Wuhammad in
Victory Of the Apostle
eaK$ 1 5 c — O U T S I D E I L L I N O I S 20c
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
For the First Time T U B
F ? e T U R . N S * <»,
By Elijah Muhammad The Holy Qur-an has the same announcement for all disbelievers and hypocrites of the Messenger. It is also the same given to Noah and his followers. It is the same
A M D H E S H A L L T U R N THE HEARTS O F THE FATHERS T O T H E C H I L D R E N A N D T H E HEARTS O F T H E CHILDREN T O T H E F A T H E R S •5s I I n d e x T o £ Mississippi £ Fate of Hypocrites >: Nasser Tells West £ U N Reports S The Congo £ Editorial £ University of Islam £ Educational Center
Mr. Muhammad given to all disbelieving f o e s and hypocrites. The hypocrites around Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were given the same warnings. And. they (the hypocrites) are prophesied in the Holy Qur-an (which is a very, very true book), to be the
same type of hypocrites and as saying the same words to the last Apostle and his true followers today, as they did to the former prophets and their followers. My f o l l o w e r s here in America — and the hypo-
F e a t u r e s
crites among them — are now being manifested to be the same as all others in the past. The hypocrites utter the same words, make mockery of the Messenger and his followers, and plan to do harm to us just as the
p. 2 £; p. 3 £: p. 5 £: p. 6 £ | p. 7 £: p. 9 £| p. 11 £: . p. 13-14 hypocrites of the past did all other Messengers and their followers. The Holy Qur-an says to the last Apostle: all Apostles before you were mocked and called liars, but Allah reminds the last Apostle to
think of His disapproval of other hypocrites and disbelievers. He destroyed them, and some of the hypocrites returned after they had tasted of the chastisement. We ( C o n t i n u e d on Page
M i s s i o n of the Messenger (See Page 3 )
( f a c k l i s t e d ,
B e a t e n
a n d
Spur Black
J a i l e d ,
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
B u
By S y l v e s t e r L e a k s (Muhammad Speaks Correspondent) N E W Y O R K — W i t h the formation of the M I S S I S S I P P I F R E E D O M D E M O C R A T I C P A R T Y , the F R E E D O M NOW P A R T Y , and the recently organized F E D E R A T I O N F O R I N D E P E N D E N T P O L I T I C A L A C T I O N , a Harlem-based group, the struggle for black freedom in America t _rs its final and, perhaps, most protracted and violent stage. It symbolizes a growing realization among the black masses that their struggle for freedom is inextricably linked with the acquisition of black power—political power, economic power — freedom rides, sit-ins, wade-ins, pray-ins to the contrary and not withstanding. ~ Quite possibly Mrs. Vic- ing convention of the F E D - connection with the slaying toria G r a y , a black woman E R A T I O N F O R I N D E - of Goodman, Schwerner, who ran for Congress in P E N D E N T P O L I T I C A L A C - and Chaney." Mississippi on the M F D P T I O N ( F I P A ) , Mrs. G r a y The M F D P is challenging ticket and received m o r e said: the legality of these w h i t e than 40,000 black votes, best "The Mississippi Freedom Congressmen to represent expressed this awareness Democratic Party grew out Mississippi on the basis that when she stated why the of an absolute necessity of 42 per cent of the population M F D P was o r g a n i z e d . raking away the leaves so of Mississippi is black and Speaking here at the found- we could get down to t h e disenfranchised, totaling ground. It grew out of the more than 450,000 eligible extreme need of a people black voters. for political expression." The F E D E R A T I O N F O R POLITIRecalling some of the bit- I N D E P E N D E N T ter but ominous experiences C A L A C T I O N was organized a d e l a t i o n of the M F D P in the words of Isaiah Robencountered in its efforts to inson, chairman of the group be seated at the Democrat- and head of the Harlem P a r ic Convention as the o n l y ents Committee, "to bring democratically-elected dele- about some effort to m o v e power with power." gation, Mrs. Gray said: "At Atlantic City we were Robinson n o t e d further fought every step of the way that there are 400,000 black by the very same people we folks in Harlem and 270,000 had been led to believe were are not registered to vote. our friends." "What is the reason f o r She related how they were this?" he asked. "We have jailed, beaten, fined, and an opportunity to capitalize how their cars were im- on it." pounded for voting in a F I P A was organized by M F D P mock election — and Robinson, Jesse Gray, t h e the F B I did nothing. rent strike leader; Rev. Mil"The day we announced ton A. Galamison, school that we were challenging the boycott organizer, and Bill MRS. FANNIE LOU HAMER: entire Congressional repre- Strickland of the student "I've been sick and tired so sentation from Mississippi," movement. Its founding conlong that I am sick and tired Mrs. Gray said, "The F B I vention was attended by of being sick and tired." arrested the 21 people in more than 100 community
MRS. VICTORIA GRAY: "The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party grew out of . . . necessity of raking away the leaves so we could get down to the ground. It grew out of the extreme need of the people for political expression." leaders from all over New Y o r k City. Bill Strickland observed that: "The Negro problem is a total problem of society. No significant movement w i l l develop until masses are involved.- Until there is black power, we won't have any integration that's meaningfid — for power is the only thing A m e r i c a understands." Referring to the housing problem of black people in Harlem, Jesse Gray noted that "25 per cent of people in slums lose their jobs because of lack of heat, hot
water. Medical bills are up 600 per cent; gas bills are up 500 per cent. E a c h slumlord saves an average of $3,000 yearly by freezing tenants." It was Mrs. Fannie L o u Hamer, however, a black woman who also ran for Congress on the M F D P ticket, summing up the mood of the black masses when she said: "I've been sick and tired so long that I a m sick and t i r e d of being sick and tired." Mrs. Hamer, one of t h e most dynamic leaders to (Continued
on page
Is 'Square Peg' Mississippi an Illegal U.S. State? WASHINGTON, D . C . —Some people claim that the white supremacy-inspired terror and murder of recent years in Mississippi give concrete substance to the longheld conviction that the state is not like other states in the Union—even unlike Alabama or any other Southern state—and the reason may be that Mississippi is, indeed, a "foreign land" holding an illegal membership in the United States of America. The charge that Mississip- day of its formal admittance pi is illegally in the Union to the Union—Dec. 10, 1817. immediately has been made by t h r e e It a l m o s t "Congresswomen - elect" of launched into a " s t a t e ' s the Mississippi Freedom rights" campaign—and after Democratic Party ( M F D P ) . John C . Calhoun's death in The "Magnolia State" has 1850 and under the subsebeen a "square peg in a quent leadership of Jefferson round hole" almost from the Davis, "began to rival South Carolina as leader of the Southern constitutionalists in MUHAMMAD SPEAKS the defense of the rights of Published Bi-Weekly states," t h e Encyclopedia Britannica observed. Vol. 4—No. 9 Jan. 15,1965 Mississippi w a s enough l i k e Alabama, Arkansas, Published by Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, 634 E. 79th St.. Chicago. III., 60619 North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas a n d ABerdeen 4-8622-23 Virginia to join them in the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Confederate States of Ameri1 Year (26 Issues) 45.20 ca to fight a bloody war in 2 Years <52 Issues) 410.00
an effort to keep black men in t h e chains of physical slavery. After the war, the first session of the Mississippi legislature — Oct. 16, 1865 — "at once enacted laws for the protection of the white people of the state, their homes and social order . . . ," it was explained by the Encyclopedia Britannica. However, the F e d e r a l government disagreed with this interpretation of t h e hastily-enacted laws, stating that, in fact, they were "an effort to restore slavery . . ." In the action of December, 1964, Mrs. F a n n i e Lou Hamer, Mrs. Annie Devine and Mrs. V i c t o r i a Gray charged in briefs served on Mississippi's Congressmenelect that under an act of Congress, passed in 1870, which re-admitted Mississippi to the Union, the s t a t e pledged never to alter or amend its constitution so ". .
as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the United States of the right to vote who are entitled to vote by the constitution herein recognized . . . " The briefs further charged that under Mississippi's 1869 constitution, the only voting requirements were age and residence. An 1890 constitution, adopted a f t e r Reconstruction, openly nullified the 1870 resolution and disenfranchised most of t h e state's Negro citizens, the M F D P leaders declared.
than whites in Mississippi, w h i l e in 1961, registered whites outnumbered registered Negroes by 475,000! Total N e g r o registration dropped during this period from 189,000 in 1890 to 23,000 in 1961. Mesdames Hamer, Devine and Gray charged that the nearly total disenfranchisement occurred because Mississippi h a s "repeatedly passed laws and conducted a virtual reign of terror designed to keep Negro citizens from exercising the ballot."
Observers, toying with the Of this constitution, t h e E n c y c l o p e d i a Britan- possibilities if the M F D P charges were supported in nica stated: Federal court—there is little "The chief special object likelihood of t h i s actually of the present constitution, h a p p e n i n g—Mississippi adopted Nov. I , 1890, was to would become probably the preserve in a legal manner poorest "sovereignty" in the the supremacy of the whites world, since it would have to over the ignorant Negro mi- give up all the Federal finannority . . . " cial and other aids and lose, In 1890, there were 80,000 perhaps, most of its Northern more registered N e g r o e s investments.
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
11 # f i iffillllMllllWllllEliill'Mllllifl^ 'n 1
Hypocrites The Hypocrites
W i n t e r
W e l c o m e
" A n n o u n c e to the h y p o c r i t e s that t h e y s h a l l h a v e a p a i n f u l chastisement." " A l l a h w i l l g a t h e r t o g e t h e r the h y p o c r i t e s a n d t h e u n believers a l l in hell." " S u r e l y the h y p o c r i t e s s t r i v e to d e c e i v e A l l a h , a n d H e s h a l l r e q u i t e t h e i r deceit to t h e m . " " S u r e l y t h e h y p o c r i t e s a r e i n the l o w e s t s t a g e of the fire, a n d y o u s h a l l not f i n d a h e l p e r for t h e m e x c e p t t h o s e w h o r e p e n t a n d a m e n d a n d h o l d fast to A l l a h a n d a r e s i n c e r e i n their o b e d i e n c e to A l l a h . T h e s e a r e w i t h the b e l i e v e r s a n d A l l a h w i l l g r a n t the bel i e v e r s a m i g h t y r e w a r d . " H o l y Q u r - a n ; C h a p t e r 4, V e r s e s 140, 142, 145, a n d V e r s e 138.
( C o n t i n u e d j r o m page
have, today, such a perfect fulfillment of the prophecy of the Qur-an in the recent outbreak of h y p o c r i s y among my followers. The chief hypocrite of them all— and the worst of them all— has never stopped in his attempt to do harm to my mission. The Holy Qur-an teaches: they will fight you with their tongues and even with their hands. So their tongues were not sufficient; they wanted quick action. So, the chief hypocrite resorted to arming his followers, as well as himself, with .30 caliber weapons. Knowing that my followers and I had not resorted to such weapons, they intended to spring a surprise attack by mowing us down. What happened? He and his ignorant followers had forgotten that God was with me
and my followers. They did not know they could not stop us with weapons. The hypocrites always will be the losers. This chief hypocrite took a group with him to build a "Mosque in opposition" to me, and filled it with all types of wickedness and disbelievers like himself. He wishes the praise of the people and not of God. He has said everything imaginable against me, which likely will hurt him and those who follow him more than he thinks. He wants the world to recognize him as a qualified leader. He should seek the recognition of Allah. Allah is the One who makes a leader for his people. This chief hypocrite is not with Allah; if he were with Allah, he would be with me. Since he is not with Allah, he cannot claim guidance from Allah. He has admitted
that he cannot trust a religion and cannot trust a God who teaches when to act. He wants to act when he is ready to act, rather than depend upon a God Who will act in His own good time. He does not wait on a God like that. Many other such fools passed away in great dishonor and shame long before this chief hypocrite. No weapons (as it is written) formed against me will prosper as long as Allah is with me and I a m with Allah, because the twain will never break. We always shall be together against the enemy, and together for the believers. Some of the hypocrites have come to know all of these things, but they must be punished. A hypocrite is one who TEACHING IN his own home mosque in Chicago, The Honorfirst says he believes in Is- able Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, is spending lam then disbelieves, a n d the longest winter sojourn in Chicago in several years. A warm winter welcome is being given to the Messenger by friends, visitors and worshipers alike throughout his stay. ( C o n t i n u e d on page 4)
An Open Letter to the Black People of America are his living days — as in the cases of Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Neither they nor any other prophet had a Hunger, whether for food or knowledge, must be conretirement plan. quered or you perish. When you are the possessor of Though Messenger Muknowledge, love and power, there is a complete life: the hammad does not have any knowledge of your God, your religion and your history, college or university dethe love of your brethren, and the power to build for yourgrees, he speaks words of self a glorious future. While you can stand still in a great wisdom that even the flowing stream, you cannot do so in the world of men famous scientists, philosoand women. Our people have suffered inferiority, and phers and scholars cannot inferiority rules the mentality and is recognized as a disprove or dispute. He does sense of incompleteness and unfulfillment. This is present not speak the language of a because of the lack of knowledge of self. scholar — his language is The root problem of our If you make people think plain and simple — but the people is very simply stated: and righteousness breaking they are thinking, they will language of truth is always they are blind, deaf and out against him like a tor- love you. But on the other simple and unadorned. dumb. Blind because they nado. E v e n so, we strive to hand, if you really make Messenger Muhammad is have eyes, yet they do not enhance our Nation. T h e them think — as Messenger see; deaf because they have dogs bark, but the car still Muhammad has done—they condemned for calling the ears but do not hear, and passes. The Messenger is will hate you. Messenger white race a race of devils, dumb because they h a v e like the earth; he is stomped Muhammad has taught our though the beginning of wismouths but do not speak. on, trampled on and walked people for 33 years, and— dom is to call things by their How do we go about elimi- on, but yet from him comes sad, but true — a Messen- right names. A friend is one who warns you. Yet, benating this problem? that which we need to sur ger has no set time to teach. He cannot say, as a doctor, cause of Messenger MuhamF o r 33 years, Messenger i v i y e . t h e m e s s a g e 0 f Allah. lawyer or businessman, that mad's warning us, he is Muhammad has been When we accept Islam, we he will retire at any given condemned. preaching salvation to his Our people have not been people — and now, right at are accepting A l l a h and time. A messenger retires the break of day, is a dark automatically, we begin, as when his work is completed thinking. The way you think hour, with every conceivable Allah, in love, peace a n d and/or his message is de- is the way you live. Thereliar and disbeliever of truth unity among each other. So livered. His working days fore, they have not been livBy Anne Ali Secretary to The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad
great is this love of Allah for us, that it puts the spirit of love into us, making us one in Allah. We then want for our brothers and sisters what we want for ourselves. It is only a hypocrite who comes in without the love of Allah or the love of Islam, His true religion. Knowing this, the greatest service we can render is to adhere to the words and teaching of Messenger Muhammad.
ing; they have been mentally dead to the knowledge of self. If our people would think properly, clearly and effectively, they would accept Islam — and success and happiness would be inevitable. This is true regardless of obstacles, irritations and annoyances. The so - called American Negro has thought of every possible angle, so why not think of that so-called impossible angle: why not try Islam? There is no shame involved in admitting that something you have always believed to be the truth is not. On the contrary, it is the first sign that you are starting to make the effort to think for yourself, and in fact — to think clearly is a proud step forward. All of our people, as well as those other than our people, will soon come to know that there is no God but Allah, and that E l i j a h Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
On The Victory Of The Apostle (Continued from
p a g e 3)
seeks to oppose the Messenger and those who believe in him and his God. Their punishment — says the Holy Qur-an in several places—is grief, regret, shame and disgrace. I will never forget this hypocrite's hateful acts against me. If he is the last of the 22 million, I shall remind him of his evil and ^-ked acts done to me in return for the good that I did for him. He could not have r i s e n up against me if I had not given him so much knowledge of Allah and His religion. When I made him a leader and a teacher among the people, he felt proud. He now thinks that he should be elected top-man, but I a m sure that he will be appointed the lowest man.
H e
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
R a i s e s
t h e
D e a d
That is the hell that the hypocrites and disbelievers will suffer, and it begins with their feeling of fear and excitement—fear that someone is going to do harm to them (as they plan to harm those they oppose). There is no fear for a true believer, nor shall he grieve. This grief of the hypocrites, according to the Holy Qur-an, prostrates them and makes them wish that they w e r e ! dead. They even wish for | someone to kill them.
But Allah, the Holy Qur- j an says, will not permit any- j one to kill them, because death would take them out of their chastisement a n d grief. They will not bow in j submission to the will of Allah and obedience in followveLr'* »»£«•" ing His Messenger, a n d ! after a year or so under this ; condition, they are classified He went, first, on the side with the devil, to be desof the Muslims, and then on troyed in hell-fire — the final: the side of the devils, and end of both. again on the side of the MusThe Bible's last book, un-j lims and against the devils. He is — as the Holy Qur-an der the title of The Revelasays — neither this nor that. tions of John, prophesies a His greatest desire is for grief falling upon the fol-! someone to declare him as lowers (the so-called Ameri- j their leader. He is insane can Negro) of the symbolic for leadership, and disgraces beast (the white man) who ' himself for that office. As I are in the beast's names and have repeatedly taught — who worship and believe in j and the scholars and scien- the white man's religion, c a 11 e d Christianity. They h y p o c r i t e s t h e n w a s m y o w n p r 0 s t r a t e them and they will one in Allah, and Allah is tists will agree with me t n e w m that the so - called Negro j ™°rsblP « ; man as b r o t h e r a n d a n o t h e r was a be unable even to blink their one in the Apostle. So, when o u b h e w e must have divine leadership ; ! £ | * e . ° a b o v e j Minister by the name of! eyes — and that which they : you look at one, you see faupr me today. Their leader must b e , t h e J? ,Jf ot heaven A u g r u s t u s Muhammad, my feared, will come to pass, both; when you hear one divinely appointed, not self and earth. They also wor- top assistant at that time in What they actually feared speak, you hear both, bemade or made by the people. | S ^ P t h « w h j t e m a " ' s . l e a l e r \ the Chicago Mosque No. 2 cause they both are as one This is universally known. I of the Christian religion, the They felt proud after they in their agreement for t h e No. 1—that they should be am that man, divinely ap- Pope in Rome. This is men- had acquired a little wis right and against the disx tioned in Revelations, 14:4. pointed by Allah. dom, and thought that they ' P ° f . e * a s t h e , o s e r s w h o believer. Therefore, Allah The grief of the hypocrites were more powerful than had lied. brings this to pass. As it was According to the Bible and is such that even the victim the teacher, in Noah's day, so shall it be No. 2 — their punishment Holy Qur-an, punishment is is not a b l e to say his for wishing their grief upon i n t h e day of the last Apossure to overtake hypocrites prayers. In the first place,! 1 h a v e b e e n t o l d > directly I the Messenger and those *le, whom God raises from and those who seek to op- God has closed the door and b y s o m e o f t h e hypocrites U h h the mentally-dead Negroes pose Allah ana His Apostle., d o e s n o t h e a r t h e p r a y e r s o f that they think it is time for in North America. I quote here a verse from t h e h y p o c r i t e s w h e n He a change and that a young No. 3—the victory of the e r m a n the Holy Qur-an s e n d s chastisement upon should take my Messenger over them. (The chastisement of the "Do they not know that them. This is in store for Place. And they even go so They shall suffer the loss hypocrite will be continued whoever acts in opposimy hypocrites and shall be- f a r a s t o designate a person 0 f true friendship, and they next week.) tion to Allah and His fall them at A n y time—just whom they think should take a r e not helped. They go to Apostle, he shall surely as it did the hypocrites of m y place. t b e d e v i l for friendship and H U R R Y AND J O I N UNTO Y O U R O W N have the fire of hell to he KIND. T H E 1935. We actually witnessed x l o o k a t t h e m a n d s a y turns them down because h e k n o w s t b a t tbe w i l 1 T I M E O F T H I S W O R L D IS abide in it, that is the this type of chastisement W ittnn myself "What a fool y not NOW AT HAND. grievous abasement." that fell upon those hypo- y o u a r e , H o w c a n y o u a p . be able to help him against Holy Qur an 9:63 crites in 1935. One of the p o j n t someone to take my A l l a b a n d the Apostle, be- W R I T E T O : place when f did not appoint c a u s e A l l a h a n d H i s A Postle Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 myself? God, Almighty, ap- a r e considered submerged 5335 So. Greenwood Ave. in ) o n pointed me. You are foolish ^ i ^ Chicago, 111. 60615 The Apostle is considered 20% D I S C O U N T to play with God's mission and His Messenger to the ON U P H O L S T E R I N G mentally-dead nation. You C L O T H I N G MADE in Our O w n Factory take it lightly that you can AND REUPHOLSTERING C.O.D.—Cash or Budget vote out. put down or shoot Draper! as...Slip-Co vers • TO Y O U R M E A S U R E • Y O U R C H O I C E O F F A B R I C S down God's Messenger, and Plastic C a v e r s . . . Rugs set up another of your Furniture Finishing choice. What will you do OLD F U R N I T U R E MADE with the next group of hypoTO L O O K LIKE N E W crites who may not like the man of your choice? They may shoot both you and your man down and t a k e ALSO MOVING over." J t i ^ C L O T H I N G F A C T O R Y INTERIOR DECORATING
k \ V \ 0 O P
Nathaniel Muhammad, proprietor
Lbt the hypocrites be aware that there is a great chastisement in store for them — and their aims, purposes and wishes will never materialize. The Holy Quran teaches that their grief will be so severe that it will
4 - 5 2 2 4
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
T h e
D e f i a n t
O n e s
C A I R O , Egypt—When President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt told the greatest Western power—the United; said, referring to Egyptian States of America—it could take its so-called foreign aid! aid to the Congolese paand go to hell, a millennium was marked in the affairs ' triots. of Africa and the West, which many had predicted. "Those who don't like it It has taken more more than, | can go drink sea water," 1,000 years for a black Afri- ser said, speaking in Port the fiery Nasser told his can nation to muster the Said. "We are ready to cut critics. "If the Mediterranean Is power and dignity to de- our rations and minimize nounce the pressure at- our daily consumption to not enough for them," he continued, "we can g i v e tempts of the W e S t, but keep our independence. "We do not accept pres- them the Red Sea to drink, Egypt has indicated to t h e world that the undeveloped sure and silky talk," Presi- too." The shocked W e s t e r n nations may have developed dent Nasser continued. "We faster than anyone had anti- are short-tempered. This is press made much of the fact our nature. We have our that Nasser's "go-drink sea cipated. By telling the world he not dignity, and we are not pre- water" is an Egyptian slang equivalent of only was going to give aid pared to sell it for even a expression "Go to hell." and arms to the Congolese billion pounds." Meanwhile, A l g e r i a ' s Nasser ripped Congolese patriots fighting a g a i n s t Western-backed puppet fig- 'Premier" Moise Tshombe President Ahmed Ben Bella, ureheads and hired w h i t e : as a puppet of the West and without making an open decNovember laration, has promised that killers, Nasser broke with compared t h e the "bow and smile" tradi- U.S.-Belgian-British alleged the Congolese patriots will tion of diplomacy and con- "rescue mission" as an ag- receive full support from his fronted the West with an gression similar to the 1956 country. Other black African nations believed to be giving attack on the Suez. uneasy dilemma. "It is inconceivable that aid to the Congolese patriots "If America wants to give us aid at the price of domi- the Congolese people are include Kenya, Mali, Ghana, nating our policy, I say we subjected to aggression and Uganda, Burundi and t h e are sorry," President Nas- we do not help them," he Congo (Brazzaville).
The Negroes Plight in '64
THE STRONGEST opposition to Western domination of colonial regions now comes from these two leaders of Asia and Africa. At left, President Sukarno of Indonesia with President Nasser of Egypt. Here they stand in Cairo at recent conference of non-aligned nations.
N E W Y O R K — I f passage of the Civil Rights Bill has obscured the fact that the economic plight of the Negro achieved among Negro citiremains tragic, Whitney M. Young, J r . , executive director zens? of the National Urban League, cites facts and figures in • "Negro citizens need a national magazine article to emphasize that there has a broadening and deepenbeen little progress in the meat-and-potatoes areas over ing qf the basic concept of the past 20 years. e q u a l opportunity to in"For instabce, the average Second World War can cre- clude recognition of the Negro family income in 1962 ; a t e a Domestic Marshall need for special effort to was but 55 per cent that of I p I a n w h i c h w i u e n a b l e N overcome three centuries a white family i n c o m e , ' . . . of historic handicaps. Young stated, "a decline o f | f t l z e n ^ *? c a m P ° t f f » the • "Negro citizens need r ri two per cent in the previous r e e e n \ f * > % marketplace, society to make a realistic decade. The typical family Ironically, critics of the UrLeague's program — appraisal of their potential struggles to make ends meet tban and worth and to assist h o s e on a paltry $3,233 a year who deplored "special them in developing to the about $60 a week and three- compensation," even for a fullest. brief, 10-year period, h a v e fifths of all families and sin• "Negro citizens need ignored the irony of Hungle individuals fall below the garian and Cuban refugees not schools that are equal poverty line of $3,000." for whom special effort was to the general inadequate Young pointed out that one exerted and who are rising p r e v a i l i n g educaout of e v e r y five Negro faster in this nation today as tional norms, but the finworkers in America today a whole than Negro citizens! est schools staffed by dediwas unemployed, and that "A billion-dollar War on cated and highly qualified three-fourths of all N e g r o Poverty is barely a begin- teachers expert in working workers were employed in ning. Its plan to take 40,000 with disadvantaged pupils the u n s k i l l e d and semi- of the nation's 1,000,000 idle in an integrated setting. skilled categories, facing the youth off our streets and © "Negro citizens need threat of automation. place them in t r a i n i n g income maintenance help to " F o r example, over the camps for the first year is sufficient for t h e m past several years, 30,000 clearly inadequate, however break the poverty cycle Negro elevator operators in noble its intention. There is which is more often ragsNew Y o r k City alone have abundance in this nation suf- tc-rags than rags-to-riches. • "Negro citizens need been replaced . . . and rail- ficient to meet the critical roading—long a large reser- human needs of all our citi- "role models" not just in voir of jobs for Negroes — is z e n s but we must have the baseball and on the list of drying up due to airlines courage to invest in our peo- U N delegates, but in every competition." ple, in our cities, in our edu- corporate office, radio and 1 The N a t i o n a l Urban cational and vocational T V network, at all levels League official then spelled plants, colleges, and institu- and types of employment. out how the Negro citizen tions if the great masses of 1 We need qualified Negroes can be "elevated to a condi- poor locked into packets cf holding top jobs instead of tion of dignity and opportu- poverty in urban slums and | just mops. "Negro citizens need an nity. He wrote: rural shanties are to be ele- j opportunity to breathe the "A nation which invested vated to a condition of dig- j pure air of freedom of resi$17 billion to restore war- nity and opportunity. ravaged Europe after the "How can this best be ( C o n t i n u e d on page 6)
Guess Who Chiang Supports? T A I P E I , Taiwan—In an announcement here that surprised no one and left the world virtually unruffled, President Chiang Kai-shek, regarded by many as Asia's worst "Uncle T o m , " promised to throw the weight of his nation behind the machinations of the man considered Africa's worst "Uncle T o m , " Leopoldville Congo's Moise Tshombe. President Chiang pledged ' moral support to the Leo- h i s government will defeat poldville regime of Tshombe t h e so-called "rebels" in the and President Joseph Kasa-1 eastern section of the Congo, vubu and the white merceMeanwhile, the Taipei renaries who h a v e b e e n gime has signed an agreeslaughtering black Congalese j ment of technical cooperapatriots on orders f r o m tion with the Leopoldville Tshombe. j government. A 12-member The expression of support! Chinese farm demonstration followed delivery here of let-1 team will be sent to the Conters to President C h i a n g! go for two years, f r o m President Kasavubu Minister of Economic Afand p u p p e t " P r e m i e r " fairs Yang Chi-tseng said the Tshombe. agreement may lead to coThe letters were delivered operation in other fields. Sigby Congolese Minister of Ag- natories to the agreement riculture Albert Kalonjidtun- : were Minister Yang and Minga, who said he was certain ister Kalonjidtunga.
report... Afro-Asians
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Non-Aligned, But
Plight In '64
Bloc Balance in U N By Charles P. Howard, Sr. (MS) U N and Foreign Correspondent support for calling another U N I T E D NATIONS, N. Y . , Dec. 23—The grave tragedy conference. In Colombo a taking place in the Congo today, highlights the Program 10-member working commitfor Peace and International Co-operation coming out of tee was set up and in a week, the Second Conference of Heads of State or Governments an agenda was prepared, of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Cairo from October 5-10, with a list of new members standing committees. 1964, according to Ambassador Taieb Slim, Tunisia's Per- a n d menant Representative to the United Nations and a working According to an Organization of African Unity proposmember of the Non-Aligned Conference. al, all independent African Observing t h a t the conferees p o i n t e d out their tion of imperialism, colonial- countries were invited. Bedeep convictions t h a t , in ism a n d neo - colonialism, cause the A r a b countries present circumstances, man- plus the absolute prohibition were non-aligned, they were kind must regard peaceful of the threat or the use of invited. F r o m Asia, Laos was added and from Europe; co-existence as the only way force, direct or disguised. Finland, S w e d e n, Austria to strengthen world peace, The Conference of Nonwhich must be based on free- Aligned States is a direct and Ireland. J a m a i c a , Trinidad and Todom, equality and justice be- outgrowth of a brief confertween peoples within a new ence held at Belgrade in Sep- j bago were added, along with framework of peaceful and tember, 1961, attended b y ; the Latin America countries harmonious relations be- President Nasser of U A R , —observers who had previtween the states and the na- President Sukarno of Indo-1 ously attended—with Brazil, tions of the world, Ambassa- nesia, Marshall Tito of Yugo- Mexico, Venezuela and Ardor Slim noted further the slovia, and P r i m e Minister gentina. The invitees met in Cairo in October, 1964, prefact t h a t the principle of Nehru of India. p e a c e f u 1-co-existence is L a t e r in 1961, 25 non- j ceded by a Foreign Minisbased on the right of all peo- aligned countries were in ter's Conference commencples to be free and to choose Belgrade, along with four or ing on October 1, followed by their own political, economic five Latin American coun- - the meeting of the Heads of and social systems accord- tries, which attended as ob- i State or Government. Fortying to their own national servers. Out of this group j eight full members and 11 Obidentities and ideals—and is came the Declaration of Bel- servers were in attendance. opposed to any form of for- grade. However, no organiThe Organization of Noneign domination. zational machinery was set j Aligned States has no permanent secretariat or simiThe Non-Aligned Confer- up. ence agreed, according to In March, 1964, from Co- lar organizational machinAmbassador S l i m , t h a t lombo, Ceylon, letters were ery. However, the president peaceful co-existence cannot sent to those who had at- [ of the organization, who is be fully achieved throughout tended the Belgrade Confer- • President Nasser of U A R , is the world without the aboli- ence to see if there was any designated to carry on the
T O D A Y !
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INDIA'S PREMIER Shastri who also attended the Cairo based Non - Aligned Conference and strongly supported anti-colonial resolutions. business of the organization during the interim between meetings. In this connection, President Nasser, on behalf of the organization, urged upon the Secretary-General and the the G e n e r a l Assembly to make all efforts to stop the hanging of the South African freedom fighters, which was successful. The principles of nonalignment a r e constantly kept in the forefront. The Non-Aligned countries in the United Nations met to consider the steps to be taken on pending matters. There was a unanimous decision in
dence. America's hundred Harlems, as places of doom and defeat, must be destroyed. Their people cannot endure life in them as they are presently constituted. Negro families who rise into the middle-class b r a c k e t must have the same opportunity to leave the ghetto as o t h e r low-income groups had. The worn out nostrum that Negroes will follow other nationality groups out of the ghettos has been thoroughly discredited. "Communities which were ports-of-entry for Poles and . Jews have become prisons for Negroes, places of systematic exploitation and despair, where unscrupulous realtors wring tens of millions of dollars annually out of Negro families living in slums — which may explain the ease with which real estate men contribute to housing lobbies created to destroy fair housing proposals. "Negro citizens must be included in all public and private boards and commissions having a role in the shaping of policy in employment, housing, education health and welfare services. Negro citizens must have a new deal in health and medical care, in pre-natal and psychological counseling. Infant mortality r a t e s among the Negro population are appalling—about double (Continued on p a g e 7) the conference at Cairo that Communist China should be admitted to the United Nations. Central African Republic and Senegal have recognized Red China as a result of Non-Aligned action.
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J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
A H a r d Look at American Policy
By Charles P. Howard, Sr. (HNS)
Flood Holocaust Wrecks Holidays By Mark Stevens During the season of the celebration of the birth of Christ, nature has decreed further tragedy for the northwestern United States. California counted 19 flood mon rivers at the northern dead, and Oregon reported tip of California. 18 deaths from flood action About 100 passengers on as more snow, wind, and two Greyhound basses found rain were forecast for the themselves s t r a n d e d by northern California f l o o d highway washouts last Monarea today, adding to the day after a lunch stop at the suffering of hundreds still Terrace Garders resort 10 miles south of Garberville marooned. on U.S. Highway 101 in CaliThe Red Cross l i s t e d fornia's Humboldt county. 16,300 families as suffering About half of them still were major losses to homes, busi- awaiting rescue today. ness or farms in Oregon, "They're beginning to run California, Idaho, and Washshort of food," reported Wilington. liam Sowle, a civil defense Damage was estimated by director at Y r e k a . A storm leaders of relief and rescue that dropped two feet of operations at almost one bil- snow on Y r e k a yesterday lion dollars. halted helicopter flights in F i v e hundred persons — the area. "We'll have to air miners, loggers and t h e i r lift s u p p l i e s or evacuate families — were marooned soon," Sowle said. in s e v e r a l communities Continued snow is prealong the Klamath and Sal- dicted for the area.
T h e
N e g r o e s
( C o n t i n u e d f r o m page
those of white citizens, reflecting a tragic absence of pre - natal care. "Negro citizens must redouble their efforts to better educate and t r a i n themselves for the new responsibilities which equal opportunities will require of them. They must march not only to the picket lines but to the libraries; they must prepare themselves for the stiffening competition of a no-holds
P l i g h t ;
i n
' 6 4
barred marketplace in every area. "Negro c i t i z e n s must make a s p e c i a 1 effort to strengthen their family life; to wipe out the disorganization which has afflicted so many. They must overcome not o n l y subtle barriers of discrimination but their own shortcomings as individuals and achieve higher levels of emotional, spiritual and educational attainments which are incumbent upon any pioneer group."
U N and Foreign Correspondent
mercenaries to kill blacks in Africa? Of course, the decision to help pay for those mercenaries was made at the cabinet level. Or did President Johnson, after receiving 95 per cent plus of the Afro - American vote, make this decision himself? Or was this decision made by the War Strategy Board?
U N I T E D NATIONS, N . Y . Dec. 17 — Despite the weeping and wailing in the United Nations Security Council by American, British and Belgian orators over their "rescuing" their nationals; in spite of their finely phrased sentences and sentiments; in spite of a sympathetic press, radio and T V coverage—what the United States, Belgium and Britain have done and are doing in the Congo is gradually coming out: a side of Western, imperialist power conduct and character that has never What the United States, before come under such hard-nosed public inspection and Britain and Belgium want discussion. most to talk about is the For the first time, Afri- tive after less than two "legality" of their entering hours of talks. the civil strife. They want to cans are sitting across the tell how they were invited in Because of the foregoing, table f r o m these Africans and their by the "legal government" Eur opeans supporters lay the responsi- of the Congo. What they and Ameri- bility for the loss of life of want most to talk about is cans and dis- the white hostages squarely the "illegality of taking hoscussing t h e on the s h o u l d e r s of the tages." What they want to talk about are the "Geneva "facts of life Americans, British and Bel- Conventions" and the "progians. in A f r i c a " tocol against taking hosOf course, the Belgians, tages," neither of which the w i t h o u t "s c ratching British and Americans a r e Africans — fighting for their willing to argue these points existence — ever h e a r d their heads" all day and all night. As a about. And anyway, just for or "scraping matter of fact, that is exact- the record, this is not a war their feet." ly what they want to do. —declared by the Congress The issues What they don't want is to of the United States, the Howard are drawn have people look into their only body authorized to dearound a factual situation brutal slaughter of innocent clare war—a war entitling that is tailor-made for t h e Congolese men, women and its wagers to invoke the Gewhite orator. There is noth- children prior to November neva Conventions or t h e ing that a white man can 24, the day of the paratroop protocol against hostages. wax m o r e eloquent over drop on Stanleyville. What they most want to than "defending white womFurther, what they w a n t talk about is the failure of anhood" and "humanitar- least of all to talk about the African States to furnish ian" activities. their support of that proven military aid to Tshombe. Eighteen African coun- traitor to the Congo and to E v e r y African country, with independence, the possible exception of tries, members of the United A f r i c a n Nations, joined by four non- Tshombe; their utter de- Nigeria, knows that the givAfrican U n i t e d Nations fenselessness in s e n d i n g ing of assistance to Tshommembers, have catagorical- planes, machine guns, mo- be is giving assistance- to ly challenged the premise tors, small firearms a n d the enemies of African indethat the 'Belgian paratroop military personnel to fight a j pendence, and they know drop on Stanleyville, from people who have practically that it will be giving assistAmerican planes, piloted by nothing but their fighting ance to those who are crushAmericans and supported by hearts and bows and arrows ing the "rightful aspirathe British, was a 'humani- to fight back with. tions" of the Congolese peotarian' act." ple for self determination, They want least of all to and they are not going to Instead, they insist, it was talk about the sheer immor- do it. part of the military strategy ality of h i r i n g "white to take the stronghold of the j killers" from South Africa, Several weeks ago, we Congolese patriots, who nev- j Rhodesia and other Euro- called attention to the fact er could have been taken by I pean and American areas. that the United States was the white mercenaries and What they want least of all on an utterly defenseless the Congolese army, in spite to talk about the utter des- and dangerous venture in of their support by United truction of hundreds of Con- the Congo. Further, it often States fighter planes, trucks, golese and their villages. If has been pointed that the somachine guns, motors a n d it is wrong for a rich indi- called "rebels" of the Congo other weapons of destruc- vidual to hire a thug to kill w o u l d not always fight his enemy, does it become alone. Well, today t h o s e tion. right for a rich country to observations are a reality. They point out several sa- hire killers to slaughter peo- Already, A l g e r i a , U A R , lient facts. Among them is ple of another country they Ghana, Guinea, Mali, a n d the absolutely undisputed don't like, or because t h e y many other countries in Affact that not a single hostage are black or because they rica have come to the reswas killed until after the have some coveted riches in cue of the "patriots" of the paratroop drop; the uncon- their lands? Or is it forgiven Congo to h e l p them rid tradicted orders of the com- because the killers we hire themselves of a "s t o o g e" manders of the city "that are just " k i l l i n g some government. The Russians not a single white was to be niggers?" and Chinese have expressed touched," under penalty of their sympathy for t h e s e being shot; the abandonHow can the leaders of people. ment of the supposed "hu- our government criticize or manitarian mission" before punish Mississippi sheriffs, Security Council decisions it was completed (which the deputy sheriffs, policemen or not, a terrible war is just Africans claim was aban- and K l u Klux Klanners for beyond our door-steps, a n d doned because of world pub- murdering "black people" this war will surely spread lic opinion.), and the aban- in their country while Presi- to the rest of the world. We donment of the negotiations dent Johnson, Dean Rusk have no one to blame but by the American representa- and Adlai Stevenson h i r e ourselves.
W h e n
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
SPEAKS N e g r o
I s
W B c a n Y beach A DECISION '
The time of prayer and its meaning: Note: The morning prayer is of two parts, the first part called F A R D in Arabic, and the other part called T R A D I T I O N and it is made obligatory. The morning prayer being obligatory is called F A R D meaning the early morning. The Great Mahdi have taken F A R D as a name for himself corresponding with the time of His coming—which is I n the early days (or years) of the seventh thousand year. The early morning being the first part of the seventh thousand years, and the year under the name Millennium (which the Christians say means the 1,000 years Christ will reign on the earth). This is the 1,000 years in which it will take to restore peace and honor, after the removal of peace breakers. This time also includes the birth of a new nation from the mentally dead. However, the Name F A R D fits the context. We are reminded that this prayer is made obligatory, it is also binding upon the Believers (Muslims) in Allah (God) to obey H i m . F o r in that 1,000 year of Millennium, the disbelievers will cease to be. And to those who live in that time it shall be binding upon them to serve and obey One God: F a r d Muhammad, the Great Mahdi, or Allah in Person. The Mahdi must restore the Kingdom of Islam, and He must weed out from the kingdom of I s l a m all disbelievers. This He will do in His time. F A R D is a name many of the scholars have said is not one of the 99 attributes but still it is a Name that is Selfindependent, and One which means that-the Believers are obligated to obey. We can see clearly why He took this Name ( F A R D ) for Himself. We are now living in the early morning of that seventh thousand years. The world of evil was given 6,000 years to reign over the righteous. Now, since their time expired in 1914, as all the religious scientists agree, we are in the seven-thousandth year since the creation of Adam, or the Caucasian race. It shall be binding upon you to serve and and obey the Great Mahdi ( F A R D M U H A M M A D ) or else be cut off from the people of righteousness. , AH praise is due to our Lord and Saviour, Master F a r d Muhammad. To Him do we submit; to H i m we fly for refuge from the evils of Yakub's civilization. And remember, the time that we are living in is the end of the world we have known, and the coming in of the world of Allah—the world peace and security. Having this in mind, we must be mindful of the things that are written. The following verse warns the powers of this world that their lacks existed before and Allah destroyed them: " T r a v e l in the land, then see what was the end of those before! most of them were polytheists." Holy Quran 30:42. We read of the history of the flood that drowned a disobedient people who refused to take warnings from Allah's prophet, Noah. The following verse warns you and me, the so-called American Negroes, that after nearly one hundred years we have not been able to see that Christianity is not an upright religion; and it further warns us that on that day we will be separated. These days now approach you and me, SO M A K E A D E C I S I O N : "Then set thyself, being upright, to the right religion before there come from Allah the day which cannot be averted: on that day they will be separated! Qur-an 30:43.
By J O H N H E N D R I K C L A R K E " T R A D I T I O N A L C U L T U R E S " by George M Foster, Harper and Brothers. New Y o r k . 292 pp. $6.50. (ANP)—This book gives a general picture of the traditional rural community, the general nature of culture change and the role and problems of the American specialist working in newly developed areas. " U M B U N D U F O L K T A L E S F R O M A N G O L A " by Merlin Ennis, Beacon P r e s s , Boston, Massachusetts. 316 pp. $7.50. The collecting, editing and translating of these folk tales is another important contribution to the growing body of literature relating to Africa that shows some respect for the African point of view. Merlin E n n i s , who compiled this book, spent most of the time between 1905 and 1944 in the hinterland of Angola. He has translated the "scriptures" of the Umbundu speaking people to the enrichment of the world storehouse of indigenous literature. " N I G E R I A N F O L K T A L E S " told to and edited by B a r b a r a K. and Warren S. Walker, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N . J . 113 pp. $4.00. Professor and M r s . Walker have written an account of the role of folk tales in Nigerian tribal life, where the telling of such narratives is a separate and established social art. The stories told here prove that the strong oral tradition of Nigeria remains a great reservoir of folklore and indigenous storytelling in spite of the influence of Western culture and education.
M u r d e r e d , . .
Racist Harassment in the Mississippi Farm Belt H O L L Y S P R I N G S , Miss.—Stung by Negro victories in County Agricultural Stabilization Committee elections, white supremacists increased their campaign of intimidation and harrassment in two Mississippi counties. An Ashland, Miss., newspaper, the Southern Advocate, refused December 12 to print an advertisement from three Negro farmers who w o n important committee seats in the December 4 ASC elections. The advertisement — the three farmers were prepared to pay cash—said they "do not intend to serve our race exclusively. We regard this (election) as an opportunity to serve all citizens of Community B without regard ti race as g o o d , honest and true committeemen." The p r o p o s e d ad was signed by L . B . Paige, Clabon Jackson and Sarah Robinson, who took the three top positions in the ASC election
R a i l r o a d
F i r e s
in Benton County's Community B. * In Holmes County, tenant farmer L a r m a r Smith, elected chairman of his Community Committee, reported his farm rent was doubled and the owner of the land demanded full payment at once instead of installments as he had done in the past. Smith said he overheard the Holmes County sheriff and other white men discuss jailing him on December 7, when A S C election results w e r e announced. He also said a truck he used on his small farm was repossessed while he was talking to his creditors about payments. In Valley View, near Can-
ton, a cotton gin owned by a white man was burned to the ground December 13. The gin owner had refused to comply with requests f r o m white racists that he refuse to gin cotton belonging to Otha Williams, local Negro active in Madison County's ASC elections. In Atlanta, a civil rights group urged Secretary of Agriculture Orville F r e e m a n to "investigate intimidation and harassment connected with Mississippi ASC elections." At a recent meeting of Mississippi farmers from a 12-county area decided to contest ASC elections in five counties, even though Negroes did win some posts. They claim more Negroes could have been placed on committees if there had been no discrimination in the elections.
H o m e
McCOMB, Miss.—The Illinois Central Railroad, which has carried hundreds of thousands of Negro migrants from the South, fired five white men who pleaded guilty to violence against Negroes in Mississippi. The I . C . has been an ironic target of charges^.that it en- contest to charges stemming gages in racial bias, but it from church bombings and is expected that the firing of burnings. They are Paul D. the whites will help erase Wilson, 25; Billy E . Wilson, 22, H i l t o n Dunaway, 36; reputation. The men pleaded guilty to John Paul Westbrook, 20; various counts in connection and Gerald Lawrence, 21. with racial violence in McAll were shop workers at Comb last summer. T h e y the Illinois Central yard in were among 10 men arrested in a federal-state crackdown McComb. The company gave on racial bombings in the them notices of dismissal after a board hearing found Pike County area. All pleaded guilty or no them guilty of conduct unbe-
B o m b e r s
coming a railroad employe. The accused, represented by attorneys, were present at the hearing. They contended that they pleaded guilty in court in order to not jeopardize their jobs. The dismissal letters said in part that the men were being fired because of "adverse publicity and criticism brought to the railroad by conduct unbecoming an employe." In the court hearing, the bombers got off light. They were fined $500 and told not to bomb any more N e g r o churches.
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Muhammad's Mission to The Nation of Islam
The most crucial question today in the Western Hemisphere is: "Who will lead the so-called American Negro?" —and the only resounding and forth-right answer has come from the true leader of Islam among black people in America: from the Messenger of Allah, the Honorable; By the Secretarial Staff to E l i j a h Muhammad. Messenger Muhammad this monument of the soF e w leaders are courageous enough to recognize the i called Negro. fact that the American Negro has become a mighty nation NO. 1 — Messenger Muhammad is acquainting the soof 20,000,000 . . . a nation within a nation . . . a nation called Negro with the knowledge that they are a people It is Messenger Muhamwhose forebears were brought here in chains as slaves who have been lost from the main body of their people mad's desire to build a historical statue acclaiming and whose descendants today remain in the humilating (of Africa and Asia); that they have been iost from their the Negro's rise from slavstatus of "freed slaves." own kind, language, philosophy, science, God and religion, ery to that of an equal The crisis comes today, however, because here a j nation of people has reached a crossroads in their fight [ and that they are being taught and lead by strangers m e m b e r of civilization, for freedoms—a crossroad from which there is no turning whose nature, God, religion, philosophy and civilization and with a good chance of in general are foreign to the black man. The so-called becoming the top star of back. civilized man. Negro has been enslaved for 400 years under foreign Who Will lead the Negro? The white man is afraid to History teaches that the greatest of Saviors have been teachers and languages, and these strange teachers' give his one-time slaves the spawned in the midst of their own suffering people. History purposes and aims are helping him destroy himself and freedom to live to themshows, whether in the case of the Hebrews or the Arab his civilization. Therefore, M e s s e n g e r Muhammad's selves and establish their nations, one divinely-guided and inspired to fight fearlessly; own way of life under the for a true and lasting solution, has come forth at the j MISSION is restoring the so-called Negro's knowledge leadership of the Muslims— of the things he should know in order to qualify for selfcrucial time. not Christians — who will ! — Our own Divine Messenger . . . one who has suffered j independence. guide their black brothers in through our own deprivations . . . who has been subjected the way of peace, happiness Hemisphere, where he origiNO. 2 — Messenger Muto jailing and to the cruelest slander and misrepresentaand prosperity. Messenger o f tion.—But one who has fearlessly answered the all time hammad's greatest desire n a l l y l 0 S t a 1 1 k n o w l e d S e Muhammad and his followquestion: Who will save the Negro? (for many years) is to build I s e l f " U n d e r M e s s e n & e r Muers already are shining ex. . . . . . hammad's leadership, the amples. No amount of disThe one who can save the Negro is one who has a H ' P R O G R A M to restore our people to a rightful land of an educational c e n t e r m cord a m o n g Muhammad's their own; to a rightful name of their own; to their just- America to re-educate t h e | so-called American Negro is followers will ever cause outo f fighting between brothdeserved dignity and status and rightful place in civilized American black man by giv- j r i s i n ^ i n t o a * r e a t e r l i ^ h tright society. er and brother. an ing him the knowledge that "God U S *than ™ ! ? any ^ ! ? civilization „ ! ! ! f . _ on? The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad is the only leader It is impossible under the who rejects identifying his people as digits—as a feeble will lift him to the heights J the face of the earth. This minority forever in the savage bosom of a ruthless majority of the wisdom of God and j gives the Negro the key to teachings of Messenger Mu. . . a divine leader who does not accept his people as man so the American so- j infinite wisdom and learn- hammad because he, first, plants the love of each other remaining forever second-class slaves of a soon-to-be j called Negro can free him-1 ing. Messenger Muhammad so strongly in his followers. second-class empire. self of ignorance. He now is urges you to join him in do- E v e n when hypocrisy arises, The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad has truly said: only a stage actor with a mi" I have been missioned to teach my people in America nor r o l e in civilizations of ing something for self. Mes- it never gains a majority of the religion of Islam and the knowledge of themselves the world. He must be pre- senger Muhammad's success' believers. This was proved recently when Malcolm, and is the success of us all. and of others . . . pared to become the guiding a few others who turned hyp" I preach freedom and equal justice for the so-called NO. 3 — Messenger Mu- ocrite, tried to sow dissatisstar of the nations of the American Negro . . . a thing he has never enjoyed. He has hammad thinks that Chica- faction among us. It is I m never had a chance to sit down even at home and feel that earth, with the help of Allah. go, situated near the center possible for them to gain he is protected by the laws of America. He has never felt Messenger Muham- of the country and one of the enough force to destroy the like that because he has never been given equal justice mad wants the Negro to take \ most beloved cities with a unity of the followers of Muunder our laws." an interest in helping him large population of b l a c k hammad. The Negro cannot continue to be "saved" by that which b u i l d this monument of j people in America, is the cannot save or lead itself. The Negro cannot follow the learning in the W e s t e r n 1 most appropriate place for ( T o be continued) old echoes of a dying promise which tried and failed—and failed again. The Negro cannot oe led by the very Christianity which has been the key to his slavery, the sleeping pill which has prevented his awakening. The Negroes' 400-year-old prayers and search for justice must be led by one divinely inspired to answer his needs with courage and truth. The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad has said, "You and I have arrived at a day of decision. We have come to the crossroads, the point where we must make a decision on what we shall do or what we shall look forward to doing tomorrow." He has said: "We believe in justice for all, whether in God or not." The Messenger states, "We believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality as a nations of equals." Herein lies the salvation of the Negro. Herein lies the leadership, and in the final analysis, the true solution.
F R j O / U the Messenger "Justice — I preach Freedom, Justice and Equality. Justice for the so-called American Negro is a thing he has never enjoyed. He has never had a chance to sit down, even at home, and feel that he is protected by the laws of America . . ." " I A M H E R E W I T H the Truth. Take the words, turn them over and over, examine them, put them on the scale of facts and weigh them, and if I a m not teaching you the Truth, I say prove it and I will lay my head down and let you chop it off . . . " " Y O U AND I H A V E arrived to a day of decision. We have come to the crossroads, the point where we must make a decision on what we shall do or what we shall look forward to doing tomorrow. We must make a decision. We must come to an agreement; that is, if we think anything of ourselves, our people and the future of our wives and children . . ."
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J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Doctors Deem Prejudice
'Most Dangerous' Three prominent N e g r o psychiatrists here have declared that racial prejudices inflicted against a defenseless minority should be recognized by law as a sickness and its perpetrators forced to undergo medical treatment or face c r i m i n a l action. In a symposium at Chicago's Provident Hospital, Dr. Kermit T . Mehlinger, of the Psychiatric Institute of the Municipal Court, D r . E v a n Gregory Moore of the Institute o f Juvenile Research and D r. Jeanne Spurlock o f Mehlinger M i c h a e l Reese Hospital described the disease of racial prejudice as "Perceptual Distortitis" and concluded that prejudice, particularly when it produces grave damage to others as by Hitler's treatment of the Jews or the treatment of Negroes in the United States, can be a dangerous and deadly malady.
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'Poll' Rapping A d a m Powell C a l l e d Phony WASHINGTON—A House group has charged that a poll, which r e p o r t e d l y showed Rep. Adam Clayton Powell to be the "least effective" m e m b e r of the House, is a fake. The poll was published before the election by Pageant M a g a z i n e , and has been called a fdctor in the outcome of several congressional races. The magazine s a i d the writer had polled and received answers from 43 per cent of Senate members, 23.9 House members and 55 per cent of the Washington press corpS. However, House probers reported they could find only four senators who recalled participating in the p o l l ; only two House members said they provided answers, and no Washington reporter could be found who admitted answering. SHOP
let h e r n e w
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7 7 2 4 Lexington Avenue C l e v e l a n d , Ofcle BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS Automatic Transmission Guarantaad ' SCHOOL GRADUATE ius. 361-8898 Res. SW 5-6785 Ask for AL .
"If a p e r s o n can be deemed insane because he hears noises which are not there or sees objects which are not t h e r e , " explained Dr. Charles Lee Williams of the Williams Medical Clinic in Chicago, "then an analgeous defect would be delusions of grandeur—or more simply—white supremacy." Dr. Williams pointed o u t
she p u t
I d e pi
a c m
that minority groups who react against oppression could not justly be classified as "prejudiced" since they act mainly in s e l f - d e f e n s e against real, not imagined, barriers. "However, many whites try to belittle the evils of r a cial prejudice," said D r . Williams, "by claiming everyone has prejudices and preferences such as for coffee or tea, etc., but they fail to recognize that t h e s e preferences have no effect on any but the person making the decision." D r. Williams explained that prejudice was a crime against minorities because they are affected mentally, morally, socially and economically. "Thus segregation is not in the best interest of the community," D r . Williams said. "When blind hate and
prejudice are allowed to proliferate, it can and often does cause prostitution of the law. "We have witnessed these consequences in t h e recent attacks against Negroes in t h e South and in s o m e measure here in the N o r t h . It is obvious that w h i t e supremacy is probably man's m o s t dangerous myth. Williams 'These megelomaniac ideas are rooted in deformed minds, usually paranoid homosexuals. If serious damage to the community is to be avoided, it is felt the underlying psychiatric disturbance requires psychiatric treatment either at home or in a hospital."
TEMPLE"; CLEANERS MAIN OFFICE: 6 0 8 E a s t 6 3 r d Street C H I C A G O , ILLINOIS
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J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Invitation F r o m T h e
to V i s i t t h e University of
By Sister Christine X Director - Principal University of I s l a m The University of Islam was established many years ago, through the leadership of the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad and under the guidance of Allah, to maintain and provide education in the knowledge of self and the doctrine of I s l a m . There are at present two an atmosphere of peace and schools serving Muslim chil- friendship. dren, here and in Detroit, They found teachers w h o Mich. Also, many Mosques were interested in helping throughout the Nation h a v e them shape their dreams of one day classes on Saturday. today into the facts of the These schools serve the pur- future; teachers who were pose of educating children of inspired by the work of the Muslims in the knowledge of Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad and dedicated to assistself, through the history of ing him in carrying out his black men, from a n c i e n t program of h i g h e r educatimes to the present. Other tion; teachers whose greatsubjects taught, include the est wish has been to expand entire academic curriculum his program to include nonlisted in schools throughout Muslims as well as those of the U.S.A. the faith. During these times of pupil We are asking the public u n r e s t and delinquency to help this man, who, more throughout the Nation, the than any other black man in University of I s l a m has America, has a program of proved a stabilizing influ- self-help; a p r o g r a m deence. signed with all of our people Many p e r s o n s in the in mind. United States and around the We need a larger school to world have written and vis- house our children and give ited our school to see what it o t h e r boys and girls a is we teach that turns our chance to become useful, boys and girls Into self-re- self-reliant citizens of Amerspecting, intelligent, well- ica. A school designed to immannered, disciplined citi- prove and educate the rising zens. These same students, generation to the need to do who changed from p u b l i c for self, have a knowledge schools, wanted to study in of the great heritage that
has been our past and what we must do in the future. We are appealing to the public for funds and land to help us build a school for all, so that the so-called Negro in America can find confidence and self-respect in himself through knowledge and study of his own kind. And as E r i c Hoffer, in the New York Times Magazine of Nov. 29, 1964, said: "The Negro in America n e e d s pride—in his people, their achievements, their leaders —before he can attain self respect. At present, individual achievement cannot cure the Negro's soul. No matter how manifest his superiority as an individual, he cannot
savor the unbought grace of life. "The predicament of the Negro in America, then, is that what he needs most is something he cannot give himself; something, moreover, which neither governments nor legislatures n o r courts but only the Negro community as a whole can give h i m . " This is what the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, through the University of Islam, is attempting to do. "The well-off educated Negro may use his fellow Ne-
groes to enrich himself (in insurance, paper publishing, cosmetics) or to advance his career in the professions or in politics, but he w i l l not lift a finger to lighten the burden of his people." Since t.his was written by someone else why not prove him wrong? Why not donate to the University of Islam and help your own? We need land on which to build, so that all children, who wish, can attend the kind of school and in an atmosphere which will inspire them to greatness, love of self and of their fellowmen. Neat Work Always—Free Estimates
FREELANCE Bookkeeping and Accounting Service
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SCIENCE CLASS of Senior High School boys at the University of Islam in Chicago, which has announced a new enrollment program for adults. In the photo with instructor, Miss Susan Harvey (right center) are Willie X Stepp, Reginald X Pickett, Wali Muhammad, Pedro H. Bey, James X Porter, Ronald X Pickett and Tommy X Fiunders.
BUY A N D SELL WITH SHABAZZ REALTY 4 0 0 W e s t 1 4 5 t h Street New York 3 1 , N.Y. AU 1 - 2 6 2 8
F o r
r People
i n
Will you help Muhammad to build for yourse A Center like this represents the so-called t dependence. Nowhere do we have anything that fashion, not to mention something that represen The Center would be one of the greatest n We need better schools, and colleges for o - Muhammad asks your immediate help to bui And remember, Muhammad is not just asking be I to do something for self. If any people need help to rise up and go fa been deprived of such help. The value of the U.S. dollar is dyingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;use son Help self while self is able. God has put in the ear earthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;let's make it a Heaven! THANK Y O U .
SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO: Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 Edu
and W e s t e r n
University H e m i s p h e r e
icon Negro's rise from slavery to that of his self-inesents the rise or fall of the black man in monument r own culture and education. entations of the love and unity of self. res and children. is Center in Chicago, near the center of the country, s, but everyone who has sympathy for us in America F, it is the 22 million so - called Negroes who h a v e it to help build a name for yourself before it is dead, erything we need; our H e a v e n and Hell is in the The New Notion of islam Muhammad's Mosgue No. 2
itional Center Fund. 5335 S. Greenwood Avenue. Chicago. III. 60615
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Mn to
S i n c e its f o u n d i n g b y the H o n o r a b l e E l i j a h M u h a m m a d , this n e w s p a p e r h a s not o n l y
a n d p r o g r a m into t h e h o m e s o f r e a d e r s of a l l
b r o u g h t the M e s s e n g e r of A 11 a h ' s t e a c h i n g s classes, professions a n d occupations, but
h a s s e r v e d to h i g h l i g h t , i n a
m a n n e r d o n e b y no o t h e r W e s t e r n n e w s p a p e r , the p l i g h t a n d s t r u g g l e of b l a c k p e o p l e for j u s tice a n d f r e e d o m i n A m e r i c a , A s i a a n d A f r i c a . A s customary in newspapers at the of e a c h y e a r ,
M u h a m m a d Speaks
looks at 1964
in r e t r o s p e c t a n d b r i n g s o n the f o l l o w i n g p a g e s a r o u n d - u p of a r t i c l e s , c o l u m n s a n d
w h i c h a t t r a c t e d n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l attention d u r i n g the year. U s i n g reader's reaction as a barometer, we r e p r i n t s e l e c t i o n s a n d e x c e r p t s f r o m stories to w h i c h r e a d e r s not o n l y in A m e r i c a but in A s i a and A f r i c a h a v e given the most response.
The Old Year saw M u h a m m a d
r e a c h a c r o s s A m e r i c a to b r i n g s p e c i a l f e a t u r e s and
f r e s h , c a n d i d r e p o r t s of e v e n t s of
interest i n the s t r u g g l e f o r f r e e d o m . T h e N e w
Y e a r w i l l see Muhammad
span e v e n
greater distances with a n increased coverage and
Wider circulation m a d e
d i v i n e m i s s i o n of T h e M e s s e n g e r of A l l a h .
T o
I s
D e a t h
S O U T H ATLANTIC Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida
White 1 6
4 5 3 1
Negro 3 18 2 21 1 41 37 58 35
Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi
White 1 5 2
Negro 9 22 20 21
White 1
Negro 17 17 4 66
R e g a r d l e s s â&#x20AC;&#x17E;f D i s l i k e o f The True
m 0
M e t e d
In all of the Southern states, statistics show that 392 Negroes have been officially put to death for rape, as compared with only 42 whites since 1930. These are the grim figures which prove beyond a doubt that there is a double standard of life and death for Negroes and whites in the United States of America. Prisoners in Southern states executed for rape under civil authority since 1930. F r o m United States Department of Justice National Prisoner Statistics, April, 1963.
Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas
< WBlt
* J | f i
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
M u h a m m a d
M a l c o l m
E x p o s e d b y
S p e a k s
H i s
B r o t h e r In a courageous effort to prevent the misunderstanding and misguidance of innocent observers caused the heedless disruptive actions of former Muslim Minister Malcolm, Brother Philbert X , minister of Muhammad's Mosque of Islam in Lansing, Mich., revealed in Chicago to a fully attended press conference the inside motives behind the action of his brother. — — * Quietly and calmly, Minis- and guidance of the Messenter Philbert exploded the un- ger of Allah. founded allegations of the Because it brings signififormer New York minister cant clarification to many and revealed the tremendous c o n f u s e d viewpoints exdebt owed by Minister Mal- pressed in the white press colm and his family as well around this subject, Muhamas of millions of black people mad Speaks here brings its in America to the teaching readers the text of Minister Philbert's statement: Because, I , Philbert X , a minister at Muhammad's Mosque of Islam in Lansing, Grand Rapids, Flint, and Muskegon, Michigan, l o v e Islam, our teacher, The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, and all his followers, I think someone should say something or speak out against the acts of my blood brother, Malcolm. Since I am one of the ones w h o brought my brother Malcolm to Islam, I am taking this task on myself.
Minister Philbert
Because I am and have been a follower of the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad for more than 17 years, I have s e e n the beneficial effects Mr. Muhammad's message has had upon me, my family and all of our
Muhammad Speaks every Sunday morniny on radio WEBH-fm 93.9 6:30 TO 7:30 A.M.
and on station WEAW, 1330 kc, 6:30 to 7:00 A.M.
people who Islam.
accepted I know as Messenger Muhammad teaches that anyone~who deviates from IsIn my eagerness to have lam is a hypocrite. all of our people gain full and complete freedom, jusI am aware of the great tice and equality through the mental illness which beset acceptance of the Honorable unfortunately, many in E l i j a h Muhammad's divine America and which b e s e t message, I sought to intro- my mother whom I 1 o v e duce and convert my wayand one of my other brothers ward brother, Malcolm, to and which may now have the banner of Islam under taken another victim, my Mr. Muhammad's leadership brother Malcolm. rtiore than ten years ago. I know the works of Mr. I have seen and bear witness as to how Malcolm was Muhammad in reforming the raised from a level of noth- so-called Negro so he can ing to a place of honor and take his place in society. respect through the world as This is absolutely d i v i n e a result of Mr. Muhammad's work and we can only get this divine guidance as long direction. Now I see my brother as we follow Mr. Muhampursue a dangerous course mad. which parallels that of the 1 At the time of President precedents set by Judas, Kennedy's assassination Mr. Brutus, Benedict Arnold and Muhammad k n e w some others who betrayed t h e white people hated President fiduciary relationship be- Kennedy enough to kill and tween them and t h e i r that some white people also leaders. loved him enough to kill for him. Mr. Muhammad ordered I see my blood brother go against the prayer of Islam all of his followers not to in which every believer asks make any statements about to be guided on the right President Kennedy's assaspath and not on the path of sination to a v o i d unwarthose who go astray after ranted and unjustified atthey have heard I s l a m . tack on his followers. I see where the reckless My brother Malcolm, anefforts of my brother Mal- gered by the little misforcolm will cause many of our tune of being suspended for unsuspecting people who lis- speaking out of turn and ten and follow him unneces- against instructions, now resary loss of blood and life^ ports to slander, slurs and
7 8 7 ST. N I C H O L A S A V E . NEW Y O R K 3 1 , N.Y.
CALL AU 1-5968
intimidations of Mr. Muhammad, Mr. Muhammad's family and the Muslim followers of Mr. Muhammad. My b r o t h e r Malcolm, greatly angered o v e r his being temporarily silenced for ninety days, now resorts to falsely charging Mr. Muhammad's family and the officials of our headquarters with seeking his ouster. AH of the Muslims know he defected and now speaks falsely about personal affairs of the Muslims, Mr. Muhammad and any Muslim of influence. My brother Malcolm will do anything and say anything to gain mention and his picture in news coverage. He has always prided himself oh being a great user of people, especially women, and now seeks to prevail upon women who unfortunately were weak and went contrary to Islam. I have learned that he wants to use these women who have been dismissed from our group in an effort to accuse and smear any Muslim of influence in our group of misconduct. I take this opportunity to prevail upon you and beseech your media to apprise those who may be taken in by my brother Malcolm's desire to promote his own selfish ends to maintain his public image. As for my brother Malcolm setting up a rival mosque of Islam, I can only quote to you from our holy book, the Holy Qur-an:
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
M u h a m m a d
S p e a k s
to Mr* M o h a m m a d •
Mrs. Amy A s hw o o d Garvey is the first wife of the late Marcus Garvey and co-founder of the Back to A frica Movement. She is now a citizen of Liberia and resides in the Liberian capital of Monrovia where sha is engaged in writing the story of Africa. She will be happy to hear from friends in the Americas and elsewhere with whom she has been out of touch for many years. Correspondence should be addressed Mrs. Amy Ashwood Garvey, P.O. Box 642, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
^ s b f m w m •
™ » 9 0 •
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from the wife of the
" I have been deeply impressed by Messenger E l i j a h Muhammad's message of Freedom and Unity in the March 18 issue of Muhammad Speaks, and I wish to compliment him on it. "The idea of creating Negro markets which can provide food, clothing and housing for them is a noble and humanitarian one. "That is what the masses need in Africa today, and you who live in the greatest manufacturing country in the world have the opportunity to extend such facilities to your brothers in Africa. " I sincerely share Messenger Muhammad's desire to see Negroes united in the cause of liberating themselves from the shackles of economic and political sub-
W o r l d A r m s
servience. "In fact, I would say that they should even go as far as forming their own political party. The word Negro might soon become obsolete. "It is gratifying to see that another dynamic figure has arrived in the arena of world affairs. Please convey to your followers my w a r m salutations. "1 am especially happy to note that your people are expressing tremendous interest and love for Africa which of course, you have a right to do. "There is no feeling like the feeling of belonging to a country, a people and a nation. I keep praying for you." Very sincerely yours, Amy Ashwood Garvey
Mr. M u h a m m a d
Meharry President To Tenn. Schools Board N A S H V I L L E , Tenn. — D r . H . D. West, president o f M e h a r r y Medical College, h a s been appointed b y G o v . F r a n k Clement as t h e f i r s t N e g r o t o t h e T e n n e s see S t a t e B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n . W i l l i a m B o w d e n , also o f Nashville, w a s n a m e d t o t h e State P a r d o n a n d Paroles B o a r d last week. H e is t h e first Negro t o serve o n that body.
O p e n s
t o
C h a m p
M u h a m m a d
A l i
C A I R O , Egypt—Whether white America wants to accept the fact or not, Muhammad Ali, formerly Cassius Clay, one of the thousands of followers of the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, has become the most important heavyweight champion ever produced in the Western World. No attempt to "rob" the young champion of his title r e a d y been extended by he said, without a fight or to defame more than 14 nations on " W E W I L L treat him like or slander him because of three continents and the tour a s o n if he comes to West his religion can dim the fact is expected to last for three Africa. And I hope he leaves that the 22 - year - old youth months. the ring and will henceforth has an impact upon t h e Most objective observers join us in the battles we world scene far beyond and a d m i t that it was the young fight in the name of Islam, above that of an athlete. man's acceptance of the Di"We will show Moham- HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING CHAMPION Muhammad Ali (right) The frustrated fury of the vine teachings of Mr. Mu- mad Ali Clay the criminal is slated for a hero's welcome when he arrives in the Middle white press and some white hammad and of I s l a m which treatment to which A r a b East and Africa. Shown here with his brother, Rudolph, the commentators, when they now occasions him a niche refugees are being subject- young champion will be extended a warm welcome by more discovered the young boxer of respect and world atten- ed," asserted Muhammad than 14 nations. to be a proud member of the tion. Tewfik Aweida, h e a d of Nation of I s l a m , is expected West African Muslim lead- Egypt's I s l a m i c Council, a boost. They were delight- all sure that he would be to i n c r e a s e here as his e r Hadj Ibrahim summed who a I s 0 attended the inter- ed when Cassius said: When helpful to America's political world-wide acceptance ex- u p X X l e •welcome of Ali as view in Cairo's Shepherd'sanyone attacks me for being aims here. Pandshaving been based upon the Hotel. But Cassius will get a a Muslin they attack Cairo, hero's welcome when he arThe heavyweight champi- s t r 0 n g admiration Africans Aweida sent Clay a cable on is now preparing to em- have for the program of Mr. inviting him to Cairo on the Egypt, and Mecca, Saudi rives in the Middle E a s t and Africa. bark upon a world-wide tour Muhammad, which is now morning after he won the Arabia. to be accompanied by an W e l l known throughout most w o r l d championship from American diplomats are SPEED PRESS athletic troupe, Charles P . 0 f the world. Sonny Liston. now convinced that MuhamQUALITY PRINTING Howard, Sr. United Nations „ W e a r e ' d e i i g h t e d that M U S L I M S H E R E are mad Ali could become a poNO JOB TOO SMALL Correspondent, and a team C a s s i u s _ o r a s W e prefer to happy to have this Islamic litical figure in the Middle 1363 H. STREET, N.E. IN REAR of television network pho- c a l l h i m > Mohammad All— foothold in North AmericaE a s t if he works things STANLEY O. CARROLL, LI. 4-9380 tographers and reporters. diplomatic and is a bit dish a s d e c l a r e d himself part of and are delighted that CasWASHINGTON, D.C. A W A R M welcome has al- o u r Islamic brotherhood," sius has given the movement creet. But they are not at ".>r,r.r
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J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
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U h i i a
m e s s e n g e r
NEW Y O R K — The stunning effects of Harlem's fantastic reception for the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad lingered on here days after the Messenger of Allah had delivered an address w h i c h has rekindled new hopes for freedom throughout the black communities of America. More than 15,000 jammed the 142nd Street Armory — outside as well as inside — despite the sweltering heat to roar and cheer in the greatest demonstration of black unity seen here in decades. E v e n the most biased of the white press admitted that the Messenger of Allah literally "took New Y o r k , " and the New Y o r k Journal American described his victory as "overwhelming." Inside the jammed a n d packed Armory, the greatest Islamic leader to be born in the Western World delivered an inspirational and vigorous address which blazed a new path in the freedom struggle. The Messenger's address r a n g e d from domestic to foreign affairs; from t h e origin of the black man on earth to his present plight; from the words of the Holy Qur-an to the tale of L a z a r u s . In his opening statement, Mr. Muhammad said: " I want to help you, my p e o p l e , gain salvation. I want to help you do this in a peaceful way and not in an aggressive way. We cannot be an aggressive people with nothing. It is real ignor-
FROM A BOXING champion to a Divine Champion goes the golden mosque from World Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad at the packed Harlem rally held in New York for the great Islamic leader. ant for any leader to say to you that you should be aggressive." In forthcoming issues, Muhammad Speaks will present succeeding excerpts from the philosophical speech delivered by this divine leader.
political and religious ob- brothers . . . " servers regard as a turning e * * * point in the struggle f o r "We want only to settle equality for Ihe black man in the problem with the truth. America: Truth settled the problem "The time has now come 4,000 years ago, 6,000 years that all Muslims all over the ago and the Prophet Muhamearth wherever they may be mad, may the Peace and The following quotations, must be united under one Blessings of Allah be upon however, were culled from brotherhood a n d consider him, carried truth (Islam) the highlights of what most ourselves as a nation of to Europe, 1400 years ago
of T r u t h
. . . Mightier Than T h e
1 3 5 0 H ST. N . E . LI 4 - 8 8 4 1
W A S H I N G T O N , D. C .
LISTEN to Mr. MUHAMMAD Every Week O n the Radio Station In Your Area Listed Here . . .
On the scene is (left to right) Minister Louis of Boston, Ali, The Messenger, and his sons Captain Elijah Muhammad, Jr., and Herbert Muhammad.
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and it is still there . . . " "The white man of America has said to you and me that we are free; then let us have some kind of pushoff and go free. If you are free — and the white man says you are free — prove you are a free man by not trying to make him treat you right. Prove you are a free man by saying, just let me go . . ." "This problem is to be solved divinely, and the divine solution is separation. I have been before you for 33 years teaching what Almighty God (Allah) has revealed to me . . . " "We want justice. We want to be free people. We want to extract justice from our fellowman or any human being. We want to extract it in the courts. When we go to the judge, w e w a n t to remind the judge that his law books have justice in them. Give it to me. Don't deprive me of justice as I am a human being. • " Y o u can give them a few of these states to live in to themselves, where the two of you will not be clashing with each other. "If this is not done, white America, you can expect trouble and m o r e trouble. God Almighty has said to me that he will take this poor lost and found man that you call Negro; He will take this earth away f r o m you and give it to the so-called Negro."
15, 1965
Nigerian Scholar Warns: A f r i c a n Still
R e v o l u t i o n
W a i t s By Obiajunwa
(Evanston, III.)
Perhaps it is a little too late in the day to talk of an African revolution. To many people, the revolution for national independence in Africa has reached its climax, and the only possible revolution now, may be in the economic sphere. But this is a misunderstanding of the actual situation, for underneath the present calm and quiet, and under what appears in many cases a steady economic development with the guidance of indigenous leaders, bitter controversies are still going on which may well explode beyond the control of Dewqy's concept of organized intelligence. T H E C R U C I A L question is not the success of the political revolution w h i c h we h a v e all witnessed in Africa for the past two or more decades, but the quality of the result of this f e r v e n t crusade. There is little doubt that the present finished product is in many ways, not quite the same as the expected end-result, and only a few would now argue that there was n3 miscarriage somewhere in the process of this revolution. The whole drive for African nationalism started with an ideology of social justice, individual freedom, an equitable distribution of wealth, and a restoration within limits of practical achievement cf indigenous African culture. The idea of a privileged ruling class based on a capitalist economy was particularly abjured, for on It rested all the evils, humiliations, and cruelties of foreign domination and colonialism.
N E A R L Y T H E whole of Africa is now free from foreign rule, and now technically Independent, b u t the achievement of the ideal society of our d r e a m and struggle, falls very m u c h short of the original expectations. What makes the situation potentially dangerous is that while there is a g r o w i n g awareness of this fact, most of the new rulers in Africa are busy devising one method or another to perpetuate themselves in power, and thus frustrate forever the aims and hopes of our revolution. It is in this connection that the role of the new African intellectual calls for a reappraisal. There is little doubt that a number of African intellectuals played some leading roles in the nationalist movements of the past few decades, and that s i n c e independence, many more have been in the vanguard of national reconstruction either by way of direct political leadership, or in the upper echelon of the civil service organizations, or in the staffing of the new universities and similar institutions of higher learning. I T I S unfortunate at the same t i m e , that most of these intellectuals have acquiesced beyond ordinary level in what has already been described as the mis-
carriage of our revolution. In many ways, they have failed to offer that impartial and objective criticism, which constitutes the health of new nations, in the midst of hazards from older nations and competing ideologies who are bent on exploiting inexperience, and possibly perpetuate their domination by more subtle and indirect means. Socialism as a political and economic concept for instance, must of necessity have local or national variation::. But the stress cf seme African intellectuals today is not just on this self-evident truth, but on some form of a mythical African socialism which is different and independent of the basic theories of classical socialism. Their aim is to confuse further the basic aims of our revolution, and divert and isolate the dynamics of African socialism f r o m the main stream of socialistic thinking and solidarity. T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y for the African intellectuals today I J to abandon compromise on fundamental issues for the full realization of our revolution, and the salvaging of our cultural identity a f t e r centuries of oppression and degradation. It is only in this way that the African continent can be saved from the turmoils of violent changes, which are becoming increasingly obvious.
N I G E R I A N S C H O L A R Obiajunwa W a l i , who is working toward his doctorate a t Northwestern university, Evanston, III., as he wrote his definitive African report exclusively for Muhammad Speaks.
Aiia.in.eti Independence. Hefore WvrUWarU
EVENING, J A N . 12, 1965—7:00
Aitained, Independence •
T H O U G H T H E FIRST S T A G E S of freedom have been won in many parts of A f r i c a , as indicated on the map above, the real revolution, foistered by economic turmoil a n d change, could explode a t any time, writes Nigeria scholar Obiajunwa W a l i .
(Supreme Captain of The Fruit of Islam)
FEATURED GUEST: World's Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali OPTIONAL ATTIRE DONATION: $6.50 Per Couple—$3.75 Single TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL: AC 2-6522 T I C K E T S C A N BE P U R C H A S E D A T THE S H A B A Z Z R E S T A U R A N T 1 1 3 L E N O X A V E N U E I N M A N H A T T A N O R " A T THE D O O R . "
D I N N E R T O BE S E R V E D F R O M : 7 P.M. T O 8:30
TO 7-9327
15, 1965
Muhammad Spooks
ed C o u n c i l of M u h a m m a d except w h e n , i n t h eface o f m a d alone, h o w e v e r , truly repeated threats o r incessant comprehends a n d k n o w s t h e As a M u s l i m , I a m natural- provocation, they m u s t de- exact nature a n d extent o f ly interested i n I s l a m i c d e - fend t h e i r lives, h o n o r a n d their d i l e m m a . A n d l i k e w i s e , velopments i n this country. property. T h e y w o u l d n o t he a l o n e — w i t h t h e help o f As a n Asian, I also find m y - therefore have engaged i n A l l a h ( G o d ) — c a n cure t h e self c u r i o u s about a n d con- or encouraged others t o cre- A m e r i c a n b l a c k m a n ' s ills, cerned w i t h t h e problems, ate o r f o m e n t civic disor- and h a st h e D i v i n e sanction h o p e s a n d a s p i r a t i o n s o f t h ed e r s . to d o i t ! so-called Negroes o f A m e r i In conclusion, I wish t o ofSecond, h a d H a r l e m a n d ca ( w h o are, i n t h e w o r d s o f f e r another observation o n the Bedford-Stuyvesant area the Honorable Elijah M u of B r o o k l y n been p r e d o m i - the subject u n d e r r e v i e w : I h a m m a d , descendants o f the nantly Muslim, there would believe t h e hour o f opportuAsiatic black m a n ) . have been n o looting. I t i s nity h a s a r r i v e d f o rt h e N A T h u s i t i s that I w r i t e o f not a secret, b u t c o m m o n T I O N O FI S L A M t o e x p a n d t h e r e c e n t e v e n t s i n H a r - k n o w l e d g e , t h a t t h e M u s l i m s its r o l e i n b l a c k A m e r i c a . lem, i n N e w Y o r k Pity, a n d or f o l l o w e r s of the H o n o r a b l e N o w indeed i s t h e t i m e f o r t h e " H a r l e m o f B r o o k l y n " — E l i j a h M u h a m m a d a r e , b yt h e f o l l o w e r s o f t h e H o n o r the borough's Bedford-Stuy- and large, a fairly prosper- able E l i j a h M u h a m m a d t o vesant section (of which, in- ous a n dself-sufficient com- launch a n all-out campaign c i d e n t a l l y , I a m a r e s i d e n t ) . m u n i t y . T h e y a r e also a peo- to t a k e and. s p r e a d t h e w o r d The first a n d f o r e m o s t i m - ple o f h i g h m o r a l values. of A l l a h ' s S u p r e m e W i s d o m pression that I w i s h t o con- T h e y s i m p l y w o u l d n o t take unto a l lH i s people i n this vey here i sthat h a dt h e vast w h a t they d o n o t require o r Wilderness . . . a n d beyond! m a j o r i t y o f H a r l e m i t e s a n d c a n n o t a f f o r d t ob u yo r w h a t And n o w i s t h et i m e f o r a l l theirs. A s of u s — M u s l i m s e v e r y w h e r e "black B r o o k l y n i t e s " been isn't rightfully M u s l i m s — o r followers o f they have n o u s e f o r liquor in this hemisphere—to seek the H o n o r a b l e E l i j a h M u - a n d h a b i t - f o r m i n g drugs, t h e out a n d r e a s s u r e t h e poor h a m m a d — there would have area's liquor shops and drug- and t h e wretched o f this been, i n m yconsidered judg- stores (reportedly t h e chief land that t h e e n d o f their ment, n orioting o rcause for targets o fm o blooting) par- misery a n d sorrow is near been and a t hand! tension, violence a n d law- ticularly would have safe! lessness i nN e w Y o r k City. If t h eM u s l i m s will d o as Here is why: ( T h e n , c o m e t o t h i n k o f i td i r e c t e d b y t h e i r g r e a t leadF i r s t , t h e M u s l i m s o r fol- — i f m o s t H a r l e m i t e s a n d er, t h eH o n o r a b l e E l i j a h M u lowers o ft h e Honorable Eli- "black Brooklynites" were h a m m a d , I have n o doubt j a h M u h a m m a d d o n o t b e -M u s l i m s , c h a n c e s a r e t h a t t h a t i n d u e t i m e A l l a h w i l l l i e v e i n l a w l e s s n e s s a n d d om o s t l i q u o r s t o r e s w o u l d n o t t u r n H a r l e m , B e d f o r d not condone o r indulge i n exist a m i d s t t h e m , f o r l a c k S t u y v e s a n t a n d a l l t h e b l a c k "ghettos" o f t h i s continent a n y t y p e o f v i o l e n t a c t i o n — of p a t r o n a g e ! ) , My third observation and i n t o v e r i t a b l e G a r d e n s o f a n d "Abodes o f S p r i n g s F r e e d o m S c h o o l , opinion of the situation is P a r a d i s e that Harlem and Bedford- H e a v e n l y P e a c e " ( I s l a m ) . sponsored b y the Council Stuyvesant (as well as other of F e d e r a t e d O r g a n i z a t i o n s communities beset with idenSHABAZZ ( C O F O ) . w h i c h s p o n s o r e d 4 1 tical problems) today, more NOVELTY SHOP such schools a c r o s s t h e than ever before, need the s t a t e . M a n y o f t h e s c h o o l s wise counsel and guidance of Imported African-Asian Objects of A r t p r o d u c e d n e w s l e t t e r s , p o e t r y the Honorable E l i j a h MuJ e w e l r y • L e a t h e r • Gift Items hammad! and plays. SIS. EUNICE, PROP. G l o r i a X i f a r a s , 22,o f N e w I sense this a n dfeel this 4 7 0 CONVENT AVE. Bedford, Mass., the C O F O way because, despite t h e (Nr. 151st ST.) w o r k e r w h o directs t h e play, new o f f i c i a l measures NEW Y O R K CITY said t h e action is'"free f o r m and legislation introduced with a general outlinea n d AU 1 -0428 recently t o a i d t h e so-called Mon. thru Fri. 9 A . M . t o 7 P . M . each player is responsible Negroes' progress, I continSaturdays 9 A . M . to 1 1 P . M . for s u p p l e m e n t i n g h i s part ue t ohear t h es u f f e r i n g peow h e r e h esees f i t . " ple o f Allah c r y i n g o u t f o r help, for freedom, for justice and f o r equality. By
Islam Scholar Abdul B. N a e e m
M i s s i s s i p p i R i g h t
T e e n s
P l a y
i n
t o
N e w
S t a g e Y o r k
H O L L Y S P R I N G S , Miss. scheduled performances I n Nineteen teenagers f r o m : the N e wY o r k City area o n Mississippi will t r a v e l m o r e I D e c e m b e r 29 a n d J a n u a r y 2 t h a n 1,000 m i l e s t o g j v e t h r e e a n d 3 o f t h e i r p l a y , " S e e d s of F r e e d o m , " w h i c h details p e r f o r m a n c e s o fa p l a y t h e y j the life a n d death o f M e d g a r w r o t e last s u m m e r i n a M i s - jE v e r s , slain N A A C P w o r k e r . sissippi Freedom School.[ The play w a s w r i t t e n last T h e y o u n g e s t a c t o r i s 16; t h e j s u m m e r b y M a r s h a l l a n d oldest, 18. Benton County youngsters The young players have who attended the Holly
Abdul Basil
ONLY 50<
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I continue to hear them saying: "This Civil Rights " . . . IT'S TIME TO START Law isn't m a k i n g a n y differHELPING SELF! ence" . . . "This integration "... WE NEED TO SUPPORT stuff isn't going t ow o r k o u t " MUHAMMAD'S . . . " T h e whites just won't MOSQUES OF ISLAM let u s h a v e b e t t e r j o b s a n d better schools a n d h o m e s " 3 - Y E A R . . . " O u r leaders lack unity E C O N O M I C and as long as they a r e d i vided, w e can't help ourP L A N selves m u c h " . . . " W e a r e THAT WILL BENEFIT OUR going t ostay second o r third PEOPLE IN GENERAL class citizens and forever eat only t h e crumbs from t h e " Y E S I am going to white slavemasters' table." SUPPORT THIS PLAN . . . A n d i s n ' t t h i s e x a c t l y w h a t I a m g o i n g to e n c l o s e 5 0 c with this t h e H o n o r a b l e E l i j a h M u - coupon, a n d every coupon hereafter t h a t is p r i n t e d in this N e w s p a p e r , h a m m a d h a s been saying all a n d maii t o : along—for over 30years? I n 3-YEAR ECONOMIC PLA N deed, s o ! 5335 S. Greenwood Ave. CORE, N.A.A.C.P., H A R Chicago, III. 60615 Y O U - A C T a n d t h e various I understand a receipt be sent b a c k to me. "black nationalist" organizations operating i n H a r l e m NAME and "black Brooklyn" m a y ADDRESS claim t o know the economic a n d s o c i a l p r o b l e m s o f t h e CITY so-called Negroes, b u t t h e ZIP CODE Honorable Elijah Muham-
T h e y
I S , 1965
D r o w n e d
L u m u m b a ' s B o d y
i n
B R U S S E L S — T h e mutilated a n d mangled body o f deposed Congo P r i m e Minister Patrice L u m u m b a w a s dropped into a v a t o f concentrated acid so that h e would "disappear forever." T h e " a c i d b a t h " w a s o r -t a r y e s c o r t w h i c h b r o u g h t o r d e r e d s e i z u r e o f t h e p a p e r dered b y Puppet P r e m i e r t h e m t o Elizabethville, cap- c a r r y i n g t h e article a n d p o Cyrille A d o u l a t o t h w a r t a n ital o fK a t a n g a , i nlate Jan- lice c o m b e d news stands, i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f t h e s l a y i n g u a r y , 1961. T h e i r b o d i e s bookstores a n d libraries t o b y t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s a f t e r w e r e i n " a 1a m e n t a b 1 e find copies. anti - L u m u m b a forces h a d state," h e said. LUMUMBA'S murder in P u b l i c a t i o n o f these J a n u a r y 1961 f o l l o w e d e n t r y charges, which created a sensation i n Brussels, a p - of t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s into peared i n a newspaper here the Congo. A s head o ft h e C o n g o c a l l e d " P o u r q u o i s P a s . " I nn e w l y i n d e p e n d e n t g o v e r n m e n t . L u m u m b a w a s the a r t i c l e , Tshombe s a i d t o h a v e m a d e a fatal charged that Lumumba's m u r d e r w a s arranged b y political error. A t a c r u c i a l state o ft h e Congo President Joseph K a savubu a n dP r e m i e r Cyrille revolution, w h e n a l lh i s efforts s h o u l d have been Adoula. The Belgian government placed o n consolidating t h e position o ft h erevolutionary leadership, L u m u m b a l e f t the country a n d w e n t t o N e w Y o r k t oappeal to t h e United N a t i o n s f o rhelp i n t h e chaotic s i t u a t i o n left b ythe m a s - P A T R I C E L U M U M B A , as h e visited t h e United Nations sive departure o f B e l g i a n seeking assistance f o r t h e Congo i n 1960. A f e w months technicians a n d a d m i n i s t r a - later, i n January 1 9 6 1 . h e w a s d e a d — a victim o f w h a t is described as a plot b e t w e e n puppet Congolese rulers a n d tors. the Belgian government. The U N , acting under t h e C Y R I L L E A D O U L A — Is h e principal inspiration o ft h e dian. A l l o ft h e m w e r e d y i n g h a v e betrayed guilty k n o w l guilty, as charged? U.S., took full advantage o f but their fate r e m a i n e d u n - edge o fthe m u r d e r s . And t h e Belgian governb e e n p a i d a t least $600,000 b y L u m u m b a ' s naive confi- known for some time. Finalthey ment betrayed its g u i l t y the Belgian government to dence. F o r c e s w e r e dis- ly i t w a s established get r i d o f L u m u m b a . patched t o t h e Congo. T h e y had been killed under m y s - knowledge b y seizing allt h e copies o f " P o u r q u o i P a s " r a p i d l y strengthened t h e terious circumstances. These grisly and damaging Tshombe's charges seem that contained Tshombe's neo - colonialist tendencies charges a r et h e latest asserhave stung Kasavubu, sensational revelations. a n d o n e o f t h e f i r s t conse- to tions o f millionaire Moise Who is t o investigate t h e quences w a s t h e arrest o f Adoula a n d Bomboko, t h e Tshombe, former President r u l e r s . Belgian Government's role L u m u m b a b y President K a - Congolese puppet of K a t a n g a P r o v i n c e a n d t h e s a v u b u , w h o u p t o t h e n h a d M a n y s a y t h e i r actions since of m u r d e r i n h i g h p l a c e s ? man w h o worked hand-inlacked substantial power. glove with t h eBelgians i n a monstrous get- rich - quick A F T E R holding L u m u m b a plot for h i m s e l f a n d Belgian H m i n prison for several months. industrialists with t h e Congo M O I S E T S H O M B E — F o r m e r K a savubu delivered h i m a n d as t h e p a w n . Katanga Province President, s o m e o f h i s aides, b y plane, C A I R O — T h e life-and-death faction with t h e failure o f TSHOMBE told a news h e charged that Congo Prestruggle o f black Angolans some African countries t o c o n f e r e n c e i n M a d r i d , w h e r e m i e r C y r i l l e A d o u l a o r d e r e d to T s h o m b e . T h e y w e r e b e a t - for i n d e p e n d e n c e f r o m cen- g i v e a n y s u b s t a n t i a l s u p p o r t h e i s l i v i n g i n l u x u r y , t h a t L u m u m b a ' s b o d y d r o p p e d i n t o e n b Y t h e i r g u a r d s a n d h a n d t u r i e s o f P o r t u g u e s e oppres- to t h e c o m m i t t e e . L u m u m b a , first p r e m i e r o f a v a to fconcentrated acid. ed over t o their n e w custo- sion m a yreceive n e w impetus f r o m C h i n a a n d other the Congo, a n d t w o other Racist Vote Plan tor Asiatic nations. prisoners — Maurice Mpolo, ELLIS EAST SIDE AUTO BEAUTY SHOP British Swaziland minister o f youth, a n d JoF l o r i n t i n o D u a r t e . a n offi• USED CAR DEALER • BUMPING & PAINTING seph Okito, vice president of M B A B A N E , Swaziland — cial of t h e Angolan RevoluFREE INSURANCE FREE ESTIMATES WORK TOWING the Congolese Senate, were tionary C o m m i t t e e here, is Elections will be held n e x t 3 5 7 5 F A I R V I E W (AT M A C K ) beaten t o death b y a milip r e p a r i n g t o t a k e a d e l e g a - J u n e 16a n d 23 i nt h i s B r i t i s h 3 6 5 5 HART (AT M A C K ) tion o f b l a c k A n g o l a n free- p r o t e c t o r a t e f o rt h e first legPHONE: 822-0266 DETROIT, MICH. dom fighters t o P e k i n g f o r islative council t o be elected WRIGHT'S t a l k s w h i c h h e h o p e s w i l l in t h e t e r r i t o r y . BARBER SHOP lead t o financial a n d even European residents w i l l military support from China. vote o n both dates, b u t t h e FOR G O O D G R O O M I N G A n n o u n c i n g New Location of 3 7 3 5 LANCASTER A V E . He also will visit C a m b o d i a . Africans will be voting only PHILADELPHIA, PA. TUES. to SAT. 9-7 BA 2-1130 N o r t h K o r e a a n d V i e t n a m i n on J u n e 2 3 . The country—a total popuaddition to China. l a t i o n o f 42,000 — 6,000 o f Although theAddis Ababa which areEuropeans, will be WILLIAM LORENZO IN M I L W A U K E E , W I S C O N S I N conference established a lib- divided into four sections, Barber Shop 2 4 6 3 N O R T H 3 r d STREET e r a t i o n c o m m i t t e e t o a i d t h ew i t h e a c h s e c t i o n s e n d i n g 2 0 8 COURT STREET Angolan struggle, little h a s one E u r o p e a n a n d t w o repreN E W A R K , N. J . FRanklin 2 - 5 7 3 3 been done. A n g o l a n leaders sentatives o f other races t o Specializing in Caasars have expressed open dissatis- the legislature. W E D . & FRI. 8:00 P . M . SUNDAY 2:00 P.M. and Hair Cuts
Chinese Aid for Angolans
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
I J p K *:;::
T h e Teachings o f the
On Obedience "Say: Obey A l l a h and the M e s senger; B u t if they t u r n back, A l l a h Surely love not the disbelievers." Holy Qur-an 3:31. The religion of Islam demands strict obedience to Allah and His Messenger. The word "Islam" means submission, "obedience." Obedience to God (Allah) is not accepted if disobedient to the Messenger. " T h e Messenger believes i n what has been revealed to h i m f r o m his Lord, and (so do) the believers." Holy Qur-an 2:285. A true follower of the Messenger believes as the Messenger believes, but a hypocrite pretends he believes but is not at all a believer. There are those who claim they are believers, but are sympathizers of the hypocrites; those are the ones who will never say anything one way or the other, fearing that they will show their sympathy for the hypocrite. Such ones are warned in the Holy Qur-an: "Behold, you a r e they who may contend on their b e h a l f i n this world's life, but who w i l l contend with A l l a h on their b e h a l f on the
resurrection 4:109.
There are those who like to dispute and act hostile towards the Messenger of Allah. They are also warned in the same chapter: " A n d whoever acts hostilely to the Messenger after guidance has become manifest to h i m and follows other t h a n the way of the believers, we t u r n h i m to that to which he h i m s e l f turns and make h i m enter hell: A n d i t is a n evil resort." Holy Qur-an 4:115. This refers to those whom the Messenger has guided to Allah on the right path, and has tasted the blessings of Allah and then turns back to that which they had been brought out of. And here Allah causes them to meet with a worse condition than they left. This is tasted by such ones in this life. Allah does not spare a Messenger's near of kin nor their wives and children. See Holy Qur-an 66:1-11. Allah will chastise Messengers if they disobey Him, but Allah does not allow us to be the judge of His Messengers, nor does He make a second choice in choosing a Messenger for another.
Honorable Elijah Muhammad Read the histories of the Prophets of God. " O you who believe, obey A l l a h and obey H i s Messenger and make not your deeds vain. "Surely those who disbelieve and hinder men f r o m AJlah's way, then die disbelievers, A l l a h w i l l not forgive them." Holy Qur-an 47:33, 34 God is very hard on us who disobey His Messenger. He warns in His Holy Qur-an not to quarrel and dispute nor raise our voice above the Messenger's voice. Strict respect and honor is demanded for His Messengers. We should not take them lightly, we may underestimate them without knowledge.
F L I N T , Mich.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;The shameful and unprovoked break-, tual Association ( I M A ) , { f i l l e d with peaceful, unupâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;by gun-toting white policemenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;of a Muslim meeting owners of the auditorium armed people. here where the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, leader of "This p r o v e s beyond a where the rally was held. the Nation of Islam, was scheduled to speak, has been shadow of doubt that there What happened Oct. 27, answered by a $1,000,000 damage suit filed in Federal court is no justice, nor peace for 1963, when policemen tried our black people in America, against the police officers and the I M A Auditorium. to enter the meeting, al- whether they be Christians The surprise and fearful though it was well known or Muslims. reactions of c i t y officials privileges and immunities that all Muslims in the audi"We had rented this pubhere indicated that the suit, guaranteed t h e m by t h e torium were entirely unlic auditorium in Flint to filed by Stuart J . Dunnings i F i r s t , Fifth and Fourteenth armed, was best described teach the so-called . Negro of J r . , a Lansing, Mich., attor- Amendments to the United by the Messenger himself in the presence of Allah, of the ney, was on firm ground. States Constitution because the columns of the Nov. 22, judgment of the devils and The suit, which demands the officers named in the 1963, issue of Muhammad the separation of the two a jury trial, names Capt. ; suit violated the religious Speaks: peoples (black and white). Glenn B . Sommers, head of group's policy of permitting "And now to their latest "Approximately 6,000 peo1 the c i t y detective bureau; only unarmed persons to at- o u t r a g e in Flint, Mich. ple, including 200 to 300 devDetective Lieut. Victor H . tend its meetings. There, on October 27, t h e ils, had submitted to being Smith and J a c k Conley, also A similar suit, filed ear- police department harassed searched for arms and other a detective. lier in Genesee County Cir- us for three hours in order possessions that might be The suit charged that the cuit C o u r t , seeks $27,097 to enter our meeting, fully against the peaceful assemMuslims were deprived of against t h e Industrial Mu- armed inside an auditorium bly. A black policeman had
Elijah M u h a m m a d , Messenger of Allah
e n t e r e d , but had surrendered his a r m s . "Later on, however, t w o w h i t e officials appeared, claiming that their law compels them to go into all public meetings armed and that their weapons were not to be given up. "They insisted on coming in with their arms, and upon the right to those who would oppose their entering. " I w e n t to the door to speak with the haters of socalled Negroes. I told them that if they wanted to come in, do as their white brothers had done: that is, give up their weapons.
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
F r e e Penniless Prisoner
Million Dollar Song By Jeremiah Shabazz and James X London " W a l k i n g I nT h e R a i n , " o n eo ft h e songs that brought f a m e a n dfortune t o w h i t e s i n g e r J o h n n y R a y , w a s w r i t t e n by a N e g r o p r i s o n e r w h o h a d s e r v e d l o n g y e a r s o n the chain gang f o rkilling a w h i t e m a n h e caught i n t h ea c t o f raping h i s mother. Johnny R a ygrew w e a l t h y — — o n r o y a l t i e s f r o m " W a l k i n g Moore plantation just out- t w o - b l a d e d w o o d c u t t i n g a x . I n T h e R a i n , " w h i c h s o l d s ide the small town of Gate W h e n t h e b o y s w u n g t h e a x some t w o million records. city, Tenn. at the man's b a c k , he The prisoner, Robert R i A s h e neared h i s home, jumped up, turned a n d t h e ley, didn't get a d i m e for his screams o f terror k n i f e d a x struck t h ew h i t e m a n i n through t h e quiet d a y . T h e t h e head, splitting h i s skull. song. His terrified mother ran to i n stride, W h e n h e w a s released lad s t o p p e d f r o m p r i s o n h e g o t $10.50 d r o p p e d h i s f i s h i n g p o l e a n d the home of a neighbor and " b u t a n y b o d y w h o d o e s b r o k e i n t o a r u n f o r t h ecalled the sheriff. Two of the m o r e t h a n a y e a r g e t s t h a t s h a c k . I t w a s h i s m o t h e r ' s white men with the sheriff started to beat the lad, but a m o u n t , " s a i d Riley, w h o voice. T h e b o y r u s h e d i n t o h i s had to stop when a lynchwas just a b o y w h e n h i s w o r l d c r u m b l e d a b o u t h i m . m o t h e r ' s b e d r o o m a n d f o u n d minded mob formed and bea chance to r e l a t e d , " i f y o u d i d n ' t a r It began when he was 13 a w h i t e m a n t r y i n g t o c h o k e gan to close in. The sheriff just wants range to have your mother, years old—walking along a o f f h e r c r i e s f o r h e l p w h i l e and the four or five men who make it." He remembered that there wife—or whoever i t was that dusty road toward the shot- r a p i n g h e r . R e e l i n g f r o m t h e accompanied him had to gun shack he and his moth- s h o c k , t h e b o y r a n i n t o t h e force the mob back at gun w e r e h o l e s f o r t h e p r i s o n e r s c a u g h t h i s f a n c y — g i v e i n t o er called home on the W. H . h a l l w h e r e t h e f a m i l y k e p t a point and hustle the Negro c h a r g e d w i t h - i n s u b o r d i n a teenager into West Virginia. t i o n . I n f a c t , t h e r e a r e t h r e e h i m . This w a s such a frightenT h e boy was shuttled about types o f holes. i n g threat that "most (oft h e f r o m place t o place, pre"One you stand up in, one s u m a b l y t o p r o t e c t h i m f r o m you can sit down in and one p r i s o n e r s ) w e n t a l o n g w i t h a l y n c h m o b . I t w a s 17 that's real dark. You can't t h e g u a r d s , " h e a d d e d . m o n t h s l a t e r w h e n h e w e n t see nothing in there," he "Some of the guys would on trial. said. "The stand-up hole al- refuse, and they might get D e s p i t e h i s y o u t h ; h i s lows you only to stand up. I killed," Riley said. shattering experience w h e n once did eight days in the A guard would whisper to h e f o u n d h i s s c r e a m i n g stand-up hole." a recalcitrant prisoner, tellmother, a n d t h e pleas o f W h i l e i n o n e o f t h e p r i s o n s ing him to cross the road. two court - appointed l a w - w h e r e R i l e y w a s i n c a r c e r - The guard would then shoot y e r s , t h e b o y w a s s e n t e n c e d a t e d d u r i n g h i s a l m o s t 23 him down, reporting that the t o d e a t h . T h i s v e r d i c t w a s y e a r s , h e d e s c r i b e d a s i t u a - prisoner had been "trying to l a t e r c o m m u t e d t o 520 y e a r s t i o n b r u t a l l y r e m i n i s c e n t o f escape." in prison. slavery days lusted f o r o n e Riley said h e never tried to escape, b u t added that Such i s t h e background o f of the black slave w o m e n . Robert Riley, w h o s p e n t On t h e occasion w h e n a m a n y prisoners were killed. m o r e t h a n h a l f o f h i s "22 g u a r d s a w a n d f a n c i e d t h e " N o b o d y ever died a natSANITARY years, 11 m o n t h s a n d 10 f e m a l e v i s i t o r o f a p r i s o n e r , u r a l d e ' a t h o n t h e r e c o r d s , " BARBER SHOE days" i njail before h i s freehe forced t h ep r i s o n e r t o g e t he recalled. " H ew a s shot d o m o nthe "chain gang." trying t o escape, o r h a d a BROOKLYN, N.Y. 1372 BERGEN STREET the w o m a n t oengage i n sexheart attack. Whatever t h e Riley, now 37, spoke quiet- u a l r e l a t i o n s w i t h h i m . PR 3-8690 case, t h e record a l w a y s ly and apparently without "QUALITY & S E R V I C E - O U R M O T T O " " T h e guard would threat- showed t h eprisoner w a sa t rancor as he recalled the PROPRIETORS: BROS. LARUE X AND LOUIS 6X time of h o r r o r , most of e n t o h a v e y o u t r a n s f e r r e d f a u l t . which was spent in the no- t o B r u s h e y M o u n t a i n , w h e r e torious Brushey Mountain t h e y p i c k e d c o t t o n a n d i t was hell o n wheels," Riley prison at Petroit. If Your Hair Is Not Becoming TO > O U . . . R i l e y c a r r i e s t h e s c a r s o n Y o u S h o u l d B e Coming to Us h i s l e g s f r o m 12 y e a r s o f 1533 STRAIGHT PATH W Y A N D A N C H , N.Y. w e a r i n g l e g i r o n s . H e s a i d GEORGE WALKER, Prop. " that n o r m a l l y these chains h a d 16 o r 17 l i n k s , a n d "120 of u s w o r e chains, o rl e g irons." "If y o uworked o n logs," he said, "there generally 4 0 9 W E S T 1 2 7 t h STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK w e r e 12 o r 13 l i n k s . B u t f o r MO 2-0656 punishment, you were given NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE o n l y 10 l i n k s . I w o r e 10 l i n k s m a n y times during m y stay ST 3 - 1 1 1 3 ST 3 - 1 1 1 4 INSURANCE at Brushey M o u n t a i n . " c A U T O - F I R E - L I F E MATERRE BROS. He s h r u g g e d . "After B U D G E T TERMS Paint & W a l l p a p e r Co. a w h i l e y o ug e t used t o them," h e continued. " Y o u F R A N K L. W I L L I A M S FREE DELIVERY - CUT R A T E S get s o y o u c a n slip o u t o f 4 3 0 2 S. P k w y . Chicago, III. CHICAGO, 19, ILL. 516 E. 75th STREET your pants with t h e chains LI 8 - 5 8 7 1 on a s quick a s a n y b o d y else WATCH REPAIR without chains." Ml HAMMAD'S MOSQUE OF ISLAM RING SIZING Although Riley declares he WEDDING BEAUTIFUL 406 EAST 38th STREET has been beaten so many RINGS WATCH BANDS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA times he can't count them, P A R K AAANOR SERVICE he feels no bitterness and SALES I APPLIANCE CO.
t FRI. NIGHT—8 P.M. SUNDAY-2:00 P.M.
3 8 8 E. 71st St., Chicago, III.
TR 4 - 3 8 0 0
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
Mississippi Sheriffs Meet, Hear G-Men
J A C K S O N , Miss. — Two days before a United States Commissioner freed Sheriff Rainey and his deputy, Cecil Price, along with others arrested by the F B I in connection with the slaying of the three civil rights workers last summer, the members of the Association of Mississippi Sheriffs rallied to give the arrested officers their moral support.
new bigwig of the State Sovereignty Commission, E a r l e J o h n s o n, said as how he thought M i s s i s s i p p i a n s should be commended for their restraint in the face of "an unwarranted invasion by outside civil rights groups."
Among the top guest speakers at this session, with Sheriffs Rainey and Price in attendance (they were out on bail at the time), were two special agents from the F e d eral Bureau of Identification.
emerge out of the freedom struggle, was beaten by the racists in Mississippi until she was practically blue, almost blinded, and nearly paralyzed because of her f r e e d o m activities. Undaunted and unafraid she said: " I a m not one of t h e m middle class Negroes who says 'honey, I don't w a n t anything to do with that mess.' If you are born in America with a black skin, you are born in a mess. What we are trying to do is get out of the mess. "We want now what is ours. That is why we are challenging the seating of the representatives from Mississippi. The problem in Mississippi is the problem in Harlem," Mrs. Hamer continued. "To make democracy work we must challenge
The meeting was called by the new head of the Mississippi Sheriffs' Association,, Sheriff Charlie Capps, J r . , of Holmes County, whose clarion calls was: "Sheriff Rainey needs our help."
Two Women of Mississippi (Contirvwed
Roy K . Moore, s p e c i a l agent in charge of the Jackson office, gently spelled out "The Role of the F B I in Civil Rights Matters in Mississippi." Special Agent Roy McDaniels regaled the gathering with an incisive presentation of the "Psychological F a c tors in Riot Control." F B I Director J . E d g a r Hoover was rewarded when the group solemnly pledged him their collective and individual cooperation and assistance. And while some eyes still were misty, the
f r o m page
things. The white man is not afraid of integration. He is afraid of power. Don't let nobody tell you the ballot doesn't matter. When we get the ballot, we are going to change things." Mrs. Hamer also spoke of how they had tried to get in touch with President Johnson during the most brutal reprisals by the racists, only to be refused. Comparing her treatment by President Johnson with her trip to Africa, Mrs. Hamer said: "We were not in Africa 12 hours and the President of Guinea came to talk to us." The d e l e g a t e s at the founding convention of F I P A voted to support the efforts of M F D P to unseat the representatives from Mississippi by writing to their Congressman, and through publicizing the issue wherever possible.
IN T H E H E A R T of Peking, C h i n a , Muslims pause for religious rites in one of the city's well-attended mosques. W i d e s p r e a d religious freedom of Muslims in mainland C h i n a is attested to by the f a c t that members of the islamic faith occupy several huge autonomous regions, elect their own officials, run their own schools a n d control their own communities.
W h a t the Muslims W a n t i Continued from Page 241
up A m e r i c a w i t h their slaves. W e d o not believe that A m e r i c a will ever be able t o f u r n i s h e n o u g h jobs f o r h e r o w n — millions o f unemployed, i n addition t o jobs f o r t h e 20,000,000 b l a c k p e o p l e a s w e l l . 10. W E B E L I E V E t h a t w e w h o d e c l a r e d ourselves to be righteous M u s l i m s , should not p a r t i c i p a t e i n w a r s w h i c h ta'kes t h e l i v e s o f humans. W e d o not believe this nation should force us to take part i n such wars, f o r w e have nothing to gain f r o m i t unless A m e r i c a agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein w e m a y have something to fight for. 11. W EB E L I E V E o u rw o m e n should b e
gration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If t h e w h i t e people a r e truthful about their professed friendship t o w a r d t h e socalled Negro, they c a n prove i t b y dividing
respected a n d protected as t h e W o m e n o f other nationalities a r e respected a n d protected. 1 2 . WE B E L I E V E that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Farcl Muhammad, July, 1 9 3 0 ; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and thej "Mahdi" of the Muslims. i We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no'God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.
1221 WASHINGTON ST. 883-702S WED.
& FRi
8, F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
& F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
2204 N. BROAD ST., PHIL A., PA. PO 3-3534
F R I . 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.
PO 1-8373
R O X B U R Y , MASS. SUN. 2 P.M.
FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN.
M O S Q U E N O . 21
8. F R I
8 P.M. S U N . 7 P.M.
8, F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P M.
359 W. BARTGES ST. BL 3-4711
THURS. & S U N . 8 P.M.
M O S Q U E N O . 28
1434 N. GRAND AVE. ST. LOUIS 6, MO. JE 3-2497 W E D . 8, FRI. 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.
CHICAGO 53, ILL. 2463 N. 3rd ST.
SUN. 2 P.M.
8. F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
35 INTERVALE ST. W E D . & FRI., 8 P.M.
8, F R I . 8 P.M
8 P.M. — S U N . , 2 P.M.
Hear the Life Giving Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, MILWAUKEE, WIS. FR 2-5733
& F R I . 8 P.M.. SUN. 2 P.M.
M O S Q U E N O . 7 (HARLEM) N.Y. 102 W . 116th ST. WED.
Rl 9-7569
8. F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.
8, F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M,
257 S. ORANGE ST. 622-9021 WED.
8, F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P . M .
ST 3403s
& FRI. 8 P.M.
CAMDEN, N.J. S U N . 2 P.M.
8. F R I . 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.
MOSQUE N O . 35 511 -A EAST 4th ST., 2nd fl. WILMINGTON. DEL. WED.
M O S Q U E N O . 20 807-09 SOUTH 8th ST.
MOSQUE NO. 7-C (BROOKLYN) N.Y. 120 MADISON ST. (Cor. Bedford Ave.) SUN., WED. & F«i. 8 P.M.
8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M..
1872 POST ST. WED.
& FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.
The Messenger
of Allah
J A N U A R Y 15, 1965
The Muslim Program I
What Muslims
the Want
This is t h equestion asked most frequently b y both t h ewhites a n d t h eblacks. T h e a n swers t o this question I shall state as s i m p l y as possible. 1. W e w a n t f r e e d o m . W e w a n t a f u l l a n d complete freedom. 2. W e w a n t j u s t i c e . E q u a l j u s t i c e u n d e r the l a w . W e w a n t justice applied equally t o all, regardless o f creed o r class o r color. 3. W e w a n t e q u a l i t y o f o p p o r t u n i t y . W e w a n t equal membership i n society w i t h t h e best i ncivilized society. 4. W e w a n t o u r p e o p l e i n A m e r i c a w h o s e parents o r grandparents were descendants f r o m slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state o r t e r r i t o r y o f their o w n — either o n this continent o r elsewhere. W e believe that o u rformer slave masters a r e obligated t oprovide such land a n d that the area must be fertile a n d m i n e r a l l y rich. W ebelieve that o u rf o r m e r slave masters a r e obligated to maintain a n d supply o u rneeds i n this separate t e r r i t o r y f o r t h e n e x t 20 t o 25 years — until w e a r e able t o produce a n d supply o u ro w n needs. Since w e cannot get along with t h e m i n peace a n d equality, after giving t h e m 400 years o f o u rsweat a n d blood a n d receiving in return some o f t h e worst treatment h u man beings have ever experienced, w e bee o u r contributions t o this land a n d t h e T,g f o r c e d u p o n u s b y w h i t e A m e r i c a , jus. . es o u r d e m a n d f o r c o m p l e t e s e p a r a t i o n in a state o r t e r r i t o r y o f o u r o w n . 5. W e w a n t f r e e d o m f o r a l l B e l i e v e r s o f I s l a m n o wheld i n federal prisons. W e w a n t freedom f o ra l l black m e na n d w o m e n n o w under death sentence i ninnumerable prisons in t h eNorth as well as t h e South. We want every black m a n a n d w o m a n to h a v e t h e f r e e d o m t o a c c e p t o r r e j e c t b e i n g separated from the slave master's children and establish a land o f their o w n . We k n o w that t h e above plan f o rt h e solution o ft h eblack a n d w h i t e conflict is t h e best a n d only answer t o t h e p r o b l e m between two people. 6. W e w a n t a n i m m e d i a t e e n d t o t h e police brutality a n d m o b attacks against t h e so-called N e g r o throughout t h eU n i t e d States. We believe that theFederal government should intercede t o see that black m e n a n d w o m e n tried i n white courts receive justice in accordance with t h e laws o f t h e land — or allow u s t o build a n e w n a t i o n f o r ourselves, dedicated t o justice, f r e e d o m a n d liberty. 7. A s long a s w e a r e n o t a l l o w e d t o establish a state o r territory o f o u r o w n , w e demand n o tonly equal justice under t h e laws of t h e U n i t e d States, b u t equal e m p l o y m e n t opportunities—NOW! W e d o n o t b e l i e v e t h a t a f t e r 400 y e a r s o f free o r nearly free labor, sweat a n d blood, which h a s helped A m e r i c a become rich a n d powerful, that so m a n y thousands o f black people should h a v e t o subsist o n relief, charity o r live i npoor houses. 8. W e w a n t t h e g o v e r n m e n t o f t h e U n i t e d States t o exempt o u rpeople f r o m A L L taxation as long as w e a r e deprived o f equal justice under t h elaws o f t h e land. 9. W e w a n t e q u a l e d u c a t i o n — b u t s e p a r a t e s c h o o l s u p t o 16 f o r b o y s a n d 18 f o r girls o n t h e condition that t h e girls be sent to w o m e n ' s colleges a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s . W e want all black children educated, taught a n d trained b y their o w n teachers. Under such schooling system w e believe we w i l l m a k e a better nation o f people. T h F United States government shomd piovid< free, all necessary text books a n d equipment, schools a n d college buildings. T h e M u s l i m teachprs shall be left free t o teach a n d t r a i n their people i n t h ew a yo f righteousness, de-
cency a n dself respect. 10. W e b e l i e v e t h a t i n t e r m a r r i a g e o r r a c e mixing should be prohibited. W e want t h e religion o f I s l a m taught without hinderance or suppression. These a r esome o fthe things that we, t h e M u s l i m s , w a n t for our people i nN o r t h A m e r i ca.
What 1
the Believe
1. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e O n e G o d W h o s e proper N a m e is Allah. 2. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e H o l y Q u r a n and i n the Scriptures o f a l lthe Prophets of God. 3. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e t r u t h o f t h e B i ble, b u tw e believe that i th a s been t a m p e r e d with a n dmust be reinterpreted so that m a n kind will n o t be snared b y t h e falsehoods that have been added to i t . 4. W E B E L I E V E i n A l l a h ' s P r o p h e t s a n d the Scriptures they brought t o t h e people. 5. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e r e s u r r e c t i o n o f the dead—not i n physical resurrection—but in mental resurrection. W e believe that the so-called Negroes a r e m o s t i n need o f m e n t a l resurrection; therefore, they will be resurrected first. F u r t h e r m o r e , w e b e l i e v e w e a r e t h e peo-,
pie o f God's choice, as i t h a s been written, that G o d w o u l d choose t h e rejected a n d t h e despised. W e c a n find n o other persons fitting this description i n these last days m o r e than t h e so-called Negroes i n A m e r i c a . W e believe i n t h e resurrection o f t h e righteous. 6. W E B E L I E V E i n t h e j u d g e m e n t ; w e believe this first judgement will take place, as G o d revealed, i n A m e r i c a . . . . 7. W E B E L I E V E t h i s i s t h e t i m e i n h i s tory f o r t h e separation o f t h e so-called N e groes a n d t h e so-called w h i t e A m e r i c a n s . We believe t h eblack m a nshould be freed i n n a m e as w e l l as i n fact. B y this w e m e a n that h e should be freed f r o m t h e names i m posed upon hirr b y h i sf o r m e r slave masters. N a m e s w h i c h identified h i mas being t h e slave master's slave. W e believe that i f w e are free indeed, w e should go i n o u r o w n people's n a m e s — t h e black peoples o f t h e e a r t
8 . W E B E L I E V E i n justice f o r a l l , whether i nGod o r not; w e believe as others, that w e a r e due equal justice as h u m a n beings. W e believe i n equality—as a nation— of equals. W e d o n o t believe that w e a r e equal with o u r slave masters i n t h e status of " f r e e d s l a v e s . " W e recognize a n d respect A m e r i c a n citizens as independent peoples a n dw e respect their laws w h i c h govern this nation. 9. W E B E L I E V E t h a t t h e o f f e r o f i n t e (Continued o n Page 22)