Gainesville ISD Spotlight - Winter 2020

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• Gainesville SPOT SPOTlight light • Winter 2020


halmers Elementary is dedicated to

develop engaging ideas, develop elements

providing a positive, caring, and safe

of how-to articles, organize steps, include

environment, giving all students an equal

introductions and conclusions, include a

opportunity to reach their full potential for

variety of transition words, and develop

academic excellence.

structural elements for our how-to


articles. We did this all while going

It is all adding up at Chalmers

through the steps of the writing process.

Elementary as our confident second

Our main goal was to be able to use

grade students learn addition and

elements of an informational text to write

subtraction. Our friend Addition Annie

a how-to article independently.

helps us learn that addition is all about

We developed two final pieces of

combining, putting together, and the

writing during this unit with two projects:

sum. Then we have Subtraction Sally

How to Carve a Pumpkin and How to

who teaches us that subtraction is about

Create a Monster Craft. We were able

taking away.

to brainstorm, plan, rough draft, revise,

We are second grade students, but

edit, and complete a final draft. Through

we equally compare to all students

this unit and the writing assignments, we

because we are motivated in our abilities

have gained a better understanding of the

to learn about greater, less, and equal

genre elements and writing process for a

numbers. That’s right, second grade

how-to article.

might be one grade lower than third,


but we are all eating the greater number called 100% learning. As Ember Garrison in Mrs. Gibbs’

Throughout the second six weeks, fourth-grade students worked on an animal research project. We researched

class said, “When I learn about math, my

many different animals in the categories of

brain starts to work all the time. Math

amphibians, mammals, birds, fish, insects,

takes focus.”

and reptiles. We each then selected the


animal we wanted to research and used

In third grade, we have learned how to

books as well as educational websites

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