Porsche 911 GT2 RS MY2010

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The new 911 GT2 RS Awe

The new 911 GT2 RS Engine G-force Ground control Atmosphere Checklist Technical data

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The new 911 GT2 RS


Always there if you go to the extreme: Awe.

The standard could hardly


have been set any higher: the

The main factor responsible for

High performance demands a

this extra power is Porsche Intelli-

high level of safety. So the new

gent Performance. An efficiency-

911 GT2 RS has Porsche Active

based concept incorporated inside

Suspension Management (PASM),

every Porsche, resulting in the

Porsche Stability Management

effective lightweight design for

(PSM) and Porsche Ceramic

example. And the reason why

Composite Brakes (PCCB) fitted as

911 GT2. The aim: to surpass it.

Some figures cause astonishment,

the 911 GT2 RS is 70 kg lighter

standard. Additional brake ducts

The method: Porsche Intelligent

others create awe. The increased

than the 911 GT2.

on the rear axle ensure that the

Performance. The result: the

power of the 3.6-litre Boxer

new 911 GT2 RS.

engine means that it now delivers

The body is 26 mm wider at the

Another standard feature is the

456 kW (620 hp) and maximum

front, allowing a 12 mm wider toe

Clubsport package including a roll

Not a muscle too few. Not a gram

torque is 700 Nm, which is 90 hp

angle and wider tyres. The 19-inch

cage, a six-point safety harness

too much. No more than 500

and 20 Nm more than the 911 GT2.

GT2 RS wheels with central locking

and a fire extinguisher.

available. Never was there a more

The 911 GT2 RS sprints from

device also provide exceptional

powerful series produced by

0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.5

driving dynamics.


seconds. From 0 to 200 km/h

brakes are effectively ventilated.

The end result: no series-produced Porsche has ever reached this

(124 mph) in 9.8 seconds. And

The ride height, camber, toe angle,

level of performance. None has

Were there any reservations?

from 0 to 300 km/h (186 mph)

and the stabilisers on the front and

achieved faster track times.

Negative thoughts? Doubt? Not in

in 28.9 seconds. Right up to

rear axles can be adjusted individu-

None has deserved more awe.

the slightest. Fear? No chance.

330 km/h (205 mph).

ally for the racetrack. The fact that

Our engineers experienced just

the chassis is connected more

one feeling: awe. Before they

rigidly to the body allows for even

started. And definitely after they

more precise steering. For exact

had finished.

driving and control.

A feeling that goes with you. Every metre, every second.


Lightweight construction.

Instead of the usual steel, the

the conventional standard battery

carbon air outlet in front of the

turbochargers. This relieves the

diagonal struts on the rear axle

is available as an option. The

front lid guides the air flowing

turbochargers, thus lowering

Anyone who wants to go beyond

are made from aluminium. As are

lithium ion battery is inserted in

through the central radiator up

exhaust gas back pressure and

the horizon has to work on their

the fixed calipers of the PCCB on

the vehicle and can easily be

over the vehicle, thus increasing

increasing engine power.

performance – and concentrate

the front and rear axle. The engine

replaced by the standard battery

the downforce on the front axle.

on strength. The way to achieve

cover, rear window and rear side

for use on the racetrack.

this is to make sacrifices. But only

windows are made from a synthetic

Immediately noticeable are the

value of only 0.34. Along with

with regard to weight. The new

material. In addition to this, the

In addition, you can opt to do

front wings which are 26 mm

increased downforce on the front

911 GT2 RS is 70 kg lighter than

new 911 GT2 RS has lightweight

without the CDR-30 audio system,

wider, enabling a wider toe angle

and rear axles. For better road

the 911 GT2. Its weight-to-power

door panels with side pads and

the air conditioning and the

and the use of wider tyres. The

holding, greater stability and

ratio: just 2.21 kg/hp. For excel-

door pulls. Throughout the body,

Clubsport package. To achieve an

19-inch GT2 RS wheels have a

excellent handling. In short, a

lent performance. And with rela-

much of the soundproofing has

even lower power-to-weight ratio.

white gold metallic finish.

design that fulfils its purpose:

tively moderate fuel consumption.

been removed and the interior

To sum up: a drag coefficient

to create awe. A further striking feature is the

soundproofing has also been reduced.


black ‘GT2 RS’ logo on the side.

cular, the use of materials that

The lightweight single mass

Even the appearance of the new

The rear with a carbon middle

are more typically found in motor-

flywheel makes the engine even

911 GT2 RS leaves no room for

section makes an impression.

sport. The front lid, the side air

more responsive. Weight has

doubt: it is more powerful than

And the carbon lip on the fixed

intakes on the charge air cooler,

even been reduced in the body


rear wing sits 10 mm higher.

the slats in front of the front lid,

structure: there are no fittings for

the rear middle section, the rear

a roof transport system and there

Power is demanding. So, with

spoiler lip and the rear wing are

are no reinforcements for fasten-

regard to aerodynamics, the design

For greater efficiency and more

all constructed from carbon. As

ing the seat belts in the floor.

has been aimed at achieving the

engine power, as the speed in-

This is achieved thanks to a whole series of modifications. In parti-

For extreme driving stability.

best possible cooling and the

creases, additional air is pressed

and door sills with the ‘RS’ logo.

The battery in the new 911 GT2 RS

greatest possible downforce. The

into the intake channel through

The front mud flaps are also

is also lighter. A lithium ion battery

large air inlets ensure that the air

the air inlet channels in the wing

available in carbon as an option.

which provides an additional weight

is directed straight to the central

supports. This ram air system

saving of over 10 kg compared to

radiator and the front brakes. The

builds up the air in front of the

are the lightweight bucket seats


Rear middle section and rear wing lip in carbon

Front lid and side air intakes for the charge air cooler in carbon

Exterior mirrors with carbon casing



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456 kW (620 hp)




800 760

reached until a speed of 330 km/h (205 mph). The weight-to-power

The engineers knew exactly what

ratio that is essential for this kind

their objective was: to make the

of performance is just 2.21 kg/hp.

new 911 GT2 RS the most powerful Porsche for the road.

700 Nm













A consistent supply of oil to the



engine – even at high cornering



Objective achieved. The water-

speeds – is achieved using a

cooled six-cylinder bi-turbo Boxer

dry sump lubrication system with a

engine with four-valve technology,

separate engine oil reservoir. The

variable turbine geometry (VTG)

oil is cooled by an oil-water heat

and VarioCam Plus delivers its


power through the rear axle. From a displacement of 3,600 cm , it 3

generates an enormous 456 kW

Power (kW)





Variable turbine geometry (VTG).

(620 hp) at an engine speed of

Torque (Nm)

3, 2, 1, 0. Takeoff.


0 1000







Engine speed (rpm) 911 GT2 RS: 700 Nm at 2,250 rpm, 456 kW (620 hp) at 6,500 rpm

This means that a large amount of

only by the fact that the maximum

power can be generated from the

boost pressure has been in-

turbo even at low engine speeds

creased to 1.6 bar, but also by

with small amounts of exhaust gas

the new charged air cooler in the

6,500 rpm. The maximum torque

Unlike a conventional turbo, the

– for much higher boost pressure,

911 GT2 RS. The end result is

of 700 Nm is available from

incoming exhaust gas is directed

excellent cylinder filling and more

an extraordinary response and

2,250 rpm. From 0 to 100 km/h

onto the turbine by electronically


acceleration that will leave you

(62 mph) takes just 3.5 seconds.

controlled guide vanes. The angle

To 200 km/h (124 mph) only

of these vanes can be adjusted so

The torque curve therefore rises

9.8 seconds, and to 300 km/h

that the flow speed of the exhaust

sooner – and then stays uniformly

(186 mph) just 28.9 seconds.

gas and, therefore, the momentum

high for a long time. The increase

Maximum boost pressure is not

on the turbine can be changed.

in power and torque is helped not


13 |

VarioCam Plus.

Expansion intake manifold.

The expansion intake manifold

Power transmission.

adjusts the air vibrations in a comVarioCam Plus is a two-in-one

Essentially, in all intake systems,

pletely different way. It uses the

The lightweight six-speed gearbox

engine concept which adapts to

as well as flowing through, the

expansion phase because, when

in the 911 GT2 RS is designed

the particular demand for power.

air also vibrates. These vibrations

it expands, the air cools. The mix-

specifically for the large amount

The system switches seamlessly

consist of both a compression

ture in the combustion chamber

of engine power. The gear lever

thanks to the engine management

phase in which the air is com-

therefore becomes cooler – and

throw is short and precise – for

system. The result is spontaneous

pressed and also an expansion

optimum ignition can be achieved.

rapid and precise gear changes.

acceleration and smoother run-

phase in which the air expands. In using the expansion phase,

Instead of a dual-mass flywheel as

ning. Until now, more air has meant

less air gets into the cylinders.

in the 911 GT2, the 911 GT2 RS

At medium revs and low engine

more power. The compression

However, a slight increase

uses a single mass flywheel. This

loads, the system reduces fuel

phase of the air vibrations in the

in the charge pressure by the

is lighter and the engine can rev

consumption and emissions by

intake system is used to press

turbocharger compensates for

more freely in the upper speed

lowering the valve lift settings

more air into the combustion

this effect. The heating of the

ranges. Also, the gear ratios have

and advancing the timing. Fuel

chamber. The disadvantage is

air caused by the higher charge

been readjusted specifically for

economy is especially noticeable

that, when it is compressed, the

pressure is in turn compensated

use on the racetrack.

at lower revs. High torque values

air is also heated. It is therefore

by the charged air cooler. The

and maximum power are achieved

impossible to achieve optimum

result is much higher efficiency

with the high valve lift setting,

ignition of the fuel and air mixture

for even greater engine power

which results in exceptional engine

to maximise power.

and improved fuel consumption

power with comparatively low fuel

at high loads and engine speeds.

consumption. In principle it is quite easy to be in awe: just breath deeply.

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16 3





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13 17

1 2 19


6 8

14 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Bi-Xenon headlights Radiator module (left) Radiator module (centre) Radiator module (right) Coolant pipe Coolant expansion tank

7. Air filter 8. Exhaust-gas turbocharger with Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG) 9. Intercoolers 10. Pressure pipe

11. Throttle valve (electronically actuated) 12. Expansion intake manifold 13. Main silencer (titanium) 14. Tailpipe (titanium) 15. Oil filter

16. Engine oil reservoir (dry-sump lubrication) 17. Generator 18. PASM damper 19. PCCB brake 20. Tandem brake booster

21. 6-speed manual gearbox 22. Leight weight bucket seat

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You can still take off without losing contact with the ground.


The rigid connection between the

The central locking device is

chassis and the body, e.g. metal

derived from motorsport. Its

support bearings with ball joints

advantages include better driving

at the front and the rigid cross-

dynamics and performance thanks

members at the rear, makes trans-

to lower rotating masses. And,

The front suspension with

mission less elastic and ensures

of course, faster wheel changes.

enhanced hub carriers combines

more precise steering to enable

An enormous advantage – espe-

Closer to the ground – yes. On its

McPherson-type struts with longi-

better handling.

cially on the racetrack.

knees – no. The requirements for

tudinal and transverse links. Each

the new 911 GT2 RS chassis were

front wheel is precisely located,

Cooling air is delivered efficiently

The dimensions: on the front

high: driving characteristics that

ensuring excellent directional

to the front brakes thanks to

axle 9 J x 19 with sports tyres1)

are typical of a race car, on both

stability and superior handling in

the brake air spoiler. In the new

245/35 ZR 19 and on the rear

the road and the racetrack.

every driving situation.

911 GT2 RS there is additional

axle 12 J x 19 with sports tyres1)

brake ventilation on the rear axle.

325/30 ZR 19. Tyre Pressure

This car is around 25 mm lower

The rear axle has multi-link suspen-

than the 911 Carrera and its sys-

sion featuring LSA construction –

In short, the chassis exploits the

ard and provides early warning

tematic lightweight construction

light, stable and agile. The reduced

road to the full. Inspiring awe.

of any tyre pressure loss via a

keeps the total weight and the

weight design of the rear axle’s

weight of unsprung masses low.

aluminium transverse arm and

For extraordinary agility, excellent

diagonal struts ensures excellent

driving safety and stability, espe-

driving dynamics.

Monitoring (TPM) comes as stand-

display on the on-board computer.

Wheels. The link between the enormous

cially when cornering. Ride height, camber, toe angle and

power of the new 911 GT2 RS and

Wider wings on the front axle enable

also the stabilisers on the chassis

the road: the white gold metallic

a 12 mm wider toe angle com-

can be adjusted on the front and

painted 19-inch GT2 RS wheels.

pared to the 911 GT2 and the use

rear axles and therefore adapted

Their central locking device is

of wider tyres. For even more

to the required driving behaviour.

anodised and bears the ‘RS’ logo –

grip, improved steering and higher

19-inch GT2 RS wheel

also in a white gold metallic finish.

cornering speeds. 1)

Owing to the lower tread profile, there is a risk of aquaplaning on wet roads.

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Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM).

Porsche Stability Management (PSM).

The electronic adjustment of the

The limits of driving dynamics.

shock absorber systems actively and continuously controls the

Traction control (TC) with its

actions, the car can now also be

integrated ABD (automatic brake

driven very dynamically into bends

differential), ASR (ant-slip regula-

by acting on the throttle. Traction

tion) and EDC (engine drag-torque

control (TC) is still active in this

Those who venture here should

control) functions controls the


have the necessary equipment –

longitudinal dynamics of the car.

damping force – depending on

in addition to driving ability. So,

This highly sports-oriented traction

In the second stage, the separate

the driving style and situation –

PSM has been adapted to the

control improves traction on vary-

‘SC + TC OFF’ button also disables

for each individual wheel.

power of the new 911 GT2 RS.

ing road surfaces. Traction control

the traction control (TC). In this

(TC) also limits excessive force

mode, both the lateral dynamics

By pressing a button, the driver

The principle is that in addition

that can cause the rear to slide out

control and traction control are

can choose between two setup

to the ABS there are two auto-

uncontrollably under full power.

deactivated. Driving is now influ-

modes, ‘Normal’ and ‘Sport’.

matic control systems: stability

Normal mode is designed for

control (SC) and traction control

The special feature of PSM in

special feature is that in both the

general road driving and on the

(TC). Stability control (SC) controls

the 911 GT2 RS is that these

first stage (SC OFF) and second

racetrack in the wet. Sport mode

lateral dynamics using a range

two systems can be switched

stage (SC + TC OFF), the cross-

is specially designed for maximum

of sensors to constantly monitor

off completely, in two stages –

dynamic control will not reactivate

lateral acceleration and the best

the direction, speed, yaw velocity

for deliberate sports handling.

itself even when the brakes are

possible traction on the racetrack.

and lateral acceleration of the

enced only by the driver. Another

applied strongly, including in the

car. This information is used to

In the first stage, the ‘SC OFF’

ABS control range. This function

calculate the actual direction

button in the centre console disa-

and switching strategy enables

of travel. If the car starts to go

bles the stability control (SC). In

race-oriented driving dynamics –

off course, stability control (SC)

‘SC OFF’ mode, the system does

to meet individual demands for

initiates selective braking on

not intervene if the car goes off

extraordinary performance on the

individual wheels to stabilise the

course in the lateral direction.


vehicle in critical driving scenarios.

In addition to deliberate steering

The anti-lock braking system (ABS 8.0) integrated in PSM remains active in all of these settings. ABS ensures that braking distances are as short as possible – thus providing greater safety. Being in awe doesn’t mean coming to a halt. It means reacting correctly – whenever it matters.

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Ground control

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Safety means being able to rely on the systems working in the background.

Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB).

The use of six-piston aluminium

and size. In the new 911 GT2 RS

and discs. As with conventional

monobloc fixed calipers on the front

the calipers on the front and rear

high-performance braking sys-

axle and four-piston aluminium

axles are made from lightweight

tems, we recommend that all

monobloc fixed calipers on the

aluminium giving an additional

brake components be profession-

rear axle ensures a very high and,

weight saving of approx. 4.8 kg

ally inspected and replaced where

above all, constant braking pres-

compared with stainless steel

necessary after every track event.

The ceramic discs are made from

sure. The brake response is much

calipers. This doesn’t just have

a specially treated carbon-fibre

faster and more precise and

a positive effect on driving per-

compound that is silicated in a

requires only moderate input.

formance and fuel consumption.

Being in awe also means knowing

high-vacuum process at approxi-

Above all, it means that the

when to brake – when necessary.

mately 1,700 °C. The resulting

All the necessary ingredients are

unsprung and rotating masses

The new 911 GT2 RS is equipped

brake discs are much harder and

there for short braking distances,

are reduced.

as standard with the Porsche

therefore more resistant to exces-

especially in tough conditions.

Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB).

sive temperatures than cast iron

And safety is also increased when

The result is improved road-

This braking technology has already

discs. Typical of PCCB, the low

braking from high speeds, thanks

holding and comfort, especially on

demonstrated its performance

thermal expansion prevents defor-

to the excellent fade resistance

uneven roads. As well as greater

credentials on the racetrack,

mation under heavy braking. Fur-

of PCCB.

agility and even better handling.

for example, in the vehicles of

thermore, the ceramic brake discs

the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup.

are totally resistant to corrosion

The key advantage of the ceramic

Please note that circuit racing,

Its ceramic brake discs have a

and offer better noise-damping

brake system is in the extremely

trackday use and other forms

diameter of 380 mm at the front


low weight of the brake discs: they

of performance driving can sig-

and 350 mm at the back – for

are approximately 50% lighter than

nificantly reduce the service life

excellent braking power.

cast iron discs of similar design

of even the most durable pads

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Bodyshell structure.

both front footwells. Reinforced

Driver and passenger airbags.

doors contribute to the overall

Porsche Side Impact Protection System (POSIP).

The reinforced bodyshell of the

rigidity of the car. In the event

In the 911 GT2 RS, the airbag

new 911 GT2 RS contains a highly

of a front impact, an additional

technology has been adapted for

The standard POSIP system con-

resilient passenger cell which

load path is used to channel ener-

the car. The full-size front airbags

sists of side impact protection

offers exceptional crash protection,

gy through the upper part of the

are activated in two stages

in the doors and side airbags for

whilst still ensuring the vehicle

bodyshell and thus further protect

depending on the seriousness and

the head. The large volume of the

remains lightweight. A system of

the passenger cell. Easily replace-

type of accident (e.g. frontal or

airbags provides protection over

longitudinal and transverse mem-

able collision elements protect

diagonal from the front). In low-

the whole seat-adjustment range.

bers, patented by Porsche, is

the bodyshell in minor accidents.

speed collisions, the airbag is

Padded elements on the door

only partially inflated, thereby mini-

panels also protect the occupants.

mising discomfort to occupants.

The optional sports bucket seats

used at the front. In the event of a collision, this distributes the forces

The high proportion of aluminium

and minimises deformation of the

alloys and high-strength steel

and adaptive sports seats have

passenger cell. An extremely rigid

used contributes towards the

a thorax airbag instead of the pad-

bulkhead cross-member made from

good power-to-weight ratio of

ded elements.

super high-strength steel absorbs

the 911 GT2 RS.

impact forces from the front

Other safety features in the new

longitudinal members to protect

911 GT2 RS are the headrests integrated in the seat backs, a safety steering column, three-point seat belts in red with belt height adjustment, belt tensioner and belt force limiter, energy absorbing structures in the dashboard and fire resistant materials throughout the interior.

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Clubsport package. The standard Clubsport package in the new 911 GT2 RS consists of a bolt-in roll cage behind the front seats, a six-point racing harness in red for the driver’s side, a fire extinguisher with mounting bracket and preparation for a battery master switch. The battery master switch and a front roll cage element are available from the Porsche Motorsport Department.

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Completely free space. Now also on the inside.

This sporting trend continues

Lightweight bucket seats.

surface. Depending on the trim, the seats are covered in

with a material that is typical of motorsport: carbon. The standard

Fitted as standard in the new

leather/Alcantara in black/red

lightweight bucket seats are made

911 GT2 RS are lightweight carbon

or black/black.

from carbon and are covered in

bucket seats (page 32). They are

leather/Alcantara. The badges on

designed to provide exceptionally


Interior materials.

the dashboard and the door sills

good side support and feature

The instruments in the new

The materials used in the interior

have a carbon finish and bear the

manual fore/aft adjustment. In

911 GT2 RS are designed for

meet the demands placed

‘RS’ logo.

place of a thorax airbag, the door

Available as a no-cost option in

pure sports performance. They

on a thoroughbred racing car.

panels have no storage pocket and

the new 911 GT2 RS are adaptive

provide quickly accessible infor-

Alcantara, for example, which

At no extra cost a black leather

are padded. The lightweight bucket

sports seats with thorax airbag

mation and are ergonomic and

offers exceptional grip and

trim with either red or black

seats together weigh only about

(page 32). They feature electric

clearly visible – just like the rev

easy-care properties.

Alcantara is available.

20 kg – for a noticeable weight

fore/aft, height and seat squab

reduction. The seats are covered

angle adjustment and the side

with black leather with the seat

bolsters on the seat and backrest

centres in red Alcantara.

can be adjusted individually.

counter with a titanium blue dial located in the centre of the five

So red Alcantara has been used

round instruments. The instru-

wherever there is hand contact.

ment needles and dial markings

On the steering wheel, gear lever,

are coloured yellow. For optimum

handbrake lever and the door

The three-spoke GT2 RS steering

acceleration, the gearshift indica-

handles. Also on the arm rests

wheel has manual reach and

tor is located in the rev counter.

in the door panels, the storage

height adjustment. It is upholstered

Steering wheel.

Adaptive sports seats.

For the perfect fit to provide side support when cornering

Sports bucket seats.

and greater comfort on straight stretches. Depending on the

compartment lid in the central

in Alcantara to ensure a good grip.

Available as an option are sports

trim, the seats are covered with

The integrated on-board compu-

console, the roof lining and the

A striking feature is the yellow top

bucket seats (page 32) with a

leather/Alcantara in black/red

ter provides you with information

centre of the seats.

centre marking on the steering

folding backrest, integrated thorax

or black/black.


airbag and manual fore/aft adjust-

on boost pressure, average fuel consumption, speed and distance

It provides a sporty contrast with

ment. The backrest shell is made

left to travel.

the otherwise predominant colour

from glass and carbon-fibre

in the interior: pure black.

reinforced plastic with a carbon

25 |

Leather/Alcantara trim in black/red and other optional equipment, including deletion of air conditioning and audio system, Chrono Package

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Leather/Alcantara trim in black/red and other optional equipment, including deletion of air conditioning and audio system, Chrono Package

27 |

CDR-30 audio system.

Sound Package Plus.

The main feature is the 6.5-inch

choose between a 3D perspective

colour touchscreen with a durable,

and a 2D display which now also

Universal audio interface.

The new 911 GT2 RS is fitted as

For discerning ears: the optional

easy-to-clean coating. It is func-

shows height profiles. In split-

Also available for PCM and

standard with the CDR-30 audio

Sound Package Plus. Nine high-

tional, innovative and easy to use.

screen mode, in addition to the

CDR-30 is a universal audio inter-

system with 5-inch (monochrome)

quality loudspeakers and an exter-

current map view, you can also

face. You can use this to connect

display and MP3 compatible CD

nal amplifier with a total output

Its very clear layout – a maximum

display a list of icons that repre-

your iPod ®, a USB stick/MP3


of 235 Watts provide a sound

of five list entries per page –

sent dynamic route guidance.

player or any other audio source.

experience that is in perfect

means it is reliable and quick

The FM twin tuner with RDS diver-

harmony with the interior space.

to use. You can also operate

Available as an option for PCM

sity has a total of 30 memory

The sound settings are adjusted

PCM using the buttons on the

is the quad-band GSM telephone

presets, dynamic autostore and

via the CDR-30 audio system

right-hand side.

module with a Bluetooth® inter-

speed-dependent volume control.

or the optional Porsche

And, of course, great sound. This

Communication Management

For radio listeners, there are up

is provided by the four loudspeak-


to 42 presets, an FM twin tuner

The iPod® or USB stick is easily

face, which is very easy to use and

operated via PCM.

Chrono Package for CDR-30.

has improved speech quality. The optional Chrono Package

ers and an integrated 2 x 25 Watt

frequency diversity with RDS which

For both PCM and the CDR-30

includes a swivelling, dashboard-


constantly scans for the best

audio system there is an optional

mounted analogue and digital stop-

signal for the selected station.

mobile phone preparation kit

watch. The analogue display shows

The integrated single CD/DVD

for the Bluetooth® connection of

the elapsed hours, minutes and

player supports the MP3 format.

mobile phones which only support

seconds. Seconds, tenths of sec-

the Handsfree Profile (HFP).1)

onds and hundredths of seconds

Or you can opt to delete the

PCM including navigation module.

CDR-30 for a further weight saving. If required, in conjunction with the Sound Package Plus, you

The GPS navigation module

appear on one display – while at

can also have Porsche Communi-

incorporated in PCM has a hard

the same time there is a digital

cation Management (PCM) for the

drive with map data for most

display on the instrument cluster.

911 GT2 RS. This efficient central

European countries. For rapid

information and communication

route calculation, always with a

system is impressively versatile

choice of three alternative routes.

and surprisingly easy to use.

When viewing a map, you can 1)

| 28

See page 32 for more information.

Chrono Package Plus for PCM. In addition to the analogue and digital stopwatch on the dashboard, the optional Chrono Package Plus also provides the following functions: to display, save and analyse the lap times recorded. The Chrono Package Plus also adds a performance display to PCM to give information on time and distance travelled on the current lap, as well as the number of laps completed and their respective times. The personal memory feature saves personal settings for lights, wipers, air conditioning and door locks.

29 |


| 30

The objective was to go to the

Standard exterior colours.


I no.


extreme. The end result is awe inspiring: a car that provides


maximum power, maximum










A car that demands everything




from its driver: Stamina. Courage.




Ability. At all times.













Only one thing is absolutely




necessary: Awe.




efficiency and maximum Porsche Intelligent Performance. Guards Red

A car that is always absolutely ready. Everything you need you

GT Silver Metallic


will find in the following checklist.


As well as those things you can choose to remove.

Special exterior colours.


The new 911 GT2 RS. Black

Carrara White

extra-cost option s standard equipment W available at no extra cost For more information on the individual options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.

31 |


I no.



Lightweight bucket seats
















sæ(OME,INK® (programmable garage door opener)












25, 32




25, 32







Sports bucket seats

For information on compatible mobile phones, please visit www.porsche.com or contact your Porsche Centre. Telephone module in HFP mode: the use of a mobile phone inside a vehicle may cause in increase in the interior electromagnetic field strength and, accordingly, in the electromagnetic radiation to which passengers are exposed. Use of the telephone module for PCM via Bluetooth, SAP connection or with a SIM card inserted prevents exposure to electromagnetic radiation as only the vehicle’s external aerial is used. 3) Mobile phone preparation: the use of a mobile phone inside a vehicle may cause in increase in the interior electromagnetic field strength and, accordingly, in the electromagnetic radiation to which passengers are exposed. If a cradle is used to mount the mobile phone, the field strength inside the vehicle can be reduced by connecting to the exterior aerial (depending on how specific mobile phones connect to the cradle). For more information about the availability of a cradle for your mobile phone, please contact the trade. Use of the telephone module for PCM via Bluetooth, SAP connection or with a SIM card inserted prevents exposure to electromagnetic radiation as only the vehicle’s external aerial is used. 1)


Adaptive sports seats

| 32

Deletion of air conditioning, audio system



I no.


Audio and communication: CDR-30. 33

























461 CDR-30 audio system

Audio and communication: Porsche Communication Management (PCM). sæ0#-æINCLUDINGæNAVIGATIONæMODULE



























1), 3)

extra-cost option s standard equipment W available at no extra cost For more information on the individual options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.

Porsche Communication Management (PCM)

33 |

Technical data Engine





3,600 cm3

Max. power (DIN) at rpm

456 kW (620 hp) 6,500

Max. torque at rpm

700 Nm 2,250–5,500

Compression ratio

9.0 : 1

Manual gearbox

Porsche Stability Management (PSM)

Anti-lock braking system

ABS 8.0 (incorporated in PSM)


Front: 9 J x 19 ET 47 Rear: 12 J x 19 ET 48


Front: 245/35 ZR 19 (sport tyres) Rear: 325/30 ZR 19 (sport tyres)


Transmission Layout

Vehicle stability system

Rear-wheel drive 6-speed

Chassis Front axle

McPherson strut suspension

Rear axle

LSA multi-link suspension


Power-assisted (hydraulic) with variable steering ratio

Unladen weight (DIN)

1,370 kg

Unladen weight (EC)

1,445 kg

Permissible gross weight

1,680 kg


Performance 2) Top speed

330 km/h (205 mph)

0–100 km/h (0–62 mph)

3.5 secs

0–160 km/h (0–99 mph)

6.8 secs

Turning circle

10.9 m

0–200 km/h (0–124 mph)

9.8 secs


Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB): 6-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front and 4-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at rear, discs internally vented and cross-drilled

0–300 km/h (0–186 mph)

28.9 secs

Flexibility 80–120 km/h (50–75 mph) in 5th gear

4.0 secs

| 34

Fuel consumption/emission2), 3) Urban in l/100 km (mpg)

17.9 (15.8)

Extra urban in l/100 km (mpg)

8.7 (32.5)

Total in l/100 km (mpg)

11.9 (23.7)

CO2 emissions g/km


Dimensions/aerodynamics Length

4,469 mm

Width (including exterior mirrors)

1,852 mm (1,952 mm)


1,285 mm


2,350 mm

Luggage compartment volume

105 litres

Tank capacity (refill volume)

90 litres

Drag coefficient


According to the EC standard, the unladen weight applies to standard-specification vehicles. Optional equipment increases the weight. The figure given includes 68 kg for the driver and 7 kg for luggage. 2) Provisional figures; there are no officially tested values available at the time of going to print. Final, officially tested values can be obtained from your Porsche Centre. 3) The figures have been obtained using the method specified in 80/1268 EEC, latest version at the time of going to print. The figures do not refer to an individual vehicle, nor do they constitute part of the offer. They are intended solely as a means of comparing different types of vehicle. Further information on individual vehicles can be obtained from your Porsche Centre. Fuel consumption is determined on the basis of the standard specification. Optional equipment may influence fuel consumption and performance. 1)

35 |

The models featured in this

No part of this publication may

publication are approved for road

be reproduced, transmitted,

use in Germany. Some items of

or otherwise used, without from

equipment are available as extra-

the prior written consent

cost options only. The availability

of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

of models and options may vary from market to market due to

Porsche, the Porsche Crest,

local restrictions and regulations.

911, Carrera, Tequipment,

For information on standard

PCCB, PCM and PSM are

and optional equipment, please

registered trademarks of

consult your Porsche Centre.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

All information regarding construction, features, design,

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

performance, dimensions, weight,

supports the use of paper from

fuel consumption and running

sustainable forestry. This catalogue

costs is correct at the time of

is printed on paper made from

going to print. Porsche reserves

100% PEFC certified pulp

the right to alter specifications

(Programme for the Endorsement

and other product information

of Forest Certification).

without prior notice. Colours may differ from those illustrated.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

Errors and omissions excepted.

Porscheplatz 1 70435 Stuttgart

Š Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2010


All text, images and other


information in this publication are copyright of

Edition: 01/2010

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

Printed in Germany WSLC 1001000320 GB/WW

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