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An accessible and safe museum for everyone
An accessible and
safe museum for everyone
In 2020, the Universal Accessibility certificate was renewed for the fourth consecutive year based on the UNE 170001 and 2 Standards. Accessibility and its cross-sectional nature are part of the Museum’s integrative, inclusive and responsible vision, which is projected in any action or project that is undertaken by the Museum. Demonstrating in this way real commitment, empathy and respect towards those people with different abilities.
The audit has highlighted the following aspects:
The organisation maintains a constant ambition to improve accessibility, demonstrated in all areas of the company that were audited.
The capacity of the organisation to direct the Museum more towards the public via the website and its contents, applying accessibility criteria in all communications. The collective methodological effort of all departments to apply the management tools of the accessibility management system.
The maintenance of the Museum’s accessibility conditions continues to be reinforced, applying preventive methodologies for anticipating possible deficiencies in its facilities. The educational dimension of the organisation with an ambitious vision of permanent inclusion. The methodological approach of educational and inclusive action focused on groups of people with a greater risk of exclusion, especially people with disabilities stands out.
The organization’s ambition to better understand the customer’s perception through the different channels of study and methodologies applied.
Comprehensive safety of our facilities
The Museum has had the UNE EN ISO 22320 certification for Emergency Management since 2019, making it the first Spanish museum to have ever obtained it.
In order to guarantee maximum safety, the Museum has a security department, made up of the Security Director, Security Supervisor, Control Centre Operators, Security Officers and Exhibition Room Assistants, in charge of the protection of the Collection, the facilities, our professionals and the visitors from any incident including fire, theft, intrusion, vandalism, etc.

To carry it out, the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza is equipped with the appropriate technical means, including presence detection systems, CCTV, access control, control of opening of doors, fire detection system and fire extinguishing systems, among others.
Especially noteworthy has been the work carried out by the security officers and room assistants to guarantee strict compliance with the COVID protocols, the safety of visitors and employees in the exhibition rooms and in all spaces open to the public.