Africa Mining Insight Jan-Feb 2021

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Africa’s Own Mining Journal January - February 2021 > Issue 6 . Vol #3

Solving The Challenges Of Mining Communications Pg07

Advanced Technology RespondingTo Industry Demands Pg16

Lubrication Solutions to Wear Rate Reduction Pg32







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HORIZONTAL LINEAR MOTION SCREENS VIBRATING MECHANISMS The screens are excited by twin under and over Uras out of balance motors for ease of installation and maintenance. This type of arrangement is easier to maintain due to the elimination of daily greasing of bearings and labyrinths.

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Editor’s Note

Africa’s Own Mining Journal January - February 2021 > Issue 6 . Vol #3

Solving The Challenges Of Mining Communications Pg07

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this edi on of our magazine which is produced with you in our minds. It is your readership which compels us to do our very best to meet your expecta ons. Great care and research has been taken to ensure that a quality product is brought for your reading pleasure. In this issue we feature different companies and their products, all in an effort to point you to where you can find them.

Advanced Technology RespondingTo Industry Demands Pg16

Lubrication Solutions to Wear Rate Reduction Pg32








Editor Goodwill Sibanda Writer Kennedy Chamu Sales Rodney Ncube Lenox Chirimuta Cleopas Moyo Amanda Dube Gerald Black Design and Layout Peter Johnson Accounts Sharon Moyo Subscription Thatho Ndlovu Subscrip General Call: +27 84 744 4593 +27 79 499 2268

In this note I will talk of the use of explosives in mining. Explosives play a very great role in mining as a result I felt it was needful for me to discuss this area .Explosives are used in underground mining and surface hardcore quarrying opera ons. Besides playing a very important role explosives are also very dangerous and if not handled with great care can cause grave damage. I am sure we all aware of what damage a s ck of dynamite can cause. This then calls for safety measures to be observed when handling explosives. Most mines use dynamite in breaking rock under ground in order to extract mineral ore and open up sha s and new tunnels. In proper regulated mines people who use explosive are licensed to carry out blas ng. These are trained experts who specialize in the use of explosives. A er assessing the area to be blasted these experts examine the ground stability, the type of rock to be blasted and the an cipated explosion. They also assess public risk. That is they ensure that the public is not going to suffer damage both to property and persons. There are strict controls on who can be involved in the transport, storage and use of explosives and explosive products. A qualified sho irst is always required to undertake blas ng opera ons. This is in line with safety measures of many countries. Before undertaking blas ng opera ons in a mine all the people working underground are warned of the impending opera on and ordered to leave the sec on to be blasted. In most mines a whistle is blown to warn the miners to leave the area and go to safe areas. Nowadays a siren is sounded for a period of two minutes for the same purpose. Only a er the place is declared clear can the set explosives be detonated. They are three types of explosives used in mining and these are mechanical, nuclear and chemical. Mechanical explosives depend on physical reac on to set them off. One of the most common explosives used in mining is TNT trinitroluene. This is a very high explosive chemical which is used in place of dynamite. Mining ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) is also used in blas ng. It is a mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel oil .It is cheap to manufacture, transport and store. Dynamite is the favourate of most miners and road contractors. It is portable and easy to use. With a lot of ar sanal mines, dynamite has found itself in the hands of unlicensed people. Again the way this explosive is stored by the same people exposes them to great risk. There are so many incidents which have been reported of people who had lost their lives and property damaged due to improper handling of this explosive. There are strict laws in all countries on the acquisi on of explosives and how they should be stored in an effort to safe guard the public. Explosives should be kept under lock and key in magazines. These are located away from the main mine complex. The area surrounding the magazine is cleared of grass to act as a fire guard in the event of fire. High or bullet sensi ve explosives that can detonate are stored in the magazine. A security guard should be posted at site at all mes to prevent break ins and the . An inventory of the explosives in stock should be kept and maintained by a mine employee entrusted with that responsibility. This ensures that every explosive used is accounted for and that no explosives are used without the knowledge of management. Unfortunately explosives s ll find their way into the hands of people who are not licensed increasing the risk of danger to the public. Un l our next edi on enjoy your reading. Best regards Goodwill Sibanda

Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: - Africa Mining Insight welcomes material submi ed for publica on but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica on are not considered those of the publisher, which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica on, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.












Escape Chutes For Mobile Mining Equipment p24













Tracks and drive sprockets for mining p30

Lubrication Solutions p32



Water management in dredge mining p34


Mining- Solutions

Talpa Sonic Drilling Products and ROVD Group present a brand-new Sonic drilling head to the market Why us? · Sonic drilling head can be mounted on almost all exis ng sonic drilling rigs · Sonic drilling head is easy to maintain · No expensive extra water swivel needed · Always a spare head on stock · Inhouse build drilling rig will be available soon · The service we and our partners provide for you · We also can provide you with an easy to use casing handling system Who we are? Kirschenhofer Maschinen GmbH from Germany together with Talpa Sonic Drilling Products from the Netherlands developed a What is Sonic drilling?

Why for mining?

Sonic is an advanced form of drilling that uses

· High quality soil samples

high frequency resonance energy that is

· Good drilling results in almost all

generated in the Sonic head to drive a drilling string into geological forma ons. During

forma ons (also mixed forma ons) · Drilling speed especially in difficult and

drilling the resonance energy with high

mixed forma ons, compared to other

frequencies is transmi ed to the drill surface

drilling techniques

via the drill string. By simultaneously rota ng

· Less drilling wastes

the drill string, energy and impact are evenly

· Less contamina on of the drilling sample

distributed over the drilling surface. This

maintain and highly reliable. This new head is built inhouse by Kirschenhofer Maschinen GmbH. This made in Germany Sonic drilling head is sold all around the world exclusively by Talpa Sonic Drilling Products and ROVD Group. TALPA Sonic Drilling Products specialises in the delivery of, but not only, sonic drilling goods in the broadest sense. Inhouse we

special combina on of energy blow, ensures

have more than 20 years of experience in

that almost all forma ons can be drilled in

Sonic drilling.

(from clay, gravel and sand to rock) with

( )

maximum produc vity.

ROVD is an end to end industrial automa on company, specialising in the design and

Why Sonic drilling?

manufacture of engineering solu ons.

The high vibra on ensures minimal

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disturbance of the sample due to the physical law of iner a. The mass of the sample simply does not have the me to react to the vibra ons of the sampling casing. Our Sonic drill head can even vibrate up to 160 Hertz. This means that the drill string moves up and down 160 mes per second, and the drill bit will hit the forma on 160 mes a second and will also rotate at the same me.


totally new Rotosonic head that is easy to


Solving the challenges of mining communications Modern mine operators are increasingly recognizing the need for technologically advanced communica on systems for both worker safety and opera onal efficiency. Keeping workers connected and informed is key to a safe and efficient workplace and communica ons play a vital role in ensuring opera onal coordina on. We have asked Regional Director Carsten Laursen and Regional Sales Director Stuart Will from DAMM Cellular Systems how their communica on solu ons conform to these requirements. Fail-safe voice and data communica ons Why should mining companies consider a DAMM radio communica on solu on? “DAMM fully understands the cri cal importance of fail-safe voice and data communica ons. We specialise in providing equipment perfectly suited to the remote, harsh environments and severe working condi ons of mining opera ons. Our solu ons provide crucial communica ons integra on between the mining site, rail and port opera ons and centralised administra on, enhancing both efficiency and the safety of personnel,” says Carsten. When communica on systems fail, mining companies have to stop opera ons, which costs millions a day. The decentralized architecture of the DAMM system combined with a fully redundant setup prevent down me, even if the network is hit by lightning. Along with high availability, DAMM's system includes a wide range of other safetyenhancing features, including clear voice

Carsten Laursen Regional Director

quality even in noisy environments, emergency calls, man-down func onality,

Easy to deploy, move and maintain

geo-loca on services, mul ple pre-emp ve

How are DAMM's products specifically useful

and low temperatures. Their compact design

calls, broadcast messaging alerts and direct

for the mining sector?

and low weight make them easy to mount

alarm dispatch to emergency units.

environments from high heat and dust to rain

“Our IP65-protected outdoor base sta ons

directly in masts, providing coverage for the

are built for remote areas, harsh

en re mining site. In addi on, their design


Solving the challenges of mining communica ons

makes them suitable for portable deployment, e.g. on trailers that can be moved to adapt to changing mining loca ons or along haul roads. Thanks to the simple and self-configuring setup, you can quickly and seamlessly expand your system when needed,” Stuart explains. Breakthrough TCO and proven success What makes DAMM's products especially suitable for the African region? “Not only are our products built for harsh environments and for improving opera onal efficiency and safety. We are commi ed to offering solu ons that ensure low CAPEX and OPEX. One of the key features of our outdoor base sta ons is their cost efficiency. The low power consump on saves on electricity costs and even allows a completely solar-powered solu on providing portability saving costs every day. In addi on, the base sta ons are designed with passive cooling, which means there is no addi onal cooling systems requiring a power source, maintenance, or repair – indeed low maintenance is a key trait of our products. Our system is not only cost-efficient when it comes to purchasing and opera ng it. Due to the high reliability, you are also guaranteed a minimum of costly down me with opera ons coming to a stands ll,” says Carsten. Stuart adds, “We have many years of experience in providing costeffec ve solu ons to major players within the mining industry around the world and have delivered systems for huge opera ons run by Rio Tinto, BHP, Glencore and Fortescue Metals Group (Australia), New Gold (Canada) and BUMA (Indonesia) to name but a few. We therefore have the know-how and the exper se needed to support similar large-scale opera ons in Africa.” About DAMM With its nearly 40 years in the industry, DAMM is a well-established name within TETRA radio communica on and has built up extensive experience in delivering products that can endure the harsh environments that characterise the mining industry. DAMM's TetraFlex® solu on is 100% IP-based and comes with complete outdoor and/or indoor base sta ons and comprehensive features as well as integrated so ware such as network management, voice and data recording and full dispatch applica ons. To learn more about our products and solu ons and how we can help you, please contact Carsten Laursen Regional Director Stuart Will Regional Sales Director Stuart Will Regional Sales Director


Mining- Machinery

Sweeper Product Development

Deon Van Rensburg from Palomino Plant SA

Following this approach, we were able to

test as we fly'”. – David Giger, a SpaceX

(Pty) Ltd, approached ETT in 2014 to develop

quickly release a working, yet imperfect


a high performance mine haul road sweeper

version of the prototype sweeper.

The Ultra Sweeper became the world's

intended to deliver a significant step up in

Following 12 months of tes ng and itera ve

highest performance off-road sweeper ,

performance and safety to the process of

upgrades, a second prototype was built. The

however a series of components failures

mine haul road sweeping.

second prototype had a range of upgrades

affected reliability of the brush head drive

The process was ini ated with the placement

developed by repeatedly go through

and trimming system .

of an order for a prototype unit based on a

planning, design, manufacture, tes ng and

The lessons learned from early failures were

Bell 25mT Ar culated Dump Truck.

evalua on phases to rework the product and

used to develop the final itera on of a 6.0m

It was decided to proceed with the

new func onality.

brush head and trimming system, which in

development process of this prototype by

Frequent releases of these upgrades allowed

turn became a part of the 620 Sweeper.

means of the Itera ve product development

us to collect feedback and improve the

The 620 sweepers were developed as a high

model where a prototype is designed,

product to meet all requirements.

power accelerated test bed for the 6.0 m

constructed and out into service, and

“We weren't just going to sit there and

Brush Head System.

development takes the form of frequents and

analyse something for years and years and

This need arose from the situa on that the

incremental improvement that would be

years and years to the nth degree. SpaceX

mine sites that the Ultra Sweeper was being

implemented during the tes ng cycle.

was built on 'test, test, test, test, test.' We

tested on were extremely difficult to access in


Sweeper Product Development

order to do proper system monitoring and


manufactured with several upgrades, and

product op misa on, an essen al part of the

The 620 Sweeper maiden launch was a

were commissioning in March 2020. All three

product development cycle.

tremendous success with the prototype

machines are now in con nuous opera on.

The 620 Sweeper was constructed with the

exceeding performance expecta ons by a

The rela vely rapid development of the third

assistance of a large global mining company,

large margin. The 620 Sweeper is integrated

prototype would've been impossible without

First Quantum Minerals. A long term

to a Volvo A40 because First Quantum Mining

employing the itera ve development process.

technical rela onship with this mining

happened to have several A40's available.

The latest two units that are in opera on at

company, enabled a workable opera ng

It was agreed with First Quantum to put two

First Quantum Mines in Zambia are again

arrangement to be put in place where, within

more prototypes on test, where First

exceeding performance expecta ons and

the bounds of the mine regula ons,

Quantum would provide the Volvo A40

have proven to be reliable .

engineers could have free access to the test

Power Heads. These units were



A.N. Solutions Enables Smart Mining Applications with Reliable Wireless Connectivity

Smart Sensors Improve Efficiency and Cut Costs The mining industry has come a long way from pickaxes and shovels to sophis cated machines and tools. Yet another revolu on is sweeping the industry. Powered by wireless sensor technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) brings connec vity to every piece of equipment in the field while offering significant benefits, from enhanced safety to cost reduc on and increased efficiency. Whether it's an underground or a surface mine, the miners' safety is of paramount importance. Methane gas buildup may cause an explosion. Contaminated dust and vola le organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic and pose a significant health hazard. Machine operator's fa gue can cause an accident. By keeping a watchful eye on air quality and worker's vital signs, wireless sensor devices spring into ac on when cri cal condi ons are detected. They help prevent accidents and

save lives 24/7. Mining opera ons require a lot of sophis cated tools and equipment. Open-pit mining requires a fleet of dump trucks and earth-moving equipment. Every mechanical failure results in costly down me and may affect many other links in the produc on chain, snowballing the losses. Smart connec vity allows a company to diagnose each vehicle's health remotely, and schedule maintenance proac vely. Vehicle usage can be op mized by tracking and analyzing its performance. Ground subsidence and erosion are extremely dangerous while being everpresent in open-cast mining. By detec ng minute shi s, lt sensors monitor ground subsidence and provide advance warning. It is also important that the dump trucks do not get overloaded. Wheel load scales help ensure that the truck load is within the acceptable range. Fi ed with radio


transmi ers, they relay real- me data to the opera ons control center. How Sensor Network Operates Mines use a wide variety of sensors that measure all kinds of parameters, from temperature and humidity to lt and accelera on. However, all this valuable sensor data needs to be harvested and transmi ed, o en in real- me, so that it can be analyzed and visualized, and ac ons can be taken in a mely manner. Wireless technologies hold the key to solving this challenge. Each sensor node is equipped with a ny radio transceiver and antenna. An embedded microcontroller is its “brains.” So ware determines the mode of opera on of a sensor node and the frequency of data transmission. A sensor node can serve as a pure monitoring device or when equipped by an actuator, will perform a control func on.

A.N. Solu ons Enables Smart Mining Applica ons with Reliable Wireless Connec vity

Ba ery-powered sensor nodes can operate autonomously for years and are easily fi ed even into the most hard-to-reach loca ons. They offer the ul mate flexibility in the network configura on. Wireless Solu ons that Work Reliably A.N. Solu ons specializes in developing reliable and rugged wireless sensing solu ons that work in the environments that are most “unfriendly” to a radio signal, from trains to industrial equipment to mines. A.N. Solu ons has been building ATEX compliant solu ons and designs capable of opera ng in the -85°C to 145°C temperature range, which far exceeds IP67 requirements. With a large por olio of reference designs from different industries, A.N. Solu ons can create a futureproof system quickly and cost-effec vely. The recent prolifera on of wireless standards makes it difficult to select the one that best fits the applica on. A.N. Solu ons will help you select the wireless protocols and components spanning 169MHz up to 5.2GHz radio spectrum to achieve an op mum range vs. signal strength, ba ery life, and important characteris cs, according to your requirements. So ware fine-tuning is important for a secure and efficient sensor data acquisi on and storage process, as well as ba ery life. Antenna design is a cri cal factor for reliable data transmission. Long ba ery life is the key to smooth opera ons,

and A.N. Solu ons has mastered different ba ery technologies, including industrialgrade rechargeable cells, and more. Many mines have wired or wireless legacy systems in place. Replacing them completely is prohibi vely expensive. A.N. Solu ons' experts will be able to seamlessly integrate a new wireless network with the legacy system, and combine the data collected. A.N. Solu ons offers comprehensive expert services for every stage of wireless product development - from a thorough review of the current architecture and the need assessment to mapping out a migra on plan and crea ng a proof of concept. Combining in-depth knowledge of wireless protocols, such as IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee, 6LowPAN, and LoRa, and their compa bility, with all aspects of connec vity and device management, network security, and sensor data acquisi on, A.N. Solu ons experts will provide step-by-step guidance.

● Extensive partner ecosystem of industry leading vendors and service providers, incl. Bosch Sensortec, Microchip, Nordic, Qorvo, Sensirion, and more; ● Flexible engagement op ons and support packages; ● Uncompromising “Made in Germany” quality. Explore our IoT solu ons and contact our engineers at Thomas Lerm, Founder & CEO Tel: +49 351 30900 195

The advantages of working with A.N. Solu ons are many: ● In-depth exper se in all facets of IoT design; ● Its own product line of rugged IoT components; ● Rapid prototyping using 3D modeling; ● Safety and compliance cer fica on assistance;


Mining- Solutions

Kuphela Environmental Solutions

Kuphela was established by Industr y

Products, Services and Equipment, the

quality improvements in mind. This forms the

Specialists wan ng to consolidate a range on

strategy is to offer sustainable, inclusive and

basis of everything we do and offer.

relevant exper se into a single offering.

environmentally improving solu ons to

Products and Services offered can be

The Company and its Partners bring a wealth of

communi es and clients. This allows flexible

consolidated into one offering, or as individual,

knowledge, in excess of 100 years combined, to

models offered for a range of needs in different

stand – alone offers to our clients. The range of

Opencast Mining, Drilling & Blas ng, Dust

Industries and Countries.

Suppression, Haul Road Construc on & Maintenance, Products, Equipment Supply,

Model 1: Direct Product & Services offered to

New Processes, Products or Services to be

Infrastructure Development, Environmental


included in the current Value Chain, making

Consul ng & Services, Fuels & Lubricants,

Model 2: Local En

Training Solu ons and Various Measuring

Support, Skills Transfer & Training

approach towards our clients and

Products & Capabili es.

Model 3: Consul ng Based approach, offering

shareholders. As per above, single en

Kuphela head office is based in South Africa,

best prac ces, services and products and

form part of this Value Chain, or different

procedural/opera onal guidance to exis ng


with en

es in the Nothern Cape, Kuphela

Environmental NC PTY(Ltd); and in Namibia,

es Empowerment through


Kuphela Environmental Namibia PTY(Ltd); and

Kuphela a Flexible En ty and Pro – Ac ve in our es can

es can be included, making the

empowerment catchment size wider and more inclusive for communi es where we operate.

i n B o t swa n a , Ku p h e l a E nv i ro n m e nta l

Kuphela would like to create sustainable

Kuphela also embraces 4IR through various

Botswana PTY(Ltd). All companies are 51%

opportuni es, products and services with the

products and services offered, which is new

Locally Owned.

goal of safety, health, environmental and

and relevant to the ever-changing Industry,

Through these partnerships with Leaders in


Products & Services offered through our strategic alliances allows for Innova ve and

Kuphela Environmental Solu ons

Communi es and Environment we operate in Some of our key offerings include the following: Haul Road Maintenance and Dust Suppression. A wide range of products and services available, depending on customer needs and requirements Equipment Rental. Mining Equipment (Load, haul & dump), Secondary Equipment (Water Bowsers, Graders) and Construc on Equipment (Excavators, TLB's) and Specialized Sweeping Equipment (Sweepers, Vacuum assisted sweepers) available as stand – alone offering or as part of a different value – offering to clients Environmental Services. Through our Partners this includes a range of conven onal plus other services, like mine closures, mining licenses, tailings treatment and management, water treatment, etc. Training Solu ons. Through Kuphela's 3 – Tier approach, we train and license employees, client employees and community members. Through this accredited training offered, people skills are increased, and opportuni es are created to allow our employees and our people to become skilled and employable in various industries. Entrepreneurship. Through our skills transfer and inclusive approach, we strive to create Entrepreneurs interested in a wide range of services and products. Through this we would like to assist in crea ng sustainable and profitable en

es throughout the countries and areas we operate

in, by offering trusted and proven products and services to offer to clients and businesses.



Advanced Technology Responding To Industry Demands

Fiber reinforced concrete consists of a

seek technology that will help solve the

versa le construc on material, yet it is also

concrete mixture that is reinforced with

inherent flaws in concrete and tradi onal

beset with several drawbacks that are

dispersed, randomly oriented fibers.

reinforcement.Ultra-Fiber is one of those

inherent to its composi on. By generally

Engineers, architects, owners, specifiers and

innova ve products, and its popularity is

accepted engineering standards, concrete is

concrete contractors are increasingly turning

quickly gaining trac on worldwide. It is made

rela vely bri le and lacks flexural strength.

to the use of fibers as a means of reinforcing

using a 100% virgin polypropylene fibre of

Concrete also has the propensity to crack in

their concrete, making fiber reinforced

0.85mm diameter, with a con nuous

both its plas c (early-age) and hardened

concrete one of the fastest-growing segments

deformed profile. Its “X” shape anchorage is

(long-term) state. In either case, these cracks

in the concrete industry.

specifically designed for shotcrete, normal

can jeopardize the overall integrity of the

There are s ll the tradi onal methods of

pouring methods, mining, tunnelling and

concrete and not allow it to maintain its

concrete reinforcement using steel

various other applica ons as opposed to the

maximum performance capability.

reinforcing bars and weld mesh – however

conven onal rebar or welded mesh.

Ultra Fiber reinforcement stands out from

there are other op ons which are to ac vely

Concrete is widely recognized as a cheap and

other reinforcing products through its ability


Advanced Technology Responding To Industry Demands

to make concrete more pliable, and therefore

are added directly to the concrete matrix and

construc on call for new building materials.

it offers ul mate flexibility in the design and

evenly distributed throughout. The result is

Due to the enhanced performances and

construc on process. Working with fiber

an advanced, mul -dimensional

effec ve cost-benefit ra o, the use of

reinforcement not only means less steel, but

reinforcement system that can be placed

polypropylene fibers is o en recommended

it also eliminates and reduces the labour-

quickly, accurately, and safely

for concrete structures

intensive process of steel fixing. Ultra Fibers

Innova ons in engineering design and


Mining- Solutions

Bulk density

Bulk density is a basic parameter for the

value for power and structural design. One of

par cularly sensi ve to wet condi ons,

design of solids handling equipment, but

the most important features of the bulk

especially close to the region of satura on.

rarely has a specific value. It can vary with

density values is their correla on with flow

Circumstances that can have a major

par cle size, compac on and moisture

condi on. A shown by Jenike, (1), the way

influence are moisture migra on and

content, amongst other things, so the

that the 'flowability' changes with bulk

ambient condi ons, such as rain and

measurement chosen should reflect its

density is a key feature of hopper design and

temperature changes,

composi on, the relevant circumstances of

a Horslev surface, (2),

the applica on and the purpose for which it is to be used. In general, a low value should

Indicates how this changes with stress condi ons. Damp and wet materials are

be used for storage calcula ons and a high


The actual value may well vary at origin and change in its route through origin to comple on of an applica on, so the range of

Bulk density

appropriate values should be considered. The

large projects, then it is likely that there will


size of the container used to measure bulk

be many more that do not see the public light

1 Jenike.A.W. 'Storage and flow of solids'

density should reflects the par cle size of the

of day. With and applica on or project

Bul.123 Vol. 53. No. 26. Nov.1964

media as wall effect influences the par cle

involving bulk handling it would be a wise

packing structure near the contact surface.

precau ons to conduct a flow audit by an

Descrip ons such as 'loose poured', 'se led'

experienced person.

and 'compacted' are widely used, but the


stress condi ons that apply in these circumstances can vary widely according to the rate of feed, velocity of impact, scale and design of storage container, vibra on,

ASTM D6683 – 08

2 Horslev.M.J 'Time lag and soil permeability in ground water observa ons' Waterways Exp, Stn. U<S.Corps. of Engs. Vicksburg.April 1951.

Standard Test for

Measuring Bulk Density Values of Powders

3 Merrow.E.W. 'Understanding cost growth

and Other Bulk Solids as Func on of

and performance shor alls in Pioneering

Compressive Stress

process plants'. Rand report. 1981

moisture, ambient condi ons and the like. Data base values can give a rough guide, but should be treated with great cau on as the detailed stress circumstances are rarely given.

ASTM D7481 – 09

Standard Test Methods

for Determining Loose and Tapped Bulk Densi es of Powders using a Graduated Cylinder

The bulk solids industry has a rather dismal history of performance efficiency compared with plants that handle liquids and gasses, (3), (4). A rela vely recent expensive failure, (5), suggests that if problems can s ll arise on

4 Merrow.E.W. 'Linking R & D problems experienced in solids processing' Rand report 1984

BS EN 1097-3:1998 Tests for mechanical and

5 Wellwood.G.A 'Bulk solids handling – A

physical proper es of aggregates.

chemical engineers perspec ve'. Jenike &

Determina on of loose bulk density and

Johanson Pty.Belmont. Aus.



Mining- Pumps

The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic & environmental wastewater lift stations


Mining- Solutions

Desalination Membranes

Persistent groundwater quality issues as a

adapted on a grand-scale for desalina on

several decades. Membrane filtra on involves

result of human ac vi es have increased

opera ons. The most commonly u lized

the removal of contaminants with highly

concerns of freshwater produc on. Excessive

membrane elements are manufactured from

efficient separa on performance and excellent

use of natural sources of freshwater, such as

popular brands in the water treatment

water treatment capabili es.

rivers, lakes, wells, and springs, as well as

industry. Dupont/DOW Filmtec, Hydranau cs,

pollu on has exacerbated groundwater quality

Toray, and Lanxess have remained as the

problems in many parts of the world. In recent

leading distributors of high quality

mes, reverse osmosis membranes have been

desalina on membranes throughout the last

Membrane filtra on works by incorpora ng layers of semi-permeable membranes in the reverse osmosis system which acts as a barrier to incoming polluted water, permi ng only


Desalina on Membranes

par cular ma er through the ny pores of the

offered by our seawater reverse osmosis

membrane. This process results in the

membranes include:

separa on of these impuri es from the water flowing through the membrane layers, and being le behind in the concentrated side of the RO system, and the purified water residing

Maximized permeate flow rate

99.7% (or more) salt rejec on

92% (or more) boron rejec on

Low volume of membrane fouling

Great suitability for pH cleaning

Minimal energy usage

on the other. Water treatment applica ons that face issues Pure Aqua Desalina on Membrane Elements The seawater desalina on membranes supplied from Pure Aqua can be a ained in sizes ranging from 2.5” to 8” element, and provide unmatched produc vity, salt rejec on, and produc on of purified water. These desalina on membranes are designed to accommodate a wide range of seawater

Desalina on Membrane Features ● ● ●

Averts impact damages during opera ons

Improves efficiency of RO systems at low pressures

Suitable for small to large sized desalina on plants

● ●

need for these desalina on membranes. When used alongside with standardized pre-

Op mal for challenging feedwater condi ons

of extremely high concentra ons of total dissolved solids (TDS) and salt levels develop a

Low poten al of par cle trappings due to spacer design

Maximized resistance to chemicals Converts seawater into fresh, purified water

No requirement of post-treatment

treatment systems, any occurrence of membrane fouling is nullified, including extensive high performance between cleanings.

applica ons with various temperatures that require high pressure and reliable performance. Other important benefits


Mining- Solutions

Escape Chutes For Mobile Mining Equipment

Escape Chute Systems has been

efficient means of evacua ng a trapped

and dependent on the evacua ng height

designing, manufacturing and supplying

mining machine operator from the

the chute user will be safely at ground

ver cal escape chutes for mobile mining

operator's pla orm. The sole object of applying a Ver cal

truck in under five (5) seconds and ten

Escape Chute to any mobile mining

(10) seconds from larger mining shovels,

different methods of emergency egress,

equipment is to evacuate the machine

total evacua on me being between ten

however the main model which was originally developed was “Model No 101”

operator with speed and safety. “Model No 101” can deploy the chute in

and sixteen (10-16) seconds. The system can be deployed and used in

which remains the most prac cal and

approximately five (5) to six (6) seconds,

excess of a hundred mes.

equipment since February 2002. In that me we have developed many


level and walking away from the mining

Escape Chutes For Mobile Mining Equipment

“Model No 101” is bolted to the side of the operator's pla orm having removed approximately one meter of hand-railing. Installa on takes approximately five to six hours by two trades persons using standard welding/cu ng equipment, and hand tools, a li ing device will be required to li the 185kg system into

Stored & Deployed with Chute

posi on. As with any lifesaving equipment it will require annual inspec on by an authorized company or trained and authorized mine maintenance person, me taken is approximately 1 to 2 hours, during which it is recommended that two dust seals be replaced every me, irrespec ve of condi on, these two seals reduce the amount of dust that could enter the chute storage area. Life expectancy of the system is approximately fi een years (15) dependent on local atmospheric condi ons.


Mining- Solutions

ILMEG Dry Rock Drilling Dust Control Solutions


ILMEG Dry Rock Drilling Dust Control Solu ons

Mining- Solutions


The mining industry and mineral

percussion and/or rotary drilling to

resource the mine and have an expected

explora on involves drilling to discover

produce rock chips and samples of core for

life span. In addi on to the mineralogy

subsurface condi ons. Over the years,

evalua on by the geological team and

informa on gathered, significant

there has been many advances in drilling

geological informa on is also collected

technologies and techniques in the various

mining engineers. Drilling is used to obtain detailed

which allows the mining engineers to

sectors; however, in the mining sector

subsurface informa on. This allows the

effec vely build the mining model to

there have been no significant advances.

mine to gather sufficient data on

ensure the safety of the mine and all of its

Generally, mineral explora on involves

mineralogy in the rock forma ons to

employees and contractors.


Reverse Circula on Drilling

There are three primary techniques that

drill string behind the bit. The air and

cu ng from the hole, advancing the hole

can be used for mineral explora on.

cu ngs are forced across the face of the

Selec ng the appropriate technique will

bit and back up inside of the inner tube

depth efficiently. GeoGroup has a fleet of three Super Rock

depend on several factors including cost,

which is sealed using O-rings and seated in

1000 percussive drills which are used to

the environment, type of equipment

the outer tube using a circlip. From there,

provide their clients with the various

required, and the skill and knowledge of

the air and cu ngs travel back to the

informa on they may require. These are

those involved. We will focus on Reverse

surface out to the top of the rotary head

mounted to Samil 6×6 carriers to ensure

Circula on Air Percussion drilling. Reverse circula on drilling is more

through a deflector elbow along a

any terrain or site condi ons can be met

discharge hose to the cyclone. At the face

expensive than rotary air blas ng. It also

of the bit, the air is prevented from rising

with very li le difficulty. GeoGroup has worked on various projects

requires more equipment and greater opera ng skills. Although there is an

the annulus with a collar or shroud. The rock is fragmented into chips using a

conduc ng RC Drilling by assis ng clients

increase in costs, RC drilling results in

piston that delivers rapid impacts to the

in obtaining the desired informa on.

greater sample accuracy and recovery,

drill stem, transferring energy to the drill

These projects have ranged from

making it a more popular form of mining

bit. These blows to the rock are delivered

expansions of exis ng Zinc, Lead and

explora on. It is the most common drilling

by the bit, while a rota onal device makes

Copper mines in the Northern Cape to

technique used for mining explora on. RC drilling is a form of percussion drilling.

sure that the bit hits a new rock surface

working at the bo om of expansive open

with each blow at a rate of 90 rpm. A feed

cast pits following and delinea ng

With RC drilling, a dual wall drill rod is

force is applied to maintain rock/bit

kimberlite pipes in Lesotho.

u lized. Air is injected between the

contact. Compressed air (950cfm & 24

annulus of the two tubes. The air exits the

bar) is used to remove or flush the drill

around South Africa and Lesotho


Mining- Solutions

Tracks and drive sprockets for mining

Synergy Undercarriage Components supplies

processes to provide unique, cost effec ve

who has been manufacturing steel cas ngs

high quality, market leading tracks and drive

solu ons that are applica on specific –

for over 80 years, enables us to provide

sprockets for most popular mining size

whether it's hard rock copper and gold,

quality solu on based, differen ated

hydraulic excavators and electric rope shovels

coking and thermal coal or iron ore. We


to end users throughout Australia, the Asia /

understand no two ore bodies are the same

All Synergy Undercarriage tracks and drive

Pacific region and Africa. Our strategic

and that opera ng condi ons can vary

sprockets are manufactured in superior grade

partnerships with blue chip mining

greatly - which a standard design & material

quench and tempered alloy steels then

contractors and companies over the years has

from an OEM may not stand up to.

induc on hardened on the high wearing

afforded us the opportunity to develop a

Our unique, long standing and technology

surfaces u lising state of the art, purpose

broad range of designs, materials and

driven partnership with our manufacturer,

designed and built equipment. Hardness


Tracks and drive sprockets for mining

levels of the wear surfaces are matched to the ma ng components whilst ensuring a duc le core that is able to provide significant impact resistance. Our capabili es: ·

Computer-aided engineering, design and manufacture




Virtual prototyping / CNC pa ern making


Solidifica on simula on


Concurrent engineering


Fast track prototyping


CMM dimensional verifica on


In-house mechanical tes ng


On site prototype tes ng and monitoring


Mining- Solutions

Lubrication Solutions to Wear Rate Reduction By Chuck Strait

Petron Corpora on, located in New Berlin,

equipment owing to their ever-increasing

Formula ng our products with primarily

Wisconsin, USA, has over 50 Years of


heavy viscous oils, in many cases above

experience manufacturing high performance

Some historians call pin and bushing joints

50,000 cSt, along with a light carrier oil,

lubricants focusing on surface mining,

the first type of bearings. They have been

allows Petron lubricants to have the

underground mining, and ore processing.

around for thousands of years and were

characteris cs of a much lower “apparent”

Petron Corpora on's specialty lubricants

originally used in applica ons such as

viscosity lubricant. This lower “apparent”

excel in lubrica ng equipment such as

rota ng wheels on wooden axles. However,

viscosity lubricant will flow readily into a load

Draglines, Electric/Hydraulic Shovels, Loaders,

in today's mining world there are hundreds of

zone, deposi ng select addi ves and high

Haul Trucks, and any other mobile pit

machines that use various materials and

viscous oil molecules right where they are

equipment, as well as Crushers and all types

configura ons for their pins and bushings.

needed the most, while remaining viscous

of Mills.

Though material construc on has changed

enough to eliminate the need for large

from the original plain wood pins and

amounts of soap to hold the oil in

Let's face it

bushings, providing a lubrica ng film and


Mining Equipment is designed to have parts

elimina ng contamina on between the pin

This lubricant film then separates even the

wear out while s ll maintaining the machine

and bushing has not.

highest loaded surfaces, greatly reducing the

integrity. While it is beneficial that high wear

How is Petron Corpora on different? Petron

possibility of contact wear, while the light

items can simply be replaced, it is also

has pioneered the development of specific

carrier oil washes the would-be

detrimental if these parts wear out too o en.

high viscosity lubricants that greatly reduce

contamina on out of the load zone and safely

Early wear causes loss of up me and

wear on slow moving gears, pins, and


throughput, which nega vely impacts the

bushings. Tradi onally, these applica ons

company's bo om line.

were lubricated with a Mul -Purpose Grease

Wear reduc on is the key

A classic example of this would be the pins

with a soap addi ve. This soap, much like a

Today's mining equipment uses the most

and bushings used in almost all mining

sponge, holds the base oil and addi ves in

sophis cated form of bronze pin bushings,

equipment. Petron Corpora on has

suspension un l sufficient force is applied to

and their ability to reduce wear is impressive.

recognized that the tradi onal lubrica on

squeeze out the oil into the load zone. By

Even though bronze is extremely reliable and

techniques and products no longer provide

their nature Mul -Purpose Greases do not

durable, it is s ll designed to be a “wear”

the protec on needed in modern mining

flow due to their high soap content.

material. The purpose of wearing is to


Lubrica on Solu ons to Wear Rate Reduc on

reduce the damage to structural steel components. The bronze bushing is much less expensive to replace than something like the loader boom arm, and, therefore, it is used as a wear material to reduce damage to the other rota ng components. Typically, in these applica ons there are two types of wear on pins and bushings: A.

Galling - is when excessive contamina on builds up between the pin and the bushing surface and the load pressure forces the contamina on into the bronze bushing.


Impact loading – is when a sudden

As seen in the photo above, tradi onal lubricants only penetrate a par al distance from the end of the pin toward the load zone, leaving the heaviest loaded sec on of the pin with marginal protec on.

providing a film thickness for the pin to

impact keeping the surfaces apart greatly

rotate on. These lubricant grooves can also

reducing the wear rate on those parts

impact is applied to the bushing surface

capture contamina on if the proper

designed to “wear out.”

greater than the lubricant film can

lubrica on intervals are not maintained.

Petron Corpora on is ac vely seeking new

withstand causing a rupture.

Therefore, wear can occur if the bushings are

distributors for Africa region. If you are

not purged adequately.

interested in becoming a Petron Distributor,

If proper lubrica on maintenance is prac ced, the replacement and/or repair of

The use of Petron Open Gear Lubricants on

please contact Chandrasekar at

pins and bushings can be greatly reduced.

your pins and bushings will form the thickest

Most pins and bushings today have “lubricant

lubricant film possible allowing most

For more informa on about Petron

grooves” on the inner diameter that aid in

contaminants to remain suspended in the

Corpora on's products or services, feel free to

purging contamina on from the bushing by

film un l they are purged out. This very thick

visit our website at or

forcing out unwanted materials while

film will also cushion the blow of a sudden

email –


Mining- Solutions

Royal IHC's expertise invaluable for water management in dredge mining By Chuck Strait

Although its knowledge centre is in The

different in the demanding condi ons of

their opera ons and improve employee

Netherlands, Royal IHC has been active in the

Africa where safety, op mising water (re)use,

health and safety.

African mining market for several decades.

and the circular economy are crucial topics.

By combining its extensive experience in dredging with mining know-how, it has long

A changing industry

facili es, and understand the issues facing

been delivering tailor-made solutions that are

As in other mining regions, Africa is facing a

the African market,” says IHC Mining's

both safe and sustainable.

changing landscape and is being looked upon

Managing Director Hans Greve. “IHC is also

The company's high-performance dredgers go

to take responsibility for its social and

increasingly involved in mineral slurrifica on

a long way to making IHC a reliable partner

environmental impacts. Mining companies

and transporta on, and through our regional

for any dredge mining operation. This is no

will also increasingly use data to op mise

offices we are proud to support the local


“We have a long tradi on in the delivery of dredge mining and mineral separa on

Royal IHC's exper se invaluable for water management in dredge mining

industry in overcoming any unique

Proven performance

“IHC's vast dredging experience and mining


This unique commitment to the total mining

knowledge allows us to add value at all stages

cycle has seen IHC involved in a number of

of the mining cycle,” con nues IHC Mining's

Advantages of dredge mining

projects in Africa. As an example, it delivered

Commercial Director Africa Rajesan Naiker.

Coopera ng with a partner such as IHC is vital

four wheel suc on dredgers and two CSDs to

“We offer long-term support on any dredge

when it comes to ensuring a produc ve

Richards Bay Minerals – the world's largest

mining opera on, both large and small scale,

dredge mining opera on. This is a

dredge mining opera on. And IHC's dredger

and from our office in South Africa, we


ve alterna ve for dry ('truck and

shovel') methods and offers many

JULIA will help Kenmare Resources to

cooperate closely with the regional market to

increase its produc on.

meet individual requirements and build close

advantages. For example, it delivers a high

rela onships.”

unit produc on and the use of electricpowered dredgers results in a low carbon footprint. Other benefits include low dust contamina on, minimal (to no) water drainage required, and low opera ng costs. In dry areas where dredging is not feasible, the advantages of slurry transport can s ll be used with a dry mining slurrifica on unit. Slurry transport is considered to be the most cost-effec ve method of material transport, and as the mining, slurrifica on and pumping equipment are combined, the logis cs for such an opera on can be integrated. IHC's knowledge on water management can also be used to close the water loop and ensure op mal resource use. Equipment is only the beginning When selec ng dredge equipment, several criteria must be considered including the characteris cs of the deposit. Two main vessel types can then be considered: cu er suc on dredgers (CSDs) and wheel suc on dredgers. Both have a high unit capacity and accuracy, and a restricted dredging depth, but there are notable differences. For coherent soils a cu er is required, while IHC's dredge wheel is preferred for free-flowing materials. Site condi ons and project demands help determine which vessel is right for the job. However, choosing the most appropriate equipment is only part of the journey for IHC, which plays an ac ve role throughout the dredge mining life cycle. This begins with advisory services in which

IHC's exper se includes resource evalua on, test work and feasibility studies, through to equipment delivery and life-cycle support. At this stage, IHC can provide bespoke maintenance programmes, as well as remote

monitoring solu ons.


Mining- Solutions

LIBS chemical sensing applications in the mining and minerals industry The mining industry is faced with an increasing scarcity of natural resources. At the same me, the global demand for resources keeps growing and the requirement to reduce the environmental footprint of mining becomes more important. This creates the need to develop innova ve solu ons that increase the

Example of part

efficiency and sustainability of mining natural

of the output of


a drill core scan (warmer colors are

Mining opera ons deal with huge quan

higher concentrations)

es of

excavated material with varying mineral concentra ons and economic value. Increased knowledge about the composi on of this material provides opportuni es to improve decision making for stockpiling, sor ng, and mineral processing. However, no systems currently exist that can be used to measure the chemical composi on of large material

several different elements and for some

(fast) moving raw material. The sensor

es in real- me. LIBS chemical sensor

minerals the rela ve quan ty of these

features our unique IRIS spectrometer with

technology provides a solu on, because no

elements can vary. Depending on the size of

world-class signal-to-noise (S/N) ra o, rugged


sample prepara on is required and

the mineral grains, a single LIBS measurement

pulse laser source and highly efficient op cs.

measurements can be performed at rela vely

can represent one or several minerals.

The design allows for flexible integra on into

high speeds. At SPECTRAL Industries we work together with

Development of advanced data processing

industrial equipment and can be mounted in

techniques is therefore required in order to

any orienta on. Suitable for a wide range of

provide quan ta ve composi onal

environmental condi ons, it offers low

the mining industry to develop LIBS-based

informa on that meets the required accuracy.

maintenance cost and improves processes by

sensor applica ons for the mining

Addi onally, calibra ons need to be tailored to

delivering real- me informa on. SPECTRAL

environment. Examples of applica ons are in-

the geological se ng of a specific mineral

delivers its unique sensor systems for the

line conveyor belt analysis, scanning exposed

deposit to take all the varia on between rock

following applica ons:

rock surfaces (see Figure 1) and scanning drill

types and mineralogy into account.

chips from blasthole drilling. Addi onally, we

Drill core scanning

Rock surface mapping

also work on applica ons that improve the

The results obtained using LIBS chemical

Drill cu ngs analysis

explora on for new mineral deposits such as

sensing on ore samples from ac ve mining

Ore, concentrate and slag

Muck pile characteriza on

the scanning of drill cores (see Figure 2). We

opera ons show that LIBS can be used to

develop the best LIBS sensor for a specific

provide the informa on that is needed to

applica on using our in-depth exper se of

improve the efficiency and sustainability of

lasers, spectrometers and data processing.

future mining.

characteriza on

The LIBX sensor can be applied for automated ore sor ng, that separates valuable from

One of the major challenges of using LIBS for

SPECTRAL Industries is a new chemical sensor

non-valuable rocks to prevent unnecessary

characterizing the mineral quan ty in rocks is

developer and manufacturer, with a focus on

cost for processing worthless ore and

the heterogeneity of this material. Rocks are

applica ons in the mining and minerals

maximize return on investment. The

composed of many different minerals with

industry. SPECTRAL's chemical sensors are

technology is highly scalable as the hardware

various grain sizes. Each mineral consists of

robust, mobile & fast: they can be applied on

is suitable for any type of ore and materials.


Mining- Solutions

Airless Tyres for Underground Mining

Tyres used in underground mining are

There are 2 major prevalent alterna ves for

Solid tyres are available in a range of pa erns

replaced frequently as they are prone to

airless tyres i.e. Solid Tyres and Foam-filled

like to suit various opera ng condi ons & can

punctures, sidewall damage and fast tyre

Pneuma c Tyres. Solid tyres are generally

also be supplied as ready to fit.

wear due to harsh underfoot condi ons, ght

used for high load, short haul and low speed

working spaces, high loads & overall severe

applica ons whereas Foam-filled tyres are

Solid tyres are suitable for equipment

opera ng environment. The frequent repair

suitable for longer haul cycles, higher speeds

opera ng at low speeds such as:

& related down me results in increased

and where ride comfort is required. It is

· Load Haul Dumpers (LHDs)

opera ng costs and safety risks. Tyre related

important for users to select the right

· Jumbo Drills / Roof Bolters

costs are es mated to be among the top five

product based on their applica on,

· Shield Haulers

opera ng costs for mining equipment.

equipment and opera ng condi ons to

· Shu le Cars / Ram Cars

It is therefore impera ve for mine operators

reduce cost per hour (CPH) and bring down

· U lity Vehicles

to explore op ons such as Airless Tyres that

total cost of ownership (TCO).

have the following advantages over

In addi on to the advantages of airless tyres men oned above, the solid tyres are:

pneuma c tyres:

1/ Solid Tyres:

· Airless – hence are 100% puncture proof

Solid tyres have a full rubber construc on

· Highly damage resistant

· Increased Safety – There is no risk of tyre

and thus are airless & puncture proof, have

· Have a Long Life – typically 2-4 mes that

blowouts · Extended Limp-in Capability – machine doesn't get stuck inside a mine · Reduced Tyre Maintenance – Periodic infla on pressure checks are eliminated

an extra deep tread for long, uninterrupted service, with specially designed sidewall

of foam filled pneuma c tyres · Ready to use

apertures for shock absorp on. However, these are not suitable for speeds beyond 25 kmph & have a firm ride.

2/ Foam-Filled Tyres: Tyre Filling (or Foam Filling) is a process in which a pneuma c tyre is injected &


Airless Tyres for Underground Mining

pressurized with a two or three component urethane polymer in a precise propor on

About Trident:

using a special metering pump. The

Trident has developed applica on specific,

polyurethane cures into a resilient and

outcome orientated products and solu ons

synthe c rubber core replacing the air in the

to assist machine owners & mine operators

tyre. The resultant filled tyre is thus rendered

get the best out of their equipment in the

puncture proof and maintains the required

most demanding condi ons. Our products

pressure throughout its service life. Foam-

are distributed in over 25 countries which

filled tyres have a full footprint & are capable

include the Americas, Europe, Africa, the

of carrying their rated load at all mes. Tyre

Middle East and Asia-Pacific.

Fill Compounds are available in different grades based on applica on.

For further informa on please visit

Foam filled tyres are recommended for or write to vehicles that operate at speeds upto 50 kmph

Foam-filled Tyre

& for machines for which solid tyres are not suitable e.g. · Low Profile Dump Trucks (LPDT's) · Personnel Carriers While these can also be used on LHD's, Shu le Cars, U lity Vehicles etc. it needs to be borne in mind that although foam filled tyres are airless & puncture proof they may s ll suffer irreparable damage & may have to replaced prematurely. Equipment owners should evaluate various parameters (see table 1) and select the right airless tyre depending on their equipment and applica on for lowest opera ng costs & op mum capital efficiency


Advertisers Index 02 South African Mine & Engineering Supplies

25 Escape Chute Systems


27 Pamwe Mining Services


31 Synergy Undercarriage Components

11 Palomino Plant

33 Petron Corporation

13 A.N.S Solutions

35 Royal IHC

15 Kuphela Environmental

37 Spectral

17 Ultra-Fiber

42 Vermeer

19 TTS

43 Westbrook Resources

21 Side-industrie

44 Delta Hydraulics

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