ACAMUN Shekou Resolution Booklet 2012

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ACAMUN Shekou 2012 Resolution Booklet

Shekou International School April 28-29, 2012

Table of Contents Overview and Aim Security Council General Assembly Human Rights Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Environment

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The enclosed resolutions are the ones that passed in each of the five forums. No content editing has occurred beyond any passed amendments during the respective debate on the resolution. Many resolutions were edited for format, however, so that there is consistency in look and structure in this booklet.

Additional Note: This conference follows the procedures and regulations of all THIMUN affiliated conferences. Some information in this booklet is taken from the THIMUN training manual. To see their complete manual go to


Overview and Aim

MUN is a chance for you, the student,

to gain hands-on experience about what the real UN does on a day-to-day basis.

The more involved you are as delegate by becoming familiar with the issues your

country is struggling with, the more fun you'll have and the more you will actually gain from the experience. Be a part of the solution!

Make the world a better place to live!

ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


Security Council Committee: Security Council Question of: The Situation in Somalia Main Submitter: The Republic of India Co-Submitters: The People’s Republic of China, The Russian Federation The Security Council, Recognizing the threat that ongoing piracy off the coast of Somalia poses to the effective and timely distribution of essential humanitarian aid, the safety of seafarers such as those traveling on commercial maritime ships, and all international fishing that abides by international law, Recalling the requests made by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) for international assistance in combating piracy of Somalia’s coast, in addition to its willingness to work alongside States and organizations to counter piracy, Keeping in mind that piracy is an offense subject to international jurisdiction, Observing the theft of aid and goods that are transported through the region, Alarmed by the attacks made by pirates on international ships passing through Somali waters, Deeply Concerned of the situation in Somalia that requires a large amount of aid, 1. Urges all States to criminalize piracy, prosecute and convict pirates off Somalia’s coast as well as their confederates ashore in accordance with international human rights laws; 2.Calls for the expedited development of specialized anti-piracy courts in Somalia and neighboring regions that, with international support, prosecute pirates and other key figures involved in the organization and finance of piracy operations; 3. Requests Interpol to create a multilateral expert bureau to investigate rising allegations of illegal fishing and dumping, especially of toxic wastes, off the coast of Somalia, only granting membership to regional or currently invested parties who have an interest in the security of the Horn of Africa; 4. Demands international trading ships to be informed as to the danger in the waters around the Horn of Africa in ways such as: a) Notice given to shipping companies and their respective captains of the danger, b) Maps should be marked and constantly updated in order to inform the crews of ships of the dangers in Somali waters; 5. Strongly urges member states and concerned parties to raise awareness of the situation in Somalia to the international community in order to: a) Demonstrate that aid is desperately required in the Somali Republic, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

3 b) To inform the international community in order to assist the Somali Republic in the recovery of peace and stability, c) Further advertising through social networking sites such as but not limited to: i) Facebook, ii) Twitter, d) Publishing information about the situation in regularly read articles such as newspapers and magazines; 6. Supports the actions of NGO’s such as Edesia Global Nutrition Solutions and Save the Children and encourages further donations from such organizations to assist with the development of the Somali Republic; 7. Further Requests the current humanitarian establishments within Horn of Africa, especially in Somali regions to assist those dependent of humanitarian aid through methods such as but not limited to: a) Forming partnerships with other active NGOs assisting the same area to maximize efficiency in distributing the food to the regions, b) Boosting immunization supplies within present hospitals with the utilization of United Nations and WHO to ward off preventable diseases such as malaria, polio, and yellow fever, c) Appointing relevant experts for improving the agricultural technology and the medical facilities present and the industries focused on helping those in need; 8. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

General Assembly Committee: General Assembly Question of: Achieving Universal Primary Education Summited by: The People’s Republic of China Co-submitted by: Costa Rica, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Germany The General Assembly, Alarmed by the lack of primary education not only in developing countries but also in countries internationally, Affirming that correct methods and the right amount of education is extremely important to young students worldwide, Pointing out that there are only 3 years left until 2015 in which all Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) must be achieved, Noting with regret that the progress of providing universal primary education has slowed in recent years, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


Recognizing that budgeting and insufficient funds may be a barrier in certain countries, Expressing its appreciation that the total number of children out of school has dropped drastically from 106 million to 67 million between years 1999 and 2009, Noting with deep concern that education in certain countries are limited to specific gender, 1. Suggests that countries provide a sufficient amount of favorable education supplies and resources for students by: a) Having an acceptable amount of schools in every region and state in the country which students have access to, b) Examining the material which is provided to all schools in a meticulous way c) Affirming that the education supply providers are equal and fair in distributing supplies to all students in those in need, d) Having students from the Fulbright program volunteer in undeveloped countries to both gain experience in teaching and help educate children of undeveloped countries; 2. Calling for UNESCO (United Nations, Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) to assist developing countries in planning and taking into action the process of establishing an educational system; 3. Urges nations who are not already doing so to set measures in ensuring that rich and poor alike are able to receive appropriate primary education, measures including but not limited to: a) Governments at all levels offering financial assistance to families of poor students to prevent them from dropping out of school due to lack of funds b) Education departments of individual nations paying more attention to rural schools and poor urban schools when drawing up their budgets, which will be given priority when funds are distributed c) Budgets used in providing primary education being shared between central and local governments to ensure that rural areas have sufficient funds; 4. Encourages individual nations to set down laws to make primary education compulsory; 5. Recommends individual nations set down laws to prevent individuals or organizations from employing youths who have not completed a minimum amount of education; a) All youth looking for employment must complete a minimum of 6 years of education b) Youths who have completed at least 6years of schooling must have an average passing percentage for the last year of his/her schooling to receive employment.

ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

5 Committee: General Assembly Question of: Combating International Terrorism Main Submitter: Kazakhstan Co-submitters: China, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, Costa Rica, South Africa, Germany

The General Assembly, Alarmed by the many acts of terrorism in the past and the inability to predict or prevent them, Deeply concerned by the persistence and expansion of terrorism acts worldwide, Pointing out that the main succession of terrorist groups is due to the access to large amounts of weaponry and ammunition, as they need them to create mass destruction, Fully aware that there is no definite UN definition of the term ‘terrorism’ due to the fact that terrorism should not include righteous acts against foreign occupations, Aware of the fact that terrorism does not only refer to Islamic terrorist groups, such as al-Qaeda or Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement, Noting with appreciation that each country will have different views and opinions on combating against terrorism, Pointing out that anti-terrorism acts must strictly comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law and must refrain from linking terrorism with specific civilization, ethnic group, or religion, 1. Calls upon all nations to join hands in combatting terrorism by: a) Sharing information and data about terrorist groups, b) Cooperating together to take action, c) Easing and solving rising conflicts between countries and organizations; 2. Asks for all nations to better secure their borders in order to: a) Prevent international terrorists from travelling through countries to carry out attacks, b) Better prevent the export and imports of weapons; 3. Encourages nations who have not already done so, to develop laws and punishments against terrorist financing; 4. Urges individual nations to increase monitor and control over the Internet and other means of communication to prevent the widespread of terrorist and extremist ideology; 5. Asks the nations of the world to contribute to strengthen security in areas in danger of terrorist acts by: a) Increasing military personnel in dangerous areas, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

6 b) Increasing awareness of terrorism around the world through media, c) Coming up with peaceful solutions to different conflicts; 6. Calls for a clarification and determination on the definition of ‘terrorism’ in order to solve the delay of establishing a solution to eliminate international terrorism that clarifies and categorizes every kind of attack (bombings, shootings, etc); 7. Suggests that the UN sustain a better relationship with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to clarify the conflict of the definition of ‘terrorism’ in order to avoid further conflicts between nations; 8. Requests that all international agreements and treaties on weaponry (such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention, and the Chemical Weapons Convention) to be maintained and kept to ensure world peace; 9. Requests that all countries have consistent communication and peaceful negotiations in order to maintain peace by: a) Participating in all debates and discussions on topics of world peace and anti- terrorism, b) Having a sustainable method in order to keep control of reason that might provoke terrorism pacifists such as religious and or political issues; 10. Appeals for WPC (World Peace Council) to keep a regular check on countries active in movement of terrorism and also on countries which have not yet accomplished an adequate system preventing terrorism; 11. Strongly urges all countries to take part in stopping the provision of large amounts of weaponry and ammunition to terrorist groups; 12. Trusts that all countries will offer a hand in combating against international terrorism.

Committee: General Assembly Question of: Achieving Universal Primary Education Submitted by: The United States of America Co-Submitted by: The United Kingdom, Canada, and The Russian Federation The General Assembly, Alarmed that many families cannot afford the cost of education, Observing that people all around the world are suffering from lack of education, Noting with deep concern that the increase of child slaves in Africa can be partly attributed to lack of education,

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7 Deeply concerned that many children grow up to be jobless because they were not educated and they are pushed down to the bottom of the society, Hopes the children around the world that were kep from education can go to school again and get a better future, Approving there are people forced to work when they are a child and they grew up until now they do not even know how the world outside is, Guided by the member of UN may lead to a good end for children around the world at by 2015 that can reach the goal at 2015 having kids around the world to have access to education, Taking note there is still big problem before we can support Africa or anywhere around the world because the reason of slavery, 1. Calls for governments and organizations to support children that love proper education with methods such as but not limited to: a) The creation of public schools, b) The cheapening of school tuition fees, c) The sending of supplies, d) The raising of awareness for specific schools and regions to receive help with methods such as but not limited to: i) Internet ad, ii) TV ad, iii) Radio ad, iv) Campaigns; 2. Invites all Security Council to discuss and support LEDC’s education in such as but not limited to: a) Having the NGO’s provide the LEDC’s with financial aid towards education, b) Persuading governments of the importance of education; 3. Recommends raising of awareness of the issue and letting people know by: a) Internet Ads, b) Television Ads, c) Radio Podcasting; 4. Hopes that UN has a plan to achieve the goal before 2015; 5. Consider helping and funding schools to make a better environment for the students to study better by: a) Provide school supplies, b) Lower the cost of the school and help people who need education to go to school; ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


6. Supports the orphans that do not have anyone to help them and get them educated and we need to help them by: a) Use the organization like National Association for Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) to help children to get a better environment and education, b) Provide free medical care and room and board to all orphans as long as they are educated; 7. Further invites other organizations that can help our plan to achieve the goal of education by 2015; a) There are organizations like NAFSA (National Association for Foreign Student Advisers), UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and IIE (Institute of International Education) that might be willing to help us to solve global education issues, b) The organization can be fund by the government of the country and it may support not only their country but also worldwide; 8. Hopes that every child can get equal education regardless of their gender, race and wealth by: a) Getting help from organization like NAFSA and UNESCO, b) Advertising and raising awareness, i) Internet ad, ii) TV ad, iii) Radio podcasting, c) Building more community public schools, d) Providing school supplies, e) Lowering the price for people that cannot afford schools.

Human Rights Committee: Human Rights Question of: Measures against sexual exploitation of children Submitted by: Ethiopia Co-submitted by: The People’s Republic of China, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Egypt, South Africa, The Netherlands, India, The Human Rights Council, Reminding that children are innocent human beings and have their own rights, Acknowledging that the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the General Assembly in 1989, which contains 54 articles about children’s rights, some of which relating to freedom from sexual and economic exploitation, ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


Remembering that there are currently 217.7 million children from the ages of 5 to 17 years old working in child labor in jobs such as child soldiers or in plantation farms, Pointing out that girls as young as 13, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe, are not only raped but physically and mentally abused, Realizing that child sex trafficking is a multibillion dollar industry, Stressing that children should not be living in these conditions, 1. Encourages the United Nations to work more closely with countries that indicate children’s exploitation as a pressing issue to strengthen the efforts of eradicating children trafficking; 2. Calls the United Nations to create a committee for the prevention of sexual exploitation for the purpose of coordinating and combating child sex trafficking: a) This committee shall be further known as the “Committee against sexual exploitation of children,” b) Each concerned country shall send an envoy to be represented in the committee; 3. Stresses the continuing need for an impartial humanitarian effort to address this matter: a) Funds should be provided by each country according to their economic development based on indicators such as the GDP and GDP per capital: i) Use setup shelters for those escaping sexual exploitation, ii) Co-ordinate efforts to help provide food, b) Further calls for promoting awareness of this issue through education; 4. Recommends that the governments of countries ensure that children without a proper source of education get the education that they need: a) Education is the one of the best solutions to combat poverty, as it helps children get better jobs in the future, b) Noting many countries have successfully combated poverty because of increased education levels, c) Recommends More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) to strengthen the process of providing free primary and secondary education to the children of the Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs); 5. Requests for persistent discussions and assistance from different countries to stop the situation of sexual exploitation of children; 6. Demands stricter enforcement of laws protecting the rights and safety of children: a) Each state party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts sexual exploitation in any territory under its jurisdiction, b) No exceptions circumstances may be used to justify non-strict laws.

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Committee: Human Rights Council Question of: Measures against the sexual exploitation for children Submitted by: Republic of India Co-Submitted by: South Africa, The Netherlands, Ethiopia, The People’s Republic of China The Human Rights Council, Recognizing that India is one of those countries that has some of the highest rates of commercial sexual exploitation of children, Noting with deep concern that they are sold into prostitution to pay of the debts of families or forcedly kidnapped from the streets, Emphasizing that some girls, some of whom are only the age of 5, are required to have sex with as many as 30 men each day, Having established that the main reason for sexual exploitation is because of hunger, poverty, illnesses (health), lack of communication and financial problems, Noting that some girls end up as unwed mothers after being victims of sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and sometimes from men who refuse to acknowledge their sexual crimes, Recalling that in 1997, the Legislative Assembly of KWC examined the problem and submitted a report to the government, but the government has failed to act upon it, Taking into consideration that Pushkala Unikrishnan, who is an activist in tribal issues, wants the government to give some special welfare to these victims such as pensions, Having received the news from Kitty Lukose, who is a social researcher of Wayanad district, that many of these girls who have found out that they are pregnant from being sexually exploited abort the fetus by using some traditional tribal medicine, Deeply concerned that these girls face shame and starvation the rest of their life and often have to beg to feed themselves and a child, Aware of Dr. Nair’s report that some of the girls or unwed mothers return back to being sex workers because they do not have the ability to get other work, 1. Suggests that more developed countries should assist less developed countries according to their economic status, in order to eliminate hunger, poverty, and to provide shelter thus medical treatment, through the form of money or resources; 2. Strongly urges affected governments to take speedy actions such as: ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

11 a) Providing shelter, medical treatment, education, and social benefits to those who are victims of sexual exploitation, funded by government pensions, UNICEF and/or NGOs, b) Imprisoning all pedophiles who are convicted depending on the damage the person who sexually exploit these children for a period of time determined by each individual case, in a place where psychological aid will be offered, c) Showing concern for the children in preventing internal trafficking issues, especially in poorer regions of countries; 3. Requests the governments and non-governmental organizations to address the circumstances that lead to exploitation through funds provided by organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank by: a) eliminating hunger, poverty, illness, lack of communication, and financial problems by: i. Providing economic and medical help for victims of abuse, ii. Using police actions to locate victims, iii. Helping families or homes with financial problems that who could be vulnerable to abuse, iv. Provide medical and financial help to victims, b) helping children who are in shame and embarrassment due to sexual harassment by: i. Providing financial help, ii. Providing appropriate treatment to the victims; 4. Encourages governments to help these victims to not return back to being sex workers due to their inability to get other work or earn money for themselves by: a) Providing homes for these girls and make sure they get a better life without needing to return to being sex workers, b) Providing education and employment opportunities; 5. Urges the global community to raise awareness of sexual exploitation of children by: a) Highlighting the problem of children who are sexually exploited, b) Interviewing the victims and reporting the issue through the media to emphasize the importance of this subject; 6.

Urges the UN to sponsor international police and immigration efforts to reduce the problems of Human Trafficking and the exploitation of children.

Committee: Human Rights Council Question of: Preventing the use of torture and cruel, inhumane, and/or degrading punishment. Submitted by: The Republic of Kazakhstan Co-Submitted by: Haiti, The United Kingdom, The Republic of India, South Africa, The Netherlands The Human Rights Council,

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12 Deeply alarmed by the lack of enforcement of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Cognizant that one purpose in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights is transmitting urgent appeals to nations with regard to individuals reported to be at risk of torture, as well as communications on past alleged cases of torture, Noting with approval those initiatives recently undertaken in countries such as Columbia and Iran to ensure and increase activities and programs to prevent such violation of human rights, Realizing that each nation will have its own stance and opinions on supporting the implementation of preventing measures against torture, 1. Suggest continuation on constantly pursuing preventive measures to counter the use of torture; 2. Reaffirms that every report of the use of torture or cruel treatment be properly investigated, even suspicions about such happenings, and for those responsible to be held accountable; 3. Proposes additional legislative reforms implemented to: a) Strengthen protection of detainees from torture, b) Increase public confidence in criminal justice systems of member nations, c) Expand the list of possible perpetrators of inhumane torture, d) Allow unrestricted visits to any places of detention within each country by members of the Subcommittee on Prevention; 4. Recommends each country to remain respectful of human rights during criminal investigations; 5. Further recommends strengthening the definition for “Torture and cruel, inhumane, and/or degrading punishment� to allow more approvals for criminal responsibility; 6. Encourages citizens to examine ways to: a) Educate children to be aware of in-humane actions by setting up large campaigns, b) Realize that a large number of people are affected each year and that children are most likely to be vulnerable and weak from the danger and protection; 7. Endorses Non-Governmental Organizations to: a) Raise funds for those who have been punished by in-humane and cruel torture by: i. Requesting the funds from IMF or UNICEF, ii. Allowing the More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) to grant funds to Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs); b) Create patrol to watch and investigate suspected areas such as prisons and countries concerned by NGOs, c) Stop deaths due to in-humane torture or abuse, d) Create a hot line used for complaints towards human endangered and collecting information placing in a catalogue for future references, callers may remain anonymous if they wish, by but not limited to: ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

13 i. Creating posters hanged around the suspected areas, ii. Creating videos or documentary films and played in suspected areas.

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Question of: Resolving the Global Job Crisis Submitted by: The United States of America Co-Submitted by: Canada, The United Kingdom The Economic and Social Council, Recognizing the increasing amount of unemployed people and how they create a vicious cycle that lowers the progress of development in economy, Noting that in 2012 one-third of workers world-wide, some 1.1billion people, were in a state of unemployment, live in poverty or both, Aware of the fact that even developed countries have difficulties with this situation, Deeply disturbed by the high number of unemployed and the unemployment rate, for the number of unemployed rate reached average 8.6 per cent in developed countries in 2011, and requires immediate care, Alarmed by the possibilities that unemployment will spread to other countries and create recession,

1. Invites the methods that will help in reducing of unemployment through public investment and creating more direct jobs by: a. Not firing the employees but reducing the hours they work, b. Setting up an unemployment insurance system; 2. Urges to use additional short term stimulus by using direct government spending to generate stronger employment effects; 3. Encourages the banks such as International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to reduce interest rates to allow more money to be lent for reason such as but not limited to: a. Lowering the debt countries owe, b. Making people more confident to borrow money to invest their money on companies with a bright outlook, such as but not limited to: ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

14 i. ii. 4.

Technological companies, Biofuel companies;

Trusts that interests of stimulus can be contained by: a. Continuing to make and plan friendly financial policies, b. Bank recapitalization and tighter financial regulation to address financial sector fragility, c. Trustworthy and concrete plans by the government and communities should be aimed to make more structural solution of fiscal problems over the medium to long run;

5. Requests the member nations to make the economy more active so they can cause people to spend money by: a. Cutting taxes, b. Provide a good education so that people will be able to have a wide range of job choices and have higher probability to get hired, c. Promote the importance of unemployment rates and how they should try to get a job, d. Avoid restrictions of corporations so they will be able to make their company larger, which will lead to more job opportunities, e. Suggests countries to give aid to unemployed people between 16 to 24, through subsidizing additional courses for better success in employment; 6. Emphasizes that for people to get jobs, governments of the member nations should provide governmental support such as but not limited to: a. Helping jobless citizens find jobs, b. Making sure that the incorporations are following the law and not abusing their workers, c. Ensure equal working opportunities for all; 7. Supports non-profit organizations (NGOs) such as Jude Works in to helping disadvantaged people such as women in Bangladesh, by increasing their working skills, leadership and to becoming selfreliant, which allows for better socio-economic development; 8. Suggests countries to give aid to unemployed people between the ages of 16 to 24, through subsidizing additional training courses such as Certificate IV to gain a certificate allowing better success in employment.

ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

15 Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Question of: Ways to protect and preserve UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites Main Submitter: The Russian Federation Co-Submitter: The People’s Republic of China The Economic and Social Council. Recalling the 17th session that took place from 17 October to 21 November 1972 where cultural heritage sites have been increasingly threatened with destruction not only by natural causes, but also by changing social and economic conditions, Gravely concerned by the current situation of the destruction of cultural heritage sites, Recognizing that solutions must be made to preserve and protect cultural identity, Desiring the delegates from various regions to join together, Embracing the idea of preservation and protection of culture, 1. Requests the cooperation with United Nations Organizations (UNOs) such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Cultural Agency (UNCA) in preserving various cultural heritage sites across the globe by: a. Protecting and securing heritage sites that are in danger of being destroyed, by diffusing existing knowledge on present and potential hazards; 2. Calls for the member nations to secure and protect all Cultural Heritage Sites by the next decade, with the observance of the UNCA and the International Scientific Community (ISC) by: a. Encouraging countries to sign the World Heritage Convention and to ensure the protection of cultural heritage sites, b. Requesting funding for individual experts, such as architects, archaeologists and historians, to UNESCO and ICOMOS to enable more people to work towards the protection of sites that are in danger, c. Participating in the preparation of the decision and arranging and supervise of financing protection projects; 3. Invites the ECOSOC member states to discuss the Cultural Heritage Site statuses around the world and to evaluate risks to the sites from both natural and man-made hazards, like earthquakes, and armed conflicts, by securing the site through: a. Sending peace troopers to protect heritage sites in the cases of armed conflict, b. Ensuring that infrastructures for heritage sites are sturdy, enabling them to be able to withstand natural disasters; c. Creating a new organization that will help less developed countries to learn and possess technologies; 4. Proposes the United Nations to declare a new international decade for the protection of the world’s heritage sites and remain actively seized in this matter. ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


Environment Committee: Environment Question of: Reducing species extinction and endangerment Submitted by: The United States of America Co-Submitted by: The United Kingdom, South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, The Netherlands The Environment Committee, Referring to the previous United Nations resolution 37/7 (1982), resolution 35/7 (1980), and resolution 36/6 (1981), which expressed the crucial importance of protecting the natural habitats of species, Deeply concerned that if the introduction of foreign animals, overexploitation of species, and destruction, of the natural habitat continues, half of the species on earth will be extinct in less than a hundred years, Acknowledging the fact that despite there being a number of bans on poaching and hunting, there are still many humans in the world that ignore these bans/laws, Strongly urges that the United States have signed to Part 505 Environmental Review about U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Deeply stressing that extinction of animal and other endangered animal would most likely cause environmental harm such as imbalance of ecosystem, pollution and ultimately lead to economic disaster, Fully alarmed of the effect invasive animals are having upon surrounding ecosystems, in the process having negative effects on the habitat off threatened species, Taking note that in order for these species to thrive, their requirements as per their habitat must be fulfilled to the utmost degree, Bearing in mind that with due amounts of effort and strides changes can be made to provide the necessary requirements for threatened species, 1. Suggests that countries create campaigns to raise awareness and prevent further destruction of natural habitats in the world to the people; 2. Calls for the United States to cooperate with Non-Governmental Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Natural Resources Defense Council to reinforce and expand the minatory system of government for endangered species;

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17 3. Encourages government to limit the number of factories that are operating to reduce unnecessary pollution, so that the pollution will not affect the ecosystem and environment where species dwell by: a) Reducing toxic waste like fumes from factories, b) Protect the species in a protected environment, in which its habitat is not contaminated; 4. Encourages the government of United States to raise the awareness about the significance of preventing animal extinction and endangered animal and other fundamental information, a) Use different media such as Facebook, twitter and news broadcasting to create an advertisement about endangered species, b) Provide a lecture regards to animal extinction to the public via school, company and house education, c) Publishing books and newspapers that talks about the seriousness of endangered species recently; 5. Further suggests that governments should make legislation and fortify the consequence of harming endangerment and violating any laws related to environmental issues to reduce an illegal exploitation of endangered species in U.S and other parts of the world. 6. Urges countries to protect endangered species by matter such as but not limited to: a) Banning hunting, b) Participating in an endangered species organization, c) Restricting animal trades, d) Promoting breeding program for endangered species.

Committee: Environment Question of: Restriction resource depletion such as logging, fishing and mining Submitted by: The Russian Federation Co-Submitted by: India, Israel, The Netherlands The Environment Committee, Notes that specific governments have too much ground water and some do not have enough, Affirming that Russia is already running out of resources and is starting to become poorer as a result, Aware of resource depletion is usually caused by over consumption, rising population, forestry, and pollution (most wide known reasons for resource depletion), ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

18 Reminding that it has been a long time since problem became a huge threat, 1. Suggests all countries to: a) Be strict about over using resources by: i) Giving proper limits on fishing, logging, and mining, ii) Making stronger punishments to those ignoring the law such as: A) several years in prison, B) large fines, iii) Reminding these laws to people by posters and advertisements, b) Invite citizens to participate in donating money to: i) Poorer sections of society’s people, ii) Communities who do not have enough resources; 2. Asks all countries to: a) Find the way to get better from restricting resources depletion by: i) Using environmentally friendly material instead of pollutants such as factory emissions, diesel run cars, tobacco, etc. ii) Encouraging recycling, and increasing recycling outlets, iii) Encouraging households to turn off the lights in order to save energy, iv) Suggesting and raising awareness into the importance of using public transportation rather than using cars; 3. Requests governments to establish a carbon tax on, but not limited to: a) Factories, b) Modes of transportation such as: i. Cars, ii. Buses, iii. Trucks, iv. Airplanes, c) Coal plants; 4. Wishes all the countries show a united front in creating a sustainable global policy to cut carbon emissions.

Committee: Environment Question of: Reducing species extinction and endangerment Submitted by: The People’s Republic of China The Environment Committee, Deeply concerned about wildlife species extinction and endangerment, Fully alarmed that Chinese industrialization, economic development and population pressure, have had detrimental effects on preserving wildlife within the People’s Republic of China, Taking note that due to the aforementioned rapid growth within the borders of the People’s Republic of ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

19 China, numerous valid environmental issues have arisen, Having heard the Yangtze River Dolphin to be extinct, with a single specimen not being sighted in 6 years, Bearing in mind that 17 zoos within the People’s Republic of China purchased 40 purebred South China Tigers, thus taking considerable strides in maintaining, or abiding to the regulations set, at the 14th Conference of the Parties to CITES in 2007, Reminding member nations off their commitment to work as a unit to reduce wildlife species extinction and endangerment, 1. Recommends national parks be under strict supervision of the government, so as to amplify the consequences that come as a result off mistreating threatened species under the parks, and hence the governments protection; 2. Asks that those officials hired by the national parks be done so under government supervision, in order for excellence to be achieved both professionally and environmentally; 3. Seeks incomparable efforts to be made to strive for conversation; 4. Urges the control of the introduction of foliage species, which are not native to the area, near protected wildlife parks; 5. Aware that these sub-species off foliage can be beneficial to the environment in numerous ways, however taking into dire consideration the requirements of the wildlife under protection in named wildlife reserves; 6. Recommends that the Chinese government take certain steps so as to raise awareness, spread knowledge, uphold integrity and maintaining efforts towards conservation by: a) Hosting of educational seminars across nations, districts and organizations regarding valid information entailing the positive impacts the above can have upon animals, eco-systems, etc, b) Providing nationwide propaganda as to the importance of wildlife, not only to eco-systems, but also to a nation’s heritage (examples of such include the Bengal tiger to the Republic of India, and the Giant Panda to the People’s Republic of China), c) Recommending schools to provide either education relating to the promotion of the global mantra “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” via compulsory seminars or through allotted subjects, d) Increasing accessibility to National Wildlife Parks/Reserves to tourists, bearing in mind that they be checked for any harmful substances beforehand, so as to spread awareness and appreciation for national wildlife, being aware off the effects establishing patriotism can have upon a potential national campaign, e) Conducting wildlife surveys every year in order to closely examine the breeding rates of endangered species, f) Tracking devises to be placed on specimens of endangered animals, in order for wildlife park officials and biologists to closely study the animals, in order to judge the levels of safety surrounding them; ACAMUN Resolution Booklet


7. Requests all non-governmental organizations to join the government in the promotion and insurance of national wildlife parks, so as to maintain the highest level of security for the endangered wildlife, and jurisdiction for those whom commit offences laid down by the legislature; 8. Proposes that national parks be under strict supervision of the government, whom be deemed responsible for reinforcing stricter regulations in and around named national parks, so as to ensure safety for animals, and to use mild force if necessary when protecting endangered animals, thus amplifying the consequences that come as a result off mistreating threatened species under the parks, and hence the governments protection.

ACAMUN Resolution Booklet

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