HEMP FIVE 2013/2014 Shop Edition

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Edition #1 • Print run 3 • January 2014

s ers • Bong iz r o p a V • Equipment t-Products r w a o r m G S • • s a d li a See -Paraphern g in k o m S PLUS: Books • Howard Marks • Jamaika Mike presented by Steve Stoned • Movies • Grow Workshop ...and much more to get high !








WELCOME IMPRESSUM Publishing Company FORMAT Promotion GmbH Holstenstraße 103, 22767 Hamburg Germany HRB 98417 Hamburg fon: +49 40 398417-0 fax: +49 40 398417-50 info@hemp-five.com www.hemp-five.com Publisher Matthias van den Nieuwendijk (V.i.S.d.P.) Editorial Team Roberdo Raval, Uwe Scholz Matthias van den Nieuwendijk Further Editors Danny Cannabis Geek, Lucilia Jürs Layout Mat Mushroom, Patrizia Hernacki Backoffice Nicole Jesse, Lucilia Jürs Distribution „Lenny“ Groß & Team Hemp Five Illustrations Steve Stoned Adverts Mat Mushroom (+49 40 398417-31) Distribution Trade fair distribution: mushroom magazine and Freshflyer World/Post: mushroom magazine via DPD & FedEx parcel services via a lot of head- / grow- and online shops. Subscription via mushroom magazine Abo / Subscription www.mushroom-magazine.com/shop Disclaimer With the information and opinions printed in the HEMP FIVE magazine we explicitly do not appeal for abusing illegal or illegal drugs! Namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel geben die Meinung des jeweiligen Verfassers wieder, nicht unbedingt die des Herausgebers oder der Redaktion. Ein Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung es Verlages möglich. Wir rufen mit den im HEMP FIVE Magazine abgedruckten Infos und Meinungen ausdrücklich nicht zum Missbrauch von illegalen oder legalen Drogen auf!



to the first edition of HEMP FIVE HEMP FIVE, these are the charismatic freaks on the cover of the booklet. Five friends, who couldn‘t be more different, but who are connected by one thing: The love for Cannabis Culture.

HEMP FIVE, das sind die charismatischen Freaks auf der Titelseite des Heftes. Fünf Freunde die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, aber die trotzdem eines Verbindet: Die Liebe zur Hanfkultur.

HEMP FIVE is also the name of this magazine, our comic characters will guide you through. Each of them you will meet in many places of the magazine to get to know and love them, because from their personal point of view these five would like to introduce a lot of things and people to you, who are part of our Hemp Community or who are appreciated by it. Here we would like to mix information with entertainment to create a new reading experience.

HEMP FIVE, so heisst auch dieses Magazin, durch das Dich unsere Comic Charaktere leiten werden. Du wirst jeden Einzelnen an vielen Stellen im Heft kennen- und lieben lernen, denn die Fünf möchten Dir aus ihrer ganz persönlichen Sicht viele neue Dinge und Leute vorstellen, die unserer Hemp Community entstammen oder von ihr wertgeschätzt werden. Hierbei möchten wir Infos mit Entertainment mischen, um ein neues Leseerlebnis zu kreieren.

From now on HEMP FIVE will appears 3 times a year beside this pilot edition (spring, late summer, winter) with 30.000 copies which we will send to many, many shops in Central Europe, accompanied by several satellite editions which we will distribute at European hemp trade fairs. More info you find at www.hemp-five.com.

HEMP FIVE erscheint ausgenommen dieser Pilotausgabe dreimal pro Jahr (Frühjahr, Spätsommer und Herbst). 30.000 Hefte gehen an viele, viele Head, Grow- und Online Shops, sowie an Messen in Zentraleuropa (Cultiva in Wien, Cannafest in Prag, Cannatrade in der Schweiz) und an Festivals.Mehr Info gibt‘s auf www.hemp-five.com

HEMP FIVE is presented and produced by the mushroom magazine, the leading magazine for psychedelic trance music and culture for almost 20 years.

HEMP FIVE wird präsentiert und produziert vom mushroom magazine, seit fast 20 Jahren das führende Magazin für Psychedelic Trance Musik und Kultur.

We hope you enjoy reading this first issue of HEMP FIVE! And if you like it please like us at www.facebook.com/hempfive or visit hemp-five.com

Wir wünschen Dir viel Spaß beim Lesen von HEMP FIVE. Achja, wenn Du unser Heft magst, LIKE uns doch einfach mal auf www.facebook.com/hempfive or visit hemp-five.com

Your HEMP FIVE Crew !

Deine HEMP FIVE Crew !



They love life. They give a shit about the establishment. They are dropouts and freaks. They are like you and me. They are the Hemp Five! What keeps them together is their deep friendship and their mutual love for hemp. In this magazine they share with you the all the sweet discoveries they make during the ongoing adventure of their everyday life. Sie lieben das Leben, aber scheren sich nicht um die goldene Mitte. Sie sind Dropouts und Freaks – wie du und ich. Ihre Freundschaft schweisst sie zusammen.

Bob Ganja The Grow Guy

Eddy Pot The Dealer


Hello brothers and sisters! Good to see that you escaped from all the Babylon shit going on out there and got some quality time with us Hemp Five people! My name is Bob Ganja. My religion? Rastafari! At home I created my own little Zion and believe me – it’s a very green and peaceful place… I dedicate my life to the cultivation of hemp and I’m proud to tell you that I managed to create some really strong and potent plants. They are my little babies, first thing in the morning is looking at them, I really think they have a soul. Even if there are other good explanations – I think that is why no hemp plant has the exact same effect as another. They got character, just as we!

Hallo Brüder und Schwestern. Gut, dass ihr dem Babylondreck da draussen entkommen seid und Zeit mit uns verbringen wollt. Mein Name ist Bob Ganja. Meine Religion Rastafari. Zuhause habe ich mein eigenes kleines Zion geschaffen. Ich habe mein Leben der Kultivierung des Hanf gewidmet und bin stolz sagen zu können, dass ich ein paar wirklich starke Pflanzen gezüchtet habe. Es sind meine kleinen Babys, jeden Morgen werfe ich zuallererst einen Blick auf sie und glaube fest, dass sie eine Seele haben.

Yo, what’s up? Ma name’s Eddy Pot and if you need any of them sweet highs just ask me! I got them all, no matter what ya want. And I got the real shit, not like those other losers here in the hood sellin ya shoe soles as charas, man. Just watch out for my cap on the streets! I ain’t got no problem with no drug, can get them all, but for me there’s only one real thing: That sweet herb, the sacred plant of good ol’ Jamaica. Ain’t no drug actually but medicine! Makes me feel smooth like a piece of silk in da warm evening breeze… Ain’t getting high on that stuff, just all chilled out and easy. Peace, brothers ‘n sistas – See ya around!

Yo, was geht? Mein Name ist Eddy Pot und falls ihr ein paar richtig süsse Highs braucht, fragt mich. Ich hab‘ sie alle. Hab‘ den richtigen Stoff, verticke kein Charas aus Schuhsohlen. Ich hab‘ kein Problem mit Drogen, aber aber am liebsten mag ich das süsse Kraut, die heilige Pflanze des guten alten Jamaika. Is‘ ja auch nicht echt ‚ne Drogen, sondern Medizin. Fühle mich mit ihr weich wie ein Stück Seide in der warmen Abendbrise. Werde nicht breit, nur gechillt, Peace.


Mary Jane The Party Girl

Psyko Heiko The Psychedelic Guy

Jeevana The Therapist


Wow, what a night… sorry folks, almost overslept. My name is Mary Jane and yeah, I confess: I’m the party girl of the Hemp Five! Somebody got to do the job, you know. And there’s just so much good party out there! I don’t need any drugs to have a long night but I’ll definitely have a J or two. Hemp is really great, not only when you smoke or eat it. I also really like all the cosmetic effects it has, today there are some really good shampoos, crèmes and oils that give you a look that is just as smooth and natural as the feeling of having a smoke. The same goes for the feeling of hemp clothes on my skin – have you ever tried some?

Wow, was für‘ne Nacht, sorry Leute, ha‘ fast verschlafen. Mein Name ist Mary Jane und, ja, ich bekenne, ich bin das Partygirl der Hemp Five! Jemand muss das ja machen. Und hier sind echt ne Menge gute Partys. Da brauche ich auch keine Drogen, nur bestimmt ein, zwei Tüten. Hanf ist wirklich toll, nicht bloss wenn du es rauchst oder isst. Besonders als Kosmetik finde ich Hanf super. Gibt meiner Haut genau die gleiche Weichheit, die mich eine Tüte fühlen lässt.

If life was a book those who don’t travel would read only one page! I’m Psyko Heiko and that’s one of my favourite quotes. Well, I would probably say: Those who don’t trip...! But in the end that’s just the same thing as a trip is a journey to the inner worlds. Instead of trains or airplanes you just have to use psychedelic substances to arrive at these exotic places. I’ve seen many of them and if there is a new destination or a new mode of transportation I’m eager to try it out! The best place to do so is party because that’s where you get the full Technicolor freak show… the perfect setting, I love it!

Wäre das Leben ein Buch, dann würden die Nicht-Reisenden nur eine Seite lesen. Ich bin Psyko Heiko und das ist eines meiner Lieblingszitate: Also, ich würde vielleicht sagen, diejenigen, die nicht trippen, aber letztlich ist ein Trip wie eine Reise, nur eine zu inneren Welten. Statt Zügen und Flugzeugen nimmst du halt psychedelische Sachen, um an exotischen Plätzen anzukommen. Ich habe so einige gesehen, und falls es ein neues Ziel oder eine neue Transportmethode gibt, will ich sie auszuprobieren.

Hi there, I’m Jeevana. The other Hemp Five guys sometimes call me a little square - Just because I got a “serious” job as a physiotherapist and personal trainer. Between you and me, they are just a little jealous because I can afford going to India every winter where I attend yoga and meditation seminars. At the latest when I return with a beautiful chillum and we smoke it all together it’s always a great time. Cannabis is a wonderful remedy and a very old one, so I’m really happy to see that it is getting liberalized or even legalized in more and more countries at the moment. Anyway, have a great time – Namaste!

Moin, ich bin Jeevana! Die anderen von Hemp Five nennen mich abundan bürgerlich...aber ich habe halt eine feste Arbeit als Physiotherapeutin und persönlichen Trainer. Nur unter uns, die sind bloss eifersüchtig, denn ich kann es ir leisten jeden Winter nach Indien zu fahren, um meine Yoga und Meditationskurse zu besuchen. Spätestens wenn ich wieder zurückkehre und wir ein fettes Chillum zusammen geraucht haben, ist alles wieder gut. Namaste!



Howard Marks

The fine art of smuggling

Back in the 70s Howard Marks moved marihuana supplies sometimes as big as 30 tons, working together with the CIA, IRA, MI6 and countless other state, criminal and paramilitary organizations. A chat with the man who is best known under his synonym “Mr. Nice”.

Now that’s what I call a badass dealer: Mr. Nice played da ganja game like a boss, moving his stash in containers, not in lil bags... This dude is a legend, my mentor when it comes to smugglin! What‘s the most common reason for a smuggling operation being blown? Almost without exception, smuggling operations, even those (perhaps especially those) that have been carefully prepared, go wrong as a result of those involved talking to other people about the intended scam or being careless in their use of telephone calls and emails. Good preparation vs. sheer luck - what‘s the perfect ratio for a smuggler? One needs luck, for sure, to limit the random unforeseen events that inevitably occur. Good preparation is essential, too, but most good smugglers are good because they have a knack of winging it when the unexpected happens. Marihuana is known to have a very strong smell, easily detectable by dogs. Is it actually possible to suppress it when it comes to bigger amounts? Yes, one can always pack it in airtight metal tins. To be really careful, put the marijuana in a tin, seal it, then cover it with thick

Howard Marks • pic: Edition Steffan

HOWARD MARKS layers of grease or fat, and put into a larger tin. Fill the space between the two tins with more grease, and seal the outside tin. Finally wash down the outside of the outer tin in a room where there is not a trace of marijuana. Get and train your own sniffer dog as a final test. Speaking about bigger amounts: Is it actually true that those are shipped in containers, just like any other oversea goods? Is hiding still an issue in this quantity? Yes of course big amounts are shipped in containers the same as any other commodity. Sometimes hiding is necessary or at least advisable. It depends on the particular port and the scanners used when loading or unloading. You are often referred to as the „king of daringness“ - Have you always been daring or did you learn it during your career? I wasn’t always daring. I think I learnt it during my career, but once you decide to go for it, surrender to that feeling, and really go for it. The most ridiculous urban legend when it comes to smuggling marihuana? I don’t know if there are any what I would call “urban legends” – stories that are propagated as truth but aren’t in the marijuana smuggling business. There are, of course, plenty of tales of people smuggling all kinds of drugs when they didn’t realise they were doing so. I suspect some of those might well have grown into urban legends.


HOWARD MARKS Die hohe Kunst des Schmuggelns In den 70ern schlug Howard Marks manchmal bis zu 30 Tonnen Marihuana um, dabei arbeitete er mit der CIA, IRA, dem MI6 und zahllosen anderen staatlichen wie kriminellen und paramilitärischen Organisationen zusammen. Ein kurzes Gespräch mit dem Mann, am häufigsten bekannt unter dem Pseudonym “Mr. Nice”. Was ist die häufigste Ursache für Auffliegen einer Schmuggelaktion? Fast ohne Ausnahme gehen sogar Schmuggelaktionen, die besonders sorgfältig geplant wurden (vielleicht gerade diese) schief, weil die Beteiligten mit andere Leuten über den geplanten Coup reden oder weil sie Telefone und Emails sorglos nutzen. Gute Vorbereitung/pures Glück – was ist das perfekte Verhältnis für Schmuggler? Man braucht sicherlich Glück, um zufällige, unvorhergesehene Ereignisse, die unausweichlich passieren einzuschränken. Gute Vorbereitung ist essentiell, aber für die meisten guten Schmuggler haben den Dreh, auch mit dem Unerwarteten umzugehen. Marihuana ist dafür einen sehr starken Geruch bekannt, leicht aufzuspüren von Hunden. Kann man diesen Geruch bei grossen Mengen tatsächlich unterdrücken? Ja. Um ganz sorgfältig zu sein, packe das Marihuana in eine luftdichte metallne Dose, versiegele diese, bedecke diese dick mit Schmiere oder Fett und tue diese in eine grössere Dose, zwischen die beiden Dosen noch mehr Schmiere und versiegeln. Zum Schluss, die Außenseite der äußeren Dose in einem Raum abwaschen, der drogenfrei ist. Trainiere deinen eigenen Drogenspürhund als letzten Test.

Da wir von grösseren Mengen sprechen: Stimmt es wirklich, dass diese wie andere Überseegüter in Containern verschickt werden? Ist Verstecken bei solchen Mengen noch ein Thema? Na klar werden grosse Mengen in Containern verschickt - genau wie andere Handelsgüter. Manchmal ist Verstecken notwendig oder zumindest anzuraten. Es kommt auf den Hafen und die dortigen Scanner an. Du wirst oftmals als der ‚König des Wagnis‘ bezeichnet – warst Du stets wagemutig oder hast Du das während Deiner Karriere gelernt? Ich war nicht immer wagemutig. Ich habe das während meiner Karriere gelernt. Sobald man sich entschieden hat, muss man es eben voll durchziehen. Was ist der abwegigste städtische Mythos über den Marihuanaschmuggel? Ich weiss nicht, ob es solche städtischen Mythen gibt – es werden Geschichten als Wahrheit ausgegeben, die im Marihuanaschmuggelgeschäft keine sind. Es gibt sicherlich jede Menge Geschichten über Leute, die alles mögliche an Drogen schmuggelten, ohne dass ihnen das bewusst war. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, einige davon wurden zu städtischen Mythen.



Living the dream of many, Mike moved to Jamaica to live a life full of easiness and sunshine. Desperately looking for jobs, he got into the smuggling business and soon lived a life full of money and danger – the world of narco traffic. A chat with Jamaika Mike, a German ex-smuggler of big amounts of cocaine. Actually where does organized crime begin? Talking about hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, speed, etc. I think we could start talking about organized crime when somebody is selling 1 kilo or more per month. Of course, this is still a completely different dimension than those cartels operating in South America with their distributors in Europe and North America, but there are quite some people involved already. Talking about hash or grass I think this amount is considerably higher. When I used to be into narco traffic, it was a completely different league with completely different amounts. Today it’s held to be a matter of fact that the governments of the entire American continent are actively involved in narco traffic. Did you actually witness that yourself? I never witnessed a particular situation but I knew from reliable sources that the CIA was eager to find high-class cocaine in South America and to establish good ways of transportation to the United States. They did not want to confiscate it or to bust the smugglers – no, they wanted to make money

with it. Also the DEA is actively involved into narco traffic and it’s astonishing to see how this anti-drug organization is doing drug smuggling as a source of income. What do you think: Is “Breaking Bad” a realistic TV series? Honestly I’ve never seen this series but I was told what it is about. Well, synthetic drugs can really be created in any caravan‘s kitchen. It’s interesting to see

What an un-fuckingbelievable story. Sounds like XL-Trenchtown shit, good thing I do business here in Europe. that the German government is reacting to this fact with a new law: They want to be able to legally forbid new synthetic drugs faster than within 2 years, a period of time that is still kind of normal for the prohibition of a substance. The new law is currently prepared. You left the business quite some time ago. Has it changed in the meantime, do you still have an overview? The routes are actually well-established structures, at least

Jamaika Mika

JAMAIKA MIKE when we talk about the stuff coming from South America to the United States. This route is mainly a water route. The territorial waters of Cuba are very important because smugglers know exactly that they will never encounter a US-American coast guard in this 12-mile zone. Maybe there is more and more technology, like mini submarines or stealth speedboats but the routes are still the same, more or less. What changes is the way in which drugs are smuggled. Once a method has been busted by the police the drug barons will find new ways to deliver the drug to their markets.

11 organize a network of smugglers without causing too much risk. So if these persons are found and they do a good job, they get so valuable for a drug cartel that it seems impossible for them to just leave and go home. However, as I wrote in my book, there are exit strategies, ways to get away from the organization and to retire with the money one has earned. It’s not an easy option though, as you can read… www. jamaika-mike.de

Is there really so much murder going on around the drug cartels?

Speaking of disloyalty… You had problems yourself leaving the business. Is there an exit strategy for smugglers or is this a one-way street? It always used to be difficult for the cartels to find trustworthy persons who can establish and

Jamaika-Mike Ganja, Koks & Karibikträume written by Michael Weigelt 260 pages / german ISBN: 978-3-923838-66-0 www.jamaika-mike.de

pic: Fotolia

At least what happens in South America is really scary. Paul, the Jamaican boss I wrote about in my book went to Bogota and Cali in the early 90s. Seriously, he was as cool as ice but he would not have returned for all the money in the world. He saw 2 people die directly in front of his eyes during the few days he spent in Columbia to negotiate with the local cartels. It’s true what they say: A human life isn’t worth much over there. Europe or even Jamaica are a little better, it’s a little more relaxed. However, disloyalty is never a good idea when it comes to narco traffic.

Mike hat das getan, wovon viele träumen: Auswandern nach Jamaika. Dann ist ihm aber das passiert, was viele fürchten: Keine Knete mehr. In dieser Situation rutschte der Deutsche ins Schmuggelgeschäft mit Kokain. Die Routen waren in etwa die selben wie heute. So gilt das Hoheitsgewässer von Cuba nach wie vor als sehr interessant für Drogentransporte von Südnach Nordamerika, denn hier muss niemand mit einer US-Patrouille rechnen. Mike wusste schon damals aus verlässlichen Quellen, dass sowohl CIA als auch DEA aktiv am Koksgeschäft im großen Stil beteiligt waren. Was er sonst noch so erlebt hat, darüber erstattet der Ex-Schmuggler in seinem Buch „Jamaika Mike“ ausführlich Bericht.



Homegrow Fantaseeds

Award winning seeds since 1997

Homegrown Cheese

Jaap, the owner and driving force behind Homegrown Fantaseeds early on started breeding projects with outstanding genetics available in 1997 much of which came from Positronics and their own weed growers from the coffee shop. Today they offer a large choice of Indica and Sativa strains and a numerous award winning Hybrids Seeds collection based on 80‘s and 90‘s classic gene pool combined with popular genetics. In recent years they focused on auto-flowering powerful varieties of strains releasing the Homegrown Lowryder and a very much powered auto-flowering

Northern Lights. Some recently released and immediately very popular hybrids are the Cheese A.C. Diesel, a NYC Diesel strain crossed with their biggest flowering strain, the Big Bud; Amazing Haze, a cross of the famous Amnesia Haze with their classic Caramella; the Mango, the Top 44, the Armageddon... they will continue experimenting within their ever expanding gene pool, offering the healthiest seeds that you desire: tasty and potent buds. homegrown-fantaseeds.com

You want your own little homegrown Zion, you have to have a reliable seeds source. No good seeds, no Zion, no sweet amnesia, peace. peace. Jaap, der Besitzer von Homegrown Fantaseeds begann schon 1997 Zuchtprojekte mit herausragender Genetik. Viel davon stammte von Positronics‘ eigenen Grasanbauern des Coffeeshops. Heute bieten sie eine grosse Auswahl an Indica- und SativaStämmen sowie zahlreiche preisgekrönte Hybridkeime, basierend auf dem klassischen Genpool der 80er und 90er, kombiniert mit populärer Sorten an. In den letzten Jahren konzentrieren sie sich auf das Selbstbefruchten von kräftigen Sorten und brachten den Homegrown Lowryder sowie eine sehr potente Northern Lights heraus. Einige neue und sofort sehr populäre Hybride sind die Cheese A.C. Diesel, ein NYC Diesel Stamm gekreuzt mit ihrem grössten Blütenstamm, die Big Bud; Amazing Haze, einer Kreuzung aus der berühmten Amnesia Haze mit ihrer klassischen Caramella; die Mango, die Top 44, die Armageddon...sie werden fortfahren mit dem stetig wachsenden Genpool zu experimentieren und dabei gesunde Samen für geschmackvolle und kräftige Pflanzen anzubieten.





Top 5 seeds Feminised seeds selected from high quality hybrids for their special properties. Discover their power and stability. These are their best:

If you ask me I would recommend these seeds.


A selection of Ak 47, has one of the highest THC’s. Becomes a small, compact and densely branched plant with plenty of THC buds. Excellent and productive plant, with a fresh fruit taste and long lasting psychoactive effects. Feminized 60% Sativa, 40% Indica; Production: 600gr; Indoor flowering: 60 days; Outdoor flowering: September


Two genetics (Northern Lights+Black Domina) resulting in an overwhelming hybrid. Features of a great Indica: delicious, dense and with abundant foliage, very appropriate to become a mother because of its fast growing. First, its flavour is sweet, but eventually turns out to acid. It has a relaxing and enjoyable effect. Can help relieve the effects of certain illnesses. Feminized 10% Sativa 90%, Indica; Production: 500 to 600gr; Indoor flowering: 50 to 55 days; Outdoor flowering: September.

Blue Pyramid

A hybrid on a Blueberry basis with the appearance of an Indica: very compact and full thick resin-soaked buds. Sweet taste with a touch of exotic fruits and an intense relaxing effect. Recommended for therapeutic uses. High temperatures should be avoided especially before harvest, this will allow its blue tones turning up. Feminized 20% Sativa, 80% Indica; Production: 600 gr; Indoor flowering: 50 to 55 days; Outdoor flowering: September

White Widow

One of the most famous strains in the world. Very productive, it can adapt itself to any cultivation system without trouble. It has a sweet taste, like candy. Auto Autoflowering: 100%; Size: 80 to 150 cm; Production: 550 gr; Indoor flowering: 7 weeks; Outdoor flowering: 55 days since seedling

Auto Purple

Our research for new strains allowed its development, a mix of Purple and Ruderalis. Delicious flavour of grape juice and berries and a sweet smell of black liquorice. Compact and purple colored plant. Auto Autoflowering: 100%; Size: 50 to 90 cm; Production: 500-550 gr; Indoor flowering: 8 weeks; Outdoor flowering: 67 days since seeding






The automatic cannabis revolution Autoflowering plants are conquering the seed market. Since the first hour Grass O Matic is among the leading figures of what could be described as “the automatic cannabis revolution”. Now the Spanish company got another exciting new project up its sleeve. Only few years ago autoflowering plants used to be rather unpopular because they were considered to produce only small yields, to have a low level of psychoactivity and a bitter, herbaceous taste. However, today it is more and more difficult to distinguish an autoflowering plant from a “normal” one – thanks to the passionate work of Grass O Matic. Constant selection, skilfull breeding and the latest innovations in technology enabled the company to create strains like Maxi Gom and Sugar Gom or, just recently, Maxi Haze. These plants have a level of psychoactivity and aroma that has barely ever been reached in other autoflowering ones. “Since 2005 we had several succesful projects,” Roberto from Grass O Matic explains. “But the venture we are most excitied about is Med Gom 1.0, the first autoflowering plant with a high level of Cannabidiol (CBD), created in collaboration with the CBD Crew. It’s a plant that is ready for harvest in only 60 days, it has a guaranteed minimum of THC and CBD as well as a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD.” Created as a plant that has high medical value and that is easy to grow, this new strain is highly

interesting for consumers who want to enjoy a relaxing effect while at the same time keep up a certain level of productivity, especially if they still have intellectual work to do or if they have a job in a social environment. Contrary to popular belief smoking CBD does not have a sedative effect. Rather it is a potent anxiolytic that modulates the high of the THC, it creates the feeling of a clear mind, stimulates the ability of concentration and memory and minimizes unpleasant side effects. The revolution has begun! www.grassomatic.com www.cbdcrew.org

As you know I am really keen on the latest developments. These Grass-o-matic guys‘ autoflowering plants seem all the rage. No sedative effect but allows me to retain a clear mind, good concentration and memory...hey, how good does it get? Grass O Matic treibt die “Automatic Cannabis Revolution” weiter voran. Die automatisch blühenden Sorten Maxi Gom, Sugar Gom und Maxi Haze lassen sich in puncto Geschmack und Wirkung nur noch schwer von “normalen” Pflanzen unterscheiden. Nun geht Med Gom 1.0 an den Start. In nur 60 Tagen ist es erntereif, hat einen garantieren THC- und Cannabidiol-Gehalt von 5-6% im Verhältnis 1:1. Das Cannabidiol minimiert die unangenehmen Nebenwirkungen und sorgt für einen klaren Kopf – perfekt für die therapeutische Anwendung!





The Adjust-A Wings Defender

Available in Europe for the first time, trusted high-quality - at a remarkably low price The Adjust-A Wings Defender combining high-end technology, esthetics and maximum features comes with an adjustable double parabole for perfectly focused illumination and special coatings providing an evenly diffused light. Its highly durable aluminium can be disassembled without tools. In addition, its titanium white polymer coating is extremely heat-resistant and easy to clean. Compared to the Avenger,

its reflection is slightly lower but the spread of light is better. It comes in 3 sizes from 150 to 1000 Watt: Small, Medium and Large (the last also offers dual lamps option). The new Defender lamp sockets are all CE certified and made from fire-proof polycarbonate, that allows for safe and insulated wiring of the electrical connections.

Defending my Zion, keeping my little babies spread in light, make them happy, makes me happy.


Der Adjust-A-Wings Defender - Erstmalig erhältlich in Europa,Gewohnt hohes Ergebnis - deutlich geringerer Preis Die Adjust-A-Wings Defender Reflektoren verbinden High End Technologie, Ästhetik und maximale Funktionalität. Die variable Doppel-Parabole ermöglicht eine optimal fokussierbare Ausleuchtung. Spezielle Beschichtungen sorgen für gleichmäßig diffuses Licht. Die minimal geringere Lichtreflexion im Vergleich zum Avenger wird durch eine erheblich bessere Lichtverteilung in der Ausleuchtungsfläche ausgeglichen und führt zu gleichen Wachstumsergebnissen. Die Defender Serie kommt in 3 Größen von 150 bis 1000 Watt: Small, Medium und Large (letztere hat auch dualen Lampenbetrieb). www.growin.de

HM Digital® and EC/Temp-Meter

While growing plants the exact determination of pH- and ECfigures is helpful for the yield either by way of the best possible supply of stalks, leafs and blossoms as for a stable overall climate. Substantial variations

of these figures almost always signal a problem with retained root or organic fertilizer residue inside the nutrient receptacle, considerable variations of temperature or too much evaporation. Such problems can be found out and improved with these little handy helpers – especially indoor. For more than 25 years HM Digital® has been producing precise gauges for a variety of applications. These can now be ordered from grow in AG which is offering a carefully selected assortment from low priced starter set to professional gadget.

Bei der Pflanzenzucht ist die genaue Ermittlung der pH- und EC-Werte für den Ertrag hilfreich sowohl für eine bestmögliche Versorgung von Stielen, Blättern und Blüten wie für ein stabiles Gesamtklima. Starke Schwankungen dieser Werte signalisieren beinahe stets ein Problem wie Wurzelreste oder organische Düngerrückstände im Nährstoffbehälter, starke Temperaturschwankungen oder zu hohe Verdunstung. Solches kann mit Hilfe der kleinen Helfer bemerkt und verbessert werden- zumal im sensiblen Indoorbereich.






Next Generation of LED-plant-lights

The name alone, AequatorLED, gets to me. Who would not like to recline in the sun at the Aequator doing some puffs of the all fantastic? I feel my plants will dig this AequatorLED – treatment just fine, and pay me back in kind, if you know what I mean. Treat them right, and they will treat you right. The AequatorLED, the first high-power LED powered by any 24V DC source (suitable for photovoltaics) due to optimized power source of the single LED colour wave lengths (410nm uv, 455nm blue, 625nm red, 660nm deep red) offers an efficiency of 97,5%, is extremely long lasting and produces a large yield and quality. Send an e-mail to sales@ aequator with subject ‚Hemp Five‘ and gain a 30 EUR discount. www.aequator.at Die AequatorLED, die erste High-Power LED mit 24V Betriebsspannung (Photovoltaiktauglich) erzielt dank optimierter Stromzufuhr der einzelnen LED-Farbreihen (410nm UV, 455nm blau, 625nm rot, 660nm tief-rot) einen Wirkungsgrad von 97,5 %, hat eine enorme Lebensdauer und erzielt einen hohen Ertrag und Qualität. Wer mit Betreff ‚Hemp Five‘ unter sales@aequator bestellt, bekommt 30€ Rabatt.



Grow Workshop What you should consider – From TheCannabisgeek.com

So, suppose you have decided to grow yourself, what do we need to grow our own? Here is a convenient single strategy from start to finish, with a few slight variations to help those on a budget or with specific grow space requirements.

You know, these days I might start to grow my own,starting from scratch, what I need is a plan like the one you have right there.

Growing Medium Legality

Check that you’re comfortable with the risk (if you live somewhere where it’s illegal), and ensure you know the local laws.

Rockwool propagation cubes are an excellent item for nurturing your plant through the early stages of growth. There are several sizes, with the idea being that you start with the smallest and add that to a bigger cube once the seedling has had 10-14 days to grow into the initial cube. Before use, it’s wise to soak the cubes in water for 24 hours to ensure they’re sufficiently moist and any ammonia has been released from the water.


One problem with seed banks is some may have poor quality control, and you might get old or degraded specimens, so ensure you start off on the right foot with the best possible genetics. I recommend buying feminised seeds, as this will save any hassle and wasted energy in growing males which then have to be destroyed.

The main thing to consider is headroom and the quantity of plants. Ensure that your tent is at least 1.5m tall, unless you are happy growing auto-flowering strains or want to use a sea of green or scrog method. For just a single plant you can get away with a 1m (L) x 0.75m (D) tent, but for 3-5 plants you might need that to be 1.5m (L) x 1m (D) x 1.5m (H).

Rockwool cubes

Grow Tent

Hydroponic System

Though this depends on how many plants you wish to grow, and how automated you want your system, the budget option is to go for a deep water culture “oxy” pot. These work perfectly and require very little effort to set-up.




Metal halide, CFL, and HPS lights, are incredibly hot, and generally require significant air conditioning (carbon filters/extraction fans). The most efficient means of providing light is the use of an LED panel. Not only will your electricity bill be much lower, but the lights themselves can last for up to 100,000 hours (10-15 years of constant growing). LED almost entirely eliminates white and green light, but are expensive. One 300w panel is suitable for excellent coverage of a 1m x 1m space. For those on a budget I would suggest going for the 180w Pro Grow model from a few years back.

An important tip to note is the position of the lights, and the intensity. By careful placement we can ensure the plants receive an optimum level of light. For instance, if we had several smaller-watt bulbs positioned closer to our plants, it would be more effective than a greater amount of watts being emitted by a single source, from a greater height (due to the extra heat produced). Remember that for LED lighting it’s good to have at least an 8“-16“ gap. For traditional bulbs this distance should be significantly larger.

If your room has a window with nobody likely to pass right outside, that’s good enough. What about the smell? Well, there’s a wonderful item called the Ona Block Pro, which neutralises anything you can throw at it. Just wait until a few weeks into flowering (they tend not to smell until this point) and put one of these inside your tent. You can have the lid slightly open, or fully off, depending on the level you require. They last for 4-8 weeks each and mask odour perfetly. To extend their life once efficacy drops, you can typically cut them in half, poke holes through them, or even turn the block upside-down, and they’ll last even longer. On top of this it’s worth buying a few plug-in air fresheners which automatically release fragrance. Depending on your layout, you might have one in the room where you’ve got the tent, and another next to your front door.

Kill the smell with ona block pro

LED Penetrator

Odour Control




Nutrients form a vital part of cultivation. There are entire ranges available from the likes of Canna, but many growers will tell you that it’s purely the vegetative and flowering (Aqua Vega, Aqua Flores) nutrients they use, perhaps with a touch of molasses in place of the ‘bloom’ booster which is added nearer the end of the grow cycle. As with the soaking of rockwool cubes, when mixing nutrient solution it’s best to use tap water which has stood for 24 hours. Then add your nutrients to the solution before balancing the pH using an electronic pH meter. No matter which you buy they have a very short lifespan, so I recommend buying a relatively cheap option. For most plants, a pH of between 5.8-6.0 is considered optimal.


To help seeds pop, once you’ve put them into rockwool you should use a heated propagation dome in order to maintain a warm, moist environment. If your climate is very humid you may find that they can go straight into the hydro system, although I think it’s good to give them a week or so in the propagator just to smooth their progress. Don’t feed them any nutrients at this point – simply ensure the rockwool is kept damp with water. If you notice the seedlings are stretching too tall, ensure they’re placed somewhere with better access to light. From seed to harvest, we want the temperature to be around 25c degrees (77 fahrenheit). Make sure you use a digital temperature/humidity device to help accurately monitor grow room conditions at all times.


After 3-4 weeks of vegging under 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of darkness, we want to set the plants into flowering mode. This is done by simply adjusting the lights to be on for 12 hours, and off for 12 hours, each and every day. Also, we want to change the nutrient supply to match the minerals required to produce big buds. If you’ve gone the NFT route, one trick for emptying the reservoir is to put a hose/pipe onto your water pump and have it empty into a container. In order to get every last bit out, you can place a couple of items underneath one end of the tank, and the water will rush down towards the other. Shoe boxes or bricks work perfectly well for this task. It’s recommended that you change the water at least every two weeks, in accordance with the nutrient dilution shown above.

Vegetative Growth

Once they’ve been added in your hydro system you’ll need to wait around 4 weeks with the lights lit 18 hours per day, on a timer for precision. The water/air pump should be running for as much of the time as possible, as should a fan. It’s important not to have the fan on too ferociously at this stage as the plants will still be weak. We’re looking for air circulation above all. It’s key to prune your plants once they’ve acquired several sets of leaves. Anything which is unlikely to get much light should be removed, with the focus being on the tops of the branches, rather than potential bud sites all the way along. Look to ensure no more than the top 5 sets of leaves of a branch are maintained. Snip off any unwanted foliage and dead (significantly browning/dry) leaves using pruning scissors. If you wish to produce shorter, stockier plants, look into topping them.


23 Trim leaves off as close to the bud as you can, without damaging the actual flower. It’s fine to have the small, immediate leaves left on. Once you’ve finished manicuring your plants, you need to give them about 5-7 days drying time, preferably somewhere that’s room temperature with good ventilation and no light. We don’t want anything too hot or too breezy, as fast-drying tends to lessen the quality and flavour. An ideal solution is to use a drying net, which can be hung anywhere.

Harvest & Curing

Usually after 9-15 weeks of flowering your plants will be ready to harvest. As a guide, we want just over 50% of the trichomes to have turned amber in colour, else the bud won’t have full potency. For the last 7 days we only want to feed our plants pure, un-pHed water, so as to flush the existing nutrients out and get a better flavour. Once they are ready, carefully cut the branches away so you have small, manageable pieces to work with. We want to keep buds on the stem whilst they are drying (not a huge stem, just the adjacent few inches), as this facilitates the curing/drying process.

Once the branches are almost to the point where you can snap them, that means they’re dry enough and you can move everything to mason jars. For the first couple of weeks we want to keep these completely sealed, aside from an hour a day when we lay the contents out on a plate to let excess moisture escape. After a fortnight the frequency of this airing process can be reduced to 15 minutes every other day. If you find that the buds are still wet, leave them out for a longer period. We really want to avoid mould caused by damp, as that will completely write-off your weed. You can use it at any point after this, but the longer you leave it to cure, the better the flavour, the smoother the smoke, and the more developed the content. www.thecannabisgeek.com

And here are some quick tips worth remembering

Heat, light, and fresh air will degrade your finished product – avoid them if possible • Don’t tell anybody you don’t trust 100%, and even then… • Beware of strangers, landlords, or unexpected visitors – always have a preprepared excuse why somebody can’t go in ‘that’ room • Don’t get caught smoking weed – vaporising can ensure there’s nothing for the neighbours to smell.

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Growing without soil

Hydroponics for Everybody (Mama Editions)

If you ever wanted to know everything about the art of hydroponics – in general growing using mineral nutrient solutions in water but without soil - this book ‚Hydroponics for Everybody‘ is a richly illustrated bible about hydroponic gardening which could

“increase your indoor harvests to levels you never thought possible”. Basically it is a presentation from basic gardening to high-tech installations, tips for the beginner and know-how for the seasoned professional, from the ABC‘s to the most guarded secrets. It was written by Frenchman William Texier, who studied at the Institut national de Gemmologie in France, then with the Geological Institute of America in Los Angeles, before discovering hydroponics, which became his passion in 1985. He and Lawrence Brooke, his long- time friend and founder of General Hydroponics, developed aero-hydroponics. In 1994, he moved back to France and created General Hydroponics Europe and in 2004 developed and patented « bioponics » (organic hydroponics).

I thought I was still tripping when someone told me about Hydroponics. Growing without soil, yeah, yeah, sounds really psychedelic at first, by some French guy, say what? But it‘s all true, and described in this fabulous book. A book almost like a revelation. How good can it get, I ask you? Those Frenchmen, wow, cheese and everything. got to me.


Anbauen ohne Erde Hydroponik leicht gemacht

The author of „Hydroponics for Everybody“, William Texier

Falls ihr immer schon alles wissen wolltet über die Kunst der Hydroponik – grundsätzlich das Anbauen mit nährstoffreichen Lösungen im Wasser aber ohne Erde – dann ist dieses Buch ‚Hydroponik leicht gemacht‘ ein reich illustrierter Wegweiser für das Gärtnern mit Hydroponik, welches eure Indoor-Erträge in ungeahntem Ausmaß steigern könnte. Von den Grundlagen des Gärtnerns bis zu Informationen über HightechAnlagen, von Tipps für Anfänger bis zum Know-How für erfahrene Gärtner, vom Hydro-ABC bis zu

den bestgehüteten Geheimnissen. Geschrieben wurde es von William Texier, der zunächst am Institut national de Gemmologie in Frankreich und danach am Geological Institute of America in Los Angeles studierte, bevor er die Hydroponik entdeckte und zu seiner Leidenschaft machte. Zusammen mit Lawrence Brooke entwickelte er die Luft-Hydroponik. Nach Frankreich 1994 zurückgekehrt, gründete er General Hydroponics Europe und entwickelte und patentierte schließlich in 2004 die organische Hydroponik.



Cannabis Medical

From Indian Hemp to Synthetic THC by Michka, and J. Cervantes, R. C. Clarke, C.Conrad, Pr A.Jansen, Pr S.J.Gould, Dr. B.Lebeau, Pr R.Mechoulam, Dr.D. Richard, Ph. Lucas, and Don E. Wirtshafter. Available either as complete edition (300 colour pages, 400 illustrations) for 25€ or pocket edition (320 colour pages, 375 illustrations) for 15 €. www.mamaeditions.net www.hydro-scope.com

By the same publishers, Mama Editions, there is also CANNABIS MEDICAL, From Indian Hemp to Synthetic THC. Telling you all you want to know about Cannabis as medicine, how to take it and where to find it. Included are ‚THE CANNASCOPE‘, addresses and websites, trade shows and fairs, over 250 entries written and compiled

Beim selben Verlag, Mama Editions, gibt es auch MEDIZINISCHES CANNABIS, Vom Indischen Hanf zum synthetischenTHC. Darin findet sich alles zu Cannabis als Medizin aus, wie es konsumiert werden sollte und wo es gefunden werden kann. Enthalten sind ‚THE CANNASCOPE‘, Adressen und Webseiten, Handelsmessen und

As a professional trainer and psychotherapist I‘m all for decent sources of information, neat brochures and books. In India my French friend showed me this book, on her handheld, it is one of them, can‘t wait to get my English copy.

Messen, über 250 Einträge geschrieben und zusammengestellt von Michka, J. Cervantes, R. C. Clarke, C.Conrad, Pr A.Jansen, Pr S.J.Gould, Dr. B.Lebeau, Pr R.Mechoulam, Dr.D. Richard, Ph. Lucas, Don E. Wirtshafter. Erhältlich sowohl als komplette Ausgabe (300 Seiten, 400 Bilder) für 25€ oder Taschenbuch (320 Seiten, 375 Bilder) für 15 €.

Enzyklopädie der Cannabiszucht

Ein Fachbuch der Hanfgenetik (Nachtschatten Verlag) Das ‚Fachbuch zur eigenen Samenproduktion‘ versammelt höchst anschaulich und hochwertig bebildert weiterführende Informationen über die Vererbung, erklärt die richtige Selektion von männlichen und weiblichen Pflanzen, vermittelt eindrücklich neueste Erkenntnisse der Pflanzenzucht, zeigt Herkunft und Geschichte der ersten Landrassen auf und gibt Einblicke in die Wirkungsweise der pflanzeneigenen Hormone. Hanf all-inclusive, sozusagen, die genetischen Grundlagen und Themenbereiche, die ausnahmslos auf Zucht fokussieren. Selbstredend mit Tipps und Tricks vom Profi, zahlreichen Grafiken, Makroaufnahmen sowie Farbfotos. Verfasst hat es der in der Schweiz lebende Mike/MoD, ein passionierter und studierter Cannabis-Züchter (‚Alpine-Seeds‘).

Encyclopedia of cannabis breeding, a reference book on hemp genetics

The reference book on seed production comprises in a highly descriptive manner and with premium pictures further information on heredity, explains the correct selection of male and female plants, conveys impressive insights into plant breeding, shows origin and history of the first land breeds and throws light on the workings of the plants‘ own hormones. Hemp all-inclusive, so to speak, the genetic basics and a topic range exclusively focussing on breeding. Naturally the book includes tips and tricks from the professional, many graphics, macro pictures as well as colour pictures. It was written by Mike/MoD, living in Switzerland who is a passionate and studied cannabis-breeder (‚Alpine-Seeds‘). Only in German, published Nachtschatten Verlag


* **




Sterling Haze Urban Poison




PPP Pure Power Plant Short Rider Snow White Super Skunk Swiss Cheese Venus Flytrap White Castle White Rhino White Widow Wonder Woman *A









Blackberry BlackJack Eldorado Full Moon Hawaii Maui Waui Haze #13 Jock Horror N.Y.P.D. New York Power Diesel Raspberry Cough Royal Flush Sterling Haze

Nirvana Sativa Seeds:

*** Guaranteed Quality *** AK-48 Auroura Indica Blue Mystic Bubblelicious Chrystal ICE Indoor Mix Kaya Gold Master Kush Medusa Northern Lights Papaya PPP Pure Power Plant



The fine art of vaporization Some are small like a pack of smokes, others rise from the tabletop like a mountain... and this one looks like a piece of laboratory equipment. For a good reason: „It‘s science, bitches!“ as a certain character from Breaking Bad would say. Joking aside - The AroMed vaporizer stands out from the mass of steam-spewing apparati because of a design that reflects the fine art of vaporization. As a matter of fact the German manufacturer conducts scientific

research and its products are classified as „medical device“ by the FDA. Versatility is one of the main ideas, so these vaporizers can be used for all kinds plant matter, fresh or dried, as well as for oils and tinctures. An AroMed vaporizer has no fan. The machine is built to match the individual breathing rhythm of its user, the actual vaporization happens directly while inhaling – and only then. In combination with the precise temperature control this means an efficiency that is around 90%. Two books have been published so far that describe the therapeutic effects and the exact vaporization points of more than 100 plants, including many ethnobotanics. While there is no fan, all models have a water filtration system which supports the ultra-smooth feeling of the AroMed.

Sustainability is a big thing...

...since quite a while and, of course, also AroMed embraces this philosophy. It‘s refreshing to see that these guys don‘t promise to save the world, but rather promise a „cradle to cradle“ concept which guarantees that all the wearing parts are compatible with every new and old model. This again allows users to upgrade their device. The energy consumption of 60W is not too bad, neither. www. aromed.com

Aromed Vaporizer

You know, once you get older, you will really dig that Aromed Vap. It‘s so much better for my body, and it does not smell either. Auf den ersten Blick sehen die Dinger aus wie Laborgeräte. Und das mit gutem Grund, denn Vaporizer aus dem Hause AroMed sind nach den Erkenntnissen einer hohen Verdampfungs-Wissenschaft gebaut. So haben sie z.B. keinen Ventilator. Die Verdampfung passiert dann, wenn inhaliert wird – und nur dann. Zusammen mit einer präzisen Temperaturwahl sind so Ausbeuten von etwa 90% möglich. Eine Wasserkühlung ist Standard und trägt zum samtig-weichen Erlebnis bei. In seinem Buch „Phyto-Inhalation“ beschreibt Firmengründer Frank das gesamte Prinzip, im Buch „Psychoaktive Pflanzen“ die exakten Verdampf-Temperaturen von über 100 Pflanzen.





On a Magic Flight...

What the HEMP FIVE have to say about the Launch Box Our 5 hemp friends stumbled upon a stylish little gadget: The Launch Box. Within no time they were all stoked about the Magic Flight they’ve been taken on by this tiny vaporizer, each one of them for his or her own reason… let’s hear what they have to say!

Unsere fünf Hanffreunde sind über ein stylisches kleines Gadget gestolpert: Die Launch Box. Im NullKomma-Nix waren alle begeistert vom magischen Flug, auf den sie sich mit dem kleinen Vaporizer geschickt haben, jeder von ihnen aus einem anderen Grund ...

Preparing for Yoga

Vorbereitung auf Yoga

Pure Taste

Purer Geschmack

I love using my Magic-Flight right before Yoga class! The vapor is pure medicine and doesn‘t contain any of the carcinogens that you get with smoking. The high is also cleaner and clearer which allows me to be super high functioning as well as active. I love using cannabis with my Launch Box for exercise, it has helped me take my practice to a deeper level.

Using the Launch Box allows me to taste the pure and unique flavours of each of the strains that I cultivate. It has allowed me to truly savour the time and energy that I put into my garden, and it helps me to more accurately describe the qualities of each strain to my clients. I recommend it to friends that would benefit from quitting smoking but still love to get irie.

Ich liebe es, meinen Magic-Flight kurz vor der Yogastunde zu benutzen! Der Dampf ist pure Medizin und enthält keine krebserregende Stoffe, die man beim Rauchen abbekommt. Der Rausch ist auch reiner und klarer, was mir erlaubt hoch funktionsfähig und aktiv zu sein. Die Launch Box hat mir geholfen, meine Yoga-Übungen auf eine tiefergehende Ebene zu bringen.

Die Launch Box ermöglicht mir das reine und einzigartige Aroma der einzelnen Pflanzen, die ich anbaue, zu schmecken. Sie erlaubt mir, die Zeit und Energie, die ich in meinen Garten stecke wahrhaftig zu genießen. Ich empfehle sie Freunden, für die das Aufhören was Gutes hätte, die es aber immer noch lieben, high zu sein.



Hidden Smoke

Unbemerkt durchziehen

Party Tool


Trip Enhancer

Trip Verstärker

When i‘m going about my day, it‘s important to always keep a low profile. The Launch Box allows me to partake without being seen, heard, or smelled. I can go undetected by using the stealthy hand cover method. It fits within the palm of my hand covertly, and I don‘t need a lighter or papers to get things going. To be ready for the day, I just need the Box and a battery and I‘m good to go. I love taking my Launch Box to the club, the bouncers don‘t know what it is so it doesn‘t raise any concerns and I can use it inside without anyone knowing what I‘m doing. Whether I‘m out on the dance floor or getting drinks with my friends or taking a break in the lav. I can use it with ultimate freedom and I love my freedom.

I love using cannabis to enhance my trips. The Launch Box allows me to easily partake while tripping, it‘s hard to roll a spliff when it‘s moving in a sea of fractals. Rolling spliffs on acid is hard work. Plus I love it because it extends the life of my herbs dramatically, I can get 15-20 hits off of one trench so it‘ll last me all night. The laser etchings are really psychedelic, and the wood feels awesome in my hands as a warm natural piece. Magic-Flight has created a super cosmic companion that you can take off with every time.

Wenn ich unterwegs bin ist es wichtig, immer unauffällig zu bleiben. Die Launch Box erlaubt mir zu konsumieren ohne gesehen, gehört oder gerochen zu werden. Mit der heimlichen Handabdeckmethode kann ich es unbemerkt tun. Sie passt in meine Handfläche und ich brauche kein Feuerzeug oder Papers um alles klar zu machen. Um bereit für den Tag zu sein, brauche ich nur die Box und eine Batterie und es kann losgehen.

Ich liebe es, meine Launch Box mit in den Club zu nehmen. Die Türsteher wissen nicht, was es ist, also schöpft keiner Verdacht. Und ich kann es drinnen benutzen ohne dass irgendjemand weiß, was ich tue. Ob ich auf der Tanzfläche bin oder mit meinen Freunden Drinks hole oder eine Pause auf den Klos mache. Ich kann es mit der ultimativen Freiheit benutzen.

Ich liebe es, Cannabis zu benutzen um meine Trips zu verstärken. Die Launch Box macht das möglich während ich trippe. Es ist schwierig zu drehen, wenn man in einem Meer aus Fraktalen schwimmt. Joints drehen auf Acid ist harte Arbeit. Außerdem liebe ich es, weil es die Lebensdauer meiner Vorräte dramatisch verlängert. Ich kriege 15-20 Züge aus einer Ladung, sodass es die ganze Nacht reicht. Magic Flight hat einen super kosmischen Begleiter erfunden, mit dem du jederzeit abheben kannst.



Turn your bong into a vaporizer If you ever wanted to try vaporizing without buying a complete vaporizer, or simply want to vaporize occasionally but still want to avoid the extra purchase then this Vaporizer Kit by G-SPOT® will enable you do just that at a convenient price and in a convenient mode. Because all you have to do is attach this Vaporizer Kit onto your bong and your bong will become a vaporizer. This Vaporizer Kit by G-SPOT® features a digital controller, a temperature range between 100-250° C which can be adjusted digitally - as can be the hot air blower, a herb chamber made from tempered borosilicate glass free from tension, a hang up block including a magnetic switch for safe depositing, a user manual, and 2 extra micro screens for the chamber. www.g-spot-bong.de

Try out de kit, makes my bong go medicine. Falls ihr immer schon das Verdampfen probieren wolltet oder einfach abundan mal verdampfen wollt, ohne gleich einen ganzen Vaporizer kaufen zu müssen, dann ist dieser Vaporizer Kit von G-SPOT® genau das richtige, lässt es euch doch zu einem niedrigen Preis und in gefälliger Art im Handumdrehen aus der Bong einen Vaporizer machen. Dieses Vaporizer Kit von G-SPOT® besitzt ein digitales Steuergerät, mit digital einstellbaren Temperaturbereich von 100 - 250 ° C, ein digital regelbares Gebläse, eine Kräuterkammer aus temperaturbeständigem Borosilikatglas und einen Ablageblock mit Magnetschalter zum Ein- und Ausschalten und sicheres Ablegen. Es kommt mit Bedienungsanleitung sowie 2 Ersatzsieben für die Kräuterkammer.

Ascent – by Da Vinci From the producers of the DaVinci Vaporizer, comes the new ground breaking vaporizer, the Ascent. While the DaVinci

was built with rugged portability in mind, the Ascent transcends vaporizers into a new realm by offering the purest air path, stylish lifestyle based designs and encompassing all of the benefits of portability that the DaVinci brand is known for. Manufactured from only top grade materials, the exterior consists of aluminum plating, a multitude of skins and medical grade silicone. A specifically engineered glass lined ceramic chamber provides the most efficient, clean and deep heat available. The Ascent Vaporizer is the coolest gadget around featuring a programmable OLED display which lets you select the exact temperature for vaporizing. www. Davincivaporizer.com

This Vaporizer is elegant and easy to use Während der DaVinci mit Schwerpunkt robuster Tragbarkeit gebaut wurde, dringt der Ascent in einen neuen Bereich vor. Er bietet reinsten Luftweg und ist ein sehr gut aussehendes und tragbares Lifestyleprodukt, was DaVinci auszeichnet. Ausschließlich hochklassige Materialien, eine Aluminum verkleidete Außenseite, eine Vielzahl von Hüllen und medizintaugliches Silikon. Eine speziell hergestellte Keramikkammer mit Glasoberfläche sorgt für effizienteste, saubere und tiefe Hitze, die man kriegen kann. Außerdem hat er ein OLED Display zum Einstellen der exakten Temperatur zum Verdampfen.





Amazing Smoking Experience They would make a wonderful couple but unfortunately they have a difficult relationship. We are talking about oil and bongs. Are you among those thousands of smokers out there who would just love to combine these two powerful and joyful principles? Good news: You can! Thanks to the ‚Blaze Glass‘ Oil Bongs. Coming in various stylish designs and with various additional functionalities they are not only pleasing for the eye, but also a true smoker’s delight of highest build quality. The core features are ‚Turbine Blades‘, Percolators, ‚Ice-Notches‘ or an additional diffuser. So exactly how does it work? The oil or essence is applied to a hot nail made of metal or glass. It instantly starts boiling but won’t splash in all directions thanks to a special closed construction that also keeps the valuable vapor inside the system. ‚Blaze Glass‘ offers three different types of these oil nails: Made of quartz (borosilicate) glass, stainless steel or Titanium, the most durable, reliable and by far most healthy material. Combined with the unique

Win a Vapulizer !

Want to win a vapulizer? All you have to do is select the HEMP FIVE character that you like best, and then let him/her utter some really hempa-licious words about the vapulizer. Character-specific words, of course. Each character may have his/her very own thoughts about the vapulizer, now. Find the fitting words. Send until 15th March up to 400 characters to info@hemp-five.com

Bet your ass, I am all for amazing experiences? Oil a-blaze, cool. feeling of these high-quality bongs an amazing smoking experience! Retail head shops can get ‚Blaze Glass‘ bongs directly from Near Dark Smoking Paraphernalia. www.blazeglass.com www.neardark.de

Die Ölbong-Serie von ‚BlazeGlass’ setzt mit stylischem Design und vielfältigen Merkmalen Maßstäbe. Turbinenscheiben, Perkolatoren, Eisfach oder zusätzlicher Diffusor sind dabei wichtige Stichworte. Die Öl-Nägel der Geräte sind in verschiedenen Ausführungen erhältlich. Großhändler bekommen sie über Near Dark.

Wollt ihr einen Vapulizer gewinnen? Ihr braucht dafür bloss einem der HEMP FIVE Charaktere ein paar ausgefallene, doch harzige, hanfige über den Vapulizer in den Mund legen. Findet die passenden Worte (höchstens 400 Zeichen), spezifiziert welcher HEMP FIVE Charakter das sagt und schickt das uns bis zum 15.März 2014 an info@hempfive.com





Intoxicating, but less toxic

An interview with Alex from *lol* who introduced Tip Tubes about 15 years ago. When it comes to Tip Tubes, opinions differ. Some claim: “Forget about it, those filters just reduce the effect!” What’s your comment? Well, they do reduce the effect – but only the harmful effect of the smoke! Tip Tubes filter the toxin out of the intoxicant, so to speak. That means that condensate and nicotine remain in the activated charcoal, the active substances do not. Would you say there is something like “healthy smoking”? No. Smoking is unhealthy and it always will be. However, smokers can reduce the amount of unhealthy stuff they inhale, for instance the amount of tar. Our Tip Tubes offer a good tool to do so.

Actually how did you come up with the idea? No matter if spliff or pipe – I always felt the smoke was way too hot. So I started looking for a possibility to make it cooler. Eventually I came up with the Tip Tube… that was about 15 years ago. So you actually invented them? Well, I would never claim that I’m the first one who had this idea - but my former company Dr. Donners Crazy Import was definitely the first one who introduced Tip Tubes to this scene. You are looking back on almost 15 years of experience with *lol* Tip Tubes – What makes them special? First of all, there is no plastic involved. For two good reasons: It’s shit for the environment and for your health. The two tiny caps of our tips are made of ceramics which guarantees straightforward handling. Last but not least, we always wanted to offer a quality product for a fair price. www.roll-lol.de

*lol* Tip Tubes

Bad toxics out, good ingredients in. By using Tip Tubes smoking doesn‘t get healthier, but less harmful. Die einen sind begeistert, die anderen sagen die Dinger würden wertvollen Wirkstoff rausfiltern - an Tip Tubes scheiden sich die Geister. Um einen Kommentar gebeten antwortet Alex von *lol* : “Klar filtern die Dinger Wirkstoffe raus - aber wohlgemerkt nur die schädlichen! Kondensat und ggf. Nikotin bleiben in der Aktivkohle hängen, der Rest rauscht durch.” Ihm selbst war der Rauch früher einfach zu heiß. Daher führte er schon vor ca. 15 Jahren die Tip Tubes ein. Ganz ohne Plastik bieten die weißen Röllchen bis heute sehr gute Qualität zum sehr guten Preis.





Mountain High Cones Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers Enjoy the thinnest smoking quality possible in its purest form! Natural Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers are unbleached, chlorine free. A purer and less processed ultra-thin paper unlike anything that you have ever seen or smoked before is what Arthur the owner of VANDENBERG SPECIAL PRODUCTS laughingly emphasizes when talking about his mountain high cones. His indeed because as he further tells us he „in fact invented these Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers already in 1994 when nobody in our branch even thought of it, it was unique for its time and especially the machine, the Mach 6 we had created, a centrifugal machine for filling Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers“. Specifically new features are that “it is unbleached and no chemicals are used to create the white colour of paper”. Furthermore, apart from slow burning time and no smell, an all-natural glue line, the paper has a natural tan colour and is so thin that you can see through it. All you taste is the tobacco, not the papers. More than anything else, its taste, taste, taste...”Fill them and you will know it.” www.mountainhigh.nl www.cones.nl

Mountain high, tan-colour, that‘s me! No, just joking. These cones are just what I need before partying, making it easy to roll when I am in a hury towards my next dance floor. Natural Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers sind ungebleicht und chlorfrei. Reinere, kaum bearbeitete, und zudem ultra-dünne wie ihr sie noch nie gesehen oder geraucht habt, betont lachend Arthur, der Besitzer von VANDENBERG SPECIAL PRODUCTS, wenn er über seine Mountain High Cones spricht. Wirklich seine, denn wie er weiter ausführt, er hat die Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers tatsächlich erfunden und zwar 1994 „als keiner in diesem Sektor an so was dachte, sie waren einzigartig für die Zeit, insbesondere die Ma-

schine, die Mach 6, welche wir gebaut hatten. Eine Zentrifuge, um Cones® Pre-Rolled Papers zu füllen“. Neu ist speziell, dass sie “ungebleicht sind und keine Chemikalien verwendet werden für die weisse Farbe des Papiers”. Neben der langsamen Abbrennzeit und Null Geruch, dem völlig natürlichen Klebestreifen, der natürlich gebräunten Farbe fällt noch auf, dass sie so dünn sind, dass du durchsehen kannst. Nur Tabak-, kein Papiergeschmack. Der Geschmack beweist es: ”Füllt sie und ihr wisst es.”





ON BALANCE SCALES Dalman (Import & Export) Ltd is excited to present an innovative scale by On Balance: the MTT. This scale is available in 200g x 0.01g (MTT-200) or 500g x 0.1g (MTT-500). It features an extra-large expansion tray that doubles as a lid, a blue backlit display, auto shut off and a stainless steel platform.. www.dalman.com info@dalman.com

RAW are the original unrefined rolling papers – blazing the trail for unrefined papers since 2004. This beautiful, translucent medium brown paper is the result of a blend of plant materials such as flax and hemp, granting a perfect burn rate and flavour (because it has virtually no own flavour). The unique Criss-Cross, run preventing HBI watermark sets RAW even further apart from other papers. For hemp enthusiast there is RAW ORGANIC, made from unrefined pure hemp and processed in an eco-friendly manner. www.rawthentic.com

RAW steht für echte, unverfälschte Blättchen – wegweisend für alle Rollblättchen ohne Fremdbestandteile seit 2004. Das schöne, durchscheinende, leicht bräunliche Papier besteht aus verschiedenen Pflanzenmaterialien wie etwa Flachs und Hanf. Damit sind perfektes Abbrennen und perfekter Geschmack (kein Eigengeschmack) garantiert. Für Hanfbegeisterte gibt es RAW ORGANIC, das aus reinem Hanf hergestellt und besonders umweltfreundlich verarbeitet wird.

Cone Artist

This is da one piece without which, I could not do ma job. No scales, a whole lot of hassle, all da time. That‘ s why I use my On Balance‘s

Brothers & Sistas, these papers are the perfect wrapping for my harvest. Have you ever felt that rolling is not one of your strong points? Relax, sit down, and watch this video. Afterwards you‘ll certainly want this Cone Artist. In only 1 minute and 22 seconds, set in monochrome, no distracting colours, 2 hands moving at a leisurely pace using well-known paraphernalia show you how to roll perfect spliffs and blunts in 5 steps by applying this simply genial tool. Enjoy. www.coneartist.com



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Captain Mittelstrahl

The anti hero for all paranoids Is it a flying nutcase? A fluorescent party animal? No… behold of Captain Mittelstrahl! Supported by the infamous CleanU team he fights for privacy and security, working hard in the name of all flamboyant freaks of this planet. Like all super heroes Captain Mittelstrahl is a hybrid entity, a bio-tech mutant. One of his special powers is the ability to always excrete perfectly clean and healthy urine. It’s a synthetic brew that can be kept up to 3 years. Since more

than 6 years no doctor has ever complained about some abnormal components or values! Packed in neat little plastic bags that are easy to open and don’t even make a lot of noise, Captain Mittelstrahl has his synthetic urine always at hand, which is very handy as he is travelling a lot. Speaking of travelling: This is where the Paranoia Pack comes into play. Jetlagged by his transdimensional missions our super hero gets a little worried about trouble and hassle sometimes. So he carries an ingenious little package that can never be found, no matter if he passes a body scanner, if he’s robbed, down to the underwear, or searched. Made of durable, comfortable, washable fabric it’s the perfect hiding place… of course also matching the size of the urine packs mentioned before. Last but not least there is another mutant part on the body of Captain Mittelstrahl that makes him the James Bond among the go-getting super heroes: The Screeny Weeny. We are actually talking about a second wiener. Well, an incredibly realistic silicone model of his actual wiener that excretes perfectly clean urine whenever he gives it a slight pull. Developed by the scientists and the make-up artists of the CleanU team it was made to work just as straightforward and reliable as a real body part. As you can see: Captain Mittelstrahl is fun-loving and joyful as it can be, but dead serious when it comes to privacy and security. So whenever there might be trouble ahead on your way: Call the CleanU team and ask for his help!

www.captain-mittelstrahl.de www.cleanu.de

The Clean U antiparanoia pack has often helped me yet. Everyone should have a pack of synthetic urine with him. You never know ... Ist es ein fliegender Irrer? Ein Fluoro-Party-Tier? Nein, es ist Captain Mittelstrahl! Unterstützt vom berüchtigten CleanU Team kämpft er für die Privatsphäre aller auffälligen Freaks des Planeten. Als Biotech-Superheld hat er die Fähigkeit absolut reinen synthetischen Urin abzusondern. Verpackt in einem diskreten Plastikpack ist dieser vor allem beim Reisen immer zur Hand. Apropos Reisen: Hier kommt das Paranoia Pack ins Spiel. Von seinen transdimensionalen Missionen geplättet, fürchtet unser Superheld Stress. Also trägt er ein geniales kleines Päckchen bei sich, das nicht gefunden werden kann. Hergestellt aus komfortablen und waschbaren Stoff ist es das perfekte Versteck, natürlich auch für die erwähnten Urinpacks. Zu guter letzt: Der Screeny Weeny. Ein absolut realistisches Silikonimitat eines echten Penis, das reinen Urin ausscheidet, wenn man leicht daran zieht. Wie du siehst: auf Captain Mittelstrahl ist Verlass. Wann immer du also in Schwierigkeiten gerätst: Ruf das CleanU Team!





Steve Stoned

The creator of the HEMP FIVE characters Of course you know, who the father of Luke Skywalker is – but actually who created the HEMP FIVE? Meet Stefan Theurer, professional graphic designer, illustrator and caricaturist since more than 25 years. Based in South Germany he made himself a name in many different scenes, Steve Stoned being his alias for hemp lovers. His extensive portfolio includes book covers, illustrations for books, comics, cartoons, posters, game design, puzzle motives, characters and corporate identity. Enough said - lets have some words with this likable dude! Creating new characters all the time you must be an expert on the subject of charisma. How do you explain this phenomenon, how come that some people have plenty of it, others only few? Well, I think every human is born with certain traits. In this respect each and every character is one-

of-a-kind, but at the same time it is connected to everything! After birth we are shaped by education, by our environment, our life experience, etc. It’s a complex combination of these factors that creates what is referred to as “charisma”. Some people appear to be very open-minded, others overly analytic.

So how do you manage to put all this into the picture of a character? There are various factors, I think. One of them might be many years of experience with drawing and with people in general. Another one is that I am working as a caricaturist and speed painter since more than 10 years – so I learned pretty well to recognize a person, its profile and its traits. Would you describe your workflow as intuitive or rational? Definitely both! For instance the original idea of the HEMP FIVE characters came straight from the heart, so that’s intuitive. Later I worked rather technical, also using Photoshop for the final touches. So what’s your favourite HEMP FIVE character? Hum… maybe the young lady on the right side of the cover, I would really like to dance with her at some party!



What kind of sketches can be found on your desk at the moment?

erscheinen sehr aufgeschlossen, andere übermäßig sachlich. Wie schaffst du es, all das im Bild eines Charakters zu vereinen?

At the moment I am working on the motives for an event, plus I am doing the design for a new exhibition named “Purple Haze – A Phantastic Art Experience!” It’s both Sci Fi / Fantasy motives, actually my favourite motives… a whole galaxy full of fantastic possibilities. You are making a living as an artist, many people dream of that. Please comment on 3 of the most common stereotypes about this lifestyle! Cliché: You sleep off each and every day. Fact: My alarm goes off between 6 and 7 in the morning. Cliché: You are doing lots and lots of free arts. Fact: Lots and lots of contract work. Cliché: You are a party animal. Fact: I’m go partying only 2 – 3 times per month. www.phantastic-design.de www.stoned-design.de

Klar wisst ihr, wer der Vater von Luke Skywalker ist - aber wer kreierte eigentlich die HEMP FIVE? Stefan Theurer, professioneller Grafikdesigner, Illustrator und Karikaturist seit über 25 Jahren. Ansässig in Süddeutschland hat er sich einen Namen in vielen unterschiedlichen Szenen gemacht, wobei Steve Stone sein Pseudonym für die Hanfliebhaber ist. Sein umfangreiches Portfolio umfasst Buchcover, Illustrationen für Bücher, Comics, Cartoons, Poster, Spieledesigns, Puzzlemotive, Schriften und Corporate Identity. Genug geredet lasst uns ein paar Worte wechseln mit diesem liebenswerten Typen. Du erfindest ständig neue Charaktere, also musst du ein Experte im Thema Charisma sein. Wie erklärst du das Phänomen, dass manche Menschen jede Menge davon haben und andere eher wenig? Also ich glaube, jeder Mensch wird mit bestimmten Eigenschaften geboren. So gesehen ist jeder Charakter einzigartig und gleichzeitig mit allem verbunden! Nach der Geburt werden wir geformt durch Erziehung, von unserer Umwelt, unserer Lebenserfahrung, usw.. Es ist eine komplexe Kombination all dieser Faktoren, die das erschafft, was als „Charisma“ bezeichnet wird. Einige Menschen

Da gibt es verschiedene Faktoren, glaube ich. Einer könnte die jahrelange Erfahrung im Zeichnen und mit Menschen im Allgemeinen sein. Ein anderer ist, dass ich seit über 10 Jahren als Karikaturist und Schnellzeichner arbeite - also habe ich ziemlich gut gelernt, eine Person wahrzunehmen, sein Profil und seine Eigenschaften. Du lebst das Leben eines Künstlers, viele Menschen träumen davon. Bitte kommentiere dei der verbreitetsten Klischees über diesen Lifestyle! Klischee: Du schläfst jeden Tag aus! Fakt: Mein Wecker klingelt zwischen und 7 Uhr morgens! Klischee: Du machst jede Menge freie Kunst! Fakt: Jede Menge Vertragsarbeiten! Klischee: Du bist ein Partylöwe! Fakt: Ich gehe nur 2-3 Mal pro Monat auf Partys!





Psyko Heiko ...love teddy bears

„Now if there‘s one thing you can be sure of, it‘s that nothing is more powerful than a young boy‘s wish. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns and missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.“ I laughed my ass off already during the first minutes of this movie! If you like the style of Seth MacFarlane, maker of American Dad and Family Guy, this is a must see. Ted, a little teddy bear awakes to life one morning to be the best friend of little John. But as they grow up together, their relationship changes. A childhood wish turns awkward… and extremely funny.

„Eins steht fest: Es gibt nichts mächtigeres als den Traum eines Jungen. Außer einem Apache Helikopter, einer Todesmaschine bepackt mit Maschinenpistolen und Raketen“. Diesen aberwitzigen Streifen solltest du dir reinziehen, wenn du auf den Style des Family Guy Machers Seth Mac Farlane stehst. Der kleine Teddy Ted erwacht eines Morgens als neuer bester Freund des kleinen John. Sie wachsen zusammen auf und ein Kindheitstraum wird heikel ... und extrem lustig. movies.universal-pictures-international-germany.de/ted pic: Universal Filme


Jeevana ...like it nude

This movie shows the reasons why I still got a regular job – and it does so in a hilarious way! Wanderlust is the story of Linda and George, a well-situated couple from New York. All of a sudden they find themselves in economic trouble and spontaneously decide to drop out of society. They move to Elysum, a picturesque community of nudist dope smokers. Money, career and clothes are overrated anyway – or aren’t they? Slapstick comedy takes turns with winking irony about a lifestyle that is full of double standards.

Der Film zeigt, warum ich meinen regulären Job nicht schmeiße - und das auf auf irrwitzige Weise. Wanderlust ist die Geschichte von Linda und George, einem gut-situierten Paar aus New York. Sie geraten in Geldnot und beschließen spontan auszusteigen. Sie landen in Elysum bei einer Horde nackter Kiffer. Aber Geld, Karriere und Klamotten sind sowieso überbewertet, oder? Slapstick-Comedy voller Ironie, die die Doppelmoral eines Lifestyles entlarvt. www.universalstudiosentertainment.com/wanderlust pic: Universal Studios




Bob Ganja

...tell you what about drug cartels

Okay, I have to admit that I do identify a bit with the protagonists of this movie by legalization activist and director Oliver Stone. There is Ben, a peaceful Buddhist, and his brother in mind Chon. Together they grow some of the best weed ever smoked in the Laguna Beach area. Of course they soon rise the attention of the Mexican drug cartels and, oh boy, you know that means some bad trouble. Their mutual free-love girlfriend Ophelia gets kidnapped by the Mexcians. But the drug lords underestimate the power of friendship – a Babylon-busting force of nature!

Okay, zugegeben, ich identifiziere mich mit den Protagonisten dieses Films von LegalisierungsAktivist und Regisseur Oliver Stone. Der friedliche Buddhist Ben und sein Seelenbruder Chon züchten das beste Weed, das jemals in der Laguna Bay geraucht wurde. Klar, dass das Mexikanische Drogenkartell das bald spitz kriegt und, oh Mann, das heisst natürlich Stress. Die Mexikaner kidnappen ihre gemeinsame freie-Liebe-Freundin Ophelia. Doch die Drogenbosse unterschätzen die Macht der Freundschaft - eine explosive Naturgewalt! movies.universal-pictures-international-germany.de/savages/ pic: Universal Picture

Project X

Mary Jane

...wants to make party

This movie is so silly it probably only works after having a good smoke – but in this situation I cried tears, honestly! It’s a movie about 4 young guys, you know, those who don’t have too many other friends and who don’t really have girls… losers. To finally change this situation they organize a huge party, everybody’s coming and it looks like they really made it – until things spin out of control. I like the handhold-camera documentary style, has a very fresh touch to it.

Dieser Film ist zu albern um ihn nüchtern zu sehen. Er handelt von vier Jungs der Sorte keine Freunde, keine Mädels ... Looser eben. Um das zu ändern, schmeißen sie eine große Party. Es scheint zu klappen, bis alles außer Kontrolle gerät. Ich mag den Handkamera-Dokumentarstil, der einen erfrischenden Touch hat. http://projectxmovie.warnerbros. com/savages/ pic: Warner Bros



Shop Guide

Head- / Grow- and Online Shops DE / PLZ 10000 Kaya Growshop

Schliemannstr. 22, 10437 Berlin +49 (0) 30 4478677 Grow, Head

Gras Grün

10999 Berlin, Oranienstr. 183 030 6113190, Grow, Books, Head www.grasgruen.de

Cheech Head/Growshop 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Kirchstr. 37 0209 148468, Head, Grow, Blacklight

DE / PLZ 50000 Echt Grandios

51545 Waldbröl, Kaiserstr. 34 www.echtgrandios.de, Head & Grow

DE / PLZ 60000

Sun Seed Bank

13347 Berlin, Amsterdamer Str. 23 +49 (0) 30 45606171, Head, Grow


Barnstorfer Weg 23, 18057 Rostock 0381-29641919, Head- & Growshop

DE / PLZ 20000 Bong Bong

Kieler Str. 563c, 22525 Hamburg 040-67381508 Head, Glasbläserei

Udopea Headshop 20357 Hamburg, Schanzenstr.95 www.udopea-hamburg.de

Headshop Bremen

28217 Bremen, Landwehrstrasse 89 www.headshop-bremen.de, Headshop

DE / PLZ 40000 Green Galaxy

Ringofenstr. 37, 44287 Dortmund www.green-galaxy.de, Growshop

Sitting Bull

48153 Münster, Hafenstr. 56 0251 522068, Grow, Head, Gifts


60311 Frankfurt/Main, Fahrgasse 97 069-59609591, Head, Smart, Grow www.neutral-ffm.net

BONG Head-/Growshop 60594 Frankfurt, Elisabethenstr. 21 069-624242, Head, Grow, Smart www.bong-headshop.de

New Asia Headshop 68159 Mannheim, F1, 10 www.new-asia-headshop.de Head,Shishas,Absinth

DE / PLZ 70000 Planet Blunt

76646 Bruchsal, Wilderichstr.13-21 planet-blunt.de, Head- & Growshop

Udopea Hamburg Schanzenstraße 95, 20357 Hamburg Der freundliche Headshop in der Hamburger Schanze www.udopea-hamburg.de

DE / PLZ 80000 Hanf Lager

(2x in Ulm) Neue Str. 33 Zinglerstr. 1 89073 Ulm 89073 Ulm Head & Grow Shop , Headshop www.hanflager.de


das Hanf Restaurant Zinglerstr.1, 89073 Ulm Tel. : 0731 / 30 200 www.hemperium.de





DE / PLZ 90000 Holzkopf

90403 Nürnberg, Albrecht Dürer Str. 35 0911 - 2857000, Spiel, Jonglier, Eso holzkopfnbg@arcor.de, Head, Grow


90402 Nürnberg, Vordere Sterngasse 26 0911-24927884, www.inzider.de


Grünhaus AG



6911 Lochau, Bregenzer Straße 49 www.miraculix.co.at, smart, head

6845 Hohenems, Friedhofstraße 7 www.miraculix.co.at, grow

Blumen per Lumen 1070 Wien, Neustiftgasse 88-90 www.blumenperlumen.at, Grow

8048 Zürich, Herostr.7 www.gruenhaus-ag.ch, Head,Grow

Günstiger Headshop 31135 Hildesheim, Roonstr. 19 www.smoketown.de, Head




www.samenwahl.com +34-637930569, Seeds


Secret Nature GmbH


Der Head und Grow Supermarkt 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Wienerstr 115 www.hugs.cc, office@hugs.cc

Schall & Rauch im Zentrum 4020 Linz, Bethlehemstr.9 www.schall-rauch.at, Head, Grow, Shisha

Puff and Stuff

5020 Salzburg, Müllner Hauptstr. 12 www.puffandstuff.at, Head, Grow

3600 Thun, 3011 Bern secret-nature.ch, CD, Herbs, Smart

www.zentauri.de, alternative products

Hanf Tempel GmbH

www.azarius.net, herbals and more info@azarius.net

4056 Basel, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 18 www.hanftempel.ch, onlineshop

Werners Head Shop 8005 Zürich, Langstrasse 230 www.wernersheadshop.ch Head & Grow

Next Generation Head - and Growshop www.smokewelt.de smokewelt_add.indd 1


send-a-seed.com Fine Seed Selection Bonus Seeds ab 42€ BstWert sales@send-a-seed.com www.send-a-seed.com

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