries fought and fight imas, I donated the money to a to keep their countries intact I culture and training center in and united. It is the same exer- my neighborhood that t r a i n s cise that we in Nigeria are en- I1 Black people for better jobs. I hope everyone will find some gaged in at present. And, in the name of Allah, we shall over- • way to sacrifice some thing to | help financially in the Black peocome the ordeal. N i g e r i a , being the largest i pie's struggle for survival. MRS. SARAH BURNETT country in Africa, the imperialWE HAVE THE BEST PRICES FOR THE QUALITY
there will be no cease fire. The remaining area — still being forcibly held — must be liberated. We cannot be fooled any longer! We cannot be gagged! Adeniyi and I are making arrangements so that copies of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS newspaper can be made available to us so that we can disseminate it among other soul brothers and s i s t e r s , Muslims and leaders here so they may come nearer to home about the struggle of our brothers in the U.S. We shall continue to tell you about the true position of things in Nigerian affairs. I hope this letter will be published and read by my soul brothers and sisters who have an interest in the unity of our country, Nigeria. Please, keep it up, and may Allah bless you Sincerely, Ladi Falade, City Hall P.M.B. 2025. Lagos State, Lagos, Nigeria
N e w Y o r k Hikes T a x e s , Cuts Benefits of Poor School aid was reduced slightly this year, but will be deeply cut b e g i n n i n g with 1970-71 school years. Enrollment and costs in colleges and other schools has been raising steadily.
(MS New York Bureau) NEW YORK—After passing an increase in the state sales tax, bringing the combined state and city sales tax to 6 per cent, the State L e g i s l a t u r e callously slashed welfare allowances, medical benefits and school aid. Black Assemblyman Edward A. Stevenson of the Bronx termed the actions as "anti-Black, antiPuerto Rican and anti-poor people."
of District Council 37, Hospital Employees Union. "The devil is slick," said an I angry Black woman p a t i e n t when M U H A M M A D SPEAKS made a recent tour of Harlem Hospital. "He gave the Indians blankets with small pox germs. He gives Black people hospitals with inadequate facilities and personnel. He gives us birth control devices. He gives us mental health programs to get us to adjust to his ways." A middle-aged Black male patient agreed "it's just genocide. (Continued on page 18)
MEANWHILE, a number of city-run hospitals, including Harlem Hospital, face closings or curtailment of certain services. "More Blacks and Puerto Ricans have died in New York City because of inadequate medical care than in Watts, Newark and DeMAYOR JOHN LINDSAY stat- troit put together," declared Viced that the budget cuts constitut- tor Gotbaum, executive director ed "a disaster to the city" in undoing progress for the elderly, Gregory Writes from Jail: sick, poor and students. The city's Social Service CommissionFIGHTER FOR THE POOR, Beulah Saunders, chairman of the er, Jack R. Goldberg called the N.Y. Citywide Coordinating Committee for Welfare Rights, state legislation "immoral, inhuspeaks out against recent inhumane cuts in welfare benefits man and insane. The poor are by New York State. "End war in Viet Nam and use that money being sacrificed for the petty to improve conditions at home, "Mrs. Saunders demanded. A t politics of selfish, m i s g u i d e d right is Mike L u c k m a n , of Fifth Avenue Peace Parade men. What looks like a savings judges now assigned to hear the Committee. (Special to Muhammad Speaks) now is simply a political mirage. Dick Gregory, noted rights ac- cases growing out of the DemoIn the months and years ahead tivist, author and comedian, is cratic Convention demonstrations, it will cost a hell of a lot more," continuing his fight for justice including Judges Roger Kiley, he said. and against racism in America, Abraham L. Marovitz, Alexander E v e n the conservative New despite the fact that he languish- J. Napoli, and Samuel Perry. York Times editoria'ly observed es in the high-security section of On March 4, 1968, a resolution Evidence that the Vietnam va(Continued from page 7) that "this irresponsibility in the Chicago's notorious Cook County was introduced in the Hlinois riety is immune to treatment state capital increases the dan- Jail. Organization is presently comState Senate by Rep. Arthur R. with high doses of penicillin and ger of upheavals in municipal G o t t s c h a l k , urging President pleting a report which shows another drug, to insure the infecghettos. But, even if the abused GREGORY WAS given a five J o h n s o n to make public the poor accept these new degrada- months sentence stemming from Biakeley report. The resolution that gonorrhea is running amuck tion is rendered harmless, are among servicemen in Asia, out- reports that more highly paid tion? with docility, the price will a sit-in protest passed by a unanimous voice be paid in the twisted lives of stripping medical efforts to con- prostitutes dose themselves with a g a i n s t Chi- vote. inadequate amounts of penicillin. hundreds of thousands of chilcago's discrimiYet, the controversial report tain it. This is said to give only weak dren growing up in a poisoned n a t o r y school remains suppressed. Vietnam Rose, as gonorrhea is protection against the bacteria atmosphere of privation and desystem. delicately referred to by the GI, causing gonorrhea, enabling the feat." As he began is said to afflict some 700 out of germ to "become living culture serving the senAt a time when inflation and 1,000 GIs annually. media for the s e l e c t i o n and tence, on March the heavy costs of the war in Largely attributed to the war breeding of more resistant oroi inco — MEXICO CITY — Production 31, 1969, m i l l , . . . . . ., . Viet Nam is chewing up the valina Vietnam, the western Pacific ganism. p 0 tant Black ac P r e v e n t t o o t h d e cinvasion y ue of everyone's dollar, and unby gonorrhea far exSyphillis among military pertivists notified j 1 S T ? chjldren has been report- ceeds the general increase in veions are gaining 6 to 10 percent ed by Dr. Armando Bayona, a sonnel is also said to be increasm pav increases, Gov. Nelson the government nereal disease among civilian scientist at the National Autonoing at a similar rate. However, Gregory ockefeller and his G.O.P. comthat he would populations. mous university of Mexico. the situation is not depicted as rades in the legislature sliced fast totally, takExperiments with the pill with WHAT IS distressing medical being grave, since the causative the alreadv-meager f o o d and ing only the nourishment of disclothing allowances of the mil- tilled water, until the heretofore 500 children, all seven years of authorities most is the fear that organisms have not yet devellion persons on welfare in this suppressed Blakely Report was age, have been conducted over a a "new and incurable form" of oped a resistance to the antibiotperiod of four years. ics used to curtail their growth. gonorrhea has cropped up. city by an estimated one-thinl. made public. Prof. G. Robert Blakely of P E R S O N A L AND IT WILL MEAN, according to Notre Dame university submitted SISTER M A R Y ' S MOSES' WASHER SERVICE B U S I N E S S RETURNS the citv's Human Resources Ad- a r e p o r t to former-President Famous Bar-B-Q (Beef) Specialize In All Types Of BUCKEYE TAXBeef-Ribs - Lamb Shoulder ministration, that a welfare fam- Johnson's commission on Law INCOME TAX SERVICE and Chicken Dinners Washing Machines and Dryers ilv of six — that now gets $6-a- Enforcement and Administration PROMPT AND EFFICIENT CARRY OUT 1067 PARK WOOD DR. dav to feed itself—will receive of Justice, dealing with the rela9200 Buckayt Ed. Cltvtland, Okie 10511 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Okie CLEVELAND, OHIO PHONE: 231-0274 ~"~«tti¥ $4 under the new formulas tionship between o r g a n i z e d 681-6722 541-4061 Phone: CE 1-9306 or CE 1-7448 Office Hours from 9 to 6 P.M. —or about 66c-a-day per member crime, politics and the judiciary in major urban areas of the naof the family. The reduction in the Medicaid tion, using Chicago as the priM A I L program (free and subsidized mary example. medical care) includes raising The Blakey Report referred to Y O U R CLASSIFIED A D < PER the eligibility requirements and relationships between the Cosa T O D A Y v n k i line may also result in loss of federal Nostra and federal judges and WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT, SELL, TRADE, MOVE, HIRE, WORK, OWN, TEACH, aid. m e n t i o n s some of the same LEARN, EARN, SEARCH, FIND, ANNOUNCE
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Editorial No Time For Dispute Unite Black Man! Almighty God, who came in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad and who selected as His Last Messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, so thoroughly understood the conditions Of the Black man in America that he knew what they needed most to achieve freedom, justice and equality—UNITY under His Messenger. OF ALL the teachings God gave to Messenger Muhammad, one of his greatest gifts was the secret of how to unify a disunited people, how to bring them out of the Lion's den despite centuries of brainwashing that had left them enemies of themselves and friends of their enemy. He missioned Messenger Muhammad, the greatest instrument for the unity of the Black man to exist in these or any other times, with a dedication to a task more complex and more important for the salvation of the righteous than even that handed to Moses or Jesus. It is obvious to any thinking man or woman, regardless of his profession or position that these are critical times and decisive days. It is time for unity and the formula for that unity is best expressed on the back pages of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, placed there years ago by Messenger Muhammad and now studied as the most profound philosophy to be born in this Western world. To those who look upon the perennial black-against-black conflicts in our community as inevitable and hopeless, heed the wise words of man who grew up in these communities, suffered all the deprivation possible and without benefit of formal education but with benefit of God's education has the key to knowledge, power and unity. "SO YOU SAY that we cannot unite and produce our own necessities?" Muhammad has challenged those doubters. "We are 22 million or more people depending on the white American citizen to produce food, clothes, shelter, transportation, employment and our educational training . . . "If you say we cannot unite, you are wrong! We can unite! Before your very eyes you see the believers in Allah (God) and his religion Islam uniting and this Divine power from Allah working among us, uniting us into a nation of brotherly love . . . This disapproves the lie of that "old saying" that the Negroes cannot unite " Then this gentle and humble Messenger has extended an invitation which stands now as open as when first spoken: "Come and let us Unite Under the Crescent and do something for ourselves in the way of supporting our own needs. Go after some of this earth for our nation of 22 million here in North America. If it cannot be had here, there is plenty of earth elsewhere. "Let us capture-the market of our people by producing their needs. We cannot produce our needs on the soil of another." Here the Lamb, whom God has allowed to go unscathed in the Land of Lions, has spelled out the formula for freedom, justice and equality. BUT THE TIME to respond is short. We have all seen the prophetic warnings issued by Messenger Muhammad come to pass before our eyes in each day's events. He has warned of the economic disasters facing America and we see inflation destroying the value of her finances. He has warned that America would never achieve a victory over that old and ancient people in Southeast Asia and we see her losing despite her superiority in weapons and manpower. He has warned all of Africa and Asia and South America will soon overthrow the slavemaster and do we not see this occurring in each days' news? For us here immediately, he has welcomed the cooperation of all Black leaders, regardless of their professions, religious, economic standings or Affiliations. He has opened his arms wide for the kind of United Black Front which would spell an end, almost overnight, to the kind of oppression and enslavement which is daily destroying our children, ruining our women and paralyzing our best efforts to survive. THAT INVITATION IS STILL OPEN. World leaders almost daily beat a path to his door. But that door is more open to YOU. the so-called American Negro, than to anyone else. Ye have only to enter and ye shall be free. But hurry—the time is short.
81 ..DMA APRIL 18. 1969
Cedar Ave.
n. John 5X
m Ls l a m By Sister Anna Karriem Mosque No. 5 Praise and thanks is forever due to almighty God Allah Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and His Beloved Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for fashioning a nation and religion in righteousness; a nation in which the b e l o v e d Black man and woman of America may seek refuge from the oppression and enjoy the fruits of peace and progress. AS SCHOOL draws near a close, the advocates of armed revolution are advancing their ideologies on Black college campuses. Over the past two months I have read of the philosophies advocated by frustrated Black people who seek to lead the masses out from the camps of racism controlled by white America. Recently, Tuskegee Institute was visited by another spokesman of armed revolution. James Foreman, director of internal affairs for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee who said " I have tried everything. Now, I am convinced that armed revolu! tion is the only solution to rac| ism in this country." As he conj tinued to explicate his program 'of "guerrilla warfare," he added ; "the best guerrilla fighters are between the ages of 21 to 35. This leaves me out because I'm over the road. I am just here to preach and spread the word."
I believe most intelligent poopU- would agree that when one .iets himself up as a leader of his people and advocates that they go into battle with an opponent who is much mightier than the people he is leading, then most assuredly this leader ought to be capable of guiding his people as well as physically able to struggle with them. Perhaps the term "Rear Admiral" had its origin from such back scat leaders. My beloved brothers and sisters, The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d is teaching the Black man of America how to do something constructive for self. Surely if you were understanding the Bible that the white man has given you permission to read you would know that almighty God Allah is the "comforter" "the J e s u s " you have been awaiting for 400 years.
among us (Deuteronomy 18:18, Malachi 4:5) one like unto Moses, one who has been d i v i n e l y missioned to do the work that Moses had to do i.e. lead a people from bondage (white America). Messenger Muhammad is not trying to stage a revolution in America. There is no need to clean up a house that has become a haven for devils and their works of evil (America Rev. 18:2). Instead, Messenger Muhammad is bettering the condition of Black people in America What will you gain by taking up arms against a mighty and wicked enemy such as the white race (Psa. 37:35)? The Honor able Elijah Muhammad does not advocate armed revolution if the Black man cannot be the victor. He teaches us that to begin such a fight is suicide when we have not the resources to finish such a battle. AIlali^Godi must be the executor of thisTIgntT >->^ Why not spend the time, energy, and money it takes for an armed revolution and join with Messenger Muhammad in the constructive work of building a nation? I have worked with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and I once believed that the program it offered was legitimate for the welfare of my people. Today, I bear witness that Allah (God) has got to be the planner of any program designed to liberate Black people.
THE POWER of Allah (God) and His credentials have been hidden from the Black man and woman of America for 6,000 years. Nevertheless, Allah has declared an end to the oppressive rule of the white race. He desires now that you, his beloved people have a knowledge of Him and your enemy as He has instructed His M e s s e n g e r , The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad: "Now will I rise saith the Lord; now will I be exalted. Now will I lift up myself." Isa. 33:10. To further affect a change in the condition of Black people in America, Allah has raised from
on page 39)
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MUHAMMAD SPEAKS - » on-j f* i :i>r a fl I
H o w to
in the Person
of Master
By Elijah Muhammad (Messenger of Allah)
It is true and understandable that we live in a poison world — poison food, poison drinks, and poison spiritual food. The three mentioned above are the base of our life. Our lives depend upon them. W E M U S T again remember that the enemies of God and the Righteous, who were made by nature to be enemies of God and Righteousness, do not follow the path of righteousness in any way. They were made to form the teachings of their own. They could not have been the God of this world. If they had followed the World teachings and guidance, they would not have been an enemy of ours. But, since they had to build a "WHEN I ORDERED THE EXTERMINATOR, NURSE, I IN/IS REFERRING TO THE PILL I" worfd"~different from ours, they did so. Do not hink hard of them for doing that which they were made by nature to do. We have to be careful. Here is a good example that they did not intend to follow the course of our God, The God of Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Equality. In the Bible, (Continued from page 13) ties which will recruit members and help. The training must be Moses forbade them from eating the swine: "Thou from those communities to teach changed to meet the needs that shall not eat the swine, nor touch its carcass." He that only white America's ways there. They must prepare teach- the children have. are right and nothing else. The says just the reverse; he challenges God by sayWe must always r e m e m b e r teacher is not prepared to under- ers to understand the different ing, "What is wrong with the hog?" "Thou shall stand Black culture or the Amer- problems that are there. that in the educational process it is the child that is the focus and eat it." And, he fills his markets throughout the ican Indian. world with that divinely prohibited flesh, the hog. She cannot even pronounce the THE TEACHERS must go out most important, not the teacher and visit the homes and talk to or the principal, or even the eduAnd, 90 per cent of the people follow them in children's names, let along speak the parents to get their advice cational system but the child. to the children in a language breaking that law and everything else. they can understand. Yet she exIf you will study it, you wiil see that if God pects them to learn from her. says Thou shall not do, he says thou shall do. God Colleges and universities must says do not swear or curse, the Bible then teaches begin i n - s e r v i c e training pro that their mouths are full of swearing and cursing. grams in the minority communi THE C H A M P I O N S He is truthfully a made devif, and we must take SUPPORT him for that. But, he would like to deceive us (the MUHAMMAD'S Righteous) in order to get us to follow him. MOSQUE OF ISLAM e»f I say, eat the best of the food. The Orthodox YEAR Jews are right when they do not eat the hog and ECONOMIC S A V I N G S PLAN other poison foods, and if you buy from their markets, you will get the better foods. I do not make VISIT MUHAMMAD'S CORNER any mistake; I mean the Orthodox Jews, who do For Your Clooning. Irs Tho NEW PROCESS CLEANERS ot 693 WOOSTER AVE. not carry in their markets the type of poison foods PHONE: 535-9558 consumed by the Christians. FCR YOUR BAKE GOODS B U T , ONE thing that we should remember is ',"[ COMMUNITY BAKERY that we can produce our own foods if we can get AT 693 WOOSTER AVE. into the earth to produce our own. Good whole PHONE 535-0056 AKRON, OHIO -beans and good whole milk and butter is fine for MEMPHIS, TENN. us. And, if we eat meat, do not make a habit of VISIT If Black American athletes had been eating a lot of beef. Eat Iamb and sheep. As I have performing as members of a single nation, M U H A M M A D ' S MOSQUE we would have won more gold medals said time and again, that no meat is good for us; 1324 FLORIDA ST. than any other nation except Russia and but we eat it, so that which we eat, try to eat the White America. We would have ranked third WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. in international standing, SUN. 2 P.M. best of it. if in our present condition we would rank
Racist U.S. Government Regime Depends on Mis-Education of Minorities
IT'S O F F I C I A L !
third, surely united as an independent nation we will be first.
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The "Black Power" cry which has resounded in force from coast to coast and border to border in the United States—and is being duplicated throughout both the Black independent nations, and the still white-settler ruled areas of the African continenthas reached its corrective fingers into another part of the world where the white man, through his devious plannings, had erected a paradise for his own greedy aim at the expense of the indigenous Black peoples. THAT PLACE is the Caribbean area, bounded by the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and also commonly referred to, in toto, as the West Indies. These spots of real estate, variously desired by the while overlords for their f u n -i n -t h e -s u n pleasure spots, minerals, timber, agriculture, and everything else that could be taken or used—are the current objects of the Black Power thrust. What the Black power advocates are out to achieve, is total control by Blacks over both the so-called sovereign, and those still-enslaved a r e a s , and the o u s t i n g of the hated "white elite" from every and any position of control over the destinies of the Black populace. ORIGINALLY, when such indep e n d e n t nations as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and the like, were condescendingly granted sovereignty by the white colonial rulers, the thought was to forestall any attempt at a Black uprising or takeover of the country. In the early days, the jubilation of Blacks over having a
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In Caribbean
Black government served to temporarily set back the day of reckoning that was to come. Now that the fervor of celebrating the pseudo-independence has died down, Black people in the Caribbean have taken a hard look at themselves and their lands, and discovered that the independence they were "given" means nothing at all, that it has given them no more than that which they had as chattel of the white colonial overlords.
ONE Jamaican leader, Robert Hill, a 25-year-old political science graduate of London university, the University of Toronto and the University of West Indies, Jamaica branch, has reduced the goals of the Black Power movement throughout the Caribbean to these points: — B r e a k the imperialists' hold on the Caribbean (which historically have been white and racist). —Let the Biack masses assume complete control over WHAT HAPPENED? Their sotheir destinies. called white benefactors simply —Evolve a cultural reconremoved themselves from the j public's eye and went behind- struction of society in the image of Blacks. the-scenes to continue their "for Though the university students me, everything; for you, nothare chiefly the leaders of the ing" operations. With windowdressing Black leaders, in front movement, the appeal of their of them, the fancied benevolent ideas has attracted support from depredators have built up an among older intellectuals and 'elite' group which is "sockin' widely among the unemployed. i t " to the Black people even Attempts have been made to more efficiently than when they link the movement v a r i o u s l y were operating openly. with Black power elements in Easily the first to recognize' the United States and communist t h i s slight-of-handing by the e l e m e n t s in Cuba. However white elite were the Black uni-1 spokesmen for the group mainversity students, alive to all the tain that their efforts are indepossibilities and p o t e n t i a l s of pendent of any foreign directotheir homelands as Black inde- riond. They are operating without any help of any kind from pendent nations for real. These university students have Moscow, Peking, Havana, or any been in the vanguard of the U.S-bred and based groups. Black Power movement — dismissed by those in the inner circles of the white elite as irrational—and are working on the premise that there can be no (Continued from page 15) j real freedom from the white The man is out to exterminate ! man's control until he is ousted us all, and Columbia's medical entirely from all their affairs, and until Black people alone students are using us as guinea build the type of government for pigs," he said. Blacks, of Blacks, by Blacks DURING A 15 - MINUTE walk that, in fact, means, Total Black and look-around, MS saw or Rule. learned (1.) that the School of Nursing has lost its accreditation because of its low standards; (2) that the tunnels connecting the various buildings are filled with fat, mangy cats which are there to eat the rats in the hospital; (3) that patients are crowded in cently broadcast an appeal for hallways and not properly cared help here, saying the Pathet Lao for: (4) that several areas where have been "blowing up ammuni- work is done with radioactive tion dumps, attacking engine me- materials have no warning signs chanics working near the Namm uo and very few workers have Gum Dam, setting fires in U.S. badges indicating how much ramilitary warehouses and hitting dioactivity has been received; American air bases with mortar (5) that the oldest Black employfire. ees seem to perform the dirtiest jobs, in the autoclave room, sanitation, etc.; and (6) that there ISLAMIC LITERATURE are three different "status" dinHOLY QURANS, PRAYER BOOKS, ing rooms for employees: one HADITHS AND MANY OTHERS SEND FOR FREE BOOKLIST TODAY for doctors, one for nurses and one for other workers, with food SPECIALTY PROMOTIONS CO., INC. and service ranked in that order. P.O. BOX 3034 NEWARK, N.J. 071 03
Laotian Guerrillas Hit U.S. Installations
V I E N T I A N E , Laos—Courageous g u e r r i l l a troops determined to drive Americans and puppet Laotian leaders out of the country have been launching increasingly effective attacks on U.S. bases near here. Premier S o u v a n n a Phouma, U.S.-lackey defense minister, re-
APRIL 18, 1969
WITH J A M A I C A as the center, the entire Caribbean area, bounded by the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic ocean and the Caribbean sea, is caught up in the battle to rid the area of white domination and make i t the one place in the world where the Black man Is the indisputable power in his own land.
In Harlem Hospital
Harlem Hospital is typical of most hospitals in Black slums. Far more serious problems than those MS discovered on our 15minute tour were revealed to us by employees who have tried for years to provide the best care they could under the gravest conditions and the greatest of odds. In the Nursing department the lack of personnel is most sorely reflected. A good day is when there are 7 r e g i s t e r e d nurses on duty caring for a total of more than 700 patients. There also are not n e a r l y enough practical nurses, nurses' aides, attendants, clerks and others. Often the RN finds herself having to perform as many jobs as possible, including feeding patients, changing linen, mopping floors, getting supplies, etc. Also, since Harlem H o s p i t a l cannot hire RNs directly, they go downtown and generally end up at other hospitals.
IN OBSTETRICS the last six years has shown an increase in the number of hysterectomies performed on Black women of child-bearing age. A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus (the womb) by surgery which results in a woman being unable to bear children. An investigation took place in which 10 years of records were inspected. Statistics showed that while the overall rate had not increased, most hysterectomies are now being performed on women between the ages of 21 to 35 while 10 years ago this operation was usually performed on women 35 to 50 years old. No explanation was made as to why so many hysterectomies were performed in recent years on younger women. Some insiders feel that many are performed needlessly (in that there may be no disease of the uterus) or for medical students to practice.
Services in the e m e r g e n c y Harlem Hospital's bacteriology room are poor and slow. This is due largely to the lack of doc- lab is severely understaffed with tors on duty there. Most doctors 9 technicians trying to do the shun the hectic emergency room work of 15. These nine techniduty in a hospital. (Continued on page 25)
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By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah
SURE, W E A R E B L A C K MUSLIMS! A s w h i t e people call themselves w h i t e Christians, w e are Black M u s l i m s ! O F C O U R S E I T S T A R T E D at first f r o m t h e press. B u t w e d o n o t get i n d i g nant about b e i n g called B l a c k for that is w h a t w e are. WE WERE BLACK IN THE VERY B E G I N N I N G o f the Creation of the F a t h e r , w h o w a s B l a c k . B l a c k is w h a t w e p r e f e r t o b e c a l l e d . T h e r e is n o w h i t e scholar or scientist o f history a n d relig i o n t h a t w i l l d a r e say o t h e r w i s e . W H Y S H O U L D Y O U FEIJjL O F F E N D E D w h e n y o u are called a Black M u s l i m ? T h e w h i t e people are n o t offended i f you call them white Christians.
I T IS D U E T O T H E F A C T t h a t t h e so-called A m e r i c a n N e g r o has been m o c k e d b y the w h i t e slave-master, after t h e w h i t e slave-master, a t t r a c t e d t h e m w i t h the power o f unalike. H e attracted t h e s l a v e so m u c h so, t h a t h e d e s i r e d t o be w h i t e instead o f his o w n n a t u r e c o l o r , Black, i n w h i c h he was created. W h i t e is a m a d e c o l o r a n d n o t a c r e a t e d c o l o r . T H E W H I T E PEOPLE W H O ENS L A V E D our fathers h a d a n unrestrained hand and power over the B l a c k slave. T h e y c o u l d heat a n d force the slave to believe, answer t o a n d obey a n y t h i n g they t a u g h t the B l a c k slave w i t h o u t hindrance for w e h a d no teachers a m o n g o u r s l a v e - p a r e n t s . T h e p o o r slave h a d no h e l p here or there for centuries. I s h o u l d say u n t i l t o d a y , o n T h e Coming of Our G o d and Saviour, I n the Person o f Master F a r d M u h a m m a d , T o W h o m Praises are D u e forever.
B U T I S A Y , B R O T H E R S A N D SIST E R S , be happy that y o u are Black. I t is t h e f i r s t c o l o r , o r i g i n a l o f m a n , i n t h e s u n . I t is h o n o r a b l e , d u r a b l e a n d l a s t i n g . I t is n o t e a s y t o b e c h a n g e d e v e n u n d e r climatic conditions. A L L A H ( G O D ) is t h e F a t h e r o f t h e Creation of the Heavens a n d the Earth. H i s C o l o r is B l a c k . I t is t h e b e s t a n d p u r e s t o f a l l t h e c o l o r s . I t is U n c h a n g a b l e as H i s W i s d o m , w h i c h is S u p e r i o r over A l l . I T IS T R U E W E A R E B L A C K M U S L I M S . O u r v e r y N a t i o n is B l a c k P e o p l e . Our Creator was a Black G o d . SO D O N O T BE A S H A M E D T O A C CEPT Y O U R O W N B L A C K SELF. It is a n h o n o r a b l e c o l o r . I T I S T H E F I R S T AND T H E LAST.
Accusations Of Teaching Hate
By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah
I A N D M Y F O L L O W E R S , are ever b e i n g accused o f teaching hate. I a m s o r r y t h a t y o u h a v e g o t t e n so m a n y c o n trary answers from some o f m y followers, w h o a r e n o t q u a l i f i e d i n k n o w l e d g e , t o answer such questions o f w h e t h e r or not w e are teaching hate. BY NO MEANS SHOULD THE T E A C H I N G S B E C O N S I D E R E D the teachings o f hate. I t does n o t d e n y t h a t t r u t h is n o t a c c e p t e d b y a r a c e o f p e o p l e w h o are m a d e contrary to the nature and practice o f truth. I a m not surprised that they call m e a hate teacher, due to the fact that they were n o t m a d e o f truth. T h e y were made just the opposite, See B i b l e , J o h n 8 : 4 4 . I F T R U T H O F T H E W O R L D IS C L A S S I F I E D as h a t e t e a c h i n g , t h e n I a m a f r i e n d o f G o d , f o r i n t h e v e r y beginning, according to the Bible, G o d hated one brother a n d loved the other (Gen., G o d loved Jacob and hated E s a u ) . T h e cause o f God's h a t r e d was d u e t o one; b r o t h e r ' s w o r k s o f e v i l a n d envy o f his brother, w h o m G o d L o v e d . A C C O R D I N G T O T H E DESCRIPT I O N given b y Esau a n d Jacob, one was h a i r y a n d the other o f smooth skin. T h i s has a g r e a t s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t r u t h .
m a n u n t i l the b i r t h o f Moses because of the beast life he lived due to b e i n g d e p r i v e d o f the k n o w l e d g e o f self. T h e y a c t u a l l y l i v e d t h e life o f beasts a n d acquired m u c h o f their characteristics. T h i s is w h y t h e R e v e l a t o r o f t h e B i b l e , r e f e r s t o t h e m as b e a s t s . T H E Y A R E N O T f o u r - f o o t e d beasts, b u t due to these 2,000 years i n t h e hills a n d cavesides o f E u r o p e before the b i r t h of Moses, t h e y acquired the characteristics o f beasts i n s t e a d o f h u m a n beings. T h e y w e r e r e d u c e d t o the status o f apes and monkeys. W E H A V E IN T H E H O L Y QUR-AN, w h i c h is t h e m o s t t r u e B o o k i n t h e h a n d s of h u m a n beings, a Surah o r Chapter entitled, T H E C A V E (Chap. 18). This Chapter teaches a p o r t i o n o f the h i s t o r y of t h e w h i t e race i n those 2,000 years before Moses. I N T H E N E W T E S T A M E N T , Jesus demanded this specific qualification ( h a t e ) o f w h o m e v e r w o u l d become his follower. ( L u k e 14:26), although i t was not given i n a very intelligent way. T h e t r u t h o f i t is, h e c a r e s n o t h i n g a b o u t d i s believing parents, disbelieving brothers, o r d i s b e l i e v i n g sisters. H e c o n s i d e r e d t h e m as h i s e n e m i e s a n d t h e B e l i e v e r s s h o u l d c o n s i d e r t h e m as t h e i r e n e m i e s regardless to t h e closeness o f k i n . T h i s
a disbelieving people t h o u g h they be t h e i r n e a r o f k i n . T h i s is c o m m o n l y p r a c ticed b y a l l o f civilization whether they be r e l i g i o u s or n o t . I T IS T H E N A T U R E O F P E O P L E , that i f you do not like w h a t they like or b e l i e v e as t h e y d o , h a t r e d o f e a c h o t h e r is s e e n b e t w e e n t h e m . H e r e J e s u s b e a r s witness t o the God's h a t r e d o f even a brother of Believer.
T H E CHRISTIANS B A C K UP T H E M I N I S T R Y a n d teachings o f Jesus b y saying he taught love. T h e y leave out the fact t h a t he t a u g h t hate too. T h e y " left i n the things w i t h w h i c h they c o u l d quickly enslave the B l a c k M a n . T H E W H I T E M A N D I D N O T T E A C H the Black Preachers the true t h e o l o g y o f t h e B i b l e . Jesus c l a s s i f i e d t h e p r i e s t a n d t h e p r e a c h e r as b e i n g blind, scripturally: 'the blind leading the b l i n d a n d they b o t h fall i n the d i t c h ( h e l l ) . ' Bible, Rev. 19:20. A L L A H ( G O D ) W h o Came i n the Person o f Master F a r d M u h a m m a d , T o W h o m P r a i s e s a r e D u e f o r e v e r , has taught m e the k n o w l e d g e o f the Bible and n o w the H o l y Qur-an, translated by the M u s l i m Scientists. I T IS T H E V E R Y N A T U R E O F PEOPLE .TO H A T E ONF ANOTHF.R
(Reprinted By Re quest '/ By Request )
By Elijah Muhammad
children o f our slave-master) because of the l a c k o f u n i t y . T h e cause o f this l a c k o f u n i t y a m o n g us i s d u e t o t h e w o r k a n d t e a c h i n g o f o u r enemies, the slave-masters' c h i l d r e n . O u r slave-masters' c h i l d r e n have reared our fathers a n d mothers to be enemies o f each other. T h e y h a v e destroyed o u r l o v e o f self
Messenger of Allah T h e unity o f 22 m i l l i o n so-called Neg r o e s u p f r o m s l a v e r y is t h e a n s w e r t o our salvation. W e are suffering untold torture a n d m u r d e r at the hands o f o u r enemies ( t h e
a n d k i n d . T h e y h a v e e d u c a t e d us t o h a t e a n d refuse a l l t h a t goes f o r b l a c k people. This lack o f love for self a n d k i n d k e e p s us d i v i d e d , a n d b e i n g d i v i d e d w e are a n a t i o n o f p r e y a t the h a n d s o f o u r ever open e n e m i e s . Whatever the amount o f education we receive f r o m
Why Black Man Should Be Called By the Names ol God By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah THE ginning fore, he BLACK
B L A C K m a n f r o m t h e r o o t beis f r o m a B l a c k F a t h e r . T h e r e s h o u l d go i n the N a m e o f his FATHER.
A s I h a v e s a i d , as l o n g as t h e soc a l l e d A m e r i c a n N e g r o is b l i n d t o t h e k n o w l e d g e o f self, h e does n o t k n o w b y w h a t name he should be called. Y o u c o u l d c a l l h i m a n y t h i n g a n d he w o u l d a n s w e r t o i t , f o r he does n o t k n o w his True Name. T h e w h i t e m a n calls the so-called A m e r i c a n Negro b y m a n y nick-names. T h e so-called A m e r i c a n N e g r o , t h e n renick names for himself, the nick-names of t h e w h i t e m a n , a l t h o u g h he does n o t even k n o w w h a t they mean. T h e b l a c k m a n (so-called A m e r i c a n N e g r o ) is a m e m b e r o f t h e f a m i l y a n d a direct descendant o f the Creator W h o made the Heavens and the Earth. Therefore the son should be called b y the N a m e o f his Father a n d n o t called b y t h e n a m e o f a n a l i e n . T h e w h i t e r a c e is an alien people to the Black M a n . So m a n y times y o u h a v e h e a r d t h a t G o d has n i n e t y - n i n e ( 9 9 ) N a m e s o r A t -
t r i b u t e s ( T h a t W h i c h Is A t t r i b u t e d t o God). The 100th Name or Attribute o f G o d is t h e N a m e , A l l a h , W h i c h R e p r e s e n t s t h a t H e is A L L I N A L L , o f e v e r y G o o d name. His N a m e Begins w i t h the N a m e C R E A T O R a n d Ends w i t h T H E FIRST A N D T H E LAST, T H E ETERN A L . M a n y o f His Attributes refer to s u c h N a m e s as P O W E R , F O R C E , T H E MIGHTY, T H E WISE. T H E MOST MERCIFUL, T H E M A K E R , T H E FASHIONER, T H E BEST KNOWER, THE ALL-HEARING ONE, T H EA L L SEEING ONE. T H E H O L Y Q U R - A N says t h a t H e has t h e Best N a m e s a n d t h e M o s t B e a u t i f u l Names. So m a n y o f these N a m e s that w e s h o u l d have, are p e r t a i n i n g t o Our Father. His Names o f Praise and One w o r t h y of Praise, are j u s t a f e w o f the G r e a t Names W h i c h Belong to God, and H e W a n t s t o G i v e T h e m t o us. T h e B i b l e t e a c h e s us, t h a t H e W i l l G i v e H i s N a m e s to those w h o believe i n H i m . A c c o r d i n g to t h e B i b l e , Rev. 7:3, t h e J u d g m e n t cannot take place u n t i l those W h o Believe i n H i m are G i v e n H i s Name, (sealed i n their f o r e h e a d ) . Will
you turn d o w n a Great
Separation By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah Why not a united Black Nation? Have the white people not been a united w h i t e people a l l their days? H a v e they not lived i n their o w n quarters a n d countries under their o w n w h i t e rulers, kings, queens, a n d presidents? W h a t is a l l t h e e x c i t e m e n t o v e r t h e B l a c k M a n w a n t i n g to live to himself? W e have lived under s e g r e g a t i o n f o r c e d u p o n us u p u n t i l t o d a y . N o w , w h y t h i n k l i v i n g a p a r t , o u t o f t h e w h i t e m a n ' s soc i e t y , is s o m e t h i n g t h a t w e s h o u l d n o t t h i n k a b o u t doing ? B l a c k people a n d w h i t e people are used to l i v i n g a p a r t f r o m e a c h o t h e r . I t is t h e n a t u r e o f us b o t h a n d w e are better o f f living apart t h a n t r y i n g t o m i x t o g e t h e r ( w h i c h is a g a i n s t t h e n a t u r e o f B l a c k a n d w h i t e ) . W e are t w o different people.
Is A
w h i c h w i l l L i v e Forever, B i b l e Is. 5 6 : 5 , in exchange for the nick-names o f your very enemies? T h e y have no m e a n i n g as t o a h u m a n b e i n g , s u c h as M r . F i s h . W e are h u m a n beings a n d should not be c a l l e d M r . Fish. T h e y n a m e y o u M r . Hog. Y o u are not a H o g . T h e j r c a l l y o u Mr. Bird. W e should not be called b i r d . W e are not w i n g e d f o w l . T h e y are names w h i c h are worthless to h u m a n beings. T h e only w h i t e people w h o are all o w e d t o use O n e o f t h e N a m e s o f A l l a h (God) is o n e w h o h a s a c c e p t e d I s l a m . These Names are g i v e n t o t h e m because of their faith i n the religion of A l l a h ( G o d ) . H o w e v e r , t h i s does n o t m e a n that by nature, these Names b e l o n g to them. I T IS O N L Y Y O U , Black Brother, that b y nature should be called b y the Names o f y o u r G o d a n d Father, t h e Creator o f the Heavens a n d the Earth. T H I S IS W H A T A L L A H H A S T A U G H T ME. BELIEVE IT OR LET IT ALONE! NEXT . . . PRAYER SERVICE OF' ISLAM A N D W H A T IT MEANS TO THE BLACK M A N OF AMERICA!
B l a c k ants do n o t t r y l i v i n g w i t h r e d ants, w h i t e ants, o r a n y color b u t t h e i r o w n color. E v e n black birds w i l l not t r y m i x i n g w i t h yellow, red, a n d w h i t e birds. E v e r y t h i n g abides b y the l a w o f nature i n w h i c h it was created hut the w h i t e m a n a n d his B l a c k slave. W h i t e people want to m i x w i t h every color o f people o n the earth. A n d , they have nearly m i x e d up the entire population o f the earth i n various colors. T h e y d i d not w a n t to destroy their color. They do not even want to destroy it today but they w a n t to force their color into other people. N o w , m a n y o f the B l a c k slaves desire t o l i v e w i t h t h e i r B l a c k selves, a f t e r l i v i n g u n d e r a f o r c e d m i x t u r e o f our slavemaster's c h i l d r e n . N o w , t o d a y , t h e v e r y n a t u r e o f us is b e i n g t a u g h t b y G o d , W h o K n o w s a l l o f us. T h i s t e a c h i n g o f s e l f f r o m G o d m a k e s us d e s i r e , as n e v e r before, to be ourselves.
o u r enemies w e a r e still t h e slaves o f o u r enemies d u e t o this lack o f k n o w l e d g e o f self, G o d a n d t h e d e v i l ; t h e t r u e r e l i g i o n ; s e l f - p r i d e ; s e l f - i n t e r e s t ; a n d selfindependence a n d t h e desire o f a country a n d o f a government o f our o w n under the l a w o f justice a n d righteousness for every one o f o u r p o o r b l a c k people throughout the earth. B u t l e t us s t a r t f i r s t h e r e i n A m e r i c a where w e are the victims o f no freedom, justice a n d equality a n d w e k n o w the pains o f being divided. A t present, w e have hundreds o f clubs a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s ; thousands o f teachers; h u n d r e d s o f educators, scholars, scientists, technicians, doctors, l a w y e r s , judges, congressmen, ambassadors, professors, t r a d e s m e n o f a l l k i n d s a n d e n gineers o f most every k i n d . W e have a l l kinds o f religious believers, teachers, preachers by the thousands, agriculturists, h e r d s m e n a n d c a t t l e m e n a n d f i s h e r men a n d hundreds o f hunters o f w i l d game. W h a t more d o w e need b u t unity o f the w h o l e for the whole? W h a t actually is p r e v e n t i n g t h i s u n i t y o f 2 2 m i l l i o n o r m o r e o f us is t h e i g n o r a n c e a n d f o o l i s h
N By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah W E A R E N O T N E G R O E S . T h a t is, t h o s e o f us w h o h a v e a w a k e n e d i n t o t h e k n o w l e d g e o f self. W E A R E B L A C K ORIGINAL PEOPLE. T H E R E IS N O R A C E O R N A T I O N , w h i c h has been called f r o m their B E G I N N I N G . . . N E G R O E S . T h i s is a s l a n g that t h e slave-master a n d his c h i l d r e n have given to t h e A m e r i c a n B l a c k Slave a f t e r t h e y h a d b e e n successful i n d e p r i v i n g o u r fathers o f t h e k n o w l e d g e o f self. T h e y m a d e us n e u t r a l . W e w e r e n o t r e s p e c t e d as a m e m b e r o f t h e s o c i e t i e s of t h e e a r t h n o r b y h i m because o f t h e lack o f k n o w l e d g e o f self a n d others. T H E Y M A D E US A S P I R I T U A L L Y B L I N D , D E A F A N DD U M B PEOPLE. I t is P I T I F U L e v e n t o w r i t e i t . T h e y u s e d our fathers w h o m t h e slave-masters h a d m a d e helpless b y t h e r o b b e r y o f t h e k n o w l e d g e o f ourselves. A L L A H (GOD), W H O CAME I N THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD M U H A M M A D , t o W H O M Praises are D u e Forever, s a i d t o m e , t h a t t h e r e c a n not be a worse r o b b e r y t h a n t o r o b a m a n o f t h e k n o w l e d g e o f self. T h i s is w h y i t is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h p h y s i c a l b l i n d ness. I t is a w f u l , e v e n f o r o n e t o g o a n d rob a m a n o f his eyes w i t h w h i c h h e sees t h e w a y i n g o i n g f o r t h a n d c o m i n g in. T h e b l i n d m a n depends o n others t o l e a d h i m , a n d t h e s u p p o r t o f canes t o help h i m to get around a m o n g t h e p e o p l e . H e c a n n o t see. H i s e y e s h a v e been p u t out. P I T I F U L .
love a n d fear o f o u r enemies i n the prof e s s i o n a l a n d l e a d e r s h i p class o f t h i s nation o f 22 million black people up f r o m slavery. There are disgraceful " U n c l e T o m s " in a w o r l d o f freedom, learning a n d adv a n c e d science i n every b r a n c h o f study. H o w l o n g s h a l l w e seek t h e w h i t e m e n ' s education to become their servants i n stead o f becoming builders o f a progressive n a t i o n o f o u r o w n o n some o f this earth that w e can call our own? W h y a r e y o u so f o o l i s h t o t h i n k t h a t it c a n n o t b e d o n e ? 1 h a v e A l l a h ( G o d ) and the w o r l d o f the righteous o n m y side t o a c c o m p l i s h this. T h e r e is n o h o p e f o r us i n C h r i s t i a n i t y ; i t is a r e l i g i o n o r g a n i z e d b y t h e e n e mies ( t h e w h i t e race) o f t h e B l a c k N a t i o n t o e n s l a v e us t o t h e w h i t e r a c e ' s rule. B u t o u r unity under the crescent w i t h o u r A l l a h ' s g u i d a n c e c a n get us a n y t h i n g w e desire i n t h e w a y o f h e l p a n d some o f this earth that w e c a n call our o w n . By the help o f A l l a h , 1 have a n d I will still prove t o y o u that A l l a h ( G o d ) has given me the only solution to our problem here u n d e r this race o f merciless
M A S T E R S , p u t o u r fathers i n this cond i t i o n , r o b b e d o f t h e k n o w l e d g e o f self they called t h e m Negroes, meaning s o m e t h i n g t h a t is m e n t a l l y d e a d a n d i s neutral a n d cannot go o f itself, i n such condition. A NEGRO, B E I N G MENTALLY D E A D , is n o t a p a r t o f c i v i l i z a t i o n . H e is s u b j e c t t o b e t a k e n a n d p u t i n t o service t o a n y o n e w h o desires h i m . IF Y O U D O N O T L E A D H I M T O T H E W O R K , tell h i m what to d o and how to d o i t , he w i l l stand, sit o r l a y d o w n a n d w o r k n o t . H e b e c o m e s a servant i n the hands o f civilization. H I S M E N T A L B L I N D N E S S is c o m pared with P H Y S I C A L B L I N D N E S S . A p e r s o n w h o is p h y s i c a l l y b l i n d h a s t o b e l e a d a n d g u i d e d e v e r y w h e r e h e goes o r he feels h i s w a y w i t h a w a l k i n g cane, o r is l e a d b y o n e w h o sees w h e r e h e i s g o i n g . S o i t is w i t h t h e m e n t a l l y d e a d Black M a n o f America. N E G R O . . . H e prides himself i n w h a t e v e r slang names a n d service m a d e of h i m b y his n o w m o c k i n g slave-master. H e d o e s n o t k n o w h i s o w n n a m e . H e is p r o u d o f being called b y a name o f his slave - master o r w h a t e v e r t h e s l a v e master calls h i m ; he w i l l answer t o i t . T h e y feel p r o u d t o answer t o m e a n i n g less a n d d i s g r a c e f u l n a m e s a n d n i c k names t h a t t h e w h i t e m a n calls h i m . IF Y O U T R YT O M A K E H I M SEE t h a t h e is d i s g r a c i n g h i m s e l f b y a n s w e r ing to nick-names given to h i m b y his master, he w i l l dismiss y o u a n d say, " W h a t is i n a n a m e . A n a m e d o e s n o t m e a n a n y t h i n g . " T h i s is s i l l i n e s s . H e malfps hiiqgelf meaningless. R e g a r d l e s s
Elijah Muhammad devils. I f y o u c a n prove t o m e that y o u have a better solution for the future o f our Nation I will bring m y followers and myself a n d j o i n y o u . A n d i f t h e solution given to m e from Almighty Allah is b e s t , c o m e y o u a n d y o u r f o l l o w e r s a n d join me.
O after a l l . T H I S IS O U R P O O R P E O P L E . B L A C K E D U C A T O R S , Black business m e n a n d B l a c k m i n i s t e r s r e f u s e t o accept t h e H o n o r a b l e a n d Independent Names o f G o d that w o u l d give t h e m respect. H e refuses because h e loves a n d worships his master's n a m e w h i c h keeps h i m a slave t o his master. THE WHITE SLAVE - M A S T E R S AND T H E I R C H I L D R E N call them Negroes or N i g g e r after h a v i n g neutrali z e d t h e m so t h a t t h e y a r e u n a b l e t o j o i n and become a member o f the civilized society o f t h e Nations. HE CALLS HIMSELF A NEGRO. L e t u s see w h a t t h i s N e g r o ( n i g g e r ) a c t u a l l y m e a n s . I n l o g m i l l s t h e r e is a l a r g e p i e c e o f i r o n t h a t is p o w e r e d b y steam, t h a t turns t h e logs f o r s a w i n g boards from i t , b y what w e call, the s a w y e r . T h e p i e c e o f i r o n is c a l l e d t h e 'nigger.' T h e sawyer makes the piece of iron ( n i g g e r ) t o t u r n the l o g i n whatever w a y h e w a n t s i t t o b e t u r n e d . I h a v e worked in saw mills when I was a young man. T H I S PIECE OF I R O N (nigger) w h i c h is u s e d t o t u r n t h e h e a v y l o g , is neutral. I t cannot m o v e o f itself. T H E B L A C K M A N , so-called Negro, uneducated and deprived o f the knowledge o f self w a s given this name b y t h e w h i t e m a n , m e a n i n g t h a t " h e is n o w a n e u t r a l m a n . H e is n o t o n e o f us n o r is he able t o c a l l h i m s e l f o n e o f t h e m e m bers o f his o w n people, f o r he has lost the k n o w l e d g e o f b o t h a n d he n o w awaits someone to p u t h i m into action t o w a r d the k n o w l e d g e o f self." T H I S IS T H E A M E R I C A N SOCALLED NEGRO. SO A L L A H (GOD)
M u h a m m a d : By Sister Margary Rassaln BIBLE Jn. 14:26, "But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things." THE SCHOLARS, P R E A C H ERS AND TEACHERS, of scripture call Jesus a great teacher and so perhaps he was, to the people of the time and locale to which he came and taught. But as in all things, Jesus pointed from himself toward another one who was to come who was greater than himself. Jesus, (as does Messenger Muhammad) always placed the credit where it was due. Sometimes Jesus, credited the Father and sometimes the Comforter. In this case, it was the Comforter who would 'teach you all things'. MESSENGER MUHAMMAD, truly can and does teach us all things, to the amazement of scholars, scientists, and visitors from all over the world. Without a doubt he is the greatest comforter to us, the L o s t - F o u n d Members of the Black Nation, the world has ever known.
the Black Man, the articles on THE MOON and recently his article on the history of the INDIANS, to name only a few, are m a s t e r - p i e c e s that will live through the ages. AS WE PONDER over the great t e a c h i n g s of Messenger Muhammad, let our minds scan the knowledge that we have of the past thousands of years . . . thinking of the teachings of the teachers whom the world has called great, we find that Messenger Muhammad is not only the greatest teacher the world has ever known, but for us, the Lost-Found Members of the Aboriginal Nation of the heavens and the earth, Messenger Muhammad is the ONLY TRUE TEACHER we have ever had. Teachers down through the ages have taught theories. Messenger M u h a m m a d , teaches facts, Truth.
WEEKLY, THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, Messenger of Allah, (God), teaches the world things they never dreamed of. His articles on The God of
THINK OF THE BENEFICIENCE of Allah (God)! For us, who never had a teacher, prophet or Messenger, Allah (God) prepared for us the greatest. To us, (the so-called Negro) a people, who never had a chance to rule, Allah, (God), has given and is Preparing us for the greatest rule. He is making us the greatest people, the world has ever known!
By Sister Loretta 2X Mosque No. 18 Although I have only been in the N a t i o n of I s l a m for five months, I can bear witness that Allah is God, and all praise is due Allah for coming in the person of Master Wallace Fard Muhammad and raising up one in our midst, our beloved leader and teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
erything Has Changed." Jesus and His disciples touched the people. The modern Jesus of today, the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Theodore X have touched me and "everything has changed." Matt. 10:8, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freely ye have received, freely give.
APRIL 13, 1363
SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF ALLAH (God) is a simple command Messenger M u h a m m a d , voices, but it is the foundation of our returning into the Friendship of Allah (God). It is our return to the Family of God. Submission enables our lost blessings and Divine Abilities, to be restored to us, and brings us into the Peace of Allah (God), the Messenger teaches us. Then the Great Teacher can teach us things we have never dreamed of.
Most High". All Praises to AlT R U L Y , Islam encompasses lah, Master Fard Muhammad, every area of life. Messenger forever! Muhammad teaches us the greatIT 1 IS A L I T T L E KNOWN est subject in the universe; the FACT, that Messenger Muham- subject of LIFE. He takes us out mad, has Honorary Degrees and of the world of the dead, and Diplomas from Universities all civilizes us. America is uncivilover the world. He has degrees ized. Look around you. Stop and in Humanity, Naturopathy, Spirit- think. Study. Research. Do you ual Cooperation and many that know that never before did we are too numerous to mention. He know how to treat one another? has Degrees upon Degrees in Our division in the home and "HONOR". Many of you digni- abroad testifies to this fact, but taries and you simple folk who we are learning thanks to the ALLAH AND HIS MESSEN- visit him see a few diplomas untiring efforts of M e s s e n g e r GER, speak with a soft voice, discreetly hanging in an obscure Muhammad. THE HONORABLE E L I J A H while teaching. We must bend corner of the dining-room, but our ear to hear them. The Bible M e s s e n g e r Muhammad has MUHAMMAD, is the universal teaches us, Ps. 46:10, "Be still, enough Degrees to almost wall- teacher. His weekly broadcasts and know that I am God:" Mes- paper the room. The scriptures and his Divine Teachings in MUsenger Muhammad, teaches us tell us, "Thy Lord is Honor- HAMMAD SPEAKS Newspapers go all over the world. It is Who God is and who we are. able." prophecied that the Great MesAllah (God) and His Holy Scriptures bear witness that MessenNO MATTER WHAT TEST, sage, Islam, will spread to the ger Muhammad is teaching that you put him to or by what yard- most d i s t a n t regions of the which God Has Taught Him, Bi- stick you measure him, if you earth. M e s s e n g e r Muhammad ble, Ps. 82:6, " I have said, Ye have true judgement and follow proves every rule, The Honorare gods; and all of you are the guides left for us to know able Eliiah Muhammad^IS-dhe children of the most High." him, the a n s w e r comes out LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAHT^ LOUD and CLEAR, The HonorHOLY Q U R A N Chap. 41:53 THE TEACHINGS OF THE able Elijah Muhammad, IS the "We will soon show them our MESSENGER OF ALLAH, The MESSENGER OF ALLAH. Most Honorable Elijah Muhamsigns in farthest regions and mad, brings us into the Wisdom AS MOSES, was taught by among their own people, until it of the Gods, there is nothing su- God, so it is clear that only is quite clear to them that it is perior to Allah (God). The most Allah (God) could be the Teachunlearned among us can bear er Who Taught and Who Teaches the Truth. Is it not enough that witness to this truth. One of the The Honorable Elijah Muham- thy Lord is a Witness over all things?" Names of Allah (God) is "The mad.
Now She Sings, "He Touched Me, Changed Me," With New Meaning ister Theodore X has taught in such a way that they have healed my sickness. They have taught me about the divinely forbidden swine, to eat one meal a day or every other day and fast at least three or four days a month. All praise is due to Allah for Messenger Muhammad and Minister T h e o d o r e X, who have c u r e d my sickness--bronchitis and asthma.
praise is due to Allah for teaching me in such a way that it made me realize that I am Black in body and mind. Being Black, I am the original and can use supreme wisdom, instead of being grafted using tricknology.
RAISE THE DEAD: I was mentally dead, buried in a grave of ignorance and covered with falsehood of the devil. All praise is due to Allah, His CLEANSE THE LEPERS: All Messenger and His Minister for
HEAL THE SICK: Messenger THE C H R I S T I A N S sing a song, "He Touched Me and Ev- Muhammad has written and Min-
raising me from among the dead (mentally dead). CAST OUT DEVILS: Every where God is (black man), the devil is also, EXCEPT in Muhammad's Mosquesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;because he was cast out. Freely Ye Have Received, and freely the Muslims receive the greeting of As-Salaam-Alaikum. Freely Give, and freely the Muslims give the greeting of Wa-Aiaikum-Salaam. Now I can sing the same song, but with a different meaning.
Islam Brought Complete Change In My Way Of Life By Brother James X Natlor Represa, Calif.
I have often wondered how I could tell someone, on paper, "What Islam has done for me." This may sound strange to another Muslim and a follower of our divine Leader and Teacher, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. A brother in Islam, and he cannot find the way to tell about all of the wonderful changes that took place in his life when he "accepted" Islam?
not mean one or two changes; it I was a full and complete change, a new life. IN THIS NEW birth (the birth of me to Islam); I now know the real meaning of love and respect for self and kind. I have been taught who God (Allah) is. I have been taught who our Saviour is (the Black man's Saviour). I have been taught by our Divine Saviour's words, the only way to the salvation for the Black man, and, I have been taught who the Colored man is, and what he is. All of these wonderful teachings and many others have I learned since accepting Islam and following the teachings of Mr. Elijah Muhammad.
IF ISLAM had made one or two changes in my life; this would be easy; very easy to talk about. But one or two changes made in the way of the life that I was living would not have made too much difference (good changes, that is). What I needed was a new way of life. OH YES! Lest I forget. I Islam gave me this new life as would like to give Islam the taught to us by our divine leader BLACK WOMEN apply multi-skilled hands to and teacher, the Most Honorable credit for making a real man of the making of machinery in the Delta Rethe BOY that I had been so long sources Development Center at Greenville, Elijah Muhammad. 1
T l
displaced farm laborers are learning new skills in electronics and machinery. Instructors say Black workers, who for years nutured the
Who Ordered Their Destruction? S e e In
N e w
P a n t h e r
F r a m e - U p s
P e r s e c u t i o n s
trict Attorney Frank S. Hogan announced the indictment by a grand jury which charged the Black defendants with plotting to destroy "the power structure." Scooping up most of the- Black people indicted, the cops made arrests as if they were after Al I Capone, John Dillinger or Bonnie j and Clyde. Heavily-armed and wearing bullet-proof vests, they crashed into the homes of the Panthers sought, or homes in which they were visiting friends in the wee hours of the morning. Detectives made summary arrests of persons on the premises. A few of the Panthers indicted are still at large as this report WHO IS p l o t t i n g against is filed and a dragnet is out for whom? Twenty-one members of them as are all public enemies the—Black Panther Party were number one. indicted here April 2 for allegedAll of those arrested were arly planning to dynamite several raigned by Supreme Court Judge city department stores, a police Charles Marks who held each in station and the tracks of a com- $100,000 bail. Defense attorney muter railroad. Manhattan Dis- Gerald Lefcourt complained that
By Joe Walker (Muhammad Speaki Now York Editor) NEW YORK—"Bomb Plot is Laid to 21 Panthers" read the h e a d l i n e in the N.Y. Times, "Cops Say Cuba Aids Panthers," screamed the front page of the N.Y. Dally News, "Seek Panther Link to Stolen $" indicated the N.Y. Post. Even the Amsterdam News, Harlem's home publication had a banner r e a d i n g , "Break Up Easter Bomb Plot," and its story read like a police press release, without any quoted observations from any Black Panthers or other Afro-Americans.
the indictments were "an attack on the Black Panthers directed from Washington. The desire of the government to wipe out the Panther party is obvious," he said.
The court rejected pleas by another defense lawyer, noted civil rights-and-liberties attorney William M. Kunstler. He termed the bail "ransom," and the 21-count indictment (including conspiracy to murder, arson, reckless endangerment and possession Of weapons and explosives) as "a frame-up." The judge plugged his ears and accused Kunstler of playing to the press when the distinguished legal crusader for the rights of A m e r i c a ' s oppressed compared the charges against the New York Panther Party 21 with the Reichstag fire in Germany in February 7, 1933, Hitler and the Nazis used the fire, which actually took place as opposed to the alleged Panther bombings which never happened, SECTION OF demonstrators outside Criminal Courthouse in to launch an assault on many of Manhattan in support of the Black Panther Party raised questheir opponents. Most historians tions of their peculiar persecution. of the Hitler-Nazi era believe that the Reichstag fire was acJOHANNESBURG, South Afri- salary increase was put down by tually planned and carried out MIRIAM MAKEBA (Mrs. Stokely Carmichael) announced she ca—Earlier this week, 170 Indian the Natal housemen and interns, by the Nazis themselves for their will present five benefit concerts in Algiers, Algeria to help finance and colored physicians had re- who petitioned for years to gain first Pan African Cultural festival to be held in July. (Continued on page 24) signed at hospitals in Durban a salary increase. They say that and Pietermaritzburg, because a the increase on their already low cruel disproportion in salary, be- salary, would still leave them tween their wages and that of far behind the whites. The white medics. white medics in this racist socieAs M U H A M M A D SPEAKS ty are slated to receive an inwent to press, another 40 medics crease in wages. A Message of Truth . . . Mightier Than The Sword! were expected to resign. In was also r e v e a l e d that TIME AREA STATION DIAL. KC DAY 8 P.M The Johannesburg Star com- South African Medical and DenAKRON. OHIO WCUE 1150 SUN. 5:00 P.M. ATLANTA—GRIFFIN, GA WERD 860 SUN. mented: " I f a Cabinet agrees to tal Council-meeting in C a p e 3:00 P.M. ATLANTIC CITY—VINELAND. N. J WDVL 1270 SUN. (TIMES LISTED parity in doctors' salaries, it Town, has apparently decided 12:30 P.M. BALTIMORE, MD WSID 1010 SUN. ARE LOCAL) must accept parity for salaries not to take any action over ra7:30 P.M. BIRMINGHAM, ALA XERF 1570 SUN. of the d i f f e r e n t race groups cial differences in the doctors' 2 P.M. BOSTON, MASS WILD 1090 SAT. through out the public and prov- salaries. 4 P.M. BOSTON, MASS WILD 1090 SUN. incial service." BUFFALO, N.Y WUFO 1080 SUN. 10:30 A.M. In Cape Town, Dr. A. Radford, 5:30 P.M. CHICAGO, ILL WJOB 1230 SUN. a council member, said: 2:00 P.M. CHICAGO ILL WYLO 540 SUN. THE IMPLICATIONS of the " I t is a tragedy that it should L I S T E N t o 6:30 A.M. CINCINNATI, OHIO WDAOI07.7FM SUN. fight go beyond the current battle have come to this, but I feel CLEVELAND. OHIO WABQ 1640 SUN. I 30 A.M. over wages, a political corre- n o n - w h i t e doctors have been 6:30 P.M. DALLAS, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. spondent with the Star suggest- very patient. This matter has 6:30 A.M. DAYTON OHIO WDAOI07.7FM SUN. ed. The salary differential be- been dragging on for a long M r . DETROIT. MICH WGPR-FM 107.5 SUN. 12:00 NOON 6:30 P.M. DETROIT, MICH WCHB 1440 SUN. tween South A f r i c a ' s various time." DURHAM, N.C. WSRC 1410 SUN. 10:00 A.M. races is "one of the cornerstones 5:30 P.M. GARY. IND WJOB 1230 SUN. PROFESSIONAL of the current structure in the 5:30 P.M MUHAMMAD HAMMOND, IND WJOB 1230 SUN. cohn country," and he predicted 5:30 P.M HARVEY ILL WJOB 1230 SUN. 6:30 P.M. that the government cannot be HOUSTON, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. JACKSON, MISS XERF 1570 SUN. expected to yield fully, the cor6:30 P.M. KANSAS CITY, MO XERF 1570 SUN. respondent indicated. Every W e e k 6:30 P.M. LITTLE ROCK, ARK XERF 1570 SUN. The offer of a 15 per cent 10:00 P.M. LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 MON. 10:00 P.M, LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 TUES. DO 3-9223 10:00 P.M. LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 WED. A Convenience Designed To Help You OFFICE: 10:00 P.M. KE 6-5045 a""*"* LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 THURS. O n t h e R a d i o 75c Per Week For 10:00 P.M. FLOYD SCAVENGER LOS ANGELES. CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 FRI. 7:30 A.M. Block Club Members - SERVICE LOS ANGELES. CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 SUN. 3:30 P.M. Join Today PROMPT EFFICIENT MEMPHIS, TENN K-WAM 990 SUN. 5:30 A.M. LICENSED - INSURED MIAMI—FT. LAUDERDALE. FLA WFAB 990 SUN. P h o n e : 6 5 1 - 6 8 5 8 For Details 10:30 A.M. Station MILWAUKEE, WIS WAWA I02FM SUN. 5 9 2 6 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. Chicago, Illinois 2:00 P.M. MILWAUKEE. WIS WYLO 540 SUN. _ _ _ _ _ _ CHICAGO, i n 4:00 P.M. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN KUXL 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. N E W Y O R K MONROE. LA XERF 1570 SUN. C H I C A G O 6:30 P.M. NASHVILLE, TENN XERF 1570 SUN. In Y o u r A r e a 7:00 A. M. 616 EAST /1st SIREET NEWBURGH, N.Y WFMN 103FM SUN. 6:30 P.M. NEW ORLEANS. LA XERF 1570 SUN. PHONf 483 1668 6:30 P.M. N E W YORK, N.Y.—NEWARK. N.J WBNX 1380 SUN. NORFOLK, VA WHIH 1400 SUN. I 2:00 NOON 10:00 A.M. PEORIA. ILL WPEO 1020 SUN. 9:00 P.M. PHILADELPHIA, PA WHAT 1340 SUN. 7:30 P.M. Listed OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:00 P.M. PITTSBURGH. PA WAMO-FM 106 SUN. 6:45 A.M. PROVIDENCE, R.I WILD 1090 SUN. I :00 P.M, RICHMOND—PETERSBURG. Va WANT 990 SUN. 6:30 P.M. L O N G '5' , " ' SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. iiere SAN FRANCISCO—OAKLAND, CALIF KMPX-FM 107 SUN. I I :00 P.M. 105 0 5 ' .1)1 t i l . )" 9:00 A.M. SAN DIEGO. CALIF XEGM 95 SUN. (at 1 0 5 t h St.j 6:30 P.M. ST. LOUIS, MO XERF 1570 SUN. CORONA, Li., N Y 8:30 P.M. TUSCALOOSA. ALA XERF 1570 SUN. PH O N t T W 9 - 9 6 3 i t a u n i ^ C A l IDTf A l IQ i^PPX/ITF
Non-White Medics Reject Small Pay Hike Offer In South Africa
Makeba In Algiers
5 #
O f *
'f * >, ? •
Police Raids on National Scale Show U.S. Govt. Conspiracy Against Blacks
from page 23)
APRIL 18, 1969
» - (
Support Black Business
the lies by capitalists and racists, from the Nixons, the Rockefellers, and all their pig lackeys, to the boot-licking cultural nationalists and black capitalists. They are the real conspirators where we see their obvious attempts to destroy the Panther Party's l e a d e r s h i p . They, of course, try to do this by murders, jailings, unfair court trials, the forcing of Eldridge Cleaver nto exile and the imprisonment of Huey P. Newton."
cy to smash, the Black Panther | Party," he said. A more youthful but earnest Panther s u p p o r t e r is Robert j N e w t o n, on the coordinating | committee of the New York High D A V I D BROTHERS, deputy ; School Student Union and a pupil chairman of the New York State at Brandeis High School. He said Panther Party told MUHAMMAD that the "Panthers have been SPEAKS that "historically, all beaten, busted, murdered and reactionary forces (the pig powexiled all over the country" and er structure and their 'cultural' accused the local police and ""Negro capitalist lackeys) on the press with executing the plot verge of extinction invariably against the Panthers. He pledged conduct a d e s p e r a t e struggle j BROTHERS insists that the that high school students will against the revolutionary forces. New York Panther 21 must be | take to the street in demonstraAnd some people are apt to be j tions to free 21 Panthers. deluded for a time by this phe- set free, as well as Huey Newton Among the 21 Panthers indictin California and all other politinomenon of outward strength but i ed in the so-called plot is 19cal prisoners in this country. It inner weakness of the power | y e a r -o 1 d student nurse Joan structure, failing to grasp the es- suggests that Black support must | Bird, subject of a feature story rally around these causes as a sential fact that the enemy is I in the March 28th edition of MUnearing extinction while we are national resistance against the HAMMAD SPEAKS—titled "Popower structure which is "impernearing victory." lice Acted as Judge, Jury, Exeialistic, capitalistic and racist." Brothers, who was last year Immediate supporters of the icutioners: 'Now Every Night I brutally assaulted by off-duty "Panther 21" in New York City Wake Up Screaming. . . " ' In city cops in a Brooklyn court- i n c l u d e actor-playwright Ossie that story Miss Bird told MS house, said that the two million, Davis, who served as a MC at a , how she was kidnapped, beaten one hundred thousand dollars rally in Central Park following | and tortured by city cops. Never bail and the charges against the the recent peace march in the before arrested or brutalized, the 21 N.Y.C. Panthers is "absurd city of upwards of 50,000 people. young Panther sister indicated and outrageous." He further re- Davis called for all concerned that she was suing the city for REV. JESSE JACKSON I I . ) , head of Operation Breadbasket, marked that Panthers "would people to contribute to the de- one million dollars for the terri- economic arm of Southern Christian Leadership Conference not waste dynamite on the blow- fense of the Panther 21 by mail- fying ordeal she underwent from confers with SCLC leader. Rev. Ralph Abernatny concerning project to promote Black support of Black businesses throughing up of some jive railway sta- ing contributions to: Legal De- N.Y.C. police. out America. tions and department stores sim- fense Fund. Black Panther ParMUHAMMAD SPEAKS learned ply because some of our own ty, Box, 1224, Brooklyn, N.Y. that Joan Bird's mother and people would be killed and we 11202. father were brushed aside and know this is completely wrong Other backers of the Panthers ignored when cops busted into when it comes to organizing the in the current assault against her home and seized her. The LAGOS, Nigeria—Federal gov-1 as Ovim and Haba, both within people against the demigod poli- them is the Students for a Dem- Panther round-up and alleged ernment forces in Nigeria said j 16 miles of Umuahia. Federal ticians, the avaricious business- ocratic Society. David Gilbert of "conspiracy" plot is reminiscent forces also claimed the capture they have resumed efforts to j men and the racist pig police SDS's New York regional office of other plots alleged by police of Ezeukwu, a t i n ^ rebel-held vilroute rebel forces from territo- lage south of the city of Afikpo. forces." declared that the "Panthers are in recent years. These include ries they have illegally occupied He said that Panthers nation- revolutionaries, not terrorists. If the blowing up of the Statue of We Are Big Enough To Serve You in the Eastern area. Liberty and the killing of moderthere is any conspiracy at all, wide are urging Black people to . . . Nor Too Big To Appreciate You/ In a major offensive, Nigerian ate civil rights leaders. In the "scorn, denounce and destroy there is a national-wide conspiraREED'S other two cases, as in the so- forces have taken two towns CUSTOM P L A S T I C called Panther plot, no act was near the secessionist stronghold ever committed and the only of Umuahia. The areas were FURNITURE COVERS "evidence" was the word of po- identified in an official bulletin G l a s s Clear Vinyl Or New Pastel Colors lice informers and spies. Finest Quality Work At Lowest Prices 933-4297 933-9380 Furniture Cleaned—Each Cushion Fitted Many people have not forgotB O N D E D A N D INSURED Separately With Zippers And Airvents ten the deadly attack by cops in Three A Cleaning Service Free Estimates—Easy Terms (Continued from page 12) Janitorial, Rugs, Carpet. W a l l Washing save Fred Ahmed Evans from a Los A n g e l e s on a Muslim We Accept All Major Credit Cords and Furniture Cleaning Mosque, killing one Black man horrible death in the electric Call TY 4-5064 Day or Night tee, Post Box 2404, East CleveHFWIMIiaC- ?OOA M to 11:30AM and wounding others. Add to this chair. RtH HUUKS. 8:00 p.M. to 10:30 P.M. 8629 GRAND RfVER at linsdaie land, Ohio, 44112. Detroit, Mich. DETROIT, MICHIGAN Meanwhile, attorneys for Fred the recent attack on a Detroit Rep.: Bogons church where Black nationalists Ahmed Evans, Black lawyers PART OF the defense strategy were conducting a national meetby Ahmed Evans' lawyers may Stanley E. Tolliver and partner ing, and one wonders loudly how ROY'S T.V. SALES & SERVICE C. W. Flemings, say their lives be based on reports of the CounBRING SET IN-SAVE $ $ 5 much more of this brute force W e Also Repar and Sell Radios. Changers. Color T.V s and Stereos ty coroners on victims of the were threatened repeatedly as repression, arrest without crime Hours D a i l y 9 A.M. to 7 P.M., Sat. 9 A.M. K> 5 P.M. July 23rd shoot-out. The coro- jury selection neared a closed. A or cause is in store for AfroWork and Parts Guaranteed ner's findings indicate that at s e c r e t a r y for the attorney's, Americans in the summer of 11810 DEXTER DETROIT, MICH. Mrs. Wills, said she recieved least two of the murdered police1969. PHONE: 883-2606 four or five phone calls threatenmen had been killed by other police instead of Evans. It also ing to kill Tolliver at his office. CLARK SERVICE STATION showed that the police had been She said the voices were distinctD O Y O U SUFFER F R O M 12600 E. JEFFERSON ly those of white men. drinking very heavily that day. Neot Novahoe A R T H R I T I S , R H E U M A T I S M , When Evans asked that the atGIFT STAMPS ON fltt-UP In its first official act, the jury DOUBLE STAMPS ON TUESDAY torneys release themselves from will be taken out to view LakeM U S C U L A R A C H E S & DETROIT, MICHIGAN view Ave. in East Cleveland his case to prevent risking their Under New Management lives, the two Black lawyers, in where the July 23 gun-battle beBOB M O O R E P A I N S , A N D TIRED FEET? tween Blacks and the Cleveland a bold statement to MUHAMMAD police took place. A careful un- SPEAKS said: folding of the facts surrounding "Our Black manhood would the case of Fred Ahmed Evans not permit us to be intimidated A PEANUT may still defeat the racist de- by any white man. We refuse to PRODUCT signs of the Cleveland courts and quit!" T R Y IT TODAY! own purposes. (One such authority is Alan Bullock, author of "Hitler, A Study in Tyranny," Harper and Row, 1962.)
Nigeria Army Hits Rebels
Ahmed Evans Trial in C/eve. A Typical Racist Frame-up
o & c MARKET OUR OWN BEEF SAUSAGE Complete line o l kosher food N E W
11331 LINWOOD AT LAWRENCE Detroit, Michigan PHONE: 883-6374
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Dr. George Washington Carver's greatest gift for the relief of pain. See for yourself! a . w . c u r t i s $ : t 5 LABORATORIES "^.N-r 4 5 4 Farnsworth RI 8-4692 Detroit 2, Mich. SALESMEN WANTED BECOME A SALESMAN IN YOUR AREA
APRIL 18, 1969
Mace Burns Man's Face Police Brutalize Black Family By Lonnie Kashif
(Mc-ha'niftid Speaks Wosh.nylon Bureau)
OXON HILL, M d - S e v e r a l miles from the Black "ghettos" of Washington. D C , in the plush neighboring suburbs, white cops, bent upon inflicting pain upon Blacks, swooped down upon a well-to-do Black family, hurling chemicals and destroying "private property." THIS REPORTS comes from the principal victim, Leroy B. Murray, a 45-year-old veteran who related his ordeal to MUHAMMAD SPEAKS ' My hands were handcuffed behind my back. And then this officer came up with this chemical, a few inches from my face and ju>: shot it all in my face. "My wife told him he didn't have to do that. Then he spit in my face. Then he kicked me three or four times while I had my hands tied behind me. Then he carried me to the car, and slammed the door on my leg two or three times. "Then they carried me to the precinct. This officer grabbed me in the collar, stomped my feet, and when we got there they spit in my face, and would not let me wash the chemical off. It was all in my eyes. Then they charged me with all sorts of violations and what not. " Mr. M u r r a y ' s ordeal began when he decided to burn some trash in his backyard. He told MUHAMMAD SPEAKS that the fire "went a bit out of control, up an e m b a n k m e n t " several yards from his house. "We called the fire department," Murray said. But to his dismay, the firemen not only put out the fire on the embankment, but proceeded onto his property, dowsing his wife and property SOUTH REFRIGERATION ft ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SALiS AND SERVICE
Store: 2609 Calvert, Detroit, Mich. 883-333?
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Detroit, Mich.
Phone: 8 7 1 - 9 7 4 3
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with the full blast of the hose. Murray said that he ordered the firemen off his property, but they insisted on harassing him, despite the fact that there was no longer any fire to fight. In the course of the argument, Murray recalled, his son, standing -ome 20 feet away, yelled to the firemen "to leave." The son supp o s e d l y held what firemen thought to be a pistol. Muiray stated that he urged the firemen to call the police. But when the police arrived, immediately the setting changed to something resembling "Detroit" 1 D.C. The NAACP, D.C. Human Relations or "Watts." "Six squad cars FACE SCORCHED BY POLICE chemicals, Leroy B. Murray, 46, was victim of barbaric, Council, and Maryland State Investigation pulled up, two officers to a car. Department are looking into case. "Then they came running—this ! unprovoked police onsluaght in Ozon Hill, one particularly. This 'J. Ander- j Md., middle-class suburb of Washington, son,' was his name . . . like a mad man. Charging up the hill toward my house, hollering let me at him. let me get that s o b. (Continued from page 18) : the community in planning the Therefore, the nursing staff has with the gun." Kevin, Murray's son, was in cians are further restrained by j Community Mental Health Center to decide which one p a t i e n t the house, and M u r r a y was lack of ventilation, lack of space | (CMHC). The Harlem community needs which one machine most. The overcrowding is unbelievafrantically trying to get the offi- and equipment. For example, I is currently involved in planning cers' attention to "discuss" the they have only one microscope | the center to be built 10 years ble. The hospital was built and j from now. An interim CMHC is equipped to handle 550 beds but problem. functioning properly and it must "Then they started trying to be rotated among the nine. Such to be open soon and the commu- seldom do patients number less break into my house. And this Is a lack of personnel and equip- j nity has been refused copies of than 800, often it is over 1,000. how it started. They didn't ask ment may cause one-to-two day i the interim center plans. This The workers are overworked and any questions. They kept saying, delays in giving doctors lab re- ; center is not by and not for the underpaid but many of them re'get that gun,' "let me shoot the sults and information as to what ! Black c o m m u n i t y . The staff, main on their jobs simply beagain, has been ordered not to cause of a love and a desire to black s.o.b.' drugs should be used, if any. In Though 46, and a disabled WW a hospital, one or two days may discuss these plans with any help their community. community people. I I veteran, Murray weights 275 be a lifetime. A new hospital has been under pounds, and is more than a j construction for the last eight On the psychiatric ward presAlthough drug addiction and match for any two men. Someyears. Tenants were first evacu; alcoholism are major problems ently operating at Harlem Hospihow he managed to get between ated from the block in 1950—19 tal, straight jackets are still in ' in the community, there are only the police and his doorway. years ago—where the new build115 beds set aside for drug ad- use, doors locked, rooms—small ing stands idle. With the present, " I told them that they couldn't and crowded . . . more like a I diets and only 25 beds for alcoold building in such poor shape break down my door. If they prison than a hospital. Another i holies at Harlem Hospital. There — personnel-wise, fund-wise and wanted to get in, I would let indication of how these patients I is a Methadon Research Unit run equipment-wise, how does the them in, but they didn't have a I by Beth Israel Hospital and fu- are treated like prisoners—the city plan to operate the new warrant and they weren't going dish sterilizer was broken for ! ture plans are for more methaHarlem Hospital? to break down my door." over three months during which j don programs, where one drug The "mad dog" officer took ! (methadon) is substituted for an- time patients were served on pahis gun and began to beat him, j other (heroin). per plates. These plates had BLACK STATE S E N A T O R Murray said. "Then I just let been stored in the basement hall- Basil Paterson has called on him have it. The gun went one THE PSYCHIATRY division of ways where the cats and rats Health, Education and Welfare way and the black jack anoth- ! Harlem Hospital could be highly roam around. Secretary Robert H. Finch to deer." beneficial to Black jreople if it Of further note, psychiatrists clare Harlem, and any other After that, the hefty veteran | was controlled by Black people, who work part-time get $50 per low-income areas without aderecalled, there was tremendous | which it is not. Whites, through session. This encourages them to quate medical services, "a disasscuffling. Twelve police and one : this department, try to adjust see as many patients as possible er area." The medical care situBlack man. The pitched battle ' Black people to this society—to with as little time as possible ation for Blacks and Puerto R: the slums, the rats, the welfare, given to each. cans in NYC certainly is calam (Continued on page 3 0 ) etc. Yet, qualified Black personous! nel know that the society is the IN GENERAL, there are many W I L L ' A R T E G I F T S H O P problem and know how to get obsolete conditions at Harlem Has The Latest Records By AH The I JUICY, TENDER their Black patients to deal with Hospital. In the hospital's main POPULAR RECORDING STARS M it. building there is only D.C. cur10521 MACK AVENUE The p s y c h i a t r y department rent. Most hospital equipment DETROIT, MICHIGAN director has issued an order for- has A C. current and so one AC PHONE: 821-6790 bidding staff to participate with plug was installed in each ward. YMtY.SUNIWlR
Black Care In Harlem Hospital
— Repairing A n d Alterations
Cleaning — Pressing
W e Operate Our Own Plant
i t ANCH stoats
12201.12th ST. 0925 OAKLAND TO 8-4004 501D CHENE DETROIT, MICH.
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W» Deliver $4 OO Order or Softer
8 6 9 - 2 1 16
Dept. Of Agriculture Uc. . 6 9 0 3 5 *
APRIL Iff, «69
O n Life By BAYYINAH SHARRIEFF Upon visiting the hospital in Khartoum, the capital of the Republic of the Sudan, one from a western society, such as America, would find quite a difference in hospital procedures. Being in a warm climate the hospital in the Sudan has balconies by which one passes from room to room, and ward to ward instead of the long halls, as is the case in hospitals in the colder climates. These balconies are around every floor and building in the hospital. There are not many heavy thick doors in the h o s p i t a l s . Wooden blinds and shutters are used as doors. One does not have to pay for hospital benefits in the Sudan. An i l l person has merely to go to the hospital for aid, and they are then directed to that section of the hospital for the specific illness which is present. THE HOSPITAL grounds reminded me of a small university campus, for it is comprized of many buildings which are within a high wall fence. Guards are posted on the gates, but are more for emergency use rather than a preventive or guard duty. There are no specific visiting hours to these hospitals. Whatever time one can visit the sick, they are welcomed. There are no limits to the number of visitors the patient can have, nor limit to the age of the visitor, unless the patient has an illness which may endanger the lives of the visitors. In America the hospitals rules and restrictions on visitors often offend or hinder the would be visitor as you all know. The atmosphere is more relaxed in the Muslim Sudanese hospital than in the American hospital in general. The patient is more relaxed and comfortable in the Sudan for some members of his family are allowed to stay (live) with him in his room, regardless to who the patient is or how much money he has. When one stops to think of this factor one can see many benefits to this system: The patient feels comfort in knowing that a loving member of his family is with him. He always has someone to talk to him about peoples and subjects which are familiar to him. He always has someone to come to his aid and call immediately, for this is like having a private nurse's aid. This does not do away with nurses or nurses' aids. They are still employed by the hospital, and make their visits and perform their duties. AMERICA knows that the love, care and attention which a patient receives helps the improve-
ment and progress of the patient. The doctor in the Sudan is paid a specific salary by the government. He is therefore a government employee. The doctor's greed for money is thus absent and therefore does not affect the degree of aid or care that the doctor administers to his patients. This is unlike American doctors in general who are more interested in the monetary benefits to caring for the sick. Every Sudanese doctor in the Sudan must give a certain number of hours a week to the government hospitals. They are provided with housing facilities by the government for themselves and their families and are the highest paid professionals in the Sudan. Medical aid and assistance is a governmental benefit in the Sudan. One does not have to pay for medicine. The hospital issues the medicine (fills the prescriptions) to those who need it — free of charge. When the prescription needs a refill they must return to the hospital for the medicine. There is no such thing as insurance or hospitalization in the Sudan. There is no need, for the Sudanese know that Allah is God, and on God do they rely. Allah see's all, hears all, and know's all, and nothing happens to us without it being His Will. If it is time for one to die, it is time. In the Muslim Sudanese society, one knows this and there is no need for having insurance. INSURANCE has become a large "racket" in America. And, one finds that one pays all one's life for life after death. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to rely on Allah, and turn to Him for help with our ills. In the society which we live (America) which is contrary to good and filled with many infections resulting in illnesses from the product of grafting the filthy white man, one is exposed" to many diseases.
7 6 1 4 MACK DiTROIT, MICHIGAN Home Of The Asiatic Beon Soup The Submorine S a n d w i c h Home M a d e Pies C O O K , SIS. ETHEL 2X Open Dc.ly 7 00 A . M . to 9:00 P.M.
Hong Kong Flu Replaced By "Influenza B" Wants To Help Black People In Marks, Miss.
WHEEL CITY RECORD SHOP Latest Hits LP's, 45's and Tapes Needles and Accessories
1 2 6 2 4 E. J E F F E R S O N A V E .
Ph.n.: 823-3222 Detroit, Midi. — A MRS F. JACKSON JR PROFS MM J . & R. B A K E R Y Sp*c.ol>,e if Home Mode Pastry Beoo Pies, Wheat Cokes Bread Weddmg A Birthday Cakes 8413 GRATIOT, also 1 T639 LINWOOD DETROIT, MICH. Phono: 922-8510
(Bet. M o n t c l a i r & F r e n c h
Detroit, Mich. ''America's
A V E .
Phone: Black
1 2 1 / 2 3
Hear the Life-Giving Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad O N
in Boston,
331-5030 Bookstore"
T W O L O C A T I O N S T O SERVE Y O U ( # 1 )
Georgia Daniels are her two sons, James 10 and Darwin, 7. A t Cole's left is Howard Patterson, vice president of the group, and Sidney Hill of the executive board.
ATLANTA — Was a time when common ailment susceptible gen- its predecessor. First indications influenza, or flu, was a relatively erally to a prescribed treatment of the newcomer occurred in routine. Now, however, with a Contra Costa county (Calif.) durtechnologically - minded civiliza- ing February, and in Anchorage, tion making extensive use of Alaska. various chemical compounds, the The illness is characterized, as flu has become a major illness. are other influenza strains, by SOME YEARS AGO, there was fever, cough and myalgia (musthe Asiastic strain of influenza. cle pains). DEAR EDITOR: In more recent years, up to and Can you get some of the ad- including last winter, it was the jdresses of the people in Marks, Hong Kong strain. DR. HOWARD L. SIMS Mississippi, so we can send them Now, the National CommunicaOptometrist food and clothes or money as ble Disease center reports out1 2 2 3 8 DEXTER you have stated in Muhammad breaks of an entirely new strain, Speaks this week. Our people labelled "Influenza B " which Is DETROIT. MICH. seem to be in awful shape. 8 6 9 - 7 0 7 0 or 8 6 9 - 7 0 7 1 supposedly a milder form than Please let us hear from you as soon as possible. MYRTLE A P P L I A N C E S & FURNITURE May Allah bless you all and .V£M" A AD USED keep you. REFRIGERATORS, SJOVES 6 W A S H I N G MACHINES AS-SALAAM-ALAIKUM REPAIRED 8 G U A R A N T E E D DELIVERY SERVICE SAX WATKINS 8625 LINWOOD AT PINGREE SAVANA, NEW YORK PHONE: 897-0079
If we follow what he teaches us, "How To Eat To Live," and refuse indulging in drugs, and beverages which are harmful to our bodies, and keep our minds on the channels of good (Islam), we eliminate the chances of our needing these policies of protection ( i n s u r a n c e ) which often handicap us (financially) for the rest of our lives. It is one of the desires of the H o n o r a b l e Elijah Muhammad and the Muslims to have our own Muslim hospital.
1 0 7 2 1 F I N E
W I D O W OF POLICEMAN Willie J. Daniels receives check for $ 1,000 on behalf of American-Negro Police Association, from Officer Lester A . Cole, president of the communitym i n d e d p o l i c e organization. With Mrs.
A V E .
Saturdays 2 P . M .
Sundays 4 P.M.
O n Radio S t a t i o n W I L D
1 0 9 0
C h a o t i c
A f t e r m a t h
( C o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 ) armed army, white South Africa, Geingob said, "A person can have military might but there is another thing called will. The United States is the most industrialized country in the world with the most modern-equipped armed forces and yet they have been bogged down in the war in Viet Nam for many years. The Vietnamese people are determined to run their own lives and so are Namibians." He reported that South Africa is trying to create "buffer areas" in South West Africa, uprooting Namibians by the thousands and re-establishing them in locations distant from the white cities. This creates logistical problems for the Namibia Freedom Fighters but they are working out new underground ways of moving military supplies. The reason the South African '""devils" are instituting this scheme is to create concentration camps isolated from white-populated areas where tanks and troops can encircle it and cut it off or bomb it to oblivion m the event of any general rebellion or uprising. Namibians have been petitioning, patiently, to the international community to come and help them for over 40 years. Nothing came of it! No world power, responded to their pleas. "The so-called highest court in the world, the International Court of Justice threw out our case (brought by Liberia and Ethiopia on their behalf) after six years of hearings and deliberations on July 18, 1966," lamented Geingob. "After "TKatPthere "was no other recourse but to take up arms," he said. "We have no other choice. We would rather die than suffer peacefully." The Blacks of South West Africa permitted plenty of time for peaceful, legal resolution of their right to their own land. They suffered and endured as best they could during that time. When that world body decreed against them (by an 8-to-7 vote), their course of action was clear to them. In 1967 the white South African oppressors seized 37 SWAPO leaders in Namibia, took them to Pretoria in South Africa and metered out justice in 5-year, 20-year and life-sentences. All were tried under South Africa's Terrorism Act, with attempting to overthrow the existing rule of South *Africa, and to replace it with a government representative of the majority of the people in South West Africa or Namibia. The trial ran from August, 1967 to February of last year, perhaps to emphasize its "stay in line, get back" message to Namibians. Among the accusedconvicted was Toivo Hermann ja Toivo, secretary for the Northern region for the South West African People's Organization. MUHAMMAD SPEAKS published Toiva's entire indictment of the court and people who brought him to trial and imposed their will on Namibians last year. In part, it read, "We are Namibians and not South Africans. We do not now, and will not in the future recognize your right to govern us; to make laws for us in which we have no say; to treat our country as if it were your property and as if you were our masters. ". . . Is it surprising that in such times my N
M u r d e r
o f
countrymen have taken up arms? Violence is truly fearsome, but who would not defend his property and himself against a robber? And we believe that South Africa has robbed us of our country. "A man does not have to be formally educated to know," Toivo instructed his pale South African judges, "that he wants to live with his family where he wants to live, and not where the official chooses to tell him to live; to move about freely and not require a pass; to earn a decent wage; to be free to work for the person of his choice for as long as he wants; and finally, to be ruled by the people that he wants to be ruled by, and not by those who rule him because they have more guns than he has." The stiff penalties handed out to these 37 Freedom Warriors doesn't frighten the Namibians, insists Geingob. He said that his countrymen expect more imprisonment of their lot, the death of more Namibians, and that is the price that has to be paid to win freedom and independence. Peasants in Namibia are catching hell as the wrath of the racist South African forces is taken out on them, especially after white South Africans have been mauled or successfully ambushed by Namibian guerrillas. Over 1,000 Namibia peasants recently fled to Zambia, according to Geingob, to escape being burned alive in their huts, brutally tortured or otherwise killed. But most peasants remain despite the oppression, and aid the underground, looking forward to the day that their land will be truly theirs. The suffering of Namibians dates back to the beginning of the 20th century when Germany invaded their land. The Germans in the early 1900s exterminated thousands of Namibians, sterilized thousands of Nambian women while thousands of other Namibians fled to other places in Africa. "Since the racist governments of South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese colonies are coordinating their efforts, we in the liberation struggles in southern Africa are coordinating our fights too," reU.S.
S t o o g e
vealed Geingob. He said that once the liberation of Angola and Mozambique is accomplished, South West Africans or Namibians will have a base to operate from. South Africa, he concedes, recognizes this too, and that is why they are sending their troops to aid those other racist "imposters." The Namibian leader urges financial support from Afro-Americans for the liberation struggles in southern Africa. "After all, the Jewish American significantly supports Israel," he points out, in an admonition. Cash (in the form of checks or money orders) can be sent to the O.A.U. (Organization of African Unite) Liberation Committee, Dar es Saam, Tanzania to aid all the struggles for liberation in southern Africa, or to SWAPO (South West African People's Organization), P.O. Box 2603, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania earmarked for the Namibia freedom fight. Geingob expressed appreciation to MUHAMMAD SPEAKS for the coverage given the battle for independence in Namibia. "MUHAMMAD SPEAKS is to be congratulated," he said, "for being the only newspaper in the United States to adequately cover developments in Africa. It is to the shame of the daily press here that they distort or ignore what is going on in Africa. It is to the everlasting credit of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS that its millions of readers get a true picture of the war in my country and what is occurring elsewhere in Africa." Big Western businessmen say that they desire to invest abroad where there are stable governments. South Africa, they claim, is a stable and peaceful land. What does Geingob say about this? "Peace by force is not peace. Peace without justice is not peace," is his answer. " I t may seem tranquil temporarily to the investors and corporation owners but they are going to get the shock of their lives when we begin to 'touch' their property. "Our freedom and victory is not going to come tomorrow," he said, as we concluded our interview. "It may take 10 or more years but we are going to hit where it hurts," he said.
N a t i o n s t o M e e t o n
Six nations s u p p o r t i n g the , nounced in Manila recently. U n i t e d States involvement in It was not believed that parties Viet Nam, will meet in Bangkok j involved would make any efforts in late May, Philippine Foreign 11 o w a r d s a summit meeting Secretary Carlos P. Romulo, an- j among the war allies. GROCERIES AW Beef Products Fresh Farm Chickens
KOSHER FOODS Conveniently Located While Waiting For Your Haircut
High St. N a w a r k , N. J . 643-9401
V i e t
N a m
Romulo indicated that the confac will follow the annual ministerial meeting of the southeast Asia Treaty Organization scheduled in Bangkok May 20-21.
Cleaning - Dyeing Pressing - Repairing
Three Hour Service
Clinton A v e .
N E W A R K , N.J. Bro. Shelton X (Williams) Prop.
w o m a n
APRIL 18, 1969
WOMAN IN ISLAM By Tynetta Denear The commentators of the Holy Qur-an tell us that the time period of days given to the creation (being that of six periods) actually represent stages of growth or development into our present world, and that these sequals of the D i v i n e Mysteries can be further divided into combinations of 2 and 4 periods always making up the number six representing the present world order (see Surah 41:9-10). SO IT APPEARS, as substantiated by the Holy Qur-an, that the time cycle of Pluto's orbit contains pertinent symbolism to the course of our present study of the Black Man's History and the Work of the Mahdi. P l u t o ' s orbit fits into the time cycle of the stages referred to as the stages of creation equaling six. Two distinct Surahs (3 and 85) give us some spiritual tooLs which help to explain and define some of the natural phenomenon of science which is studied by the world's scholars to better understand the orbit of the religious science, prophecy and the age. Surah 3:189—"In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day, there are surely signs for men of understanding." Surah 85"1,2—"By the heaven full of stars! And the Promised Day!" MERELY A BRIEF survey of the teachings of the Honorable | Elijah Muhammad will reveal with clarity and definitiveness the true eloquence of the extent to which science and religion operate hand in hand in his masterful treatment of the science and Religion of Islam. The history of the black man and the grafted peoples FLAMES LICK at base of Christian cross taken from him (brown, red, yellow and white) make history cover- atop Catholic school in Philadelphia giving ing the years of which are measured by the circumference of our prophetic vision of impending disaster which awaits the white Christian west. The final Planet Earth (25,000 miles). fire, as pointed out by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad will befall the white world in
Marine Says "No" To War
U.S.-Backed Spies to be Executed
A 20-YEAR-OLD MARINE took sanctuary in a church after maintaining he will not fight for the United States even if it were to be invaded. Navy hospitalman 3C Robert Hamburger of Cincinnati left his post at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and sought political asylum in a near-by church after going AWOL. He told reporters from his secondfloor room at the Unitarian Society of Whittier, Calif., that men of the future "will stand up and say 'No' to war." "Hitler would have been nothing if the men of Germany had stood up and said 'No.'"
M a
S t o r e
R e s t a u r a n t
cused in the conspiracy, which one of the defendants admitted was backed by the United States. The prosecution had demanded the death penalty for five of the d e f e n d a n t s , life sentences for three, and 20-year terms for five. Nine other defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment. FIFTY-SIX persons were acSentenced to death was the al-
ALGERIA — Three men allegedly connected with the American State Department and the CIA recently were sentenced to death by a revolutionary court at Oran on a charge of conspiracy against the Algerian government.
M n
a a
n g
a r
C l o t h i n g
• • * *
S t o r e
leged head of the conspiracy, Krim Belkacem, 46. Belkacem, who r e p o r t e d l y was widely known to be c o n n e c t e d with America's CIA spy network, was one of the leaders of the Algerian uprising against France 15 years ago. He now lives in exile in P a r i s and was tried in absentia.
N g
payment for the bitter enslavement and oppression of Blacks. Fire at Philadephia Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic school completely demolished school and nearby convent. Firemen were unable to determine the cause of the fire.
S a n
n a
a g
Wanted: Warehouse Men Experienced In Cold Storage
Telephone: Mil seem CHICAGO. ILLINOIS
4 - 8 8 2 3
g e
e r
r s
APRIL 18, 1969
W a s h i n g t o n M o s q u e H o n o r s
OUTSTANDING SCHOLARS of Muhammad's University of Islam No. 4, attend Honor Students' Banquet, celebrated to encourage and inspire academic excellence. A t far left is
FESTIVE B A N Q U E T to honor educational achievement of students in Muhammad's University of Islam No. 4, Is held in Washington, D.C. The Muslim youths are inspired toward academic excellence by teachings of the LENNY'S
Our Specialty: African and Spanish American Literature )resses-Native Costumes- Carvings-Jewelryj Complete line of Arco Test Books Notary Public, Money Orders, Imported Bangles, Business and Personal Income T a x e j prepared, Accounting Records and Payrolls serviced. 1 0 % DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD 3 DEBEVOISE ST.
(1 Block South of Flushing »ve off Broodwoy)
Sister Donna X (Mayfield), Elementary Valedictorian, and far right, Sister Juanita X (Leeks), High School Valedictorian.
Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who consistently emphasizes importance of education and training in Black man's struggle to gain freedom, justice and equality.
Imported African-Asian O b j e c t s of A r t J e w e l r y a Leather a Gift Items SIS. EUNICE, PROP.
4 7 0 CONVENT AVE. (Nr. 151st ST.) N E W Y O R K CITY
AU 1-0428
rated festively in the class colors of the University of Islam—green and white for the elementary school, red and white for the senior high school. Each honor student had his space reserved for him at the banquet table as indicated by a nameplate designed for the occasion. The students and guests were entertained by vocalist Jay Wiggins and trumpeter Ronald 8X (Fauntroy), to the delight of all present. The high point of the banquet was the presentation of awards. Brother Willie 9X (Pruett), Dean of Boys, presented a gift certificate for a typewriter to Brother Gary X (Brahame) for his standing as the highest-ranking Brother in the senior high school. Sisi ter Memphis X (Fogg), Dean of [ Girls, presented a cash award to ! Sister Alicia X (Burkley), the (Continued on page 30)
Found New Life Thru Guidance Of Muhammad By Brother Perry X (Middleton) TamaL Calif. Since I became a believer in the Faith of Islam, my whole life has changed. I have been mentally, physically, morally and spiritually resurrected by t h e beautiful and divine teachings of Islam, guided by the most humble, wisest and fearless little man in America—the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, our Leader and Teacher. WHEN I WAS following the ways of our number one enemy, the white man, I thought robbing, lying, committing adultery and d i s r e s p e c t i n g the Black woman—the Mother of Human Civilization—were the only ways I could gain recognition. Day in and out, I just rottld not understand that our people are marked as being the number one race of suckers, in the eyes of all the independent nations of the world. The white man's race is, by Nature, the Black Man's number one enemy, and Christianity has been his master plan for deceiving the Black nations of the world.
MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA 6 7 0 N. W. 2 2 n d R D . (upstairs)
W E D . A FRI. 8 P . M . SUN. 2 P.M.
The Master Hair Designing
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PHONE: 663-9341
AL-AZHAR R E S T A U R A N T 6 LENOX AVE . Bet. 110th and 111th St. PHONE:
TAMPA, FLORIDA 2 1 0 8 M A I N STREET W E D . & FRI. 8 PjV S U N D A Y S 2:00 P.Mr
By Appointments Only
Leonard F. Weir, Prop. _ Thelmo F Wilioms. Dressmaker & Designer .
S t u d e n t s
WASHINGTON — Muhammad's University of Islam No. 4, recently held its first Honors Day Banquet, dedicated to students who have made o u t s t a n d i n g achievements during the past marking period. Minister Lonnie Shabazz, announcing the first Honors Day, toid the students, their parents and guests that "what they have achieved under the guidance of Messenger Elijah Muhammad is wonderful. It is our responsibility to encourage them and stimulate them to go on and do great things." The honored students were in two categories: Those with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, with no grades below C, were ranked on the class honor roll. Those with an average of 3.7 to 4.0, with no grades below B, were ranked on the University of Islam Honor Roll—the highest honor awarded by the school. This recognition has stimulated and inspired each and every student of the University of Islam here to develop his or her abilities to the fullest. There is an earnest, recognizable desire in all of the students to be great and do great things in the Nation of Islam. This is a reflection of the inspiration the students feel coming from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad through his minister, Dr. Lonnie Shabazz, principal of the University. Minister Shabazz told the students at the celebration banquet that they were honored "to encourage them to do better." He reminded those present that the H o n o r a b l e Elijah Muhammad wants "giants" produced by the University of Islam. The students must not be equal, but superior to others. "They must not only know how to do something, but they must know how to do it better than anyone else." In this spirit of encouragement, stimulation and recognition, 20 brothers and 22 sisters were feted in grand style on the first Honors Day Banquet. The entire Muslim community joined the university in recognizing the worthy students. The Mosque dining room was deco-
B R O O K L Y N , NEW Y O R K 1 1 2 0 6 Phone: ( 2 1 2 ) 3 8 4 - 8 2 2 4
SUNDAY, 6:30 P.M.
1 3 8 0 K.C.
I ft
APRIL 18, 1969
First Honors Day Banquet Reflects Notable Gains (Continued front page 2 9 )
, W. Fard Muhammad, to Whom top sister student attending the j praises are due forever, through His Servant and Apostle, the high school ! Honorable FTlijsh Muhammad, This Honors Day Banquet dis- i Progress toward this end is explayed to the world the value of emplified in Sister Alicia X. education, of academic achieve- whose mother informed officials ment, in the Nation of islam. of the university that Sister A!iThe Honorable Elijah Muham- i eia is right up with one of her mad has instructed the Universi- : sons, who is a freshman at Fedties of Islam to produce "giants" ; oral City college. She said Sister in the earth, men and women of I Alicia helps her son do his study faith, with creative minds pos- \ assignments Sister Alicia is in sessed of vision, who can build a the 11th grade, she exemplifies new world, based on righteous- | the advantages of training in ness under the Divine guidance j Muhammad's University of Isof Allah, m the Person, of Master lam
Philadelphia Banking Officials: Back Lending Loans To Ghetfoes HONOR STUDENTS of Mosque No. 4's University of Islam in Washington, D . C , include Brother Gary X (far left), highest ranking
student in the High School Division, and, third from right, Brother Hussein X, scholastic leader in the Elementary Division.
Maryland Cops Brutalize Black Family (Continued
from page 25)
would halt momentarily for brief periods of "calm talk." "But then this officer would come behind and strike a blow, and we'd start all over again. Then when my son came out, they jumped him. Then it was me and him against twelve of them." Finally, Murray said, "one officer said, 'you're under arrest,' and I said ok. They said that they'd have to handcuff me. And I let them do that." It was then that the "maddog maniac" officer came up and emptied a can of chemical in his Y O U R
P A R T - T I M E
BOOKKEEPING EDITING ISLAMIC S T A N D A R D S CALL: 4 4 6 - 6 5 6 2 ( 7 - 1 0 p.m.) L O N G ISLAND, N.Y. SISTER G E R A L D I N E 9X
face. The chemical was also NAACP, the Maryland State insprayed on Murray's wife and vestigation department, a state son, though not at close range. representative, and even the FBI The c h e m i c a l burned "like has paid him a visit. Somewhat fire" in Murray's eyes, and pro- disturbing to Murray however, is duced first and second degree the fact that the "civic associaburns on his face. Nearly a week tion" of the sedate Oxon Hill after the spraying, Murray's eye residences, seem afraid to come tissues remain unhealed. He is to the aid of one of its own unable to read anything, and his ; community. They believe that it won't v i s i o n , twenty feet away is happen to them. But I know betblurred. • I'm going to take this all the ter," Murray declared. way to the top," Murray declared. " I ' m going to see if there is any justice in the white man's courts." Murray, a prosperous homeowner in a neighborhood of some 500 Black families, where the average home value is above $40,000, said that he "has never had any kind of trouble like this." Since the incident, the D.C. Human Relations Council, the
PHILADELPHIA, Pa —Three , dent of Job Loan Corp. told the noted bankers told commercial ! confab that the major problem leaders to make funds available j facing banks who lend money to for ghetto problems, here at a disadvantaged or minority bu.siconfab of the Robert Morris As- nessmen is f o l l o w i n g up the soctates, at a meeting of the city loans. He suggcsted^That Tne^ftext. chapter. indication of problems is an R.M.A. is an organization of o v e r d u e payment and a commercial lending officers with "thoroughly sick situation." 26 chapters and 1,106 member Eight Philadelphia banks cornbanks across the country pose the Job Loan Corp., estabOne of the participants in the hshing a $3 million loan guaranconference Harold F Still, Jr., j tee firstly for Black businessmen president of Central Penn Na-; who are unable to gain bank tional Bank, called on business. financing. to "look upon this search for Nearly a year old, the JLC has solutions to our social problems interviewed 486 applicants and as it would an on-going commit- j guaranteed 179 loans for $2,ment to investment in research 028,000. JLC has not been re and development." quired to purchase any of the Peter Decker, of'Girad Trust loans made by member banks Bank and executive vice presi- because of non-payment
Abejdal ( K i £ a e u
for the younger set
Girls' Hooded
Boys' Suits
With V e s t s
I N W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. B o y s
' Short S l e e v e
V v
S P R I N G FASHIONS For Our Girls
Ladies' Long Scarves
6 0 " - 6 6 " Long White - Black • Colors
100% Nylon Hosiery $ 1 0 0
$ n 99
Ladies' Famous N a m e
First Quality
S U N D A Y S 4 : 3 0 P.M. W
Temple 3flBp4fc4
NO. 2
h ST. # CHICAGO, ILL. ST 3-8988
APRIL 18, 1969
I n d i a n By Lonnie Kashif WASHINGTON—How do y o u educate an "injun?" Beat him, handcuff him, jail him, and deny him proper guidance."
C h i l d r e n T e r r o r i z e d a t B I A
S c h o o l s
Many of the school's 1,050 Indian students are out-of-state enrollees, due to "lade of space in their home area or because of a c a d e m i c or social reasons." The student body is composed of y o u n g s t e r s from 93 different tribes coming from 23 states.
THAT, IN FACT, has been the method of "educating" Indians at the Chilocco. Indian Boarding ACCORDING TO the investigaSchool in Oklahoma—a typical tors, who gave eyewitness acBureau of Indian Affairs run counts of the handcuffing ("beschool. hind their backs") and jailing of Ironically, the shocking details three Indian girl students, "there of gruesome "torture" and abuse is evidence of criminal malpracinflicted upon Indian school chil- tice, not to mention both physidren were revealed in a BIA cal and mental perversion on the "secret" report which fell into part of certain staff officials." the hands of Sen. Lee Metcalf Defense of such horrible prac(D-Mont.), who promptly insert- tices was* voiced in arrogant ed it in the Congressional Rec- comments by officials such as ord. "well, we have always done it Metcalf called the*, report "a this way." recitation of one of the most terThe S c h o o l ' s superintendent, rible failures of our society. . ." Dr. Leon Wall, flatly denied such He called attention to the reports practices and charged that the account of school administrators' report was "concocted out of "failure expectancy syndrome." p a r t i a l truths." Wall's denial statements, however, perhaps did IN THE EYES of school offimore to verify the report than to cials"" ^ a i a n children are hoperepudiate it. less and . . . punitive custody is thus the only possible expedient HE REPORTEDLY explained for dealing with them." that the permanent scars, discovSuch punitive custody, accord- ered on the arms of one younging to the report, is a daily ster, were the results of the practice. Excessively "inappro- y o u n g s t e r "straining" while priate" extroverted behavior "is handcuffed. Wall also refused to confirm generally solved by physical punishment, placement in the New- the report's conclusions that "the kirk jail without guidance or any deformed hand of another boy, visitation or expulsion to oblivi- and an obviously broken and misshaped rib on another tended on."
Micconte irtiil'f Artie
to reveal the veracity of students statements" of prison-like conditions. The r e p o r t was signed by Charles N. Zellers, a s s i s t a n t commissioner for Indian educa-
B l a c k A b u s e
tion. Contacted after the "leakage" of the report, Zellers unconvincingly described the Chilocco school as the "worst" of the 77 BIA Indian b o a r d i n g schools.
T e a c h e r s ' o f
N e w
oj the Hurtau o/ litiin
A s s o c i a t i o n
Y o r k
C i t y
A C T U A L L Y , THE BIA has come increasingly under fire for its gross negligence and malpractice in Indian affairs. Many of the Congressional committees (Continued on page 36)
R i p s
B l a c k
P o l i c e P a n t h e r s
NEW YORK — The executive "very nature of the charges • How can we be expected to Board of the African - American leave many questions vague in believe in the District Attorney's Teachers Association has joined the minds of Black people," and concept of justice when not one other Black groups in "totally "the manner of arrest of Black policeman has been prosecuted condemning" t h e "outrageous Panther members is a clear indi- for the beastly attack against the witchhunt and arrest" of mem- cation of the double standards of Black Panthers in a Brooklyn bers of the New York City Black j justice applied to Black people." courthouse last August? Panther Party. The Black teachers assert that The Black teachers assert that (the sensational stories of alleged "the sensational arrest, the quesTHE ASSOCIATION says the |plots to damage d e p a r t m e n t tionable conspiracy charges, and (stores, police stations, and rail- the double-standard justice for iway lines were designed and re- police and Panthers all lead leased — not for a conviction — Black people to assume that law j but for trial by the newspapers, and order in New York City are ; television, and radio. being used by the District Attor"The obvious reason for such ney, the Mayor and the police as j sensationalizing and employment a cover-up for depriving Black EVANSTON, 111. — The Black I of fear tactics is to drive a people of their human rights." Students Association of Kendall i wedge between segments of the The association's s t a t e m e n t College, 730 Lincoln, will hold a I Black community," the group i concludes: "The persecutors con(says. "Black people will no long- tinue to roam the streets freely, Black Week from April 14-19. ier be alarmed by these so-called while the persecuted are cons t a n t l y and unmercifully supDAILY EVENTS will begin in ''conspiracy' cases." the auditorium every night at 7 i The Association says the fol- pressed." p.m. Leondra Price, one of the lowing incidents of harrassment VISIT week's coordinators, said that | and intimidation of the N.Y.C. Afro-American history, art, poet- (Black Panther Party should be M U H A M M A D ' S M O S Q U E ry and politics will be discussed. | told: O F ISLAM Among the featured speakers are 1246 SOUTH MARKET David Llorens, editor of EBONY WHY WAS Miss Joan Bird CANTON, OHIO Magazine, and Hoyt Fuller, edi- | brutally beaten and held captive SUNDAY, 2 P.M. tor of NEGRO DIGEST. An offi- |by the New York Police in early cer of the Black Panther Party j February? Why were not the will also speak, Miss Price said. (sadists who tortured her punTickets are $6 for the six-day | ished? • Why were Black people's affair — including a dinner, jazz concert and dance. Tickets are homes b r o k e n into and ranalso available nightly for $1 at ! sacked by police, illegally, with! out a search warrant? the door.
Students to Hold Black Week at Kendall College
BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS - educated Hopi Indians work on the kind of job for which government-sponsored "Indian" schools have trained them. When the white men came to America, Indians taught them to s u r v i v e and grow in a land where there was room for all. The white men repaid the Indians by killing them and subjecting the remainder to servitude and life pShned on reservations. VISIT Muhammad's Mosque ST. ANNE, ILLINOIS Rte. 4 #384 Pembroke Twp. 944-52f£> •
J & A
DETROIT, MICH. 48238 PHONE: 933-8440 Bumping - Painting 8 Towing
K W O R N ON A CHAIN K R E P R E S E N T S THE THINGS •0 O V E R 300 / F A R S . -I W I T H D I F F E R E N T W O R D I N G 1. 2 3. A 5 6
W STAINLESS S T F E L CHAIN W H I T E L E T T E R S ON B L A C K B A C K G R O U N D $2 25 o o t t « B e t f A N Y p i A C E IN T H E U.S.A.
|& 4W ASK F O R NO. W A N T E D IF O U T O F N U M B E R G I V E S U B NO.
CALL 6 5 1 - 2 5 5 0
APRIL 18, 1969
W h a t Muhammad opened our eyes To Beauty Of Being Black
We also wanted land, and ha*re land and level plains. We have I recall a song which goes, in hills and mountains because tte Earth belongs to the Original part: Black Man. FATHER, OPEN OUR EYES THAT WE MAY SEE OUR F A I T H EACH DAY INCREASE. OH LORD, PLEASE OPEN OUR EYES. HE HAS GIVEN US HILLS AND MOUNTAINS. HE HAS GIVEN US LEVEL PLAINS. By Sister Pauline X HE HAS GIVEN US FOOD Mosque No. 12 AND CLOTHING, GIVEN US Since coming into the knowlS H E L T E R FROM THE edge of myself, my mind has STORM AND RAIN. FATHbeen conditioned, my health has ER, OPEN OUR EYES. improved. I thank Allah for the HonorIN THESE days and time, I able Elijah Muhammad. Since I cannot see why anyone hr his true hapiness," Brother James said. "No one have been living under his divine right mind would not be followbut The Honorable Muhammad could have g u i d a n c e and most truthful ing the Honorable—"2ffj<*—Mu-_ done this for us." teachings, my eyes have been hammad. Everything he teaches opened and now I see. us is good for us. By Sister Lynette X Mosque No. 25
H f
NEWLYWEDS Brother James I2X and Sister Vernetta X relax in M U H A M M A D SPEAKS offices during their recent honeymoon and business trip to Chicago. "We have found
Heed Warning Of Messenger Ere It's Too Late
Mississippi Mercy Driver Takes Bride
DETROIT—Brother James 12 X, who recently drove food to hungry Black families in Marks, Miss., with Brother James 0. X as a service of their United Brothers Produce, Inc., was recently married here to Sister Vernetta. WHILE honeymooning in Chicago, Brother James and his beautiful young bride told MU-
HAMMAD SPEAKS that they w i s h e d "to give thanks and praise to Allah and to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, whose teachings have brought us together and have also brought us freedom, justice and equality." Brother James, who will re! turn to Detroit where he and his ; bride will make their home," i said, "No one but The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad could have done this for us. "We have found h a p p i n e s s within the wonderful Muslim life. It took a long time for me to find this-40 years." The couple enjoyed a joyful reception at the Shabazz East R e s t a u r a n t in Detroit, where many of their friends and relatives joined them in celebration.
Islam Saved Him from Jaws of Despair By Brother Aaron C.X. (Pryor) are of those giving by Allah and upward swing of motion. Just Central State University Mosqne so is the spirit of Allah in the look for yourself . . . And JOIN Auspices of Mosque No. 5 Black Man who is moving in the YOUR OWN. The genocide tendency and urgency which led me to drugs and self-destruction has b e e n turned to that of trying to work concretely a n d constructively. Through the Nation of Islam, I see a people of dignity, strength By Sister Annie P.X. skirt and have the most boy and respect. I give all praises Norfolk, Va. friends, as do teen-agers in the and thanks to Almighty Allah, for his Last and Greatest of If there is ever to be a greater Christian world. Our time is Great Messenger, our beloved reward for any woman, it is that spent i m p r o v i n g our sewing, Leader and Teacher, the Honor- of being a woman in the Nation cooking and, in general, learning able Elijah Muhammad. of Islam. Every woman benefits woman-like behavior, so we will know how to act at home and IF OUR people would just ob- from the teachings of Islam and abroad. the M.G.T. classes. It is a joy to serve our mere existence over We are forever increasing our the years and today, there would be a wife and mother in a Naknowledge, not by seeing how tion where there is a Man—like be no question that Allah (God) our Leader and Teacher, The many rock-'n-roll songs we can has chosen us as his people. Honorable Elijah Muhammad— memorize, but how many facts We (so-called Negro) are here who is constantly trying to make we can learn concerning this - i n 4h© midst of the serpent; who women out of we, the so-called world, and about our own kind. is known to the people of the American Negroes, who were al- We forever thank Allah, for givPlanet Earth for its barbaric, ways referred to as girls, by the ing us, the women in Islam, a ferocious and brutal treatment of devil white race. man like The Honorable Elijah the aboriginal people; yet we Muhammad. give all thanks and praises to OUR LEADER and Teacher WE LOVE our Leader and Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who is in our very takes girls and make them wom- Teacher, because he loves us, midst. Now then who are we, if en, by teaching us how to make his followers. Nothing but Islam not those who are protected by a better life for ourselves, by will make respectable women of learning the proper way to live, us. All through our lives, we are Almighty Allah (God). eat, cook, sew and take care of taught the proper ways to carry My eyes have witnessed the our husbands and rear our chil- ourselves, so that we can be renew life, of a new world, with dren in the proper way. spected as women. its center being the Nation of There is wily ONE religion By growing up in the Nation of Islam. Our industries through the efforts of s e l f - h e l p , with the Islam, we are in an environment and ONE Man that can give us guidance of Allah, are making of Tightness, where our Mothers these blessings. ISLAM is the rethe people of the world and our are also teaching us the correct ligion and the Honorable Elijah non-believing brothers and sis- way to be women, by being a Muhammad is the MAN, and the ters see what they have heard woman herself. As teen-agers, BLESSING is being a woman in we are not trying to keep up the Nation of Islam, the greatbut could not believe. the latest dances or seeing ^ s ^ ^ a t i o i ^ j i ^ ^ h ^ ^ o r l d j ^ A s ^ I s l ^ i ^ ^ ^ marie me greet the
Islam Nation Is Blessing For All Black Women
He has given us the proper When have you had a so-called food and clothing and shelter leader to teach you how to eat from the storm and the rain. to live? Never!
THE MOT & BCC HOUR 1:00-2:30 Every
Tuesday at
Salaam Restaurant J t : t O O
C o t t a g e
W o m e n
Leaders a n d wish
education r e f o r m w o m e n
G r o v e
all best
a n d
of our
Civic w h o in slum
of A m e r i c a
invited. tTepnang
Girls rind
W n m & n
O n M
APRIL IS. ! 9 «
So-Called "Safe," Pills, Drugs Might Be Fatal
The time and day is being In Sweden, doctors at the Kawidely proclaimed as the "space rolinska hospital are maintaining age," the age of technology, etc., that the oral pill has demonstratbut it could just as well be la- ed some beneficial side effects belled the "drug age," because on the psychology of its users. of the overwhelming number of A survey of 100 women, before the world's people who are almost and* after they used the pill, distotally dependent, from womb to closed a large number had a tomb, upon drugs of all kinds to greater feeling of freedom and achieve a normal state in their less anxiety than with other pass-age from one age to anoth- methods "because of the pill's er. superior contraceptive effectiveMANY OF THE drugs touted ness." However, against this is anothas "safe" for alleviating pains, aches, diseases, etc., have had a er study, conducted at Sloan-Ketboomeranging effect upon large tering institute, New York, and the University of Chicago, that numbers of people. Recent reports in the world the pill could be guilty of causpress have emphasized that any ing or promoting the growth of of the various drugs in use. with cancer — a situation of jumping or without a doctor's prescrip- I from the boiling fat into the fire. tion, can be just the t h i n g The Sloan-Kettering study, in"that'll kill you." | volving records of some 35,000 Take a s p i r i n , for example. c l i e n t s , reportedly discovered Usually considered a simple and that cancer-like changes (carcieffeetive remedy for headaches, noma in sutu) of the cervix were minor pains, muscular aches, twice as common among pill taketc_,_JJ^> pill is known to be ers as among diaphragm users. " h a ' r m f u l to some adults and The Chicago report listed that many children, especially those the ratio of the incidence of carcinoma in sutu as being six-to-1. under five. Two years ago, the National The pill is also being linked to Clearinghouse for Poison Control serious eye damages, jaundice, centers, reported that among the diabetic-like disturbances in sugcauses of fatalities or near-fatali- ar metabolis, as well as depresties among children under five, sion, irritability and decreased medicines headed the list, with Tibido. aspirin figuring prominently as SAFE DRUGS are not the only one of those indicated. potentially dangerous aspect of THEN THERE is the contro- modern living. The age-old probversial contraceptive pill, about lem of lead poisoning recently which there are mounting doubts reared its ugly head under a concerning i t s efficiency, and new form. The Monroe County safety. Public Safety laboratory, Roches-
THE SCIENCE o f teaching children, as illustrated by this Harlem kindergarten instructor, has made such vast strides within the past decades that objective educators agree that ter, N.Y., r e c e n t l y issued a warning that certain imported ceramic salad spoons could be poisonous. Under test, the spoons were found to have released dangerous a m o u n t s of lead when brought into contact with citric acid — found in many fruits —
pratically any healthy child can, if given proper attention, expand his talent to make spectacular contributions to his people, his community, and the world.
or with vinegar. The spoons, imports from Japan, are said to contain 50-60 parts per million of lead, "many times more than a human can safely tolerate." It would seem that insufficient testing of the various drugs over an extended period has been undertaken to determine the long,
long range effects of the drugs upon the human'system. Rather, in the rush to get the product on the market and begin quickly to rake in the profits, short time trials are used which, if without i n c i d e n t , give the product the stamp of approval for widespread use.
we specialize !N QUALITY F O O D S AT M O N E Y SAVING _
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B i l l r B i l l W f e ^ M M WfSlfc l l l i . L * v M S E > W W lb. X J / Q l ^ S B l P ^ •
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20 oz. bottle 4/1.00 toll eon 3/49c 10c 303 P k . n c 3/1.00 7 oz. bottle 79c 10c 3 lb. |or 89c 1 lb. con 79c 3 oz. bottle 10c
CHEER DETERGENT ( 3 0 c O f f ) H E I N Z O R A N G E JUICE FOR B A B Y g r o v e fresh o r a n g e juice d r i n k C H E F B O Y - A R - D E E CHILLI
king s i x . b o x 1,09 6/39* h B O i . 39* # 3 0 3 can 29c
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D C C C Dfcfcr
STORE H O U R S DAILY 8:00 A . M . T O 7:00 P . M . S U N D A Y 8:00 A . M . T O 2:00 P . M .
at. 77c giant s i x . 7 9 c 22 ax. 39c
APRIL 18, 1969
Crockett, Rep. Del Rio and Rev. Franklin Stun Racists Continued
from page 6)
safeguards which the police contemptuously denied to the memthrowing the book at this man," he demanded of the lawyer. bers of the RNA: "Punishment for attempted mur" I UNDERSTAND, of course, der is life imprisonment. You why the hue and cry arose. An ^_ijave_not even tried to prove that angry Prosecutor, lacking police this man intended to commit j evidence or t e s t i m o n y which murder. A charge of assault with ' might produce a probable susintent to do bodily harm has a | pect, and resentful that ordinary four year sentence." : and undemocratic police prac^The l a w y j r meekly agreed tices were challenged, chose to with the judge that the evidence divert public attention to Judge did not s u j p o r t the murder Crockett." charge. In similar circumstances After discussing the Detroit all too m a n y Euro-American judges send Black people to news media's use of the big-lie death or life imprisonment on technique of Hitler, whereby he was accused of releasing the this kind of evidence. men and women who were acJudge Crockett expressed little tually, as proved by the trial concern over whether or not the transcript, released by the Prosracist establishment was out to ecutor, the judge concluded: "get him" or to destroy his job. " I f the real dangers of our He said that it was the "overtones of traditional racist injus- community are to be uprooted, tice" in Prosecutor Cahalan's let the news media and all other and Police Comm. Spreen's ac- forces of truth and justice concentrate on the u n d e r l y i n g tions which angered him. In a statement he released to causes of crime and social disor- "END THE racist frameups", and "FREE the press Judge Crockett out- der as described by the Kerner Political Prisoners" read signs carried by Commission and as identified by l i n e d the many Constitutional virtually every responsible com- marchers demonstrating against arrest of mentator in America. The causes are steeped in racism . . . racism in our courts, in our jails, in our streets and in our hearts." M I S C E L L A N E O U S FOR SALE ( N E X T WEEK—EYEWITNESS CASSETTE C A R T R I D G E S B Y ROSS Instant Loading! For all Cassette Recorders. 60-min. J) 45 . 90-min. $2.25, 120- ACCOUNTS)
Study Indicates Rudiment Of Job Bias Profound" Across The United Stat^f
min. $2.95. James M a r t i n Mdsg., 40O N. Busti St.. #101 Philadelphia, Pa., 19104.
Looms In Cities Huge Earthquake
THE EMERGING BLACKMAN Free book list. P h o e n i x , Box 434-ms Springfield, Pa.,19064. JAZZ FANS. C O M P L E T E JAZZ A L B U M S on pre-recorded magnetic record ng tapes NEW YORK, N.Y.—The luring and 4KB track auto, tope cartridges Fpr listings write-. Tunes Unlimited, P O. possibility of history's first milBox 52792, Houston, Texas 77052. M E N Y O U CAN O W N A N E L E C T R I C razor for only $11.95. Easy to use, built to shave the heaviest beard. Perfect for home or travel. Guaranteed for 2 years Money back if not satisfied. Send check or money order to Shreveport Enterprise, P.O. Box 1413, Shreveport, LA.. 71102. YOUR O W N M A I L - O R D E R BUSINESS Color catalogs, Mailing Lists. Complete Starter Pack — $1.00. Villaroso Buyers, Box 29003 Hollywood, California, 9C029
lion-victim earthquake, l o o m s starkly in the face of modern man a United Nations report indicated this week.
THE REPORT cites the soaring population in the bulging cities of the world as the major reasons. BUSINESS O P P O R T U N I T I E S "As populations soar and milH O T E L O P E R A T O R S M A L L INVESTM E N T . Responsible, exp. $50,000 annual lions vacate the land to seek potential. Write Box 6242, Milwaukee, work in bulging cities, the stage Wis., 53209. " T I R E D O F W O R K I N G FOR T H E M A N " is being set for tragedy," the Big profits are predicted in African Cul- ) UN Development Program, statture imports. Cosh in on the fastest grow- | ing Black Industry across the country ed. today. Start your o w n Import Busmes-Afro Shop, Black Bout'que, or mail order, The agency indicated a rarely shipped directly to you eliminating the middle m a n . Send tor our " D i r e c t o r y of discussed fact—that an earthAfrican Exporters." listing nearly 200 African dea'ers, customs regulations end quake in China killed more than how to import. Send $5.00 check cr 800,000 in 1556, when the Earth's money order to: J & D M A R K E T I N G RESEARCH molten core gave a big thrust P.O. BOX 8626 W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. 20011 beneath thick urban areas. A U T O M A T I C L A U N D R Y FOR S A L E . EST A B L I S H E D 22 years. Now retiring. Price $5,500. Call after six p.m. DA 9-8588 Bronx, N.Y, C H I L D CARE C H I L D CARE C E N T E R D A Y OR W E E K L Y , w i t h the best of care. Contact: Martha 4X Williams, 883 St. Nicholas Ave., _ New Y o r k City. Call 368-4087. INSTRUCTIONS LEARN THE ARABIC LANGUAGE AT home usinq m a g n e t i c recording tape. Write: Languages Limited, P.O. Box 52792, Houston, Texas 77052. LEARN ARABIC For more information write to. The A i H a m i y d i y y a h Academy of A r a b i c . 702 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.. 11221. SERVICE M I S C E L L A N E O U S J A N I T O R W O R K DONE A T LOW INTROD U C T O R Y cost to you. Call M. R. Ismael, 667-5247, Chicago, III., 60637 BOOKS FOR SALE D E L U X E N E G R O L I B R A R Y . W E S E L L TO A L L people. Free details. Douglas Hale, 4853 McCook Ave., East Chicago, Ind. 46312 F R E E BOOK O N BLACK H I S T O R Y (16191865) in A m e r i c a . By Yahya K a r i m . Send 50c for handling and postage to: Yahya K a r i m , P.O. Box 7762. Philadelphia. Pa. 19101. SERVICE M I S C E L L A N E O U S EARPETS I N S T A L L A T I O N M E C H A N I C S ' ! Buy without installation then call us to save you money -New. and used, sewing
21 Black Panthers in a so-called "plot" to bomb buildings in New York City.
f7= B U M P E R
S T I C K E R S ^ ]
lor $ JO0
: s —
BEAUTtFULT? 7 ORDER N O W A l t o Custom Designed Orders Send N a m e A d d r e s s a n d A d T O : Clifford R 1 4 1 5 O v e r t o n Rd. Dallas, Texas 7 5 2 1 6
W A S H I N G T O N , D.C.—New government studies on employment—not released because of the presidential elections, 1968—indicate how deep the roots of white r a c i s m are—especially in the most subtle, sensitive areas, and in the most important ones, like employment. The government study called the depths of job bias and its rudiments, both "profound" and pervasive c o n d i t i o n s in the American ethos and in its economy. The report indicted white employers, across the country, without regard to region, religion, or ethnic backgrounds. The report on entrenched racism of white employers shows "that greater progress by Blacks brings forth progressively stronger discrimination against them." And at the other end of the spectrum, the three volume study by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, based on an exhaustive 1966 survey of 43,000 emnloyes and 26 million workers, reveals that with very few exceptions, minority group workers are in the lower-salaried menial occupations, with relatively little representation in the higher paying slots. P R E D I C T A B L Y , the study j shows that where there is high educational attainment a m o n g j the industries, relatively few ofjfered equal opportunity to any minority group. "There are some b u i l t - i n discrimination factors which would seem to place ceilings on Black achievement—and they probably apply to other minority groups as well," the study said. The new off-shoot on the infamous theme of "last hired first fired," shows according to the study that if a large number of Blacks succeed in getting employment in an industry, relatively fewer of them can expect promotions, towards middle-man-
THE REPORT FOCUSED in with the following conclusions: that although three of every seven workers in the nation is in a white-collar job, only one Black out of seven is so employed;
that one every seven workers is skilled, but the proportion among Blacks is one out of 14; and that among the whole working population, one worker out of five Black men do this type of work.
MUHAMM SPEAKS The Time and What Must Be Done
1. The Judgement, Part 1 & 2 2. The Time and What Must Be Done 3. Wants and Beliefs S3.50IOT Enclose Money Order With This Coupon & Send To:
MUHAMMAD MOSQUE No. 2 5335 S. GREENWOOD AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. PLEASE SEND ME Check Title Record Desired: • Wants and Beliefs • The Judgment Part 1 & 2 • The Time and What Must Be Done Enclosed is • Money Order • Check for $ NAME _ . Annoccc
Police Leader Rips Cop Use of Shotguns in Chicago's Black Communities , H E SAID T H E blackjack had • Detroit police raid on a Black Palmer said, "white newspapers, The Afro-American P a t r o l - close range in a rub-out.'' DOC HOLLIDAY, one of the a tremendous "psychological" ef- j church) had been white, I don't magazines, T V stations and radirnen's League has criticized Chimore infamous "badmen" of the fect, stating that the mere sight i believe they would have been os across America would be callcago police department action.-, ing him a courageous lawman. Old West, was feared far and ; of the weapon was u s u a l l y j treated that way." recently in e q u i p p i rig trigger wide because of the sawed-off I enough to make use of a gun If Judge Crockett had acted to But, since he is Black, they want happy white Windy City cops shotgun he used when killing : unnecessary. free wrongly-arrested w h i t e s , to string him up." with shotguns for use against de- men. Green felt all 4,000 white memfenseless Black citizens. Shotguns are among the most bers of COP would sign the petihideous weapons devised for use tion to put pressure on the ChiA A P L SPOKESMAN Edward against people, Palmer contin- cago police commander. Conlisk, L. Palmer called the city police ued. In police use, their very who has never been known to be department acpresence indicates action against overly s y m p a t h e t i c to Black t i o n '•outraa mass rather than individual c o m p l a i n t s , was expected to geous and unlawbreakers. "give in" under such "prescalled for." He "It Is an indiscriminate weap- sure." pointed out Palmer stated that all this that, according on," he said. "Shotguns disto Geneva Con- charge from 12 to 16 pellets. The goes to show the attitude of vention a g r e e - use of this weapon tells us that many white policemen in the ments, shotguns in the subconscious 'mind of the Black community. He said they are outlawed in I police officer, he is no longer feel police department officials war b u t —i r 'against the individual offender, back them in any atrocities they might want to inflict on the helpChicago — okay the outcast, but against society. less Black community. DepartPalmer cited the case of a 12for use against Palmer : year-old boy who was gunned ment officials have done little to Blacks. combat the notion, Palmer add"The United States would not down on Chicago s West Side as ed. police were shooting at an escapuse a shotgun on its worst eneTRADITIONAL A T T I T U D E S of my," the A A P L leader observed. ; ing looter. "Use of the shotgun, white policemen in the Black I brings up the question of geno"But they are being used in the community are what has led cerBlack- community in Chicago. ! cide," Palmer added, noting that' tain Black judges to act outside ! little more than a mumbled apolThis is a weapon outlawed by iogy was given as solace to the usual court procedure in recent the G m j M H B k i n t i o n . " times, Palmer noted. I grieving parents of the child. a i n e d that the He cited the case of Detroit Palmer's remarks were stirred shotgun, in sawed-off form, is a Judge George W. Crockett who favorite weapon of the crime by stories of a movement among freed a number of Biack citizens white Chicago policemen to force syndicate. "The syndicate sees police were trying to herd into the shotgun as a weapon from police Chief Joseph Conlisk to prison following a shootout in lift a ban on blackjacks and auwhich there is little escape at which a white officer was killed. tomatic weapons. "The AAPI deplores the death Chicago Confederation of Paof a police officer or any cititrolmen spokesman Daniel Green zen," Palmer declared. "How2 0 YWars Experience , was among leaders of the moveever we support the right of all Call AD 3-3780 or 778-0521 jment to force Conlisk to okay- citizens, not only white citizens, automatic weapons, blackjacks BRO. J P. X J A C K S O N to proper legal redress. 2 4 1 ! 4 W . 4 6 t h ST. and w e i g h t e d clubs for use " I DON'T T H I N K JUDGE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. against Blacks. Crockett condones violence in any form, but we applaud his courage in requiring equal and impartial justice. M A R I N E SGT. Richard Roane, 23, exposes the cruel irony b e "If those persons (the Black hind the racist misuse o f U.S. t a x dollars a n d f e d e r a l p r o j e c t s : people arrested in the infamous a nation "generous" in dishing o u t w a r b u t - t i g h t - f i s t e d in p r o v i d i n g -funds t o heal, e d u c a t e , house or employ t h e children o f VISIT Black t a x p a y e r s . Roane is being t r e a t e d f o r p a r t i a l loss o f his left ' e g . His injury was caused by a g r e n a d e explosion w h i c h MUHAMMAD'S also w o u n d e d his scout d o g . Roane asked t h e m i l i t a r y t o send MOSQUE his w o u n d e d d o g back t o the USA, t o o .
301 East Haley A v e . Santa Barbara, Calif.
S U N . 2 P . M . ; W E D . & FRI. 8 P . M .
T o p l a c e your ad in
T E A C H E R S Positions Available for Qualified Persons At A Growing Institution of Learning T H E UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM No. 1 Detroit, Michigan — No. 2 Chicago, Illinois Immediate O c c u p a n c i e s in the E l e m e n t a r y G r a d e s and H i g h School Mathematics, S c i e n c e a n d L a n g u a g e s : E n g l i s h , A r a b i c . Frenc h a n d S p a n i s h . A p p l i c a n t s must have a College or I nivcrsitv Degree. O n l y those with foresight, a m b i t i o n a n d capacity for intellectual growth in m o d e r n techniques need apply to:
M U H A M M A D U N I V E R S I T Y OF I S L A M NO. 2 5335 S O U T H G R E E N W O O D A \ E M E C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S tit)6!5
Coast Section,
In Oakland, San Francisco area CALL: 568-4201 568-4202 In Los Angeles area CALL: 2 9 2 - 0 1 6 0 292-0169 4313 S. Crenshaw Blvd. L.A., California
MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE 3308 Sacramento Boulevard SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA W E D . & FRI. 8 P . M . , S U N . 2 P . M .
5 2 7 - 4 t h AVENUE W E D . & FRI. 8 P . M . SUNDAY 2:00 P.M.
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Reveal Spirit-Crushing U.S. Interests In Guyana
A f U l L , is, I3b»
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GEORGETOWN', Guyana — It recently came to light that many in the Amerindian community, some 20,000 descendants of the o r i g i n a l pre-Colombian inhabitants of South America, have become s c a p e g o a t s for wealthy ranchers in the Rupununi regions of Southern Guyana during their recent abortive revolt, and that many of the Amerindians may have been slaughtered during the uprising.
confiscate the vast land they ranched and distribute the land among the impoverished population of the country The ranchers persuaded or obliged local Amerindians, many of whom were their employees, to join the revolt. The revolt was quickly crushed and the ringleaders skipped over the frontier into Venezuela or Brazil, while pacification was carried out by the Guyana Defense Force, mostly Black troops T H E R E B E L L I O N , which sent in from Georgetown broke out on January 2, was mounted by two f a m i l i e s of T H E A R R I V A L of government wealthy local landowners, with troops was the signal for wholethe assistance of U.S.-controled sale evacuation by Amerindians, Venezuela, which claims a large who had been duped by the two slice of Western Guyana. wealthy families into taking part It is reported that the two in the fighting. Only now are the Amerindians families were afraid that the vernmont in Georgetown might coming back to their homes.
Japanese Merger Plans Put Chinese People on Guard T O K Y O —Japan's two largest iron and steel companies, the Y a w a t a and Fuji, have announced plans to merge. The ann o u n c e m e n t brought Chinese fears that Japan may be headed for a new era of militarism. T H E M E R G E R represents the
B L A C K C O L L E G E PRESIDENT Charles Hurst C r a n e C o l l e g e . Dr. H u r s t , a t>/vuf>3 EAa'ofessor briefly addresses his students, f a c u l t y memat H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y , w a s f f l M B M ^ j as a bers a n d C h i c a g o B o a r d of E d u c a t i o n ofresult o f student demands f o ^ R J I ^ ^ ^ ^ n i e f ficials during an inaugural dinner-dance celeadministrator. biggest such wedding since b r a t i n g his appointment as h e a d of C h i c a g o ' s World War I I . Mergers have S U P P O R T j been going on in Japan for some l years now, but few can match M U H A M M A D ' S A SALUTE TO j the magnitude of the Yawata M O S Q U E OF I S L A M Tommie Smith and John Carlos and Fuji marriage. YEAR Reports indicated the Eisaku 5 2 5 5 So. M a i n St. ECONOMIC Sato government and the FederSAVINGS PLAN 235-6406 j ation of Economic Organizations j warmly welcomde the merger 896-3731 i news. However. Chinese across the East China Sea expressed HOURS 12 N. - 6 P.M. misgivings. SAT. 12 N. - 5 P.M. "Japanese steel and iron monopoly capital has always been the mainstay of Japanese milita5526 South Broadway rism," the C h i n e s e Hsinhua Los A n g e l e s , Calif. News Agency reported in an arP i c k - U p a n d Delivery Specializing in Black History ticle on the matter. "Before the (ALTERATIONS) Second World War, it supported Owned and Operated By the m i l i t a n t s in aggression 2 3 5 - 6 1 2 3 Brooks and W a r e abroad. 13526'/i Van Nuys Blvd. "Get Your Clothes Ready for the The Chinese view of the mergPacomia, California New World" er added that "the Chinese and other Asian people who were once the victims of bloody Japannese militarism have smelled the odor of gunpowder in the merger of Yawata and Fuji and have heightened their vigilance."
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