MUNchkin Daily Volume 1 Issue 2

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MUNchkin Daily VOLUME I


ACAMIS Model United Nations

workers in black market to join in a legal company or not, while there is so many innocent unemployed people around the world. Also, interestingly, there was a little conflict in between the main submitBy Min Kyu Bae and Yong Min Ko ter and the co-submitter of the resolution. The main submitter, from Brazil, blamed Environment: one of the co-submitter, from Argentina who came up with an amendment, for “A battle field.� This is the description which I would use to illustrate the atmos- coming up with the amendment late after being blamed so much by other countries. phere of debate took place in Environment forum. At the beginning of the de- It made all the people including chairs bate, students seemed to have no passion unable to keep in serious mode and gigto share their resolutions and ideas. How- gled eventually. Some laughing made debate more energetic. ever, as the time goes, students became wild and violent. They argued against General Assembly: each other for almost every single time when a delegate comes up with his/her resolution. The argument was held main- In General Assembly, delegates were ly among the delegates of Israel, France, fully engaged and participated with enHaiti, Brazil and Rwanda about the issue thusiasm. Each delegate came up with of greenhouse gases. Brazil seemed to be their opinion from the countries they represent. The debate was mainly about Palthe most active speaker and so as the estinian situation of relationships with France and Israel delegates. It was the resolution from France which got kicked Israel and other countries. There were here and there. Nevertheless, from a long some interesting opinions came up with the idea of delegate. The topic led to forty five minutes of debate, it was sucsome bigger issues such as racism and cessfully passed at last. the relationship with Israel and Palestine, which still remain as a global issue. HowECOSOC: ever this resolution was passed and the It was more of a composed and calm de- debate was successfully ended, finishing with well sounds of applauses. bate in comparison to the one held in environment forum. The issue that was Security Council: mainly discussed was about productive work and decent conditions for young people. The main submitter, from Brazil, In the Security Council forum, United seemed to have hard time facing a flux of States is deeply concerned with preventdisapprovals particularly from Lebanon, ing acquisition of weapons of mass deCote Devoir, China and United Kingdom. struction by terrorist groups and seeking The conflicts occurred on the idea wheth- for the deposit for politically unstable countries. However United States beer the government should help those lieves that many countries are not taking

What’s Happening in the Forums?

April 10,2011 action in order to solve these problems. China questioned the initiative of Middle Eastern countries who are not taking action for the problems. However United Kingdom stated that it is not all of them not taking actions. It is just that some of them are not taking enough actions. Among those countries there are terrorist groups still threating world security and it has been a very serious world issue after 9.11 event occurred. However most of delegates made many good arguments and stated their positions for their own countries. Seriousness of this debate was shown during their speeches and questions. Human Rights: The resolution was submitted by China (main submitter), Mexico, Germany, Malaysia, and Israel. The debate was about the gender equality in access to primary and secondary school education. The delegate was diligently engaging. However, some delegates went against this resolution due to the lack of detailed information to support its clauses. Even though there were several pauses that delegates used to state their questions and statements to rationalize to get support from other delegates. Many amendments were passed through the voting procedures and were recognized as the delegates were considering the issue in a similar perspectives which made the debate flow smoothly and successful.

gas unit to create energy and help children and farmers in Guizhou. Their dedication to this event - reported by Min Kyu Bae made them While the debates were running crazy, there were people workfeel positive ing in the shadows. They were the Middle School Environmenand good tal Club (MS E-club) from Shekou International School. They about baking. provided the enormous amount of delicious cookies, brownies and cupcakes that satiated the hard working delegates and chairs. The purpose of the baking was more than to provide desserts to people. They were working to raise funds for a bio-

Environment Club

The Last Day of ACAMUN with Hope and Excitement - reported by Na

Young Won

age group. He is a main submitter of a resolution about the human rights and security of people living in the Palestinian region. He is looking forward to persuading other delegates to vote for his resolution. “It’s very fun to make lots of new friends in ACAMUN. I like the debating process because for me, answering people’s questions and defending my ideas are fun”, said Paul Yeo (QSI). Garcia Chen (Utahloy) also shared his opinion that “The good thing of ACAMUN is that students become knowledgeable about global issues”. Moreover, many students showed keen interest in participating in Model UN conferences in the future.

Ms. Leonardis, the organizer of this event, said she is very happy about the atmosphere. “I haven’t seen any students sleeping during the conference. Also, I’m happy to see a successful and wellorganized ACAMUN. As Ms. Leonardis stated, ACAMUN has been very successful in submitting high-quality resolutions and encouraging students to participate in lobbying and debate actively.

Students came into the school building for the second day of the conference and went right into the conference rooms. Even though it was early morning, they were excited for the last day of ACAMUN. Students interviewed declared that It seems like every delegate, chair, and this experience has been very beneficial teacher are enjoying the whole event. to them since they can debate on world issues. Also, they showed their appreciation toward this valuable opportunity to interact with new friends. Joon Choi (SIS) who is in General Assembly said that ACAMUN is very valuable to him because he made many friends and had the chance to talk about recent world issues with the people in his

Our Outstanding Officers!

-reported by Summer McDowell


Which grade are you in?

4. What is your biggest challenge in being a chair?


What Forum are you chairing?

5. What topic are you most looking forward to hear in the debate?


What is your previous MUN experience?

6. What’s something many people don’t know about you?

Emily Groh

Ji Ho Sun

Annie Jo

1) 12th Grade

1) 11th Grade

1) 10th Grade

2) Security Council

2) Environment

2) Human Rights

3) I have been involved

3) My MUN experiences

3) I attended THIMUN

with MUN and went to

was very eye opening

THIMUN in Singapore At THIMUN, 4) It is to gain knowledge of all the I was the ambassador for the Bahadifferent issues of the world really -mas. changed my opinions on the stability 4) of our world. 4) I think that the hardest thing will be to make sure that we stay on time 6) I’m awesome. 5) and call on a variety of members to 6) speak. 5) 6)

The debate about the Korean Penin -isula I love to bake!

last November, and it was my first time to attend such a big conference. Speaking up and facing unexpected actions Children in armed conflict My birthday is on June 21st


remind of the day when I went to Singapore THIMUN for the first time in my life when I was in 11th grade.

-by Yong Min Ko

Personally, I truly value those students Passionate, Eager, Responsible, Crea- who make up their mind to be a part of a MUN conference. First of all, I am really tive, Initiative and Driving impressed by their braveness since I These were the words that firstly popped wouldn’t have been brave enough when I up into my head when I saw middle was their age. At the same time, I am a school students participating in Model little bit jealous of their ability to comUnited Nations (MUN). From their firmmunicate at such a high level whereas I ly grasped fists, I see the firm determinajust got used to it recently. However, the tion. From their trembling lips, I see the thing I value the most is their having the nervousness of them. From their shiny experience of making their own resolueyes, I see the excitement of them. These tions to pass. They learn to argue, dis-

cuss, support, and cooperate during this process. In addition, by preparing for the topics which these participants are assigned, they get to know their topic in depth and become aware of global issues. Even though the solutions made by them might be trivial and not as good as the real resolutions that get passed in UN, it’s worth it in my point of view. The experience gained will help them come up with more precise and powerful solutions in the future. Who knows? One of them might work for the UN in the future and directly help solve a pressing global issue.

MUNchkin Quotes What is your favorite thing about this conference 2011? Paul, Yeo (Delegate of Somalia)-Debating because it’s fun to ask questions to other delegate and make the debate more successful. Alex, Bhaling (France)- Debating with other people because it is fun. Luke, Kipfer (Somalia)-Debating because it’s fun to fight with other delegates. Hee Jin, Lee (Egypt)-Opening speech because you can speak out loud front of many people. Deana, Pistono (Palestine)-Realizing the fact that I sound smart. Christina, Kim (India)-Meet many people and share different opinion on same issue.

Officers continued 1.

Which grade are you in?

4. What is your biggest challenge in being a chair?


What Forum are you chairing?

5. What topic are you most looking forward to hear in the debate?


What is your previous MUN experience?

6. What’s something many people don’t know about you?

Julie Kim

Min Ju Kim

1) 10th Grade

1) 10th Grade

2) Environment

2) General Assembly

3) I've been to THIMUN

3) I went to THIMUN once

2010 last year and participants

and I had awesome debate with a lot of people. But I didn't enjoy re -searching

-pated as a member of MUN club in SIS. 4) To be responsible and to be patient


5) To hear some good, fresh new solu -tions to solve the worldwide environmental issues

It's hard to control Middle School students.


My birthday is on August 2nd.

6) I actually have a brother in 7th grade

Spot the Difference Instructions: There are 10 differences in the photo of Deanna and Spencer. And, there are 5 differences in the photo of the other honorable delegates.

MUNchkin’s Press Team Editor- Yong Min Ko Layout- Hye Min Jeong Reporter- Min Kyu Bae Reporter- Summer McDowell Reporter– Na Young Won Photographer / Advisor- Mr. Galvez

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