Teacher and Admin Accounts File Requirements and Upload
Account Overview
To set up teacher and/or administrator accounts, we need file(s) containing the following columns of data for each individual receiving an account. You simply need to send us files that contains the teacher and/or administrator information -- exported from your Student Information System (SIS). Teachers and administrators must be in separate files; do not join. See example files to the right. Notes: • Please name your column titles EXACTLY as they are shown to the right (otherwise, the upload will fail). • We prefer CSV (MS-DOS) text format, but Excel is acceptable. • No punctuation is permitted. In particular, the files must be void of all commas, periods, apostrophes, tabs, and quotes.
Required Columns for each person: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
File Format
Firstname Lastname Email (this will double as the user login ID) Password (if you do not supply this, we will use the prefix of the email address) SchoolID (rightmost 7-digits of the CDS code) • •
Do NOT use a local number or name; do NOT use the 7-digit County-District ID. To designate a districtwide administrator, leave this blank in the Administrator file.
• •
Must match the TeacherID values supplied in your rosters. Leave this blank for all rows in the Administrator file.
TeacherID (unique SEIN or local ID)
See sample MMARS™ account files: Teacher Account File Administrator Account File Sample Teacher Account query for Aeries: LIST STF TCH LOC STF.FN STF.LN STF.EM LOC.SC STF.ID " "
Click here for a Video Tutorial to help you upload your Teacher / Admin Accounts
Note: This query leaves the rightmost column (Column 1) blank, and represents a placeholder for the teachers’ initial passwords. If left blank, we will assign the initial password equal to the prefix of the email address (prefix@domain.xyz). If you want to supply unique passwords, edit the resulting XLS file to insert them.
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(530) 295-1262