August/Ramadan issue #9 of Muslimah Girl Magazine

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the magazine every Muslimah should read! August/Ramadan

2012/1433 issue #9

Ramadanr & summe ue! iss packing dilemma? no prob! do i look



read our interview with

RAEF! ramadan & exercise make your own nasi goreng now!


Indonesia August/Ramadan 2012/1433


contents FAith

12 40 42 62

the health benefits of praying Ramadan; Ramadan & the quran/what if every month was ramadan?

6 9

Summer travels packing tips

Attaining taqwa in ramadan/ramadan is here! REpentance

40 2


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


the falcon







20 25

the maxi dress

indah nada puspita



indonesian nails

46 50


ramadan & exercise


do i look fat?




book reviews


d.i.y. tissue roll owls

dear little auntie


“i hate public speaking!

August/Ramadan 2012/1433

express yourself quote fun stuff DU’AA DID YOU KNOW?

39 24 18 36 38 57 49


Ramadan Mubarak! 4

August/Ramadan 2012/1433


August/Ramadan 2012/1433 issue #9

issue's writers: Aamenah El-Sherif Dina Mostafa Fida Islaih Haleema Bello Halimat S. Kamilah B. Kouthar B. Little Aunties Mariam Ghanem Mariam Syed Menna Fateen Nadoona Nouran Amin Romaisa Sebaihia Sabrina S. Shaymaa Mohammed Uswah Walde Yumna Hassan

editor in chief: Menna Fateen

editor: Asmaa Ehab

design & layout: Menna Fateen

cover girl: Indah Nada Puspita

Any comments, suggestions or questions? Email or tweet us @muslimahgirlmag or post on our wall!

f muslimahgirlmag l &

editor’s note

Assalamu alikum, Ramadan mubarak everyone! I hope you have a blessed month and achieve your goals for this holy month. Remember that fasting isn’t only for the sake of restraining from food but it is to gain taqwa (piety), be able to control yourself and develop good behavior. While you make du’aa at Iftar don’t forget to make du’aa for our brothers and sisters in Syria and all oppressed Muslims around the world. Did you know that if you say ‘Allahuma eghfer lel mo’meneen wal mo’menat’ you get a good deed for each Muslim? That means you can gain more than 2 billion deeds in less than a minute! Inshallah you’ll enjoy this issue as it is packed with fun stuff and advice about summer, Ramadan and the beautiful country of Indonesia! If you would like to visit a particular country next issue, tell us where and why on our facebook page, tweet us or email us at! We’re waiting for all your lovely suggestions! I hope you like this issue!

menna fateen

Menna Fateen Editor-in-chief

August/Ramadan 2012/1433




ummer has finally reached us. After months of waiting, weeks of hard work, days of toiling, finally, summer is here! Now, I don’t know about the rest of you folks, but I love summers for all the things it has to offer, like sleep in days, late nights, beaches, pool parties, Ramadan (this year), no school, etc., but what I really, truly love about summer, is traveling.

Yep, you heard me. Sure I love vacations, and seeing family and all that, but what I really enjoy is the traveling part. That’s ‘cause I love to travel. I’ve done cross country car trips (from New York to California in three days, mind you), 20 hour airplane trips, slept on boats, and been on trains. Plus, I like my “salah passes.” :) So I’ve put together a list of tips for traveling, whether it be by car, plane, train, donkey, whatever. Hope they come in handy!

r e m m u S ALWAYS keep an For you hijabi wearers, cannot stress this extra scarf on you. I keep a black one enough. I personally th e black always goes wi on me at all time, caus e u spill something on th yo if , es sid Be s. ay anyw u really don’t want to be scarf you’re wearing, yo throughout the rest of wearing a stained hijab you’re meeting relayour trip, especially if end. tives or friends at the


v a tr

g, a simWhen you’re travelin scarf is ple, easy-on, easy-off p on, or best. A two piece, sli ck in, are simple wrap-around tu , are really comfortable the best choices. They in. r to relax and sleep and much more simple e t going to a party, you’r Remember, you are no king their best. traveling. Nobody’s loo



August/Ramadan 2012/1433


s l ve

by: Mariam S



When you’r e traveling (especially by car or pla ne), dress li ke you are. Trust me, you do n’t n look like yo u’re going to eed to when you’r a party e on a fligh t for 7 hours casually. B . Dress esid anywhere fo es, when you’re trave ling r more than 4 hours, yo want anyth u don’t ing frilly or tight or itch want a swe y. You atshirt and pants. at u need th ase o y w o n t in c d. I k , it’s har hoes jus ou s w f o o n k ir I a ht. y, y se p But reall s. Pack lig , and tho e t. s n a a r c u k in st ncy resta es for two wee fa dress ju e a ic n that of sho n’t bring you go to need five pairs t you need. Do e, ha n’t elieve m o b w d e ly u s n o u o Y a bec y to bring don’t. dle East, se until its read t matter, id a M th r e fo th uitca And o to se (it en you g on’t pack your s on it for it to clo h w t e k jac sit . D ’t need it eed someone to t me). s you won n vies, tru nd you o a , m e in d lo n exp appe always h ’t n s e o d


August/Ramadan 2012/1433




ever Handle money carefully. Don’t pull out a huge wad of cash in a store or restaurant. Don’t keep Keep your money together in one place. keep small amounts in different place; pockr you some in your wallet, some in ewhere in et, some in your luggage, and som case of emergencies.

Sun Chips are actually healthier than normal chips! Woohoo!


Check your bag rig ht before you leave. I mean right before you leave. Like , when you’re taking your ba g from your room to the car. Give yo ur room a once-ove r glance. This preven ts you from leaving important items that you packed bu t took out and forgot to repack – hairbrush, toothbrush, gifts.


iletries (toothKeep necessary to hair brush, etc.) brush and paste, hen you’re travelright next to you w e or car. That way, an pl by ly al ci pe es ing to load the entire car you don’t have to un ly which is convenient reach your suitcase, t m of the trunk, to ge packed at the botto it riously. Just keep your toothbrush. Se will be well. ;) next to you and all


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Keep some food and w ater on you The last thin . g you need is hungry w to b e hen there’s no food for at least thre e hours. Or when you’r forced to sit e on a flight ri ght next to someone w ho eats thro ughout the tire flight an end you have no money to buy food (I have had e xperience… ).

to enterBring something g twice tain yourself. Brin k you’re as much as you thin e the last thing going to do, becaus red, especially you need to be is bo anything else. when you can’t do s, ur laptop, iPod, book Bring things like yo ng, magazines, somethi u busy. anything to keep yo bored is Believe me, being irritaton one of the most d can ing feelings ever, an totally ruin your trip.


10 stOnepa plane, take

s to keep yourself hy drated and protected from th e dry air. Drink plenty of water. Think about bringing an empty water bottle with you, and filling it up once you’re past secu rity. Bring lip balm or chap stick to keep your lips from becoming dry and cracked. If yo ur skin dries easily, being a small bottle of lotion to use on the flight.


Packing tips by: Mariam Syed

August/Ramadan 2012/1433




Start by packing your clothes

(and hijabs) first.

2 10

Do the toiletries next. Use a small zip-up bag to hold them. You’ll need a small tube of toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, makeup, pads, etc. If you are packing some of your toiletries in a carry on bag, make sure it fits your airport’s security limits. Most Airlines have a 3oz (100mL) limit for liquids and gels. Remember though, you can buy most of these travel size.

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Find out how many days you will be there, and pack accordingly. Pack in outfits, so that you can mix and match when you arrive there. Make sure you bring hijabs that will match the outfits too.


Pack some cute accessories. A few belts, some necklaces, earrings, bracelets. If you’re bringing hijab pins (especially pretty, expensive ones), its best to put them in your check luggage, rather than your carry on (or else they’ll be thrown out, an experience I’d rather forget).



Don’t forget to pack all the


chargers you’ll need on the trip. You know, camera charger, cell charger, iPod charger, or whatever other electronics you are bringing.

Remember... • You will probably still shop at your destination, so leave space in the suitcase. • Usually people pack more than what they use and come home with many clothes unworn.

Pack a smaller bag, what I like to call my travel bag. It should be small enough to carry easily, but big enough so you can put a lot of things inside. I usually use a big-ish purse. Inside it, pack your camera, iPod, books, magazines, or if you like drawing take a small pencil case and a sketchpad. Also pack some food (check if you’re allowed to on flights) like bars, or cookies or chips. Don’t forget to pack your wallet and some feminine items (in case you’re caught short). Also, grab some gum if you’re going on a flight, as it helps with ear popping.

• Always keep a happy face, even when you’re stuck in traffic or have a delayed or missed flight – it really will make a difference! :)

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Health Benefits Of Praying by: Nouran Amin


s Muslims, we pray five times a day regardless of anything except the fact that we do it for Allah (SWT). However, even though our purpose in completing our five daily prayers is to worship, Allah (SWT) made it though it’s not only just for worship but for our own good. Don’t worry I know what I’m talking about because it was scientifically confirmed that the 5 daily prayers performed by Muslims came with it’s own set of health benefits that not only is beneficial for our bodies but for our souls too. Below I have listed the benefits, but please keep in mind that we pray ONLY for the sake of Allah (SWT) and not


for anything else. I just thought to share these benefits to you as way to describe how much Allah (SWT) loves us that he rewards in life before the hereafter simply for keeping our five daily prayers.

1. Praying Prevents Skin Diseases and Tooth Decay.

Before every prayer, we perform our Wud`u cleaning our arms, nostrils, feet, ears, neck, face, and mouth. Thus, cleaning ourselves five times day stops bacteria from forming on our skin and and lowers the risk of any possible tooth decay.

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2. Praying Prevents Anxiety.

We might feel sad or anxious of things that go on in our lives such as school work and exams. But, it was medically proven that keeping our prayers helps us get rid of anxiety, stress, and all the other things that is harmful to our souls. So, prayer helps prevent depression making us stay positive, happy, and energetic!!!

3. Praying Helps Regulate Body Movement.

Praying five times a day we regulate our body movement. This keeps our blood circulating well from head to toe, improves back posture, and makes breathing much easier.


There are much more health related benefits of praying and much more not yet discovered. Most of these benefits can only be achieved by keeping our prayers and not even accomplished by exercising. Subhan'Allah!!!!

August/Ramadan 2012/1433




August/Ramadan 2012/1433

f e a R


interviewed by: Mariam Ghanem August/Ramadan 2012/1433


interview When did your music career first begin? Was it always something you enjoyed from childhood? “Singing is something I've always enjoyed. I learned guitar when I was in college (thank God for YouTube :) ). Since 2008, I've been performing on the Poetic Vision Tour, a traveling band of musicians and poets that share live performances across the US. Now, I am currently working on my debut album with Awakening Records.”

What kind of music did you grow up listening to? “Everything from Abdel-halim Hafiz to James Taylor :) Alhamdulillah I was fortunate enough to be exposed to a wide variety of music growing up. I did go through a boy-band pop phase and rap/hip-hop phase in my teens (who hasn't?) , and I still have

some of those tunes on my iPod - but as I grew older, I began to appreciate rock and folk music. I currently find myself writing and singing songs that fit somewhere in between rock and folk genres. Although I don't write/ sing it, I'm also a big fan of pop-punk music :)”

What message do you want people to get out of your music? “It depends on the song...Some songs are inspirational, others give hope, others are just relaxing tunes... I'm hoping that many of my songs remind listeners how great God made them to be, and how grateful we should be to Him. “

What has been your favorite part about working with Awakening Records? “My brothers and sisters at Awakening Records have been phenomenal. Everyone there works very hard to constantly put out positive music that is of the highest quality, and I’m very proud to be a part of this family. Over the years Allah has blessed their efforts and the music they have put out speaks for itself. My favorite part about working with Awakening is being is being involved group of sincere, open-minded friends who support and critique my music with the right mindset.”

Fun Fact!

Raef is a high school teacher!


August/Ramadan 2012/1433

What was your greatest inspiration for most of the songs on your upcoming album? What is the overall theme of the album (if any)? “My experiences as a life-long learner and educator. “

Have you faced any obstacles in pursuing your music career? If so, how were you able to overcome them? “Other than finding money to purchase my first guitar? No, not at all alhamdulillah :)”

What type of music do you suggest that Muslim Youth should listen to these days? “Anything that inspires them. Music that reminds them of of how great God made them to be and that their life has purpose. Music that draws them nearer to their Creator and remind them that they will be accountable for what they say and do. Music that lifts thier spirits with positive lyrics from anyone...Muslim nor not.”

What advice do you have for Muslim Youth who would like to pursue a music career? “I would advise youth to understand their history and to know thier legacy. I would advise them to know how to practice their deen and to understand the true meaning of sincerity and intentions. I want young people to be active members of their communities, and to be model citizens of their country. I want the youth to serve the poor and honor their parents...and to truly love for others what they love for themselves. And above all, I want young people to find purpose and passion in what they do. Because when they do that, their career - will pursue them...inshallah :)”

Listen to Raef's covers on Youtube! ylist?list=PL2B882EA8E5A D6851&feature=plcp

August/Ramadan 2012/1433


express yourself

A Telescope

through human emotions

by: kouthar B.

Those moments when you’re on the outside; you look in you see all the pictures- the bigger picture, when your life is literally playing like those old vhs tapes that you wanted to throw away but kept anyway so that you could watch Annie over and over and her dancing and singing would make you smile because, yeah, Shirley Temple gets to be some other person like that but you, you’re mourning and replaying hakuna-matata in the Lion King even though you have it on dvd you watch it in vhs because you’re clinging to the memories on the tape, clinging with your molars with every edge of your being, but you can’t, and we all can’t sometimes, but don’t let the VHS tapes do your living.

I spent my whole life trying to understand these VHS tapes and their correlation with my personality I even remember mother asking me why I didn’t take up lessons in violin, I told her it was too bitter and distant, instead I busied myself with writ-


August/Ramadan2012/1433 2012/1433 August/Ramadan

ing letters often to people who I know would never answer them. Would she consider my letter writing something commendable? I would envelope words my lips were unable to utter and seal them with melancholy because writing to all the bruises in my chest, all the aches in my existence became a part of me. Can sadness lead my life? Can sadness chart the galaxies within me? Discover the depths of my being? Dive into the nebulae of my emotions? No, sadness passes because the saying goes: ‘This too shall pass’. I learned through VHS tapes, through letters to people who are no longer there, I learned the true promise of this dunya I learned that death takes everything away, losing someone is like losing yourself, I could never understand that. Maybe your souls have been tied

express yourself to each other before? Maybe your soul had been entwined in theirs from the beginning of time. The pain that overcomes you can never be doubled anywhere-ever. One of the methods to get over grief for a loss is on the first day you write poetry. You attempt to fit the missing person or object's existence between the spaces between their poems, fill their essence of being into cleverly put sentences. On the second, you take a deep breath, put away your telescope, hakuna matata that VHS tape, put down the violin, and just move. Move to nowhere in particular but let your mind wander and then adjust, nothing is promised only death is.

August/Ramadan 2012/1433






The Maxi D 20

August/Ramadan 2012/1433




Maxi dresses are perfect for the hot summer weather! They’re definitely a must-have for your wardrobe!

Dress August/Ramadan 2012/1433

1 2 3

AX Paris Poppy Print Maxi Dress £30.00 Full Circle Floral Maxi Dip Hem Dress £100.00 ASOS Maxi Dress in Leopard Print £30.00

4 5

River Island Chelsea Girl Floral Maxi Dress £30.00 Ted Baker Floral Maxi Dress £199.00



River Island Chelsea Girl Maxi Dress In Floral Print £35.00


August/Ramadan 2012/1433

Rare Rose Print Bodice Maxi Dress £62.00

Mango Tie £34 http://www

e Dye Dress 4.99


Ted Baker Maxi Dress In Paradise Brid Print £229.00

August/Ramadan 2012/1433

Mango Maxi Dress With Thigh Split £99.99


book review

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

Mia Thermopolis is a 14 year old in the 9th grade. She's already flunking algebra, her dad came to town, and he now tells her that he is the crown prince of Genovia and she is the only heir to the throne? Unlikr other girls who dream to be princesses, she was very shocked and upset. Now she has to take princess lessons from her not-so nice grandmother everyday! This book is hilarious and I never wanted to put it down!

Reality Check By Jen Calonita

Friends dont let friends be on reality shows... Charlie is an ordinary sixteen year old girl with three best friends Brooke, Halie, and Karen. They live in Cliffsise, a small beach town where not many things happen- it's not even on the map. Her life turns around when she becomes the star of her own reality tv show called The Cliffs. With her

friends being the co-stars, they get all the fun: photo shoots, meeting celebrities, best of all being on tv! It's all great until it affects her friendship with her friends. This is a great book that shows the values of friendship and that being on a realiy tv show isn't the greatest thing.

Reviews by: Uswah Walde


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Indah Nada Puspita T

his charming young lady is an 18-year-old Indonesian fashion blogger based in Germany. Let’s take a journey through her style! You can visit Indah’s blog called ‘Sketches of Mind’ at http://indahnadapuspita. blogspot. com/

August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Maxi Dress: Noni Zakiah Purse: Caneron Belt: Mango Cardigan: Stradivarius Scarf: H&M Glasses: Fendi


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Maxi Dress: Noni Zakiah

Purse: Caneron Belt: Mango Cardigan: Stradivarius

Scarf: H&M Glasses: Fendi 28

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August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Top: Mainland Heritage Turtle neck: Promod Scarf and jewelery: H&M

Pants: Zara Bag: Tommy Hilfiger Sandals: Marie claire


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Scarf: H&M Dress: Forever 21 Bag: Tommy Hilfiger Wedges: Gosh

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August/Ramadan 2012/1433


August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Dress: Dian Pelangi Scarf: H&M Accesories: H&M Wedges: H&M 34

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August/Ramadan 2012/1433



A person’s Tongue can give you the taste of his heart - Ibn al-Qayyim


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Get this look!

1. Paint all your nails with your base coat 2. Get your red polish and paint one nail, leave the other one, paint the next – e.g. paint your thumb – leave your next finger – paint your middle finger – leave the next finger – then paint your pinky 3. The nails that you didn’t paint; now paint them with your white polish 4. Add topcoat 5. Finished!

Indonesian nails bY: ROMAISA S

So you’re probably wondering how a simple red and white flag, like Indonesia’s, can have its own nail tutorial page – well if you want to know how to create Indonesian flag inspired nails read on to learn the two different ways to make them!

Get this look!

1. Paint all your nails with a base coat 2. Place your nail guides on each of the tips on your nails 3. Get your white nail polish and paint your nails white (it’s ok to go over the nail guides) 4. Remove your nail guides – there should now be a crescent shape on the tip of your nails 5. Wait for the polish to dry, then fill the tips carefully in red 6. Add top coat once dry 7. Finished!

August/Ramadan 2012/1433


fun stuff

Top 5 Umar Bello age: 8 1. Quran 2. Journal 3. Hadith book 4. Food 5. Water

5 things I'd get if I were stranded on an island Kudirat Bello age: adult 1. Husband 2. Quran 3. Food 4. Water 5. Tent

Nijeah White age: 9 1. Water 2. Food 3. Candles 4. Matches 5. Gun

One day, an Imam got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people: “I have good news and bad news... The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it’s still out there in your pockets!

MGM FACT Men can read smaller print than women can, but women can hear better.

riddles 1. What kind of dance do you do on the trampoline? 2. Who spends the most time in the bathroom?

LOL :D Send us pictures that made you LOL on our fb page, twitter or email! :D

YOLT! A video MGM totally recommends you to watch!

3. What has two humps and is at the North Pole? 4. Why did the man throw his watch out of the window? 5. Why are pirates, pirates?

August/Ramadan 2012/1433


1. Hip-Hop 2. The plumber 3. A lost camel. 4. He wanted to see time fly. 5. Because they just arrrrghhhh! 6. Because he was the ruler


6. Why did the king draw straight lines?


Nasi Goreng (a.k.a Indonesian Fried Rice) by: Romaisa Sebaihia Heard of fried rice? Heard of Indonesia fried rice? In Indonesia I believe it is called Nasi Goreng and it looks absolutely delicious! Here I’ll be writing up a recipe for all of you to enjoy making it – so read on!


Ingredients: • 2-3 tablespoons olive/vegetable/peanut oil • Prawns • 1 Garlic clove • 2 Red/Green chillis OR Sambal Ulek • 1-4 Onions • (Pre-cooked) rice • 1 egg (optional)

August/Ramadan 2012/1433

1. Add the oil into your frying pan and the prawns for 2-3 mins on a high heat 2. After prawns have cooked, take them out into another bowl, add more oil – then and chillis or sambal ulek, onions, garlic, and add back in the prawns and mix them up 3. Shortly after, add the rice 4. Mix it all up 5. After everything is cooked take it out of your pan Next step is optional 6. Get your egg, crack it and let it fry for 2-3 minutes 7. After egg is fried, add it to the mixture (rice, chillis, onions, etc) and you’re done! I’ve seen in many pictures that the rice is set out on a plate in a dome shape. This shape can be achieved by packing the finished, cooked rice into a bowl and then turning it over – if you have done it right then it should slip out onto your plate with a dome shape



ramadan. ramadan and quraan by: aamenah el-sherif • Make sure your goal is perfect for you, not too much work and not too little. • Make sure you have the intention (neyya) to do it. 1) Set up a goal for the month. Other than memorizing, you If you read 4 pages Example: I will memorize 2 agzaa' could read quraan every day. after every prayer, If you read 1 juz’ (chapter) ev(chapters) or I will revise from what you'll get the whole ery day, you'll get the whole I already memorized. 2) Make a schedule based on your chapter done by the quraan finished by the end of goal. Write down what you plan to the month. end of the day! do everyday, or what you want to If you read 4 pages after every get done by the end of every week. salah (prayer), you'll get the 3) Once you’re done with that, put the plan whole juz’ (chapter) done by the end of the into action. Its ok if you fall behind a few days, day. you can always make up for them on another day Reward yourself too, if you think you did well, Reminders: and at the end of ramadan, theres always We always hear that Ramadan is the month of quran. But what do you really do about it? Heres a few ways you can start off the month.


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what if every month was ramadan? by: halimat s.


God-consciousness present in your day, Permissible acts alone, so you don’t stray, Aware of your words, so your tongue you guard Extra kindness to your brothers and sisters Though at times it can be hard. If we lived like every month was Ramadan, We would see major changes in our lives, We would be living by the principles of the deen, Not just for a temporary amount of time Our focus would be clearer As we reflect on our purpose, We would encourage each other to goodness Knowing the reward is worth it Although not every month can be Ramadan, There’s no reason why we should stop striving, The blessed month soon upon us, May we all be blessed to see it arriving!

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Facts on Ramadan Ramadan moves up 10-11 days every year, so that in 33 years, you will have fasted on every day in the Gregorian calendar.

The word Ramadan comes from the word “ramad” which denotes intense heat, scorched ground, and shortness of rations. The Quran was reveled during Ramadan.


The Muslims reentered Mecca victorious during Ramadan in the 8th year of Hijrah.

A Spiritual High W hen I was a child, Ramadan was good food, fun times, and of course, Eid! Now that I’m older, Ramadan still is a time of food, fun, family, and Eid, but it’s also something more. No longer do I look forward only to Eid, or the family and friends I get to see more often; no, I also look forward to the extra prayers, the dark taraweeh prayers in the Masjid, the Quran that stays by your bedside table for the whole month. Ramadan is time for us to slow down from the worldly affairs, ease in to the slow lane, and remember Allah. After every Eid al-fitr salah, my friends and I, (while rejoicing on the fact that we’re eating a muffin at 9 in the morning,) always regretfully bid goodbye to the “spiritual high” of Ramadan. We always lament that we have to wait an-

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by: Mariam Syed other WHOLE year before we can feel that same high. And the funny thing is, it’s true. No matter how religious you are or aren’t, Ramadan is a time where the whole community, the whole Ummah, gets together and remembers Allah. It teaches us about patience, self-control, humility, and kindness. When I was a kid, I remember disliking taraweeh prayers. Sure, staying up late and seeing your friends were nice, but standing for 15-20 minutes at a time in salah? I’d much rather play outside on the playground. Then, three years ago, one tiny event changed my whole view

“Ramadan is time for us to slow down from the worldly affairs, ease in to the slow lane, and remember Allah.”

faith on Ramadan. It was a Sunday evening and it was raining. Being from So Cal, it doesn’t rain that much, and so not many people turned up for the community iftar. And after isha, since it was raining outside, I couldn’t go out and hang out with my friends. Instead, I was made to stay inside, and therefore, pray taraweeh. The imam was four or five raquahs in when he started reciting Surah Yasin. I was standing in the back row, near the door, and the speaker was right above me, so I could hear both the imam and the rain. Standing there, in the cool darkness of the Masjid, with the rain pattering be-

sides me, and the heart-throbbing verses of Yasin being read, I could feel my soul rise and swell, could feel my whole body suddenly be flooded by warmth from a core deep inside. I could feel the cool, heavy wetness of one, two, three tears slide slowly down my cheek. I don’t think I have ever felt more moved, more “spiritually high” then at this moment. Now, I’m not saying that I feel this way every single day I pray. But when I do, it’s the best feeling in the world. You feel so good, so close to Allah, so strong, so proud to be Muslim.

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And I think that’s what Ramadan is truly for. I mean, sure, you have too fast, but really, it’s more than just that. It’s more than trying to rack up all those good deeds, more than stocking up on extra brownie points, more than just going to iftar parties. It’s about renewing your faith, taking a strong hold on your iman, griping your deen, being proud of who you are, and above all, remembering Allah.

renewing your “It’sfaith,abouttaking a strong hold on your iman, griping your deen, being proud of who you are, and above all, remembering Allah.




Attaining in Ramadan R

amadan is here again alhamdulilah. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (pbuh), who said: Allah (swt) says: Fasting is Mine and it is I who give reward for it. [A man] gives up his desire, his food and his drink for my sake. Fasting is like a shield, and he who fasts has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord. The change in the breath of the mouth of him who fasts is better in Allah's estimation than the smell of musk. It was related by alBukhari (also by Muslim, Malik, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).{Hadith Qudsi 10} This blessed month that is obligated upon every Muslim that has reached the age of puberty except the old, insane and the sick. This month comes only once in a year and it contains a night that is greater


than a thousand nights. This month all the devils are locked up and any evil we commit is from ourselves. This is a perfect opportunity for us to perfect our relationship with Allah. We should strive to do more good deeds and shield our hearts because Allah says in the Quran: “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous� Quran{2:183}. Abandoning desires is the essence of fasting and it is the ultimate expression of our love for Allah. To love Allah is to do what pleases him. This month we should all try to attain the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal for us this month should be attaining Taqwa (piety). Piety is in the heart and is the only thing that makes a Muslim more superior than another Muslim. To attain Taqwa, the deed should

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be done purely for the sake of Allah in the way the prophet (SAW)taught us to. Here are some tips on how can we attain piety this month:.


Perfecting the obligatory actions such as our salah. Our salah is our ultimate link to Allah, and by perfecting it actions we draw closer to Him (swt). Praying the five daily prayers at its early appointed time is one of the best actions. It is a barrier between Kufr and shirk.


faith Perfecting our relationship with the Quran by reciting and reflecting upon the meaning.


Du’aa. Making du’aa is a sign of iman and Allah loves those who make du’aa. Before Ramadan, try to come up with a list of du’aas and ask Allah throughout this blessed month.And for forgiveness and be consistent with your dua. Constantly turning to Allah is a true sign of taqwa.

4) 5)

Avoiding vain talk and false speech.

Giving more charity.

Inshallah we’ll all have a blessed Ramadan full of taqwa!

by: 'the traveller'

Ramadan is Here! Muslims around the world cheer, Alhamdullilah, Ramadan is here! We read Quran, we fast and we pray, We think of good deeds that we can do each day. We speak nice words and we give to the poor, And we are often sad, wishing we could do more. We go to the masjid for the prayer of Taraweeh, Knowing that the masjids of Allah are some of the best places to be. And then the month is over and we are so sad, But then we think of the next Ramadan, which makes us glad!

by: Haleema Bello

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by: Nadoona


he blessed month of Ramadan is my favorite time of the year. A month of worshiping Allah, gathering at the masjid, seeing family and friends, and so much more! It is also a month where you can potentially lose a lot of muscle tone and put up a roadblock to your fitness goals. When people lose weight in Ramadan, it is usually water weight and muscle tissue that is lost, not fat. The goal for Ramadan is to try and maintain your current fitness level and muscle tissue. You have to ask yourself a few questions to determine what your perfect exercise regimen should be during Ramadan.

• How were you exercising before Ramadan? • How much time do you have? • What is convenient for you? • What is accessible for you? • What are your Ramadan obl igations? • Your overall health: do you experience light or severe side-effects of fasting? After evaluation of your habits and what a realistic goal for you is, you can determine how much exercise during Ramadan is right for you. If you haven’t exercised in years, Ramadan definitely is not the time to start a new workout routine. Ramadan is also not the time to increase the intensity of your workout.


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These are the exercises Nadoona recommends for beginners in Ramadan:

› Floor bridge

< Forward lunge › Push-ups on knees < Squats

How intense should your workout be? Take a 1 minute break between each exercise. If you notice, the exercises alternate between upper and lower body areas. Your Ramadan workout should be about 50% less intense than how you would normally workout outside of Ramadan. You should use the questions asked at the beginning of the article to determine how many days a week you can fit in an exercise routine.

› Plank < Backward lunge If you were regularly exercising and training prior to Ramadan, you can do the following exercises for 12-15 repetitions for 2-3 sets.

› Floor bridge with leg lift › Lunges (forward, side, turning) › Push-ups › Squat/curl/press › Tricep dips › Sit up (opposite arm/leg) August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Cardio: Since Ramadan is where you lose muscle tone, focus on the little resistance training you can squeeze in and do not concentrate on cardio. If you have time, some light walking or biking for 15 to 30 minutes would be good (depending on your fitness level). Or if you can just integrate a mile or 2 of extra walking throughout your day, that will suffice.

Water & Food: Possible workout times: 1. Before suhoor -A little impractical, but some can do it. 2. Just before iftar, about 20 minutes before breaking fast. - Doesn’t work if you have to prepare the iftar. 3. After iftar. -This is the best time for the most result because you’ve eaten and drank. -Depends on how much time you have between iftar and prayer. 4. After Isha -Depends on if you go to taraweeh prayers and how long you have. 5. After Taraweeh. - If you are still energized and have the time, why not? This would be a great time for those who live in Muslim countries, since most of the city is up and active through the night during Ramadan.

Ladies, one more note, the best time to workout during Ramadan is your 1 week break, so you can hit it hard core that week. 48

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Of course to be able to maintain the energy and proper nutrition to incorporate an exercise regimen, you have to also make sure your water and food intake is appropriate. You should strive to have 3540 oz of water each day in Ramadan. 12 ounces at suhoor, 8-12 ounces at iftar, take water bottle to taraweeh and have another 8 ounces, and have another 8 ounces after taraweeh. Don’t eat too much, or you will find it very hard to incorporate any exercise, especially after iftar. You can check out Nadoona for sample suhoor and iftar meals.

Final Notes!

• Again, if you have never picked up a weight in your life, wait till after Ramadan to start a new fitness regimen. • Make sure your exercise does not affect or hinder your worship during Ramadan. • Have a blessed and healthy month. • Make plenty of supplication to Allah to help you get on a happier and healthier path in life! Don’t forget, you are, Nadoona strong. --Nadine Abu-Jubara Nadoona Executive Director --Zainab Ismail Nadoona Weight Loss Director

Fun facts On Indonesia


Indonesia is the Muslim majority country with 87% of people following Islam while 9% follow Christianity.



Soccer and badminton are the most popular sports in Indonesia.

In terms of population, Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world.



Out of the ten largest islands in the world, three are located in Indonesia.

Spices (especially chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken are common ingredients in Indonesian cooking.

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“the key is to be HEALTHY”


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ost of you can identify with this phrase since it is something that a lot of girls seem to be concerned about. Have you thought of what the definition for “fat” is? Fat is a layer of oily or greasy substance that is deposited under your skin. It is the extra that you took into your body that was not needed or burnt off. All fat is not bad though. We need some fat in order to survive. Some young girls and women get overly conscious about their body images to the point of starving themselves in order to “lose” weight and not look fat. However, that is extremely unhealthy and can lead to many health problems. If you are reading this article, I want you to understand that being skinny is not pretty. The key is to be healthy. If you are concerned about being fat, I have a list of suggestions for you to remain healthy.

1 – EAT!

As you are growing up, your body needs nourishment and a good balanced diet is extremely important. You don’t have to starve yourself to look good; you have to be healthy to look good. Eat well. Don’t forget your fruits and veggies and limit foods that contain lots of sugar. Here’s a website for you to look

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at the food pyramid and make sure you are getting all the nutrition that your body needs to remain healthy. It is a really good website that I came across and would like all of you to take a look at it as well.

2 – EXERCISE! It is very important

for you to remain active and workout. I have some ideas that you can incorporate in your daily life that are quick and easy. • Sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, lunges and anything else you can think of can be done during all your commercial breaks while watching your favorite shows! • Use the new technology of video games that make you exercise, like the WiiFit • I’m sure all of you LOVE talking on the phone to your friends, do that while you pace around your room, house or backyard (even better if you can go up and down the stairs while on the phone). • Find a friend, find a workout video, and motivate each other. • Dance party!


health Try to participate in at least 1 hour of moderate activity every day. You can play tag, jump rope, go swimming or play another sport – as long as you get moving!


Drink lots of water. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Don’t wait till you are thirsty to drink water. Staying hydrated in the summer months is even more important. Water is a large component of our bodies and not only helps transport nutrients within your body, but also helps flush out toxins (in sweat and urine).

4 – SLEEP! Get a good night’s rest. If you don’t get enough sleep, the hormones in your body may go crazy and cause you to get hungry often. 7-8 hours of sleep is important.


This is the most important thing to remember. You are an amazing person and don’t let anything or anyone to tell you otherwise. And because you are so totally awesome, you will make smart choices to ensure that you keep your amazingself healthy! Feel free to email us to ask any questions or if need help with anything: ask@muslimahgirl. com


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Are you into writing articles for young girls? Into writing stories and fantasies? Do you like giving advice or perhaps talking about your personal experiences? Do you like writing poems? Yes? We need YOU! Yes, you! Fill in our (fun) application here:

August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Sun rising at the break of day Unceasing throughout time Maintaining with a warming ray Making life sublime Eagerly it lights the way Reassuring natures rhyme

by: Haleema Bello


August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Summer is about camping but sometimes the sunny days turn. The heavy rain as it falls on the cabin roof as it falls from the leaves. As the rain slows a deer and her fawn nearby, lost, finding their way. Seeing squirrels and birds so up close I hear the birds singing. Comfy in my clothes I keep to the moment instead of the past I stay connected, but not too much.

by: Fida Islaih August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Allah has 99 names Each one having its own special fame Allah created man from earth and clay He created the sky, the earth and the bays All praise to Allah the One true God Who made us human special with skin and blood Allah makes us choose right or wrong To see who will be the faithful and strong May Allah make us be righteous and true Like how the Dead Sea is clear and blue! By: Kamilah B.


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‫ربنا ال تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب‬ ‫لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب‬ Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba'da idh hadaytana wa hab lana milladunka rahmah innaka antal Wahhab. "Our Lord! (they say), Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure." [Surah Ali-Imran 3:8]

August/Ramadan 2012/1433


Dear , e i t n u A e l t t i L

n coming up and tio ta en es pr g bi a ve ng. I really do. I ha ns. I wish I could be tio ta en I hate public speaki es pr y m in I ways failing Islam look good but e ak m ld I am just sick of al ou w I st u t so that at lea ng and thought yo yi ud st on ce confident and eloquen vi ad ur mess up. I read yo always freeze or lp. might be able to he Miss Shy

Dear Miss Shy,


Eep! Public speaking angst; you’re not alone! It’s good that your intention is to show Islam in a positive way, subhanAllah you truly want to be a good ambassador of Islam. :) Speaking in front of people is hard for most normal people, trust me. Even people on tv/ performers/politicians can get nervous and they do it all the time! The main thing is to show yourself + tell yourself that you can do it. Positive thinking does wonders, trust me. :)

This one’s self-explanatory - but you’ll feel a lot less nervous once you know the contents insideoutbacktofront. People feel silly (me included!) doing this - but it helps to stand in front of the mirror or in front of a stuffed toy and simply practice! Run your mind through your presentation and speak clearly to your teddy/ mirror/whatever you want to use. After this, ask a few friends to sit in front you. Ask your friends what they liked about your presentation? What are their 2 top suggestions for you? You can also try it in front of your family members. I would recommend going over your presentation 5 times =) If you get nervous - remember the aims of your presentation and focus on why you’re doing this.

We’re gonna combat this with PPP. Preperation! Practice! Postivity! Preperation! I want you to think of a time when you’ve felt really great about yourself. You feel really up there, like you can do anything. This sometimes comes after you’ve done sports - so maybe get into the habit of taking a trip to the gym/going for a jog/doing yoga in your bedroom before you study your presentation or start revising it!


Positivity! Positivity is simple yet does wonders! Telling yourself it’ll be okay, can calm your nerves. Keep telling yourself it’ll be

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okay whenever negative thoughts try to push through. I believe in you, sis - I also believe that if you believe in yourself - you’ll be fine. Most of the time, the nervousness comes from fears of what the audience may be thinking or what may happen. Emphasis here on the may. It’s not certain - so don’t worry. :) If something embarrassing does happen though, it’s not the end of the world - simply laugh it off, shrug it off your shoulder and think water off a duck’s back. :) On the day of the presentation, make sure you have a light but energetic breakfast, get some fresh air and keep telling yourself that it’ll be okay. Also, bring note cards with big font/handwriting/ so that you can remember your main ideas. Some more tips to make sure your presentation is fantastic! 1- If you fidget with your hands - use them instead!

dear little auntie

“I wish I could be confident and eloquent so that at least I would make Islam look good but I always freeze or mess up.” “

Make hand gestures - this makes you look passionate and confident. 2- Chin up! Make sure your shoulders are relaxed, back straight and you look up. Some prefer to make eye contact with a few people in the room, some prefer to stare at the back wall - whatever you feel comfortable doing. A good posture and eye contact makes an audience think ‘wow, this person knows what they’re doing, they’re confident and they are acing this presentation!’ Woo! :) 3- Move! - If the room and style of your presentation permits, move around the room slightly. Again, it makes you look and feel a lot more confident but also keeps the audi-

ence engaged. I hope these practical tips helped you. But the most important thing, which will help you the most when coupled with practical steps is...yep you guessed it sista: du’aa!!! Hope your presentation goes well, inshaAllah! Let us know how you did :)

• have a light energetic breakfast Do YOU have a question for little auntie? • bring note cards Ask away! with big font Send it to littleauntie@! • SMILE! Oh, last tip - SMILE! :)

August/Ramadan 2012/1433



By: Dina Mostafa eed: What You’ll N

• a brush tissue roll • an empty • paint


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Step #1 Fold the top of your tissue roll to shape the owl’s ears.


Step #2

Paint your tissue roll owl with any color you like.

Step #3

Now draw your owl’s eyes and color them.

Step #4

paint d n a Draw body ’s l w o your daa! a t d n a done! e ’r u o Y

August/Ramadan 2012/1433



Repentance By: Yumna Hassan


dam (AS) was struck with remorse and filled with repentance over his past deeds. Any of his children who follows him as a role model of sinning only, and not in repentance, is mistaken. Dedication to good deeds is from the traits of Angels and dedication to evil deeds is from the traits of Devil. But, returning to correctness after slipping into evils and fault is human. Repentance is a concept which consists of three consecutive things; knowledge, awareness and action. It is obvious that when one realizes the amount of sins’ harm and its being a barrier between the man and his Lord, he will struggle and will try to get rid of the sin by repenting. Sometimes knowingly we commit a sin and then later onwards we regret it. In this sense the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: " Regret is repentance." (Ibn Maja) Allah says in the Holy Quran that: "And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed." (24:31) In another verse, He says: "Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves." (2:222) The Prophet is reported to have said: "He who repents of sin is like one who has never sinned." (Ibn Maja) Sins are to faith what toxic foods are to the body. They need to be removed from our faith before the sinner passes away. So dear friends, we must repent faster before the toxic sins do their work on the sprit of faith, and the matter transcends physicians and their knowledge. After which seeking shelter will not avail nor will counsel and admonition, and man maybe said to be among the damned, as it says in the Quran: "Indeed we have put shackles on their necks, and they are to their chins, so they are with heads (kept) aloft. And We have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and covered them, so they do not see." (36-8-9) You see, there are Muslims out there who are weak in Faith (Iman), they commit sins knowingly every time and ask for forgiveness from Allah every time, that is why Allah has given us infinite


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faith number of chances to repent every time we commit a sin, which is why Allah is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful. Allah says in the Quran: " To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Hence, whether you disclose what is in your souls or you conceal it, Allah will call you at account for it. Thus He shall (mercifully) forgive whomever He so wills and (justly) torment whomever He so wills. For Allah is powerful over all things." (2:284)

Patience does not come down upon you, we need to seek for it through prayer and supplication. Allah says in the Holy Quran: "O you who believe! seek help in patience and As-Salah. Truly! Allah is with As-Sabirun (the patient)." (2:153) Last but not the least, I pray to Allah to guide the Muslim Ummah to the straight path, make their account easy in the hereafter and do not let them go astray! Ameen!

Likewise, if we want Allah to forgive our sins, we should be capable of forgiving others and overlook our mistakes. We must be good to others as Allah describes his believers in the Holy Quran as: "those who restrain their anger and pardoning towards other people." Then again He says: "Indeed Allah loves those who do good." (Surah Imran:134) Any kind of good deed brings us closer to Allah, especially being good to others. Sometimes, these good deeds may help you pass into Jannah without any harsh account! Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reported to have said that: "There was a merchant who used to extend credit to people. If he found one of his customers to be in straitened means, he would say to his assistants: 'Forgive them their debt, perhaps Allah will forgive us.' Allah did forgive him." (Sahih al Bukhari and Muslim) Tolerance and forgiveness both go hand in hand. If you hate someone for rebuking you and still you bear her by being patient and forgive her, Allah will forgive you. Similarly, if you suffered a loss in your business due to someone else, you bear the loss and forgive him. Hence, Allah will forgive you.

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The Falcon Once upon a time, on the top of a high hill, a female falcon laid her eggs. It was a iwindy morning when suddenly one of her eggs fell off the nest and rolled down the hill to arrive at a hen’s nest. The egg instantly hatched and the baby falcon came to life. He grew up with the hen’s chicks and hence believed that he was also a chick. The baby falcon however used to contemplate the group of falcons on the top of the hill while they were flying up high. He used to wish to fly like them but knew it was impossible, he was a chick and therefore couldn’t fly. his world wasn’t the sky it was just the dirt and dust. He kept thinking about flying until one day he finally decided to


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give it a try. The chick ran to the top of the hill and his heart was pounding very hard when he finally reached the top as his chick friends were yelling “you’re going to die man!” In this critical time, he spread his little wings and when he realized they were actually very strong he exclaimed happily and excitedly “Oh my gosh! This is amazing!’ He kept trying to use his wings until he finally flew up high. He looked down at the dust and dirt that were locking his dreams and shook his head. At this point, he came to understand that he was actually a falcon and not a chicken after all. In our lives, we often do like our fellow falcon did and look at ourselves so weakly even though we’re really stronger than we think. We think our dreams are hard to achieve but all we need is a dose of selfconfidence that will enable us to fly just like little falcon. We should also ignore the small chicks in our lives that make us lose our confidence. We should have determination and persistance to be able to reach our dreams. Self-confidence ladies and gents is the secret of success. All we need to do is spread our wingsand have confidence with ourselves.

by: Shaymaa Mohammed

Iftar in Sultan Ahmed Mosque Istanbul, Turkey. August/Ramadan 2012/1433


heart fromthe bottom


Let’s imagine someone knocked your door and told you he had an amazing offer for you. You’re very surprised as sales people rarely ever come to your neighborhood beause its really poor. You don’t mind though and you gladly let him in your modest house. You both sit down on your brown rugged sofa and he begins to talk. “This offer isn’t exclusive but it is at the same time.” You frown confusedly but the mysterious man continues talking. “It’s also extremely easy but needs commitment. I own a huge mansion in the most beautiful country in the whole world. In this mansion, you’ll find every single thing your heart desires. There are olympic pools, vast green gardens, jacuzzis and hundreds of servants under your service.” You smile dreamily but you know you can never afford something like that so you shake your head. “The mansion will be yours forever if you work for me till the end of this month.” Your eyes are nearly popping out as you cannot believe what he had just said. “Wha-what? A-are you serious?” You stutter. “B-but its almost halfway through the month!” The man nods knowingly and


smiles. “I told you it’s easy. Now what you need to do is live with me till the end of the month and be my servant. I will not be harsh with you and you can make mistakes as long as you repent.” You can’t believe your luck at all and you kiss his hands quickly “thank you so much!” Now who would ever decline this offer? And who wouldn’t work as hard as possible to win that beautiful mansion and as thanks to the salesman? Well, you see, the mansion is like paradise. We must try as hard as possible to win it even though we’ll never deserve it. The work we do in this life is definitely worth it because we will live in paradise FOREVER. Our short lives are dirt compared to paradise. So let’s all help each other and race towards Jenna! I’ve gathered some hadiths on how to enter paradise easily:

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1. “Whoever recites “Qul huwa Allahu ahad” [the entire Surah] ten times, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Sahih al-Jami’ as-Sagheer] 2. “Whoever says: ‘Glorified is Allah, the Most Great, and praised is He’ [Subhan Allah al-’Adhim wa bi-Hamdih] will have a date palm planted for him in Paradise.” [Sahih al-Jami; # 5531] 3. “I met Ibrahim alayhi assalam on al-Israa’, and he said to me: ‘O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your Ummah, and tell them that Jannah is of pure land and sweet water. It’s expanse is vast and levelled, and its plants are, Subhan Allah, wal-hamdu-lillah, wa la illaha illa Allah, wa Allahu akbar.‘” [Sahih at-Tirmithi] 4. “Shall I not point you to one of the treasures of Paradise? [It is], ‘There is no power and no might except in Allah’ [La hawla wa la quwatta illa billah].” [Bukhari] 5. “Whoever is stricken with sadness, grief, sickness or hardship and says: ‘Allah is my Lord, without any partners’ [Allahu Rabbi, la

sharika lah], then it will be removed from him.” [Sahih al-Jami’; # 6040] 6. “Whoever ate something, then said: ‘Praise be to Allah who has fed me this food and provided it for me, without any strength or power on my part’ [al-Hamdu lillah aladhi at’amani hadha wa Razaqnih bi ghayr hawlin minni wa la quwwa] is forgiven his past and future sins. And whoever wears a garment and says: ‘Praise be to Allah who has clothed me with this garment and provided it for me without any strength or power on my part’ [al-Hamdu lillah aladhi kasani hadha at-thawb wa Razaqnih bi ghayr hawlin minni wa la quwwa] is forgiven his past and future sins.” [Sahih al-Jami’; # 6086] 7. “Whoever enters the marketplace and says: ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah who has no partners, for Him is the Dominion, and for Him is all Praise, He brings life and He causes death, and He is Alive and does not die, in His Hand is all good, and He is able to do all things,’ [La ilaha ill-Allah, Wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-Mulk, wa lahul-Hamd, yuhyiyy wa yumit, wa Huwa Hayyun la yamut, bi YadihilKhayr wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in Qadir] then Allah will write one million good deeds for him, and will wipe away one million of his bad deeds, and will raise him one million levels and will build a home

for him in Paradise.” [‘Sahih al-Jami’; # 6231] 8. “Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times [Allahumma inni as’aluk al-Jannah], then Paradise will say: “O Allah! Enter him into Paradise!” And whoever seeks protection with Allah from the Fire three times [Allahumma najjini min an-Nar], the Fire will say: “O Allah! Protect him from the Fire!“” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi, and it is authentic] 9. “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and the believing women, Allah writes for him – for every believing man and woman – a good deed.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad, and it is authentic] 10. “Whoever asks Allah sincerely for martyrdom [Allahumma inni as’aluk ashshahadah], Allah will cause him to reach the status of the martyrs even if he dies in his bed.” [Bukhari; # 1909] 11. “No one witnesses that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and that I am Allah’s Messenger – truthfully, from his heart – except that Allah makes the Fire of Hell forbidden to touch him.”

by: menna fateen August/Ramadan 2012/1433


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August/Ramadan 2012/1433

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