S p eak$ 111
MAY 31, 1968
VOL. 7—NO. 37
M e s s e n g e r
Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah
M u h a m m a d :
S e e
In S a n
Antonio See
Charles P. Howard U n i t e d
N a t i o n s
Page 7
R e p o r t See
From Blacks W h o Left A m e r i c a
Special Poems
L e R o i Jones S e e P a g e 29
S e e
Is W e l f a r e
S l a v e r y ? S e e
MAY 31, 1
West has Already Launched Plans to Oust Nyerere By Charles P. Howard
(UN Correspondent)
UNITED NATIONS—President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, while on a State Visit to Liberia this year, delivered a major address to the Liberian Parliament on African Unity. HE SAID "African Unity must mean a union of African States— a transfer o f some of the sovereignty from our national units to a new single unit of which we are a l l part." He added that "it means the existence of some kind of Federal Government to which a l l the Howard s t a t e governments have surrendered some of their separate powers." President Nyerere then spelled out the following conditions for the realization of the objective of African unity: "There must be one government which can speak for Africa to the outside w o r l d . There must be one organ which is responsible for the defense of Africa against attack or subversion f r o m There outside, m u s t be one representative body to Nyerere co-ordinate and facilitate the economic department of Africa as a whole in such a manner as to ensure the well-being of every part of our continent." President Nyerere told the Liberian legislative body that he spelled out the conditions to show both "the importance of unity, and the distance
we have to travel" to reach it. " O N L Y WHEN we have reached that position can Africa begin to stand on equal terms with the rest of the world and play our proper part in its councils," he said. He pointed out that at the present time when great events happen in the world —Africa cannot provide a comm on African stand. In t h e field of economy, Africa suffers for zre=ent division into sovereign states. It is interesting to note that this major adNkrnmah dress by President Nyerere was delivered in the Liberian Parliament. In the past, President Tubman has been one of the chief opponents of the Organization of African Unity. Diplomatically, it must be presumed that President Nyerere did not make this speech in the Liberian Parliament while he was the guest of President Tubman unless he was sure he was not offending his host. I F PRESIDENT Tubman has moved to the side of those favoring African Unity that is major progress. It should be remembered also that President Nyerere last year nationalized several foreign businesses and industries as well as banks. What Nyerere is doing, and has done, is to place himself at the head of those African leaders positively moving toward African
(Continued on page
BLOOD-STREAKED face of this Black Panamanian symbolizes what happens when white Christian America moves in to divide people
and maintain stranglehold on Latin America's lands and economy.
Washington, D.C, Census Missed 50,000 Persons; Officials Say Most are Black (Pan African Press) WASHINGTON—The Bureau of the Census has acknowledged missing some 57-million persons throughout the country, and recent data indicate the vast majority of those missed were Black.
THE DISTRICT Government officials believe a b o u t 50,000 Washingtonians were missed in the 1960 census. The city's population is now about 849,000—67 per cent of it non-white. The new figures mean the city 21)has been short-changed by nu-
merous federal programs that depend on population. However, ever}' other large U.S. city probably is in a similar position, and federal officials apparently have no intention of altering their aid formulas. City officials think the population grew about 35,000 between 1960 and 1966. But both this growth and the 50,000 "lost" citizens duplicate the racial patterns, found by the 1960 census, and the relative increase of non-whites is minimal. If all these estimates are correct—and no official claims they
are precise—849,000 people now live in Washington. THE 1960 CENSUS reporteu z population here of 764,000, which was almost 37,000 less than in 1950. The 1950 c e n s u s probably missed many thousands of people, too, officials believe, so are reluctant to make comparisons between 1950 and 1960. Jacob S. Siegel, a staff assistant at the Bureau who identified the 5.7-million persons missed in 1960, said he had concluded that most of them were Negroes.
Urge More Black Business Activity DETROIT — Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey has urged white businessmen to welcome black partners from the areas they are serving in order to open the door to more Negro business development. Addressing t h e AME general convention, the Vice-President declared that the next important step in racial progress is "to introduce more black Americans to part of the s y s t e m which has not been theirs." MUHAMMAD SPEAKS Published Weekly Vol. 7—No. 37
May 31, 1968
Published by Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 634 E. 79th St.. Chicago, III. 60619 ABerdeen 4-8622-23 6 Months (26 Issues) . . .$ 5.20 I Year (52 Issues) $10.00
LIFE-DEATH STRUGGLE goes on in mainly-Black Panama, as supporter of Dr. Arnulfo Arias (I.) attacks backer of candidate David Samudio (center). Samudio is supported
by millionaire class and is regarded by white Christian America as the lesser of the two evils, while Arias seeks to oust U.S. control from Panama.
.Y 31. 1M8
Mr. J . Edgar Hoover's Charge By
Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah
tion of the earth, want nothing more than justice and freedom from the power of white America. Mr. Hoover knows this to be true, and yet he charges that this desire of the Black leadership of America for justice for their Black brothers constitutes a threat to the security of America.
As it appeared in the CHICAGO'S A M E R I C A N newspaper, Saturday, May 18, 1968, Mr. Hoover, the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, charged militant Black leaders with perilI REPEAT: It is a threat that ing the nation's security. God is making against America for freedom, justice and equality THIS C H A R G E against the for the so-called Negro. We have Black leadership is to frighten the nothing to fight the well-armed American so-called N e g r o e s American people with but the against following leadership of Truth, and this is what angers their own. Mr. Hoover knows white America. We are teaching that if the Federal Bureau of In- the truth of their doings against vestigation says anything against us. Black leadership, it will put fear The newspaper said that Mr. into the average so-called Negro, Hoover is seeking more finance especially the intellectual class. from the government to fight the I am sure that the peril of the so-called Negroes' rise for freenation's security is not from dom, justice and equality. This is Black leadership. It is from Al- an excuse to use their deadly mighty Allah (God). He is the One weapons on the so-called Newho is actually destroying the groes, knowing that the Negro is nation's security. And this is aid- not armed with anything but ed by the government's own con- shotguns and small arms that fusion, insecurity and disunity, they sell them. not the Black leadership, because America will accept anything the Black leadership has no cry for an excuse to kill the Black for anything but justice. Man. They do not care whether But, Mr. Hoover wants to put or not the Black Man has anyfear into the American so-called thing at all like weapons. They N e g r o e s and confuse them kill you when you are defenseagainst accepting the Truth and less, because they are heartless; they have no mercy in them, their own salvation today. whatsoever. Their nature did not The so-called American Negroes, the Lost and Found mem- give.them any mercy or love for bers of the Aboriginal Black Na- justice.
bers c Urgent Meeting Premier Georao-
The w-
Chicago's AMERJCAN . ...ic me city makes ..«•. oj repairs.
Militant Blacks Peril Security, Says Hoover By STEPHEN M. AUG "for use against the white man WASHINGTON M—FBI DiHe said these reports could rector J. Edgar Hoover said well be true because guns are revolutionary stands taken by easily obtained and "in light of militant black nationalist groups the inflammatory urgings of and students of the new left ! such agitators as Stokely Carpose a threat to the nation's ! michael, H. Rap Brown, and' < James Forman of the Student security. Nonviolent Coordinating comHe told Congress the black mittee." nationalist groups he had in ' Hoover also testified: mind were the Student Non- _ Membership in racist groups violent Coordinating commit- like the Klu Klux Klan is dwintee, the Black Muslims, and the dling in the heart of the south, Revolutionary Action move- Mississippi, Alabama, Lousiana ment. They are, he said, "a dis-.—with about 14,000 klansmen tinct threat to the internal se- .still in business. He added. "There are thousands of sym| curitv of the nation" The FBI chief said the new pathizers." left, typified by the Students The FBI investigated 29,228 for a Democratic Society active reported violations of the selecin campus disturbances, is "a I tive service act last year while new type of subversive, and many young people "noisily and ffieir danger is great." brazenly advocated the burning and turning in of draft cards" Appears on Feb. 23 to demonstrate opposition to the Hoover appeared before a' Viet Nam war, "many just House appropriations subcom- went thru the motions with mittee Feb. 23 and his testi-i phony cards." mony was released today. He I seeks approval of a 207.5-mil- \ The Mexican Communist has made plans to store lion-dollar budget for the fiscal party weapons and ammunition in J year starting July 1. preparation for a revolution in He expressed concern over Mexico and already has desig-| reports that black nationalist groups are stockpiling weapons [Continued on page 3, col. 31
We Black people must remember this. THE MUSLIMS are charged also with being a peril to the nation's security. Let anyone read the history of the Muslims (myself and my followers) for the past 37 years. They will find that we have never risen up to attack or to interfere with the government's operation. Nor did we actually fight when we were supposed to fight by the law of nature, the Bible and Holy Qur-an, when we were attacked at our Temple; shot up: and one killed in Los Angeles, Calif. April 27, 1962. Nor did we try to retaliate when we were attacked and our Temple was set afire; nor did we retaliate in Newark, when our Temple there was shot up for no other cause than to try to provoke us to attack; nor did we retaliate in Detroit. Mich., when the National Guard shot holes in our Temple during the riots there. I would like for Mr. Hoover to put this blame for insecurity where it belongs, and not blame peaceful people, in order to try to frighten others from joining them (Muslims). Not that we are cowards, but we were Divinely held back from fighting. It has been the aim of the government on many occasions to try to get the Muslims to strike back so they could have an excuse to attack the Muslims, as it is the Muslims whom the government hates above all the groups in America. Why? The answer is because we have the Truth. And this Truth will awaken the mentally dead of our people to the knowledge of self and they will never desire to continue living a slave-like life with their once slave masters. I R E P E A T , the government wants nothing more than to try to get rid of the Muslims, in this attempt to destroy the Muslims and all Black people of America. You saw what they did with the Reverend M a r t i n Luther
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad King. Jr. They do not want any so-called Negro trying to organize the others for freedom, justice, and equality. I do not say that the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was seeking separation from white America, because he was not. But it is the nature of the white man to try and deprive the Black Man of any kind of leadership. I warn the government, their entire security is under Divine peril and you shall soon come to
Black Leaders Confer With the Messenger
senger Muhammad through Wesely South, candidate for Congress in the Second Congressional District who arranged for the gathering to take place in the Woodlawn Avenue home of the Messenger. The meeting may bring about a united Black political support of Black candidates and a program aimed at enabling Black peoples in Chicago to determine the desIT IS WELL known that the tiny of their own communities. Honorable Elijah Muhammad has INCLUDED AMONG the leadfor years held out a hand of welcome towards Black community ers and organizations i n v i t e d leaders to meet, confer and unite were the Cook County Physicians, on problems peculiar to the inter- the United Automobile Workers est of the Black man in America. (AFL-CIO) United Packinghouse A strong unity with Messenger Workers of America (AFL-CIO), Muhammad, the only Divinely The Chicago Chapter of the Conmissioned leader of the Black gress of Racial E q u a l i t y man in America is now seen as (CORE); the Negro Chamber of essential to the liberation of the Commerce, the Lincoln Dental Society, Prince Hall M a s o n s , FACSIMILE O F "scare" story which appeared throughout the Black man in America. The l e a d e r s had expressed Shrine Temple, South Side Eduwhite press recently; quoting The FBI's J . Edgar Hoover before their desires to meet with Mes- cational Forum, the Original New the House appropriations subcommittee. -
know, if you do not know now. Why do you not let us go? I have been asking you on the last page of this paper for more than four years to give the Black Man a place to himself. He has well earned it. But you do not want him separated out of your house, because you want to keep him under your feet for no other reason than to mistreat him and destroy his peace and life. As thou has done, so shall it be done unto thee, Mr. white man.
An historic meeting of Black civic, labor, fraternal and professional leaders with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, took place here in a conference regarded by national observers as the most significant step towards a united black front along political and economic lines to be developed in a decade.
Breed; Alderman William Cousins, State Senator Richard Newhouse, Republican William Spraggins, and Rep. John T. Dickenson. In subsequent issues, MUHAMMAD SPEAKS will give its readers documentation and photos of the unprecedented g a t h e r i n g which may establish a pattern for such meetings throughout the nation.
South Carolina Probe ORANGEBURG, S.C. - A Follow-up investigation into the slaying last February of three South Carolina State college students has been launched by the U.S. Justice Department. Two separate teams, composed of three lawyers from the department's Civil Rights Division; and three FBI agents are conducting the probe.
MAY 31,
1st Time in 8 0 Years:
Ordeal In Panama
Discover Black Exodus From South Has Declined GREENWOOD, Miss—Black belief in their ability to control their own communities has risen to such an extent in the South that the exodus of Negroes from Dixie seems to be slowing appreciably for the first time in nearly 80 years. ACCORDING TO the U.S. Census Bureau, an average of 150,000 Negroes left Dixie annually in the decade before 1960. But sample surveys indicate the rate
slowed to 100,000 a year between 1980 and 1966. More current figures are not available, but if interviews with scores of businessmen. Negroes and other residents of Dixie are any indication, the decline in migration from the South has become far more pronounced in the last year or so, expecially in the Mississippi Delta country, long the biggest contributor of migrants. M a n y Negro factory hands work at menial jobs. But training
programs designed to equip Negroes with skills needed for better factory jobs are on the rise, and observers suggest these may be contributing to the reduction in Negro migration. One of the more ambitious plans calls for turning an abandoned 2,200-acre air base here into a complex of small factories that would train workers. The plan awaits the approval of Gov. John Bell Williams, and state officials say he may give the go-ahead soon.
Black Vote Can Decide Next President WASHINGTON—Black voters, because of their strategic location in the nation's largest cities, can determine who the next President will be in next November's election. IN A RECENT survey, the Cleveland Plain Dealer stated that the Black American "wields political clout beyond his number —if he gets out and votes." Studies by political experts have credited the election of John F . Kennedy in 1960 to the Negro vote.
"In 1960. the Negro was a factor in the presidential election for the first time," stated Republican political campaign official Clarence L. Townes. The Negro vote in that year, he cited, illustrated how a united Black vote could provide the margin of victory when the 'white' vote is almost equally divided. In a close election, the Cleveland study revealed, even a moderate shift of Black votes in New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, California, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey and Missouri could be decisive.
THE STUDY FURTHER revealed that 60 per cent of the Negro population is of voting age. Of that group, 60 per cent are registered, to bring a total of 7,200,000 Black votes to the polls next November. Paramount in election officials concerns is the fact that civil rights, as such, is no longer an issue as Black people are concerned with developing increased economic and political power in t h e i r own communities. This shatters previous beliefs that Black people are wedded to any one political party.
ARIAS SUPPORTERS, which constitute a vast majority of the predominantly-Black people of Panama City, kick and beat supporter of Pro-American candidate David Samudio. Candidate Arnulfo Arias is against U.S. control of Panama's resources.
p r e s e n t
B A Z A A R TUESDAY, M A Y 28,1968
12 NOON T010 P.M.
E X H I B I T S • D I S P L A Y S * B A R G A I N S
• E N T E R T A I N M E N T
c/\U> S h a b a z z Steakhouse, 1 2 6 8 Bedford A v e . • S h a b a z z Radio & TV Service, 3 4 3 Tompkins A v e . - ^ S h a b a z z Foods, 2 1 8 Ralph A v e . & 1 8 9 2 Fulton St. • 11 2 0 Record Center • 1 1 3 7 Fulton St. A* Birdel's Records, 5 4 0 Nostrand A v e . • Manhattan: Record Shack, 2 7 4 W. 125th St. ( N e a r 8th A v e . ) Bronx: S h a b a z z Restaurant, 169th St. & Tinton A v e . • Long Island: S h a b a z z Restaurant, 1 0 5 - 0 1 Northern Blvd., Corona
MAY 31, 1968
Why Black Mother 01U
Slavery 1 T h c System is B i JLilt-in
Mrs. Annie Jackson By Dwight Casimere (Pan African Press) "The welfare system is built-in slavery," the large Black woman shouted heatedly as her eight year-old daughter slid from her lap. " I F THEY WOULD TAKE a look at conditions here, they wouldn't have to send way overseas in foreign countries to find Children (ADC) developed in the . for children in fatherless homes, poverty, they'd be shipping all early 1950's as a means of caring I ADC insures this condition by a the food back here," she bit off sharply. As one of thousands of Black T h i s is t h e f o u r t h i n a s e r i e s o f a r t i c l e s o n women entrapped in the treadt h e c h a n g i n g outlook a n d r o l e of B l a c k w o m e n mill system of public welfare. i n A m e r i c a a n d t h e i r e f f o r t s to i m p r o v e t h e Mrs. Annie Jackson, a resident p l i g h t of t h e i r p e o p l e . of Chicago's south side, is living in the midst of an affluent I n previous a r t i c l e s , M U H A M M A D city where technology is advancS P E A K S has investigated the outlook of the ing daily and, even more crucial, the cost of living is rising sharpprofessional a n d middle class w o m a n . Now, ly each month. a B l a c k mother from the r a n k s of the p o o r — "Sending all that money to kill Mrs. A n n i e J a c k s o n , a resident of Chicago's people in Viet Nam," Mrs. Jacks outh side—expresses her views on the importson observed bitterly, " o n l y a n c e of a c h a n g e d society a n d t h e s t r u g g l e makes conditions here worse." B l a c k w o m e n m u s t u n d e r t a k e to e n d p o v e r t y . Dangerously aware of this fact. Mrs. Jackson recently joined M U H A M M A D S P E A K S w i l l c o n t i n u e to thousands of other concerned Black women in the Poor Peoexplore the changing outlook a n d role of B l a c k ple's Campaign in Washington, w o m e n i n s u c c e e d i n g issues. D.C. Many political observers consider the Black woman the backbone of this, and many other massive drives for Black liberation. A s t e r n believer that the wealth of the United States must be redistributed to create "liveable conditions," Mrs. Jackson stated "My reason for going to this campaign was not only to demand that poor people get a liveable wage, but to make it clear to the power structure that poor people are human beings." MRS. JACKSON WAS born in Haywood County, Brownsville, Tennessee to a family of farmers. She came to Chicago 11 years ago to "find work and to better myself." At first, she was not disappointed in working as a stock girl in the All American Laundry. However, increasing illness due to high blood pressure made her unable to continue on her job. "For myself," she adds, " I didn't want to get on aid. But I got ill." By 'aid' Mrs. Jackson is referring to Aid to Dependent
policy which requires that the father be out of the home before "his family can receive funds. "RATHER T H A N S E E his children starve because he can't find work," the dynamic woman stated, "he will leave home." Even after a woman is deprived of a fulfilling home atmosphere, Mrs. Jackson contended, she is continually d e b a s e d . "When I got on aid, my case was
(Continued on page 30)
UN Demands Israel 'Get Out' of Rightful Arab Territories UNITED NATIONS — The Unit- Jerusalem territories rightfully ed N a t i o n s Security Council those of the United Arab Repubcalled upon Israel to 'get out' of lie. A PAKISTAN-Senegalese resolution presented before the 15-nation council demanded that Israel d e l e t e any measures and halt any further action "which tends to change the status of Jerusalem." The United States passively declared its support of the illegal 'kniving' of Arab territories by abstaining from the otherwise unanimous vote. Much of what was originally the Arab sector of Jerusalem w a s illegally sanctioned by greedy Israeli officials following the 'June war.' Israel euphamistically termed the criminal theft an "operation of reunification of Jerusalem." PROMPTED by timely complaint of Jordanian ambassador Muhammad H. el-Farra, the resolution called for a return to normalcy of a city which had been illegally bisected. Before the 1967 "June" conflict, Jerusalem had been "grafted" into a previously non-existent Israeli nation.
MAY 31, 1358
Poverty and Pestilence in the Land of Plenty By Lonnie 2X "Can't nobody tell all the story," she said. "It's too long and too sad . . . We done suffered so much, we can't take no more." MRS. LENA E V A N S , from Marks, Miss., was speaking her mind. For too long, like "Old Man River," she "don't say nut-1 tin'." But now she and hundreds | of other poor Black people were braving their fears to "tell the world" of the horrors and brutal injustices they suffer daily at the hands of modern, white slavemasters. Speaking the colloquial English of the Southern share-cropper, Mrs. Evans told MUHAMMAD SPEAKS "you know how we is! If we see'd something, we was wear it, walk it out. Ain't been too scared to talk it." Mrs. Evans is one of the thou- able to buy nothing. No decent sands of poor people now camped chairs, my chairs done wore out. in the nation's capital, part of We don't have a good cooking assassinated Nobel Peace Prize stove, my stove done tore up . . . winner Dr. Martin Luther King's Have to prop up the front door to my bread door with a stick to "Poor People's Campaign." get a chance to get a meal " I DON'T MIND talking . . . cooked. Don't have electric iron People don't know how bad it is to iron my clothes . . . have to we live." Mrs. Evans traced her put my iron on the stove to heat "movings about" in the South, it to iron with," Mrs. Evans conbefore she* settled in Marks, tinued, reliving the intolerable Miss. "We used to live in Lima, conditions existing in Mississippi. Mississippi. But, then my husband comes to -getting old and couldn't do that heavy tractor work. "Old Mr. Style, who rented out the place, told us if we couldn't do the work, we had to get out the house. We'd understood that they weren't supposed to bother the "old hands," but he told us to get out because he been too good to us. "He said we done lived there, used his electric lights, slept in his house and didn't have to pay nothin'.
with rat poisoning, but we dont have money to buy some all the time. And then, sometime, seems like they grow bigger eating on that poison. It's just terrible." When the subject of "winter time" came up, Mrs. Evans shuddered as if she had suddenly become cold. "We jes' freeze. Whatever we can find to burn, to put in the stove, we burn. We've got quilts and things, old clothes —we wrap up best we can. But many of the people jes' get sick, cold and pneumonia, and die." Mrs. Evans began to describe the conditions of sickness, despair and death—daily visitors to the poor Black Mississippi people.
Mrs. Evans smoothed out a wrinkle on the cot which is to be her "bed" during the "campaign." "This here bed is better'n the one we got at home. The bed I sleep in at home got a n a i l "Can't get no doctor to come nailed up side the house so I can to you. They just don't come. If sleep good." you's dying, and can't get no body to take you to a doctor, you "AND THEN you lay there in jes' dies and they bury you. K bed and look up at the stars and you gets to a doctor, and you down the road two or three owes him money, he won't even miles. You can see through the doctor on you—and if you have cracks that far. We try to stick the money, most times you don't: paper and plaster and stuff to have enough to get the medicine! keep the rain out, but then them at the drugstore—That bill, the ole rats come and eat the paper "ITS THAT WAY throughout and stuff up—We try killing them (Continued on page 27) the south," Mrs. Evans said. "They just get you and work you, and don't pay you nothin'." Mrs. Evans sometimes held back tears as she talked. At other times she bit her lips in bitterness over the conditions she described. "Now we lives in Marks, and it's a bad place—We moved there in a panic, just like I married during the panic—and it looks like I've been in a panic ever since, trying to keep a house and family together." Mrs. Evans counted out her children on her fingers, "seven girls and two boys." Having trouble adding, a visible tear rolled down her cheek as she said, "couldn't get much education, had to work in the fields."
More people than ever are reading Muhammad Speaks because we lace tie issue squarely.
WORK IS ALL Mrs. Evans has known. " I been working ever since I was a little bitty girl, from eleven all way up to fiftyfour, and I ain't got a decent peace of furniture in my house, can't send my children through school—Got a girl in the eleventh grade, ain't able to send her back this year. She said she was going to still try to make school next year." "We just continue to suffer down there. We don't have no house things. That what we have, we have to steady use it, wash it,
MRS. LENA EVANS (left photo) and Mrs. Myrtle Brown, both oi Marks, Mississippi, tell the story of poverty, intimidation, and destitution in their downtrodden area as Newark, New Jersey youth leader Bowey Harther listens. Mrs. Brown said "no more scared days for me, all they can do is kill me." (Photo by Brother Lonnie 2X)
The issue is Black Survival in a changing world.
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MAY 31, 19C8
San Antonio Blacks Mass
Mother of K, Rap Brown
Against Police Murders SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Black body," both white and Black people o: this city are united as eyewitnesses reported. "He cernever before after a memorial tainly had done nothing which march protesting police atrocities would warrant such a beating," a g a i n s t Negro children and they added. adults. They are mainly protestThe Black community issued a ing the case of a Black man who press release asserting that they, has been bludgeoned to death by and their children have beer ata group of white policemen here tacked by Sai! Antonio Police for who descended upon the defens- a number of years. less victim with clubs, blackjacks and pistol butts, leaving him. with "We have made even.- attempt a broken neck, two broker ribs, to bring these matter? to the atchest injuries including t. col- jtention of the proper authorities! lapsed lung and multiple injuries, of the city. We have appeared to the head and body, according before the City Council seeking a, to the assistant medical examin-l remedy. The city Council re-| sponded by turning our sincere j er, Dr. Ruben Santos, request into a joke. WITNESSES said that after beat"The City Council called for a I ing the man, Bobby Joe Phillips, Court of Inquiry and then refused i 28, police dragged him from the to respond to the recommenda-; street and threw him into a pad-1 tions of the judge. The Grand dy wagon. Other witnesses told' J u r y made recommendations; Snap, a locaj Negro newspaper, which were ignored by the City, thac some 10 policemen worked Council. We have reported atPhillips over in what they de- tacks by the police to the F.B.I. | scribed as "the most brutal act' with no results. they had ever witnessed. "The spot where the police "WHILE BLACK MEN are atbeat him looked like a slaughter tacked by the police, our Mayor pen.' one witness added. He said has issued a statement. "Shoot to when he saw the police drag kill!" Recently our children were Phillip through the bloody street attacked by the police for no othanc throw him into the paddy er reason than that they were wagon, Phillip was a dead man. Black, In response to this attack He went on to say he knew they on our children, the Chief of Pointended that he be dead. lice called it £ job well done. His Phillips allegedly had caused a position was upheld by editorials disturbance at a restaurant but| in our daily newspapers. More had left the premises when thej recently, even- effort was made joins the ranks of ; growing number of Black police arrived. They apprehended to cover up the murder of a MRS, BROWN, mother- of the famous S N C C leader, h . Rap Brown, hoich up pro-Biac. mother:- who have como up to the frontlines him z. few blocks away, and pro- Black man by a police pack. slogans at New York reception held in her o? the liberation struggle to support their ceeded to beat him to death. children, Set story on page 8.1 The Black Community of San honor recently, Demonstrating that she is "PHILLIPS HAD harmed no! Antonio has issued the following solidh- behind her famous son. Mrs. Srowr (Photo by Alfred X Cabeyj statement in response tc these conditions: Sal'sbunr Still T e n s e : C o n g e Elections "The Black community will deBRAZZEVILLE, Congo — The 1 fend itself against the violent atCongolese National Assembly tacks of the Police Department. submitted a vote of confidence to RAWALPINDI, Pakistan—PresThe Black Community will ap- } present leadership in recent ident Ayub in a recent address peal to the Black people through planery elections here. before the national assembly out the nation to assist them in RE-ELECTED TC office in the here reiterated his demand that their defense. National .Assembly were Andre SALISBURY, Mc.—This city is detective. The merciless killing disputes surrounding the Kashmir president; "The Black Community win Georges touyabi, territory be solved in the best still tense after the w a n t o n touched off a night of ^acial violpublish a warning co both white Donatien Moulounda, first viceinterest of the Kashmiri people. slaughter of a young Black deaf ence. He continued saying that the and Black that a state of vio- president and Andre Bouninga, mute by a 26-year-old Salisbury second vice-president. lence does exist . . . " subject of Kashmir will always STATE'S ATTORNEY Alfred be an "area of friction" between T. Truitt Jr., said the detective, Pakistan and India and can best Jerry C. Mason, a member of the be solved by protecting the self police force for six years, had determination of the Kashniri posted $1,500 bond before Magispeople. trate William H. Buii nnd would PAKISTAN, HE added, has refbe entitled to a preliioma.ry hearused to discuss the matter with ing if he requested one. 'military advisors' in SEATO (South East Atlantic Treaty OrMeanwhile this Eastern Shore ganization) for fear of intervencommunity of 17,000 remained tion from the white Western tense under a state of emergency world lika that seen in Viet Nam, proclaimed by Gov. Spiro T. AgKorea and the Middle East. new. Daniel Kenneth Henry, a 22year-old deaf-and-dumb Black Cite Semitic sBack'ash' man, was shot to deat'.i after his NEW YORK — Jewish leaders arrest on charges o: burglary. criticized their fellow Jews for Soon afterward, about 800 Black people gathered outside police "blacklashing" against the Negro headquarters to p r o t e s t the just like white Americans. slaughter. Shortly later, Negroes In a New York Jewish Comswept down Main street, part of U.S. highway 50, shattering winmunity Relations Council forum dows in stores, looting, rocking on Negro-Jewish relations, Albert parked cars and setting some Vorpan, director of the National buildings afire. After three hours, Commission on Social Action for the crowds dispersed. About onethe American Hebrew Congregathird of Salisbury's; population is Black. tion charged that the Jew has BLACKS have no> forgotten the plight of the ate Interior Committee in favor of pending responded like all other white American Indian as Rev. A. R. Sampson of Senate bill to provide economic aid to Amer- THE FIRES were at the CampAmericans to the opportunity to SCLS and more than 100 members of tho ican Indians through a >ysrem of small busi- bell Soup Company, a fertilizer suppress and destroy a minority. Poor People'.; Campaign lobby before Sencompany ?nd a grocery. ness loans and grants. ;
Pakistan Fears 'Intervention
t s
Poiice KiUSing of Black Deaf Mute Sets Off Riots
MAY 31, 1968
Charge FBI "Conspiracy" To Imprison H. Rap Brown
Black Tries to Join Sports Tean—Has Car Bombed HATTTESBURG, M i s s. — A Black rightsworker, whose car was rigged with a bomb to explode when the horn was tapped, remains in fair condition after an explosion splintered the steering column, broke the windshield and caused the Black occupant to be hospitalized.
NEW ORLEANS—Defense Attorneys for H. Rap Brown have begun unraveling piece by piece a plot which began several years ago to "silence" the youthful Black Power militant.
"THINGS A R E A LOT better than they were," says Jeff Fluker, head of the NAACP in Greenwood. "All over the state, "KALEY DUCKWORTH, 40, had the spirit of people is better. asked to join a sports team They (the whites) are beginning where he worked, the Hurculean to realize they have to help the Power Company," said Dr. C. E . other fellow to help themselves." Smith, local head of the National To some extent, a gradual inAssociation for the Advancement crease in the number of Negroof Colored People. "As an em- operated business enterprises ployee, he had every right to scattered through the South is participate in company recrea- also holding down out-migration. tional activity." At Crawfordsville E n t e r p r i s e s Dr. Smith said Duckworth had Inc.. a garment-making concern won a 1962 Corvair in a benefit at Crawfordsville, Ga., for inraffle for a Black high school stance, the all-Negro labor force bir.z r. Haxesburg. numbers 43 full-timers and 18 •'He had used the horn several trainees. Robert Biilingsly, Netimes before the following morn-: gro manager of the cooperative, ing when he parked the car in said his employes "would have to the lot of the Hurculean Power leave" if it weren't for their jobs Company," Smith added, during at the plant, because "there's an interview with MUHAMMAD nothing else for them."
ATTORNEY William Kunstler said that events leading to the arrest of the youthful patriot for allegedly transporting arms from New York to New Orltans and back again were just a part of "the whole process of getting Rap Brown." The c o n s p i r a c y existed, Brown's attorney stated to arrest the Black militant "on any pretext possible." Trials following his arrest attested to this as observers charged the courtroom had "an armed camp atmosphere." U.S. Attorney Louis Lacour presented nine witnesses who allegedly observed Brown boarding a plane in New Orleans. None could prove he possessed a firearm, however. In further developments, Brown's attorneys discovered that 'witnesses' had been trailing Brown throughout his stay at his Baton Rougue, La. home waiting the slightest move that would incriminate him. F B I officials, hoping to beat Kunstler to the courts before he subpoenas evidence which will shatter the 'conspiracy' before it crystallizes to a more hideous form, admitted an electronic surveillance (wire tap) of the militant's New York apartment several years ago. Public confession, however, was somewhat weakened as officials attempted to disguise it as an 'accident.'
U.S. to Probe Race Bias On and Off European Bases WASHINGTON—A high-level Department of Defense inspection team is probing discrimination against Black servicemen in Europe, both on and off posts.
BLACK LIBERATION leader H . Rap Brown, chairman of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, signals contemporaries that he is still in there fighting during hearing on firearms charge in New Orleans courtroom. He wears cap signifying membership in the militant Black Panther political party.
Sartre Says Blacks, Vietnamese Face Same Oppressor "integration P A R I S — T h e world- lem i n the U . S . could because i m p o s s i b l e ." c o m e a b o u t o n l y t h r o u g h famed philosopher, J e a n "armed struggle." P a u l Sartre, asserted reH e said that A m e r i c a n cently t h a t 20-million N e g r o e s c o u l d not h o p e B l a c k people in A m e r i c a for a peaceful solution, w e r e in a position c o m p a r a b l e to t h a t of 30- m i l lion Vietnamese in being "oppressed b y the
THE TEAM, according to a recent Army Times report, is being headed by Jack Moskowitz, deputy assistant secretary of defense, and L. H. Bennett, civil rights director. They will visit U.S. military installations in Germany, Italy. Spain and the United Kingdom.
having could affect American servicemen. IT HAS BEEN nearly four years since the Defense Department a s k e d military commanders abroad to give particular stress to improving off-post housing opportunities for Negro servicemen and to other problems affecting the Negro. Now the anti-bias program is to be evaluated.
England has been troubled reis cently by racial unrest and some of the problems the English are
Photo Lecturer
S t a t e s of A m e r i c a . MR. S A R T R E spoke a t a s t u d e n t m e e t i n g attended by some 2,000 in the Mutualite H a l l o n the L e f t B a n k . H e said that a s o l u t i o n to t h e r a c e p r o b -
Hear the Life giving of (he'Hon. MUHAMMAD ON MMQ SUNDAY, 2:00 P.M.
WYLO 540 KG Milwaukee,
SPEAKS. "Shortly after he left the company parking lot that afternoon, he blew the horn and the bomb exploded. The blast was heard for several blocks."
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Must Be Clean Have A Pleasing Personality Must Know How To Obey Orders Must Have Experience Muslim or Non-Muslim
BRO. ROBERT 3 3 X 616 EAST 71st ST. a
CHICAGO, ILL. 60619 •
PHONE: 487-9800
MAY 31, 1968
It'll' Q\
t the Countr
By Darryl Cowherd (Pan-African Press) STOCKHOLM—White America's war in Vietnam is largely being fought to illustrate to the freedom-seeking Black people of the world that national liberation through armed warfare will not work; that is what the so-called "Domino Theory" really means. It is further designed to ensure the enslavement and economic exploitation of all non-white people. IT IS NOT surprising then that the people who know that enslavement and that slavemaster best, B l a c k Americans, have played an increasingly important role in preventing U.S. takeover of their Vietnamese brothers land and country. T h o s e growing numbers of Black soldiers who are in opposition to the genocidal efforts of the U.S. in Vietnam have been continuously characterized by the white press as being, "troublemakers, bums and irresponsible young narcotic-using toughs." Very little has been offered in the way of an accurate portrait of surely one of the most courageous Black American groups to come out of the liberation-generation—the Black Resisters. These Black patriots are indeed NUMBERS O F Blacks, such as these youths walking past endowed with a sense of responthe now-closed gate of the Renault plant in Paris, have left sibility, not only to their moral code, which is of the highest HERE IS the story of one of This then is where they stand: known to man, but to Black peoalienated, again, in a sense, from them: ple everywhere. their people, faced with the prob" I came to Stockholm on Feb. IT IS, after all, in the name of lems of adjustment in a faraway 26, 1968, because I knew Sweden freedom and love of Blacks that place and without assistance of was a neutral country and I they have committed themselves that revitalizing spirit that so could be active and not persecutto an existence in a foreign land. characterizes black life. Thened for it," declared 24-year-old And, it is in the same context courage is evident and their sacchairman of the Black Resisters that they must carry on their rifices astronomical. They are inCommittee Donald Williams, restruggle without blessing or aid deed strong and brave warriors. flectively. or comfort from those who are These uprooted refugees—these " I was stationed in Ft. Benlargely responsible for their sacrifices. They have done what political-pugilists have yet to be ning. Ga.. when my unit was they have done because they love h o n o r e d or even accurately alerted in June, 1967 for duty in Black people, but it is Black peo- shown or better, commended for Vietnam. I tried to get out of my ple whom they must now do the dignity and strength that is unit then because I couldn't see fighting in Vietnam for a sowithout. theirs.
America forever in search of another land to call their own. Their numbers are increasing. called freedom that I didn't have tool in the race-politics in Asia," in my own home town," the Chi- Williams said. He and his family made plans for escape. cago ex-soldier said. Williams joined the Army 7 IN JANUARY of 1968, he was years ago, at the age of 17, droptransferred to Martin Army Hos- ping out of Dunbar H.S. in the pital in Ft. Benning, Ga., be- heart of Chicago's black ghetto, cause he had made his views on "to keep from becoming like all Vietnam somewhat known and it the young cats around me: in was thought to be in "the best jail, broke, no future—the only interests of his unit" that he be thing we had was last night." sent somewhere else. HE WENT TO the Army to It was also at this point that he decided "not to become a U.S. {Continued on Page 10)
Hear the Life-giving Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad O N RADIO in Boston, Jlnss. Saturdays 2 P.M. Sundays 4 P.M. On Radio Station WILD
in Springfield, Miss. FIRM REFUSAL of U.S. compromise "peace" plan by North Viet Nam spokesman Nguyen Van So (center) at Paris Peace Conference has newsmen baffled. Reporter at left wants
to be sure he heard Van So correctly when he said Hanoi will refuse any compromise short of a complete halt of American bombing in North Viet Nam.
SATURDAYS 1:15 P.M. WACE 7 3 0 K C
Mftitm i m s
R e p o
F r o m
S t r u g g l e s
A f r i c a ' s
f o r l i b e r a t i o n
6<*W£V>4*<n* U*M(/o*bt/*6V?
Black Patriots in New Triumphs Over Portuguese chine guns and other war materials, according to a communique DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania- issued here recently by the MozMozambique freedom fighters ambique guerrillas. scored resounding victories durIn a series of ambushes during ing the month of March when the latter half of March, the they hit hard at the Portuguese guerrillas killed more than 30 Portuguese soldiers, wounded alcolonial troops. most 70 and destroyed ten enemy lorries in Cabo Delgade ProvON MARCH 24, THE Mozambique guerrillas wiped out almost ince. On March 25, the guerrillas ata company of Portuguese troops, as the Black fighters destroyed a tacked a Portuguese post at Nancolonial post at Nambude. They kunamiz and freed 72 Mozambicaptured one mortar, five subma- cans imprisoned there. (Pan African Press)
(4 6 (h U a o 4 U o (h V> i/) m
How Black American Soldier Found Safety Among Expatriots in Sweden
The Phoenician writings were found on a PROOF THAT MIGHTY Black men from the stone, in 1877, located in Parahyba, Brazil. Mid-East discovered America, at least 2,000 It was first translated by Dr. Ladislau Netto, years before Columbus ever dreamed the then director of the National Museum in (Continued from page 9) walked up to the first policeman world's isn't flat, was contained n these writI saw and told him I was a re- ings which make up the Parahyba Inscription. Rio De Janiero. "see something different." At the sister against the U.S. Army and time Williams didn't really know that I was seeking political asywhy the ghettoes were the way lum against the racist system in they were, 'out he did know he the States. wanted to get out. DETROIT — Mayor Jerome P. demonstrators after s e v e r a l 26 marchers were injured—five " I w a s n ' t just dissenting Cavanaugh has told Poor People's marchers refused to allow police requiring hospitalization—as a reDisillusioned at every turn by against the war in Vietnam but marchers that he is "deeply re- to tow away a stalled car. About sult. Army authorities, Williams set against the whole exploitative gretful" for the clash between wheels into motion to leave the system inside and outside—conthem and police. It was not imArmy and the States. He first SHABAZZ CARRY9UT trolled by white America," he VISIT mediately c l e a r whether the forged phony leave papers that AND SUPERMARKET continued. "The Swedish police MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE mayor was apologizing or merely would give him permission to took me into custody for 24 hours 1545 HEW JERSEY AVE., H.W. TAMPA, FLORIDA saying that it was unfortunate take a 30-day leave with military until they could contact the law2108 MAIN STREET 387-3066 the incident happened. He was transportation to Germany. yer handling our cases and get WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. OPEN 24 HOURS He changed his Army records the necessary papers filled out. It referring to 10 mounted policeSUNDAYS 2:00 P.M. WASHINGTON, D.C. to indicate his wife and two was just a formality, but it kind men's charge into a crowd of daughters were living in Chicago of shook me up. and not in Jackson, Miss., where "In the Army," Williams reMR. MUHAMMAD'S NATIONWIDE they actually would be in hiding, vealed, "the Black man is the with the help of friends. last to be promoted and the first " I wasn't going to go unless I to be demoted. The Army is still could be sure my family was very segregated and running safe. I didn't want some crackpot A Message of Truth . . . Mightier Than The Sword! scared. They told us that only or fanatic taking shots or throwseven had come to Sweden but ing bombs at them," he added. when I got here I was number AREA STATION DIAL, KC DAY TIME (TIMES LISTED AKRON, OHIO WCUE 1 150 SUN. 8 P.M. "WITH MY phony orders I 37, now there are over 80 resistATLANTA—GRIFFIN, GA WERD 860 SUN. 5:00 P.M. ARE L O C A L ) went to Dover Air Force Base in ers. ATLANTIC CITY—VINELAND, N. J WDVL 1270 SUN. 3:00 P.M. Delaware and caught a military BALTIMORE, MD WSID 1010 SUN. 12:30 P.M. "WHEN THE brothers come hop to Germany. I had been in BIRMINGHAM, ALA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. the Army a long time, and I now all they have to do is call BOSTON, MASS WILD 1090 SAT. 2 P.M. knew the workings of the mili- me (tel.: 994772) and we will BOSTON, MASS WILD 1090 SUN. 4 P.M. tary mind well. I just used that take care of them—all they have BUFFALO, N.Y WUFO 1080 SUN. 10:30 A.M. to do is to get here. They won't CHICAGO, ILL WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. knowledge." CHICAGO, ILL WYLO 540 SUN. 7:00 P.M. " I also knew Germany very have any financial or housing CLEVELAND, OHIO WABO 1540 SUN. 7:30 A.M. well because I had lived there problems and they can still fight LISTEN to DALLAS, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. for two years. I wasn't paranoid 'The Man' without fear of SwedDETROIT, MICH WGPR-FM 107.5 SUN. 12:00 NOON ish government reprisal," the rebecause I knew nothing could go DETROIT, MICH WCHB 1440 SUN. 6:30 P.M. wrong. I even sewed a 101st Cav- sisters chairman added. DURHAM, N.C WSRC 1410 SUN. 10:00 A.M. "But one warning to the broth- Mr. GARY, IND WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. alry patch on my sleeve. EveryHAMMOND, IND WJOB 12 JO SUN. 5:30 P.M. body thought I was on leave ers, when you come here be preHARVEY, ILL WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. pared to join the struggle. The from duty in Vietnam." MUHAMMAD HOUSTON, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. Man is not jiving about our lives, "When I got to Frankfort, GerJACKSON, MISS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. many, I went to the railroad sta- and we ain't jiving about his. KANSAS CITY, MO XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. Once you get political asylum LITTLE ROCK, ARK XERF tion and bought a ticket for 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 MON. !0:00 P.M. Stockholm, avoiding the airport (almost immediately) the whole Every W e e k door is open, it's up to you then. LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 TUES. 10:00 P.M. for all of the obvious reasons." LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 WED. 10:00 P.M. "AT CENTRAL Station here, I (to be continued) LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 THURS. 10:00 P.M. LOS ANGELES, CALIF KTYM-FM 103.9 FRI. 10:00 P.M. KTYM-FM 103.9 SUN. 7:30 A.M. O n the Radio LOS ANGELES, CALIF MEMPHIS, TENN K-WAM 990 SUN. 3:30 P.M. C H I C A G O N E W Y O R K MIAMI—FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA WFAB 990 SUN. 6-.00 A.M. 616 EAST 71st STREET MILWAUKEE, WIS WAWA I02FM SUN. 8:00 P.M. Station PHONf 483 1668 MILWAUKEE, WIS. WYLO 540 SUN. 2:00 P.M. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN KUXL 1570 SUN. 4:00 P.M. MONROE, LA XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. NASHVILLE, TENN XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. .XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. In Your Area NEW ORLEANS, LA NEW YORK, N.Y.—NEWARK, N.J WBNX 1380 SUN. 6:30 P.M. NORFOLK, VA WHIH 1400 SUN. 12:30 P.M. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. PITTSBURGH, PA WAMO-FM 106 SUN. 7:00 P.M. Listed LONG ISLAND, NY PROVIDENCE, R.I WILD 1090 SUN. 6:45 A.M. RICHMOND—PETERSBURG, VA WANT 990 SUN. 1:00 P.M. 105-05 NORTHERN BLVD. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS -...XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. (ot 105th St.) Here . . . SAN FRANCISCO—OAKLAND, CALIF KMPX-FM 107 SUN. 1 1:00 P.M. CORONA, L.I., NY. ST. LOUIS, MO XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. PROMPT C O U R T E O U S SERVICE PHONE TW 9-963£ TUSCALOOSA, ALA XERF 1570 SUN. 8:30 P.M. TYLER, TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. WASHINGTON, D.C WOOK 1340 SUN. 12:30 P.M. :
Detroit Mayor Apologizes for Police Attacks on Poor
MAY 5i. t « 8
Middle Class Joining Poor In Capital WASHINGTON—The Poor People's Campaign held in Washington, D.C. has not only been a display of unity between poor. Black people, but a show of new-found race identity among the 'upper class' Negro with the cause of his impoverished race brother. OVER 200 PROMINENT Black doctors and lawyers in the Washington, D.C. contributed not only funds (a traditional 'conscience salve' for status-seeking professionals), but time in organizing and maintaining volunteer staff and services for thousands of Black people participating in the militant, economic and human freedom drive. One participant, Dr. K a t u s Blakey, a prominent dentist in Washington's Black community which is 66 per cent of that city's population, observed that "dedication has come because many r e a l i z e . . . they must help change things." He added that the murder of ENTHUSED STUDENTS of Norfolk State College warmly human rights martyr Dr. Martin greet Minister Muhammad Air (third from left), after his Luther King and riotous rebellion arrival at the campus to spread the teachings of the Honorin the Black community "contribute heavily to that realization."
able Elijah Muhammad. The great Muslim athlete has visited more than 50 college campuses during recent months.
Black Power in World Council
Parallel to this marked involvement of the financially affluent Negro in the entire movement is UNITED NATIONS — Reprethe sudden 're-entry' of many senting the strong influence of Black celebrities into the continuAfrican nations and their rising ing struggle Black people have influence on major directions of waged for freedom. the U n i t e d Ivations, Ethiopia IN FACILITATING this, estab- urged the world body to endorse lished' civil rights organizations a proposed treaty between the like the Southern Christian Lead- U.S. and Russia prohibiting the ership Conference h a v e been spread of nuclear weapons. helpful in 'reorienting' the distant N e g r o 'brother' to the true perspective of the oppression which shadows the lives of Black people throughout the nation. One woman, who is considered a member of the social 'elite' in the handful of Washington, D.C. wealthy Blacks, described the sentiment behind her involvement as being "It's as if one has a relative who's in trouble."
THE EAST AFRICAN Empire demanded that the UN must continue to strive for peace despite world-wide endeavors to promote violence and imperialism. Endalkachew Makonnen. delegate from Ethiopia said that adoption of the treaty by a nonwhite 'non-nuclear' block could forge pathways for "a series of accompanying nuclear disarmament measures."
Sudanese Uncover U.S. 'Fraud' in Viet Nam (PAN AFRICAN PRESS) KHARTUM, Sudan — The AfroAsian Solidarity Organization met recently in the Sudan in a demonstration to support the Vietnamese people's struggle for national salvation. DEMONSTRATORS marched through the streets of the capital city of this Arab nation waving flags of the South Vietnamese National Liberation Front and shouting such slogans as 'Down With Lyndon Johnson' and 'Long Live The Armed Struggle of the Vietnamese People.' At the height of the demonstration, a statement was read in support of North Vietnamese president Ho Chi Minh and the National Front for Liberation, the guerilla and political arm of the Vietnamese people's struggle against foreign rule. IN AN EXPRESSION of AfroAsian solidarity, a Sudanese
POPULAR WORLD CHAMPION Muhammad Ali addresses enthusiastic students at St. Augustines College in Raleigh, N.C., while Minister Kenneth X smiles appreciatively.
Ethiopia Wants Non-White Summit Conference
spokesman emphasized "Your heCAIRO, Egypt — Ethiopia has roic people have inspired the called a conference of non-white people of the whole world and n a t i o n s to form a 'summit taught them to dare to fight and conference' similar in scope to not to retreat in the face of atomic threats." ATTENTION The flaming address further FAMILY BUDGET exposed U.S. president Johnson's YOUR FACTORY OUTLET CENTER "peace fraud" as a scheme to deceive world opinion in order to A Complete Line of Men's and ladies' Jewelry •.Shirts • Ties • Earrings "gain a breathing space." the Finest in Hosiery for Men, With the increasingly cohesive Ladies and Children unity of the Vietnamese people, at Tremendous Savings they have successfully, during Special Sale on Children's Clothing and School Supplies the past seven years annihilated over one-million U.S. troops, libBROTHER ISAAC 6X erated four-fifths of the land and 1175 East 71st St. Chicago, III. two-thirds of the people are now PHONE: 667-2615 living in 'liberated' areas. CALL FOR HOME DELIVERY BUY AND SELL WITH SHABAZZ REALTY T 97 St. Nicholas Avenue New York, N.Y. 876-5882
The World Champion and Muslim Minister is in constant demand for such appearances at colleges and universities across the country. IPhoto by James Williams)
the power alliance of the West- sent to Egypt, Pakistan, Latin ern, white world. America and other key areas of the non-white world in Africa and CONTRARY TO the objectives Asia. of violence, imperialism a n d repression advocated by t h e IN INDIANAPOLIS, IND. western powers, the conference, VISIT to be held in January, will disMl HAM.MADS MOSQlf cuss "peace, development and independence." at 2905 N. CLIFTON Invitations to the board based WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. 'summit conference' have been EVERY SUNDAY 2:00 P.M.
BEST ROACH KILLER Will Kill Roaches—Flies—Ants—Spiders. Kills up to 3 months just by spraying (1) one time. Guaranteed or Your Money Back. SCND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:
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MAY 31, 1968
The Hypocrites By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah
Explains Why 1967 Was 'Very Good Year' for Followers of Messenger Muhammad By Abdul Basit Naeem The year-end is a time of contemplation a n d stock-taking: "Was it—or wasn't it—a good year?" I don't mean, of course, for my own person or for my family (that's too trivial a matter!) but in terms of the U.S. "Nation of Islam" or the Muslim World at large.
tion-oriented group). There were numerous other occurrences of note: The "national" ( B l a c k American) trend to favor "natural beauty" practices continued to gain ground; conversely, a marked decline was reported in sales of hair straighteners, skin lighteners, bleaching creams, etc. A similar pattern was observed by the doll industry: Black .American customers purchased black dolls for their children in preference to other kinds at an unprecedented ratio of five to one."
VERSE 65: "And it thou ask them, they would certainly say: We were only talkIN ORDER TO properly aping idly and sporting. Say: Was it Allah and His messages and His praise the U.S. Islamic scene, on Messenger that you mocked?" the other hand, it is essential that I first review black AmeriVERSE 66: "Makeno excuse, you disbelieved after your believing. If We par- c a n developments generally. African motifs and styles of don a party of you, We shall chastise a party, because they are Hence the following summary analysis: 1967 may w e l l be garb showed a spectacular rise guilty." termed the Year of Awakening in popularity. While the overall for all "Asiatic" so-called •"Negro" unemployment VERSE 67: (i .e., nonwhite picture remained Weak or grim, "The hypocrites, men and women, are all alike. They enjoin evil or so-called there was noticeable improveand forbid good and withhold their hands. They have forsaken Allah, •Negro") inhab- ment in the number of blackso He has forsaken them. Surely the hypocrites are the transgressors." itants of t h i s owned or black-managed business land. It is in enterprises across the country. VERSE 68: this year that "Allah promises the hypocrites, men and women, and the disbelievers Black consciousthe Fire of hell to abide therein. It is enough for them. And Allah IN THE FIELD of sports, talness and racial ented Black Americans continued curses them, and for them is a lasting chastisement." pride manifest- to exhibit their prowess as the All of the above listed verses are in Chapter 9 of the Holy Qur-an. ed itself as nev- best of athletes and professional er before. It is ball players. However, they also THE HYPOCRITES are very- much hated ones by Allah, the in this year that let it be known—through the reMessenger, and those who follow him. They come saying " I believe" Naeem t h e first (all- cently formed "Negro '968 Olymand go out saying " I do not believe" (Holy Qur-an, 2nd Chapter). They ace not satisfied with giving up the Truth themselves; they black) Conference on Black Pow- pic Boycott Committee"—that the seek to pull others away from the Truth. And, one of their greatest er was held (in Newark, N. J.) "opportunities open to us . . . still desires is to make people to believe what they are rejecting (Allah, it is in 1967, again, that the phrase comprise but a fraction of those His_mgssages_and His Messenger) are liars. This is what angers Allah BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL took on , available to and enjoyed by oth—for the hypocrites to call Him and His messages and Messenger significant new meaning when ers (i.e. the whites) . . . " (A speliars and seek to kill the Messenger, so that their (the hypocrites') "adopted" by various so-called cific Boycott Committee demand: lies will not be made manifest. But, this is like playing with fire and "Negro" organizations (inclusivej Restore the World Heavyweight of one hitherto firmly integra-1 Boxing Championship to whom it knowing not the burn of fire. LIP PROFESSION—Holy Qur-an Chapter Two: SOME HYPOCRITES will say "Oh I believe in Allah, but I do Verse 13—And when it is said to them, Believe as the people not believe in the Messenger—that he is really Allah's Messenger. believe, they say: Shall we believe as the fools beHere, again, they err, because it is impossible for one to believe in lieve? Now surely they are the fools, but they know either One—God or the Messenger—and not believe in Both, for the not. w Messenger is the only source of communication and guidance for the Verse 14—And when they meet those who believe, they say, people. So, rejecting the Messenger is rejecting God, The Sender of We believe; and when they are alone with their devils, the Messenger. they say: Surely we are with you, we were only mockMalcolm's fall should serve as an example to all hypocrites who ing. wish to scandalize and make mockery at Allah. His messages, and Verse 15—Allah will pay them back their mockery, and He His Messenger. leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wan• Also, my brother, Karlot's fall served as a warning to the wistful dering on. and proud leaders who want to take upon themselves the honor of the Messenger of Allah, without being chosen by Allah. IN VERSE 13 where the Hypocrite and disbeliever is said to be HOLY QUR-AN Chapter 4—Verses 142-146:" making fun of the Muslims (the Believers), calling them fools that The hypocrites are said—in Verse 143—to be those who are waver- believe in the truth, they are really the fools themselves for not being between this and that, belonging neither to these nor those. lieving as the Muslims believe. But, they do not know that they are really the fools. This is really mockery of self, when one is trying THIS IS TRUE. The hypocrite goes out claiming that he is with to mock another one and the other one is more honored than both parties. He shows a false belief and friendship to both sides. the mocker. The mocker does not know that which he mocks is more And, this makes him to be an insincere believer or friend to either in honor than himself. But. yet he lies when he meets those who side. When a believer comes in saying that he believes: and then believe (The Muslims) and says (We believe) and when they are goes out saying he disbelieves, then he lied at first and he lies going along with the devils (Verse 14) they say, "surely we are with you. out. This is why a hypocrite cannot be accepted by anyone as being We were only mocking." sincere. - After you have accepted the truth and declared it to be the truth, if you who come over to follow me to Allah turn your backs THEY GO and tell the devils they were only mocking us, but on the Truth, we have it in black and white that you declare your- really they are with the devils or want the devils to believe that they self to be a believer in Allah and in His Messages, and His Messenger. are with them, when they are not really with either one y the devils In fact, you are declaring that you believe as the Messenger be- or the Muslims. They lie to both the devils and the Muslims lieves. Then, he turns his back and calls Allah, His religion, and the In the 15th Verse, Allah says He will pay them back their mockMessenger (who preaches that religion) a lie. So, he becomes the ery and this pay-back is followed in these words: "He leaves them most hated person by Allah. This is why Allah says that He will not alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on." This is the conguide such a one but to the path of hell to abide in it. (Find this sequence of their lying to both sides; the-Muslims and the devils. chapter in the Holy Qur-an). Allah leaves them blind, wandering, thinking they are going rightly. :
CHAPTER 4—Verse 145 says: "The hypocrites are surely in the lowest depths of the Fire, and thou wilt find no helper for them." BEFORE the coming of Allah, hypocrites of Islam could get away with saying they believed and did not believe. But today, it is a mistake. A disbeliever suffers the consequences of his disbelief almost at once. It is due to the Presence of God, Himself; the hypocrites rejected prophets previous to His Coming, by using false claims. In the Presence of God, you cannot get away with trying to hide falsehood. This is what He came for, to make manifest the falsehood so that truth may triumph. My followers who turn back suffer such anger and dislike of Allah almost immediately due to the fact that God is present with me as never before to any human being, for I am His first choice and the hypocrite does not know and does not believe that he is really God Who was to come and has come. And, if they believe He is the God, they yet do not believe that I am His Messenger. This makes a disbeliever in both, as the Holy Qur-an teaches, belief in One is belief in Both and disbelief in One is disbelief in Both.
rightfully belongs—Muhammad Ali.) "Substantial strides" are said to have been made by Black professionals in the performing arts as well. The most memorable aspect of the outgoing year, in my opinion, however, is the fact that for the first time there was open talk of the "utter futility and unworka*bility of the Great Society's integration concepts and program" and, consequently, of that "inevitable solution to the U.S. racial dilemma—ultimate separation of the two (black and white) communities . . . " Now, if we examine the above events keenly and minutely, we'll have to conclude and concede that they reflect, more than ever before^, a strong and still growing influence of the great American Muslim leader, Honorable Elijah Muhammad, on the minds of virtually all black Americans. AFTER ALL, WASN'T the venerable Messenger (Elijah Muhammad) the first Black leader in America to preach of "Black, is Beautiful," Black is Mighty and Strong," Be Yourself: Love Your Own Kind and Self," etc., and to unequivocally demand full and unfettered FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY for the entire so-called "Negro" population of this country'' Likewise, wasn't he the first to specifically warn —as long as thirty-six years ago —that "Separation—a piece of this earth we can call our own— and not integration with our natural enemies is the answer" . . .? Under the circumstances, I believe we'll have to further concede that the year now concluding was, to say the least, a "good" one for the U.S. "Nation of Islam" (rightfully headed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad)!
Syrian Rips U.S.-Backed Aggression (Pan African Press) DAMASCUS, Syria—The VicePremier and Foreign Minister of Syria. Ibrahim Makhous, recently denounced U.S. imperialism for its support to the Israeli Zionist aggressive policy and reaffirmed that armed struggle was the only path to liberation of the Arab people.
THE 18TH Verse of Chapter Two refers to them as "deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return." They do not return to light of truth that it may guide them in the way of truth, so that they will share the reward of truth. But, rather, call the truth a lie, and falsehood the truth. The worst of all is to say you believe in Islam and then later say you disbelieve. We must remember again and again, that Malcolm was an answer for all hypocrites for he came in believing and then went out saying he disbelieved and made mock of God, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due forever, and His Messenger, Elijah Muhammad.
IN AN INTERVIEW with Arab and foreign press delegations here recently, Makhous said: "The Zionist aggression against the Arab Nation has exposed the aggressive nature of Israel and the United States to the whole world." Makhous denounced Israel for its provocative military parade in Jerusalem on May second and said that Israel's challenge was encouraged by the United States.
I WARN you, do not play with this truth that I am teaching that came from God, lest you suffer the fire of hell in this life and not after you are dead. Even the Bible teaches you in Revelation (19:20) tha,t the Hypocrites and disbelievers were cast alive in a lake of fire with the devil. The average of our people think that this means spirits. You cannot burn up spirits until you burn up what the spirit is in and the spirit of disbelief is in a person: to destroy it, burn the person up, for I here is no spirit (that) has any power to do anything, unless it has something of life from which to emit.
MAKHOUS PRAISED the victory of the heroic Vietnamese peonle in their war against U.S. aggression and for national salvation. The armed struggle of the Vietnamese people has the support of the people of the world, he concluded.
MAY 31. IK8
Muhammad: to Live "What Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, Has Revealed to me."
By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah Eat one meal a day or one meal every two days, if you are able. If you eat the proper food, and not poison food and drink, you will prolong your life, make yourself youthful, and will keep away sickness, and suffering (even colds), said Allah to me m the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever. K E E P THE body and the mind clean. Do good to self and to others. Keep away from evil and remember Allah always, and He Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, will remember you. But, you must eat pure food (the food that Allah has pointed out to us to eat) and stay away from that which He Forbids us to eat, such as swine flesh (the hog). I will be a happy man when I see the day that our Black people forsake the hog. This divinely prohibited flesh (the swine) can be the cause of most of our sickness. The professional people, such as doctors and religious scholars and scientists, know this to be true. But, in this wicked world (of the white race) they were made to teach against the good Law and Guidance of Almighty God, Allah, to Whom praises are due forever. ALL THAT God Says "thou death approaches you, for this is shall not do" the white race says the law of life; it always wants "thou shall do," or "thou should to stay here. do." And then, they are bold Eating any kind of flesh is not enough to ask you "what is wrong good for us, not even beef. No with eating the pig." animal flesh can be said to be The hog, according to the good for human consumption, not teachings of God, in the Person even fowls, and very few fish, of Master Fard Muhammad, to not to think of the scavengers of Whom praises- are due forever, is the waters, such as c r a b s , very poisonous. It contains more shrimps and oysters. poison than a rattlesnake. Of We must learn to eat vegetacourse white people eat rattle bles and fruits and stay away snakes. It is not the flesh of the rattle snake which is so poison- from land flesh. It is a little difous, but the sac full of poison, ificult for us to suddenly stop eatwhich it carries in its mouth. ing beef, lamb, and chicken, but When the r a t t l e snake strikes we must wean away from such you, it empties the sac of poi- flesh gradually. EATING one meal a day proson into your flesh. This causes death to the victim, if he does longs your life if you eat the right not r e c e i v e attention quickly. food. People will soon live a life But, the actual flesh of the hog of one thousand years, after the is 999% poison (nearly 1000%) as removal of this wicked world. taught to me by God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever. This poison is not going to kill you instantly. It drags you along for many years. Prominent Black leaders on all IT IS a very deceitful poison. levels have sounded their enIt is in the form of live worms dorsement of Augustus A. (Gus) commonly called pork worms Savage in his struggle to attain (trichinae). In a hog eater's the Congressional seat of the body, these worms multiply by third Congressional District locatthe millions. They first enter the ed on Chicago's south side. SAVAGE, WHO observers prewalls of the stomach and then from the stomach pass out into dict will be the city's second Black the intestinal walls. And, from congressman, will open his third the intestines they travel up the campaign headquarters in a cruback in the spinal cord into the cial section of the 60 per cent muscles of the body and finally Black district. into the brain. When these worms Noted Black political figures get into these two places, last endorsing the progressive Black mentioned (of the body), the dis- candidate include Richard G. ease becomes incurable. Hatcher, first Black mayor of Look at the pictures in physi- Gary, Ind., Prof. Charles V. ology books or in the dictionary Hamilton, noted Black historian where this worm is enlarged sev- and co-author with Stokely Chareral hundred times. The lives of michael of the book Black Power p e o p l e with such poisonous and author-historian Lerone Benworms in their bodies are usually nett. Other Black political figures limited to less than one hundred years, and for many, less than endorsing Savage are Warren Baseventy years. There are a few con, only Black Chicago school who live past a hundred years, board member, Al Raby, former whose constitutions may have convenor of the Coordinating Council of Community Organizabeen much stronger than others. tions, Thomas Picou, executive YOU MAY say, "one hundred editor of the Chicago Defender, years is all I would want to live." Black Aldermen H. A. Rayner, No, this is not the Truth. You William Cousins and State Sen. would like to live a hundred thou- Richard H. Newhouse. sand years if you could, w h e n
Release White Arsonist For Klan
Bubonic Plague
HATTTESBURG, Miss.—A Ku Klux Klan leader who ordered a 1966 fire-bombing which took the life of a Black voter-registration drive leader was dismissed in a "mistrial" as jurors dawdled over a decision to mete out justice.
was one of 13 men indicted on charges of fire-bombing the store and home of Black local community leader Vernon Dahmer on Jan. 10, 1966. Dahmer died of injuries received in the fire. After 22 hours of deliberation, jurors could not decide on whether to admit Bower's obvious SAM Bowers guilt.
MASERU, Lesotho—According to Government press reports, at least 20 persons have died in a bubonic plague epidemic here. Parliament has asserted that many more persons have been admitted to hospitals with the ancient disease although it is confined to four villages.
"Most Powerful...'' — MEAUEH'S
Black Leaders To Support Savage
"Alone of all the \'egro leaders Elijah Muhammad has a vivid awareness of the vital need of a new birth. "
THE $3. SO Send Check or M.O.
MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE NO. 2, BOOK DEPT. 5 3 3 5 S. G r e e n w o o d A v e .
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MAY 31, 1968
Kentucky People Uniting to Block KUAC Committee LEXINGTON. Ky.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;A hearing will be held in U.S. District Court on a lawsuit to stop operation of the Kentucky Un-American Activities Committee (KUAC). JUDGE BERNARD Moynahan will decide whether a special three-judge court should pass on the validity of KUAC. Twentythree individuals and eight organizations have told the court that KUAC violates free-speech guarantees of the U.S. Constitution. KUAC, called " Q u a c k " by many Kentuckians, was set up by the 1968 General Assembly over the protests of labor and civilrights leaders in the House and Senate. The hearing will be held amid growing protests against KUAC. plus efforts of some state officials to quietly kill the committee by limiting its funds.
DISEMBARKING from bus for journey into dining splendor, excited young Chicago students make their first visit to the lavish Salaam Restaurant. Inside, the youngsters exclaimed in awe as they witnessed the beauty
of the restaurant's appointments. The children were from Irving Progress Center. They were representative of the hundreds of Chicago Black people who are flocking to the nowfamous Muslim eating place. (Photo by Lowell Riley]
CITIZENS opposing KUAC said "as an expression of our concern over the integrity of the Bill of Rights, we oppose the formation of KUAC because the history of such committees has been, not to promote, but to curb the ideals and f r e e d o m s declared by VISIT
the Constitution of the United States." Civil-rights a n d community leaders, along with prominent college professors, have joined in forming a group called Kentuckians Against KUAC. They plan a protest meeting in June and have issued a pamphlet called: "A Political Fable: How the People of Can-Talk Joined Hands and Quashed the Quack-Quacks."
^Escalate' U.S. Bombing HATTIESBURG, Miss. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Intimidation by bombing claimed another civil rights worker when the auto of Kaley Duckworth, 40-yearold local NAACP member and Project Head Start center committeeman, blew up when he touched the car's horn. The blast splintered the steering column and broke the windshield of the 1962 Corvair, which Duckworth had won two days before in a benefit raffle for a high school band. He is in Forest General hospital in "fair" condition.
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Auto Repair, Tune Up, Tow Service Motor Overhauled, Brake Service
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t h e
W o r l d
USED TO STIFLE his people's drive for their rights, an Uncle Tom-type Mobile, Alabama policeman hangs his head low as he escorts a demonstrator to "paddy" wagon after police broke up a march of 400 Black people.
Black leaders have pointed out that the masses of the poor community are losing their patience with Negroes who accept such tasks in an effort to get close to the "boss man."
CROWDING AROUND wounded comrade, members of U.S. 199th Light Infantry show stress of latest meeting with South Vietnamese liberation forces near Saigon. Later, South
Vietnamese freedom fighters launched a devastating rocket attack on the capital city itself while U.S. and government forces ducked helplessly.
LOOK O F U.S. F L A G in year 2000 A.D.? Students at Southeastern Massachusetts Technological Institute in New Bedford were asked what they felt banners and flags of the 21st
Century would be like. One predicted America would be completely fascist by that year and students, agreeing with him, later fought to keep the school from hiding it.
SCULPTURE O F ASSASSINATED non- violent Indian protest leader Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in London's Tavistock Square recently. The work was done by sculptor Predda Brilliant. Non-white residents of the city looked on with skepticism at the unveiling, many stating Britain's attempt at homage was transparent since British merchants continue to exploit the Indian population mercilessly.
INDIAN SOLDIERS struggle to restrain a New Delhian who does not want the government to abide by a World Court decision commanding India to relinquish rule over the Muslim territory of Kutch to Pakistan, its Islamic neighbor. More than 150 such protestors were arrested when they persisted in their insistence on war to defeat the decision.
MAY 31, 1968
TO: The patrons of Your Supermarket and Salaam Restaurant from T h e
H o n o r a b l e
E l i j a h
M u h a m m a d
Messenger of Allah
W e
THANK the public for its patronage of YOUR Supermarket (8345 South Cottage Grove) and SALAAM Restaurant (8300 South Cottage Grove.) We will soon have all the plans for these two places carried out to your enjoyment. The food in both places (YOUR Supermarket and SALAAM Restaurant) is about the best we can find. At the present time, we are trying to supply them with our own farm raised chickens. I am sure once you taste them, you will want to eat none other than YOUR Supermarket chickens. I had not eaten a half chicken at one time in many years, until last week when I dined off some of our farm-raised chickens and I still had a taste for the other half (smile). And, the prices areright.Just try one for yourself. We hope to give you, this year, fresh vegetables of all kinds, from the farm. We hope also to give you, sometime this year, your own farm raised meat, such as beef and lamb, and your own milk and butter. If you would only unite and get behind me, Allah Will set you in heaven at once. Eat the good things of life from YOUR Supermarket and SALAAM Restaurant! Enjoy yourself in an atmosphere of peace and cleanliness, without the foul atmosphere found in many places. Soon, we will have the proper laborers who will give to you proper and lovely service, as you desire. We have to experiment with those who claim that they are qualified for such service. We pray that you will forgive us for any past disservice in these two establishments. Write us and tell us what you think of YOUR Supermarket and SALAAM Restaurant (which means peace). Do any criticizing that you like and we will do our utmost to correct any mistakes that you point out to us. We are your brothers and sisters. Let us live together. Thank you very much for your patronage.
31, 1968
Black Bookshop Reflects New Thirst for Knowledge On Chicago's South Side, right in the heart of the ghetto and less than two blocks from what was once known as the city's infamous "Sin Corner," lies one of the busiest Black bookshops in the country. IT IS THE Ellis Book Store, one of the few places where the city's Black intellectuals, militants, progressive thinkers, educators and everyday workers rub elbows browsing through the extensive selection of works on Black history, economics, political affairs and other relative subjects. "The mind of the community has become conscious of its identity and root," says youthful-appearing Curtis Ellis, the store's owner, public relations expert, chief salesman, accountant, buyer and head stock man. "The want to know about thenhistory . . . their background. There has been a widespread realization of the lack of Black history in the educational institutions and elsewhere. My bookstore has served as a supplement
for those people who really want to know." AT ELLIS' bookstore, a teacher - type can be seen looking t h r o u g h the section holding books on Black inventors and other outstanding persons in civilization's scheme of things. A few feet from her, a tight-faced youth may be seen looking through the section housing political philosophies and social science. Ellis recalls 1959, when his brother asked him to move his accounting business into a bookshop he had opened. He needed help with the rent. Soon,* his brother gave up and left him with a bookshop and an accounting service. But, he was not dismayed. " I said if I could sell $7.50 worth of books a day, I could stay. It was slow in the beginning, but I made that $7.50 a day and the accounts balanced."
LITERARY FIGURES Lerone Bennett, Sterling NOW ELLIS" book sale turn- Stuckey and Gwendolyn Brooks are seen in over is closer to $100-a-day, re- Chicago's Ellis' Book Store at an autograph spectable for any independent party introducing Bennett's latest work,
"Black Power, USA." The store has proved a gathering place for such people along with its rise to prominence as lucrative Black enterprize.
Noted Humanitarian Urges 'Disobedience' to Viet War BOSTON—Facing persecution for his militant stand against the active U.S. atrocities in Viet Nam, Dr. Benjamin Spock told Federal Government officials he would "be delighted" if they wished to prosecute him.
Memo our customers
Spock is being tried with four other men under similar charges with maximum penalty of five years in prison and fines up to' $10,000.
Spock, who for years had tried to oppose the Viet Nam war by THE NOTED humanitarian and "legal means" believes firmly pediatrician told FBI agents that that "now is the time to actively "It is my pur- resist the war and practice civil .{ijj pose to do as disobedience." |J i much as possiWilling to go to prison for his stand, Spock called for all people \J : | l H and obstruct the of similar sentiments to "create * jflB raising of civil disobedience" against the st ^ K . troops by the injustice of American troops in j H United States Viet Nam. jHH J[ J H H for the war in |P f l a g I Viet Nam." His statement f o 1JUSTICE lowed a recent arrest charging DECORATING Dr. Spock him with aiding SERVICE and counseling 8712 SO. THROOP youth in avoiding the draft. CHICAGO, ILL. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR We W o r k Day or Night. Quick, Effiaerri FOR ISLAMIC LITERATURE tconomicol. Full Insurance C o v e r a g e , fcrvsr
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MAY 31, 1968
Says Life in Sudan Confirms Wisdom of Messenger's Teachings on Cleanliness By Bayyinah Sharrieff The women in the Republic of the Sudan do not sit in the company of men. Even within their own families one will find that the men have an area in the home in which they congregate, rest, and eat, separate from the women. The women of the family seldom go to that area when men are there. Separate toilet facilities are in every home for men and women. THE SUDANESE do not like taking baths. They take showers —two, three, and four times a day. They enjoy using clean water, and they prefer to drain the dirty water off of their bodies than to sit in it. When I visited the homes of my colleagues in the Sudan, I did not see the male members of their families. I would be introduced to their mothers, aunts, sisters, and female cousins. Often times I would be taken to meet their fathers briefly, but never the male members of their families. Being solely in the company of
IT IS WARM there and they assume that you would like to have something to quench the THE MEN likewise could meet thirst. They simply bring the and speak freely and openly drink to you. without having to guard their The woman does not serve the conversation from offending the visiting men. She or a male servfemale, for she is not present. ant will prepare the soft cold drinks and bring the tray to the The women in the Sudan, espeentrance of the room in which cially in the capital city of Kharthe men are sitting, and the man toum, are very conscious of their of the house, or one of his male dress. They always select their children, will serve the guests. tobes (the national dress), dressAfter the cold drinks have been es, shoes, and jewelry to correconsumed, the guests are asked spond. In the daytime, they wear if they will take coffee or tea and light colored pastels, generally of, the hot drinks are served. cotton, and in the evening irri-, If a man for some reason is to descent, brocades, and chiffon of travel and has to leave his home many colors. and family for a few days, or As soon as one enters the home months, he will take her to the of a Muslim Sudanese, one feels home of her father, or to another comfort and ease. The visiting relative so that she will be in a women (if with their husbands) familiar and comfortable atmosare escorted to the female part phere, without strain. He will not of the home and their husbands leave her and his children alone, unattended. 1
Average Filipino is Impoverished Teen LAOAG CITY—Census statistics for the Philippines show that today's average Filipino is seventeen years old, lives in the rural, overcrowded 'barrios' a n d is poor. THIS DEFINITION, given by Bureau of Census and Statistics head Ernesto Alcantara revealed that out of an estimated population of 35,883,000 this year, 30 million are below the age of 39, with 21 per cent of the population between the ages of 10 and 19. According to census counts, 85 per cent of the population lives in barrios in the largely rural nation. Barrios constitute what could be considered a rural 'slum.' Comparisons to the 1960 census study showed heightened
sit in the main room or on the veranda with the men of the family. Soft drinks, generally lemonade, are served. No one questions whether or not you would like to have a soft drink.
females, the women can easily relax. They would discuss the news concerning their government, country, women at the university and in their towns in general and always the general conversation that women have concerning children, cooking and clothes.
population movement like that in urban slums. According to the census report, the Filipino teenager is better educated than his parents although a fifth grade education still does not prepare him with skills that "people in an advancing economy need." WITH AVERAGE incomes dipping far below the world average, Filipino youth are still better employed than most teens throughout the world with two out of three working in agriculture and seven of 10 employed in largely western owned factories.
THE MEN in Islam who observe the rules, laws, and regulations of Islam, are those who protect and provide for their wives and families. Women in Islam are very highly respected, w o r l d around. Their actions, dress and mannerisms demand respect from those who are not Muslims. Those who are Muslims automatically respect her and will give their lives to protect her. My dear sisters. Black women in America. I am certain that you wish to be respected. By following the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and submitting to the Will of Allah, Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom
(Continued on page
Soviets to Return Wife to Home
M O S C O W—Soviet population eers and because many families experts are pleading with women want to save money for such luxin the U.S.S.R. to quit their jobs uries as automobiles. Contrary to former Soviet attiin order to stay home and have children as birth rates have be- tudes which considered the noncome almost too low to adequate- working wife a "parasite," government officials are hoping to ly populate the Soviet Union. lure women off of their jobs, Dr. Boris Urlanis, in a Litera- which cover all areas of employturnaya Gazeta newspaper arti- ment, and place them back in cle, WTOte that many women only their home to accomplish their have one child because they do true work—the bearing and rais21) not want to interrupt their car- ing of children.
WASHINGTON, D.C.'s Ruby Martin assumed recently appointed Federal post to insure better education facilities and more favorable policies for Black children in the nation's schools.
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V ^ ^ \ $ A ^ 5 5 3
P R I C E !
E. 7 9 t h S T . , C H I C A G O , I L L .
ST 3 - 8 9 8 8 > ^ \ ^ 2 £ ? N E ^
Coast To Coast
Black Parents Demanding Control of Schools (Shabazz Information Service) NEW YORK—From the grassroots on up, the jungle of slum education is aflame with the redhot determination of Black parents to bring about better education in their communities. MORE THAN PROTEST campaigns and picket lines, the movement of Black parents is towards complete control of the educational process that determines the destiny of their children. What does community control mean and what is the case for Black parents who are determined to go all out in their efforts to achieve this goal? The most effective argument for community control of slum schools is found in the natural right of any racial group to teach its own children their history and traditions aside from the learning of the three R's—reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. And, Black parents have come to the realization that for the sake of the group's life and growth, the task of educating their children cannot be handed over to others, no matter how poor the group, or how well equipped the opposition. IN SUPPORT OF THE first argument, there are abundant facts and figures that show the ineffectiveness of the present public school system in the Black neighborhoods. The "Manpower Report of the President, April 1967 page 79, had the following to say about the education of non-whites in America: "Deficiencies in educational opportunities are still extreme among young people in slum areas, in northern and western as well as southern cities . . . in three predominantly Negro high schools in south central Los Angeles, two thirds of the student b o d y dropped out before graduation. . . . Schools in the city's poverty areas often lack libraries. And, on the average, teachers in these schools are less experienced than in the city school system as a whole. v
"Even in New York City slum areas, where the average educational attainment of residents is considerably higher than in most of the other slum areas surveyed, there are pockets of severe educational deficiency." IN ANOTHER government report, "Equality of Educational Opportunity," 1966, it was reported that the average twelth-grade Black child in metropolitan areas achieves scores in mathematics that equal the average for seventh or eighth-grade students in the country as a whole, and the ability to read is only moderately better. Why, then, would Black parents find any opposition to community control (as is presently the case in Brooklyn's Ocean Hill-Browns-
ville district) when the evidence shows the failure of the whites who have administered the education of Blacks? Answered very simply, the job of white society is to remake the Black child into a Negro. A Negro, as opposed to a Black Man, means one who can be used as a tool and kept in slave positions. The educational system is one of the majority's instruments for achieving this goal. Certainly the <xoa\ has not been to produce Blacks who can remove themselves from the shackles of slavery and servitude. THUS, re-examination of the struggle for community control, in light of the above, can strip the issue to its barest form, and that is Freedom, Justice and Equality for the Black Man in America. And. it is here that the Black parent's attention must turn to examine the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's program, since it is he who first called our attention to obtaining an education that would benefit ourselves and our people. But, of more importance, is the fact that he has alreadv mapped out an already tested'plan for educating Black ANGRY BLACK TEACHER, Leslie Campbell children into a nation of inde- (wearing glasses), raises voice a g a i n s t pendent men and women. "white power schools" in Brooklyn, as stu-
dents and teachers walk out of N.Y. Junior High 271 in protest of racist "defects" in experimental-school program.
Howard Says White West Already Out to Get Nyerere (Continued from page ence 2)
mah was doing, and this is why Mwalimn ( t h e teacher). And he was overthrown. Well the at- when he first came to power sevtack on President Nyerere in the en years ago, he was hailed Western press is picking up abroad as a decent, moderate steam. The May 20, 1968 issues of man who wanted nothing more Newsweek is carrying an inter- than to turn his backward nation e s t i n g item under the title into a modern, democratic socie"OVER THE LINE." ty. But since then, what Nyerere " A M O N G HIS countrymen, regards as political necessity has Tanzania's President Julius Ny- driven him to steer a more and (Continued on page 26) I further reported that, at the erere, 43, is generally known as same time, there were sneaky smiles and answers that meant Reviews Social C u s t o m s Essential clearly to me, "be patient, we will get him." President Nyerere t o L i f e o f M u s l i m s in S u d a n is building a modern African country with a program designed (Continued from page away 20) from her immediate family to give the African population the members and in public. praises are due forever, Sisters, The Holy Qur-an teaches the THIS COLUMN as far back as benefits of an industralized socie- you will receive this respect. woman to cover her beauty, "her August, 1967 warned that the ty. His building of a socialist soI know that which the HonoraWestern power structure would ciety in Africa is bitterly opposed ble Elijah Muhammad is teach- adornments," when in public. H by Western so-called democraa woman does not expose her go after President Nyerere. We ing the Muslims is Truth, for I cies. personal beauty in public, the reported that at a meeting of the lived with it in the Repubhc of National Foreign Policy ConferThis is what President Nkru- the Sudan for practically two chances of her inviting indecent remarks are rare. years. The instructions of manners THE H O N O R A B L E Elijah which The Honorable Elijah MuMuhammad teaches us that a hammad is giving to his followtrue Muslim is clean in mind, ers will certainly place them in body, language and actions. Mus- that position to be respected by SHABAZZ RESTAURANT AND CATERING SERVICE lim women cover their bodies in the Nations of the earth—proof of FIRST IN THE BRONX!! long garments, with long sleeves, this is seen daily by the respect 7 7 4 EAST 169th STREET and high necklines. She is not to that heads of foreign nations give (Corner of Tinton Avenue) BRONX, NEW YORK wear tight garments. The Honor- to the Honorable Elijah Muhamable Elijah Muhammad teaches mad. And he reminds us conCALL 3 2 3 - 7 8 2 8 us that a woman's hair is part of stantly that this is the purpose of ALSO her beauty. Islam teaches the God (whose proper Name is Alwoman to cover her hair when lah) coming to us. Unity. Every African head of state must deep down in his heart feel that African Unity is the sole vehicle through which the major problems of Africa can most effectively be solved. However, many of these heads of state are not free men and cannot do what they know is best for their countries. The major drive of the Western power structure in Africa is against .African Unity, the kind that President Nyerere is talking about and working for and the kind that President Kw ane N k r u m a h worked for.
for Editors and Broadcasters held at the State Department in Washington, D.C. on May 22, 23. 1967, editors and broadcasters were asking the State Department "why do we let Nyerere get away with nationalization of businesses and industries in Tanzania when we ousted Nkrumah for doing the same thing?"
NEW! . . .
— CALL 3 2 9 - 2 4 6 8
NOVELTY S H O P Imported African-Asian O b j e c t s of A r t J e w e l r y • L e a t h e r • Gift Items SIS. EUNICE, PROP.
470 CONVENT AVE. (Nr. 151s' ST.) N E W Y O R K CITY
41 - 1 6th Street, Brooklyn, New York
AU 1-0428
NOW: 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. (MON.-FRI.) 10 A.M. T O 10 P.M. (SAT.)
13 W. UOth St., Now York, N.Y. Phono: 722-8035
1151 W. 3rd ST. DAYTON, OHIO 4 5 4 0 7 P H O N E : 2 2 8 - 5 0 7 8 WHOLESALE & RETAIL
Black Bookshop Success Reflects Thirst for Knowledge (Continued from page 19) bookshop. In addition, his inventor.- includes some school supplies, greeting cards, a notary public service, Tikis, darshikis and poster portraits of Black heroes. His biggest sellers include such books as Lerone Bennett's "Before the Mayflower," W. E . B. DuBois' "The World and Africa," Basil Davidson's "African Slave Trade," and "The Negro in the Making of America," by Benjamin Quarles. However, he adds that an indice of the direction of the Black community's current thought may be seen in constant requests for books such as "Che Guevara on Guerrilla Warfare, Revolution within the Revolution, by Regis
Debray, books by Franz Fanon, Martin Luther King's books, the works of Mao Tse Tung, and magazines such as the Liberator, Negro Digest and MUHAMMAD SPEAKS newspaper." MUHAMMAD SPEAKS newsps per, the bookstore proprieto: points out is a big seller. He adds that no matter how many he stocks, he runs out and often has to request more of each week's e d i t i o n . Another top book-seller has been the Honora^ ble Elijah Muhammad's dynamic "Message to the Blackman." Although Ellis' inventory is aimed primarily at Black people who are finding an increasing need for knowledge about themselves, whites too have found his store to be indispensable for a
Expanding, Ellis says, "they wide selection on the subject of also demonstrate a real desire to Black people. know how to carry out a revoluHowever, Ellis observes, "the tion. As a result, books of this white reading public likes to read kind are very much in demand. things which they feel will ac- They don't have to have books on quaint them more with the histo- physical revolution. Some don't ry of Black people. These are want to get hurt. But, they look usually lay people. for books on social, economic, "BLACK PEOPLE, on the oth- political and cultural revolutions. "They want books which will er hand, are reading for a sense of pride which the knowledge in- tell them how to make change stills in them as well as the and become masters of their own knowledge of themselves which destinies, how to bring about rethey regain. Black people are in forms which are relevant to them constant pursuit of reasons for is Black people." the dilemma in which they find themselves, how it came about and the sentimental value attached to our ancestors' part in the making of this country and HONOLULU—Hawaiian poi, a the lack of benefits we were able traditional food of natives on the to derive from their labor." island-state but often thought of as a delicacy by Americans, has been discovered by medical experts to be an excellent food substitute for hypo-allergic babies.
Hawaiian Poi is Pure Food to Feed Babies
Knoxville Students Released on Bond After Hearing Results in A Mistrial K N O X V I L L E , Tenn.—Four conspiring to blow up campus black students who spent seven buildings and having explosives. weeks in jail because police were Donald Wallace was charged unable to solve a murder have with possessing marijuana. been released on bail. THE YOUNG MEN were arrest- E V E R Y TIME friends raised ed on unrelated charges after A. enough money to post bond for J . Boruff, a white cab driver, them, the amount of bond was was found slain on the campus of raised by officials. The four were Knoxville college. This followed a thus kept in jail from March to protest demonstration against the May. arrest of one of the students. Tigner, Keel, and Scott won a Police apparently investigated mistrial when arraigned in Crimthe slaying under the theory that inal Court. All were then freed a student did the killing. Capt. under bond. No date has been set Bernard Waggoner, chief of de- for a new trial, and the whole tectives, said the whole campus matter may be dropped by auvas under indictment until the thorities. Wallace may be tried in ?yer was found. He seemed to July. The prosecuting attorney died ot consider the possibility that r -body besides a student was of a heart attack after the mistrial. He had not been prosecuting involved. Pete Tigner, Gary Keel, and the case personally but his death Joseph Scott were charged with is expected to delay further ac-
Curtis Ellis A PROFESSOR of pediatrics at Honolulu's Children's Hospital, Dr. Platou stated that the ancient food is an excellent substitute for MEMPHIS—The racial violence cereals and other baby food which cost the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., took on another A DEFENSE committee headed substances which prove irritating aspect when the Tennessee Adby Curtis Johnson aroused local to sensitive infants. visory c o m m i t t e e , U.S. Civil and nationwide protests against Poi, which is made from the Rights c o m m i s s i o n , suggesttreatment of the students. They taro plant root, is devoid of ed the Justice department inveswere aided in this by the Steerchemical addends common to tigate police brutality during the ing Committee .Against Represclashes. A two-day hearing into sion (SCAR), the Law Center for marketed baby foods and is •a situation (that) exists in the Constitutional Rights, and the therefore effective in the feeding city . . . requires a full investigaSouthern Conference Educational of super-sensitive babies because tion by appropriate federal, state and local authorities." Fund (SCEF). of its purity.
tion. Captain Waggoner has resigned as chief of detectives, say ing he wants to run for sheriff. Meantime, the killer of Boruff remains uncaught.
Probe Police Brutality
*§ &3M promo Hans present
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Speaks on Radio in CHICAGO GARY HAMMOND, IND., HARVEY, ILL.
Direct from Riviera Ballroom, St. Louis, Mo.
S U N D A Y S 5:30 P.M. 1230 kc
SPECIAL GUEST; MUHAMMAD All Tues., May 28th 8 P.M. 'til 11 P.M. American
Hall D O N A T I O N $3.0t>
Is There X-Ray Plot to 'Over Expose' Blacks? WASHINGTON—Have doctors in hospitals across the country been giving Black patients increasingly higher dosages of harmful X-rays on the pretense that "Black skin and bones are harder ;o penetrate" than vhite skins and therefore need an extra deadly dose?
MEDICAL TEAM UNPACKS supplies before beginning survey to determine incidence and nature of diseases such as yaws, leprosy and other epidemiological infections which threaten the health security of developing
nations. Under the auspices of the World Health Organization, such projects are the result of United Nations insistence under pressure from united non-white nations of the world.
FDA Gives New Warning on Antibiotic alleviate the situation. The new letter, sent recently, asks physicians to report any adverse reactions associated with the drug. The agency said such reports and the amount of chloramphenicol approved for marketFDA Commissioner Dr. James ing will be evaluated periodically L. Goddard reminded physicians in a "Dear Doctor" letter that labeling for the drug since 1952 BOSTON — Evidence gathered has included a prominent warning that its use can lead to ser- in extensive laboratory t e s t s ious and sometime fatal blood proved conclusively that a substance found in the blood is rediseases. Recent hearings conducted by sponsible for the bizarre sympSen. Gaylord Nelson (D., Wis.) toms of the m e n t a l disease brought out reports by doctors of schizophrenia. continued deaths resulting from EVIDENCE gathered in three use of the drug. Goddard was laboratories was described at an questioned sharply at the hear- American Psychiatry Association ings about what could be done to meeting by Dr. Jacques S. Gott-
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration recently announced that it has issued a new warning to physicians and hospital administrators a b o u t dangers of the anti-biotic drug chloramphenicol.
CONSUMER EXPERT Ralph Nader believes there is. They "either want to r.weep it under the rug or ignore As a result of this. Nader told a special meeting of the Senate Commerce Committee, X - r a y technicians and their supervisors are giving Negroes 25 to 50 per cent stronger dosages than those given to whites. Research into the excessive use of X-rays in dental and medical care has already exposed their destructive tendencies. Doctors have been urged to limit their use of the X-ray as much as possible. Of 72 X-ray operators surveyed in a major California metropolitan hospital, Nader said, technicians "admitted that they gave stronger dosages to Negroes for such reasons as: 'their bones are harder and denser . . . their skin is darker . . . their flesh is harder.' " Nader noted that "the same impressions" were record-
ed in similar surveys in other states. INCIDENCE OF folk lore,' as Nader calmly termed the vicious lie, was most prevalent among technicians who are directly responsible lor applicat'on of exposures and who often disregard readings and submit d o s a g e which they think is 'proper' for a B l a c k patient This, Nader proclaimed gravely, is "a s e v e r e example of what happens" when racial paranoics are allowed to run rampant through hospital corridors with no supervision. Chief of radiology for the 65.00! member medical co-operative Group Health Assn. admitted tc the fact that worker;; operating in the organization's Washington D.C. headquarters incorrectly believe that Black bone tissue harder than that of whites. However, he assured that technicians could just rs easily use "mini mum exposure possible to get the maximum information." Nader, responding to the medical experts claims, added that there is no basis for a difference in dosage—other than genocide— as any differences in bone density (as in a large or thin person) can be "substantially overcome" by using 'photo-timers' to get uniform exposures.
Extend Birth Care to Unborn Infant As Well As Mother
to determine whether further action is needed "to curb the excessive use of the drug." REVISED LABELING accompanying the letter suggests tor the first time that patients should Pre-natal care can also include be hospitalized during treatment baby, doctors report. A recent with chloramphenicol. technique described before the American C o 11 e g e of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Chicago allows the physician to peer lieb chairman of the psychiatry into the amniotic sac or womb department at Wayne State uni- where the unborn baby is kept. versity. DR. JOHN T. QUEENAN told Dr. Gottleib said researchers have found that a substance, al- the three-day conference that the phas-globulin appeared to poke method is achieved by injecting holes in vital nerve membranes. into the fetus a material whiclj These holes allowed certain sub- is visible to X-ray. Using this stances to leak out of nerve cells diagnostic technique, the decter disrupting the transmission of in- can view the umbilical chord to see if it is in a position that will formation to the brain.
Link Blood Factor, Schizophrenia
interfere with normal birth or discover if the infant has a blood problem. When injected through the uterus, the fluid disperses uniformly through the amniotic sac giving a clear outline cf the baby. If the infant swallows some of the substance, its gastrointestinai tract is also outlined. Previous techniques only allowed doctors to draw fluids from the womb to see if the fetus was in some kind of trouble. They could not tell the extent of the trouble, Quennan said.
FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY WE MUST HAVE OR ELSF Would! you like regaining a permanent slave oi being a permanent m e m b e r of a soup line? Are you with u& to get Freedom, Justice and Equality for the So-Called Negroes? PLEASE SEND US YOUR NAME ADDRESS City
Zona. .. State to Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 5335 S. Greenwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois, 60615 or
VILLAGE LEADERS talk over health problems with members of World Health Organization team which is surveying conditions in the deepest part of the African bush. Modern medical
methods are becoming a part of the remote villages which are joining in their countries' drive toward progress.
4 8 4 7 S. W o o d l s w n A v e n u e
MAY 31, 1S68
from O u r Readers
This column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of general interest to our readers. Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Initials may be substituted for names, however, unsigned letters will not be printed.
"Prisoner" of Army Wants to Provide Camp With Copies of Muhammad Speaks DEAR BROTHER: At this time, I am imprisoned in the United States Army. This doesn't mean that my mind is captured. "Muhammad Speaks Newspaper" would be the ideal literature because it is totally Black; therefore, it is total truth for black people. In order for our consciousness a n d awareness to grow, we must read. I thought to myself, what better reading material can be obtained beside "Muhammad Speaks Newspaper"? None! My plan is simple. I want to provide this community
with "Muhammad Speaks Newspaper." To get directly to the point, many of our brothers' minds here at Ft. Bragg and the surrounding communities are totally captured by the white beast. But, there are many of us who want to be exposed to the truth. In this area of the country, there is nothing which ever comes close to telling Black people the truth about themselves and the white racist system in which they are slaves. SINCE I am limited in so many ways. I believe that no matter what my status may be. I
can still do something for my people. Is it possible for you to send me 50 copies of "Muhammad Speaks" Newspaper to sell to the brothers and sisters who are really seeking the truth. This will only be a start. All the money collected from the sale will be sent directly back to you. I am willing to enter into a contract, if necessary. We are greatly in need of the truth in this area. Please help us! All praise is due Allah. Brother Donald Harris Ft. Bragg. North Carolina
African Recommends Muhammad Speaks For Students Taking Courses in African Affairs Dear Sirs: I am highly impressed by the accurate, non-distorted, straightforward facts on Africa, which I always read from your paper, "Muhammad Speaks." I , therefore, . recommend the paper to many. African students who are taking courses on African Af-
Cites Charles Howard As Best Correspondent
Sir: Your paper, in my opinion, is by far the best Black paper in this country and C h a r l e s Howard is about the best of all foreign correspondents. HE HAS done a great service in exposing the U n i t e d S t a t e s C.I.A. overthrow of Ghana and many other f o r m e r l y free c o u n t r i e s . The U.S.A., using Israel as a front, is still trying to destroy Egypt and the other Arab countries. K. Lumba New York City
an empire comprising a few villages. See how our people are being misused once again by France and Portugal because of the oil deposits of our land.
PANAMA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Amulfo Arias (r.. sunglasses), who has popular support of the poor is shown with vice-presidential candidate Raul Arango (I. glasses), at funeral rites for youth slain during one of numerous political demonstrations against the Panama government. Though felt to be the victor, government officials are hesitant to reveal election results for fear of renewed violence by Panamanian poor.
AS A CITIZEN OF the former Eastern Nigeria and a Nigerian with a valid Nigerian Passport, I would like to send you our state news bulletins which can put As for Gabon that recognizes more light on the events that Biafra, I would only ask the took place in the form of a civil president of that mini-village rewar in Nigeria—a fact that will public to be free first from the make it clear that we are not French grip before insulting NiBiafrans, but Nigerians. geria's nationhood as he did to White mercenaries did not suc- Canada's. ceed in cutting off Katanga from [ the Congo Republic, and so, they ' HEAR MR. will not succeed in cutting off our region from the rest of our LONG Nigerian brothers. PLAYING We are one. We want unity. Unity at home and unity abroad. Unity for Africa and unity for the world. If we cannot learn to live together as one nation, how can we expect to build a greater Africa and a greater black race on earth?
MAIN PLANT: 8 9 3 EAST 105th ST. 6ai-»8a4 -
6 » i - 9 « a i
Cleveland, ohio
AFRICANS SHOULD have one voice. See the amount of confusions caused by power-seeking individuals who want to establish
$3.50 EACH
$3.50 EACH
The Time and What Must B e Done
Check Title Record Desired: • Wonts and Beliefs The Judgment Part 1 & 2 • The Time and What Must Be Done Enclosed is • Money Order • Check for $ NAME ADDRESS CITY
m a y :;. » ©
Chance to See Messenger Changed Her Entire Life Sister Dorothy 10X (Pomona, California) Since accepting Islam, I have made rapid progress from the teaching of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. All praise is due Allah for awakening me from the dead and allowing me the understanding of the true meaning of ourselves. WHEN I FIRST saw the Holy Apostle, it was in Phoenix, Arizona—the last meeting he taught there. I was so overjoyed at seeing the Messenger for the first time. I did not get to meet him personally. All praise is due Allah for my getting to work for the Dear Holy Apostle that day. And thanks to Sister Captain Mamie 2X for letting me work that wonderful day. Some of the believers told me, after seeing and hearing the Messenger in person, that you are never the same. _ It is true with me. It gave me more light on Islam. I pray Allah it will always shine. Islam has taught me to love, to be obedient and to re-
Black Woman Finds Dignity Thru Islam By Sister Bobbie Jean X (Mosque No. 47) I am so thankful for being a follower of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah. SINCE BEING A follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I know how to give respect and I do get respect. My mother is not a Muslim, but she does respect me for being a Muslim. I took her and my father to hear the teachings of the Messenger. She had told me she would not go again and not to ask her any more. Since then, my mother's whole attitude has changed toward me. She said she likes the foods I cook and also mentioned that I look so much better since I became a Muslim. Islam has helped me to be a better mother and a better wife. I will be glad when more of our people accept that which is originally their religion, Islam. Islam teaches us everything. I s l a m teaches us how to eat to maintain a longer and healthier life, how and when to pray, how to prepare for prayer. When I was in the Christian world I never thought to clean myself up before prayers.
SHABAZZ KOSHER MARKET Groceries for Particular People Beef L a m b V e a l Fish & Poultry Fresh Fruits & V e g e t a b l e s Daily VISIT O U R H E A L T H B A R JUICE EXTRACTED WHILE Y O U WAIT
1 2 4 2 6 SUPERIOR AVE. Cle»elond, Ohio
spect au- especially those in authority. I HAVE NEVER had any one Black like me as a leader before. I am doing everything to show every Black person with wfiom I come in contact the door of the Lamb and the true teaching of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I have no fear. I know that God is backing the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and He is backing the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. That is all we need. Here is a little poem: As I woke up this Saturday morning A sunbeam beckoned to me. I looked out the window to see what it could be The morning was cheery and the family was gay. I knew I could not be mistaken NOTED CARTOONIST, Gerald 2X, Muhambecause it was M.G.T. Day. mad's Mosque of Islam No. 2 in Detroit, May the peace and blessing of whose satirical cartoons on Viet Nam have Allah forever be upon you. gained him internationa acclaim, is joined
by Brother Donald P. X, one of leading newspaper salesmen in country. They were visiting offices of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS in Chicago during recent Savior's Day Convention.
Only One Man Has the Key to Freedom and Justice By Theodore 4X (Mosque No. 25) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, being a Divine leader and teacher, is beyond doubt the man who holds the key to the door which has been shut in the face of the so-called .American Negro since he was first forced by a
race of uncivilized murderers to nition if it is ever to be accepted had. This man is the Most Honorby the God or rightousness. exist in this natural hell. able Elijah Muhammad. THE HONORABLE Elijah Muhammad has made it plain to us that the key to freedom, justice and equality has always been placed in the hands of one man; and it is that man to whom the world must give complete recog-
As a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I bear witness to the fact that the key to the door leading us out of slavsuffering and death is in the hands of the most precious man we, as Black people, have ever
What Islam Did For Me It Can Do For You — Escape the Devil's Trap By Ronald 7X (Lorton. Va.) What has Islam done for me? That is a good question . . . one I didn't know the answer to until I left the Temple in 1965 after coming out of the Devil's world (mentally) in 1961 and into the vision of Islam, but not Islam itself as you will see when you read on. I BEGAN to stop e a t i n g pork, smoking, and started getting myself together so I could come into the Mosque when I got out. I had heard and seen how the Muslims were a l w a y s doing something active. This was something I have always wanted to be a part of, but not for the Devil. The Messenger's teachings were doing a good job of convincing me, for I have always wanted to be with my own kind. Out I came, and into Mosque No. 4 in Washington, D.C. I went. I saw and heard things I had seen other people do in other na-
FOR QUITE some time, it has been said that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is pulling the cover off the race of devils. But, as a people who are in need of constant Divine guidance, we must keep in mind that he is also pulling the bed from under the white man on which he has been so comfortable so long. This bed that I speak of actually represents the foundation of America. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that Master Fard Muhammad taught him in detail that the white man is the devil and we, as deaf, dumb and blind people, played a major role in building this white heaven which in turn has offered us pure hell.
tions. You know what I mean, I was put to the test and failed, actually showing respect and But Islam has let me live again, brotherly and sisterly love for i And I thank .Allah, for I might one another . . . Negroes at that. have been caught in the Devil's jungle world. What Islam has I F E L T I was in the wrong done for me ex-Brothers, it can place . . . But, I wasn't. I was in also do for you. Just ask the the right place. These were the Messenger of Allah. people of Allah's (God's) choice. Now, I would be one. Soon I did become a Muslim, just a few months later. I still don't know HEAR THE LIFE-GIVING TEACHINGS OF why what followed happened. But, it did. I succumbed to temptation.
After s e e i n g the Brothers again, Islam grabbed me once more. Before long, I asked our devoted Minister Lonnie Shabazz what was the way for the exBrothers who wanted to return to formula. He told me to come on home. I am back home. I WAS AFRAID to go back into the street. Why? Brothers and sisters, that is a good question too! To be honest, I don't know iryself. But where there is a will, :here is way. Mine was in jail.
WHILE YOU WAIT First Class S h o e R e p a i r i n g
SHABAZZ FAMILY SHOE STORE & SHOE REPAIR Also Leather Accessories For Sale PHONE: 541 - 9 6 4 9
1 2 4 5 1 Superior Avo. PROP., JAMES X
C l . v s l o n d , Ohio
SUNDAY, 6:30
I • •
1 3 8 0 K.C.
" H o m e of t h e O r i g i n a l s "
HABERDASHERY 12432 SUPERIOR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 4 4 1 0 8 Phone: 5 4 1 - 9 3 9 4
PHONE: 541-9386
MAY 31, 1968
Disasters No Armies Can Overcome Continue to Hit the West (Pa:: African Press) LONDON - Earthquakes, tidal waves, floods and other natural md man-made disasters continue to destroy and kill from one end of the eart.i. to the other, bearing out the prediction of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the wrath of Allah will take an awesome toll against the sinful West >for its atrocities against Black people. IN A MYSTERIOUS disaster unprecedented in modern times, a corner of a new apartment building collapsed, plunging 22 living rooms to the ground in a cloud of dust. Because ihe building crumbled at 6 most of the residents were in their bedrooms and escaped unharmed. Yet, three were killed, seven injured and three missing in the baffling disaster. The collapse was believed tc have beer, caused by an unexplained explosion on the 18th floorâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;bu this has not been confirmed. Tha apartment was part oi a municipal housing project which was completed two months ago. It was constructed with prefabricated units built off the site. After tho alleged explosion, the corner Irving rooms on the top floors broke loose and came crashing down through the apartments below. In short order., the corner of the building had been sheared off, from top to bottom, with the adjacent bedrooms left intact. Also, a 3 e v e r e earthquake struck Northern Japan recently, killing at least 37 persons and destroying or damaging 1,150 buildings at last count. :
S T A N D I N G IN MIDST or devastated Grand Hotei. a tenani dutches shotgun he found deep in ruins afte- tornado hit Oeiwein, Iowa, hotei a n J ;omp!erey destroyea if. The Hon-
shu, the main Japanese island. At last report, 10 persons were missing and 21V" injured. Japanese seismologists registered the earthquake at 7.8 on i the Richter scale. It was the
strongest one since 1953, when a quake of 8.3 magnitude took 28 lives in the same area. The great Kanto earthquake of 1923, which killed more than 100.000 persons in Tokyo, registered 7.9. Japan is
orable Elijah Muhammad has warned that the fruit of white Christian America's sins would be devastation and destruction.
in an earthquake belt, with as many as 1,000 local temblors recorded in a month. In Crescent City, Calif., residents began returning to their homes recently after a tidal
wave warning forced evacuation of low-lying areas. A THREE-FOOT wave washed up on beaches, but caused little damage. The wave was produced by the Japan earthquake.
Howard Says White West Already Out to Get Nyerere Standard, a British owned news(Continued from page 21)paper in Tanzania. One of the Western press will begin to tell working frantically to line up what a dictator he is, how he Black weaklings in Tanzania.
T H E EARTHQUAKE, t h i r d more immoderate course. vehicles of maintaining colonial- does not love his people, how he It is to be hoped that other "Three and a half years ago, ism and neo-colonialism is the has wrecked the economy of his strongest ever recorded in Japan, African countries will have benewas centered 93 miles off the he . somewhat improbably pro- v/hite-owned press in .Africa. And, country. All tha while the CIA fited by the tragedy of the overcoast of Hokshook about 600 claimed that the U.S. government one of the things objected to and British Intelligence will be throw of Nkrumah in Ghana. miles from Japan's seaboard and j was plotting to take over Tanza- most by the power structure is I spawned tidal waves up and nia. Last year he unveiled a na-j for African leaders to put any' tionalization program that, in ef- j limitations on the white-owned down the coast. Hardest hit was the city of feet, barred much-needed foreign j press in an African country. Aomuri, 300 miles North of To- investment from his country. And kyo. Some buildings caught fire last week he finally inched over T H E Y SCREAM about freedom T H I S IS T H E B L A C K M A N ' S D A Y and almost 120 homes were de- the boundary that divides free of the press, but freedom of the stroyed. Two 7,000-ton vessels societies from unfree ones. He press to them means the freedom SO G I V E US A P L A Y were reportedly driven by tidal rammed through a law that of the white-owned press to makes it well-nigh impossible for wreck African governments. If waves into the coral reefs. The quake left gaps in the any newspaper in the country to African governments are going to survive, they cannot let the forearth, cut communication lines criticize his government." This OVER T H E L I N E article eign-owned and dominated press and halted transportation on Hokkaido Island and Northern Hon- continues as a criticism of Presi- wreck African goals and values. (BETWEEN 110TH AND 111 TH ST. IN HARLEM) dent Nyerere's crackdown on the Very soon the anti-Nyerere PHONE: 534-9648 NEW YORK
Classified SERVICES TYPING, ADDRESSING, STUFFING. MY home. Cleveland area. Neat, Fast. Mrs. Delores Jenkins, 25178 Arbutus Rd., Bedford, Ohio. 23'?-5647. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE FULLY EQUIPPED VALET Shop. Sho^ repair, Cleaning and Pressing, Hat Cleaning J, Blocking. Phil Phillips, 1008 E. 63rd St.. DO 3-9732, Chicago, ill. INSTRUCTIONS LEARN THE ARABIC LANGUAGE AT home using magnetic recording tape. V/rite: Languages Limited. P.O. Box 52792, Houston, Taxas. 77052.
MiSCSLLANSOUS rOR SALE JAZZ FANS, COMPLETE JAZZ ALBUMS on pre-recorded magnetic recording tapes and 4 track auto, tape players. For listings write: 'i unes Unlimited, P.O. Box 52792, Houston, Texas 77052. INSTRUCTIONS SECRETARIAL COURSES Medical, Legal and Executive. Study at home in your spare time to be a professional secretary. These dignified and HiPay professions needs trained people. $10.00 monthly includa all books. For free information, check choice, and mail to American School, Dept. ?KL-13, 130 W. 42nd St., New York 10034 or coll BR 9-2604. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMEN DRESSMAKER WILL ALTER, REPAIR, make clothes for your entire family. Mrs. Rhoda Howard, 4586 Hoicomb St., De'roit (East), Michigan.
B I I i n
corn, w h e a t , oats, r y e , v e g e t a b l e s , fruits, m i l k c o w s a n d g e n e r a l d a i r y k n o w l e d g e . poultry r a i s i n g
WRITE B O X 5 3 3 1 S. G R E E N W O O D A V E . I S3
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or Call PL 2 - 8 6 7 6
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I I â&#x20AC;˘ i
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A Drive Towards (Pan African Press)
Black and white communities." In Moore's experience, and the B A L T I M O R E — B o b Moore An example of this was seen in joined the Black freedom move- people like Chicago's M a y o r experience of a great many other ment when he was 15-years-old. Richard J . Daley who cried croco- Black liberation workers who Since then, he has w o r k e d dile tears over the murder of No- have seen white racism in the against white racism in Georgia bel Peace prize winner Dr. Mar- South and white supremacy in and Alabama. He has been tin Luther King Jr. and called the North, there is little differstoned, gassed, cussed, jailed, for summary police executions of ence between Southern rednecks beaten and water-cannoned. suspected "arsonists" a few days and Yankee whites. .After working two and one-half later. vears in Atlanta and one year in HE IS NOW director of the "These are the peoples" Moore ^ ^ Baltimore office of the Student goes mc r\n \\Tnn^ _«mon UBlack I T P L - tmlrc ' on, "who—when folks : Non violent Coordinating Commit- get a little angry, when they "only difference between Atlanta tee, 23-years-old, just married break up a few stores—start talk- and rural .Alabama is that rural and analyzing his experiences in ing about yeah, you should have Alabama has a rural setting. the battle for human dignity. used the police . . . more force .And, there isn't much difference Bob Moore has come to the . . . you should have shot down between Atlanta and Baltimore. B A L T I M O R E S N C C director Bob Moore describes his years of work in the Black liberation movement during an exclusive conclusion, based on his read- 'looters.' There were a number They both operate the same." interview with M U H A M M A D S P E A K S newspaper. Moore enings, research and first-hand ex- of 'liberals' who were upset beFURTHERING his analysis, he tered ths movement when he was 15-year-old. His experiences periences, that "there is a con- cause the police didn't shoot scious and unconscious effort at down more Black folks who were describes Atlanta as a "city that have shown him many bitter truths. genocide against Black people in 'looting their stores,' " the youth- tries to carry a liberal image. Baltimore also tries to carry a this country." ful freedom fighter recounted. liberal image. Atlanta has buildConsciously, he explains, "it ings going up by the dozens right has been on some people's minds ACTUALLY, Moore feels, the in the shadow of slums; no more —ever since we've been here—to little restraint from mass murder than five blocks off the center of use us and then destroy us." the police did exercise probably town, they have all kinds of shotkept real trouble from erupting gun shacks. The same thing apdone gassed him then. CONTINUING, he says, "others, in the angry captives of the plies to Baltimore." "And talking 'bout food, we Black ghettos. "If there had been the sort who are subconsciously drugstore, s higher than the Continuing, he says "police atjes' eat whatsoever we gets—but racist, show their real feelings in more Black folks killed." he doctor's bri And they stop givtheir attitudes. One minute, they says, "the Black masses would titudes (in the two cities) are ir.g you E -"cine when you owes mostly syrup and bread. Now and then a few chicken backs or claim to be liberals. Then when have gotten angrier. At that a Itt ;oo. We jes' mostly either a few neck bones and fat | have to ccc-'<r on ourselves." things get hot, when Black people point, there could have been very Atlanta will shoot down a Black S back. Children gets the same. come too close to their^ little i little'hope of coming back around I J ^ When there ain't no food—and AT AGE I I , Mrs. Evan is conworlds" they show their true to any kind of peace between the ( 31) thats a lots a days—we jes go sidered a 'long liver" among black "folk" in the South today. without, till we gets some." Recalling ue year of her birth, MRS. EVANS said that she 1914, Mrs. *>ans said: was not "scared" for herself, comThat was the year they threw ing on the campaign, "but I am my husba:4—he was jes' a boy for them back home. No telling —into a jaii znd gassed him. He what they'll do to them." WASHINGTON — The Supreme New Orleans. , gal rather than their biological I says he r . t been right since, For Mrs. Evans, as for the othCourt of the United States finally | what happened was, they ac- er poor Black people housed in Federal courts applied t h e relation to the deceased." has ruled that illegitimate chil- Louisiana law in blocking Mrs. JUSTICE HARLAN added that cused him of stealing a mule, the tent-like constructions near dren are human and deserve equal Glona's $225,000 damage suits. "the Court today, for some rea- and threw him and a bunch of the Lincoln Memorial, living contreatment by the law. son which I am at a loss to un other boy 3 in a jail room and ditions were "100 per cent" betReversal was urged by attorderstand, rules that the state | gassed thc-m. My husband didn't ter. "At least I'm getting someTHE SIX to three decision bars neys for the Levy children and must base its arbitrary definition do no steL. g—and the next eve- thing to eat, and the rain ain't for Mrs. Glona and by the AmerLouisiana from blocking damage of the . . . class on biological ning son~e rrore mules was sto- coming through, and there ain't suits that involve illegitimate ican Civil Liberties Union, the rather than legal relationships." len. They l a Mm go, but they'd no bed bugs and no roaches..." NAACP Legal Defense and Educhildren. Beyond that, Justice William 0. Douglas' opinion for cational Fund, Inc., the National the court seemed to erect a bar- Office for the Rights of the Indirier against anti-illegitimacy laws gent, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church in the in general. U.S.A. and the American Jewish Mr. Douglas said: "Illegitimate Congress. children are not non persons, they are humans, live and have Justice Douglas wrote t h a t their being. They are clearly per- there was "no possible rational sons within the meaning of the basis" for assuming that if the equal protection clause of the natural mother is allowed to sue 14th Amendment." for damages for the wrongful The ruling was given in two death of her illegitimate child "the cause of illegitimacy will be Louisiana cases. In one, the five illegitimate served." children of Lousie Levy, a New G O , ILL. In a dissent, Justice John M. Orleans domestic servant, had Harlan, joined by Justices Hugo been barred by state courts from L. Black and Potter Stewart, suing a physician and a hospital wrote that Louisiana had chosen, for her death. The damage suit "as have most other states in CAREFUL, EX! T DRY CLEANING contended Miss Levy died as a one respect or another," to deresult of negligent medical treat- fine the classes of persons who ment. M0DEF M E Q U : h!ENT & METHODS may sue for the wrongful death The state c o u r t s , applying of another "in terms of their leLouisiana law, said children born TAILOR:NG & T E R A T I 0 N SERVICE out of wedlock could not recover HOW MUCH OF YOUR damages for the negligent death HISTORY DO YOU KNOW ? of their parents. The law, the 5 OUR WANING SERVICE IS IT ENOUGH ? courts said, "discourages bringing children into the world out of 100 amazing facts about the (Negro) $1.15 Facts about the (Negro) No. 2 .'. $1.00 wedlock." M
h e
t h e
Tale of Poverty and Misery in The Land of Plenty (Continued on page 6) :t
^ ^ °°V ^ (Continued on page u s t
u i c k
3 5 5
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Illegitimate Children Deserve Equal Treatment by Law
IN THE OTHER case, Mrs. Minnie Brade Glona of Giddings, Tex., was barred from suing a motorist and an insurance company for the death of her illigetimate son, Billy Glona, 19 years old, in an automobile accident in
w e
For c a t a l o g of other b o o k s s e n d 10c a n d self-addressed s t a m p e d business envelope.
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o p e r a t ;
j u r o w n
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Saturdays 7:30 a.m.
tc 8 p.m.
Women 0 Islam
ALSO, because there is a small representation of the Caucasian Race of European lineage in addition to some white racial elements in the Middle East who have e m b r a c e d Islam, an alarmed contingent of the Orthodox Muslims, in addition to Christians and non-believers in general, have jointly criticized "the exclusive black membership prevalent in the Nation of Islam in America.
I F THE CHRISTIANS. Jews and others in opposition have rejected participation in the brotherhood of Islam for several thousands of years while such membership was undeniably open to them regardless to race or color, why do they now clamor to uphold a unique Islamic principle which they have not and could not even be forced to practice in the presence and organization of their own religious ideologies and philosophies which they claim to be superior and offers the only door to Heaven for humanity?
leaders join Sus Savage a seat in the U.S. House from Illinois' Third ConThey are Al Raby (I.).
former head of the powerful Coordinating Council of Community Organizations, and Illinois State Senator Richard Newhouse.
They seek to oppose a man like Muhammad because he has, with the backing of Divine Authority,
A reception honoring drummer - vibraphonist A n d r e w Mcpherson and introducing his latest record will be held Sunday, May 26 at 3 p.m. in the South Side Community Art Center, 3841 South Michigan.
Militants for Congressional Candidate
DOES IT PROVE that, if a white person can accept Islam that he can serve as a beacon light for his white brethren and, thus, give the lie to Muhammad that he is a fraud? The White Race cannot expect to cling to the shoulders of a comparative 1 or 2 in the minority and receive salvation or expect to be saved from drowning. Do the critics wish to prove that because there are white persons acknowledging the Tenets of Islam to be Divine that Muhammad is unmistakably misguided MILITANT BLACK in his white devil doctrine .All of j ( r . ) , in his bid for these conjectures are straying of Representatives far from the real truth? gressional District.
The Nation of Islam is known for placing well meaningful emphasis upon black solidarity and the unification of all Asian, African and other darker peoples on our planet into one brotherhood.
for the Drummer
MAY 31, 1968
closed the door on their wicked world of hypocrisy. If a hardly visible membership of white Europeans have accepted Islam in the face of a vast majority of Europeans and a total white population of America who stand in open rejection, what do the critics hope to gain by focusing attention on this minor brigade who have responded to the Call of the Minaret (book title by Kenneth Craig)?
By TYNETTA DEANAR Much has been said during the past 35 years concerning the racial aspects of the teachings of Islam in North America under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Such discussions have arisen in the main because of the distinctive character of a true brotherhood which exists in the Islamic World.
been in a soft-jazz style. On hand to help with the proceedings at the Community Art Center will be dramatist Val Gray and Harold Johnson who will perform skits from his version of Langston Hughes' folkloric character Simon Simple.
THE NEW album represents The reception is being hosted McPherson's first venture into by the Cultural Committee of the humor. Former recordings have Catalyst. ASIATIC RESTAURANT
MOSES' W A S H E R SERVICE Specialize In AH Type Of Washing Machines and Dryers
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MAY 51. 19*8
Three Poems bv LeKni Jones Note To America You cannot hurt Muhammad Ali, and stay alive.
Preach Preachers Backsides should be beat regular if they don't do RIGHT If they don't like it they ought to take it to their God And ALLAH is muck stronger in the final go down
R I S I N G P O L I T I C A L P O W E R of Black people in the United States has produced a plethora of new-style candidates seeking to unseat oldline politicians who have learned to serve political bosses more than their constituencies. Among the challengers is Wesley South, C h i c a g o radio and television personality who
is after Illinois' Second District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. South is seen campaigning on South Side streets ( a b o v e ) , planning in his campaign headquarters (center) and sharing a cup of coffee with his wife before going out to meet the people.
Hungry Pupils Suffer in U.S. Schools WASHINGTON — Ragged Black school children throughout the South who are unable to eat because they cannot afford the cutrate school lunch and are forced to watch their classmates eat, was the picture painted for a House committee recently.
TEACHERS Positions A v a i l a b l e for Q u a l i f i e d Persons At A G r o w i n g I n s t i t u t i o n of L e a r n i n g THE UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM No. 1 Detroit, M i c h i g a n — N o . 2 C h i c a g o , Illinois Immediate Occupancies in the Elementary Grades and High School Mathematics, Science and Languages: English, Arabic, French and Spanish. Applicants must have a College or University Degree. Only those with foresight, ambition and capacity for intellectual growth in modern techniques need apply to:
M U H A M M A D U N I V E R S I T Y O F I S L A M NO. 2 5335 S O U T H G R E E N W O O D A V E N U E C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S 60615
TWO WOMEN who participated in a nation-wide study of the school lunch program told the House education and labor committee that millions of Black youngsters have trouble studying because they are hungry.
DePaul Meets Demands of The Black Student Union
"Contrary to the common belief that no child who is hungry goes without lunch, we discovered that thousands and thousands of children are forced to DePaul University recently watch their classmates eat, while granted nearly all demands made they sit in the cafeteria, not eligible for a free lunch and too poor by the school's Black Student to buy one," said Mrs. Florence Union. Robin, director of the Committee A MEMORANDUM from the on School Lunch Participation. university's president, the Very She said of the six-million Rev. John R. Cortelyou, to trusschool children in America from tees, faculty, alumni and students families with less than $2,000 a said the response was given in year income fewer than two-mil- "good faith and in the spirit of lion receive free or reduced-price mutually respectful dialog" that lunches through t h e national accompanied the demands of the negro students. school lunch program.
A special 11-member faculty committee formulated answers to a BSU letter sent to Father Cortelyou on May 14. The committee's proposals then were approved by DePaul's Faculty Advisory Council and by the University Administrative Council in Chicago. IN ITS ANSWER to the Black organization which claims support from all of DePaul's 240 Black students, the university agreed to the demands.
Why Welfare Mothers Call the System Savage Slavery (Continued from page 5)
their harmful chemical content.
supposed to be an emergency. We had no food and my little girl was ill with asthma." Attempts to find other forms of financial aid failed as the state refused to grant her unemployment compensation although she was entitled to it. "It seems like they want to put us all on aid," she added. Mrs. Jackson emphasized that Black women with families would prefer to work "but the kind of work ADC would find you is only worth $40-$50 a week. At those wages, it's hardly worth it." "WE A R E TRAPPED," she stated emphatically. "The child already has no father and yet we are told to go out and get a job. We can't afford to work on a meager job while a child is running all over." She cited the pulling of Black parents away from the home in order to make money to survive as a major cause of delinquency and frustration among Black youth. "It is crucial not to take the mother away from home when she needs to be with the child," she observed. "It is destructive to Black women," she stated emphatically, "to try to raise their children on 17'cents a meal. "You feel bad," she continued, "because you can't care for your children like other parents do and, more than that, it does something to the child." A life of deprivation, she added, "only poisons the child's mind." Besides not being able to provide adequate housing and clothing for her children, a mother is forced, because of her low budget, to feed her children many food substitutes w h i c h many doctors contend cause deficiencies in the child because of " D R U M S T I C K
"THEY THROW YOU anything and expect you to take it." She cited also the sale of inferior food products in the Black community and the rental of demoralizing housing at ever-increasing prices. "The local welfare bureaus have made these big business for white landlords and merchants," she clarified. "As soon as the landlord finds out you're on aid, he automatically r a i s e s the rent." In addition to this, the cost of living is going up. "When this happens, we are the first to feel the pressure of it." Mrs. Jackson currently is the leader of a local Social Welfare Union composed of nearly 1.000 Black women who are committed to "end the inhumanity of the welfare system. "THEY KNOW THE COST of living in America," she said of government and welfare officials." but they want to keep us starving so they can control. "It seems that they have done everything within their power to keep us from making progress," Mrs. Jackson observed. "For the people who are supposed to be poor," she said of Black people, "they certainly spend a lot of time thinking of ways to make money off of us." Besides more jobs and a meaningful living wage, Mrs. Jackson feels that a ceiling on food prices by Federal law would break the chains of economic slavery in the Black community. " B l a c k women have been strongly courageous in taking care of their children," she concluded. "But we must do more for them by ending the harassment of Black women and children under public aid."
THE AKBAR SWEET SHOP Asiatic Bean Pias Cakes Pastries Sandwiches
Drive-ln • Carry Out 8700 HOUOM CLEVELAND, OHIO
Algeria Nationalizes Its Oil Companies (PAN AFRICAN PRESS) ALGIERS—The Algerian government under the leadership of Houari Boumedienne announced recently that it had nationalized and put under its control the foreign companies engaged in the distribution of petrol products and by-products, both liquids and gases. THIS MEANS that the people of ^ • K g B B j E ^ .Algeria a s a rj^BlB^'^B whole will reH ceive full beneI fits of the na* tion's petroleum production, 1 r a t h e r than 5 have the profits • H a W / taken o u t by Boumedienne foreign companies
PHONE: 2 3 1 - 9 1 9 4 10214 Siipwktr Avt.
Cleveland s newest and semi-ultramodern Asiatic restaurant. We serve Astatic style and American cooked foods. 1
12434 SUPERIOR AVE., MU 1 - 9 8 4 1
Specializing In Cleveland Danbatk Safe Air Furnonj
Boilers Insta iec ;nd Serviced Bonded, l<ensed and Insured 24 HOUR SERVICE 8 5 1 - 1 1 9 8 or 3 9 1 - 7 2 8 6 CLEVELAND, O H I O
C f f T j M t Bar-B-Qued Beef, Ribs, Lamb and Chicken 10511 SUPERIOR P H O N E : CE 1 - 9 3 0 6 or CE 1 - 7 4 4 8 CLEVELAND, O H I O
C t * v » U a i Ohio
As of May 14, the Algerian Na- monopoly of the distribution, tional Company for the Transport storage and transport of oil and and Trade of Petrol began its its by-products. This government measure is a direct blow at the interest of 14 Female Key to Racial branches or subsidiaries of the Problems: W. Young "Shell," the "Total" and other The female is the key to ef- international oil monopolies. forts to find a solution to racial In August last year, it may be problems, according to Whitney recalled, the Algerian governM. Young, Jr., executive director ment nationalized five U.S. oil of the National Urban League. companies in the country. Still •WOMEN MUST TAKE a more earlier, it took over with compenresponsible role in the struggle sation the installations for distrifor human rights," he said, not- bution owned by the British Peing that their social role "is simi- troleum Company in Algeria. lar to that of the second-class Black citizen." TODAY, the entire network of Mr. Young made these observa- distribution of petrol and gases is tions during a recent Chicago ad- in the hands of the Algerian peodress. ple.
O N L Y 50< [Tne
DIAL 9 9 0 KC
C L A S S ' H E D R A T E S 50c per line (3 line mm.mum SI
Please Send Check or Money Order to
MUHAMMAD SPEAKS NEWSPAPER Kind'y Address Replies To 634 E. 79»h St.
A T T N ! Classified Ad Dept. Chicago 19, III.
\Y~Tl. 1968
St. Louis Plans to Start Driver-Owned Cab Company ST. LOUIS—Plans to form a taxicab company owned by the drivers, but managed by a board of trustees have been worked out in a local effort designed to expand cab service and increase business opportunities for Black people and Indians. THE PROPOSED firm would begin operation next fall if the city council grants approval for
20 new cab licenses. However, two major cab firms have complained that another cab outfit is unnecessary, since they have plenty of taxis available, but not enough drivers. Prospective drivers for these established outfits complain, however, that the companies get the vast majority of the profits and very little filters down to the employes.
Baltimore S N C C Leader Tells Reasons for Northern Fight (Continued
from page 27)
Baltimore will murder a Black man." The attitudes also coincide in employment, housing, education, commerce and every other phase of life in the American society, he adds. GOING ON with Baltimore. Moore estimates that one in four Black people are unemployed. He says that "Baltimore," like many Northern urban centers, "is a city where there has been a large migration of Black folks from the South. There seem to be few new industries going up. In a number of ways, it seems to be a dying city."' At present, those Black people who have "substantial" jobs,
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Moore states, work at "Ferris Point and the steel mills." Most of the other Blacks work as domestics or in restaurants and hospitals—"that type of job." As Baltimore's industry wanes, he concludes, even those few decent jobs Black people are allowed to have are likely to disappear. Then the danger will increase. However, the freedom worker observes, the rising thermometer may not sufficiently impress the white power structure to make them do anything to help those people who would be getting angrier. The old approach S T U D E N T S P O K E S M E N for the A f r o - A m e r i will probably be tried again. can Self-Education Organization a t C o e C o l "And," M o o r e emphasizes, lege in C e d a r Rapids, Iowa, which has an "somebody once told me, Balti- enrollment of 60 Black students and some more has some of the cleverest 1,000 whites. Student group submitted list •nigger-handlers' in the country." of seven demands to college administration,
all aimed a t giving dignity and equality t o Black youths. They were denied. The spokesmen are (front row, left to r i g h t ) : H a y l a n d Ricks; Shelby Steele, chairman; Ralph Montgomery. In back row: John Valentine, Tony Courtney and Richard G a i n e s .
Vmt iWuftammabS iHotfqu** of M a m H e a r the Life-giving Teachings of the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, Messenger of -Allah MOSQUE NO. 1 11529 L I N W O O D AVE. DETROIT 6, Mich. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
M O y U E NO. 2 5335 S. Greenwood Ave. Chicago 53, III. v ' i D . & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 12 5232 HAVERFORD AVE. Philadelphia, Pa. SH 7-4532 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 3 2463 N. 3rd ST. MILWAUKEE, W I S . PR 2-5733 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 12B 1 523 SOUTH ST. Philadelphia, Pa. PE 5-8568 WED. t FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 4 1519 Fourth St., N.W. Washington 1, D.C. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 5 101 E. University Ave. Cincinnati, O. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 14 40 ALBANY AVE. HARTFORD, C O N N . WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 15 1225 Bankheod Hwy. Atlanta, G a . WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 6 514 W I L S O N ST. BALTIMORE, MD. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 7 (HARLEM) N.Y. 102 W. 116th ST. Rl 9-7569 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 7-B (Long Island) 105-03 NORTHERN BLVD. H A 9-891S C O R O N A , L O N G ISLAND, N.Y. SUN. 2 P.M.—WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 17 210-12 S. Chicago St. Joliet, III. Phone: 726-2365 FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 7-C (Brooklyn)N.Y. 120 Madison St. (Cor. Bedford Ave. ST 3-8635 SUN. 2 P.M.—WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 18 12416 SUPERIOR AVE. PO 1-8373 CLEVELAND 6, O H I O WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 19 1517 W. 5th St. Dayton, Ohio Phone: 222-3935 Area Code 513 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE N O . 7-D (BRONX) N.Y. 878 PROSPECT AVE. (Near 161st ST.) PHONE 323-9490 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 20 1102 Broadway Camden, N.J. Phone: 966-2830 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
M O S Q U E NO. 8 2575 Imperial Ave. San Diego. Calif. Phone: 239-6738 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 21 89 KEARNEY AVE. JERSEY CITY, N.J. 435-6845 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE1T679 249 E. FEDERAL ST. Y O U N G S T O W N , O. i hurs. 8 p.m.
MOSQUE NO.~10 419 Madison Ave. Atlantic City, N.J. Phone: 348-4849 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 22 1027 N. Lang Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 23 512 Broadway Buffalo, N.Y. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 24 2116 NORTH AVE. RICHMOND, VA. 644-1432 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 36 1201 N. Davidson St. Charlotte, N.C. Phone: 334-3201 Area Code 704 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 37 MOSQUE NO. 25 Akron, Ohio 257 S. ORANGE ST. NEWARK, N.J. 359 W. Bartges Phone: 376-3197 622-9021 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. WED. i FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 26 1745 FILLMORE ST. SAN F R A N C I S C O Fl 6-9966 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 38 2217 Woverly St. Columbia, S.C. Phone: 773-3792 Area Code 803 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 27 5606 S. Broadway Los Angeles 37, C a l . WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 39 1329 " B " St. Fresno. Calif. Phone: 266-3598 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 28 MOSQUE NO. 40 1434 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. 111 Goffe St. New Haven, Conn. Phone: J E 3-2497 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 41 MOSQUE NO. 29 1425 SEAVIEW AVE. Bridgeport, Conn. 5245 N.W. 7th Ave. Miami, Fla. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. Phone: 757-8741 Area Code 502 WED. & FRI. 8 ' " ' . - S U N . 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 42 MOSQUE PO. 30 1732 E. 31st St. Kansas City, Mo. Phone: y/4-5683 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 31 431 S. Dundee St. South Bend, Ind. Phone: 288-1090 Area Code 219 FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 32 121 NORTH 16th ST. PHOENIX, ARIZ. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 33 1221 W A S H I N G T O N ST. GARY, IND. 883-7025 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 34 1102 S. Roxboro St. Durham, N.C. Phone: 682-3125 Area Code 919 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
2234-36 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, Calif. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 43 1675 Oak St. Columbus, Ohio Phone: 224-7913 Area Code 614 TUES. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 44 191 Humboldt St. Trenton, N.J. Phone: 392-9117 Area Code 713 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 45 3400 POLK AVE. HOUSTON, TEX. Phone: C A 3-0952 Area Code 713 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. MOSQUE NO. 46 2632 Magnolia St. New Orleans, La. Phone: 895-6731 Area Code 504 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.
MOSQUE NO. 47 MOSQUE NO. 35 2108 MAIN ST. TAMPA. FLA. Wilmington, Del. 236 N. Monroe St. WED. & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. WED. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M. For Addresses of Other Mosques in Your Area, See Your Phone Directory
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The Messenger of Allah Presents
Ijat tfje iflussltms; This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. E q u a l justice under the l a w . We want justice applied equally to a l l , regardless of creed or class or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years—until we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 y e a r s of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment h u m a n beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white A m e r i c a , justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own. 5. We want freedom for a l l B e l i e v e r s of I s l a m now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for a l l black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South. We want e v e r y black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the s l a v e m a s t e r ' s children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people.
6. We want an immediate end to the po lice brutality and mob attacks against the socalled Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land—or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to es tabiish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities—NOW! We do not believe that after 400 y e a r s of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity or live in poor houses. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from A L L taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education—but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want a l l black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we believe we w i l l m a k e a better nation of people. T h e United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the w a y of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of I s l a m taught without hinderance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North America.
What the #lu*ltm* pelteue 1. W E B E L I E V E in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. W E B E L I E V E ' in the Holy Qur-an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. W E B E L I E V E in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. W E B E L I E V E in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. W E B E L I E V E in the resurrection of the dead—not in physical resurrection—but in mental resurrection. We believe that the socalled Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore, they will be resurrected first.
F u r t h e r m o r e , we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more than the so-called Negroes in A m e r i c a . We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. W E B E L I E V E in the judgement; we believe this first judgement w i l l take place as God revealed, in A m e r i c a , . .'. 7. W E B E L I E V E this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white A m e r i c a n s . We believe the black m a n should be freed in name as well as in fact. B y this we mean that he should be freed from the names imposed upon h i m by h i s former slave masters. Names which identified bim as being the slave master's s l a v e . We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names—the black peoples of the earth.
The Honorable Elijah M u h a m m a d
8. W E B E L I E V E in justice for a l l , whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as h u m a n beings. We believe in equality—as a nation — of equals. We do not believe that we a r e equal with our s l a v e masters in the status of "freed slaves." We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. W E B E L I E V E that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing thai their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people fronTtcailizing that the time in history has arrived for^be separation from the whites of this nation. I f the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the socalled Negro, they c a n prove it by dividing up A m e r i c a with their s l a v e s . We do not believe that A m e r i c a w i l l ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well. 10. W E B E L I E V E that we who declared ourselves to be righteous M u s l i m s , should not participate in w a r s which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such w a r s , for we have nothing to gain from it unless A m e r i c a agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we m a y have something to fight for. 11. W E B E L I E V E our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected. 12. W E B E L I E V E that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. F a r d Muhammad, J u l y , 1930; the long-awaited "Mess i a h " of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides H I M there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we a l l can live in peace together.