ACAMIS Middle School Resolution Booklet
Shekou International School April 9-10, 2011
Table of Contents Overview and Aim Security Council General Assembly Human Rights Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Environment
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The enclosed resolutions are the ones that passed in each of the five forums. No content editing has occurred beyond any passed amendments during the respective debate on the resolution. Many resolutions were edited for format, however, so that there is consistency in look and structure in this booklet.
Additional Note: This conference follows the procedures and regulations of all THIMUN affiliated conferences. Some information in this booklet is taken from the THIMUN training manual. To see their complete manual go to
Overview and Aim
MUN is a chance for you, the student,
to gain hands-on experience about what the real UN does on a day-to-day basis.
The more involved you are as delegate by becoming familiar with the issues your
country is struggling with, the more fun you'll have and the more you will actually gain from the experience. Get involved!
Get passionate! Be a part of the solution!
ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
Security Council Committee: Security Council Topic: Elimination of biological weapons and related programs Sponsors: USA, Russia, Brazil, China, UK The Security Council, Deeply concerned about the degree of seriousness concerning biological weapon development in certain countries, Taking into consideration the potential disasters that may occur if biological weapons such as mustard gas are released, Noting the intelligence reports that Russian KGB, Chinese intelligence authorities, the British M16, and the Central Intelligence Agency, have received information outlining the suspected biological weaponry plan and invasion of certain countries, Gravely concerned that certain developed countries were once a world superpower, and now has reduced in power and size, 1. Calls upon the authorization of a thorough UN Security Council inspection of suspected biological weaponry development sites in some countries; 2. Proposes emergency consultations among the heads of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and an urgent meeting concerning biological weaponry development in above-mentioned countries; 3. Calls for calm and rational responses from all sides, to prevent an escalation of the fragile situation in the above-mentioned countries; 4. Proposes the establishment of an elite United Nations Security Council-based task force to combat biological weaponry development, through the following actions: a. Funding provided by i. Fines imposed on countries not complying with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, and/or the Chemical Weapons Convention, ii. Cooperative funding from co-sponsors of this resolution, b. Recruit qualified inspectors from departments including, but not limited to, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), c. Recruit qualified field specialists, in the case of the need for precise military intervention, based near suspected WMD development sites; 5. Invites all countries of the United Nations to support the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) disarmament of the world by imposing trade embargos on countries found to be supporting or funding WMD activities in any way. ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
3 Committee: Security Council Topic: Elimination of biological weapons and related programs Sponsors: Brazil, UK, Russia The Security Council, Understanding that the threat of Biological and Chemical Weapons may be one of the most severe threats to the world, Recalling that there has already been a convention on this topic (The Biological Weapons Convention of 1973), Noting that the most major threat concerning BWs and CWs are the threat of them falling into the wrong hands, Acknowledges to all nations that state-owned WMDs have the capability to be turned against innocent citizens, Establishing that countries that have the capability to produce these Biological and Chemical weapons must adhere to the rules of the 1973 convention, 1. Mandates thorough proliferation of countries with suspected Biological Weapons or Chemical Weapons by: a. Requesting the Chemical Weapon Inspection Committee to thoroughly inspect countries with suspected illegal weapons, b. Proliferation of these dangerous Chemical and Biological Weapons from such countries, c. Warning that countries that do not comply are at risk of internationally imposed sanctions and consequences; 2. Suggests countries to decrease risk of WMDs being used against innocent civilians by: a. Urging countries to decrease their stockpiles of any Chemical or Biological Weapons, b. Urging countries to remind their allies to decrease stockpiles, c. Making this decrease of stockpiles public, so that citizens understand that these weapons are being proliferated; 3. Encourages countries to take immediate action if any of these weapons are ever used in any form that does not comply with the convention by: a. Issuing a severe warning to any country using banned weapons, b. Using force to stop any country from using these weapons if necessary, c. Passing a resolution that allows for future use of force to enforce this; 4. Ensures proper measures be taken to avoid any WMD of the Chemical or Biological Type falling into non-state hands, especially terrorist organizations by: a. Creating a Prevention of WMD Misuse committee (PWMDM) that will deal diligently with all threats, major and minor, posed by WMDs, b. Investigating use of these weapons by criminals to make sure the situation is not a ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
4 conspiracy or terrorist plot, c. Tracking and knowing the location of all major stocks of Chemical, Biological, and other types of WMDs; 5. Seeks to ultimately neutralize the threat of Biological and Chemical weapons that could kill millions, ruin the environment, and poison the world, by proliferation, careful planning and research, this is done by: a. warning countries who do not comply with the BWC or the CWC, b. protecting all WMDs from the threat of it falling into terrorist hands, c. making sure that most WMDs are disarmed and kept safely.
Committee: Security Council Topic: Elimination of biological weapons and related programs Sponsors: USA, China, Brazil The Security Council, Reaffirming nation’s rights to media security and the prevention of publications of military developments as it can seriously jeopardize the nations’ security, Bearing in mind that it is unsuitable to severely restrict countries in the field of military developments and their need of gradual advancements, as their weaponry arsenal gradually increases in correspondence to military might, Taking into account the political instability of certain relatively insecure nations and their status on armistice, Emphasizing the potential threat and damage to the international community that certain politically unstable countries may pose with the possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s), 1. Resolves in a need of gradual increase in the weapons of mass destruction arsenals for the cause of national security / military might; 2. Deeply condemns the lack of action taken by governments to prevent the acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction by terrorist groups; 3. Seeks for the deposit of such instruments of accession in politically unstable countries; 4. Recommends the establishment of stronger mutual agreements in the method of conduct in diplomatic treaties, in ways including, but not limited to: a. The signing, ratification, and compliance of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) by all nations, b. The signing, ratification, and compliance of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) by all nations, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
5 c. Imposing suitable trade sanctions on countries which do not make significant efforts in complying with the above conventions, but taking account the economic, political, and military status of these nations; 5. Declares accordingly under the voluntary BWC-related declarations for confidence building purposes; 6. Suggests for intervention and periodic inspections in all nations, in particular nations who have not ratified or complied with the above mentioned conventions (BWC and CWC) to be conducted by the Security Council of the United Nations; 7. Further suggests for a level of press control and supervision of information released to the public to be agreed on, aiming to protect the rights and security of nations; 8. Strongly affirms the need for accusations of WMD development to be confirmed and ratified before action is taken.
General Assembly Committee: General Assembly Topic: Security, health, education, and rights of those living in the Palestinian territories Sponsors: United States, Canada, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, United Kingdom, United States The General Assembly, Reminding all nations of the “42 United Nations Security Council Resolutions Unilaterally by the United States� which was aimed to help the Palestinian rights, Noting with deep concern over the lack of human rights available in the occupied territories, Deeply disturbed by the destruction of homes in the Palestinian territories, Fully Aware of the deteriorating security in Palestinian Territories, Taking into account that many children in the Palestinian Territories cannot receive proper education, 1. Recommends all countries in the UN to supply relief aids including money, medical supplies, food, and clothing to the residents of the Palestinian Territories; 2. Requests Israel and Palestine to have a change in the government, a. Replacing the corrupt and dangerous officials, b. Making the two new governments cooperate better; 3. Urges countries to send representatives to give peace talks to Israel and Palestine to amend peace; ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
6 4. Requests the Palestinian government to find more ways of giving education to their children; 5. Hopes that Israel and Palestine can change their public opinion: a. Making change in the two territories easier; 6. Suggests making Palestine into an official country; a. To ensure definite borders, b. To have a proper government, c. Making the balance of power between the two places equal.
Committee: General Assembly Topic: Recovery and governance in Haiti Sponsors: Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Kazakhstan The General Assembly, Reminding that the Red Cross possesses funds of $110 million for Haiti on its Education, Security, and Human Rights organization, Alarmed by the fact that there are 12,055 total uniformed personnel stationed in Haiti as of 28 of February 2011 and there has been over 11 billion U.S. dollars pledged to Haiti and yet there are still 680,000 people living in tents and only 20% of the rubble in Haiti has been removed, Recalling Ban-Ki Moon’s speech on 6 April, 2011 which stated “the United Nations (UN) would stand shoulder to shoulder with the Haitian government and people in the noble and necessary work of building a more just and prosperous future,” Aware of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty (UNCLOS) on the high seas beyond national jurisdiction which says any "state" may construct artificial islands (Article 87), 1. Calls for the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) to send trucks to Haiti to aid in the cleanup of rubble; this rubble then could be used to create artificial land to make new areas for homes, shops, government buildings, furthermore: a. Firstly, a fleet of UN cargo planes to flies several trucks to Haiti, b. Then volunteers show Haitians how to use trucks and transport rubble, c. Then the IHRC builds the artificial land out of the land they have collected; 2.
Requests that the World Health Organization (WHO) produce more cholera vaccines to give to Haitian workers and students: a. Volunteers should be sent to different corporations, companies, and schools to get a list of who has and has not gotten the vaccine for cholera, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
7 b. Then they would send more volunteers to give the vaccine to the workers and students who have not already gotten it; 3. Urges developed countries to send architects, city planners, and builders to help build more stable and stronger buildings, particularly hospitals and homes: a. Firstly developed countries will get volunteers with architect or construction experience, b. After different counties get enough volunteers then they will then send them to Haiti with different construction materials, c. These volunteers will then work with local Haitian workers, officials, the U.N. and the IHRC to help rebuild homes and hospitals; 4. Recommends that all developed countries increase the amount of funding, resources, and medical supplies they give to Haiti: a. Different countries would do this by making more and different charities for Haiti; these charities will collect necessary objects such as: i. Money, ii. Clothes, iii. Tents, b. Once enough money, clothes, tents, etc. are collected these charities will send these donations to the U.N., c. The UN will then send and distribute these donations to different places and refugee camps in Haiti; 5. Strongly urges the IHRC to ship freshwater and Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) to Haiti: a. They would complete this by using UN cargo ships to transport fresh water and MRE’s, b. Then UN peace keepers will evenly distribute water and different MRE’s among the Haitians.
Human Rights Committee: Human Rights Topic: Gender equality in access to primary and secondary education Sponsors: France, Republic of Kazakhstan, Democratic Republic of India, Argentina Republic, New Zealand, Cote d’lvoire,, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Kenya, United States of America, United Kingdom, Somalia, Kenya The Human Rights Council, Taking note that prejudice against females is preventing them from getting education of an equal quality, quantity and opportunity to that of males, Deeply concerned about this gender equality issue, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
8 Emphasizing the importance of universal gender equality and its relation to education and job opportunities, Deeply Concerned that the lack of education and the resulting gender inequality gap leaves women and young girls being more likely to be subject to sexual abuse, inability to find work and thus the inability to become independent, 1. Calls upon surveillance and help from the following nations/organizations, to ensure the rights of gender equality are enforced: a. UNICEF, b. The permanent members of the security council: i. Russia, ii. US, iii. UK, iv. China, v. France; 2. Asks other nations to lower school attendance costs, henceforth making it more accessible to everyone; 3. Recommends making education more accessible to the public by: a. Building more in locations where education is needed, b. Making the benefits of having an education better known throughout all 3rd world countries; 4. Encourages all countries to mandatorily provide education up to year 10 or grade 9, after which point they are free to leave or continue their secondary education.
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Topic: Productive work and decent conditions for young people Sponsors: Cote d’Ivoire, USA, UK, China, Malaysia, Rwanda, Lebanon The Economic and Social Council, Convinced that the Less Economically Developed Countries’ (LEDCs) greatest resource is its youth population and through their productive participation and positive mobilization, the LEDCs can surmount the economic and political challenges that they are facing, Bearing in mind that the entire world is in a major economic crisis and it is very difficult to have enough available jobs for young people, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
9 Alarmed by the magnitude and disproportionate effect upon youth of unemployment and underemployment throughout the world, especially LEDCs, Deeply concerned about the consequent economic instability of joblessness amongst youth further undermining the prospects for progress in LEDCs, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and violence, Recognizing that Governments and developed countries have a primary responsibility to educate young people, to encourage them to seek training as to increase their employability and to create an enabling environment that will promote youth employment, 1. Requests the developed countries to be engaged in reduction of trade barriers and increase trading with LEDCs; 2. Encourages the international community or multi-national companies to establish a vocational school to be a pillar of industry for the youth in LEDCs by both human resources and financial support; 3. Recommends the Governments to improve the education, training, vocational purposes and social inclusion of young people to: a. Promote entrepreneurship, b. Facilitate the settlement of family life and working life in order to support the integration of young people into labor; 4. Further recommends the Governments to promote the participation of youth organizations in supporting the development and implementation of their action plans on youth employment.
Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Topic: World hunger and rising food prices Sponsors: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, India, Russian Federation, United States of America The Economic and Social Council, Acknowledging food prices are raised based on more developed countries, Fully aware 44 million people across the world were pushed into poverty by rising food prices at the end of 2010, Recalling the target of the Millennium Developing Goals 1A to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by improving social and economic conditions in the world’s poorest countries, Noting that the global shortages of food and water in developing countries are likely to rise due to a projected increase in population and diminishing natural resources, Deeply concerned about the control of rising food prices and other commodities affected by increasing ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
10 oil prices due to current turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East, Reminding nations of their commitment to a global partnership to reduce extreme poverty as set out in the Millennium Development Goals, Bearing in mind that availability of clean drinkable water and access to water for irrigation is of paramount importance of healthy living and the production of food, Aware of governments are implementing some new rules and guideline to ease the food crisis will increase agriculture production to meet the demands, make way for the collective farms and give Agro Holdings Believing every country including India has a serious problem with food price and limited food amounts, Expecting food prices not to go down in the future, Deeply Concerned about food price and gross domestic product (GDP) in India that is much lower than developed countries and noticing overpopulation, Recognizing if the food prices become higher the poor will die, Expecting to find the solution to make the world with no hunger and balance fair-trading, Believing that after government purchases the food from farmers, the government will sell the food to citizens for cheaper prices, and then the government will increase the tax when this new agricultural system works. 1. Calls for the need of countries with mass production of biofuel to stop; 2. Encourages developed countries to lower food prices so developing countries can catch up and be able to trade with the rest of the developed world; 3. Urges member nations to stop the consumption of food for the purpose of creating biofuel and encourage marketing of food on an appropriate purpose – feeding the people; 4. Emphasize the importance of equal trade and the need to stop unjustifiable and abusive trading methods by some developed countries by establishing: a. Inspectors from United Nations to scrutinize the plausibility and equality in terms of global trade, b. Free Trade Agreements with LEDCs and MEDCs in order to ensure all the countries have advantageous environment to meet the demands of food; 5. Suggest the World Trade Organization (WTO) to set new floor prices on import and export duty in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor among the nations and within the nations; ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
6. Reduce import duties of essential commodities such as oil, meat, sugar, rice, and other basic needs regarding trade between countries, which prevent LEDCs involvement in world trade and markets; 7. Encourages microfinance institutions to provide communities with self-sustainable projects that will improve their standard of living; 8. Supports self-sustainable agricultural projects that would allow farmers to earn income within their own communities, reducing migrant labor and separated families; 9. Proposes the monitoring of food relief operations, and the establishment of seed banks to assist impoverished rural communities; 10. Recommends all affluent and developed countries provide practical support and financial aid for developing countries; 11. Proposes that the government and NGO’s such as Hope International support developing countries that are in dire need by providing microfinance and basic business training to promote entrepreneurship; 12. Suggests member countries to invest in water desalination plants to convert sea or contaminated water into drinking water, offering cost effective solution to the water shortages; 13. Suggests improvement of more agricultural technology to make farmers able to increase food production for reduce the world hunger; 14. Request the government to change the agricultural system as ancient Roman agricultural system to make citizens and government more economically supported; 15. Recommends activating the new agriculture system as soon as possible in order to: a. Vanish the word “LEDCs” to make the whole world equalize develop, b. Increase the Gross Domestic Product; 16. Requests MEDC’s to offer volunteers to provide aid; 17. Urges all member nations to take serious attention toward the topic at hand.
ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
12 Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Topic: World hunger and rising food prices Sponsors: China, Cote d’Ivoire, Rwanda The Economic and Social Council, Alarmed by hunger and food insecurity being some of the most serious forms of poverty in the international community, Noting with deep concern about the increasing amount of people suffering from malnutrition, hunger and starvation in countries with political and economic challenges, Bearing in mind that most armed conflicts in the world happen in countries that are agriculturally dependent with a high number of food insecure homes, Deeply concerned the economic and political strive in Less Economically Developed Countries having an outbreak of HIV/AIDS and malaria, therefore, causing those infected to stave off the ravages of hunger and weaken local farming systems, Having considered the circumstances of the certain countries that people are starving, the rising food hunger has to stop, 1. Requests the developed countries to be engaged in reduction of trade barriers and increase trading with LEDCs; 2. Calls for developed countries to be engaged in establishing more efficient agricultural production organization throughout LEDCs by providing financial support; 3. Encourages the employment of a number of high quality scientists in the agricultural industry (in order for the well-founded research) with sufficient salary and support; 4. Requests agricultural research development organization and adequate levels of investment in order to: a. further agricultural development improvement in the quality of farm machines and species, b. increase of production efficiency and the seasonal and geographical allocation for growing crops, c. provide food security in case of any natural disasters in the country.
ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
Environment Committee: Environment Topic: Reducing Greenhouse gases Sponsors: France, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Somalia, Rwanda, Russian Federation, Germany, Lebanon, China, Norway, and Malaysia The Environment Committee, Deeply concerned about the growing emissions of greenhouse gases, Fully alarmed that the global average temperature rose significantly during the 21st century due to the increase of greenhouse gases, Taking note that according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by 19 billion tones in 2007, Having heard that since 2000 CO2 concentrations have been rising 2 ppm every year compared to 1 ppm per year in the 1960s, Bearing in mind that global warming would lead to an increase in drier areas of the world, resulting in further droughts and famine, while wetter regions would be affected by storms and flooding, Reminding member nations of their commitment to work together to reduce extreme greenhouse gases affecting climate change, 1. Recommends industries to use environmentally-friendly machines or simply cut down on machines to limit the emission of greenhouse gases; 2. Asks governments to make laws that restrict industries in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions; 3. Seeks harsher punishments to those who emit too much greenhouse gas; 4. Urges governments to take the issue of reducing greenhouse gases more significantly; 5. Aware that without proactive planning, the homes and livelihood of a large majority of the world population will be affected by rising sea levels; 6. Recommends raising public awareness about the relationship between emissions, temperature increases and the impacts of climate change on the environment and population: a. b. c. d.
TV Advertising, Radio broadcasting, Billboard messages, Non-violent Protests; ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
14 7. Requests all government and non-government organizations to educate and inform the public about the consequences of global warming and rising sea levels;
8. Proposes that governments set standards preventing the manufacturing and use of products that are not ozone friendly and maintain strict control of the waste emissions of industries and factories.
Committee: Environment Topic: Reducing Greenhouse Gases Sponsors: Haiti, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Norway, Mexico and Israel The Environment Committee, Fully aware that greenhouse gas emissions are a major problem and we need to control this situation before it becomes any larger, Confident that the problem can be fixed if not completely then limited to 2 degrees above the levels experienced in the industrial revolution, Recognizing that the greenhouse gas emission levels will grow steadily in the next five years, 1. Requests that a law be passed stating that if companies have the available funds they must change their energy sources from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources: a. the available funds would have to mean that the companies who changed would not become bankrupt or close to that and therefore the economy will still stay stable, b. the bigger companies that have enough disposable income but refuse to use it for the change would be fined the amount of money that the change to renewable energy sources would cost, and this will teach the companies that it’s better to spend the money on changing to renewable energy sources rather than paying the same amount for a fine, c. and not only to educate, but could help re-build Japan and other 3rd world countries before larger natural disasters happen. Then, 3rd world countries will not collapse as much as Haiti as they will have a more stable; 2. Encourages other nations to donate money to the Haiti and Japan fund so that they can rebuild using renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels, and also help Japan to make some harder cover of nuclear power plant: a. They would use solar panels instead of wind farms as Haiti gets more sunlight than wind, b. Aware that solar panels are expensive but in the long-term they pay for themselves as fossil fuels will become more and more expensive, c. Further suggests that man power be sent to Japan to help their issue with the nuclear plant;
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15 3. Suggests that countries send their volunteers to other countries to educate others about how we can reduce greenhouse gases and what will happen if we don’t, and also what is good for us if we reduce greenhouse gases: a. High school volunteers could educate others as it would look good on their resume and they would get experience of volunteer work, b. Fully aware that they would not need a constant stream of volunteers as education is not the focal point of this resolution; 4. Strongly condemns the use of fossil fuels and endorses renewable energy sources; 5. Requests that developed countries switch to renewable energy sources: a. The change would not have to be sudden but could be a gradual switch, b. we cannot force the countries to all switch straight away as some are in debt or poor and so we’re simply suggesting that they slowly change.
Committee: Environment Topic: Water pollution and exploitation Sponsors: France, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Somalia, Rwanda, Russian Federation, Germany, Lebanon, China, Norway, and Malaysia The Environment Committee, Keeping in mind that only a tiny amount of the Earth’s water is available for human use, Alarmed by the fact that by 2025, 52 countries may face water shortages affecting over three billion people, Noting with deep concern that a lot of rivers in most South Asian countries are seriously polluted, Noting that based on UN medium population projection, over 4 billion people will be affected by water shortages by the year 2050, 1. Suggests countries to raise awareness to the citizens about water pollution and exploitation by making laws that restrict polluting and water use; 2. Strongly urges making more effort on cleaning rivers or preventing them from getting more polluted by the government putting more money to the job; 3. Encourages industries to use environmentally-friendly devices that prevent pollution from flowing into the water; 4. Advises governments to equally distribute water to people by making a new system; 5. Requests that member states provide machinery and materials to small communities to build wells ACAMUN Resolution Booklet
16 to reach underground water to help people in less developed areas have access to clean water; 6. Proposes all countries make a law that if you are caught throwing rubbish into the ocean, sea or other means then you will have to pay a penalty bill; 7. Suggests having economic activity with western countries for increasing our industrial level.
ACAMUN Resolution Booklet