Risk Management Insight March/April 2020 issue

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Africa’s own Risk Management Journal March-April 2020 > Issue 14> Vol.#38

Businesses Must Support Each Other During Covid-19 Crisis



Shock-Pulse-Generators successfully applied for boiler cleaning at large Power Plants Pg.12












GLOBALEXPERTISE WITH LOCALKNOWLEDGE FLEXIBLEBESPOKESOLUTIONS One of the world’s leading ISO tank companies • Large modern fleet of T11 to T50 • Capacities from12,000-35,000 litres • Shipping and storage of gases and hazardous and non-hazardous liquid • Long term, spot-lease or direct sale









COVID-19: IFRC, UNICEF and WHO issue guidance to protect children and support safe school operations

Fidelity Fire Solutions partners with Eaton

10 COBA Reduces Risk with Latest Anti Fatigue Mats

12 New Anybus Switches and Wireless Routers open the door to the wireless infrastructures of the future


17 Intelligent video: the key to transforming the instore shopping experience

Apollo Mapping, Image Hunters

26 04


Mar- Apr 2020

Front cover

Editor Goodwill Sibanda editor@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Writer Kennedy Chamu kennedy@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Sales Lenox Marufu lenox@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Muthulis Nkiwane muthulis@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Design & layout Peter Johnson peter@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Accounts Sharon Moyo accounts@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Subscrip�on Thato Ndlovu subscrip�on@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome yet again to this edi�on of our wonderful magazine prepared with you in mind. It is our pleasure at Risk Management Insight to deliver to you our special readers, news features special designed to educate, inform and entertain you. You are the people who make us what we are. As a result, we will always strive to give you the best. The ar�cles featured in this edi�on are meant to provoke a sense of security into your minds by reminding you of ways used to manage risk. Risk is a factor prevalent in society and most of the �me it occurs when we are not prepared. In simple terminology, risk is defined as a possibility of a hazard happening. It is therefore prudent on the part of individuals to know how to manage risk. We at Management Insight, as leaders in risk management make it our obliga�on to impact knowledge however li�le it is on this valuate topic. Risk Management is done mainly by insurance companies who offer cover should a hazard occur. From a home perspec�ve the risk of fire occurring and gu�ng the home down is very high. Should this happen ones needs cover to replace the burnt property this is where risk management comes in. Preparing for a possible hazard or elimina�ng the hazard altogether is what we term risk management. Risk is not only found in the work place, it is also found on our roads where the risk of traffic accidents is very high and in our social gathering such as sports galas etc. The risk of an athlete collapsing when it is too hot are very high and measures to mi�gate should be put in place. As can be see our dear readers, it is impera�ve at least to have knowledge about this discourse. As l have stated this edi�on comes with different ar�cles which l believe will be of interest to you, please go through them and enjoy you reading �ll our next edi�on cheers.

Editor G. Sibanda

info@riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za sales@riskmanagement.co.za landline +27110257031 www.riskmanagemen�nsight.co.za Like us on our facebook page

h�ps://www.facebook.com/riskmanagement.co.za Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without wri�en permission from the publisher: Risk Management Insight welcomes material submi�ed for publica�on but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica�on are not considered those of the publisher (Altramic Marke�ng), which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec�on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica�on, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.

Mar - Apr 2020



Businesses must support each other during Covid-19 crisis

ll South African business leaders have a responsibility to stand together to keep business moving, protect employment and the economy �cking over.


According to Frank Mullen, CEO of Zinia, a leading mid-sized telecoms and ICT provider, “How decisionmakers adapt to the Covid-19 na�onal disaster will determine the knock-on effect to businesses and livelihoods around the en�re country.” “Now is not the �me to stop doing business or bring a halt to spending,” he says. “If we do so, it will nega�vely affect those we do business with, impac�ng employment and ul�mately worsen the current economic situa�on. “Our ability to bounce back will be severely affected and by the �me


the worst of the virus is over, the damage will be done.” He makes his point strongly: “think about what will happen if your customers stop buying from you or you in turn stop purchasing from your suppliers due to Covid-19; what will the impact be? This would have a severe impact on your business as well as your suppliers. “We are all in this together and have a responsibility to collaborate with our suppliers, customers, employees and peers, to find ways to keep business going, even if it is not how we tradi�onally would operate,” he says. He believes that if every business in the country stopped their normal buying behavior, then every business could be impacted, and the ripple effect will be felt throughout every sector of the economy, ul�mately hur�ng society.

March-April Issue 2020

From travel bans, quaran�nes, to social distancing and behavior change, Covid-19 will con�nue to affect South Africa in the coming months - he believes these measures will be around for at least three months. As a na�on South Africans are par�cularly resilient and he believes we should challenge all nega�ve decisions, and not react out of fear. He believes leaders need to adapt quickly and he provides the following as a guideline: Implement Covid-19 educa�on and take ac�ons to protect the health of those within your company and those who come into contact with your business. This includes pu�ng in place sanitary and protec�ve supplies, educa�onal informa�on and make sure that the right behavior pa�erns are adhered to.


you need to make a decision, instead of canceling a face-toface mee�ng - by not making a decision you are further damaging the economy.” “We absolutely must con�nue the buying cycle,” he says. He emphasizes that some sectors like tourism will be majorly affected, but if it is within the control of a business leader they must do everything to support local tourism, businesses and coworkers. Create a new 90-day business ADAPT ac�on plan that includes dealing with further restric�ons on travel and other decisions taken, should the situa�on worsen as a whole.

to work systems, so employees can con�nue working in isola�on if need be. You will do more damage to your business if your employees are unable to work in isola�on.

Con�nue business as usual as far as possible. Do not stop spending en�rely or take the a�tude that your business needs to shut down. This behavior will damage the economy.

Manage the produc�vity of employees who are working at home.

Give all staff the ability to work from home. Check that your business has the right technology and if not, put them in place quickly. This includes giving tools, such as access to data, devices, internet and remote access

“As business leaders we need to be open to limit the risk of spreading the virus, this means doing things differently than we would normally,” explains Mullen. “For example, find another way to get the informa�on

Instead of travelling use video conferencing and telephony systems.

“We should not panic and allow the country to go further into recession. We must rally together, support each other and speak up - including pu�ng pressure on Government to come up with economic reforms and s�mulus packages to boost and assist businesses during these �mes.” Mullen concludes there is a silver lining: “as the price of oil drops, the price of fuel will lower, and interest rates may come down too, effec�vely increasing spending power and improving budgets.”

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March-April Issue 2020

COVID-19: IFRC, UNICEF and WHO issue guidance to protect children and support safe school operations Guidance includes prac�cal ac�ons and checklists for administrators, teachers, parents and children The Interna�onal Federa�on of the Red Cross (IFRC), UNICEF and the World Health Organiza�on (WHO) today issued new guidance to help protect children and schools from transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The guidance provides cri�cal considera�ons and prac�cal checklists to keep schools safe. It also advises na�onal and local authori�es on how to adapt and implement emergency plans for educa�onal facili�es. In the event of school closures, the guidance includes recommenda�ons to mi�gate against the possible nega�ve impacts on children’s learning and wellbeing. This means having solid plans in place to ensure the con�nuity of learning, including remote learning op�ons such as online educa�on strategies and radio broadcasts of academic content, and access to essen�al services for all children. These plans should also include necessary steps for the eventual safe reopening of schools. Where schools remain open, and to make sure that children and their families remain protected and informed, the guidance calls for: Providing children with informa�on about how to protect themselves; Promo�ng best handwashing and hygiene prac�ces and providing hygiene supplies; Cleaning and disinfec�ng school buildings, especially water


and sanita�on facili�es; and Increasing airflow and ven�la�on. The guidance, while specific to countries that have already confirmed the transmission of COVID-19, is s�ll relevant in all other contexts. Educa�on can encourage students to become advocates for disease preven�on and control at home, in school, and in their community by talking to others about how to prevent the spread of viruses. Maintaining safe school opera�ons or reopening schools a�er a closure, requires many considera�ons, but if done well, can promote public health.

students with holis�c support. Schools should provide children with vital informa�on on handwashing and other measures to protect themselves and their families; facilitate mental health support; and help to prevent s�gma and discrimina�on by encouraging students to be kind to each other and avoid stereotypes when talking about the virus.

For example, safe school guidelines implemented in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone during the outbreak of Ebola virus disease from 2014 to 2016 helped prevent school-based transmissions of the virus.

Monitoring children’s health and keeping them home from school if they are ill; Encouraging children to ask ques�ons and express their concerns; and Coughing or sneezing into a �ssue or your elbow and avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth and nose.

UNICEF is urging schools – whether open or helping students through remote learning – to provide

March-April Issue 2020

The new guidance also offers helpful �ps and checklists for parents and caregivers, as well as children and students themselves. These ac�ons include:


ASP Fire assists architects to make modern buildings safe

engineers, as well as specialist areas such as hazardous storage and access control,” van Niekerk highlights. Smaller architectural prac�ces are also unlikely to have an inhouse fire engineer, which is where ASP Fire can play a vital role.

It is cri�cal for modern buildings to have the necessary fire detec�on and protec�on systems in order to comply fully with the Na�onal Building Regula�ons and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act 103 of 1977), Fire Protec�on, as set out in SANS 10400 Part T: 2011. However, ensuring that a building is compliant o�en requires the involvement of a fire-engineering specialist such as ASP Fire right from the ini�al design phase, according to CEO Michael van Niekerk. “The first ques�on is what value we can add? If we are engaged early enough, we can o�en help architects avoid o�en costly mistakes when it comes to either over- or underspecifying fire-protec�on systems. This is largely due to the vast experience and track record we have in this regard,” van Niekerk comments.


While few architectural firms have the luxury of being able to work on a full range of projects, and invariably focus on a par�cular market sector, if they do secure a building type out of their normal area of specialisa�on, it is best to bring an expert like ASP Fire on-board. “We have been involved with a number of high-profile building projects where we are able to reduce the total spend on fire protec�on by up to a tenth of the total budget, simply due to our innova�ve fire-engineering design recommenda�ons.

“One of our main aims is not only to make architects aware of the role of fire engineering in building design, but how important it is in terms of cost-efficiency to engage with an expert such as us from the outset. Where we have worked with architects in this regard, we quickly become integrated with the professional team,” van Niekerk stresses. ASP Fire has worked on a wide range of projects, including industrial projects, and even packing houses in the agricultural industry. “In every instance, we have been able to make a significant contribu�on to the design, and also reduce the overall project cost. Architects also have peace of mind that their buildings are fully compliant, and have the correct fire detec�on and protec�on systems installed,” van Niekerk concludes.

“We understand how buildings work, and can collaborate with the en�re

professional team, from the architects to the mechanical and electrical


March-April Issue 2020

Fidelity Fire Solutions partners with Eaton

When it comes to safety, and especially fire safety there is no such thing as compromise. Fidelity Fire Solu�ons is proud to announce another South African first – a�er partnering with Eaton – to source, service and install fire alarm and fire suppression solu�ons across sub-Saharan Africa. This is a first for a South African fire solu�ons company to partner with an interna�onally recognised giant in the industry. Wahl Bartmann, CEO Fidelity Services Group, said: “For a company like ours to partner with an interna�onal industry leader highlights the strength of our business.” Fidelity Services Group has grown the fire solu�ons arm and strategically worked to strengthen their product offerings, exper�se and scale of the business to fully service and install large scale fire


and suppression solu�ons which paved the way for a partnership of this type. The partnership is envisaged to create a new paradigm in the fire solu�ons industry to benefit poten�al customers through enhancing the available solu�ons each company can offer to their exis�ng and future customers on the con�nent. About Eaton Eaton is a power management company with 2018 sales of $21.6 billion. Its energy-efficient solu�ons help customers effec�vely manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more reliably, safely and sustainably. The company is dedicated to improving the quality of life and the environment through the use of power management

March-April Issue 2020

technologies and services. Eaton employs 99,000 people worldwide and sells products to customers in more than 175 countries. For more informa�on, visit Eaton.com. About Eaton in Africa Eaton has been in Africa since 1927 with offices in South Africa, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Nigeria, with 200k �².of manufacturing space located in South Africa and Morocco. A cer�fied BBBEE Level 1 contributor in South Africa, Eaton offers a broad por�olio supplemented by “made for Africa” products and solu�ons. Eaton has over 700 employees and numerous distributors across the region, allowing us the opportunity to help our customers grow and provide sustainable economic benefits to the communi�es in which we operate. For more informa�on visit www.eaton.com


The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations



March-April Issue 2020

COBA Reduces Risk with Latest Anti-Fatigue Mats

COBA Africa has recently developed its range of an�-fa�gue ma�ng solu�ons, to now include a number of products for specialist applica�ons. We know that prolonged standing (especially on hard floors) can lead to foot ailments, lower limb MSDs, back pain and circulatory issues such as varicose veins. But with such an array of an�-fa�gue mats available to tackle the problem, it can seem challenging to know where to start. Mats come in a range of materials, thicknesses and textures, but in essence they all provide the feet with flexible resistance, which goes a long way to reducing strain, and increasing movement and blood flow. This is why an�-fa�gue mats are now popular in factory, retail and catering environments, to help take the pressure off standing.


COBA Africa has a team of ma�ng experts on hand to advise businesses on the best solu�on for their working environment. In fact, one of our mo�os is to ‘buy it right first �me’, so that your employees not only feel the benefits of an�fa�gue ma�ng, but you also see a good return on the investment, which is important for any business case. For product selec�on, you can also use MatBrain™ our clever li�le AI ma�ng expert. It’s accessible via cobaafrica.com or our mobile app ‘Mats in Mind’, which can be downloaded free from the major app stores. Fa�gue relief for Food Processing, Healthcare and Pharma

designed to improve comfort to those who stand for prolonged periods where hygiene is impera�ve. Hygimat® has been developed using a revolu�onary ‘gel foam’ material that combines high levels of underfoot comfort with durability, relieving the pressure from standing. Its an�-microbial proper�es make it a hygienic choice for environments such as hospitals, food manufacturing sites, catering areas and clean rooms. There are two versions of Hygimat available depending on preference. The solid closed construc�on version prevents any liquids penetra�ng the mat, while the op�on with holes is par�cularly suitable for wet environments, allowing the liquid to drain off the top surface of the mat.

One of the newest products introduced is an innova�ve floor mat

March-April Issue 2020


The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations Specialist mats

Some applica�ons, such as welding bays or workplaces that are sensi�ve to sta�c electricity also require dedicated fa�gue solu�ons, and this is when having one of the widest product ranges on the market comes in handy. For welders we have an�fa�gue ma�ng products such as Diamond Tread that ex�nguish flames on the top surface, and protect the so�er comfort layer underneath. One of the biggest risks to businesses that work with electronic components is sta�c electricity, and we have a number of standing mats such as COBAelite® ESD that dissipate electric charge thanks to their material composi�on. This is complimented with a range of ESD accessories designed to ground the user.


Fa�gue relief in wet and oily environments

Certain working environments are prone to wet or oily condi�ons and depending on the mo�on of workers or the cleaning regime it may be prac�cal to have mats that allow liquids to drain through. All of COBA’s ma�ng solu�ons can be used in dry environments, including the new

for wet areas, such as Tough Deck MK3 and Fa�gue Lock. Further to this, products such as Fa�gue Lock have the added benefit of resistance to oils and chemicals, making them ideal for demanding kitchen or engineering loca�ons. Speak to one of COBA’s ma�ng experts today and discover why ma�ng could make all the difference in your workplace.

Orthomat® Comfort Plus and COBAelite® Diamond, however there are several op�ons designed especially


March-April Issue 2020

WearCheck – condition monitoring specialists

Expert condi�on monitoring? If that’s your ques�on, then WearCheck is your answer. They offer a host of reliability solu�ons to keep plant opera�ng at its peak, including the scien�fic analysis of used oil and other industrial fluids, and evalua�on techniques including thermography, vibra�on analysis, balancing, laser alignment, motor current analysis and milling, to name a few.

, and visual tes�ng. These analysis techniques evaluate the condi�on of a component or system without causing any damage to it. Rope tes�ng provides specialist cable strength assessment and is manned by seven of only 12 people in South Africa who are qualified to conduct these tests.

WearCheck also conducts nondestruc�ve tes�ng (NDT), technical compliance (TC) and rope condi�on assessment (RCA).

Technical compliance provides expert guidance to assist companies with regulatory requirements, and how to rec�fy viola�ons or problems highlighted during audits.

The NDT techniques include eddycurrent-, magne�c-par�cle-, liquid penetrant-, radiographic-, ultrasonic-

One of WearCheck’s fundamental goals is to save money and �me for customers by improving the


March-April Issue 2020

availability, reliability and efficiency of their machinery through regular maintenance and tailored condi�on monitoring programmes, all done via a convenient “one-stop-monitoringshop”. The development of WearCheck’s reliability solu�ons division, in addi�on to tradi�onal oil analysis, embraces the latest approaches to proac�ve maintenance – the search for ways to extend the life of components and to prevent premature failure, thereby boos�ng general plant health. The underlying philosophy is that any good proac�ve maintenance programme boosts both plant availability as well as plant reliability.


The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations Since the company’s incep�on more than 40 years ago in Durban, South Africa, WearCheck has enjoyed steady growth in line with the constantly-evolving condi�on monitoring industry and burgeoning demands for top quality, reliably world class service.

Today, the company processes in excess of 750 000 used oil samples each year and operates 16 laboratories in nine countries around Africa (RSA, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, DRC, Ghana, India and Dubai), with a presence in several other African countries. Under the guidance of MD, Neil Robinson, WearCheck is commi�ed to providing customers an excellent return on their investment in the company’s condi�on monitoring programme. Says Robinson, “At WearCheck, we take top quality seriously. Our posi�on at the helm of global condi�on monitoring trends makes


us proud. As does the fact that WearCheck is currently the only condi�on monitoring company on the African con�nent with ISO 9001 quality cer�fica�on and ISO 14001 cer�fica�on for its environmental management programme, as well as, ISO 17025 accredita�on for its laboratory-centric quality management programme.” WearCheck is honoured to be a member of the pres�gious Interna�onal WearCheck Group (IWG), which meets annually to share informa�on on global condi�on monitoring trends.

The IWG is an associa�on of independent laboratories around the globe, dedicated to oil and wear par�cle analysis. WearCheck’s rela�onship with the IWG allows for the ongoing exchange of advanced technical informa�on, and the ability to offer a worldwide service.

Many industries benefit from WearCheck’s services, among them mining, earthmoving, industrial, transport, shipping, avia�on and electrical opera�ons. OIL ANALYSIS – WHAT IS IT?

Oil analysis is as important for maintenance engineering as blood tes�ng is for medicine. It is the scien�fic analysis of all types of lubricants and transformer oils, coolants, greases and filters and is an established method for predic�ve and preven�ve maintenance. Preven�ve maintenance programmes are essen�al for op�mising opera�onal efficiency, reliability and performance of mechanical and electrical systems. Analyses are conducted at state-ofthe-art, custom-built, automated laboratories with interpreta�on and reports compiled by highly-qualified diagnos�cians.



March-April Issue 2020

New Anybus® Switches and Wireless Routers open the door to the wireless infrastructures of the future


MS Networks now presents a new line of Anybus® Switches and Wireless Routers for next genera�on industrial wireless communica�on. Preparing for the arrival of 5G and the vision of smarter and more flexible factories, the products combine high capacity and reliability with more mobility and less latency to wireless networks.

addi�ons will also include 5G-ready cellular routers. “Our ambi�on is to not only provide industrial grade networking hardware, but also to be a strategic partner to our customers in their strive to build secure and resilient industrial networks”, says Emma Sundh, product manager at

Factories are ge�ng increasingly automated and flexible, and true industrial grade mobility can only be achieved through robust wireless connec�vity in all parts of the system. Anybus Layer 2 and 3

Switches and Wireless Routers address this topic by offering high capacity and low latency communica�on. With advanced features for network segmenta�on and protec�on, redundancy and data traffic analysis, the Switches and Wireless Routers enable high grade integra�on between OT and IT systems, including industrial Ethernet protocols such as PROFINET and EtherNet/IP. The new line includes wireless routers for LTE and WLAN which can be used world-wide, independent of regulatory domains. Upcoming


HMS Networks. The Anybus Wireless Routers target industrial applica�ons with highspeed WLAN and LTE connec�vity. Advanced rou�ng func�onality allows network segmenta�on and protec�on of mission cri�cal data. An extensive range of redundancy technologies ensures uninterrupted opera�on. Thanks to a rugged design and a high industrial temperature span, the products are suitable for a wide variety of industrial applica�ons.

March-April Issue 2020

The intelligent Anybus L2 and L3 Switches provide full Gigabit and ultra-high throughput. Mul�ple redundancy and cyber security features enable users to build highly reliable and secure networks. About HMS Networks HMS Networks is the leading independent supplier of solu�ons for industrial communica�on and the Industrial Internet of Things. HMS develops and manufactures products under the Anybus®, Ixxat® and Ewon® brands. Communica�on solu�ons for building automa�on are offered through the subsidiary Intesis. Development and manufacturing take place at the headquarters in Halmstad, and in Ravensburg, Nivelles, Igualada and Wetzlar. Local sales and support are handled by branch offices in Germany, USA, Japan, China, Singapore, Italy, France, Switzerland, Spain, India, UK, Sweden, Finland, South Korea and UAE, as well as through a worldwide network of distributors and partners. HMS employs over 600 people and reported sales of SEK 1,366 million in 2018. HMS is listed on the NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm, category Mid Cap, Informa�on Technology


Local Technology at The Cutting Edge of Proximity Detection

With mine safety legisla�on ge�ng progressively �ghter, Booyco Electronics con�nues to ensure compliance with its proudly South African proximity detec�on system (PDS). According to Pieter Janse van Rensburg, Booyco Electronics area manager for Mpumalanga, legisla�on coming into force in 2020 will mean the extended applica�on of Level 9 safety standards. This level requires ‘full interven�on’ from a PDS on trackless mining machines (TMMs) to avoid man and machine related incidents. Booyco Electronics’ PDS can facilitate such collision avoidance, with automa�c slowdown and even safe-stop of mining machines. The system uses VLF antennae on a vehicle to create fields within a danger zone around the vehicle. The size of each field can be determined by the customer, to suit their specific opera�ng environment and addressing iden�fied risk. An RFID tag installed on the pedestrian’s cap lamp alerts them – through a light and sound alarm – when they enter this zone. The light changes colour from green to orange and then red, the closer the pedestrian is to the vehicle. The vehicle itself also receives a warning from the PDS, with the operator being alerted that a pedestrian is in the proximity. If equipped and configured appropriately, the vehicle can also be automa�cally slowed down at a certain distance from the pedestrian, and similarly brought to a safe stop. One of the most significant advantages of the Booyco Electronics PDS is that it can effec�vely detect as many as seven TMMs


and 20 pedestrians within one field, in the underground environment.

the newer, controller area network (CAN) bus enabled models.

“Our technology priori�ses the safety of the pedestrian in mines, whether underground or opencast,” says Janse van Rensburg. “Our mission is to save lives, and to ensure that every worker returns home safely every day.”

“Our data logging capacity is able to capture all informa�on rela�ng to the interac�ons between the pedestrians and the vehicles, and also between vehicles themselves,” he says. “This provides the mine with a ‘road map’ to track how any incident occurs, making it easier to report and to improve prac�ces.”

The company’s market leading systems are intrinsically safe, working on a clean 12 Volt power supply that will not ignite methane gas or coal dust. Customers value the complete turnkey solu�on that Booyco Electronics can provide, says Janse van Rensburg. “Our combined technology includes a very low frequency (VLF) signal that penetrates rock walls underground,” he says. “This ensures that the pedestrian will s�ll be warned of an approaching vehicle even if it is out of sight around a corner.” The PDS can be applied to older ‘nonintelligent’ machines on a mine as well as

The Booyco Electronics Asset Management System (BEAMS) gives mines the ability to extract useful data on risk areas. This can feed into focused training of staff for more effec�ve safety behaviour. With 13 years of experience in PDS, Booyco Electronics has supplied in excess of 5 000 sets of mining vehicle equipment around southern Africa, as well as 50 000 pedestrian sets of equipment. www.booyco-electronics.com


March-April Issue 2020

The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations info@hornet.cc


March-April Issue 2020



Intelligent video: the key to transforming the in-store shopping experience?

The retail sector has felt the disrup�ve impact of e-commerce more than most. The inevitable costs of staffing, rent, maintenance and daily opera�ons has le� tradi�onal brick-and-mortar stores struggling to stay dynamic and compete effec�vely with their more agile online counterparts. Not only that, but the one compe��ve advantage of physical retail outlets – being able to provide a more personal customer experience – has also taken a hit in recent years, thanks to a lack of instore and opera�onal efficiency. Customers find it hard to locate the products they’re shopping for, are faced with longer queues for payment, and the most valuable ‘VIP’ customers are o�en overlooked. At a �me when retailers should be striving to excel, this is bad news, as a 2018 study from KPMG reinforces: “The customer experience is more


important than ever as retailers are striving to differen�ate themselves in a challenging and crowded market. Consequently, experience per square foot will be the new retail metric to measure success.” The ques�on, therefore, is how can stores op�mise opera�ons and improve the customer experience at this cri�cal �me? Technology: at the heart of a be�er customer experience One challenge that retailers o�en face is not having a way to collect accurate data and visualise it intelligently in order to make smarter business decisions about the shop floor. For many, reorganising store layout and installing addi�onal equipment is not a realis�c op�on – either because there is not the available space, or because of budgetary constraints.

solu�on could be ar�ficial intelligence (AI) and deep learning. Together, these cu�ng-edge technologies create a video surveillance offering that can give retailers valuable insight into real�me opera�ng condi�ons, to boost customer service and in-store compe��ve advantage. Intelligent video technologies can be applied to retail in a mul�tude of ways. This includes: > People-coun�ng, to track customer flow and numbers > VIP recogni�on, so retailers can tailor service to key individuals > Heat mapping, to reveal the popularity of specific goods in the store > Queue detec�on, to monitor the queuing situa�on in real-�me > Point of Sale (POS) integra�on, to retrieve precisely when dispute occurs

In these circumstances, an effec�ve


March-April Issue 2020

The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations Case Study: Smart retail solu�on gives Dutch shopping centres a business edge People-coun�ng is very important to shopping centres. Retailers always want to know what foo�all they are likely to expect, and larger chains use this informa�on to decide whether or not to move in to the shopping centre at all. People coun�ng Understanding the flow of customers is the key to op�mising a store’s sales performance. And by using an accurate people-coun�ng camera, stores can understand daily/weekly/monthly peak �mes, so that store managers can arrange staffing accordingly. What’s more, by layering this data over days, weeks and months, retailers can start to see customer flow trends. The data can be benchmarked against the store’s sales figures and its overheads, to inform future opera�onal strategy, and help managers to op�mise store profitability. Furthermore, people coun�ng can also help retail managers gain insights into the customer experience. One example would be to evaluate the conversion rate, which depends on the actual number of purchases divided by the number of people entering the store. Retailers can calculate this rate easily using people coun�ng technology. Even be�er, people coun�ng can also help stores determine the results of their marke�ng ac�vi�es. Each marke�ng campaign can be quan�fied by people coun�ng to measure return on investment. This is just one of several technologies that provide insight into consumer behaviour and op�mal marke�ng prac�ces. VIP recogni�on Loyal high-end or VIP


customers are enormously valuable to retailers, but service staff cannot always iden�fy them immediately. This means that business operators miss valuable opportuni�es to extend a special service.

Intelligent facial recogni�on cameras, however, can provide unique opportuni�es that were previously unavailable. When customers opt to par�cipate in VIP marke�ng promo�ons or other incen�ves, facial recogni�on technology will give retailers accurate tools to iden�fy VIPs so staff can provide the right kind of service at the right �me. There would be no more need for customers to show membership cards to receive special offers, for example. The whole shopping experience becomes more convenient and efficient.

Heat mapping

Retailers usually want to know which products customers are most interested in, and which promo�onal products can a�ract customers to stop. With heat-mapping technology, retailers can see a colour-coded map of how much �me shoppers spend in specific store areas. This can reveal hot spots and dead zones, as well as how many people actually shop for a specific product, versus those who just decide to pick it up as they casually walk by. By layering this data over �me, retailers can get insight into how to best place items in store, and how

March-April Issue 2020

best to design the overall store layout.

One of the most useful heatmapping tools available to the retail market is the fisheye camera. A single, compact camera can capture a panoramic high-defini�on image over an impressively wide area, while its heat-mapping func�on provides the colour-coded map. Because fewer cameras are needed than with most heat-mapping solu�ons, installa�on is costeffec�ve, making this the ideal solu�on for a loca�on such as an independent shopping mall. Queue detec�on

Wai�ng �me can have a devasta�ng effect on the in-store customer experience. If a customer sees a long queue in a store, they may stop shopping and go elsewhere. Worse s�ll, if there is always a long queue every �me they visit the store, they may avoid that store completely in future.

Queue detec�on solu�ons can help retailers manage their checkout lines, and the queue detec�on cameras are designed to monitor queues in real-�me. The cameras count the number of people in each queue, and if there are too many people in each checkout line and customers s�ll con�nue to flock to the checkout area it triggers an alarm to store management, who can open a new checkout. Point of Sale integra�on Transac�on records and surveillance videos can provide valuable informa�on to reduce disputes at checkout. In the past, these are two completely independent data systems. In order to find the right video footage, the surveillance video must be retrieved manually. Therefore, collec�ng evidence around a transac�on normally can take several hours, which is costly for the business.


The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift stations Point of Sale (POS) integra�on, also known as POS Text Overlay, is uploading of transac�on data to the video management system through the POS and encoding it with the video stream. This combina�on of retail transac�on data with surveillance videos makes it easy to iden�fy certain transac�ons to be reviewed for customer complaints, mainly used for post-retrieval when a transac�on disputes occurs.

At the Schalwijk Shopping Centre in Haarlem, the Netherlands, centre management was coun�ng foo�all by using the number of connec�ons to the centre’s Wi-Fi. But this was delivering inaccurate and limited data. People were s�ll using the centre Wi-Fi from outside the mall, while many shoppers inside the mall were not using it at all. To address this, the shopping centre decided to work with Hikvision, the world’s leading supplier of innova�ve video surveillance products and solu�ons. The centre management team installed Hikvision Dual-lens DeepinView

People Coun�ng cameras (iDS2CD6820F/C) at all the entrances to the shopping centre. The cameras feature deep learning technology, binocular stereo vision, 3D people detec�on and height filtering – all contribu�ng to their amazing 97% accuracy rate. As a result, the Schalwijk Shopping Centre now has highly accurate visitor numbers and flow informa�on, which can maximise both customer experience and layout effec�veness.

Intelligent video: transforming the in-store shopping experience The intelligent, self-learning video solu�ons outlined above are designed to empower retailers with much of the insight they need to bring brick-and-mortar stores right up to date. Those that are willing to adopt these solu�ons will very rapidly see their value, and be able to reap the rewards of increased compe��ve edge.

quick iden�fica�on of VIPs, op�mal layout of goods and reduced wai�ng �mes, retailers can transform the shopping experience and enhance their sales strategy very quickly indeed. And thanks to the valuable customer insight that is generated on an ongoing basis, they will have the tools to create an in-store shopping experience that should only get be�er and be�er. Find out more Hikvision intelligent video solu�ons empower retailers worldwide to transform their retail opera�ons. To find out more about what Hikvision technology could do for your business, visit ].

Through accurate people-coun�ng,



www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za www.calderlead.co.uk March-April Issue 2020

The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastewater lift stations social networks and press that “even though the package may state 'flushable,' these items do not break down like toilet paper and create plumbing problems!"


IDE INDUSTRIE, a French family company specialized for over 30 years in solu�ons for the pumping of « difficult fluids », invented a new clean and safe way on how to li� raw effluents through the concept of Direct In-Line pumping with no wet well, patented and called DIP Systeme®. Tradi�onal li� sta�ons use submersible pumps in a wet well. The pumps are ac�vated by float switches when the water reaches a preset level. The pumps then run at full speed to empty the wet well. A primary issue with submersible pumps in wet wells is clogging with wipes and other flushable materials. In many countries, in addi�on to a global health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shortage of toilet paper and a huge increase of clogging problems. Indeed wastewater treatment plants are ge�ng clogged with toilet paper alterna�ves that people are using, such as wipes, �ssues, napkins and paper towels. Everywhere in the world we have read recently on


These pump clogging issues that are being experienced in many countries today were addressed and resolved years ago by a French innovator, Stephane Dumonceaux, GM of SIDE Industrie and inventor of the DIP Systeme® . The first DIP Systeme® was patented, installed and proven successful in 2003 and since then there are over 2,000 of these systems in use in municipali�es (for example in Disneyland Paris) throughout France as well as in USA, Canada, Cambodia, Portugal, Ivory Coast, Caribbean Islands…Based on prac�cal exper�se in the field, the development of its product range (56 models with flow rate : from 2 to 2000 m3/h (20 to 10.000 gpm)/unit and head from 1 to 110m (3 to 300 �)) is the result of 35 years of research, and from listening to the daily concerns of its 2,000 users worldwide, enabling them today to offer a modern alterna�ve to wastewater li� sta�ons that saves �me and money by logically solving issues such as : dangerous gases (H2S), odors, sand and grease accumula�on, hazardous access, variable flow, clogging, and dirty jobs...

without water loading or a wet well, the DIP Systeme® overcomes the drawbacks of retained volumes of effluent such as: dangerous gases (H2S), smells, sand and grease accumula�on, equipment corrosion, structural erosion, clogged floaters; and offers access safety. The absence of a collec�on tank eliminates costly cleaning opera�ons of tradi�onal units and eliminates in the same �me the complaints from residents living close to an installa�on that produces unpleasant odors and the risks for maintenance technicians. Moreover with the DIP System there are much less clogging problems as in 2012 SIDE Industrie designed the DIPCut® : a patented impeller that becomes a "Shredder" when it changes direc�on of rota�on. Coupled to variable frequency drive, this impeller changes its direc�on of rota�on automa�cally when needed in order to cut snarled long fibrous materials and wipes, and then remove them. This is the ideal "Rags-Killer"! DIPCut® combines the advantages of the conical Vortex impeller when pumping sand, gases or big solid wastes and the shredding func�on cu�ng long fibrous materials into shreds. DIPCut® allows the savings of those clogs and uses less power !

How ? Because DIP Systeme® li�s and boosts variable flows from the sewer line invert to the discharge pipe with no need of any wet well. By li�ing gravity effluent directly at the point of entry,


March-April Issue 2020

Appollo Mapping , the image hunters

op�ons for their loca�on(s). There are no wait �mes and you have all the control. Pick the images at the resolu�on you need, in the �me frame you need; and then with the click of a bu�on, you can save your search and send your results to a colleague. Once you’ve decided on the imagery you want to order, it’s easy to request a quote from one of our Apollo Mapping specialists. Within three hours, you’ll have pricing and more informa�on on the data you selected. Once you’re ready to place an order, we collaborate with our partners to deliver your imagery faster than anyone else in the industry. No order is overlooked and no customer is undervalued.


In our ever changing world it’s important to have up-to-date spa�al informa�on. This is especially true when it comes to both urban and rural landscapes. Buildings and roads are constructed and demolished at a pace that is difficult to track. Satellite imagery lends context to these changes when �me and distance are barriers to ge�ng accurate informa�on. With satellite imagery, Apollo Mapping customers can see how their projects have changed over the years as well as the current state of affairs.

ourselves on quick response �mes and even quicker delivery �mes. We are partnered with all the major (and minor) imagery providers to offer the largest possible selec�on to our customers.

When you need loca�on informa�on for a project, �me is of the essence. Each project is unique, with its own challenges. At Apollo Mapping, we understand that �me wasted is money wasted. As experts in satellite and aerial imagery, we have all the knowledge to respond quickly and efficiently to each customer, no ma�er the scope of work. We pride

To that end, we developed the most extensive satellite imagery search engine on the market. Image Hunter pulls from 45 sensors, 15 satellite and aerial imagery providers and 64 million plus records with resolu�ons ranging from 15-cen�meters to 30meters. Customers no longer need to rely on sales people to provide them with the best satellite imagery

Satellite and aerial imagery is available from providers like DigitalGlobe/Maxar, Airbus, RapidEye and ImageSat, each with their own search engine and vastly different specifica�ons and quali�es. Looking through each of these search engines would take days.

If we don’t have the imagery you need in the archive, we can set up a new collec�on. Within a short period of �me we can get fresh data over your area of interest. As your advocate, we make sure that your imagery is collected as soon as possible and that your order is not overlooked by satellite imagery providers. We know that pricing is a factor and can offer alterna�ves that fit into most budgets. For academic and non-profit users, we have discounted pricing. On top of tradi�onal satellite imagery, we offer our customers digital eleva�on models (DEMs), 3-D data and night�me imagery. You don’t have the �me to become an expert in satellite imagery, so let us be your expert.


March-April Issue 2020

Shock-Pulse-Generators successfully applied for boiler cleaning at large Power Plants xplosion Power GmbH Switzerland (www.explosionpower.ch) has developed a remote controlled online boiler cleaning equipment automa�cally genera�ng Shock Pulses by pressure waves. The pressure waves are created by a shock combus�on of a mixture of burnable gas (Natural Gas or Methane) and pure oxygen. Contrary to manual processes, this shockcombus�on is carried out automa�cally and outside of the boiler, in a pressure resistant device. The resul�ng supersonic pressure wave is introduced into the boiler by means of a valve and a discharge tube. The combus�on gas, the internal boiler tubes and walls are put into a short oscilla�on, similar to a rapping system, so that deposits are cleaned off. The Shock-PulseGenerators (SPG) are available in different types as EG- and Twinseries and are implemented depending on the boiler size and the


kind of boiler fouling. The SPGs are manufactured in Switzerland from special high pressure and high temperature resistant stainless-steel quali�es and other high quality components. Its innova�ve technology has proven an outstanding performance at worldwide more than 500 different installa�ons in 20+ countries since 2009. Explosion Power GmbH has been awarded to mi�gate the unfavorable condi�ons upstream of SCR in the tail sec�on of a 24m-wide supercri�cal pulverized sub-bituminous coal fired boiler of 660 MWel. capacity at a Thai power producer. Since April 2018 four SPGs of the TwinL series are installed to clean the Reheater/Economizer sec�on from accumula�on of ash par�cles. The duty is to keep the flue gas temperature at the boiler outlet constant at 400°C for protec�on of the downstream arranged SCR


March-April Issue 2020

catalyst. The originally installed sootblowers couldn’t meet the target and a�er 7 days of opera�on a manual cleaning of the boiler became due. Ini�ally the shock pulse intervals were set to 60 minutes, such were however prolonged due to good cleaning effect and presently the standard shock pulse intervals are set to 8 hours per TwinL. Some of the original sootblowers are s�ll operated, however due to the insufficient cleaning effect and the consump�on of valuable steam to be u�lized for electricity produc�on, the operator intents to replace in the next phase many of the 92 sootblowers with addi�onal four SPGs of the same type. The target is to save steam and reduce the number of the originally installed sootblowers by applica�on of the Shock Pulse Generators having even an improved cleaning efficiency compared to the sootbowers. At least two long retractable soot blowers will be kept in opera�on per SPG. The whole boiler cleaning system will be finally ac�vated from the central DCS.


“We would like to certify that the ShockPulse Generators are continuously operating, achieving excellent cleaning results.� Louis Holub Plant Manager Gheco-One, Coal-Fired Power Plant, 660 MWel, Thailand ShockPulse Generator for highly efficient online boiler cleaning Significant increaseof boiler efficiency and plant availability Exceptionalremoval of slagand fly ashdeposits Universallyapplicable from furnace to economizer No thermal abrasionor damaging of boiler tubes Modular and compact system,controlled by PLC Reducedcost of investment, operation and maintenance Proventechnology with over 500installations in 20+ countries Plant application range: WtE,Biomass,SewageSludge, Hazardous Waste,Coal,Filters, Cement Kilns, HRSG

Explosion Power GmbH

Augustin Keller-Strasse 22

CH - 5600 Lenzburg



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Company Listings

NONSLIP SURFACES Company Name: Seguro Contact: Cynthia Mundy Telephone: 011 027 9153 Mobile: 076 329 7708 Email: cynthia.mundy@seguro4sure.co.za Website: www.seguro4sure.co.za

Company Name:Cestus Line Contact: Jennifer Choi Mobile:503-961-4922 Email: jennifer@cestusline.com Website: www.cestusline.com ARMORED GLOVES

Company Name: Ultimate Washer, Inc. Contact: Kevin Netzer Telephone: (561)277-1635 Skype: ultimatewasher Email: kevin@ultimatewasher.com Website: www.ultimatewasher.com

africa Company Name: Explosion Power GmbH Contact: Kasper Ninck Telephone:+41 62 886 50 89 Mobile: +41 79 735 55 19 Email: kaspar.ninck@explosionpower.ch Website: www.explosionpower.ch

Company Name: COBA Africa (Pty) Ltd Contact: Morne van der Westhuuizen Telephone: +27 (0) 11 452 7961 Fax to email: 086 759-8948 Matting.co.za Email: mvdw@matco.co.za Website: www.matco.co.za


Apr - Jun 2020




The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastwater lift PG.2 SEACO PG.7 SIMIAN SKILL stations

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March-April Issue 2020


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