mushroom magazine - summer edition - June 2016

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#190 EARLY SUMMER 2016






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The number 22 is said to make visions come true. This hits the spot, as we celebrate both the mushroom’s 22nd birthday and the 22nd Antaris taking place. You call it coincidence? We call it destiny, which is why there is a huge Antaris Special for you this time. Time just flies, and we have been through many changes to find out what defines us. The mushroom has grown, and with 128 pages, We are proud to say this is the biggest magazine ever! One reason is that our Trancer’s Guide has become part of our summer edition. The volume of 128 pages can of course only managed by a good team. We are very about our new fellows Lucienne Sheppard and Philip Rebensburg from Berlin who are responsible for editorials in the magazine and online. Not to forget Manjula Shanti. She is already constant member of the team since one year, is keeping the contacts to all of our friends and clients and is managing content. We also present again a fantastic fashion special. It helps you finding the right clothes to express yourself

without looking too cliché. We know this is difficult for us Psy-heads. If you’re collecting music, let me tell you something really cool: Shortly we will launch our “Track Of The Day” campaign at mushroom-magazine. com. This means that you can download a track from our website every day. If you prefer words instead of chords, our “Word!” column is open to your opinion on the topics asked. Best would be to connect yourself with our Facebook page. To receive all daily news turn on the notifications to be up to date. For all of you who haven‘t noticed until now we have launched our new project with artist interviews and more. The first interviews were held with Laughing Buddha and WAIO. Turn on your new psychedelic tv channel at

Willkommen Die Zahl 22 steht für die Verwirklichung von Visionen. Für uns passt das dieses Jahr gleich doppelt, denn wir feiern den 22. Geburtstag des mushrooms und gleichzeitig die zum 22. Mal stattfindende Antaris. Zufall? Wir nennen es Schicksal und haben ein großes Antaris-Special für dich. Im Laufe der Zeit haben wir viel ausprobiert und so gelernt, was uns ausmacht. Das mushroom magazine ist gewachsen, und wir können mit Stolz verkünden, dass diese Ausgabe mit 128 Seiten die fetteste ist, die es je gab. Das liegt teils am Trancer’s Guide, der nun Teil der Sommerausgabe ist. Auch ist das fashion special ist wieder dabei und soll dir helfen, die Kleidung zu finden, die dich auch wirklich ausmacht. Wir wissen ja, dass dies manchmal gar nicht so einfach sein kann :) Für Musiksammler lohnt sich unsere “Track Of The Day”-Kampagne auf, bei der du jeden Tag einen anderen Track von unserer Website herunterladen kannst. Wem das nichts ist, der kann seinen Senf zu aktuellen Fragen der “Word!”-Kolumne geben. Am besten, du connectest dich mit uns auf Facebook, damit du unsere News nicht verpasst und schaltest die Notifications ein. Dann bist du immer up to dat.

Finally, I want to invite you all to join us at this year’s Hanfparade on August 13 in Berlin, where Soundviecher and mushroom will share a wagon, so “Hemp Five” on this and we hope to see you there!

Zu guter Letzt lade ich dich herzlich zur Hanfparade am 13. August nach Berlin ein, wo wir uns mit den Soundviechern einen Wagen teilen werden. Wir sehen uns hoffentlich dort!

Lots of love from your shroomies

Liebe Grüße von den Shroomies


photo: Robert Conrad

it’s for your eyes it’s for your ears it’s for your heart

No other festival of the Psytrance scene has remained so consistent in name and spirit as: ANTARIS PROJECT. This, by now, monumental cult festival will celebrate it´s 22nd birthday on 15th to 18th July 2016. Let´s come together to make this fabulous four-day festival remain true to its tradition.

“LAUGH & DANCE – It´s for your eyes, your ears and your heart!” The very first ANTARIS began nearly 25 wonderful years ago. Inspired by the fabulous and free parties of the early 90s in Goa, the idea was imported to Germany with discipline and dedication by organiser Uwe Siebert. On 28th August 1993, the very first ANTARIS was held in a circus tent in Rüdersdorf, near Berlin. Magical memories, and a freezing cold night, helped to christen this phenomenal festival for those first curious party people. In 1996 ANTARIS moved on to Tarmow for a second round. It was here where ANTARIS developed into a full, fat festival with an increasingly International audience. Since 2005 ANTARIS has been held on the Otto Lilienthal Airfield in Stölln, a perfect location for many thousand visitors. Set in the wonderful nature of

First call: The very first ANTARIS welcomed its guests on the 28th of August 1993. The second edition followed in 1996. Erster Aufruf: Am 28.8.1993 wurde zur ersten ANTARIS eingeladen. Die zweite Ausgabe gab es dann 1996.

5 Havelland, surrounded by forest but with almost-English lawns for dancing feet, and yet only an hours drive from Berlin. This historical space at Gollenberg is even more significant as it was here, where the visionary Otto Lilienthal made the first flight experiments of mankind. In addition to the superb location there are three things that ANTARIS does so well: The trademark is always a magnificent blacklight show, which keeps getting better. The fabulous night-time visuals were provided by the futuristic decoration from artist Avikal (1997 to 2001) followed by Ananto, aka Infin.E.T., with his spaced-out-string-art (2002 to 2009). From 2010 to 2014, the Sterngucker crew were in charge of twinkling up the ANTARIS-STARSHIP. In 2015, Buju and Psy-Pix sent the party people into space with their beautiful, creatively-colourful deco. This year the magic on the Main Floor will be performed by the Vision Scientists – Buju, Psy-Pix and PsyFi Deko. Avikal will bring his fascinatingly futuristic cybernetic sculptures to the festival and Ihti Anderson will make the Alternative Floor appear in a perfect psychedelic optic – it´s for your eyes!

Naturally, it´s also the legendary line-up of high-quality sounds, brought together by Goa Jonas and Uwe , which makes ANTARIS a major highlight of the global festival summer. The spectrum of music is more diverse than ever and ranges from Psytrance, Progressive, Fullon, Hightech to Forest, but also includes Techno with a little Electro and Ambient here and there. Finally, Chris Zippel, provides fantastical feel-good music for the Chillout Area – it´s for your ears! ANT-ARIS also has an important meaning: AGAINST WAR! Not only because of the name, which is the opposite to the God of War. When thousands of people from all over the globe come and party together so peacefully and often – then that is quite a statement. Uwe: “War is unimaginably cruel. It brings misery and despair, evil and suffering, misery and death! We have to find an end to the wars that are raging as quickly as possible! Where there is peace, it must be protected and preserved! So ANTARIS stands not

A large meadow with adjacent lake in Tarmow/ Fehrbellin became the first location of the ANTARIS for nine years. Eine große Wiese mit angrenzendem Badesee in Tarmow/Fehrbellin war für neun Jahre das erste Domizil der ANTARIS. photo: Robert Conrad

only for good music and fun, but also for Friendship, Peace and Freedom!” – it´s for your heart! And that the eyes, ears and heart can work together one more thing is very important – a reliable Supercrew! In addition to Captain Uwe, there are a few people who have been with ANTARIS from the first moment and each succeeding year. A team has grown together, through thick and thin. And thanks to all local authorities whose help is phenomenal, the party gets better each year. A special addition since 2010 has been The Spiritual Circle, a lovingly designed space from Lynne and Peter, where party people can wind down and re-fuel with yoga, meditation, massage, and a variety of workshops. Excellent pictures, scenes and interviews of the whole history of the festival are shown on the DVD “ANTARIS – Der Film, Otto Lilienthals Traum”. The second part is under way and will be ready for the 23rd ANTARIS. Pre-sale tickets and information can be found at

The Sterngucker from Berlin created a beautiful space to lift off on the mainfloor in 2014. Die Berliner Sterngucker kreierten auf dem Mainfloor 2014 einen wundervollen Space zum Abheben. photo: Torsten Leskow

6 Kein anderes Festival der Psytrance-Szene trägt seinen Namen so unverändert stolz und lange wie dieses: ANTARIS PROJECT. Vom 15. bis 18. Juli 2016 gibt sich die wohl kultigste aller Partys zum sagenhaften 22.Mal die Ehre! Grund genug, um Motto, Entstehen, Werden und Sein des Viertages-Events genauer zu beleuchten! “LAUGH&DANCE – it‘s for your eyes, your ears and your heart!” Die Maxime der ersten Stunde begleitet die ANTARIS nun fast ein Vierteljahrhundert lang. Inspiriert von den leuchtenden und losgelösten Partys in Goa machte sich Veranstalter Uwe

Siebert in den frühen 90er Jahren mit visionärem Geist ans Werk: Am 28. August 1993 fand die erste ANTARIS in einem Zirkuszelt bei Rüdersdorf vor den Toren Berlins statt. Die Party war für die vielen neugierigen Besucher legendär, und das wohl auch durch die

The Italian artist Avikal provided the ANTARIS with spacey decoration during the first decade. Der italienische Künstler Avikal versorgte die ANTARIS in der ersten Dekade mit abgefahrener Deko. photos: Robert Conrad

außergewöhnlichen Temperaturen von etwa 0 Grad in der Nacht! 1996 ging die ANTARIS in Tarmow in die zweite Runde. Dort wuchs sie zu einem großen Festival mit zunehmend internationalem Publikum heran. Seit 2005 bietet die ANTARIS auf dem Flugplatz Otto Lilienthal in Stölln für viele tausend Gäste einen perfekten Spot: eingebettet in die wunderschöne Natur des Havellands, umgeben von Wald, mit fast englischem Rasen und nur eine Autostunde von Berlin entfernt. Dazu ist der Platz historisch ziemlich bedeutsam: Dort nämlich startete der Visionär Otto Lilienthal am Gollenberg die ersten Flugversuche der Menschheit.

2007 saw the already pretty sophisticated string-decoration of th 2007 war die String-Deko des Berliner Künstler Ananto aka Infin photos: Licht & Schatten

7 Neben der tollen Location sind es drei Dinge, die die ANTARIS so besonders machen: Markenzeichen ist schon immer eine Super-Blacklight-Show und dafür wird alles, was geht, aufgefahren. Für optische Sternstunden sorgten die wunderschöne und futuristische Deko des Künstlers Avikal (1997 bis 2001) als auch die von Ananto aka Infin.E.T. mit seiner abgespacten String-Art (2002 bis 2009). Von 2010 bis 2014 waren die Sterngucker die Besatzung des schillernden ANTARIS-STARSHIP, 2015 schickten Buju & Psy-Pix die Besucher ins All. In diesem Jahr wird der Mainfloor von den Vision Scientists verzaubert: Buju, Psy-Pix und PsyFi Deko. Avikal wird auf dem Gelände wieder mit seinen faszinierenden

he artist Ananto aka Infin.E.T. from Berlin. n.E.T. schon ziemlich ausgeklügelt.

kybernetischen Skulpturen präsent sein, und auf dem Alternative Floor sorgt Ihti Anderson für die passende psychedelische Optik – it’s for your eyes! Natürlich macht auch das von Goa Jonas und Uwe ausgeklügelte Lineup sowie der qualitativ fantastische Sound die ANTARIS definitiv zu einem Highlight des globalen Festival-Sommers! Das Spektrum hat sich stetig erweitert und reicht heute auf beiden Floors von Psytrance, Progressive, Fullon, Hightech und Forest über Techno bis hin zu Electro und Ambient. Die Chillout-Area hat sich unter der umsichtigen Regie von Chris Zippel zur musikalischen Wohlfühl-Oase entwickelt – it’s for your ears! photo: Licht & Schatten

In 2005 the lovely area of the ‚Flugplatz Otto Lilienthal‘ in Stoelln was introduced as the ANTARIS site and has remained THE location ever since. 2005 fand die erste ANTARIS auf dem schönen Gelände Flugplatz Otto Lilienthal in Stölln statt. Dort ist sie bis heute. photo: Licht & Schatten

ANT-ARIS bedeutet aber auch wörtlich: GEGEN KRIEG! Nicht nur wegen des Namens, der sich gegen den Kriegsgott wendet. Wenn tausende von Besuchern aus aller Welt so oft und lange miteinander friedlich feiern, ist das auch ein Statement. Uwe: “Krieg ist unvorstellbar grausam! Er bringt Not und Verzweiflung, Unheil und Leid, Elend und Tod! Wo Kriege wüten, müssen sie so schnell wie möglich ein Ende finden! Wo Frieden herrscht, muss er unbedingt beschützt und bewahrt werden! So steht die ANTARIS nicht nur für gute Musik und Feierspaß, sondern auch für Freundschaft, Frieden und Freiheit!” – it`s for your heart! Damit für Augen, Ohren und Herz immer alles funktioniert, braucht es aber noch etwas essentiell Wichtiges: eine zuverlässige Supercrew! Es gibt außer Kapitän Uwe so manche Hand, die schon vom ersten Augenblick an dabei ist und jede ANTARIS mit auf- und abgebaut

hat. Es hat sich ein Team gebildet, das durch Dick und Dünn geht und dank voller Unterstützung der Behörden alles tut, damit für das Publikum Jahr für Jahr die beste Ausgabe der Party steigt. Speziell ist seit einigen Jahren auch der „Spiritual Circle“, ein liebevoll gestalteter Space von Lynne&Peter, wo die Besucher bei Yoga, Meditation, Massagen und Vorträgen auftanken können. Tolle Bilder, Sequenzen und Interviews zur ganzen Geschichte des Festivals sind auf der DVD „ANTARIS – Der Film, Otto Lilienthals Traum“ zu sehen. Der zweite Teil wird gerade produziert und ist im nächsten Jahr zur 23. ANTARIS am Start! Karten im VVK und Infos gibt es unter

Again and again even aliens and mythical creatures are sighted on the ANTARIS, here 2008. Immer wieder werden auf der ANTARIS auch Aliens und Fabelwesen gesichtet, hier 2008 photo: Licht & Schatten A ferocious storm befell the ANTARIS in 2015. But in the end everyone went unscathed. Ein heftiger Sturm mit Gewitter suchte 2015 die ANTARIS heim. Alles ging natürlich gut aus. photo: Philip Rebensburg

photo: Bo


Uwe – The maker in the background. As solo-organiser, during the festival, he needs nerves of steel. Uwe - Der Macher im Hintergrund. Auf dem Festival braucht er als Allein-Organisator Nerven wie Drahtseile.

The alternative floor is a crowd puller day and night, here 2013. Der Alternative Floor ist Tag und Nacht ein Publikumsmagnet, hier 2013 photo: Licht & Schatten




Do we really need Live Acts? Do we really need live acts that don‘t perform anything live other than pressing a play button and occasionally touching the EQ knobs (and earn tenfold more doing that than the equally skilled local dj)? Brauchen wir wirklich Live Acts deren “Live”-Performance darin besteht die Playtaste zu drücken und gelegentlich die EQ-Knöpfe zu streicheln (und die dabei das zehnfache eines ebenso talentierten DJs aus der Region verdienen)?

Bim (Y.S.E / IONO Music) With a live act, it’s not really about his music but about his presence. The people come to see this or that artist in his personality, in real LIFE. That alone gives the party a certain positive tension and energy, thus it is not primarily important how he presents his music because his presence gives the drive in that specific moment. However I find it sad when an artist really works with a *plug and play* scheme. It is a matter of respect towards the organizer and the audience that the artist tries to pimp up, fill up and modify his production in every aspect, thus creating a unique musical experience. Lastly, this is the essence of playing live and the artist should never lose that. Bei einem Live Act ist es doch so, dass es nicht alleine um seine Musik geht , sondern um seine

Anwesenheit. Die Leute kommen um einmal diesen oder jenen Künstler in seiner Persönlichkeit zu sehen , also real LIFE. Alleine das gibt der Party eine gewisse positive Spannung und Energie und somit ist es auch in erster Linie nicht wichtig wie er seine Musik präsentiert, denn seine Anwesenheit gibt in diesen Moment den Ton an. Jedoch finde ich es traurig , wenn ein Künstler wirklich mit einem *Plug In and Play* Schema arbeitet. Denn es ist eine Frage des Respekt gegenüber des Veranstalters und dem Publikum, dass man wirklich in jeder

Art und Weise versucht seine Produktionen hier und da etwas aufzufüllen und sie damit etwas verändert. Denn zum Schluss ist das ja der Reiz am Live spielen und diesen sollte der Künstler niemals verlieren.

What‘s your opinion? Discuss with us! / word


Boom Shankar (BMSS Rec) I have massive respect for acts like Eat Static who create the magic on spot. He improvises based on feedback from the floor and manages an experience that is in harmony with the elements of the party. I prefer live acts that go beyond the simple “press play” standard and use heaps of machines and instruments. The same goes for DJs. My preference is to listen and dance to the ones who engage in that mutual communication with the floor which results in the kind of experiences people remember.

Ich habe massiven Respekt für Acts wie Eat Static, die aus dem Stehgreif die Magie fließen lassen. Er (Merv Pepler) improvisiert basierend auf Feedback vom Floor und erschafft eine Erfahrung die mit den Elementen der Party harmonisiert. Ich bevorzuge Liveacts die über den einfachen “Press Play” Standard hinausgehen und Massen von Maschinen und Instrumenten benutzen. Das gleiche gilt für DJs. Ich bevorzuge es denen zuzuhören und zu ihrer Musik zu tanzen die es verstehen sich mit dem Floor und den Leuten zu connecten und die Art vom Erlebnis schaffen können die in den Erinnerungen der Leute haften bleibt.

Protonica (Iono Music) The majority of live acts understand their performance more like a presentation of their studio work than a 100% live recreation. Currently more and more artists change their performances to dj sets, mixing their own productions with others as well, showing that they don‘t just press play and wave arms. Musicians spend days and nights in the studio working hard on their project. They tour the world so that there is not much time left for other things, not even other jobs. Since the artists don‘t earn any reasonable money from record sales anymore they had to increase the booking fees for a compensation. As a promoter of a party you need the headliners and bigger names to bring people to the club or open air. Doing a party with a proper sound system and a good venue is quite expensive and usually won‘t pay off when you book local djs only. Furthermore isn‘t it exciting to see and hear your favourite artists which you listen to at home or in your car?

Die meisten Live Acts verstehen ihre Performance mehr als eine Präsentation ihrer Studio Arbeit statt eine 100% Live Reproduktion. Gegenwärtig ändern mehr und mehr Künstler ihre Performances zu DJ Sets und mischen ihre eigenen Produktionen auch mit anderen, und zeigen damit dass sie nicht nur Play drücken und mit ihren Armen wedeln. Musiker verbringen Tag und Nacht im Studio und arbeiten hart an ihrem Projekt. Sie touren um die Welt, so dass nicht viel Zeit für andere Dinge bleibt, nicht mal Zweitjobs. Da die Künstler kein nennenswertes Einkommen aus Musikverkäufen verdienen, mussten sie ihre Gagen zum Ausgleich erhöhen. Als Promoter einer Party braucht man Headliner und gößere Namen um die Leute in

einen Club oder auf ein Open Air zu ziehen.Eine Party mit einem vernünftigen Sound System und einer guten Location ist ziemlich kostspielig und wird sich in der Regel nicht rentieren wenn nur regionale DJs gebucht werden. Außerdem, ist es nicht aufregend seinen Lieblingsact den man Zuhause oder im Auto hört, live zu hören und zu sehen?



How could you stand the Psytrance Scene? How can you endure all the dreadful organization structures, the unreliability, high expectations and low appreciation for what you do this scene over years and years and not get fed up? Wie kann man über Jahre hinweg diese ganzen grottenschlechten Organisationsstrukturen unserer Szene, diese Unzuverlässigkeit und die hohen Erwartungen an die Künstler gepaart mit mangelnder Wertschätzung künstlerischer Arbeit ertragen ohne das Handtuch zu werfen?

Boom Shankar (BMSS Rec) The answer is simple: because I still love it! Despite the problems you mentioned, the core of our scene is still brought together by such beautiful and interesting people. There are so many stunning places on this planet I have been fortunate enough to travel to because of my involvement. So many lasting friendships have resulted from my dedication and that definitely justifies the lack of professionalism and unreliability.

Protonica (Iono Music) That sounds quite harsh and negative! But there is some truth in there. Comparing the time and efford we spend on our own project to a ordinary nine-to-five job we can justify it with the deep love to the music mainly. In the end when you see happy faces on a nice party and can pay your rent you know why you are doing it!

Das hört sich ziemlich schroff und negativ an! Aber da steckt auch ein bisschen Wahrheit drin. Wenn man die Zeit und Energie die wir in unser eigenes Projekt stecken mit einem Ottonormal-Job vergleicht, können wir das wohl am ehesten mit unserer tiefen Liebe zur Musik rechtfertigen. Am Ende, wenn man freudestrahlende Gesichter auf einer schönen Party sieht und man die Miete bezahlen kann, weiß man warum man es macht!

Die Antwort ist simpel: Weil ich es noch liebe! Trotz der erwähnten Probleme wird der Kern unserer Szene immer noch von solch interessanten und tollen Menschen zusammengebracht. Es gibt so viele atemberaubende Orte auf diesem Planeten die ich aufgrund meines Engagements in der Szene besuchen durfte. So viele lang andauernde Freundschaften haben sich daraus ergeben dass es definitiv den Mangel an Professionalität und die Unzuverlässigkeit aufwiegt.


Bim (Y.S.E / IONO Music) I have been doing this job since the 90s and without too much praise to myself, I was significantly involved in the evolution of some artists and our music. And yes, I never really got the appreciation of the world like some other artists did with a lot less work. Au contraire, I was exploited by many artists and then disposed of. Many big organizers don’t book me because I commercially sell our music, but on the other hand for them it is no big deal to charge nearly 100€ entry fees. You always have to fight for your money because more and more DJs sell themselves for nearly nothing and more and more organizers prefer cheap DJs over those who really know what they are doing. In the end, all of this doesn’t matter. For me there is nothing more beautiful than working and living with our music. There is nothing nicer than establishing a young artist in the scene and slowly bringing him to success and to see that glow in his eyes when he approaches his aims. There is nothing greater than going on stage and making the people happy with your music, and if it is your own music, it’s the greatest feeling. All these emotions and feelings that this job brings with it are worth more than appreciation, respect or other life-unimportant things. I don’t have to be the musician that puts himself in the foreground, profiles himself on stage, and lets the audience celebrate him, that’s not me. All I want is to do that for which I get paid by the organizers

or rather the audience paid to see me play: a 100% perfect job. If that suceeds, you can live perfectly with all other negative aspects. Ich mache diesen Job nun seit Mitte der 90ziger und ohne Eigenlob, bin ich maßgebend an der Entwicklung einiger Künstler und unserer Musik beteiligt. Und ja, ich habe niemals wirklich die Anerkennung in der Welt bekommen, wie andere Künstler mit weitaus weniger Arbeit. Im Gegenteil, ich wurde von vielen Künstlern ausgenutzt und dann abgelegt. Viele große Veranstalter buchen mich nicht weil ich unsere Musik kommerziell verkaufe. Naja, das sie ja dann mal fast 100 € Eintritt nehmen, ist ja dann nicht das Thema. Du musst immer mehr für dein angemessenes Geld kämpfen, weil sich immer mehr DJs für einen Apfel und ein Ei verkaufen und es gibt immer mehr Veranstalter denen ein billiger DJ lieber ist als jemand der weiß was er tut. Aber zum Schluss ist das alles nicht wichtig . Für mich gibt es nichts schöneres als mit unserer Musik zu arbeiten und zu leben. Es gibt nichts schöneres, als einen jungen Künstler aufzubauen und ihn

langsam zu seinem Erfolg zu führen und seinen Glanz in den Augen zusehen, wenn er seinem Ziel näher kommt. Es gibt nichts schöneres als auf die Bühne zu gehen und Menschen mit seiner Musik glücklich zu machen und wenn es dann noch die eigene Musik ist, ist das das größte Gefühl. All diese Emotionen und Gefühle die dieser Beruf mit sich bringt ist mehr wert als Anerkennung, Respekt oder andere lebensunwichtigen Dinge. Ich muss nicht der Musiker sein der sich in den Vordergrund stellt und sich feiern lässt oder sich auf der Bühne profiliert, das bin ich nicht. Alles was ich will ist, das zu machen wofür ich von den Veranstaltern bezahlt werde oder das Publikum für mich Eintritt zahlt: einen 100 % perfekten Job und wenn das gelingt kannst du gut mit allen anderen negativen Eigenschaften leben.

What‘s your opinion? Discuss with us! / word


Roberdo asks:

Roberdo fragt sich

Where are you from?

Woher kommst Du?

Today I want to ponder on a questions that seems to be perfectly normal. It’s the most obvious question on the festival and backpacker trail: Where are you from?

Heute möchte ich über eine scheinbar ganz normale Frage sinnieren, die aus dem Festival- und Backpacker-Leben einfach nicht wegzudenken ist: Woher kommst du?

Actually I‘m gonna plea against this question. Sure, on the one hand it is the easiest way to start a small talk – and there‘s nothing wrong about a small talk, of course. However, on the other hand this question reflects the intention to pigeon-hole a person, to render the character of this person within the lines of a stereotype. Ah, you‘re Geman! You don‘t have any humour, you drink a lot of beer, and you‘re always on time. You’re French? Aye, you‘re difficult... US American? You think you‘ve seen it all, you‘re kind of easy-going but superficial. Canadian? You‘re the slightly more cultivated version of a US American. Think about it: How often do you hear statements like „Sure, you‘re (nationality), that‘s why...“ in conversations with your camping neighbours or hostel friends...

Genau genommen möchte ich ein Plädoyer gegen jene Frage beginnen. Klar, einerseits ist sie ein ganz klassischer und einfacher Einstieg in einen Smalltalk. Und der ist natürlich extrem gut und wichtig. Aber andererseits ist jene Frage das beste Instrument, um Menschen in eine Schublade zu stecken und anhand von Vorurteilen zu bewerten. Ah, du bist Deutscher! Du hast wenig Humor, trinkst viel Bier und bist immer pünktlich! Franzose? Uff, du bist schwierig... US-Amerikaner? Du hast die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen, bist ganz nett, aber auch oberflächlich. Kanadier? Wie ein US-Amerikaner, nur mit etwas mehr Manieren und Bildung. Denk mal drüber nach: Wie oft kommt es im späteren Gespräch mit den Zeltnachbarn oder Weggefährten vor, dass eine Aussage wie „Klar, du als (Nationalität) bist natürlich...“ fällt...

Okay, I have to admit that there is a core of truth in all the statements I just listed. Let‘s be honest: There‘s almost always a reason for stereotypes. Essentially they are concepts that became so abstract that they don‘t really fit a lot of individuals any more, but that still provide a basic idea about a country and its mentality.

Nun muss ich zugeben, dass die genannten Aussagen einen harten Kern der Wahrheit haben. Seien wir ehrlich: Komplett aus der Luft gegriffen sind nur sehr, sehr wenige Vorurteile. Es sind Schemata, die ab einem gewissen Grad der Abstraktheit zwar nur noch auf wenige Menschen wirklich zutreffen, aber im Grunde doch einen Trend über die Mentalität eines Landes und seiner Bevölkerung widerspiegeln.

Which brings me to the idea of that new world which many, many people in scene talk about but very, very few really try to create. I suggest an active practice for your consciousness to finally get going with this new world: Don‘t ask your camping neighbours or hostel friends the most obvious question straight away. Take some time and get to know them as the unique individuals which they are. Smile when you later learn about their origin and find a stereotype that fits just perfect – and laugh out loud when a certain stereotype doesn‘t fit at all.

Womit wir zum Ernstmachen mit der neuen Welt kommen, von dem in der Szene zwar lang und breit gelabert wird, das sich konkret aber nur sehr begrenzt beobachten lässt. Seht es als praktisches Bewusstseinstraining: Stellt euren Zeltnachbarn oder Hostel-Freunden nicht sofort die offensichtliche Frage. Nehmt euch ein bisschen Zeit, um sie kennen zu lernen. Schmunzelt wenn ihr dann irgendwann später das Herkunftsland erfahrt und ein Vorurteil bestätig seht – und grinst, wenn ihr eines als widerlegt findet.



Served by Dala (Nano Records) While working with Novelty Engine & Infinitti Gritti (together with Burn in Noise & Dickster), the mad scientist, Ajja, has been cooking up an experimental album for TiP Records who have some stella X-Dream remixes on the way too…

NaiLik, will be putting out an EP on Grasshopper Records, who are also be releasing an EP from one of the fast rising stars from Japan, Prohect. Mosaico main man, DJ Pin, is putting the final touches on his

upcoming ‘Cosmosaico’ compilation, featuring top-end colabs + have recent EP’s out from Eclipse Echoes and upcoming EPs from Tera, as well as Frenetic too.

Soundaholix & Touchtone vs Sonic Species.

sowie Killer-EPs von Waio, Sinerider & Materia + den mexikanischen Brüdern Intelligence & Attik.

Hujaboy & Koxbox, have recently formed the boundary smashing ARCON, with their debut EP coming on Zero1, along with Hujaboy’s ‘Psy Collective’. Also expected from the binary bunch are singles from Soundaholix & Touchtone vs Sonic Species. AudioUnit has an EP for Nano Records on the way, including a colab with Ozzy + a slamming remix of Everblast’s ‘Stealth Mode’!! Keep an ear for the next installment of Circuit Breakers ‘Explorations’ series, solo EP from SiLo & rip roaring single from Tristan & Magik!

Mit Novelty Engine & Infinitti Gritti (inkl. Burn in Noise & Dickster), dem verrückten Wissenschaftler, bringt Ajja Experimentalalbum bei TiP Records, dort noch stellare X-Dream Remixe in Arbeit… Hujaboy & Koxbox, das neu geformte grenzüberschreitende ARCON, mit Debüt-EP auf Zero1, neben Hujaboy’s ‘Psy Collective’. Zugleich erwartet vom Binary Bunch Singles von


24/7 Records will be unleashing the next album from Mental Broadcast, incl. pre-EP, as well as some killer EP’s from Waio, Sinerider & Materia + from Mexican brothers, Intelligence & Attik.

AudioUnit hat EP bei Nano Records am Start, inkl. Colab mit Ozzy + knalligem Remix von Everblasts ‘Stealth Mode’!! Augen offen halten für die Circuit Breakers ‘Explorations’ Serie, Solo-EP von SiLo & tolle Single von Tristan & Magik! 24/7 Records demnächst mit Album von Mental Broadcast, inkl. Pre-EP

NaiLik mit EP bei Grasshopper Records, dort ebenso bald EP von Japans aufgehendem Stern, Prohect. Mosaico Vormann, DJ Pin, mit letztem Feinschliff an ‘Cosmosaico’ Kompilation, darauf beste Colabs + bei Eclipse Echoes bald EPs von Tera und Frenetic.


Served by Bakke (Iboga Records, Sweden) Ritmo has been carving out his new album for a release in June just in time for the summer festivals. The album is packed with massive tracks. To be released on Iono Music. Protonica is set to be featured on S>Range’s upcoming collaboration album along with 11 other Psytrance heavyweights - prepare for some serious ear candy. Remember that amazing classic Goa track ”Sundown” by The Overlords? It is out for a new release containing FAT remixes by X-Dream, Gaudium, Youth, James Monro and Tongue & Groove. Out on Iboga this summer. A studio album from Ticon will be out after the summer on Iboga Records.

Gaudium has an array of releases in the pipeline. Besides remixing “The Overlords” he made a really beautiful remix of the Liquid Soul track ”Precious.” Perfect Stranger has created another cracking bomb together with Dick Trevor called ”Time Slip”, scheduled to be out in June. Plus he’s got fantastic remixes by Symbolic, Cimi, Tongue & Groove and Llusive (Ben Coda’s new project). All on Further Progressions. LOUD has just finished their new album due for release this summer. It’s a concept album, where they have fused loads of sounds from different parts of the world.

Ritmo hat rechtzeitig zu den Sommer Festivals ein Album geschnitzt für Release im Juni, bepackt mit fetten Tracks + kommt demnächst bei Iono Music. Protonica wird sich auf S>Ranges neuem Album mit 11 anderen Psytrance Schwergewichten tummeln – seid bereit für ernsthaften Ohrenschmaus. Kennt Ihr noch den erstaunlichen klassischen Goa Track ”Sundown” von The Overlords? Neuer Release kommt mit FETTEN Remixen von X-Dream, Gaudium, Youth, James Monro und Tongue & Groove bei Iboga im Sommer; ein Studioalbum von Ticon bei Iboga Records danach. Gaudium hat eine Reihe von Releasen



in der Mache; neben dem Remix der “The Overlords” machte er wunderschönen weiteren des Liquid Soul Tracks ”Precious.” Perfect Stranger kreierte weitere krachende Bombe mit Dick Trevor namens ”Time Slip”, geplant für Juni. Zudem hat er fantastische Remixe von Symbolic, Cimi, Tongue & Groove und Llusive (Ben Codas neues Projekt), alle bei Further Progressions. LOUD sind gerade fertig mit Album, einem Konzeptalbum, auf dem haufenweise Klänge aus verschiedensten Teilen der Welt verschmelzen, Release ist geplant für den Sommer.


Served by DJ Psycko (Black Out Rec.) This summer, Grouch comes out with his full album on Zenon Rec. His endless expanse of life experiences are all dropped into the melting pot of inspiration where he experiments with various genres and structures, all of them encompassing an original and unmistakable essence.

Highly-experienced experimental sound designers on the front line of music production and engineering, they’ve kept true to their early techniques and methods. All tracks are produced with analog gear-no

single VST were harmed during mix-down. Paralocks has decided to take a break from producing and performing for a while.

Claw verbindet sich mit Parvati rec. – die nächste EP bringt Remixe zweier vorab veröffentlichter Labeltracks. Die Musik ist kräftig und sensationell mit tiefen Bassläufen und futuristischen Klängen. Seine Musik stellt verrückte Klangwelten und tropfenden Sound vor, jeder Track erzählt eine andere Geschichte mit einzigartiger und außergewöhnlicher Reise.

psychedelischen Musikpioniere Alexey Kurkin (Parasense) & Lev Greshilov (Kindzadza). Hocherfahrene Experimentalsounddesigner an der Front der Musikproduktion und -technik, blieben sie ihren frühen Techniken und Methoden treu. Alle Tracks analog produziert – kein einziger VST wurde beim Mischen verletzt.

Will O’ Wisp presents his debut album “Puzzle Symphony”, an aesthetic and technological approach to unite science and arts through music. Claw joins the Parvati rec. family – his next EP features remixes of 2 previously released label tracks. The music is powerful and sensational with deep baselines and futuristic sounds. His music introduces weird sounds capes and dripping sounds, each track has a different story to tell with a unique and exceptional journey.

Im Sommer kommt Grouch mit Album bei Zenon Rec; seine endlosen Lebenserfahrungen werden alle in den Schmelztiegel der Inspiration getaucht, wo er mit verschiedenen Genres und Strukturen experimentiert, alle mit originaler und unverwechselbarer Essenz. Will O‘ Wisp präsentiert sein Debüt “Puzzle Symphony”, ein ästhetisches und technischer Ansatz um Wissenschaft und Kunst mittels Musik zu vereinen.


‘Mononoke & The Wolves’ - is a surrealist acid punk project by psychedelic music pioneers Alexey Kurkin (Parasense) & Lev Greshilov (Kindzadza).

‚Mononoke & The Wolves‘ - ist ein surrealistisches Acidpunkprojekt der

Paralocks beschlossen eine Weile vom Produzieren und Performen zu pausieren.



Globular dringt mit Album ”Holobiont “ ein – veröffentlicht in Collab mit Shanti Plati Records. Eine verschachtelte Reise durch sonische Landschaften, garniert mit der ganzen Bandbreite von Einflüssen, gut verpackt mit polierterem Psydub.

Served by Earth Chill & Toxic In dUb Globular has invaded the airwaves with album ”Holobiont “- released in collab with Shanti Plati Records. An intricate journey through sonic landscapes, seasoned with a full range of influences, very well wrapped in the more polished psydub style. Birds of Paradise release album “Riding the Forth” on Addictech

approaches and meditative dance shapes. Nutek chill presents the new work by Key-G – future regression. Kike Calzadilla’s fantastic work includes 4 special tracks with ethnic, dub and breaks influences. Warped up with a special atmosphere created for a visionary experience into your inner self.


Birds of Paradise mit Album “Riding the Forth” (Addictech Records) – ein kräftiger Mix Wellenmischungen im eher klassischen Progressive Psychill Geschmack. Quanta trifft unsere Boxen wieder mit “Elements” – ein energetisches Kunstwerk, mit kräftigem Retrogeschmack der guten alten Zeit, super vermischt mit eher neuem Sound, knusprigen Flächen, ethnischen Ansätzen und meditativen Tanzformen.

Records – a powerful blend of waves mixtures, in the more classical progressive psychill flavour. Quanta hit our boom boxes again with “Elements” – an energetic piece of art, with powerful retro taste of the good ol’ days, very well blended with more contemporary sound, crunchy textures, ethnic

The new music of Greg Hunter is on air – he’s always sailing close to the edge of the limits of perceived sound, crafting his ethnodelic music by working with classical and Indigenous musicians around the world and creating a masterful blend with the combination of modern technology and sound production techniques.

Nutek chill präsentiert die neue Arbeit von Key-G – Zukunftsregression. Kike Calzadillas fantastische Arbeit enthält 4 Spezialtracks mit Ethnic-, Dub- und Breaks- -Einflüssen. Eingehüllt mit spezieller Atmosphäre kreiert für eine visionäre Erfahrung in Dein innerstes Selbst. Die neue Musik von Greg Hunter segelt stets am äußersten Rande des gefühlten Sounds, seine ethnodelische Musik zusammenbastelnd, indem er mit klassischen und eingeborenen Musikern der ganzen Welt arbeitet und einen meisterhaften Mix aus der Kombination moderner Technologie und Soundproduktionstechnik erschafft.



Submit your own DJ charts at The charts will be online instantly including your Artist Facebook timeline and Soundcloud widget! Directly after your posting the charts will appear on the startpage of Additionally we print a selection of the charts inside the next mushroom magazine.

Boom Shankar (Germany, BMSS Rec) 1. Somatic Cell - Mad Cow in a Cell (BMSS Records) 2. X-Dream - Out here we are Stoned (Mad Tribe Remix) (TIP Records) 3. Shanti People - Tandava (PsiloCybian Remix) (BMSS Records) 4. Arcon - Patterns of the Cosmos (Zero One Records) 5. Electric Universe - Mystical Experiences (Dacru Records) 6. Sabretooth - Driven (Ascent Remix) (Unreleased) 7. Dickster & Burn in Noise - Tumbleweed (Djantrix & Spirit Architect Remix) (Digital Om) 8. Barak - Cat Robot (BMSS Records) 9. The Key - Trance Mantra (Sound Control Remix) (Unreleased) 10. Tristan & Magik - High Grade (Nano Records)

Headroom (South Africa, Nano Rec) 1. Liquid Soul, Zyce, Solar Kid – The Protocol (Tesserac Tstudio) 2. Headroom – Bob the Build-Up (Nano Records) 3. LOUD, Ace Ventura – Our Moment (Captain Hook Remix) (Iboga Records) 4. MVMB – Sensory Experience (Iboga Records) 5. Protonica – Reactor (Iono Records) 6. Astrix & Ritmo – Agate (HOMmega Records) 7. Zen Mechanics, Audiotec – Mechanical Dreams (Sourcecode) 8. MVMB, Freedom Fighters – Australiens (Iboga Records) 9. Off Limits – Inspiration (Iboga Records) 10. Liquid Soul, Zyce, Solar Kid – We Come In Peace (Talpa Remix) (Tesserac Tstudio)

DJ Rob (Netherlands, SICK / BooM! Rec) 1. Ajja - Starfall (Braincell Remix) (Unreleased) 2. Tesla Principle feat. Mendelix - Insanity (BooM! Records) 3. Dissy feat. Overcast - Troubled Tyrion (BMSS Records) 4. Dirty Saffi - Rest Of Our Lives (MoDem Music) 5. Sionnach feat. Xymox & Lah Narrad - Smash The Pashty (Galactic Groove Records) 6. Eat Static - Sin-Quest (Frosty Fennic Remix) (Vertigo Records) 7. Earthling feat. Overload - This Place Is Loco (Zero1 Music) 8. John 00 Flemming feat. Ovnimoon - Ascension (Joof Recordings) 9. PhasePhour - Hipster Hippies (Sabretooth Remix) (BMSS Records) 10. Liquid Soul - Lost Gravity (Atacama Rmx) (Digital Om Productions)

Tanianta (Germany, B.A.M. Records) 1. James West - Our Time 2. Mechanimal - Contact 3. Zen Mechanics - Industry of Love (Disorder Rmx) 4. Plasmotek & Chromatone - Hexidecibel 5. Escape - Intruder 6. Spec3 - Journey into shadow (Contineum Rmx) 7. Render & Hypnoise - Ancient Notes 8. Killlerwatts - Another Plant (Mad Maxx Rmx) 9. Mirok vs. Pragmatix - Technology producing Creatures 10. Escape - Aftermath


Chaotix (Germany) 1. Rodriguez Jr. - Capitelle 2. N´to - Chez Nous 3. Recondite - Undulate 4. Stefan Bodzin - Wir 5. Victor Ruiz & D-Nox - Arise 6. Bog & Andrea Ljekaj - Mantra 7. Luis Junior - Sesto Sento 8. Johannes Volk - Emerald Tunnel (Efdemin remix) 9. Eagles & Butterflies - Same Place Same Time 10. Ryan Davis & Microtrauma - Calendula

AstroPilot (Russia/Ukraine, Altar Rec.) 1. AstroPilot & Tribone - The Waste Lands (Iboga Records unreleased) 2. Whitebear & AstroPilot - Time Architect (Iboga Records) 3. Cloower Wooma – Valkyrje (Blue Tunes Chillout) 4. Cloower Wooma – Ginnungagap (Blue Tunes Chillout) 5. AstroPilot & Tribone - Iron Abyss (Iboga Records unreleased) 6. Tribone & Whitebear - Unity (Shanti Planti) 7. Tribone - Cognitive Shift (Shanti Planti) 8. Desert Dwellers - View From Laniakea (Whitebear‘s Vantage Point) (Desert Dwellers Music) 9. Whitebear - Bardo (Halfred Remix) (Shanti Planti ) 10. Suduaya & E-Mantra - Nerida (Melusine Records)

Side Liner (Greece, Cosmicleaf Records) 1. Aviron - Stay Positive (Cosmicleaf Records) 2. Chronos - Keep In Your Heart (Mystic Sound Records) 3. Eguana - Senses Leaving Summer (Plexus Music) 4. Germind - Are changeable imagery (Cosmicleaf Records) 5. 2illusions - Ocean (Plexus Music) 6. Valdi Sabev - The Real Meaning (Self Released) 7. Jane Maximova - Clouds (Lemongrassmusic) 8. Aquamarine Sounds - The Garden Within (Tempest Recordings) 9. Jens Buchert - Nimbus (Dimension Music) 10. Noraus - Fludentri (Microcosmos)


NANO Records boss Regan

Celebrating 10 years of LOUD

NANO Records Keep on pushing

NANO Records doesn’t make it easy for itself. Rather than keeping a certain quality level, the label keeps pushing the global standard for Psytrance. UK artists Magik and James West as well as Brazilian Earthspace are the most recent examples for this venture. It‘s always inspiring to see the unbroken euphoria of NANO‘s Regan, who‘s looking back on 20 years of DJ career: “Tristan is bang on it right now with some utterly relentless but groovy, deep Goa beats. We have a series of massive EPs from Avalon and Circuit Breakers (Dickster & Burn in Noise) happening this year. We have the new album from Loud which is really special - those guys are such risk takers, that‘s what I admire about them more then anything! We also have a huge South African compilation, a real showcase of some awesome talent coming from the tip of Africa. The Future Frequency (Avalon & Sonic Species) album is almost done and is sure to turn some heads too! And there is so much more on the way…” www.

NANO Records macht es sich nicht gerade leicht. Anstatt einfach ein gewisses Qualitätsniveau zu halten legt das Label die Latte in Sachen Psytrance konsequent höher. Aktuelle Beispiele dafür sind Magik und James West aus dem UK sowie der Brasilianer Earthspace. Es ist faszinierend zu beobachten, wie NANO’s Regan auch nach 20 Jahren DJ Karriere noch mit Herz und Seele bei der Sache ist: “Tristan ist mit seinen echt harten aber groovigen und deepen Goa Nummern einfach nur fett. Wir haben dieses Jahr eine Reihe großartige EPs von Avalon und Circuit Breakers (Dickster & Burn in Noise) am Start. Außerdem ein Album von LOUD, das sehr speziell ist - die Jungs trauen sich was, das bewundere ich am meisten! Außerdem kommt eine Südafrika-Compilation, eine großartige Werkschau dessen, wieviel Talent da unten am Kap sitzt. Das Future Frequency (Avalon & Sonic Species) Album ist so gut wie fertig und wird definitiv ein Hinhörer! Und das ist noch nicht alles…”

Tribal music and cultures feature heavily on the new Loud album, “5 Billion Stars”, released in July. Eitan Reiter & Kobi Toledano have skipped the trends and focused on making a beautiful and unique album that tells a special global story. Loud have gone deep, mixing self-recorded ambience and acoustic sounds from around the world with live jammed analogue synths to capture magical moments. This summer they will perform their special full band set ‚Loud Band‘ at Boom Festival, while their “Loud in Dub” set makes it‘s European debut at Ozora Festival! Auf dem neuen, im Juli veröffentlichten Loud Album, “5 Billion Stars” gibt‘s Tribalsound.. Eitan Reiter & Kobi Toledano übersprangen die Trends und konzentrierten sich darauf ein wunderschönes und einzigartiges Album zu liefern, welches eine Geschichte erzählt. Dafür mixten sie selbst-aufgenommenen Ambient und akustische Klänge aus der ganzen Welt mit live gejamten analogen Synthies, um magische Momente einzufangen. Diesen Sommer werden sie ihr komplettes Band-Set ‚Loud Band‘ beim Boom Festival spielen, während ihr “Loud in Dub” sein Europa-Debüt beim Ozora Festival hat!




The German father of Goatrance is back in Europe

What do you think about the scene‘s recent developments? After we had seen a peak of our culture around the mid 2000s, there followed the death of label and organizers, with a large decrease of visitor numbers at events and festivals. Today we seem to see a reverse trend. The GOA scene seems to experience some kind of renaissance. It‘s a saying, „there‘s life in the old dog yet” which seems to apply here. I for one would not have thought, honestly, that I would answer questions from “mushroom magazine” in this life again. Psytrance is kicking in again and the scene has become more lively recently. That is great news, that not many of us would have predicted a few years ago. There was a time when we thought the movement was dying out and the good times where over. The mid 90s to the mid of 2000 were the golden years for labels, artists and festivals, then everything collapsed within a short period of time. The internet revolution had changed everything. People stopped buying cd‘s and vinyl, distribution companies did not get paid by retailers, labels did not get paid by distributors and so on. Suddenly everything stopped. Today the music sales are still down and not

relevant for the survival of (underground music) artists anymore. The only way to survive on music is by playing gigs at parties, but somehow the scene has managed to survive and that is the positive side of it. More than 20 years ago you first released on Spirit Zone, what do you think is the difference between productions in the past and today? How do you see the quality of recent releases in comparison to the past? Everything was better then, or the possibilities today are staggering? Today, music production is much better. The technological possibilities cannot be compared with those 20 years ago. Now there is killer equipment, available for everybody and it is non- expensive. The possibilities are mind blowing today. Why was Spirit Zone Records abandoned? Spirit Zone went bankrupt. After the internet explosion the distribution network, the sales of sound carriers took a radical tumble. Although distribution (EFA Medien) did not pay us for one year, we continued producing and releasing and paying the employees- hoping that the

pic: Manjula Shanti

After Antaro’s a short visit in the mushroom headquarters and subsequently digging in our archives the treasure mushroom magazine June 97 was found. We thought it has long been time for an interview with the founder of VooV experience and Spirit Zone Recordings. and it worked :) situation would improve again – until all the money was gone and debts had accumulated. This then was the end. Is it true that the Spirit Zone‘s music is at the ‚Goethe Institut‘ of Cambodia and will get digitalised? Do we see a renaissance of the label? The last two years I have lived in Cambodia and been DJing at the Metahouse sometimes. The Metahouse is connected to the ‚Goethe Institut‘ in Phnom Penh. As there is la lot of pioneering spirit, in regards to music and parties, I thought it was a good idea to keep my Spirit Zone CD collection with them. Somehow it really is German culture, at least now I have turned it into that:-) Do you care to tell our readers something about why you left the VooV-Experience or even comment recent developments? No, only this much: I left VooV Experience out of personal reasons in 2005 and I am not in any way involved since, and will not be in the future. You have called yourself “a global vagabond – single, no kids, lots of

25 experiences. That goes back all the way to 1969! Amazing that this club is still going and even more amazing for me that I will be DJing there, 45 years later.

A Goa Party 25 years ago - pic: Udo Herzog

What convinced you to dive into the Psy scene after all these years ?

traveling”, a part of our edition, the „Trancers Guide to the Galaxy“ is dedicated to the topic ‚traveling‘. Do you have any advice or useful tips, like do‘s and don‘ts for our readers at hand, which could simplify traveling? Nothing has changed up to today. For me, to travel is an attitude of life and what I like most. “Home is where the heart is” and that can be anywhere. If you are flexible and open, existence takes care of you and you can‘t go wrong. When you travel, you experience that it does not matter where you were born or what nationality you have. People are all the same, everywhere...just the conditioning is different. When you travel the world and mix up with people, you realize that we are all brothers and sisters on the same small planet, called earth. division is man-made by religions, nationalistic thinking and so on. Really, we are all one. We are talking while you are in Portugal. The date for the ZNA 2017 has been set. Will we listen to you again, are you meeting the organizers? The ZNA people convinced me to play Psytrance at their festival last year, after being on a different trip the years before. It was really great

fun and I want to continue from there. I will be going for full on psychedelic trance and skip all the other styles for now. Lets see. I will be playing at ZNA gathering next year again. ZNA is true underground spirit and the location is just amazing. You have some very nice bookings for the summer in Germany and, as I have read, even one indoor event at the Grünspan. Is this something like a flashback, and do have any special ties to the Grünspan as a “Hamburg Boy”? I am looking forward to this summer in Germany, playing some festivals and meeting old friends . I haven‘t been there for a while and I was missing the whole circus. Naturally the Antaris Project is the highlight. There I will meet everyone. I will play a full on Psytrance set on Monday and Electronica the day before at the Chill tent. The New Healing sounds as well like a real good event, the concept sounds very interesting. Another (personal) highlight will be the party at “Grünspan” in Hamburg. Grünspan was the very first club I ever went to dance in my life and where I had my first psychedelic

I thought I was too old to continue and that it was time to do something different, but I have missed being an active part at parties and the whole circus which goes with it. I have tried to establish myself as a DJ with different music in Asia , but with small success. The good thing about our scene is that age does not really matter so, here I am again. What do you think of Proggy Trance? Progressive trance is a northern European phenomenon and it first came from Scandinavia and Germany. I guess it is connected to a more dry mentality here. The progressive scene is very active and internationally very successful. The real Goa fraction does not consider this Psytrance , as it is very club oriented and features lots of vocals. Some of it should rather be called Psyhouse. I am anyway not so excited about it right, I prefer full power Psytrance. What system do you use while djing? Are you going digital (laptop), or do you settle for CDs? I started DJing with cassettes in Goa. Then it was dat’s. Then cd’s and vinyl. After that I used a computer and Traktor. When I got back from Cambodia now, i borrowed 2 Pioneer CDJs 2000, to test DJing with USB sticks as the technology is new to me. It works very well. So, in the future I will DJ with CDJs and only bring 2 USB sticks and headphones to the gig. great, I love it. Brave new world :) Interview: Manjula Mülder



Der Hamburger Vater des Goatrance ist zurück in Europa

Nach einem kurzen Besuch im mushroom headquarter von Antaro und nachfolgendem rumstöbern im Archiv und dem Fundstück mushroom magazine Juni 97 stand fest, es wird schon lange mal Zeit für ein Interview mit dem Gründer von VooV experience und Spiritzone Recordings Was denkst Du über die aktuelle Entwicklung der Szene? Nachdem wir wohl gegen Mitte der 2000er einen Höhepunkt unserer Kultur erlebten, folgten darauf ein Label und Veranstaltersterben, bei stark rückläufigen Besucherzahlen auf den Veranstaltungen und Festivals. Aktuell scheint sich dieser Trend wieder umzukehren und die GOA-Szene so etwas wie eine Renaissance zu erleben. Wie schätzt Du das ein? „Totgesagte leben länger” heisst ja ein Sprichwort, das scheint hier wohl zuzutreffen. Ich hätte, ehrlich gesagt, auch nicht gedacht das ich in diesem Leben noch mal Fragen vom “mushroom magazine” beantworten würde :-) Man kann auf jeden Fall feststellen, dass es weltweit wieder mehr Psytrance Partys gibt und die Produzentenszene sich multipliziert hat und plötzlich alles wieder sehr lebendig ist. Soundtechnisch hat sich im Laufe der Jahre die durch “Goa” inspirierte Musikszene so vielfältig entwickelt, dass man gar nicht mehr von “dem” Goa-Sound sprechen kann. Man sollte sowieso besser von Psytrance reden. Keiner muss nach Goa fahren, um auf eine sogenannte Goatrance Party zu gehen. Die gibt es inzwischen überall. Goa ist eine Marke geworden, was

Partys, Musik und Lifestyle angeht. Hat sich sozusagen verselbstädnigt und hat doch eigentlich nur noch wenig mit dem zu tun, was es einmal war. Um auf den Höhepunkt der Kultur (labelbezogen} zu sprechen zu kommen, würde ich sagen, dass der Ende der 90er/Anfang 2000 war, als alles noch frisch und einzigartig war und keiner wusste wo die Reise hingeht. Danach kam dann eine Label-, Artist- und Party-Flut, die Mitte 2000 jäh vom totalem Kollaps überrascht wurde. Durch das Internet hatte sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit das globale Netzwerk von Labels, Distributions und allem, was noch dazugehört, in Luft aufgelöst. Dann kam für Jahre Stagnation und heutzutage saugt sich jeder seine Musik aus dem Internet und das möglichst umsonst. Jetzt gibt es anscheinend wieder eine neue Phase unter neuen Voraussetzungen. Ich bin gespannt, wo die Entwicklung hingeht. Warum wurde Spirit Zone Records aufgegeben? Spirit Zone ging pleite. Nach der “Explosion” des Internets ist das Distributionsnetz, sind die Verkäufe von Tonträgern radikal eingebrochen. Obwohl uns die Distribution (EFA Medien) ein Jahr nicht mehr bezahlten, haben wir damals weiterproduziert und

weiter veröffentlicht und den Angestellten die Löhne bezahlt - in der Hoffnung, dass sich die Lage wieder bessert - bis dann alles Geld weg war und sich Schulden angehäuft hatten. Das war dann das Aus. Ist es richtig, dass die Musik des Spirit Zone Labels beim Goethe Institut von Kambodscha ist und dort digitalisiert wurde? Gibt es ein Wiederaufleben des Labels? Ich habe die letzten 2 Jahre in Kambodscha gelebt und dort im Metahouse ab und zu Musik gemacht. Das Metahouse ist dem Goethe Institut in Phnom Penh angeschlossen. Da dort viel Pioniergeist herrscht, was Musik und Partys angeht, fand ich es eine gute Idee, meine Spirit Zone CD Sammlung dazulassen. Ist ja irgendwie auch ein Stück deutsche Kultur, zumindest habe ich es jetzt dazu gemacht :-) Magst Du uns und unseren Lesern bitte etwas darüber sagen, warum Du aus der VooV-Experience ausgestiegen bist oder eventuell sogar die aktuellen Entwicklungen kommentieren? Nein. Nur soviel: Ich bin 2005 aus persönlichen Gründen ausgestiegen

pic: Manjula Shanti


und habe mit allem, was danach kam und in Zukunft noch kommt, absolut nichts zu tun. Du hast Dich selber mal beschrieben als “global vagabond – single, no kids, lots of traveling”. Ein Teil unserer Ausgabe, der „Trancers Guide to the Galaxy“ widmet sich dem Thema Traveling. Hast Du irgendwelche Tipps und Tricks für unsere Leser parat, die das Reisen erleichtern? Daran hat sich bis heute nichts geändert. Traveln ist für mich eine Lebenseinstellung und die Art wie ich am liebsten lebe. “Home is where the heart is” und das kann überall sein und ständig wechseln. Flexibilität hilft und ständig offen zu sein für neue Situationen. Dann passiert alles von ganz allein und man trifft automatisch auf die richtigen Leute. ”Trust in existence” würde man im englischen sagen und das trifft es sehr gut.Ich persönlich bin nicht an materiellen Dingen interessiert und ich bin kein Sammler von Dingen und besitze eigentlich nichts. Frei zu sein bedeutet für mich, jederzeit dort sein zu können wo ich sein möchte und das zu tun was ich tun möchte. Da sind materielle Dinge eher ein Hindernis.

Wir führen dieses Gespräch während Du in Portugal bist. Der Termin für ZNA 2017 steht schon fest. Hören wir Dich dort wieder, triffst Du Dich mit den Veranstaltern? Die ZNA Organisatoren haben mich dazu bewogen, mal wieder Psytrance aufzulegen auf ihrer Party in Portugal. Dafür bin ich ihnen dankbar. Es war so viel Spass all “die üblichen Verdächtigen” Artists und DJ‘s wiederzutreffen in einer so perfekten Open Air Location. Ich bin im nächsten Jahr wieder auf dem ZNA Gathering in Portugal. Du hast einige sehr schöne Bookings im Sommer in Deutschland und wie ich lese sogar noch ein Indoor Event im Grünspan. Werden Erinnerungen wach und hast Du als Hamburger Jung’ eine besondere Verbindung zum Grünspan? ich freue mich auf den Sommer in Deutschland und die Partys und die Leute. Ich war ja einige Jahre nicht mehr am Start und habe den ganzen Zirkus schon vermisst. Das Antaris Project ist natürlich das Highlight. Dort sind dann alle anzutreffen. Ich spiele am letztem Tag Psytrance und die Tage davor Electronica im

Chillzelt. Auch das Spiritual Healing Festival könnte eine gute Veranstaltung werden, das Konzept dort finde ich interessant. Die Party im Hamburger Club “Grünspan” ist für mich persönlich etwas sehr Besonderes. Das Grünspan war der erste Club in dem viele Jahre jedes Wochenende zum Tanzen gegangen bin und meine ersten psychedelischen Erfahrungen gemacht habe. Da war ich 16, das war 1969. Es freut mich sehr dort jetzt mal selber Musik machen zu dürfen. Was hat Dich nach all den Jahren bewogen, wieder in die Psyscene einzutauchen? Ich habe es vermisst, aktiv an Partys teilzuhaben und die Psytrance Szene ist nunmal meine Szene.. Ich habe in Asien versucht mich mit anderer Musik als DJ durchzusetzen, mit wenig Erfolg. Die meisten meiner Freunde sind in der Psytrance Szene unterwegs und die Lebensart passt natürlich auch zu mir. Was hältst Du von der Entwicklung Richtung Progressive Trance? Progressive Trance ist ein nordeuropäisches Phänomen und kam zuerst aus Scandinavien und Deutschland. Ich glaube es hat wohl mit der etwas trockeneren Mentalität hier zu tun. Mit Spirit Zone und generell in Hamburg haben wir ja auch Anteil daran. Die Szene ist sehr aktiv und international erfolgreich. Also alles gut. Die “echte Goafraktion” sieht diesen Stil allerdings nicht als Psytrance, da er sehr Club orientiert ist und viel vocals featured. Einiges sollte man auch eher Psyhouse nennen. Ich finde das im Moment auch nicht so spannend, denn ich gebe lieber Vollgas. Interview: Manjula





Das neue Digital DJing KompaktKraftpaket für Rekordbox ist da

Pioneer DJ hat seine Palette an Rekordbox DJ Controllern um den neuen intuitiv bedienbaren DDJ-RR erweitert, der trotz kleinster Maße keine Wünsche offen lässt. Der kleine Bruder der beiden professionellen Rekordbox DJ-Controller DDJ-RZ und DDJ-RX spricht sowohl ambitionierte Einsteiger als auch Profis an und kommt mit einem intuitiven Layout und einem kompakten Edel-Design in gebürstetem Aluminium daher. Er verfügt über zwei Kanäle und kann mittels Deck Select Funktion per Tastendruck alle vier Rekordbox Decks ansteuern. Große Jogwheels, beleuchtete On-Jog Indikatoren und berührungsempfindliche, farbkodierte Performance Pads sorgen für volle Kontrolle. Innovative Features wie Slip Mode und Release FX geben Raum für kreative Entfaltung und

mit Sequence Load kann man sogar Sample Sequenzen in die Decks laden und scratchen. Cue Punkte sind dank Touch-Strips und Hot-Cue schnell gefunden und gesetzt. Neue Funktionen die das Rekordbox 4.1.1 Software Update mit sich bringt wurden auch schon hardwareseits implementiert, so gibt es neue Knöpfe, z.B. für Sequence Call, eine Funktion die dem Nutzer ermöglicht, direkt am Gerät selbst Sample Sequenzen zu erstellen und abzuspeichern. Das integrierte Audio-Interface stammt aus dem Profi-Controller DDJ-RZ und bietet ebenfalls neben zwei Kopfhörerausgängen und symmetrischen XLR-Ausgängen für PA-Anlagen einen Master- sowie einen Booth-Ausgang (Chinch) um Audioquellen mit kraftvollem und klaren Sound wiederzugeben. Ein PC-Masterausgang

Na? Blut geleckt? Haben wollen? Wir verlosen zusammen mit pioneerdj einen DDJ-RB, den kleinen Bruder des hier vorgestellten DDJ-RR. Einzige Bedingung: Du musst Deinen Wohnsitz in Deutschland haben. Um zu gewinnen besuche einfach Nachdem Du Deine E-Mail Adresse eingegeben hast erhälst Du die Möglichkeit die Verlosung zu teilen. Jeder Deiner Freunde die zusätzlich am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen bringen Dir mehr Gewinnchancen. Viel Erfolg! sogt für zusätzliche Flexibilität, mit diesem können die internen Lautsprecher eines Computers, Desktop-Lausprecher oder kabellose Lausprecher zur Wiedergabe des Master-Signals genutzt werden, gleichzeitig kann per Kopfhörer unabhängig vom Master-Ausgang vorgehört werden. Der DDJ-RR glänzt außerdem durch seine Transportabilität - er ist leicht, kompakt und hat handliche Griffe. Mit Strom läßt er sich via Netzadapter oder USB versorgen. Der DDJ-RR kommt mit einer Lizenz für die Rekordbox DJ Software, sodass gleich losgelegt werden kann. Alternativ kann der Controller aber auch ohne Recordbox als 2-Kanal.Standalone Mixer mit Turntables oder CD-Playern verwendet werden. Erhältlich sein wird er ab sofort für 699€ UVP. controller/ddj-rr Text: Philip


Iono Music



fashion special Another year has passed, the temperatures rise, the festival season begins. So some of us imagine maybe again the same question - what should I wear ? The warderobe is empty, what is new and particularly. WHERE do I get it? Quite simply - mushroom fashion special. After a great deal of popularity in the last year we decided to do it again. On the next pages you find an even richer fashion special . We are sure there is something for everyone.

DRESS TARMY, mossgreen by

Schon wieder ist ein Jahr vergangen, die Temperaturen steigen, die Festival Saison beginnt und für viele stellt sich vielleicht auch wieder die selbe Frage - was ziehe ich an! Der Kleiderschrank ist leer, was gibt es Neues und vor allem WO bekomme ich es? Ganz einfach - mushroom fashion special. Nach grossem Zuspruch im letzten Jahr gibt’s auch in unserer Sommerausgabe ein noch umfangreicheres fashion special.

Whether streetwear or tribal, sexy and alternative, look for yourself, and get inspired. Similarly, if you - hardly imaginable - are not going to find it or you think something in the selection is missing then please let us know, I am sure we can help :)

Wir sind uns sicher, es ist für jeden etwas dabei. Ob streetwear oder tribal, sexy und alternative, schau selbst und lasse dich inspirieren. Und falls du - kaum vorstellbar - doch nicht fündig wirst oder dir etwas in der Auswahl fehlt, dann melde dich bei uns, wir können sicher helfen :)

Just write to:

Schreib uns einfach an:

Deine Manjula

Your Manjula

Fashion Special Content Management: Manjula Mülder



Fairies Pjs is a sustainable clothing company owned and designed by Michelle Lynn Johnson and her life partner Bryan Smart from Ontario, Canada. FairyMichelle has been working with a fair trade production facility in Kathmandu, Nepal since first visiting in 2006. Sourcing organic cottons from India, MJ and Bryan are inspired by their life long love for outdoor music festivals like Burning Man and Shambhala. The importance of having multifunctional wearable designs transitions from survival festival wear to party mode to urban lifestyle. Often called the ‚gateway to festival fashion‘ Fairies Pjs will always be whimsical, fun, comfortable and inclusive to everyone. Fairies Pjs ist eine von Michelle Lynn Johnson und ihrem Lebenspartner Bryan Smart betriebene und entworfene nachhaltige Kleidungsfirma in Ontario, Kanada. FairyMichelle arbeitet seit einem erstem Besuch 2006 mit einer Fairtrade Produktionsstätte in Kathmandu, Nepal und beziehen ihre biologische Baumwolle aus Indien. MJ und Bryan werden inspiriert von ihrer lebenslangen Liebe für Outdoor Musikfestivals wie Burning Man und Shambhala. Die Wichtigkeit von multifunktionalen, tragbaren Designs reicht von Survival-Festival-Kleidung über Partymode zu urbaner Mode. Oft der ‚Einstieg in die Festivalmode‘ genannt, wird Fairies Pjs stets drollig, spassig, bequem und etwas für jeden sein.


34 From Switzerland with love! We provide you with freak clothes and streetwear directly from our designers‘ think tanks from the whole world. With everything for a cool decoration for your home und for fun and games at the festival as well! We care for the world and nature, this is why you will find many fair trade products and items out of organic-natural material.

Liebesgrüsse aus der Schweiz! Wir versorgen Dich mit freakigen Klamotten und Streetwear direkt aus den Ideenschmieden unserer Designer aus aller Welt. Ebenso mit allem für eine coole Deko bei Dir zuhause und für Spass und Spiel auf dem Festival! Wir sorgen uns um die Welt und die Natur, aus diesem Grund findest Du bei uns viele Fair-trade-Produkte und Artikel aus Bio-Naturmaterialien. und im Laden in Aarau!


Senjo Clothing is an Amsterdam based, earth-wear fashion label. All garments are custom made with extraordinary quality, and a sustainable, eco-friendly work ethic. You can find them at and the newly opened accessory shop at SenjoClothing. Get 15% discount with „mushroompromo“ in celebration of Senjo Clothing‘s 10-year anniversary! Senjo Clothing aus Amsterdam, ein *earth wear* fashion label. Alle Kleidungsstücke maßgefertigt, Materialen von hoher Qualtität und unter umwelfreundlichen Bedingungen hergestellt Ihr findet eine schöne Auswahl unter und dem neu eröffneten Zubehör Shop bei SenjoClothing. Sichere dir 15% discount mit *mushroompromo* um Senjo Clothings 10jähriges Bestehen zu feiern !!


fancy fashion for fancy people Several small labels and young designers , for whom fair trade - from production to the customer is as much important are represented in Aurin Verschiedene kleine Labels und Jungdesigner, denen ein fairer Handel – von der Produktion bis zum Kunden - genauso wichtig ist wie uns sind im Aurin vertreten. AURINSHOP offers fashion and accessories for nature sensitive individualists prone to extraordinary, sustainable and, naturally, fair-trade clothing. Whether for everyday use or the next party, everyone who is seeking the exceptional will hit pay dirt. The range of goods comprises lots of practical and dainty stuff, from bumbags to flower sticks. Different labels charming with their unique designs, invite to express your individual personality with unique and specifically valuable clothing. Represented are Ajna-Design, Luna-Design, Chapati-Design, Liloo-Wear, Nomads Hempwear, Public Beta Psychedelic UV Wear, Psylo-Fashion, Plazmalab, for example, and many more.

AURINSHOP bietet Mode und Accessoires für naturbewusste Individualisten mit Hang zu außergewöhnlicher, nachhaltiger und selbstverständlich fair gehandelter Kleidung. Ob für den Alltag oder die nächste Party, hier wird jeder fündig, der das Besondere sucht. Das Sortiment umfasst auch vielerlei Praktisches und Verspieltes, von Bauchtaschen bis hin zu Flowersticks. Verschiedene Labels, die mit ihren einzigartigen Designs bezaubern, laden ein, die individuelle Persönlichkeit mit einzigartiger und besonders hochwertiger Kleidung zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Vertreten sind z.B. Ajna-Design, Luna-Design, Chapati-Design, Liloo-Wear, Nomads Hempwear, Public Beta Psychedelic UV Wear, Psylo-Fashion, Plazmalab u.v.m.

Aurin Spaceland Kirchengasse 25 A-1070 Wien


Psylo brings forward a fusion of unique culture, contemporary art, and ancient artifacts that is incorporated into their edgy cuts. Catering to the wide diversity of genre sub-cultures, their clothes are sought out by the Punks, Emos, Goths, and are even embraced by professionals who still want to show their rebel side both subtly and boldly. Combining the strong elements in their designs, Psylo has brought up a new sub-genre of Streetwear, called “Ethno Punk”. Psylo zeigt uns eine Fusion von einzigartigen Kulturen , zeitgenössischer Kunst und antiken Artefakten in den avangardistischen Schnitten. Eine breite Vielfalt von Kleidung quer durch alle Stile, Punks, Emos, Gothics .. Für alle die neben der Professionalität auch gerne noch ihre rebellische Seite zeigen. Die Kombination all dieser starken Elemente und Designs hat Psylo in ein Subgenre des Streetwear angegliedert, genannt „Ethno Punk“.

Find the Psylo store here: 7 – 12 July 2016 Freqs of Nature, Germany 23 – 24 July 2016 Amphi Festival, Germany 1 – 7 August 2016 Ozora Festival, Hungary 11 – 18 August 2016 Boom Festival, Portugal 23 – 29 August 2016 Lost Theory, Spain


Marandai entrance with „free mushroom“ sign

Inside the shop

Far off consumer compulsion, Marandai works towards a perfect fusion of art appreciation and eco-friendliness. Brands like Public Beta, but also fairly traded unique pieces and Upcycling treasures by local artisans are found in the passionate shop. Instead of competitive pressure, creators can freely concentrate on crafting while sharing ideas through collective “art-storming”. New members to the family are always welcome!

josie ( Off_Baseline) by marandai

Mit Leidenschaft wird Konsumwahn hier „umgekrempelt“. Als Fusion von Kunst- und Umweltbewusstsein beherbergt Marandai Marken wie Public Beta, aber auch fair gehandelte Einzelstücke und Upcycling-Kostbarkeiten lokaler Kreativköpfe. Statt Konkurrenzdrang unterstützen sich die Schaffenden beim „Art-storming“. Innerhalb eines Jahres wuchs eine Familie heran. Schöpferischer Neuzuwachs ist stets erwünscht!

The blacklight room

The Art-Storming Family

Marandai on tour at the festivals


40 years Om Shankari in Hamburg

pic: Manjula Shanti

Om Shankari Shop in Hamburg

How the foundation of this Hamburg institution was laid with unbelievalble trust and loads of merchandise in a then peaceful Afghanistan 40 years ago

It was in Herat in Afghanistan with lots of hospitality, honour and respect. On our way back from India and Nepal after almost 2 years, but 50 Deutsch Mark in our pockets and thousands of kilometres ahead, when 2 nice young Afghans welcomed us to their small shop by the name of ‚Golden Shop‘ and invited us to chai and fried eggs with hot naan. The shop was a beauty, clothes with the finest embroidery, broad bangles and so called Kutschi jewellery, fire-gilded with cornelian and mounted with lapis lazuli. Of course, we would have liked to take some of these treasures with us, but we were broke. But then, as in an Arabian nights‘ tale, Ghani and Houssein said, we should take however much we could carry and simply pay later. Accompanied with an ‚Inshallah‘ our

deal was settled. Before we left they gave us 50 Dollar. What trust! Fortunate circumstances had us returning but 3 months later to pay them, their delight was immense. Loaded with almost 600 kg of merchandise we went back to Hamburg, at first selling our precious goods to friends and on the weekly market. In May 1976 we opened our shop Bum Shanka in the Stresemannstrasse. Several trips Hamburg-Istanbul-Teheran-Kabul-Kyber and further on to Delhi and Kathmandu and back followed - until December ‚79 when Afghanistan was occupied. In 1984 again with truck to Asia, shipped our purchased goods from Calcutta, sold the lorry in Kathmandu and flew to Bali for our 1st ‘Grand Purchase’. The 1st Bell Bottoms were produced according

to our cut and fashion went colourful! In 1988 a motley crew of nice people from the whole world danced at the 1st „Goa Style“ Bum Shanka garden party, we established Goa‘s chai-shop culture. Voov, Antaris and Shiva Moon became the tribes‘ greatest gatherings in Europe – and we were right in the middle. In 2006 Bum Shanka became Om Shankari, and in 2011 we had to move to the Hahnenkamp 12 where we welcome our customers today. Still we are in India and Nepal regularly for designing and ordering our clothes. Ethically fair-trade with socially responsible producers are the base of our actions. Thanks to all for your support - love Wally - AND CREW



How and where to start, North Anjuna, Februar 2016. Im seit “ewig” gefühlten surround von Nature und Sound sitze ich nun und denke an meine vierzig Jahre Asiatika Handel zurück und möchte mich erstmal bei Euch allen bedanken, insbesondere bei Suniti und Susi ohne deren langjährige Hingabe die 40 Jahre wohl eher nicht zusammen gekommen wären. Es war in Herat in Afghanistan, gefühlsmäßig wie im Mittelalter, mit ganz viel Gastfreundschaft, Ehre und Respekt. Wir waren gerade auf dem Rückweg, nach fast 2 Jahren Indien und Nepal, mit 50 DM und noch einigen Tausend Kilometern vor uns, als uns zwei nette Afghanen in ihrem kleinen Laden mit dem Namen ‚Golden Shop‘ willkommen hießen und uns zu Chai und Spiegeleiern mit heißem Naan einluden. Der Shop war ein Schmuckstück, Kleidung mit feinsten Stickereien, weiten Armreifen und sogenanntem Kutschi Schmuck, feuervergoldet mit Carneol und bestückt mit Lapislazuli. Natürlich hätten wir gerne ein paar von diesen Schätzen mitgenommen, aber wir waren total pleite. Doch dann geschah es wie eine Geschichte aus 1000 und

einer Nacht: Ghani und Houssein sagten, wir könnten soviel mitnehmen, wie wir tragen könnten und einfach später bezahlen. Mit einem ‚Inshallah‘ wurde unser Deal besiegelt. Die ganze Nacht hindurch wurde geschrieben und gepackt. Der Blechschmied schmiedete aus mehreren Britannia-Biskuitdosen, die damals gelötet waren, eine Blechkiste zusammen, die wir füllten. Zum Abschied gab es von den beiden noch 50 Dollar. Was für ein Vertrauen! Glückliche Umstände führten dazu, dass wir schon drei Monate später zurück nach Afghanistan trampen konnten, um Ghani und Houssein zu bezahlen. Die Freude war riesig. Vollbepackt mit fast 600 kg Ware machten wir uns wieder auf den Rückweg nach Hamburg. Zuerst verkauften wir unsere Schätze an Freunde und auf dem Volksdorfer Wochenmarkt. Im Mai ‘76 eröffneten wir BUM SHANKA in der Stresemannstrasse. Es folgten viele Trips Hamburg-Istanbul-Teheran-Kabul-Kyber und weiter über Delhi nach Kathmandu und retour bis im Dezember ‚79 die damalige UdSSR Afghanistan besetzte. 1984 fuhren wir mal wieder im LKW

Om Shankari Fashion

WIE ALLES ANFING – mit einem enormen Vertrauensvorschuss und Ware aus Afghanistan wurde die Hamburger Institution begründet und brachte Goa in den Norden

los, verschifften unsere Einkäufe von Kalkutta, verkauften „Brummi“ in Kathmandu und flogen zum ersten „Grosseinkauf“ nach Bali. Dort liessen wir dann die ersten Bell Bottoms nach unserem Cut produzieren. 2006 wurde aus Bum Shanka Om Shankari und 2011 nach fast 30 Jahren mussten wir umziehen in den Hahnenkamp 12. Dort freuen wir uns bis heute täglich über unsere Kunden. Wie sind regelmäßig in Indien und Nepal, ethisches, faires Trading mit sozial verantwortungsvollen Produzenten bleibt die Basis unseres Handelns. Ich danke allen für ihre Unterstützung - love Wally - UND CREW


Fraggle Tribe ist ein Designlabel aus Österreich das aussergewöhnliches Kunsthandwerk und Mode kreiirt. Finden kannst du sie auf verschiedenen elektronischen Musikfestivals in Europa und natürlich im Webshop.

Mojo Leggins

Fraggle Tribe is a fashion design label from Austria, creating the extraordinary crafts and fashion. You can find them on various electronic music festivals in Europe and of course in their webshop.

Ombre Dress




AUSTRALIA – Bush doof fun in the Aussie sun! The stacked Aussie calendar of enthralling events in spectacular outdoor playgrounds reaches all corners of the huge island continent in a party that never stops. Set to a soundtrack of musical mayhem all year round, it beckons those seeking adventure and a heaving dance floor in the land down under. Spawned in an era of cultural transformation and musical exploration, our vibrant Australian scene was built on foundations laid by a dedicated group of trailblazers with a vision of hosting sonic adventures in the great outdoors. With no blueprint to dictate their path, the collective contributions of these early instigators paved the way for all which followed. For over two decades, this tradition of musical mischief in nature has garnered a cult-like following of freedom seekers and experience explorers.


As our starting point we head to where it all begun, the south eastern state of Victoria, the artistic hub of Australia and home to some of the most internationally recognised electronic music festivals. As the birthplace of the original Aussie bush doof, earthcore, the creative

spirit is as alive today as it was in the very beginning some 23 years ago. November’s earthcore festival is globally renowned for pushing the envelope each year,

having hosted the biggest names in music and blowing minds with mesmerising experiences. With whispers of extending their events outside of Victoria and into NSW & WA, this space is one to watch. Strawberry Fields Festival, also held in November, offers a smaller boutique alternative with a more minimal musical program and a focus on imagination set amongst the forest in the north of the state. The long running Rainbow Serpent Festival held in January each year is the other key player with a long-standing reputation built on culture, community and creativity. There are also many dedicated smaller crews who keep the vibe alive such as Yemaya Festival, Zero db, Forgotten Kingdom, WTTJ and many others. Victoria simply cannot be ignored from the end of October till late April.


Towards the North of Victoria you’ll find New South Wales & ACT, home to long running clubs, parties and festivals. These centres and their surrounding outdoor havens have carved out a reputation as party hot-spots, serving the punters’ every need with tantalising menus packed with auditory treats. Commendable mentions for this region are Omega Festival, Dragon Dreaming, Subsonic, Rabbits Eat

Lettuce, Psyfari, Regrowth, Confest, Spring Equinox, Lucid Labyrinth (aka Lucy) and Psycle, fill the calendar with outdoor options.


As far as picturesque playgrounds go, not many can compare to Queensland which sits on the north east coast. The scene here is as vibrant and beautiful as the surroundings. A drawcard for travellers from near and far is the exquisite array of hidden & exotic outdoor

gems with year-round sublime weather to match. From tropical rainforest to beach, from country to outback, the gatherings roll on all year round with the largest being Earth Frequency Festival. Others include Manifest, Collaborations, Mushroom Valley, Tropical Bloom, Wittika, Rabbits Eat Lettuce, Bushweek. These events draw in the big guns of the psychedelic realm with beautiful backdrops for blissful journeys and fun times with friends.



MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/AUSTRALIA The lush southern island of Tasmania is led by Fractangular Gathering which regularly attracts touring internationals to play alongside the talented locals which entices travellers from the mainland and further afield to experience a piece of the magic.

South Australia

Mainland state South Australia has a long history in the electronic music scene due to its globally recognised spot in techno and rave history.

determined drive. Key touring companies are sending their acts west for important legs of their tours and it’s developing into quite the hot spot. A united tribe of doofers, dreamers and determined dance floor destroyers continue to support an ever growing list of party purveyors who push through the challenges and deliver incredible experiences. A number of large events hold their place on the yearly calendar whilst other smaller

TRAVEL FACTS Travel / Accommodation portals:, Best travel time: October – April Flight time from Europe or America 24 hours Visa: Required, organise in advance before departure. Domestic Airlines: Virgin Australia, Qantas, Jetstar, Tiger Airways Captial Cities Melbourne (VIC), Sydney (NSW), Brisbane (QLD), Hobart (TAS), Adelaide (SA), Perth (WA), Darwin (NT), Canberra (ACT) Languages: EN Area: 7.692 million km²

With a merry band of musical mischief-makers and devoted party-goers, River Dreaming is a must whilst crews like Astral Lotus and Psy-ence Fiction are leading a new resurgence of energetic enthusiasm. Western Australia’s electronic music pedigree is on the rise with plenty of opportunities to head into the great outdoors and be bathed in aural inspiration by Kinetic Dreaming, Red Sand, Back-2-Bassics and earthcore. Whilst burdened with geographical isolation, the tight-knit scene has survived and thrived with a

events are happening all over the country, every single weekend. With a strong culture based around acceptance, equalism and inspiration, Australia should be on every festival fan’s bucket list.So pack your bags, flip flops, hats, sunscreen and that outfit your mother told you never to wear to discover one the greatest outdoor playgrounds this planet has to offer!

Currency: $AUD 1 = 0.65 Euro = $USD 0.72 Timezones: GMT +8 to +11 Vaccinations / inoculation: Required to enter the country Dialing code: +61 Population: 23.13 million

Text : Simon Murphy & Billy Locker Photos: Ari Adar

SOS call number: 000




CHINA – An evolving Trance scene in the Land of the Dragon. The world‘s most inhabited area with a population well over 1,38 billion and the fourth largest country by a vast variety of landscapes covering around 9.6 million square kilometers: The People‘s Republic of China. Containing an incredible amount of history going back many dynasties back as far as 2,2 million years ago it‘s a location you are not able to overlook easily. As its huge society is still growing each year, so is its interest in Electronic Dance Music which leads to a gradually evolving Psychedelic scene as well. With an interesting amount of activity several Trance organization are spread around in some of the country‘s major cities like: Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kunming and Hangzhou. As the internet is quite heavily censored unfortunately, social apps like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and even Soundcloud are not accessible by normal means. This leads to a rather small amount of international attention through those networks we take for granted in our so called western world. But it doesn‘t mean that there‘s no publicity regarding the national upcoming EDM and Trance events. Applications like Wechat, Douban

and Weibo all have an incredible amount of followers which leads to immense national exposure. Regarding the country‘s Psychedelic/Goa Trance history the first events in Hong Kong goes as far back as 1999 and at China mainland around the year 2004. The majority of the party people enjoy the more mainstream sounds like Progressive and Full-on/Twilight Psy but as the national scene is gradually evolving and transforming other styles like Dark Psy, Dark Prog and Forest are becoming more prominent as well amongst the Psychedelic connoisseurs. This diversity in various styles is represented by a large selection of national and international artists who are currently living in China. All of them will

make sure that you will have a consciousness-expanding lift-off during each gathering and an appropriate touchdown again afterwards.

National artists:

Acid Echoes, Anan, Angry5jaR, Bobby, Dan, Elfamy, Fugui, Harry Ho, Jianliang, JX (Bodysnatcher), Meng, Naja-25, PsychicNova, Psy101, Sai, Sixears, Yi

International artists:

Atoned Splendor (UK), Chief (UK), DAS (IND), Devon Sun (CA), Floveet (FR), Gasse (IT), Gotama (BE), Kodama (BE), Mandrake (ZA), Mantis (ZA), Microgram (ISR), Nimbus (ZA), Nomi (SRB), One-Two (CH), Rigel Made (IT), Rob (NL), Shaba (MX), Shak (IND), Spaceghost (US), Subconscious Tales (LVA), Trixphonic (TW) Goa Productions: Psytribe: Maya Zen: Maya-Zen-245768515770489 Shalanaya: Spirit Tribe: Text : DJ Rob

pic: Spirit Tribe Festival, photo by Youth Hans

pic: Psychedelic Weeding, photo by Unknown



DO‘s Visit as many well-known tourist locations as you can during your stay. Visit the forbidden city in the country‘s capital. Walk on one of the 7 wonders of the world: the great wall of China. Meet more than 8,000 life-sized soldiers of the terracotta army near to Xi’an. Plan a two day hike tour through breathtaking scenery of Zhangjiajie which inspired James Cameron on creating his „Pandora“ floating mountain landscape for his famed Avatar movie. Have a stopover at Shanghai, a metropolis where old traditions meet new modern characteristics. Visit Hong Kong an extremely densely populated area and a former British colony with one of the best city skylines our world has to offer.

DONT‘s Don‘t ever stick your chopsticks upright in your food bowl as it will refer to a bowl of sand or rice with two incense sticks stuck upright in it symbolizing death. Don‘t take the first couple of „No, thank you‘s“ too literally while offering something. It‘s an ordinary gesture of politeness to refuse at least one or two times before accepting an offer or contribution. Don‘t lose your temper in public places as it‘s will lead an absolute loss of face. So try to stay polite even when you know you are right.

TRAVEL FACTS Travel portals:,, alitrip. com,, Party info: Promotion regarding events taking place in China is being done through their own national social networks called WeChat and Weibo. Climate:: Extremely diverse; tropical in the south to subarctic in the north. Best travel time: Depending on your final destination and the local climate. Low season: Nov–Feb Shoulder: Feb –Apr / Sep – Oct High season: May – Aug Transportation: The best and fastest way to travel from one place to the other is by China‘s vast high speed railway system or by flight. Important to know: A visa is required to enter the country‘s territory. Language: Chinese (Mandarin) / the Pinyin system, Cantonese, other dialects and minority languages. Currency: Yuan, also referred to as the Renminbi. 1CNY = €0.13407



GERMANY (NORTH) – Rough Winds And Party Fever While society is drawn apart by propaganda and scaremongers, they are infected with the Psy-virus. Younger generations are increasingly fascinated by the good vibes. Organizers try to create experiences that bridge the gaps between their guests. The result: Fresh new wind and lots of diversity. What Goes Around... There have been huge energetic, social and emotional shifts in the last few years. Many were forced to go through personal transformations from 2014 on. While Psytrance had been rather underground until 2013, it has now arrived at the centre of party culture here and helps soothe the rising frustration.

Time To Wake Up!

Politically, Northern Germany is dealing with the decisions made by our government: Our statutory health insurance is now allowed to speculate at the stock market with our deposits. The Media makes factually incorrect reports on the refugee situation, thereby frightening some citizens enough to even vote for the idiocratic right-wing party AfD (“Alternative for Germany”). Those looking beyond this facade can only shake their heads in disbelief.

The Main Events Within the Psytrance scene, lots have come to the conclusion that the stirred up hatred within the country won’t be the way to world peace. Psy parties, with all the vibrant positive energy they emit, battle the anger and frustration by sharing compassion and joy. Interestingly enough, Hamburg has become a hotspot even for organizers from outside the city. The well-established Juice Club occasionally teams up with the

Berlin label Interferenz, which stands out as it’s fairly priced for guests who can’t afford a lot. Their crew, including Psycrow and Der Loth, bring impulsive basslines and fresh melodic breezes to Hamburg’s windy off-beat scene. Likewise, Goazilla - one of the Juice Club legends - has managed to capture the spoiled Berlin Psy-Collective numerous times. As “International Christmas Gathering” of the Psytrance scene, the Midnight Sun Festival is sparkling in Hamburg as well, while the Spirit Of Moksha Crew around DJ Bazooka is frequently rolling out all-star jewels like Protonica in the Grünspan club. The Elbelfen crew is another piece of cuteness with irregular parties but

pic: Antaris by Tokow


continuously fine line-ups. Twice a year, you can catch a glimpse of Psy Spirits: The organizer Michael Fiedler a.k.a. DJ Zara is always proving his ability to choose artists that make the crowds go wild. Sadly, the Darkpsy scene is rather shy in Hamburg, as it still has its reputation of being the German “Proggy Palace”. But the capital Berlin is just a stone’s throw away and currently having a true Darkpsy and Hi-Tech hype. The Soundviecher (which translates as “sound creatures”) are successfully invading clubs like the VOID in Berlin’s scene district Friedrichshain with their dark and smashing sounds. Also, the Progressive Calling has established itself

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/GERMANY by creating a collective atmosphere for lovers of different Psy subgenres. Events like the Mystic Rose / Mystic Friday have more than 20 years of cult party on their hump and still regularly fill the KitKatClub by getting supreme acts like Space Tribe and Zyce to their fans in Berlin. Within the last years, public open air sessions also highly increased up to the point that our tribe had to decide which one they would join. This year, police seems to be more assertive though, so it’s not

as easy making a spontaneous open air in the green anymore. In Kiel, the Klangkontakt Kollektiv around Jens Klangkontakt, Martin Baum Schröder and decoration master Scödy still recaps the seeds of its spectacular UNITY party inside the Traum GmbH (“dream company”). The omnicultural centre also houses fetish parties and a weekly “Schnitzel Day” - how very German.

The Main Festivals Having its 22nd anniversary this year, Antaris is established as one of the most sparkling stars on the European festival sky. This is factually true, as Antares is a star that is found in the Scorpius constellation. Located directly

on an airfield in Stölln, everybody acts in union to fulfill the festival’s mission “Against War” with laughter, love and dance. “Water is lives” as a subject in the Spiritual Circle among other things with yoga and talks as well as with various performances on the Festivalground. The VuuV festival in Putlitz with the Organizer Crew from Cologne has this year decided, to do a step further back to the roots and

TRAVEL FACTS Find a bed:, Find a party: Find a way to communicate: Germans will probably switch to English to make it easier for both of you, even if you planned to learn some German Currency: 1,00 EUR = 1,10 USD or 0,76 GBP or 1,00 cheap beer Best travel time: Festival time! SOS Numbers: 110 (Police) 112 (Emergency) Important to know: Escalators are delicate. Either stand on the right or move on the left. Don’t EVER block the left side - or else. If somebody offers you “Berliner Luft” (Berlin air), be prepared for something between mouth rinse and After Eight. Not telling you to decline the offer, just be prepared.



MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/GERMANY adopted the name VooV experience . Under this name the festival became famous and highly recommended all over Europe , many of the old Goa Dancer will remember . We may be curious what the team on the festival ground near the small railway station will create with the new Steampunk -inspired Dekoserie from MAE & MOA. The Kiekebusch area near Berlin has become increasingly popular within the last years. This is especially due to the Goa Gil & Ariane Open Air, which aims to re-define the ancient tribal ritual for the 21st century. Also in the Kiekebusch area, the Second Horizon festival has its debut this year and aims to

re-shape the German festival culture. As well as the well-known Psychedelic Circus, Second Horizon stands out from the masses by implementing a creative role-play concept, aiming to connect various generations. Their message: Although some of the old hands feel like young people are ruining the party mood, we all should keep in mind that we also were welcomed by the tribe once. Connection is also practised at the New Healing Festival, with truly new structures and organizers that soothe our minds and ears with equisite dancing possibilities, self healing and mindful eating courses. Text : Lucienne Sheppard & Manjula Mülder

NRW Since 1992, NRW (which is a federal state) is littered with clubs, parties and people alike. Visiting this area, you shouldn’t have any problem to find both big and fancy events and insider parties like the Café3Klang, which moved from Essen to Darmstadt, but still serves Progressive and other electronic sounds to those who desire them. Outside the bigger cities, Die Grube is one of the oldest places located in the Sauerland, and still home to parties today. Looking at the Münsterland area, the Bassmania XXL event in Münster offers 12 floors and multiple styles of Electronic music. The Club Charlotte shall be mentioned too. Just don’t confuse it with the Club Charlotte in Potsdam.

Psychedelic Experience 2016 pic: Akisutra Project


20. + 21. August 2016 2 TAGE & 1 NACHT


2 FLOORS & CHILL AREA Internationales Line up Performance + Feuerkünstler / spezielles Lichtkonzept Wasser zum Selbstkostenpreis extra günstige online VVK Tickets




GERMANY (SOUTH) – Beyond Lederhosen, Oompah Bands & Beer. Germany’s turbulent history has redrawn the map of Europe several times but Southern Germany has remained largely unchanged. Once a hotspot for continental royalty, aristocracy & their hangers-on, there is still a great deal of striking natural beauty & countless historical remains in the form of delightful townscapes, pastel-hued townhouses & disused trade routes. *In 1516, William IV of Bavaria decreed that only four ingredients could be used for brewing beer: water, malted barley, hops & yeast. It became law known as the „Pledge of Purity“. *Tobacco Sniffing (Bavarian Pastime). Reigning world champion (Bavarian) managed to insert 4.993 grams of tobacco up his nose without sneezing. *Southern Germany is home to the following unusually named places. Titisee (lake in the Black Forest), Titting (village), Wank (mountain) & Bad Kissingen (village). In recent years, this historically conservative area has relaxed politically. Law enforcement units eased off on hunting down illegal raves & recreational consumers allowing event production & attendance to reach dizzying new heights. Consequently underground cultures are thriving & Southern Germany is surfacing both as a hotspot for commercial Trance as well as a hideaway for the less mainstream Psytrance scene. Underground labels like Sangoma & BMSS Records run their operations from Southern Germany, alongside an expanding arena of psychedelic artists ranging from decoration crews to producers, djs & visual artists. Alice im Wummerland, based in Mannheim, is still the biggest, baddest indoor event in the region. Twice a year the event curates a

selection of underground artists & gathers a massive crowd of up to 3,000 people for one epic night of UV spectacle & psychedelic sounds. They also create smaller events like the ‘Zurück in den Urwald’, designed to cater mostly to Forest.

Featuring an eclectic open air atmosphere, a motley crew of awesome folks & a stunning location in the depths of Bavaria, Kannibalen Massaker Festival, is Southern Germany‘s main stop on the international festival circuit. The festival makes a

Between Frankfurt in the North & Stuttgart in the South, the diversity of promoters & event producers has developed a more holistic scene. Newcomer promoters making an impact are Welttraum (Mannheim), Dreamscape & Fun*Da*Mental (Frankfurt), Reunited Tribes (Freiburg), Unterholz (Wiesbaden) & Bohemica (Darmstadt). Promoters like Harlequins who have been in effect for over 20 years continue to shape the scene alongside established names such as Jesus Raves (both Heidelberg), Douala (Ravensburg) a club that hosts the monthly Tripping Out series has also been a long time supporter of the scene.

comeback this summer after a yearlong hiatus & upholds the regions dedication to uniting the subgenres of Trance & giving them each enough room for self expression.

pic: Kanibalen Massaker 2014


Psychedelic Happiness host parties every 2 months in Allach near Munich & run a 3 day festival each year. SchmoX Family, I.B.W. (Free & Easy Festivals), Freshbeatz, Weltenbummler, Ins Mittn or Klangregen are just a few of the promoters who have, for many years, ensured that Bavaria has far more to offer. The Plutonium Club, Club Go In (Obergünzburg) & the Villa Nachttanz (Heidelberg) have recently become Psytrance

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/GERMANY hotspots, enriching our scene with a calendar filled with parties. Whereas the North of Germany is still mostly known for the Hamburg Offbeat style, the Southern areas seem to vibrate to more psychedelic rhythms. Labels like BMSS, Sangoma, Alice D plus the coming resurrection of Spontaneous Aerobics feature mostly underground music which is a clear contrast to the more commercial sound of the North.

pic: Germany South: 35 Uhr

The southern community comprises of: Producers (Datacult, Sequoya, Ioshua, Southwild, Cosmic Vibration, Amorphax, Zeamon, Sonic Tickle, Shroomix, Sator Arepo, Naked Tourist, GMO / Minoru, Ra Root, Aronnax). DJs (Daksinamurti, Boom Shankar, Alexsoph, Sg4ry, Takttrauma, Joshi, Stefan Ludley, Anam Fio, Kimmei, Frechenhäuser, Salex, Fohat, Mutterkorn, Mellow Monks, Flo Phono, Schwarzer Hase, Psypha, Cosmic Cowboy, El Fabio, Okin Shah, HotzenPlotz, Guwanej, Spiky, Ninjai). Deco & VJ Projects: Jamas, Noffi, Alice Lorcy, Brainwalker, Mind Travel Agency, Astrein, Vjane Juladi or Optikos & XeMos Chai Shop.

The best time to visit the South of Germany is definitely between spring and autumn, when the weather is sunny, the temperatures easily top 30° & every region holds parties every weekend. The German rail & bus network is fantastic, cheap & enables everyone to reach their party easily. Avoid driving by car as the police are aware of (most of) the events & will be doing their best to do their jobs. From Frankfurt airport, it is an hours train ride to Heidelberg, 2 hours to Stuttgart or in 3 hours to Munich.


Walpurgisnacht (Witches night, 1st May) is celebrated yearly near Heidelberg. 20,000 people gather among the ruins of an amphitheatre to organic drums & illuminated by bonfires & fire artists.

Text & Photos by Boom Shankar DjBoomShankarBMSS www.Soundcloud. com/BoomShankar-BMSSRecord

IMPORTANT PHRASES: Is this the way to the party? Ist das der Weg zur Party? Who is playing now? Wer legt gerade auf? Where is the bathroom? Wo ist die Toilette? Could you please play the Vini Vici track for me from my smartphone? Verpiss Dich! :)





WALDFRIEDEN – A magical place At Waldfrieden events, you will be likely to look like a curious little child that’s impressed by its discoveries. The whole location with its follows a thoughtful concept, therefore offering plenty possibilities to guests. At the same time, the nature-preserving methods conclude impressive environmental consciousness.

From Seekers To Finders One might wonder how the crew manages to keep this place, especially knowing that there still are a few other people living around the area. Well, in the beginning, there was only a little restaurant in the idyllic Stemwede-Wehdem in Northern Germany. It was a wanderer’s quick retreat for a cup of coffee before continuing his trip. One day, a group of people arrived and decided to stay, and soon the first tiny parties took place in a tool shed. As the popularity grew, one of the neighbours wasn’t quite fond of the music and felt disturbed. Through a long series of sound insulation attempts and money invested, a solution could be found. When another house nearby was about to be sold, the Waldfrieden crew came to a brave decision: It would have to become part of them! It was only for the gracious donations collected and the help of a brewery that they could finally buy the place, setting up a spacious kind of hotel. Nowadays, it’s probably the best artist accomodation you can imagine.

one a month from June to September, mixes Techno, Psytrance and Darkpsy. Their residents, such as Alice D Joanna and Lufttrockner, tame the crowd. Since 2014, the Wald Healing is the spiritual heart of Waldfrieden and concentrates on all aspects of self-development and healing. Part of the earnings go to “Plant for the Planet”: By planting one tree for each Euro received, this non-profit

Events For All Senses Within our community, Waldfrieden is known best for their legendary Waldfrieden Wonderland and Hai in den Mai, which are the only parties that use the whole area. The legendary Wonderland is tapping the 8000 guests mark now and still lures old and new generations in with its extremely nice flair. For its 20th anniversary, there will be lots of surprises this year. Their Summer Special, taking place

pics: We Are One , Patchoula, Crea Pix, Interstellar

organization works towards planting 1000 billion trees until 2020. As there are new little playful aspects such as self-built watch towers or little wooden applications every time, no Waldfrieden is the same and shows that the crew is constantly improving to guarantee a unique experience!





NEW HEALING – A Collective Inspiration Experience For the 3rd New Healing Festival this year, there are plenty of discoveries for grown-ups and kids. 7 days of music, art and inspiration await, flowing into the Trance weekend to let the collected energy out Taking place from 15th to 21st August this year, the New Healing Festival is located between Hamburg and Berlin and a spectacular find for those who appreciate a wide-spread amount of interesting courses and want to broaden their own horizon. Playful and adventurous, it combines the act of partying with the enjoyment of the beautiful nature at the bathing lake, especially during full moon. The family event also offers dozens of possibilities for the children to ensure that this time is never to be forgotten.

Healing Area Starting on the 15th, there are already around 200 confirmed items on the agenda, conaining workshops, readings and courses in different fields such as organic and mindful eating, healing stones and how to use them, Kundalini yoga or learning Didgeridoo. Some courses only allow a limited amount of places, to ensure that

a collective experience is successful and everybody can be involved. Insider hint: Owners of presale tickets can send their reservation wishes via email to

The Toilet Revolution For those who have been to a festival using the Goldeimer composting toilet, it will not be surprising to hear that this “revolution” of the festival toilet situation has been established at this year’s New Healing. The environmentally aware crew uses compost material and vegetable carbon to avoid smells, while even their toilet paper is 100% re-usable. This adds to their user-friendly 24/7 service politics which includes that there is always toilet paper, and their toilet seats are almost as comfy as home. They also ensure permanent light at night, which even partly comes from their own solar energy cells.

Adventure Tipis Comfort-loving guests will be truly delighted by this surprising new way to camp: The New Healing introduces their Adventure Tipis. They are of top quality and will be readily built up by the time the festival starts. The spacious tipi can be rent for 300€ for the whole week (Monday - Monday), which is only around 10€ per person and night if the full capacity of 4 people is used. Of course, you won’t have to care for the dismantle either, as this is included in the price. If this caught your interest, let the New Healing people know by sending an email with the subject “Adventure-Tipis” to

Healing Kids Daughters and sons at the New Healing are the winners amongst children




MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/NEW-HEALING-2016 taken to festivals by their parents: They are offered a whole world of playing, action, fun, coziness as well as concentration and skill games. This makes the Healing Kids schedule very balanced and gives the children both opportunities to learn and time to relax. The colourfully sparkling fantasy world will even fascinate those grown-ups who kept their inner child. Enrico’s Roadrevue offers extraordinary performances like a bicycle on stilts and other travelling theatre plays like Musiktheater involve the power of sound in entertaining the little ones. The Grusel-Gewusel crew come up with black light attractions and board games that can be played both in black light and outside in the sun. Whether it’s table football, water games, a chocolate marshmallow catapult or Jenga: By encouraging the kids to be part of their world, a multi-sensory event is created that will be a memory for a lifetime!

Healing Weekend When the week draws to a close, and the full moon is rising and shining bright on Friday, the dark and furry werewolf part inside us is finally ready for the weekend. Brace for a fine choice of Progressive and Trance artists topping off and rounding up your New Healing experience with their performance. The crew particularly tried to make the line-up as diverse as possible, including Rigel (Greece), Spirit Architect (Macedonia), Astrix (Israel) as well as Ma Faiza (India), Psyko Jun (South Korea) and Sati (UK) - and that’s just a small foretaste to the delicious Psy-menu you will be offered!

Open Air Packing list The purpose of this annually published packing list is to never again forget anything important when going to an open air festival or outdoor party which could last several days. Some of these things could ease the festival life dramatically. Feel free to send additions to: Richard Cattien For the latest list update please go to Diese alljährlich von uns aktualisierte Liste soll dazu dienen nichts mehr zu vergessen, wenn man eine mehrtägige Outdoor Party oder ein mehrtägiges Festival besucht. Einige Sachen können das Festivalleben erheblich erleichtern. Ergänzungen oder Anregungen bitte an: Richard Cattien Eine aktuelle Liste gibt es unter

Campsite Wohnen

 tent - with enough pegs / Zelt + Heringe  mallet or hammer / Gummihammer  cable ties / Kabelbinder  blankets / bemalte Tücher  small padlocks / kleine Vorhängeschlösser  sleeping bag / Schlafsack  sleeping pillow / Kopfkissen  plastic sheet / Plastikplane  canvas tape / Gewebe-Klebeband  garbage bags / Müllsäcke  stable base, e.g. a chopping board / feste

Unterlage wie z.B. ein Küchenbrett  Swiss army knife / Taschenmesser  flashlight / Taschenlampe  lanterns/lampions / Laternen/Lampions  a long rod with a marker for recovering the camp /

Langer Stab mit Markierung zum Wiederfinden des Lagers  folding chair / Klappstuhl  camping mattress / Isomatte/Luftmatratze  matches or lights / Streichhölzer oder Feuerzeuge

Body care & protection Körperpflege & Schutz

 something against headache / Aspirin™ oder Paracetamol™  medications / sonstige benötigte Medikamente  first aid kit / Erste Hilfe Koffer  travel health insurance documents / Auslandskrankenschein  sunscreen / Sonnencreme  sunglasses / Sonnenbrille  Aloe Vera gel / aloe vera gel  hat or scarf against the sun / Sonnenhut oder Kopftuch  ChapStick™ or lip balm / Lippenbalsam  Vitamin tablets / Vitamine Brause-Tabletten

 magnesium pills / Magnesium Tabletten  sticking plaster against blisters / Leukoplast™ gegen Blasen  toothbrush, tooth paste / Zahnbürste, Zahnbecher, Zahnpasta  anti-perspirant, soap, shower gel, shampoo / Deo,

Seife, Duschgel, Shampoo  washrag / Waschlappen  makeup & face&body paint, glitter / Schminke  wet wipes / Feuchttücher  comb/hairbrush / Kamm/Bürste  towels / Handtücher  disposable seat pads for the latrines / Einweg-

Sitzunterlagen für Dixi-Toiletten  condoms / Kondome  insect protection: mosquito net + repellant / Insekten

schutz: Moskitonetz + diverse Mittel wie Autan™  tampons, panty liners / Tampons, Binden  birth control pills / Pille  razor / Rasierer  pincette / Pinzette  ear protection, ear plugs / Gehörschutz, Ohrstöpsel  tissues, toilet paper / Taschentücher, Klopapier  ointment against sun burn / Salbe gegen Sonnenbrand  ointment against insect bites / Salbe gegen Insektenstiche

Eating, drinking Essen, Trinken

 canteen/ Besteck  camping dishes / Camping-Geschirr  cups / Becher  small + big plastic refillable bottles / kleine +

große Plastikflaschen zum Wiederauffüllen  resealable freezer bags / wiederverschließbarer Gefrierbeutel  dishtowel / Trockentuch

 packetsoup/noodles, gravy / Tütensuppen, Nudeln, Soßen  mik / Milch  Energy Drink / Energy Drink  fruit / Obst  fruit juices / Obstsäft  water / Wasser  chewing gum / Kaugummi  bottle of Jägermeister™ / Flasche Jägermeister™  barbecue, coal / Grill, Kohle, Grillanzünder, Rost, Alufolie, Grillbesteck  stove + alternative gas bottle / Camping-Kocher + Ersatzgasflasche  sponge / Schwamm  salt, pepper, spices / Salz, Pfeffer, sonstige Gewürze  washing-up liquid / Spülmittel  case for cutlery / Besteckbehälter  tin / Konserven  can opener / Dosenöffner  corkscrew / Korkenzieher  Tetra-Pak (no-glass-policy on most festivals!) /

Tetra-Pak wegen Glasverboten auf vielen Festivals!

Clothes Klamotten

 comfortable clothes / bequeme Sachen  warm sweater / Pullover  2 pairs of warm socks minimum / mindestens

2 Paar dicke Socken  raincoat / Regenjacke  umbrella / Regenschirm  swimming things / Badesachen  shoes for: dancing, travelling & bad weather condi

tions i.e. gumboots / Schuhen fürs Tanzen, Reisen + schlechtes Wette z.b. Gummistiefel  bathing shoes, flip-flops / Badeschlappen,Flip-Flops  hair-ties / Haargummis  belt / Gürtel

Miscellaneous Sonstiges

 key for the fuel tank cap / Schlüssel für den Tankdeckel  replacement key for the car / Ersatzautoschlüssel  CDs/music for the journey / CDs/Musik für die Fahrt  EC or credit card / EC oder Kredit-Karte  sufficient hard cash / genügend Bargeld  small purse (for cash only) / kleines Portemonnaie (nur für Bargeld)  camera, film/memory cards, recharger, tripod /

Fotoapparat, Filme, Akkus, Stativ  juggling balls, devil-stick, poi, frisbee, etc. / Jonglier

bälle, Devil-Sticks, Poi, Frisbee, etc.  soap bubble gear / Seifenblasen Gerätschaft  chess, backgammon, ludo, etc. / Schach, Back-

gammon, Mensch-ärgere dich nicht, etc.  massage ball (for sharing good vibes) / Massageball

 clothes and deco to decorate your camp / Tücher

und Deko zum Verzieren des Lagers  glow sticks / Knicklichter  MP3 player / MP3-Player  multiple lighters / Genug Feuerzeuge  cigarettes, tobacco, papers / Zigaretten, Tabak, Papere  small bag or backpack / kleine Tasche oder Rucksack  ashtray (a closeable one would be best) / Aschen

becher (am besten verschließbar)  musical instruments / Musikinstrumente  pen and paper! / Schreibzeug!  sewing kit / Nähzeug  something to read / evtl. etwas zu Lesen  CLEAR directions to location / Wegbeschreibung  locality information about lakes / Ortsinfos

besorgen über Badeseen  area map or navi / Landkarte oder Navi  printed festival information from their website /

Festival-Infos ausdrucken  ticket/voucher / Eintrittskarten  Timetable, lineup / Timetable  mobile phone numbers of people you want to meet

/ Mobiltelefon, Tel.-Nummern von Bekannten  folding spade / Klappspaten  small mirror / kleinen Spiegel  air freshener / Raumspray  joss/incense sticks (e.g. nag champa) / Räucherstäbchen  torches / Fackeln  tea light candles, lanterns / Teelichter, Windlichter  sparklers / Wunderkerzen  old metal bars/wooden posts for camp building /

alte Metallstangen oder Holzstäbe  costumes and dress-ups / Kostüme  mobile phone charger / Handy Ladegerät  sheet protector for essential documents / Klarsicht-

hülle für die wichtigsten Dokumente  plastic hand-scrubber / Plastik-Handbürste  watch / Uhr  lucky charm / Glücksbringer

Checks before leaving home Vor der Abfahrt zu beachten

 stove and heater off / Ofen und Heizung aus  windows closed / Fenster geschlossen  lights off / Licht ausgeschaltet  answering machine / Anrufbeantworter eingeschaltet  empty garbage / Müll rausgetragen  houseplants watered / Pflanzen gegossen  video timer set / Video Timer gestellt  car fueled / Auto getankt  arrangements for your pets / Haustiere versorgt  turn on alarm system / Alarmanlage an / festivalmap

10.09. Summ ov-silence er Clo sing 20.08. – 21.08. OA Humpty Dumpty

24.08. – 28.08. Psy-Fi

22.07. – 25 VooV Experie 16.06. – 19.06. Triplicity Festival

FESTIVAL MAP The Festival Map lists big international festivals which are supported and promoted by mushroom magazine and does not claim to be complete

07.07. – 10 Orange Sun

18.06. – 19.06. Solstice Festival

28.07 Won


20.07. – 24.07. Shankra Festival

27.09. - 03.10. Connection Festival

08.1 Vortex 2. – 12.12. , South Africa

18.07. - 25.07. Chillout Planet

28.07. - 01.08. Yaga Gathering

15.08. - 21.08. New Healing

15.07. - 18.07. Antaris Project

5.07. ence 01.07. – 04.07. Second Horizon

0.07. n OA

7. - 31.07. nderland

UFO BUFO 23.06. – 26.06.

18.07. – 24.07. Solar United Natives 30.06.– 03.07. Flow Festival 06.07. – 10.07. Samsara Festival

06.07. – 10.07. One Love Festival

23.06. – 26.06. Burning Mountain

25.07. – 31.07. MoDeM Festival

21.07. – 25.07. Waha Festival

07.07. – 11.07. Life Celebration

Alie 032.01 n Sa 92. – fari 04.01 , So 29. uth Afri ca

07.10. – 17.10. dia 10 aya, In Samsara, Himal

24.1 Eart 1. – 28. hcor 11. e, Au stra lia

01 02.0 .109.. – 04.0 .10 Hexaplex, Leba9.. non

23.06. – 27.06.‘17 Tree of Life

23.10. – 24.10. Neverland Festival, Israel

02.10. – 04.10. Indigo Festival, Israel


18.07. - 24.07.


16.06. - 19.06.


01.09. - 04.09.


20.07. - 24.07.


18.06. - 19.06.




20.07. - 25.07.


23.06. - 26.06.


27.09. - 03.10.


21.07. - 25.07.


23.06. - 26.06.



Czech Republic

22.07. - 25.07.

02.10. - 04.10.

30.06. - 03.07.




25.07. - 31.07.


Triplicity Festival

Solstice Festival

Burning Mountain


Flow Festival

Solar United Natives

Shankra Festival

Chillout Planet

Waha Festival

VooV Experience

Hexaplex Festival

ov-silence Summer Closing

Connection Festival

Indigo Festival

07.10. - 17.10.

MoDeM Festival Croatia

Samsara „Himalaya Edition“ India

01.07. - 04.07.

28.07. - 01.08.

23.10. - 24.10.




Second Horizon Festival

Yaga Gathering

Neverland Festival

06.07. - 10.07.

28.07. - 31.07.




24.11. - 28.11.

07.07 - 11.07.




15.08. - 21.08.


07.07. - 10.07.


02.12. - 04.12.


20.08. - 21.08.

South Africa

15.07. - 18.07.


08.12. - 12.12.


24.08. - 28.08.

South Africa open-source

One Love Festival

Life Celebration Festival

Orange Sun Open Air

Antaris Project


New Healing Festival

Humpty Dumpty OA

Psy-Fi Festival Netherlands

Earthcore Festival

Alien Safari

Vortex Open Source



off your order

SHROOMLOVE *Offer valid on orders above €50,-



HUNGARY – A paradise for Psy Lovers Hungary has long been entranced and in recent years a growing number of quality events, talented emerging artists, and the hospitality of the locals have made it a key destination on the European festival map.

Solar United Natives

The psytrance scene here dates back to the early 90’s and gained international recognition through the legendary Solipse Festival in 1999. Five years later, a group of Trance enthusiasts re-visited the magical valley to create what is now called O.Z.O.R.A. From its humble beginnings the event has grown into one of the biggest annual psy-fares in Europe hosting 30,000-strong crowds with people from all corners of the Earth. The week-long extravaganza is now crossing over to the mainstream and with its world music stage and visionary arts workshops it is attracting more and more people who are otherwise oblivious to this scene. Had it been only for the greatest names in psytrance and chill out, O.Z.O.R.A. would be a no-brainer choice to anyone in love with the music, but for many of us seasoned travelers the mega-gathering may be a bit overwhelming.

Luckily, Hungary has many other options for those, whose definition of a ‘psychedelic paradise’ lies somewhere else. The hot Hungarian Summer is offering a string of events following one another. You can easily spend an extended holiday in the region as you transition from one destination to the other. Ranging in sizes from a few hundred to a couple of thousand and with varying focus on musical styles, you’ll surely find what you’re looking for. Starting off on the 9th of June, 4.49 Gathering is a family sized event, appreciated for its truly underground vibe and its focus on the harder edges of Trance. This year, popular names of the local dark-psy syndicate like Para Halu, Dr. Space, Aurafood or Ape Rape will be accompanied by neighborhood guests Kala, Mindflip, Suntrax Sascha and Kymantra.

If you’re more into the opposite end of the psychedelic music spectrum, the 2nd edition of Samsara Festival from the 6th of July will bring you the best downbeat and psybient tunes. Names like Carbon Based Lifeforms, Kaya Project and Solar Fields are just a few highlights and there will be yoga courses and workshops to keep your mind and body in balance. Just a week after, from the 18th of July, Solar United Natives are revisiting the wonderful land of Csobánkapuszta. Without the threats and limitations that forced to downsize last year’s edition to 1000 participants, the new crew is now ready to take the event to the next level. DJ and promoter Oleg, who’s one of the founding fathers of the local scene, is now leading a non-profit foundation in creating a new kind of gathering. Because S.U.N. is not just

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/HUNGARY a festival but an open community space throughout the year, where members have direct influence on the organization. Questions on land cultivation projects or regarding new talents to be included in the lineup are all decided by the community. It is also according to their will that the event is limited to 3000 guests this year to ensure this way the long term sustainability of the land as well as the family atmosphere. The lineup includes John ‘00’ Fleming, Electric Universe, Power Source, Boom Shankar, Champa, Hypnoise, Ital, Protonica, Tristate, Soul Seeker, Emok, Phaxe, Vertex or Zyce, and also a rooster of BMSS, Suntrip and Zion604 artists. They will be accompanied by such downbeat delicacies as Aes Dana, Alwoods, Astropilot, Desert Dwellers, Kalya Scintilla, Cygna, Akasha Experience, Snowdrop, GMO vs. Dense, Tor.Ma in Dub, Master Minded or Whitebear. You will find no tickets at the gates, instead you should get your membership in advance. And by becoming a member, you’re not only getting access to the Summer gathering but also to all events organized by the S.U.N. Crew. This includes the Winter S.U.N. party in December which usually fills 3 stages with local and international headliners in the Budapest club Dürer Garden. The cosy ruin pub

is a real underground strong hold, where the Y-Production, Psybaba and crew are regularly hosting indoor psytrance events, each setting up stages of differing styles for often over a thousand visitors. When it comes to home grown talent, more and more new Hungarian artists are appearing on the international scene. Musician and DJ Alpha from interzone-pa in Hamburg is also Hungarian, and one of the forefathers of the legendary Solipse, BOOM, O.Z.O.R.A. and S.U.N. festivals. J.I.S. aka Journey Into Sound is making waves in the Balkan Goa scene along with Skarma and Asirion, while acts like Aythar, StereOMantra and Yarn are releasing well received psybient tunes through the local label of Psychotria Records. Progressive trance Flanger Strangers is coming up to international recognition, while Snag The Sunshepherd is ready to release his second album. May it be a Summer holiday or a just a weekend getaway in the indoor season, Hungary has something to offer to all psychedelic travelers. Make sure to pay a visit when you’re around ;) Editor: psymon.peter

TRAVEL FACTS travel portals:,, party info: languages: Hungarian is the weirdest and hardest language on Earth but don’t worry, most young people understand English and will try to help you. currency: 1 HUF (Hung Forint) = 0.0032€ Best travel time: End uly, early Aug, 25ºC - 30 ºC vaccinations / inoculation: Routine vaccines (e.g. chickenpox, flu, etc.). CDC recommends hepatitis A vaccine to avoid infections from contaminated food or water. SOS call number: 112




INDIA – Goa! The Psychedelic Cradle

Hot Spots

pic: New year 2015 Hill Top Goa

The parties in Goa have had their ups and downs since 2000. There were some political complications, which caused parties to stop at an early hour, but the last few years the parties have been going all night again. The party scene is one of the best in the world as Goa has an amazing vibe and energy to it, which is incomparable to any other place. One of the most famous party

spots is the legendary Hill Top, which has been one of the places, where parties have been going on for more than 20 years. One of my favorite places is the 9 Bar on top of Vagator beach, which used to be the meeting spot for sunset in the old days with a beautiful view over the ocean. A newer location is Westend, which is a nightclub in the Hills on the way to Panjim, where there are parties on a regular basis, which sometimes even last a few days. Additionally, there are some fabulous annual festivals, featuring some of the world’s best artists. In February, for instance, there is the Hilltop Festival in Vagator (10h - 13th) and shortly afterwards the Galaxy Evolution Festival in Morjim. In December, there is the annual electronic music Festival Sunburn, featuring not only Psytrance, but also other electronic music, including popular artists like David Guetta and others What Goa is famous for, are its

beach parties and the number one place for that is Shiva Valley in South Anjuna, but there are many others like Curlies also in South Anjuna, UV Bar and two years old bar Chronicles on Vagator beach. If there is no Party on, most people hang out in Chapora and have a good time enjoying drinks and good conversations, or there is always O‘Manuelo’s on south Anjuna where you can also find a lot of the Antaris crew for some evening drinks, some pic: Manuel‘s Shack South Anjuna, photo: Mannula

Goa is the birthplace of Goa Trance out of which Psytrance and all its subgenres evolved. It started there in the 80s, and then spread around the globe. These days, it’s a lot more commercialized, but it still is one of the hotspots for amazing Psytrance parties. Most of the global Psy-scene and the biggest Psy acts meet on its beautiful beaches, and other amazing locations every year to celebrate some of the best parties on the planet.

even call it the Antaris Embassy in Goa. One of the best beaches to go to is the Ashwem beach in Morjim. It stretches for miles, which makes it less crowded than others. Another beautiful spot is Arambol, which has a sweet water lake that is 200 meters from the ocean and an amazing Banyan tree in the jungle, which spans across a few hundred square meters. Some of the water sports to do are surfing and boogie boarding, and if you would like to ride on water bikes or fly with a Parachute pulled by a speed boat you should pass by Baga beach, which is much more touristic and offers all of that. Some of the best breakfast spots are Mango shade, Orange boom, Lila Cafe and German Bakery – all located in Anjuna. For lunch, I

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/INDIA personally love the Bhajis and Thali in Joe Bananas, where they also serve the best milkshakes on the planet, in my opinion. The best Greek place is Thalassa in Vagator and right beside it there is an Israeli restaurant, called Fusion, which is also very recommendable. My favorite Italian restaurant is Basilico in North Anjuna and not to forget the great French place Baba Au Ruhm, which serves an amazing breakfast. The Indians are very friendly and open, but you should always treat them with respect. Don‘t forget you can just about always bargain about the price. Don’t miss the world famous Wednesday Flea Market in South Anjuna and also the Saturday Night market in Arpora with live bands playing and many interesting shops that sell jewellery, clothing, art, food and all sorts of other handy craft things.

Groove Setters

International Psytrance artists covering its entire subgenres from all over the planet spend their holidays in Goa and play on its beaches and clubs. Ajja, Tristan, Earthling, Arjuna, Ridden, Drip Drop, Southwild and Avalon just to name a few, as well as some of the world’s best DJs in the scene including Raja Ram, Govinda, Nigel, Rowan, Guiseppe the head of Parvati Records, Justin Chaos, Celli, Chicago, Goa Jonas and so many more... But also native Indian artists are proving to be promising talents and are traveling around the world to play on the best Psy events on the planet. To name a few of the live acts: Spinal Fusion, Starlabs, Farebi Jalebi, Flipknot, and many more as well as some really amazing DJs, Starling, Janux, Nittin.

Lotus Inn: great hotel in Anjuna with nice Psytrance parties every now and then ( Laguna Anjuna: hotel in Anjuna with a lovely garden and swimming pool ( Sun and Sand: great guesthouse right next to the Anjuna Flea Market Useful link to find rooms and parties: and Useful link to find parties:

Text: Jonas Kersten aka Goa Jonas

pic: View from 9Bar, photo: Manjula Muelder





LUMINATE FESTIVAL NEW ZEALAND In the mountains of New Zealand, in meadows surrounded by beech forest, glows one of the world’s most earth-friendly music festivals. Next Luminate Festival takes place from February 1–8, 2017. Over the past eight years, Luminate Festival has grown from a humble community gathering into a world-class festival featuring multiple music zones of international talent. It’s held every two years to mark the ancient summer harvest festival of Lughnasadh. Even as the festival has grown to nearly 4000 participants camping out for eight days, its crew have stuck to a level of ecological responsibility previously unheard of in large events.

Natural thrones One of the core sustainability experiences is one that everyone at the festival engages with daily – the magnificent, odourless composting toilets. ‘Humanure’ deposits get layered with sawdust and grass in the sealed bins under each toilet, with a

microbial mix added regularly to aid breakdown. Post-festival, it all goes into a massive compost pile, layered with fresh cut grass and sealed to keep it safe. Tiger worms are added. The result is a rich compost ideal for tree planting on the festival site. Like all site structures, the toilets are built almost entirely of reclaimed materials. The Luminate construction crew are expert scavengers for reusable materials. Items for décor often come from the local dump. Massive stage and dancefloor structures are made of locally grown bamboo, tied together with rubber strips cut from old tyre inner tubes. Showers on site are heated via a simple solar system. Water heats up as it passes through coils of black alkathene piping. At night and on cloudy days, hot water comes from efficient wood-burning rocket stoves.

No rubbish?! One of the most radical decisions, from the event’s beginning, was simple but profound: there would be no rubbish or recycling bins on site, other than a compost pile for food scraps. Market traders are not allowed to use disposable plates or cutlery, or sell single-use beverage containers. Instead festival participants bring their own dishes, or hire ceramic dishes on site for a tiny fee. “Having no rubbish bins and no recycling facilities is quite a radical step,” says festival co-director Jules Harper. Before starting Luminate in 2008, she recalls, “I’d just had a season of festivals overseas, and got pretty despondent about the amount of rubbish that gets generated at these supposedly enlightened events.” At first, “There was a lot of resistance

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM / LUMINATE-FESTIVAL-2017 from people saying if you don’t have rubbish bins, you’ll have rubbish everywhere,” recalls Rita Davies, who is Jules’ partner and festival co-director. “In fact it’s the opposite… the pack out what you bring approach makes people really conscious of reducing rubbish at source, and encourages self-reliance.” Festival participants cooperate to keep the site pristine, thanks to Luminate’s extensive educational messaging before the event. After the festival, hardly a stray cigarette butt is to be found on the ground. It’s hard to believe that just the day before, nearly 4000 people were camping there.

Eating organic The festival also promotes organic food. Most large festivals bring in vendors, but Luminate runs five of its own cafés, serving all-organic vegetarian and vegan food. There’s an emphasis on raw and nutrient-dense options, including a superfood and smoothie bar at the main dancefloor – and no alcohol. “We wanted to make available food that we believe in, and send the message that organic food is important,” Jules says. Vendors can sell non-organic food, but they get a discount on their site fees if they use at least 90 percent organic ingredients.

Land ethic Finally, the festival is deeply committed to the land. Luminate Trust is part of the Canaan Downs Collective, which manages the festival’s iconic mountain site. The Collective is working on regenerating the native forest. “Now we’ve got seedlings come back in a forest that was dying off,” Jules says.

Thank you to the author and Organic NZ magazine for permission to reprint this article.

One goal for future eco-improvements is to find better ways to power the large lighting and sound systems. “We would love to find suppliers of alternative power generation that do not rely on fossil fuels,” Rita says. Luminate will increase its solar-powered lighting this coming year, and has also used small solar-powered and bike-powered PA systems. It’s about more than just eliminating waste. In a sense, the entire festival is a teaching tool. “We’ve had so many emails from people who say Luminate changed their lives, that they’re thinking so much more about their impact on the planet and really want to do things differently,” Rita says. “Whatever we spend our dollar on we’re co-creating. We could change the world tomorrow if we just realised that today.” Text : Rebecca Reider

Luminate Festival occurs every two years on New Zealand’s South Island. The next one runs Feb 1-8, 2017. See and follow Luminate Festival on Facebook for updates.




NETHERLANDS – Travel and Trance in the Netherlands! The Netherlands is a travel destination where many visitors come for the flowers, windmills, museums, sightseeing, coffee shops, smart shops and its red light districts. This small country offers a lot of variety in entertainment for all ages, and this is also true for Psytrance lovers.

pic: PsyFi Festival, photo:

There are often parties happening all around as well as festivals with many styles of music represented. At the moment, The Netherlands boasts three Psytrance Festivals: Space Safari, Solstice and Psy-Fi.

has developed from its squatting days into a collective of ateliers, as well as an organization hosting many events every year.

Space Safari is a new festival organized by the Lost Theory crew that has recently taken place in the south of Holland, at a great location on a camping site beautifully decorated and with a diverse line up.

Later in the summer, Psy-Fi brings its light to the north of the country. Attracting a public of around 15,000 people, it is by far the largest Psytrance festival in The Netherlands. The location is a beautiful nature area where you can expect many different floors and an interstellar line up.

Solstice, coming up in June, is the longest running Psychedelic Trance festival in The Netherlands. It is located at Ruigoord, just outside of Amsterdam, an alternative village of artists that

The Dutch Psytrance scene has many parties happening throughout the year that are hosted by a series of organizations, some existing longer, and others having just started. Simply check the

site Goabase or the social media profiles from these organizations to find out what‘s up when and where: 3rd BIT, All Muzing, Area 52, Beats Down the Rabbithole, Bom Voyage, CampAttack, Celestial Bodies, DAF, De Fraktie, Dutch Underground Crew, DYI Soundsystem, Full Circle, Gaia‘s Platform, Guerrilla-Events, Global Aura, Kosmic Fusion, Limitless, Mad Melodies, Mindworks Events, N2O, Namaste, Psychique, Psy-Experience, Psychedelic Affair, Psychedelic.FM, Psychedelic Rave, S-Xperience, Samskara, Shut Up & Dance, Stichting Vrijfeesten, TDS, TrancE - Alice, Trance Orient Express, Twilight, Twisted Extractions, Up-Projects, V-Killer, Wow Events, Ω crew.

MUSHROOM-MAGAZINE.COM/NETHERLANDS TIPS When visiting The Netherlands, be that for a party, festival or to do the tourist thing, be sure to pack well for all types of weather as typically you may experience many seasons within one day.

pic: PsyFi Festival, photo:

Watch out for all traffic: cars, buses, trams, motorbikes, bicycles, scooters and mopeds, as they all travel at different speeds and often visitors from other countries are so busy enjoying the view they may not be able to watch out!

An important Dutch word to know is „gezellig“ (sounds like: heh-SELL-ick). It can have many meanings: nice, chill, relaxed, cozy and it is used across the board, so definitely a good one to learn! Back to Mars Psytrance DJ from Brazil based in The Netherlands and involved with the local party scene.

TRAVEL FACTS travel portals:,,, Party info:, also check the social media profiles from the organizations given in the article. Languages: Dutch and Frisian. Many people also speak English and German. Currency: 1 Euro = 1,11 USD Best travel time? April – November SOS call number: 112




ROMANIA – deep in the forests of the Carpathians You should definitely put Romania on your summer agenda: wild locations, friendly people, live traditions, good food & cheap prices.


Romania’s Psytrance scene evolved a lot in its 12 years of festival history, choosing to create unique events based less on commerce and more on experiencing the ‘BOOM!’ that we’re all seeking at festivals, in a unique Carpathian landscape. The majority of the party people enjoy the more mainstream sounds like Progressive and Full-on/Twilight Psy but as the national scene is gradually evolving and transforming other styles like Dark Psy, Dark Prog and Forest are becoming more prominent as well amongst the Psychedelic connoisseurs. This diversity in various styles is represented by a large selection of national and international artists who are currently living in China. All of them will make sure that you will have a consciousness-expanding lift-off during each gathering and an appropriate touchdown again afterwards.

The last 2 years

The scene got bigger and more focused. While before there was a common public for all parties, now the parties have specific directions

and styles which, in the end, make people choose what they like best.

The main events

In size, the biggest festival is Waha at its 5th edition, having 4 music stages & a jam. The Psy Stage has many interesting artists, Astral Projection, Psykovsky, Etnoscope, Shane Gobi, Krumelur, Procs, joining the locals Atma & E-Mantra, plus many more, covering most of the psychedelic spectrum. The festival has also an impressive Deep Stage featuring great techno acts like Rhadoo & Petre Inspirescu. An emerging young festival is Transylvaliens which is focused more on Oldschool sound, having a nice recent evolution. Other smaller festivals are Solar Seeds in Transylvania and Sons of Gaia. Transylvania Calling seems to have some difficulties this year, better check the info.

The community

Community is mostly made of young people, open and pure, less drugs more vibe, which makes the Romanian party experience unique in today’s scene.

Nature & weather

Romania has amazing nature, the last virgin forest of Southern Europe, large wild mountain areas with few roads or highways. Camping is allowed everywhere. Weather is changing fast in the high mountains but basically the weather is friendly, warm to very hot in the summer.

Points of interest

Medieval castles (Bran, Hunedoara), medieval cities (Sighisoara, Sibiu), Retezat & Piatra Craiului Mountains, Bucharest’s parties, Danube Delta’s wildlife, Black Sea Coast.


At airports & train stations: be careful with the taxi drivers. Don’t change money on the street, check the commission. Be respectful but not stupid, generous but not with everybody. Don’t get drunk with gypsies. Try not to smoke joints in public places. Text: Tudor Chiliman



SOUTH AFRICA – Capital of Psytrance The Mother City is often described as the “African capital of Psytrance.” Locals and travelers flock to Cape Town to experience the unique Psytrance culture which brews in our back garden. With countless outdoors festivals hosted during the months of summer and a stream of indoor events happening throughout the year, there is no shortage of psychedelica to appease the hearts, minds and souls of Trance enthusiasts from far and near. All the international DJs and producers who visit South Africa agree that what we have got going on here is very special and unlike any other scene in the world. While all Trance destinations share similar attributes, like common beliefs and similar styles of music, the energy (or “gees”) that our crowds emit is unforgettable. South Africans are diehard psychedelic warriors. We’re prepared to weather the weather through rain and sunshine. In winter, Vortex throws a very special kind of gathering called the “Phoenix Festival of Fire”. It’s amazing to

be on the dance floor at one of our outdoor festivals. You can literally feel the frequencies rising as the whole floor moves as one entity. It’s such a high. We have incredibly talented people who come to perform live art such as the Psychedelic Theatre and the Flow Arts team with its fire poi and hula hooping. The décor also plays a huge role in creating a real Goa-inspired experience. We prefer to utilise a local team or individual to make the magic happen. This year, the décor for Open Source was created by an extremely gifted individual, Callum Adamstein of Atmosphere Art.

Hot Spots: We are spoiled for choice when it comes to getting our fix of Psytrance in Cape Town. There is an abundance of psychedelic destinations to choose from with weekly events taking place in both the city bowl and the surrounding suburbs, such as Spectrum (Wednesday nights) and Reboot (Friday nights) at Carnival Court in Long Street. There are also

monthly indoor/outdoor parties like the Valley of Psy for example, which caters to trance lovers living in the Southern Peninsula where there is a very strong Trance influence (many of our most prominent DJs hail from the “dirty south”). Somerset West and Stellenbosch also have their own Psyscene with events such as Pulse at the Nameless Pub happening quite frequently.

Groove-Setters: The amount of local talent there is in South Africa is overwhelming. It’s not uncommon to see a world-renowned DJ perform on an ordinary Wednesday night in Cape Town for less than R100 at the door while the very same artist will get booked for international events at some of the world’s biggest festivals. Whether you go out on the weekend or during the week, chances are you won’t be disappointed in who is performing. In terms of international acts, you can expect to see a foreign headliner on almost every outdoor festival’s lineup (and the occasional indoor event too).

pic: Vortex, photo: Aumgea

Text: Grant Dreyer


LINK UP! pic: Vortex, photo: Aumgea

Anything that is helpful for travelling: Travel links, hostel, inns, booking’s etc

DO‘s DO get down with nature on a beautiful beach, hiking trail or outdoor activity. The attractions in Cape Town don’t stop at Psytrance. DO check out our bars and restaurants – they can easily rival some of the best in the world. Just pay a visit to Bree Street if you don’t believe me! DO immerse yourself in our art, music and culture at one of the many craft markets, year-round art exhibitions, design expos, live music gigs or theatres. DO pay a trip to some popular tourist spots including Green Market Square in the CBD, the V&A Waterfront, Kirstenbosch Gardens, Hout Bay market and Table Mountain. DO enjoy sundowners from a look-out point on Chapman’s Peak or on route to Cape Point.

DONT‘s DON’T be in a rush or expect things to move swiftly. Things in Cape Town tend to happen at a slower and more relaxed pace. Maybe that’s why we’re all so mellow ;) DON’T forget your sunscreen when you leave the house. We get plenty of sun during the summer months; it’s important to protect yourself from sunburn and dehydration (drink lots of water!) DON’T feed the baboons if you happen to encounter any of these wonderful creatures in mountainous areas. DON’T litter. This includes throwing stompies out the window which poses as a serious fire hazard. DON’T forget to smile. Smiles are the same in every single language and the best way to meet interesting new people and new friends.

For all your South African travel info, including tickets, transportation, airport and inter-city transfers, accommodation, car hire, currency exchange, Table Mountain tours, safari packages and much more, contact: Travel centre. For all things Psytrancerelated, from ticket giveaways to event info to party reviews and exclusive interviews, visit Psyked in the City and follow them on Facebook here.




SWITZERLAND – small country - big scene If you think of Switzerland and if the things coming to your mind is mountains, lakes , cheese and chocolate, then you should read this beautiful travel report. It will open your eyes and mind and you might think of Switzerland as your next destination. Switzerland has a grown Psy scene which organizes great parties in wonderful venues every year . So mountains, lakes , dancing and of course good food and chocolate always goes together :)

photo: Bojan Zupan

Since the 90‘s Switzerland has been celebrating psychedelic dance music. Amongst many small and family gatherings the Happy People Production and the Höngger Clan are the the scene‘s best known pioneers. The first Street Parade of 1992, moving through the streets of Zurich, was another significant sign of the electronic music‘s advent. Yet Goatrance as music and a philosophy of life remained part of the underground for a long time and was experienced and celebrated under the public‘s radar. Not until after the first regular and multi-day festivals as the Reisefieber soon took place as well as much bigger events like Summer Never Ends, the general public took notice of the scene which for its festivals mostly selected the Swiss mountains as natural backdrop.

The last 2 years The basic tendency towards mainstream has also gripped the Swiss. The blossoming of Offbeat Progressive attracted many party people from other scenes who had been put off by the music - too fast or hard - before. This led to organisational professionalisation as well as to more acceptance by the population. New and bigger festivals as the One Love, Shankra, Phoenix and large indoor events as the Mystica or the Timegate were born. There is hardly a weekend without Psytrance, whether indoor or outdoor. Musically Switzerland has developed similar to the global tendencies: In early 2010 towards Progressive and today towards Psychedelic again. One can also perceive a change of generations:

new younger organizers and labels like Unalome Records, Xerks Music, Reisefieber Rec., or Progvision Records are organizing events successfully, support unknown artists and vitalise the Swiss scene.

The main events Large festivals like the Reisefieber Festival, Summer Never Ends, One Love, Shankra, Phoenix are amongst the best known Swiss summer festivals – even internationally. while during winter the Mystica, Psychedelic Carnival and Timegate are the most popular.

Community Our community of forest stompers is as varied as our political landscape. Practically for each canton (similar to

photo: Bojan Zupan


TRAVEL FACTS states) there exists a respective scene which knows each other is quite well. Various small groups and organizers provide for a large diversity music-wise. Switzerland‘s idiosyncrasies can be felt within its subculture too: despite being somewhat narrow minded in the beginning we have embraced and adopted ideas from the world outside our small country for many years. A mixture of cosmopolitan attitudes, patriotism and obstinacy have formed the scene‘s specific moral concept and consciousness. From the very start we were connected online: starting through (still online and with a archive worth a visit), swisspsy. ch and the Mystical forum, later through Goabase. The Goa broadcasting Multiversum on Radio Rabe is enjoying ever increasing popularity.

Nature & weather Best known Switzerland is because of the Alpes and its mountainous landscape, yet apart from that one can discover very large variety too: Many lakes or rivers, large plains across the country, palms in the South near to Italy or the Jura‘s high plains of the North with its mysterious marshes and mystical forests -without doubt the greatest capital of Switzerland, apart from its opinionated inhabitants, is its nature. By the way, thanks to the world‘s tightest railing system one can reach almost every place in Switzerland by

train. Buses or ships complement the rest. There is hardly a peak without ropeway station, and practically no village without a bus-stop. Although the weather is not always quite as well as one would like to have it here, one cane manage. A long winter with lots of snow and summers occasionally rainy are not seldom. We still party though in all weathers: Neither snow in the clubs, or during summer, rain instead of sun can spoil our spirit. Come and see for yourself!

Cultural export Apart from chocolate and cheese Switzerland is the most famous for this one great discovery in the scene: Albert Hofmann and his problem child, which has formed and changed the psychedelic culture globally. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, is a solid component and is also celebrated at parties to honour Hofmann. Legendary artists of the psychedelic music like Ajja, Electrypnose or Liquid Soul and labels as Fractal Records and Peak Records have put Switzerland on the international Goa map as well. The Swiss publication house is one the best known publishers of psychedelic literature in German and has delved into the Goa scene with the book „GOA – 20 years Psychedelic Trance“. Further popular artists as H.R. Giger and Paul Klee, or authors as Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Martin Suter complete the picture..

Travel portals:,,, Party info: Multiversum Rabe Goa-Sendung,,, Languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh Currency: 1SFr (Swiss Francs) - 0.90 Euro Best time for travel: Summer 25° Winter - 0° Emergency call: 112 Good to know: Practically any place can be reached by train or bus. Unique mountain streets are motorbikers‘ wet dream. Curious facts: Switzerland is the Europe‘s water castle Rhine, Rhone, Po and Danube rise here. Tragic: Not until 1971 women‘s suffrage was introduced nationally, in the canton Appenzell Innerrhoden it wasn‘t until 1990 by Federal court‘s decree. Switzerland is small: NorthSouth 220 km, East-West 350 km. Text: Multiversum-101041306683858




USA – The State of the Trance Union Since the early 90s USA’s West and East Coast hubs of Psy are still San Francisco, Los Angeles & New York City at the cutting edge of our global Trance movement. Fast forward to 2016 we find the vibe has swept across middle states burning bright in surprising places. Party crews keep popping up like… Psychedelic MUSHROOMS! The best way to explain what’s going on here is to summarize the participants in the active states. While we may not all be united, there are definitely many states of Psytrance here in America. There will always be a core audience of underground Psy-folk, but, bit by bit the mainstream electronic dance music revolution keeps stumbling across our sounds thanks to a few flag waivers like Christopher Lawrence, JOOF, Simon Patterson and even Paul Oakenfold continuing to play Psytrance at major festivals to excited and exuberant audiences who then somehow discover the bigger “real” world of international Psy.

Burning Man pics: Tom Rom

Thus we are finally getting on the EDM map a little as a sort of “more potent and grownup style” of Trance. The Last 2 Years The underground parties are still small, but active, getting more integrated by hosting DJs and live acts from various states. What is still lacking is some sort of unified booking route that out of town and international producers can plug into for a predictable tour schedule. In fact many USA crews will want to book an exclusive act and not share which defeats the idea of touring as well. One reason for that is in the Middle states folks are used to driving 12-18 hours to go to a party (usually an

outdoor weekend event) a few states away. Because of this the draw of a “big name” would be higher if the act was not playing everywhere.

The States of Trance California is still the epicenter of the USA Psy-scene with two main regions. “NorCal” leads the way with epic 10k-20k events including Symbiosis Festival doing both their main outdoor and some indoor shows mostly not Psytrance but usually 20% of their headliners are Psy. PulseSF (and now Pulse LA) do mostly fantastic indoor shows (but some outside) with international


headliners and super top notch deco and visuals highlights include their stage at the annual How Weird Street Fair, Geomagnetic/ Phoenix Family, Galaxy Unknown, and now Trance Family SF also keep the Bay Area Psy Events strong. Farther North The Shasta Star Camp crew and Mandala folks do annuals and bi-annuals, Party Babas do the Goa Gil shows. Down South “So Cal” has the luxury of enjoying events by Psytribe & Green Sector with support from local crews Pulsar & Xexify doing sporadic Mojave Desert events. While some might not include Insomniac, they are making in-roads to Psy booking Psy acts incl. Astrix, JOOF, Christopher Lawrence, Vini Vici, Paul Oakenfold Fluro, Simon Patterson playing Prog Psy & Fullon styles to mainstream rave/Trance crowds at huge stadium size venues in LA, SF and Las Vegas Nevada EDC.

That brings us to Nevada has two epicenters Las Vegas which hosts the EDC Megarave and upcoming Stars Psytrance Corp. Then of course in Reno there is the illustrious Burning Man Fest which hosts its annual 100,000 people, art and music event now well-known worldwide, each year manages at least one or two Psy camps, amid a constant background of every other style of music and activity you can imagine. Portland, Oregon with PDX Collective & Booty Chakra Collective with Kris Mosher aka Smoke Sign. Colorado has 11:11 Prod guided by LizE11evn and the Phoenix Collective piloted by Alexander Brooks. Tampa, Florida has talented graphic and deco artist Kricket & the ZFG Prod crew doing the PsyFi Festival. Atlanta, Georgia’s “Horrible Children” & Minneapolis, Minnesota “Cosmic Egg” both focus on DarkPsy. NYC, New York, “Psycheground” Luis Campos doing a regular monthly and Radial Engine doing outdoors. North Carolina in legendary Ashville: Touch Samadhi Kri and crew. South Carolina: Pangea Festival crew. Dallas & Austin, Texas have two crews, Atrium Obscura & Create Culture/OneStomp both doing events. Wisconsin & Illinois has the amazing Chilluminati with festivals Sacred Earth, Crystal Sky & Earthdance Vermont & Boston, Massachusetts has Fractal Tribe Aaron & Rob doing Fractal Fest and indoor shows.

Labels Geomagnetic Label Group (San Francisco) continues to spear head the musical releases coming from USA incl. managing production, distribution and releases for Goa Rec, Digital Drugs, Power House, Ovnimoon Rec, Ascending, Timewarp, Fresh Frequencies, Ascending Rec, though their A&R is mostly international so many don‘t realize these are all partly USA based. Pharmacy (LA) is very active. United Beats (Santa Cruz, CA) is partly USA based. AntiShanti (NYC), Psycircle (SanDiego), PurePerception (North Carolina), Jellyfish Frequency, Anomalistic Rec occasionally release something too and once back in the day even Spun Rec which has not been active in the last two years.

Artists GoaGil & Arianne / The Nommos, Random, Frost Raven, Labyr1nth, Smoke Sign, Poli, NineSense, Groove Addict, Jeto, Rony Melo, Doctor Spook/Mindstorm, Infected Mushroom, Shake, MadMaxx, Lunecell, Coral, Random Robot, Helios, Megadrop, Anyma, Aum Lab, Sausee, Triceradrops, Kabyun, Bodhi 1320, Arahat, Mubali, Parus, Ghreg On Earth, Fractal Cowboys/Quasar, Dog Of Tears, Dragon, Psypien, Justincaseboy Deco: Nephil9, Global Village, Wizart Visions, Psylotus, Kriket, Android Jones, Alex & Allyson Grey

Text: Doctor Spook


84 pics: Ari Adar

Ari Adar is a leading Australian music festival, night club and festival fashion photographer. Ari is deeply passionate about the promotion of Psytrance music and festivals as a social vehicle for the elevation of human consciousness. Ari Adar ist ein fĂźhrender australischer Musikfestival, -Nachtclub und Festivalmodefotograf und leidenschaftlicher Promoter der Psytrance-Musik und Festivals als sozialer Vehikel zum Emporheben des menschlichen Bewusstseins. AriAdarPhotography

85 pics: Amir Weiss

Amir Weiss sets up a vision from festivals around the world, not only Psytrance festivals but where ever he encounters good the vibes which also includes hippie culture in general. He is the “Transformation Festivals Eye“. Amir Weiss stellt eine Vision von Festivals aus aller Welt zusammen, nicht bloss Psytrance Festivals, sondern wo immer er gute Vibes findet, was auch generell Hippiekultur einschliesst. Er ist das “Transformation Festivals Eye“. awtransform

86 pics: Murilo Ganesh

Murilo Ganesh from Brazil is one of the prominent photographers of the Psytrance community and also a Chillout DJ. Murilo Ganesh aus Brasilien ist einer der herausragenden Fotographen der Psytrance Community wie auch Chillout DJ. muriloganesh






Desert Dance Festival 2016

Zum Psy-Gathering im Sinai lud Ende April das 5. Desert Dance Festival ein. Die Freunde Der Sonne setzen ihre grenzenüberschreitende Friedensreise fort und lassen uns in ihr Licht eintauchen!

Von den Freunden Der Sonne zum Sun Network Als das Kollektiv aus Hamburg 2011 dann in die ägyptische Wüste übersiedelte, wurden sie positiv von den hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Anwohnern überrascht. Das neu gegründete Sun Network vereinte alte und neue Kontakte - bereits ein Jahr später war das Desert Dance Festival geboren.

Zum 5. Mal versammelte sich am 21. April die multikulturelle Goa-Gemeinde zum Desert Dance Festival auf der ägyptischen Halbinsel Sinai. Gäste aus allen Teilen der Welt feierten in dem von Problemen durchwachsenen Teil der Welt und leisteten damit ihren Beitrag zur Völkerverständigung. Schon seit 2006 beteiligen sich die Freunde Der Sonne an der

Verbreitung positiver Vibes: Sie sind Paten der einzigen norddeutschen Durchführung des Earthdance - einer Veranstaltung, die in mehr als 100 Orten zeitgleich für den Weltfrieden feiert und betet und diesem Jahr am 17.09. in Hamburg staffindet. events/1702028583376701/

Desert Dance Festival 2016

been rocketing in 2007, when the Freunde Der Sonne (“friends of the sun”) started hosting the only Northern German Earthdance, where people simultaneously celebrate and pray for world peace in more than 100 places worldwide, happening this year on 17.09. in Hamburg: 1702028583376701/

For the 5th time, the Desert Dance Festival invited Psy fans to gather in the mountains of Sinai. The Sun Family continue their boundary-bridging journey of peace by spreading their light! Psytrance in the Desert Sands On April 21, the Psy collective from all over the world gathered for the 5th Desert Dance Festival on the Egyptian peninsula Sinai. In times where the Middle East is streaked by problems, visitors and organizers contribute to intercultural understanding. Their journey of peace had already

The Development of Sun Network When the friends made their way from Hamburg to the Egyptian desert in 2011, they were astonished by the friendly locals who were willing to help with any obstacles. They established Sun Network - a connected community

Seither hat sich viel geändert: Die neue Location erinnert mit seinem malerischen Sandstrand an ein Urlaubsprospekt und ist für Besucher nicht schwer zu erreichen. Das neue Dekokonzept integriert sich perfekt in die bestehende Landschaft und der satte Klang der Funktion-One-Anlage bringt jedes Sandkorn zum Wackeln. Lasst Eure Seele die Energie des vereinigenden Lichts tanken! that finally enabled them to host the first festival in 2012. Since then, a lot has changed: The new location’s paradisiac beach looks like in a travel brochure and is easy to reach, travel-wise. Mythologically inspired decorations add to the landscape and the Funktion-One soundsystem makes even sand grains dance. Fuel your soul with the connecting light! freundedersonnefds


OWN SPIRIT FESTIVAL April 16 – 18, 2016 • Barcelona, Spain


Erfahre das Potential, sammel’ den Spirit, die echte Manifestation des lebenden Bewusstseins im Detail

Experience the potential, garner the spirit, the real manifestation of the living consciousness in details

DJane Gaby

details, more effort, and more love. Either it was the decoration or just the vibes which again turned into a very special festival. The real manifestation of the living consciousness in details. Have this festival strongly on your list and I am sure you will feel what I did. Love & Unity on all levels :)

Recht selten hören wir von grösseren Partys und Festivals in Spanien, aber die wenigen sind voller Liebe und Leidenschaft. Ich war sehr glücklich als ich für das OWN SPIRIT FESTIVAL gebucht wurde, da es eines meiner Lieblingsfestivals ist. Ich fühlte etwas, was ich längere Zeit nicht gefühlt und sogar vermisst hatte, etwas was ich schlicht THE SPIRIT nenne. Dort fühlte ich wieder das Potential, in dem wir vor Jahren an einem Platz tief in ONE UNITY verbunden waren. Wir alle lieben es zu tanzen, zu lächeln und durchzudrehen, was im normalen Leben unmöglich ist. OWN SPIRIT liess mich spüren wie es sein könnte. Eine Party, wo Du zuhause bist, mit einer Familie tanzt und wo immer Du hingehst, ein Lächeln bekommst. Die Organisation hat die Vision des letzten Jahres sogar mit mehr Details, mehr Einsatz und mehr Liebe erweitert. Entweder waren es die Dekoration oder die Vibes, welche es wieder zu einem außerordentlichen Festival machten. Die echte Manifestation des lebenden Bewusstseins im Detail. Setzt dieses Festival unbedingt auf Eure Liste und ich bin mir sicher, Ihr werdet fühlen, was ich fühlte. Liebe und Einheit auf allen Ebenen :) DJane Gaby


It‘s quite seldom that we hear from bigger parties and festivals in Spain, but those few which are happening, are full of Love & Passion. I was very happy when I was booked for the OWN SPIRIT FESTIVAL, as it is one of my favorite festivals. I felt something I hadn‘t felt for a while and even started to miss at other festivals which I simply call THE SPIRIT. There I again felt the potential we had many years back when in one place all could get deeply connected into ONE UNITY. We all love to dance, smile, and get wild, what we maybe can‘t do in normal life. This place really let me feel how it could be. A party, where you feel at home, dance with One family and get smiles wherever you walk around. The organization even expanded the vision of last year, with more




Second Horizon Festival 1. – 4. July – Kiekebusch, near Berlin – Dream And Let Dream “Träume sind Schäume… mach lieber was Richtiges.” - ein Satz, den viele schon mal einstecken mussten. Oft genug haben wir uns von unseren Träumen abhalten lassen, aus Angst vor Dingen, die jenseits unserer Grenzen lagen. Dabei sind Träume Schätze, um die es sich zu kämpfen lohnt. Vico Roots, Kopf des Second Horizon Flagschiffes, kann davon ein Lied singen - oder auflegen. Als er 2015 Nina, Chefin von den Soundviechern Berlin, beim Goa Gil & Ariane Open Air vertrat, war er vom Kiekebusch als Location völlig geflasht. Der Entschluss fürs eigene Festival, was die derzeit gespaltene Szene wieder zusammenführen soll, war gefasst!

Vico Roots has risked the chance for his dream and gone beyond all obstacles looming upon the path. His vision: To invite us to his own very special fantasy journey

Vico Roots, head of the Second Horizon flagship, has been through this. Now, he calls the tune regarding his decisions. When he substituted Nina, head of soundviecher Berlin, at the Goa Gil & Ariane Open Air in 2015, he was immediately flashed by the location. The decision for an own festival, which should re-unite the split Psy-scene, was born. Although Vico has organized parties before, he has gotten his Soundviecher mates on board, and together with his girlfriend Fiona, the crew enthuses with funny videos and openness to involve their future guests in their

decisions. A small setback occurred when Facebook deleted their event page, but through the crew’s endurance, the page was reactivated. And even though nasty wood thieves hinder the preparations, Vico himself helps re-building the decoration - making his own dream come true!

Obwohl er bereits Parties veranstaltet hat, holt er sich seine Soundviecher ins Boot, und gemeinsam mit Freundin Fiona begeistern sie mit witzigen Videos und der Offenheit für Mitbestimmung. Ein Rückschlag folgte, als Facebook ohne Grund die Eventseite löschte, doch Dank der Beharrlichkeit der Crew wurde die Seite wieder freigeschaltet. Und trotz fieser Holzdiebe, die den Bau der Deko verzögern, packt Vico selbst mit an und gibt alles - für den eigenen Traum!

A setback followed as Facebook without reason put out the event page, but thanks to the perseverance of the crew , the site has been re-enabled.

party organizer Rico Roots

“Dreams are lies… get real!” - a sentence which many have heard before. Often enough, we gave up on a dream simply because we were afraid of things that were beyond our horizon. But the truth is that dreams are treasures worth fighting for.

Ein Rückschlag folgte, als Facebook ohne Grund die Event-Seite löschte, doch Dank der Beharrlichkeit der Crew wurde die Seite wieder freigeschaltet.



The VooV Experience is back with finest international Psytrance-Acts and the legendary VooV-Lasershow, at a well-known location!

International Psychedelic Trance Festival 22.–25.7.2016 • Germany

Die VooV Experience ist zurück mit feinsten internationalen Psytrance-Acts und der legendären VooVLasershow - dieses Jahr an einer altbekannten Location! Längere Tage, steigende Temperaturen, wachsende Vorfreude: Mit der nächsten VooV rücken ausgelassene und energiegeladene Momente voll unbeschwerter Fröhlichkeit und purer Tanzlust näher! Lebens- und farbenfroh wird die neue Steampunk-inspirierte Dekoserie von MAE & MOA erstmals auf der VooV erstrahlen! Während tagsüber die Shopstraße mit Klamotten, Kunsthandwerk und internationalen Köstlichkeiten zum Bummeln, Chillen und Genießen einlädt, wird die Nacht von farbiger Lichtkunst und der legendären VooV-Lasershow erhellt – und über allem liegt der unwiderstehlich treibende Trance-Sound... Feinste internationale Psytrance-Acts wurden

eingeladen, mit uns die Lebensfreude zu zelebrieren! Sowohl mit dem Namen VooV Experience wie auch der diesjährigen Location kehren wir gewissermaßen zu den Wurzeln des Festivals zurück: Einige werden sich noch an das über eine eigens angelegte Bahnstation erreichbare, idyllische Fleckchen erinnern. Hier kann ausgelassen in freier Natur gefeiert werden – und wer ein kleines Päuschen von den Beats und dem Trubel braucht, kann an einem der hübschen kleinen Waldseen Füße und Seele baumeln lassen. Die VooV ruft und darum heißt es endlich wieder : LET’S VOOV TOGETHER!

Longer days, rising temperatures and growing anticipation mean that the VooV is approaching and with it, blissful days full of energy and pure dance delight! Colourful and lively, the new radiant steampunk-inspired décor series by MAE & MOA will shine on the VooV for the first time ! During the days, the shop street displaying crafts, clothes and international delicacies will invite you to stroll, chill and enjoy. The nights will be illuminated by a kaleidoscope of multicoloured lights and visual arts, topped by the legendary VooV laser-show... and of course that vibrant Trance sound! The finest international Psytrance acts have been invited to celebrate with us! With both the festival name VooV Experience and this year’s location, we all but return to the festival’s roots. A few of you may remember the idyllic place featuring its own festival train station! Amidst this beautiful patch of nature, we can let loose and celebrate freely – and if you need a break from all the excitement, you can retreat to one of the pretty little forest ponds to cool off your feet and your soul. The VooV is calling and we are, too: LET’S VOOV TOGETHER!


Waldfrieden Wonderland 28. – 31.07.2017 – Stemwede-Wehdem

Like in Alice’s dream, Waldfrieden Wonderland lures us in for the 20th anniversary. Its playful world never fails to surprise with the magic of its growing wonders. As 2016 is the year of anniversaries, it’s not the hatmaker who invites us for tea: Two decades have passed since one could vanish inside the rabbit hole to re-appear at the fantastic world of Waldfrieden Wonderland. For the 20th anniversary, the old festival rabbits conjure lots of renewals out of the hat. An indoor floor ensures that, no matter what weather, one can find shelter from it - so there are no objections to a rain dance. Psy-Pyro-Maniacs will be excited to hear these burning news: Both a giant firework as well as brand new fire artists will make you hold your breath while theirs will be filled with

flames. Fire-scepticals may flee to the newly-built tree houses, or get their feet burning from something else: The Hi Tech- and (how fitting) Forest Floor helps you to forget everyday madness. If your senses are temporarily overloaded, enjoy the relaxing and spiritually enhancing realms of the Healing Area provided. Between green leaves and finest Psytrance music, this nature sympathizing spectacle reminds of Alice’s fantasy travel. Only there are no stoned caterpillars, but that doesn’t impede our anticipation at all! wonderland-2016

Weil 2016 das Jahr der Jubiläen ist, lädt ausnahmsweise nicht der Hutmacher zum Tee: Zwei Dekaden sind vergangen, seit man zum ersten Mal im Kaninchenbau verschwinden und in die zauberhafte Waldfrieden Wonderland-Welt eintauchen konnte. Zum 20-jährigen Fest zaubern die alten Festivalhasen immer noch neues aus dem Hut. Ein Indoor-Floor sorgt für den manchmal doch nötigen Schutz vor Witterungen aller Art, damit selbst einem Regentanz nichts im Wege steht. Für die Psy-Pyro-Manie sorgen sowohl “brandneue” Feuerkünstler als auch ein jubiläumswürdiges gigantisches Feuerwerk. Hat man die Füße auf dem neuen Hi Tech- und (wie passend) Forest-Floor zertanzt, bieten die neu gebauten Baumhäuser stille Zuflucht. Alternativ lässt sich der Wahnsinn des Alltags in der Healing Area durch Möglichkeiten der spirituellen Entwicklung oder Entspannung besänftigen. Zwischen Blattgrün und feinstem Psytrance bietet dieses der Natur wohlgesonnene, liebevolle Spektakel einiges, was an Alice’s Fantasiereise erinnert. Lediglich bekiffte Raupen bleiben aus, was unsere Vorfreude jedoch in keiner Weise hemmt! wonderland/woderland-2016



pic: Reisefieber, Scheltenpass, pic: MD9

Psychonotik, Jimbo, Senseblender, Bassid, McManus, Z Chill: Electrocado, Yubaba, Lamiae, Govinda, Harmonic, Phasebong, Polyesta, Baba Robijn, Tribalicious, Saaf, Floyd, Spiky, Fatcat, Trala, Inphiknight, Orphic Mysteries, Dj Izzy, Invisible Ralf, Bliepertronic Orga: Trance Orient Express Web:, events/498026117048929

Th.23.06. - Su.26.06.

Burning Mountain Web:, facebook. com/events/462620633914099 Sa.18.06. - Su.19.06.

Goa Gil und Ariane Open Air Germany Redefining the ancient tribal ritual for the 21st Century Kiessee Kiekebusch, Berlin, Germany Acts: Goa Gil, Ariane Orga: Goa Gil & Ariane OA Germany, Soundviecher

Sa.18.06 - Su.20.06.

Solstice Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands Acts: Ryanosaurus, Psysex, E.F.P., Loopus In Fabula, Lunecell, Pantomiman, Braindrop, Ridden, Kloud Nin9, Jazzmine, Daksinamurti, Cold Project, Ludopsy, Broken Eye, Patchbay, Aio, Nirmal, Thathy, Govinda, Back To Mars, Riches,

Zernez, Switzerland Live: Ace Ventura, Arctika, Askaan, Audiomatic, Avalon, Avengers, Berg, Bitmonx, Blastoyz, Bubble, Capital Monkey, Connexx, Day.Din, Durs, Epic, Fabio & Moon, Ghost Rider, Harmonika, Interactive Noise, Klopfgeister, Kronfeld, Kularis, Lifeforms, Liquid Soul, Love Gun, Magneto, Metronome, Monod, Morten Granau, Neelix, Omiki, Outsiders, Phaxe, Protonica, Querox, Sesto Sento, Shiva Chandra, Si-Moon, Sokrates, Suspect One, Tezla, Ticon, Tripical, Twilight,

97 Unseen Dimensions, Vaishiyas, Vertical Mode, Vini Vici, Waio, Zyce DJs: Ajanix, Audiomatic & Bassforscher, Fabio & Moon, INFX Madhupatra, Joel Rowdy, Kaylee DJane, Kuckudelic, La Luna, Limitless, Liquid Soul, Natron, M!guz, Psywicca, Tripical Deko: Fortuna Fire Crew, Fire Installations by Burn Crew, shep*art Installations Orga: Burning Mountain Association Web:, events/440099606174889

Petrix, Psygor, Kapec, Maverick, Harry, 000333, Kashmir, Ink Flo, Jonah Moses, Hellman, Triptofun, Jenda Legenda, Kubis, Darjeel & Karen, Elemental Deko: Elemental Crew, Psyalaska, Petrix, Cyreal (UfoBufo), Tetris @ Nikki, Vortex Visual Division, Koza & Siggy & Tofu, PsyLight Service, Kalimeros, Heartbeat art, Fantasmagoria art Orga: Ufobufo Web:, events/876388959123242


JUICE CLUB HAMBURG Stresemannstraße 204206, 22769 Hamburg, Germany

JUNE Sa 11 Psy Re Evolution (Psytrance) Fr 17 1 Year Upward Rec (Proggy, Off Beat)

JULY Fr.24.06. - Su.26.06. Th.23.06. - Su.26.06.

Ufo Bufo

Hadinka, Vítkov Klokočov, Czech republic Live: Fungus Funk, Orestis, Cto Gram, Kloud Nin9, Alienapia, Octohertz, Wirrareka & Galactic Sun, Genaro DJs: Askari, Mutaro, Liquid Ross, Unitone, Ochen, Meff, Cj Art, Styropian, Petrix, Stafa, Cummis, Nokoklaus, Ondrej Psyla, Psyrix, Ejczka, Starf, Plech, Marschi & Alyosha, Darjeel, Cejn, Druidum, Reborn, Heehy, Mr. Gorby, Jonah Moses & Jenda Legenda, Psychozix, Newteck, Ian Blond, Zooropix, Basic, Mako, Triptofun, Beyond Infinity, Wolfzov Chill Live: Globular, Bwoy De Bhajan, Zymosis, Okapi, Daheen Downbeat, Lemon Tree, Ambientium, Architech, Scannt, Dosta Chill DJs: Kloud Nin9, Styropian,

Reisefieber 12 Schelten, Switzerland Live: Atma, Boom-Nasha, Champa, Cristo Disto, Harmonic Rebel, Ismir, Isochronic, Jumpstreet, Loud, Nomad 25, Open Tribe, Schädelleuchten, Sideform, Zen Mechanics DJs: Alphatrance, Antares, Cosinus, Cyclope, Digital Reflection, Djane Melburn, DJ Martin, Feinmechanik, Ganja, Hide‘n‘Seek, Inferno, Infx Madhupatra, Klangstrahler, MB-Future, Pasa, Sebastian Kos, Seviron, Staykn, Terranostra, Tribal Effect, Triphazard Orga: Reisefieberorganisation Web:, 520280368119251

Fr 01 Psychedelic Playground (Progressive Psy) Fr 15 I Love Proggy (Proggy, Off Beat) Fr 29 The Neverending Story (Progressive + Psytrance)

AUGUST Fr 12 I Love Proggy (Proggy, Off Beat) Sa 20 Humpty Dumpty Open Air Hafen Hamburg 2 Tage & 1 Nacht mit 2 Floors und Chill Area, spezielles Lichtkonzept, Performances und vieles mehr Info:

EVERY SUNDAY 8:00 – 20:00 Frühschicht – Laut & Gemütlich Der After Hour Club In Hamburg Mit stetig wechselndem Line Up

98 Saltaux, Alezzaro, De La Cruz, Dezibel, Djibril, Genesis, Gobayashi, Mahut, Manoo, Miss Butterfly Aka Djane Nicoletta, Naima - Djane, Pinocio, Riff Ruff, Sabsunshine - Djane Orga: FLOW Events GmbH Web:, facebook. com/events/496380277209556

We.06.07. - Su.10.07.

Vuuv 2014 - pic: Murilo Ganesh

One Love Festival

Th.30.06. - Su.03.07.

Flow Festival Wiener Neustadt / Eggendorf, Austria Acts: Atmos, Avalon, Burn In Noise, Loud, Tristan, Killerwatts, Fearsome Engine, Laughing Buddha, Electric Universe, Aioaska, Artyficial Aka Wolle, Caban, E-Mov, Gispy Soul, Human Groove, Ianuaria, Kajola & Paradox, Malice In Wonderland, Mayaxperience, Middlemode, Nikki S, Silent Sphere, Southwild, Symbiogenetics, Taliesin, Terranostra, Traumvabrik, Tristate, Vertical, Rastaliens, Serex / Happines, Gaby,

Fr.01.07. - Mo.04.07.

Second Horizon Festival Kiessee Kiekebusch, Berlin - Schรถnefeld, Germany Acts: Bliss, Bubble, Loud, Talamasca, Menog, Altruism, Morten Granau, Phaxe, Ritmo, Egorythmia, Protonica, Si-Moon, Hatikwa, Patara, Senix, Ridden, Dust, Drip Drop, Goa Jonas, Daksinamurti, Tickets, Android Spirit, Critical Taste, Ismir, Anestetic, Cubixx, Dharma, Mindvoid, Perkins, Chorea Lux, Metaprog, Ritanis, Retic, Pandu, Nayati Sun, Cd Wexler, Quetzaquatel Dark: Kindzadza, Dark Whisper, Cosmo, Necropsycho, Ogoun, Oxidaksi, Virtuanoise, Technical Hitch, Mind Distortion System, Hutti Heita, Kaos, Vertical, Chromatec, Sator Arepo, Phagos Sonus, Mind Oscillation, Kanibal Raves, Jesus Raves, Kanibal Holokaust, Alpha, Iguana, Audio Syntax, Metalab, Kazulu, Nanobugz, Diavolo, Abralabim, Elektroengel, Miloshroom, Dunkelrob, Gastraxx, Atomic Engine, Synthezia Orga: Second Horizon Events UG Web:, events/1661133150821114

Filisur, Switzerland Live: Shpongle, OTT., Greg Hilight, U.R.I.N.I.M.U., Jackatek & Hackbrett Johnny and Bongo Dani, 1200Mics, Arctika, Atriohm, Digitalist, Dj Lucas, Grouch, Hallucinogen, Hanzo, Hatikwa, Helber Gun, Hujaboy, Hypogeo, Iliuchina, Ismir, Krama, Mahi, Major7, Malice In Wonderland, Materia, Menog, Minimal Criminal, Phanatic, Psyrabbit, Reality Test, Silent Sphere, Simply D, Sokrates, Supersonic, Symbolic, Synthax, Talamasca, Talpa, Tezla, Tschernobyllies, Vertex, Vice, X-Noize, Aviatica, Bengani, Boy For Sale, Dark Elf, Dezibel, Frechbax, Jaramogi & Naima, Jose Jimenez, Kent Brockmen, Krumelur, Mu, Necmi, Nyah Sfx, Orestis, Quantum Zero, Si-Moon, Suspect One, The Riddler, Unique Repeat, Vaeya, White Falcon, Zik, Zikore, Laughing Stock, Pueblo Criminal, Hang Brothers, Michel & Lucien, Ruby My Dear, The Moonling, Youth On Uppers, Black Sun, Chillomanie, Lo.Renzo, Maluns, Merlin DJs: Ajanix, Akustik & Bassforscher, Allcameandbleeded, Alopex, Audiofisters, Authentic, Cels & Cesar Mimesis, Frontal, Giuseppe, Jigsaw, Miguz, Mike Mad, Mitra, Naima, Profiler, Protone & Live Guitar, Riff Ruff & Microdot, System Error, Terranostra, Tom Ritalin & Shadow, Urban Tribe, Acab & Jigsaw, Alan Lector, Banzer, Beatwitch & Kreuzton,


100 Cämix & Face Design, Clachaud, Coloured Dream, Crusty, Dän Silverman & Nightwalk, Dani W., Devin, Dionesos, Don‘t Panic & Cyberinfect, Feinmechanik, Flick Flack, Frank Incolano, Hnz, Infx, Kay Hess, Kaylee, Lexbeam, Lust Und Laune, Mar Dean, Morpheus, Polarity, Pow-Low, Auschkraft, Rocco E., Spirit, White Falcon, Dalton Trance Teleport, Dj Dropastone, Dj High Grade, Evil Business, Jimmy9, Maiki, Mercury Fall, Olive Zitoun, Psylomeda, , Skybass Aka Bachi, Gärtlizügs & Cosy Deko: Mimesis, Psithurism, Trudis Tribe, Chromatic Eyes, One Love Creative Team, Vibrative Sounds, Color Overdose, Orbis Oculi, Mondschein Deko, Hönggerclan, Laser Graphics Xtra: Workshops: Morning Yoga, Qi Gong, Quantum Human, Balinese Dance, Switch On Delight, Healing Stones and their Powers, Healing Session, Flow Gathering Orga: One Love Festival Web:, facebook. com/events/124082474601658

We.06.07. - Mo.11.07.

Samsara Europe 2nd Edition Siófok-Töreki, Hungary Acts: Emancipator, Vibrasphere, Gaudi , Desert Dwellers, AES Dana, H.U.V.A. Network , Hybrid Leisureland, Connect Ohm, Solar Fields, Cell, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Kaya Project , Sephira, Hang Massive, Asura, Seb Taylor , Amani, Suduaya,

Tripswitch, Ayub Ogada, Star Sound Kontinuum feat. Irina Mikhailova , Scann-Tec, Perpetual Loop, Goatika, I Awake, Digitonal, Kukan Dub Lagan, Zen Baboon, AstroPilot, Lauge & Baba Gnohm, Max Million, Dhamika, Ancient Core, Miktek, Hibernation, Lauge, Terra Nine, Astronaut Ape, Sundial Aeon, Fishimself, Audiocompress, Yarn, Aythar, Deep in Mind, Photosynthesis, Sync24 , Chronos, Martin Nonstatic, Christian Samsara, Stefan Torto Orga: Samsara Production Crew Web:, facebook. com/events/770001909813162

Pilatuss, Microhell, Rio, Obeah, Nomad X, Psyko, Da Li, Kbc, Denial, Teddy-Lee Chill: Alwoods, Cabeiri, Galaxy Drop, Suduaya, Merlin, Estray, Blue Forest, Mystic, Toofar, Marko J., Dopese, Alchemy Of Sound, Dani Photosynthesis, Fishimself, Djane Nicoletta, Neo/Lix, Dunya, Dowla, Val Vashar, Terrahertz, M.Chilln, Sun Matt, Dubjahners, Nick Pall, Rakkaani, Dalton Trance Teleport, Shoshana, Free Lemonade, Zdrakla, Teddy-Lee, Jah-Panths Deko: Fluffy Flowers, Wicked Forest, the LCF Crew Orga: Life Celebration Festival Web:, events/1504782796502833

Th.07.07. - Mo.11.07.

Life Celebration Festival Sisan - Svetica, Pula, Croatia Live: Sensient, Midimal, Akd, E-Clip, Journey, Omsphere, Sonic Wave Control, Vertex, Suduaya, Manmachine, Sonic Entity, Imaginarium, Arhetip, Starlab, Audiostatik, Avengers, Shiysma, Psilocybian, Subliminal Codes Aka Pion, Ioshua, The Renegades, Greenscreen, Riodario/Neonsky/ Nomadx DJs: Etnica - Pleiadians, Son Kite, Boom Shankar, Journey Aka Jay Om, Alphatrance, Der Loth, Psycrow, Six Am, Djane Nicoletta, O.M.S., Imry, Raveheart, Supernova Dj Kristof, Zvook, Necropsi, D Fact, Rix, Neo/Lix, Elixza, Tymja, Shanti Shambo, Val Vashar, Ganeshbaba, Peacedefender, Mystix Extract, Dinke, Nesho, Sale, Thaitoytom, Nard, Dalton Trance Teleport, Radical Fusion, Pontiuss


Orange Sun OA Burgwall Menkendorf, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany Live Psycastle: Ital, Undercover, Symbolic, Hux Flux, Darma, Si Moon, Vandeta, Cezzers, Cobana, Lebendige Menschen, Chrizzlix, Idylle, Onero, Chorea Lux, Brox, Critical Taste, Zottel, Ismir, Psy Agency, Infuso, A Type, Luxtra, First Aid, Lumiax, DJs Psycastle: Ritanis, Mr. Jeans& Mr. Tree, Taranis, Finndus, Bazooka, H.O.G, Goazilla, Mystixx, Natron, Triton, Meisi, Perkins, Johan, Jetlag, Mr.Terrestrial, Madman, Psydrop, Swastika Live Darkstage: Audiopathik, Error In Dimension, Acid Combo, Place Of Error, Roudy, Muckypuh, Sun Source,



pic: Ari Adar

Jonas, Govinda, Hatta, IlLoUiSiOn, Ilse, IOVAN, Jackomo, Janux, Kiran u. Dschawenga, Krisae, Lucas, LX-D, Melburn, Mike Maguire, Multise3d, Naveen, Natron, Nayati Sun, Onero, Peter Puls, Psycrow, Raja Ram & Chicago, Regan, Saltaux, Sangeet, Shivaree, Shore Bar Axel, Starling, Sven Looping, Trevor Pixie, Walking Tree, Zimon & Robin Deko: The ExtraDimensional space Agency, Buju, Pst-Pix, Vision Scientists Orga: Antaris Project Web:, facebook. com/events/539245216232670

Psypnotika, T-O Luc, Neuro Twister, Iznogood DJs Darkstage: Error In Dimension, Place Of Error, Psyckobrain, Iztam, Zero Gravity, Quaxbax, Darkgomätrix, Iznogood, Mütze, Et Acts Beachfloor: Magit Cacoon, Ouria , Senay Gueler, Saite Zwei, Brothers in Mind, Rich von Dorf, Ron Albrecht & Stefan Rein, Moin Moin, Zentrifuge, Räubertöchtäs, Annika Borchert, Neupi, Björn Ahlgrimm, Gideon, Oliver & Mathias, Hannes & Theo, Oliver Grieser, Lo.sH, Acid und Guelle, Felix Wehden, Akustik reine töne, 100 morgen, Jut & Erda, Mommsen, Interelektrika, DICE, Drixn Acts Forgotten Circus-Area: Professor Lux und der Urknallgenerator, C.Y.U.R., Flux_Projekt DJs Forgotten Circus-Area: Akoasma, C.Y.U.R., Arne, Borgil, Butshi , Fatthis Mischer, The Quibbler, Flux in Dub Deco: Spiral Spectrum, Mystic Vision Project, Palim Palum, LSD Events, Mondmaler, Scödy, The Village, Sodeko, Pappelapapp, EPS, P&T Sound and Light, Rent FX Orga: Orange Sun Crew Web: events/1157633707585073

Mo.18.07. - Su.24.07. Fr.15.07. - Mo.18.07

Solar United Natives (S.U.N.)

Stölln, Germany Acts: Aardvarkk, Ace Ventura, Ajja, Angry Luna, Arjuna, Atriohm, Avalon, Cosmic Vibration, Dickster, Dsompa, Dust, E-Clip, Earthling, Earthspace, Eat Static, Filterheads, Groove Addict, Headworks, Highlight Tribe, Hypogeo, Kabayun, Killerwatts, K.I.M., Mad Maxx, Mad Tribe, M-Theory, Merkaba, Shekinah, Southwild, Space Tribe, Spectra Sonics, Spinal Fusion, Starlab, Supergroover, Symbolic, Tongue and Groove, Tristan, Will O Wisp DJs: Alice D Joanna, Aliji, Antaro, Astray, Back to Mars, Bass-T 73, CD-Wexler, Chriss, Chris Zippel, Cosmix, Cubixx, Daksinamurti, Der Loth, Disco Digger, DR Motte, Emi, Gandalf, Gino Sonica, Giuseppe, Goa

Csobánkapuszta, Nograd, Hungary Acts: Aes Dana, Alexsoph, Alwoods, Amani, Anoebis, Boom Shankar, Astropilot, Aum, Chacruna, Cosmic Dimension, Cygna, Dense, Desert Dwellers, Dirty Hippy, Doppler Shift, Duotekk, Electric Universe, Emok, Evil Oil Man, Gmo Vs Dense, Imba, Ital, John ‚00‘ Fleming, Kalya Scintilla, Kory, Land Switcher, Latam, Logical Elements, Lupin, Martin Vice, Master Minded, Merkaba, Micasphere, Mindwave, Nebula Meltdown, Ocelot, Odiolab, Phaxe, Power Source, Protonica, Radzy, Rikki Rokkit, Ryanosaurus, Saltaux, Scann-Tec, Sigil, Snag The Sunshepherd, Soul Seeker, Static Movement, Terra Nine, Thal, The Key, Treavor Moontribe, Tribone, Tristate, Tropical Bleyage, Try2Fly, Whitebear

Antaris Project

103 Orga: Solar.United.Natives Web:, events/1474149109580441

Mo.18.07. - Mo.25.07.

Chillout Planet Russia, Pskovskaya Oblast, Pushkinskie Gory Main Stage Live: Anima Animus, Hutti Heita, Laatoka, Lacerta, Sonic Bandits, Trippy Trail, Amrita , Kala, Noctilus, Luminexia, Vauhti,

Transdriver, Art Imagination, Dreamstalker, Nirmal, Calamar Audio, Kirna, Kox Box, Samadhi, Overload, Cosmic Harmony, Jovis Aka Mr Pink Main Stage Djs:Apel, Drunkypunky, Go2Sky, Max, Quendy, Djane Satori, Tomas 303, Komarchiki, Frog Prog, Annes Zia, Rod‘kaa, I00I, Myst, Starling, Shivaom, Tokamak, Voda, Bullet, El.Bhanishta, Jah Yantra, Marine, Solnce, Unitone, Trickster, Woodlook, Bart, Electriena, Jaro, Psart, Sunny Gipsy, Ulviya, Dj- 4I�, Xp Voodoo Chillstage Acts: Yggdrasil, Paul Harbor, Biotrip, Electrosoul System, Jovis Aka Mr Pink, Noraus, Synthetic Sunrise, Nocti-Luca, Kayatma, Chitoon, Fusionista, Taff, Paleokontakt, Spacehealer, Kurbeats, Astronaut Ape, Caribace, Heliopatis, Neonicle, Callipso-Collapsa, Kaminanda, Aj Orchestra,

Dreamstalker, Isea-N, Nuage, Spectrum Vision Orga: Chillout Crew Web:

We.20.07. - Su.24.07.

Shankra Festival Lostallo (Graubunden) Switzerland Acts: Ajja, Aes Dana, Altruism, Andromeda, Arjuna, Astral Gnomix, Ajanix, Atacama, Atomizers, Audiofisters, Beat Hackers, Bi-Molecular, Burn In Noise, Crazy

Astronaut, Devin, Drumatik, Etnica/ Pleiadians, Galaxy Drop, H.U.V.A Network, Haldolium, Hatta, Human Element, Hypnocustics, Ibojima, James West, Justin Chaos, Kaminanda, Kaya Project, Kin, Laughing Buddha, Liftshift, Logic Bomb, M-Theory, Mahi, Maitika, Master Margherita, Middle Mode, Müstik, Nibana, Obliviant, Rumble Pack, Shake, Shekinah, Shore Bar Axel, Solar Fields, Soul Seeker, Sourone, Spectra Sonics, Spinal Fusion, Starlab, Stellardrone, Suduaya, Techyon, Tegma, Terranostra, Thatha, Yestermorrow, Yuya Deko: Bamboo Architecture, Wood Structures, Kinetic Sculptures, Human Aerial Art, Nature-Shaping Monuments, Land Art, Live Painting Orga: Shankra Festival Web: Shankrafestival.Ch, facebook. com/events/1671922909687888

Th.21.07. - Mo.25.07.

Waha Festival

Batanii Mari, Covasna, Romania Deep Stage: Rhadoo, Petre Inspirescu, Praslesh, Cezar, Dr.Nojoke, Hubble, Francesco Assenza, SIT, Johannes Klingebiel, Kozo, Denis Kaznacheev, Tulbure, Dan Andrei, Andres Marcos, Priku, Sedee, Emi ∫, Alexandra, Inner, Miss I, VincentIulian, Charlie, Gols, Paul Agripa, Christopher Lawrenz (Official) b2b jonas, Dubtil, Suciu, Stefan Sublee, Cap Psychedelic Stage: Astral Projection (Official), Psykovsky, Etnoscope, DJ

pic: Yonathan Benaksas


SHANE GOBI, Krumelur, ATMA, Procs, E-Mantra, Glosolalia, Artifact303, Whrikk, DJ Stole, DJ Latam, Pandora‘s Box, Eleusyn, Looney, Askari, Digital Abstract, Aio, DJ Ondrej Psyla, Mano, Bio Electronic Noise / B.E.N., Darkology, Pura , Ajna Vitamin, Psylev, Trans Humantza, Toge, Oracol, Dj Chuckles, Trikoze, Barbaleku, Lueder, Fractaliceanu, Rami Alternative Stage: Martha van Straaten, Danaga, Electric Brother, Matze, Alcalina, DJ Freee, Akot, Pœtrip, Dj Vasile, Folclorescent, Kosta / AWD House, New Structures, A-C Leonte, Dreamdoktor, Love Hertz, Electroclown, Soundopamine, Nopame, JAZÚ, Space Needle, Solartis Quartet, Rolf, Akim Hash, Moduler, Virtual Picnic, Breky, Fields Groove, Omelette, PeterPan Trei, Tribal House Collective , Cerbul Chill Stage: AuroraX, E-Mantra, Saranankara \ Acid Connector, Reasonandu, Abstract Optim, Therapist, Sistah RastahFairy, Tone Tavi / Subhuman, Ruval, Happy Gutenberg, Hermanos, J.Alex, Pavlov, Seme, dannilov, Ghiauru, Planul, Candcum, Phaze, Alien Tree , Dorotea, Hubble, B.E.N., DJ Vasile, Matze, Rolf, Psyla In Dub, Ati de Chile, Akot, Pura, Raman Deco: Coté, VVVlad, Aural Eye,

Cosinus, vloop, Free Optics, Naturalgoritm, Te văd Orga: Waha Crew Web:

Fr.22.07. - Mo.25.07.

VooV Experience Putlitz, Germany Acts: Vini Vici IL, Rinkadink, Bubble, Avalon, Zen Mechanics, Merkaba, Outsiders, Morten Granau, S.U.N. Project, Atmos, Sensifeel, High & Mighty, Stryker a.k.a. XSI, E-Clip, Metronome, Skyfall, Faders, Hatikwa, Haldolium, Montagu & Golkonda, NOK, California Sunshine, Feuerhake, Boom Shankar, Kopel, Animato, Side Winder, BPM, Kimie, PTX, Drenan, Shlomi Dahan a.k.a. Digital Tribe, Zara, Joel, DJoanna, Shamane, Gottschall, Tscherboo, Magical Orga: VooV Experience Web:


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ZNA 2015 - pic: Traumkind


Mo.25.07. - So.31.07.

MoDeM Festival Primislje, Karlovacka, Croatia Acts: Airi, Anakis, Antonymous, Arjuna, Atriohm, Back To Mars, Beardy Weardy, Bombax, Bufo, Confo, Derango, Dickster, Dina & Shev, Dirty Saffi, Dogora, Dust, Earthling, Eat Static, Ego T, Elowinz, Eunoia, Evp, Fagin‘s Reject, Farebi Jalebi, Filterheads, Gayatree Vs Psymbiosis, Giuseppe, Grouch, Harmonic Rebel, Hatta, Hellquist, Hydropanic, Hypogeo, Illustrator, Ilse, Insane Creatures, Janux, Justin Chaos, Kabayun, Kaos, Kim, Kindzadza, Meerkut, Megalopsy, Metaphyz, Microdot Vs Kimmei, Nangijala, Nomad 25, Orestis, Parasense, Pelks, Petran, Phobos, Psyberpunk, Quadraphonic, R2, Rev, Riff Ruff Vs Kajola, Sg4Ry, Simiantics, Southwild, Spectra Sonics, Synthetik Chaos, Toto, Tristan, Tromo, Tron, Tyndra, Ulvae, Val Vashar, Vert3X, Virtual, Light, Yuya, Zzbing Deko: Deltaprocess, Tas,

Extradimensional Space Agency, Third Hand Project, , Petrix, Psykanoid Orga: Momento Demento Web:, events/1644351932473732

Th.28.07. - Su.31.07.

Waldfrieden Wonderland

Stemwede/Wehdem, Germany Acts: Altruism, Outsiders, ymbolic, S.U.N. Project, Earthling, Greg

Hilight, Klopfgeister, Kularis, Fungus Funk, Hatikwa, Diksha, Synkronic, Radioactive.Cake, Kliment, Ryanosaurus, Once Up On A Time, Malice in Wonderland, Bombax, Kabayun, Anneli, Alice D Joanna, Cubixx, Mullekular, Merry:), Aviatica, Back to Mars, Fabio Leal, Raoul, Naima, Supergroover, Jensson, Zeitgeist, Munstrous, Psycko, Incantatur, Psyckobrain, Stagen & Tavanic, R‘Deem, Marsu, Nayati Sun, Mindplex, MagicStar, Tscherboo, Makke, Doktor Fluffy, Elunami, Le Loup, Lufttrockner, Sascha Flux, Bass-T73, Mapusa Mapusa, James Harcourt, Nanoplex, Ipcress, Ben Coda, Alic, Herrmann Stöhr, Tom Nihil, Charlie Fraîche, Perkins, Knöpfeknechter & Beatverfechter, JFK Deko: Atmosphere Decor, Fluorooptic, Hypnoisia UVDecoration, Optic Noise Deko Orga: Waldfrieden Events Web:, facebook. com/events/912521558816692


LICK ME ! Th.28.07. - Mo.01.08.

Mo.15.08. - Su.21.08.

Spengla, Lithuania Acts: Auren, Bassalog, Dataline, Druweed, E.U.E.R.P.I., Ersha, Etity&Nova, Gon, Grad_U, Heliocentrism, Hypnalogic, Joernson, Korento, Kym Wild, Lo.Renzo, Martynas Jocius, Nag Champa, Oiler Room, Patris, Pavel Ambiont, Quartz, Stereo Hypnosis Orga: Yaga Gathering Festival Web:, events/500566860149584

Badesee Preddöhl/Prignitz, Germany Acts: Antaro, Ascent, Astrix, Bim, Chrizzlix, Champa, Cosmic Vibration, Djoanna, Gaby, Henning D-Sunrise, Hypnocoustics, Lars Lee, Life Extension, Ma Faiza, Mat Mushroom, Mattis Mellody, Melburn, Naima, Norma Projekt, Onero, Profound aka Bits, Prozak, Psyko, Rigel, Sati, Smalltownfreakz, Spirit Architect, Sunduaya, Tristan, Zodiac Tipi: Aladin Eskinasi, Akasha Projekt, Ana Hata, Andreas Beutel, Anna Peters, Annakee Sky, Barbara Kowa, Ben Con Cello, Bhaktas, Blizzed Prarkles, Cordelia Loosen-Sarr, Elanor Vom Eichenmoor, Electronic Traffic, Fairy Space Dub, System, Frank Parfumar, Hans Cousto, Herzkunstdrei, Joachim Hellmann, Karma Kitchen, Looping Jane, Marcel Meyer, Maya Wonderland, Mirco Wolf, Gaby, Manuel Scherzer, Maya Earth Sky, Melissa Honeybee, Nils Glan, Peter Greb, Rehana, Sat Purkh Kaur, Slackline

Yaga Gathering

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New Healing Festival

More blotter art at Park, Suman Spirit, Sybill Mandragora, Onitani, Raja Gupta, Tangoin Ensemble, Tuulia, Ulf Leonard, Uwe Spörl, Vera Bormann, Viola Livera, Xenia Uranova Chill: Mixmaster Morris, Suduaya, Robin Triskele, Soltek, Colla-Gen Serum, Brainscape, Schachmusik, Gaby, Mat Mushroom, D-Sunrise, Mattis Mellody Orga: Healing Events GmbH in Zusammenarbeit mit Klanghaus-Media Web:, events/1643422595943190

108 pic: Ari Adar

Liquid Ross, Liquid Soul, Logic Bomb, Loud, Lucas, Magik, Man With No Name, Master Margeritta, Merkaba & Eve-Olution, Mvmb, Onkel Dunkel, Ott & The All-Seeing I, Para Halu, Perfect Stranger, Phibian, Pleiadians, Prana, Protonica, Psykovsky, Raja Ram, Rinkadink V.S. Element, Ritmo, Rocky, Scorb, Shadow Fx, Shakta, Solarfields, Shpongle, Sonic Species, Staunch, Sun Project, Talpa, Tetrameth, The Delta, Ticon, Traum Atlas, Trevor Moontribe, Tripswitch, Tristan, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Vertical Mode, Vibrasphere, Vini Vici, Wegha, X-Dream, Zen Baboon, Zen Mechanics Orga: Psy-Fi Festival Web:, events/1435512616765581

We.24.08. - Su.28.08.

Psy-Fi Holographic Universe De Groene Ster, Leeuwarden, Netherlands Acts: Abraxas, Ace Ventura, Alpha Portal, Ajja, Amani, Anoebis, Astral Projection, Astrix, Atmos, Be Svendsen, Boom Shankar, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Chicago, Cosmo, Cosmosis, Critical Choice, Desert Dwellers, Dirty Saffi, Djane Gaby, Domestic, Driss, E-Clip, Earthling, Eat Static, Etnica, Faders, Filteria, Freq, Fx Tension, Gaudi, Globular, Grouch, James Monro, Jovis Burke, Juno Reactor, Kalya Scintilla, Kaya Project, Grooves, Koxbox, Lifeforms,

Th.01.09. - Su.04.09.

Hexaplex Festival Chahtoul, Lebanon Acts: Abyss Ooze, Agni, Ant Hill, Archaphael, Ascent, Boom Shankar, Cels Mimesis, Cimi, Dark Elf, Dark Whisper, Dhar Mhar, Dohm, Etnica Vs. Pleiadians, Fazmatron, Juno Reactor, Kala, Kalevra, Megalopsy, Merkaba & Eve-Olution, Moon Tripper, Moustadelic, M-Theory, Pandora‘s Box, Radzy, Slate, The Key, Trance-Ission, Vsm, Wave Walker, Willy, Yudhisthira, Zigurat Chill: Ancient Vision/ Vibrational Beings, Chaho, Da Wood, Etnica In Dub, Flum Project, Gypsy, Kalya Scintilla & Eve-Olution, Keon Akoum, Khoum, Prisma,

Radioweebee, Rise 1969, Stardust, Vlastur Feat. Dark Elf Deko: Mimesis Orga: Hexaplex Festival Web:, events/949606161754653

Tu.27.09. - Mo.03.10.

Connection Festival Sevilla, Spain Live: Astral Projection, Agneton, Blue Planet Corporation, California Sunshine, Cels Mimesis, Chakra, Cleantrip, Dimension 5, Darkface, Etnica, E-Mantra, Eleusyn, Ephedra, Ex-Gen, Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Hypnoxock, Interfront, Mindsphere, Morphic Resonance, Mushroomman, Nervasystem, Painkiller, Prana, Proxeeus, Pleiadians, Radical Distortion, Sandman, Shakta, Shidapu, Sfx, Skizologic, Transwave, The Square, Union Jack, Veasna, Witchcraft, Ymd DJs: Anoebis, Aroa, Bahr Mimesis, Blau & Jana, Cesar Mimesis, Charris, Hiko, Dapeace, Forest Bamp, Gnome & Sjama‘dan, Goapal, Lord Flames, Lull, Malory Goa, Manionic, Overclouds, Psibindi, Psytotix, Psygroo, Raveheart, Shemma, The Mush Effect, Toxic, Toxik Boy, Zel Zx Orga: Connection Festival Web:, events/934352363306533


110 Fr.07.10. - Mo.17.10.

Bir, Himachal Pradesh, India Acts: Suduaya, Asura, Max Million, Maha Sun, Globular, Astronaut Ape, Johnny Blue, DJ High, Bayawaka, Bwoy De Bhajan (more to come) Orga: Samsara Production Crew Web:, facebook. com/events/919253004822674

Th.24.11. - Mo.28.11.

Earthcore Festival

Su.23.10. - Mo.24.10.


Banks of the Jordan River in North Israel Acts: Ajja, Avalon, Bliss, Burn in Noise, Loud, Mad Tribe, Shakta, Spectra Sonics, Symbolic, Shayman, Tristan, DJ Yuta Orga: Groove Attack Web:

Pyalong, Victoria, Australia Acts: Abakus, Altruism, Ambivalent, Ann Clue, Astral Projection, Bird of Prey, Birds of Paradise, Bizzare Contact, Bliss, Boris Brejcha, Bryan Kearney, Bwoy De Bhajan, Capital Monkey, Christian Smith, Coming Soon!!!, Durs, Easy Riders, Gary Beck, Ghost Rider, Groove Delight, Grouch, Headroom, John 00 Fleming, Julian Jeweil, Kaminada, Kaya Project, Krama, Lifeforms, Lish, Loud, Lucas, Mad Maxx, Mad Tribe, Mandragora, Martin Vice, Michele Adamson, Miguel Bastida, Marcus Henriksson aka Minilogue, Morten Granau, One Man Orchestra, Ă˜ [Phase], O.T.B., Paddy Free, Para Halu, Phaxe, Protonica, Rocky, Royal Flush, Shakta, Shayman, Sinerider, Slam, Space Tribe, Symbolic, Talpa, t e l e p a t h, Tongue Groove, Traum Atlas, Vaperror, Vini Vici, Vitalic, Waio, Will Atkinson Orga: Earthcore Festival Web:, facebook. com/events/1536493269983040

pic: Murilo Ganesh

Samsara Himalaya Edition

Th.08.12. - Mo.12.12.

Vortex Open Source Cape Town, South Africa Acts: Xp Voodoo, Zyce, Bim, Drukverdeler, 2012, Rosa Ventura, Tim Duster, Creator, Thaty, Flooting Grooves, Kai Mathesdorf, K-Jos, Connecto, Dj Mark, Moog, Headroom, Bernz, Absynth, Rubix Qube, Killer B, Sonic, Killawatt, Zezia, Drifter, Thomas, Tigerlilli, Mystrix, Jamal, Jukebox, Psyops Orga: Vortex Trance Adventures Web: vortextranceadventures., events/1043837932347508


10 years ago Happy birthday, Goabase! The most important party database for Germany and many other European countries has been online for a decade already. *** Electric Universe in an interview: “Illegal downloads have such a negative impact on our business as musicians that releasing a CD barely pays off anymore. [...] I now signed up with an American internet distribution service that will make my entire repertoire available at portals like iTunes, AOL Music and, most importantly, Beatport. I think this is clearly the future.” *** The 4-page Digital DJ Special is dedicated to playing and mixing digital files *** “Highko is hard but righteous, and swings his hammer for the Ragnarök”, as a review text proclaims. His new album is recommended to fans of “some call it Dark” *** Should there be a licence for DJs? This question is discussed in mushroom magazine. A major subject is volume control at parties. *** The legendary Progressive Trance forge Spiral Trax and it’s clubby sublabel ACDC are bankrupt and label manager Anti is frustrated: “I think the music industry is an ugly business and it’s virtually impossible to make a living in the Trance scene.” He continues his activity as a DJ and decided to become a sommelier, a wine specialist. *** The police arrested the founder of the Sacred Mushroom Church of Switzerland.

Happy Birthday, Goabase! Zehn Jahre gibt es sie schon, die wichtigste Psytrance-Partywebsite Deutschlands, die auch in vielen anderen Ländern ihre Bedeutung hat *** Electric Universe im Interview: „Durch illegale Downloads entstehen uns Musikern derartige Einbußen, dass eine CD so gut wie keinen Gewinn mehr bringt. [...] Ich habe nun einen Vertrag mit einem amerikanischen Internet-Vertrieb geschlossen, der mein gesamtes Repertoire weltweit auf Portalen wie iTunes, AOL Music und vor allem Beatport anbieten wird. Ich sehe das klar als die Zukunft.“ *** Im Digital DJ Special geht’s auf 4 Seiten ums Auflegen mit digitalen Dateien *** “Hart und gerecht schwingt Highko seinen Hammer warm fürs Ragnarök”. Besonders Freunde von „Some Call It Dark“ kommen hier laut einer Album-Rezession voll auf ihre Kosten. *** Sollte es einen DJ Führerschein geben? Im Heft werden Pro und Contra diskutiert - unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Lautstärke auf Partys... *** Die legendäre Progressive Trance Schmiede Spiral Trax ist samt ihrem Sublabel ACDC pleite und Betreiber DJ Anti frustriert: „In meinen Augen ist die Musik-Industrie ein hässliches Business und es ist fast unmöglich, in der Trance Szene einen wirklichen

Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.“ Als DJ macht er trotzdem weiter und lässt sich zum Sommelier ausbilden, zum Weinkenner. *** Die Polizei hat den Gründer der Sacred Mushroom Church of Switzerland festgenommen.


Healing ABC

The third NEW HEALING FESTIVAL will be held August, 15-21. The week long adventure camp starts as an open spiritual retreat and ends after a sustainable Goa-party. We have put together with the festival team a HEALING ABC for starters and interested people. More information from A-Z about the festival you find at

Chakras Chakras are large swirling energy centres inside our body. Apart from the 7 major chakras, our joints are so called small chakras. They are closely connected to our glands and the organs regulated by them. Each chakra has a specific colour, forming the body‘s internal rainbow. Inside the chakra, energy moves back and forth in a circle and hereby leads to the different layers of our aura, which is like an energetic shell enveloping and protecting our physical body. Most individuals don‘t see the aura, but intuitively avoid individuals with an aura vibe that doesn‘t suit them, or are pleasantly pulled towards those whose aura they sympathize with. Through these chakras we establish energetic connections to other individuals. Chakras can be both over- or under-active. Through Yoga, Qi Gong, visualization or brainwave entrainment, they can be cleansed, balanced and protected - as well as our whole aura.

Chakren sind sieben große wirbelnde Energiezentren in unserem Körper, aber auch all unsere Gelenke sind die so genannten kleine Chakren. Die Chakren stehen in enger Verbindung mit unseren Hormondrüsen und den von diesen regulierten Organen. Ihnen werden Farben zugeordnet, so dass sie wie ein körpereigener Regenbogen aussehen. Die Energie zirkuliert in Ihnen, nach vorne und hinten und bildet die verschiedenen Schichten der Aura, ein uns umhüllendes Energieei. Viele Menschen können die Aura nicht sehen aber spüren. So vermeiden sie automatisch Menschen mit „unguter“ Aura-Ausstrahlung oder werden angenehm angezogen von solchen mit guter Ausstrahlung. Über die Chakren knüpfen wir energetische Verbindungen mit unseren Mitmenschen. Chakren können durch Yoga-, Qi Gong Übungen oder auch Visualisierungstechniken gereinigt, aufgeladen und geschützt werden, so wie auch unsere Aura.

Ayurveda The name of the genuine vedic/ Indian traditional healing art. Especially known is the dietetics with its different types. As nothing is well for everyone it needs an intensive consideration of the individual in order to determine the respective diet, for example. Ayurvedic cooking features diligent spice recipes and with interesting variations provides for some palatal surprises. So nennt sich die ursprüngliche vedische/indische traditionelle Heilkunst. Hier ist insbesondere die Ernährungslehre mit den verschieden Typen bekannt. Da nicht alles für jeden gleich gut ist, bedarf es einer genauen Betrachtung des Menschen, um z.B. die entsprechende Diät für ihn zu bestimmen. Ayurvedisches Kochen zeichnet sich durch sorgfältige Gewürzrezepturen aus und sorgt für einige Gaumenüberraschungen mit den interessanten Variationen.

113 Vom 15. bis 21. August 2016 findet das dritte NEW HEALING FESTIVAL statt. Das einwöchige Erlebniscamp startet als offenes spirituelles Retreat und endet in einer nachhaltigen Goa-Party. Wir haben zusammen mit dem Festival-Team ein HEALING ABC für Einsteiger und Interessierte verfasst. Noch mehr Infos von A-Z rund um das Festival findet ihr BACKGROUND



Karma The current existence‘s life objective. Account of your soul until re-birth. Cause and effect, actions do not vanish to just any place, but are stored in a soul matrix, challenges to grow with again, to dissolve the ego, in order not to be born as an insect. Lebensaufgabe des jetzigen Seins. Konto Deiner Seele im Reigen der Wiedergeburt. Ursache und Wirkung, Handlungen verschwinden nicht irgendwo hin, sondern speichern sich ab in einer Seelenmatrix, Aufgaben, um erneut daran zu wachsen, das Ego aufzulösen, um nicht als Insekt wiedergeboren zu werden.

Kundalini is emblematic of the snake of sexuality, which rests in the pelvic base, ascends the spine and opens the the crown chakra. In so many words: It opens and channels blocked sexual energy, and transforms it. The flexibility of the spine and energetic permeability is basic requirement to awaken the Kundalini (snake). Thus Kundalini yoga and meditation are often comprised of very dynamic and ensuing meditative elements. Kundalini ist sinnbildlich die Schlange der Sexualität, die im Beckenboden ruht, die Wirbelsäule aufsteigt und das Kronenchakra öffnet. Mit anderen Worten: Es öffnet und kanalisiert blockierte sexuelle Energie und transformiert diese. Die Beweglichkeit der Wirbelsäule und energetische Durchlässigkeit dieser ist Grundvoraussetzung zur Erweckung der Kundalini (Schlange). Daher bestehen Kundalini Yoga und Meditation oftmals aus sehr dynamischen und dann folgend meditativen Elementen.

One step ahead of consumer society, all organizers, artists and participators join to revive the importance of sustainability and respect for nature. By combining spiritual and practical workshops with the celebration of music and dance, all of life’s facets are experienced. Hand in Hand gehen hier Organisatoren, Helfer und Besucher einen Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und finden gleichzeitig zurück zur Natur. Spirituelle Übungen und praktische Kurse harmonisieren mit Tanz und Musik, sodass alle Facetten der Menschlichkeit erlebt werden.


Healing ABC

Qi Qi or CHI, written Ki, is the Chinese/Japanese term for life energy. Without Qi no life. Each life form, even plants contain Qi. Thus, when we feel without energy this can be because of a deficient Qi. There are various forms of Qi, the nutrition Qi, which we gain by nutrition, the prenatal Qi, which we receive from our parents, the Wei Qi that is our defence Qi, which envelops us like a shell and lets us feel beforehand that someone will soon appear around the corner. Specifically this Chi with the term aura, is very similar to the energy shell. Qi Gong is caring for the Qi. Qi must be moved, able to flow, for this purpose our body has meridians, so-called energy paths. The acupuncture points are influential places on the meridians. Here one can massage, knocked, held or acupunctured. By moving the Qi Gong the Qi is put into motion again as well.

Qi oder auch: CHI, Ki geschrieben, ist der chinesische/ japanische Begriff für Lebensenergie. Ohne Qi kein Leben. So enthält jedes Lebewesen, auch Pflanzen Qi. Wenn wir uns also energielos fühlen, kann dies an mangelndem Qi liegen. Es gibt verschiedene Formen des Qi, so das Nahrungs-Qi, welches wir mit der Nahrung aufnehmen, das vorgeburtliche Qi, welches uns die Eltern mit geben, das Wei Qi, das ist unser Abwehr Qi, das uns wie eine Hülle umgibt und vorher spüren lässt, dass uns gleich jemand um die Ecke entgegen kommt. Speziell dieses Chi ist mit dem Begriff der Aura, der Energiehülle sehr ähnlich. Qi Gong ist die Pflege des Qi. Qi muss sich bewegen, fliesen können, dazu gibt es in unserem Körper Meridiane, sogenannte Energiebahnen. Die Akupunkturpunkte sind einflussreiche Stellen auf den Meridianen. Dort kann massiert, geklopft, gehalten oder akupunktiert werden. Mit den Qi Gong Bewegung wird auch das Qi wieder in Bewegung gebracht.

Mantra A mantra is a sung or spoken prayer or invocation of a deity. As linguists have found out the syllables have a specific sound working either soothingly or stimulatingly. The rhythm of repetition helps people into a trance-similar state which has had a very healing effect since ages. Ein Mantra ist ein gesungenes oder gesprochenes Gebet oder eine Anrufung zu einer Gottheit. Die Silben haben, wie Sprachwissenschaftler herausfanden, einen besonderen Klang, der beruhigend oder auch anregend wirkt. Der Rhythmus der Wiederholung verhilft den Menschen in einen trance-artigen Zustand, was von alters her sehr heilende Wirkung hat.


Shamanism The art of healing during trance. There are shamans on the whole planet who during their trance states make healing voyages. During these they are perceiving the world as in a grid-pattern, through which they move on different layers. Animals and earth forces are the shaman‘s main allies. They have a strong connection to the root chakra, whereas media and channeller maintain their connection towards other worlds through the crown chakra. Heilkunde im Trancezustand. Auf der ganzen Welt gibt es Schamanen, die in ihren Trancezuständen heilende Reisen unternehmen. Dabei nehmen sie die Welt oft wie in einem Gitternetz-Muster wahr, durch das sie sich in verschiedenen Ebenen bewegen. Tiere und die Erdkräfte sind die Hauptverbündeten der Schamanen. Sie haben eine starke Verbindung zum Wurzelchakra, hingegen Medien und Channeller ihre Verbindung in andere Welten über das Kronenchakra pflegen.

Shakti Shakti is the Indian primeval goddess, the mere female creative principle. She is cosmos and earth, on which Shiva is allowed to move. Shakti is the force behind our breathing, she is the force of the entire universe, she is the universe. She is also called the goddess of Yoga and rather appears as a fighter (Durga), as lover (Parvarti), as mother (Lakshmi) or destroyer (Kali), just to name a few of the shapes she is taking.

Om OM or also Oauhm is named the cosmic primaeval tone or primaeval sound. Sung with appropriate vibration in the chakras and the right breathing it has a healing energizing effect. OM oder auch Oauhm wird als kosmischer Ur-ton oder Ur-klang bezeichnet. Gesungen mit der entsprechenden Vibration in den Chakren und der richtigen Atmung hat er heilende energetisierende Wirkung.

Shakti ist die indische Ur-Göttin, das weibliche schaffende Prinzip schlechthin. Sie ist Kosmos und Erde, auf der Shiva sich bewegen darf. Shakti ist die Kraft hinter unserem Atem, sie hat die Kraft des gesamten Universums, sie ist das Universum. Sie wird auch als Göttin des Yoga bezeichnet und erscheint mal als Kämpferin (Durga), als Liebende (Parvarti), als Mutter (Lakshmi) oder Zerstörerin (Kali), um nur einige ihrer Gestalten, als welche sie in Erscheinung tritt, zu nennen.


Reality is an illusion– this is the predominant message handed to us by the wisest of minds: the great philosophers, the shamans, and the spiritually ascended. As our world passes through a turbulent period...a hidden force steers the course of collective consciousness into an undesirable future, but there are many of us who desire an exit from this manufactured projection.

being a spider’s web, and you the insect…the more the insect struggles, the deeper it’s enmeshed

- likewise the more you react, the more you attach yourself to the projection…only the path of neutrality initiates the process of a melting web. Freedom awaits you... all you need to do is let go. Arkamena invisible fabric locks us in: this fabric is the foundation of the illusion, and it thrives on reactions both positive & negative. A dream needs a dreamer, and the illusion needs reactions, which solidifies it’s own ‘reality’. This exact reason leads to the concept of detachment practiced by the enlightened on our planet. Neutrality/Detachment is not inaction or apathy - do what’s right i.e. if you see injustice, step in, take action, but there’s no reason to get unreasonably angry, or overtly righteous. Think of the fabric as

Illusionsauflösung Realität ist eine Illusion – dies ist die vorwiegende Botschaft der Weisen, der grossen Philosophen, Schamanen und spirituell Erleuchteten Unsere Welt durchläuft eine turbulente Periode... eine verborgene Macht scheint den Kurs des Kollektivbewusstseins in eine unerwünschte Zukunft zu steuern, doch viele von uns ersehnen einen Exit aus dieser erzeugten Projektion.

Grundillusion und nährt sich von positiven wie negativen Reaktionen. Ein Traum braucht einen Träumer und die Illusion muss reagieren, was gleichsam die eigene ‘Realität’ festigt. Dies exakt führt zu dem von den Erleuchteten unseres Planeten praktizierten Abstandskonzept.

Jedoch, ein unsichtbarer Stoff umschliesst uns: er ist die

Neutralität/Abstand ist weder Passivität noch Apathie – tue was

richtig ist, d.h. siehst Du Ungerechtigkeit, handle, aber es gibt keinen Grund übertrieben verärgert oder unmässig selbstgerecht zu werden. Stell Dir den Stoff wie ein Spinnennetz und Dich als Insekt vor: je mehr es sich wehrt, desto mehr verstrickt es sich im Netz – ebenso je mehr Du reagierst, desto mehr bindest Du Dich an die Projektion, nur der Neutralitätspfad initiert den Prozess eines schmelzenden Netzes. Freiheit erwartet Dich, Du musst nur loslassen.





Project BlueBeam This theory postulates that the Masters aka elite will use advanced holographic technology to simulate a fake alien invasion to seal the masses under the domination of a global government. Project BlueBeam’s agenda: A. Via the use of holograms, mankind will be tricked into believing that an alien invasion is imminent. Supporters of this theory indicate the real reason for chemtrails is to create a sort of global aerial screen that will cloak the earth, on which digital images of UFO’s will be projected. B. The masters will then use the “Messiah” myth i.e. a Christ figure who will eradicate the “alien threat”, and of course “saved” from extinction, the good people will be ready to lick the impostor’s feet.

C. Next the Christ figure will broadcast a message directly into the brains of all humans, making each individual believe that “god” has spoken to their souls. This message will prompt the people sign up for the one world government. D. At the cost of personal freedom, humanity will be merged into one easily controllable slave population. E. Hurrah! Hard to digest, but this theory’s got a load of supporters… Arkamena

Projekt Bluebeam Diese Theorie besagt, dass die Herren aka Elite die fortgeschrittenen holographischen Technologien nutzen wird, eine Alieninvasion vorzutäuschen, um die Massen unter die Herrschaft einer globalen Regierung zu bringen. Klingt schon schrecklich…aber warte, die Geschichte geht noch weiter. Project BlueBeam wird diese Schritte nutzen, um absolute Kontrolle über die Menschheit zu erlangen: A. Hologramme täuschen die Menschheit zu glauben, eine Alieninvasion stünde bevor. Unterstützer diese Theorie meinen, der wahre Grund für die Chemtrails sei eine Art globaler,

erdumspannender Luftbildschirm, auf den Digitalbilder der UFOs projeziert werden. B. Die Herren werden dann den “Messiah”-Mythos, d.h. einen Christus nutzen, der die “Alienbedrohung” ausradiert und natürlich, “gerettet” vor der Auslöschung, sind die Menschen bereit, die Füsse des Blenders zu lecken.

C. Als nächstes sendet die Christusfigur eine Botschaft direkt in die Menschenhirne, damit sie glauben, “Gott” habe zu ihnen gesprochen. Diese Nachricht verleitet sie, sich der Weltregierung zu unterwerfen. D. Zum Preis der persönlichen Freiheit geht die Menschheit in eine einfach kontrollierbare Sklavenpopulation auf. E. Hurra! Schwer verdaulich, aber diese Theorie hat viele Unterstützer…

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It was boiling and bubbling in the tidal pools of moderate eternity... It was boiling and bubbling In the tidal pools of moderate eternity. The karma slurry disposal service went on strike again and in the club last night he had given away generously his last extra life. “Perhaps a little too generous.” he thought for a moment, but he sent the

thought immediately in his box drawer, pointing the perpetrators of these foreign frequency at its associated space, the ancestral seat in the corner of his home temple to-go. Unfortunately, there was no more dices which could fall to ask for guidance and as even the rails arrived at the 9, even

Alischwaba.cos reported “Sold out”. The icosmologic oracle advised him to buy one admission ticket to the annual karma bazaar and he walked straight into it. It resounded „Good choice!“ and the bunny kitten offered him a cosmic tuning fork for all cases. 128 Hertz? She nodded and the


Karma Bazaar In den Gezeitentümpeln der mittelschweren Ewigkeit brodelte und sudelte es. Der Karmagülle-Entsorgungsdienst streikte mal wieder und seine letzten Extraleben hatte er letzte Nacht im Club großzügig verschenkt. “Vielleicht etwas zu großzügig?”, dachte er für einen Moment, aber verwies den Gedanken sofort wieder in seine Boxlade und deutete dem Urheber dieser Fremdfrequenz seinen ihm zugehörigen Platz, auf den Ahnenstuhl in der Ecke seines Home-Tempel To-Go. Es gab leider auch keine Würfel mehr die fallen hätten können und da die Schienen inzwischen bei der 9 angelangt waren meldete sogar Alischwaba.cos ausverkauft. Das icosmologische Orakel riet ihm zum Erwerb eines Eintrittsticket des jährlichen Karma-Basars und er schritt hinein. “Gute Wahl!” schallte es ihm entgegen und das Hasenkätzchen bot ihm ein kosmische Stimmgabel für alle Fälle an. 128 Hertz? Sie nickte und ihre big wide manga eyes had him closely seduced to buy it, but bazaar is bazaar and then he favorited with the tantra dominatrix. Popping her karma whips of all worlds made his chi trickle, but also the karmic deals in the most remote quantum folds of the multiverse excited him considerably. Without hesitation he signed

Manga Kulleraugen hätten ihm um ein Nue zum Kauf verführt. Aber Basar ist Basar und schon lieböhrte er für einen Ohrenhaar mit der Tantradomina. Das Knallen ihrer Karmapeitschen aus allen Welten liessen sein Chi rieseln, aber auch die karmische Reiseangebote in die entlegensten Quantenfalten des Multiversums erregten ihn deutlich. Ohne zu zögern unterschrieb er den Karmabonus-Kartenvertrag, mit den zehn Extrasünden frei, ohne Archivverbindlichkeit. Die Mantra Grunge Live Act Band “Karma Killer” spielte auf und er gab eine Runde Karmaspaßschnaps aus während der Darklord schmollend in der Ecke stand, weil niemand mehr mit ihm spielen wollte. Eine kleine Fee bimmelte sein Karmaglöckchen und er versank im Tal der Beschämung. Gravitationswellen aus den Quellen der Vorzeit umschmeichelten sein Herz und die Tränen der Gnade bewässerten die ausgedörrten Wüsten der babylonischen Ghettos.

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tinkled his karma bells and he sank into the valley of humiliation.

The mantra grunge live act band „Karma Killer“ started to play and he gave a round of karma fun booze during the dark lord was sulking in the corner, because no one wanted to play with him. A little fairy

Gravitational waves from sources of antiquity caressed his heart and tears of grace watered the parched deserts of the Babylonian ghettos.




SHOP GUIDE Head- / Grow- / Trance- & Online-Shops PLZ 00000

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Barnstorfer Weg 23 0381-29641919

01099 Dresden 0351-8032105

Alaunstraße 43 Headshop

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PLZ 50000

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10969 Berlin Ritterstr. 43 030 6113190 Grow, Books, Head

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> Der Acker Growshop

PLZ 40000

12277 Berlin Großbeerenstr. 171 Head & Grow

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Sophienblatt 42 A Head, Textil, Jewels

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Franzstraße 37 Grow

53773 Hennef (Sieg) Bonnerstr. 11a 02242874160 head/grow wholesale

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Cörmannstraße 25 Urban Gardening

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Parkstraße 40a Head & Grow

PLZ 60000 > Neutral 60311 Frankfurt/Main 069-59609591

Fahrgasse 97 Head, Smart Grow, Shisha

F1, 10


126 > Smoky Heaven 68165 Mannheim 0621-3069472

Keplerstrasse 33 Head

PLZ 70000 > Udopea Headshop 70178 Stuttgart Marienstr. 32 Head, Grow

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Bannweideweg 4 Head- & Growshop

PLZ 90000 > Holzkopf 90403 Nürnberg Albrecht Dürer Str. 35 0911 - 2857000 Spiel, Jonglier, Eso Head, Grow

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Güterstr. 138 Head / Grow

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1020 Wien


Bethlehemstr.9 Head, Grow, Shisha

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NETHERLANDS > Kosmic Kitchen 7511 Enschede Korte-Haaksberger-Str. 34 +31 53 4344894 Smart, Head, Rec

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Disclaimer: Namentlich gekennzeichnete Artikel geben die Meinung des jeweiligen Verfassers wieder, nicht unbedingt die des Herausgebers oder der Redaktion. Ein Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung es Verlages möglich. Wir rufen mit den im mushroom magazine abgedruckten Informationen und Meinungen ausdrücklich nicht zum Missbrauch von illegalen oder legalen Drogen auf! Texts marked by name mirror the opinion of the respective writer, not necessarily the opinion of either the editor or the editorial team. Re-print, even in part is only possible by written notice of the publishing house. With the texts and opinions rendered in mushroom magazine we do not call for the misuse of illegal or criminalized substances!

Company address:


FORMAT Promotion GmbH Holstenstraße 103 22767 Hamburg Germany HRB 98417 Hamburg fon: +49 40 398417-0 fax: +49 40 398417-50

Dirk Rexer, Mat Mushroom, Dominik Riedl

Publisher (V.i.S.d.P.): Matthias van den Nieuwendijk

Editorial Department: Matthias van den Nieuwendijk , Manjula Mülder, Uwe Scholz, Roberdo Raval, Lucienne Shepard, Philip Rebensburg

Editors: Luca Weatherwax, Dominik Riedl, Manja Magens, Tom Rom, Dala, Bakke, Earth Chill, Toxic in dUb, Psycko, Andre Photon, Frank Krebs, Michael Mangels, Soltek, Kosma Solarius, Professor Proton

Distribution: The mushroom Distribution Crew DPD, DHL & FedEx Hamburg: Cartel X 040 39902771 Near Dark, Psyshop .com, Spiceshop 24 and many more online shops PLUS: A lot of area agents out there.

Accounting: Nicole Jesse

Sales: Mat Mushroom (+49 40 398417-31) Manjula Mülder (+49 40 398417-33) For infos about conditions please visit our B2B area online at

Deadline: 15. des Vormonats / 15th of prev. month


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cover: Antaris/Morty, remix by Mat photos: see photo credits

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