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How direct bookings can enhance hotel profitability

Maximising direct bookings is one of the most effective strategies for hoteliers to boost profitability in today’s competitive landscape.

With rising costs associated with third-party distribution channels such as Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Google Hotel Ads, it’s imperative for hoteliers to critically assess the value of each channel provides. While maintaining a diverse distribution strategy remains essential for reaching a broad market, there is a growing need for hoteliers to prioritise direct bookings. This approach not only reduces dependency on third-party channels but also significantly enhances profitability by bypassing costly commission fees, which can reach up to 25 percent.

The true cost of distribution

Understanding the actual cost per booking across di erent channels is essential in optimising hotel profitability. By thoroughly analysing the costs associated with each booking channel, hotels can make informed decisions about resource allocation. For example, if a hotel discovers that acquiring a booking through an OTA is significantly more expensive than through its own website, it may choose to invest more in strategies that drive direct tra c to its site.

Maximise direct bookings

To maximise direct bookings, hoteliers should begin by focusing on increasing web tra c. However, a racting more visitors to a website is only half the ba le – the real challenge lies in converting these visitors, or ‘lookers’ into actual ‘bookers’. This conversion is critical for maintaining high hotel occupancy and boosting revenue. Successfully turning web visitors into hotel guests requires a deep understanding of buyer behaviour. What dates are they searching for? Which locations are they interested in? What factors are influencing their choice of market? By collecting and analysing this market intelligence, hotels can develop targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with the right audience.

Retargeting past visitors is another e ective strategy for increasing direct bookings. Potential guests typically explore multiple travel websites and OTAs during their research process before making a final decision. By leveraging technology that customises advertisements based on a visitor’s previous behaviour or activity on the website, hotels can keep their property top of mind. This approach not only increases the likelihood of a return visit to the website but also boosts the chances of securing a direct booking.

Create a seamless online experience

A racting tra c to a hotel’s website is only one part of the equation. The next crucial step is ensuring that the website delivers a seamless and user-friendly booking experience. If the booking process is cumbersome or the website’s design feels outdated, potential guests are more likely to abandon the site in preference of an easier-to-use, more intuitive platform – o en an OTA. To avoid this, hoteliers must invest in a website that is not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate, with a secure and straightforward booking process.

Content is another key factor in maximising direct bookings. Guests o en visit a hotel’s website for detailed information about the property, nearby a ractions, and amenities. If a hotel’s website lacks comprehensive content – such as high-quality photos, videos, and guest reviews – visitors may quickly move on to other options. To stand out, hoteliers should focus on showcasing their property more e ectively than OTAs, with rich media and usergenerated content that provides a genuine sense of the guest experience.

Strategic distribution management

While increasing direct bookings is the primary goal, a well-rounded distribution strategy that includes OTAs cannot be ignored. However, it is crucial to use these third-party channels strategically. Hotels should assess the demand and cost associated with each channel and optimise their distribution mix accordingly. For instance, in low-demand periods, OTAs can be valuable for filling rooms, but during high-demand times, hoteliers should focus on driving direct bookings where the profit margins are higher.

Understanding the cost of each booking channel also empowers hoteliers during contract negotiations with third-party partners. By knowing the true value of a direct booking versus an OTA booking, hotels can negotiate more favourable commission rates and terms that align with their overall revenue strategy.

Retain more revenue

Growing direct bookings is more than just a strategy; it’s a necessity for hoteliers looking to enhance profitability in an environment where distribution costs are steadily increasing. By understanding the true cost of each booking channel, focusing on driving tra c to their own websites, and creating a seamless online experience, hoteliers can reduce their dependency on third-party channels and retain more of their revenue.

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