psychedelic trance guide
Trance Fashion
the collection of all fashion specials inside mushroom magazine
Titania Design
Vegetable Trance Fashion Titania Design is a Swedish alternative fashion label with roots in the Psy Trance scene. The label was established seven years ago by Linda Ljungberg, who does everything from design to sales and administration. Titania Design brings out a new collection every year in connection with the European Psy Trance festivals in the Summer. This year’s tour included Antaris Project, Fullmoon Festival and Vuuv in Germany. You can also find Titania‘s creations at the onlineshop www.titaniadesign.com. The beautiful website is made by Amrit, L.I.S.A. The last collection was produced in Nepal and includes among other materials organic hemp and organic cotton. It also contains what has become characteristic for Titania Design: vegetable leather, an alternative to animal leather. Other typical elements in the clothes and accessories from Titania Design are beautiful stones and beads, embroideries, dragonflies and patchworks that together make every piece of design unique. The name Titania comes from Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and is the name of the fairy queen. It is also the name of the largest moon of Uranus, that once was so hot it was liquid. www.titaniadesign.com
fashion from Berlin made with love
Check out 8 shops in Berlin and the website www.chapati.de
Kräftige, satte Farben und pfiffige, mit den Formen des menschlichen Körpers spielende Schnitte: So setzt das Berliner Label Chapati auffällig warme und bunte Akzente im unterkühlten Grau des Alltags und erinnert uns in dieser Funktion an die unbeschwerte Herzlichkeit, die wir anstatt distanzierter Bezugslosigkeit teilen könnten. Mit dem Anspruch von „intelligenter Mode für Individualisten, mit der sowohl der aktuelle Zeitgeist getroffen, als auch die persönliche Note des Einzelnen unterstrichen wird“ ist Chapati bereits seit 1997 aktiv. Die Kleider sind indes nicht nur ein Vergnügen für die Betrachter derselben: Die eleganten
Baumwoll- Viskose- Stoffe der aktuellen Kollektion etwa gleiten auf der Haut hinab wie ein warmer Sommerregen. Neben dem klassischen Chapati Design steht beim Sublabel Saphira Night die mystische Eroberung der Nacht im Vordergrund und Alltag Berlin schlägt den Spagat zwischen sportlicher Ungezwungenheit und eleganter Exotik. Apropos Berlin: In der deutschen Hauptstadt gibt es gleich 8-mal die Möglichkeit, die Welten von Chapati buchstäblich hautnah zu erleben! Strong, lush colours and smart cuts, cheerfully playing with the shapes of the human body: This is the way in which Berlin based label Chapati sets warm and colourful accents in the middle
of gloomy everyday life and therefore reminds us the carefree warmth in which we could interact with each other instead of reserved anonymity. Pursuing the approach of “intelligent fashion for individualists, matching the recent zeitgeist as well as underlining the personal note of every human”, Chapati is on the go since already 1997. Their cloths are not only a pleasure for those watching them: For example the elegant cotton- viscose materials of the newest collection glide down one’s skin like a tender, warm summer rain. Beside the classical Chapati Design label, Saphira Nights represents
a sublabel dedicated to the mystical conquest of the night and Alltag Berlin performs the balancing act between sporty casualness and exotic elegance. Apropos Berlin: The German capital offers even 8 possibilities for getting literally in touch with the worlds of Chapati! www.chapati.de Roberdo
Ajna Organic inspired by nature
pics and clothes by Ajna Organic
Producing since 2004, Germanybased design label Ajna made itself a name by its “triple feel-good philosophy”: First, it feels really good to look at the understated elegance of their clothing. Second, it is simply a good feeling on the skin when wearing Ajna’s clothes. And third, it also feels good at heart to wear these clothes because they have been produced 100% ecologically. To make sure that
this crucial component of their philosophy is really put to practice, Ajna relies on the Global Organic Textile Standard, a seal of quality given by a renowned international organization that monitors the production from the growth of the cotton to the sewing of the clothes. Apropos Clothes: Ajna just released a new series, especially for children. Featuring earthy colours, it represents an exciting new way to dress also
the offspring in a magnificently alternative style. www.ajna-design.com Roberdo
clothing for the alienated Schon seit den frühen 90ern vertreibt Guapo psychedelische Mode, ohne jedoch ein eigenes Label zu betreiben. Nachdem dies anfangs durch Shops auf Festivals geschah, verlegte Guapo seinen Verkauf 1998 ins Internet, um noch mehr Freaks bei der Modesuche behilflich zu sein. Das erste, was man auf der Webseite bemerkt, ist ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit und dass sie sowohl für Einzel- als auch für Großhandelskunden zeitgemäße Sicherheit und Datenschutz bietet. Bei über 800 Artikeln wird man überraschend einfach fündig, seien es nun spacige Goa Sachen oder urban inspirierte Streetwear. Im Sommer wird eine neue Reihe hinzukommen, die sich auf natürliche Materialien und Erdtöne konzentriert. Mit einer so großen Auswahl ist die Seite wohl ein Lesezeichen wert. Guapo vertritt hohe Standards, sowohl was die Qualität der Artikel angeht als auch die Abwicklung von Bestellvorgängen. Auch nach 12 Jahren und tausend zufriedener Kunden stehen bei Guapo die Menschen und der Planet nach wie vor im Vordergrund.
While not a clothing label, Guapo has still always been at the front line, selling psychedelic fashion since the early 90‘s. Originally selling at festivals in Europe, Guapo moved the store online in 1998 to help more freaks to find fashion. The first thing you notice is that the store is easy to use and offers secure, private shopping for wholesale and retail customers. With over 800 items for sale, it‘s surprisingly easy to find what you want, from flashy Goa styles to dark, urban inspired street wear. According to the owners, new ranges will be added to the store during the summer that focus on natural materials and earthy tones. With so many styles to choose from, it‘s a good site to bookmark and return to when you need something to dress. The team at Guapo holds itself to high standards, both concerning the quality of what it sells and the way they handle orders from their customers. 12 years of experience and thousands of happy customers later, people and the planet still are the paramount for Guapo. www.guapo.net
DAY AFTER TOMORROW Kati Mischa Natalie
technoid party
Alex shirt: Plazmalab pants: Psylo Kati shirt: Krakatau west: Flower Of Life skirt: VedaWear Mischa shirt: Plazmalab pants: AYYA Wear Natalie dress: Chenaski bag: Omega leggins: Luna
Alex west pant
Kati shirt rock
Olga shirt rock
Mr. DJ mask: Krakatau jacket: Flower Of Life pants: Fraggle Tribe
Misc jack shirt pant
Olga jacket: Turbo Wear dress: Plazmalab bag: Chenaski
Mr. mas shirt pant
the mushroom fashion special
Mr. DJ
drug dealers
a t: Krakatau k: Flower Of Life
cha ket: Fraggle Tribe t: Flower Of Life ts: AYYA Wear
DJ sk: Krakatau t: Plazmalab ts: Psylo
The virus had extinguished mankind almost entirely. The few, who had survived that tragic laboratory accident, had to struggle with the heavily contaminated air. Civilization had split into two camps: The Technoids did not care about anything any more, being convinced by the end approaching, they used every technology for their desperate search for the ultimate, the final kick; regardless of losses. Compared with them, the Naturals had withdrawn from all achievements of modern society after that fatal laboratory accident and searched for unity with nature. During their strange, mystic rituals and worried cleanup operations they had discovered that the air was not poisoned any more…
x t: Flower Of Life ts: Psylo
i t: Plazmalab k: VedaWear
Der Virus hatte beinahe die gesamte Menschheit ausgelöscht. Den wenigen, die jenes tragische Laborunglück überlebt hatten, setzte die versuchte Luft schwer zu. Die Zivilisation war in zwei Teile zersplittert: Den Technoids war fortan alles egal, überzeugt vom baldigen Ende nutzten sie alle Technologien für die verzweifelt- exzessive Suche nach dem ultimativen, dem endgültigen Glück, ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste. Die Naturals hingegen hatten sich nach jenem verhängnisvollen Laborunfall von den Errungenschaften der Zivilisation abgekehrt und suchten die Verbindung mit der Natur. Während ihrer merkwürdigen, mystischen Rituale und besorgten Aufräumarbeiten hatten sie entdeckt, dass die Luft nicht mehr vergiftet war…
Kati Alex
Mr. DJ
Olga top: VedaWear skirt: FraggleTribe leggins: Luna
THANKS TO THE FASHION LABELS FOR THE SUPPORT www.fraggletribe.com www.plazmalab.com www.krakatau.ru www.omeebashop.com luna-design.com www.vedawear.com www.psylofashion.com www.ayyawear.com www.chenaski.de www.bit.ly/flowers-of-life
Olga dress: Chenaski Mr. DJ shirt: Chenaski pants: Ayya Wear
»I have seen weird people«
Natalie dress: Fraggle Tribe leggins: VedaWear
Mr. DJ
Natalie Kati
Natalie dress: Fraggle Tribe leggins: VedaWear Mischa west: Flower of life shirt: Flower of life pants: Flower of life Kati top: Fraggle Tribe dress: Luna bag: Omeeba Alex: jacket: Flower of life shirt: Flower of life pants: Flower of life
Olga coat top: Fraggle Tribe dress: Luna bag: Omeeba
cleaning the techno trash
Mischa Kati Olga Natalie top: Omeeba hoodie Shirt: Luna skirt: VedaWear Kati top: Luna skirt: VedaWear leggins: Omeeba Mischa shirt: Flower Of Life pants: Flower Of Life Olga top: Omeeba skirt: VedaWear bag: Fraggle Tribe leggins: VedaWear
the after clean party
vest and top by Veda www.vedawear.com skirt by Fraggletribe www.fraggletribe.com
top and skirt by Veda www.vedawear.com leggins by Omeeba www.omeebashop.com
top by Psylo
gauntlets by Luna www.luna-design.com wrap skirt by Fraggletribe www.fraggletribe.com leggins by Veda www.vedawear.com
Passend zur warmen Jahreszeit, in der sich das Leben deutlich weniger in den eigenen vier Wänden und dafür deutlich mehr unter freiem Himmel abspielt, präsentieren wir euch ein neues Fashion Special! Mit viel Liebe zum Detail sind auch diesmal wieder einige sehr spannende Kollektionen dabei, welche die vielfältige Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit unserer Szene buchstäblich auf den Leib schneidern und somit eine anregende Abwechslung für die Augen bieten. So wie all die verschiedenen Produzenten, DJs und Dekorationskünstler sind auch die Modelabels Teil des kreativen Ausdrucks unserer Szene. Ihre Arbeit steht einerseits weit weniger im Rampenlicht als die der anderen Künstler, andererseits sind gerade sie dafür verantwortlich, dass die Menschen unserer Szene so interessant und erfrischend anders aussehen. In diesem Sinne wünschen wir euch nun ganz viel Spaß beim schöne Sachen gucken!
SPECIAL Suitable for the warm season, in which life takes place less inside the houses but more under the open sky, we present you a new Fashion Special! With lots of love for the details there are quite some interesting collections included again which transform the varied beauty and uniqueness of our scene right onto our bodies and deliver an entertaining variation for our eyes in this way. Just like all the different producers, DJs and decoration artists, also the fashion labels are part of the creative expression of our scene. One the one hand their work is much less in the limelight then that of the other artists, on the other hand they are actually responsible for the fact that the people of our scene look that interesting and refreshing different. With this in mind we wish you lots of joy with looking at some beautiful things now!
hoodie by Lu www.luna-desina gn
hoodie by Lu www.luna-desina gn
hoodie by Alice D.
top by Fraggletribe www.fraggletribe.com wrap skirt by Veda www.vedawear.com leggins by Luna www.luna-design.com legwarmers by Luna www.luna-design.com
e vest and top by Fraggletrib www.fraggletribe.com pants by Psylo www.psylofashion.com
t jacket by Vaisto dress with sleeves and shor.vaisto-instinct.com www
jacket an DY d pants by www.frag Fraggletribe gletribe.c om
a vestand top by Ved om www.vedawear.c be etri ggl Fra by skirt e.com www.fraggletrib
jacket and leggin www.omeebashos by Omeeba top and skirt by p.com www.vedawear.cVeda om
BU DDY: Kantasou
jacket by e www.kantasou.d pants by Ayya om www.ayyawear.c bag by 360 Grad fhaus.de www.taschenkau
hoodie by Hexagon www.hexagon-hgn.com
top by Public Beta www.publicbeta.eu pants by Fraggletribe www.fraggletribe.com glasses and cyberhand www.cryoflesh.com
Psylofashion Freedom of expression PSYLO has been growing from strength to strength for the last ten years. Their design team based in Bali has been bringing new exciting collections for men and women twice a year expressing a truly unique style. Psylo factor is quirky and edgy on one side and smart and sporty on the other. All garments are hand-crafted and symbolise the love of life and individual freedom of expression. It‘s all about unique prints, strong accents, edgy cuts and natural fabrics. It‘s no clothing for weak personalities. Wearing Psylo requires strong attitude. It is both an unforgettable experience and stating a dynamic approach to life. Psylo is about enjoying every second of a day to the full. The brand DNA originates in music and club culture but throughout years the Psylos have been developing into a street-wear niche with punk and ethnic accents. Psylo clothing can be purchased worldwide from independent retailers or in the Psylo online shop. All wholesale enquiries should be directed to the London based office. The new Winter collection 2010 can be experienced during the London Edge fashion trade show between 5th - 7th of September. www.psylofashion.com Olga Leoniak
photos by Laura styling by Cloudy Sky
jacket and skirt by pygmees
tunic skirt by Magick Wear
mushroom2008-06.indd 4
04.06.2008 11:10:22 Uhr
Unsere psychedelische Kultur hat viele Ausdrucksformen. Neben Musik, Deko und Bodyart ist Kleidung ein wichtiges Element, dem sich viele Underground Designer verschrieben haben. War Trancemode in der Vergangenheit noch ein bunter Einheitsbrei, diversifiziert sich der Stil nun in verschiedenste Richtungen. Hip, chic, cool, sexy oder gleich alles auf einmal. Wir werfen in unserem diesmaligen Modespecial speziell einen Blick in den Kleiderschrank der ehemaligen Elfinnen, denn auch Fabelwesen entwickeln sich weiter... Our psychedelic culture has many different forms of expression. Besides music, deco and bodyart, clothing is an important element which many designers are choosing to explore. If some claim Trance fashion was a Technicolor unity blend in the past years, today this look has diversified into wildly different directions. Hip, chic, cool, sexy and also everything combined. In our current fashion special we take a peek inside the closets of the Elves of the past, as mythical creatures of course also undergo an evolution....
tunic skirt (left) and dress (right) by Magick Wear
mushroom2008-06.indd 5
04.06.2008 11:10:23 Uhr
dress by Veda - hood by Luna
top and skirt by Veda
mushroom2008-06.indd 6
top and handwarmers by Omeeba
04.06.2008 11:10:26 Uhr
mushroom2008-06.indd 7
04.06.2008 11:10:30 Uhr
top by Psylo
mushroom2008-06.indd 8
Psylo Fashion: www.psylo.uk.com Veda Wear: www.vedawear.com Lune Design: www.luna-design.dk Omeeba: www.omeebashop.com Magick Wear: www.magickwear.de Pygmees: www.pygmees.eu www.dresscode-avenue.com
sweatshirt by
ts by Veda and brown pan Mel (left): red top olive top and skirt by Psylo t): fron ht (rig Cloudy
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04.06.2008 11:10:37 Uhr