August/Ramadan 2013/1434 issue #12 of MuslimahGirl Magazine

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the magazine every Muslimah should read!

August/Ramadan 2013/1434 issue #12

e u s s i i min inside!

halal Nail Polish? CAMILIA GIL

The Fashion Blogger Who Converted at 17

healthy recipes...


conte beauty




Camilia gil

wudhu-friendly manicure?


14 15 70


50 62


Aji sauce healthy recipes..ftw


49 60

the maxi skirt

poetry wings

this spring


28 2 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

why hijab?

ents express yourself

24 74


why i love writing and why you should too diary of an optimistic student




change the world

12 25 69 75 76 77 78

did you know?





science corner


the co2 effect

fun stuff

book review


August/Ramadan 2013/1434


4 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


August/Ramadan 2013/1434 issue #12

issue's writers:

editor in chief: Menna Fateen

Aamehah ElSherif Asmaa Ehab Fida Islaih Haleema Bello Mariam Ashraf Mariam Syed Menna Fateen Nonni Soraya Nouran Amin Romaisa Sebaihia Shaira Hafsa Ujala Shujat Uswah Walde

assistant editor in chief: Romaisa Sebaihia

editor: Asmaa Ehab

design & layout: Menna Fateen

cover girl: Camilia Gil

flo& Any comments, suggestions or questions? Email Tweet us @muslimahgirlmag Post on our facebook wall Contact us via tumblr

editor’s note

Assalamu Alikum ladies, I must start this note with apologizing for not publishing a May issue. The past 4 months might have been the busiest months we’ve ever had. We still can’t believe how we managed to finish this issue. We also would like to apologize for not getting back to lots of emails. We’ve been facing technical difficulties with our website and emails but alhamdulilah they’re all fixed now and our website’s back with a brand new look! Inside this short yet fun issue you’ll find a mini issue featuring Ramadan. Check it out and try to make the most out of these last 7 days! And Eid mubarak!

menna fateen

Menna Fateen Editor-in-chief

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Co 6 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

o t e m o c l e W

a i b m o ol credible n i f o y r t n u tropical co a , a i phy, a b a r m g lo o o e C g o g t n i e Welcom ver-chang e s t I . m r a its people h , c e r d u n t a n y e t v i s d r a dive stery and y m turies. h n t i e c w r d o f e d ld a r lo o history ated the w n i c s a f e v a h , and cultures

June/Rajab 2013/1434


The n o z a m A

8 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

The Amazon rainforest which represents over half of Earth’s remaining rainforests is shared by Colombia, Peru, Brazil and other countries.

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Bogota, the capital of Colombia is one of the largest cities in Latin America.

10 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

a t o Bog

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did you know?

12 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Fun Facts About


by: Haleema Bello


Colombia does not have seasons; because it is near the equator, it has sunlight throughout the year.


Colombia is the only country in South America that has access to both the Pacific and Caribbean ocean

5 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

2 4

Experts believe that 3000 out of the 14000 species of butterflies are found in Colombia.

The name Colombia is derived from the name Christopher Columbus.

Colombia is home to the world´s most colorful river.


recipes and pictures from


AREPAS Arepas are very prominent in the cuisine of Colombia and Venezuela and we’re gonna teach you how to make your own!


1 cup cornmeal (PAN harina) 1 cup water 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, shredded 1/2 cup queso blanco, shredded 1/2 cup colby-monterey jack cheese, shredded • 1/4 cup buttermilk or 1/4 cup hispanic cream

DIRECTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Combine cornmeal and water in a bowl. Add cheese and then buttermilk. Heat a non-stick skillet (low). Roll mixture into a ball and place in pan and flatten into a pancake, about a 4 inches circle. 5. heat for about 5 minutes, continually checking that it does not burn. 6. when it is golden brown flip over to other side for about five minutes. 7. shred additional queso blanco on top and serve.

14 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


AJI SAUCE This is a hot, spicy salsa typically served with empanadas and other foods as a condiment in Colombia. Enjoy!


DIRECTIONS Combine all ingredients, cover, and let sit in refrigerator for at least an hour so all the flavors develop before serving.

• • • •

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon white vinegar 1 tablespoon water 1/4 cup green onion, finely minced (white and light green part only) • 1/8 cup fresh cilantro, minced • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely minced (more or less to taste) • 1 teaspoon tomato, finely minced

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16 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Camilia Gil She’s a Colombian revert at 17 years old and a fashion blogger. Read along to find more about Camilia! (AKA Kiki)

MGM: Tell us about your story Kiki I was born and raised in Bogota the capital city of Colombia. I grew up in a single parent household but Alhamdulillah my mother always worked very hard to give me everything I could possibly need and want. I always studied in a British private school here in Colombia, after that I went on to graduate from high-scool and entered university for business. Two years into it I realized I really had a passion for fashion so I decided to completely focus on that and I've been doing that ever since. I am in my senior year of Fashion Marketing and Communication, I work in fashion events production and styling for local fashion photographers, keep my own modest fashion/style blog and I'm also a Style Guru for New York based international college fashion site

MGM: How did you learn about Islam? What made you feel like it was the right religion? I had heard of Islam from the political stand point

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mGM: What were the stereotypes you haD ABOUT Islam and Muslims before you CONVERTED? I honestly didn’t have many other than I thought ok: “Islam is a thing of the arabs.” I never really associated Islam with terrorism, violence or discrimination toward women (things that are often associated with Islam in the west) I really only had a good image of it in my head, although I knew everyone else around me thought differently.

MGM: What were the struggles you faced when you wanted to convert? The struggles when I wanted to convert: Other than the fact that I did not know how to find a masjid and it took me about two months to find muslims in my city, I’d say that the only struggle was my own apprehension about becoming a muslim and the change it meant given that I was only 17 years old.

mgm: How did you feel when you took the Shahada? I took it on September 21st of 2009 on Eid Ul fitr after spending the whole Ramadan going to the masjid and learning about Islam. To me it marked the start of the next chapter of my life. Becoming a muslim gave me the strength to realize that I could make my own decisions in life and that I could choose a path in life that would make me happy. It was an overwhelming feeling that gave me a lot of hope and I felt like I could do it all with Allah by my side.

when I used to be involved in UN models in highschool, etc. But never read too much into it. The first time I was actually interested in learning about Islam when on a boring summer day in (I think 2008) I decided to randomly google the word Islam. I started reading the wikipedia article and I was fascinated at the amount of things and information the religion had (and yes, all that from wikipedia!). I read on and on for months until I had to take an ethics class in university (when I was studying business) and I decided to do my final project on the view of morality in Islam. When studying the religion a bit deeper I realized it was all so complete and so logical that I just knew it was the right path and the truth Alhamdulillah. After that I decided to visit a masjid.

18 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

I started reading the wikipedia article on Islam and i was fascinated...




My mom at first seemed to be ok with it, probably because she thought it was just a fad and I would get over it eventually, but when she realized I was serious about it she freaked out. She thought I was denying everything I was taught and all of the values I grew up with (My family is Mormon) so it was all very shocking to them. I remember mom bringing in mormon missionaries to try and "bring me back to their belief" but she eventually came to terms with it when she saw the positive changes in me.

To Muslims: I'd like to tell us all that we do need to try harder to live according to the teachings of the Qur'an and follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad saws because ultimately we and our actions are the flag of Islam on this earth and unfortunately in today's world what ever we do good and especially the bad will be associated with it. Also that as Muslims we should try to offer support to reverts and people interested in Islam, because it does make a difference. To non-muslims: I’d like to tell them that Islam is

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interview something worth exploring and learning about. Ultimately Allah (God) guides whom He will from which ever path He wills, but learning about something and dropping stereotypes is truly nurturing and who knows, it may change your life like it did with me.

mgm: When and why did you start your fashioN BLOG? I started my blog last year in August (yeah I know it was a bit too late) I always thought that fashion blogs were repetitive with outfit posts and that they were nothing but a place where people showed off what they bought, etc. no one really had something to say (at least not on modest fashion blog, I think) so I always held back when I thought about starting my own blog because if I was going to start a blog I had to do something I felt good with and proud of. I eventually came up with Style Modesta: A fashion and style blog for the average girl, somewhere friendly where people find advice and inspiration. I try my best to say something on each post, even if it is funny or serious I make sure it is not only about Outfit Of The Day posts, I actually take a lot of time taking the pictures myself, and writing essays on different subjects and injecting my personality and giving advice from what I know and using my fashion eduction and experience to add value to my readers. And Alhamdulillah in this short time it has done very well and I am happy about that.

mgm: When did you decide to wear the hijab? Was it hard getting used to it? I actually started wearing the hijab on and off before actually reverting, I used to love wearing it during that Ramadan when I was only learning about Islam, it came natural to me, I never found it hard. Of course I have had ups and downs, sometimes I feel like I want to take it off but then I remember that hijab is really the only thing that keeps me grounded and close to my religion on a daily basis specially given that there is no Islam around me.

mgm: How does it feel being a hijabi in a country where there are almost no hijabis at all? It is funny, weird, and sometimes uncomfortable. People stare a lot but Alhamdulillah the good thing about Colombians is that they are never rude or never discriminate, they are just curious. So people ask a lot of questions. As far as work I have found no obstacles, quite the opposite I discovered that the fashion industry in Colombia is very open to unique-

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22 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

interview ness. So it isn't all that bad for hijabis in here, unlike in France!

Follow Camilia (aka Kiki) on Instagram: kikistylemod

mgm: Why do you think modesty is important? Modesty is vital, it really sets a woman apart from all the other women who choose to show more. Modesty is that thing that says "I'm confident enough to not rely on my appearance to be important". Oh and ultimately it is also a fashion statement, when everyone is showing skin a modest woman stands out in a stylish and elegant way by keeping it covered.

mgm: And lastly what would you like to tell the mgm readers? I'd like to tell them that they should always be proud of being who they are and not make apologies for believing in something that is perfect. I'd like them to know that even when times are hard Allah will always make it easy on us in the long run and that our modesty is a treasure we have, a treasure that we can enjoy in a fashionable way!

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


express yourself

Why I Love W riting Why Y ou Sh ould T & oo by: No

uran A


Well I have been writing my whole life and by writing I don't mean school papers or other writing requirements. I mean my own reflections, journals, and poetry that I felt was really me. There is a lot I actually want to say about writing more than just an article actually I could write a novel about my writing experience however I won't have the time dedicated for that and this is a magazine so I have to keep it short and to the point. So, if I can confess the condensed version of the reasons on why I love writing and why it should be loved is because I believe that the biggest problem we face in our world is that we can't understand ourselves and we fall slaves to our thoughts. There is no bigger enemy or bigger evil then our minds because the way we think can be oppressive more than any other oppressor and no matter how physically free you are and how much education or degrees you hold a closed mind is nothing but disaster. So I strongly believe that when you free your thoughts and dig deep inside your soul you will be able to understand yourself and when you have accomplished this task then you can accomplish anything. That is why I love writing because I can do just that by writing, whether it be poetry or merely reflections on your daily life encounters.

from your soul. Creative writing is any piece of writing poetry, novel, or personal journal entries anything that is fiction or non-fiction based writing that is reflected upon or made of thoughts and contemplation's that is straight from your soul.

If you aim to be on a journey where you want to aspire and inspire then you have to write and by writing I mean you must creatively write

I hope that my short article has inspired you to write even if it’s just a few sentences everyday but as long as those sentences are creatively you then you have done something wonderful in your day.

Being an avid writer myself, I found creative writing to be a true medicine in our world that many people neglect and not think twice about its healing process and therapeutic qualities. Creative writing is communication between the souls. I might not know anything about you but when I read something you wrote that is truly from deep inside your soul I feel like our hearts have suddenly became really good friends and that is a blessing within itself.

“when you have accomplished this task then you can accomplish anything.”

24 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Finally, you don't need to be a professional writer or force yourself to become a published author (although if you do write a good piece of creative writing daily I don't see how you won't become a professional writer) but nonetheless I want to encourage you to write regardless of who you are and I will guarantee you will become a better person when you start to understand yourself through your true written whole-hear-ted piece of creative writing.


m o r P THE


August/Ramadan 2013/1434


o r P survey

I'm not going to dance with boys, that's haram. And it's not like our school holds prom anyway.

Why or why not did you go to prom?

At first I didn't want to go, but then I thought, when I get older I'm going to probably have wanted to have gone, so I bought tickets. Also because it was at the Children's Museum and all my friends were going so I thought it would be a good time. I honestly feel, in a public school setting, a girl's only prom would not be very popular considering most people who go, go because a date had asked them. But there are still many girls who go to prom stag with just friends because they want to, and so I feel there might be an ok turnout at a girl's only prom." -M.B.

ool my high sch I did attend t it now and re g re I t u b prom ollege g to attend c in o g t o n m I’ prom.

26 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

None of my Muslim friends were going. Also, I would look kinda awkward in a prom dress and hijab and cardigan. And really, if I was going, then I would go with a group of my friends, but my friends weren't going because they were Muslim. Also, it's a dance, and I wasn't going to dance in public (because I'm a Muslim girl) so I thought, well, why waste all that money on something you'll only half enjoy. It's also the environment, too. Not very Islamic (everyone's dancing and getting drunk later at the after-party) so I shouldn’t be a part of that. Maybe if my Muslim friends would have went, I would have gone with them as a group, but I'm really happy with my decision. Honestly, prom is not really that important in the grand scheme of things. Seriously

I wasn’t allowed to

m o It was the end of my college years so i went with all my college mates to say goodbye to everyone

survey We carried out a survey earlier during prom season and asked our readers to answer some questions. And here are what some of you said!

It is not an appropriate setting for Muslims. Music, dancing, gender intermingling, and drinking is not how any Muslim should spend their weekend. It can lead to engaging in haram activities.

Did you go to prom?


So I generally believe that Prom is a nice event to attend to say your goodbyes to old school friends, be able to get dressed up and have a good time. But I generally think that if it’s mixed, then it's not exactly going to be 'hijabi friendly'. As at the end of the day you'll be mixing amongst the music, dancing and opposite sex in an unlawful environment. Especially if alcohol is being served. So in my opinion I would avoid going to such an event even if it seems like everybody is doing it and you just want to 'follow the crowd' because you have to stay true to yourself and your beliefs. Just because everybody might be doing something, it doesn't make it right. You have to stand firmly by what you beyes lieve and be proud of that. -Zara no Arif


August/Ramadan 2013/1434




HIJAB? by: Aamenah Elsherif

I bet you’re wondering, “why should I wear hijab?” or “What’s the point?” Well let’s go over the basics. Hijab is something you wear to cover your outer beauty. According to Islamic laws you start wearing it when you hit puberty. It means you will cover all your body except your face and hands. You won’t wear something that describes your body, anything transparent, or anything that attracts other people’s attention, such as very bright neon colors. So it seems a bit harsh doesn’t it? But on the contrary it is a blessing. Allah who created you, knows your value and wants to protect it. Your body is like a jewel and it is your duty to know how to care for it. A lot of people say that they don’t wear hijab because they want to enjoy their lives, have all the fun they want. Well ya, that’s true. But how about all those childhood years you had? You wore the shortest short you had with a tank top and it was all okay. You had the time of your life then, and now it’s time to focus more on pleasing Allah and yet you can still enjoy life with all your girl-friends in parties, sleepovers..etc. Others may say if I wear hijab I’m basically going

28 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

o u t of fashion. On that I have to argue, because fashion is not all about showing your body or wearing shorts. Hijab doesn’t mean your clothes wont look nice anymore; you’ll find many fashion magazines that show long clothes that will work with hijab if you experiment. Skirts might not be the HOTTEST thing out there, but I assure you if you spend a day shopping for nice skirts, you will definitely find some that go well with your taste. And what about maxi dresses? Those are THE style right now! Maxis are so “in” :P Throw a cardigan on any maxi dress and there you have it, an amazing look. If you look for hijabs too, there are so many different styles and fabrics to choose from, you can pick your favorite kind/color or even mix and match! Firstly, in hijab, why shouldn’t you wear anything that describes your body? Well when we reach this age, the opposite gender is particularly..interested in girls. If you wear something tight that really describes your body you might be a view stock. Same thing with neon colors. The whole point of hijab is for a Muslim girl to remain modest. Get ready for the harshest part though. No skinnies. Skinnies, or tight pants in general, aren’t really hijab-y. Skin-


nies really describe your legs, and so do tights. I mean basically, it’s your legs with a cloth over it. That’s not covering your body the right way. Go for skirts! Maxi dresses! They all work. And if you’re in a situation that calls for wearing pants, like playing a sport or ice skating maybe, go for the wide training pants and don’t wear a really short shirt. Go on that one shopping trip that will transfer your wardrobe. If you want, you can prepare it early. I personally started wearing hijab before I had to, to get ready for what it’s gonna be like. That’s all completely up to you. Also, try to add on to your friends by finding people who assure you that you are doing the right thing and keeping your heart at peace. You can obviously keep your old friends, but try to encourage them to wear hijab as well, the right and friendly way. The best thing is, no matter how many people around you wear skinnies or show their hair, know in your heart that you are doing the right thing and in the end you will feel content in your heart and mind. Save your beauty for your family and future husband Inshallah.

August/Ramadan 2013/1434

“The whole

point of hijab is for a Muslim girl to remain modest


“And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count the favors of Allah, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very ungrateful.” -Holy Qur’an, 14:34

30 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

the magazine every Muslimah should read!

August/Ramadan 2013/1434 mini-issue #1

Ramadan in

Ginseng Country

Special e u s s I i n i M



RAMADAN August/Ramadan 2013/1434


32 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

contents 34 37 38 40 42 44 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Laylat Al-Qadr Ramadan ‘13 Du’aa Observing Ramadan in Ginseng Country Suhoor Smoothies Boy Vs Girl



Laylat Al-Qadr

...better than a thousand months

“Whoever stays up and prays on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.� -Prophet Mohamed Thus, every Muslimah should make good use of the last 10 nights of Ramadaan and spend them in prayer and remembering Allah. We do not know for certain which night Laylat al-Qadr is, but the odd-numbered nights in the last 10 days are the most likely according to the hadith: "Seek it in the odd nights of the last third of Ramadan." (Hadith - Bukhari)

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“The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Ruh (Jibrael) by Allah’s permission with all Decrees.” (97:3, 4)

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36 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Ramadan ‘13

By: Mariam Syed

For many, fasting during Ramadan in non-Muslim countries can be more challenging as we try to navigate through the requirements and recommendations of Ramadan while juggling life as it normally goes on. As a kid, when Ramadan came, I used to go to the school office or library and read until lunch was over. I would save cupcakes and snacks that were passed out from at school and bring them home for iftar. And I only went to taraweeh on Saturdaysif even that. This year, Ramadan is in the summer. But just because there isn’t any school to worry about doesn’t mean to slack off. In the words of my dad, “Free time + Ramadan = more time for remembrance of Allah.” In my household, as soon as Ramadan comes in, TV’s are switched off, music is turned down, and movies are banned. All the time usually lost in doing such activities (and you won’t believe how much time you have open) is designated for reading the Qur'an, praying, and dhikr. I’m not saying that when Ramadan comes in you have to turn off every electronic device. But try giving up one hour of TV to read the Quran instead. Instead of snuggling down to watch a movie at night with a bowl of popcorn, try going to the Masjid for Taraweeh prayers at least twice a week. Use your iPod to listen to different lectures and the Qur’an. The main thing is, Ramadan only comes once a year, so don’t let the opportunity to slip in some extra points go by. Fasting is not just the physical act of being hungry. It’s a time to practice self-restraint, a time to refocus on what our goal in life is. So guys, while Ramadan is still with us, let’s not waste these beautiful nights. Find some time to make dhikr. Make the most of the best time of the year.

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In the words of my dad, “Free time + Ramadan = more time for remembrance of Allah.”

Quick Tip

During the last ten nights of Ramadan, donate just one dollar a night. In that sense you are bound to donate on Laylatul Qadr, and you will get the reward of donating one dollar every day for 1000 months (roughly 83 years).



38 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


‫الﻠهم أﻧﻚ ﻋﻔو كﺮﱘ ﲢﺐ‬ ‫الﻌﻔو فاﻋﻒ ﻋنا‬ Aa'ishah said: "I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know which night is Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say on that night?' He said, 'Say: Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibb al-'afwa fa'affu 'anni (O Allah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me)."

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


express yourself

n a d a m a R g in v r e s Ob y r t n u o C g n e In Gins budi

m a S a y ra o S i n n o N : y B

40 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

express yourself It is July, the peak of summer season in South Korea. Temperature reaches 30°C, brightness and cloudiness are side by side. The month of sweating and it reminds me a lot of my home country. This year is my fourth Ramadan in this country; somehow I don’t really plan to take vacation to Indonesia. After years, I am keen to observe Ramadan here. Because here is where I found the deep meaning of Ramadan, in the country where Islam is a rarity. Being born as Muslim in the biggest Muslim populated Country in the world makes me take religion for granted. Ramadan is celebrated in a more simple way by Muslims in this country. Halal food is rare to find, but the ingredients are available to be cooked personally. Islam is a foreign religion here, where it is rare to see people wearing hijab. Islam was brought to South Korea by foreigners, until now each big city here has its own mosque or Islamic Center. As a foreign student, my Korean friends like to ask about my hijab, prayer or fasting. Never in my life have I thought about having to do da’wah in this very simple way, by practicing Islam. I realized that I am an ambassador of my religion. People will ask me very simple questions such as should I wear hijab in every season, or why my hijab is so colorful not merely black as what they thought it should be. Then they come to know that there’s diversity of practicing in Islam, people around me start to know Islam more not only by portraying of media. Sometimes, it also gives me a bit of sadness when some of them thought that I was being pushed to obey my religion. I wish Islam continues to get positive reviews in South Korea through simple things such as food, culture, or even a simple talk. Back in my country, the month of Ramadan is celebrated daily. I didn’t need to think hard about where to get the Halal food, because I can find it everywhere; something that I didn’t really appreciate until now. In South Korea, I can’t wait to go to the mosque every night in Ramadan; because I know how hard it is to have a decent mosque in this country, since the building cost is very high and most of us are students with low scholarship. Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT granted us with a beautiful mosque where we can perform prayers in congregations.

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Even though the sun is sizzling in summer, the working hour is not reduced, and the culture doesn’t really know Ramadan, I am very grateful that I spend my Ramadan in South Korea. The sky is blue and the rain is cooling the heat, also the Halal ingredients are ready to be cooked. I don’t really indulge in many foods because I can’t really find readily eat Halal ones. I am away from my family but get closer with the mosque. By having less, I can appreciate more. Hopefully, Ramadan in South Korea will train me into a better person, inshaaAllah.

Being born as Muslim in the biggest Muslim populated country in the world makes me take religion for granted.



SUHOOR SMOOTHIES Mango Lassi Ingredients • 1 cup chopped peeled mango • 75g peach sorbet (or crushed ice) • 70g vanilla yoghurt (or plain yoghurt) • 25ml cup pure orange juice without pulp • 1/8 teaspoon orange-flower water (optional)

Quick Tip

Directions 1. Place ingredients in the order listed in a blender. Pulse twice to chop mango, stir well, then blend until smooth. 2. Serve immediately.

Serve with chopped pistachios, whipped cream or grated bittersweet chocolate curls!

42 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Ingredients • 2 ripe bananas • 2 cups vanilla kefir • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg (too much nutmeg is 'makruh' in Shariah) • 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice • 10 ice cubes (for ultimate hydration and a more fluid smoothie)

from the

Vanilla Banana

Directions 1. Combine the kefir, bananas, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ice cubes in a blender; blend until smooth. 2. Serve immediately.

Quick Tip It may not look full of character but banana in any recipe is a strong and fruitful contender. This smoothie tends to brown after 3-5 minutes, although it doesn't affect the flavour, so add a splash of lemon juice to slow the process if not drinking immediately.

Pomegranate Smoothie Ingredients • 2 cups mixed berries or frozen berries • 1 cup of pomegranate juice {carton "fresh" is fine} • 1 small banana • 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese, or full-fat milk • 1/2 cup water

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1. Combine mixed berries, pomegranate juice, banana, cottage cheese/milk and water in a blender; blend until smooth. 2. Serve immediately.


book review

Boy Vs Girl By Na'ima B Robert Review by: Uswah Alde

Close twins Farhana and Faraz have set goals for this Ramadan to change for the better and move away from unworthy lifestyles. But with their friends in the way, it takes a lot of courage to do the right thing. I enjoyed reading this book. It has a good message that can help people rethink their steps.

44 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Hala Mohamed, a 16 year old girl along with 100+ Egyptians were killed while peacefully protesting for their rights. Keep Egypt in your du’aas.

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46 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Are you into writing articles for young girls? Into writing stories and fantasies? Do you like giving advice or perhaps talking about your personal experiences? Do you like writing poems? Yes? We need YOU! Yes, you! Fill in our (fun) application here:

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Our fellow MGM writer, Fida Islaih, is taking another step in her writing career. Before self publishing her poetry collection she has made a campaign to crowdfund it. We hope you can help our fellow writer monetary or by spreading the word. Thank you! Here is the link:

48 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


WINGS Why does my heart flutter with the slightest of things it may be because it's something beautiful Just like birds wings and butterfly wings marking the start of spring and summer. by: Fida Islaih

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50 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


From ombré, to pleated, maxi skirts are the Muslim girl’s best wear. Maxi skirts are the most chic and elegant thing a girl could wear. And if put along side the right top, blazer and accessories, it forms, simply, the perfect outfit.

ASOS Pleated Maxi £36.00

August/Ramadan 2013/1434



Pleat Retreat Pleated Peach Maxi Skirt $48


52 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Floor Brigh de Lis t Max Coral i Skir $41 t Lulus .com

Pleat Retreat Pleated Mint Blue Maxi Skirt $48

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Pleated Maxi Skirt $22.80

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Layered Ombré Maxi Skirt $27.80

Mina Pleated Maxi Skirt RRP £59.00 £35.00

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axi Skirt Baja Print M $24.80

Fold-over waist striped maxi skirt $19.99

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American in Paris Ivory City Print Maxi Skirt $50


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change the


by: Nouran Amin

58 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

advice “I want to change the world” is probably the most common phrase placed as our ambition among us youth. Why? Well because when we are young we have big dreams! Sometimes these dreams are bigger than life and in most cases unrealistic. But, we don’t see it that way because we build high hopes. I know this because I build high hopes all the time. But, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with “I want to change the world!” but, we need to understand that “I want to change the world” is not just about making a medical discovery, or starting a charity organization, or helping end discrimination. Just think about it only a few of us will be able to achieve this kind of “success” because not all of us are meant to play this role or the world will stop going round. Right?

It requires only one thing and that is your shining soul. When you offer to be a good and honest friend to a newcomer, isn't that changing the world? When you decide to smile and make someone’s day, isn't that changing the world? When you remove your stuff from the chair beside you and offer someone looking for a seat, isn't that changing the world?

“changing the world requires only one thing, and that is your shining soul”

When you ask “how is your family”, isn't that changing the world? Trust me, it was always and will always be the small things that make the biggest difference. We have to start simple to build big. We start with one brick and end up building a tower, a pyramid, all from small bricks. That tower is your shining soul that will eventually change the world.

We Muslimahs are blessed with Because as long as viruses exist so the capability of changing the will the diseases, and with poverty world we just weren't aware. So the world will never have enough charity organinow that you read this promise Allah (SWT) that you zations, and no matter how many Martin Luther will change the world but promise this time to do it Kings discrimination will never end. This is just the the right way and go and spread the word! way life is because it is life we can’t expect all good because it is no Heaven and we can’t expect all evil 229. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may because it sure isn't Hell. Allah (SWT) bless him and grant him peace, said, "A man came across a thorn in the road and said, 'I will reSo, although these are all great ways to change the move this thorn so that it does not harm a Muslim man.' world, they are however hard to reach and achieve. For that reason he was forgiven." This is not to put anyone down or crush dreams but we must rethink ways to change the world that we are now, as young Muslimahs, capable of doing. Remember that changing the world does not require a medical degree or a law degree or any other degree that makes you qualified for a “change” and doesn't even require big bucks for charity organization.

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THIS SPRING This spring is going to be‌ Better than the last, No point in living in the past Each new season is there for a reason Life keeps changing, Just keep Re-arranging. by: Haleema Bello

60 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

Have A Little

h t i a F

by: Asmaa Ehab

I was sat at my laptop, and as an editor, I should be helping decide what the issue’s theme would be. For starters, I had a terrible writer’s block, I couldn’t think of anything to write about. No inspiration. My mother was sitting next to me, browsing YouTube, when she played a video that touched my soul. It was of a man. He had all the Quran memorized. The numbers of Ayat, the numbers of Suras, the numbers of pages, the very specific line, you name it. He could read it backwards if you ask; he would translate it when you’ve asked. You could ask him any phrase and he would tell you its exact position in the Book. But no, he was no genius. He didn’t get his full marks in Maths, or Physics. As a matter of fact, he couldn’t even read or write. He wouldn’t be able to get back to his house if left alone outside. He’s barely able to put on his clothes, he needs help doing the simplest things.

to me, “You’re just lazy, Asmaa.” She’d say. The problem is not in Mechanics or the magnitude of tension in the inextensible string, because actually, it is in you to understand that. You CAN get your A* s on an exam. You can achieve everything you’re ever dreamed of, and that doesn’t necessarily mean good grades. You just need to stop being lazy, and get your acts up!

Good luck Asmaa Ehab, Editor

He is a twenty one year-old Cairo born, Hafez, and Hafez was mentally disabled. He is a true superhuman. Step aside Batman! However, if those are the capabilities of a mentally disabledman, what are those of a normal human being! This pretty much explains my teacher’s words August/Ramadan 2013/1434



u y l h d d u n e W i fr re? u c i n Ma r

yed s m a i

a by: M

62 August/Ramadan 2013/1434



ais m o r d



o I’m sure we’ve all had some sort of issue with nail polish before. You know, the whole halal haram argument over whether we can or cannot wear it all the time. There are some of us who only wear it when we’re on our period. There are also some of us who take it off to make wudu, then reapply it when we have wudu. And there are some of us who wear it almost every day. What makes normal nail polish haram to pray with is that the wudhu isn’t valid. In order for wudhu to be valid, water must touch each area that should be cleansed during ablution. This means that if an impermeable substance, such as nail polish, is applied to any of the prescribed areas that are to be washed, your wudhu will become invalid, therefore your salah will be invalid too. Recently, a Polish company, Inglot, decided to make O2M Breathable nail polish, a nail polish which they say allows water to reach your nail – therefore, allowing water to touch your nail during wudu, making it, according to some people, “halal” nail polish. Now,, we’re not writing this whether or not this nail polish is permissible to make wudu with, but just to let you know a little bit more about O2M. This nail polish allows air and moisture to pass through the nail polish and to the nail, meaning it is a permeable substance and is sufficient for wudhu. And since it’s nearly summer, they have conveniently released a Summer Collection for their O2M line! Believe it or not, Inglot didn’t make this polish with Muslim women in mind, although we make up a huge part of its customers. Its original intent was to create a nail polish that would allow water and oxygen to reach the nail, as it would be healthier for the nail. The formula to create the breathable enamel uses a polymer similar to that in the newest contact lenses. However, this expensive chemical formula reflects on the price – about $14 for a bottle of nail polish. Now, when I first heard about this nail polish, I was super excited. I really love nail polish, but I rarely put it on since it’s way too big of a pain to have to put it on and take it off every day I have to make wudu. And I don’t really like wearing when it’s that time, because then everyone and their mothers know that it’s my time of month. I have yet to try it on, since it’s so expensive, but some of my friends (those who could afford to pay $14 a bottle) have started wearing it every day, even taking it to the nail salon so they could get it

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professionally put on. However this isn’t the only wudhu-friendly nail product out there... there’s more! A new and original product is henna, but this isn’t your typical henna, these are ‘Henna Nail Stains’ by the brand ‘Oh So Halal’. These are made with the same ingredients as your average henna but come in nail polish form and range from vibrant pinks to vampy reds - there’s a colour for everyone! The wholesaler and supplier of this product have carried out practically the same test as the student in California and have concluded that their product is wudhu-friendly too! There is no official Islamic ruling as to whether or not this nail polish is permissible, so I can’t you tell if the polish is or isn’t halal, but remember, Allah (swt) knows what’s in your heart and what your true intent is.

A test by a student in California was conducted, where a regular nail polish and the O2M Nail Enamel were compared to see whether or not the product really did work. A swatch of both of the nail polishes was applied to a coffee filter, with an extra filter underneath. Once dry, drops of water were applied to each of the swatches, and pressure was applied with a finger to allow the water to be absorbed. The results? The regular nail polish would not allow the water to pass through it, but the O2M Nail Enamel had clearly let water go through as it had not only gone through the first filter but the second too, proving that it really does live up to what it states.


64 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

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THE CO2 EFFECT science corner





science corner

The lives of mankind nowadays are affected very much by environmental changes. We are all very familiar with well know degradation of environment named as “global warming”, and witness how the beginning of seasons has shifted. Also, each year we have more flooding in many parts of the world. Since industrial era, technology has advanced but it came with a high cost.

Based on the above figure issued by IPCC, the amount of pollutants released is too high compared to the amount which can be absorbed by nature, and CO2 comprised most percentage of these pollutants. CO2 acts as shield which traps the heat released by sun and prevents it from escaping. Therefore, the phenomenon is called the “greenhouse gas” effect. The chain destructions of global warming are prominent threats upon the lives of billions of people on earth. The global warming effect is continuously degrading quality of nature which slowly diminishes lives surrounding it. Flooding Narrowing

Loss of small islands

percentage of land



Poverty increases





Change of seasons

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If we see from the diagram, it is fascinating that during very short time (30-40 years), the concentration of pollutants has risen up more than double in gigatonne. Therefore, some questions must also arise, Have we become over consumptive upon materialistic things? Because production of goods is one of the most fuel consumptive processes which emits CO2. Fossil fuels which we use to run our cars is the big producer of CO2, also all the plastics that have become parts of our daily lives. Then, we come to realize how severe our attitudes in taking everything for granted, especially on what nature has provided. Al-Qur’an has given us warning in Ar-Ruum verse 41.

And how long will this last? We all hope this won’t last forever. No one is expecting the next generation to suffer because of what the previous had done. In order to prevent this, many scientists try to come to the rescue. The situation needs to be reversed, meaning that CO2 needs to be reabsorbed and stored or converted into a more valuable form. Ocean possesses great ability to do this job by dissolving CO2, and sea organisms such as corals or bivalves are converting CO2 into carbonate salts. A commercial process has mimicked the growth of coral which utilized CO2 artificially into calcium carbonate, and using the calcium carbonate as partial cement substitute. Some scientists work the other way, by reducing our dependencies on fossil fuel. Alternative energy sources are one of the keys in reducing CO2 emissions. We started to find a way to utilize nuclear, wind, storm, algae, and even solar light power. Some renewable energy forms are economically applicable, such as wind turbines, and nuclear reactors to generate electricity. Other forms of ener-


science corner gies need longer time, even decades in the case of solar light in order to commercialize it. However, we don’t have that much time until most parts of the world are seriously affected by CO2 and other pollutants. Allah SWT understands HIS creatures the most. HE knows that we will return once we’ve tasted the consequences of what we have done, as stated in Ar-Ruum 41. It is now the time for us to return in building a prosperous world. Even though we discovered many technologies to overcome the destructions caused by CO2 emissions, only commitment and persistence of humans will determine the success of them. In Al-Anfal verse 24, we are encouraged to replace maliciousness with obedience upon Allah SWT’s rules.

After knowing the seriousness, we are wondering of what we can actually do to help reduce CO2 emissions, and if it is possible by adjusting our lifestyles. First of all, maybe we can look around the kitchen, instead of using plastic cups or plates try to keep up with the glass ones, and even if we need to use the plastic ones make sure to reuse them. Dishwasher uses steam that needs electricity to generate, and electricity needs fuel. Instead, we can return to the basic way in hand washing the dishes. For shopping, you can use canvas bags instead of buying plastic or paper bags which are hard to decompose and require cutting the trees to make it. Whenever we spill water or splatter foods, tissue papers are the first things that come to our mind, it’s not necessarily true because we can actually use a cloth or towel which is washable and can be used for the same purpose. Using a car is a basic necessity in modern life, we can try to reduce it by commuting with public transportation or for short distance, use bicycle or jog instead. We may not realize how we at the same time are improving our physical health without getting trapped in

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complicated diet lifestyle. Have you thought about planting your own foods? Herbs and vegetables are very affordable for planting, and you can even make your own natural fertilizer (compost) in a bin filled with leaves, grasses, shredded paper or food scraps. You will have your own organic food garden without paying much, and at the same time absorbing CO2 on atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis You can add the benefits by varying the types of vegetable, and also planting some flowers to give more attraction to your house. For the house chores, rechargeable batteries are a great invention and help reduce electronic waste. Use the electric tools such as, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, et cmindfully to maximize their life usage. And you also can find a joy in replacing your light bulbs with lower voltage for the same quality which will cut your electricity bill at the same time Most of us may feel very difficult to change our lifestyles; however it is not a blink of an eye process. Changing old habits is a slow process but worth so much because it trains your resilience and sense of achievement. We need to start from ourselves then try to educate people around us nicely. We never know how much time is left for us to turn the situation into a better one, but in shaa Allah we are eager to be among those who are trying to prosper in this world. And most importantly, we want to belong to the group of people loved by Allah SWT in this world and hereafter.


“Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished.” -Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

August/Ramadan 2013/1434



F Healthy TW Recipes...

Eating healthy is not exactly easy, at least not for me. Healthy restaurant options are sometimes too pricy or even non-existent, so like I wrote in a previous post, sometimes it is better to just cook things yourself. However, cooking can be a little tiring and annoying at times, so quick and easy options are necessary to have. Here are three easy and quick meals I cooked this week for lunch, all under 15 mins (which is an accomplishment considering I am very slow when I cook)! You won't need anything too elaborate for any of them, just veggies and an appetite. Here they are:

from Camilia Gil’s blog:


Rice pasta & Veggies

ingredients • Rice pasta, because it is a lot healthier and better than regular wheat pasta, as you may know I try to keep wheat consumption to the minimum for health reasons. • Veggies (tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, lettuce) • Teriyaki sauce, balsamic vinegar, black pepper and olive oil.

directions Cook the rice pasta for 5 mins in water (add salt if you want only, don't recommend it though). While you cook, chop the vegetables and put them in a pot with a little bit of olive oil and start cooking them. Add pepper and teriyaki sauce to taste as you cook it, cook for as long as you cook the pasta. Once both things are ready put the lettuce on the plate, sprinkle some balsamic vinegar, place the veggies on top of the pasta, sprinkle oregano and you are done!

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ingredients • Veggies: Onions, carrots and lettuce. • Pesto sauce, balsamic vinegar, black pepper, oregano and olive oil. • And some protein (salmon)

directions Grill the salmon until you feel it is done (shouldn't take more than 10 mins to cook or even less). Aside fry the onions with pepper and olive oil. On the plate put the lettuce and carrots and add balsamic vinegar, once the onions are crunchy enough place them on the lettuce and put the salmon on top of it, add pesto sauce and sprinkle oregano and Voilá!

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Salmon & Veggies



72 August/Ramadan 2013/1434



Burgers/ Sandwiches


(this is the one recipe we cheat with a bit) • Minced Meat. • Pesto sauce, balsamic vinegar, olive oil & BBQ sauce (not a lot though). • onions, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, oregano. • Bread. • Goat cheese. • Crisps aka chips (only if you feel like cheating and eating something unhealthy lol)



August/Ramadan 2013/1434

directions Take the meat and make big burgers and cook them/ fry them with olive oil (make sure the meat is seasoned however you like it. I use salt, garlic, powder pepper and a little bit of red pepper). once they are done cut them in four equal pieces. while cooking the burgers also fry the onions and soak the lettuce in plenty of balsamic vinegar. Cut the bread in four pieces and start making mini sandwishes. Add BBQ sauce in between the bread and the rest, add the lettuce and some of the other veggies, add pesto sauce, put the meat in, add pesto sauce, add the fried onions, add the goat cheese and a bit more BBQ sauce to the top slice of bread, and you are done! See, quick simple and yummy and for the most part healthy.


express yourself


By: Mariam A

So here I was having dinner with my lovely blessed family one very fine evening at about 6 o’clock (can we pause from our story and just gaze at that word, o’clock? I mean honestly, who thought of that? How did it come to happen? Does it have origins or was it mistakenly worded by an intoxicated Latin?) when, out of thin air, the phone rings. “I will get that,” I say as I spring from my chair and head to the living room in response to the alarming sound of the landline. “This is an announcement from The amazing school of all schools (I can’t use names, girls)” a recording started as I picked up the receiver, I was genuinely concerned with this since my summer holiday has started less than a week ago and I wasn’t ready for any surprises, pleasant it be or wicked, from my school. Was it truly too much to ask? I simply wish to be left alone to my blogging and indoors life where I can lay silent for the next three months. I’m not hurting anyone or anything, except my ruined dark future, but I believe I can deal with that later on. “As a consequence to recent changes in the system which I’m sure you have all heard of, the subject your daughter has signed up for will be starting earlier than thought with its first class on the fourteenth of July, the upcoming month.” The recording continued never minding my heart break, my pain, and my misery. The recording couldn’t hear my heart shattering within my heaving chest. “Silence, you insolent creature!! You dare call me up amidst my dining to belay on me your message of hate and ignorance. How did your conscience allow you to set forth on this bloody path? To ruin other people’s lives and happiness; to bring forth sadness and kill innocence and joy from the dreaming eyes of young ones who only wished to do what they wanted and benefit the world with their creativity and ingenuity, qualities that they may be stripped of when they leap into the ugly reality that you call adulthood. However, my liege, I will not let you kill

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my spirit. My soul shall live on and rise above your intricate corrupted system made to enslave thoughts of children and…” I pause my angry righteous rambling for a few breaths, “and why exactly…” I continue with a quieter tone of apprehension, “why has the recording stopped midsentence when I started to speak?” “Well, Miss Mariam, with your powerful debating strategies I believe you should most certainly run for office. Perhaps you may prepare your speech at 6 in the morning next month as you get dressed for your class. Tardiness will not be tolerated.” The vice-principal answers in a calm tone bathed in sarcasm, mocking my situation. Tardiness will not be tolerated in the middle of my summer vacation at 8 in the freaking morning. While I’m fasting in Ramadan. Do you think it will be cheaper to demolish the place or just buy it out? Maybe I will start an uprising and revolutionize the system. Who knows what my bright future holds!

I was genuinely concerned with this since my summer holiday has started less than a week ago and I wasn’t ready for any surprises, pleasant it be or wicked, from my school.

The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah. Whoever embarks upon it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned. -Imam Malik

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


fun stuff

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This is a story about four people named Everbody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everbody blaming Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Gotta Share: The Musical - ImprovEverywhere


Laylatul Qadr song -Native Deen

Follow MGM on Instagram (muslimahgirlmag) and visit our website that just got a brand new look! Send us pictures that made you LOL on our fb page, twitter or email! :D

76 August/Ramadan 2013/1434

book review

By: Veronica Roth

Review by: Asmaa Ehab If you’ve enjoyed The Hunger Games, you’ll probably like this one. Is it the best way of living to divide the people into factions? Where one choice can transform you? That you can be either

A Friendship Promise By: Ruby Moore

Review by: Uswah Alade Maryam and her best friend Latifah are trying to find similarities with Samira, a girl whose parents had recently divorced. Maryam’s family has to break some of

their strict rules to help the family convert into Islam. But when Samira convinces Maryam to make some bad decisions, Maryam realizes she has gone too far. This is a great book that can make you think about the questions like “Who am I?” or “What do I stand for?”

Coffeehouse Angel By: Suzanne Selfors

Review by: Uswah Alde Katrina works in her grandmother’s coffee shop which hasn’t been getting many costumers lately because of Mr. Darling’s Java Hut coffee shop which

August/Ramadan 2013/1434

selfless, brave, honest, smart, or kind, and never all the above? No, that’s not allowed because it would mean you’re divergent. And that states that your fate is death. I would highly recommend the story of Tris Prior, the girl who did not choose faction before blood.

opened next door. Katrina has been fighting with his daughter for years. On top of all this, a random act of kindness leads to meeting a guardian angel who wont leave her alone until she is given her greatest desire. This book shows that even if something changes your life, you should move on. I really liked it and you will too!


My companions are like the STARS; whoever among them you use for guidance, you will be rightly guided. ‫أصحابي كالنجوم‬ ‫فبأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم‬

78 August/Ramadan 2013/1434


Take account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed.

-Omar Ibn El Khattab

August/Ramadan 2013/1434


connect with MGM!

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