February 2012 issue sample

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the magazine every Muslimah should read! February/Rabie’ Awal

MuslimahGirl 2012/1433 issue #7



WORLD r a de Turkish recipes inside! e l litt ! e A Loss i t n au for A





February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433


part two

#1 TEMPTATION B-buh-boys! www.muslimahgirl.com 1



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Passion for Turkish Fashion

Take a journey through Turkish fashion where you’ll find inspiration, learn about the traditional Turkish hijab, meet some amazing Turkish women, and see modest Turkishinspired outfits.



winter turkish hijab guide Learn how to wear the Turkish hijab exactly like the Turkish do!



top ten perfumes of 2012


What’s the deal?

Wear the most delicious, most beautiful perfumes of 2012!

Did you know that threading eyebrows, dying hair black, buying or wearing a wing or aparanda (fake plates) and wearing tattoo is prohibited in Islam?


did you know?


Facts about Turkey and Istanbul!




Answer a few questions that test your facts about Turkey and get a shout out next issue!




A beautiful secret


2 February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433

A loss for a gain p.2 www.muslimahgirl.com



“Hijab is making me bald!”


#1 Temptation: B-buh-boys!


“But everyone does it!”


Miss super model


your top 5


What are the 5 things you wish nobody had ever invented?



editors note


meet the writers






Palestine is ours/ Untitled


fun stuff



book review

“it’s that time of the month!”


diary of a depressed student


dear little auntie


is everything haram?


a piece of advice

recipes 21

Suppa inglese


SÜTLAÇ/Turkish delight



iznik tiles

February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433

www.muslimahgirl.com 3

Editors Note Assalamu Alikum everyone! Last issue got over a thousand views and the MGM staff was overjoyed. Thanks to everyone who reads Muslimah Girl! Muslimah Girl is going to have a tour around the world. On your screen! Each issue will be packed up with information, recipes and fashion of a specific country. This issue features Turkey. The extraordinary country with the stunning views and kind people.. We hope you’ll enjoy your journey! We also apologize because this issue has been delayed for a while due to the team being SUPER BUSY. Sorry! I’d like to remind myself and you girls of something: Allah is watching you. (and me!) If each and every one of us remembered that, I don’t think we’d ever do a wrong thing! Right? I would like to thank Yasmeen A. and Romaisa Sebaihia for participating actively in this issue. Jazkun Allah khairan girls! I’d also like to thank the rest of the writers; without you, this issue wouldn’t have been here! We would really appreciate it if you spread the word of Muslimah Girl Magazine through your friends and family! Salams!

Menna Fateen

Menna Fateen Editor-in-chief

MuslimahGirl Issue’s writers

Abimbola Adigun Afnan Nehela Asmaa Ehab Haleema Bello Kouthar B. Little Aunties Mariam Ashraf Mariam Ghanem Mariam Syed Menna Fateen Nadoona Rahma Fateen Romaisa Sebaihia Sabrina S. Shaira Hafsa Unaiza Faiz Yasmeen A. Yumna Hassan Editor in chief Menna Fateen Editor Asmaa Ehab Design and Layout Menna Fateen Cover Girl Busra Demirci Any comments, suggestions or questions? Email info@muslimahgirl.com

Find us on: @muslimahgirlmag Muslimah Girl Magazine

4 February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433




meet the is a 15 year Afnan Nehela who likes old hijabi girl g, hanging reading, writin s and going out with friend ter. Her favoron the compu Math and she ite subject is chicken! adores eating

Abimbola is a 16 year old Nigerian girl. She’s a shy girl who expresses herself through writing. Abimbola likes reading, clothes, fashion, photography and perfumes. Check out her blog at http://nikeylee94. blogspot.com/.

Yasmeen is a 17 year old h omeschooled Musl im American girl! Her dream is to be an Islam ic scholar and h er hobbies are reading the Q uarn writing and exc , blogging, ersing!

Asmaa loves doing exciting things because she suffers from a serious case of quick boredom. She’s a 14 year old supergirl who can do almost anything if she’s Mariam S. is a golf determined enough. Mariam Ghanem is Mariam A. , lik jock who adores reade the rest a girl who has been of the team, lo ing and writing and ves readwriting ever since she loves to swim. She ing and writin K outhar is a 15 g. She year old could hold a pen! She’s positvely loves travadores readin from San Die go, Califor- a hijabi girl who loves g poems eling and shopping. nia who curre and writing th n tly lives in writing short stories and She’s a geek who’s a em. Other C airo, Egypt. S than that, she poems. Aside writing, he’s an spends jock and a fashionista! energetic girl her free time she’s a total bookworm who likes listening to readin g, writing, blo who loves reading all gging, music. shopping and kind of books! watching m o vi e s. V isit her blog irl who Unaiza is a g http://bedouin r Nadoona is a new women’s fo -nomadn has a passio journals.blogsp t o health and fitness organization, g ’s ot.com blogging; she aimed at changing the world, onal Little Auntie a 2 blogs! (pers n d L itt le e one calorie at a time. Nadoona h S ) g Menna Fatee Miss Aunty are and cookin n is th [r e e a g l] in isn’t just about losing weight. It’s d a founder, the d twin sisters! also hearts re esigner and a health revolution and losing T h e y’ re editor-in-chie conservative, anything! f of this magbut not the ridiculous attitude of feeling azine! Menna exactly conve loves writ- like one is a slave to food. We n tio d a n a re l, ys jo ing and readin slightly neuro Rahma en g novels. A weren’t put on this earth to be tic and ying la p d n a g total nerd righ tin ri chocolate add ing, w t? Visit her slaves to food; we were put on icts.Oh d soccer. and th blog at www.m basketball an e y’ re e n 2 n 3 asblah- this earth to be slaves to God. ye d ar old reste g.blogspot.co She’s also inte E g yp tia m ns. ! y.You Let’s get that power back! in photograph t a g lo can visit her b oud. An engineerin www.chococl Shaira is an 18 year old g student blogspot.com who lives in P Sabrina is a medical stugirl who likes reading Isakistan is an llo e lo B ve a s m dent who is super busy e re le a lamic books especially the a ding and writH Nih tis ri B in , g n . Y ca but enjoys writing health u ri mna also enjo Quran. She loves playing Ame ys ly te lu so b sw a o im h ming and aero articles (and chocolate!) gerian w bics! sports like volleyball, table S! She T R A e th You can ask her quess ve tennis and badminton. lo pho, g in w ra d tions at ask@muslimahys enjo Romaisa is a 13 year old Algerian girl who nd a g in d a re y, h girl.com tograp lives in England. She’s a vanilla loving girl pes to writing and ho who adores reading. otograbecome a ph teacher. pher or an art

February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433

www.muslimahgirl.com 5


Winter Turkish Hijab Guide by: Alaa Qasim

Once again it is the time of the year where the days are getting colder and the shops are filled with cool, beautiful colours of heavy winter coats and scarves. With the rainy, breezy weather comes winter fashion. As we have approached the chill winter months, it is everybody’s chore to rearrange their wardrobes to make it appropriate for the season. And of course, how can we forget the beautiful Hijab? 6 February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433




urkish Hijab style is one that has its speciality mainly in the beautiful, shiny Hijabs made from silk. I’ll give a guide of how to wear the Turkish Hijab style, but first let’s talk about colours. The perfect colour choice for winter is cool, calm and bold colours. While bright shiny colours are made for summer, it is

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When picking your Hijab, despite the colour, make sure you choose a square, silk or polyester one. When gathering your hair, make sure to make your ponytail a little bit higher than usual.


Put the triangle Hijab on your head and shape the frontal according to what you like. This part usually takes a bit of time and practice until you get it right so take your time.


still a nice touch to get a winter-coloured Hijab with summer-colours prints. They help to add a bit of liveliness into your Hijab. When selecting your Hijab for winter look for colours like burgundy, midnight blue, grey, neutrals, and the darker shades of green, purple and pink.

Wear a bonnet cap on your head and tuck your ponytail hair upwards inside your bonnet.. Choose a bonnet colour that matches your Hijab colour.


If you can’t make the frontal a circular shape you can put a piece of bending, thin cardboard or plastic between the two layers of your scarf to shape it and prevent it from messing up.

After you get the shape wanted, pin the Hijab underneath your chin with a security pin. To add extra security and to prevent your Hijab from slipping, pin your Hijab from each side about 3 inches above your ears.

February/Rabie’ Awal 2012/1433

Fold the square into a triangular shape. Control the size of the triangle according to the amount of coverage you want by your Hijab.


The two pieces that you are left with can be wrapped around any way you want or they can be tucked in your clothes. A nice touch would be to bring one side to the other side above your shoulders and pin it with a pretty brooch.

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