RISK MANAGEMENT Africa’s own Risk Management Journal Jan-Feb 2021 > Issue 9 Vol.#7
Plan and prepare for emergencieswith NOSA re safety services
Shock Pulse Generators For Highly Efcient Online Boiler Cleaning Pg12
January - February 2021
Perimeter Security
07 Shock Pulse Generators For Highly Efcient Online Boiler Cleaning
12 Benets and uses of redeployable devices – Body Worn Camera, Speed Dome and Site Tower
18 Building Protection Through Damping Solutions
20 Air handling units from HCM
22 Quality Control and Risk Management
26 www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2021
RISK MANAGEMENT Africa’s own Risk Management Journal Jan-Feb 2021 > Issue 9 Vol.#7
Plan and prepare for emergencieswith NOSA re safety services
Editor’s Comments Welcome to this wonderful edition of this magazine prepared for you our valued readers. It is a new year and I hope I nd you well in all things. It seems this year has started off on a bad note with many countries imposing lockdowns. This has been done to try and contain the new wave of the corona virus. It seems that the way we closed 2020 is the same way we are starting 2021.The risk of contamination and spreading the virus is still great and governments are justied for imposing stringent measures for trying to contain this pandemic.
Shock Pulse Generators For Highly Efcient Online Boiler Cleaning Pg12
Front cover: NOSA www.nosa.co.za Editor Goodwill Sibanda editor@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Writer Kennedy Chamu kennedy@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Sales Lenox Marufu lenox@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Muthulis Nkiwa muthulis@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Design & layout Peter Johnson peter@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Accounts Sharon Moyo accounts@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za Subscrip on Thato Ndlovu subscrip on@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za info@riskmanagemen nsight.co.za sales@riskmanagement.co.za landline +27110257031
This has been received with different reactions in different countries. Regardless of how this has been received governments have to manage this pandemic to avoid loss of lives. Companies have adopted new ways to cope with this virus without contaminating their people. This is all in effort to try and protect workers from the dreadful disease which has caused thousands of deaths in different countries. As I write most countries in Europe are currently locked down. France is experiencing a second wave of the pandemic and has lost thousands of lives. This has prompted the French government to close all its borders with its neighbours and impose a travel ban on its European Union members. In Britain a new variant of the virus was discovered forcing the government to impose new lock down measures. In Africa, South Africa is the worst affected and the country was on lockdown from December to Mid-January this year. As most people will say desperate times call for desperate measures. It is some of these measures which have affected business and crippled some sectors of the economy. Insurances rms were caught unprepared for such a risk and could do nothing to protect their clients from lose incurred due to the pandemic. Again no one had envisaged work stoppages in most sectors as worker could not go to work following the severe lock down restrictions. As can be seen no one had anticipated managing risk in this area. Now since Covid 19 is here with us until it is eliminated completely it is then prudent for governments and business to come up with policies to manage this risk. The risk of spreading the virus has been contained by sanitisation, washing of hands with soap, masking up and social distancing. This has been adopted as the number one protective means as prescribed by the World Health Organisation. These measures only apply to people and do not remove the risk of companies suffering loses from paying their workers on the back of non-production. The advent of covid 19 exposed both government and business in the area of risk management. Transport operators in most countries in the region were temporary put out of business, with share prices going down on most stock exchanges. Governments' ability to provide health care was also exposed as bed space was not enough to accommodate the sick. Now that the world is aware of this deadly virus new innovation in risk management should be explored to ensure that minimum damage is inicted on the economy in times of a pandemic such as this. Management of personnel should be so designed to protect people from contamination. As we start the New Year it is our desire as risk consultants to urge to be wise in this new normal environment anticipating any risks and hazards which can be for seen. Until our next edition, pleasant reading. Best regards
Editor G. Sibanda
Risk Management Insight Published by
Africa’s own ment Journal Vol.6# 2> Risk Manage 2017 > Issue July-August
es Wind fenc control for dust
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of g Issue The Burnin Exit. Pg16 Emergency
Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without wri en permission from the publisher: Risk Management Insight welcomes material submi ed for publica on but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica on are not considered those of the publisher (Media Insight), which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica on, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.
Jan - Feb 2021
KeyWatcher® Touch Brings Stability and Security to Key Control
Morse Watchmans' KeyWatcher® Touch is the
management or security to keep a
integrates fully with access control solu ons
latest innova on in scalable key control and
complete record of when keys are used,
from Lenel, So ware House, and others to
management. Its easy to use, me-saving features make it ideal for use in various
where, and by who.
make providing access across systems simple,
· My Keys Out allows users to see which keys
with only limited retraining needed.
industries, including manufacturing, gaming,
they have out, if any of their keys are
New features of KeyWatcher have updated
municipal, educa on, hospitality, retail and
overdue and when their keys will become
key control for the needs of modern users. A range of module types available on the
many more. KeyWatcher Touch's patented
overdue. With this feature, it is much less
SmartKey system ensures keys can only be
likely that keys are forgo en and makes it
KeyWatcher system gives users the ability to
removed by authorized individuals.
simple for users who u lize many keys to
configure systems according to their
Creden als can be validated through PIN,
keep track of their key usage.
requirements and budget. The KeyWatcher Touch now includes a status bar on the
biometrics, or integrated with an exis ng access control system.
KeyWatcher also features useful
touchscreen display that walks users through
management tools to ensure that
procedures and shows what is happening
KeyWatcher features include KeyAnywhere,
administrators and managers are kept in the
within the key management system as they
KeyFind and My Keys Out.
know. Detailed reports can be scheduled and
are using it. Available voice prompts provide
· KeyAnywhere enables the return of a key to any KeyWatcher in the enterprise, making it
sent via email or stored for later use or
guidance for new users and help ensure
official audi ng. No fica ons can easily be
proper key retrieval/return protocols are
possible for large organiza ons to keep
set up to send users an SMS text or email
followed. The new “Key Filter” feature gives
track of keys as they are used across the
when specified criteria are met.
users who have access to a large number of
en re facility or campus.
In addi on, KeyWatcher Touch is now
keys the ability to input search terms and
· KeyFind works with KeyAnywhere to make it simple for users to locate which
integrated with AMAG Technology's
have the KeyWatcher Touch system narrow
Symmetry V8.0.2 Access Control System. The
down the list of keys presented to the user.
KeyWatcher a specific key is in or determine
integra on allows users to provide temporary
With KeyWatcher Touch, simple, secure,
who has taken it out. This makes it easy to
or permanent access to KeyWatcher Touch
modular key control for your business is
retrieve keys from KeyWatcher cabinets and
assets to card holders from within the
easier than ever.
inventory key usage, in addi on to enabling
Symmetry system. The updated system also www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2021
Perimeter Security video analysis func ons for the development of intelligent video surveillance.
M.A.S.S (Management and supply of Security Solu ons), is not simply another security distribu on company – Rather, we are a specialist projects-based company. With our office based in Deco Park, New Market Road Randburg; we provide superior Management, Supply and Consul ng Services in the CCTV and Security Industry serving both the private and commercial sectors of the market. M.A.S.S offers high-end CCTV, access control systems and biometrics, thermal imaging cameras, ground radars and laser intrusion systems. M.A.S.S is directly involved in every stage of the Projects that it undertakes or becomes associated with, from implementa on to comple on, offering con nual design, func onal and technical support. *For perimeter security M.A.S.S offers a range of industry leading products such as Thermal Imaging Cameras coupled with our Jan - Feb 2021
advanced Video Content Analysis, Laser Intruder Detec on and Ground radars detec on for large areas. Thermal Imaging Cameras create video images from infrared (heat) waves and are ideal for perimeter surveillance even in complete darkness. With our uncooled thermal imagers, the benefits are: lower maintenance, lower costs and it is very reliable. Using this thermal technology with our Vtrack - Video Content Analysis for intelligent video surveillance, it provides no fica ons for events of-interest only, filtering out everything that is not important. VTrack provides con nuous real me acquisi on and collec on of informa on from an environment and only reports events that match the chosen analy c e.g. tripwire, conges on or loitering. It is the most complete suite of
The laserSentry security system (AIR-SYS) is an ac ve infrared laser solu on for area surveillance and perimeter control. The unique laser technology saturates the en re designated area to detect any intrusion, whether sta onary or moving. The real- me posi on of an intruder is iden fied within one second, their movement is tracked and security devices are ac vated: lights, remote cameras, PTZ devices, visible and audible alarms and armed response. For longer distance detec on, M.A.S.S offers one of the worlds most advanced security products; the AdvanceGuard Ground radar. This system can detect humans up to 1.5 Km and 3 Km for vehicles. The AdvanceGuard Radar is an innova ve alterna ve to high-cost manned guarding and provides a reliable, cost effec ve solu on that delivers con nuous automa c perimeter surveillance. As a fully automa c system, operators are alerted with warnings or alarms when there is a poten al or actual perimeter breach. Detec ng threats before the perimeter is breached, or repor ng suspicious behaviour allows your security team to prevent breaches before they occur. As your operators are only alerted to real threats they remain alert and effec ve. Incident types consist of; inside and outside the perimeter, slow or fast vehicle detec on, pedestrian detec on, cri cal point protec on and controlled zone capabili es. For more informa on on perimeter security from M.A.S.S Solu ons, do not hesitate to visit our website www.mass-solu ons.co.za or email us on info@mass-solu ons.co.za
Full Lockout/Tagout Solution From Brady: Devices + Procedures + Implementation
www.bradysouthafrica.com emea_request@bradycorp.com
Jan - Feb 2021
Brady: Devices + Procedures + Implementa on
info_africa@bradycorp.com www.bradysouthafrica.com Jan - Feb 2021
The safe and clean Direct In-line Pumping System for economic and environmental wastewater lift stations !
Jan - Feb 2021
Shock Pulse Generators For Highly Efficient Online Boiler Cleaning
Explosion Power is an engineering
Generators for efficient online boiler
As with manual blast cleaning process,
company with its headquarters in
cleaning. This cleaning technology has
the boiler is cleaned by pressure waves
Switzerland with partners and
been proved with over 700 installa ons
which are automa cally triggered by a
distributors worldwide. In Africa it is
in more than 20 countries. Shock Pulse
sudden combus on of methane or
represented by Babcock Interna onal
Generators increase the boiler and plant
natural gas and air. However, with the
Group, Babcock Ntuthuko based in South
availability. They are excep onal in the
SPGs the combus on takes place outside
Africa. The company is renowned for its
removal of slag and fly ash deposits.
the boiler in a stable pressure resistant
innova ve engineering and produc on of
Another a ribute of the system is that it
combus on chamber. The generated
quality products. A lot of excellent
is universally applicable from furnace to
shock wave is fed into the boiler via a
tes monials have been given by those
economizer. Shock Pulse Generators are
valve and an outlet nozzle where it sets
who have worked with its products. The
very effec ve and bring more efficiency
the boiler tubes and walls in vibra on in
company has come up with Shock Pulse
to the cleaned boiler.
such a way that the deposits are cleaned www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2021
Shock Pulse Generators For Highly Efficient Online Boiler Cleaning
off. The SPG achieves very good
manufactured and assembled in
cleaning effect by significant reduc on
Switzerland from par cularly pressure
of fouling and reduces flue gas
and heat resistant materials. The Shock
temperatures to design temperatures. The Shock Pulse Generators are
Pulse Generator is available in two
For more info: h p://www.explosionpower.ch/en
South African Partner
different types SPGr10 and SPGr16. www.babcock.co.za
Jan - Feb 2021
Plan and prepare for emergencies with NOSA fire safety services
NOSA provides fire safety services to all business
ac vi es.
understanding of emergency processes
sectors, both na onally and interna onally. The
and procedures
main objec ve is to assist our clients in limi ng
Evacua on drill assistance with an outcome
fire hazards in the workplace, while ensuring
Emergency training courses
that the client is prepared for any emergency
A fire drill is conducted at a client's site to
NOSA offers the following emergency training
situa on that may arise. Effec ve fire safety will
assess the methods of evacua on. An outcome
courses to all business sectors to empower
enable a company to protect its most valuable
report is then compiled and sent to the client to
employees in comba ng fires; prac se fire
assets, as well as plan for con nuity of
help improve on its evacua on procedures.
opera ons in emergency situa ons. Using the
preven on, and to be fully prepared for any possible emergency situa ons that may arise:
very best industry experts, NOSA ensures that
Evacua on floor plan development
our clients receive professional service at all
Floor plans are drawn to the specific layout of a
client's premises and in accordance with SANS
Basic Fire Awareness
23601. These are done to assist organisa ons in
Evacua on Awareness
mes. The NOSA fire safety services include:
ensuring the plans indicate all possible
Emergency Evacua on Procedures
Fire risk assessments
evacua on routes, emergency equipment and
Basic Firefighter
The iden fica on and assessment of fire
assembly points.
Advanced Firefighter
Grass and Wildland Firefigh ng
specific risk profile and unique work
Benefits of fire safety services
Fire Marshal
Legal compliance
Portable Ex nguisher Handling
Maintenance of business con nuity
Breathing Apparatus
Emergency plan development
Sa sfies insurance compliance
Prac cal Fire Equipment Workshop
We develop a company's required emergency
Advantageous for general safety and
hazards and risks, based on an organisa on's
plan, to ensure that all personnel and visitors act swi ly and decisively in emergency
cer fica on audits ·
Ensures safety of everyone on-site
Contact NOSA Fire Safety Services now for
situa ons. These procedures and guidelines will
Protects local community
tailored and effec ve emergency solu ons:
prepare staff to handle, rec fy and/or minimise
Reduces costs
info@nosa.co.za | 087 286 8222
emergencies that could poten ally affect work
Enhances and improves staff's
Jan - Feb 2021
Morningstar solar controllers for protecting oil & gas operations and making mining operations safer
Jan - Feb 2021
Morningstar solar controllers for protec ng oil & gas opera ons and making mining opera ons safer
Jan - Feb 2021
Benefits and uses of redeployable devices – Body Worn Camera, Speed Dome and Site Tower
There are mul ple benefits to implemen ng a Redeployable CCTV programme. With reduced set-up costs and ease of installa on through to scalability and future-proofing, WCCTV's clients across both the public and private sectors have benefi ed from integra ng Redeployable CCTV into their monitoring strategy. The simple yet func onal design of the WCCTV Body Worn Camera lends itself to ease of use, with a simple one-bu on record mechanism. The award-winning Body Worn Camera's video solu ons are fully scalable, making them suitable for the largest complex law enforcement deployments down to single-use
cameras. It offers live transmission of video, audio, real- me alerts and GPS informa on via 4G/3G and Wi-Fi connec vity. It enables an operator to connect to the Body Worn Camera in the field, view the live video, communicate with the wearer and understand their posi on via GPS. Alterna vely, the wearer can send an alert back to the control room. The Body Worn Cameras has been named as a finalist in the Safety and Health Excellence Awards (SHE). The WCCTV Body Worn Camera has previously been awarded 3 ASIS Accolades (Security's Best, Judge's
Choice, People's Choice), a SIA New Product Showcase Award for Best HD Surveillance Camera and was a finalist for CCTV Camera Equipment of the Year at the IFSEC Security and Fire Awards. The WCCTV 4G HD Speed Dome Camera is a day to night camera with 360° movement, offering the best view and capturing of events. The camera has no blind spots and is used for middle to large scale surveillance areas. The low streaming bandwidth allows high-quality live video with no delay. The Speed Dome Camera is mainly useful in terms of safety, but it has other uses as well. Traffic disrup on pa erns and an social
Jan - Feb 2021
Benefits and uses of redeployable devices – Body Worn Camera, Speed Dome and Site Tower
behaviour reduc on are two ways in which the Speed Dome Camera is necessary for maintaining a safe and secure environment. Receive email alarms and no fica ons of possible interferences or traffic sent directly to you. The Speed Dome Camera is an essen al safety must have with a complete, lightweight integrated unit. The portable and rapidly deployable dome is perfect to move anywhere, inside or outside, because it has a 2MP day/night camera. The WCCTV Site Tower is specifically designed to provide all-inone site surveillance for temporary sites such as construc on, demoli on and highways infrastructure projects. The Site Tower is a rapid-deployment CCTV system which means that it can be fully opera onal in minutes. The flexible power methods make it suitable for deployment even in the most remote loca on because it doesn't require any suppor ng infrastructure. The Site Tower is ideal for any temporary, mobile or semi-permanent applica ons and it can be installed and moved for short to long-term purposes, making it a very convenient health and safety measure. The Site Tower is used for health and safety, which will control any losses on site, by providing surveillance. WCCTV's con nuous product development and customer focused approach has lead to ongoing improvements in its redeployable CCTV systems. WCCTV prides itself on providing unrivalled customer support and focuses on con nual technical product development to meet its customers changing requirements.
www.rikrhino.co.za Jan - Feb 2021
Building Protection Through Damping Solutions
Awareness for safer structures is at an allme high around the world. As major ci es
Dampers for Seismic Protec on
sickness for tenants. Tradi onal methods are
As building owners and insurance companies
to s ffen the building, but this can come with
evaluate their buildings and infrastructure,
seek performance beyond the requirements
added costs, increased weight, and may only
building owners and residents are becoming
of the building code, Taylor Dampers can
change the frequency of vibra on – not
more conscious about the state of their
provide the means to reduce damage to the
eliminate it. An alterna ve which can literally
proper es, homes, and workplaces. They are
primary structural system, reduce recovery
eat-up the vibra on is a damped outrigger
beginning to place greater expecta ons on
me a er a major seismic event, and
system that uses Taylor Dampers. This system
the safety of these structures and their ability
increase the overall resiliency of a building.
is based on the concept of total gross
to handle natural disasters and come out
Taylor Devices makes it easy to retrofit
movement of the structure, and then
useable, instead of marked for demoli on.
exis ng buildings as well as protect new
capturing the ver cal tension and
While many countries have made significant
buildings from the harmful effects of
compression forces into perimeter columns, through the Taylor damper.
steps to improving building codes, more can
earthquakes. Our devices allow for
be done. For example, adding damping to
immediate occupancy a er even the worst
buildings has shown to significantly increase
predictable design level earthquakes allowing
Other Damping Solu ons
the resiliency of structures.
tenants to reenter their home or workplace
In addi on to Taylor Dampers, Taylor Devices,
In the early 1990s, Taylor Devices, Inc. began
a er an event. Our seismic dampers will be
Inc. has become the leading manufacturer of
working with structural engineers to develop
immediately ready for the a ershock or next
shock absorbers, liquid springs, shock
solu ons for be er protec on from
seismic event and will last the life me of the
isola on systems, seismic isolators, vibra on
earthquakes and wind loads. Originally
building. These seismic dampers are a
dampers, power plant snubbers, and other
developed for NASA in the 1960s, fluid
frac on of the cost it would take for major
types of hydro-mechanical energy
viscous dampers were successfully
repairs, or even worse, the need for your
management products. Our products form
transi oned to the civil engineering
building to be demolished because it is
the cu ng edge of technology in our
community for use in buildings, bridges, and
structurally unsound.
marketplace and are backed by our 60+ years
other structures. These fluid viscous
of successful experience in the shock and
dampers, or Taylor Dampers, have been used
Reducing Mo on from Wind with Dampers
vibra on control field. We offer turn-key
in many different applica ons and
While fluid viscous dampers are great for
solu ons to shock and vibra on problems by
configura ons worldwide to improve the
protec ng buildings from seismic ac vity,
providing systems analysis, product
performance of structures under seismic
they can also be used for many other
development, manufacturing, and tes ng
excita on and to reduce unwanted mo ons
applica ons including reducing wind mo on.
capabili es to sa sfy the most exac ng
caused by wind. Over the last 30 years,
Tall buildings will o en experience unwanted
customer requirements while providing the
substan al research and tes ng have been
swaying during high winds which can add
highest quality product. For more
performed that verify the benefits of
stress to a structure and even cause mo on
incorpora ng Taylor Dampers in structures.
informa on, visit our website at www.taylordevices.com
Jan - Feb 2021
Prometheus Medical Africa Team-8™ Stretcher - Lightweight, compact, rapidly deployable stretcher with colour-coded webbing straps and quick release buckles to get casual es out of a hazardous or hos le environment as quickly and safely as possible. Designed to be used in urban and non-urban environments and can be carried by 2 – 4 people or by a single person as a drag stretcher. Prometheus ChitoGauze® XR Pro - Latest genera on of haemosta c gauze dressing featuring a radio-opaque strip. Impregnated with chitosan and readily conforms to a wide range of wound profiles, allowing wound packing and rapid control of bleeding. Also has Combining its extensive experience in pre-
awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise for
hospital care, with first class design, sourcing,
Innova on for its pre-hospital emergency
a remarkable 5-year shelf life.
assessment and delivery, Prometheus provides
medical equipment – one of the UK's highest
Prometheus Trac on Splint - Designed to be
the best medical supplies and latest equipment
business accolades.
used on pa ents with a suspected limb
Russell Chest Seal® - An award-winning
adult or paediatric use and the splint can be
excellence and is a key supplier to UK and
hydrogel-based dressing with integral low-
applied by one person in less than 2 minutes.
interna onal health services, military and
profile valve, to cover penetra ng chest
to suit the most demanding of situa ons. Prometheus is known for its ethos of clinical
fracture. Adjusts to different sizes instantly for
government organisa ons and major industry,
wounds to allow air to escape from the pleural
as well as private companies and individual
cavity without being drawn back in. It can be
the very best in proven, effec ve equipment,
applied rapidly, and is easy and intui ve to
to enable the individual to provide an
All Prometheus equipment is developed by
Personal Trauma Pouch (PTP) - Containing
immediate response to a medical incident.
clinical experts who regularly prac se pre-
Contents support personal protec on; early
hospital emergency medicine. Prometheus is
Prometheus Pelvic Splint® - For pre-hospital
management of catastrophic limb
recognised interna onally as a leader in pre-
use to stabilise a suspected pelvic fracture in
haemorrhage; simple airway support;
hospital emergency care, whose clinicians
major trauma.
It has unique a ributes,
management of open chest wounds;
understand pre-hospital products and their
including its 'one size fits all' feature, working
haemorrhage control; and marking a
applica on, through prac cal experience.
effec vely on neonates right through to large
casualty's loca on.
Being clinician led ensures Prometheus keeps
The ease of applica on and
abreast of the latest medical technologies to
modifica on, and the improved access it offers
iden fy and source the highest quality medical
to the groin area is essen al in an emergency.
equipment. Its extensive clinical exper se in
Team Medic Bag - Designed for the hos le environment, and to deal with major trauma situa ons ranging from road traffic accidents
pre-hospital trauma care, major incident and
Russell PneumoFix® - Sterile chest
to hos le a acks. Can be supplied with or
disaster management, and expedi onary
decompression device designed for the
without equipment to suit the needs and skill
medicine enables it to design or configure
management of tension pneumothorax,
level of the customer.
bespoke equipment and bags to suit any
simple pneumothorax and pleural effusion.
For further informa on about Prometheus
Designed by prac sing clinicians who
Medical Africa and its pre-hospital emergency
As a designer and manufacturer of state of the
understand the limita ons of conven onal
medical equipment and services, visit their
art medical equipment, Prometheus has been
website www.prometheusmed.co.za www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za
Jan - Feb 2021
Air handling units from HCM
HCM is a 40 year old company mainly
HCM produces all above and engineers these
opera ng theatres. The dark damp
involved in the engineering of special air
units to meet the exact air quan ty and air
environment inside and air handler is prime
condi oning products ranging from air
leaving condi ons. Fans are selected to suit
for bacterial growth. This should be rec fied
handling units to water chillers and very large
system resistances and outlet pressure
by stringent cleaning or the considera on of
roof top air condi oning units.
requirements. Filtra on too is applied to
steriliza on at design phase to include UV
Air handling units range from .2m³/s
meet the applica ons specific needs, ranging
lamps and copper finned coils. To this end
(720m³/hr), these small units are mostly
from the lowest efficiency filters to HEPA
HCM also import and locally represent
referred to as fan coil
(High efficient par cle arrestance) like those
Goodway. As part of their range they offer
used in opera ng theatres. Whenever it is
specially designed coil and duct cleaning
The majority of air handling/fan coil units are
possible to combine the air handling unit
equipment. These machines are designed to
used for comfort air condi oning, when
with condensing unit HCM manufactures a
effec vely clean coils with enough pressure
stand-alone cooling media would either be
wide range packaged air condi oning units
to remove the built up grime whilst not
water or refrigerant connected to water
for countless applica ons. Cooling capaci es
damaging the fins. Cleaning solvents and
chillers or condensing units when hea ng is
from 1kW to 600kW. Maintaining these air
disinfectants can be
incorporated it could be steam, hot water,
handling units is crucial especially when the
automa cally added by the
electric resistance heaters or refrigerant in
equipment is used for food manufacture or in
case of heat pump applica ons. www.riskmanagementinsight.co.za Jan - Feb 2021
The Proteus is a brand new Multi parameter sensor platform for Patented real-time measurement Of BOD, COD, TOC and Coliforms
Jan - Feb 2021
Quality Control and Risk Management
Jan - Feb 2021
Quality Control and Risk Management
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Jan - Feb 2021
Serving the Food Industry: Choose Belt Technologies’ Stainless Steel Metal Belts and Conveyor Systems for Food Processing and Handling
dgagnon@bel echnologies.com awosky@belttechnologies.com
Jan - Feb 2021
Company Listings
NONSLIP SURFACES Company Name: Seguro Contact: Cynthia Mundy Telephone: 011 027 9153 Mobile: 076 329 7708 Email: cynthia.mundy@seguro4sure.co.za Website: www.seguro4sure.co.za
Company Name:Cestus Line Contact: Jennifer Choi Mobile: 503-961-4922 Email: jennifer@cestusline.com Website: www.cestusline.com ARMORED GLOVES
Ultimate Washer, Inc. Company Name: Ultimate Washer, Inc. Contact: Kevin Netzer Telephone: (561)277-1635 Skype: ultimatewasher Email: kevin@ultimatewasher.com Website: www.ultimatewasher.com
africa Company Name: Explosion Power GmbH Contact: Kasper Ninck Telephone: +41 62 886 50 89 Mobile: +41 79 735 55 19 Email: kaspar.ninck@explosionpower.ch Website: www.explosionpower.ch
Company Name: COBA Africa (Pty) Ltd Contact: Morne van der Westhuuizen Telephone: +27 (0) 11 452 7961 Fax to email: 086 759-8948 Matting.co.za Email: mvdw@matco.co.za Website: www.matco.co.za
www.improchem.co.za Jan - Feb 2021
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