MUNchkin Daily Volume II Issue 2

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Volume 2 Issue 2 - 29th April 2012

Although there was a slow start in some committees, all the committees had great and focused debate. As the debate went along, the delegates got over their hesitance to speak and started to get into the discussion. The delegates came up with great solutions to tackle the issues for their committee through rigorIn the Human Rights committee, the delegates had a hard time making speeches and being confident. The chairs encouraged all the delegates give a speech to spark their debate. Fortunately, after the speeches, the delegates started actively tackling their committee’s issues and came up with thoughtful solutions. On the first day, they passed a resolution on Some committee members of the ECOSOC were extremely passionate about the correct use of grammar. In the ECOSOC committee, they spent five minutes debating over the use of “-ing� in their resolution. Throughout this debate, the delegates made sure the resolution was the perfect solution to solve the issues. As a result, their resolution turned out to be almost completely error-free.

Although there were some off-task discussions about grammar and other unfocused topics in the General Assembly, the debate became more focused and intense as time went by and the delegates eventually came out with a passed resoluThe Environment committee had some great discussions and arguments going on during the debate. Everyone in the committee got at least one chance to make a speech and point of information. Although all the delegates were Due to the fact that the delegates from the Security Council continued learning new information, they updated their resolution seven times. Thanks to their passion and dedication to learning new facts, their resolution ended up being one of the most accuWritten By: Andy Woo

There were many jobs which needed to be completed by people who worked hard in order to make the conference run smoothly. There was one person specifically, however, who put in extra time and effort to oversee the conference - Jisu Yun, our first Secretary-General. Jisu is a senior at Shekou International School. As the SecretaryGeneral for this ACAMUN conference, she met with middle school students, high school student leaders, and teachers since January on a weekly basis in preparation for the conference. She was responsible for organization, working with Ms. Battioni, Mr. Galvez and other high school student leaders, and preparing middle school delegates for debate. Having been to three THIMUN Singapore conferences since she began MUN in 10th grade and having chaired ACAMUN last year, Jisu was a very well prepared and reliable candidate for Secretary General. Despite being a senior with a busy sched- Secretary General: Ji Su Yun ule, she thought that filling this job would be “very rewarding.” She believed that the conference went “smoothly compared to last year when she was frustrated with trying to get delegates to be a little more participative.” Luckily, Jisu worked with many wonderful student leaders who all did a great job encouraging the middle school students to speak. Overall, Jisu described her experience as “a lot of work, but interesting and fun to train middle school students for the conference.” From the huge success and seamlessness of this 2012 ACAMUN conference, it is obvious that our Secretary-General deserves a huge thank you from the participants, organizers, and everyone involved in this event! Written by: Jamison Fletcher

On 28th April 2012, delegates from all around the world gathered together to discuss world issue and promote the idealism of peace and prosperity. However, there was a noticeable hole in our group. The delegates of Xiamen International School were nowhere to be found. Rumors spread through the crowd. Had they lost their tickets? Did they decide that they were too good for us? Luckily, none of the above was true. The truth was that their flight, scheduled to depart at 6PM, was delayed to around midnight Friday night. Tired and frustrated, David Brooker and Ben Wagor still managed to bring their delegates all the way to Shenzhen, only to be sent back to Xiamen by the Shenzhen Airport due to the brewing storm. Once they were back in Xiamen, they were given the option to go home and miss out on ACAMUN, however Mr. Wagor said that when asked, the delegates objected with a classic, “No, no, no. We’ll stay on the plane.” “They [delegates] were still excited. They still wanted to do this [ACAMUN]…” Mr. Wagor added on. After a quick four hour sleep at a hotel in Xiamen, the delegates from XIS boarded another plane and managed to reach Shenzhen at around 10:15am. The group arrived around 11:00 and quickly joined their committees. ACAMUN was finally complete and ready to address world issues. Written by: Vaneson Lim

Would all delegates be nameless if there were no placards? If there were no snacks, would we starve at ACAMUN? What if there was no newspaper to keep everyone updated? Thanks to the behind-the-scenes volunteers these problems did not occur. Our wonderful administrative executives, Madyson Haskins and Jennifer Kim, worked tirelessly for three weeks before the conference. They were responsible for making placards and certificates, nametags, bags for schools, ordering T-shirts, organizing admin teams and organizing the rooms before the conference. It was “tedious and hard work” said Madyson Haskins. During the conference, they were busy making sure all of the committees had note-paper, notepassers and anything they might need. Ms. Kasandra Battioni, along with organizing the entire conference, organized the admin executive team. Elsa Kim served as Ms. Battioni’s personal assistant. Elsa was also personal assistant for Mr. Thomas Galvez, the tech supporter. These four brilliant people made sure everything was aligned perfectly so the conference ran as smoothly as possible. The press team, aka the Annoying Oranges, started preparing the two issues of MUNchkin Daily three weeks before the conference. Renata Serio, Jamison Fletcher, Saige Huiet, Vaneson Lim, Andy Woo, JiYun Roh and Ms. Andrea Jarr interviewed delegates, took pictures, and wrote articles to inform readers of what happened at ACAMUN 2012. Both days of the conference, the press team was busy observing the action and writing articles to show the ups and downs of ACAMUN. Fortunately, SIS was also able to provide the delegates with food during the day. Mrs. Felker, the E-club leader at SIS, organized the snacks with the help of middle school volunteers. The morning of each conference, student volunteers came to prepare fruits. To someone on the outside, the conference looked like it was simple. However, there was detailed organization and preparation to make it seem so. Thanks to the hard work put into it beforehand, the conference was a success. Reported By: Saige Huiet

From left to right: Martin, JiHo Son, Jung Mok Lee, Damian Tighe, Annie Jo, Joe, Julie Jeon, Michelle Lee, Yelim Lee Page 3

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There are many outstanding volunteers that helped make ACAMUN 2012 a great success. All SIS Bayside staff needs to be thanked for helping set up and prepare for the conference. All of the high school and middle school volunteers including the chairs, press and admin. All the teacher coordinators who worked tirelessly to insure the conference was a success. Ms. Chen helped the admin with badges, certificates and placards. Mr. Tsui helped set up the laptops that were used in the committees. These people all deserve a huge round of applause for making the conference a huge success and fun experience. Written By: Saige Huiet Page 4

Press Team Editor: Saige Huiet Layout Designer: Vaneson Lim Reporter: Saige Huiet, Vaneson Lim, Jamison Fletcher, Renata Serio, Andy Woo

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