Mustang Media Group
WELCOME HOME, MUSTANGS! This fall, Cal Poly welcomes and invites you to begin a very special journey — one that perhaps carries even greater excitement and emotion this year as we navigate the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic. We are pleased to have our students once again fill our campus and call Cal Poly home. And we are happy to announce that the vast majority of classes are being held in person, along with a number of online courses to accommodate those campus community members who are better served remotely. We are prepared to welcome you to campus for the full Cal Poly experience, while keeping the health and safety of each and every campus community member top of mind. University Housing plans to be occupied at nearly full capacity, the Rec Center is open, and our campus venues and services are ready to serve you.
We are pleased to have our students once again fill our campus and call Cal Poly home. There will of course be some members of our campus community who, for a variety of reasons, cannot yet return to ordinary campus life. No matter where you begin the year, we look forward to your contributions as a Mustang, and we ask that everyone extend grace and flexibility to each other as we all figure out what is normal and feasible for us all. Again, I want to welcome you to Cal Poly and thank you for all of the hard work you’ve undertaken and the personal sacrifices you’ve made to get here. I look
forward to meeting you, and I can assure you that our faculty and staff are anxious to begin this journey along with you. Your success is our success, because we are more than a physical campus — we are a community. We are your extended family wherever or whatever your current situation. We are Cal Poly. Welcome home, Mustangs! JEFF ARMSTRONG, PRESIDENT