Multiple Measures™ Roadmap NEW Summary Charts Click here to view our existing Report Examples Gallery, for a variety of State, Interim, and Benchmark tests.
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Definitions What is Fractional Performance Level™ (FPL™)? What are MMARS™ Quadrant Scatter Charts?
NEW Pupil List Examples (using a variety of tests) Quadrant Scatter Charts: (available August 2020) Achievement vs. Growth
Subgroups vs. All Students (School)
(SBAC: FPL™ vs. FPL™ Change)
Districts vs. All Districts (County)
Schools vs. All Schools (District)
Grade-Levels vs. All Grade-Levels (District or School)
Teachers vs. All Teachers (School)
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(SBAC: FPL™ vs. FPL™ Change) (iReady: NCE vs. NCE Change) (DIBELS: NCE vs NCE Change) (ELPAC: FPL™ vs. FPL™ Change)
Timeline Charts (available September 2020)
Multi-Test Comparison
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STAR Reading iReady Reading SBAC - ELA SRI Reading ELPAC
This is an example. You may compare ANY of your tests.
Jux3 – Lines Over Bars • • •
Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups (SBAC)
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FPL™ Growth FPL™ Regression
Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups (SBAC) Matched Cohort
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Met or Exceeded Standard Below Standard
Domains vs. Years vs. Grades (ELPAC)
Well Developed
(available August 10, 2020)
Subjects vs. Terms vs. Schools (iReady)
At Risk of Tier 3
At or above the 50th percentile
Likely Need for Core Support
Average NCE – Reading
Content Areas vs. Terms vs. Teachers (NWEA-MAP)
Schools vs. Terms vs. Subjects (DIBELS)
Subjects vs. Grades vs. Terms (STAR 360)
What is a Fractional Performance Level™ (FPL ™)? Our propriety FPL™ growth metric uses scaled score ranges (cut-scores) associated with each performance level (per grade level) to find each student's performance, to the hundredth, within a distinct band. For example, an FPL™ of 3.88 means that the student's performance level is 3, and they are 88% of the way between 3 and 4. We then use the difference between fractional scores in adjacent years/terms to compute CHANGE in relative position "between the bands". This growth measurement quantifies each student's improvement or decline between the bands, adjusted to their pre and post grade-levels. When this change is measured over an instructional period (e.g. academic year), it quantifies the Instructional Impact of both the teacher and the school system. Both pupil and aggregate reports are available.
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Quadrant Scatter Charts – Achievement vs. Growth (available August 2020)
Our new “scatter” charts compare achievement vs. growth in a “quadrant” orientation. These charts clearly show the intersection of achievement AND growth, and use the x,y coordinates to quantify each, along the axes. The x-axis measures: • •
positive growth to the right of the vertex of the x and y axes. negative growth (regression) to the left
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high achievement above the vertex (above: standard, proficiency, 50th NCE, etc.) low achievement below the vertex
The y-axis measures:
These charts can depict: • • • •
Individual Pupils Subgroups Schools, Districts, Grade-Levels Teachers / Classrooms
Depending on the number and density of the items charted, MMARS™ may add data labels. If the items are too densely mapped, the chart shows patterns, and visually quantifies achievement and growth. The actual names and data are available in a separate, related report, or downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet.
When this ± growth is measured over an instructional period (e.g. academic year/term), it quantifies the Instructional Impact of the school system and/or the teacher.
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Subgroups vs. All Students (School) (SBAC-ELA: Achievement vs. Growth) • • • • • • •
This report charts both the Fractional Performance Level™ (FPL™) and FPL™ Change for multiple subgroups, over time (year-over-year), compared to all students. Each dot represents a Significant Subgroup, where the dots’ (x, y) coordinates represent the achievement and change. The X-axis measures each subgroup’s average FPL™ Change between 2018 and 2019. The Y-axis measures each subgroup’s average FPL™ achievement for 2019. Green dots represent growth. Red dots represent regression. The size/diameter of the dots represent the relative size (student count) of the subgroups. The reference group (All Students) is shown as a larger diamond shape.
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Districts vs. All Districts (County) (SBAC-Math: Achievement vs. Growth) This report charts both the Fractional Performance Level™ (FPL™) and FPL™ Change for multiple Districts, over time (year-over-year), compared to their County and the State. Each dot represents a District, where the dots’ (x, y) coordinates represent the achievement and change. The X-axis measures each District’s average FPL™ change between 2018 and 2019. The Y-axis measures each District’s average FPL™ achievement for 2019. Green dots represent growth. Red dots represent regression. The reference group (County Average) is shown as a larger diamond shape. The reference group (State Average) is shown as a larger star shape.
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Schools vs. All Students (District) (iReady-Reading: Achievement vs. Growth) This report charts both the Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) and NCE Change for multiple Schools, over time (term-to-term), compared to their district. Each dot represents a School, where the dots’ (x, y) coordinates represent the achievement and change. The X-axis measures each School’s average NCE change between fall and spring for the 2018-19 school year. The Y-axis measures each School’s average NCE achievement for spring 2019. Green dots represent growth. Red dots represent regression. The reference group (District Average) is shown as a larger diamond shape.
EXAMPLE Powered by: Multiple Measures Ready Reportsâ„¢
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Grade-Levels vs. All Grades (School) (DIBELS-Composite: Achievement vs. Growth)
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This report charts both the Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) and NCE Change for multiple Grades, over time, compared to a School or District. Each dot represents a Grade, where the dot’s (x, y) coordinates represent the change and achievement. The X-axis measures each Grade’s average NCE change between 2018 and 2019. The Y-axis measures each Grade’s average NCE achievement for 2019. Green dots represent growth. Red dots represent regression. The reference group (School Average) is shown as a larger diamond shape.
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Teachers vs. All Teachers (School) (ELPAC-Overall: Achievement vs. Growth) • • • • • •
This report charts the Fractional Performance Level™ (FPL™) and FPL™ Change for multiple Teachers, over time (year-over-year), compared to their School. Each dot represents a Teacher’s collection of ELPAC students, where the dots’ (x, y) coordinates represent the change and achievement. The X-axis measures the average FPL™ Change between 2018 and 2019, for each teacher’s students, during the 2018-19 instructional period. The Y-axis measures the average FPL™ achievement for 2019, for each teacher’s students. Green dots represent growth. Red dots represent regression. The reference group (School Average) is shown as a larger diamond shape.
When growth is measured over an instructional period (e.g. academic year), it quantifies the Instructional Impact of each teacher, school, and LEA. This report contains sensitive information, and is revealed to administrators only. Our goal is to help administrators identify bestknown-methods, as well as professional development needs.
Powered by: Multiple Measures Ready Reports™
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Multi-Test Timeline Comparison (available September 2020)
• For a given group (district, school, grade-level, teacher, subgroup), this
compares the results of several different tests over time, measuring the percent of students above standard or proficient.
• Shown in this example are a variety of Reading and English tests. The
pattern of the chart reveals the correlation or discordance of the results.
• This is an example. You may compare ANY of your tests. • The chart uses a normalized scale on the Y-axis, that represents the lowest and highest possible scores, for each test.
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STAR Reading NCE
This is an example. You may compare ANY of your tests.
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Jux3 - Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups Comparison: FPL™ Growth
• This report compares the Growth in Fractional Performance Level (FPL™) over time, between groups, and across content.
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Years by Subgroups,
although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in this performance level. • Lines represent various Subgroups. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students with Fractional
Performance Level™ (FPL™) Growth. Any performance level can be charted.
EXAMPLE [Return to Index]
Jux3 - Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups Comparison: FPL™ Regression
• This report compares the Regression in Fractional Performance Level (FPL™) over time, between groups, and across content.
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Years by Subgroups,
although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in this performance level. • Lines represent various Subgroups. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students with Fractional
Performance Level™ (FPL™) Regression. Any performance level can be charted.
EXAMPLE [Return to Index]
Jux3 - Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups (SBAC) Matched Cohort MMARS™ tracks a MATCHED COHORT as the exact same set of pupils over multiple years. This implies both continuous enrollment and that each student tested in all measured years.
Comparison: Met or Exceeded Standard
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This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Years by Subgroups, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations. The colored bars represent all students in this performance level. Lines represent various Subgroups. The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the Met or Exceeded Standard performance level. Any performance level can be charted. Students in the matched cohort may move between performance levels in different years, but the sum of students remains the same.
Powered by: Multiple Measures Ready Reportsâ„¢
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Jux3 - Subjects vs. Years vs. Subgroups (SBAC) Matched Cohort MMARS™ tracks a MATCHED COHORT as the exact same set of pupils over multiple years. This implies both continuous enrollment and that each student tested in all measured years.
Comparison: Below Standard
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Years by Subgroups, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in this performance level. • Lines represent various Subgroups. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the
Below Standard performance level. Any performance level can be charted.
• Students in the matched cohort may move between performance levels in different years, but the sum of students remains the same.
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3 Jux - Domains vs. Years vs. Grades (ELPAC) Comparison: Well-Developed
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Domains by Years by Grades, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in this performance level. • Lines represent various Grades. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the
Well-Developed performance level. Any performance level can be charted.
Powered by: Multiple Measures Ready Reportsâ„¢
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3 Jux - Subjects vs. Terms vs. Schools (iReady) At Risk for Tier 3
Comparison: At Risk for Tier 3
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Terms by Schools, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in the performance level. • Lines represent various Schools. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the
At Risk for Tier 3 performance level. Any performance level can be charted.
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3 Jux - Content Areas vs. Terms vs. Teachers (NWEA-MAP) At Risk for Tier 3
Comparison: At or Above the 50th Percentile
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Content Areas by Terms by
Teachers, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in the performance level. • Lines represent various Teachers’ Classes. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the
At or Above the 50th Percentile performance level. Any performance level can be charted.
EXAMPLE [Return to Index]
3 Jux - Schools vs. Terms vs. Subjects (DIBELS) Core Support
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Schools by Terms by Subjects, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in the performance level. • Lines represent various Test Subjects. • The score being measured is the Percentage of students in the
Core Support performance level. Any performance level can be charted.
Powered by: Multiple Measures Ready Reportsâ„¢
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3 Jux - Subjects vs. Grades vs. Terms (STAR 360) Average NCE – Reading
• This Jux3 example is a 3-way comparison: Subjects by Grades by Terms, although it is available in many different juxtaposed side-by-side orientations.
• The colored bars represent all students in 2018-19 Term 1. • Lines represent subsequent Terms. • The score being measured is the Average NCE score.
EXAMPLE [Return to Index]
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